Professional activity of a specialist in social work. Professional functions of a social work specialist

1. What is the name of the work and what does it consist of? The name of the job, specialty, profession, position, possible workplace - a description of the essential characteristics and specific features of labor.

Social work is a professional activity to provide assistance and support to people, the purpose of which is to assist people and groups in difficult life situations in overcoming personal and social difficulties through support, protection, correction and rehabilitation.

Modern social work is carried out mainly by an extensive network of state social services. It includes many areas and areas, such as: social security, social insurance, social prevention, social rehabilitation, adaptation, therapy, counseling.

Specialist in social work - an employee who provides services to various social, gender and age, ethnic groups of the population and individuals in need of social assistance, protection and psychological support.

The profession “specialist in social work” has the following specializations: social worker; social worker of the employment service; professional consultant. Work these workers can be specialized according to age, social, medical criteria (services for children and adolescents, the elderly, unemployed, homeless, blind, deaf, etc.).

The profession belongs to the type: "Human - Human", it is focused on communication and interaction with people. This requires the ability to establish and maintain business contacts, understand people and understand human relationships, be active, sociable and communicative, have developed speech abilities and verbal thinking, and have emotional stability.

An additional type of profession: "Man - Nature", since it is associated with the care and maintenance of living people, with the prevention and treatment of diseases. This requires a high level of development of observation, attentiveness, physical endurance, aptitude and interest in working with people who need help and care.

2. What is the efficiency and purpose of the work (what is being done and for what purpose)? Purpose of work: products, services; value of work: the value and importance of products or services provided for the enterprise and for the whole country.

The activities of a social work specialist include the provision of material and household assistance and moral and legal support to people with disabilities, lonely elderly people, mothers of many children, orphans, persons suffering from serious ailments, alcoholics and drug addicts, needy citizens who are in a state of depression due to environmental catastrophes, interethnic conflicts and wars, the loss of loved ones.

The spheres of professional activity of a specialist in social work are the social protection system, employment services at the federal, republican, regional levels, as well as local enterprises, institutions and organizations of social assistance to the population, state and non-state institutions, territorial centers and social assistance funds.

The social work specialist fulfills clear, well-defined goals and solves standard, typical tasks.

The main goals of social work as a professional activity include the following:

An increase in the degree of independence of individuals, their ability to control their lives and more effectively resolve emerging problems;

Creation of conditions in which individuals can demonstrate their capabilities to the maximum and get everything that they are entitled to by law;

Adaptation or readaptation of people in society;

Creation of conditions under which a person, despite physical injury, mental breakdown or life crisis, can live, maintaining self-esteem and respect for himself from others;

And as the ultimate goal - the achievement of such a result when the need for the help of a social worker from the client disappears.

3. What is the subject of labor (what is it made of, what is it, with what and with whom it is being worked)? Material, raw materials, semi-finished products, non-material sources - information, written data and documents; finance, maintenance, service provision - ancillary activities.

A social work specialist provides assistance and support to vulnerable socially vulnerable groups in need of social support, assistance, service and protection. Social workers' clients are:

children and young people: children left without parental care; children with special needs; children living with HIV; children and young people of legal risk or in conflict with the law; pupils and graduates of children's institutional institutions; students and graduates of specialized educational and educational institutions; street children; children who have experienced abuse or neglect, witnesses to violence; children involved in trafficking, the worst forms of labor and exploitation of all kinds; children affected by natural disasters, armed conflicts and others;

families and women: low-income families, large families, families with one parent, families with a family member with HIV, families with a family member with special needs, families in a crisis situation (survivors of the death of a member, divorce, conflicts, domestic violence, migration, etc.); families affected by natural disasters, armed conflicts; foster families and adoptive families and others;

People with disabilities and their families;

Lonely elderly people in need of social support;

People in difficult life situations: survivors of death or serious illnesses of loved ones, who have chronic illnesses, who have lost their jobs, housing and others;

People living with HIV;

People with alcohol and / or drug addiction;

People released from penitentiary institutions and / or serving sentences in closed institutions;

Refugees, etc.

4. How is the work done (how is it done)? Technological process, labor process, operations, task.

The specificity of social work activity is determined by the specific conditions of the workplace.

In duties social work specialist mainly includes:

Reception and provision of information at the request of citizens (social assistance, protection, employment, vocational guidance, vocational training, advanced training, psychological support);

Consulting on legal issues (registration of guardianship, adoption, deprivation of parental rights, retirement benefits, employment issues, employment) and execution of relevant documents;

Participation in the resolution of controversial issues (labor, housing, violation of the rights of mothers, pensioners, etc.), the development and implementation of programs for medical and social adaptation and rehabilitation of disabled citizens;

Identification and registration of social payments, hospitalization in medical institutions, acceptance for service of the needy categories of citizens.

Social worker serves the persons assigned to him in need of assistance, from 8 to 16 people.

At the direction of the social work specialist, he performs technical functions: he visits the wards at the place of residence, provides them with moral support, provides everyone with food and medicine at his request according to a previously compiled and agreed list, pays for utilities, delivers things to the laundry, receives pensions for dry cleaning and benefits accrued in the name of the ward.

Provides help around the house: makes cleaning and redecorating the apartment, if necessary, prepares food, feeds the ward, processing the personal plot, etc.

In case of illness, the ward provides him with emergency first aid medical assistance (temperature measurement, the imposition of mustard plasters, etc.). Calls a doctor at home, accompanies an appointment at a clinic. In case of hospitalization, the ward visits him in the hospital.

At the request of the ward, he writes letters, makes phone calls to relatives, and also solves other issues faced by lonely, elderly and sick people.

5. On what basis is the work done (on what basis is it done)? Reasons for doing the work: production documentation, instructions, detailed technological instructions, plans, calculations; mediated information, instructions, descriptions, orders.

The work of a social worker has a clearly defined character and is carried out in accordance with the current:

Job responsibilities;

Legislative and regulatory legal acts;

Resolutions, orders, orders;

By the norms of professional ethics,

The profession belongs to the performing profession, it is associated with the execution of decisions, work according to a given pattern, compliance with existing rules and regulations, following instructions. According to the set standards, rules and algorithms, the social work specialist performs the tasks set by other people. Work requires organization, diligence, and the ability to do specific things.

6. What are the criteria for assessing the results of labor (on the basis of which the quality and efficiency of labor are assessed)? Evaluation criteria, norms, time limits, qualification categories.

As a result of the activities of a specialist in social work and the existence of the institution of professional social work, the following results are achievable:

Decision or decline social problems existing in society (problems related to families, children, young people, the elderly, people with disabilities, HIV, alcohol and drug addiction and the problems of others in need of help, protection and support);

Prevention of the emergence of various kinds of social problems;

The economic feasibility and benefits of investing in the activities of social workers, contributing to the prevention of the emergence of social problems and their aggravation;

Forecasting the emergence of social problems at the level of society, family, various population groups, individuals.

Remuneration for the work of social workers is made on the basis of salaries (official salaries), wage rates for professional qualification groups, taking into account the requirements for vocational training and the level of qualifications, with the use of compensatory and incentive payments.

Name of positions of workers, professions of workers and qualification requirements to them are determined in accordance with the Unified Tariff and Qualification Reference Book of Work and Occupations of Workers (ETKS) and the Unified Qualification Reference Book of the positions of managers, specialists and other employees, approved in accordance with the procedure established by the current Federal legislation.

When determining the ranks of a social worker, they are guided by the decree of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection No. 60 of 04/26/2010. The labor of a specialist in social work is charged for the 7-13th category, for a social worker - for the 3-5th category. If there is a category, then EKSD, qualification requirements for the position by category.

Social work specialist may be appointed (selected) for leadership position director or deputy director of a boarding school for the elderly and disabled with a rating of 15-18 categories. The work of these workers can be specialized according to age, social, medical criteria (services for children and adolescents, the elderly, the unemployed, the homeless, the blind, the deaf, etc.).

The minimum salaries (official salaries), wage rates for professional qualification groups (hereinafter referred to as the PCG), approved by the Orders of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated March 31, 2008 No. provision of social services "

7. What qualifications are required for the job (what you need to be able to, know)? Required education, required practical experience, skill, specialization.

This profession, first of all, requires a high level of humanity, the presence of developed intuition, the ability to empathize with someone else's grief, as well as the ability to delve into each specific situation and, depending on the circumstances, engage in individual provision of the necessary types of social assistance.

To successfully master the profession, a social work specialist needs a general awareness of social, humanitarian and moral issues, useful basic knowledge on history, Russian language, social studies.

must know: foundations of ethics, psychology, foundations of medicine, foundations of economics, legal norms.

Qualified Social Work Specialist should be able to:

Establish emotional contact with wards,

Show care, provide them with moral support,

Do household chores (shopping, cooking, washing),

Provide first aid if necessary.

8. By what means is the work done (by what means do they work)? Tools, machines, aids, apparatus, controls.

The main subject of labor is a person (social services), an accompanying one is a sign system (texts, documents).

In his work, a social worker uses material (tool) means of labor - manual (pen, pencil), electrified (calculator, computer), as well as communication means (telephone, fax).

But the main ones are its immaterial (functional) means - analytical, verbal-logical thinking, long-term and operative memory, good distribution of attention; good overall coordination of body movements, emotionally expressive oral speech and behavior, business written speech, as well as the senses - sight, hearing, "golden hands" and "kind heart".

9. In what conditions is the work done? Working environment: working conditions and workplace parameters (spatial, sanitary and hygienic, aesthetic, etc.).

A social work specialist has an active, mobile work, numerous contacts, visits to wards at home and various authorities and shops.

Despite the fact that the social worker works in comfortable conditions - indoors (desk, personal computer, communications), his activities often take place outside the office on the move (travel to various organizations, to families of wards, to clients).

Of the special working conditions, one should note the moral responsibility for the wards and the high psychoemotional load during intensive contact with representatives of disadvantaged strata of society.

10. What is the organization of work (when and in what ways the work is done)? Organization of the production process, work schedule, work and rest schedule, balance of working hours.

The social work specialist has irregular working hours with traveling.

The work of a social worker is organized in such a way that he can carry out his labor tasks both independently and jointly with other contact organizations.

Functionally, a social worker is the organizer of the work of other people (clients, specialists from other contact departments), but organizes the course of his labor process independently.

11. What is the cooperation of labor (who does what and with whom)? Distribution of semi-professional tasks, powers and responsibilities in the work collective, established subordination - bosses, subordinates; the system of leadership and management of primary teams; characteristics of the social environment and microclimate.

Social Work Specialist:

Works in open collaboration with colleagues and treats them with respect;

Establishes contacts with representatives of various organizations and institutions that the client needs help, working with them in close cooperation and interaction (psychologists, lawyers, teachers, medical workers, social security workers, law enforcement officials, etc.);

Promotes the inclusion of various institutions of society in the activities of social services and the creation of a network of social services that provide assistance and support to clients;

Helps the correct perception and understanding of another person who is in a difficult life situation for representatives of other professions and the population;

Exchanges information with specialists involved in working with the client, subject to the confidentiality rules and his best interests;

Declares controversial issues that may create a conflict of interest;

Informs the management or the relevant responsible structures about the opportunities or operational difficulties arising in the process of providing social assistance and support to various categories of the population;

Seeks advice and assistance from the management if he does not feel capable or sufficiently prepared to carry out social protection activities;

Informs management or other responsible organizations when colleagues use unsafe practices that abuse service delivery standards.

12. What is the intensity of work (how much, how fast or slow, how often the work is done)? The amount of work, its difficulty, speed, pace, norms of time, duration of workload, variability of work (monotony, regularity, uniformity, cyclicality, rhythm).

Labor intensity is the ability to cope with a large volume of work in a short time. Since the salary of the social worker is low, the social worker takes on more clients. As a result, both psychological stress and more emotional stress increase. Overloading is one of the main problems of the social worker.

