Job description of an agricultural economist. Job description of the leading economist of the institution Job description of the chief economist of the finance department

OSU "Institution"
____________ I.I. Ivanov

"___"___________ G.

Job description
leading economist
OSU "Institution"


1.1. The job description was developed in accordance with the provisions of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the Qualification Guide of the positions of managers, specialists and other employees, approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of 08.21. No. 37 and other regulations governing labor relations.

1.2. The leading economist belongs to the category of specialists, is hired and dismissed by order of the director.

1.3. A person who has a higher professional (economic) degree and work experience in the specialty of at least 5 years is appointed to the position.

1.4. The leading economist reports directly to the chief accountant of the institution and carries out his activities in accordance with the Charter of the institution, the internal labor regulations and other local acts.

1.5. In his activities, the leading economist is guided by:
»Regulatory documents on the work performed;
»Methodological materials related to relevant issues;
»The charter of the institution;
»Labor regulations;
»Orders and orders of the Department of Culture of the Regional Administration, director and chief accountant of the institution;
»This job description.

1.6. A leading economist should know:
»Legislative and regulatory legal acts, methodological materials for planning, accounting and analysis of the institution's activities; organization of planned work;
»The procedure for the development of long-term and annual plans of economic, financial and production activities of the institution and cost estimates;
»Planning and accounting documentation; organization of operational and statistical accounting;
»The procedure and terms for drawing up reports;
»Labor legislation;
»Rules and regulations of labor protection;
»Rules for the execution of contracts;
»Forms and methods of accounting in the institution;
»Plan and correspondence of accounts;
»Organization of document flow in accounting areas;
»Technology of automated processing of accounting information in the Bars.Budget-Accounting software.


The Lead Economist has the following functions:
2.1. Performing work on the implementation of the economic activities of the institution.
2.2. Reporting preparation.


To fulfill the functions assigned to him, the leading economist of the theater must:
3.1. Carry out work on the implementation of the financial activities of the institution.
3.2. To participate in the formation and use of the funds of the establishment of the enterprise, to analyze their structure and movement.

3.3. To develop, based on economic indicators, projects of long-term and annual financial plans, forecasts of the receipt of funds on the accounts of the institution.
3.4. Provide prompt financing, fulfillment of settlement and payment obligations, timely reflection of ongoing changes in the institution's solvency, monitor the state of its own funds.
3.5. Monitor the implementation of financial indicators by the departments of the institution, compliance with cash discipline, settlements with suppliers (customers), the timeliness of receipts of all funds due to the institution, ensures compliance with the economy regime.
3.6. Analyze the execution of estimates, operational and accounting reporting on financial activities.
3.7. Prepare applications for the provision of subsidies for other purposes to the Department and draft cost estimates for the implementation of subsidies for other purposes.
3.8. To take part in the preparation of the draft of the collective agreement, the development and introduction of amendments and additions to the collective agreement, and to monitor the fulfillment of the assumed obligations.
3.9. Make estimates for new productions and a report on their performance.
3.10. Draw up a regulation on entrepreneurial activity (paid services) and make changes as necessary.
3.11. Post information on the website http:, if necessary, make changes during the year (information on the state task and its implementation, information on the plan of financial and economic activities, information on operations with earmarked funds from the budget, information on the results of activities, etc. on the use of property, information on the control measures carried out and their results, the balance sheet of a state (municipal) institution, a report on the institution's execution of the plan for its financial and economic activities, a report on financial performance).
3.12. Make up annually:
»Draft estimates and, if necessary, make changes:
- cost estimate for the execution of the state assignment of the institution;
- an estimate of income and expenses for entrepreneurial and other income-generating activities.
»The plan of financial and economic activities of the institution by funding sources, if necessary, make changes.
»Report on the results of the activities of the regional state autonomous institution and on the use of the state property assigned to it.
»Report on the network, states and contingents.
»Explanatory note to the annual report.
»Calculation of prices for paid services provided by the institution.
»The list of types of entrepreneurial activity (paid services) and the price list for the services provided by the institution.
»Statistical reporting on time:
- Form No. 3-inform: Information about the use of information and communication technologies and the production of computers, software and the provision of services in these areas.
- Form No. 1-services: Information on the volume of paid services to the population.
- Form No. 1-TR (motor transport): Information about motor transport and the length of non-public roads.
- Form No. 4-TER: Information on balances, receipt and consumption of fuel and energy resources, collection and use of waste oil products.
3.13. Make up quarterly:
»Report on the implementation of the state assignment and explanatory notes to it.
»Explanatory notes to accounting reports.
3.14. Monthly:
»Compile information on the volume of receipts from paid services.
»Prepare periodic reports, justifications, certificates, explanatory notes.
»Carry out the collection, accumulation of information and other necessary materials for the implementation of planned work or individual tasks.
»To systematize and summarize statistical materials and other data on the topic (assignment) as a whole, its individual sections or stages.
»Keep records of utilities.
»Perform work on the formation, maintenance and storage of a database of economic planning information, make changes to the reference and regulatory information used in data processing.
3.15. Prepare documents for transfer to the archive.
3.16. Systematically improve your qualifications.
3.17. Carry out one-time orders of the chief accountant.


