Is it possible to find a good job without education. Top interesting professions that do not require education

For a long time it was believed that higher education is an indicator of status. The prestige of the diploma is still high, and future graduates are usually scared with the phrase "if you pass the exam badly, you won't go to college." However, is it really that important?

If you are an applicant without a "crust"

Applicants without higher education face several problems:

  1. they are often screened out simply by default (“We look at everyone who has a higher education”);
  2. they are shy at interviews and cheat on resumes;
  3. they may lose in competition with a candidate who has a higher education.

Another variant of the same problem is the lack of specialized education. For example, yesterday's designer decided to leave for the IT field and began to study programming on his own, although he never studied in a technical specialty. Employers may well put off a resume just on the grounds that a person does not have an appropriate diploma.

There are positions for which specific and narrow professional skills are extremely important, but many applicants do not even get the opportunity to show themselves.

What does higher education actually provide?

Research service HeadHunter, interviewing more than 12,000 employees, found out the following. Those who graduated from the university emphasize that, first of all, they improved their general intellectual development during their studies - this was noted by 60% of the respondents. And those who received a secondary vocational education say that they first of all mastered specific professional skills (65%).

According to today's ideas about the necessary successful work competencies, both specific skills and meta-skills are important, which are usually referred to as “general development”. Thus, their strengths have both higher and secondary specialized education. However, it is important to note that, in addition to the “university or college” fork, there are many other options for studying.

We decided to ask employers and employees whether education really plays such a significant role in employment.

Evgeny Smirnov

I don't care if the employee has a "crust" or not. Moreover, to be honest, I don’t know which of my employees have higher education and which don’t. Or rather, like this: I know only about two people, since both graduated from the same faculty of the university where I studied.

In the modern world, education is not a guarantee of the skills or level of the applicant. The programs of any Russian university, if we talk about IT, are hopelessly behind the market. Therefore, 90% of normal developers start working from the first year in order to get 4-6 years of experience in the industry by the end of the training, and not a red diploma.

I know about several of my employees that they stopped studying at universities (including top ones in St. Petersburg) precisely because this process is meaningless in terms of career growth.

A normal modern company does not evaluate a candidate by the presence or absence of higher education. Skills and knowledge (hard skills), social-emotional skills (soft skills), as well as recommendations are evaluated. I would recommend running away from a company where a college degree is a requirement, as such companies will die out like mammoths.

Maria Kochakova

When I was hired for my first job, the requirements included a humanitarian education - a philological or journalism faculty, and a red diploma was also required. I just had a red one - this played a role, I think. A rather absurd requirement that greatly reduced the number of possible candidates. Nevertheless, a red diploma added points.

In the profession of a screenwriter of computer games and a teacher of screenwriting of computer games, the education of a philologist was very useful to me - and well-read, and the Russian language, and teaching practice. I didn’t study screenwriting at the university, only in practice. But philological education - literary criticism, linguistics, Russian language - benefited.

Right now, I’m just doing it to techies to teach the basics of humanitarian knowledge in private online courses, because people come without a base at all. For example, they need to raise a complex large layer of mythology, which they study at the same philological faculty in the first year.

At the same time, in order to be a screenwriter, it is not necessary to receive a diploma in screenwriting. But a liberal arts education will help. I periodically hire people for outsourcing, according to the most different tasks- and I don’t look at education, only at performance test task and experience listed on resume.

Elena Savchuk

Head of Events and Client Communications at HeadHunter

I never graduated from the university: I entered two universities and left them from the first year, about six months later. It seemed to me that I was already an adult, I was working, I had money, which meant that I had nothing to do there. Because of work, I had to skip seminars, there were problems with admission to exams, I was worried and in the end I decided that all this was not for me.

I have been working for a total of 17 years. At every interview, I had to blush and hide the fact that I was an ignoramus. Or rather, not to hide, but to give false information - an unfinished higher education. Or she said that she had a university diploma, but she needed to look for it, there was a move, the documents were lost ... I felt terribly embarrassed at these moments and tried to close the topic as quickly as possible.

