Name quiz at summer camp. Scenario of the quiz "Journey to a fairy tale" for children of the summer camp material on literature on the topic

1. Why do they say: "Like water off a duck's back"? (The plumage of the goose is always covered with fat, so the water does not lure the feathers and rolls off them in drops)

2. Why does a dog stick out its tongue when it is hot, but the horse does not? (A dog does not have sweat glands on its body, like a horse does. It sticks out its tongue to cool its surface so that it does not get hot)

3. Why does a bee die after stinging someone? (The bee has serrations on the sting, inclined towards its body. The sting enters the victim's body easily, but the bee cannot pull it back. This is how a part of the bee's abdomen comes off with the sting, and it dies)

4. Why does a tailed cow live more satisfying than a tailless one? (Because the tail of a cow drives away blood-sucking insects - horseflies, ticks, mosquitoes - and feeds more calmly)

5. Why can't you touch bird eggs in nests? (Because the bird throws the nest, if you touch it with your hands, and the chicks can die)

6. Why are all cats (domestic and wild) much cleaner than dogs, wolves and foxes? (Because cats catch prey, hunt from an ambush, by jumping. They must be very clean, so that they do not smell, otherwise those they hunt for will smell them from afar and will not come close to the ambush)

7. Why do starlings and jackdaws ride cows, sheep and horses? (They pluck animal hair to insulate their nests and peck insects from the skins of livestock for their food)

8. Why do domestic ducks and geese suddenly start screaming sadly in autumn and become very excited? (Because the ancestors of our domestic geese and ducks were migratory birds. In the fall, when their wild relatives fly away, domestic ducks and geese yearn: they are also drawn to fly somewhere)

9. Why is the red heron - bittern - called "water bull"? (Because the bittern male makes a sound like the roar of a bull)

11. Why do chickens pick feathers with their beaks before the rain? (Anticipating rain, chickens grease their feathers so that water can drain off better. They take this fat from the coccygeal gland, which is placed under their tail)

12. Why do swifts and swallows fly high in good weather, and low in damp weather? (Flying, swallows and swifts catch midges, mosquitoes, flies and other winged insects. In clear weather, the air is dry, and these insects rise high above the ground. In wet weather, the air is heavy, humid, and this does not allow insects to rise up on wet wings)

13. Why was the wood grouse named so? (Because during the current, when he sings a "love song", he is so concentrated that he does not hear anything around and can become very easy prey for a hunter)

14. Why, when frightened of something, does the horse start to snort? (She has a very keen sense of smell. By snorting, she clears her nose and can quickly determine what is threatening her and from which side)

15. Why can moose run relatively easily in such swamps, where any other animal of their weight would get bogged down? (The elk has two hooves on each leg, between which the membrane is stretched. When it runs, the hooves move apart, the membrane stretches, the pressure of the animal's body is distributed over a relatively large area of ​​support, and the elk does not get stuck)

16. Why can fish breathe oxygen dissolved in water? (Any gas rushes from where there is high pressure, to where the pressure is lower. In the blood of fish, the oxygen pressure is less than its pressure in the water, so oxygen passes from the water to the blood flowing through the blood capillaries of the gills)

17. Why do not the swifts sit on the ground, or on the water, or on the branches? (Because their wings are much longer than the torso and legs. If they sit somewhere, they can damage the wings and will not be able to take off)

18. Why are there thirteen white stripes on the US flag? (Because it was thirteen states that united to form a new state - the United States of America)

19. Why can't plants be watered when the sun's rays fall on them? (When the sun is shining, the water droplets left after watering on the stems and leaves of plants collect its rays, like small magnifying glasses, and the plant can get burns in this case)

20. Why do many desert plants have thorns and thorns instead of leaves? (The thorns and thorns that replace leaves in many desert plants are "adaptations" that allow these plants to use moisture more economically)

21. Why do skates slide on the ice but not on the floor? (When the skate frictions the ice increases the temperature and the ice melts. Water is lubricant, and the skate slides. On the floor, this does not happen)

22. Why are old moose called "elk"? (Pronged - from the word "plow" - an instrument of labor with which the soil was loosened. The horns of an old elk look like a branchy plow)

23. Why is the track of the hind feet of a running hare in front of the track of its front feet? (The hare's hind legs are longer than the front ones. When it runs, it throws its long hind legs forward)

24. Why is the skin of a hare very thin? (Even if a predator that has caught up with a hare grabs the "oblique" by the barrel, twitching, you can break out of the predator's mouth, sacrificing your skin)

25. Hunters happen to kill hares with owls and hawks stuck in their backs. Why does this happen? (A hawk or an owl, when they attack a hare, grab it in the back with one paw, and with the other try to grab the branches of trees or bushes. A frightened hare rushes with such force that it sometimes breaks in half a hawk that has grabbed a branch with a death grip)

27. Why is the firewood harvested in the winter more valuable than the firewood harvested in the summer? (Trees freeze in winter, do not absorb water; firewood from trees felled in winter is drier)

28. Why do living aspen trees burn badly in the forest, but matches are still made from aspen? (Aspen wood is very porous. In a living tree, all the pores are filled with moisture, so the tree does not burn well. But if it is well dried, the porous wood will be filled with air and burn well)

29. Why does the snow in the city start to melt earlier than the snow in the forest? (Because the snow is dirty in the city, and dark colors attract more sun rays... In addition, the city is warmer due to heating mains, cars, factories)

30. Basilisk iguana runs on water and does not sink. Why? (She moves her webbed paws so quickly that she does not have time to submerge herself in the water)

31. Camels eat sharp and hard thorns and do not get hurt. Why? (The palate, tongue and cheeks of camels are covered, like armor, with hard bumps)