A leading economist has the right to:
4.1. To get acquainted with the draft decisions of the management of the institution concerning its activities.
4.2. Submit proposals for improving the work related to the responsibilities provided for in this instruction for the management's consideration.
4.3. Receive from the heads of structural divisions, specialists, information and documents necessary for the performance of their duties.
4.4. To involve specialists from all structural divisions of the institution to solve the responsibilities assigned to it.
4.5. Require the management of the institution to assist in the performance of their duties and rights.


The Lead Economist is responsible for:
5.1. For non-fulfillment (improper fulfillment) of their official duties, provided for by this job description, within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.
5.2. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.
5.3. For causing material damage - within the limits determined by the current labor, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

Chief Accountant ____________________


Legal Counsel ___________________

Head of Human Resources ___________________

With job description
Acquainted with ___________________ "_____" ________


1.1. The chief economist organizes and improves the economic activity of the enterprise, aimed at achieving the greatest results with the lowest cost of material, labor and financial resources, accelerating the rate of labor productivity, increasing the profitability of production and reducing the cost of services provided, ensuring the correct ratio of growth in labor productivity and average wages boards.

1.2. The chief economist is appointed and dismissed by the general director of the National Center for Paralympic Training and Rehabilitation of the Disabled, in agreement with the Deputy for the OAR.

1.3. Persons with higher economic education and work experience of at least three years are appointed to the post of chief economist.

1.4. The chief economist reports directly to the deputy general director of the enterprise for the OAR.

1.5. During his absence / illness, business trip, vacation, etc. / his duties are assigned to the person appointed by order of the general director of the enterprise.

Each company, the work of which, in one way or another, implies commercial benefits, should have its own staff. Such a financial staff of employees has its own hierarchy, where there is a position - the chief economist. About what work responsibilities he has, the content of the job description of the chief economist, as well as what salary he is entitled to - we analyze in the article.

The position of the chief economist is a management type. This means that the employee is subordinate to other employees of the company; the employee has autonomy, which allows him to make decisions based on his own experience and - in most cases - excluding the approval and consultation of higher members of the organization.

So now it's time to define your job responsibilities. Firstly, the work is a complex, assembled from several elements. The employee needs to supervise the creation of tools for the conduct of the company's activities, and then draw up a report on each of them. This includes the creation of commercial projects, support at the stage of their preparation and direct release.

Secondly, work with documents. Verification of primary documents, creation of annual and semi-annual reports, as well as analysis of statistical information on profits, goods, etc. lies entirely with the chief economist.

If we concretize all of the above, then the responsibilities can be highlighted in the following list:

If an employee is hired for this position, then first with the management. Depending on the specialization of the department, its content, tasks and main goals are adjusted to the specific needs of the company.

Difference of duties depending on the field of activity

When it comes to drawing up instructions and determining the main guidelines for work, it is necessary to take into account the scope of the activity. Let's consider this issue in more detail in Table 1.

Areas of activity



Economic planning

Industrial economy

What is he doing

The basis of the work is theory: the study of the development of certain financial trends within a country or a number of countries, forecasts regarding the level of unemployment, inflation or investment, etc.

He is engaged in researching the sciences available to the economy using mathematical methods. This is necessary to create economic models. They can be used to find and explain economic cycles, the direct impact of inflation on the economic situation in the country, etc. In practice, the scope of this activity is applied in three types of companies: consulting, commercial enterprises, government agencies.

It implies direct activity within companies, which is associated with rational planning for further long-term decision-making. In addition, it is necessary to take part in the economic evaluation of new production tools to substantiate or refute their rational benefits. The employee in this position also needs to create a plan for the allocation of funds and check the existing costs for their validity and relevance.

