Job description of the administrator of the educational center. Job descriptions of the administrator of the children's center

The administrator performs the following job duties:

Provides work on effective and cultural services for visitors, creating comfortable conditions for them.
- Advises visitors on the availability of available services, ongoing special promotions, the availability of bonus programs, etc.
- Keeps an appointment, informs specialists about the available appointment, maintains a client base.
- Takes measures to prevent and eliminate conflict situations, considers claims related to unsatisfactory customer service.
- Provides cleanliness and order in the premises, controls the work of the cleaners.
- Monitors the observance of labor and production discipline by employees of the organization, rules and norms of labor protection, safety measures, requirements of industrial sanitation and hygiene.
- Informs the management of the organization about the existing shortcomings in the service of visitors, takes measures to eliminate them.
- Carries out individual service assignments of his immediate supervisor.

The administrator has the right:

Get acquainted with the decisions of the organization's management regarding its activities.
- Submit proposals to the management to improve their work and the work of the company.
- Inform your immediate supervisor about all deficiencies identified in the course of their activities and make proposals for their elimination.
- Require management to create normal conditions for the performance of official duties.
- Make decisions within their competence.

The administrator is responsible for:

For non-fulfillment and / or untimely, negligent fulfillment of their duties.
- For non-observance of the current instructions, orders and orders for the preservation of commercial secrets and confidential information.
- For violation of the rules of internal labor regulations, labor discipline, safety regulations and fire safety.

Duties of the cafe administrator

The profession of a cafe administrator is also known as a hall manager, head waiter or manager. This is the person who manages the activities of the institution as a whole. The main thing that a cafe administrator does is organize the work of staff (cooks, waiters, cloakroom attendants, cleaners, security guards, etc.), control the quality of service, resolve possible conflict situations and create a good mood for visitors.

An administrator is needed in all catering establishments, be it a cafe, bar, restaurant or canteen.

The term "head waiter" appeared in France in the 18th century. This was the name of the owner of the inn, where travelers and tourists rested and dined. He met visitors, seated them in the dining room, took orders, made payments, and commanded the servants in the kitchen.

Today the head waiter is the administrator of a restaurant or cafe, without whom it is difficult to imagine any point of the catering.

Typically, the duties of a cafe administrator are as follows:

Organization of effective work of the cafe;
personnel management (scheduling of work, training, control of work processes and compliance with institution standards);
control of equipment operation and quality of prepared dishes;
control of the timing of the sale of finished products;
communication with visitors;
help to waiters;
preparation of the necessary documents and reporting.

Also, the functions of a cafe administrator may include:

Staff recruitment;
conducting inventories;
management of the assortment of prepared dishes;
work with the cashier;
organization of banquets.

The requirements for a cafe administrator are very simple - work experience. He is always needed.

As a rule, you need:

Know the basics of working in a restaurant;
be able to organize a workflow;
use a PC.

Depending on the nature of the institution, certain requirements may be imposed on the age, appearance of the employee or knowledge of a foreign language.

You can get a higher education in the specialty "Organization of services in public catering" or complete courses in restaurant management. However, in this profession, experience is everything, and a beginner can only count on the position of assistant administrator.

Duties of the store administrator

This specialist has a huge range of job responsibilities and functions:

1. He develops a work schedule for employees, taking into account the specifics of the store.
2. In the trading floor monitors personnel and their work, regulates the arrangement of people at the checkout or in the hall.
3. Controls the appearance of employees: he must be neat and clean.
4. Conducts general meetings of store employees according to the schedule established by the store, where he communicates the decisions of the management to everyone, speaks about the good or unsatisfactory performance of duties by the employees.
5. Teaches staff to work skills, explains how, what and in what order should be done. This can happen both at a predetermined time during general training, and right in the workflow, if the manager noticed that someone is doing their job incorrectly.
6. The administrator maintains an atmosphere of goodwill among the employees, promotes the speedy and positive resolution of conflicts in the workplace.
7. He controls the quality of the goods put up for sale, its assortment, expiration dates. If something does not comply with the standards, then takes measures to eliminate the problem.
8. The manager promptly places an order to the supplier for the goods that are lacking on the shelves.
9. Conducts periodic inventory of goods, makes reconciliations, identifies shortages of goods, takes measures to eliminate such problems.
10. The administrator controls how the goods are laid out on the shelves, this must be done on time and in the best way convenient for the buyer.
11. The manager monitors the condition of the store premises and adjacent territories, if necessary, interacts with utilities.
12. If necessary, he advises buyers in the sales area on the services provided by the store.
13. The administrator monitors the work of cash registers, controls the availability of small money in each cash register for issuing change from a large bill.
14. In case of conflict situations with buyers, the administrator negotiates to eliminate the problem, solves the issue so that the buyer does not have an unpleasant impression of the store, writes reports to the management on the employees who caused the situation, conducts a preventive conversation to prevent such violations.
15. The administrator solves all current issues with the lessors on the operation of the premises (monitors compliance with the terms of the lease), the payment of the rent, other instructions and wishes presented by the lessor.
16. The manager monitors the prices of goods from competitors and generates proposals for guidance on possible pricing policy. He also comes up with and organizes events that attract more buyers.

17. Under the jurisdiction of the administrator, there is a need to monitor the renewal of all permits of administrative authorities, as well as licenses, patents, and so on, necessary for the full operation of the store. If the validity period of a document expires, then the manager independently extends the documentation period, or entrusts it to the person in charge. He also monitors all changes in the legislation of the Russian Federation in relation to documents regulating trade.
18. It is within the competence of the manager to inform the store management about all checks.
19. At the end of each shift, the administrator submits a cash report and makes a reconciliation by documents. The solution of cash collection issues is also on it. He independently transfers money and documents to the bank.
20. The manager is also involved in the preparation of documents for the calculation of salaries, makes his notes about fines or bonuses for each employee.
21. If necessary, the administrator must replace any employee of the store.
22. The manager deals with the optimization of the store's expenses, draws up the store's budget and takes the necessary steps to reduce the amount of expenses.

Online store

Running a store online results in a much narrower range of responsibilities than is required in a large retail store.

