HR consulting as an element of HR services development. HR consulting Types of consulting in HR management

Personnel consulting concept. HR consulting as a direction of management consulting.

Consulting- it specific area providing independent advice and assistance in business management matters.

HR consulting(personnel consulting, HR consulting) is a type of activity associated with solving the problems facing top managers in the field of human resource management in order to increase the profitability of the business.

This type of consulting services is aimed at satisfying functions related to the field of personnel services:

Developing an organization's HR strategy

Creation of a personnel service

Formation of corporate culture

Creating a socio-psychological climate

Search, selection and adaptation of personnel

Development of a system of salaries, remuneration and a system of intangible motivation

Training, education, certification of personnel

Forms / directions of personnel consulting.

Recently, the following forms or directions of personnel consulting have been very popular:

Recruiting staff Is a complex of measures (search, recruitment of applicants, selection of candidates, recruitment of personnel), focused on filling vacancies at the customer company with competent specialists.

Outsourcing- the transfer by the organization of certain business processes or functions to the service of another company specializing in the relevant field. HR outsourcing- the conclusion of a number of functions related to personnel management to an external partner. In Russia, most often outsourcing is given to such HR functions as search and selection of personnel, training and development of personnel, assessment and audit of personnel, HR administration, accrual of salary, monitoring of the labor market, development of personnel motivation programs.

Outstaffing- removal of the employee from the staff of the customer company and registration in the staff of the provider company (recruiting agency), while the employee remains at the same workplace and performs the previous duties, and the provider company assumes full legal responsibility for the personnel, including personnel records management , calculation and payment of wages, as well as tax deductions.

Leasing (rent) of personnel- provision of temporarily free personnel to the customer company for short-term and long-term projects.

HR audit is a system of consulting support, analytical assessment and independent expertise human resources organization, its compliance with the goals and development strategy of the organization; includes an assessment of personnel processes (planning, recruitment, selection of personnel, adaptation, motivation, training and development, etc.), org. structure and assessment of qualitative and quantitative characteristics of personnel.

Headhunting (executivesearch), or "direct search" - service for the selection of senior executives, top managers, high-class specialists in a rare profession for the customer company.

The cost of this type of service is 15-25% of the candidate's annual income. Having received an order, consultants do not sort through thousands of sent resumes, but they themselves go to the people they are interested in. First of all, through personal contacts, recommendations of former clients, as well as through knowledge of the market, which allows you to identify the right specialist. Then they lure the found candidates to the customer company.

Outplacement - the method of soft, loyal dismissal, a system of measures to facilitate the employment of laid off employees; includes working out a resume, writing a cover letter, preparing letters of recommendation, training in job search methods and interview behavior, counseling on labor law issues, psychological support, individual counseling, trainings, etc.

An interesting option for outplacement is the so-called "confidential" or "closed" dismissal. "Closed" outplacement is the dismissal of a high-ranking employee who does not suspect anything about it. The firm "orders" the employee to a recruiting agency, and several interesting proposals are prepared for the candidate, which he cannot refuse. As a result, the employee himself happily leaves the company for a new interesting job.

Assessment Center - This is a technology for identifying certain business, personal and professional qualities of employees, their knowledge, skills, and abilities during the sequence of assessment activities in order to determine the compliance of the staff with the goals, strategy, corporate culture of the organization, form a talent pool, determine the directions and forms of personnel training. The assessment criteria are competency models built on the basis of the definition of key requirements for the position.

The essence and content of personnel consulting.

The purpose of HR consulting - creation and implementation of individual technologies for personnel management, implementation of their implementation and control for the successful functioning of the organization (i.e. maximizing its profits) through increasing productivity.

Within the framework of personnel consulting, the following tasks:

    Organization from scratch of the activities of the personnel service.

    Improving the efficiency of the existing personnel management service.

    Development and optimization of individual procedures for personnel management.

In the course of personnel management, the following can be carried out:

    Analysis of the current state and human resources of the company;

    Analysis of job functions and organizational and personnel structure of the enterprise;

    Analysis of the existing system of personnel management, personnel management and its motivation;

    Optimization of management technology and personnel activities.

HR consulting functions

    Staff Needs Analysis

    Analysis and regulation of activities

    Search, selection, registration and adaptation of new specialists

    Assessment of the level of qualifications (certification)

    Development of individual development and rotation programs (personnel reserve)

    Preparation, improvement and maintenance of qualifications

    Performance evaluation

    Stimulation and motivation of work

    Diagnostics and correction of the socio-psychological climate

HR consulting is carried out in two main stages: analytical and programming.

The implementation of the analytical stage, as a rule, begins with an understanding of the topic and objectives of counseling. The main activities at this stage include:

1) analysis of the background of events - the specification of the situation that led to the need for consultation, the course of its development, the position of the customer, the reasons for the impossibility of independently solving the problem;

2) collecting additional information and putting forward hypotheses about personnel processes in the organization (searching for data from various sources, building a hypothetical model of the situation, analyzing similar situations, searching for the causes of processes, patterns and means used in similar situations);

3) diagnostics of the situation at the object of counseling - collecting data in order to test and clarify hypotheses, searching for additional information to concretize a possible counseling strategy;

4) clarification of the strategy and definition of the personnel consulting program - correction of the strategy, taking into account the data obtained in the course of diagnosing the situation at the object of consultation, formulating an idea of ​​the result of the consultation process, specific steps and proposed measures.

The programming stage aims to activate the human resource of the organization in the direction of the expected results. To do this, you need to create:

1) "developmental environment" - the formation of an artificial process in an organization aimed at training its employees in ways to identify and solve problems;

2) "supportive environment" - the creation of conditions for the course of the process;

3) “fixing environment” - the transfer of a model process into a self-regulating one.

Domestic and foreign market of personnel consulting.

The largest of the founders of the Moscow personnel market were Employment Society"TRIZA" and "ANKOR".

Of the most famous agencies today, created by immigrants from the TRIZA Employment Society, one can name "Empire of cadres", "GALLA - Superframes"(now "GALLA Consulting Group") .

Today ANKOR holding provides clients with a full range of personnel services in more than 40 territories in 4 countries - Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan.

ANKOR operates in the recruitment and HR consulting market with 1990 year.

ANCOR develops three product lines: recruitment, personnel leasing, labor market research and provides more than 10 services, including:

Search and selection of top managers; - selection of specialists and managers; - recruiting for entry-level positions; - inter-regional search; - personnel leasing; - provision of temporary personnel; - removal of personnel from the staff of the company; - mass selection; - provision of personnel in shifts; - payroll preparation; - analytical research of the labor market; - personel assessment; - outplacement (assistance in the employment of an employee leaving the company).


Manpower dates back to 1948. Founded in Milwaukee (Wisconsin, USA), the company soon began a rapid expansion of business throughout the United States. In more than 60 years of its existence, Manpower has opened 4,000 offices in 82 countries of the world.

MANPOWER proposes wide range of services in the following main areas:

a set of personnel solutions for companies in different business segments, including financial and banking, manufacturing, medical and pharmaceutical;

selection of permanent staff;

provision of temporary staff;

administrative registration of personnel and payroll (contractual registration of personnel, outstaffing);


mass recruitment of personnel (Mass Recruitment);

personnel consulting;

personnel audit;

labor protection consulting;

testing and assessment of personnel;

direct search (Executive Search);

outplacement (Outplacement);

personnel training and development;

review of salaries.

Methodological approaches to HR consulting

HR consulting can be carried out in two paradigms:

1) on resources - the consultant conducts an examination of the current state of the professional and personnel potential of the organization and proposes specific solutions to personnel problems;

2) by process - the consultant organizes the process of solving professional and personnel problems and trains employees of the organization to solve them independently.

The choice of the work paradigm is determined, as a rule, by the consultant himself, based primarily on the specifics of the order and the professional tools that he owns.

The need for personnel consulting in various conditions of business development: when restructuring the business management system in order to improve financial and production indicators, preparing for a merger or acquisition, centralization or decentralization of management as a whole or in certain areas of activity. Goals and objectives of personnel consulting, depending on the degree of development of the organization's personnel management system.

When restructuring the business management system in order to improve financial and performance indicators, preparing for a merger or acquisition, centralization or decentralization of management as a whole or in certain areas of activity, it is advisable to use such a direction of personnel consulting as optimization of personnel management technology.

The technology of personnel management in an organization may be at different stages of formation, and accordingly, the tasks of consulting may be different. Optimization of the personnel management system (HRMS) can affect the technology as a whole or go along the path of reorganizing individual subsystems:

documentation support for personnel management;

analysis of needs for work with personnel;

assessment of job requirements;

assessment of professionally important qualities;

incentives and remuneration;

selection and adaptation of personnel;

assessing the level of qualifications;

staff training;

assessments of the socio-psychological climate;

The choice of management subsystems, which are primarily influenced by, depends on the specific situation in the Company and those targets set by the management of the organization. Optimization of the Company's personnel management technology assumes the sequential implementation of the following stages: Stage I. Preliminary diagnostics of the state of the personnel management system. Stage II. Reorganization of personnel management subsystems. Stage III. Implementation and maintenance.

At the stage of preliminary diagnostics of the current state of the EMS, the real status of the personnel management system in the company management system is determined, as well as problem areas in relation to which, first of all, measures should be taken to reorganize.

The stage of reorganization of personnel management subsystems includes the following types of work:

determination of typical parameters and criteria for the effectiveness of the functioning of each subsystem;

design changes;

development of documents regulating the standards for the functioning of subsystems;

training of heads of departments and experts in the procedures of work in the areas;

drawing up a work schedule for the implementation of the developed procedures.

Reorganization of various subsystems can be carried out both sequentially and in parallel.

During the third stage, measures are taken to introduce changes, support the ongoing reorganization of the personnel management system and the necessary correction of procedures in the process of their adaptation. In addition, within the framework of this work, it is advisable to carry out activities to improve the managerial qualifications of managers of different levels, as well as specialists of the management system. The training built into the process of diagnostics and optimization will make it possible to consolidate the changes that will occur in the Company, as well as to transfer to the Customer the technology necessary for the successful implementation of further transformations.

Personnel consulting concept. HR consulting as a direction of management consulting.

Consulting Is a specific area of ​​expertise in providing independent advice and assistance in management matters on a commercial basis.

HR consulting(personnel consulting, HR consulting) is a type of activity associated with solving the problems facing top managers in the field of human resource management in order to increase the profitability of the business.

This type of consulting services is aimed at satisfying functions related to the field of personnel services:

Developing an organization's HR strategy

Creation of a personnel service

Formation of corporate culture

Creating a socio-psychological climate

Search, selection and adaptation of personnel

Development of a system of salaries, remuneration and a system of intangible motivation

Training, education, certification of personnel

Forms / directions of personnel consulting.

Recently, the following forms or directions of personnel consulting have been very popular:

Recruiting staff Is a complex of measures (search, recruitment of applicants, selection of candidates, recruitment of personnel), focused on filling vacancies at the customer company with competent specialists.

Outsourcing- the transfer by the organization of certain business processes or functions to the service of another company specializing in the relevant field. HR outsourcing- the conclusion of a number of functions related to personnel management to an external partner. In Russia, most often outsourcing is given to such HR functions as search and selection of personnel, training and development of personnel, assessment and audit of personnel, HR administration, accrual of salary, monitoring of the labor market, development of personnel motivation programs.

Outstaffing- removal of the employee from the staff of the customer company and registration in the staff of the provider company (recruiting agency), while the employee remains at the same workplace and performs the previous duties, and the provider company assumes full legal responsibility for the personnel, including personnel records management , calculation and payment of wages, as well as tax deductions.

Leasing (rent) of personnel- provision of temporarily free personnel to the customer company for short-term and long-term projects.

HR audit- is a system of consulting support, analytical assessment and independent examination of the organization's human resources, its compliance with the goals and development strategy of the organization; includes an assessment of personnel processes (planning, recruitment, selection of personnel, adaptation, motivation, training and development, etc.), org. structure and assessment of qualitative and quantitative characteristics of personnel.

Headhunting (executivesearch), or "direct search" - service for the selection of senior executives, top managers, high-class specialists in a rare profession for the customer company.

The cost of this type of service is 15-25% of the candidate's annual income. Having received an order, consultants do not sort through thousands of sent resumes, but they themselves go to the people they are interested in. First of all, through personal contacts, recommendations of former clients, as well as through knowledge of the market, which allows you to identify the right specialist. Then they lure the found candidates to the customer company.

Outplacement - the method of soft, loyal dismissal, a system of measures to facilitate the employment of laid off employees; includes working out a resume, writing a cover letter, preparing letters of recommendation, training in job search methods and interview behavior, counseling on labor law issues, psychological support, individual counseling, trainings, etc.