As a result, employers did not remind me of my diploma, and the question disappeared by itself. In general, there were no problems, except for moral and ethical ones.

The absence of a diploma in my case does not affect the workflow in any way. For more than 10 years I have been organizing business forums and conferences, and this is not taught in universities. I learned everything in practice and on the experience of colleagues. Now I can advise anyone in this area.

So do you need a degree?

High career lability is becoming an increasingly popular tactic today professional development. Many specialists abruptly change their careers, retraining and discovering new areas for themselves. At the same time, there are more opportunities for education and self-education. An alternative to the second and third higher education, which will take several years to complete, can be massive open online courses, classes with tutors and, of course, practice. Finished projects are already interesting topic to discuss at the interview.

There is reason to believe that in the coming years the educational system will develop and become more complex, and the usual stages and statuses will lose their power. However, already now it is better for employers to pay attention to specific skills and talents, and for job seekers to stock up on recommendations and finished projects, which speak about success much more than grades in a diploma.

Have you had to deal with a strict selection according to the level of education?

Good day, dear readers!

Today, young people often lack the desire and motivation to continue not only studying (even at school), but also working. Instead of earning money for themselves to satisfy their desires, it is easier for them to ask their parents. Even demand that they give them the necessary funds.

If a person asks the question: “how to find a job without education?” - this is already half the task. It means that he will definitely find a job for himself.

Unfortunately, at present it is difficult for a person with two higher educations to find a job that meets his requirements, and what can we say about those who have no education at all.

See also « Favorite work reveals a person's potential, makes him better, develops him. When you delve into all the subtleties of a new profession, it will become much more interesting. Sooner or later, almost every person faces the search for a place in life.

  • You need to have a strong, irresistible desire to get a job.
  • It is necessary to determine the level of monetary income that would be enough for a month of life. You should not count on the fact that without education you can immediately get a solid monetary reward.
  • Decide what kind of work will be preferable - physical, psychological or service category. Normalized or not working day, availability of social guarantees
  • Be sure to understand your personality traits. A psychologist can help you identify them. Turning to him, you can determine the direction of your temperament by passing several relevant tests (they are free).

It is by determining your natural abilities for a particular activity that you can begin to search for a vacancy in the direction of employment recommended by the psychologist. Even without education, but with talent and diligence, you can find an attractive job for yourself, regardless of where you live (whether it is a metropolis or an ordinary small village).

  • If a job offer comes from a private entrepreneur, then you should not be wary and immediately refuse. It is they who often hire young people who do not have education and work experience. Of course, an internship with probationary period. But such a condition, in our time, is found everywhere.
  • Such qualities in the character of an applicant without education, such as confidence in what he does, healthy adventurism and the ability to take risks, will certainly help him accept the right job offer.
  • Get on the labor exchange and look for a job for yourself with the help of professionals working there.
  • Do not hesitate to contact your friends, acquaintances, parents and their environment for assistance in finding a suitable job.
  • The last advice is that after choosing a profession and finding a vacancy for it, you should choose such an image for yourself (clothes, shoes, hairstyle, make-up) in order to match it as much as possible.

1. Work for yourself

You should start “your own business” by taking a loan for it from a bank. Those who are registered as unemployed may receive a subsidy from the state for the development of a manufacturing company that is being created. You should try to fulfill an old dream, albeit without education, to become the owner and leader in own business.

2. Remote work

We must not forget about the growing popularity remote work. The employer issuing the task, the result is important, and not the “crust” about education and specialization.

3. "All works are good - choose to taste"

There is nothing shameful in working by profession as a handyman, a janitor, a cleaner. No education is required for this job. She, of course, is not highly paid, but no less important.

Low-skilled, not requiring education, but necessary vital professions include a loader, a courier-postman, a cloakroom attendant or a watchman, a conductor or a promoter, a dishwasher, a call center operator.