The main activity of a store administrator is communicating with dealers when ordering goods.

Also, the manager must monitor the quality, know its characteristics and expiration dates, application options and other information about the product.

He consults clients by phone or any electronic method of communication, organizes the delivery of goods (independently or through a courier).

It also “maintains” the order, controls payments, informs about the stage of processing the order is in (for example, it is still on its way, or is already in the warehouse and handed over to the courier, and so on).

Administrator's functions may vary depending on the size of the online store and the specifics of its work.

Clothing store

In the work of the administrator of a clothing store, there is a great need to organize events, promotions, sales, etc. in order to sell the leftovers of the goods over the past season.

The manager focuses on training personnel in techniques for the successful sale of goods and motivation to work.

He also pays special attention to the sales plan.

It is imperative to write about responsibility. The store administrator is a very responsible position. A person should "burn" with this deed.

Such work requires leadership qualities, without which it is very difficult to build a good job! It is necessary to have an active life position, communication skills, stress resistance. Mindfulness is a must for a manager because he deals with serious documents.

It turns out that the profession of "administrator" is very creative, while requiring the presence of opposite personality traits. On the one hand, he is a thoughtful, attentive strategist, on the other, he is a sociable manager who brings people together. Imbalance in one direction or another may not be very good at work.

People who have been working for more than one year in this position, as a rule, love their work very much, because every day they successfully solve a lot of versatile issues on which the success of a common cause depends.

Duties of a beauty salon administrator

A competent, competent administrator is a real treasure for the director of a beauty salon. But, unfortunately, only a few go to this position on purpose, but there is a large flow of applicants who consider the job of an administrator in the salon as temporary, considering it not promising and not prestigious. Many people assume that the job is only to say hello to the client, offer tea or coffee, take him to the master and accept the money. Is it so?

Let's figure out what the responsibilities of a beauty salon administrator are and why this position in the salon is one of the key ones.

The purpose of the position is to provide quality customer service. To do this, he coordinates most of the business processes in the salon, providing the necessary materials and information to the client, staff, manager.

Administrator - belongs to the professional category. Depending on the scope of responsibilities and the degree of independence in decision-making, the qualification “senior” or “leading” can be awarded.

Tatyana Agapova, Director of Business Instruments: "In the book" Beauty Salon: Toy or Business? " I propose such a pivot table with the tasks, responsibilities, skills and competencies of a beauty salon administrator.

The main tasks and responsibilities of a beauty salon administrator:

Job responsibilities

Knowledge and skills required to perform duties

Personal characteristics

Increase sales

Create comfortable conditions for clients

Rules and methods of organizing the process of serving visitors

Fundamentals of aesthetics

Principles of planning and decoration of premises of a beauty salon, shop windows.

Desire to help the client (empathy)


Good memory

Fast reaction

Ability to quickly switch attention

Stress resistance

Ability to maintain attention for a long time

Communication skills

Accuracy (in clothes, workplace, documents)


Self-discipline Ability to plan your work day and get it done

Lack of bad habits (smoking, alcohol)

Inform clients about the availability of available services

Presentation rules

Sales stages

Telephone conversation rules

Types of services provided.

Quickly and accurately make settlements with clients in cash and without cash

The procedure for working with cash DS and bank cards

The procedure for the return of the DS Keeping the book of the cashier - operator in the presence of cash register

Ability to work in programs (1C, ARNICA, Malachite, Universe, etc.)

Inform clients about new services (design the interior of the salon, on the Internet, SMS - mailing, holding open days)

Know the peculiarities of information perception and be able to apply in practice

Basic Internet Skills

Schedule customer visits together with the masters, make a preliminary appointment

Know the conditions of the procedures, the time of the procedures, the frequency, the possibility of combining, etc. conditions.

Take measures to prevent and eliminate conflict situations.

Fundamentals of Ethics and Social Psychology

Fundamentals of conflict management

Reduce material loss

Observe the procedure for working with goods and materials

Rules for working with goods and materials

Rules for conducting inventories.

Know the internal standards for the consumption of goods and materials

Minimize losses during checks

(Rospotrebnadzor, labor inspectorate, tax, prosecutor's office, etc.)

Consider claims related to unsatisfactory customer service and take appropriate organizational and technical measures.

Consumer Protection Law

The procedure for resolving conflict situations

Monitor the observance by employees of the organization of labor and production discipline, rules and regulations of labor protection, safety, requirements of industrial sanitation and hygiene.

The structure of enterprise management, the rights and obligations of employees of the organization and their mode of work.

Internal labor regulations.

Safety rules

Ensure cleanliness and order in the premises of the beauty salon and in the areas adjacent to them or the building.

Territory cleaning procedure

Production control program

Rospotrebnadzor requirements

Ensure the protection of personal data of customers and employees

Personal data protection law.

Improve performance discipline

Exercise control over the implementation by employees of the instructions of the organization's management.

Fundamentals of Economics, Labor Organization and Management. Skill in drawing up internal regulatory documents

Ability to work in programs (Megaplan, Outlook, etc.)

Execution of orders of the head

Time management

The duties of a beauty salon administrator are divided into thematic blocks:

1. Organization and planning of the salon's activities, the purpose of which is to reduce costs and improve the quality of customer service. That is, control over the efficient use of material, technical and labor resources in the course of the salon's activities, work on reducing costs. Accounting and timely reporting to the salon management.
2. Work with the cash register. Issuance of checks, acceptance of payment for services rendered.
3. Work with personnel: keep a time sheet, monitor compliance with the work schedule, the appearance of employees (dress code and uniforms).
4. Control of cleanliness, rules and regulations of labor protection, safety in customer service.
5. Working with the customer base: maintaining, updating and replenishing, as well as working to build loyalty (sending information to customers, congratulations, reminders, etc.).
6. Communication with customers, namely - answers to all incoming calls, consultation (services, prices, products) and customer registration. This also includes meeting the client, leading the client to the master (meeting the master), accompanying the client after the service has been provided, as well as collecting information for subsequent use as the basis for new promotions in the salon.
7. Since the administrator is obliged to control the conduct of promotions and other promotions, he may be asked to put into practice the basics of marketing, advertising and merchandising.
8. In small offices, the work of an administrator is somewhat similar to the work of an office manager - he is responsible for the operability of the salon, monitors the presence of paper in the printer, stationery, toilet paper in toilets.

