Editions. Legislative base of the Russian Federation

Active Edition from 01.01.1970

Document name"PUBLICATIONS. IMPLEMENTATION. GOST 7.4-95" (approved by the Decree of the State Standard of the Russian Federation of 10/18/95 N 545) (as amended on 07/01/2000)
Type of documentregulation, standard
Host bodystate standard of the Russian Federation, joint bodies of the CIS countries
Document NumberGOST 7.4-95
Acceptance date01.01.1970
Revision date01.01.1970
Date of registration in the Ministry of Justice01.01.1970
  • This document has not been published in this form.
  • (as amended on 10/18/95 - M .: IPK Standards Publishing House, 1996)

"PUBLICATIONS. IMPLEMENTATION. GOST 7.4-95" (approved by the Decree of the State Standard of the Russian Federation of 10/18/95 N 545) (as amended on 07/01/2000)


1 DEVELOPED by the Russian Book Chamber of the Committee of the Russian Federation on Printing, TC 191 "Scientific and technical information, librarianship and publishing"

INTRODUCED by Gosstandart of Russia

2 ADOPTED by the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (Minutes N 7-95 of April 26, 1995)

3 The standard complies with the "IEC/ISO Directives, Part 3, 1989" Drafting and formatting international standards"in terms of the requirements for the construction, presentation and design of standards

4 By the Decree of the Committee of the Russian Federation for Standardization, Metrology and Certification of October 18, 1995 N 545, the interstate standard GOST 7.4-95 was put into effect directly as state standard Russian Federation since July 1, 1996



This standard establishes requirements for output information and their location in text, musical and visual publications.

The standard does not apply to cartographic and information publications.

The standard is mandatory for publishers and printing companies, regardless of their organizational and legal structure, departmental affiliation and form of ownership.


GOST 7.1-84 Bibliographic description of the document. General requirements and drafting rules

GOST 7.5-88 Publishing design of materials placed in periodicals and continuing publications and non-periodical collections

GOST 7.9-77 Abstract and annotation

GOST 7.23-80 Information publications. Main types, structure and design

GOST 7.51-84 Cards for catalogs and file cabinets. General requirements

GOST 7.53-86 Editions. International Standard Numbering

GOST 7.56-89 System of standards for information, librarianship and publishing. Editions. International Standard Serial Numbering

GOST 7.60-90 Editions. Main types. Terms and Definitions

3. General provisions 3.1. Definition of output information

3.1.1 Imprint - a set of elements that characterize the publication and are intended for its design, informing consumers, bibliographic processing and statistical accounting.

3.2. Composition, list and location of output information

3.2.1 The composition, list and location of imprint depend on the type of publication.

3.2.2 It is not allowed to change the location of the output information established by the standard.

3.2.3 Discrepancies between the same information placed in different places of the publication are not allowed, except for the cases specified in sections 4-6.

3.2.4 Elements of imprint that are common to all or a number of volumes (parts, issues, numbers) of the publication must be presented without discrepancies in their citation form.

3.3. Main elements of imprint

3.3.1 The main elements of the imprint are: information about the authors and other persons involved in the creation of the publication; publication title; overhead data; subheading data; output; graduation data; classification indices; international standard numbers; barcodes; copyright protection sign.

The names of persons involved in the creation of the publication (compilers, translators, artists, draftsmen, photographers, reviewers, members of the editorial board, authors of the preface, introductory article, afterword, comments, notes, editors, proofreaders, typographers in improved editions) are given in nominative case, indicating the nature of the work done.

3.3.3 Title of publication (see also sections 4-7). The title of the publication is indicated in the form in which it is established or approved by the author or publisher.

Untitled publications are not allowed.

The title, common to all volumes, issues, edition numbers, should be of the same type and different from the rest of the information on the title page.

Uninformative titles consisting of words like: "Catalog", "Bulletin", "Proceedings", "Scientific works", "Scientific notes" are not allowed. They are added in the genitive case with the name of the organization responsible for issuing the publication.

3.3.4 Overhead data - information placed above the title of the publication.

Superheading data, depending on the type of publication (see also sections 4-7), may include: information about the name of the organization on behalf of which the publication is issued; series title; series release number; year of foundation of the series; sub-series title; subseries issue number.

3.3.5 Subheading data - information placed under the title of the publication.

Subtitle data, depending on the type of publication (see also sections 4-7), may include: information explaining the title; information about the reader's address, intended purpose of the publication, literary genre, type of publication; information about the repetition of the publication (reissue), processing, approval of the publication as study guide, textbook or official publication; information about the language of the text from which the work is translated, and the name of the translator; the names of the compiler, responsible (scientific) editor, illustrator and graphic designer; information about the editorial board; information on the number of volumes for which the multi-volume publication is intended; serial number of volume, part, book; information about the main edition in a separately published supplement.

The serial number of the reprint and the numbering of volumes, issues, books, parts, etc. are given Arabic numerals.

3.3.6 Imprint (see also Sections 4-7) includes: place of issue of the publication, name of the publisher, and year of issue of the publication. The place of issue of a publication is legal address publisher.

The place of issue of the publication is not given if it is part of the name of the publisher.

The place of issue of a publication issued by a department or branch of the publisher is the legal address of this department or branch. The publisher is entity responsible for preparing and publishing the publication. The name of the publisher is given in the form established during its registration.

Editions issued by a branch or affiliate of the publisher are given the name of the publisher followed by the name of the branch or affiliate.

In publications published jointly by several publishers, the location and name of each partner publisher are indicated. The year of issue of the publication is indicated by Arabic numerals without the word "year" or the abbreviation "year".

3.3.7 Release data (see also sections 4-7) includes the following information: license number for publishing and date of issue; date of submission to the set and signing for printing; type, number, paper format and sheet share; font typeface of the main text; type of printing; the volume of the publication in conditional printed and accounting-publishing lists; circulation; order number of the printing company; the name and full mailing address of the publisher; the name and full postal address of the printing company.

3.3.8 Classification indices (see also sections 4, 6) include: UDC index (Universal Decimal Classification), LBC index (Library and Bibliographic Classification).

3.3.9 International Standard Numbers (see also Sections 4, 6) include: International Standard Book Number (ISBN) and International Standard Serial Number (ISSN).

3.3.10 Barcodes can be given on the last side of the cover, binding cover, dust jacket, at the bottom in the left or right corner. Barcodes are drawn up in accordance with the EAN standard.

3.3.11 The copyright symbol is given in all publications in accordance with international legislation on the protection of intellectual property. The copyright protection mark consists of the letter "C" enclosed in a circle, the name of the copyright holder and the year of publication of the work.

3.4. More information about the edition

3.4.1 In publications for information and bibliographic purposes, an annotation, an abstract, an annotated catalog card layout (MACC) and a bibliographic strip (footer) can be given.

Drawing up and registration of annotations and abstracts - in accordance with GOST 7.9; MACC - according to GOST 7.51; footer - according to GOST 7.5 (see also sections 2, 4); compilation of a bibliographic description for MACC - according to GOST 7.1.

3.4.2 In addition to the above elements of the imprint, the publisher has the right to provide any other information about publications at its discretion.

3.5. Placement of imprint

3.5.1 Imprint is placed on: the title page and its back, the combined title page (the top of the first page with text), the first, last pages of the publication or the end page - in books, brochures, albums, printed music, bulletins, collections; the first page (or the top of the first page) and the bottom of the last page - on booklets, leaflets, newspapers and calendars (except for pocket and miniature time sheets), the top of the sheet and the bottom margin of the sheet - in posters, traffic schedules, text and pictorial posters, art reproductions, prints; on the reverse side - in pictorial postcards, pocket and miniature time sheets-calendars.

Bringing the main elements of the imprint of the title page on the spine of the cover and binding cover is mandatory if the thickness of the blocks is more than 9 mm.

3.5.2 If there is no title page, the imprint should be placed on the combined title page, the front side of the binding cover or the first page of the cover.

3.5.3 Reprint and facsimile editions must have two title pages: the title page of the newly reproduced edition and the title page of the original edition. The imprint relating to the newly reproduced edition is given on the first of the indicated title pages. Above the graduation data, a separate line is marked "reprint edition", "facsimile edition".

3.6. Special cases of imprint placement

3.6.1 In editions with mixed text in different languages, the names of the authors and/or the title on the title page are given in all languages ​​used in this edition. All other elements of the imprint are given in one of the languages ​​of the text of the publication.

3.6.2 In publications published jointly by several publishers, the title page indicates the location and name of each partner publisher.

3.6.3 The output information in separately published appendices is issued depending on the type of publication (see sections 4-7).

In the main edition, information about the availability of a separately published application, the frequency of its release, distinctive features placed above the output data.

3.6.4 Formalization of output information for specific types of publications, see: section 4 - book publications, incl. non-periodic series; section 5 - printed music; section 6 - serial publications (periodicals and continuing, including periodicals and continuing series); section 7 - sheet editions; section 8 - editions specially designed for export.

4. BOOK PUBLICATIONS 4.1. Main elements of imprint

4.1.1 The imprint of book publications includes: information about the authors and other persons involved in the creation of the publication; publication title; overhead data; subheading data; output; graduation data; reprint information; classification indices; copyright mark; international standard book numbers and barcodes; copyright protection sign.

4.2. Placement of imprint

In repeated mono-editions, information about changes in the team of authors is given on the back of the title page.

In publications translated from foreign languages, the name of the author is given in the fullest possible form.

4.2.2 The title of the publication is given on the title page and above the final data, highlighting by printing means.

In reprints, information about the change in the title, as well as the title of the previous edition, is given on the back of the title page.

4.2.3 The overhead data is placed at the top of the title page, on the back title or front title (see also 3.3.4).

The name of the organization on behalf of which the publication is issued is given in the officially established form.

In editions of materials of conferences, congresses, symposiums, meetings, etc. their organizers are indicated in the overhead data.

4.2.4 Subtitle data are placed on the title page under the title (see also 3.3.5).

The names of translators in collections of works translated by different persons are drawn up in accordance with GOST 7.5.