32. Why do moths and butterflies fly to a fire that is disastrous for them? (Their flight to the deadly candle is just a reaction to a stimulus. Long before artificial light sources appeared on Earth, butterflies and other insects were guided by the sun and the moon. The butterfly will fly in a straight line if it keeps the rays of light falling on its eyes all the time at the same angle.But if the light source is near (as in the case of a candle), its rays form a diverging beam.The butterfly has to constantly change its course in relation to the light source.It turns out a spiral that gradually leads the butterfly straight into the fire)

33. Why do insects sleep with their eyes open? (They cannot close them, they have no eyelids)

34. Why did the sailors call Sable Island (which in English means "sandy") "the island of death", or "the ship-eater"? (The island is located in the North Atlantic. Its height does not exceed thirty-two meters. Due to dense fogs it is difficult to see it. Many ships here ran aground and after one or two months sank in quicksand. Any object caught in these sands sinks in them, as in water, however, not so quickly)

35. Why does a cat have a rough tongue? (There are many keratinized protrusions on the surface of the cat's tongue. They serve as a kind of file, with which it is easier to remove meat from prey, lap milk, clean the skin and remove loose hairs from it)

36. Why is the liter so called? (French winemaker Claude-Emile-Jean Baptiste Liter, who lived in the eighteenth century, was the first to use a glass cylindrical vessel with marks on the outside to measure the volume of liquid. True, its capacity was larger than the current liter)

31. Why is China called that? (For more than two thousand years, its inhabitants themselves have been calling their country “Zhongguo”, which means “middle state.” The British changed this word into “China.” But when Russian explorers first penetrated the Amur River, they met first of all with a small ethnic group who called themselves “Khitan.” This word has changed over time in accordance with the norms of the Russian language and began to denote the entire huge country - China)

38. The name of the outlandish grapefruit is very consonant with the English word "grape" ("grape"). Meanwhile, outwardly, grapefruit looks more like an orange. Why was it called that? (Grapefruit grows on trees in heavy bunches, just like grapes)

39. Why does a parrot have such a name? (The first parrots came to Europe from India. They were brought by the soldiers of Alexander the Great. In the Middle Ages, the Vatican began to specially breed parrots for the popes. Then they called them “papagals”, which means “papal cocks”)

40. Why liquid soap called "shampoo"? (Many believe that the word is French. In fact, it comes from India, where the word "champo" means - "to rub your head")

41. Why did a pillar appear on the coat of arms of the city of Kolomna, Moscow region? (The Kolomentians came up with a beautiful legend that the noble Italian Karl Columna, who founded the city, traveled across Russia. "Columna" means a column in Italian. So, in a curious way, the column ended up on the city's coat of arms. Under Tsar Peter the Great, they decided to measure the length of the Russian Empire . Began to erect from the Moscow Kremlin to the Kolomna Kremlin pillars - "miles")

42. Why is nonsense called nonsense? (Once upon a time there lived a doctor named Galli Mathieu in Paris. He treated patients in a rather unusual way - instead of drugs, he told all sorts of funny stories and anecdotes. sent a servant to the sick with a note, and in it - jokes and puns.But over time, either the doctor's wits dried up, or for patients deprived of personal contact, such drugs ceased to work, such notes began to be perceived as complete nonsense and were called nonsense And over time, from the French language, this word came to us)

43. Why do Scottish surnames begin with the prefix "Poppy"? (This prefix indicates the most common way of forming surnames - by the name of the father. In the ancient Gaelic language, which is still common in northern Scotland, “Mac” means “son.” Therefore, the surname Macleod can be translated literally into Russian as Laydov. Many Irish surnames beginning with the prefix "O" seem surprising too - for example: O "Tul, O" Hara, O "Nile, etc. But the way of forming surnames is the same. In this case, the prefix means" who "or" whose In ancient times, Peter O "Toole meant Peter, son of Toole, and over time the combination O" Toole became a surname)

44. Why is the "tank" called that? (Translated from English, "tank" means nothing more than a tank for fuel. Therefore, the origin of the word "tanker" is easy to explain - after all, these huge ships for transporting oil or gasoline, in fact, are nothing more than huge floating tanks. But Why was this combat vehicle named? In the summer of 1916, during the First World War, the British delivered to the front the first fifty armored tracked vehicles equipped with cannons and machine guns. boarded up with boards on which "Tank" was written in English. combat vehicles passed off as fuel tanks. And then this name was stuck with them in many countries)

45. Why are some satirical poems called parodies? (This mocking poetic genre originated in Ancient Greece. Its name comes from a combination of two Greek words - "para" and "ode", which literally can be translated as "against odes", and in other words - against grandiloquent poems. Thus, already in In ancient times, parodists ridiculed arrogance, embellishment, flattery. In Russia, parodies appeared in the eighteenth century, and in 1821, in the literary dictionary, for the first time they gave a detailed explanation as a way to “caustically but justly ridicule something primitive or boring from loud, but empty words "Later, Kozma Prutkov became famous in this genre - behind this pseudonym was hidden a group of talented poets: A.K. Tolstoy and cousins ​​A.V. and AM Zhemchuzhnikov)

46. ​​Why does a person sneeze? (Surprisingly, for a long time there was no answer to this question. And doctors figured out the nature of sneezing relatively recently. It turns out that when we catch a cold, mucus appears in the sinuses of the nose - a protective reaction of the body against harmful microbes that collect there. Mucus acts on nerve endings, " signaling "the body that it is necessary to free the nostrils. So a powerful" a-a-pchhi! " - some other irritants)

47. Why is Greenland called a "green country"? (The story here is long-standing. In the early Middle Ages, for robbery in Iceland, inhabited by Norwegians, was supposed to be expulsion from the country. So the leader of the Viking detachment, nicknamed Erius the Red, was expelled. He boarded a sailing ship and went west to look for land where he could settle. for several weeks of wandering by sea, his crew saw the land, and the sailboat entered the bay. It was in the spring, a narrow strip of the coast turned green because of the grass that woke up after a winter sleep. Which gave Eric a reason to call the island Greenland)