Also, the administrator regulates emerging conflicts, maintains a book of reviews, works with claims.

The beauty salon administrator is the face of the company. He not only regulates and organizes the work of the salon, but also introduces the client to the salon and is often the determining factor in the choice of a particular salon by the client.

Responsibilities of the system administrator

System Administrator:

1. Installs operating systems and software necessary for work on servers and workstations.
2. Performs software configuration on servers and workstations.
3. Maintains the software of servers and workstations in working order.
4. Registers users of the local network and mail server, assigns identifiers and passwords.
5. Provides technical and software support to users, advises users on the operation of the local network and programs, draws up instructions for working with the software and brings them to the attention of users.
6. Establishes access rights and controls the use of network resources.
7. Provides timely copying, archiving and data backup.
8. Takes measures to restore the performance of the local network in case of failures or failure of network equipment.
9. Detects errors of users and software and takes measures to correct them.
10. Monitors the network, develops proposals for the development of network infrastructure.
11. Provides network security (protection against unauthorized access to information, viewing or changing system files and data), security of interconnection.
12. Provides anti-virus protection of the local computer network, servers and workstations.
13. Prepares proposals for the modernization and purchase of network equipment.
14. Supervises the installation of local network equipment by specialists from third-party organizations.
15. Informs his immediate supervisor about cases of violation of the rules for using the local area network and the measures taken.

The system administrator has the right to:

Establish and change the rules for using the local area network.
- To get acquainted with the documents defining his rights and responsibilities for the position held, the criteria for assessing the quality of the performance of official duties.
- Submit for management's consideration proposals for improving the work related to the responsibilities provided for in this job description.
- Demand from the management to ensure the organizational and technical conditions necessary for the performance of official duties.

The system administrator is responsible for:

Disruption of the functioning of the local area network, servers and personal computers due to improper performance of their official duties.
- Late registration of users of the local area network and mail server.
- Untimely notification of the management about cases of violation of the rules for using the local area network.

The system administrator is held accountable for:

For improper performance or non-performance of their official duties provided for by this job description - within the limits established by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.
- For offenses committed in the course of their activities - within the limits established by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.
- For causing material damage to the company - within the limits established by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

Obligations of the hotel administrator

Hotel administrator:

1. Provides work on efficient and cultural service to clients, creating comfortable conditions for them.
2. Carries out control over the timely preparation of rooms for the reception of those arriving at the hotel, the observance of cleanliness in the hotel, the regular change of linen in the rooms, the safety of property and equipment.
3. Informs the hotel residents about the additional paid services provided, accepts orders for their implementation and monitors their implementation.
4. Gives verbal information regarding the hotel, the location of city attractions, entertainment, sports facilities, etc.
5. Accepts and prepares the necessary documents.
6. Exercises control over the execution of the instructions of the organization's management by the employees.
7. Controls the observance by the employees of the organization of labor and production discipline, rules and norms of labor protection, safety measures, requirements of industrial sanitation and hygiene.
8. Takes measures to resolve conflicts arising in the service of residents.
9. Considers claims related to unsatisfactory customer service and takes appropriate organizational and technical measures.
10. Informs the management of the organization about the existing shortcomings in customer service, takes measures to eliminate them.

The hotel administrator has the right:

1. To get acquainted with the projects of decisions of the hotel management concerning its activities.
2. Submit proposals for improving the work related to the responsibilities provided for in this instruction for the management's consideration.
3. Within the limits of their competence, inform their immediate supervisor about all the shortcomings in the activities of the hotel (its structural divisions) revealed in the process of performing official duties and make proposals for their elimination.
4. Request information and documents necessary for the performance of his official duties from specialists and performers personally or on behalf of his immediate supervisor.
5. To involve specialists from all (individual) structural divisions in solving the tasks assigned to him (if it is provided for by the provisions on structural divisions, if not, then with the permission of the hotel director).
6. Require the management of the hotel to assist in the performance of their duties and rights.

The hotel administrator is responsible for:

For improper performance or non-performance of their official duties provided for by this job description - within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.
- For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.
- For causing material damage - within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

Responsibilities of the restaurant administrator

The job of an administrator in a restaurant is a lot of work. But in order to achieve success, you should not always be guided by the experience and advice of the person who held this position before you.

Think for yourself how you can improve your work. After all, for some reason the owner of the restaurant believed you and handed you this position. So he believes in your abilities.

Here are 10 important points you need to think about:

1. Personal responsibility.

From this day on, all mistakes made by the staff are your responsibility. This does not mean that you need to pick up the whip and punish the guilty. You need to deal with the problem so that the next time the situation does not repeat itself. A good leader always asks himself the question: “What lesson and benefit can I learn from this situation? "

2. You are an example for everyone and the “face” of the establishment.

From now on, your main responsibility is to be a worthy example for your subordinates. Working in a team where, in one way or another, there will always be talk and gossip, in no case should you give a reason for the development of such discussions. Any decision you make will be visible. Your employees will definitely tell each other what they think about this. How not to lose credibility in the team? It's very simple - don't be late for work, maintain a neat appearance and be sure to regulate internal conflicts by finding fair solutions. Your goal is to gain the trust and respect of your employees.

And the most important thing is to make your employees understand that if they work badly, they will not only do nasty things to you and the restaurant, they will complicate their work.

3. Teamwork.

The success of the restaurant business depends on how well the team works. You, as an administrator, should always know the answer to any question, be able to track down and correctly punish the guilty, and the most important thing is to make your employees understand that working badly, they will not only do nasty things to you and the restaurant, they will complicate their work.

But at the same time, working conditions must be comfortable for everyone, and you must definitely know how to motivate your subordinates.