13. What moments of danger and responsibility are encountered in professional activities (what can happen at work)? Disorders, material losses, financial losses, fines for poor quality or missed deadlines, accidents, injuries, occupational diseases, death.

In the system of such professional activities as social work, the situation is complicated by the special state of the client, who turns to a specialist for help in a difficult life situation, when the mechanisms of a critical attitude towards reality can be weakened, and the specialist is delegated the role of a person incapable of making mistakes.

The specificity of professional social work, due to the daily likelihood of extreme situations, requires a specialist in social work to develop deep emotional and personal regulators of behavior and activity, such as value orientations.

Psychophysiological tension in the work of a social worker can be caused by the following factors:

Increased moral responsibility and associated emotional stress;

Constant communication with people, mainly maladaptive, asocial behavior, with mental defects, with physical disabilities;

The compulsion to constantly be in the zone of someone else's conflict or problem.

A social work specialist, due to the peculiarities of his professional activity, faces a number of difficulties and problems that he must be informed about and with which he must be able to cope:

The syndrome of professional "burnout", manifested in psychoemotional and physical exhaustion, a decrease in the threshold of emotional susceptibility, a decrease in professional motivation;

Frequent encounter with ethical dilemmas at work and the need to make a decision in each specific situation;

Facing situations that threaten his health and life;

Lack of time and money to solve real situations of clients and their problems;

Information overload or lack of information in conditions of the need to make quick decisions on a specific problem.

14. What impact does labor have on workers (what is useful and what is harmful to a person)? Positive and negative influence of material, organizational and social factors on the personality (in the complex).

The contacts of a social work specialist are numerous, multi-level, with a changing circle of people - clients, colleagues. In the work, there are situations and problems that require non-standard intelligent solutions. The social worker has an increased moral responsibility.

People who work in social institutions endure many hardships of today on their shoulders, smoothing out the difficulties for those who are defenseless, helpless, who lack their own strength and means to cope with the everyday, psychological, and social problems that have piled on them.

The work of a social worker is based on the principles of dedication, full dedication, sacrifice. This brings results, the positive significance of which both for individuals and for families who received assistance, and for the Russian state as a whole, can hardly be overestimated.

Despite advances in the reform of social protection, the prestige of social work as a profession is at a low level in public opinion. This is due to the limited opportunities for material reward.

15. What benefits does work bring to an employee (how much does he earn)? Earnings, wages, bonuses, benefits in kind, various benefits, moral satisfaction from work, its public recognition.

V modern Russia social education, in addition to direct, makes it possible to hold positions of specialists and leaders in local governments (prefectures, district governments and municipalities, guardianship and trusteeship bodies), the Federal Migration Service, Departments, Pension Funds, Charitable Foundations and other public non-profit organizations... In addition, it is possible to organize non-state structures of social, rehabilitation and labor orientation, operating on a self-supporting and sponsorship basis.

Creative work, awareness of the importance of social mission. The salary level of a specialist in social work in the Krasnoyarsk Territory ranges from 5 to 8 thousand rubles. In Moscow, a specialist receives from 16 to 50 thousand rubles.

16. What conditions, requirements and restrictions are typical for the work (who can and who should not do it)? Administrative and legal, political, medical, social and other determinants.

There are medical restrictions for a social worker:

Dysfunctions of the musculoskeletal system,

Impaired speech, vision and hearing

Impaired coordination of movements

Serious chronic illnesses that cause rapid fatigue,

Diseases of the cardiovascular system,

Neuropsychiatric diseases.

Chronic infectious diseases.

In addition, the "contraindications" to social work include: lack of interest in other people (selfishness), irascibility, harshness of judgment, categoricalness, lack of focus, inability to conduct a dialogue with an opponent, conflict, aggressiveness, inability to perceive someone else's point of view on a subject.

17. Requirements for professionally important qualities. This position lists (in decreasing order of importance) the requirements that professional activity makes to the qualities of an employee.

The concept of "quality" in this case has a generalized character and refers not only to personality traits, such as responsibility or developed organizational skills, but also to the special abilities of a person, to general abilities and to the psychophysiological characteristics of a person and the characteristics of his nervous system. To be successful as a social worker, you need the following professionally important qualities:

Practical logical thinking of a substantively effective warehouse,

Optimism, decency, punctuality,

Compassion, an expressed sense of responsibility,

Expressed inclination to work in the field of communication,

Lexical abilities, endurance of the auditory analyzer and speech-voice apparatus,

Good long-term and operational memory;

Activity and physical mobility,

High emotional, neuropsychic stability,

Appearance (desirable) and social activity.

In addition, it must have the following qualities:

Unconditional acceptance of the value of each person, respect for his rights;

Non-judgmental attitude towards individual differences of people, tolerance;

Developed self-knowledge and self-esteem, critical thinking;

Empathy (ability to empathize and empathize);

Reflection (ability to think, deliberate);

Ability to establish contact with people and form trusting relationships;

Sensitivity and sensitivity to the emotional state of people, emotional restraint and tolerance;

Persistence and consistency in solving difficult situations;

Optimal level of anxiety, lack of tendency to depressive states;

Ability to see and develop the strengths of the people and families being helped;

Skills of working in stressful and emotionally difficult situations: self-control, the ability to switch and manage their emotions and behavior.

Requirements for the behavior, activities, professionally significant personality traits of a social work specialist are fixed in a number of codes of ethics for social workers: the Code of Ethics for Social Workers of the National Association of Social Work, "Ethics of Social Work: Principles and Standards" (International Federation of Social Workers), Russian Code of Ethics social workers, etc.

Documents defining ethical requirements, perform the function of formalizing professional values, i.e. raising them to the rank of requirements of the profession to the personality of a specialist.

professiogram specialist social labor


1. The concept of professional activity

2. Qualifications of a social work specialist

3. Professional properties, functions and sources of influence of a social worker

4. The status and prestige of a social worker in modern society and the possibilities of their improvement




Social work is an activity that requires not only managerial professionalism, pedagogical, legal and psychological knowledge, the study of social philosophy and ethics, but the most important thing that a social worker should have is high moral and ethical foundations that will not allow him to succumb to the temptation to manipulate people for selfish purposes.

Social work in any country does not bring large capital, it is very difficult, since it consists in constant communication with people who are in grief, who are suffering. And, nevertheless, even sometimes, without claiming a salary, in their free time from their main work, representatives of different social strata of society receive professional education of social workers, participate in the activities of various organizations dealing with social assistance.

The social worker acts to some extent at the intersection of moral duty and moral freedom. The higher the degree of his moral freedom, the higher his duty.

Purpose of the work: to consider questions about the problems of the prestige of the profession

social work

Work tasks: to get acquainted with the concept of professional activity, qualification characteristics of a specialist in social work,

professional characteristics, functions and sources of influence of a social worker, status and prestige of a social worker

The concept of professional activity

With the transition to market relations in Russia, the sphere of political, economic and labor relations has completely changed. The economic crisis in the country, the redistribution of property, the commercialization of the education and health care system necessitated a powerful state system of guaranteed protection and support of the population, especially socially vulnerable groups - large and single-parent families, children, disabled people, pensioners, which would relieve social tension in society and contributed to the stabilization of the socio-political situation.

These circumstances led to the need for professional activities of specialists who could provide real professional help and support to people in need.

International social experience has suggested the profession of a social worker, which has shown its effectiveness in solving many social problems in most of the developed countries of the world. A professional social worker implements the real social policy of the state power at the local level on the basis of social protection of various groups, strata and personality.

The professional activity of a social worker is multifaceted. There are the following areas of work of a social worker:

1) a social worker studies the personal characteristics of his clients, the conditions in which they live. This allows for the so-called "social diagnosis";

2) the social worker predicts the behavior of clients, events that may occur;

3) the social worker conducts activities of various kinds (psychological, legal, etc.) so that clients can avoid unwanted social, psychological and other problems;

4) the social worker provides various types of counseling,

promotes social adaptation and rehabilitation of clients;

5) a social worker, identifying the interests of clients in various activities, provides them with psychological, pedagogical and organizational assistance in the realization of their interests;

6) the social worker contributes to the provision of material assistance to various categories of clients;

7) a social worker participates in the organization of social protection services for the population, involving various institutions and organization

From the above, we conclude that social work covers almost all spheres of life.

Qualification characteristics

social work specialist.

Social work places high demands on the personal qualities of a social worker. In accordance with the areas of activity, special requirements are imposed on the social worker by the profession.

Be professionally prepared;

To be an erudite person in the field of culture, politics, economic and social development of society;

To be able to foresee the consequences of their actions, to firmly conduct in

life is the value of your profession;

Have communication skills;

Have professional tact, observe professional secrecy, be delicate in matters affecting the intimate aspects of the client's life;

Be able to make decisions in difficult situations;

Possess emotional stability, be ready to fulfill professional duty in any conditions, without losing goodwill and self-control.

Important personality traits social workers are as follows:

Humanistic orientation of the personality;

Personal and social responsibility;

Kindness and justice;

Self-esteem and respect for the dignity of other people;

Willingness to understand others and come to their aid

The social worker should not use the relationship with clients, his professional relationship (in the broadest sense of the word) for his own purposes and interests.

The social worker should only accept payment for the work actually performed and legally;

The need for professional dignity should not be realized on the basis of strategies that contradict the moral meaning of this concept (success by infringing on the interests of other people, striving for power "at any cost", etc.)

V qualification handbook the qualification characteristics of a specialist in social work have been established. In accordance with it, a social work specialist identifies at the enterprise (in an association, organization, institution), in the supervised microdistrict (district) of families and individuals in need of socio-medical, legal, psychological, pedagogical, material and other , physical and mental health, and carries out their patronage. Establishes the reasons for their difficulties, conflict situations, including at the place of work, study, etc., assists them in their resolution and social protection. Promotes the integration of the activities of various state and public organizations and institutions to provide the necessary social and economic assistance to the population. Carries out propaganda work among the population healthy way life, family planning, compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards, fire protection measures, prevention of domestic and road traffic injuries, offenses. Provides assistance in family education to persons who are negatively affected by the social environment at the place of residence, study, work, in the employment of minors, the conclusion of labor contracts for work at home for women with minor children, disabled people, pensioners. Conducts psychological, pedagogical and legal consultations on family and marriage issues, educational work with minors with asocial behavior. Identifies and provides assistance to children and adults in need of guardianship and custody, in the placement in medical and educational institutions, in receiving material, social, household and other assistance. Submits materials and documents to the relevant authorities for filing a claim for deprivation of parental rights, registration of adoption, guardianship, guardianship. Organizes public protection of juvenile offenders, in necessary cases acts as their public defender in court. Participates in the work on the creation of centers for social assistance to families, adoption, guardianship and custody, social rehabilitation, shelters, youth and teenage children's and family centers, clubs and associations, associations of interests, etc. Organizes and coordinates work on social adaptation and rehabilitation persons who have returned from special educational institutions and places of imprisonment.

Should know: decisions, orders, orders of higher authorities, regulatory and other guidance materials on social protection of the population; psychology; sociology; the specifics of work in a different social environment; foundations of general and family pedagogy; forms and methods of educational work and education; norms of family, labor, housing legislation governing the protection of mothers and children, the rights of minors, pensioners, disabled people; fundamentals of criminal and civil law; the procedure and organization of adoption, guardianship, guardianship, deprivation of parental rights, referral to special educational institutions; organization of medical and social work, health education, hygienic education of the population and promotion of a healthy lifestyle; national peculiarities of life and family education, folk traditions of the region; rules and regulations of road traffic, labor protection, safety, industrial sanitation and fire protection; advanced domestic and foreign experience in social work

Professional properties,

functions and sources of influence

social worker.