Registration of information about compilers - see 4.2.5, editors - see 4.2.6, illustrators and graphic artists - see 4.2.7.

4.2.5 The name of the compiler is given on the title page in the subtitle data or on its back.

The order of giving the name of the compiler is similar to the design of the author's name - see 4.2.1.

The name of the compiler should be preceded by words that define the nature of the work done: "compiler", "compiled", "author-compiler", "editor-compiler", "made a selection", "processed", "summarized", "compiled a description", "picked up", "developed", "collected", "recorded".

4.2.6 Information about the responsible (scientific) editor is given on the title page or its back.

Information about the composition of the editorial board is indicated on the title page, its back or countertitle.

Information about the editor, art editor, technical editor and proofreader is given above the graduation data in the above order.

4.2.7 The names of the illustrator, graphic designer and photographer in illustrated editions are given on the title page or its back.

4.2.8 The imprint (see also 3.3.6) is given at the bottom of the title page.

In reprints, the year of the previous edition is given on the back of the title page.

4.2.9 The release data (see also 3.3.7) is placed on the last page of the publication, on the back of the title page, as well as on the 3rd and 4th sides of the cover.

The release data on the back of the title page is given at the bottom of the title page before the copyright symbol and the International Standard Book Number.

Information about the type of publication according to the intended purpose is placed above the graduation data, above the full form of the author's name, and in the absence of the author - above the title.

Information about the type of publication for its intended purpose is determined according to GOST 7.60 (official, scientific, popular science, mass-political, educational, production-practical, normative production-practical publication, reference, advertising, literary and artistic, leisure edition).

4.2.10 Information that the edition is a reprint and information about the edition from which the reprint was made is given on the back of the title page. On the title page of such an edition, the imprint indicates the place of issue of the edition, the name of the publisher who made the reprint, and the year of the reprint.

Information about the edition from which the reprint was made is given in accordance with GOST 7.1.

4.2.11 The classification number is preceded by an abbreviation indicating the name of the classification system. The classification index is a designation of the classification division. The classification index is compiled according to the relevant UDC and LBC tables.

The UDC index is placed in a separate line in the upper left corner of the back of the title page.

The LBC index is placed in a separate line in the upper left corner of the back of the title page under the UDC index.

4.2.12 The author's mark consists of the first letter of the author's surname (the first author, if the publication does not contain more than three authors) or the first letter of the first word of the title (if there are more than three authors or there are no authors) and a two-digit number corresponding to the initial letters of this surname or title.

4.2.13 The International Standard Book Number (ISBN) is given in accordance with GOST 7.53 and placed in the lower left corner of the back of the title page or in the lower left part of the combined title page.

4.2.14 Bar codes - see 3.3.10.

4.2.16 Imprint in complete editions is given on each edition included in the set, and on the case, folder, cover.

On each edition included in the set, give the title of the set and information about the number of editions in the set.

4.2.17 In editions published for the first time in translation, the imprint of the title page in the original language is given on the back of the title page or on the countertitle.

4.2.18 In publications printed in languages ​​other than Russian, all output information given on the title page, except for the names of authors and persons involved in the creation of the publication, is subject to mandatory translation into Russian. Names are given in transliterated form. This information is given above the graduation data and the information preceding them on the last page of the edition or on the back of the title page, indicating the language of the main text of the edition.

4.2.19 In serial publications, the title of the series, the number of the issue of the series, the title of the subseries, the number of the subseries issue are given in the overhead data.

The title of the series and its translation must be the same for all issues of the series.

The names of persons involved in the creation of the entire series (editor, compiler, artist and the composition of the editorial board of the series) are given under the title of the series on the title page, back title page or on the back of the title page with words indicating the nature of the work done (for example, "Editorial Board of the series" ).

The year of foundation of the series is considered the year of publication of the first book in this series.

The year of foundation of the series is given under the title of the series on the title page or countertitle.

4.2.20 In multi-volume editions, the author's name is indicated above the common title, if all volumes have the same author, and repeated in full form above the issue data; if volumes have different authors, their names are given under the volume number and repeated in full form above the issue data.

The common title of a multi-volume edition and its translation must be the same in all volumes. The common title is given on the title page and/or countertitle.

The title of a separate volume (private title) is indicated on the title page under the volume number if all volumes have the same author; if volumes have different authors, the volume title is placed under the author's name.

Subheading data relating to the entire multi-volume edition, including information about the number of volumes for which the edition is intended, are placed under the common title. Subheading data relating to a particular volume is placed on the title page under the title of the volume.

The composition of the editorial board of the entire multi-volume publication is given under the general title and / or subtitle data relating to the entire multi-volume publication.

The composition of the editorial board of a particular volume is given under the title of a particular volume (private title) and/or its subtitle data.

The year of the beginning of the publication of a multi-volume edition in the second and subsequent volumes of a multi-volume edition is indicated on the back of the title page.

4.2.21 The annotation and / or MACC is given in all book publications, except for scientific publications on natural and technical topics. The abstract is placed in scientific publications on natural and technical topics (see also 3.4.1). The annotation, MACC or abstract is placed on the back of the title page, on the last page of the publication, on the second page of the cover or on the dust jacket.

5. MUSIC PUBLICATIONS 5.1 Main elements of imprint

5.1.1 Output information of musical publications includes: information about the authors and other persons involved in the creation of the publication; publication title; overhead data; subheading data; output; graduation data; state board number; barcodes; copyright protection sign.

5.1.2 Subheading data includes: information about the musical genre, musical form, type of music, tonality; information about the means of performance (instrument, ensemble, orchestra, voice, etc.); opus (composition) and serial number inside it; number of the thematic index; information about the number of acts, actions, paintings, parts of the work included in the publication; information about the nature of the author's work (author's edition) or a new version, version; information about the class or course of special musical institutions for which the publication is intended (if they are not included in the title of the series); information about the form of presentation of the musical text (score, part, direction) and / or clavier.

The subtitle data of separately published excerpts also includes: the name of a stage work, film or video film, radio or television show, multi-part musical work or vocal (vocal-instrumental) cycle; the name of a part of a multi-part piece of music or a vocal (vocal-instrumental) cycle that has its own name; in separately published excerpts from operas, the first words of the aria, but not the recitative or the scene.

5.1.3 General requirements for the design of output information in book music publications - see section 4; General requirements to the design of output information in periodicals and ongoing printed music - see section 6.

5.2 Placement of imprint

5.2.1 The name of the composer is given on the title page before the title of the edition and is repeated above the graduation data in full form.

5.2.2 The name of the author of the processing or transcription (arrangement), instrumentation (orchestration), processing, harmonization, recording (notation) of a separately published musical work or all musical works included in the collection is given with words that determine the nature of the work done ("Arrangement" , "Processing", "Recorded", etc.), on the title page in the subtitle data and repeated in full form above the release data.

The name of the author of the arrangement or arrangement (arrangement), instrumentation (orchestration), adaptation, if it is the composer himself, is not repeated on the title page in the subtitle data, but is replaced by information about the nature of the author's work done by the composer ("In the author's processing", "Author's arrangement for...", "Author's arrangement", etc.).

5.2.3 The title of the literary work (including the libretto), if it differs from the title of the musical work included in the publication, is given along with information about its authors and/or an indication of the literary genre on the title page in the subtitle data.

5.2.4 The name of the compiler, who is also the author of processing or arrangement (arrangement), instrumentation (orchestration), processing, harmonization, recording (notation) of all works included in the collection, is given with words that determine the nature of the work done ("Composed and harmonized "," Compiler of the collection and author of the transcription of the pieces "," Arrangement and selection of pieces for the album "," Compiled and produced musical notation ", etc.), on the title page in the subtitle data and repeated in full form above the final data.

The name of the editor of a particular part, indicated on the insert, is repeated in the clavier.

5.2.5 Government number boards are placed at the bottom of each musical strip under the staff.

5.2.6 On single sheet music publications, the copyright symbol is given on the first page of the publication at the bottom. Copyright sign in printed music, see 3.3.11, 4.2.15.

5.2.7 For publications printed in languages ​​other than Russian, see 4.2.18 (book editions) and 6.1.15 (periodicals and continuing editions).

6. PERIODICAL AND CONTINUED PUBLICATIONS 6.1. Periodicals (except newspapers)

6.1.1 The imprint includes: the title of the publication, the private title of the issue; overhead data; subheading data; information about editors, editorial board, compilers, artists, proofreaders; numbering; output; graduation data; classification indices; international standard serial number; barcodes; copyright protection sign.

6.1.2 The title should be as simple and concise as possible. It is allowed to give a complex title, which consists of the general title of the publication and the title of the section (series, subseries).

The title should reflect the special area of ​​knowledge or activity to which the publication is devoted.

The title should stand out in design among other accompanying elements.

The abbreviation denoting the name of the publishing organization and included in the title is disclosed in the subtitle or supertitle data.

The title of the publication is placed on the title page or combined title page, as well as on the first page of the cover or the front side of the cover.

The title of the section of the publication (series, subseries) must be the same throughout the entire period of publication. It is not allowed to replace the title of a section of a publication (series, subseries) with its emblem (brand).

The private title, if it exists in individual issues, is placed under the title of the edition after the issue number on the title page or combined title page, as well as on the first page of the cover or front side of the cover.

The title in translated editions is also given in the language from which the translation is made, on the title page or combined title page.

6.1.3 The overhead data includes the name of the publishing organization.

The name of the publishing organization is omitted if it is included in subheading data (see 6.1.4).

Superheading data is placed above the title of the publication on the title page or combined title page, and in their absence - on the first page of the cover or front side of the cover.

6.1.4 Subheading data (see also 3.3.5) include: information characterizing the subject, reader's address and purpose; type of publication; the name of the publishing organization in the wording of subheading data beginning with the words "Journal", "Bulletin", etc.; information about the periodicity, year and month of foundation of the publication; information about the features of the release; information about the main edition in a separately published supplement.