An interesting option for outplacement is the so-called "confidential" or "closed" dismissal. "Closed" outplacement is the dismissal of a high-ranking employee who does not suspect anything about it. The firm "orders" the employee to a recruiting agency, and several interesting proposals are prepared for the candidate, which he cannot refuse. As a result, the employee himself happily leaves the company for a new interesting job.

Assessment Center - This is a technology for identifying certain business, personal and professional qualities of employees, their knowledge, skills, and abilities during the sequence of assessment activities in order to determine the compliance of the staff with the goals, strategy, corporate culture of the organization, form a talent pool, determine the directions and forms of personnel training. The assessment criteria are competency models built on the basis of the definition of key requirements for the position.

The essence and content of personnel consulting.

The purpose of HR consulting - creation and implementation of individual technologies for personnel management, implementation of their implementation and control for the successful functioning of the organization (i.e. maximizing its profits) through increasing productivity.

Within the framework of personnel consulting, the following tasks:

    Organization from scratch of the activities of the personnel service.

    Improving the efficiency of the existing personnel management service.

    Development and optimization of individual procedures for personnel management.

In the course of personnel management, the following can be carried out:

    Analysis of the current state and human resources of the company;

    Analysis of job functions and organizational and personnel structure of the enterprise;

    Analysis of the existing system of personnel management, personnel management and its motivation;

    Optimization of management technology and personnel activities.

HR consulting functions

    Staff Needs Analysis

    Analysis and regulation of activities

    Search, selection, registration and adaptation of new specialists

    Assessment of the level of qualifications (certification)

    Development of individual development and rotation programs (personnel reserve)

    Preparation, improvement and maintenance of qualifications

    Performance evaluation

    Stimulation and motivation of work

    Diagnostics and correction of the socio-psychological climate

HR consulting is carried out in two main stages: analytical and programming.

The implementation of the analytical stage, as a rule, begins with an understanding of the topic and objectives of counseling. The main activities at this stage include:

1) analysis of the background of events - the specification of the situation that led to the need for consultation, the course of its development, the position of the customer, the reasons for the impossibility of independently solving the problem;

2) collecting additional information and putting forward hypotheses about personnel processes in the organization (searching for data from various sources, building a hypothetical model of the situation, analyzing similar situations, searching for the causes of processes, patterns and means used in similar situations);

3) diagnostics of the situation at the object of counseling - collecting data in order to test and clarify hypotheses, searching for additional information to concretize a possible counseling strategy;

4) clarification of the strategy and definition of the personnel consulting program - correction of the strategy, taking into account the data obtained in the course of diagnosing the situation at the object of consultation, formulating an idea of ​​the result of the consultation process, specific steps and proposed measures.

The programming stage aims to activate the human resource of the organization in the direction of the expected results. To do this, you need to create:

1) "developmental environment" - the formation of an artificial process in an organization aimed at training its employees in ways to identify and solve problems;

2) "supportive environment" - the creation of conditions for the course of the process;

3) “fixing environment” - the transfer of a model process into a self-regulating one.

Domestic and foreign market of personnel consulting.

The largest of the founders of the Moscow personnel market were Employment Society"TRIZA" and "ANKOR".

Of the most famous agencies today, created by immigrants from the TRIZA Employment Society, one can name "Empire of cadres", "GALLA - Superframes"(now "GALLA Consulting Group") .

Today ANKOR holding provides clients with a full range of personnel services in more than 40 territories in 4 countries - Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan.

ANKOR operates in the recruitment and HR consulting market with 1990 year.

ANCOR develops three product lines: recruitment, personnel leasing, labor market research and provides more than 10 services, including:

Search and selection of top managers; - selection of specialists and managers; - recruiting for entry-level positions; - inter-regional search; - personnel leasing; - provision of temporary personnel; - removal of personnel from the staff of the company; - mass selection; - provision of personnel in shifts; - payroll preparation; - analytical research of the labor market; - personel assessment; - outplacement (assistance in the employment of an employee leaving the company).


Manpower dates back to 1948. Founded in Milwaukee (Wisconsin, USA), the company soon began a rapid expansion of business throughout the United States. In more than 60 years of its existence, Manpower has opened 4,000 offices in 82 countries of the world.

MANPOWER proposes wide range of services in the following main areas:

a set of personnel solutions for companies in different business segments, including financial and banking, manufacturing, medical and pharmaceutical;

selection of permanent staff;

provision of temporary staff;

administrative registration of personnel and payroll (contractual registration of personnel, outstaffing);


mass recruitment of personnel (Mass Recruitment);

personnel consulting;

personnel audit;

labor protection consulting;

testing and assessment of personnel;

direct search (Executive Search);

outplacement (Outplacement);

personnel training and development;

review of salaries.

Methodological approaches to HR consulting

HR consulting can be carried out in two paradigms:

1) on resources - the consultant conducts an examination of the current state of the professional and personnel potential of the organization and proposes specific solutions to personnel problems;

2) by process - the consultant organizes the process of solving professional and personnel problems and trains employees of the organization to solve them independently.

The choice of the work paradigm is determined, as a rule, by the consultant himself, based primarily on the specifics of the order and the professional tools that he owns.

The need for personnel consulting in various conditions of business development: when restructuring the business management system in order to improve financial and production indicators, preparing for a merger or acquisition, centralization or decentralization of management as a whole or in certain areas of activity. Goals and objectives of personnel consulting, depending on the degree of development of the organization's personnel management system.

When restructuring the business management system in order to improve financial and performance indicators, preparing for a merger or acquisition, centralization or decentralization of management as a whole or in certain areas of activity, it is advisable to use such a direction of personnel consulting as optimization of personnel management technology.

The technology of personnel management in an organization may be at different stages of formation, and accordingly, the tasks of consulting may be different. Optimization of the personnel management system (HRMS) can affect the technology as a whole or go along the path of reorganizing individual subsystems:

documentation support for personnel management;

analysis of needs for work with personnel;

assessment of job requirements;

assessment of professionally important qualities;

incentives and remuneration;

selection and adaptation of personnel;

assessing the level of qualifications;

staff training;

assessments of the socio-psychological climate;

The choice of management subsystems, which are primarily influenced by, depends on the specific situation in the Company and those targets set by the management of the organization. Optimization of the Company's personnel management technology assumes the sequential implementation of the following stages: Stage I. Preliminary diagnostics of the state of the personnel management system. Stage II. Reorganization of personnel management subsystems. Stage III. Implementation and maintenance.

At the stage of preliminary diagnostics of the current state of the EMS, the real status of the personnel management system in the company management system is determined, as well as problem areas in relation to which, first of all, measures should be taken to reorganize.

The stage of reorganization of personnel management subsystems includes the following types of work:

determination of typical parameters and criteria for the effectiveness of the functioning of each subsystem;

design changes;

development of documents regulating the standards for the functioning of subsystems;

training of heads of departments and experts in the procedures of work in the areas;

drawing up a work schedule for the implementation of the developed procedures.

Reorganization of various subsystems can be carried out both sequentially and in parallel.

During the third stage, measures are taken to introduce changes, support the ongoing reorganization of the personnel management system and the necessary correction of procedures in the process of their adaptation. In addition, within the framework of this work, it is advisable to carry out activities to improve the managerial qualifications of managers of different levels, as well as specialists of the management system. The training built into the process of diagnostics and optimization will make it possible to consolidate the changes that will occur in the Company, as well as to transfer to the Customer the technology necessary for the successful implementation of further transformations.


1 BULLETIN OF THE BELGOROD UNIVERSITY OF COOPERATION, ECONOMY AND LAW UDC Agaeva A.N., Cand. econom. in Economics, Associate Professor, Chair of Marketing and Management, Belgorod University of Cooperation, Economics and Law Ledovskaya ME, Ph.D. econom. in Economics, Associate Professor, Chair of Marketing and Management, Belgorod University of Cooperation, Economics and Law APPROACHES OF PERSONNEL CONSULTING TO INCREASING THE TRAINING AND TRAINING OF THE PERSONNEL OF THE ORGANIZATION which should be followed when implementing a consulting project. The article considers the classification of HR consulting services according to the degree of their necessity for clients with examples of specific types of consulting. Key words: personnel consulting, personnel, professional development and training, consulting project. The Russian HR consulting market has been actively growing for over 20 years, Russian consulting companies prefer to provide services in many areas, while maintaining specialization in two or three types of services. The specifics of HR consulting, focused primarily on the tasks of the client organization, leads to the fact that most consultants provide non-standard services, therefore it is not possible to evaluate HR consulting services by simple comparison, there is no way to compare the prices of various consultants, as this will require a significant time from the client. and information disclosure. In this regard, the quality of HR consulting as a service is often perceived depending on its price. On the other hand, HR consulting, like no other type of consulting, in its effectiveness is associated with the level of involvement and interest of the staff of the client organization in successful implementation consulting project. It is pertinent to draw attention to the fact that the quality level of personnel directly affects the competitive capabilities of the organization and is one of the most important areas for creating competitive advantages. Certainly, the range of tasks solved in the framework of the consulting approach to improving the efficiency of the organization includes maximizing the use of the potential of employees, developing, supporting activities aimed at creating conditions for their fullest return in the labor process and the intensive development of their abilities. Let's give in the table the classification of HR consulting services provided by various firms, distributing services according to the degree of their need for clients. The consulting approach to the process of continuing education and training of personnel, as a reflection of the organizational philosophy of management, should be closely interconnected with all other areas of the organization's work and provide their support. However, the learning process itself creates prerequisites.

2 Actual problems of the economics of reference for solving urgent management problems due to the fact that the staff master both new approaches to work performance and the knowledge and skills required for work. Classification of consulting services according to the degree of emerging needs of clients Table Degree of need for consulting Necessary High Medium Low Provisional name Consulting required by regulations Consulting, helping to avoid the "problem" Consulting aimed at increasing profits and developing production and reducing costs Consulting aimed at developing production and increasing the degree of enterprise manageability Testing of personnel, improving product quality, reorganizing the production and management system Examples of types of consulting Audit of personnel records management, appraisal consulting of the entire subsystem of personnel management or individual sub-processes, confirmation of compliance of personnel processes and documentation with legislation, industry rules (certification, standardization) Consulting services in areas of selection, recruiting, assessment, personnel training, team building, management of the socio-psychological climate, conflict resolution comrade, appraisal of work and motivation, transfer and dismissal Services for the assessment of human resources, procedures for assessing personnel (assessment center). Determination and planning of personnel needs, formation of profiles of specialties and professiograms, taking into account the specifics of the customer's activities. Assessment and optimization of processes, structure and technologies of personnel management. Development of corporate culture Development of programs aimed at preserving the health of personnel, increasing the level of work safety Innovative personnel consulting Analytical personnel consulting In addition, activities during the implementation of a consulting project related to professional development and training of personnel are designed to convey to students important information about the culture and values ​​of the organization , to contribute to the formation of the required attitudes to work in this organization, to strengthen the desired patterns of behavior and increase the degree of commitment of personnel. One of the key principles for the implementation of personnel consulting for personnel training is the transfer of employees to training, which has both planned, structured, systematic and intra-company characteristics. At the same time, it is important that on the part of the organization's management, the costs of professional development and training are not perceived from the standpoint of personnel costs, since in this case they must be minimized. Training costs should be viewed in terms of human capital investments that add value to assets. Like any investments, they pay off within a certain period, and investments no longer require reduction, but effective management, including through the use of personnel consulting. 2012, 4 225

3 Agaeva A.N., Ledovskaya M.E. For the processes of personnel development and training, an erroneous approach to the formation of a request for personnel training is common. It manifests itself in the fact that the head of an organization, turning to a consultant to conduct staff training, orders a final service, most often associated with one or another type of training or audit and certification of managers and specialists. From the point of view of personnel consulting, first of all, before signing documents on conducting advanced training and personnel training, within the framework of the received request, the HR consultant needs to work with the client's request, develop it. At this stage, it is appropriate for the consultant to ask the customer a question of the following content: "What organizational problem do you want to solve by conducting this type of training?" As a result, at this point of preparation for the implementation of a personnel training project, as a rule, the customer is worried about the low level of achievement of organizational goals, the inconsistency of the actions of departments, employees in them, their inability and unwillingness to work for a common goal. In this regard, one of the fundamentally important stages in the preparation and implementation of a project within the framework of personnel consulting for advanced training and personnel training should be preliminary organizational diagnostics in the form of in-depth interviews with heads of departments. The results of the diagnostics will help to reveal the prerequisites of misunderstanding by many managers and employees of the goals and objectives of their activities, as well as their insufficient motivation to cooperate with each other. Based on the formed and structured goals and objectives of training, it is necessary to determine the desired result as accurately as possible and fix it in the project documentation. At the same time, to determine the outcome criteria, it is possible to use common methods, for example, such as key performance indicators, within the framework of the balanced scorecard methodology. Detailing the cyclic training of the organization's personnel and the work of the consultant at each of the stages of this process, in our opinion, it is appropriate to adhere to the following algorithm (Fig.). At the stage of diagnosing the organization's personnel problems, the goal is to highlight the problem of professionalism (for its solution through subsequent training), in the future it is necessary to set training goals for the entire block-modular system and coordinate them with the management in order to ensure that the participants achieve the training goals with the subsequent identification of the achieved and unreached goals and understand the reasons that hindered the achievement of some goals. From the point of view of personnel consulting to professional development and personnel training, the content of training programs for different categories personnel is largely determined by the goals and strategy of the organization as a whole, as well as by the analysis of the professional activities of employees, during which work functions are identified and the knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for the successful fulfillment of relevant professional tasks are established. In the process of developing a consulting project for personnel training, in our opinion, it is necessary to take into account the following principles: feedback on the assessment criteria, on the intermediate and on the final effectiveness of their training. 2. Practical development of the acquired knowledge and skills both during training and in the short term after it. 3. Ensuring the transfer of acquired knowledge and skills into working conditions, the possibility of their full use. 226 BUKEP Bulletin