48. Why mobile phone called cellular? (Cordless phones use ultra-short waves that propagate in a straight line, almost like light. For such a phone to work well, you cannot move a long distance from the subscriber. And here the network of repeaters helps. If they are placed optimally, their zones of operation form regular hexagons, similar to cells . The microcomputer in the phone monitors the position relative to the repeaters and switches from one to the other unnoticed by the user)

49. Why can hummingbirds hover over a flower? (A tiny bird, in fact, sometimes resembles a helicopter and hovers in the air. At first this was explained by the ability of a small bird to evenly flap its wings up and down. However, in reality, the physics of the process here is somewhat different ... its own weight, even despite the fact that it is only a few grams. So, in fact, the bird flaps its wings down most energetically, pushing off from the air. At the same time, in order to stay in one place, an accurate calculation is required: after all, a hummingbird makes dozens strokes per second)

50. Why is the tongue of the toad attached "back to front"? (Indeed, the toad's tongue is attached to the mouth of this amphibian not by the back, as in all animals and in humans, but by the front. Therefore, it is able to throw it far forward and catch flies and mosquitoes. "In the language. By the way, despite its not very attractive appearance, the toad is a faithful helper to man. She lives in vegetable gardens and orchards and destroys many pests)

51. Why was the hero of the "Minor" named Mitrofanushka? (The author of the famous comedy Denis Ivanovich Fonvizin chose his name for a reason. The fact is that Mitrofan in Greek means “obedient to his mother.” But, remember, Mitrofanushka obeyed his absurd and unreasonable parent, the landowner Prostakov, in everything. centuries, when the playwright wrote his play, ridiculing the nobles who did not want to learn anything, they still well remembered the meaning of the Greek names that came to Russia from Byzantium. life changed his mind, began to study and reached heights - he became a member of the Russian Academy of Sciences)

52. Scientists from the University of Lyon in France, after examining over a hundred men, came to an interesting conclusion: the larger the beard, the sooner baldness occurs. Why? (The explanation for this relationship is very simple. It is known that when the body temperature rises, thermoregulatory processes accelerate blood circulation in the skin and thus release excess heat. This is done in order to protect the brain from overheating. Meanwhile, the beard is thermal insulation, which makes it difficult to transfer heat through the skin. It is hypothesized that baldness in many men is a manifestation of the adaptation of the body, which protects the brain from overheating)

53. Why on many exhibits presented at exhibitions by Western companies, you can no longer see the plates that are familiar to all of us with the appeal: "Do not touch!" Moreover, some firms strongly encourage curious visitors who want to personally try computing or some other technique. Why are they doing this? (Operation in extreme conditions allows you to properly check the reliability of new machines)

54. Why is water hard? (Because there are a lot of salts in it)

55. Why is the Red Sea the saltiest on Earth? (Not a single river flows into it. And it is not surprising: on one bank there are scorching African deserts, on the other - the sands of the Arabian Peninsula)

56. Why is the Red Sea called that? (Usually the water in it is blue or green, and in very pure tones. But occasionally special microscopic algae turn red. That's when the water in the sea becomes unusually red)

57. Why are elephants the first to leave the area where an earthquake will soon take place, and only after them zebras, rhinos and giraffes go to another place? (Elephants have wide and flat feet. The area of ​​contact with the ground is quite enough to perceive the slightest vibrations of the soil. The huge animal, as it were, becomes a living seismograph)

58. They say - "sleeps like a marmot." Why is the groundhog considered an extraordinary sleepyhead? (Winter sleep in a marmot lasts from seven to nine months. During this time, the animal completely consumes the accumulated reserves of subcutaneous fat and wakes up thin and hungry. famous saying comparing the dormouse man to a marmot is surprisingly accurate)

59. Why is ufology called that? (In our country, "flying saucers", in scientific UFOs, are unidentified flying objects. If you translate this phrase into English language and take the initial letters, you get UFO. This is how "flying saucers" are called in English-speaking countries. When science appeared that studies these extraordinary phenomena, it began to be called ufology)

60. Why do flowers smell? (This is because their petals secrete certain fragrant oils - complex chemical compounds. The production of these oils - component growth of any plant. In the light or at a certain temperature, chemical compounds decompose - and a volatile, rapidly evaporating substance is formed. Then we feel the delicate floral scent)

61. Why do animals have different tails? (They all lead a different way of life, and the tail should help in life. It helps a squirrel to maintain balance, serving as a kind of steering wheel, and to brake, serving as a parachute. In monkeys, this is a grasping organ. The tail can act as a support, like in a kangaroo; a fan, like for a horse. It helps birds to soar, for fish it is a rudder. In a word, in wildlife, different tails are needed, all sorts of tails are important)

62. Why do crocodiles cry? (They cry not out of pity for their victim and not out of hypocrisy: devouring large pieces of meat or laying eggs, the animal strains, and excess fluid is squeezed out of the tear ducts. In addition, crocodiles living in brackish water, through the tear ducts, like sea turtles, salt)

63. Why did Alexei Nikolaevich Tolstoy choose the name Tortila for the turtle? (Tortuga is the Spanish name for turtle. And the name Tortila means "little turtle")

64. Why do floods happen most often on hot days? (Because snow and ice melt in the mountains, and all this water flows into the rivers, overflowing them)

65. Why is Easter Island so named? (It was discovered by Dutch sailors on Easter 1722)

66. Why was a crab living in one of the southern seas called a "junk dealer"? (Crawling along the bottom, he looks for and puts on his back everything that comes in his way. And when he is in danger, he exposes his “treasures” to the enemy. And while he is feasting on edible things, the “junk dealer” escapes from the enemy)