The year and month of the founding of the publication is the year and month of the publication of the first issue (issue, volume) of the numbered publication. It is not allowed to indicate the ordinal year of publication instead of the year and month of the foundation of the publication.

Subheading data is placed under the title of the publication on the title page or combined title page, and in their absence - on the first or second pages of the cover or front side of the cover.

6.1.5 The numbering of periodicals annually starts from the first issue (current numbering). In addition to the serial number, it is allowed to indicate the month (months).

In addition to the current numbering, the serial number of the issue of the publication from the date of foundation (gross numbering) is given. The gross number is indicated after the current number in parentheses. Gross numbering should be entered at the beginning of the calendar year. Double numbering is retained in all editions of the publication.

The numbering is given on the title page or combined title page, and also on the first page of the cover or front side of the cover.

When numbering, indicate the year to which the issue refers, regardless of the year of its publication.

If consecutive numbering is interrupted, this must be indicated in the next issue in a conspicuous place (duration of the break, volume number, and number and date of the last issue).

6.1.6 The imprint (see also 3.3.6) is given on the title page or combined title page.

6.1.7 The name of the chief or executive editor, the words "Editorial Board", the composition of the editorial board, the name of the compiler are indicated on the back of the title page or on the end page, in the absence of a title page - on the second or third page of the cover.

The name of the artist, art editor, editor of the translated edition, technical editor, proofreader is indicated above the graduation data.

6.1.8 The release data (see also 3.3.7) is given on the end page, back of the title page, second, third or fourth cover page.

6.1.9 The UDC index may be given for the entire publication as a whole. Registration of the UDC index - see 4.2.11.

6.1.10 The International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) is given in accordance with GOST 7.56 and placed in the upper right corner of the first page of the cover or front side of the cover, in their absence - in the upper right corner of the title page or combined title page. If an ISSN is assigned to a common title and a section (series) title, the ISSN of the common title is given first, followed by the ISSN of the section (series) title.

6.1.11 Bar codes - see 3.3.10.

When publishing articles and materials of different authors, the copyright symbol of each individual publication is given at the bottom of the initial or final page of the publication.

6.1.13 An indication of parallel editions in other languages ​​is placed above the issue data. If the publication is published in parallel in several languages ​​and under different titles, then along with an indication of this, their titles should also be given.

6.1.14 Stand-alone supplements (see also 3.6.3) to a periodical should have their own numbering within the year. The word "annex" must always be clearly marked on the title page or on the combined title page.

In the main edition, an indication of the presence of a separately published supplement to the release is placed above the release data.

6.1.15 In publications printed in languages ​​other than Russian, the following is given in translation into Russian: overhead data; subheading data; publisher's name; postal address of the publisher (editor); the name and postal address of the printing company. The title of the publication is given in transliterated form. This information is placed above the final data on the end page, the back of the title page, the second, third or fourth page of the cover, indicating the language of the main text of the publication.

6.1.16 When combining two or more editions into one, it is allowed to assign to the new edition the title of one of the predecessor editions, keep the year of its foundation and continue its numbering.

When dividing an edition into two or more, it is allowed to assign the previous title and numbering to only one of the newly formed editions. The year of foundation of the publication is retained for all publications formed during the division.

All changes in the publication (renaming, changing subtitle data, specifying the year of foundation, numbering, transferring the place of issue of the publication, etc.) should be reported in the last unchanged and in the first modified edition (numbers) on the back of the title page or the second cover page.

6.1.17 Abstract, abstract and bibliographic strip on periodical give if necessary (see also 3.4.1).

6.2. Continuing editions

6.2.1 Imprint includes: the title of the publication; private title of the issue; overhead data; subheading data; information about editors, editorial board, compilers, proofreaders; numbering; output; graduation data; classification indices; international standard serial number; barcodes; copyright protection sign.

6.2.2 Title design; overhead data; information about editors, editorial board, compilers, proofreaders; output data; graduation data; international standard serial number (ISSN); classification indices; barcodes; copyright protection mark; information about parallel publications in other languages ​​and applications; information about consolidation, division, termination and change in the publication - see 6.1.

6.2.3 Subheading data includes: type of publication; the name of the responsible editor; year of foundation of the publication; information about the main edition in a separately published supplement.

Subheading data is given under the title of the publication on the title page.

6.2.4 Numbering is carried out from the date of foundation of the numbered edition (gross numbering).

The issue number is given under the title of the edition and subheading data on the title page, as well as on the first page of the cover or front side of the cover.

6.2.5 Imprint in publications printed in languages ​​other than Russian, and information about the language of the text of the publication - see 6.1.15. In addition, in translation into Russian, the name of the organization on behalf of which the publication is issued, or the organization responsible for the release of the entire ongoing publication, is given.

6.2.6 Annotation, abstract and bibliographic strip - see 6.1.17.

6.3. Newspapers

6.3.1 Imprint includes: title; subheading data; numbering; issue date; information about editors and/or editorial board; graduation data.

6.3.2 Title - see 6.1.2.

6.3.3 Subheading data includes: the name of the publisher (organization responsible for publishing); information about the frequency of release; year, month or date of foundation of the newspaper; information about parallel editions in other languages ​​and applications. It is not allowed to indicate the ordinal year of its publication instead of the year of foundation of the newspaper.

Subheading data is placed on the first page.

If there are interchangeable pages and when a newspaper or its individual issues are published in various editions, the subheading data indicate the features of the issue (evening, city, regional, zonal, peripheral, for certain categories of readers).

6.3.4 The name of the newspaper editor, the words "Editorial Board" and/or "Editorial Board Members" are given at the bottom of the last page above the graduation data.

6.3.5 Newspaper numbers are indicated in Arabic numerals at the top of the front page. Behind the current issue (since the beginning of the calendar year) in parentheses, it is allowed to give the gross serial number (from the day the newspaper was founded).

6.3.6 The issue date, which contains the day of the week, the date (in Arabic numerals), the name of the month (without abbreviation) and the year, is given on the front page of the newspaper.

6.3.7 Issue data includes: the number of the license for publishing activities and the date of its issue (registration certificate); the volume of the publication in printed sheets, reduced to the format of two pages of an A2 newspaper (420 x 595 mm); circulation; full postal address and telephone number of the editorial office; order number of the printing company; the name and full postal address of the printing company.

Graduation data is given at the bottom of the last page of the newspaper.

6.3.8 Information about the continuity of the newspaper and changes in the publication is given on the front page or at the bottom of the last page. This information must be drawn up in accordance with the requirements established in 6.1.16.

6.3.9 If the publication is published in parallel in several languages, then along with an indication of this, its title in Russian translation should be given above the issue data.

6.3.10 The imprint in publications printed in languages ​​other than Russian, translated into Russian, is given: subheading data; information about the main edition in a separately published supplement; full postal address of the editorial office; the name and full postal address of the printing company. The title of the publication is given in transliterated form.

This information is located at the bottom of the last page of the newspaper indicating the language of the main text of the publication.

(approved by the Decree of the State Standard of the Russian Federation of 10.18.95 N 545)

Edition of 07/01/2000 - The document is not valid




System of standards on information, librarianship and publishing. Publications. Imprint

GOST 7.4-95

OKS 1.140.120

OKSTU 0007

(as amended by Amendment No. 7)

Introduction date 1996-07-01


1 DEVELOPED by the Russian Book Chamber of the Committee of the Russian Federation on Printing, TC 191 "Scientific and technical information, librarianship and publishing"

INTRODUCED by Gosstandart of Russia

2 ADOPTED by the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (Minutes N 7-95 of April 26, 1995)

State nameName of the national standardization body
The Republic of KazakhstanState Standard of the Republic of Kazakhstan
the Russian FederationGosstandart of Russia
The Republic of UzbekistanUzgosstandart
UkraineState Standard of Ukraine

3 The standard complies with the "IEC / ISO Directives, Part 3, 1989 "Drafting and presentation of international standards" in terms of the requirements for the construction, presentation and presentation of standards

4 By the Decree of the Committee of the Russian Federation for Standardization, Metrology and Certification of October 18, 1995 N 545, the interstate standard GOST 7.4-95 was put into effect directly as the state standard of the Russian Federation from July 1, 1996.



This standard establishes requirements for output information and their location in text, music and visual publications.

The standard does not apply to cartographic and information publications.

The standard is mandatory for publishers and printing companies, regardless of their organizational and legal structure, departmental affiliation and form of ownership.


GOST 7.1-84 Bibliographic description of the document. General requirements and drafting rules

GOST 7.5-88 Publishing design of materials placed in periodicals and continuing publications and non-periodical collections

GOST 7.9-77 Abstract and annotation

GOST 7.23-80 Information publications. Main types, structure and design

GOST 7.51-84 Cards for catalogs and file cabinets. General requirements

GOST 7.53-86 Editions. International Standard Numbering

GOST 7.56-89 System of standards for information, librarianship and publishing. Editions. International Standard Serial Numbering


3.1. Definition of output information

3.1.1 Imprint - a set of elements that characterize the publication and are intended for its design, informing consumers, bibliographic processing and statistical accounting.

3.2. Composition, list and location of output information

3.2.1 The composition, list and location of imprint depend on the type of publication.

3.2.2 It is not allowed to change the location of the output information established by the standard.

3.2.3 Discrepancies between the same information placed in different places of the publication are not allowed, except for the cases specified in sections 4-6.

3.2.4 Elements of imprint that are common to all or a number of volumes (parts, issues, numbers) of the publication must be presented without discrepancies in their citation form.

3.3. Main elements of imprint

3.3.1 The main elements of the imprint are: information about the authors and other persons involved in the creation of the publication; publication title; overhead data; subheading data; output; graduation data; classification indices; international standard numbers; barcodes; copyright protection sign.

The names of persons involved in the creation of the publication (compilers, translators, artists, draftsmen, photographers, reviewers, members of the editorial board, authors of the preface, introductory article, afterword, comments, notes, editors, proofreaders, typographers in improved editions) are given in nominative case, indicating the nature of the work done.