4 Actual problems of the economy Stage 1 Diagnostics of the organization's personnel problems 1. clarification of problems associated with an insufficient level of professional training; selection of the highest priority personnel problems Stage 2 Coordination of training goals and design of a block-modular educational process Algorithm of personnel consulting Stage 3 setting goals for a block-modular training system; coordination of learning objectives with management; planning intermediate learning objectives (objectives for modules); setting educational tasks (within each module); analysis of the characteristics of the composition of the participants in the context of the planned goals; selection of forms of training (methods, technologies, etc.) for tasks, taking into account the characteristics of the trainees; development of a specific training program (for the next module in more detail, for the next more abstract); linking the program of the first module to the dates and dates Conducting training; creating motivation for training among participants in this module; implementation of the main part curriculum this module; summing up the results of training in the first module together with the trainees; independent analysis of the results of this module; creating motivation for the participants to learn in the next module of the block-modular system (return to the first point of this stage) Stage 4 Analysis of learning outcomes comparative analysis of goals and learning outcomes together with the participants; development of recommendations to participants for further professional development; independent analysis of the learning outcomes of participants in a block-modular system Fig. Algorithm of the cyclicality of the stages of personnel consulting in training the personnel of the organization 4. The actual demand for learning outcomes in the process. 5. Formation and maintenance of high motivation for learning, the creation of an intra-organizational norm to learn. 2012, 4 227

5 Agaeva A.N., Ledovskaya M.E. 6. Comprehensive accounting of the initial level of knowledge of students. Applying the approaches of personnel consulting to professional development and training in planning a project and training processes, its further implementation and diagnostics of the results obtained, in our opinion, it is necessary to constantly compare and verify the available data on the next levels: the level of professional skills (skills management system) whether training leads to the practical development of the business processes of a given organization, how specific and technological it is, whether it becomes the result of an employee's “can”. “The great goal of education is not knowledge but action,” wrote Herbert Spencer. However, high-quality training only at the level of professional skills, without a motivational component, has a dangerous effect as its consequence: training of personnel for competitors; the level of interesting activity (knowledge management system) does the training support the interest, “want” the employee, his motivation to be involved, to be ready and able to solve business problems. If a person is interested in an activity, it makes him acquire knowledge and develop skills. Here it is important for the manager to understand the simple idea that the motivating force for the employee should be possessed, first of all, by the very activity that the person is engaged in in the organization, and that maintaining this basic motivation is the concern of the management; alignment with corporate goals and strategy whether training strengthens employee “trust”, whether it strengthens corporate bonds, whether it works to strengthen the company's image. By positioning the knowledge generation process as the basis of organizational learning, giving it a cyclical or spiral nature, an organization is able not only to open up new activities, effectively using the existing resource base, but also to significantly increase its competitiveness in the long term. 7. However, we found that in the majority of projects implemented by Russian companies, consulting through training is undeservedly ignored. The use of this form affects directly the subject of management and allows not only to help in solving managerial problems, but also to train top management in methods of solving management tasks... In addition, this approach will increase the ability of personnel to adapt to changing socio-economic conditions and market requirements, reduce staff turnover, maintain and disseminate among employees the core values ​​and priorities of corporate culture. References 1. Agaeva A.N. Integration consulting as a tool for making managerial decisions // Bulletin of BUPK S Magura M.I. Organization of training for company personnel / M.I. Magura, M.B. Kurbatov. Moscow: ZAO Business School Intel-Sintez, p. 3. Rozdolskaya I.V. Knowledge management as a complex process of identification and development of intellectual key competence of business entities and increasing their competitiveness / I.V. Rozdolskaya, K.V. Likhonin // Bulletin of BUPK S Forsif P. Development and training of personnel: per. from English SPb .: Neva, p. 5. Shane E.G. Consulting process. Building a mutually beneficial client-consultant relationship. SPb .: Peter, p. KAF_MM 228 BUKEP Bulletin

BULLETIN OF THE BELGOROD UNIVERSITY OF COOPERATION, ECONOMY AND LAW UDC 339.187 Matveeva OP, Cand. econom. Sciences, Associate Professor, Head. Department of Customs, Belgorod University of Cooperation, Economics and Law

1. general information about discipline 1.1. Discipline name: Personnel management 1.2. The complexity of the discipline 144 hours (4 ZETS) of which full-time training: lectures 0 practical lessons 68 hours control

Federal State Budgetary educational institution higher education "Penza State University"(FSBEI VO" PSU ") Faculty of Economics and Management Department" Management and Economic

Annotation of the work program of the discipline direction of training 03.03.03 Personnel management focus "Human resource management" Discipline: B3.B.26 Fundamentals of management consulting

ANO VO "Russian New University" Faculty of Economics, Management and Finance Department Management LIST OF GRADUATION QUALIFICATION WORKS Bachelor's theses in the direction of preparation 03.03.02 "Management",

Project plan SALES SYSTEM AUDIT WHEN DO YOU NEED A SALES AUDIT? FORMATION OF POSITIVE TRENDS OVERCOMING NEGATIVE TRENDS Identifying reserves for sales growth Identifying critical factors

1. Strategic personnel management 2. Planning and forecasting the need for personnel 3. Planning work with personnel 4. Marketing personnel c. 5. Marketing personnel management 6. Management

UDC 339.138: 339.37 Alyabyeva M.V., Doctor of Economics. in Economics, Professor, Chair of Economics, Belgorod University of Cooperation, Economics and Law HUMAN RESOURCES MARKETING DEVELOPMENT IN RETAIL TRADE ORGANIZATIONS IN

UDC 005.95 DEVELOPMENT OF AN INVARIANT COMPETENCY MODEL AS AN ELEMENT OF THE COMPANY'S HUMAN RESOURCES 2015 L. A. Afanasyeva, K. V. Kopteva Cand. econom. Sci. Associate Professor of the Department of Marketing and Personnel Management e-mail:

1 23. Institutional economic theory. 24. The theory of property rights. Historical evolution of forms of ownership. 25. The theory of transaction costs. Transaction costs: essence and classification.

1. general characteristics professional retraining programs 1.1. The purpose of the requirements for the minimum content and level of professional retraining (hereinafter referred to as the Requirements) is retraining

Development Strategy of Syktyvkar State University for the period up to 2030 (approved by the Academic Council of SyktSU on October 28, 2014) 1 Development Strategy of Syktyvkar State University

1. General information about the discipline 1.1. Discipline name: Management consulting 1.2. The complexity of the discipline: - 108 hours (3 ZETS) of which full-time training: lectures 13 hours. laboratory studies

Project activities Typical structure business processes v1.1 / 05.2012 A1 Developing an agreed operating environment A1.1 Analysis external environment A1.1.1 Analysis of political changes, legislative

MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "KUBAN STATE AGRARIAN UNIVERSITY"

Seminars Moscow Business School Source URL: Director of Training and Development. Creation of a training system in the company The personnel training and development system is one of the components


Provision of services Typical structure of business processes v1.1 / 05.2012 A1 Developing an agreed operating environment A1.1 Analysis of the external environment A1.1.1 Analysis of political changes, legislative and regulatory

Kostenko Ya.I., undergraduate, Povolzhskiy Institute of Management named after P.A. Stolypin, Russia, Saratov Scientific adviser: Gryaznova, Candidate of Social Sciences, Associate Professor Povolzhsky Institute of Management named after P.A. Stolypin, E.R. Russia,

Direction of preparation of masters 080400 "Management" Name of the educational cycle / Name of discipline units M. General scientific cycle 0 Competencies implemented Form of final control Basic part

(UiMK) Business card Website address: E-mail: Phone: + 7-910- 422-41-52 Activity: providing consulting services in the field of managerial and motivational

ANO VO "Russian New University" Faculty of Economics, Management and Finance Department of "Management"

FQP topics in the area of ​​preparation 03.03.02 Management: 1. Business planning in the activities of the organization (for example). 2. Organization of the internal planning system. 3. Strategic planning

1. General information about the discipline 1.1. The name of the discipline: Personnel management 1 .. The labor intensity of the discipline is 7 hours (SET) of which in full-time education: 14 hours of lectures. Practical classes 18 hours. Control

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "RUSSIAN ACADEMY OF FOLK ECONOMY and STATE SERVICE under the PRESIDENT OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION" SOUTH-RUSSIAN

Moscow, 2014 2 THEMATIC PLAN OF THE PROGRAM ... 3 CURRICULUM PLAN OF THE PROGRAM ... 4 CONTENT OF THE PROGRAM MODULES ... 5 3 THEMATIC PLAN OF THE PROGRAM Training module of the program Module 1 "Management competence

APPROVED by M.A. Ponomarev from Themes of final qualification works in the Department of Management Theory and Business Technologies for students of the direction 38.03.02 "Management", profile "Economics and


HEI "University of Management" TISBI "Faculty of Management Department of Management Approved at a meeting of the Faculty Council Protocol February 6" 2 "

The curriculum of the educational program of professional retraining "Master of Business Administration" Categories of students: students with higher professional education and practical experience

ANNOTATION OF THE WORKING PROGRAM OF THE DISCIPLINE (MODULE) Innovation and investment management in personnel management for students enrolled in the training direction 38.03.03 "Personnel management" (qualification

Management Profile "Management of the organization" Topic of final qualification works 1. Analysis of the external environment and taking into account its impact on the efficiency of activities 2. Anti-crisis management based on reengineering

Annotation to the educational program for advanced training "Strategic management educational organization"The program is designed for heads of educational institutions, administrative and management

Seminars Moscow Business School Source URL: Building a personnel training system in a company

Scroll exam questions entrance exam for a magistracy in the specialty 6M050700- "Management" Discipline - "Management" 1. Management science in the system of economic sciences 2. The essence of management

The purpose of the EP: the formation of general cultural, general professional and professional competencies in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education for this direction training necessary to meet the challenges of professional

Appendix 8 Annotations of the working programs of modules in the direction of training 38.04.03. "Personnel management" training profile "Personnel management in financial and credit institutions" Contents BP.B1

B1.B.1. Social policy of the state and management of the social development of the organization The discipline "Social policy of the state and management of the social development of the organization" refers to the professional

Systematization of activities in the field of personnel development BI TO BE Development of comprehensive training and personnel development programs BI TO BE is the largest consulting company in the North-West of Russia that provides

APPROXIMATE TOPICS OF DIPLOMA PAPERS FOR BACHELORS TRAINING IN HUMAN RESOURCES FOR THE 2014/15 ACADEMIC YEAR 1. Analysis of the organization's personnel as an object of management. 2. Building the system

BULLETIN OF THE BELGOROD UNIVERSITY OF COOPERATION, ECONOMY AND LAW UDC 339.138 Nemykin DN, Cand. econom. in Economics, Associate Professor, Chair of Marketing and Management, Belgorod University of Cooperation, Economics and Law

Private institution of additional professional education "Yuzhno-Uralskiy educational plant" Approved on July 01, 20f6. General director of ChU DPO "Yuzhno-Uralskiy educational plant" A.P. Chekalin



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Federal State Educational Budgetary Institution of Higher Education "FINANCIAL UNIVERSITY UNDER THE GOVERNMENT OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION" (Financial University)

A.V. Shestakova Postgraduate student of Novosibirsk State Technical University Place of the process of restructuring the active part of fixed capital in the general system of enterprise management All management

CE. Astrakhantsev, I.N. Ridetskaya BUSINESS STUDIO IN BUSINESS EDUCATION The transition of the domestic economy to market conditions of management led not only to changes in the structure of the modern labor market,

Appendix to Order 221 of September 05, 2014 Approximate topic of final qualification works in the specialty 080507.65 "Organization Management" 1. Analysis and assessment of production potential

1. Goals and objectives of the discipline, its place in the educational process, requirements for the level of mastering the content of the discipline 1.1. Goals and objectives of studying the discipline The discipline "Human Resources Management" continues

Approximate topic of final qualifying (bachelor's) works in the direction of training 080200.62 Management 1. Management of a small business in a market economy. 2. Management of commercial

Malinnikova M. E. Possibility of using the balanced scorecard in Russian conditions (on the example of high-tech sector enterprises) The article presents the method of enterprise management

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LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY "INSTITUTE OF PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION" 119334, Moscow, Vavilova st., 5 bldg. 3 INN 7725323890 / KPP 772501001 Curriculum / MBA-mini curriculum: Construction

Approximate subject of bachelor's work in the direction of training "Management" 1. Organizational and economic mechanism for increasing the efficiency of production management. 2. Improving organizational

ANNOTATION " Internship(practice for obtaining professional skills and experience of professional activity) "Expected results The academic discipline provides the mastery of the following competencies:

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Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "St. Petersburg State University of Industrial


BULLETIN OF THE BELGOROD UNIVERSITY OF COOPERATION, ECONOMY AND LAW UDC 001.895: 005.32: 331.101.3 Snitko L.T., Ph.D. sciences, professor, head. Department of Economics, Belgorod University of Cooperation, Economics

Approximate topic of final qualifying works in specialty 080507 "Organization management" specialization "Management of hotel and restaurant enterprises" (main educational program)

The basic model of IFRS reporting of an enterprise Educational practice-oriented product Reporting in accordance with IFRS business and legal requirements The Law of the Republic of Belarus "On accounting and

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The emergence and development, and hence the systematic study of the industry of management consulting services, becomes almost inevitable for an economy in which industrial relations are regulated by creating political, economic, legal, socio-psychological and other conditions. Accordingly, management consultants are involved in order to remove the uncertainty arising at different stages of the process of preparing, making and implementing responsible management decisions.

