Job description of the Deputy Director for capital construction. Capital Construction Director Job Description Deputy Construction Director Job Description


President of JSC "_____"


"__" ______________20

1. General Provisions

This job description defines the functional duties, rights and responsibilities of the Deputy Director for the construction of the enterprise.

The Deputy Director for Construction is appointed to the position and dismissed in accordance with the procedure established by the current labor legislation by order of the enterprise.

The Deputy Director for Construction reports directly to the director of the enterprise.

The Deputy Director for Construction ensures the execution of design work, the collection of initial permits and construction at the enterprise, the rational use of capital investments and an increase in their efficiency.

Persons with higher technical education and at least five years of experience in engineering and management positions are appointed to the position of Deputy Director for Capital Construction.

The Deputy Director for Construction should know:

legislative and regulatory legal acts that determine the direction of development of the relevant activities of the enterprise;

administrative and regulatory materials of other bodies on issues of capital construction, as well as those relating to the activities of the enterprise;

profile, specialization and features of the structure of the enterprise;

prospects for technical and economic development of the enterprise;

production capacity of the enterprise;

the procedure for the development and approval of capital construction plans as a section of the business plan of the enterprise;

production technology and methods of construction work;

requirements for the organization of labor in the design and construction of facilities;

procedure for financing capital investments;

building regulations;

the procedure for the development and execution of design estimates and other technical documentation, keeping records and compiling reports on the activities of the enterprise in the field of capital construction;

the procedure for passing approvals and obtaining permits for construction

the procedure for concluding and executing economic and financial contracts;

scientific and technological achievements in the relevant field of design and construction and the experience of advanced enterprises in the field of capital construction;

economics, organization of production, labor and management;

rules and norms of labor protection, safety measures, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

2. Responsibilities

Management of the development of design estimates, capital construction plans, commissioning plans. production fixed assets, areas and capacities, housing, communal and cultural facilities, drawing up applications for building materials and equipment for newly commissioned facilities, title lists for construction, ensuring the performance of work provided for in the title lists, reducing the payback period of capital investments.

Participation in the preparation of plans for the implementation of the construction of facilities and their control, in determining the necessary allocations for the construction, design and purchase of equipment, contractors for the design and capital construction.

Ensures the performance of capital construction work at the enterprise, the targeted and rational use of investment resources, and the reduction of the volume of construction in progress.

He leads the work to improve and reduce the cost of design and survey work, improve the organization of production and introduce progressive construction methods, reduce the cost of construction work and improve quality, as well as reduce the time for their implementation.

Taking measures for the timely conclusion of contracts with contractors for design and survey and construction and installation work, with enterprises for the supply of materials and equipment.

Control over the fulfillment by design and construction and other organizations of contractual obligations, in necessary cases, the presentation of sanctions stipulated by the contracts.

Ensuring the issuance of all materials necessary for the development of design and estimate documentation for construction and reconstruction facilities.

Coordination of design tasks and their preparation for approval by higher organizations.

Establishment of the amounts and forms of compensation for additional costs associated with carrying out work in the conditions of existing production, the procedure and conditions for the construction and installation organizations to send workers to the main production, transfer the necessary technological equipment and provide various services.

Drawing up projects for the production of work, determining the methods and sequence of their implementation, taking into account specific conditions.

Coordinates with the bodies exercising technical supervision on issues related to the installation, testing and registration of equipment at construction sites.

Controls the spending of funds allocated for the purchase of equipment in accordance with the title list, compliance with storage rules and the quality of conservation of uninstalled equipment.

Together with contractors, it carries out work on the delivery, acceptance and commissioning of objects completed by construction.

Organization of control over the implementation of capital construction plans, the timeliness of issuing design estimates and technical documentation for the construction work, over compliance with the established norms for the duration of construction, the timing of commissioning of production capacities and fixed assets, over compliance with the requirements of legislation on environmental protection, as well as the implementation technical supervision over the timing and quality of construction and installation and other works, their compliance with the approved design and estimate documentation, working drawings, building codes and regulations, GOSTs and technical conditions, safety standards and industrial sanitation, fire protection, the requirements of the scientific organization of labor .

Assistance in the implementation of rationalization proposals that reduce the cost and reduce the construction time, the payback of capital investments.

Organizes work on accounting and reporting on capital construction.

Supervises the work of the Construction Department and coordinates the activities of its subordinate units.

3. Rights

Deputy The construction director has the right to:

Represent the enterprise in all state and public organizations on issues of capital construction.

Control and optimize the timing of the development and issuance of design estimates for construction work.

Give instructions to subordinate employees and services, tasks on a range of issues included in his functional duties.

To control the fulfillment of planned targets and work, the timely execution of individual orders and tasks by subdivisions subordinate to him.

Request and receive the necessary materials and documents related to the activities of the Deputy. construction director of his subordinate units.

Enter into relationships with departments of third-party institutions and organizations to resolve operational issues of production activities that are within the competence of the Deputy. director of capital construction.

Represent the interests of the enterprise in third-party organizations on issues related to the production activities of the enterprise on issues of capital construction.

Require the divisions of the enterprise to submit reports and materials necessary to fulfill the obligations provided for by this Regulation.


Deputy The Construction Director is responsible for:

4.1. The results and efficiency of the enterprise's production activities on issues of capital construction.

4.2. Failure to ensure the fulfillment of their functional duties, as well as the work of subordinate departments of the enterprise on issues of their production activities.

4.3. Inaccurate information about the status of implementation of work plans on issues within the competence of the Deputy. construction director.

4.4. Failure to comply with orders, instructions and instructions of the director of the enterprise.

4.5. Failure to take measures to suppress the identified violations of the Safety Rules, fire and other rules that pose a threat to the activities of the enterprise, its employees.


5.1. Operating mode construction director is determined in accordance with the Internal Labor Regulations established at the enterprise.

5.2. In connection with the production need, Deputy. the construction director may go on business trips (including local ones).

5.3. To solve operational issues to ensure the production activities of the Construction Department, Deputy. director of construction may be allocated official vehicles.


6.1. The exclusive scope of activity of the Deputy. director of construction is to ensure planning and organization of production activities of the enterprise on issues of capital construction.

6.2. Deputy construction director, to ensure his activities, the right to sign organizational and administrative documents on issues included in his functional duties is granted.

I am familiar with this manual. I received one copy in my hands and I undertake to keep it at my workplace ________ _________________ (signature) (signature transcript) M.P.

Deputy director for capital construction - LLC "Rotex-S"


Management of construction departments; organization and control of construction processes; monitoring the implementation of work plans, compliance with volumes, deadlines and quality; interaction with customers, design and contractor organizations; development of the budget, assessment of risks and efficiency, monitoring of their compliance in the course of work.

