Production development director what he does. Key job responsibilities of the director of company development

Job function and main responsibilities of the development director

The position of development director is included in the staffing of companies, where a separate division is created to develop and implement development strategies. If the manager believes that one employee is enough for these purposes, then in most cases he is called a development manager. In addition, the term “director” in the title of the position emphasizes that the employee belongs to the management level and has a broader (in comparison with the manager) terms of reference, and his responsibility is much higher.

The main task of the development director is to increase the efficiency and profitability of the entire business. To do this, he can:

  • explore new territories;
  • develop business within the existing framework;
  • combine both previous options.

In his activities, the development director operates with information about the external market conditions and the situation within the organization. The result of his work is the company's strategic development programs.

Don't know your rights?

Since the development director is called upon to improve the performance indicators of the company, he is endowed with certain powers necessary to solve the tasks assigned to him. All this is fixed and concretized in his job description.

Approximate structure of job description for a development director

The structure, according to which the job description of the development director is usually drawn up, provides for 4 main sections.

  1. General Provisions. In this section, the information is fixed:
    • about the title of the position;
    • the chain of command of the employee (who hires him, who has the right to fire him);
    • the presence of subordinates;
    • qualification requirements (what level of education an employee should have, whether work experience is needed, if yes - in what position);
    • replacement order.
  2. Rights. The development director is classified as a leader and has extended terms of reference, which are listed in this section. For example, it may be said that he has the right to:
    • make information requests to all structural divisions of the company about all indicators of the company's activities (including those with the status of commercial information);
    • receive from structural divisions the documents necessary for work;
    • sign (endorse) documents within their competence;
    • issue acts (orders, orders) aimed at the implementation and display of the results of the approved development programs of the company;
    • send your suggestions to the manager for improving the workflow;
    • contact the top management of the company for help in completing the assigned tasks;
    • attract counterparties to cooperate with the company.
  3. Job responsibilities. It is indicated here that the development director is entrusted with the fulfillment of the following duties (indicative list):
    • develop and approve a general strategy with top management, within the framework of which the development of the company is supposed to be carried out;
    • lead the process of developing company development programs;
    • instruct subordinates to develop plans for the restructuring of the company, monitor their implementation;
    • submit proposals to the management for the development of new directions of the company's activities;
    • analyze the market in order to find new niches for the sale of products and ways to develop them;
    • organize the interaction of structural divisions of the company for the implementation of the approved development program;
    • coordinate the work of structural units in the implementation of the development program;
    • analyze the results of the implementation of development programs and prepare reports on their effectiveness.
  4. A responsibility. In this section, as a rule, it is said that the development director is responsible both for the decisions made and for the actions taken, as a result of which he can be attracted by:
    • to disciplinary responsibility - for failure to fulfill or improper fulfillment of their labor duties;
    • to administrative or criminal liability - for committing misdemeanors, liability for which is provided for in the relevant laws;
    • to material responsibility - for damage to the property of the company.

Deputy Director for Development

In conclusion, it remains to say that a development director may also have a deputy. Such a staffing unit is found if the director and his department are assigned such a large volume of tasks that it is difficult for one person to keep track of all areas of activity for their solution.

Delegation of authority to a deputy is resolved in each company in its own way. In some companies, the deputy is instructed to oversee certain areas of work, in others - to prepare preliminary reports on the activities of the unit as a whole. The main thing is that all these features, as well as the scope of rights and obligations assigned to him by management, which are actually assigned to the employee, are reflected in his job description.

You can find examples of job descriptions for a development director and his deputy on our website.

Correctly delivered work of a responsible employee for expanding the horizons of the company's activities depends on how profitable the production will be. Therefore, very high requirements are set for the candidate, but in different companies they may differ. We propose to delve deeper into the issue and to understand in detail the nuances of the job description for candidates for the vacant position.

