Sociological polls. Cold contacts, social surveys in business

Dear business representative!

The purpose of this survey is a comprehensive study of the “well-being” of business in the current economic and political conditions for doing business and investment activities. In addition, the results of the survey will make it possible to evaluate the effectiveness of measures implemented by the state to support Russian business and promote competition in the markets for goods, works and services in the country. The opinion of business representatives will make it possible to identify the main factors limiting the development of fair competition, as well as to assess the dynamics of the development of these factors and the effectiveness of the state's fight against them. The results of the survey will help develop recommendations and proposals for the formation of mechanisms that help reduce unfair competition and eliminate factors that negatively affect the state of the competitive environment in Russian markets. Based on the results of the survey, a Report on the state of the competitive environment will be prepared, which will be posted on the website of the Analytical Center, where you can familiarize yourself with it. The survey is completely anonymous and results will only be presented in aggregated form.

Six years ago, the Agency for Strategic Initiatives launched the National Entrepreneurship Initiative (NPI), which aims to improve the business environment in the country. For the first time, entrepreneurs participated in the creation of "road maps" together with government officials and the expert community. 12 "road maps" were approved by the Government of the Russian Federation. The innovations of the NPI touched upon areas important for doing business, including the acceleration and reduction in the cost of procedures for connecting to power grids, registration of legal entities and property rights, construction, customs regulation, access to procurement of state-owned companies and others.

The roadmaps for developing competition, improving the quality of the regulatory environment, expanding SMEs' access to procurement by state-owned companies and registering enterprises have moved into the monitoring phase. Plans of measures to improve tax administration and valuation activities have also been implemented. The "Roadmap" to support access to the markets of foreign countries and support for exports is being implemented as part of the priority project "Systemic measures for the development of international cooperation and exports". In other areas of the NPI, interaction with business continues - from making changes to a number of "road maps" to monitoring the implementation of regulatory legal acts.

On a regular basis, the Agency conducts surveys to objectively assess the effectiveness of measures taken to improve the investment climate. Whether the bills that have come into force are working can only be fully appreciated by entrepreneurs who daily face administrative barriers and see how much easier, cheaper and faster doing business has become.

The information you provide is strictly confidential. Analytical final materials are transferred to the Government of the Russian Federation and used to make management decisions aimed at improving the current situation in the business sphere.

The next survey will be conducted in the second quarter of 2018. Please follow our news. Your feedback is very important to us!

MOSCOW, January 18 - RIA Novosti. The majority of Russians (68%) do not want to open their own business, according to a survey by the All-Russian Public Opinion Research Center (VTsIOM).

"The level of entrepreneurial activity is changing: the share of those wishing to open their own business is gradually decreasing (from 32% in 2008 to 22% in 2017), and those who assess such a prospect as undesirable is growing - from 49% in 1991 to 68% in 2017 At the same time, already 7% of the Russians surveyed report that they have their own business (in 1991 - 2%). Greater interest in this issue is shown by men, middle-aged people with higher education, residents of "millionaires" ", the survey says.

It follows from the survey that respondents consider bureaucracy and administrative pressure to be barriers to starting a business in the Russian Federation. Over eight years of research, the factor of administrative pressure on business has remained virtually unchanged (27% in 2009 and 26% in 2017).

According to data obtained by the Skolkovo business school, 31% of the entrepreneurs surveyed put team building and difficulty in recruiting employees as the top obstacles among them. Also, 31% of respondents name the lack of experience and knowledge of the entrepreneur himself, 26% - personal barriers, fears and uncertainty of the entrepreneur. Bureaucracy, administrative pressure and a large number of checks did not make it into the top 3 obstacles when starting a business.

According to the survey, 36% of respondents proposed to cut taxes or introduce tax holidays for new businesses. Also, 12% of Russians suggest the authorities to reduce interest rates on loans, 7% - to provide support and allocate subsidies, 10% are in favor of simplifying reporting, 7% - for an independent court, 5% - for reducing inspections. Among the Russians surveyed, 5% propose to introduce the subject "Entrepreneurship" in schools and universities, and 5% each - educational programs and consultations for entrepreneurs.