Moreover, in modern conditions the problem of personnel management is key in restructuring the management system of any enterprise (organization, firm), since based on the conditions of the new management paradigm, personnel is now viewed as the main resource of the enterprise, which must be competently managed and invested in its development.

Currently, there is a tendency to complicate the structural and functional composition of organizations, which inevitably creates a request for the introduction of more effective forms and methods of personnel management. Specialists have become more educated and professionally trained, better informed and better aware of their rights, their level of employment and life needs have increased, the value system has changed dramatically. There is a need for qualitatively new tasks of personnel development, while an insufficient level of training of the personnel management service for this work is revealed. Lukyanova T.V. Management of innovations in personnel work: a training manual / T.V. Lukyanova et al. - M .: Prospect, 2012. - P.12.

The resolution of these contradictions requires constant updating of personnel management systems, purposeful activity of heads of the organization and specialists of personnel management services to ensure the pace of updating work on personnel management in accordance with the current and future goals of the organization, professional assistance in which is provided by specialists - consultants. HR consulting is a type of activity associated with solving problems facing top managers in the field of human resource management. The main goal of HR consultants is to improve the quality of HR services, which in turn will have a significant impact on the efficiency of the company as a whole and increase the individual productivity of each employee.

For Russia, HR consulting is a relatively new direction, but the most growing sector of the economy.

General problems of personnel management in domestic literature are considered in the works of V.V. Avdeeva, T.Yu. Bazarov, V.R. Vesnina, O.S. Vikhansky, I.P. Gerchikova, A.P. Egorshina, A.I. Naumova, O.K. Platov, V.I. Luneva, N.N. Trenev, V.K. Tambovtseva, G.N. Chernetsova, Yu.A. Tsypkina and others. Particular issues of personnel consulting are mainly covered in periodicals.

Purpose of this work: to study the features of personnel consulting.

To achieve the goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

Give a concept to the term "personnel consulting";

Reveal the features of personnel consulting;

Explore the formation of HR consulting in the Russian Federation.

This work is an abstract presentation of the material on the research topic, based on the study and analysis of theoretical sources of the above and other authors.

The work consists of an introduction, two chapters of the main part, a conclusion and a list of used literature.

1 . Personnelconsulting: concept,essence

1.1 The mainconceptsanddefinitions

Consulting (eng. Consulting - consulting) - a type of professional services provided to corporate clients interested in optimizing their business. The range of problems solved by consulting is very wide: strategy, ecology, labor organization, investments, personnel policy, finance, taxes, etc. In other words, consulting is any assistance in solving a particular problem provided by external consultants.

As a type of professional activity, counseling emerged at the end of the 19th century. As the economy became more complex and the corresponding development of economic and social sciences began to form new area professional services - consulting in economics and management, and one of the first professional consultants in this area was the founder of the theory of scientific enterprise management F. Taylor (the author of the well-known system of Taylorism). The first management consulting firm was formed in 1914 in Chicago. In the 20-30s. such firms spread in Europe (primarily in England and Germany), in the 40-50s. - and in other regions of the world (Asia, Africa, Latin America).

The range of problems solved by consulting is very wide. Today, there is no clear classification of services provided by consulting companies in the field of personnel management. Each company classifies the service based on its own perception. The total mass of consulting services can be classified on the following grounds: V.S. Efremov. Consulting activity: Textbook / V.S. Efremov. - M .: Yurayt-Izdat, 2012 .-- P. 70.

1) Direction: business consulting; psychological counseling.

2) By industry or subject area of ​​consulting: consulting in personnel management; legal consulting; IT consulting; marketing consulting; consulting in logistics, etc.

In the European Directory of Management Consultants N.N. Organizational consulting. Training course / N.N. Grigoriev. - M .: MIEMP, 2010 .-- 36 p. the subject classification of consulting services is given, it is divided into 8 groups:

General management is the development and planning of a general development strategy; forecasting; organization of branches, divisions and new firms, changes in the form of ownership, etc.

Administration - issues of formation and registration of companies, organization of office work, data processing, i.e. optimization of organization management.

Financial management - questions financial planning and control, taxes, accounting, insurance, etc.

Personnel management - recruiting employees, monitoring the level of training of personnel, remuneration systems, advanced training and training, etc.

Marketing - the formation of structural divisions for sales and marketing, the selection of reliable partners, wholesalers, the search for new customers and markets, stimulation and research of sales prospects.

Manufacturing selection of production process technology, stimulation of labor productivity, assessment and control of product quality, etc.

Information technology - the use of computers and information systems in management.

Specialized services are those types of services that do not belong to any of the above groups: training consulting, information consulting, telecommunications, environmental consulting, consulting in the public sector, etc.

One of the fastest growing markets in the world is the management consulting market. Its growth is 15-20% per year, which is 2-3 times higher than the rate of development of markets for high-tech products and consumer services. This category of consulting activities also includes consulting in the field of human resource management and their development (including specialized training for employees), as well as the formation (or transformation) of the corporate culture and leadership style of personnel management.

In the work of personnel services of any organization, questions arise:

1. Where and how to attract professional staff?

2. How to increase staff motivation?

3. Will training employees improve their work efficiency?

4. How to optimize the headcount?

5. The company is growing rapidly, it is necessary to formalize procedures, establish uniform rules of the game. How to deal with this?

6. Is it worth evaluating top management?

7. How not to be mistaken in choosing a new manager?

In search of answers to these and other questions related to the organization of the effective work of the personnel management service, the implementation of personnel consulting procedures will help.

Consider how HR consulting is defined by practitioners and academics? Thus, N. Arefieva describes HR consulting as a system of organizational and psychological measures for diagnosing and, if necessary, correcting the organizational structure and / or culture of an enterprise (organization) in order to improve performance indicators, optimize the socio-psychological climate, and enhance staff motivation. Specialists of the ProfBuh group of companies understand personnel consulting as activities aimed at solving complex problems in the field of human resource management at an enterprise. Arefieva N. Personnel consulting - what is it // Management consulting. Guide to the market of professional services / N. Arefieva. - M .: Kommersant XXI, Alpina Publisher, 2002.

HR consulting - providing consulting services to the top management of organizations on personnel management issues. Tselyutina T.V. Directions and technologies of consulting in human resource management / T.V. Tselyutina // Economics and Management: Problems and Development Trends. - Yaroslavl, 2011. - No. 12. - 103 p.

The European Federation of Associations of Economics and Management Consultants (FEACO) defines: "Management consulting is the provision of independent advice and assistance on management issues, including the identification and assessment of problems and / or opportunities, recommendation of appropriate measures and assistance in their implementation." Grigorieva N.N. Organizational consulting. Training course / N.N. Grigoriev. - M .: MIEMP, 2010 .-- 36 p.

Thus, HR consulting is a kind of management consulting (consulting), and based on this, HR consulting (HR consulting, HR-consulting, HR-consulting) is a type of activity associated with solving the problems faced by senior managers in the field of human resource management. resources in order to increase the profitability of the business. Tsytsarova T.E. Management consulting: text of lectures / T.E. Tsytsarova. ? Ulyanovsk: UlSTU, 2009.? 63 s.

The goal of HR consulting is to provide the client organization with the latest and most effective ways work with human resources.

The subject of HR consulting is a consultant or consulting firm, the object is a client (managers and specialists of an organization in need of consulting services).

The product of the consulting activity is the service provided to the client. A service to an individual or organization is understood as the implementation of a specific plan of activity that is useful and acceptable to the client.

This type of consulting services is aimed at satisfying the functions related to the field of personnel services, namely, within the framework of personnel consulting, the following tasks are solved: Kubr M. Management consulting: an introduction to the profession / M. Kubr. - M .: Planum, 2006 .-- 977 p. S.404-406.

1) Organization from scratch of the activities of the personnel service.

2) Improving the efficiency of the existing personnel management service.

3) Development and optimization of individual procedures for personnel management: documentation of personnel management; search, selection and adaptation of personnel; personel assessment; incentive and motivation system; education and development.

In the course of personnel consulting, the following can be carried out: Klopotovskaya P. Personnel consulting: essence and content // Science Magazine"Humanities, socio-economic and social sciences" / P. Klopotovskaya. - 2012. - No. 5.

Analysis of the current state and human resources of the company;

Analysis of job functions and organizational and personnel structure of the enterprise;

Evaluation of the personnel structure of the organization, identification of the personnel reserve;

Analysis of the existing system of personnel management, personnel management and its motivation;

Analysis of the effectiveness of existing in the organization methods of attracting, adapting and promoting personnel;

Assessment of the professional level of the company's employees based on its goals and objectives;

Diagnostics of the psychological climate and organizational culture;

Evaluation of the effectiveness of management styles, interaction of the management team with the team;

Optimization of management technology and personnel activities.

1. 2 PersonnelconsultingvOf Russia

HR consulting management personnel

Personnel consulting in Russia, like its other types, was formed at the very beginning of the 1990s, went through a number of stages, which, at the same time, are organically connected with the development of the science of personnel management (Table 1)

With the onset of market transformation processes, business leaders found themselves in a very difficult situation, which was a source of huge potential demand for management consulting.

The prerequisites for the development of consulting in the field of personnel management in Russia were:

The need to solve the problems of increasing production efficiency, the most important asset of which is becoming intellectual capital;

Increasingly widespread dissemination of the concept of human capital, the main provisions of which justify personnel investment;

Increasing the knowledge intensity of the field of personnel management, requiring specialists to know the best examples of world achievements, having scientific skills, experience in implementing projects in the field of personnel management and other essential competencies;

Improving the managerial competence of managers at various levels, their understanding of modern realities, and, as a result, their demand for consulting services in the field of personnel management.

Table 1 - Development of personnel consulting in the relationship and the science of personnel management Klopotovskaya P.V. Demand for consulting in the field of personnel management / P.V. Klopotovskaya, T.V. Lukyanova // Kadrovik. - 2013. - No. 8.- S. 124-132.

Human Resource Management Science


Origin 1990-2000

Beginning of training specialists in personnel management within the framework of the specialty "Management".

Formation scientific school personnel management.

The emergence of personnel management systems at Russian enterprises

The arrival of Western consulting companies, the creation of a market for consulting services.

The emergence of the first school of management consultants in the structure of the Academy of National Economy under the Government of the Russian Federation. Formation of the concept of "consultant"

Formation 2000-2008

Separation of personnel management into an independent specialty.

Widespread at Russian enterprises, personnel management systems that implement modern approaches to personnel management.

The emergence of the first professional communities of HR specialists

Allocation of a new direction in the structure of management consulting - personnel, mainly within the framework of large diversified consulting companies.

Development 2008 - present

Allocation of personnel management into an independent direction of training.

Regular holding of international and interuniversity conferences and forums on personnel management

Growth in the number of companies specializing in HR consulting.

Active promotion of consulting services in personnel management

With the onset of the global financial crisis at the end of 2008, professional associations of consultants, like the entire consulting market, found themselves in new difficult conditions that forced them to significantly revise their activities. In an environment where companies and individual consultants were faced with the question of survival, they realized the benefits of merger. Today, the leaders in personnel consulting have stood out: ECOPSY Consulting, Euromanagement, Compulink Group, IT Group, IBS, etc.). Map of Russian Consulting // Auditor. - 2011. - No. 3. - S. 18-22.

