Who is a freelancer, what does he do, what is this profession. Difficulty creating a work environment

Hello friends! Today we’ll talk about my favorite topic in remote work: “who is a freelancer and what does he do?” For since the summer of 2014 I myself have been sitting tightly at a computer in all points of the world accessible to me and I don’t blow my mustache at all, because the office was left somewhere far behind, in the company with the authorities and traffic jams on the way to work.

I am writing this, sitting among the forests and sand, and sometimes I myself do not believe what happened (I just realized that it is almost like in a country house). Even . For there is nothing cooler than to break where you want and when you want; Don't ask anyone and don't explain anything to anyone. Just a song. True, not without...

But, back to the topic:

Who first used this word? As the Internet tells us, for the first time this term was seen by Walter Scott in the novel "Ivanhoe", where mercenary warriors were called freelancers (From the English freelance: “free” is free, and “lance” is a spear). Later, this term began to refer to prostitutes working without pimps (our brother was even awarded such a comparison).

And today a freelancer is called a private specialist, a free artisan, working simultaneously for several employers. Most often, a freelancer offers his services himself, less often he works as a contractor for several companies.

I myself prefer long-term cooperation with a limited number of clients, because finding a job is always stressful for me. I already wrote about this in an article about.

Goa at work

For those who ask “what kind of profession is a freelancer” I will say that this is not a profession at all, but a way to conduct a workflow. And to be more precise, it is a way of life! And for 2.5 years of free swimming, I have formed such habits that I don’t want to get rid of at all. For example, the ability to go wherever you want at any time.

Or do something other than work. Or move your schedule the way you like yourself, and not the way your boss requires.

What do freelancers do?

The most common question from a neophyte is who to be? For those who doubt, I wrote in which it is easiest to start. However, the list is not exhaustive of them.

St. Petersburg, making a website for a funeral agency

So professions:

  • Journalism and work with text. Probably the most common freelance direction, which includes such concepts as.
  • translators. Especially appreciated are those who speak exotic languages ​​for us so far such as Hindi, Urdu or Chinese.
  • Creation and maintenance of sites. My theme, which I refer to more succinctly as "web craft". I just call myself "webmaster"
  • Design . , graphic, landscape, etc. Wide market for earnings.
  • Programming in all possible languages ​​and in all available media.
  • Consulting. Areas: jurisprudence, psychology, personal mentoring, coaching, etc.
  • SEO-specialists - website promotion in search engines
  • SMM-specialists - promotion and administration of social networks.
  • personal assistants — the right hands of always busy executives and entrepreneurs
  • Marketers, sellers and advertisers— from setting up Yandex.Direct to direct sales by phone
  • Design Engineers. Why do you need an office if you only need a laptop and the Internet to design stove heating?
  • Architects. The same
  • Photographers and videographers. They, of course, have more problems with mobility, but the essence remains the same: work on orders.
  • Video editing and photo processing. As an option for the previous paragraph with a large number of degrees of freedom. But the requirements for the quality of the Internet are the highest
  • Fashion Models. Yes, I've even met them! Work for several modeling agencies.
  • Bomb drivers. Private cab - why not freelancing?
  • etc.

As you can see, the list is quite large, and even it is far from exhausting the whole variety of freelance professions. In it, along with typically technical-analytical crafts, there are also humanitarian ones. Therefore, I consider the myth about the exclusivity of programmers and IT specialists in online earnings to be untenable.

By the way, write in the comments if you need to add something else? Maybe you treat people remotely and know who else is doing this?

Why do people go free swimming?

Lots of reasons! Someone wants to try their hand at something fundamentally new. Someone is fed up with office samsara. Someone with the help of freelancing solves their financial problems. I was just looking for ways to roam the world.

You sit in Vasishte, wait for tea and rejoice

Of course, there are other means for this: a rich inheritance, generous compassionate relatives, or renting out an apartment. But, unfortunately (or “fortunately?”), I am not burdened with any of the above. Therefore, I earn all my earnings actively and, unlike many of my office colleagues, I really like it!

How is the workflow going?

So, you have found a customer, discussed all the conditions. What's next?

It's simple:

  • Agree on the form of payment (advance interest or something else)
  • Negotiate the deadlines and provide the result by these deadlines (working in the mode in which it is convenient for you)
  • Are you satisfied with the result? - get paid and shake virtual hands with each other.
  • Not satisfied? - Make changes until the customer is completely satisfied.
  • You rejoice at the work done and the happy client and proceed to the next project.