Deputy Director for Construction - Energopromstroy LLC

Construction. 50 people in charge

Responsibilities, functions, achievements

Management of production and economic activities of the organization; ensuring the fulfillment of all obligations to suppliers, customers; taking measures to create safe working conditions for life and health; compliance with the requirements of environmental protection legislation; taking measures for the timely conclusion of contracts for construction and installation works, for the purchase of materials and equipment

Director - LLC "Construction company "Master"

Construction. 80 people in charge

Responsibilities, functions, achievements

Management of production, economic and financial and economic activities of the enterprise; organization of work and effective interaction of all sections; ensuring the fulfillment of all obligations to suppliers, customers, creditors, economic and labor contracts; taking measures to create safe working conditions for life and health; compliance with the requirements of environmental protection legislation; protection of property interests of the enterprise in court, arbitration, state authorities and administration. Main objects: reconstruction of the kindergarten building, Shoe House store, overhaul of the emergency department, the administration building of the Social Security Administration, the construction of a car complex, a gas station in Zelenogorsk, the expansion of the Kamala-500kW substation, etc. others

Foreman, foreman, head of the site - Ugol LLC

Construction. 60 people in charge

Responsibilities, functions, achievements

Management of production, economic and financial and economic activities of the site; organization of construction and installation works in accordance with project documentation, building codes and regulations, technical specifications; drawing up applications for materials, transport, inventory and ensuring their effective use; accounting of work performed, preparation of technical documentation; registration of permits for the right to perform work; instructing workers on safe methods of work. The company performs major repairs and reconstruction of public sector facilities, construction of residential buildings, etc.

Assistant foreman, foreman, foreman - SMU-5 Construction Department No. 604

Construction. 30 people in charge

Responsibilities, functions, achievements

Management of production, economic and financial and economic activities of the site; organization of construction and installation works in accordance with project documentation, building codes and regulations, technical specifications; drawing up applications for materials, transport, inventory and ensuring their effective use; accounting of work performed, preparation of technical documentation; registration of permits for the right to perform work; instructing workers on safe work methods

Mining foreman – Artemovsky mine Association “Yeniseizoloto”

20 people in charge

Responsibilities, functions, achievements

Management of production and economic activities of the shift; conducting production briefings for workers; control over compliance with the rules of labor protection, safety measures, industrial sanitation; Ensuring that workers meet production standards

Job description of the production director

I approve [Job Title]

[Name of company]

__________ /___[FULL NAME.]___/

Production Director

General provisions

1.1. This job description defines the functional duties, rights and responsibilities of the production director [Name of the organization in the genitive case] (hereinafter referred to as the Company).

1.2. The production director is appointed to the position and dismissed from the position in accordance with the procedure established by the current labor legislation by order of the head of the Company.

The Production Director reports directly to [title of the immediate supervisor in the dative case] of the Company.

1.4. The production director belongs to the category of managers, leads the production work of the Company and has in his subordination:

- head of the production department;

- chief technologist;

- Heads of departments.

1.5. The Production Director is responsible for:

— proper organization of production work in accordance with the approved programs (plans) of the Company;

- performance and labor discipline of employees of production units;

— safety of information (documents) containing information constituting a trade secret of the Company, other confidential information, including personal data of the Company's employees;

— ensuring safe working conditions, maintaining order, compliance with fire safety rules in industrial premises.

1.6. Persons with higher professional (technical) education and work experience in the specialty in managerial positions in the corresponding profile of the enterprise in the sector of the economy for at least 5 years are appointed to the position of production director.

1.7. In practice, the production director should be guided by:

— legislation, regulatory legal acts, as well as local acts and
organizational and administrative documents of the Company regulating production;

- internal labor regulations;

- rules of labor protection and safety, ensuring industrial sanitation and fire protection;

- instructions, orders, decisions and instructions of the director of the organization;

- this job description.

1.8. The production manager must know:

— Legislation, regulations on the organization of production, fundamentals of environmental law;

— organizational structure of the Company, profile and specialization, as well as the purpose and development strategy;

— current and prospective needs of the Company in production resources (fixed assets, raw materials, equipment, technologies), methods of their planning and forecasting;

— tasks of production units to meet the needs of the Company in products of the appropriate quality, quantity, assortment and nomenclature, the possibility of solving these tasks;

— methods for analyzing the state of the Company's production potential, material and other resources required to maintain it at an appropriate level;

— main and reserve production capacities of the Company;

— the state and prospects for the development of the industry that is specialized for the Company;

— the procedure for drawing up and agreeing plans for the Company's production activities;

– the procedure for concluding and executing contracts for the production and supply of finished
products, semi-finished products, blanks and components;

— modern theories of organization of production;

– advanced domestic and foreign experience in organizing production;

— composition and structure of production (including technological) documentation of the Company;

- management (to the extent required for the effective management of production units), business etiquette, rules for conducting business correspondence on production issues;

- means of computer technology, communication and communications;

- Rules and norms of labor protection.

1.9. During the temporary absence of the production director, his duties are assigned to [deputy position].

2. Functional responsibilities

The production director is obliged to perform the following labor functions:

2.1. Lead the production work in the Company and confidently manage its activities.

2.2. To create optimal conditions for the timely and high-quality performance by the production units of the daily tasks assigned to them in strict accordance with the approved procedure (regulations) of work, the production technology of products manufactured by the Company.

2.3. Manage the work on the formation of the production policy and strategy for the development of production, the definition of its main directions in accordance with the development strategy of the Company and measures for its implementation.

2.4. Participate in the development of business plans of the Company in terms of meeting current and future needs in the production of products of a certain quality, quantity, range and range.

2.5. Ensure the necessary level of technical preparation of production and its constant growth, increase production efficiency, reduce costs (material, financial, labor), rational use of production resources, high quality and competitiveness of products, their compliance with current state standards, technical conditions and requirements of technical aesthetics, as well as its reliability and durability.

2.6. Organize research in the Company, including with the involvement of third-party organizations (institutions), as well as the development and implementation of comprehensive programs for the development of production potential and production plans.

2.7. Manage the development of measures for the reconstruction and modernization of the Company's production facilities, the prevention of harmful effects of production on the environment, the careful use of natural resources, the creation of safe working conditions and the improvement of the technical culture of production.

2.8. Organize the development and implementation of plans for the introduction of new equipment and technology, the implementation of organizational and technical measures in production, research and development work.

2.9. To carry out personally and through subordinates effective control over the state of production, compliance with design, engineering and technological discipline, rules and regulations on labor protection, safety, industrial sanitation and fire safety, requirements of environmental, sanitary authorities, as well as bodies exercising technical supervision .

2.10. Ensure the effectiveness of design solutions, timely and high-quality preparation of production, technical operation, repair and modernization of equipment.