According to Valery Fedorov, General Director of VTsIOM, over the three decades of the legal development of private business in Russia, the attitude of society towards entrepreneurs has evolved. This profession has become more familiar and in demand. However, as Fedorov noted, distrust of entrepreneurs in Russia persists, and this should be kept in mind by both politicians and authors of economic programs.

Andrey Sharonov, president of the Moscow School of Management Skolkovo, noted in turn that the Russian business community is becoming more mature: entrepreneurs and managers surveyed by the business school do not complain about administrative barriers. According to him, they are ready to do business in Russia, the most difficult thing for them is choosing the right team, lack of knowledge and their own fears.

The all-Russian poll "VTsIOM-Sputnik" was conducted from July 28 to 29, 2017 among 1.2 thousand respondents aged 18 years and older. For this sample, the maximum size of the error with a probability of 95% does not exceed 3.5%. The study of the Skolkovo Business School was conducted in September 2017 among 479 entrepreneurs, business owners, top and middle managers.

Sociological polls

Polls can be conducted in apartments, on the street, in a park, on a playground, at an exhibition, at the entrance to a supermarket. You can just "sit down" on the phone and call everyone in a row according to the directory.

This method works! Proven in practice. You can build your entire business on sociological surveys.

Go to a public place where there is a flow of people. Day or weekend. You should not approach people who are in a hurry.

It is better to work with a group of consultants. Bring a tablet, a set of business cards, printed forms. Remember that the purpose of any survey is to pick up the phone and nothing more. If you start giving information, you have lost a person.

– Would you like to get a free consultation on how to start your own business with minimal investment?

– What is it?

- This is a private enterprise, all the details at the meeting. Give me your phone, I'll call you.

Make up the survey questionnaire so that the first 3 questions the person must answer - yes, then the 4th question (it contains your product or business offer) - the person will answer yes.

Poll on the street:

– Hello, the company XXX is conducting a sociological survey. We can ask you a few questions.

Regardless of what and how they answered you, continue the survey in a good mood. This is the key to success. People see how positive and friendly you are.

If a person is not in the mood, then he does not have enough love, mentally wish him this and move on to the next one.

- All the best, goodbye.

You introduce yourself:

- My name is…

- What is your name?

- Thank you, it's very nice.

- Tell me, Tatyana, how old are you.

- Do you work or study?

– Something heard about the company XXX.

- Did you use the product?

– Would you like to get a free consultation of a specialist in the field of ..., a professional in the field of ...

Prepare coupons on which you should write: “Free consultation with a professional cosmetologist, nutritionist. Call this number and activate the coupon."

If there are no such professionals among your partners, then just a specialist in products of such and such a direction. The person will have something in their hands.

- This coupon entitles you to one free consultation with ... a specialist. The coupon is valid for a month. (Or until such and such a date. There must be a time limit.)

You can conduct a business survey. Just include qualifying questions in the questionnaire.

You need to call the next day after the survey, otherwise people forget what was discussed.

- Hello, Tatyana. Here you participated in a sociological survey yesterday and you said that you are interested in consultation on ... (or additional income). Is it still like this?

- Good.

- In order to get a consultation, you need to come to our office at ... time.

Survey by apartments. Previously, this method worked with a bang, now it is difficult to get into the entrance, everyone has iron doors. You can use the same methodology to conduct a survey in offices and institutions.

The survey is conducted by two distributors. You need to start from the top floor and call all the apartments on the site. Hold a beautiful folder in your hands.

– Hello, we are conducting a sociological survey (public opinion poll). Please fill in the questionnaire. This is for you, for your health. In 15 minutes I'll come and pick it up. Thank you. If the person doesn't want to, apologize and call the next apartment.

If a person says: “What will happen if I don’t fill it up?”, Answer with humor, for example: “They will turn off the hot water.”

At home, you analyze questionnaires - see if there is a telephone, if a person would like to get advice on health or beauty, if his relatives have health problems.

The next day or the next day, call:

- Hello, Tatyana. Yesterday we conducted a public time poll at your house. Can you talk now?