3.3.3 Title of publication (see also sections 4-7). The title of the publication is indicated in the form in which it is established or approved by the author or publisher.

Untitled publications are not allowed.

The title, common to all volumes, issues, edition numbers, should be of the same type and different from the rest of the information on the title page.

Uninformative titles consisting of words like: "Catalog", "Bulletin", "Proceedings", "Scientific works", "Scientific notes" are not allowed. They are added in the genitive case with the name of the organization responsible for issuing the publication.

3.3.4 Overhead data - information placed above the title of the publication.

Superheading data, depending on the type of publication (see also sections 4-7), may include: information about the name of the organization on behalf of which the publication is issued; series title; series release number; year of foundation of the series; sub-series title; subseries issue number.

3.3.5 Subheading data - information placed under the title of the publication.

Subtitle data, depending on the type of publication (see also sections 4-7), may include: information explaining the title; information about the reader's address, intended purpose of the publication, literary genre, type of publication; information about the repetition of the publication (reissue), revision, approval of the publication as a textbook, textbook or official publication; information about the language of the text from which the work is translated, and the name of the translator; the names of the compiler, responsible (scientific) editor, illustrator and graphic designer; information about the editorial board; information on the number of volumes for which the multi-volume publication is intended; serial number of volume, part, book; information about the main edition in a separately published supplement.

The serial number of the reprint and the numbering of volumes, issues, books, parts, etc. are given in Arabic numerals.

3.3.6 Imprint (see also Sections 4-7) includes: place of issue of the publication, name of the publisher, and year of issue of the publication. The place of issue of the publication is the legal address of the publisher.

The place of issue of the publication is not given if it is part of the name of the publisher.

The place of issue of a publication issued by a department or branch of the publisher is the legal address of this department or branch. A publisher is a legal entity that prepares and publishes a publication. The name of the publisher is given in the form established during its registration.

Editions issued by a branch or affiliate of the publisher are given the name of the publisher followed by the name of the branch or affiliate.

In publications published jointly by several publishers, the location and name of each partner publisher are indicated. The year of issue of the publication is indicated by Arabic numerals without the word "year" or the abbreviation "year".

3.3.7 Release data (see also Sections 4-7) include the following information: the number of the publishing license and the date of its issue; date of submission to the set and signing for printing; type, number, paper format and sheet share; font typeface of the main text; type of printing; the volume of the publication in conditional printed and accounting-publishing lists; circulation; order number of the printing company; the name and full mailing address of the publisher; the name and full postal address of the printing company.

3.3.8 Classification indices (see also sections 4, 6) include: UDC index (Universal Decimal Classification), LBC index (Library and Bibliographic Classification).

3.3.9 International Standard Numbers (see also Sections 4, 6) include: International Standard Book Number (ISBN) and International Standard Serial Number (ISSN).

3.3.10 Barcodes can be given on the last side of the cover, binding cover, dust jacket, at the bottom in the left or right corner. Barcodes are drawn up in accordance with the EAN standard.

3.3.11 The copyright symbol is given in all publications in accordance with international legislation on the protection of intellectual property. The copyright protection mark consists of the letter "C" enclosed in a circle, the name of the copyright holder and the year of publication of the work.

3.4. More information about the edition

3.4.1 In publications for information and bibliographic purposes, an annotation, an abstract, an annotated catalog card layout (MACC) and a bibliographic strip (footer) can be given.

Drawing up and registration of annotations and abstracts - in accordance with GOST 7.9; MACC - according to GOST 7.51; footer - according to GOST 7.5 (see also sections 2, 4); compilation of a bibliographic description for MACC - according to GOST 7.1.

3.4.2 In addition to the above elements of the imprint, the publisher has the right to provide any other information about publications at its discretion.

3.5. Placement of imprint

3.5.1 Imprint is placed on: the title page and its back, the combined title page (the top of the first page with text), the first, last pages of the publication or the end page - in books, brochures, albums, printed music, bulletins, collections; the first page (or the top of the first page) and the bottom of the last page - on booklets, leaflets, newspapers and calendars (except for pocket and miniature time sheets), the top of the sheet and the bottom margin of the sheet - in posters, traffic schedules, text and pictorial posters, art reproductions, prints; on the reverse side - in pictorial postcards, pocket and miniature time sheets-calendars.

Bringing the main elements of the imprint of the title page on the spine of the cover and binding cover is mandatory if the thickness of the blocks is more than 9 mm.

3.5.2 If there is no title page, the imprint should be placed on the combined title page, the front side of the binding cover or the first page of the cover.

3.5.3 Reprint and facsimile editions must have two title pages: the title page of the newly reproduced edition and the title page of the original edition. The imprint relating to the newly reproduced edition is given on the first of the indicated title pages. Above the graduation data, a separate line is marked "reprint edition", "facsimile edition".

3.6. Special cases of imprint placement

3.6.1 In editions with mixed text in different languages, the names of the authors and/or the title on the title page are given in all languages ​​used in this edition. All other elements of the imprint are given in one of the languages ​​of the text of the publication.

3.6.2 In publications published jointly by several publishers, the title page indicates the location and name of each partner publisher.

3.6.3 The output information in separately published appendices is issued depending on the type of publication (see sections 4-7).

In the main edition, information about the presence of a separately published supplement, the frequency of its release, and distinctive features is placed above the release data.

3.6.4 Formalization of output information for specific types of publications, see: section 4 - book publications, incl. non-periodic series; section 5 - printed music; section 6 - serial publications (periodicals and continuing, including periodicals and continuing series); section 7 - sheet editions; section 8 - editions specially designed for export.


4.1. Main elements of imprint

4.1.1 The imprint of book publications includes: information about the authors and other persons involved in the creation of the publication; publication title; overhead data; subheading data; output; graduation data; reprint information; classification indices; copyright mark; international standard book numbers and barcodes; copyright protection sign.

4.2. Placement of imprint

In repeated mono-editions, information about changes in the team of authors is given on the back of the title page.

In publications translated from foreign languages, the name of the author is given in the fullest possible form.

4.2.2 The title of the publication is given on the title page and above the final data, highlighting by printing means.

In reprints, information about the change in the title, as well as the title of the previous edition, is given on the back of the title page.

4.2.3 The overhead data is placed at the top of the title page, on the back title or front title (see also 3.3.4).

The name of the organization on behalf of which the publication is issued is given in the officially established form.

In editions of materials of conferences, congresses, symposiums, meetings, etc. their organizers are indicated in the overhead data.

4.2.4 Subtitle data are placed on the title page under the title (see also 3.3.5).

The names of translators in collections of works translated by different persons are drawn up in accordance with GOST 7.5.

Registration of information about compilers - see 4.2.5, editors - see 4.2.6, illustrators and graphic artists - see 4.2.7.

4.2.5 The name of the compiler is given on the title page in the subtitle data or on its back.

The order of giving the name of the compiler is similar to the design of the author's name - see 4.2.1.

The name of the compiler should be preceded by words that define the nature of the work done: "compiler", "compiled", "author-compiler", "editor-compiler", "made a selection", "processed", "summarized", "compiled a description", "picked up", "developed", "collected", "recorded".

4.2.6 Information about the responsible (scientific) editor is given on the title page or its back.

Information about the composition of the editorial board is indicated on the title page, its back or countertitle.

Information about the editor, art editor, technical editor and proofreader is given above the graduation data in the above order.

4.2.7 The names of the illustrator, graphic designer and photographer in illustrated editions are given on the title page or its back.

4.2.8 The imprint (see also 3.3.6) is given at the bottom of the title page.

In reprints, the year of the previous edition is given on the back of the title page.

4.2.9 The release data (see also 3.3.7) is placed on the last page of the publication, on the back of the title page, as well as on the 3rd and 4th sides of the cover.

The release data on the back of the title page is given at the bottom of the title page before the copyright symbol and the International Standard Book Number.

Information about the type of publication according to the intended purpose is placed above the graduation data, above the full form of the author's name, and in the absence of the author - above the title.

Information about the type of publication for its intended purpose is determined according to GOST 7.60 (official, scientific, popular science, mass-political, educational, production-practical, normative production-practical publication, reference, advertising, literary and artistic, leisure edition).

4.2.10 Information that the edition is a reprint and information about the edition from which the reprint was made is given on the back of the title page. On the title page of such an edition, the imprint indicates the place of issue of the edition, the name of the publisher who made the reprint, and the year of the reprint.

Information about the edition from which the reprint was made is given in accordance with GOST 7.1.

4.2.11 The classification number is preceded by an abbreviation indicating the name of the classification system. The classification index is a designation of the classification division. The classification index is compiled according to the relevant UDC and LBC tables.

The UDC index is placed in a separate line in the upper left corner of the back of the title page.

The LBC index is placed in a separate line in the upper left corner of the back of the title page under the UDC index.

4.2.12 The author's mark consists of the first letter of the author's surname (the first author, if the publication does not contain more than three authors) or the first letter of the first word of the title (if there are more than three authors or there are no authors) and a two-digit number corresponding to the initial letters of this surname or title.

4.2.13 The International Standard Book Number (ISBN) is given in accordance with GOST 7.53 and placed in the lower left corner of the back of the title page or in the lower left part of the combined title page.

4.2.14 Bar codes - see 3.3.10.

4.2.16 Imprint in complete editions is given on each edition included in the set, and on the case, folder, cover.

On each edition included in the set, give the title of the set and information about the number of editions in the set.

4.2.17 In editions published for the first time in translation, the imprint of the title page in the original language is given on the back of the title page or on the countertitle.

4.2.18 In publications printed in languages ​​other than Russian, all output information given on the title page, except for the names of authors and persons involved in the creation of the publication, is subject to mandatory translation into Russian. Names are given in transliterated form. This information is given above the graduation data and the information preceding them on the last page of the edition or on the back of the title page, indicating the language of the main text of the edition.

4.2.19 In serial publications, the title of the series, the number of the issue of the series, the title of the subseries, the number of the subseries issue are given in the overhead data.