2.11. Manage measures to improve the range and quality of products manufactured by the Company, to improve and update them, to create new competitive types of products, as well as to design and introduce into production means of integrated mechanization and automation of technological processes, control and test high-performance specialized equipment, develop standards for the labor intensity of products and consumption rates of materials for its manufacture, the consistent implementation of the economy and cost reduction.

2.12. Ensure timely preparation of technical documentation (drawings, specifications, technical conditions, technological maps).

2.13. Coordinate work on issues of patent and inventive activities, unification, standardization and certification of products, attestation and rationalization of jobs, metrological support, mechanical and energy maintenance of production.

2.14. Take measures to improve the organization of production, labor and management on the basis of the introduction of the latest technical and telecommunication means for performing engineering and management work.

2.15. Participate in the analysis of the Company's production activities in order to identify production reserves, eliminate losses and unproductive costs, rational use of material, human and other resources.

2.16. Work to ensure strict observance of production and technological discipline.

2.17. Participate in the development and implementation of rational production (including technological) documentation.

2.18. Ensure the compilation of operational reports on the results of the implementation of the production task, statistical reporting, as well as their submission in the prescribed manner to the relevant authorities.

2.19. Ensure reliable protection of information (documents) containing information constituting the trade secret of the Company, other confidential information, including personal data of the Company's employees.

2.20. Manage the training of subordinates, create conditions for them to improve their skills, professional growth, business career development and promotion in accordance with personal merits and qualifications.

2.21. Monitor compliance by subordinates with the rules of labor protection and safety, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

2.22. Use in relation to subordinates the granted rights to encourage them (bring them to responsibility).

Create conditions for the introduction and proper functioning of advanced production technologies, their subsequent improvement and optimization.

2.24. Manage production planning and reporting.

2.25. Manage the distribution of the production task, ensuring its timely, rhythmic and uniform delivery to production units, the forms of documents necessary to ensure production activities, as well as internal organizational, regulatory and regulatory and methodological documents on production management issues.

2.26. To study, generalize and apply in practice the advanced domestic and foreign experience in production management.

2.27. Consider proposals for ensuring ergonomic working conditions, rationalization of workplaces and submit them for a decision to the head of the Company.

2.28. Advise the head of the Company, heads of departments on topical and pressing issues of practical organization of production.

2.29. Provide personally and through the involvement of subordinates methodological assistance to employees of the enterprise's divisions on the choice of optimal methods for fulfilling a production task, the most effective use of technologies and technical means.

2.30. Timely and fully work out and submit reporting and other documentation to officials with appropriate powers.

If necessary, the director of production may be involved in the performance of his duties overtime, by decision of the director of the organization, in the manner prescribed by labor legislation.

The production director is obliged, on the basis of orders of the head of the Company, in the absence of the latter (vacation, illness, business trip), to perform the duties of the head of the Company, while acquiring appropriate powers and rights.

The production director has the right:

3.1. Make decisions in order to properly organize production work, ensure the daily activities of the Company's production units - on all issues within its competence.

3.2. Submit to the head of the Company their proposals for encouraging (bringing to responsibility) subordinate employees - in cases where their own powers are not enough for this.

3.3. Prepare and submit to the head of the Company their proposals for improving production work, its additional personnel, material and technical support, etc.

3.4. Participate in the work of collegial management bodies when considering issues related to production.

4. Responsibility and performance evaluation

4.1. The production director bears administrative, disciplinary and material (and in some cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, also criminal) responsibility for:

Non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of official instructions of the immediate supervisor.

4.1.2. Failure to perform or improper performance of their labor functions and assigned tasks.

4.1.3. Unlawful use of the granted official powers, as well as their use for personal purposes.

4.1.4. Inaccurate information about the status of the work entrusted to him.

4.1.5. Failure to take measures to suppress the identified violations of safety regulations, fire and other rules that pose a threat to the activities of the enterprise and its employees.

4.1.6. Failure to comply with labor discipline.

4.2. Evaluation of the work of the production director is carried out:

4.2.1. The immediate supervisor - regularly, in the course of the daily implementation of the employee's labor functions.

Attestation Commission of the enterprise - periodically, but at least once every two years based on the documented results of the work for the evaluation period.

4.3. The main criterion for evaluating the work of the production director is the quality, completeness and timeliness of his performance of the tasks provided for by this instruction.

5. Working conditions

5.1. The mode of operation of the production director is determined in accordance with the internal labor regulations established in the Company.

5.2. In connection with the production need, the production director is obliged to go on business trips (including local ones).

5.3. In connection with the production need, the production director may be provided with official vehicles to perform his labor functions.

6. Right to sign

6.1. To ensure his activities, the production director is given the right to sign organizational and administrative documents on issues that are part of his functional duties.

I am familiar with the instruction / / mm 20 g.


head of capital construction department


1.1. This job description defines the functional duties, rights and responsibilities of the head of the capital construction department.
1.2. The head of the capital construction department is appointed to the position and dismissed in accordance with the procedure established by the current labor legislation by order of the head of the Organization.
1.3. The head of the capital construction department reports directly to _______________.
1.4. A person who has a higher professional (technical) education and at least 5 years of experience in the specialty in engineering and technical and managerial positions in construction is appointed to the position of head of the capital construction department.
1.5. The head of the capital construction department should know:
- legislative and regulatory legal acts, resolutions, orders, orders of higher authorities, methodological materials on issues of capital construction;
— prospects for the technical and economic development of the Organization;
— the procedure for developing capital construction plans;
— the procedure for concluding contracts with contractors;
— technology of construction works, methods of conducting capital construction;
- the procedure for financing construction and drawing up design estimates;
- building regulations;
- requirements for the organization of labor in the design of construction projects;
— standards, specifications and other guidance materials for the preparation of project documentation;
- the procedure for maintaining accounting and reporting documentation on the implementation of construction work;
- scientific and technological achievements in the relevant industry and the experience of leading organizations in the field of capital construction;
— fundamentals of economics and organization of construction, labor and management;
— market methods of managing;
— basics of labor legislation;
— rules and norms of labor protection, safety measures, industrial sanitation and fire protection of construction sites.


Note. The functional responsibilities of the head of the capital construction department are determined on the basis and to the extent of the qualification characteristics for the position of the head of the capital construction department and can be supplemented, clarified when preparing the job description based on specific circumstances.