Why would clients want to work with you?

As a rule, freelancers have more flexible conditions and lower prices. Agencies take over great amount"bonuses": their services, payment for electricity in the office and everything else. Plus, the employer does not have to pay the cost of maintaining your workplace. All depreciation is your responsibility. Well, apparently, butting with a small IP is much easier than with a less maneuverable colossus of an LLP or JSC.

Just do not forget to replenish the portfolio and collect feedback. This is the main asset of trust in you.

Freelance Benefits

Tons of articles have been written about them, but I will also add a spoonful of my vision to this great monotony.

  1. Free schedule. You get up when you want, work at a time when it is convenient for you and rest when you are tired, and not from 20 to 22 pm 5 days a week + Saturday and Sunday
  2. High pay. Compared to their office brothers, "free spearmen" can earn many times more
  3. Stability! Here I expect objections) However, looking at the situation in large corporations and the shattered ambitions of employees laid off or cut in allowance, I understand that I have nothing of the kind. You work - there is loot, you do not work - there is no loot. Everything is simple.
  4. Very wide market. Any limitation is your own. My geography today includes 6 countries and this is far from the limit (sorry, I don’t know Chinese)
  5. Non-stop development. If you want to earn good money - study! Freelancing is for maniacs who love their job. There is nothing to do here without Love for him.
  6. Super mobility. The only thing you need is a laptop and internet. For me, this is the most important plus, which gives odds to any most significant minus. Still, the third New Year and my back-to-back birthday while traveling is a nice lifestyle bonus, isn't it?

Tried - it's inconvenient

However, there is another side. I even wrote an article about her. I will briefly summarize it below.


I will make a reservation: it is always difficult for me to write in a negative light about what I sacredly love. But "truth is more expensive", so I'll try. If I miss something, let me know in the comments, please?

  1. Unstable income. Byword! How much has been written and said about it. And I will argue that all this is extremely exaggerated, although not without a grain of truth. Yes, sometimes there are no orders and you have to go with a gloomy, resting smile to or just read good educational books. I like the second one much more
  2. Irregular schedule. As the reverse side of his "freedom". I solve work issues in trains, airports, bus stations and even in public toilets. Someone seems like a nightmare, but I'm rushing. Every minute of life is lived for the benefit of all living beings.
  3. Reclusion. Also a dubious minus, because I would prefer communication with a book than with an imposed and inevitable subject within the workspace. True, in my office years I was somehow lucky with the team. But there were still individual exceptions.
  4. Full responsibility for the result. Did you mess up? - pay, did not have time on time - get bream in the form of angry tirades of customers. And no one will come to the rescue, no one will take you, defenseless, under the wing. Around the harsh world of expectations deceived by you and you have to pay for your words and guarantees.
  5. No social security. No free lunches, delivery and corporate parties with a public booze "for free". No social package and pension contributions. Row, honey, all by yourself. And arrange drinking for yourself ... You have to buy Chinese tea and drink it cheerfully and naturally in your own company. A terrible disadvantage, as you can see.
  6. Stress from having to learn something new. Good within office walls. I learned how to press 2-3 buttons and screw yourself for 5-10 years, accumulate fat. Freelancing does not forgive this. Keep reading and learning. Wipe the corns on the eyelids. And love, do you hear? LOVE your job as you love yourself! Otherwise, figs you will become a specialist.

kathmandu, workplace

How to start a newbie?

Everything is simple. First of all, answer yourself main question: "Why the devil do you need this freelance?". Do you love your freedom so much that you are ready to sacrifice a lot for it? (loss of stability, earnings and even loved ones?) Are you ready for the difficulties and whole fields of rakes that you will have to go through?

And there will be difficulties: these are interruptions in work, and unscrupulous customers, and loss of enthusiasm, and 100,500 more reasons because of which you want to quit everything and never return to freelancing again.

Fearfully? Not? Then read the article "" and get ready for the main quantum leap of your life. It will be cooler - just leave your body and be reborn again in a family of hereditary freelancers!

And if you are overcome by doubts (which happens very often), read my flock about. I also suffered from them.

  • Look at the little book 7 professions to start in remote work". I studied with these guys and I highly recommend going through it too. You can review the training.
  • Don't forget to upgrade your professional level, both in sales skills and in their craft. For example, if you want, you can read about the courses that I have the most confidence in.