The title of the series and its translation must be the same for all issues of the series.

The names of persons involved in the creation of the entire series (editor, compiler, artist and the composition of the editorial board of the series) are given under the title of the series on the title page, back title page or on the back of the title page with words indicating the nature of the work done (for example, "Editorial Board of the series" ).

The year of foundation of the series is considered the year of publication of the first book in this series.

The year of foundation of the series is given under the title of the series on the title page or countertitle.

4.2.20 In multi-volume editions, the author's name is indicated above the common title, if all volumes have the same author, and repeated in full form above the issue data; if volumes have different authors, their names are given under the volume number and repeated in full form above the issue data.

The common title of a multi-volume edition and its translation must be the same in all volumes. The common title is given on the title page and/or countertitle.

The title of a separate volume (private title) is indicated on the title page under the volume number if all volumes have the same author; if volumes have different authors, the volume title is placed under the author's name.

Subheading data relating to the entire multi-volume edition, including information about the number of volumes for which the edition is intended, are placed under the common title. Subheading data relating to a particular volume is placed on the title page under the title of the volume.

The composition of the editorial board of the entire multi-volume publication is given under the general title and / or subtitle data relating to the entire multi-volume publication.

The composition of the editorial board of a particular volume is given under the title of a particular volume (private title) and/or its subtitle data.

The year of the beginning of the publication of a multi-volume edition in the second and subsequent volumes of a multi-volume edition is indicated on the back of the title page.

4.2.21 The annotation and / or MACC is given in all book publications, except for scientific publications on natural and technical topics. The abstract is placed in scientific publications on natural and technical topics (see also 3.4.1). The annotation, MACC or abstract is placed on the back of the title page, on the last page of the publication, on the second page of the cover or on the dust jacket.


5.1 Main elements of imprint

5.1.1 Output information of musical publications includes: information about the authors and other persons involved in the creation of the publication; publication title; overhead data; subheading data; output; graduation data; state board number; barcodes; copyright protection sign.

5.1.2 Subheading data includes: information about the musical genre, musical form, type of music, tonality; information about the means of performance (instrument, ensemble, orchestra, voice, etc.); opus (composition) and serial number inside it; number of the thematic index; information about the number of acts, actions, paintings, parts of the work included in the publication; information about the nature of the author's work (author's edition) or a new version, version; information about the class or course of special musical institutions for which the publication is intended (if they are not included in the title of the series); information about the form of presentation of the musical text (score, part, direction) and / or clavier.

The subtitle data of separately published excerpts also includes: the name of a stage work, film or video film, radio or television show, multi-part musical work or vocal (vocal-instrumental) cycle; the name of a part of a multi-part piece of music or a vocal (vocal-instrumental) cycle that has its own name; in separately published excerpts from operas, the first words of the aria, but not the recitative or the scene.

5.1.3 General requirements for the design of output information in book music publications - see section 4; general requirements for the design of output information in periodicals and continuing printed music - see section 6.

5.2 Placement of imprint

5.2.1 The name of the composer is given on the title page before the title of the edition and is repeated above the graduation data in full form.

5.2.2 The name of the author of the processing or transcription (arrangement), instrumentation (orchestration), processing, harmonization, recording (notation) of a separately published musical work or all musical works included in the collection is given with words that determine the nature of the work done ("Arrangement" , "Processing", "Recorded", etc.), on the title page in the subtitle data and repeated in full form above the release data.

The name of the author of the arrangement or arrangement (arrangement), instrumentation (orchestration), adaptation, if it is the composer himself, is not repeated on the title page in the subtitle data, but is replaced by information about the nature of the author's work done by the composer ("In the author's processing", "Author's arrangement for...", "Author's arrangement", etc.).

5.2.3 The title of the literary work (including the libretto), if it differs from the title of the musical work included in the publication, is given along with information about its authors and/or an indication of the literary genre on the title page in the subtitle data.

5.2.4 The name of the compiler, who is also the author of processing or arrangement (arrangement), instrumentation (orchestration), processing, harmonization, recording (notation) of all works included in the collection, is given with words that determine the nature of the work done ("Composed and harmonized "," Compiler of the collection and author of the transcription of the pieces "," Arrangement and selection of pieces for the album "," Compiled and produced musical notation ", etc.), on the title page in the subtitle data and repeated in full form above the final data.

The name of the editor of a particular part, indicated on the insert, is repeated in the clavier.

5.2.5 The state number of the board is placed at the bottom of each musical strip under the staff.

5.2.6 On single sheet music publications, the copyright symbol is given on the first page of the publication at the bottom. Copyright sign in printed music, see 3.3.11, 4.2.15.

5.2.7 For publications printed in languages ​​other than Russian, see 4.2.18 (book editions) and 6.1.15 (periodicals and continuing editions).


6.1. Periodicals (except newspapers)

6.1.1 The imprint includes: the title of the publication, the private title of the issue; overhead data; subheading data; information about editors, editorial board, compilers, artists, proofreaders; numbering; output; graduation data; classification indices; international standard serial number; barcodes; copyright protection sign.

6.1.2 The title should be as simple and concise as possible. It is allowed to give a complex title, which consists of the general title of the publication and the title of the section (series, subseries).

The title should reflect the special area of ​​knowledge or activity to which the publication is devoted.

The title should stand out in design among other accompanying elements.

The abbreviation denoting the name of the publishing organization and included in the title is disclosed in the subtitle or supertitle data.

The title of the publication is placed on the title page or combined title page, as well as on the first page of the cover or the front side of the cover.

The title of the section of the publication (series, subseries) must be the same throughout the entire period of publication. It is not allowed to replace the title of a section of a publication (series, subseries) with its emblem (brand).

The private title, if it exists in individual issues, is placed under the title of the edition after the issue number on the title page or combined title page, as well as on the first page of the cover or front side of the cover.

The title in translated editions is also given in the language from which the translation is made, on the title page or combined title page.

6.1.3 The overhead data includes the name of the publishing organization.

The name of the publishing organization is omitted if it is included in subheading data (see 6.1.4).

Superheading data is placed above the title of the publication on the title page or combined title page, and in their absence - on the first page of the cover or front side of the cover.

6.1.4 Subheading data (see also 3.3.5) include: information characterizing the subject, reader's address and purpose; type of publication; the name of the publishing organization in the wording of subheading data beginning with the words "Journal", "Bulletin", etc.; information about the periodicity, year and month of foundation of the publication; information about the features of the release; information about the main edition in a separately published supplement.

The year and month of the founding of the publication is the year and month of the publication of the first issue (issue, volume) of the numbered publication. It is not allowed to indicate the ordinal year of publication instead of the year and month of the foundation of the publication.

Subheading data is placed under the title of the publication on the title page or combined title page, and in their absence - on the first or second pages of the cover or front side of the cover.

6.1.5 The numbering of periodicals annually starts from the first issue (current numbering). In addition to the serial number, it is allowed to indicate the month (months).

In addition to the current numbering, the serial number of the issue of the publication from the date of foundation (gross numbering) is given. The gross number is indicated after the current number in parentheses. Gross numbering should be entered at the beginning of the calendar year. Double numbering is retained in all editions of the publication.

The numbering is given on the title page or combined title page, and also on the first page of the cover or front side of the cover.

When numbering, indicate the year to which the issue refers, regardless of the year of its publication.

If consecutive numbering is interrupted, this must be indicated in the next issue in a conspicuous place (duration of the break, volume number, and number and date of the last issue).

6.1.6 The imprint (see also 3.3.6) is given on the title page or combined title page.

6.1.7 The name of the chief or executive editor, the words "Editorial Board", the composition of the editorial board, the name of the compiler are indicated on the back of the title page or on the end page, in the absence of a title page - on the second or third page of the cover.

The name of the artist, art editor, editor of the translated edition, technical editor, proofreader is indicated above the graduation data.

6.1.8 The release data (see also 3.3.7) is given on the end page, back of the title page, second, third or fourth cover page.

6.1.9 The UDC index may be given for the entire publication as a whole. Registration of the UDC index - see 4.2.11.

6.1.10 The International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) is given in accordance with GOST 7.56 and placed in the upper right corner of the first page of the cover or front side of the cover, in their absence - in the upper right corner of the title page or combined title page. If an ISSN is assigned to a common title and a section (series) title, the ISSN of the common title is given first, followed by the ISSN of the section (series) title.

6.1.11 Bar codes - see 3.3.10.

When publishing articles and materials of different authors, the copyright symbol of each individual publication is given at the bottom of the initial or final page of the publication.

6.1.13 An indication of parallel editions in other languages ​​is placed above the issue data. If the publication is published in parallel in several languages ​​and under different titles, then along with an indication of this, their titles should also be given.

6.1.14 Stand-alone supplements (see also 3.6.3) to a periodical should have their own numbering within the year. The word "annex" must always be clearly marked on the title page or on the combined title page.

In the main edition, an indication of the presence of a separately published supplement to the release is placed above the release data.

6.1.15 In publications printed in languages ​​other than Russian, the following is given in translation into Russian: overhead data; subheading data; publisher's name; postal address of the publisher (editor); the name and postal address of the printing company. The title of the publication is given in transliterated form. This information is placed above the final data on the end page, the back of the title page, the second, third or fourth page of the cover, indicating the language of the main text of the publication.

6.1.16 When combining two or more editions into one, it is allowed to assign to the new edition the title of one of the predecessor editions, keep the year of its foundation and continue its numbering.

When dividing an edition into two or more, it is allowed to assign the previous title and numbering to only one of the newly formed editions. The year of foundation of the publication is retained for all publications formed during the division.

All changes in the publication (renaming, changing subtitle data, specifying the year of foundation, numbering, transferring the place of issue of the publication, etc.) should be reported in the last unchanged and in the first modified edition (numbers) on the back of the title page or the second cover page.