Working in this area involves applying fundamental laws. Such work is aimed at: medicine, education, etc. This allows you to determine the structure of the market and analyze the solutions of competitors in the future, adopting their experience. If in this area most of the work is theoretical, then the aspects of conducting antimonopoly policy are being studied.

Thus, if we exclude the main areas that are listed here, more rare and specialized ones remain. This implies an even greater differentiation between the activities of people in the same area, but in different areas.

The choice of the profession of an economist is discussed in the video:

Table 2. Sectors of the economy.

It is also worth noting that when hiring an economist in an enterprise, the following must be taken into account: the position in accordance with education will always be indicated. This means that a person working in the world of work, being in the civil service, will not be able to be useful in the field of researching product markets. That is why, it is always necessary to find out the field of activity of the employee, since it forms specific skills and differentiates people by industry.

Can a chief economist work as a chief accountant

The first thing to understand is that the job of an accountant is more practical and executive, while an economist is mostly concerned with theory and analytics.

So, is it possible to become an accountant while being an economist? Can. This is facilitated by two factors:

  • everyone with a degree in economics is familiar with accounting and its basic principles, if only because this subject is present in the curriculum of an economic university
  • the specialty "economics" is much broader than accounting, which, in fact, is a highly specialized field

However, in order to completely change the occupation, you initially need to take several courses and practice in order to refresh your memory of knowledge of the subject.

Job description of the chief economist of the enterprise

The employee is obliged to rely on such documents as:

  • Articles of association
  • legislative base of the Russian Federation
  • job description
  • direct certified orders of the management

Employee rights:

  • making decisions regarding the development of projects and the further financial program of the organization
  • supervising and creating projects to improve financial performance (mandatory: pre-approved by management)


  • collecting data that allows you to create cost-effective projects
  • following orders from management
  • cost reduction and liquidation of economically unprofitable projects
  • peer review (economic) of all departments of the enterprise and supervision of those who are behind schedule

These are the main points in the instructions of the economist of a commercial organization.

Job description of the chief economist of agricultural

The employee holding this position works in accordance with the following documents:

  • Enterprise charter
  • regulatory legal acts and laws of the Russian Federation
  • job description
  • orders of the organization's management

The employee is required to know:

Employee rights:

  • supervising the work of the enterprise (solving issues that fall within the competence)
  • participation in collective meetings to determine the vector of further activities


  • optimization of labor costs and introduction of new technologies into production
  • development of methods for introducing savings into production, as well as its optimization to obtain greater benefits
  • control of issues related to the work of production departments
  • revision and addition of reference or normative materials
  • search for opportunities to obtain additional production of goods
  • participation in meetings that are aimed at business planning

These are the main points in the instructions of the economist of the agricultural organization.

Job description of the chief budgetary economist

The economist uses this list of documents in his work:

  • internal rules of the enterprise
  • RF laws
  • job description
  • certified orders of superior employees

The employee is required to know:

Employee rights:

  • participation in meetings where financial tasks are discussed
  • supervision of the production process, as well as procurement management


  • supervision of concluded agreements for the fulfillment of the conditions that they contain
  • collection of statistical data and preparation of relevant reports on them
  • preparation of plans for further development, taking into account the resources owned by the budget organization

These are the main points in the instructions of an economist of a budgetary organization.

Job description of the chief economist of housing and communal services

The person in office applies these documents in the activity:

  • local Charter of the organization
  • RF legislation
  • job description
  • direct written orders from management

The employee is required to know:

Employee rights:

  • bringing to responsibility or encouraging employees, based on the results of the work of the working team
  • participation in meetings of management companies regarding the achievement of financial goals and consideration of urgent problems


  • sending reports on time
  • generation of reports on the economic efficiency of production processes
  • control and solution of issues related to the expenditure of economic resources
  • overseeing staff cuts or production processes due to lack of economic resources
  • performance of official tasks of management

These are the main points in the instructions of the economist of housing and communal services.


Now it's worth discussing the salary level of the chief economist. Given the position, it is fair to assume that the subject - the employee - has extensive experience in this area. The second factor, in addition to seniority, is expressed in the type of organization - budgetary and commercial.

If we talk about a budgetary organization, then the increase here depends on the category of a particular employee. The category increases in accordance with the length of service. If a person has received a diploma in the profession, but there is no experience - 6th grade; the maximum is 11. However, it takes at least three years of work in the institution for the possibility of obtaining a promotion to arise.