The activities of social work professionals derive from its main functions:

Diagnostic - studies the characteristics of a family, a group of people, an individual, the degree and direction of the influence of the microenvironment on them and makes a "social diagnosis";

Predictive - predicts the development of events, processes occurring in a family, a group of people, society, and develops certain models of social behavior;

Human rights, uses laws and legal acts aimed at providing assistance and support to the population, its protection;

Organizational - promotes the organization of social services at enterprises and at the place of residence, involves the public in their work and directs their activities to provide various types of assistance and social services to the population;

Preventive and prophylactic - activates various mechanisms (legal, psychological, medical, pedagogical, etc.) to prevent and overcome negative phenomena, organizes assistance to those in need;

Socio-medical - organizes work on the prevention of diseases, promotes mastery of the basics of first aid, helps prepare young people for family life, develops occupational therapy, etc.;

Socio-pedagogical - identifies the interests and needs of people in various types of activities (cultural and leisure, sports and recreation, artistic creativity) and attracts various institutions, societies, creative unions, etc. to work with them;

Psychological - consults on issues of interpersonal relations, promotes social adaptation of the individual, provides assistance in social rehabilitation to all those in need;

Social and household - helps in providing the necessary assistance and support to various categories of the population (disabled people, elderly people, young families, etc.) in improving their life, living conditions;

Communicative - establishes contact with those in need, organizes the exchange of information, develops a unified strategy for interaction, perception and understanding of another person

Social work as a professional activity has specific features, one of which is the nature of the relationship between the social work specialist and the client.

Social work as a type of activity is communicative. Communicative interaction, understood in the broad sense of the word, is an interconnection, a semantic aspect of interaction. The main goal of interaction between a social worker and a client is to optimize the mechanisms of social functioning of an individual or a social group, which assumes:

Increasing the client's independence, his ability to control his life and more effectively resolve emerging problems;

Creation of conditions in which the client can maximize his capabilities;

Adaptation or rehabilitation of people in society.

The ultimate goal of a social worker is to achieve a result when the client no longer needs his help.

All forms and methods of interaction of a social worker can be divided into two groups: work with the client's problem and work on this problem with other institutions, organizations, services. Within these groups, in turn, there is a classification of various types of social interaction. An important component of social interaction is professional skills and the skills of a social worker and, in particular, the degree of proficiency in methods of support, social therapy, correction and rehabilitation.

The social worker-client interaction is part of purposeful process the practical impact of the relevant state structures, public organizations and associations, including religious ones, on specific forms of manifestation of social relations or social actions

In the process of interaction between the social worker and the client, verbal and non-verbal behavior is important. Non-verbal communication is assessed as more reliable than verbal communication, since it is carried out, as a rule, spontaneously, unconsciously. Non-verbal communication tools facilitate the transfer of information in the social worker-client system. A social worker needs to master both of these means of communication, to be able to encode and convey their states and intentions in gestures, facial expressions, postures, and intonations.

The expert assessment is of a psychosocial nature and includes an analysis of the personality, interpersonal relations, the family and its interaction with the social environment and its determining factors. The main task of the social worker is to obtain this information and determine the means for obtaining it.

The technique of interpersonal interaction with a client should be built according to the principles:

Psychological expediency, the use of communication techniques, depending on individual characteristics client;

Of particular importance are the technologies of interaction between the social worker and the client, the development of the main stages and possible ways of its implementation, the establishment of contacts for the implementation of joint work, the activation of the client's capabilities to solve the problem, the desire to express and get affection, empathy.

Social workers in the performance of their professional functions are engaged in various types of activities. Their work is characterized by three approaches to solving the problem:

  • educational approach - acts as a teacher, consultant, expert; the social worker in such cases gives advice, teaches skills, establishes feedback, uses role-playing games as a teaching method;
  • facilitative approach - plays the role of an assistant or mediator in overcoming apathy or disorganization of a person, when it is difficult for her to do it; the activity of a social worker with this approach is aimed at interpreting behavior, discussing alternative directions of activity and actions, explaining situations, encouraging and targeting the mobilization of internal resources;
  • advocacy approach - used when a social worker performs the role of an advocate on behalf of a specific client or group of clients, as well as an assistant to those people who act as an advocate on their own behalf

Based on the foregoing, it is the moral and humanistic origins that force people to choose difficult social work, which has the only but most important difference from other types of activity: the ability to help people, give their strength, knowledge, gain confidence to the weak.

Social worker status and prestige

in modern society and

the possibility of increasing them.

In the 30s of the 19th century. the concept of "social status" was introduced into sociological knowledge, defining it as the place that an individual occupies in the system of social relations and which is associated with a set of rights and obligations. Their fulfillment forms a role as a prescribed and expected behavior from a person occupying a certain position in society. Social status is a characteristic of social position in a certain system of social coordinates. In this respect social structure can be represented as a complex system of interrelated social statuses, occupying which an individual becomes a member of society.

The study "Social Worker Today: Socio-Cultural Portrait" made it possible to identify certain aspects of the image of the profession "Social Work".

According to self-assessments, the choice of the profession “social work” is largely determined by non-professional motives: 40% became social workers due to personal circumstances. For 20%, work with people is especially important. Only 10% came to the social sphere, having received an appropriate education; 71% of respondents like their work; 2% - no.

In the series of assessments of the work performed, for 40% it is significant that, while helping people, it is not rewarded at its true worth; 21% emphasize emotional and psychological overload; 12% noted its low prestige. If there was an opportunity to change jobs, 35% are ready to leave because of low wages, 13% - because of overload and difficult working conditions, another 6% are ready to leave immediately, without hesitation.

But the potential of social workers is quite high: 82% can work more efficiently if they eliminate the obstacles in their work (excessive workload, lack of professional knowledge, interdepartmental barriers, uncertainty of functions).

High understanding of the lack of their professional knowledge by social workers: 9% noted their complete lack, 54% - partial. 68% often have problems that they cannot cope with due to low competence, 4% - such situations occur quite often.

Lack of computer skills is especially significant. Relatively frequent (11-13%) references to organizational problems - interdepartmental barriers and uncertainty of functions.

Social workers feel most acutely the lack of legal (28%), psychological (24%), medical (10%) knowledge, and social work technology (11%). Specifying the lack of specific skills and abilities, they named 67 competencies proposed in the expert interview and, in a corrected form, presented as the results of the skills, allows filling the training modules for the identified groups of professions with specific content.

The low prestige of the professions of social workers and the low level of remuneration for their labor determine the difficult situation on the labor market (in most interviews. Taking into account the needs of social workers in these skills and social institutions and social services - understaffing and high staff turnover); 95% of the respondents are women, 5% are men; 60% of respondents are in a registered marriage, 6% are unregistered, 13% are divorced, 8% are widowers, widows, 13% are single, unmarried. According to the length of service in the social protection system - 12% work up to 1 year, 27% - 1-3 years, 24% - 3-6 years, 13% - 6-9 years, 23% - more than 9 years. This confirms the fact of staff turnover and instability of teams. 50% - secondary vocational education, 30% - higher and incomplete higher, 4% - initial vocational, 15% - general. Only 18% have specialized education (social work specialist, social worker, social teacher, psychologist). 18% - medical education, 28% - pedagogical. The rest are specialists in other professions. It turns out that even for workers it is necessary not only to increase competence in the main areas of social work, but also to master the basics of social work.

Social workers are even more critical in assessing sufficiency

their professional knowledge: 9% of respondents noted their complete inadequacy, 54% - partial. 68% of respondents often have problems, 15 which they cannot cope with due to lack of competence, 4% - such situations occur quite often.

Among the knowledge, the lack of which social workers feel most acutely, the foreground came legal (28%), psychological (24%), social work technologies (11%) and medical (10%).

It is important for a social worker to understand his own professional significance. This is achieved not only on the basis of self-assessment of professional knowledge and skills. The so-called professional dignity, in contrast to the illusions of self-conceit, is also based on the approval of the competent actions of a social worker by clients, colleagues, and a manager.

Based on the goal of increasing the prestige of social work as one of the new professional types of activity, a systematic diagnosis of the professional image of a social work specialist was carried out, and a vision assessment was obtained.

The first is connected with the understanding that as professional social work develops, the scope of its activity in our country expands, one can expect a change in the prestige of the profession towards a decrease in connection with a likely increase in the number of negative events: clashes of clients with manifestations of unprofessionalism, bureaucracy, etc. Second a consequence arising from the fact that there is a tendency to increase the certainty of the professional image of social work is associated with an understanding of the need for its conscious formation.

This is a process in which many actors participate, which make up not only the internal, but also the external environment of the institution of social work (including the media, as one of the most important tools for influencing public opinion). The role of the media in the process of forming a positive image of the professions social sphere extremely important. Therefore, in accordance with the results obtained in the course of the qualitative research, it seems necessary to build permanent communication links between social institutions and the leading mass media at the regional level, taking into account the following principles of effective information interaction.

Based on the foregoing, two key factors are identified that negatively affect the image of the profession of "social work" - the limited attention of power structures to workers in this profession (especially manifested in the underfunding of social institutions) and the lack of professional competence of many of them.


The qualification reference book establishes the qualification characteristics of a specialist in social work. The activities of specialists in social work derive from its main functions: social and household, psychological, social and pedagogical, social and medical, organizational, human rights, prognostic, diagnostic.

Social work as a type of activity is communicative. The ultimate goal of the activity involves the achievement of such a result when the client no longer needs his help. The technique of interpersonal interaction with a client should be built according to the principles:

Psychological expediency

Compliance of the goals and objectives of the interaction with the relevance and content of the client's problems;

An optimistic approach to the capabilities and strengths of the client.

The low prestige of the professions of social workers and the low level of remuneration for their labor determine the difficult situation on the labor market. With the development of professional social work, the expansion of the scope of its activities in our country, we can expect a change in the prestige of the profession in the direction of its decline due to the likely increase in the number of negative events: clashes of clients with manifestations of unprofessionalism, bureaucracy, etc. to increase the certainty of the professional image of social work, is associated with the understanding of the need for its conscious formation. The role of the media in the process of forming a positive image of professions in the social sphere is extremely important


The introduction of the position of a social work specialist in the ITU bureau is in line with modern requirements for institutions of medical and social expertise.

Applications to the job responsibilities of a social work specialist in the ITU work structure include the following:

Participation in the assessment of the severity of the disease;

Assessment of rehabilitation potential and rehabilitation prognosis;

Assessment of social and household status;

Determination of social protection measures, including rehabilitation, if necessary - correction of measures;

Identification of persons in need of social and medical assistance;

Revealing the causes of medical and social problems in disabled people undergoing examination;

Assistance in solving these problems;

Facilitating the integration of the activities of various state and public organizations and institutions to provide the necessary socio-economic assistance to people with disabilities;

Assistance in the placement of disabled people in medical and preventive and educational institutions;

Promotion of wider use by each person with disabilities of their own opportunities for social self-protection of people in need;

A social work specialist must know the decrees, orders, orders of higher authorities, normative and other guidance materials on social protection of the population, know psychology, sociology, the basics of general and family pedagogy, forms and methods of educational work and education, the rights of persons with disabilities, norms of housing legislation, organization of health education, advanced domestic and foreign experience in social work.

In the aspect of the issue under consideration, the meanings and skills that a specialist in social work must master are acquiring.

He must be able to:

Listen to the patient with understanding;

Reveal information and collect facts necessary to analyze and assess the situation;

Mediate and settle relations between conflicting individuals, groups;

Interpret social needs and report on them in the relevant services, authorities;

To intensify the efforts of the wards to solve their own problems.

Social work specialist in structure general technology expert rehabilitation work occupies, as it were, an intermediate place between an expert clinician and a rehabilitation specialist. Without a medical education, he uses clinical information to organize his activities. The social work specialist interacts with the rehabilitation specialist during the development and implementation of individual rehabilitation programs for the disabled.

One of the tasks of a social work specialist within the ITU bureau is to determine the social status of a disabled person, which should be carried out during social and social and environmental diagnostics. The educational level, profession, employment status, marital status are taken into account.