4. Investing in your personal growth.

The restaurant business is making leaps and bounds in the face of fierce competition. In order to stay at your job, you must never stop at what you have achieved and constantly continue to learn. There are a lot of resources on the Internet for restaurateurs, where you can learn something new every day. Improve your knowledge, browse restaurant trends, blogs of famous chefs and restaurant owners. Watch interviews with critics, etc. Learn to apply this knowledge to optimize restaurant performance and you will definitely increase your credibility.

Must-read books on restaurant management and restaurant personnel. You can always listen to audio recordings, and it won't take so long. There are a lot of conferences and trainings where you can improve your qualifications without getting up from the couch - just register and watch the broadcast. Self-education is an integral part of a modern successful person. A leader should always ask himself the question: "How can I improve myself and my team?"

5. Take care of your body.

As a restaurant administrator, you must be absolutely confident in yourself and your decisions. In order to communicate with people, exchange offers, control the work of the entire institution, especially if it works around the clock - you need to get enough sleep and feel good. Get ready for fatigue and irregular work schedules.

You don't have to buy a gym membership and exhaust yourself after working out on a treadmill - but light exercise and proper nutrition can work wonders. Believe me, sleep and have breakfast - and you can already spend your working day on your feet, in a good mood.

6. Always self-improvement.

The restaurant administrator hires proactive and motivated people who are ready to improve. You want to listen to them, they are able to settle a conflict with the nastiest client, respecting the restaurant's reputation. In addition, the duties of the restaurant administrator include: staff training, solving economic issues, as well as control over the calculation of dishes, expenses, etc. To be competent in all these matters, you need to regularly train and improve your skills.

Don't neglect planning your restaurant events. Write down a list of required achievements. Plan your work six months in advance and you will be there.

Always be in trend. The administrator must know what dishes are in demand now, what kind of event will bring good revenue and interest new visitors.

7. Optimization of work.

What is the difference between an administrator and a leader? The administrator thinks and works two steps ahead of the team. The leader thinks and works 20 steps ahead of everyone else. How can this work be optimized? Use your phone or tablet with cloud planners installed there - this will greatly facilitate your work.

It's not difficult to thank your employees, and by giving simple compliments, you will not only gain respect, but also significantly improve the work environment.

8. Study the psychology of working with personnel.

Being a leader means understanding what drives people. Many people believe that all people react in the same way to this or that situation, but in practice it turns out that your chef did not want to receive an increase in salary at all instead of the weekend, and the bartender harbored a grudge against a meager fine, and he has long been taking revenge on you. taking home 10 "broken" glasses. You must understand and feel your employees in order to prevent this or that unpleasant situation in time, as well as to praise and punish at the right time.

9. Be grateful.

Teamwork without motivation and praise is doomed to fail. It's not difficult to thank your employees, and by giving simple compliments you will not only gain respect, but also significantly improve the work environment. As a leader, you must understand that you did not achieve this yourself - an excellent team of experienced employees helps you, and your clients, expressing gratitude in the form of attendance and profits, make your business.

10. Step behind the line.

When you become an administrator, you are no longer with your former colleagues. Many people make a mistake after promotion and a new position, trying to maintain the same relationship with the team as before. But from now on - your interests are the interests of the restaurant owner and nothing more. A clear line between subordinates and their boss must be drawn immediately after your appointment, otherwise you will not receive the proper authority.

Obligations of the club administrator

Every nightclub always has an administrator position and it seems that his job is to meet guests and take them to their tables, to make sure that everyone is comfortable. But the duties of an administrator do not end there at all. The administrator of the club is, first of all, the manager or otherwise the person of the given institution, who is fully responsible for the leisure and entertainment program. Administrator's functions should not be confused with those of a promoter, they are much broader.

The administrative competence includes three main areas - premises, employees and visitors. The administrator must first of all exercise complete control over the design of the premises, monitor the condition, update and placement of advertisements on the building and inside the club. The administrator must control the order and cleanliness in the entertainment area, as well as in the surrounding area.

The administrator supervises the club's employees - waiters, cooks, cashiers, bartenders, cleaners and office managers, as well as a security service. The administrator is simply obliged to fully monitor the compliance of the listed employees with industrial and labor discipline, labor protection standards and rules, hygiene and industrial sanitation requirements (for example, hair that gets into the food or dirty hands of the cook will be on the administrator's conscience). The administrative employee is responsible for ensuring direct control over the preservation of material assets.

The administrator should politely meet the guests, escort them to a free table (or entrust this matter to the waiter, if the flow of guests is very large) and fully advise on the services provided by the club. If claims arise, the administrator is obliged to calmly listen to them and take measures to resolve the conflict as soon as possible. Even if this is already the tenth dissatisfied client in the evening, you cannot get angry or shout, all problems are solved with a smile. Report to your superior management about the difficulties that have arisen, suggest your own ways of solving problem and controversial issues. The administrator is obliged to keep abreast of all events that take place in the clubhouse.

The administrator must be familiar with legal issues and, in the event of a problem, be ready to replace one of the employees. Knowledge in jurisprudence can be divided into knowledge of normative and regulatory documents (federal laws, the labor code of the Russian Federation, internal labor regulations, job descriptions of employees, as well as a list of services provided by the club).

Duties of the fitness club administrator

Many of my readers recently decided to open their own fitness club. And they immediately faced the problem of finding personnel. According to experience, most resumes come to the vacancy "administrator", but their quality leaves much to be desired.

No work expirience. There is experience, but not in sales, but in geology. The lady lives three hours by bus from the club. But the applicant for a vacancy in one hundred percent of cases is "sociable, responsible, trainable." Is this enough to work as a fitness club administrator?

Too good is too bad!

Take it for granted that finding the perfect employee is nearly impossible. And it is not necessary. Firstly, such "diamonds" are always in great demand and, therefore, in 99% of cases they are already working somewhere. Secondly, when a person appears in your team, on whose personal charm everything rests, this is bad. Imagine what would happen if he left? That's right, everything will collapse.

I'm not encouraging you to hire shrews or dead-eyed girls. I am now leading to the fact that most of the administrator's work should be automated. In this case, almost anyone can become the perfect face of your fitness club.

Include these points in the duties of the administrator of the fitness club.