- You wrote that among your loved ones there are health problems. The fact is that I am a specialist who solves these problems and you will help your loved ones a lot if you recommend me to them. Please, if possible, give me their phone numbers so that I can meet them.

If the person in the column for health advice wrote - yes, then you immediately take out your work schedule and say:

“Here is the work schedule of a specialist in your area for tomorrow. When is it more convenient for you to meet before lunch or after lunch…”.

Sociological survey in the field of health. Sample. (Spend by phone or on the street, or in offices).

- Hello. My name is Natalya. I conduct a sociological survey in the field of health. Do you have two minutes to answer a few questions?

- What is your name?

- Do you think that the environment affects the quality of food?

Do you think our health depends on food?

Are there people with health problems among your relatives?

- And what worries you about your health the most?

– You are interested in an individual free consultation in the field of healthy nutrition.

- When is it more convenient for you to come to us: on Wednesday before lunch or on Thursday after lunch, at ... one or at ... one? (we put in a situation of choice without choice).

- Okay, should I leave you on my list of friends?

No - delete. Yes - call after 2 weeks or after a month, or ask a question:

When will you call back next time?

If you agreed to the meeting:

- Are you sure you're right? If you have any doubts - tell me right away and I will write down another person for this time.

After the poll:

- Hello Maria. Remember, you took part in a sociological survey. We have processed the questionnaires and will arrange a meeting with a specialist. Do you still have such a need to get a free consultation?

Thank you for participating in the sociological survey. You will have the opportunity to attend an individual consultation. Leave your phone. You will be called when we have Consultation Day.

We call the next day, exactly the next day.

- Hello, Marina. You left your phone for an individual consultation. We have the opportunity to invite you for a consultation on Tuesday evening or Wednesday morning. As you prefer?

- On Tuesday, which is more convenient at 17.00 or at 18.00?

Hello, Tatyana. You are disturbed from the beauty and health center. Yesterday you took part in a sociological survey in the field of health. Is it ok to talk now?

- Thank you. You have answered all our questions. I would like to clarify one of them. Did I understand you correctly that you really would like to have complete and reliable information about ....

– The fact is that our company has provided such an opportunity for the participants of the sociological survey. And especially for people like you, free of charge on Tuesday at 16.30 holds an "Open Doors Day" at .... By the way, there you can participate in the lottery. Please write down your application number.

Take a pen, write down the address and the time.

For business.

This survey can be conducted over the phone or on the street.

- Hello. My name is Natalya. I am conducting a sociological survey in the field of employment. Do you have 2 minutes to answer a few questions?

- Sorry, all the best.

- Thank you. I am an independent distributor of a European company that invites everyone to cooperate. Are you interested in making money?

- Yes. What is it?

– I have an interesting suggestion on how you can increase your income (or develop your own business).

It is probably more reasonable to discuss all the details in a personal meeting. On Tuesday at ... an hour is convenient for you. We hold such a meeting in the central library. You will come and we will talk about everything. I don't want to take your phone right now.

Take a pen and write down the address.

- You are working?

- Do you like what you are doing now?

- Are you satisfied with your salary?

- Are you satisfied with the mode of operation?

– What type of activity do you prefer: physical labor, creative work or leadership of people?

What are you more interested in: working for yourself or working for hire?

– Would you like to get acquainted with new opportunities in the labor market?

- Your name, patronymic. Take a pen and write down where you need to go on this issue.

For health.

- How do you feel about vitamins?

Have you heard of natural vitamins?

– Do you want to know more?

Hello, I am conducting a sociological survey on children's health. Could you answer a few questions?

Do you have children under 14 in your family?

What are you doing to keep your child healthy?

- After that, your child began to get sick less? Less tired? Is it better to study? Got new abilities?

- Do you think your child gets enough vitamins, macro and microelements.

– Would you like to receive a free consultation of a specialist in the field of healthy nutrition?

Hello, I am conducting a sociological survey on children's health. Could you answer a few questions? (You can distribute this questionnaire at a parent meeting in kindergarten or at school).

- Thank you.

– Name of the child, his age _____________________________.

- Name, patronymic of parents _________________________.