The latter circumstance is especially important for judging the possibilities of social rehabilitation, which is the prerogative of a specialist in social work. A disabled person in a family is a person who arouses the sympathy of close relatives and, at the same time, burdens family members with the need to provide physical and social assistance to a disabled person. The family as one of the tools of social rehabilitation, depending on its structure and psychological orientation of the members, can perform either an activating, rehabilitative role, or inhibiting spontaneous activity, showing "overprotection" and "overprotection" of a disabled person, covering him up from any attempts to perform socially useful activity.

The task of a specialist in social work is not only to identify the composition of the family, to determine its attitude towards a disabled person. But also to form the attitude of this family towards the rehabilitation of a disabled person, taking into account the socio-economic opportunities and social culture of its members.

An analysis of the family situation of a disabled person is also important because it is not uncommon for her to have economic aspect, since a disabled person can be the main source of financial support for a family. In this case, the need to help the disabled person find a job in accordance with the indications based on the assessment of clinical and social status.

When working with a family, the social work professional needs knowledge of legal and normative documents, which he should use for the implementation of benefits for social protection of disabled people and their families.

As part of the analysis of the microsocial environment, a social work specialist identifies the immediate environment of a disabled person (friends, peers, former or current colleagues), the nature of contacts (emotional, formal) and their changes due to his disability.

During the examination of a disabled person, the state of living conditions is revealed: a separate apartment, a private house, a room in a communal apartment, a room in a dormitory, rented area, the state of a sanitary housing standard.

Further, it is necessary to identify issues such as the availability of utilities, a telephone. For people with disabilities with musculoskeletal disorders, vision and hearing impairments, it is important to clarify the question of the condition of the equipment of the apartment in accordance with the type of defect, the adaptation of the kitchen, the presence of auxiliary devices, alarms that facilitate cooking, the equipment of the hallway, bathroom, toilet, o the presence of special devices that ensure the independence of the disabled person in everyday life (putting on shoes, remote control of opening windows, doors, etc.).

This section talks about job responsibilities, tasks, main activities of a specialist in social work in the institutions of the ITU Bureau.

The next section tells about the main directions of the rehabilitation of disabled people and the directions of implementation for the rehabilitation of disabled people.

To study the indicators of the professionalism of the individual and the activities of the social worker; - to study methods of diagnosing the professionalism of a social worker. This course work consists of three chapters ...

Acmeographic invariants of the activity of a specialist in psychosocial work

The possibilities of a social work specialist in solving the problem of loneliness in older people (for example, a department social service at home of elderly citizens and disabled people, MU KTSSON "Harmony", Ustyuzhna)

The choice of an interaction model as a condition for the formation of the ideas of a work specialist and a client

Willingness of a young social worker to work independently with a client

1.1. Features of training a specialist in social work in a higher educational institution The profession of a specialist in social work is known to the entire civilized world. In Russia, it appeared during the period of the zemstvo reform of 1864 ...

The main activities of a specialist in social work of the bureau of medical and social expertise in the implementation of an individual program of social rehabilitation of disabled people

Social work approaches

Not every person is suitable for social work, the main determining factor here is the candidate's system of values, which ultimately determines his professional suitability and the effectiveness of practical activity ...

Professionalism of a social worker as a condition for the effective operation of social services

Professionalism is a high, stable level of knowledge, abilities and skills that allows you to achieve the greatest efficiency in professional activities ...

Social work in the countryside on the example of the Ryazan region

Practice shows that the directions of social work in a particular rural territorial association are determined by the problems of its inhabitants. However, the chosen priorities do not remain unchanged ...

The structure of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation

The specificity of the social worker's activity is determined by the specific conditions of the workplace. Basically, the duties of a specialist include: - receiving and providing information at the request of citizens (social assistance, protection ...

Areas and methods of working with people who have experienced violence

A social work specialist plays an important role in the prevention of domestic violence. Its direct functions include carrying out educational work among the population, identifying dysfunctional families ...

Technologies of work to solve medical and social problems of the child population

children's health polyclinic social World practice shows that a social worker must have theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of medicine and health ...

Social Work Technologies for Drug Abusers

The peculiarity of social work in narcology is that, as a professional activity, it is formed at the junction of two independent branches - health care and social protection of the population ...

Technology of social work with mentally retarded children

Humanization public relations presupposes special attention to the least protected members of society. Mentally retarded people are a large group of socially vulnerable citizens. Children occupy a special place among them ...

We believe that consideration of the peculiarities of the work of specialists in the social sphere should begin with characterizing their impact on clients. As you know, the exercise of influence is the basis of the interactive activities of a social worker.

There is a widespread point of view according to which influence is characterized as a two-way process of interaction that can be successful if, on the one hand, the social worker has the ability to effectively influence the client's mind, and on the other hand, if the client has the ability to perceive correctly and favorably the impact directed at him and the very fact of exerting influence on him from the outside. This process is always two-sided also because a person is influenced not only by the words of a social worker, his convictions, but also by his personal qualities. On the other hand, in the process of influencing the client, the social worker inevitably experiences his influence: his attitude to what was said and his attitude to the personality of the social worker.

The knowledge and experience acquired by a social worker through study and life practice is the fundamental basis of his ability to influence other people, although these abilities themselves may vary depending on personal experience, personal interests, talents. Knowledge and experience are applied primarily in interpersonal relationships... In this area, skills such as interviewing, support, leadership ability, feedback, mediation are of great importance, which are aimed at achieving changes in behavior and attitudes towards each other.

Another area of ​​application of the knowledge and skills of a social worker is a differentiated approach to clients. It requires knowledge of the needs and interests of a person at various stages of life, crisis conditions, the consequences of physical and mental ailments.

An important place is given to the specialization of a social worker in helping clients: some specialize in the prevention of delinquency, others improve in helping the elderly and disabled, and others in working with children who do not have parents, etc. Such specialization requires knowledge of the relevant theories and concepts, reliance on empirical research. You need to know how to approach the analysis of the situation, develop a program of assistance, what methods to apply to solve problems, know the relevant laws and government policies on these issues.

A special area of ​​application of the knowledge and skills of a social worker is orientation in the problems of modeling and forecasting the upcoming development and functioning of social systems: families, groups, communities. Here, specialists are required to know the structures and processes that influence the decision-making procedure, the use of power, communicative functions, and role positions.

In addition, the social worker has knowledge of social sources and support systems. social services at the place of residence, such as hospitals, schools, childcare facilities, government bodies... Knows how these systems function, the specifics of their activities, what impact they have on clients, how to access these systems, knows the laws that govern their activities, etc.

The reputation of a social worker is formed in the process of his interaction with environment... The more people communicate with him and are convinced of his knowledge, competence, rich life experience, his benevolence, attentiveness to people, honesty and openness, sociability and commitment, the higher his reputation.

People's perception of the world around them, as well as their behavior, to a certain extent depends on the level of awareness. Therefore, in the activities of a social worker, an important place is occupied by the level of awareness, which contributes to the disposition and confidence in him on the part of clients, to develop their confidence that they will be provided with appropriate assistance and support.

So, a social work specialist in his work should:

Have good professional training, knowledge in various fields of psychology, pedagogy, physiology, economics and organization of production, legislation, computer science and mathematical statistics;

Possess a sufficiently high general culture, be an erudite person, which presupposes a good knowledge of literature, music, painting, etc .;

Possess information about modern political, social and economic processes in society, have a wide awareness of various social groups population;

Have foresight, i.e. to foresee the consequences of their actions, not to fall into the "bait of the client", to firmly enforce their position;

Have a certain social adaptability (due to the diversity of the contingent in need of advice from a specialist in the social sphere);

To be able to contact difficult teenagers, orphans, disabled people, elderly people, and people in rehabilitation, etc .;

Have a professional tact that can arouse sympathy and trust in others, observe professional secrecy;

Have emotional stability, be ready for mental stress, avoid neurotic deviations in their own assessments and actions, and, despite possible failures (reactions not in essence, refusals), be able to conscientiously fulfill their duty, remaining calm, benevolent and attentive to the ward;

To be able to make the right decision in unexpected situations, to clearly formulate your thoughts, to express them competently and intelligibly.

The personal qualities of a social worker are usually divided into three groups. The first group includes psychophysiological characteristics, on which the ability for this type of activity depends. The second - the psychological qualities that characterize the social worker as a person. The third group includes psychological and pedagogical qualities, on which the effect of personal charm depends. The qualities of the first group, which reflect mental processes (perception, memory, imagination, thinking), mental states (fatigue, apathy, stress, anxiety, depression), attention as a state of consciousness, emotional and volitional manifestations (restraint, indifference, persistence, consistency, impulsiveness) must meet the requirements for the professional activity of a social worker. Some of these psychological requirements are basic; without them, high-quality activity is generally impossible. Others play, at first glance, a secondary role. If one of the social workers does not meet the psychological requirements of the profession, then the negative consequences of such a discrepancy may not appear so quickly, but under unfavorable conditions they are almost inevitable.

Psychological inconsistency with the requirements of the profession is especially pronounced in difficult situations when it is required to mobilize all personal resources to solve a complex, often non-standard problem.

Self-control is also important for a social worker. In psychology, this skill is seen as an indicator of the social and emotional maturity of a person. Self-control is not so much a personality trait as the process of controlling one's behavior in an extreme situation. Given the fact that a social worker often has to be in just such situations, he needs to develop the ability to self-control.

Summarizing the knowledge about the characteristics of the activities of a social worker and his personal qualities, it can be concluded that social work as a type of professional activity requires from a specialist special knowledge, skills and abilities, as well as personal qualities, without which the implementation of social assistance is practically impossible. Among the significant qualities are such as the humanistic orientation of the individual, personal and social responsibility, a heightened sense of goodness and justice, self-esteem and respect for the dignity of another person, tolerance, politeness, decency, empathy, willingness to understand others and come to their aid, emotional stability, personal adequacy in self-esteem, the level of aspirations and social adaptation. High professionalism of social workers makes it possible to achieve the greatest effect from the funds invested in social security of the population.

As we discussed earlier, professional activity undergoes significant distortions in especially unfavorable and extreme working conditions that can lead to violations different systems organism and psyche. Activity in special conditions is also analyzed with the help of such parameters as features of extreme factors, functional mental states and psychological qualities of a person.

The profession of a social worker is fraught with specific difficulties, because in his work he deals with dysfunctional, stressful, suffering people, for whose health and life he bears moral responsibility. A social worker has to meet with a client during difficult moments in his life. The process of professional activity of a social worker leads to a decrease in his ability to work. And most importantly, in order to solve other people's problems, a social worker must be able to cope with his own.

Health is one of the conditions for achieving success in any activity, including in social work. Psychological and physiological losses cause significant harm to human health and are the cause of many diseases. To a specialist - a professional in social work, strict requirements are imposed on his psychophysiological characteristics.

Extreme situations are often accompanied by stress, when a social worker has an acute internal conflict between the strict requirements imposed on him by responsibility, and the objective impossibility of fulfilling them. Stress as a state of mental tension caused by difficulties and dangers, in general, mobilizes a person to overcome them. But, if stress exceeds a critical level, then it turns into distress, reducing the results of work, undermining human health.

Excessive stress directly and indirectly increases the costs of achieving organizational goals and lowers the quality of life for large numbers of workers, including social workers.

Occupational stresses in the social sphere include:

Entering a new professional environment;

The situation of innovations and conflicts in this area;

Situations of changing requirements for the profession, internal crises;

Situations related to professional growth, career;

For example, the situation of innovations and conflicts in the professional sphere of a social worker can contribute to the appearance of such stressful manifestations as helplessness, susceptibility to conflicts, emotional tension, decreased performance, and the level of self-criticism.

Dealing with difficult circumstances, limited resources, demanding clients, low salaries and an ever-changing external environment make stress a social worker's occupational disease.

The personal stress of a social worker can be caused by factors such as:

Situations of change or loss of social status;

Job loss situation;

Risk situation;

Situations with extreme conditions;

Uncertain situations.

The stress response depends on the individual's potential, both physical and mental. Therefore, each social worker has a different response to stress.