Head of Capital Construction Department:
2.1. Manages the direct execution of capital construction and reconstruction of production facilities.
2.2. Organizes the development of projects for long-term, medium-term and current capital construction plans, the preparation of title lists for all capital construction projects, applications for building materials and equipment.
2.3. Ensures the targeted and rational use of financial resources for the implementation of capital investments and increase their efficiency, carrying out the priority allocation of funds for the technical re-equipment and reconstruction of the Organization, their concentration on start-up facilities, reducing the volume of construction in progress.
2.4. Participates in the conclusion of contracts with design organizations and general contractors.
2.5. Monitors the fulfillment of contractual obligations by design and construction organizations, and, if necessary, imposes sanctions stipulated by the contracts.
2.6. Ensures the execution of banking operations under concluded agreements with contractors and the submission to banking institutions of documentation on the construction of facilities performed by a contract or economic method in a timely manner.
2.7. Organizes the implementation of capital construction plans, the timeliness of the issuance of design estimates and technical documentation for the production of construction works, and also exercises technical supervision over the timing and quality of work, their compliance with the approved design estimates, working drawings, building codes, standards, technical norms safety, industrial sanitation, the requirements of rational labor organization.

Supervises the timely commissioning of facilities.
2.9. Coordinates with the bodies exercising technical supervision on issues related to the installation, testing and registration of equipment at construction sites.
2.10. Controls the spending of funds allocated for the purchase of equipment in accordance with the title list, compliance with the rules for storage and the quality of conservation of uninstalled equipment.
2.11. Supervises work on improving the organization of labor in construction, reducing costs and improving the quality of construction work, reducing their time, improving and reducing the cost of design and survey work.
2.12. Promotes the implementation of rationalization proposals that reduce the cost and reduce construction time, accelerate the payback of capital investments (without reducing the strength of structures and deteriorating the quality of construction work).
2.13. Organizes work on accounting and reporting on capital construction.
2.14. Manages department employees.

The head of the capital construction department has the right to:
3.1. Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the head of the organization relating to the activities of the department headed.
3.2. Participate in the discussion of issues related to their official duties.
3.3. Submit proposals to the head of the organization to improve the activities of the headed department.
3.4. Liaise with the heads of other structural divisions of the organization.
3.5. Sign (vise) documents within their competence.
3.6. Make proposals to the management of the organization on encouraging distinguished employees, imposing penalties on violators of production and labor discipline.

Job description of the director of a construction organization

Require the head of the organization to assist in the performance of their duties and rights.


The head of the capital construction department is responsible for:
4.1. For failure to perform or improper performance of their duties under this job description - in accordance with applicable labor laws.
4.2. For offenses committed during the period of its activities - in accordance with the current civil, administrative and criminal legislation of the Russian Federation.
4.3. For causing material damage - in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.
4.4. For violation of the Internal Labor Regulations, fire safety and safety regulations established in the Organization - in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.


5.1. The mode of work of the head of the capital construction department is determined in accordance with the Internal Labor Regulations established in the Organization.
5.2. Due to production needs, the head of the capital construction department may go on business trips (including local ones).

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Job description of the Deputy Director for Capital Construction

I. General provisions

1. The Deputy Director for Capital Construction belongs to the category of managers.

2. A person who has a higher professional (technical) education and at least 5 years of experience in managerial positions in the field of capital construction is appointed to the position of Deputy Director for Capital Construction.

3. Appointment to the position of deputy director for capital construction and dismissal from it is carried out by order of the director of the enterprise.

4. The Deputy Director for Capital Construction must know:

4.1. Legislative and regulatory legal acts that determine the direction of development of the relevant industry; administrative and regulatory materials of other bodies on issues of capital construction, as well as those relating to the activities of the enterprise.

4.2. Profile, specialization and features of the structure of the enterprise.

4.3. Prospects for the technical and economic development of the enterprise.

4.4. The production capacity of the enterprise.

4.5. Fundamentals of production technology of the enterprise.

4.6. The procedure for the development and approval of capital construction plans as a section of the business plan of the enterprise.

4.7. Production technology and construction methods.

4.8. Requirements for the organization of labor in the design of construction projects.

4.9. The procedure for financing capital investments and attracting investors.

4.10. Building regulations.

4.11. The procedure for the development and execution of design estimates and other technical documentation, keeping records and compiling reports on the activities of the enterprise in the field of capital construction.

4.12. The procedure for concluding and executing economic and financial contracts.

4.13. Scientific and technical achievements in the relevant industry and the experience of leading enterprises in the field of capital construction.

4.14. Economics, organization of production, labor and management.

4.15. Rules and norms of labor protection, safety measures, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

5. Deputy director for capital construction reports directly to the director of the enterprise.

II. Job Responsibilities

Deputy Director for Capital Construction:

1. Ensures the performance of work on capital construction at the enterprise, the targeted and rational use of investment resources, directing funds for the technical re-equipment and reconstruction of the enterprise, their concentration at start-up facilities, and reducing the volume of construction in progress.

2. Leads the work to improve and reduce the cost of design and survey work, improve the organization of production and introduce progressive construction methods, reduce the cost of construction work and improve quality, as well as reduce the time for their implementation.

3. Manages the development of long-term and current plans for capital construction, reconstruction and expansion of the enterprise, as well as plans for the commissioning of fixed production facilities, areas and capacities, housing, communal and cultural facilities, drawing up applications for building materials and equipment for newly commissioned objects, title lists for construction, ensures the performance of the work provided for in the title lists, reducing the payback period for capital investments.

4. Participates in the preparation of business plans in terms of technical re-equipment and production efficiency, in determining the necessary financial resources, including investors, for the construction, design and purchase of equipment, as well as sources of financing capital investments, contractors for capital construction work in the conditions of market methods of managing.

Job description of the Deputy Director for Capital Construction

Takes measures for the timely conclusion of economic and financial contracts with contractors for design and survey and construction and installation work, with enterprises for the purchase of materials and equipment.

6. Monitors the fulfillment of contractual obligations by design and construction organizations, if necessary, imposes sanctions under the contracts, does not allow the use of building materials, parts and products that increase the cost of construction and do not meet standards and specifications.

7. Ensures the issuance of all materials necessary for the development of design and estimate documentation for construction and reconstruction facilities.

8. Coordinates design assignments and prepares them for approval by higher organizations.

9. Organizes the execution of banking operations under concluded agreements with customers and contractors and ensures the submission of the necessary documentation for the construction of facilities, carried out by a contract or economic method, in a timely manner.

10. Provides control over:

10.1. The timeliness of issuing design estimates and other technical documentation for the construction work.

10.2. Target use of investment funds.

10.3. Compliance with the established norms for the duration of construction and the timing of the commissioning of production capacities and fixed assets.

10.4. Timely execution of tasks for capital construction.

10.5. Compliance with the requirements of environmental protection legislation.

11. Provides technical supervision and control:

11.1. For the timing and quality of all construction and installation and other construction works.

11.2. For the compliance of construction and installation works with the approved design and estimate documentation, building codes and regulations, standards and specifications, safety standards, industrial sanitation and fire protection, labor organization requirements.

Coordinates with the bodies exercising technical supervision on issues related to the installation, testing and registration of equipment at construction sites.