Sample of a typical job description for a development director

A sample document for drawing up a job description at any enterprise has been developed in absolute accordance with the norms and requirements of the law. And, since the candidate is considered one of the leading specialists in any enterprise, he is classified as a top-level executive. According to the job description for this category, he is subordinate only to the CEO.

General Provisions

The job description of the director of business development sets out special requirements for the candidate:

  • higher education in one of the areas: engineering, economics or legal;
  • seniority at a managerial position of at least 5 years;
  • the ability to draw up an effective plan to improve market position;
  • broad knowledge in the field of economics - to know the basics of macro and microeconomics;
  • perfectly master the basics of entrepreneurship;
  • possess theoretical and practical knowledge of marketing and management;
  • have business administration skills.

In addition to this, the instruction contains information according to which he is obliged to understand the basics and technology of the production entrusted to him, and to master the skills of modern methods of company management in absolute perfection, as well as to understand psychology and sociology.

Job responsibilities of the development director

Development Director has the following job responsibilities :

  • carry out comprehensive market research;
  • analyze the strategy of doing business;
  • create methods to improve the work of the enterprise;
  • modernize organizational and technological processes;
  • keep statistics and calculate the profitability of new technologies, and / or conduct a timely analysis of the effectiveness of other areas;
  • form rational proposals for the expansion and further development of production, analyze the possibility of reaching another level (cover a broader market sector), etc.

The most important thing for a specialist of this level is the ability to define the basic concept for improving the market position of production.


The functionality of an employee of this rank is extensive, therefore, within the framework of his duties, the development director has the right to give orders to any employee, entire departments, and, if production volumes allow, then to branches. Depending on the concept, strategic and regional direction of production, as well as its volume, several employees can be appointed to this position, each of whom bears full responsibility for his sector.

The job description of the deputy director for development is almost identical to the same form for the manager himself in this area, but with the addition of several nuances: the deputy is subordinate not only to the general, but also to the development director. He can participate in all processes on an equal basis with his leader, but all actions must be coordinated with him.

Responsibility of the development director

The Development Director is responsible for the proper performance of his duties. If they are violated, sanctions can be applied to him, up to fines or dismissal with a negative recommendation. He is also fully responsible for all violations and possible material damage. Some criteria can be adjusted in the process of concluding an employment agreement with such an employee, but one thing is invariable - all processes must be supported and based solely on the country's legislative framework (Labor Code of the Russian Federation, Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, etc.).

Working conditions

According to labor law in the Russian Federation, an employee has the right to a comfortable work schedule, rest and other moments, which are supported by the laws of the Russian Federation. In case of special circumstances, these points can be corrected, but such points should be reflected in the cooperation document.

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"__" ________________ 20_

I have read the instructions:

_____________________________ (initials, surname)


"__" ________________ 20_


1. General Provisions

1.1. This job description defines the functional responsibilities, rights and
responsibility of the Deputy Director for Development [Organization name in the genitive case] (hereinafter - the Company).
1.2. The Deputy Director for Development is appointed and dismissed in accordance with the procedure established by the current labor legislation by order
1.3. Deputy Director for Development reports directly
1.4. The Deputy Director for Development belongs to the category of managers, subordinates to:
— ;
— ;
- a;
— ;
— .
1.5. A person with higher education is appointed to the position of Deputy Director for Development
professional (economic or engineering and economic) education and work experience in managerial positions for at least 5 years.
1.6. The Deputy Director for Development is guided in his activities by:
- legislative and regulatory documents addressing issues of social and
economic development of enterprises; labor and social development issues;
- methodological materials related to relevant issues;
- labor regulations;
- orders and orders of the director of the enterprise;
- this job description.
1.7. The Deputy Director for Development should know:
- legislative and regulatory legal acts, methodological materials concerning
issues of socio-economic development of enterprises, legal support for the activities of the enterprise, document flow and rule-making;
- goals, development strategy and business plan of the enterprise;
- profiles, specialization and features of the structure of the enterprise;
- a methodology for planning and forecasting the needs of an enterprise in personnel, equipment
and other resources;
- labor legislation;
- economics, sociology and psychology of labor;
- modern theories of personnel management and its motivation;
- fundamentals of production technology, economics and organization of production;
- computer facilities, communications and communications;
- rules and norms of labor protection.
1.8. During the absence of the Deputy Director for Development (vacation, illness, etc.), his
duties are performed by a person appointed in accordance with the established procedure. This person acquires the corresponding rights and is responsible for the proper performance of the duties assigned to him.