Physiological changes in the body caused by the labor process and lowering efficiency, as well as creating a conflict between the external demands of work and the decreased capabilities of the social worker are defined as labor fatigue. Fatigue is accompanied by irritability, decreased interest in work, motivational and emotional instability, insecurity, and other phenomena. The appearance of neuroses and somatic disorders of a psychogenic nature is possible, personality changes can occur - episodic conflict, lethargy, increased emotional lability.

At the stage of pronounced fatigue, all this acquires pronounced features, such as: introversion, isolation, aggressiveness, anxiety, depression, narrowing of the range of significant motives.

In fact, fatigue is a natural state that inevitably arises at a certain moment in the performance of an activity; it has a protective function. But with prolonged fatigue, without periods of recovery, chronic fatigue and overwork develops, in which the deterioration of the psychophysiological state is not compensated for by rest.

The unfavorable factors of the professional activity of a social worker also include states of mental tension caused by conflicts, difficulties in solving complex social problems, leading to a feeling of discomfort, anxiety, frustration, and pessimistic mood.

In social work, human activity is characterized by an increase in the role of cognitive activity, an increase in the importance of the function of attention, active observation and control, processing of incoming information and decision-making in conditions of an acute shortage of time. Thus, their work is almost always associated with mental and emotional stress, which can cause the development of nervous overstrain.

A significant intensification of activity leads to the fact that the working individual does not have time to adequately and quickly respond to all biologically significant information. More and more unreacted influences, unrealized emotions, unresolved tasks of a different nature are accumulating, which ultimately leads to the emergence of "burnout".

The personality traits of a social worker can also contribute to the formation of nervous overstrain:

Motivational and personal conflicts;

Strengthening the value of the subjective factor in assessing certain life situations;

Misunderstanding between loved ones;



Chronic anxiety and internal tension.

Factors of the social and industrial nature of nervous overstrain include: social changes, significant life difficulties (divorce, death of loved ones, etc.), prolonged emotional stress, a significant predominance of intellectual work, a constant feeling of lack of time and chronic fatigue, accompanied by irritability, impatience, haste in the process of work, chronic violation of the regime of work and rest, decreased interest in work, decline in personal prestige, lack of elements of creativity in work and excessive workload, extreme situations.

Mental stress of a social worker can also be classified according to the nature of the activity disorders:

The inhibitory form of tension (characterized by a slow execution of intellectual operations, when it is difficult for a social worker to switch attention, the formation of new skills, the restructuring of old ones, the ability to perform habitual actions in new conditions decreases);

An impulsive form of tension (often appears in an increase in the number of erroneous actions while maintaining or even increasing the pace of work; there is a tendency to meaningless impulsive actions, haste, fussiness, forgetting instructions, which is typical for social workers with insufficiently formed professional skills).

A generalized form of tension (there is strong excitement, deterioration in the quality of performance, motor discoordination, accompanied by a decrease in the pace of work, sometimes leading to a breakdown in activity, indifference, the emergence of a sense of doom, depression).

Chronic emotional tension contributes to the appearance of negative traits, partially similar to the signs characteristic of overwork (introversion, aggressiveness, high anxiety, dissatisfaction with oneself, curtailment of interpersonal contacts, neuroses).

A social worker in his work often has to deal with a negative "return transfer". The concept of "reverse transfer" (transfer of the client's emotional attitude to values, people, phenomena significant for him) was put forward by Z. Freud in 1910. "Back transfer" can be both positive and negative. There are many different types of “reverse transfer” manifestations. For example, a social worker often has to feel guilty in the event of, for example, a client's suicide. Another type of "back transfer" is the aggressiveness that can arise during the course of work. The client's rage can provoke a retaliatory rage from the social worker, making him feel irritated, insulted, a desire for revenge, tension and anxiety.

Moreover, about one fifth of social workers experience the so-called “compassionate fatigue” syndrome, which is expressed in indifference and depression. Typically, this occupational ailment occurs in those who constantly deal with human suffering. A social worker who experiences empathy and empathizes with the client, as it were, takes into himself the personality characteristics of his business communication partner and his problems, which is not safe for his mental health. Emotionally intense work is accompanied by an excessive waste of mental energy, leads to psychosomatic fatigue (exhaustion) and emotional exhaustion (exhaustion).

“Burnout syndrome” is a complex psychophysiological phenomenon that is defined as emotional, mental and physical exhaustion due to prolonged emotional stress. The burnout syndrome, as described by K. Kondo, is expressed in a depressive state, a feeling of fatigue and emptiness, a lack of energy and enthusiasm, a loss of the ability to see the positive results of one's work, a negative attitude towards work and life in general.

The main signs of combustion syndrome are:

Feeling emotionally drained

Having negative feelings towards clients;

Negative self-esteem.

The most susceptible to the syndrome of "burnout" are social workers, who can be characterized as sympathetic, humane, soft, addicted, idealistic, oriented to help others and at the same time unstable, introverted, obsessed with an obsession (fanatical), easily solidarizing people.

But, according to T.V. Formanyuk, active labor behavior is one of the forms of self-realization, more precisely, the search for oneself in the field of professional activity. This is especially true for "helping professions" with their high ideals to serve people, with high (and often overestimated) requirements that are imposed on representatives of these professions and the results of their activities on the part of society and are often accepted by them, setting high criteria for "subjective contribution individuals in a professional occupation. "

Accordingly, their own expectations about those "personal rewards" that professional activity gives rise to.

Potentially helping professions provide a good opportunity for self-actualization due to strong emotional involvement in activities, which is an important element of self-actualization according to A. Maslow.

Thus, Formanyuk believes that "burnout" is a payment not for compassion for people (as K. Maslach claims), but for his unfulfilled expectations. The reasons for the strongest negative experiences associated with work are called “lack of results” (“the feeling that you’re working in vain,” “the feeling of despair when something didn’t work out, didn’t work out, etc.). The feeling of the loss of the meaning of activity, the devaluation and meaninglessness of one's efforts are the strongest factor in the experiences of specialists in the social sphere.

Role conflicts, role uncertainty, negative gender attitudes, low social status - also play a significant role in the development of the burnout syndrome.

The development of the "burnout" syndrome is also influenced by the organizational factor. The work can be complex in content, but not organized enough, not properly evaluated, and the nature of the leadership may not correspond to the content of the work, etc.

As K. Maslach says, if all knowledge about what leads to burnout and what can hinder it can be reduced to one word, then this will be the word “balance”. Disrupting this balance - both in professional and personal life - leads to destruction.

Experiencing chronic emotional stress and trying to somehow cope with it, reduce it, a person often - voluntarily or not - physically and psychologically distances himself from his communication partners. Physical distancing is manifested in the fact that, where possible, workers begin to reduce work time and extend work breaks. Western researchers point out a direct connection between professional burnout and layoffs from work. There are often cases when an employee seeks to move to administrative work in the same area, since it allows less involvement of people in problems.

So, we can conclude that, despite the usefulness of the profession, it often costs the people involved in it quite dearly. The impact is not always noticeable from the outside, but its real price the social worker himself feels.

A. Star (1980) identifies several important aspects of this “fee”:

Threat to lose identity and "dissolve" in clients;

Negative consequences can affect personal life (family, friends);

The threat of mental disorders due to constant encounters with the dark sides of life and mental pathology.

It is not uncommon for social work professionals to forget that their customer outreach advantage is relative because they see customers in specific conditions and usually for a short time. They do not have the opportunity to observe the activities of clients in real life and only from their words they know about their worries, fears, failures, and to a lesser extent about their achievements.

Excessive involvement in professional activities often makes the family of a social worker suffer:

First, ethical requirements prevent the social worker from sharing his clients' concerns with the family, respecting the principle of confidentiality. Therefore, family members only have an approximate idea of ​​what he does. This is a common problem for families, whose members, for professional reasons, must think about what and how to tell their loved ones about their work;

Second, work is emotionally demanding, and sometimes this greatly diminishes the emotional return in the family. When at work all day you have to listen to other people and delve into their concerns, in the evening it can be difficult to immerse yourself in the concerns of your wife or husband and children.

It should also be noted that the level of official salaries of specialists in social services is low; specialists in social work themselves are not protected from difficult life situations.

And these are not the only problems posed by the social work profession. Further, we list other professional risks of social workers:

Risk of serious accidents: road traffic accidents; strokes and cardiovascular disease in the line of duty;

Risks along the way. This risk can manifest itself when using a vehicle, as well as when walking on foot. It can be considered daily. Potential factors for this hazard are: defects in machine maintenance; road condition; ignorance of the route; weather conditions (fog, rain, heat, snow, ice);

Risks associated with manual operations, body positions, repetitive movements: movement of furniture, electrical appliances; transfer of firewood, gas cylinders; lifting, rearrangement, leaving and transportation of the serviced persons; assistance with using the toilet, assistance to bedridden clients; turning over mattresses. Ongoing household chores involve uncomfortable postures (kneeling, bending over, raising arms, etc.). When washing, repairing clothes, washing windows, repetitive hand movements are used.

Risks (factors) that can increase the danger: weight (furniture, apparatus and even the client); the client's health condition; the configuration of individual rooms: narrow passages, uneven floors, steep stairs, slippery or poorly maintained floors; equipment for manual operations: medical beds, beds with a lift, trolleys for heavy objects, etc.; the presence of animals that can interfere with the movement of furniture or patients;

Fall risk. Its sources can be unevenness of the floor surface, its poor condition, clutter, the use of random means for working at height, the presence of animals, poor lighting. Some operations require the use of a stepladder (washing windows, etc.). The worker does not always have a ladder in good condition and is sometimes content with an occasional means such as a chair. The consequences of a fall are very serious (fractures, head injuries, etc.);

Risk of electric shock. It can appear when using electrical appliances or even ordinary switches, or when performing simple operations, for example, when screwing in ordinary bulbs. The condition of electrical installations and appliances in the home of a person in need of assistance is a very important factor in eliminating the risk. Social workers sometimes deal with damaged or dilapidated equipment, broken cable insulation, damaged contacts;

Risks associated with the use of equipment and tools. Performing household tasks requires the use of some devices and tools: when cooking, these are cutting tools, ovens, deep fryers, gas burners, electric stoves; for other work - flammable substances, electrical appliances (irons, etc.); when firing the stove with wood or coal - an ax, a shovel, etc. This may cause burns and other serious wounds;

Fire and explosive risks. The social worker may be exposed to these risks while serving his client (fire from electric current, stove burning with wood or coal, gas leak, etc.). This risk increases depending on the level of independent actions of the client. In addition to burns, one should not forget about carbon intoxication;

Risk from exposure chemical substances: irritating and sensitizing; for cleaning surfaces; solvents; corrosive; anti-scale agents, hydrochloric acid, phosphoric-acetyl acid; brightening (jelly water); flammable (acetone, alcohol, butane, propane, etc.).

The risk is met when doing business transactions especially when cleaning with cleaning agents. The skin is exposed to harmful substances, especially in the absence of personal protective equipment. The consequences of such exposure range from skin irritation to severe chemical burns. Accidental use of sprayed flammable aerosols may be the cause of the accident;

In connection with the deterioration of the criminal situation in the country, an increase in the number of drug addicts, migrants, homeless people, it is more likely to expect attacks on social workers in order to steal food and money.

As can be seen from the above, there are still many unsolved problems in this area.

All this suggests that social workers should have a good understanding of professional risks, their socio-psychological and biological nature, have information on ways to prevent this kind of diseases, and respond correctly to their presence. The social worker should be aware of different forms manifestations of a psychological crisis at one stage or another of their activities. The most important task of the governing bodies, which are in charge of social services and educational centers that train and retrain social workers, is not so much to assist them in their professional development and career advancement, but to preserve the health of social workers, prevent their occupational diseases, and provide consultations regarding occupational risks in social work. It is very important to improve the psychological culture of social workers and conduct psychological trainings, consultations with them. Social workers must have a good understanding of professional opportunities and limitations, constantly take into account their psychophysiological and labor potential.

Monitoring the health of social workers is the most important area of ​​activity of social services and, in general, the system of social services for the population.