Your task is to create an environment in which the new employee simply will not have any questions. Instructions, scripts, workflows, plans - these are your faithful helpers.

1. Administrator's handbook.

Do not be lazy and spend one of your days writing down all the duties of a fitness club administrator, all the subtleties of his work in one document.

The book should contain answers to all the questions that a beginner may have: how to make a refund via the payment terminal, where to call if the water runs out, how to draw up a strict accountability form, how to respond to customer objections, etc.

This book is a living document. It can and should be supplemented, changed, absorbing all your experience. Be sure to involve your administrators in creating it.

2. Scripts.

A welcoming smile and a neat appearance do not cost anything if their owner is panicky afraid to sell. You can overcome her fear in different ways, the simplest is to create scripts for all occasions.

Write down an approximate dialogue with a potential buyer who first came to the club. Expand the list of required questions and answers to perceived objections. Planning an event? Give the administrator a script to call clients.

If you are afraid that this approach “loses soulfulness” - do not be afraid. Very often, employees are afraid to call customers, they get lost and don't know what to say. Your clear text will give them confidence. A wide smile during a telephone conversation will add soulfulness. You didn’t forget to write in the handbook that the administrator must smile when talking on the phone?

3. Work processes.

Workflows are minutely scheduled administrator actions. For example: The administrator arrives at work at 9:30 and turns on the lights in the locker rooms and the lobby. From 9:30 to 9:45 am he makes a round of the halls, turns on the light, checks the equipment. At 9:45, turns on the computer. From 9:50 to 10:00 he posts a post to a group in contact.

All these actions must be brought to automatism. Having a document, and not verbal instructions, will allow you to control the process and, in the event of a violation of labor discipline, call the employee to account. Workflows can be written in a separate document, or can be included in the administrator's handbook.

4. Plans.

I make plans for myself. A sheet of paper with the desired number is always on the wall, in front of your eyes. Believe it or not, it really motivates. It is the same with administrators - as soon as you announce the number, and, most importantly, the percentage of this figure that the employee will receive in the form of a bonus, sales growth begins immediately.

It's important not to leave people alone with the plan. Your task, as a leader, is not only to set a goal, but also to explain the mechanisms for achieving it. How to do it? Write scripts, think over promotions for a month, conduct another training.

Try an administrator-new customer or administrator-unhappy customer role-play during your next meeting. Replaying real situations and further analysis of errors helps to bring sales skills to automatism. Employees are no longer afraid to sell, they know how to respond to customers' objections, their self-confidence grows. By the way, linking the wage bill to the company's total profit, in my opinion, is very justified. You pay on the result. People understand that in your club you need to work, and not watch a movie when there is no workout.

Obligations of the clinic administrator

The process of "Appointment of clients":

Answers incoming calls to the Clinic, in accordance with the rules for conducting telephone conversations, using speech standards.
- Kindly advises visitors on issues related to the medical services provided by the Clinic and the procedure for their provision.
- Provides information to patients about the mode and schedule of work of the Clinic and its leaders and doctors.
- When the patient first contacts the patient by phone, he makes a record and registration of the patient with the obligatory clarification of the information source (from where the patient learned about the clinic - record the information in the file "client base" sheet "client base" column "specify where he learned about the clinic").
- Selects a convenient time for the patient and, if necessary, consultations of several specialists sets the receptions sequentially. He tries to ensure that in one visit the client receives the maximum number of necessary consultations.
- Forms an optimal registration of patients for initial and repeated consultations in accordance with the corporate standards adopted in the Clinic: it tries to minimize downtime in the doctors' schedule, keeping a dense record.
- Conducts telephone conversations with patients in order to confirm the patient's appointment with a doctor. Confirmation of the appointment is made the day before the appointment.

Result: the client's appointment for an appointment.

Process "Marketing, work with clients":

Calls customers in accordance with the established speech modules (informs customers about new products, promotions, congratulates them on their birthday, holidays, etc.) - at least 10-15 people a day.
- Asks the client for the opportunity to inform him about the Clinic's promotions.

Result: re-appointment of the patient

Process of "Maintaining a medical appointment":

Before the doctor's appointment, he invites the patient to sit down and wait for the doctor to invite the patient to enter the office.
- Timely delivers medical and other documentation to doctors.
- Carries out the layout of medical records, test results in the card index.
- Receives test results from laboratories, ultrasound studies, ECG, etc. and pastes them into medical records. Makes copies for issuing examination results to patients, if possible, sends them by e-mail.
- Informs patients about the receipt of examination results.

Result: high-quality maintenance of the card index of medical records and the absence of patients' claims to the work of administrators.

Clinic Infrastructure Management Process:

Timely opening of the clinic in the morning.
- Responsible for the safety of documentation, cash and seals, keys from the entrance to the Clinic.
- Checks the readiness for operation of all technical means (computer, cash register, telephone.
- Checks the completeness of the workplace with advertising materials, the necessary forms and documentation, stationery.
- Maintains cleanliness and order in the room, lays out shoe covers for clients in a timely manner, as needed, makes wet cleaning in the lobby, Clinic during the work shift and at the end of it.
- In the absence of a nurse / paramedical staff, maintains cleanliness in the lobby, corridors, toilets and the entrance vestibule of the Clinic.
- Monitors the safety and security of the clothes of the patients of the Clinic.
- Does not leave the workplace in the presence of patients.
- Monitors the correct operation of lighting, water supply, sewerage in the office, technical serviceability of the equipment, promptly informs the Deputy General Director of the problems that have arisen.
- Keeps track of the economical use of materials, electricity, water.

Result: safety of accountable infrastructure elements, timely opening and closing of the Clinic, order and cleanliness in the workplace and in the lobby.

Nonconformity Management Procedure:

Takes measures to prevent and eliminate conflict situations. Does not allow the situation to get out of control, promptly reports the problem to the management (General Director, Deputy General Director).
- Informs the management of the Clinic about the existing shortcomings in the service of visitors, measures taken to eliminate them. Timely submits claims related to unsatisfactory customer service for consideration by the deputy. General Director and General Director.
- In the event of a doctor's absence from an appointment, he ensures that the patient is re-recorded for another time or seeks to replace the doctor, notifying the Deputy General Director.