It can also be such professions as make-up artists (stylists), singers "from the people", people who know and understand well how to repair a car - "natural craftsmen", sellers (especially in kiosks and stalls), a cook, a driver public transport, seamstress.

4. It's never too late to learn

Many of the above professions are acquired through special courses or colleges, but it is possible to work in them without vocational education. They are mastered under the guidance of an experienced colleague directly at the workplace.

There are examples of people who have achieved high results in their profession and have no education in it.

If a person is talented, he will definitely achieve success in his vocation.

For example, the well-known domestic film actor Mikhail Pugovkin, who was awarded all sorts of titles and awards, not only did not have a special education, but also did not finish high school. Beloved by many, "Indiana Jones" - Harrison Ford, and Bill Murray, when they were offered the first roles in the cinema, not only did not receive a professional education, but also abandoned the colleges where they studied.

With a strong desire, you can engage in career growth while studying at school or at a university. But for this you need to have a frenzied industriousness and immense talent released by nature. For example, a brilliant musician or a singer who cannot be ignored, an original artist, writer-poet or portrait photographer.

But not in every creative professions you can achieve a high result without education, but with only talent and desire. For example, in order to become highly paid manager, a TV journalist or a radio host, you must have knowledge and erudition. There is no education here.

After you find suitable job having no education, still it is better to go and get it. Knowledge and skills have never hurt anyone.

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Greetings, my dear readers! Today I would like to talk with you about what professions without education the current job market offers. Many young people simply cannot afford a higher education, some have not found a suitable university for themselves, others want to be creative. I propose to speculate about what prospects await a person without education, make a list of excellent professions that do not require a diploma, and what can help you get a dream job.

Prospects and opportunities

A diploma does not always help to get Good work. After all, everything depends not only on the higher education that a person has received. Many firms need new employees who already have experience in this field behind them. But how can you have time to gain experience if you are not hired anywhere without experience, and besides, you are a full-time student, there is absolutely no time? Getting a degree does not mean getting a high-paying job.

In my piggy bank there are many examples of how a person after graduation went to work in a field completely unrelated to his education, achieved success and the diploma simply gathered dust on the shelf. But there is also an opposite example, when a young man got a job as a simple courier, the boss saw potential in him and said that he was ready to raise him only on one condition that he would receive an education.

The guy had to go to school, work hard to pay for his studies, but in the end he got a long-awaited place and is successfully building a career.

There are prospects without education in creative professions. One of my friend's girl from school was very fond of drawing. She has mastered computer programs and is now engaged in design, although she has no special education.

But remember that even in the creative direction, you need special skills that you have to master.

The dancer must have excellent physical fitness, a sense of rhythm and so on. In every business you need to work hard to be successful. Therefore, do not count on the fact that without education and special training you will be able to find a promising job.

Be sure to read my article "". You will find many examples in it. successful people, who do not have a diploma behind them, you will understand in which direction it is worth developing, what you may need for a successful career.

List of professions

Now let's talk about what kind of professions you can choose that do not require higher, secondary or special education. Of course, for men, the most common are physical jobs: loader, driver, janitor, security guard, and so on down the list. But besides physical work, there are many other offers on the market today.

A girl can turn her attention to the vacancy of a secretary or assistant manager. Just remember that for this job you need a confident knowledge of office equipment, basic knowledge business correspondence and calls.

Of course, in some small office they can take you without experience. But if you do not improve your skills, gain new knowledge and master new skills, then you will quickly find a replacement.

In trade, such vacancies are offered as a sales assistant, a call center operator, Sales Representative etc. But there is no question of career growth and rather this profession will do as a transit point.

And now I bring to your attention the most prestigious vacancies that do not require a diploma. In Barnaul, for example, a driver with a personal truck can have a salary of 180 thousand. A hostess in the capital, with a successful combination of circumstances, quietly earns 85 thousand rubles. A dancer or dancer in the northern capital can earn up to 200 thousand. In Podolsk, the photographer can safely count on 70 thousand. The territorial representative in Ufa receives 170 thousand.