13. Controls the spending of funds allocated for the purchase of equipment in accordance with the title list, compliance with storage rules and the quality of conservation of uninstalled equipment.

14. Together with contractors, it carries out work on the delivery, acceptance and commissioning of objects completed by construction.

15. Promotes the introduction of rationalization proposals and improvements that reduce the cost and reduce construction time, reduce the payback period for capital investments (without reducing the strength of structures and deteriorating the quality of construction work).

16. Ensures the introduction of progressive forms of labor organization, the expedient use of the professional and qualification potential of employees employed in subdivisions subordinate to him.

17. Organizes work on keeping records and reporting on capital construction.

18. Supervises the work of the department (management) of capital construction and coordinates the activities of subdivisions subordinate to it.

The Deputy Director for Capital Construction has the right to:

1. Act on behalf of the enterprise, represent the interests of the enterprise in relations with other structural divisions of the enterprise, organizations and public authorities on issues of capital construction.

2. Request and receive the necessary information from the heads of structural divisions of the enterprise and specialists.

3. Check the activities of the structural divisions of the enterprise subordinate to him.

4. Give instructions to the heads of structural divisions of the enterprise on issues of capital construction.

5. Within its competence, sign and endorse documents; to issue, under his signature, instructions on the enterprise on issues of capital construction.

6. Independently conduct correspondence with the structural divisions of the enterprise, as well as other organizations on issues within its competence.

7. Make proposals to the director of the enterprise on bringing officials to material and disciplinary liability based on the results of inspections.

IV. Responsibility

The Deputy Director for Capital Construction is responsible for:

1. For improper performance or non-performance of their official duties provided for by this job description - to the extent determined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

2. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

3. For causing material damage - within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

Acquainted with this job description: Date. Signature.

2018 © job descriptions

The CEO is the head of any commercial organization, be it a joint-stock company or a manufacturing enterprise. The functions of the General Director are in the general management of the production and economic activities of the company. It is he who bears full responsibility for all decisions made, for the results of the enterprise and the safety of its property.

The profession of the CEO is very responsible and combines many responsibilities, so the manager, in order to cope with the load, delegates his powers to subordinates. Namely, at any enterprise and in each company there is necessarily a deputy general director who organizes the work of the personnel and, in case of any unforeseen circumstances, the acting director. In addition, there are such positions as financial director (head of the company's financial department), commercial director (head of sales, marketing and logistics departments in the company) and executive director (head who has administrative and financial control, work with subcontractors and suppliers, organization of document flow in the company).

Places of work

As already mentioned, the CEO is necessary for any commercial company and enterprise. This is one of the most promising and highly paid positions.

History of the profession

The first general directors in history can be called factory managers in the 18th century, who performed all administrative functions, while remaining employees of the owner of the enterprise.

Duties of the CEO

In general terms, the job responsibilities of the CEO are as follows:

  • Organization, coordination and control of the work of the enterprise (company);
  • Organization of effective interaction of structural divisions of the company;
  • Strategic planning of enterprise development and implementation of these plans;
  • Participation in the formation of the budget and control of its implementation;
  • Ensuring effective document flow and timely movement of information in the company.

The list of what the CEO does may differ depending on the scope and scale of the company.

General manager requirements

The main requirements are as follows:

  • Higher education (often required economic, legal or relevant to the profile of the company);
  • 2 years experience in a managerial position;
  • Experience in a field relevant to the company's activities;
  • Knowledge of laws and regulations;
  • Fluency in English;
  • PC knowledge.

Sometimes such additional requirements are put forward, which are more related to the profile of the company.

CEO resume template

Resume sample.

How to become a CEO

Since what the CEO does is not taught at any university, usually a diploma of higher economic, legal or technical education is required from an applicant for a position. Sometimes, due to the specifics of the company's work, a medical education is welcome.

CEO salary

As in any other profession, the salary of the CEO depends on the region of residence and the company in which to work. The range of amounts ranges from 40 to 250 thousand rubles.

Job Descriptions

rubles. The average salary of a general director is 60,000 rubles per month (excluding bonuses, which are announced only during a personal conversation with a candidate).

Where to get training

In addition to higher education, there are a number of short-term studies on the market lasting, as a rule, from a week to a year.

Interregional Academy of Construction and Industrial Complex and its courses of the direction "Retraining of managers".

Download job description
Deputy Director for Capital Construction
(.doc, 86KB)

I. General provisions

  1. The Deputy Director for Capital Construction belongs to the category of managers.
  2. A person who has a higher professional (technical) education and at least 5 years of experience in managerial positions in the field of capital construction is appointed to the position of Deputy Director for Capital Construction.
  3. Appointment to the position of deputy director for capital construction and dismissal from it is carried out by order of the director of the enterprise.
  4. The Deputy Director for Capital Construction should know:
    1. 4.1. Legislative and regulatory legal acts that determine the direction of development of the relevant industry; administrative and regulatory materials of other bodies on issues of capital construction, as well as those relating to the activities of the enterprise.
    2. 4.2. Profile, specialization and features of the structure of the enterprise.
    3. 4.3. Prospects for the technical and economic development of the enterprise.
    4. 4.4. The production capacity of the enterprise.
    5. 4.5. Fundamentals of production technology of the enterprise.
    6. 4.6. The procedure for the development and approval of capital construction plans as a section of the business plan of the enterprise.
    7. 4.7. Production technology and construction methods.
    8. 4.8. Requirements for the organization of labor in the design of construction projects.
    9. 4.9. The procedure for financing capital investments and attracting investors.
    10. 4.10. Building regulations.
    11. 4.11. The procedure for the development and execution of design estimates and other technical documentation, keeping records and compiling reports on the activities of the enterprise in the field of capital construction.
    12. 4.12. The procedure for concluding and executing economic and financial contracts.
    13. 4.13. Scientific and technical achievements in the relevant industry and the experience of leading enterprises in the field of capital construction.
    14. 4.14. Economics, organization of production, labor and management.
    15. 4.15. Rules and norms of labor protection, safety measures, industrial sanitation and fire protection.
  5. The Deputy Director for Capital Construction reports directly to the director of the enterprise.