It is important to note that in different periods of development of both the consulting itself and the customer organizations, different directions were in demand. Thus, in 2002, the greatest demand was for personnel assessment and development services, and the services for the individual development of top managers - coaching - were relevant. In 2003, the greatest demand was for KPI development services ( key indicators efficiency), personnel motivation and certification systems. In 2004-2005, the greatest demand was for services for the implementation of information systems for personnel management. In 2006-2007, the greatest demand was recorded for personnel assessment services, individual assessment centers, the development and implementation of competency models, for automated human resource management systems that allow optimizing work not only in terms of personnel records management and payroll. In 2008-2009, the main emphasis shifted to the calculation of the normative headcount, automation of basic HR functions: payroll, time tracking, personnel administration, and organizational structure management. In 2010-2011, services in the field of personnel development, master classes for company leaders are becoming topical areas. At the same time, the demand for classic HR services decreases: creating managerial competencies and management procedures for goals, development of bonus systems. The client is increasingly doing this on his own.

As many experts note, the relevance of demand for different areas of personnel services is associated with the dynamics of the market itself, as well as with the dynamics of the development of organizations. Today the structure of the Russian consulting market is as follows (Fig. 1). In the same place.

Figure 1 - Structure of the Russian consulting market,%

As can be clearly seen from the diagram, on the Russian market one of the most demanded services is consulting in the field of personnel management. Moreover, according to experts, in the future the demand for this type of service will only increase.

Thus, based on the above data, we can conclude that the list of services provided by consulting companies in the field of personnel consulting today covers a wide range of areas. It is obvious that consulting in the field of personnel management has firmly won positions in many vital sectors of the country and a competitive environment has been created that is able to provide services in the field of personnel consulting of a wide range and of high quality.

However, despite the high dynamics of development, a change in attitudes towards consultants in Russia, and other positive shifts, experts agree that the Russian market of consulting services is not mature and is still at a stage of development, which involves the emergence of large companies - leaders, concentration market as a result of massive processes of mergers and acquisitions, significant product differentiation - consulting services.

2. Personnelcounseling howelementdevelopmentpersonnelservice

So, we found out that HR consulting (HR consulting) is a special professional activity of HR management specialists. It involves assisting an organization or individual leaders in resolving managerial problems. Kudryavtseva E.I. Personnel management / E.I. Kudryavtseva. - SPb: Publishing house MIPK, 2008 .-- 293 p.

HR consulting as a personnel management program is possible in two versions.

Vfirstoptionpersonnelcounseling represents any assistance provided by the consultant in matters of content, process, task structure. At the same time, the personnel consultant himself does not solve the issues with which they turn to him for help, but creates a special situation in which the customers themselves find a solution. In other words, the task of personnel consulting is to use a special technology for analyzing problems, in which a person or a group of people are able to see their own situation from a different perspective, discover unused reserves and choose an acceptable solution for themselves. In this sense, all employees of the organization are personnel consultants for each other when colleagues turn to colleagues for help or ask them to clarify some circumstances that raise doubts.

Consequently, personnel consulting in the first option involves the potential participation of the following entities: top managers (senior managers); heads of departments; specialists; line managers; performers.

The HR manager is a representative of a group of specialists. Accordingly, any employee of the organization, regardless of rank, can contact him with questions regarding the problems of organizing interaction with colleagues, subordinates, managers or with questions of organizing their own activities. Personnel counseling of this kind is carried out individually and in a group.

Individual personnel consulting is carried out using the modeling method. The consultant organizes procedures by which the consultant describes the situation causing difficulty and gets the opportunity to analyze it.

As modeling techniques, such as SWOT analysis, semantic modeling (verbal description of characteristics), structural modeling, etc. are used.

The modern form of counseling is called coaching. Coaching is a specific form of counseling, in which the consultant himself gradually draws up an action plan aimed at realizing his goals, sees his capabilities and learns to use them. In the process of coaching, the consultant does not put pressure on the consultant, does not offer him options for getting out of the situation. The task of the consultant is to control the course of reasoning of the consultant in order to prevent logical and factual errors in decision-making.

Group personnel consulting is carried out in the form of seminars, trainings and conferences. At seminars, a personnel consultant primarily acts as a teacher-carrier new information... Seminars, as a rule, are used when there are no serious problems in the organization, the staff works stably. The task of the seminar is to tell in more detail about some aspect of the activity - technologies, materials, means of activity, forms of its organization, new documents formalizing the activity, etc.

The structure of the seminar has two parts:

Informational - the main part of the seminar devoted to the presentation of new material;

Explanatory - answers to questions and clarifications of certain aspects.

At the same time, a seminar as a form of personnel consulting cannot replace personnel training, but only supplements it.

Training as an independent form of group personnel consulting is used more and more widely. The main task of the training is to create a new state of the group, in which the problems of the participants receive new coverage. It is the achievement of a new state that allows during the training to quickly form skills that are not formed during seminars, discussions and training. The training is based on action orientation. During the training, participants receive answers to the following questions:

1) How to act in specific circumstances;

2) What is the own resource of efficiency of actions;

3) How this resource can be increased;

4) What internal mechanisms are a hindrance to individual effectiveness;

5) What is the range of actual competence.

The same issues can be resolved in the course of individual counseling. However, group work can significantly save time, since the group creates special socio-psychological effects that intensify the processes of skills formation.

Trainings are also used to form the special properties of the group as a whole, such as integrity, flexibility, communication, as well as to give the group a unified corporate culture. For this purpose, the training works out the skills of telephone conversations, negotiations with clients and partners, behavior skills, especially the style of communication, appearance, etc.

The conference is a special type of counseling that has not yet been adequately developed. The goal of the conference is to create conditions for a direct dialogue between employees of the organization and a representative of a particular management level or specialized unit. During the preparation of the conference, questions are preliminarily collected from potential participants, addressed to the person invited to the conference. The conference itself is a direct meeting of the organization's employees with an invited person. At the beginning of this meeting, the general answers to the questions raised are presented. Further, it is supposed to work in the mode of a press conference, when questions come from the audience and require an obligatory immediate answer. At the end of the conference, the results are summed up and the order of consideration of the questions and proposals received is reported.

Conferences need to be carefully prepared, preparing participants for them. In this, the main role is played by personnel consultants who act as PR-support. if the conference is carried out correctly, it can remove many contradictions in the organization, prevent organizational conflicts, adjust the elements of organizational culture, in particular - to approve the image of top management and individual specialists.

Secondoptionpersonnelcounseling represented by special projects implemented in the organization. In this case, the organization, as a rule, has already faced operational problems and acts as a customer for resolving these problems. Such consulting is most often carried out by an external consulting service, which the organization turns to in the role of the client. The task of the consultants:

1) Identification of organizational and managerial problems;

2) Analysis of the identified problems, identification of their sources and assessment of the possibilities for their resolution;

4) Provision of methodological and organizational assistance in the implementation of recommendations.

Thus, the second option for personnel consulting involves the introduction of consultants into the system of organizing activities and management and participation in management as specialists. In this sense, HR consulting is similar to crisis management and is sometimes an essential part of it. T.Yu. Bazarov Personnel Management: Textbook / Ed. T.Yu. Bazarova, B.L. Eremena. - M .: Unity-Dana, 2009. - S. 238. proposes to subdivide personnel consulting of this kind into types depending on what characteristics of consulting come to the fore. The HR consulting paradigms are presented in two options:

Two behavioral roles of the consultant can be distinguished: resource consultant; process consultant:

In terms of resources - an examination of the current state of the professional and personnel status and a proposal for ways to resolve personnel problems. The resource consultant (expert) assists the client, but the organization’s management does not expect him to be broadly concerned with the social and behavioral aspects of the organization’s change process. He participates in the discussion, supplies the necessary information, develops a new system, trains staff, makes some recommendations, but his actions are limited.

By process - organizing the process of resolving problems and teaching employees of the organization to act independently within the framework of the created algorithms. The process consultant is an active subject of changes in the organization, he tries to teach the client to solve his problems, transferring methods, predicting the consequences of changes, approaches to assessment, so that the organization itself can further diagnose and eliminate (solve) its own problems.

The difference between these behavioral roles of the consultant is that if the resource consultant tries to suggest to the client what to change, the process consultant mainly suggests how to change and helps the client to survive the change process and solve human relationship problems as they arise. E. Shane describes this model as "the type of activity of a consultant that helps the client to notice, understand and influence events in the course of the processes that take place in the client's environment." Kornyushin V.Yu. HR consulting. Educational-methodical complex / V.Yu. Kornyushin. - M .: MIEMP, 2010 .-- 86 p. P. 12.

Consulting paradigms are directly related to the type of consulting order, which can be expressed in two forms:

1) Order-task - a specific formulation of the problem with the application of a specific consulting product.

When addressing an order-task to a consultant, the customer wants to solve a specific problem and even suggests how this can be achieved. He actually delegates the executive function to consultants, giving them the opportunity to independently choose the means;

2) Order-problem - the formulation of a problem that requires clarification and concretization.

Here the customer actually only defines the problem field in which he himself is ready to move under the guidance of a consultant. At the same time, the customer does not have a clear idea of ​​specific tasks, but rather only an image of the desired future. The consultant in this case must teach the customer to independently solve problems using the means offered by the consultant.

Personnel consulting is carried out in stages. In an enlarged form, two stages can be distinguished.

In more detail, the process or technology of personnel consulting can be represented in the form of the following main sequential actions:

1. Clarification of the problem encountered by the consulting object.

2. Discussion with the object of the essence of the problem.

3. Studying the problem, diagnosing the situation.

6. Provision of operational assistance to the object in the process of resolving a problem situation.

7. Evaluation of the results and consequences of the actions taken by the consulting object, making adjustments to the proposed technology.

The HR consulting scheme is shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2 - Stages of HR consulting

Counseling as a method of intervention and service delivery includes a learning process, research and information services. It can be expert and process (Fig. 3).

Figure 3 - Content blocks of consulting

The training of the consultant and the client is reciprocal, although sometimes the client is not aware of what the consultant is teaching. Learning is often used as a method of intervention for change and to help become comfortable with changes in the organization. Therefore, the consultant organizes training seminars for management personnel in the process of consulting. This practice requires teaching skills and developed learning technologies.

Research and consulting are related. The point is that when dealing with management problems, the consultant must be familiar with the results of scientific research and be able to use them. For example, before recommending a method, he needs to find out if anyone has studied its application in similar conditions, what are the negative and positive consequences of the method used, etc. From here, the consultant must maintain contact with leading researchers in the field of management, which naturally promotes both practice and scientific development. Many problems can be solved only with the help of scientific research, gaining new knowledge.

Information in counseling is of great importance and can influence the behavior of people who are interested and are able to draw conclusions and make management decisions based on it. Sometimes the only task that the client sets before the consultant is to provide the client with information on the problem he is interested in. Thus, balancing these interventions produces the best possible effect for the client.

Note that the following consulting services in the field of personnel management are currently being updated: assessment of working personnel (personnel audit); conducting seminars and trainings; coaching executives and top managers; benchmarking (legitimate business intelligence), etc. Consultants actively use technology project management; questioning, interviewing, conducting complex sociological research, monitoring, audit; trainings and coaching sessions, as well as focus group elements. Group discussion, diagnostics of team relations, elements of socio-psychological, reflexive and organizational trainings and personal growth groups bring quick results. Kravtsova N. Personnel consulting / N. Kravtsova. - Irkutsk: BSUEP, 2003 .-- P. 35.

Technologies for solving complex problems, modeling the desired future, and many others are gaining popularity. In the process of solving problems, the technology of group problem solving is used, the procedures of which prescribe certain actions aimed, ultimately, at solving the problem; diagnosis of the situation; problem statement; defining goals; development of solutions; project development; development of implementation programs.

The main technology used by consulting companies in the selection of personnel is executive recruiting (high-quality recruiting) and executive search (direct search for highly qualified specialists).

Consultants assist the client in testing and evaluating candidates. This is done through interviews, psychological or aptitude tests, through assessment centers, and by scrutinizing all recommendations. At the same time, they are also engaged in the development and distribution of computer psychometric tests for the selection, certification and assessment of personnel.

The effectiveness of HR consulting specialists is largely determined by the principles, the implementation of which is mandatory for them:

The principle of professional competence (constant development of the level of professional competence by consultants);

The principle of priority of the client's interests (the interests of the current client are higher than the interests of former clients and their own);

The principle of independence and objectivity (independence of thought and independence of behavior allows the consultant to express an impartial opinion without conflict of interest or negative influence of others);

The scientific principle (using the latest achievements of science).


Thus, the rapidly changing conditions of the external environment and the intensification of competition in various business sectors present high demands on the management of human resources to company leaders.