These are not all vacancies. As you can see, without education, you can get a decent salary not only in the capital, although of course, there are much more options there, but you will have to work hard with a Moscow residence permit, employers are not very fond of visitors.

I bring to your attention an excellent article that will help you prepare for the upcoming interview, because it is extremely important to make a good impression on a possible boss already at the first meeting - "".

Catch luck by the tail

Do not think that a job with career growth and a high salary will be easy for you. Will have to make an effort. In any business, you need to give yourself, improve your skills, learn new things and grow as a professional. Otherwise, you will just stand still.

Don't be afraid to try, send your resume wherever you can, ask your friends about the job, try all the options that you can. Your dream job may be right under your nose, or it may take a long time to find it. Nobody will answer this question for you. It is possible to achieve success without education, if there is a desire.

Read more, develop, do not spend much time in in social networks just. Be a friendly and open person. Sometimes one smile is enough to get what you want.

If you have been looking for a job for a long time, but you can’t get it, do not despair. To get started, be sure to read the article "". Think about what you are missing, who you can turn to for help and you will certainly succeed.

What directions are you considering for yourself? What would you like to do in life? Do you have friends who have found their dream job but have no education?

From some institutes, HRs never invite students: they are not satisfied with their behavior and level of knowledge.

The phrase "higher education is a must" is present in almost every vacancy announcement, unless we are talking about working specialties. But does this mean that you can forget about a career without a higher education? After all, in fact, often a year of work experience means more than five years of sitting in lectures.

"They hired a person regional manager, with higher education, but without work experience, - says the employee trading company. - So he doesn't really understand the difference between a supervisor and a merchandiser. And the position of "supervisor of merchandisers" causes him complete paralysis of consciousness.

Why is higher education required?

Higher education in itself is not a guarantee of successful employment, experts say. “It is not uncommon for a candidate’s professional experience and qualifications to play a greater role than having a higher education diploma,” says Olga Kolesnikova, Head of the Finance and Consulting Group of the Permanent Recruitment Department recruitment agency Coleman Services.

However, Victoria Borisova, recruitment consultant personnel center Etalon adds that if an employer has to choose between two candidates with good work experience, and one of them has a higher education and the other does not, then he is most likely to give preference to the first candidate.

“The fact is that having a higher education implies that a candidate has special knowledge, a broad outlook, the ability to analyze a large amount of information and draw adequate conclusions. In addition, university education builds skills independent work, organization of time and self-control,” explains Sergey Deryabin, HR Director of Absolut Bank.

True, there is another opinion on this matter. HRs know how some graduates of prestigious universities “star”, whose ambitions are not always supported by the necessary knowledge.

“Indeed, many vacancies require special knowledge, which, as a rule, a person can only get at a university,” says the HR manager on the forum. - At the same time, studying at the institute leaves a very big imprint on a person, and not always positive. I work with interns, and there are institutes from which I never invite students: I already know how they will behave and what level of knowledge they have.”

When is higher education required and when is it not?

The employer's requirements for employee qualifications are strictly individual and depend on the area in which the applicant will work and on the position. “A number of professions require a higher education. Most of the banking specialties require deep theoretical knowledge and practical skills from employees. Therefore, usually banks prefer candidates with higher education. Moreover, for some positions in the bank, the presence of higher education is mandatory,” Sergey Deryabin states.

And Victoria Borisova emphasizes that a specialist without higher education cannot apply for vacancies in the areas of top management, economics, marketing, participate in the development of new technologies, etc., “since a large amount of knowledge that is needed for work can only be obtained at the university."

But not always higher education is a fundamental condition for employment, experts remind.

For example, the position of a sales manager does not require extensive special knowledge, unless we are talking about a very narrow segment. And often the employer expects from the candidate, first of all, the ability to effectively sell, communicate and interest the client, says Olga Borisova.