- Your phone number _____________________.

- Does your child often get sick? ___________

Is your child's development appropriate for his age? _____

- Does it get tired quickly? ___________

– Behavior: quick-tempered, aggressive, calm, nervous.

- What worries you about his state of health:

Headache _______

Insomnia __________

Frequent colds _____________

Allergy ____________

Cardiovascular ________________

Osteoarticular _______________

Kidney disease _______________

Problems with skin, hair ______________

Other ________________

– Do you think that your child's diet meets the micronutrient needs of the body. ______________

– Do you want to get rid of any health problems for your child and other family members? ___________________

Would you like to receive a free consultation from a health specialist? ______

After reviewing the profiles, the next day you call those who want to get advice and invite them to the office or go to their home.

- Hello. My name is Natalya. I'm doing a sociological survey. You could answer a few questions. What is your name?

- Irina, do you consider yourself a healthy person?

– Irina, you agree that our health depends on nutrition.

Are you sure that the food you eat today will bring you health tomorrow?

- The food we eat determines the composition of our blood and serves as a building material for cells. Do you want to know more about it?

If the answer is yes.

- Fine. I am a consultant for the company ... in the field of cellular nutrition. Let's meet. Whenever is more convenient for you...

If the answer is no.

- Wonderful. Have you watched the movie "Health of the Wise Fee"?

- What did you like?

- What are you doing! An amazing non-fiction film about the cutting edge of nutritional science. Tells you how to stay healthy for years to come.

- Would you like to see?

- Let me bring you and you watch this movie. Where do you bring it - home, to work? Whenever is more convenient for you... or in…


– Hello, the health and beauty center is conducting a public opinion poll on cosmetology. Could you answer a few questions?

- No, all the best.

- Yes. Thank you.

- Do you use skin care products?

How do you choose cosmetics? We give 3 answers: the effect is important, not the brand; I trust advertising of cosmetics; I always try before I buy.

– Are you satisfied with the condition of your skin: yes, no, not always.

- Do you have a personal consultant for the selection of cosmetics: yes, no.

– Would you like to take a beauty class where you will learn how to properly care for your skin and see how your skin can and should look like: yes, no.

- Yes - you invite to a beauty lesson or a master class.

- Tell me, what kind of cosmetics do you use?

- Do you like her? (And regardless of the answer, continue on).

– Would you like to know about the new exclusive French luxury cosmetics (insert your text here)

- Give me your phone ....

– Do you use cosmetics?

What cosmetic brands do you prefer?

- Do you think that in summer (winter) it is necessary to protect the skin from excess sun (from cold)?

Are you satisfied with the condition of your hair?

Hello, the health and beauty center is conducting a public opinion poll on health issues. Could you answer a few questions? What is your name? (Next address the person by name.)

- Thank you.

- Do you consider yourself a healthy person?

– Do you know that 80% of deaths in the world are due to malnutrition?

But they could have been prevented.

Are you sure that the food you eat today will bring you health tomorrow?

- The food we eat determines the composition of our blood and serves as a building material for cells.

– Do you want to know more about it?

- Give me your phone.

Call the next day and make an appointment.

- Hello Irina. You are disturbed from the health and beauty center. Is it comfortable to talk?

– When do I call you back?

- We conducted a sociological survey yesterday and you wanted to get more information on the issue of cellular nutrition. Does it still stand?

- Fine.

– I am a cellular nutrition consultant for XXX. Let's meet. When is it more convenient for you?

I don't have time to meet.

- Good. Have you watched the movie "Health of the Wise Fee"?

- Yes, what are you? An amazing film that tells why we get sick. How to maintain your health for many years. About advanced technologies of science in the field of nutrition.

- Would you like to see?

- Let me bring you and you watch this movie. Where to drive: home, to work, to a cafe? Dictate an address. At ... an hour will be convenient.

Here is an example of telemarketing to promote dietary supplements. Can be applied to other products as well.

- Good afternoon (evening).

– My name is Natalia, I am conducting a survey by phone.

“Tell me, please, do you have two minutes to talk to me?”

– (or) Could you answer a few questions?