In this work, a theoretical analysis of the features of personnel consulting and its use in the development of personnel services was carried out. At the same time, the following tasks were solved:

The essence and content of consulting, its place in the system of personnel services has been investigated;

The goals, objectives and stages of counseling have been determined.

Personnel consulting is an activity carried out at the request of a client by specialists, specialized enterprises and organizations in the field of personnel management, the result of which is the development of recommendations for solving the problems posed.

The main task of consultants in the field of personnel management is to assist managers in optimizing the attraction and use of the organization's human resources.

Consequently, personnel consulting can be defined as a system of organizational and psychological measures for diagnosing and, if necessary, correcting the organizational structure and / or culture of an enterprise (organization) in order to improve performance indicators, optimize the socio-psychological climate, and enhance staff motivation.

We have studied the features of personnel consulting in the Russian Federation. The reform of the Russian economy has led to an increase and expansion of demand for consulting services in the field of personnel management. Based on the analysis carried out, professional consultants identify problems and find ways to eliminate them.

There are two behavioral roles of the consultant: resource consultant - examination of the current state of the professional and staffing status and proposing ways to resolve staffing problems; process consultant - organizing the problem-solving process and training the organization's employees to act independently within the framework of the created algorithms.

Any consulting project includes the main stages: diagnostics (identification of problems); development of solutions to the problem; implementation of solutions in the practical activities of the company. In an enlarged form, two stages can be distinguished.

At the first stage, the situation is analyzed and the basic strategy for solving the problem is determined;

At the second stage, specific procedures are formed and an action plan is developed, employees are trained to use these measures to improve the efficiency of their own activities, and managers are trained to manage a system of new measures of organizational procedures.

The training of the consultant and the client is reciprocal, although sometimes the client is not aware of what the consultant is teaching. The consultant organizes training seminars during the consultation process.

Currently, the following consulting services are being updated: assessment of working personnel (personnel audit); conducting seminars and trainings; coaching executives and top managers; benchmarking, etc.

At the same time, consultants actively use project management technologies; conducting complex sociological research, audit; trainings, etc. An effective result is brought by group discussion, diagnostics of team relations, elements of socio-psychological, reflective and organizational trainings.

The effectiveness of HR consulting specialists is largely determined by the principles, the implementation of which is mandatory for them.

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5. Egorshin A.P. Fundamentals of personnel management: textbook. manual / A.P. Egorshin. - M .: INFRA-M, 2011 .-- 352 p.

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Introduction 3

Chapter 1. Concept and essence of personnel consulting 5

1.1. HR consulting 5

organizational development tools 8

1.3. HR Consultant Toolkit 12

Chapter 2. Development of HR consulting in Russia and abroad 18

2.1. Research of the process, functions and tasks of HR consulting in Russia 18

in Russia and abroad 25

Conclusion 34

Literature 37


The rapidly changing conditions of the external environment and the intensification of competition in various business sectors place high demands on the management of human resources for company leaders. More and more often it is people with their professional skills that become the main competitive advantage of the company in the market.

HR consulting ( HR consulting ) is a type of activity associated with solving the problems facing top managers in the field of human resource management in order to increase the profitability of the business.

Every manager understands that one of the competitive advantages of doing business is the availability of high-quality staff. But the presence of highly qualified employees is not the only condition for a successful business organization; a system of effective personnel management and an increase in labor productivity of each employee is also required, which is impossible without a well-functioning HR administration system, correct HR documentation and compliance with labor legislation.

HR consulting is aimed at solving such problems - consulting services on HR administration (HR records) and workflow, labor relations and labor legislation.

When conducting personnel consulting, the current state of the personnel system and its potential are assessed, the optimal proportions between the management and executive personnel are identified, and the effectiveness of the human resource management system is analyzed. This type of consulting helps to solve many issues of the distribution of powers and responsibilities, the selection of employees for management positions, the construction of development prospects for each employee and all personnel in general.

Based on the information received, measures are developed to develop and improve the organization's management system.

The purpose of the course work is to explore issues related to the development of theoretical knowledge in the field of personnel consulting.

Coursework objectives:

Explore the essence and theory of personnel planning;

Study the development of HR consulting in Russia and abroad.

Chapter 1. The concept and essence of personnel consulting

1.1. HR consulting

In the modern activities of enterprises, an integrated approach to solving the problems of human resource management of an organization seems to be much wider than the scope of activities of personnel managers or personnel management services. At least this is evidenced by the noticeable growth and strengthening of the prestige of practical social psychology and consulting on organizational development in Russia and abroad. The experience of the last ten years (1990-2000) shows that the central point in the expectations of the client (or customer) is the consultant's assistance in finding and maximizing the involvement of the organization's human resources for its successful development. In general, these expectations can be reduced to at least three points: 1) the need to assess the current and future capabilities of the organization (for example, determining the potential of employees); 2) creation, together with the employees of the organization, a reorganization program (for example, the choice of a human resource management system); 3) consulting support of the organization up to bringing the agreed changes to the desired result (for example, through the organization of in-house personnel training) 1.

Each of these areas of activity assumes not only to use the conceptual and methodological tools available to the consultant, but also to determine how, in each specific case, to practically link the initial elements into an integral technology of activity. Therefore, it is clear that human resource management technologies of an organization should be focused on solving at least two types of tasks: I) diagnostics, examination or assessment of the organization's “human dimension”; 2) maintaining the reorganization or developmental processes in the organization.

Human resource management technologies of an organization, in our understanding, are a set of personnel management methods focused on assessing and improving the organization's “human resource”. As a rule, they are 1) created for a specific case and implemented through a consultation process; 2) are interdisciplinary in nature and provided by a team of specialists; 3) adapt to the culture of the organization and meet the requirement of practical effectiveness.

It is reasonable to ask the question: does the idea of ​​manufacturability contradict humanistic principles and an individual approach to work with the organization's personnel? Experience shows that this contradiction is removed if the personnel consultant manages, using the appropriate technology, to take into account the goals of the organization, the needs and capabilities of individual groups and individuals.

In our opinion, the approach to human resource management of an organization should be precisely technological - take into account all three components of the organization (the organization as a whole, individual groups and specific employees) and implement the achievement of the planned result through consistent implementation different options action.

In this section, we will discuss the possibilities and limitations of personnel management technologies, both expert type (Assessment Center, competition, personnel psychodiagnostics) and supportive (personnel training and team building).

There are many definitions of counseling and its application to situations and management problems. In the specialized literature, there are two main approaches to counseling.

The first approach takes a broad functional view of organizational reality, in which the consulting process refers to any form of assistance with respect to the content, process or structure of a task or series of tasks, in which the consultant is not himself responsible for the task, but helps those who are responsible for it. ... In this sense, most of the organization's staff members, as part of their functional activities, are consultants to their colleagues. These and similar definitions emphasize that consultants are assistants and assume that such assistance can be provided by persons performing a wide variety of work. So, any manager is a consultant when he advises or helps a subordinate, instead of giving orders.

From the point of view of the second approach, consulting is a special professional activity. At the same time, a number of characteristics are highlighted that it should have. According to a fairly widespread opinion, consulting can be carried out by a consulting service, which helps the client organization to identify management problems, analyze them, give recommendations on how to solve these problems and assist, if necessary, implement these solutions 2.

In this chapter, we will attempt to consider such an organization's human resource management technology as HR consulting for organizations. As already noted, the need for personnel consulting is, first of all, the need for new technologies for managing the organization's human resources.

Let's try to answer two questions:

2) What is the professional profile of a HR consultant?

1.2. The concept of HR consulting as
organization development tools

The peculiarity of the current situation in Russia is that consulting organizations on personnel problems as a professional area of ​​activity is only emerging: there is neither a legalized “professional profile” of this kind of specialists, nor special educational institutions where they would be prepared. Representatives of many specialties can be found among practicing consultants today. Most often, this type of activity is occupied by economists, lawyers, sociologists, programmers and psychologists.

Typically, psychologists are expected to provide recommendations on almost the entire spectrum of problems arising in the field of personnel management. Among the leaders-practitioners (including the new wave) there is a rather widespread opinion that it is psychologists who hold the coveted key not only to all the secrets of the mysterious soul of the employees of the organization, but also to most of the caches of personnel management. And if the diagnostics of personality and groups are actually taught to students of the Faculty of Psychology, then the subtleties of personnel management are most often mastered by consultants in practice.

Analysis of the tasks that de facto have to be solved by a social psychologist invited to an organization allows us to propose the following set of professional requirements for a HR consultant (or HR consultant):

1) the ability to identify and analyze personnel processes in the organization;

2) the ability to program personnel processes in the direction corresponding to the goals of the organization, including the skills to develop and apply specific tools and methods of working with personnel;

3) the ability to transfer technology personnel work personnel services staff.

HR consulting paradigms

Just like any other type of consulting organization, HR consulting can be carried out in two paradigms:

1) on resources - the consultant conducts an examination of the current state of the professional and personnel potential of the organization and proposes specific solutions to personnel problems;

2) by process - the consultant organizes the process of solving professional and personnel problems and trains employees of the organization to solve them independently.

The choice of the work paradigm is determined, as a rule, by the consultant himself, based primarily on the specifics of the order and the professional tools that he owns.

Types of orders for personnel consulting can be divided into orders-tasks and orders-problems (Table 1).

The resource consulting paradigm, as a rule, is applied in cases where the order is formulated in the form of a task, for the solution of which it is only necessary to select and use the existing tools.

Table 1

Reasons for the division into order types

Types of orders


Order problem

1. Purposes of the customer's appeal to the consultant

2. Degree of certainty of the customer's idea of ​​the final product of the consultation

3. Basic customer need

Tactical (solving a specific problem)

Names a specific consulting product

The solution of the problem

Tactical or strategic (the need to resolve a problem situation)

Describes the image of the desired future

Mastering ways and means of solving problems

Process consulting is usually used when the order is formulated as a problem and the consultant must either train the customer to use special tools for solving personnel problems, or at the same time create new (in a specific case) tools to solve it.

HR consulting is carried out in two main stages: analytical and programming.

The implementation of the analytical stage, as a rule, begins with an understanding of the topic and objectives of counseling. The main activities at this stage include:

1) analysis of the background of events - the specification of the situation that led to the need for consultation, the course of its development, the position of the customer, the reasons for the impossibility of independently solving the problem;

2) collecting additional information and putting forward hypotheses about personnel processes in the organization (searching for data from various sources, building a hypothetical model of the situation, analyzing similar situations, searching for the causes of processes, patterns and means used in similar situations);

3) diagnostics of the situation at the object of counseling - collecting data in order to test and clarify hypotheses, searching for additional information to concretize a possible counseling strategy;

4) clarification of the strategy and definition of the personnel consulting program - correction of the strategy, taking into account the data obtained in the course of diagnosing the situation at the object of consultation, formulating an idea of ​​the result of the consultation process, specific steps and proposed measures.

The programming stage aims to activate the human resource of the organization in the direction of the expected results. This requires the creation of 3:

1) "developmental environment" - the formation of an artificial process in an organization aimed at training its employees in ways to identify and solve problems;

2) "supportive environment" - the creation of conditions for the course of the process;

3) “fixing environment” - the transfer of a model process into a self-regulating one.

Achievement of the assigned tasks is possible only if the consultants manage to form in the organization a positive attitude shared by all towards the following principles of joint work on the problem: the principles of attractiveness, reality and controllability (or controllability) of the consulting process. The essence of the first principle is that the “image of the desired future” - the end result of the consultation - is attractive to all participants in the process. Agreeing with the second principle allows all participants in the work to be guided by the specific conditions of the current situation, to “ground” their ideas based on the existing restrictions (among which the interests of counterparties play an important role). Finally, adherence to the principle of controllability allows all participants together and each separately, through appropriate contributions to the normative regulation of what is happening, to control the process of movement towards the final result.


1.3. HR Consultant Toolkit

If in developed countries The professionalization of the activities of consultants in the field of development of organizations, as well as specialists in human resource management and personnel training has reached its mature forms, but in Russia this process has just begun. It is known that the institutionalization of professional activity includes phases of social and cognitive institutionalization.

Phases of social and cognitive institutionalization

Social institutionalization is usually understood as:

1) the emergence of a social function and people who are able to perform it;

2) the formation of a community, whose representatives are ready to devote their work and even free time to the performance of this function;

3) the emergence of a system for the reproduction of experience associated with this specialized activity;

4) the emergence of a professional corporation;

5) the creation of a state-sanctioned system of licensing and supervision.

Cognitive institutionalization is commonly understood as:

1) the emergence of a set of statements related to a specific thematic area;

2) the assertion of a certain episteme, which makes it possible to arrange these statements in the form of unsystematized, prescription knowledge;

3) the creation of systematized, scientific and theoretical knowledge;

4) construction of systems of axiomatized knowledge with formal languages ​​of description.