II. Job Responsibilities

Deputy Director for Capital Construction:

  1. Ensures the performance of works on capital construction at the enterprise, the targeted and rational use of investment resources, directing funds for the technical re-equipment and reconstruction of the enterprise, their concentration on start-up facilities, reducing the volume of construction in progress.
  2. Leads the work to improve and reduce the cost of design and survey work, improve the organization of production and introduce progressive construction methods, reduce the cost of construction work and improve quality, as well as reduce the time for their implementation.
  3. Manages the development of long-term and current plans for capital construction, reconstruction and expansion of the enterprise, as well as plans for the commissioning of fixed production facilities, areas and capacities, housing, communal and cultural facilities, drawing up applications for building materials and equipment for newly commissioned facilities, title lists for construction, ensures the performance of the work provided for in the title lists, reducing the payback period for capital investments.
  4. Participates in the preparation of business plans in terms of technical re-equipment and production efficiency, in determining the necessary financial resources, including investors, for the construction, design and purchase of equipment, as well as sources of financing for capital investments, contractors for performing capital construction work in conditions market methods of management.
  5. Takes measures for the timely conclusion of economic and financial contracts with contractors for design and survey and construction and installation work, with enterprises for the purchase of materials and equipment.
  6. Monitors the fulfillment of contractual obligations by design and construction organizations, if necessary, imposes sanctions under the contracts, does not allow the use of building materials, parts and products that increase the cost of construction and do not meet standards and specifications.
  7. Ensures the issuance of all materials necessary for the development of design and estimate documentation for construction and reconstruction facilities.
  8. Coordinates design assignments and prepares them for approval by higher organizations.
  9. Organizes the execution of banking operations under concluded agreements with customers and contractors and ensures the submission of the necessary documentation for the construction of facilities, carried out by a contract or economic method, in a timely manner.
  10. Provides control over:
    1. 10.1. The timeliness of issuing design estimates and other technical documentation for the construction work.
    2. 10.2. Target use of investment funds.
    3. 10.3. Compliance with the established norms for the duration of construction and the timing of the commissioning of production capacities and fixed assets.
    4. 10.4. Timely execution of tasks for capital construction.
    5. 10.5. Compliance with the requirements of environmental protection legislation.
  11. Provides technical supervision and control:
    1. 11.1. For the timing and quality of all construction and installation and other construction works.
    2. 11.2. For the compliance of construction and installation works with the approved design and estimate documentation, building codes and regulations, standards and specifications, safety standards, industrial sanitation and fire protection, labor organization requirements.
  12. Coordinates with the bodies exercising technical supervision on issues related to the installation, testing and registration of equipment at construction sites.
  13. Controls the spending of funds allocated for the purchase of equipment in accordance with the title list, compliance with storage rules and the quality of conservation of uninstalled equipment.
  14. Together with contractors, it carries out work on the delivery, acceptance and commissioning of objects completed by construction.
  15. Promotes the introduction of rationalization proposals and improvements that reduce the cost and reduce construction time, reduce the payback period for capital investments (without reducing the strength of structures and deteriorating the quality of construction work).
  16. Ensures the introduction of progressive forms of labor organization, the appropriate use of the professional and qualification potential of employees employed in subordinate units.
  17. Organizes work on accounting and reporting on capital construction.
  18. Supervises the work of the department (management) of capital construction and coordinates the activities of subdivisions subordinate to it.

III. The rights

The Deputy Director for Capital Construction has the right to:

  1. Act on behalf of the enterprise, represent the interests of the enterprise in relations with other structural divisions of the enterprise, organizations and public authorities on issues of capital construction.
  2. Request and receive from the heads of structural divisions of the enterprise and specialists the necessary information.
  3. To check the activities of the structural divisions of the enterprise subordinate to him.
  4. Give instructions to the heads of structural divisions of the enterprise on capital construction issues.
  5. Within its competence, sign and endorse documents; to issue, under his signature, instructions on the enterprise on issues of capital construction.
  6. Independently conduct correspondence with the structural divisions of the enterprise, as well as other organizations on issues within its competence.
  7. Make proposals to the director of the enterprise on bringing officials to material and disciplinary liability based on the results of inspections.

IV. Responsibility

The Deputy Director for Capital Construction is responsible for:

  1. For improper performance or non-performance of their official duties provided for by this job description - to the extent determined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.
  2. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.
  3. For causing material damage - within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

(name of the enterprise, organization, institution) (head of the enterprise, organization, institution)


00.00.0000 No. 00 (signature) (full name)
Structural unit: Department of capital construction

Position: Deputy Director for Capital Construction


1. General Provisions

1.1 This job description defines the functional duties, rights and responsibilities of the Deputy Director for Capital Construction.
1.2 The Deputy Director for Capital Construction belongs to the category of managers.
1.3 The Deputy Director for Capital Construction is appointed to the position and dismissed in accordance with the procedure established by the current labor legislation by order of the director of the enterprise.
1.4 Relationships by position:
1.4.1 Direct reporting to the Director of the enterprise
1.4.2. Additional submission?
1.4.3 Gives orders to Employees of the enterprise, structural unit
1.4.4 The employee is replaced by a person appointed by the director of the enterprise
1.4.5 The employee replaces the Director of the enterprise.

2. Qualification requirements of the Deputy Director for Capital Construction:

2.1. Higher professional (technical) education
2.2 work experience work experience in managerial positions in the field of capital construction for at least 5 years.
2.3 knowledge Legislative and regulatory legal acts that determine the direction of development of the relevant industry; administrative and regulatory materials of other bodies on issues of capital construction, as well as those relating to the activities of the enterprise.
Profile, specialization and features of the structure of the enterprise.
Prospects for the technical and economic development of the enterprise.
The production capacity of the enterprise.
Fundamentals of production technology of the enterprise.
The procedure for the development and approval of capital construction plans as a section of the business plan of the enterprise.
Production technology and construction methods.
Requirements for the organization of labor in the design of construction projects.
The procedure for financing capital investments and attracting investors.
Building regulations.
The procedure for the development and execution of design estimates and other technical documentation, keeping records and compiling reports on the activities of the enterprise in the field of capital construction.
The procedure for concluding and executing economic and financial contracts.
Scientific and technical achievements in the relevant industry and the experience of leading enterprises in the field of capital construction.
Economics, organization of production, labor and management.
Rules and norms of labor protection, safety measures, industrial sanitation and fire protection
2.4 skills?
2.5 additional requirements?

3. Documents regulating the activities of the Deputy Director for Capital Construction

3.1 External documents:
Legislative and regulatory acts relating to the work performed.
3.2 Internal documents:
Charter of the enterprise, Orders and instructions of the director of the enterprise; Regulations on the enterprise, department of capital construction, Job description of the deputy director for capital construction, Internal labor regulations.