In general, I am all for the fact that people learn from professionals and do not spend a lot of their time on an unnecessary search for free online. It stupefies and turns into a banal freeloader. By the way, there are many of them in Goa. All their talk is only about where and what is cheaper to get.

What is freelancing and what are the advantages of working on freelance exchanges? What are the features of IT freelancing? What sites can you earn money on?

Hello to all! I am Denis Kuderin, an expert of the HeatherBober magazine and part-time Chief Editor. I don't work in an office, I don’t get up on an alarm clock, I myself decide when to start work, when to finish, when to go on vacation and when to take a break.

I am a freelancer, a freelancer, a person who is not tied to a specific schedule and performs his tasks via the Internet. I'm not the only one so smart, there are thousands like me. I deal with texts, others freelancers– website promotion, programming, translations, design and many others.

This article is for those who are planning or just dreaming of freelancing, but do not know where to start. I will tell you what freelancing is, what are its pros and cons, how much freelancers earn, and how beginners can take the right course to increase income and constantly develop in their industry.

Read to the end - in the final sections you will find an overview best exchanges freelancing in Runet, plus tips on how novice "free artists" to succeed as soon as possible.

1. What is freelancing

Freelancing allows people to become masters of their time, and time is the main asset of a person. How he manages it depends on his well-being. Agree, if a person spends a significant and most fruitful part of his life at an unloved job in an office or in a workshop at a machine tool, his perception of reality is unlikely to be positive.

– work on the principle of a free artist. The worker himself is looking for customers and clients, he agrees on the price, independently performs the work and hands it over.

Development information technologies over the past 10 years increased the number of freelancers hundreds of times. If earlier only successful journalists, writers and artists could afford free schedule, then today any manager, if he sets himself such a goal, can become a freelancer and work remotely.

Scheme " found-performed-received» in many situations, it is more convenient for both the contractor and the employer. How more money people invest in the Internet, the wider the labor market for free workers.

Judge for yourself. Businessman opens the network online store selling elite coffee. He needs to launch a website - hires freelance webmaster(do not take a full-time employee for several weeks of work).

Then he needs to fill the site with unique pictures, product descriptions, articles on the topic and selling texts - hires designer and copywriter.

The site needs to be “maintained”, that is, follow updates, answer customer questions, and attract new customers. Doing this on your own is troublesome, a businessman has plenty of other things to do. Hires content manager, another free employee.

The literal translation of the term "free lance" is " free spear". The word "freelancer" in the sense of a hired spearman (or warrior) was first used by Walter Scott in his novel Ivanhoe. So we freelancers are kind of knights. We will adhere to the knightly code - do not be afraid, dare, always remain free.

The article was updated on March 30, 2014 and is relevant for the whole of 2014.
V Lately all more people want to live freely and not depend on a permanent job. Freedom means, first of all, life according to one's own convenient schedule, and not according to the well-established “work-home-work” pattern. It should be noted right away that not many people decide to leave work in the office and go to freelance bread, but those who still take this serious step have only one option - freelancing! So who is a freelancer and what does he do? What he lives on, where he works, we will talk about all this in this article!


Let's start with the definition of Freelance. It is understood as work for hire, when the employer is looking for a performer and gives him tasks. The customer sets the deadlines, and the performer must complete the order within the allotted time and send it for verification. If everything is good and the work is done efficiently and on time, then the customer transfers the previously agreed amount to the employee. In this case, the Contractor does not have to meet with the employer face to face. All negotiations can take place over the phone or on the Internet. Most often, there are no intermediaries in freelancing, but sometimes this happens, we'll talk about this a little later. For now, let's recap.

freelancer- This is a person who performs work on order. At the same time, he chooses the place of work and time on his own. He does not have a fixed wages, there is no schedule, but there are only orders and deadlines for their implementation. Of course, this activity is not for everyone. To be a freelancer, you need to be able to adapt to the changing service market, as well as have good self-discipline and self-organization.

Let's see what is good and what is bad in such work?

Freelancing pros and cons

What's good?
For starters, there is no need to commute from home to work and back. V big cities it takes more than one hour. There is also no need to get up early, you create your own work schedule: if you want, work at night, if you want early in the morning or late in the evening. You can work in the morning and in the evening, and spend the whole day with your family, you decide. You can arrange your own workplace in the way that suits you. You can work from home, you can rent an office. Freelance remotely from some warm country. You cannot be fired, you can only do what you like and what you can do best.