According to some experts, a community of consultants is currently taking shape. With regard to cognitive institutionalization, we should talk about the existence of several competing approaches in this area. In this regard, at this stage, such a means of professional identification as role typology acquires special significance. P.V. Malinovsky identifies three main professional roles for an organizational development consultant, which, in our opinion, is quite applicable in relation to personnel consultants:

Narrow specialist advisor;

“Freelance artist” focused on entrepreneurial projects;

A transprofessional who can move freely from one field of activity to another, configuring the necessary tools and abilities to solve complex problems.

One of the recent attempts to describe the professional portrait of a practicing psychologist, undertaken by the staff of the Department of Social Psychology at Moscow State University, made it possible, following the Italian researcher A. Palmonari, to determine the typology of the professional identity of a psychologist (A.I. Dontsov, Yu.M. Zhukov, L.A. Petrovskaya , 1996). This typology is formed on the opposition of such objects of psychological influence as “society” and “individual” and such instruments of psychological “intervention” in life as “professional competence and methodological sophistication” of a psychologist, on the one hand, and his “personal abilities and inner calling ", with another. The initial foundations of the resulting typology seemed to us heuristic from the point of view of defining the portrait of a practical social psychologist. To do this, it remained only to add such an object as “groups” to the indicated objects of psychological influence. The typology of possible professional identification of practical psychologists is given in Table. 2.

The inclusion of the group as another object of influence allows us to put forward the assumption that there are two more additional (to those described earlier) types of professionals working in the field of practical psychology. The first of them can be described as a professional who has special competence and has methodological tools that allow him to be successful in studying and influencing the group (sometimes the term “game technology” is used to describe this type of activity). In the second case, apparently, it is necessary to consider some of his (the psychologist's) personality traits, values, and beliefs as a determinant of the psychologist's successful influence on the group.

table 2

Types of professional competence

Based on a preliminary understanding of the boundaries of practical social psychology and a possible typology of practicing psychologists, we tried to highlight the components of the professional skills of a practical social psychologist that determine the success of his professional activity. Methods such as interviews, description of difficult cases from practice and construction of a “portrait of professional activity” were used to collect primary information. The subjects were both students and graduate psychologists working in practice. Moreover, 2/3 of them work on a permanent basis or on a temporary contract as a practical psychologist in organizations whose main activities are not related to psychology. 1/3 of the subjects were external consultants or employees of organizations engaged in consulting activities. The total number of subjects was 32.

The results obtained allow us to speak about the presence of at least three types of professional competence, which determine the effectiveness of the activity of a practical social psychologist: methodological, social and organizational.

Methodological competence includes possession of special professional tools - technologies, methods and techniques for studying personality, group dynamics, intergroup interaction, organizational behavior, etc. This is the kind of competence that, in the opinion of the subjects, is given considerable attention when teaching psychology students 4.

Social competence means, first of all, the social maturity of the personality of a psychologist-practitioner, his skills in effective interaction with other people, resolving interpersonal and intergroup conflicts, influencing partners, etc. The importance of this type of competence is due, on the one hand, to the “anthropocentricity” of actual social psychology, and, on the other hand, the practical psychologist often uses for interpretation not theory, but “Own experience. According to the subjects, this kind of competence is associated with the basic attitudes of the personality, formed before studying at the university, and the “system of social interaction skills” acquired afterwards.

The allocation of organizational competence is primarily due to the fact that the process of practical activity of the psychologist-practitioner, according to the subjects, has a rather significant design component, which implies the ability to “integrate” into the life of the organization, plan and organize interaction with partners, effective group work, and actualize the potential partners and the group as a whole, to transfer the tools of self-organization to the group, etc.

The results obtained make it possible to express at least two considerations that are significant from the point of view of the topic under discussion: I) there is no doubt that the success of the professional activity of a practical social psychologist depends on his equally high competence in all three of these areas; 2) apparently, it is necessary to add to the two previously identified types of professional identity one more, in which the type of competence, called organizational, would be focused. Where does this follow?

Returning to the typology of professional identification of practicing psychologists, it can be assumed that among professionals who identify themselves with any of the roles, one of the spheres of competence may act as the leading one.

The conducted research makes it quite easy to identify professionals of the “missionary” type by their orientation towards the value and cultural aspects of their activities. The central point of their activity is not the presence or absence of technologies of professional activity, but an understanding of the situation of their client. The client-orientation of the “missionary” in extreme cases is capable of leading (at least temporarily) to a state of a kind of “professional mortification”, expressed in the abandonment of one's specialty and in immersion in the reality of the client's situation.

The most numerous was the group of professionals of the “consultant” type. The key factor that made it possible to combine subjects with different professional experience in this group was their focus on technological or methodological equipment in their practice. The most difficult thing turned out to be with the selection of a special group of subjects with an orientation towards organizational competence. Rather, this type of competence always appeared as necessary, but not independent, but in conjunction with either methodological or social competence. An analysis of practical cases showed that in the activity of a practicing psychologist, a significant place is occupied by the real “launching of group processes” along with their study (“consultant”) or real participation in them (“missionary”). In this case, the psychologist becomes responsible for the organization (up to self-organization) of the group in the process of solving the group problem (problem). An attempt to consider the “organizational component” of the activity of a psychologist-practitioner in the course of game reconstruction made it possible to identify two key factors: the first was called “facilitating communication”, the second - “creating events”. This type of professional has been termed a “facilitator”. His activity, according to the subjects, is not autonomous or self-sufficient, but acts as an additional one to other types of professional activity.

Chapter 2. Development of HR consulting in Russia and abroad

2.1. Research of the process, functions and tasks of HR consulting in Russia

The dynamics of the modern market requires business to obtain high results in a short time, effective innovations, professionally developed and implemented changes. Leaders begin to realize that it is impossible to ensure the growth of the company's competitiveness through changes. pricing policy or the development of new quality standards. Result-oriented companies have postulated their goal in the new century to optimize the use of human resources, and, moreover, view their staff as their main competitive advantage. Competition for Russian companies is exacerbated by the expansion of the activities of transnational corporations that are leaders in the world market and possess, among other things, the most advanced technologies in the field of personnel management.

Often we are faced with situations where we have to quickly make decisions about rotations, personnel changes, hiring a large number of new employees. At the same time, it is important to obtain complex reliable information that allows us to predict opportunities and unpleasant moments associated with this employee, as well as to anticipate certain of his actions in the most significant situations for us. And it also happens that you need to evaluate people who are already working and do not want them to know about it. How to be in this situation?

Consider the main services provided by organizations in the field of personnel consulting.

HR consulting

  • Organization from scratch of the activities of the personnel service

  • Reconstruction, elimination of gaps, improvement of the efficiency of the HR department

  • Development, implementation, optimization of individual procedures in the activities of the personnel service

  • Selection and adaptation of personnel

  • Personel assessment

  • Staff incentive and motivation system

  • Staff development

  • Documentation support for the activities of the personnel service
HR consulting

Every business is different. Each leader has a different management style. Each company has its own business processes. Consequently, personnel decisions must also be original.

Recruitment agencies create and implement non-standard personnel management technologies. They develop them specifically for each company and control the process of the successful functioning of the processes. Improve existing technologies if necessary 5.

Diagnostics allows you to obtain reliable information about the employee and how to optimally use the following features:

  • Controllability

  • Preferred leadership styles

  • Ability to prioritize

  • Creativity

  • The degree of responsibility and the ability to take responsibility for oneself

  • Resistance to stress, stress response

  • Types of behavior in conflict, reaction to a conflict situation

  • Loyalty and honesty

  • Recommended type of corporate culture

  • Teamwork skills, preferences for working relationships

  • Planning ability

  • Motivational preferences

  • Environment Assessment Criteria

  • Self-esteem and its adequacy

  • Communicative competence

  • Persuasion and influence skills
As a result of diagnostics, you will receive:

  • detailed diagnostics of an employee, based on the characteristics of your company and the work performed;

  • recommendations for building a situational guidance system;

  • information and practical experience on building the corporate culture of the company;

  • practical recommendations for building a system of non-material and material motivation;
as well as:

  • optimize the composition and work of your team;

  • Provide employees with practical guidance on how to work with external and internal clients.
Personnel assessment methods:

Express survey using the projective interview technique

Individual mini-interview

Presentation of reports on each of the employees orally / in writing

Method for assessing the effectiveness of personnel. Diagnostic method, assessing the effectiveness of personnel developed on the basis of classical techniques of social psychology and projective methods and has been used by consultants since 1996 for personnel assessment and personnel selection.

Scheme of work of the Human Resources Service

  1. Selection and adaptation of personnel;

  2. Personel assessment;

  3. Personnel motivation and incentive system;

  4. Staff development.

Rice. 1. Scheme of the work of the personnel management department

Organization from scratch Human resources services

When does it become necessary to organize a Human Resources Service in the company?

When a company is actively growing and expanding, new areas of activity and departments appear, when, with such active growth, it is necessary to find new high-class specialists and not to lose the existing team. When a company reaches a different quality level and it becomes necessary to assess the existing personnel and their movement, as well as to introduce a new corporate culture. And the main need for the HR department is to maintain, control and improve the implemented processes.

HR Consulting Tasks 6:

  1. Select specialists for this service;

  2. Develop a strategic concept for HR management;

  3. Develop and implement systems for the selection, adaptation, assessment, rotation, motivation and development of personnel;

  4. Develop and implement the foundations of corporate culture;

  5. Accompany and evaluate the effectiveness of the service in the future.
Reconstruction, elimination of gaps, improvement of the efficiency of the HR service.

If this service already exists in the company, but its work is not effective or operates only in some areas of work with personnel, then personnel organizations can assess the current state of areas, identify gaps, develop new schemes for working with company personnel or introduce new areas.

Selection and adaptation of personnel.

HR consultants modify and improve the existing mechanisms for the selection and adaptation of personnel or introduce new ones, always focusing on the individuality of each company, the specifics of the market situation and the specifics of activities.

HR consulting tasks:

  • Working with posts

    1. Conduct job analysis;

    2. Determine the job responsibilities, personal, professional, organizational and managerial qualities required for each position;

    3. develop job descriptions.

  • Work with recruiting

    1. To form the goals, objectives and rules of procedures for the selection of personnel;

    2. Develop and provide HR staff with tools to assess the characteristics and capabilities of new employees.

  • Work with staff adaptation

    1. Develop a new adaptation program for new employees, improve the old one.
Motivation and stimulation of staff.

In modern management practice, motivational aspects are of great importance. Personnel motivation is the main means of ensuring optimal use of resources, mobilizing available human resources. The main goal of the motivation process is to get the most out of the use of available labor resources, which helps to increase the overall performance and profitability of the organization, as well as its competitiveness.

High staff motivation is the most important condition for the company's success. No organization can succeed without a commitment to high-performance work, a high level of commitment from its staff, a stake in the bottom line, and a commitment to contributing to the achievement of its goals.

To motivate employees, organizations today use tangible and intangible methods of remuneration.

  • Material methods- wages, interest, bonuses, bonuses, etc.

  • Intangible methods - recognition of the employee's merits in the form of praise, gratitude, congratulations on significant dates, career advancement, career planning itself, etc.
When creating a personnel motivation system, it is necessary to take into account a wide range of factors affecting employee motivation:

  • The psychological climate in the organization;

  • Working conditions;

  • Career opportunities;

  • Involvement of employees in the work process (decision-making level);

  • Organizational culture (traditions and order established in the organization);

  • Compliance of the level of remuneration of employees with the level existing in the labor market and the level at which he assesses himself;

  • Amount of work adequate to wages and human capabilities;

  • The position of the company in the market.
Also, the specifics of the activities of each individual organization, its structure and management practices should be taken into account.

Qualified employees working in the field of personnel consulting are ready to help in the creation and implementation of a new or modification and improvement of the old, but ultimately always effective and original system of motivation, in accordance with the goals and characteristics of the organization.

Education and development

Currently, most growing companies use training to achieve three goals:

  • Firstly, to bridge the gap between what the employee knows and is able to and what he needs to know and be able to, solving problems within the framework of his position.

  • Second, to provide employees with a wider range of skills: in particular, problem-solving, communication, and teamwork skills.

  • Third, through training, contribute to the formation of a sense of employee responsibility.
An organization trains and develops its employees not for the sake of the process, but because when properly managed, employees create a competitive advantage by increasing the success of the organization itself.