6.1.17 The annotation, abstract and bibliographic strip for the periodical are given if necessary (see also 3.4.1).

6.2. Continuing editions

6.2.1 Imprint includes: the title of the publication; private title of the issue; overhead data; subheading data; information about editors, editorial board, compilers, proofreaders; numbering; output; graduation data; classification indices; international standard serial number; barcodes; copyright protection sign.

6.2.2 Title design; overhead data; information about editors, editorial board, compilers, proofreaders; output data; graduation data; international standard serial number (ISSN); classification indices; barcodes; copyright protection mark; information about parallel publications in other languages ​​and applications; information about consolidation, division, termination and change in the publication - see 6.1.

6.2.3 Subheading data includes: type of publication; the name of the responsible editor; year of foundation of the publication; information about the main edition in a separately published supplement.

Subheading data is given under the title of the publication on the title page.

6.2.4 Numbering is carried out from the date of foundation of the numbered edition (gross numbering).

The issue number is given under the title of the edition and subheading data on the title page, as well as on the first page of the cover or front side of the cover.

6.2.5 Imprint in publications printed in languages ​​other than Russian, and information about the language of the text of the publication - see 6.1.15. In addition, in translation into Russian, the name of the organization on behalf of which the publication is issued, or the organization responsible for the release of the entire ongoing publication, is given.

6.2.6 Annotation, abstract and bibliographic strip - see 6.1.17.

6.3. Newspapers

6.3.1 Imprint includes: title; subheading data; numbering; issue date; information about editors and/or editorial board; graduation data.

6.3.2 Title - see 6.1.2.

6.3.3 Subheading data includes: the name of the publisher (organization responsible for publishing); information about the frequency of release; year, month or date of foundation of the newspaper; information about parallel editions in other languages ​​and applications. It is not allowed to indicate the ordinal year of its publication instead of the year of foundation of the newspaper.

Subheading data is placed on the first page.

If there are interchangeable pages and when a newspaper or its individual issues are published in various editions, the subheading data indicate the features of the issue (evening, city, regional, zonal, peripheral, for certain categories of readers).

6.3.4 The name of the newspaper editor, the words "Editorial Board" and/or "Editorial Board Members" are given at the bottom of the last page above the graduation data.

6.3.5 Newspaper numbers are indicated in Arabic numerals at the top of the front page. Behind the current issue (since the beginning of the calendar year) in parentheses, it is allowed to give the gross serial number (from the day the newspaper was founded).

6.3.6 The issue date, which contains the day of the week, the date (in Arabic numerals), the name of the month (without abbreviation) and the year, is given on the front page of the newspaper.

6.3.7 Issue data includes: the number of the license for publishing activities and the date of its issue (registration certificate); the volume of the publication in printed sheets, reduced to the format of two pages of an A2 newspaper (420 x 595 mm); circulation; full postal address and telephone number of the editorial office; order number of the printing company; the name and full postal address of the printing company.

Graduation data is given at the bottom of the last page of the newspaper.

1. DEVELOPED by the Russian Book Chamber of the Press Committee of the Russian Federation.

INTRODUCED by Gosstandart of Russia

2. ADOPTED by the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (Minutes N 7-95 of April 26, 1995) Voted for adoption:

Name of the state (Name of the national standardization body)

Republic of Kazakhstan (State Standard of the Republic of Kazakhstan)

Russian Federation (Gosstandart of Russia)

Republic of Uzbekistan (Uzgosstandart)

Ukraine (Gosstandart of Ukraine)

3. The standard complies with the "IEC / ISO Directives, Part 3, 1989 "Drafting and presentation of international standards" in terms of requirements for the construction, presentation and presentation of standards

4. By Resolution of the Committee of the Russian Federation for Standardization, Metrology and Certification of October 18, 1995 N 545, the interstate standard GOST 7.4-95 was put into effect directly as the state standard of the Russian Federation from July 1, 1996.

Interstate standard GOST 7.4-95
"System of standards for information, librarianship and publishing. Editions. Imprint"
(Introduced by the Decree of the Committee of the Russian Federation for Standardization, Metrology and Certification of October 18, 1995 N 545)

System of standards on information, librarianship and publishing. Publications. Imprint

Instead of GOST 7.4-86

1 area of ​​use

This standard establishes requirements for output information and their location in text, music and visual publications.

The standard does not apply to cartographic and information publications.

The standard is mandatory for publishers and printing companies, regardless of their organizational and legal structure, departmental affiliation and form of ownership.

GOST 7.1-84 System of standards for information, librarianship and publishing. Bibliographic description of the document. General requirements and drafting rules

GOST 7.5-98 System of standards for information, librarianship and publishing. Magazines, collections, information publications. Publishing design of published materials

3.2.4 Elements of imprint that are common to all or a number of volumes (parts, issues, numbers) of the publication must be presented without discrepancies in their citation form.

3.3 Main elements of imprint

3.3.1 The main elements of the imprint are: information about the authors and other persons involved in the creation of the publication; publication title; overhead data; subheading data; output; graduation data; classification indices; international standard numbers; barcodes; copyright protection sign.

The names of persons involved in the creation of the publication (compilers, translators, artists, draftsmen, photographers, reviewers, members of the editorial board, authors of the preface, introductory article, afterword, comments, notes, editors, proofreaders, typographers in improved editions) are given in nominative case, indicating the nature of the work done.

3.3.3 Title of publication (see also sections 4-7). The title of the publication is indicated in the form in which it is established or approved by the author or publisher.

It is not allowed to issue an edition without a title.

The title, common to all volumes, issues, edition numbers, should be of the same type and different from the rest of the information on the title page.

Uninformative titles consisting of words like: "Catalog", "Bulletin", "Proceedings", "Scientific works", "Scientific notes" are not allowed. They are added in the genitive case with the name of the organization responsible for issuing the publication.

3.3.4 Overhead data - information placed above the title of the publication.

Superheading data depending on the type of publication (see also sections 4-7) may include: information about the name of the organization on behalf of which the publication is issued; series title; series release number; year of foundation of the series; sub-series title; subseries issue number.

3.3.5 Subheading data - information placed under the title of the publication. Subheading data depending on the type of publication (see also sections 4-7) may include: information explaining the title; information about the reader's address, intended purpose of the publication, literary genre, type of publication; information about the repetition of the publication (reissue), revision, approval of the publication as a textbook, textbook or official publication; information about the language of the text from which the work is translated and the name of the translator; the names of the compiler, responsible (scientific) editor, illustrator and graphic designer; information about the editorial board; information on the number of volumes for which the multi-volume publication is intended; serial number of volume, part, book; information about the main edition in a separately published supplement.

The serial number of the reprint and the numbering of volumes, issues, books, parts, etc. given in Arabic numerals.

3.3.6 Output data (see also sections 4-7) include: place of issue of the publication, name of the publisher, and year of issue of the publication. The place of issue of the publication is the legal address of the publisher.

The place of issue of the publication is not given if it is part of the name of the publisher.

The place of issue of a publication issued by a department or branch of the publisher is the legal address of this department or branch. A publisher is a legal entity that prepares and publishes a publication. The name of the publisher is given in the form established during its registration.

Editions issued by a branch or affiliate of the publisher are given the name of the publisher followed by the name of the branch or affiliate.

In publications published jointly by several publishers, the location and name of each partner publisher are indicated. The year of issue of the publication is indicated by Arabic numerals without the word "year" or the abbreviation "year".

3.3.7 Release data (see also sections 4-7) include the following information: the number of the license for publishing activities and the date of its issue; date of submission to the set and signing for printing; type, number, paper format and sheet share; font typeface of the main text; type of printing; the volume of the publication in conditional printed and accounting-publishing lists; circulation; order number of the printing company; the name and full mailing address of the publisher; the name and full postal address of the printing company.

(Amendment, IUS 7-2000).

3.3.8 Classification symbols (see also sections 4, ) include: UDC index (Universal Decimal Classification), LBC index (Library and Bibliographic Classification).

3.3.9 International standard numbers (see also sections 4, ) include: International Standard Book Number (ISBN) and International Standard Serial Number (ISSN).

3.3.10 Barcodes can be given on the last side of the cover, binding cover, dust jacket, at the bottom in the left or right corner. Barcodes are drawn up in accordance with the EAN standard.

3.3.11 The copyright symbol is given in all publications in accordance with international legislation on the protection of intellectual property. The copyright protection mark consists of the letter "C" enclosed in a circle, the name of the copyright holder and the year of publication of the work.

3.4 Additional edition information

3.4.1 In publications for information and bibliographic purposes, an annotation, an abstract, an annotated catalog card layout (MACC) and a bibliographic strip (footer) can be given.

Compilation and design of annotations and abstracts - according to GOST 7.9; MACC - according to GOST 7.51; footer - according to GOST 7.5 (see also sections 2, ); compilation of a bibliographic description for MACC - according to GOST 7.1.

3.4.2 In addition to the above elements of the imprint, the publisher has the right to provide any other information about publications at its discretion.

3.5 Placement of imprint

3.5.1 Imprint is placed on: the title page and its back, the combined title page (the top of the first page with text), the first, last pages of the publication or the end page - in books, brochures, albums, printed music, bulletins, collections; the first page (or the top of the first page) and the bottom of the last page - on booklets, leaflets, newspapers and calendars (except for pocket and miniature time sheets), the top of the sheet and the bottom margin of the sheet - in posters, traffic schedules, text and pictorial posters, art reproductions, prints; on the reverse side - in pictorial postcards, pocket and miniature time sheets-calendars.

Bringing the main elements of the imprint of the title page on the spine of the cover and binding cover is mandatory if the thickness of the blocks is more than 9 mm.

3.5.2 If there is no title page, the imprint should be placed on the combined title page, the front side of the binding cover or the first page of the cover.

3.5.3 Reprint and facsimile editions must have two title pages: the title page of the newly reproduced edition and the title page of the original edition. The imprint relating to the newly reproduced edition is given on the first of the indicated title pages. Above the graduation data, a separate line is marked "reprint edition", "facsimile edition".