67. Why does the coot bird Astrakhan region called "official"? (The plumage of the bird is as black as the uniforms of officials in tsarist Russia... And she walks lazily and importantly. Moreover, there is a plaque on her head - just like the cockade on an official's cap)

68. Why do we say " all year round"And not" square "or" quadrangular "? (All four seasons pass into each other gradually. Year after year, circle after circle - this is how life moves)

69. Why do people who eat sea turtle meat suffer from stomach pains, sometimes even die? (This is because the turtles eat poisonous sea animals without harm to themselves, and their poison is concentrated in the fat of the turtles)

70. Why are guinea pigs so called, because they have nothing to do with the seas, purely land animals and belong to the order of rodents? (The homeland of these calm and affectionate animals is South America. They were brought to Europe from there in the sixteenth century. At first, rare animals were called overseas pigs, and then the prefix "for" disappeared and they became guinea pigs)

71. Why did pancakes become a symbol of Maslenitsa? (The pancake is round, toasted, shot "hot, hot", very much like the sun. And Shrovetide is a meeting of spring, worship of the bright sun and its god Yarila)

72. Why was Saint Martin always depicted on icons with a goose in Belgium and the Netherlands? (This bird once seriously angered the bishop. He delivered a fervent sermon, and the geese cackled loudly. Without thinking twice, Saint Martin ordered to make a roast out of the offenders. Since then, on the feast dedicated to Saint Martin, it is customary to put fried geese on the table)

73. Why don't fish have eyelids before their eyes? (They don’t need eyelids, because the water washes away foreign particles from the fish eyes all the time)

74. The Hawaiian Islands have a mountain called Mauna Kea, which is 1,300 meters higher than Everest. Why is it not considered the highest peak in the world? (Because most of it is hidden underwater)

75. Why doesn't the chamois fall from the steep mountain slopes? (It's all about her hooves. They are large at the chamois, and they can also be very wide apart, and in front and on the side along the edge they have a ledge - welt. Thanks to this, the chamois easily clings to the slightest irregularities on a steep slope and does not slip when running on an icy surface )

76. Why did the elephant have a trunk? (Not only in the elephant, but also in some species of large dinosaurs, which had a short neck and a large heavy head, the first trunks appeared. After all, they somehow had to reach the lush grass and branches with green leaves. Gradually those of the animals survived whose lips were larger and more mobile)

77. Why dormouse got such a name? (Sonya are funny animals, somewhat similar to mice, only the tail is fluffy, like a squirrel. And they got their name because they lead an exclusively nocturnal lifestyle. During the day they sleep sweetly in the hollow of a tree)

78. In the eighteenth century, it was customary for Italian violinists to bring frogs to a concert in their violin cases. The violinists stroked the pop-eyed frogs affectionately. Why did they do it? (It turns out that frogs of many species secrete substances that dry out human skin. Hands do not sweat for a long time after that)

80. Why, usually at the end of summer and in autumn, squirrels suddenly take off from their homes and go, as they say, wherever they look, overcoming huge distances (up to three hundred kilometers), crossing large rivers? (These migrations are caused by a shortage of pine forage, unfavorable natural conditions: droughts, forest fires. Seasonal migrations are also associated with the successive maturation of forages)

81. Why was the otter named that way? (This name comes from the method of dressing her fur, when the tough awn is ripped out, leaving only thick underpants)

82. The definition of "oblique" is firmly entrenched for the hare. Why? (The eyes are located on the sides of the head, and he cannot look directly, like a cross-eyed person. To see an object, he needs to turn his eye in his direction. But what kind of vision gives him greater coverage - he sees everything behind)

83. In the fight for a female, wild boars rush at each other with lightning speed and strike with sharp, long and powerful fangs. Why do these fights rarely end with the death of one of the opponents? (Nature took care of the wild boars and covered the front part of their body with a dense leather apron - kalkan. On the side parts of the chest and shoulder blades, it reaches a thickness of four centimeters)

84. Why are people grateful to the fox? (Firstly, it eats a lot of mice, and secondly, it takes part in the destruction of locusts)

85. Why does a bear suck its paw during hibernation? (Around February, old coarse skin begins to peel off on the pads of the bear's paws. This process causes itching, in addition, the young skin freezes. So the bear licks its paws, relieving itching and warming the feet with breathing)

86. Why is it often possible to see abandoned antlers and dry animal bones near the minks of polar foxes? (These are toys for puppies that Arctic foxes collect and bring from the tundra. Between them sometimes children's balls and even dolls come across. These gifts Arctic foxes take away from the chums of the indigenous inhabitants of the tundra, when they sometimes climb there in search of food)

87. Why, if you cut off the brushes from the ears of a lynx, its hearing dulls ^ (The brushes of a lynx on the ears are a kind of antenna. It is they that allow the animal to catch the slightest sounds)

88. Why does the cuckoo throw its eggs into other people's nests? (She is very gluttonous. She eats for many hours in a row. If pests appear in the forest, cuckoos eat them until they have eaten everyone. Such a voraciousness is characteristic of the cuckoo: if he does not throw other chicks out of the nest, the parents simply cannot feed them all. It is difficult to feed a chick and a cuckoo - she herself needs a lot of food. But in order to preserve the species, there must be more than one chick. But when the cuckoo grows up, it will kill more dangerous insects than all its dead brothers put together. it is more useful - this is the inexorable logic of nature)

89. Why does an owl turn its head 180 degrees? (The owl's eyes are so large that there is simply not enough room in the eye sockets to allow them to move. Therefore, the bird has to turn its head 180, or even 240 degrees!)