A commercial organization works differently. Here, the increase depends on specific projects, as well as the availability of specific skills: certificates of the type DipIFR, English proficiency and work experience. It should also be borne in mind that a diploma from a higher educational institution plays a significant role in starting a career. A graduate of a more prestigious university will be offered a higher salary than a graduate of a middle or lower institution.

Video about the profession and earnings of an economist:

Basically, wages start from 25,000 (for budget) and 35,000 (for commercial) and can reach a maximum threshold of 70,000-100,000, respectively.

When getting a new position, it is always worth remembering what responsibilities are attached to it. Working in a company with commercial benefits, it is worth remembering that making a profit is the main interest and task, and therefore, from the position of "chief economist", the management requires results that meet expectations. Only by performing the main job with high quality can you get respect and demand in the labor market, regardless of the presence of a position in the company.

Write your question in the form below

Job description economist it is not so easy to compose. First, you need to decide on the range of job responsibilities of the economist - whether he will have to "supervise" all the indicators of the company or, for example, will he be a "labor and wages economist". In any case, you already have a sample job description for an economist.

Job description of an economist

General manager
Surname I.O. ________________
"________"_____________ ____ G.

1. General Provisions

1.1. The economist belongs to the category of specialists.
1.2. The economist is appointed and dismissed by the order of the CEO of the company.
1.3. The Economist reports directly to the CFO / Head of the Finance and Economics Department.
1.4. During the absence of the economist, his rights and obligations are transferred to another official, which is announced in the order for the organization.
1.5. An economist is appointed to a person who meets the following requirements: higher professional (economic) education and at least six months of similar work experience.
1.6. An economist should know:
- legislative acts, decrees, orders, orders, other normative acts, methodological materials for planning, accounting and analysis of the enterprise;
- the procedure for the development of long-term and annual plans of economic, financial and production activities of the enterprise;
- the procedure for developing business plans;
- planning and accounting documentation;
- the procedure for the development of standards for material, labor and financial costs;
- methods of economic analysis and accounting for performance indicators of the enterprise and its divisions;
- methods for determining the economic efficiency of the introduction of new equipment and technology, labor organization, rationalization proposals and inventions;
- organization of operational and statistical accounting;
- the procedure and terms for drawing up the established reporting.
1.7. The economist is guided in his activities:
- legislative acts of the Russian Federation;
- the Charter of the company, the Internal Labor Regulations, other regulations of the company;
- orders and orders of the management;
- this job description.

2. Job responsibilities of an economist

The economist performs the following job duties:
2.1. Prepares the initial data for drawing up projects of economic, financial, production and commercial activities (business plans) of the enterprise in order to ensure the growth of sales of products and increase profits.
2.2. Performs calculations for material, labor and financial costs necessary for the production and sale of products, the development of new types of products, advanced technology and technology.
2.3. Carries out an economic analysis of the economic activities of the enterprise and its divisions, develops measures to ensure a saving mode, increase the profitability of production, the competitiveness of products, labor productivity, reduce the costs of production and sale of products, eliminate losses and non-productive costs, as well as identify opportunities for additional production.
2.4. Determines the economic efficiency of the organization of labor and production, the introduction of new equipment and technology, rationalization proposals and inventions.
2.5. Participates in the review of the developed production and economic plans.
2.6. Monitors the progress of implementation of planned targets for the enterprise and its divisions, the use of on-farm reserves.
2.7. Participates in marketing research and forecasting the development of production.
2.8. Keeps records of economic indicators of the results of production activities of the enterprise and its divisions, as well as records of concluded contracts.
2.9. Prepares periodic reports on time.
2.10. Performs work on the formation, maintenance and storage of a database of economic information, makes changes to the reference and regulatory information that is used in data processing.
2.11. Carries out individual service assignments of his immediate supervisor.

3. The rights of an economist

The economist has the right:
3.1. To get acquainted with the projects of decisions of the management of the enterprise concerning its activities.
3.2. Submit proposals to the management to improve their work and the work of the company.
3.3. Inform your immediate supervisor about all deficiencies identified in the course of their activities and make proposals for their elimination.
3.4. To request, personally or on behalf of the management of the enterprise, from the heads of structural divisions and specialists, information and documents necessary for the performance of his official duties.
3.5. Require management to create normal conditions for the performance of official duties and the safety of all documents generated as a result of the company's activities.
3.6. Make decisions within their competence.