What then is bad?
If everything was so good and simple, then no one would work in offices and factories, agree? So, there are some pitfalls. Let's start from the very beginning. When you don't have an established base regular customers, it is quite difficult for you to find an order and you can sit for more than one month without money.

Suppose you have clients, and you are not in danger of dying of hunger, then other dangers arise. Many freelancers who cannot properly organize their workflow completely forget about their health and do not go out for months. They don't visit doctors, they don't exercise.

The next disadvantage is the volatility and seasonality of work. Unstable earnings can unsettle anyone. Imagine, in one month you can earn 2 or more salaries of the average office worker, and the next month you will be left with no money at all. It is necessary to constantly control financial flows. Again, self-discipline and self-organization are very important.

You need to constantly be in trend and learn new technologies. If you work with an old version of the program, and the customer needs new features, then he will rather choose another freelancer. Remember, freelance does not tolerate the weak. Only those who constantly develop and control absolutely everything can succeed here.

Freelancer - a loner or an intermediary?

Many people, having worked in this area, accumulate large customer bases and no longer have time to fulfill such a volume of orders on their own. They have high ratings on the exchanges, many offers from which they can already choose the best. They are trusted. Such success can be achieved in a few years of freelance work.
And then there is an opportunity to gather under your command several young, but promising performers who will help you in fulfilling your orders. You will be able to take large amounts of work and distribute them in your team, and thus become an intermediary between the customer and other freelancers. Many successful performers follow this path. It’s even appropriate here, because if things go well, then it’s better that everything is legal.

Some people have the impression that mediation is bad. But if you think about it, everything becomes obvious: mediation is everywhere around us. You do not complain that the stores are intermediaries between you and the bakery that bakes bread. After all, everyone is happy: the bakery - profit, the store - profit from interest, and you - fresh bread, for which you do not need to go through the whole city, but just walk to the nearest store. Everyone gets their own benefit, and there is nothing wrong with that!

That's all, now you know what freelance is and what a freelancer is. We discussed the pros and cons of such work, and also talked about mediation.

Surely you have thought in your life that you are tired of traveling to work, wasting time on the road, working for someone else's "uncle", etc. Such thoughts arise most often in young people who are much more willing to use the opportunities of life changes.

With the development of the Internet, every resident, anywhere in the world, has the opportunity to work for himself. These people are called freelancers. In this article, we will consider in detail who he is, what he does, how to find the first orders.

1. Definition: who are freelancers

freelancer(English "freelance" - freelance) is a free worker who works on the Internet for himself. He does not have an official place of work, he is not tied to certain topics or employers. He always chooses tasks on his own according to his desire and possibilities.

The work of a freelancer is called "freelancing" or "freelancing".

The direction of freelancing began to appear only with the advent of computers and the Internet. Many employers began to actively attract freelancers to perform one-time jobs, instead of turning to official firms. It is cheaper, faster and often even better. After all, there are many professionals among freelancers.


Freelancing is not necessarily associated with part-time work on the Internet or a computer. Offline work is also possible.

Not every one of us is able to become a freelancer. Many are accustomed to idleness, and freelancing pays only for real results. At the same time, you still have to fight for good orders with other freelancers. Many professions that are highly paid will either not suit you or will not be to your liking.


Do not associate freelancing and remote work. The latter has duties that the worker must perform regularly. The freelancer himself chooses the volume and subject of tasks.

2. What does a freelancer do or how does it work

The main principle of the freelancer's work is that he is in direct contact with the customer. Between them there can only be a guarantor (as a rule, this is a freelance exchange, we will consider them below). Thanks to this scheme of interaction, a quick result is achieved without paying commissions.

The convenience lies in the fact that the customer is guaranteed to receive what he ordered, and the freelancer receives his reward.

To search for a freelancer, the customer uses special sites where he places his order and the cost he is willing to pay. The freelancer looks at similar offers and those that seem acceptable to him in terms of price / quality, he submits an application that he is ready to do the job.

For the customer, the first role is played by the price / quality ratio and the speed of work. He does not care what his age, education, gender and location of the freelancer. In our usual work, these parameters could play an important role.