90. The heron is always in sight, swims badly, runs and even worse - long toes interfere, flies slowly and clumsily. Why are there no predators willing to eat it? (The heron has no enemies because everyone is afraid of its beak. In the normal state, the neck of the heron is folded almost three times, but when struck instantly, like a spring, it straightens to a half-meter length. It is not recommended to approach the heron close - this threatens a serious wound, otherwise and the loss of an eye. The heron has mastered his weapon perfectly, the tip of the beak with sniper accuracy hits the point at which the bird's gaze is directed. Only young animals sometimes miss, an adult bird never)

91. In the evening, hippos go ashore and graze on lush meadows like cows all night. And at dawn they run to a river or lake and lie down in the water. Why are they doing this? (The fact is that their delicate skin cannot stand the scorching sun's rays, and if there were no water nearby, the hippos would die)

92. Why was the frog named so? (This creature does not bite, does not scratch with nails, does not scream. It kicks with its hind legs and therefore easily breaks out of its hands)

93. Why does the planet Earth appear blue from space? (Because almost three quarters of its surface is covered by seas and oceans)

94. Why did the first locks not need a key? (Because the doors were not locked, but tied with a rope)

95. Why did the ancient people not throw away large and strong fish bones? (They made needles out of them to sew skins and make clothes for themselves)

96. How is a leap year different from other years? (It has not 365 days, but 366)

97. The larger and stronger the animals, the fewer babies they have. Why? (Because strong dad and mom can better protect their babies, which means that the cub will not die and, having matured, will continue to breed)

98. Why does a parrot fish have 8-10 rows of strong teeth on each jaw? (Because the favorite dish of parrot fish is coral polyps. Having bitten off a piece of coral with its beak, the stone-eating fish grinds it on its lips for a long time and carefully)

99. If you look after a swimming parrot fish, you can see how a trickle of sand stretches behind it. Why? (This is thrown away as unnecessary chewed calcareous coral skeleton)

100. Why were the very large seals living in the Arctic seas called elephant seals? (Their body length is more than five meters, and they weigh more than two and a half tons. Only the animals did not get their name at all for their size. Elephant seals have a special leathery bag on their heads. proboscis)

101. Why are there so many emperors in Antarctica that it is even impossible to count them? (Emperors are called the largest penguins, of which there are a great many in Antarctica)

102. Translated from Italian, the word "tomato" means "golden apple". In the past, many round fruits were called apples. But why "golden", because the tomato is red, brown, pink or green? (The fact is that there are also yellow tomatoes in nature. And it so happened that the first tomatoes brought from America to Europe were just golden yellow in color)

103. Among the poor people, pizza has been popular for a long time. It was even called that - "the food of the poor." But the representatives of the high society considered pizza to be vile and rude food. Why? (Because in those days the dough was kneaded with your feet)

104. An amazing plant with tall green stems and golden ears is called "maize" by the American Indians from where it was brought. The modern name "corn" was given to maize later. It came from Romania and means "fir cone". Why? (Yes, because an ear of corn really looks like a spruce cone)

105. Why are Finnish sweets the most unusual in the world? (Because the Finns make them sour, salty and even tasteful of oil)

106. Why do boiling eggs blow bubbles? (If the air is heated, it expands. Inside each egg there is a small bag filled with air. When boiling water heats up the egg, the air heats up. It expands and finds a way out through tiny holes eggshell... Because of this, bubbles are obtained)

107. Why does a boiled egg, if twisted on the table, spin like a top, and a raw one lazily sways from side to side? (A raw egg contains liquid white and yolk inside. They dangle and prevent the egg from spinning. A boiled egg is hard inside. So it rotates easily)

108. Tigers live for about fifty years. But few survive to old age. This strong animal, which has no enemies in nature, is on the verge of extinction. Why? (People hunt tigers not only because of their beautiful skin. In the East, they believe in the healing properties of everything that can be borrowed from a defeated animal. Folk legends even endow magic power... By the 1970s, there were no more than six thousand tigers left on the entire earth. Therefore, the beast was included in the Red Book)

109. You can't find fish ears, no matter how much you look. But even if you sneak up to the aquarium very quietly, the fish will quickly swim away to the far corner. Why? (Because, no matter how hard you try, the fish heard you, it turns out, the fish hear with the body: firstly, with the help of the inner ears that are inside the head. And the second auditory system of fish is the lateral line organs located along the body on both sides )

110. Why do birds have small feathers and down on their bodies, and large feathers on their wings and tails? (Large feathers of wings and tails keep birds in the air. The material from which bird feathers are "made" is the best suited for this - they are lightweight, strong and, moreover, elastic)

111. Why does the hare have such long ears? (It turns out, not in order to hear better, but in order to ... sweat them)

112. Why are tigers striped? (This animal lives in thickets of reeds, bushes, among tall grasses. There, the play of light and shadows makes the striped giant invisible even from close range)

113. Why does the shell of the sea turtles have the shape of a drop? (This shell allows them to move very quickly in the water)

114. According to Western traditions, Santa Claus must have a white beard, a red hat and a jacket of the same color. But in Australia, Santa Claus is dressed in a bathing suit. Why? (Comes New Year to this continent, when the heat is here, that is why the Australian Santa Claus does not move on a sleigh, but on windsurfing - this is a special board with a sail mast attached to it)

Irina Volkova
Competitive and entertaining game for summer camp"Merry mosaic"

Competitive and entertaining game for the summer camp

« Cheerful mosaic» !


Good afternoon, girls!

Good afternoon, boys!

Good afternoon, dear teachers.

We are glad to welcome you to competitively - an entertaining game « Cheerful mosaic» !

But, like any game, we have our own rules.

So what can and cannot be done?

I will call these rules, and you will show them. Deal?

Throughout the game can:

stomp and clap! (hall shows)

scream and hoot!

dance and sing!

greet each other with applause!

boys greet girls with a whistle!

girls - screeching!

you can send each other kisses!

to wave hands!

And just greet each other!

You all understood the rules, but now you need to decide on the teams, so I invite from each squad 5 (3) girls and 4 (3) boy.