3.6 Special cases of imprint placement

3.6.1 In editions with mixed text in different languages, the names of the authors and/or the title on the title page are given in all languages ​​used in this edition. All other elements of the imprint are given in one of the languages ​​of the text of the publication.

3.6.2 In publications published jointly by several publishers, the title page indicates the location and name of each partner publisher.

3.6.3 The imprint in separately published appendices is issued depending on the type of publication (see. sections 4-7).

In the main edition, information about the presence of a separately published supplement, the frequency of its release, and distinctive features is placed above the release data.

3.6.4 Formalization of the imprint of specific types of publications, see: section 4- book publications, incl. non-periodic series; section 5- musical editions; section 6- serial publications (periodical and continuing, including periodic and continuing series); section 7- sheet editions; section 8- publications specially designed for export.

4 Book editions

4.1 Main elements of imprint

4.1.1 The imprint of book publications includes: information about the authors and other persons involved in the creation of the publication; publication title; overhead data; subheading data; output; graduation data; reprint information; classification indices; copyright mark; international standard book numbers and barcodes; copyright protection sign.

4.2 Placement of imprint

In repeated mono-editions, information about changes in the team of authors is given on the back of the title page.

In publications translated from foreign languages, the name of the author is given in the fullest possible form.

4.2.2 The title of the publication is given on the title page and above the final data, highlighting by printing means.

In reprints, information about the change in the title, as well as the title of the previous edition, is given on the back of the title page.

4.2.3 Superheading data is placed at the top of the title page, on the back title or front title (see also 3.3.4).

The name of the organization on behalf of which the publication is issued is given in the officially established form.

In editions of materials of conferences, congresses, symposiums, meetings, etc. their organizers are indicated in the overhead data.

4.2.4 Subtitle data are placed on the title page under the title (see also 3.3.5).

The names of translators in collections of works translated by different persons are drawn up in accordance with GOST 7.5.

Formulation of information about the compilers - see. 4.2.5, editors - see 4.2.6, illustrators and graphic artists - see 4.2.7.

4.2.5 The name of the compiler is given on the title page in the subtitle data or on its back.

The order of giving the name of the compiler is similar to the design of the name of the author - see below. 4.2.1.

The name of the compiler should be preceded by words that define the nature of the work done: "compiler", "compiled", "author-compiler", "editor-compiler", "made a selection", "processed", "summarized", "compiled a description", "picked up", "developed", "collected", "recorded".

4.2.6 Information about the responsible (scientific) editor is given on the title page or its back.

Information about the composition of the editorial board is indicated on the title page, its back or countertitle.

Information about the editor, art editor, technical editor and proofreader is given above the graduation data in the above order.

4.2.7 The names of the illustrator, graphic designer and photographer in illustrated editions are given on the title page or its back.

4.2.8 Output data (see also 3.3.6) are given at the bottom of the title page.

In reprints, the year of the previous edition is given on the back of the title page.

4.2.10 Information that the edition is a reprint and information about the edition from which the reprint was made is given on the back of the title page. On the title page of such an edition, the imprint indicates the place of issue of the edition, the name of the publisher who made the reprint, and the year of the reprint.

Information about the edition from which the reprint was made is given in accordance with GOST 7.1.

4.2.11 The classification number is preceded by an abbreviation indicating the name of the classification system. The classification index is a designation of the classification division. The classification index is compiled according to the relevant UDC and LBC tables.

The UDC index is placed in a separate line in the upper left corner of the back of the title page. The LBC index is placed in a separate line in the upper left corner of the back of the title page under the UDC index.

4.2.12 The author's mark consists of the first letter of the author's surname (the first author, if the publication does not contain more than three authors) or the first letter of the first word of the title (if there are more than three authors or there are no authors) and a two-digit number corresponding to the initial letters of this surname or title.

4.2.13 The International Standard Book Number (ISBN) is given in accordance with GOST 7.53 and placed in the lower left corner of the back of the title page or in the lower left part of the combined title page.

4.2.16 Imprint in complete editions is given on each edition included in the set, and on the case, folder, cover.

On each edition included in the set, give the title of the set and information about the number of editions in the set.

4.2.17 In editions published for the first time in translation, the imprint of the title page in the original language is given on the back of the title page or on the countertitle.

4.2.18 In publications printed in languages ​​other than Russian, all output information given on the title page, except for the names of authors and persons involved in the creation of the publication, is subject to mandatory translation into Russian. Names are given in transliterated form. This information is given above the graduation data and the information preceding them on the last page of the edition or on the back of the title page, indicating the language of the main text of the edition.

4.2.19 In serial publications, the title of the series, the number of the issue of the series, the title of the subseries, the number of the subseries issue are given in the overhead data.

The title of the series and its translation must be the same for all issues of the series.

The names of persons involved in the creation of the entire series (editor, compiler, artist and the composition of the editorial board of the series) are given under the title of the series on the title page, back title page or on the back of the title page with words indicating the nature of the work done (for example, "Editorial Board of the series" ).

The year of foundation of the series is considered the year of publication of the first book in this series.

The year of foundation of the series is given under the title of the series on the title page or countertitle.

4.2.20 In multi-volume editions, the author's name is indicated above the common title, if all volumes have the same author, and repeated in full form above the issue data; if volumes have different authors, their names are given under the volume number and repeated in full form above the issue data.

The common title of a multi-volume edition and its translation must be the same in all volumes. The common title is given on the title page and/or countertitle.

The title of a separate volume (private title) is indicated on the title page under the volume number if all volumes have the same author; if volumes have different authors, the volume title is placed under the author's name.

Subheading data relating to the entire multi-volume edition, including information about the number of volumes for which the edition is intended, are placed under the common title. Subheading data relating to a particular volume is placed on the title page under the title of the volume.

The composition of the editorial board of the entire multi-volume publication is given under the general title and / or subtitle data relating to the entire multi-volume publication.

The composition of the editorial board of a particular volume is given under the title of a particular volume (private title) and/or its subtitle data.

The year of the beginning of the publication of a multi-volume edition in the second and subsequent volumes of a multi-volume edition is indicated on the back of the title page.

4.2.21 The annotation and / or MACC is given in all book publications, except for scientific publications on natural and technical topics. The abstract is placed in scientific publications on natural and technical topics (see also 3.4.1). The annotation, MACC or abstract is placed on the back of the title page, on the last page of the publication, on the second page of the cover or on the dust jacket.

5 Music publications

5.1 Main elements of imprint

5.1.1 Output information of musical publications includes: information about the authors and other persons involved in the creation of the publication; publication title; overhead data; subheading data; output; graduation data; state board number; barcodes; copyright protection sign.

5.1.2 Subheading data includes: information about the musical genre, musical form, type of music, tonality; information about the means of performance (instrument, ensemble, orchestra, voice, etc.); opus (composition) and serial number inside it; number of the thematic index; information about the number of acts, actions, paintings, parts of the work included in the publication; information about the nature of the author's work (author's edition) or a new version, version; information about the class or course of special musical institutions for which the publication is intended (if they are not included in the title of the series); information about the form of presentation of the musical text (score, part, direction) and / or clavier.

The subtitle data of separately published excerpts also includes: the name of a stage work, film or video film, radio or television show, multi-frequency musical work or vocal (vocal-instrumental) cycle; the name of a part of a multi-frequency musical work or a vocal (vocal-instrumental) cycle that has its own name; in separately published excerpts from operas, the first words of the aria, but not the recitative or the scene.

5.1.3 General requirements for the design of output information in book music publications - see section 4; general requirements for the design of output information in periodicals and continuing musical publications - see. section 6.

5.2 Placement of imprint

5.2.1 The name of the composer is given on the title page before the title of the edition and is repeated above the graduation data in full form.

5.2.2 The name of the author of the processing or transcription (arrangement), instrumentation (orchestration), processing, harmonization, recording (notation) of a separately published musical work or all musical works included in the collection is given with words that determine the nature of the work done ("Arrangement" , "Processing", "Recorded", etc.), on the title page in the subtitle data and repeated in full form above the release data.

The name of the author of the arrangement or arrangement (arrangement), instrumentation (orchestration), adaptation, if it is the composer himself, is not repeated on the title page in the subtitle data, but is replaced by information about the nature of the author's work done by the composer ("In the author's processing", "Author's arrangement for...", "Author's arrangement", etc.).

5.2.3 The title of the literary work (including the libretto), if it differs from the title of the musical work included in the publication, is given along with information about its authors and/or an indication of the literary genre on the title page in the subtitle data.

5.2.4 The name of the compiler, who is also the author of processing or arrangement (arrangement), instrumentation (orchestration), processing, harmonization, recording (notation) of all works included in the collection, is given with words that determine the nature of the work done ("Composed and harmonized "," Compiler of the collection and author of the transcription of the pieces "," Arrangement and selection of pieces for the album "," Compiled and produced musical notation ", etc.), on the title page in the subtitle data and repeated in full form above the final data.

The name of the editor of a particular part, indicated on the insert, is repeated in the clavier.

5.2.5 The state number of the board is placed at the bottom of each musical strip under the staff.

5.2.6 On single sheet music publications, the copyright symbol is given on the first page of the publication at the bottom. Sign of copyright protection in musical publications - see. 3.3.11 , 4.2.15.

5.2.7 Imprint in publications printed in languages ​​other than Russian - see 4.2.18(book editions) and 6.1.15(periodicals and ongoing editions).

6 Periodicals and continuing publications

6.1 Periodicals (other than newspapers)

6.1.1 The imprint includes: the title of the publication, the private title of the issue; overhead data; subheading data; information about editors, editorial board, compilers, artists, proofreaders; numbering; output; graduation data; classification indices; international standard serial number; barcodes; copyright protection sign.

6.1.2 The title should be as simple and concise as possible. It is allowed to give a complex title, which consists of the general title of the publication and the title of the section (series, subseries).

The title should reflect the special area of ​​knowledge or activity to which the publication is devoted.

The title should stand out in design among other accompanying elements.

The abbreviation denoting the name of the publishing organization and included in the title is disclosed in the subtitle or supertitle data.