Result: no complaints from patients to the work of administrators.

Document and Records Control Procedure

With a patient visiting the clinic for the first time:

Concludes a contract, which is filled in in 2 copies (one is handed over to the patient, the other is glued into the patient's medical record).
- Prepares informed voluntary consent of the patient for medical intervention.
- Starts a medical record and a statistical coupon before the start of the initial consultation.
- When the documentation is ready, warns the doctor about the arrival of the next patient.
- Carries out the calculation of patients according to the declared cost of admission with the issuance of checks to them. At the request of patients, he prepares documents for contacting the tax office.
- Keeps the necessary accounting and reporting documentation:
- electronic customer base (1C);
- income and expense documentation (1C);
- Administrator's sheet (transfer of cases);
- clearly formulates a list of things to do for the next shift;
- reminds of the beginning of admission and the number of patients;
- competently fills in all the magazines;
- hands over the proceeds and fills out the financial documentation.

Result: correct paperwork:

Contract for the provision of paid services;
informed voluntary consent of the patient to medical intervention;
statistical coupon;
patient's medical card, etc.

Checks the fullness of the logs and continues to maintain them during the work shift.

The duties of the administrator are established by the higher management. All of them must be indicated in the job description, otherwise they have no legal force. In addition, this document should be presented to the administrator for review immediately before taking up a new position.

As for the main points that the job description contains, it all depends on the specifics of the job. Indeed, despite the similarity of responsibilities, each structure has some differences. For example, there is a huge chasm between hotel workers and, say, system administrators.

What is an administrator?

But you should start with who the administrator is. Indeed, despite the prevalence of this position, many do not quite understand the range of responsibilities that fall on them. So, an administrator is a person who is responsible for order in a particular organization.

That is, the duties of the administrator oblige him to monitor the quality of the work of his wards, communicate with clients (including resolving conflict situations), monitor the cleanliness of the halls, and so on.

Who can become an administrator?

In general, people with completed secondary education can apply for this position. However, with the growth of competition in the labor market, the requirements for candidates for the post of administrator have also increased. So, people with higher education who know foreign languages ​​have much better chances than their less enlightened colleagues.

Moreover, in order to get to a promising place, a future employee will have to complete special courses. True, quite often people with potential are taught by the management for their own money. There are also some areas of administration that require specialized education. For example, a system administrator.

How to draw up a job description correctly?

All documents of this type are created under the careful supervision of the management. As a sample, ready-made templates are used, which can be either supplemented or changed at will, based on the needs of the organization. However, despite this, the duties of the administrator should not contradict the Labor Code, and also have clauses that violate the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

Often such a document has four points:

  1. General provisions, which indicate the main requirements for the candidacy of an administrator. Also, here you should indicate the immediate supervisor of the employee, the replacement procedure, the required level of knowledge, and so on.
  2. Duties. Includes the entire list of what the administrator must do.
  3. Rights - the part where all the privileges of this employee are indicated.
  4. Responsibility is a particularly important point that establishes the punishment for a particular act.

Sample job description

This option is universal and is suitable as a starting template for any organization. Keep in mind, however, that most of the points will need to be changed based on management considerations.

I. General Provisions

  1. An administrator is a specialist who belongs to the category of office workers.
  2. Persons over 18 years of age with completed secondary education can apply for this position.
  3. This specialist reports directly to the manager of the hotel / restaurant / club.
  4. The administrator should be able to:
  • correctly distribute responsibilities between employees of the organization;
  • eliminate all conflict situations both within the team and outside of it;
  • competently convey all the necessary information about services and tariffs to the clients of this organization.

II. Duties

The administrator is obliged:

  1. To create all the necessary conditions for a comfortable stay of clients on the territory of the institution.
  2. Provide all the necessary information on services, tariffs and discounts.
  3. Maintain all types of customer bases, as well as take measures to effectively increase them.
  4. Resolve all conflicts with clients, staff and management.
  5. Ensure cleanliness and order in the territory entrusted to him.
  6. Monitor the observance of discipline within the work collective.
  7. Provide managers with all information about their organization.

III. Rights

This specialist has the right:

  1. Be interested in all management decisions related to both internal and external policies of the organization.
  2. Make suggestions for improving the performance of staff.
  3. Require compliance with all the rules and regulations established by this document, as well as the labor code of the Russian Federation.
  4. Make decisions based on your own considerations, if they do not contradict this agreement.

IV. A responsibility

The following penalties can be applied to the administrator:

  1. For non-compliance with the orders of the management, the employee may be brought to administrative responsibility.
  2. For gross violations of discipline and negligence, the administrator can be demoted, up to and including dismissal.

This is just a rough example of what the main document might be that regulates the actions that the administrator performs. The job description is largely organization-specific. Therefore, for an example, consider the most common types of this profession.

Job responsibilities of the store administrator

Often, such a vacancy exists only in supermarkets, as well as in stores that are part of a large retail chain. The main feature of this position is that the person occupying it has to monitor the effectiveness of sales.

Based on this, we can conclude that the job duties of the store administrator are primarily aimed at:

  • improving the work of sellers;
  • development of marketing techniques;
  • control over the quality of goods.

Responsibilities of the restaurant administrator

The restaurant business is built on enticing customers with delicious meals and quality service. If the first is more dependent on the work of the chef, then the second is already the lot of the administrator.

It is he who must monitor everything that can affect the mood of the clients. So, the main job responsibilities of a restaurant administrator are as follows:

  • organization of well-coordinated work of personnel;
  • communication with customers;
  • creating a favorable atmosphere in the room;
  • providing information regarding the menu and the work of the chef.

Hotel business

The most extensive are the duties of a hotel administrator. This is due to the fact that this specialist has to manage many aspects of life inside the hotel.

So, the official duties of the hotel administrator prescribe:

  • to ensure the comfort of the guests;
  • provide information regarding hotel accommodation, local food, attractions, and so on;
  • monitor the cleanliness of the lobby, rooms, corridors;
  • keep track of seat reservations;
  • monitor the efficiency of the staff and, if necessary, make the necessary adjustments.