2. Functional responsibilities of the Deputy Director for Development

The Deputy Director for Development is obliged to perform the following labor functions:
2.1. Organize systematic work on the development of enterprise development plans
(business plans), accumulate and analyze the proposals of all services of the enterprise to improve the activities of the enterprise, the implementation of development plans (business plans) of the enterprise and monitor the implementation of development plans (business plans).
2.2. Coordinate the activities of all subordinate units to execute them
main functions.
2.3. Develop, in cooperation with other services of the company, proposals and
programs for the organization of production and economic activities based on the widespread use of the latest technology and technology, progressive forms of management and organization of labor, scientifically based standards of material, financial and labor costs, studying the market situation and advanced experience (domestic and foreign) in order to improve the technical level in every possible way and quality of products (services), economic efficiency of production, rational use of production reserves and economical use of all types of resources.
2.4. Supervise the implementation of work on the comprehensive protection of information at the enterprise,
ensuring the effective use of all available organizational, engineering and technical measures in order to protect information constituting a state secret and a commercial secret of the enterprise.
2.5. Advise heads of related services on issues related to development
long-term plans, preparation of feasibility studies, etc.
2.6. Systematically improve their qualifications and provide improvement
qualifications of personnel of subordinate departments and services.
2.7. Supervise the training of subordinates, create conditions for them to improve
qualifications, professional growth, business career development and official
promotion in accordance with personal merit and skill level.
2.8. Monitor the compliance of subordinates with the rules of labor protection and technology
safety, industrial sanitation and fire protection.
2.9. Use in relation to subordinates the rights granted to encourage them
2.10. Create conditions for the introduction and proper functioning of advanced
technologies of business planning, their subsequent improvement and optimization.
2.11. Manage assignment assignments, ensuring they are timely, rhythmic and
uniform communication to subordinate divisions of the forms of documents necessary to ensure the activities, as well as internal organizational and regulatory and regulatory and methodological documents on business development.
2.12. Study, generalize and apply in practice advanced
domestic and foreign experience in planning business development.
2.13. Consider proposals for ensuring ergonomic working conditions,
rationalization of workplaces and present them for decision making to the head of the Company.
2.14. Timely and in full to work out and submit reporting and other documentation to officials with the appropriate powers.
If necessary, the Deputy Director for Development may be involved in
performing their duties overtime, by decision of the head of the Company, in the manner prescribed by labor legislation.

3. Rights of the Deputy Director for Development

The Deputy Director for Development has the right to:
3.1. Make decisions in order to properly organize business development, ensure
day-to-day activities of subordinate units - on all issues related to his competence.
3.2. Submit to the head of the Company their proposals for encouraging (holding accountable) subordinate employees - in cases where their own powers are not enough for this.
3.3. Prepare and submit to the head of the Society their proposals on
improving work on planning business development, its additional staffing, material and technical support, etc.
3.4. Participate in the work of collegial management bodies when considering issues related to business development.