The entire personnel training process is built according to a certain scheme:

  1. Analysis of training needs (training new employees or training permanent employees)

  2. Formulation of learning objectives, choice of teaching methods, development of an assessment system

  3. Education.

  4. Evaluation and comparison of results before and after training, as well as an assessment of the effectiveness of the program.
HR consulting provides a full range of services for building an intracorporate personnel development system, which includes:

  • analysis of training needs,

  • assessment of the level of professional and personal development of employees,

  • development and implementation of a personnel development and training system

2.2. Research of HR consulting and its trends
in Russia and abroad

In any company, there are policies for personnel management, even if they are unconscious and unwritten. These are four fundamental policies: in the field of personnel selection, personnel remuneration, employee performance evaluation and personnel development. Technologies that are not unambiguously formulated and not documented are common sense technologies that do not require special knowledge, education, and do not take into account the current level of development of sociology, psychology, statistics, practice and theory of business management. Real business with real profits begins when companies start using professional technology that can partly contradict common sense. At the moment, personnel (HR) consulting is based on the classical, even neoclassical, paradigm of personnel management, which allows you to find the only correct, integrated HR solution for a particular company and double the efficiency of using human resources 7.

Considering the need for a HR consulting company, there are three main reasons:

1. In order to survive.

2. To live a happy and productive life.

3. To live forever.

All three of these points are characteristic of transnational corporations, each of which has clearly developed, as a rule, consulting companies, HR technologies and procedures.

You need to get advice from the best specialists, you do not need to entrust your health to unqualified doctors. The company doesn't need the wrong HR decisions, even for little money. We need the most correct ones, even for a lot of money. We can mention such renowned specialists as SHL, RHR Ecopsy, Video Arts, the big five companies. In this business sector, the services of a consultant who receives less than 2-3 thousand USD per month is a waste of time and money. Effective solutions in one of the key areas can be purchased from 5-10 thousand USD. Minimum cost developments with a computerized solution of the world leaders in the consulting services market is 100 thousand USD.

It is useful for the customer to know about one of the applied methods of selling consulting - the Trojan horse method. In this case, a half-hearted, unfinished solution is sold, often in the form of computer programs, then the contract amount is replenished by training personnel to use the program, adapting the version to the specifics of the company, developing additional modules, network versions, etc.

There is another side to the problem of the cost of HR consulting: HR technologies of the world leaders in the consulting services market are available at a price only to world leaders in other industries.

Another stone in the garden of international HR consulting: international companies are in no hurry to adapt technologies to Russian market and personnel, as well as the level of management development in a particular company. They believe that customer companies should strive for and adapt to international standards.

As for Russian providers of HR consulting, before placing an order, you need to get answers to the following questions:

- What is the experience of the consultant and the source of his knowledge.

-  Have similar projects been successfully implemented, and how to contact representatives of the client company to get recommendations.

-  Is the consultant ready to draw up a work schedule with a clear indication of the time and financial resources required to carry out the work.

-  Whether the consultant is ready to develop a system for assessing the effectiveness of the project.

-  Whether the consultant is ready to return the money in case of justified claims for quality.

-  Does the consultant understand the essence of the problem in your company, does he speak the same language with the directors, does he require you to make the only correct decisions, even if you don’t ask him about it.

The effectiveness of a consulting project is assessed through the achievement of the set goals. For this purpose, the goals should be formulated clearly and quantitatively. At the same time, setting goals and objectives of consulting projects, as well as evaluating the effectiveness of their implementation should take at least 10-20% of the project budget. When choosing a consultant, it is very important to formulate a request in writing, criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of the implementation of this project, select five or six companies for holding a closed tender, hold meetings with them to discuss the vision for the implementation of this project, study their proposals and check recommendations on the reference list for similar completed projects.

Summarizing this point, you can give some tips:

Before placing an order for HR consulting,

Write what you want to get from the work of a consultant.

Define a consistent HR development budget.

-  Demand from yourself and the performer the results of work that qualitatively change the efficiency of the company's operational management.

Consulting project stages:

Project presentation.

The presentation is intended for top managers of the company and lasts from one to three hours. During this time, goals, work schedule, theoretical concept, and a set of methods and tools that will be used to implement it should be described. As a rule, a solution to two or three specific problems is provided (for example, the calculation of regional salary indices for directors of regional branches) in order to demonstrate the existence of a unique solution to long-standing and pressing problems, and that it is possible to create documents and procedures in 1-3 months that allow not only to solve existing problems, but also not to create new ones. The purpose of this stage for the customer is to make the final decision, for the personnel specialist - to outline the points of support and resistance in the further implementation of this project.

Drawing up a work schedule.

The schedule for the implementation of two projects to optimize the compensation system was drawn up for 55 and 88 working hours and included the following procedures: document analysis, structured interviews, Committee sessions, training seminars, brainstorming sessions and presentations of ready-made solutions. The calendar duration of projects is 2-3 months. To simplify the interaction, the customer was immediately offered specific dates for the consulting work, which he corrected if necessary 8.

Collection of information.

At this stage, at least three methods are used:

1. Structured interview - an interview that is conducted with various employees according to a predetermined list of questions. Usually 5-10 interviews with managers and specialists, representatives of branches are required, each lasting 1-1.5 hours. At some point, usually in 6-8 interviews, when the consultant begins to guess the answers to the questions with an accuracy of 80% (for example, what payment conflicts occurred in your company or how would you suggest changing the existing bonus system, or what does not suit you in the system of non-material incentives), it can be argued that this method begins to require more resources than it provides information.

2. Analysis of documents - carried out in parallel with the interview. The purpose is to study it and try to understand the documents describing the existing systems of payment and incentives for personnel. Unfortunately, the experience of HR specialists shows that these documents are not widely known in the company and are useless from the point of view of their improvement and further application. As a rule, in the process of consulting, cardinally new documents are developed, so I consider it an honor to be included in the implementation order new system payment clause on the cancellation of all previous orders and documents describing the compensation system of the company.

3. Brainstorming is perhaps the most useful and insidious method. It allows you to create an impression and, if necessary, actually involve representatives of the customer company, as a rule, line management in the creation of a new compensation policy. Thus, the development of a new procedure, which is very important for the company, occurs, as it were, on the basis and thanks to the actions of the line management, thereby he shares the responsibility for the implementation of this policy.

4. Other group methods of work of line managers. HR specialists identify three aspects of group work that determine its result:

Gathering information - line managers act as experts and analyze the pros and cons of the existing payment system (you need to try to keep the pros in the new system, get rid of the minuses); the goals and principles of the new payment system (it should be fair, help manage, in fact, this is what I propose). Managers also act as experts in assessing the importance of the work of their subordinates for the company, which allows in the future to build graphs of harmonious salaries.

Decision Making - Line managers are actively involved in weighing and prioritizing, listing key tasks, ranking and classifying jobs. This aspect allows you to turn theoretical principles into an effective specific policy for a given company, which was co-authored by its management.

Training, modeling and information exchange - this stage of consulting surpasses any meetings and trainings in its productivity. At correct organization group work allows you to quickly and step by step identify the problem, exchange views and possible solutions, facts and their interpretations, and make a final decision. In the process of deciding whether to classify or rank jobs, or highlight key tasks for a department, many managers learn more about the company than in the previous two years. It is very important that as a result of such work, line managers become not only co-authors of new technologies, but also consultants for their implementation in operational management.

In the process of group work, the parallel work of several subgroups, public presentations, individual and group filling out forms, correction and approval of final documents are used.

Another significant plus of such an organization of work is a significant saving of working time. For example, the assessment of jobs by the point method took one specialist in a multinational company 2 months for 60 positions. The method of group express diagnostics made it possible to evaluate 200 positions in 4 hours of group and 6 hours of analytical and statistical work.

Teamwork of top managers.

This is the main part of consulting. It takes place in the form of sessions of the Committee. A committee of three to ten people includes the top officials of the company, directors and key specialists on project directions. Typically, 5-10 Committee meetings of 2-4 hours each are required. It is very important that the members of the Committee have the skills of time management, conducting meetings with maximum efficiency and minimum waste of time. The task of the Committee is to select from the proposed alternatives the correct solutions for a given company and answers to numerous questions, most of them acute and debatable (for example, what kind of wage fund the company plans, what kind of salary for a workplace will be accepted, what range of bonuses will be chosen for key and other employees of the company, what percentage of the plan the company considers normal). The result of the Committee's work should be an approved compensation policy, described in the form of a document on 10-15 pages, unambiguously understood and accepted by all employees of the company.

In the course of the Committee's work, top managers acquire the knowledge and skills of professional consultants on the implementation of a new compensation policy. In the process of developing specific management decisions, top management begins to adapt multidimensional, sophisticated technologies to the level of development of the company's general management and, as a rule, this leads to degradation (or optimization) of some ideal technology. If a company is determined to use the most modern methods of personnel management, it must plan and regularly train all managers in the company in the latest management technologies (SMART, delegation, time management, etc.).

Evaluation of the effectiveness of HR consulting.

For the implementation of this stage, a large number of criteria can be distinguished that demonstrate positive shifts within 1 - 12 months from the date of the consulting implementation, for example, a decrease in staff turnover, an increase in sales profitability, a decrease in personnel costs, an increase in productive use of time, a decrease in the number of conflicts and complaints. etc. Undoubtedly, the most indicative is the value in monetary terms. An example of a preliminary assessment of procedures for harmonizing the salary system for a company with 150 employees, the company's annual salary fund is about USD 1 million excluding taxes. Optimization allows you to increase the return on assets by at least 20%, i.e. brings income from 200,000 USD per year, while the consulting costs of the Staffing Club will amount to about 10,000 USD. The return on investment in the harmonization of the salary system is 2000% per annum in foreign currency or 190,000 USD of net profit. But more importantly, the company has become more manageable, and its employees are happier and more productive.

Recently, at a corporate seminar on time management, personnel specialists how effective a ban on smoking during working hours could have. The reduction in the cost of working time spent in smoking rooms amounted to USD 1,500 per day or USD 35,000 per month, or USD 420,000 per year, excluding taxes and indirect costs. Indeed, doctors do not in vain warn about the dangers of smoking, it has a detrimental effect not only on the health of individuals, but on the business as a whole. It is even more harmful for the business and the people working in it to recruit the worst and incompetent employees, pay and reward them in such a way that the company cannot achieve the set goals, train the wrong ones and the wrong ones, conduct Attestation according to arbitrary and formal criteria, hindering development the employee and the company as a whole, i.e. work with personnel not professionally, relying only on common sense 9.

Modern business, both internationally and on a Russian scale, is a business that is limited only by the ambitions and imaginations of the top managers who run it. Modern business is investment business... If you are sure that you know how to succeed, you can mobilize any external and internal resources, and in 25 years from a company of workers with incomplete higher education writing programs for children's toys, turn into a Microsoft company, whose turnover exceeds the turnover of Russia. The business grows thanks to effective investments, and I wanted to demonstrate one of the most profitable destinations investments - investments in personnel management of your company.


The growing complexity and the increasing pace of general economic change, the business environment give rise to specific problems, the solution of which more and more often Russian entrepreneurs need the help of consultants.

1. Human resources technologies are created for a specific case and implemented through a consultation process, are interdisciplinary in nature and provided by a team of specialists, adapt to the culture of the organization and meet the requirement of practical efficiency.

2. Based on the results of personnel consulting, an assessment of the current and future capabilities of the organization's human resource is carried out, and an organizational development program is created. It is advisable that the consulting support of the organization was designed and brought up to the point of bringing the agreed changes to the desired result (for example, through the organization of in-house training of personnel).

3. The professional requirements for a personnel consultant include: the ability to identify and analyze personnel processes in the organization, the ability to program work with human resources in a direction consistent with the goals of the organization, including the skills to develop and apply specific tools and methods of working with personnel, and also the ability to transfer HR technology to HR staff.

4. Paradigms of HR consulting:

Consulting on resources - the consultant conducts an examination of the current state of the professional and personnel potential of the organization and proposes specific solutions to personnel problems;

Consulting on the process - the consultant organizes the process of solving professional and personnel problems and trains employees of the organization to solve them independently.

5. HR consulting consists of two main stages: analytical and programming.

6. The success of the consulting process is not least dependent on the extent to which consultants manage to form in the organization a positive attitude shared by employees towards the following principles of joint work on a problem: the principle of attractiveness, the principle of reality and the principle of controllability (or controllability) of the joint activity process.

7. We can talk about the presence of at least three types of professional competence that determine the effectiveness of the work of a personnel consultant: methodological, social and organizational.

As a result of the work, the main tasks were identified that are solved by personnel consulting:

  • the formation of managerial skills of the leader;

  • personnel audit;

  • delegation of authority;

  • staff motivation;

  • personnel certification program;

  • optimization of personnel management technology;

  • assessment of the personnel potential of the company;

  • assessment of the socio-psychological climate and the system of informal relations;

  • development and implementation of a personnel training system;

  • recruitment.
Thus, summing up the work, we can say that personnel consulting is aimed at the selection and placement of personnel at the enterprise. It is understood that qualified personnel will provide all the necessary functions of the enterprise, including adequate management, internal interactions, and effective market activities. The HR consulting concept assumes that the success of an enterprise lies in the right people in the right places.


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