4. Job responsibilities of the Deputy Director for Capital Construction

Deputy Director for Capital Construction:
4.1. Ensures the performance of works on capital construction at the enterprise, the targeted and rational use of investment resources, directing funds for the technical re-equipment and reconstruction of the enterprise, their concentration on start-up facilities, reducing the volume of construction in progress.
4.2. Leads the work to improve and reduce the cost of design and survey work, improve the organization of production and introduce progressive construction methods, reduce the cost of construction work and improve quality, as well as reduce the time for their implementation.
4.3. Manages the development of long-term and current plans for capital construction, reconstruction and expansion of the enterprise, as well as plans for the commissioning of fixed production facilities, areas and capacities, housing, communal and cultural facilities, drawing up applications for building materials and equipment for newly commissioned facilities, title lists for construction, ensures the performance of the work provided for in the title lists, reducing the payback period for capital investments.
4.4. Participates in the preparation of business plans in terms of technical re-equipment and production efficiency, in determining the necessary financial resources, including investors, for the construction, design and purchase of equipment, as well as sources of financing for capital investments, contractors for performing capital construction work in conditions market methods of management.
4.5. Takes measures for the timely conclusion of economic and financial contracts with contractors for design and survey and construction and installation work, with enterprises - for the purchase of materials and equipment.
4.6. Monitors the fulfillment of contractual obligations by design and construction organizations, if necessary, imposes sanctions under the contracts, does not allow the use of building materials, parts and products that increase the cost of construction and do not meet standards and specifications.
4.7. Ensures the issuance of all materials necessary for the development of design and estimate documentation for construction and reconstruction facilities.
4.8. Coordinates design assignments and prepares them for approval by higher organizations.
4.9. Organizes the execution of banking operations under concluded agreements with customers and contractors and ensures the submission of the necessary documentation for the construction of facilities, carried out by a contract or economic method, in a timely manner.
4.10. Provides control over:
4.10.1. The timeliness of issuing design estimates and other technical documentation for the construction work.
4.10.2. Target use of investment funds.
4.10.3. Compliance with the established norms for the duration of construction and the timing of the commissioning of production capacities and fixed assets.
4.10.4. Timely execution of tasks for capital construction.
4.10.5. Compliance with the requirements of environmental protection legislation.
4.11. Provides technical supervision and control:
4.11.1. For the timing and quality of all construction and installation and other construction works.
4.11.2. For the compliance of construction and installation works with the approved design and estimate documentation, building codes and regulations, standards and specifications, safety standards, industrial sanitation and fire protection, labor organization requirements.
4.12. Coordinates with the bodies exercising technical supervision on issues related to the installation, testing and registration of equipment at construction sites.
4.13. Controls the spending of funds allocated for the purchase of equipment in accordance with the title list, compliance with storage rules and the quality of conservation of uninstalled equipment.
4.14. Together with contractors, it carries out work on the delivery, acceptance and commissioning of objects completed by construction.
4.15. Promotes the introduction of rationalization proposals and improvements that reduce the cost and reduce construction time, reduce the payback period for capital investments (without reducing the strength of structures and deteriorating the quality of construction work).
4.16. Ensures the introduction of progressive forms of labor organization, the appropriate use of the professional and qualification potential of employees employed in subordinate units.
4.17. Organizes work on accounting and reporting on capital construction.
4.18. Supervises the work of the department (management) of capital construction and coordinates the activities of subdivisions subordinate to it.

5. Rights of the Deputy Director for Capital Construction

The Deputy Director for Capital Construction has the right to:
5.1. Act on behalf of the enterprise, represent the interests of the enterprise in relations with other structural divisions of the enterprise, organizations and public authorities on issues of capital construction.
5.2. Request and receive from the heads of structural divisions of the enterprise and specialists the necessary information.
5.3. To check the activities of the structural divisions of the enterprise subordinate to him.
5.4. Give instructions to the heads of structural divisions of the enterprise on capital construction issues.
5.5. Within its competence, sign and endorse documents; to issue, under his signature, instructions on the enterprise on issues of capital construction.
5.6. Independently conduct correspondence with the structural divisions of the enterprise, as well as other organizations on issues within its competence.
5.7. Make proposals to the director of the enterprise on bringing officials to material and disciplinary liability based on the results of inspections.

6. Responsibility of the Deputy Director for Capital Construction

The Deputy Director for Capital Construction is responsible for:
6.1. For improper performance or non-performance of their official duties provided for by this job description - within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of Ukraine.
6.2. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of Ukraine.
6.3. For causing material damage - within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of Ukraine.

7. Working conditions of the Deputy Director for Capital Construction

7.1. The mode of operation of the Deputy Director for Capital Construction is determined in accordance with
The internal labor regulations established in the enterprise.
7.2. Due to operational needs, the Deputy Director for Capital Construction may be sent on business trips (including local ones).
7.3. To resolve operational issues of the Deputy Director for Capital Construction, official vehicles may be allocated.

8. Terms of remuneration

Terms of remuneration of the Deputy Director for Capital Construction determined in accordance with the Regulations on remuneration of personnel.

9 Final provisions

9.1 This Job Description is made in two copies, one of which is kept by the Company, the other by the employee.
9.2 Tasks, Responsibilities, Rights and Responsibilities may be specified in accordance with the change in the Structure, Tasks and Functions of the structural unit and workplace.
9.3 Changes and additions to this Job Description are made by order of the General Director of the enterprise.

Head of structural unit
Head of the legal department

(signature) (surname, initials)

Familiarized with the instructions:
(signature) (surname, initials)


[Job title]



[Name of company]


_______________________/[FULL NAME.]/

"______" _______________ 20___


Deputy director for capital construction

1. General Provisions

1.1. This job description defines and regulates the powers, functional and job duties, rights and responsibilities of the Deputy Director for Capital Construction [Name of organization in the genitive case] (hereinafter referred to as the Company).

1.2. The Deputy Director for Capital Construction is appointed and dismissed in accordance with the procedure established by the current labor legislation by order of the head of the Company.

1.3. The Deputy Director for Capital Construction reports directly to [title of immediate supervisor in the dative case] of the Company.

1.4. The Deputy Director for Capital Construction belongs to the category of managers, leads the work of the Company in capital construction and has in his subordination:

  • department of capital construction;
  • engineering and design group.

1.5. The Deputy Director for Capital Construction is responsible for:

  • proper organization of work on capital construction in accordance with the approved programs (plans) of the Company;
  • performance and labor discipline of employees;
  • safety of documents (information) containing information constituting a trade secret of an organization (enterprise), other confidential information, including personal data of the Company's employees;
  • ensuring safe working conditions, maintaining order, complying with fire safety rules in industrial premises.

1.6. Persons with a higher professional (technical) education and at least 5 years of experience in managerial positions in the field of capital construction are appointed to the position of Deputy Director for Capital Construction.

1.7. In practical activities, the Deputy Director for Capital Construction should be guided by:

  • legislation, regulatory legal acts, as well as local acts and organizational and administrative documents of the Company regulating capital construction;
  • internal labor regulations;
  • rules of labor protection and safety, ensuring industrial sanitation and fire protection;
  • instructions, orders, decisions and instructions of the head of the Company;
  • this job description.