Finally, it's time for you to introduce our esteemed jury:

1 competition... A modern girl has sufficient knowledge of male and female perfume, hygiene items, and decorative cosmetics. Therefore, the first competition for girls is called "Identify the object by smell"... From each squad 3 (2) girls

Participants must, with their eyes closed, identify the proposed thing:

1. Toothpaste.

2. Laundry soap.

3. Cream for women.

5. Lipstick.

6. Women Eau de Toilette.

7. Men's Eau de Toilette.

8. Shampoo.

9. Nail polish.

10. Hairspray.

11. Washing powder.

12. Shoe polish.

13. Mascara.

At the end the competition is summed up.

Leading. Well, the girls coped with this task, but will the boys cope? Our next the competition is called"Tell me, what is this?"

(For instance : milk is a drink; crucian - fish)

1. Carp (a fish)... 11. Rooster (bird).

2. Persimmon (fruit)... 12. Hazelnut (nut).

3. Beans (vegetables)... 13. Cucumber (vegetable).

4. Cherries (berry)... 14. Kiwi (berry).

5.Rice (cereal)... 15. Morel (mushroom).

6. Capelin (a fish)... 16. Coconut (nut).

7. Millet (cereal)... 17. Kumis (drink).

8. Tea (drink)... 18. Turnip (vegetable).

10. Tomato (vegetable)... 20. Kissel (drink).

Leading. Next competition for counselors, it is called

"Ball"- at my signal, the counselor inflates a ball of a certain size (according to the model, ties it up, puts it on a chair, sits abruptly on it so that it bursts (Whoever burst the balloon first wins).

Leading. Times are difficult now, the crisis is in full swing, so our next one cannot do without a cow in the village. the competition is called"My courtyard or how I love my cow!" Let's see how our participants know how to milk a cow. Till music is playing"Milk" as much milk as possible. The winner is the participant with the largest "Milk yield"!

(3 girls participate in this competition: one holding a rubber glove, the other holding a bucket, the third milking).

Leading. And we continue our program and the next the competition is called"Clip-Gag"... You guys are modern and have definitely heard rap (lyrics of children's songs are distributed to the detachments).

So, dear participants, you have to perform well-known children's songs: "The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree", "A gloomy day is brighter from a smile", "Tired toys are sleeping" and sing them as if real rappers did it.

While you are remembering the lyrics, deciding who will rap and rehearse to quiet rap music, the fans and I let's play:

I have game one called"He she".

He is an elephant - she is ... an elephant.

He is a moose - she is ... a moose.

He is a cat - she ...

Well, of course she's a cat!

Well, you were a little mistaken.

So let's play one more time

I want to beat you!

He is a walrus - she ... a walrus,

He is a hare - she is ... a hare,

He is a bull - she ...

Does everyone know this word?

Yes! Yes! She is a cow!

We look "Clip-gag"

Leading. "Assembling the machine"... Boys, imagine that this is a machine gun (the leader points to the meat grinder, so he shoots (the leader turns the handle of the meat grinder, it consists of ... (the leader disassembles the meat grinder into parts, your task is to assemble the machine gun again for speed). (1 boy from the squadron).

Leading. Our next competition for girls is called "Spring-cleaning"

The cow has been milked, now it's time to put things in order in the house.

And to make you more fun, we will help you with music. A familiar melody sounds, you need to dance to depict what is written on the card, and the audience must guess.

1 wash or vacuum the floor (Jackson)

2 dusting off (Letka-enka)

3 wash the dishes (Lambada)

4 we are preparing lunch. (Macarena)

5 ironing the linen (Tango)

6 hand wash (Twist)

Leading. While the jury is deliberating, summing up the results, the fans will tell me 11 adjectives of any topic

Our ... guys!

Today, on this ... summer day, we give you ... Promise:

henceforth, treat you every day with ... chocolates and ... sweets;

to show you ... attention and ... care;

give you ... compliments;

do not give you ... grief;

forever be yours. friends.

Your ... fans.

Leading. The jury will give the floor.

(Results are announced, units are awarded)

Leading. Thanks for playing! Until next time!

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"Like at Masleni week ..." Competition and entertainment program for children of the older group To acquaint children with the cultural traditions of our people, with its oral folk art. Matinee's course. A perky dance song sounds. WITH.

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I hope you recognize me.
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Children. Berendey.
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The birds that fly into the blue sky
All that nature that surrounds us
Our protection, friend, is awaiting.
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Reader 1.

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Oh, what a delight!
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The scenario of the quiz "Journey to a Fairy Tale" is addressed to children of the summer camp, category of primary school age. The quiz can be conducted by breaking the children into teams. With a small number of children in the detachment, the work is carried out individually and the winner and two prize-winners are determined (the proposed option). If desired, the tasks of the quiz are presented in the form of puzzles, filled-in cards, crosswords, etc. It all depends on the time for preparing the quiz, the location and the teacher's desire to make the child's leisure time cognitive and interesting.



Scenario of the quiz "Journey to a fairy tale"

for children of the summer camp

The objectives of the quiz: the study of literary and folk art, fostering a sense of collectivism, the development of guesswork and ingenuity.

Host: Hello guys! Raise your hand: how many of you love fairy tales? Yes, everyone loves fairy tales! After all, these are the very first works that a child hears from a mother. We fell asleep and dreamed like a fairy tale. It is thanks to the fairy tale that we become more sensitive to beauty, learn to empathize, condemn evil, admire kindness.

The purpose of our quiz is to remember as many of your favorite fairy tales and their heroes as possible. For each correct answer, you will receive a token. Whoever collects the most tokens will win our quiz. We will find out the name of the winner at the end of our game. So, let's begin! I wish you all success!

"Magic Words"

Host: Remember what magic words helped fairy-tale heroes. What are the names of these heroes? Name!