Why is it profitable to hire a freelancer

Employers are more profitable to hire freelancers than office workers. There is whole line good reasons:

  • No need to pay rent
  • No need to make pension contributions for an employee
  • Pay only for results
  • Flexibility in the choice of performers. You can quickly change them.
  • In general, freelance work is cheaper

3. Sites for finding freelance work

There are several on the Internet large services, which allow freelancers to search for work. Such sites are called exchanges or freelancing sites.

Here are the most popular:

4. Best jobs for freelancers

Not all professions on the Internet are in demand and paid. Almost all tasks are related to working at a computer.

The most in-demand professions on the Internet

  • Web Designer . In this category, I include all issues related to the finalization of the site design, as well as the creation of banners, logos. An extremely broad direction that will always be in demand.
  • SEO specialist. Website promotion is also a sought-after profession. This may also include one-time part-time jobs in the form of creating a project for contextual advertising, advertising campaign optimization, SEO optimization, and searching for new traffic sources.
  • Webmaster. Work inside the site, content filling, parsing, uploading content to the site.
  • Copywriter. Writing new texts, updating old articles. A good copywriter costs decent money, but for the right to be called "good" you will have to sweat for more than one year. Orders can be searched on special content exchanges: and ETXT.
  • SMM manager. promotion in in social networks. It can be community administration, posting news, conducting advertising campaigns.
  • Website layout designer. Creating html code from a ready-made layout is a hot topic.
  • Programmers. Basically, programmers are required to improve the functionality of the site. There are other vacancies as well. For example, creating a database and linking it to some program.
  • One-time jobs and services. For example, running a site through directories, correcting some errors in the content, collecting a semantic core.

5. How to get started as a freelancer

Step 1. Freelancing Market Analysis

The very first act of a freelancer should be to register on the exchanges listed above. After that, you can see what real orders are currently on the market. How much does it cost and what should you strive for.

I advise you to look through all sections to have the biggest picture. Don't get hung up on multiple orders. There are many employers who write "inadequate" conditions. For example, for some small work they can give too much or vice versa little. Therefore, it is better to study the market a little deeper.

Perhaps after such an analysis, you will understand that it is better to work in a familiar company. In any case, at first it is better to start combining two types of work: online and offline.

Step 2. Choose 2-3 freelance exchanges

Read reviews of freelance exchanges to choose the right one for you. Each has its own nuances, rules and so on. Most likely, best solution will work on 2-3 sites. This will increase the chances of finding good orders quickly.

Some exchanges ask for a small fee for subscriptions. This allows you to get advantages over free accounts. If freelancing as a full-time activity, then it is definitely worth investing this small part of the money in order to eventually be able to earn more.

Step 3. Register and create a portfolio

Registration on selected exchanges. To do this, you will need to create your own e-wallets. It is enough to start WebMoney, Yandex Money, Qiwi.

It is very important to create a quality portfolio for yourself. Take it seriously. In the future, when choosing performers, customers often read this information. It is better to fill it once qualitatively.

Step 4. Search for the first orders

Apply for orders that you think you can do and that pay decently from your point of view. You can agree on the cost of the order only before the start of work, then it will be too late.

Most likely, knowledge, study of the topic will be required to complete the task. Naturally, at first it will be extremely difficult. But who had it easy in the beginning? Everyone starts with difficulty. Further it will be easier.

The most difficult thing is to start working when you have no experience, no reviews. You practically have to work for free.

Step 5: Gain Positive Feedback

Always ask for feedback on your work. To get positive feedback, do all the tasks professionally, even if the payment for it is modest.

Always be polite when dealing with customers. In this case, a person may feel "indebted" and will not be too lazy to write a couple of sentences about you.

6. How Much Do Freelancers Earn?

It is difficult to give an exact answer to the question of how much freelancers earn. A lot depends on work experience, on the field of activity, on the time devoted to work.

At first, a freelancer can count on 500-1000 rubles / day. This is the amount that can really be achieved in the first couple of weeks of work. Further, this amount can increase and amount to 5, 10, 20 thousand rubles a day. As I say: it all depends on you and other circumstances. It is natural to receive 20 thousand rubles a day is unlikely to succeed every time. Sometimes you have to wait good orders. Or you will have to do something that you do not like and is not so highly paid.