1.8. The Deputy Director for Capital Construction should know:

  • legislative and regulatory legal acts that determine the direction of development of the relevant industry;
  • administrative and regulatory materials of other bodies on issues of capital construction, as well as those relating to the activities of the enterprise;
  • profile, specialization and features of the structure of the enterprise;
  • prospects for technical and economic development of the enterprise;
  • production capacity of the enterprise; fundamentals of production technology of the enterprise;
  • the procedure for the development and approval of capital construction plans as a section of the business plan of the enterprise;
  • production technology and methods of construction work;
  • requirements for the organization of labor in the design of construction projects;
  • the procedure for financing capital investments and attracting investors;
  • building regulations;
  • the procedure for the development and execution of design estimates and other technical documentation, keeping records and compiling reports on the activities of the enterprise in the field of capital construction;
  • the procedure for concluding and executing economic and financial contracts;
  • scientific and technological achievements in the relevant industry and the experience of advanced enterprises in the field of capital construction;
  • economics, organization of production, labor and management; rules and norms of labor protection, safety measures, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

1.9. During the temporary absence of the Deputy Director for Capital Construction, his duties are assigned to [deputy position].

2. Job responsibilities

The Deputy Director for Capital Construction performs the following labor functions.

2.1. Ensures the performance of works on capital construction at the enterprise, the targeted and rational use of investment resources, directing funds for the technical re-equipment and reconstruction of the enterprise, their concentration on start-up facilities, reducing the volume of construction in progress.

2.2. He leads the work to improve and reduce the cost of design and survey work, improve the organization of production and introduce progressive construction methods, reduce the cost of construction work and improve quality, as well as reduce the time for their implementation.

2.3. Manages the development of long-term and current plans for capital construction, reconstruction and expansion of the enterprise, as well as plans for the commissioning of fixed production facilities, areas and capacities, housing, communal and cultural facilities, drawing up applications for building materials and equipment for newly commissioned facilities, title lists for construction, ensures the performance of the work provided for in the title lists, reducing the payback period for capital investments.

2.4. Participates in the preparation of business plans in terms of technical re-equipment and increase in production efficiency, in determining the necessary financial resources, including funds from investors, for the construction, design and purchase of equipment, as well as sources of financing for capital investments, contractors for capital construction work in the conditions of market methods of managing.

2.5. Takes measures for the timely conclusion of economic and financial contracts with contractors for design and survey and construction and installation work, with enterprises for the purchase of materials and equipment.

2.6. Monitors the fulfillment of contractual obligations by design and construction organizations, if necessary, imposes sanctions under the contracts, does not allow the use of building materials, parts and products that increase the cost of construction and do not meet standards and specifications.

2.7. Ensures the issuance of all materials necessary for the development of design and estimate documentation for construction and reconstruction facilities.

2.8. Coordinates design assignments and prepares them for approval by higher organizations.

2.9. Organizes the execution of banking operations under concluded agreements with customers and contractors and ensures the submission of the necessary documentation for the construction of facilities, carried out by a contract or economic method, in a timely manner.

2.10. Provides control over the timely issuance of design estimates and other technical documentation for the production of construction works, the targeted use of investment funds, over compliance with the established norms for the duration of construction and the deadlines for putting production capacities and fixed assets into operation, over the timeliness of fulfilling tasks for capital construction, over compliance with the requirements legislation on environmental protection, as well as technical supervision and control over the timing and quality of all construction and installation and other construction works, over their compliance with the approved design and estimate documentation, building codes and rules, standards and specifications, safety standards, production sanitation and fire protection, labor organization requirements.

2.11. Coordinates with the bodies exercising technical supervision on issues related to the installation, testing and registration of equipment at construction sites.

2.12. Controls the spending of funds allocated for the purchase of equipment in accordance with the title list, compliance with storage rules and the quality of conservation of uninstalled equipment.

2.13. Together with contractors, it carries out work on the delivery, acceptance and commissioning of objects completed by construction.

2.14. Promotes the introduction of rationalization proposals and improvements that reduce the cost and reduce construction time, reduce the payback period for capital investments (without reducing the strength of structures and deteriorating the quality of construction work).

2.15. Ensures the introduction of progressive forms of labor organization, the appropriate use of the professional and qualification potential of employees employed in subordinate units.

2.16. Organizes work on accounting and reporting on capital construction.

2.17. Supervises the work of the department (management) of capital construction and coordinates the activities of subdivisions subordinate to it.

2.18. The Deputy Director for Capital Construction must work out and submit reporting and other documentation to officials with appropriate powers in a timely manner and in full.

If necessary, the Deputy Director for Capital Construction may be involved in the performance of his official duties overtime, by decision of the head of the Company, in the manner prescribed by labor legislation.

3. Rights

The Deputy Director for Capital Construction has the right to:

3.1. Make decisions in order to properly organize capital construction work, ensure daily activities - on all issues within its competence.

3.2. Submit to the head of the Company their proposals for encouraging (bringing to responsibility) subordinate employees - in cases where their own powers are not enough for this.

3.3. Prepare and submit to the head of the Company their proposals for improving the work of capital construction, its additional personnel, logistics, etc.

3.4. Participate in the work of collegial management bodies when considering issues related to capital construction.

4. Responsibility and performance evaluation

4.1. The Deputy Director for Capital Construction bears administrative, disciplinary and material (and in some cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, also criminal) responsibility for:

4.1.1. Non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of official instructions of the immediate supervisor.

4.1.2. Failure to perform or improper performance of their labor functions and assigned tasks.

4.1.3. Unlawful use of the granted official powers, as well as their use for personal purposes.

4.1.4. Inaccurate information about the status of the work entrusted to him.

4.1.5. Failure to take measures to suppress the identified violations of safety regulations, fire and other rules that pose a threat to the activities of the enterprise and its employees.

4.1.6. Failure to enforce labor discipline.

4.2. Evaluation of the work of the Deputy Director for Capital Construction is carried out:

4.2.1. The immediate supervisor - regularly, in the course of the daily implementation of the employee's labor functions.

4.2.2. Attestation Commission of the enterprise - periodically, but at least once every two years based on the documented results of the work for the evaluation period.

4.3. The main criterion for evaluating the work of the Deputy Director for Capital Construction is the quality, completeness and timeliness of his performance of the tasks provided for by this instruction.

5. Working conditions

5.1. The work schedule of the Deputy Director for Capital Construction is determined in accordance with the internal labor regulations established by the Company.

5.2. In connection with the production need, the Deputy Director for Capital Construction is obliged to go on business trips (including local ones).

5.3. In connection with the production need, the Deputy Director for Capital Construction may be provided with official vehicles to perform his labor functions.

6. Right to sign

6.1. To ensure his activities, the Deputy Director for Capital Construction is granted the right to sign organizational and administrative documents on issues that are part of his functional duties.

Acquainted with the instruction ___________ / ____________ / "__" _______ 20__