Special category of administrators

As mentioned earlier, some categories of this direction still require a certain education. So, the duties of a system administrator imply the presence of an IT specialist diploma. Otherwise, he will not be able to fulfill the tasks assigned to him.

Also, similar requirements may be presented in some other areas, depending on the specifics of production and the opinion of the management on this matter.

An office manager is an employee who manages an office. As a rule, this employee is put on the staff of the central (head) office of the enterprise or the office in which the directorate of the enterprise is located.

The main task of an office manager is to effectively manage the office: its material and technical support, office work, and most importantly, office staff (secretaries, assistants, translators, dispatchers on the phone, etc.). Often, office managers of small companies are entrusted with the duties of maintaining personnel business-production (registration and accounting of office workers), preparation of primary accounting documents, and negotiations with office visitors. A number of trade enterprises practice customer service (service) and sales coordination. The duties of an office manager may include working with utilities, with representatives of organizations serving office equipment.

The main and significant difference between an office manager and an office administrator is leadership - the administrator, as a rule, does not manage the office workers, but is just one of them and performs his work in cooperation with the office staff.

An office manager and an office administrator must have such personal qualities as communication skills, energy, the ability to clearly and clearly express their thoughts, confidence, the ability to persuade, the ability to self-organize (for an administrator) and the ability to manage a team (for a manager), knowledge of a foreign language, etc.

I. General Provisions

1. The office administrator belongs to the professional category.

2. A person with professional education (higher; secondary) shall be appointed to the office of administrator of the office. Experience of economic and administrative work at least (1 year; 2 years; 3 years; etc.)

3. The office administrator should know:

3.1. Location of office premises.

3.2. Principles of planning and decoration of office premises, incl. advertising decoration of premises.

3.3. Rules and methods of organizing the work of the office.

3.4. The scope of the office workers.

3.5. Ethics of relationships in the working group.

3.6. Office standards.

3.7. Principles of organizing office supplies.

3.8. Legislative requirements for business contracts and the procedure for their conclusion.

3.9. Office technical equipment.

3.10. Rules for the use of office equipment.

3.11. Principles of relations with the administration (commandant's office) of the building in which the office premises are located.

3.12. Foundations of aesthetics, ethics and social psychology.

3.13. Internal labor regulations.

3.14. Fundamentals of Labor Law.

3.15. Rules and regulations for labor protection, safety, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

4. Appointment of office administrator and dismissal from office is made by order of the head of the organization.

5. The office administrator reports directly to ___________________________________.

6. During the absence of the office administrator (business trip, vacation, illness, etc.), his duties are performed by a person appointed in accordance with the established procedure. This person acquires the corresponding rights and is responsible for the proper performance of the duties assigned to him.

II. Job responsibilities

Office administrator:

1. Provides preparation of the office for the working day (deactivation of the security alarm system, connection of office equipment and preparation for use, provision of office supplies and consumables).

2. Draws up estimates for the logistics of the office.

3. Draws up the necessary documents for the conclusion of contracts for: the supply of stationery, consumables and other inventory items necessary for the office; maintenance and repair of office equipment; other services.

4. Carries out control over the design of the premises, oversees the preparation and release of advertising and other information materials in the office, intended for issuance to visitors.

5. Provides cleanliness and order in office premises.

6. Carries out control over the correct operation of office equipment and the rational use of stationery and consumables in the office.

7. Establishes contacts with maintenance services, utilities for resource provision of office premises, carrying out repairs and other works.

8. Ensures proper maintenance and operation of office premises in accordance with the rules and regulations of industrial sanitation and fire protection.

9. Organizes the ordering of air and rail tickets for office employees, dispatching vehicles.

10. Organizes office work, receiving incoming calls and managing outgoing calls.

11. Organizes effective and cultural services for visitors, ensures the creation of comfortable conditions for them, advises them on administrative issues, provides information and other materials (business cards, price lists, brochures, etc.).

12. Prepares the material and technical base for complex negotiations with partners, clients, and other categories of visitors.

13. Keeps track of visitors.

14. Takes measures to prevent and eliminate conflict situations.

15. Carries out individual service assignments of his immediate supervisor.

16. Prepares the office for closure (turns off lighting and office equipment, activates security alarm systems, etc.).

III. Rights

The office administrator has the right to:

1. Independently and on their own responsibility to dispose of the funds allocated to provide the office with the necessary inventory items.

2. Submit to the head of the enterprise proposals for improving the work of the office and the enterprise as a whole.

3. To get acquainted with the documents defining his rights and obligations in the position held, the criteria for assessing the quality of the performance of official duties.

4. Sign and endorse documents within their competence.

5. Require the management of the enterprise to ensure the organizational and technical conditions and the execution of the established documents necessary for the performance of official duties.

IV. A responsibility

The office administrator is responsible for:

1. For improper performance or non-performance of their duties provided for by this job description - within the limits established by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

2. For offenses committed in the course of their activities - within the limits established by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

3. For causing material damage to the enterprise - within the limits established by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.


1.1. This job description defines the functional duties, rights and responsibilities of the Administrator.

1.2. The administrator is appointed and dismissed from office in accordance with the procedure established by the current labor legislation by order of the director of the enterprise (institution, organization).

1.3. The administrator reports directly to _________________.

1.4. A person who has a secondary vocational education without presenting requirements for work experience or primary vocational education and work experience in the specialty for at least 2 years is appointed to the position of the Administrator.

1.5. The administrator should know:

Resolutions, orders, orders, other governing and normative documents of higher authorities concerning the work of an enterprise, institution, organization;

Management structure, rights and obligations of employees and their mode of work;

Rules and methods for organizing customer service;

Types of services provided;

Fundamentals of Economics, Labor Organization and Management;

Layout and order of decoration of premises and showcases;

Foundations of Aesthetics and Social Psychology;

Labor legislation;

Internal labor regulations;

Labor protection rules and regulations.