Kreks - Fex - Pex!(Pinocchio, "The Golden Key or the Adventures of Pinocchio")

Fly - fly, petal, through the west to the east, through the north, through the south, return, having made a circle, as soon as you touch the ground, in my opinion, be led.(Zhenya, "Flower - seven-flower")

Mutabor! (Caliph, "Caliph is a stork")

Sivka is a burka, a prophetic kaurka! Stand in front of me like a leaf in front of a grass.(Ivanushka - fool "Sivka - burka")

Sim sim open the door!(Ali - Baba, "Ali - Baba and 40 Thieves")

"Amazing transformations"

Host: Guys! Your task is to remember who the heroes of fairy tales turned into or were bewitched into.

The ugly duckling (into a swan).

Guidon (into a mosquito, into a fly, into a bumblebee).

Brother Ivanushka (into a kid).

The handsome boy Jacob, the hero of the fairy tale by V. Hauff from the fairy tale "The Dwarf - the Nose" (into the dwarf).

The monster from Aksakov's fairy tale "The Scarlet Flower" (in the prince).

Eleven brothers - princes from Anderson's fairy tale "Wild Swans" (in swans)

"Magic remedy"

Host: What magic means or objects did the listed fairy-tale heroes use?

Baba - Yaga (stupa and broom)

Pinocchio (golden key)

Cinderella (crystal shoe)

Little Muck (shoes and cane)

Little Red Riding Hood (basket of pies and a pot of butter)

Koschey the Immortal (egg with a needle)

Cat (boots-runners)

"Best friends"

Host: Did the following fairy-tale characters have friends? Name them!

Pinocchio (Malvina and Pierrot)

Kolobok (grandfather and woman)

Bremen Town Musician (donkey, dog, rooster, cat)

Mowgli (Bagheera, Baloo, Kaa)

Winnie - Pooh (Piglet, Rabbit, Eeyore - Eeyore)

Kid (Carlson)

Chippolino (Cherry and Radish)

Cheburashka (Crocodile Gena)

Host: And now, guys, I present to your attention riddles. Your task is to guess the heroes of fairy tales. Whoever raises his hand first gets a token, which means a point. Listen to the riddles carefully!

"What is the name of the fairytale hero"

The red maiden is sad

She doesn't like spring

It's hard for her in the sun

Tears are pouring, poor thing!(Snow Maiden)

Hurry up the evening

And the long-awaited hour has come

So that in my gilded carriage

Go to the fabulous ball.

No one in the palace will know

Where am I from and what my name is, but as soon as midnight comes,

I will return to my attic.(Cinderella)

The horse is not easy to ride,

Miracle golden mane

He carries the boy through the mountains

But it will not reset it in any way.

The horse has a son

Amazing skate,

Nicknamed ... (Humpbacked)

Father had a strange boy

Not ordinary - wooden,

On land and under water

I was looking for a golden key.

His girl Malvina called ...(Pinocchio)

An interesting fairy tale for everyone

The onion boy is familiar.

Very simple, albeit long,

It's called ... (Chippolino)

There was a girl

In the cup of a flower

And there was that girl

A little more marigold.

Who read such a book

Do you know this little girl? (Thumbelina)

He is a friend of animals and children,

He is a living being

Not a kitten, not a puppy,

Not a wolf cub, not a groundhog.

But filmed for a movie

And known to everyone for a long time

This cute little face

It is called ... (Cheburashka)

Someone for someone

Gripped tightly:

Defeat the stubborn

Friendly common work.

Who sat down so tight

Maybe this is ... (Turnip)

Host: Our quiz is over. Thank you for your knowledge and active participation, for your ingenuity. Let's count the tokens and congratulate the winner of the fairytale quiz. Until next time!

A quiz game with answers for schoolchildren in the summer camp. Scenario

Place of work: Nikopol secondary school of I-III level No. 20, city of Nikopol, Dnipropetrovsk region
Job description: The development of this event will be useful for teachers working in children's school camps with children of primary and secondary school age. Contests, games will help children to reveal their creative abilities, have fun and usefully spend summer time.

Quiz with answers for schoolchildren in the summer camp "Happy Summer"

Target: organization of leisure and recreation for students in the summer.
- instill a cognitive interest in the world around you
- develop logical thinking and creativity of children;
- to develop attention and mental activity;
- foster a sense of collectivism, tolerant attitude to others.
Equipment: notebook, illustrations, slides.

Event progress

From childhood, we know that winter is always replaced by spring, and spring is replaced by summer, and summer is followed by autumn. Years pass, epochs change, but the seasons change unchanged. That is why we value each season in its own way.

Summer is an amazing time of relaxation, green meadows, mushrooms and berries, sea and sun, relaxation and Have a good mood... We look forward to it every year and revise our summer vacation photos more often than any other. Summer, like spring, is the longest season of the year, with 92 days. It is this time of the year that is the most long-awaited, the richest in memories and the sunniest. As you know, the astronomical summer begins on June 21-22. Did you know that until the 18th century, the calendar summer in Russia lasted from June 23 to September 23? And the year 1816 in Europe was officially called the year without summer, because the weather was abnormally cold due to the volcanic eruption? Or why did they say that you won’t sweat in summer, and you won’t get warm in winter? Summer quiz will help you learn even more interesting things about this season. Today you get chips for correct answers. Whoever gets more chips gets a prize.
- Guys, do you like summer? Why is it wonderful?
Children's answers:
(Flowers bloom, you can swim and sunbathe, fish, you can see different insects: butterflies, bees, beetles, dragonflies, grasshoppers; in summer there is a lot of greenery, you can go to the forest for berries.)

1 Competition "Poems about Summer"
1 student:

Hello summer!
How much greenery around!
What is this? This summer
Finally he hurries to our house.