In this regard, in the second part of this work, we will study the social and professional risks of workers in the social sphere.

We can't make ends meet at all

Have to spend money and out of savings

Our income is barely enough for our current expenses

We can save some money

We can make big savings

Difficult to answer

11. (Yes, no)

12. Do you believe in God?

· Definitely yes

Rather, yes

· Probably not

Definitely not

Analysis of the survey "Youth way of life"


11. What profession would you like to get? What would you like to become?

1. Artist - 2 people.

2. Shop owner - 2 people.

3. Professional sportsman - 2 people.

4. Skilled workers -1 people.

5. Lawyer, attorney - 1 person.

6. Doctor - 1 person.

7. Engineer -1 person.

8. Military - 1 person.

9. Artist, architect - 1 person.

10. Other (write down) choreographer, builder, driver, hairdresser

12. What attracts you to this profession, occupation?(Check up to 3 answer options)

1. Allows you to make a career, achieve success - 10 people, 66%

2. It is accessible, not difficult - 7 people, 44%

3. It is interesting, it gives great opportunities for self-realization 7 people, 44%

4. She gives good earnings - 4 people, 27%

5. It's prestigious - 3 people, 21%

6. It's fashionable - 2 people, 13%

7. Other (write down) is suitable, monetary

13. What level of education would you consider sufficient to achieve your life goals?(Check one answer option)

1. General secondary education (school, gymnasium) 5 people.

2. Professional education(college, courses) 5 people.

3. Higher education 2 people.

4. I find it difficult to answer, until I decided 2 people.

5. Two higher education, postgraduate study 1 person.

14. What for you, first of all, depends on the possibility of getting a good education?(Check one or two)

1. From their own diligence, abilities - 13 people. - 87%

2. From family help, availability of the necessary funds - 5 people. - 33%

3. From luck, luck - 2 people.

4. From the presence of the necessary acquaintances, connections - 2 people.

5. Difficult to answer - 1 person.

15. Where would you prefer to work in the future?(Check one answer option)

1. I would like to have my own business - 6 people. 40%

2. It doesn't matter to me - 3 people.

4. On state enterprise, in a state institution - 2 people.

5. In a foreign company, at an enterprise, together with a foreign company - 1 person.


1. How much would you like to earn monthly in the future?(indicate in rubles) 2000; 4000; 5000; 7000; 8000;11500;

2. What kind of remuneration would you like to receive for your work?(Check 1 option)

1. Work hard and get good money, even without special guarantees for the future - 7 people. 44%

2. Have a small but solid income and confidence in tomorrow- 5 people 33%

3. Difficult to answer - 3 people.

3. If you got so rich that you could afford not to work, would you keep working or stop working?(Check one answer option)

1. Continue to work in any case, 13 people. - 87%

2. Probably stopped working - 2 people.

4. Do you have your own personal money?(Check one answer option)

1. There are from time to time - 11 people.

2. Most often they do not - 3 people.

3. Yes, there is almost always - 1 person.

5. What are the main sources of receiving money?(Check all that you see fit)

1. I earn myself - 8 people. - 56%

2. Educators give - 5 people.

3. Given by parents - 2 people.

4. If necessary, I borrow from friends - 2 people.

5. Other - scholarship - 2 people, uncle, relatives

6. How do you use your personal funds?(Check all that apply)

1. I have pocket money - 12 people.

2. I have deferred money that I keep at home - 1 person

3. I have my own bank account - 1 person

4. I practically have no money - 4 people.

7. What do you prefer to spend your personal money on?(several are possible)

1. For gifts to friends, relatives - 7 people.

2. For cosmetics - 7 people.

3. For food, sweets, drinks - 7 people.

4. Leisure, entertainment - 6 people.

5. On audio, video tapes, CDs - 3 persons.

6. Education, classes - 2 people.

7. For fashionable clothes - 2 persons.

8. For toys, trinkets - 3 people.


1. Can you say to yourself that you have already determined your life goals and plans?(Check one answer option)

1. I can only partially represent - 7 people. 44%

2. Difficult to answer - 5 people. 33%

3. Yes, I can imagine them well - 2 people.

4. Probably not, thought a little about it - 1 person.

2. What are you most striving for in life?(Check up to 3 options)

1. To create a good family - 12 people. 80%

2. To success in life, a good career - 9 people. 63%

3. To a happy personal life - 8 people. 56%

4. To personal freedom - 3 people.

5. For interesting, creative work - 2 people.

6. To the opportunity to realize their abilities - 2 people.

7. To a high material standard of living - 1 person.

8. Pleasure - 1 person.

9. To fame, fame - 1 person.

3. What do you consider to be the signs of success in life?(Check all that apply)

1. Be no worse than others - 13 people. 87%

2. To rise above one's social environment, to make a career - 11 people. 73%

3. Realize your talents, abilities - 5 people. 33%

4. Become famous, become famous - 2 people.

5. Stand out among everyone, have something that others do not have - 1 person.

6. Achieve material well-being. Get rich - 1 person

4. If there was no need to work only for the sake of material support, what would you do?(Write down the answer) I don't know - 8 hours

2. What things (goods), in your opinion, should a modern person have and at what age?(Mark one answer per line in the table by circling the appropriate number)

List of things

By the age of 20

By the age of 30

By the age of 40

It is not necessary to have

Mobile phone

Washing machine

Color TV

Domestic brand car

Automobile foreign brand

Video recorder

Music Center

Personal Computer

Motorcycle, scooter

Own apartment

Vacation home

home library

2. Where do you usually buy clothes?(Check all that apply)

1. In the clothing markets - 12 people.

2. In youth shops - 3 people.

3. In large stores - 1 person.

4. I am at a loss to answer, I don’t buy clothes myself - 3 people.


1. Do you have any hobbies, interests? Which?(Write it down) sports, football, dancing, music, drawing, knitting, reading, talking with friends

2. What do you spend your free time on most often?(Check up to 5 options)

1. Watching TV - 13 people.

2. I listen to music - 11 people.

3. I communicate with friends -9 people.

4. Go in for sports -8 people.

5. I spend time with a close friend, girlfriend - 5 people.

6. I play computer games - 4 people.

7. I read books - 4 people.

8. I love being alone, just dreaming - 4 people.

9. Doing art (painting, music) - 4 people.

10. I read newspapers, magazines - 3 people.

11. I go to concerts, exhibitions, to the theater - 1 person.

12. Other (write down what) - fishing, choreography, knitting

3. What TV programs do you prefer to watch?(Check as applicable)

1. Comedy - 11 people.

2. Sports programs - 10 people.

3. Detectives, militants - 10 people.

4. News - 9 people.

5. Movies - 8 people.

6. Cartoons - 8 people.

7. Programs about travel, other countries - 6 people.

8. Musical programs - 6 people.

9. Programs about animals, about nature - 5 people.

10. Youth serials - 5 people.

11. Comic programs - 5 people.

12. Love, "family" series - 3 people.

13. Programs about fashion - 3 people.

14. Programs about history, culture - 3 people.

15. Quizzes, games - 1 person.

5. What sports do you like the most?

· (Write it down) football - 8, volleyball - 7, basketball - 2, running - 2, skiing, exercise equipment, tennis

· I'm not interested in sports - 2 people.

5. What kind of sport do you practice?

· (Write it down) football - 9, volleyball - 7, running - 2, basketball, tennis

· I don’t go in for sports at all - 3 people.

1. Collections of anecdotes, comics 8

2. Newspapers 7 people.

3. Magazines for young people 7

4. Science fiction 4

5. Biographies of great people 4

6. Detectives 2

7. Adventure novels 2

8. Romance novels 2

9. Thrillers 1

10. Historical novels 1

11. Popular science literature 1

12. Encyclopedias, dictionaries 1

13. I hardly read, 2 people.

7. Name your favorite Russian and foreign writer, poet(2-3 is possible)

Domestic: Daria Dontsova - 3, Pushkin - 3, Lermontov, Griboyedov

Foreign: Jules Verne, D. Defoe, M. Twain, Byron

8. What is your favorite domestic and foreign film?(Multiple names are possible)

· Domestic: "Palmist", "72 meters"

· Foreign: "Titanic" - 2, "Clone" - 2, "Romeo and Juliet"

9. What is your favorite contemporary band or artist?(Several can be named.)

Groups: Lyube, Inveterate scammers, Hands up, Tootsie

Performers: Anton Zatsepin, Sergey Amoralov, Gubin, Lolita, Igor Nikolaev, Kirkorov, Zemfira

10. What holidays do you especially like to celebrate?(Name 3-4 holidays) New Year - 15, Birthday - 10 people, March 8 - 3 people, City Day - 2 people, May 1 - 1 person.

11. Do you often visit a company?(Check one answer option)

· Yes, often - 7 people.

· Sometimes I visit - 6 people.

· Almost or not at all -2 pers.

12. What do you usually do when you meet with your company?(Check up to 3 holes)

1. Spending time on the street - 11 people. 73%

2. Discussing interesting topics for us - 8 people.

3. Gathering at someone's house, chatting, listening to music - 6 people.

4. We go to the disco, to the club - 3 people.

5. We attend concerts - 1 person.

6. We go to cafes, bars - 1 person.

13. What qualities do you especially value in your friends?(Check 3-4 qualities)

1. Kindness - 10 people. 87%

2. Understanding - 10 people. 87%

3. Humor, wit - 10 people. 87%

4. Sensitivity, responsiveness - 8 people.

5. Decency - 7 people.

6. Loyalty, reliability - 6 people.

7. Light character - 3 people.

8. Mind - 2 people.

9. Firmness of character - 2 people.

10. Restraint - 1 person.

11. Generosity - 1 person.

12. Physical strength - 1 person.


1. Do you live with your parents, other relatives, alone or with friends? (Check one answer option)

1. Other - in an orphanage - 11

2.With parents, other relatives 2

3. I live on my own 2

2. What do your parents mean to you?(Check one answer option)

1. They are close to me people, we are friends - 9 people. 62%

3. They are not bad people, but I try to communicate with them less 1

4. They are completely strangers to me 1

5. I do not know anything about them and do not want to know 1

3. To what extent are you financially supported by your parents or other relatives? (Check one answer option)

1. I live without material assistance from parents, relatives - 8 people.

2. Parents (other relatives) help me in addition to my own funds, earnings - 5 people.

3. Parents (other relatives) provide me almost completely - 2 people.

4. To what extent are your material needs currently provided for? (Check one answer option)

1. I can not afford everything that is available to my friends - 7 people.

2. I don’t have much of what is customary to have in a circle of peers - 3 people.

3. I do not deny myself anything - 1 person.

4. I deny myself everything - 1 person.

5. Difficult to answer - 3 people.

5. Do you feel grateful to your parents, if so, first of all for what? (Check 3-4 options)

1. For life itself - 9 people. 62%

2. Personality traits - 5 people. 33%

3. An example in life - 3 people. twenty %

4. Introduction to faith in God - 3 people. twenty %

5. Circle of friends and acquaintances - 3 people. twenty %

6. Business acquaintances, useful contacts - 2 people.

7. Received education, profession - 2 people.

8. Sincere support, understanding - 2 people.

9. I have nothing to thank them - 2 people.

10. Education, culture - 1 person.

11. Other (write down what exactly) - raised - 1 person.

12. Difficult to answer 2

13. Material assistance -

14. Peace, security, comfort -

15. Freedom and independence -

16. I don’t know, I don’t remember my parents -

6. How many children do you think you will have?(Write it down)

·. 1 child - 4 people, 2 children - 7 people, 3 children - 2 people, 4 children - 1 person

Difficult to answer, did not think about it 1 person

I do not want to have children

17. At what age would you like to start a family?

25 years old - 4 people, 23 - 3 people, 20 - 2, 21.26 - 1 person each.

Difficult to answer, did not think about it 4

18. Do you have a close friend (girlfriend) with whom you have a close relationship?

· Yes - 13 people.