1.6. During the temporary absence of the Administrator, his duties are assigned to ___________________________.


2.1. The functional responsibilities of the Administrator are determined on the basis and in the scope of the qualification characteristics for the position of the Administrator and can be supplemented, clarified in the preparation of the job description based on specific circumstances.

2.2. Administrator:

2.2.1. Carries out work on effective and cultural service of visitors, creating comfortable conditions for them.

2.2.2. Provides control over the safety of material assets.

2.2.3. Advises visitors on issues related to the services provided.

2.2.4. Takes measures to prevent and eliminate conflict situations.

2.2.5. Considers claims related to unsatisfactory customer service, takes the necessary organizational and technical measures.

2.2.6. Carries out control over the appropriate design of premises, monitors the placement, renewal and condition of advertising inside the premises and on the building.

2.2.7. Provides cleanliness and order in the room and on the territory adjacent to it or the building.

2.2.8. Monitors the observance of labor and production discipline by subordinate employees, rules and regulations of labor protection, requirements of industrial sanitation and hygiene.

2.2.9. Informs the management about the existing shortcomings in the service of visitors, the measures taken to eliminate them.

2.2.10. Ensures that the employees follow the instructions of the enterprise management.


3.1. The administrator has the right:

3.1.1. Give orders and instructions and take appropriate actions to eliminate the causes that created the conflict situation.

3.1.2. Make proposals to the management of the enterprise (institution, organization) to improve the work related to its functional responsibilities.


4.1. The administrator is responsible for:

4.1.1. Failure to fulfill their functional duties.

4.1.2. Inaccurate information about the status of execution of the tasks and orders received, violation of the deadlines for their execution.

4.1.3. Failure to comply with orders, orders of the director of the enterprise.

4.1.4. Violation of the internal labor regulations, fire safety and safety rules established at the enterprise.


5.1. The Administrator's work schedule is determined in accordance with the Internal Labor Regulations established at the enterprise.

Other instructions in the section:

Any serious establishment, be it a warehouse, or a store, or a restaurant, is not complete without an administrator, whose responsibilities include management functions.

Past enterprise management schemes have outlived their usefulness, so you need a specialist who can manage processes well, control production, people and goods, and also competently distribute work between various departments.

The administrator must be aware of the situation in the external and internal activities of the company in order to do his job well. An administrator is sometimes referred to as a manager.

Work principles

The general meaning of this work is to keep the store running like clockwork. The principle is control over people, goods, halls and documents.

is the head for sellers, cashiers, receptionists and loaders. He is an interactive link between departments of the entire store.

Through him, issues are resolved between personnel and senior management, which he also notifies about problems in production.

For the successful implementation of his functions, the administrator must be guided by certain instructions and regulatory documents.

His areas of expertise

The administrator stores in a separate place and brings to the staff the content of regulatory and governing documents, orders, job descriptions; he keeps the conducted cash transactions and other reports.

At acceptance of goods the administrator checks the expiration dates of the products, monitors the conscientious observance of the storage conditions of the goods. If necessary, takes all measures to dispose of expired products or return them to the supplier.

His responsibilities include adjustment of working conditions, observance of the rights and obligations of employees, their mode of work.

The administrator should know perfectly The Labor Code of the Russian Federation, to have an idea of ​​the organization of collective labor, combining professions, certification of employees and much more, in order to skillfully guide the activities of their subordinates.

For successful implementation different products, the manager must be well aware of such things as consumer buying behavior, have an idea of ​​their needs and requirements, forecast demand, know how to position the product on the market, and so on. All this is the foundation of knowledge about marketing, which allows you to build the right strategies for conducting promotions and make predictions about the market situation.

The administrator should control compliance with the instructions, as well as strictly monitor the absence of violations of the rules of hygiene and sanitation at work, fire safety and civil defense.

All this is under the responsibility of the administrator.

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Personal requirements for the candidate

An important quality that a successful administrator must have is to be able to take a leadership position.

This will motivate employees to do their job well.

When communicating with buyers, suppliers and subordinates is irreplaceable sociability... It allows you to find a common language with completely different people.

Positivity and patience are essential during training.

The ability to get things done is a must for a good manager. Responsibility and objectivity are necessary in exercising control over the assigned area of ​​the administrator's duties.

Organization is needed when planning your time, events in the store, timely checking of permits. Logical thinking helps to analyze the information received about the market situation.

Attentiveness needed when working with fiscal and administrative documents and permits, when drawing up a cash report, and so on.

Main functions and responsibilities

This specialist has a huge circle of job responsibilities and functions:

The basics of a store administrator are covered in this video:

Features of work and business management of various types of stores

Online store

When a store operates on the Internet, it turns out narrower responsibilities than required in a large retail store.

The main activity of a store administrator is communicating with dealers when ordering goods.

Also manager must watch for quality, know its characteristics and expiration dates, application options and other information about the product.

He spends customer consultation by phone or by any electronic method of communication, organizes the delivery of goods (independently or through a courier).

It also “maintains” the order, controls payments, informs about the stage of processing the order is in (for example, it is still on its way, or is already in the warehouse and handed over to the courier, and so on).

Administrator's functions may vary depending on the size of the online store and the specifics of its work.

For more details on the work of the administrator of online stores, see the following video:

Clothing store

In the work of a clothing store administrator, a large the need to organize events, promotions, sales and so on to sell the leftovers of the goods for the past season.

The manager focuses on training personnel in techniques for the successful sale of goods and motivation to work.

He also pays special attention to the sales plan.

What qualities need to be written when writing a resume for this position

Be sure to write about a responsibility... The store administrator is a very responsible position. A person should "burn" with this deed.

For such work you need leadership skills, it’s very difficult to build a good job without them! Must have active life position, sociability, stress resistance.
Mindfulness is a must for a manager because he deals with serious documents.

It turns out that the profession of "administrator" is very creative, while requiring the presence of opposite personality traits. On the one hand, he is a thoughtful, attentive strategist, on the other, he is a sociable manager who brings people together. Imbalance in one direction or another may not be very good at work.

People who have been working for more than one year in this position, as a rule, love their work very much, because every day they successfully solve a lot of versatile issues on which the success of a common cause depends.