- (no) - Thank you, all the best.

– (yes) – Thank you (and keep going)

Do you think health is important?

What are you doing to keep your health?

- How do you rate your health on a 10-point scale?

- What prevents you from feeling 10 points?

– Would you like to know how you can improve your health, solve your problems, save time and money with natural, highly effective products?

- I work with this product professionally, I have a lot of experience and a large number of grateful customers who have completely solved their problems.

- What is your name?

- You could allocate 20-30 minutes of your time to meet with me at a convenient time for you.

- Hello. This is a call from a Moscow company. Are you comfortable talking?

- For what reason?

- About the work.

– We have a large international holding. We are engaged in the production and sale of a wide range of products. We need a regional representative for your region. If you are interested in serious earnings, I would suggest that you drive up to a meeting and talk.

From the book How to make a business out of a hobby. Monetization of creativity author Tyukhmeneva Anna

From the book Tourism Business Organization: Tourism Product Creation Technology author Mishina Larisa Alexandrovna

7.3. Service quality system. Sociological research One of the most important issues in the field of tourism is the quality of services. Quality requirements are the most important factor in evaluating any service. A service is a commodity of a special intangible kind. In accordance with par.

After I retired, I began to work seriously. It was November and the weather was still quite normal. I quit, I have no income, I need to do something. So I talked to the sponsor, he said, let's work, that's Friday, it's time, we need to have meetings. I posted a job ad on and started looking for partners offline for a double effect. So I thought how can I appoint and found a simple way - a social survey. I did not know how to do it, but, nevertheless, I went to the center and began to conduct it. The text of the survey was taken from a pleasant person from a parallel structure, the first day was like with him. Approaching the people was scary for the first 15 minutes, then everything is fine. The most interesting thing is that on the first day I met 5 of my friends. Wow test :) .

So it started, in a trembling voice I interviewed people, usually girls 17-25 years old and took two phones at once at a time, it happened, as it turned out, this was not necessary. The first days I took the phones for the amount, there were few meetings from this. In general, let's skip the story a little, in this post I will tell the points that I understood while conducting a social survey, maybe they will help someone.

Oh yes, I promised to write more often on the blog, but it doesn’t work because it dawned on me that it’s better not to build a network through the Internet, however, I’m not blogging for this purpose, so posts will appear more often. Diverted from the topic again :) .

So, by conducting social surveys every day, I figured out a few points for myself:

You need to be confident when communicating with a person.
It is necessary to approach a person not as a questionnaire, but as a person, that is, to communicate with him calmly and slowly.
Do not adapt to a person (below I will explain what it is).

Let's analyze each item separately.

You need to have a tablet, not a notepad.

The first week or a week and a half I went with a notebook, people treated differently, after buying a tablet it became a little easier J. In general, buy a tablet right away.

You need to be confident when communicating with a person.

When talking with a person, you should not be afraid of him, do not shake, you should not give a damn about his opinion, or rather, do not give a damn, but have a neutral attitude towards your opinion about the proposal. A lot of people after they hear several times no, or negative statements break off and stop working. Moreover, they begin to discuss these negative statements and let them through themselves.

It is necessary to approach a person not as a questionnaire, but as a person, that is, to communicate with him calmly and slowly.

This, in my opinion, is a very important point. You need to communicate with a person, so there will be fewer approaches to people, but contacts will be of better quality and, making an appointment, it will already be less clear what kind of person. In addition, when communicating, you can just get to know an interesting person (usually young beautiful girls). Plus, some people may leave the phone just because you're outgoing.

Don't adapt to the person.

In the early days, I had this problem. This means that you do not need to agree with a person like this is all UG and others and continue the conversation with him, assenting. At first, this was quite common, but now they don’t tell me that anymore.

Well, the key points. You need to have a tablet, be confident, not be afraid to approach people, smile, enjoy the process, do surveys more often, communicate with people. That's probably the main thing you need. Actually, it all comes with practice. It always gets better and better. Turbo speed turns on when you have no other source of income and you develop a network in another city. That is why I am moving from my native Tula in the spring :). Even with joy. This will be a separate post.

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