4. Responsibility and assessment of the activities of the Deputy Director for Development

4.1. The Deputy Director for Development bears administrative, disciplinary and material (and in some cases stipulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation - and criminal) responsibility for:
4.1.1. Failure to comply or improper fulfillment of official instructions
direct supervisor.
4.1.2. Failure to perform or improper performance of their labor functions and entrusted
tasks to him.
4.1.3. Misuse of the granted official powers, and
using them for personal purposes.
4.1.4. Inaccurate information about the status of the work entrusted to him.
4.1.5. Failure to take measures to suppress identified violations of safety rules,
fire and other rules that pose a threat to the activities of the enterprise and its
4.1.6. Failure to enforce labor discipline.
4.2. Assessment of the work of the Deputy Director for Development is carried out:
4.2.1. Immediate supervisor - regularly, in the process of the employee's daily performance of his labor functions.
4.2.2. The attestation commission of the enterprise - periodically, but at least once every two years
based on the documented results of the evaluation period.
4.3. The main criterion for evaluating the work of the Deputy Director for Development is
the quality, completeness and timeliness of the fulfillment of the tasks stipulated by this instruction.

5. Working conditions

5.1. The working hours of the Deputy Director for Development are determined in accordance with
the internal labor regulations established in the Company.
5.2. Due to production needs, Deputy Director for Development
is obliged to go on business trips (including local ones).
5.3. Due to production needs, the Deputy Development Director for
to perform his labor functions, official vehicles may be provided.

6. Authority to sign

6.1. Deputy Director for Development to ensure his activities
the right to sign organizational and administrative documents on issues included in his functional duties is granted.

The job description was developed in
According to____________________________
(name, number and date of the document)

Head of structural
____________ ________________________

___________ _______________________
(signature) (surname, initials)

I have read the instructions:
__________ ________________________
(signature) (surname, initials)


(name of an enterprise, organization, institution) (head of an enterprise, organization, institution)


00.00.0000 No. 00 (signature) (full name)
Structural subdivision:

Position: Development Director

1. General Provisions

1.1 This job description defines the functional duties, rights and responsibilities of the development director.
1.2 The Development Director belongs to the category of managers.
1.3 The development director is appointed and dismissed in accordance with the procedure established by the current labor legislation by order of the director of the enterprise.
1.4 Relationship by position:

Direct subordination

Director of the enterprise.

Additional subordination

Gives orders

Employees of the enterprise

The employee replaces

deputy (s)

The employee replaces

2. Qualification requirements of the development director:


higher professional (economic, legal)


at least 5 years of experience in management positions (including as a development director or strategic planning manager for at least 1 year).

Market economy.

Business rules.

Theory and practice of management, macro and microeconomics, marketing, business administration, stock exchange, insurance, banking and finance.

Enterprise development planning principles.

The main instruments for the financial recovery of the enterprise.

Economic modeling methods.

Modern enterprise management systems.

Basics of production technology.

Prospects for innovation and investment.

Methods of information processing using modern technical means of communication and communication, a computer.

Administration basics.

Information Technology.

Foundations of Sociology, Psychology.

Labor legislation and labor protection of Ukraine.

Additional requirements

3. Documents regulating the activities of the development director
3.1 External documents:
Laws and regulations related to the work performed.
3.2 Internal documents:
Charter of the enterprise, Orders and orders of the director of the enterprise; Job description of the development director, Internal labor regulations.