The title of the publication is placed on the title page or combined title page, as well as on the first page of the cover or the front side of the cover.

The title of the section of the publication (series, subseries) must be the same throughout the entire period of publication. It is not allowed to replace the title of a section of a publication (series, subseries) with its emblem (brand).

The private title, if it exists in individual issues, is placed under the title of the edition after the issue number on the title page or combined title page, as well as on the first page of the cover or front side of the cover.

The title in translated editions is also given in the language from which the translation is made, on the title page or combined title page.

6.1.3 The overhead data includes the name of the publishing organization.

The name of the publishing organization is omitted if it is included in the subheading data (see para. 6.1.4).

Superheading data is placed above the title of the publication on the title page or combined title page, and in their absence - on the first page of the cover or front side of the cover.

6.1.4 Subheading data (see also 3.3.5) include: information characterizing the subject, reader's address and purpose; type of publication; the name of the publishing organization in the wording of subheading data beginning with the words "Journal", "Bulletin", etc.; information about the periodicity, year and month of foundation of the publication; information about the features of the release; information about the main edition in a separately published supplement.

The year and month of the founding of the publication is the year and month of the publication of the first issue (issue, volume) of the numbered publication. It is not allowed to indicate the ordinal year of publication instead of the year and month of the foundation of the publication.

Subheading data is placed under the title of the publication on the title page or combined title page, and in their absence - on the first or second pages of the cover or front side of the cover.

6.1.5 The numbering of periodicals annually starts from the first issue (current numbering). In addition to the serial number, it is allowed to indicate the month (months).

In addition to the current numbering, the serial number of the issue of the publication from the date of foundation (gross numbering) is given. The gross number is indicated after the current number in parentheses. Gross numbering should be entered at the beginning of the calendar year. Double numbering is retained in all editions of the publication.

The numbering is given on the title page or combined title page, and also on the first page of the cover or front side of the cover.

When numbering, indicate the year to which the issue refers, regardless of the year of its publication.

If consecutive numbering is interrupted, this must be indicated in the next issue in a conspicuous place (duration of the break, volume number, and number and date of the last issue).

6.1.7 The name of the chief or executive editor, the words "Editorial Board", the composition of the editorial board, the name of the compiler are indicated on the back of the title page or on the end page, in the absence of a title page - on the second or third page of the cover.

The name of the artist, art editor, editor of the translated edition, technical editor, proofreader is indicated above the graduation data.

6.1.8 Release data (see also 3.3.7) are given on the end page, back of the title page, second, third or fourth cover pages.

6.1.10 The International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) is given in accordance with GOST 7.56 and placed in the upper right corner of the first page of the cover or front side of the cover, in their absence - in the upper right corner of the title page or combined title page. If an ISSN is assigned to a common title and a section (series) title, the ISSN of the common title is given first, followed by the ISSN of the section (series) title.

When publishing articles and materials of different authors, the copyright symbol of each individual publication is given at the bottom of the initial or final page of the publication.

6.1.13 An indication of parallel editions in other languages ​​is placed above the issue data. If the publication is published in parallel in several languages ​​and under different titles, then along with an indication of this, their titles should also be given.

6.1.14 Stand-alone applications (see also 3.6.3) to the periodical should have their own numbering within the year. The word "annex" must always be clearly marked on the title page or on the combined title page.

In the main edition, an indication of the presence of a separately published supplement to the release is placed above the release data.

6.1.15 In publications printed in languages ​​other than Russian, the following is given in translation into Russian: overhead data; subheading data; publisher's name; postal address of the publisher (editor); the name and postal address of the printing company. The title of the publication is given in transliterated form. This information is placed above the final data on the end page, the back of the title page, the second, third or fourth page of the cover, indicating the language of the main text of the publication.

6.1.16 When combining two or more editions into one, it is allowed to assign to the new edition the title of one of the predecessor editions, keep the year of its foundation and continue its numbering.

When dividing an edition into two or more, it is allowed to assign the previous title and numbering to only one of the newly formed editions. The year of foundation of the publication is retained for all publications formed during the division.

All changes in the publication (renaming, changing subtitle data, specifying the year of foundation, numbering, transferring the place of issue of the publication, etc.) should be reported in the last unchanged and in the first modified issue (numbers) on the back of the title page or the second cover page.

6.1.17 The abstract, abstract and bibliographic strip for the periodical are given if necessary (see also 3.4.1).

6.2 Continuing editions

6.2.1 Imprint includes: the title of the publication; private title of the issue; overhead data; subheading data; information about editors, editorial board, compilers, proofreaders; numbering; output; graduation data; classification indices; international standard serial number; barcodes; copyright protection sign.

6.2.2 Title design; overhead data; information about editors, editorial board, compilers, proofreaders; output data; graduation data, international standard serial number (ISSN); classification indices; barcodes; copyright protection mark; information about parallel publications in other languages ​​and applications; information about the merger, division, termination and change in the publication - see 6.1.

6.2.3 Subheading data includes: type of publication; the name of the responsible editor; year of foundation of the publication; information about the main edition in a separately published supplement.

Subheading data is given under the title of the publication on the title page.

6.2.4 Numbering is carried out from the date of foundation of the numbered edition (gross numbering).

The issue number is given under the title of the edition and subheading data on the title page, as well as on the first page of the cover or front side of the cover.

6.2.5 Imprint in publications printed in languages ​​other than Russian, and information about the language of the text of the publication - see 6.1.15. In addition, in translation into Russian, the name of the organization on behalf of which the publication is issued, or the organization responsible for the release of the entire ongoing publication, is given.

6.3 Newspapers

6.3.1 Imprint includes: title; subheading data; numbering; issue date; information about editors and/or editorial board; graduation data.

6.3.3 Subheading data includes: the name of the publisher (organization responsible for publishing); information about the frequency of release; year, month or date of foundation of the newspaper; information about parallel editions in other languages ​​and applications. It is not allowed to indicate the ordinal year of its publication instead of the year of foundation of the newspaper.

Subheading data is placed on the first page.

If there are interchangeable pages and when a newspaper or its individual issues are published in various editions, the subheading data indicate the features of the issue (evening, city, regional, zonal, peripheral, for certain categories of readers).

6.3.4 The name of the newspaper editor, the words "Editorial Board" and/or "Editorial Board Members" are given at the bottom of the last page above the graduation data.

6.3.5 Newspaper numbers are indicated in Arabic numerals at the top of the front page. Behind the current issue (since the beginning of the calendar year) in parentheses, it is allowed to give the gross serial number (from the day the newspaper was founded).

6.3.6 The issue date, which contains the day of the week, the date (in Arabic numerals), the name of the month (without abbreviation) and the year, is given on the front page of the newspaper.

6.3.7 Issue data includes: the number of the license for publishing activities and the date of its issue (registration certificate); the volume of the publication in printed sheets, reduced to the format of two pages of an A2 newspaper (420 x 595 mm); circulation; full postal address and telephone number of the editorial office; order number of the printing company; the name and full postal address of the printing company.

Graduation data is given at the bottom of the last page of the newspaper.

6.3.8 Information about the continuity of the newspaper and changes in the publication is given on the front page or at the bottom of the last page. This information must be formatted in accordance with the requirements set out in 6.1.16.

6.3.9 If the publication is published in parallel in several languages, then along with an indication of this, its title in Russian translation should be given above the issue data.

6.3.10 The imprint in publications printed in languages ​​other than Russian, translated into Russian, is given: subheading data; information about the main edition in a separately published supplement; full postal address of the editorial office; the name and full postal address of the printing company. The title of the publication is given in transliterated form.

This information is located at the bottom of the last page of the newspaper indicating the language of the main text of the publication.

7 Sheet editions

7.1 Text and pictorial publications (except postcards)

7.1.1 Output information includes: information about authors, compilers, artists, photographers; title of the publication (work of art); subheading data; output; graduation data; copyright protection sign.

7.1.3 The title of the edition (works of art) in text sheet editions is given in the head of the sheet before the text.

The title of sheet pictorial publications is given on the left side of the bottom margin of the sheet.

The title also contains the name of the work of art, established by the author or historically attached to the work (for portraits - last name, first name, patronymic and date of life of the depicted person), on the left side of the bottom margin of the sheet.

7.1.4 Subheading data (see also 3.3.5) text editions are placed under the title in the title part of the sheet.

Subheading data of art publications are placed on the left side of the bottom margin of the sheet.

In the subheading data of art reproductions and prints indicate: the type of work of art; the time and place of creation of the work of art; the place of storage or exposure of the original; information about the author and work.

7.1.7 Output information in sheet editions printed in languages ​​other than Russian is translated into Russian. The names of the authors and persons involved in the creation of the publication are given in transliterated form. The imprint is placed on the bottom field of the sheet indicating the language of the text of the publication.

7.2 Pictorial postcards

7.2.1 Imprint includes: the name of the artist or photographer; title; imprint (name of publisher and year of issue); graduation data (order number of the printing company, circulation); copyright protection sign.

7.2.2 On reproduction postcards, in addition to the above information, they give:

type of work of art, time and place of its creation, place of storage or exposition, information about the author and the work.

The imprint indicates the back (address - for postcards) side.

7.3 Sheet set editions8.1 Definition of editions

8.1.1 Publications specially intended for export are those publications whose circulation, or the majority of the circulation, is intended for sale in foreign market; publications published in the Russian Federation by order of a foreign counterparty organization.

8.2 Formatting imprint

8.2.1 The imprint in publications specially intended for export is issued in accordance with the requirements of the standards International Organization for Standardization (ISO):

ISO 1086 Documentation-Title-leaves of a book;

ISO 6357 Documentation-Spine titles on books and other publications;

ISO 7275 Documentation-Presentation of title information of series.

8.3 Insert design

8.3.1 Mandatory copies of the part of the circulation, which is intended for distribution within the Russian Federation, must be supplied with an insert. The insert contains elements of the imprint related to this edition. For a list of output elements, see 3.3

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