4. Responsibility of the economist

The economist is responsible for:
4.1. For non-fulfillment and / or untimely, negligent fulfillment of their duties.
4.2. For non-compliance with the current instructions, orders and orders for the preservation of commercial secrets and confidential information.
4.3. For violation of the rules of internal labor regulations, labor discipline, safety regulations and fire safety.

If the chief economist is absent, another employee is assigned the performance of his functional duties, along with responsibilities and rights, in accordance with the internal regulations.

This position is appointed an employee with a higher economic education and experience of a similar work activity, for a period equal to at least one year.

Only the general director has the right to appoint an employee as the chief economist, as well as to release him from such duties, in accordance with his own issued order.

The economist does his job according to the following documents:

  • the charter of the enterprise;
  • regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation;
  • internal rules of labor discipline;
  • orders of the head of the organization;
  • the principles of job description;
  • the governing body established in the company;
  • methodological data on the implementation of the labor process.

Knowledge is required from the chief economist:

  • conditions for the formation of annual economic, production, financial projects of the enterprise;
  • regulations, legislative rules, orders, orders, other normative acts;
  • methodological information related to planning, analysis, accounting of the company's work;
  • planning and accounting documents;
  • business planning procedure;
  • methods of economic assessment, control over the performance indicators of each department of the enterprise;
  • conditions, terms for the development of the necessary reports;
  • rules of preparatory measures for the standards of expenditure on material, labor and financial resources;
  • the procedure for performing statistical and operational registration;
  • methods of forming efficient use of the latest technological means of production and discoveries for the economy, creating a labor process.

Regulatory regulation

The work of the chief economist is regulated by the relevant documentation. It consists of:

  1. External documents, namely, regulations and laws related to the production process.
  2. Internal: the Charter of the organization, orders and orders of the general or financial director, as well as the head of the department. This also includes the provisions of the planning and economic department; labor discipline rules within the organization; instructions related to this position.

Features of work in a budgetary institution and agriculture

The work of a chief economist in a budgetary institution does not differ much from the functions of the same official in a trade organization.

In this case, the calculation formulas will be different, along with accounting entries and financial statements. However, the specificity of the work remains the same. The economist in both cases deals with analysis, calculation and support of the production process of the enterprise.

The duties of the chief economist include planning and organization of the entire economic process of agriculture.

Together with other experts and working personnel of the organization, the functions of the chief economist include drawing up a work schedule for one year for separate periods and analyzing the performance of work according to these schedules. He is responsible for the quality and timely execution of the production process.

Rights and obligations

TO rights chief economist include:

  1. Making decisions on the competent development of a financial program. He can ensure the day-to-day workflow of the economic department of the enterprise, resolve issues related to his authority.
  2. Sending your own proposals to management in order to encourage or hold employees accountable, if this is not in his competence.
  3. Preparation and submission to the head of the department of their proposals aimed at improving financial activities, as well as the production process of the economic unit of the organization. Such innovations can be achieved with the help of additional personnel, material and technical support.
  4. Participation in the activities of collective management bodies that consider the financial tasks of a division of the enterprise.

The duties of the chief economist include:

  1. Calculation of material, labor, financial expenses, thanks to which the company carries out its activities, masters new equipment, introduces progressive technologies.
  2. Collecting data that allows you to draw up financial, economic, commercial, production projects that ensure an increase in the number of products sold, an increase in profitability.
  3. Formation of the economic efficiency of production processes, the use of new technologies, discoveries and proposals.
  4. Conducting an economic assessment of the work of departments of the enterprise.
  5. Development of ways to introduce a savings system; increasing profitability; competitive advantage of manufactured products and their sales; profitability of production; lower costs of the enterprise.
  6. Help reduce waste and waste.
  7. Determination of possible additional production of products.
  8. Participation in the review of production and economic planning.
  9. Cooperation in activities for market research, forecasting, production development.
  10. Control over the solution of issues falling within the responsibilities of departments and relating to the expenditure of economic resources.
  11. Submitting the required reporting within the appropriate time frame.
  12. Keeping records of economic data, the results of economic and production work of the company's departments.
  13. Control over the execution of existing contractual agreements.
  14. Supplementing reference and regulatory information.
  15. Execution of official assignments of the head.

Categories, requirements, education

Persons with complete higher education and relevant training categories, that is, masters and specialists, can apply for the post of chief economist.