· No - 2 people.

19. Do you consider him a person with whom you would like to connect your life for a long time?

1. Yes, it is very likely - 8 people.

2. Difficult to answer - 5 people.

3. Perhaps, although there is no certainty - 2 people.

10. Indicate the qualities that your future spouse should have?(5 var.)

1. Housekeeping - 11 people.

2. Mind - 10 people.

3. Caringness - 10 people.

4. Decency - 8 people.

5. Loyalty, reliability - 7 people.

6. External attractiveness - 6 people.

7. Sensitivity, attention - 5 people.

8. Humor - 4 people.

9. Light character - 3 people.

10. Strength, firmness of character - 3 people.

11. Ability to resist adversity - 2 people.

12. Temperament - 1 person.

13. Balance - 1 person.

14. Generosity - 1 person.

15. Difficult to answer - 1 person.


3. Do you think children have their own rights?

4. Have you ever had to defend your rights and interests? If so, in what way?

1. Asked for help from parents - 1 person.

2. Solved the problem myself, on my own - 4 people.

3. I went to court - 1 person.

4. Asked close friends for help - 3 people.

5. Other - to workers d / d

6. Didn't come across this problem - 3 people.

7. Difficult to answer - 3 people.

3. Which of the following do you consider acceptable and what is unacceptable?(1 in. In a line)



1. Drinking alcohol

2. Drug use

3. Smoking tobacco

4. Engaging in prostitution

5. Non-traditional sexual orientation

6. Vagrancy

7. Begging

8. Theft

4. To what extent are you interested in politics?(Check one answer option)

· I rather closely follow the information about political events in the country and in the world - 4 people.

· I don't follow the information especially, but I discuss political news with friends - 1 person.

· In general, I am not interested in these problems - 3 people.

· Difficult to answer - 7 people.


1. To what extent are the values ​​listed in the table important to you? (Check 1c. In the line)


Very important

Pretty important

Not very important

It doesn't matter at all

Hard to say

Spiritual harmony and a calm conscience

Good family and friendships

Freedom is the ability to be your own master

Interesting creative work

The ability to self-actualize

Stand out among others, be a bright personality

Live like the majority, no worse than others

Good earnings, material well-being

Respect for established traditions and customs

Striving to have access to power

Public acceptance, success

3. What conditions do you think are important in order to succeed in life?(Please tick one answer on each line by circling a number in the box)

Conditions of well-being

Very important

Pretty important

Not very important

It doesn't matter at all

Hard to say

Come from a wealthy family

Have educated parents

Have a good education yourself

Be ambitious

Have good ability

Work hard

Have necessary acquaintances


The place where the person comes from

Political persuasion

Gender (female or male)

Indiscriminate means


5. Who do you feel yourself to be in the first place?(Check one answer option)

1. Citizens of their country - 10 people.

2. I am on my own - 2 people.

3. Difficult to answer - 3 people.

6. What countries have you visited?(Write it down) Ukraine, Vologda?

7. Where do you dream to go(Write it down) to Cyprus, abroad, to Paris, to Moscow, to America, to Anapa, to Cherepovets

8. What country would you like to live in?(Write it down) in Russia, in Totma? In Moscow? In Paris?

5. What are the 5 names of the greatest and most famous people of the twentieth century?. (Write it down)

7 What are the five most significant events of the twentieth century in the world and in Russia:

7. What is your gender?(male - 6, female - 9)

8. How old are you? 16 liters - 5, 15 liters - 4, 14 p. - 4, 13 p. - 1, 17 p. - one

9. Note what education do your parents have?(Check your option in each column of the table)

10. How would you describe the financial situation of your family?(Check one answer that best fits)

1. We can't make ends meet at all - 3 people.

2. You have to spend money and from savings - 1 person.

3. We can make big savings - 1 person.

4. Difficult to answer - 10 people.

12. Did you have your own private room?(Yes - 9, no - 6)

12. Do you believe in God?(Check one answer option)

1. Definitely yes - 8 people.

2. Rather, yes - 4 people.

3. Difficult to answer - 3 people.

13. Do you observe the practices of your faith?(Yes 6, occasionally 5, no 4)

14. In the study group of which educational direction (technique 1, sport 9, dancing -4,

arts and crafts -2, ecology, etc.) are you doing?

(Write down) ______________

General conclusion

As a result of the survey, we came to general conclusions:

Education: Pupils choose highly paid professions, and they want to have general secondary education or secondary vocational education. It is believed that getting a good education depends on one's own diligence and abilities. Most would like to start their own business in the future.

Finances: Pupils would like to receive from 2000 to 11500 in the future. They say that if they receive a lot in the future, they still want to work. The main sources are considered wages... At the moment they have money for pocket conditions. They spend money on cosmetics, gifts for friends, food, sweets, drinks.

Important in my life: Most of the pupils did not define their own life values... Hobbies have their own interests: sports, dancing, music, drawing, knitting, reading. In their free time they watch TV, listen to music, chat with friends. They value kindness and understanding in friends. In life, they strive to create a good family.

Life: They consider it important for themselves to have a music center, TV, video tape recorder. Clothes are usually bought in the market.

Family: Parents are considered close people, but their parents do not support them financially. Parents are grateful for life itself, for character traits. They want to have their own children, and from 1 - 4; They want to create a family between the ages of 20 and 26. In the spouse, such character traits as thrift, intelligence, solicitude, decency are distinguished.

I and the Society: They believe that children should have their own rights, Solve their problems related to the law on their own or turn to close friends for help. The use of alcohol is considered permissible in their life, and drug use, theft, begging, and vagrancy are considered permissible.

Life values: For them, such values ​​as good family and friendly relations with people and spiritual harmony and a clear conscience are important. To succeed in life, they believe that you need to have good abilities.

Me and the whole world: It's nice that everyone feels like a citizen of their country. Were in cities such as Vologda and Ukraine. They dream of going to Paris, Moscow, America, Anapa, Cherepovets.

Age of filling out the questionnaire from 14 to 17 years

Pedagogical Council

Topic: Professional education: analysis of the situation and development prospects. "

Questions of the pedagogical council:

  1. Implementation of decisions of the pedagogical council No. 3
  2. Professional definition of graduates, conclusions and recommendations of the professional consilium of the orphanage
  3. Presentation "The work of the labor brigade of the orphanage
  4. Reports of educators on the individual vocational determination of children in an orphanage
  5. Analysis by teachers - curators of adaptation of graduates in educational institutions
  6. Brainstorming for solving problems that have arisen in the professional determination of children
  7. Discussion of the practical session on suggestions:
    • Landscaping program

Distribution of plots, work on landscaping and cultivation of agricultural products, activities of the labor team

Protocol No. 3

Meetings of the Council on the prevention of delinquency and neglect among minors dated February 3, 2009

Council members attended:

Director Sviridova N.T., social educator Mishurinskaya E.V., Educator Notareeva V.G., senior educator Anfolova T.G., chairman of children's self-government Treskina Katya, Senior inspector of PDN, police major Volokitina N.A.

Invited: Kolesov Valentin, Kudryashov Valentin.

Listened to questions


The decision was made

Execution control

1) Kudryashov Valentin. According to the results of academic performance in January, I received 10 twos

Sviridova N.T. Volokitina N.A. Mishurinskaya E.V.

  1. Behavior and learning control
  2. Fix deuces in 10 days
  3. Have a conversation
  4. Lesson attendance control
  5. Every three days a report from the director of the orphanage, in the office

Educators Kudryashov V. Treskina K. Educators - specialists Director

2) Kolesov Valentin. For three weeks of study I received 7 deuces, rudeness, rudeness, obscene language

Sviridova N.T. Anfalova T.G. V.G. Notareva

1. Control over behavior and learning

  1. Fix deuces in 10 days
  2. If necessary, check the VOPB

Director, E. Treskina, Administration, Doctor

Council members Sviridova N.T.

Volokitina N.A.

Mishurinskaya E.V.

V.G. Notareeva

Anfalova T.G.

Treskina E.

Appendix No. 4

Appendix # 5

Appendix # 6

Appendix No. 7

Consultation for teachers


Modern trends in juvenile delinquency.

The category of children with behavioral disorders most often includes children who find themselves outside of education. Unfortunately, in many cases, educational institutions are still trying to get rid of "difficult" children. The number of juvenile delinquency is not decreasing. Orphans deprived of parental care, who are most prone to vagrancy, are at risk of becoming victims of violence and crime, or being involved in criminal activities are also at risk.

In 2001, 410.1 thousand children and adolescents (including 54.1 thousand girls) were registered in the departments for juvenile affairs of the internal affairs bodies, of which 301.5 thousand were students, pupils of educational institutions, 80, 5 thousand are not working or studying anywhere, 88 thousand are children under 14 years of age. The main share among the crimes of adolescents in 2000 was theft (61.3%), robbery (7.8%), hooliganism (5.9%), robberies (2.7%), car thefts (2.7%), intentional destruction or damage to property (2%), extortion (1.9%), murder, intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm (1.1%), fraud (0.9%).

There is a high level of criminal activity among children under the age of 14. The criminal activity of girls does not decrease. An increase in the number of girls registered with juvenile affairs units should be noted.

A significant number of children and adolescents with behavioral disorders are inmates of state boarding schools. The number of unauthorized children leaving orphanages and boarding schools is growing every year. Most of the pupils of special educational institutions of a closed type (about 70%) are minors aged 13-15 years, among them 18% are orphans and children left without parental care.

Behavioral disorders in orphans with mental disabilities are characterized by a wide variety of forms in comparison with healthy children. For example, when studying shoots and aggression as the most frequent manifestations of disturbed behavior in mentally retarded children, their significant variability, clinical heterogeneity and dependence on both factors were revealed. external environment, and on the characteristics of mental activity.

Thus, in last years the number of minors is increasing: students of general education schools, inmates of orphanages and boarding schools, orphanages, detained by the internal affairs bodies for hooliganism, theft, propensity to substance abuse, drug addiction and committing grave administrative offenses. The reasons for the increase in juvenile delinquency are largely related to the trouble in the family, the weakening of the educational function of the school and the orphanage, and insufficiently effective work to ensure the employment of adolescents.

It is known that "criminals are not born, they become criminals." The combination of unfavorable biological, psychological, psychological, family and other socio-psychological factors distorts the entire lifestyle of children and adolescents, leads to different forms deviant behavior. For their prevention and identification of "risk groups", it is necessary to know the characteristics of behavior disorders, as well as their causes.

Basic concepts and classification of deviant behavior.

Behavioral disorders are conditions when the main problem is that the child's behavior is unacceptable from the point of view of society. The forms of such behavior are very diverse, but are always characterized by negative relationships with other children, which are expressed in fights, quarrels, aggressiveness, demonstrative disobedience, destructive behavior, deceit, constant truancy from school and, finally, it can be theft, escapes, vagrancy, arson, sabotage.

All these forms are by no means isolated from each other, and if at an early age the child was aggressive and cocky, then, as he grows older, he is more likely to become a bully, or even a criminal. The intelligence of most children with behavioral disorders is normal, but among those with reduced intelligence, there is a greater likelihood of aggressive, antisocial behavior and criminal inclinations.

The main sign of deviating psychosocial development of the personality of a minor is behavior disorders. Classifications A.G. Ambrumova and V.V. Kovalev share deviant (anti-disciplinary, asocial) and delinquent (criminal) behavior.

Deviant behavior.

Deviant behavior is a system of actions that contradict the norms accepted in society. This behavior can be due to both pedagogical neglect, bad manners, and mental abnormalities: inadequacy of reactions, rigidity, inflexibility of behavior, a tendency to affective reactions. Deviance - a deviation from accepted norms - includes behavioral disorders - from early alcoholism to suicidal attempts.

Traditionally, the reasons for deviant behavior are divided into two groups:

Causes associated with mental and psychophysical disorders;

Social and psychological reasons;

Causes associated with age-related crises.

Causes associated with mental and psychophysical disorders.