4. Job responsibilities of the development director

Director of Development:
4.1. Defines the general concept of the enterprise development policy.
4.2. Substantiates the goals of the enterprise development.
4.3. Develops an effective development strategy and the main sections of the enterprise development plan.
4.4. Carries out "diagnostics" of all production, commercial processes at the enterprise.
4.5. Prepares specific programs for the development and restructuring of the enterprise, analyzes the possibility of financial support for programs.
4.6. Establishes budgeting priorities and monitors expenditures to ensure the financial stability of the programs being implemented.
4.7. Organizes calculations of efficiency from the implementation of enterprise development projects.
4.8. Prepares proposals for the development of new business areas, the development of new markets; develops projects of technical and administrative modernization of the enterprise.
4.9. Organizes the presentation of projects and their implementation schedules to senior management, defends and justifies them, answers questions from project management.
4.10. After the approval of the projects, organizes the preparation of the relevant documentation, obtaining the appropriate licenses and permits.
4.11. Communicates the approved schedules of work on the implementation of projects to the management personnel of the enterprise.
4.12. Appoints employees responsible for the implementation of projects, gives general instructions, directly supervises and coordinates their activities.
4.13. Organizes the interaction of all structures of the enterprise for the implementation of enterprise development projects.
4.14. Coordinates work on the implementation of projects at all stages, monitors the compliance of decisions and actions taken with the basic concept of enterprise development.
4.15. Analyzes economic and financial indicators at each stage of implementation of development projects.
4.16. Develops methods for prompt response to crisis and non-standard situations that can lead to the failure of the enterprise development plan, other adverse consequences for the enterprise.

5. Rights of the development director

Development Director has the right to:
5.1. For information on all indicators of the enterprise, for access to commercial information.
5.2. Request and receive the necessary information and documents from the heads of the enterprise departments and specialists.
5.3. Within the limits of their competence, sign and endorse documents, issue orders under their own signature on the implementation of enterprise development plans.
5.4. To get acquainted with the documents defining his rights and obligations in the position held, the criteria for assessing the quality of the performance of official duties.
5.5. Submit proposals for improving the work related to the responsibilities provided for in this instruction for the management's consideration.
5.6. Require the management of the enterprise to ensure organizational and technical conditions and the execution of the established documents necessary for the performance of official duties.

6. Responsibility of the development director
The Development Director is responsible for:
6.1. For improper performance or non-performance of their duties provided for by this job description - within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of Ukraine.
6.2. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of Ukraine.
6.3. For causing material damage - within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of Ukraine.

7. Working conditions of the development director

7.1. The working hours of the development director are determined in accordance with the Internal Labor Regulations established in the enterprise.
7.2. Due to production needs, the development director may be sent on business trips (including local ones).
7.3. For the solution of operational issues of the development director, official vehicles may be allocated.

8. Terms of remuneration

Terms of payment for the development director are determined in accordance with the Regulations on the remuneration of personnel.

9 Final provisions

9.1 This Job Description has been drawn up in two copies, one of which is kept by the Company, the other - by the employee.
9.2 Tasks, Duties, Rights and Responsibilities can be clarified in accordance with the change in the Structure, Tasks and Functions of the structural unit and workplace.
9.3 Changes and additions to this Job Description are made by order of the General Director of the enterprise.

Head of structural unit
(signature) (surname, initials)
Head of the legal department

Taking into account the great responsibility and complexity of the work performed, as well as the absence of any more or less clear framework and restrictions, rather strict requirements are imposed on a person applying for the position of director of development of the company:

  1. You must be able to assess risks. This is due to the fact that any innovation is a risk. Even the most competent and experienced analyst cannot predict with 100% certainty the consequences of an action in the modern market. So it will be necessary to soberly assess the risks in order to understand whether the game is worth the candle, since very often it turns out that the path of small changes turns out to be much more effective than cardinal reforms.
  2. The development director must be a first-class psychologist and HR specialist, because the lion's share of the innovations will relate specifically to the system of job relationships in the team. In addition, this person should not possess vanity, but celebrate the importance of each employee in achieving positive results.
  3. Contrary to the false stereotype about universality by a senior manager, a development director must thoroughly know his business, because any change affects the whole chain of processes, and not some isolated aspect of work.
  4. Sociability. Quality, without which no manager is inconceivable. The implementation of any innovation is 50% of analytics and 50% of communication.
  5. The development director needs to have a good understanding of the principles of the market at the micro and macroeconomic levels, as well as analyze all the changes that are taking place in a dynamically developing market and adapt the company's work to them as soon as possible in order to ensure its maximum efficiency. Please note: in the conditions of the economic crisis, it is the development director who becomes the key figure, since the ability of the company to adapt to drastically changed working conditions depends on him to a greater extent.
  6. Knowledge and understanding of various strategies for the promotion and implementation of the product (service) provided by the company is of great importance.
  7. It is necessary to have colossal experience in various positions in a particular industry. A development director must be able to sell, convince, present, and most importantly, plan and analyze, giving an objective assessment of the changes that have occurred. Only on the basis of your own experience can you learn to draw up truly effective strategies.