Taking one-time jobs to earn money is good at the beginning of your journey. In the future, you should switch to regular customers and get income from them. This is a good way, because you don't have to spend time searching new work, you know what to do.

An already mature freelancer can count on 50-200 thousand rubles a month. These are normal numbers that are available to anyone who has a real desire to work on the Internet. But once again I emphasize that for such funds you will have to work hard.

7. Pros and cons of freelancing

  • Work only for yourself
  • You work in your free time (as freelancers joke: "Monday is missing")
  • The absence of a boss (controller, "supervisor"). For many people, this is extremely important.
  • No requirements for a freelancer: no need to present any diplomas, age restrictions, appearance
  • Your earnings depend only on you and no one else
  • You can live relatively far from the city and work at home. This is almost the only alternative to a decent income for those who were not born in large cities
  • No fixed salary. No job - no money. This is the most important disadvantage.
  • There is not always a job, or rather, not always a decent one. For example, if today you can earn a couple of thousand on some simple part-time job, then tomorrow for these couple of thousand you may have to work for several days.
  • Income instability. You can get 10 thousand rubles a day, and then try to find orders for 1000 rubles for a week.
  • Lack of live communication with people. For those not familiar with this situation, the importance of communication may be underestimated. All people are social and without communication we feel bad.
  • No sick leave, holidays, days off
  • Difficulty motivating to do more and better. The only motivation is money
  • Low pension in old age, because no official income
  • Lack of work experience.

We will give a short list of tips that will help a novice freelancer start his journey.

  • Do not chase the most expensive orders.
  • Take on jobs where you feel like an expert.
  • Don't wait for your order. If there is nothing on the market at the moment, then you should not take on other topics.
  • Build a good portfolio. This is essential for career development.
  • Improve your professional skills

What is a freelancer? This is a person who is engaged in the performance of any work without concluding a long-term employment contract with the employer. He is hired only to perform a certain list of actions, that is, he is a freelancer. Also, a freelancer is the individual who was invited to work in the course of outstaffing. Since a person engaged in such activities is not in a permanent state, he can carry out projects for several employers at once. For the first time, the term "freelancer" was used in the novel "Ivanhoe" to refer to a mercenary warrior of the Middle Ages.

Most often, a freelancer offers his services himself - through a worldwide network, newspaper ads, as well as through personal connections. This activity is common in areas such as journalism, writing unique content, translation, consulting, design, computer programming, and private video and photography. Currently, the freelance market is well developed in Europe and America. Now it is developing rapidly and Russian Federation and CIS countries.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of real work at home?

Freelance pros:

For an employee:
- flexible schedule;
- work is possible in any place where there is necessary equipment(PC, laptop, internet);
- performance only of their duties;
- no dress code;
- work online at home;
- no need to pay for the road to the office and back.

For the employer:
- pay only for quality work;
- Significant savings on expensive office space;
- quality control and the ability, provided on all freelance exchanges, to send everything for revision.

Freelancing Disadvantages:

For an employee:
- lack of division of labor;
- uneven income, you need the ability to plan your budget;
- when working outside the exchange, there is no guarantee of receiving payment for the work performed;
- in the absence of an individual entrepreneur, there may be problems when applying for a loan;
- Who is a freelancer in terms of legislation? This is a person who provides certain services in the field of freelance. For this reason, it is desirable to issue an IP;
- the need to keep accounts and pay taxes;
- for some personality types, this is a more nervous type of work;
- constant search for new orders

For the employer:
- it is necessary to spend efforts on compiling tasks;
- the risk of receiving low-quality work;
- the risk of lack of copyright support;
- the risk of not getting the job on time;
- lack of possibility to hold the contractor liable.

Who is a freelancer on the Internet?

Currently, a stable group of freelancers has formed on the worldwide web who successfully earn their living from remote work. This type of activity is common among programmers, designers, optimizers, translators, copywriters, design engineers and participants in various affiliate programs. Currently, there are a large number of specialized sites that help freelancers find customers.

Legality of activity

In the Russian Federation and former USSR countries, freelancers are individual entrepreneurs that provide certain services. Freelancing is an activity that requires mandatory registration, payment of taxes and reporting. But due to the weak control of tax authorities, this point is ignored in most cases. Many freelancers do not even think about the fact that they are breaking the law.

So we answered the question of who a freelancer is. If you are not embarrassed by the independent registration of an IP and are attracted by a free schedule, then this type of activity is for you!