2 student

Songbirds discord!
The fresh scent of luscious herbs
Ripe ears in the field
And mushrooms in the shade of oak groves.

3 student

How many delicious sweet berries
In a clearing in the forest!
Here I am, and for a year
Vitamins in stock!

4 student

I buy plenty in the river,
I will sunbathe to my heart's content.
And on grandma's stove
How much you want I will sleep!

5 student
How much sun! How much light!
How wonderful the summer heat is!
I wish I could make it so that the summer
It was a whole year with me!

2 Quiz: “Happy Summer”
1. Who is this? On a flower, a flower drinks flower juice. Butterfly
2. What is the name of a light rain in which there are no clouds in the sky, and the sun often shines, after which mushrooms begin to grow? Mushroom rain
3. What, according to the proverb, is better to cook in summer, if the cart is better to cook in winter?
Prepare the sleigh in the summer and the cart in the winter
4. The "sunniest" figure in geometry? Ray
5. If there are a lot of ants around the anthill, what is the weather, according to folk signs waiting for us? Good, no rain
6. Calls this month the sunset of summer. Which? August
7. People with which blood group are most often bitten by mosquitoes? With 1 group
8. Continue the proverb: "What is summer, so is ..." Hay
9. What summer flower grows in the place of forest fires? Blooming Sally

3 "Contest of riddles"

I am woven from the heat
I carry warmth with me
I warm rivers
"Swim!" - I invite you.
And love for it
You are all me. I AM - … (Summer)

Well, which of you will answer:
Not fire, but it burns painfully,
Not a lantern, but shines brightly,
And not a baker, but a baker? (Sun)

In the morning, the beads sparkled
We plugged all the grass with ourselves,
And went to look for them in the afternoon,
We are looking, we are looking - we will not find. (dew)

A fiery arrow flies.
No one will catch her:
Neither the king nor the queen
Not a red maiden. (lightning)

He is green, bouncy,
Completely thornless
It chirps in the meadow all day
He wants to surprise us with a song. (Grasshopper)

Moved by the flower
All four petals.
I wanted to rip it off
And he fluttered and flew away (butterfly)

He's a swing and a bed,
It's good to lie on it
Is he in the garden or in the forest
Shakes in the air. (hammock)

Red beads hang
They look at us from the bushes,
These beads are very fond of
Children, birds and bears. (raspberries)

As red as blood.
It tastes like honey.
Like a ball, round
She fell into my mouth. (Cherry)

Sometimes purple, sometimes blue
He met you at the edge of the forest.
They gave him a very sonorous name,
But he will hardly be able to ring only. (bell flower)

There was a green dress - satin,
No, I didn't like it, I chose red,
But I'm sick of this too
The dress is blue. (plum)

I am a drop of summer on a thin leg,
Weave boxes and baskets for me.
He who loves me is glad to bow.
And the name was given to me by my native land. (strawberry)

After the rain it happens
half the sky closes.
The arc is beautiful, colored
Appears, then melts. (Rainbow)

4 Contest: "Think of the endings"

God's ... - (ladybug)
Little … (bug).
Black ... (head)
In specks ... (barrel).
On the palm of your feet
Don't crawl on…. (edge!)
Be my brooch
And not ... (fly away)!


Dropped the sun
Ray…. (gold).
Dandelion grew
First, … (young).
He has a wonderful
Golden ... (color).
He's a big sun
Little…. (portrait).
(O. Vysotskaya)

5 Competition "Summer signs"
And now we will find out what summer signs you know.
For each correct answer, the student receives a token

Lots of midges - prepare more baskets for the berries!
Lots of mosquitoes - stock up on mushroom boxes!
What you collect in the summer, so you will spend the winter!
If bindweed flowers are collected in a tube, it will rain.
If the dandelion does not fly around, when you blow, it will rain.
If the grass is dry in the morning, expect rain by night
Smells good honeysuckle - to the rain
In the morning, the grass smells stronger than usual - to the rain
Sparrows are cheerful, agile, pugnacious - for good weather
If there are a lot of ants around the anthill - good weather

Physical minute.
Breathing exercise (according to the method of B.S.Tolkachev)
(Children stand up. Stretch all over. Take an energetic breath)

Let's blow on your shoulder
Let's think about something else.
Us the sun is hot
Bakes during the day.
Let's blow on your belly
How the pipe becomes the mouth
And now to the clouds
And let's stop for now.
(J. Firileva, E. Saykina)
(Sit down)

6. Competition "Logic puzzles"
1) Sparrows
7 sparrows went down to the beds,
They jump and peck at something without looking back.
Cat - a sly guy suddenly crept up,
Instantly grabbed one and dashed off.
That's how dangerous it is to peck, without looking back!
2) Hares
To two hares at lunchtime
3 neighbors rode up.
In the garden, the hares sat down
And they ate 7 carrots each.
Who counts, guys, is dexterous,
How many carrots have you eaten? (35)
3) The magpie flies, and the dog sits on its tail. Could it be?
Yes, the dog sits on its own tail, next to the magpie flies ...
4) How to find last year's snow?
Go outside immediately after the start of the new year ....
5) Is it possible to predict the score of any match before it starts? Yes, 0 - 0 ...
6) What becomes one third more if you put it upside down? Number 6 ...

7 tongue twister competition
Sorry Magpie
Returns from class.
I spent the whole lesson chatting with a jay,
And she returned home with a deuce.

Avdey dragged a bag of nails,
Gordey was dragging a bag of milk mushrooms.
Avdey gave Gordey nails,
Gordey gave Avdey a lump.

Valery cavalry
Painted with watercolors.
Career cavalry
Rides at Valery's.

In the summer, the sun shines
Flowers bloom in summer
In the summer, the birds sing -
We are called to sing and dance!
(Children are dancing)
It's time to sum up who scored more points, let's count.