What are the responsibilities of a development director?

  1. The main function of the person holding this position in the company is to continuously improve the work process. The development director is sometimes called the “agent of change”, as it is he who contributes to the development of the business through the introduction of various innovations, while maintaining the successful developments of the firm's employees.
  2. The peculiarities of working in a corporation are such that a strictly defined amount of time can be allocated for making a decision, since all the ongoing processes are closely interconnected. It is for this reason that the development director needs to have a clear step-by-step plan in accordance with which his work will be carried out. Of course, it can be adjusted if necessary, but the priority and main areas of activity should be thought out in advance.
  3. An important point: all innovative ideas and plans of the development director should be as simple and understandable as possible not only to the rest of the company's employees and management, but also to business partners and investors, as they must clearly understand what changes await the company in the future and how this may affect at the level of the received profit.
  4. In addition to improving the principles of work and the management system (that is, intensive growth), the director of development of the company is also responsible for the principles of extensive growth, which consist in the expansion of the company. Usually this task is within the competence of the general director of the corporation, however, in large companies, it is customary to entrust the development director to the search for competent specialists and planning the activities of branches.
  5. Ideally, if this position will be occupied by a person who has previously performed the duties of the general director or was engaged in the creation of branches of a large company in other administrative-territorial units.

What is the difference between responsibilities in a trade organization and in an industrial enterprise?

Depending on the specifics of the enterprise, the development director has to solve slightly different tasks. Representing the interests of a trade organization, the person holding the position in question will have to face the following issues:

  1. Development of a new business policy.
  2. Making changes to an existing one.
  3. Expansion of the client base, up to the introduction of products at the regional level.

The director for the development of an industrial enterprise will have to solve several other tasks:

  1. Control over the process of modernization of the production process.
  2. Introduction of new technologies.
  3. Quality control of manufactured products.
  4. Cost minimization.
  5. Creation and promotion of new brands.
  6. Improving the management system.
  7. Analyze the current situation, as well as past achievements and failures.

Conclusion: The development director is responsible for defining the overall development paradigm for the company. In the course of performing his duties, this employee determines a strategic plan for their achievement and a financial analysis of their implementation (in other words, the development director will have to not only draw up a development strategy, but also calculate the feasibility of its implementation).

What rights does a development director have in a corporation?

In order to be able to put his best practices into practice, the development director is endowed with broad powers:

  1. Obtaining detailed information on all aspects of the company's business.
  2. Request for any documents related to the work of the organization.
  3. Taking advantage of the company's technological support.
  4. Certification of documentation.
  5. Make sure that the instructions given to them are carried out in good faith, as well as get acquainted with their instructions.

It is also necessary to understand that in each company the competence of the development director is significantly different, which is associated with the specifics of the activities carried out. In addition, development directors in large companies usually make 2-3 departments (as a rule, this is the analytical department and the planning and development department).

When is such an employee needed?

Initially, this position originated in Western corporations, and domestic companies that are prone to economy have adopted it relatively recently. Prior to that, all the responsibilities of the development director in most cases was performed by the general director, since the development of the organization can be called one of the main tasks, which implies the simultaneous work with many very different aspects.

This position makes sense in the case when the company reaches a very high level, when the chief executive is unable to ensure the most intensive growth and development of the corporation, although there is potential for this. This is especially important if the specifics of the company's activities are associated with those types of business that are undergoing intensive development.

By the way! An alternative option is to attract an outsourcing company to solve certain problems.