In order to work as a customs declarant, secondary specialized education is also sufficient, and sometimes only courses in this specialty. Experience plays a key role in hiring decisions. personal qualities Olga Borisova says She recalls the case when "in a large foreign company A specialist with a secondary specialized education, but with all the necessary skills and impressive experience, was accepted for the position of the declarant, which “outplayed” several candidates with higher education.

Should I send a resume?

According to Victoria Borisova, in some cases, without having a higher education, send a resume to a vacancy where higher education is indicated as mandatory condition(especially narrow-profile), it's just pointless. And in others - absolutely acceptable.

“The latter especially applies to people in creative professions, such as designers. The main criterion for evaluating these candidates is not education, but their work. If a specialist is talented, has good experience and a lot of creative ideas, then he can bring much more benefit to the employer than a person who does not have such qualities, but has a higher education,” she says.

“You can safely send your resume to the employer if your practical experience meets the employer's expectations,” confirms Olga Kolesnikova. - We had a candidate who did not have a higher education, but worked for a western company for a long time. When considering her candidacy for the position of an accountant, her great practical experience and an excellent recommendation from a previous employer were the fundamental criteria.”

Not all applicants have higher education. Nevertheless, they are masters of their craft, work efficiently and get good wages. “If a person is “in his place”, loves his profession and wants to develop in it, then no matter what education he has, he always has a chance to realize himself in his favorite business,” sums up Viktoria Borisova.

Natalya Poletaeva

Don't know where to get money for education? Education loan.

  • Career, Work, Study

Announcements of vacant vacancies are full of requirements for candidates, among whom are not last place worth the quality of education. Only the requirement of work experience will be compared in importance with this criterion. And if there is no special education - for any reason, what to do and where to go? Fortunately, the labor market is very diverse and even then you can find a way to earn money.

Working specialties

You can get a job without education where special knowledge is not required, but ordinary physical strength is needed. Examples of such professions: handyman, loader, security guard, watchman. Jobs such as a storekeeper, a salesperson, a taxi driver, a courier, a postman, a kitchen worker, a nanny in kindergarten, cloakroom attendant, orderly, waiter, sales manager.

Many companies train at their own expense and it is quite possible to build a career from the very bottom, starting to work as an ordinary cashier in a large chain store. You can try to become an intern insurance agent or in commercial Bank loan officer apprentice, also with further training. Although, for such specialties, some knowledge is still needed - you must at least be able to count well.

Handmade and own business

Someone makes a career in the office, moving up the corporate ladder, and someone is so brilliant at sculpting pottery that this hobby becomes his life's work, generating income. A simple hobby often develops into something more. To cope well with the same clay, special education is not required. Only talent, hard work and creative inspiration.

In fairness, it should be noted that in this case, you still have to study. In any business, in order to achieve perfection, one cannot do without training and practice. Yes, you don’t need to study at the university in order to bake delicious author’s cakes and subsequently open your own confectionery. But in any case, you will first have to master the art of confectionery, and then, in order to effectively manage your business - and its basics. Without self-improvement and development of one's skills, it is almost impossible to achieve success in any one's own business.

Online earnings

Working on the Internet often does not require special education. It is quite enough to have computer literacy, online surfing skills and some abilities. Without special education, you can work as a typesetter, moderator, site administrator, and even graphic designer or rewriter.

Is it possible to call these classes a full-fledged job or is it just a part-time job - it's hard to say. Perhaps it is worth starting from the amount of income received. But online specialties allow you to be extremely mobile - you can work wherever there is access to the Internet.

Yes, you can find a job without education. Another question is that these are most often working specialties and unskilled labor, in the field of which it is quite difficult to make a career for yourself. Such work can be seen as a springboard for further action - as long as you choose your direction and study, you can feed yourself. But to build a successful career in the future, you still need some knowledge. It is not necessary to enter a university - the usual specialized courses or master classes will also help you move forward and take new heights.