From 5 to 15% of children suffer from serious mental disorders. If we add to this number less severe disturbances and emotional disorders of an episodic nature, the size and essence of the problem becomes clear.

Deviant behavior can be promoted not by the mental anomalies themselves, but by the psychological characteristics of the personality, which are formed under their influence. Psychologists and psychiatrists have techniques to accurately diagnose the type and severity of the deviation. Together with the teacher, they can develop measures for pedagogical behavior correction. It is by no means recommended for educators to diagnose a teenager. If the educator, due to operational necessity, has learned the diagnosis, he should take special care of maintaining confidentiality in order not to aggravate an already difficult situation and not to lose the child's trust.

According to V.V. Kovalev, most often crimes are committed by adolescents with residual symptoms of organic brain damage (33.1% of the total number of crimes committed by children with mental disabilities), followed by character pathologies (4.4%) and neuroses (2.6%).

Social and psychological reasons.

Among the reasons for the psychological and social nature traditionally distinguish: 1) defects of legal and moral consciousness; 2) the content of the needs of the individual; 3) character traits; 4) features of the emotional-volitional sphere. As a rule, difficulties in the behavior of a teenager are explained by a combination of the results of improper development of the personality and the unfavorable situation in which he found himself, as well as by lack of upbringing. In adolescence, among the most common causes of deviance, scientists are glad to name the incompleteness of the process of personality formation, the negative influence of the family and the immediate environment, the adolescent's dependence on the requirements, norms and values ​​of the group to which he belongs. in addition, deviant behavior in adolescents is often a means of self-affirmation, a protest against reality or the demands of adults.

It should be noted that aggressive opposition to "adult" norms and values ​​and requirements on the part of adults, as well as adherence to the norms and rules of the reference group are the most common causes of short-term difficult behavior. They are also among the most easily overcome. Adults only need to reconsider their attitude towards grown-up children, and the problem will be solved by itself.

Many researchers cite low self-esteem of children, especially adolescents, as one of the main psychological reasons. Self-esteem, i.e. a person's assessment of his capabilities, qualities and place among other people is an important regulator of behavior. Self-esteem primarily determines the relationship of a person with the people around him, his criticality, exactingness towards himself, his attitude to success and failure. Discrepancies between the claims of a person and his capabilities lead to psychological breakdowns, increased conflict in the adolescent, especially with adults, emotional breakdowns, etc. Due to age characteristics, adolescents in some periods are characterized by an inadequate assessment of their capabilities and their own value as a person. In addition to behavioral and emotional breakdowns, such a situation can lead to depression and, as a result, unwillingness to attend school, decreased academic performance, use of tobacco, alcohol, drugs, seeking support among “dubious” friends and other behavioral deviations.

Among the causes of a social nature, one of the most common is the influence of the social environment in which the child lives and develops. Developing in a socially disadvantaged environment, a teenager learns its norms and values. Even if they contradict those accepted in society, they are the most correct for a child, since he has no experience of life in a different social environment.

The reason can also be a socially prosperous, but low level of material support environment. if a child raised in such an environment does not have formed moral norms and values, the skills of independent life planning, he may violate the norms of behavior accepted in society, first in the form of a protest against his living conditions, and then violate the law in order to improve his standard of living (theft , machinations, etc.) The reason can be both socially and materially prosperous environment. If moral norms are not formed, developmental deviations, conflicts with adults, a child who is brought up in a prosperous atmosphere can embark on a "search for adventure" or find support in a dysfunctional environment and begin to follow its laws and norms.

There are 6 types of young offenders from the point of view of a psychotherapist:

1) He's just "playing the fool." (Late arrivals, cheating, school truancy, stowaways at the cinema. Such teenagers can constantly tease and offend brothers and sisters, flatten a neighbor's car tire, plant a smoke at a school disco, try drugs)

2) The enemy of the parents. (The reason for bad behavior can be revenge on one or both parents. Over time, their animosity escalates into a real war)

3) Spoiled child (He has no deviations either in intellectual or emotional development. But he has a clear deviation in behavior - contacts with offenders. As a rule, this indicates that the child grew up in a dysfunctional environment. And now he lives according to the norms of their vicious environment)

4) Organic (This is a child with brain injury or mental retardation. This is a "disinhibited" child, whose discipline disorders are explained by a weakened intellect and a lack of ability to evaluate their actions).

5) Psychotics (these are mentally disabled, sick children)

6) Bad seed (deviation manifests itself from a very early age, often even in preschool years)

Causes associated with age-related crises.

child development during school years is not always painless. At the age of 7 to 17, a growing up person goes through several stages of age development, at each of which significant changes occur in the physical and psychological state, emotional and communicative perceptions change. At the same time, not all children have a good command of their thoughts, feelings, and actions. Children and adolescents find themselves in crisis situations several times during the school period. It is well known that the crisis in the transition from primary school age to adolescence is associated with physiological changes in the body, relationships with adults. Any crisis carries both a constructive and a destructive beginning. Negative development is only the flip side of the positive processes occurring during critical periods. Destruction of previous interests, negativism, opposition are just the ways in which the child creates a new morality and system of values. How adults react to negative manifestations will largely determine the quality of the changes taking place in the child. one cannot fail to notice the most dangerous negative manifestations, since they can gain a foothold and develop, but one cannot "go too far" in excessive severity and total control: this can also lead to the consolidation of negative manifestations and pathological changes in character.

Delinquent behavior.

Delinquent behavior - deviant behavior in its extreme manifestations, which is a criminal offense.

Currently, the problem of delinquent behavior is quite acute.

Most juvenile delinquents (offenders) by the age of 13-14 can talk about initial stage the formation of socio-psychological personal deformation.

Its first component is pedagogical neglect with an unformed cognitive motives, interests, and school skills. It also includes a general unpreparedness for learning with a negative attitude to tasks, indifference to the assessment of performance results. At the same time, significant gaps in knowledge are noted, despite the formally preserved thinking abilities, correct practical, social and everyday orientation.

The third, often encountered component, is a negatively oriented egocentric position with a demonstration of a disdain for existing norms, the rights of another. Delinquents with socio-psychological personality deformation during examination more often show the traits of "negative leadership", flaunt criminal behavior, justify the incriminated acts by external circumstances and the situation, impose an antisocial hierarchy of relations on their peers or physically weaker ones.

In the domestic sociological, psychological and socio-pedagogical literature, the problems of delinquent behavior are associated mainly with childhood and adolescence - with "difficult" children and adolescents, who are a group of increased social risk.

Data on the state of juvenile delinquency in Russia is currently ambiguous. Over the past 10 years, juvenile delinquency has increased by about 2 times, and the adolescent and youth population has decreased by 15-20%.

The literature presents various classifications of forms of delinquent behavior:

By the nature of the violated values ​​and norms:

Behavior associated with the failure of a person to fulfill their basic social functions;

Behavior associated with violation of moral norms;

Behavior related to violation of the rule of law;


By the main sphere of life:

Social deviations in the field of everyday life, education, work, leisure.

By subjects of deviation:

Adults, minors, officials repeat offenders

By scale:

Violation of the norms adopted in the country, the norms and principles of international law.

The negative behavior of adolescents has common causes for all forms. First of all, it is a contradiction between relatively equally widespread and growing needs and significantly different possibilities for their satisfaction. An unmet need for self-affirmation is relatively more likely to lead to violent crime. Consuming alcohol and nicotine (smoking) adolescents demonstrate their "adulthood", belonging to the world of adults. Retritic forms of delinquent behavior (drunkenness, drug addiction, suicide - as "escape" from an alien, incomprehensible world) arise in the presence of two circumstances: long-term failure to achieve goals shared by society by legal means and inability to resort to illegal ways to achieve these goals. Most researchers consider deviant behavior of minors as a violation of the socialization process, as a result of dysfunction of the main institutions of socialization: family, education, leisure.

It is possible to subdivide all dysfunctional families into specific types on the grounds that the parents:

They do not want to raise their children - 40%

They cannot, due to certain circumstances (due to employment, illness, temporary absence), sometimes beyond their control, provide adequate conditions for upbringing 12%

They do not know how to raise their children - 58%.

According to G.M. Minkovsky, in about 30% of cases, persons who became criminals were brought up in families where they faced a constant negative example of their parents - systematic drunkenness, scandals, manifestations of cruelty, depraved behavior, etc.

The process of demoralization observed in adolescents follows the following pattern:

Learning difficulties


Conflicts with adults

Escapes from home, from boarding schools

Contact with demoralized youth

Committing a crime to satisfy basic needs or on instigation

Committing a crime not related to the satisfaction of basic needs.

Features of delinquent behavior of children in orphanages.

It is necessary to dwell on the problem of pupils and graduates of boarding schools who have committed offenses. All of them need help not to feel like outcasts.

Many of them begin to acquire criminal experience in early childhood. Abandoned by their parents or specially trained by them, they are often forced to provide for themselves through deception and theft.

The overloading of pupils with negative experience, unfortunately, is often not the subject of special correctional work in the boarding school. On the contrary, the objective conditions for the upbringing of social orphans in an orphanage contain additional prerequisites for the criminalization of the environment of pupils:

The lack of experience of emotionally close ties with people leads to an inability to empathize, to put oneself in the place of another, and to treat the other person as a value in itself. It also leads to the experience of one's own insignificance, uselessness, to neglect of one's own destiny;

Education in an artificial, isolated environment, where normal property relations, the spectrum of life temptations and dangers are distorted, creates specific “boarding school” norms of life. This leads to the confusion of the concepts "mine - someone else's", "took - stole", "protection - violence", "guilt - innocence";

The limitation of the pupil's own activity due to the regulation of life in a boarding institution leads to a delay in the formation of his "I" as a subject of understanding his life experience, regulating his needs, relationships and life activity. Resisting unfavorable circumstances, negative influences and temptations is impossible if the subject of social choice - the individual "I" of the pupil - is not developed.

For adolescents - orphanages, the experience is characteristic that fate has treated them unfairly, that they have not received much from life that they are entitled to by right.

According to law enforcement agencies, adolescents raised without parental care commit the following crimes:

Rogue attacks

Theft of personal property

Rape of girls, most often group


Behind these crimes is the meaning of taking away and appropriating something belonging to another and the habit of solving problems only by force. in the conditions of educational institutions, orphanages adapt much easier than adolescents who grew up in a family. They have extensive experience in a closed, collective life. The potential for aggression, accumulated since childhood, allows them to provide themselves in this system with protection and authority to more familiar and easy way than in the open, real world.

It is also significant that criminal behavior is the only field in which these people have had success. Success is one of the most important incentives for action. The conditions of imprisonment only exacerbate the situation: the same limited environment, the same disciplinary and functional ties, the same forced living in a closed group, the same psychological experience of one's own insignificance. Therefore, relapses are natural.

After their release, orphanages face a whole range of problems. They cannot get a job, do not have a residence permit, housing, documents, specialty.

Elimination of the causes of moral deformation of the personality, deviations in the behavior of the child.

1) Work planning.

A well-thought-out and coordinated plan of work with difficult pupils determines success in the prevention of delinquency and crime. There are two aspects:

Activities designed for all pupils

Individual work with every difficult child.

The plan for working with children at risk involves the distribution of responsibilities between the teaching staff of the institution and activities with all participants in the educational process.

The planning of work includes an analysis of the social composition of pupils, characteristics for all children, meetings with school teachers, organizing leisure activities for pupils, communicating with the KDN, OPPN and other services, organizing summer health-improving work for children, monitoring class attendance, conducting preventive conversations, attending lessons in order to observe the pupils, referral for consultation to a psychologist or to a honey. specialists, assistance in employment, psychodiagnostics, assistance in choosing a further educational and life route, analysis of conflict situations.

A plan of individual work with each pupil is drawn up in such a way as to get an answer to three questions:

  • What needs to be eliminated
  • How to fix it
  • Who and what needs to be done

2) Involvement of pupils in various types of positive activities.

It is necessary to create conditions in the orphanage that do not provoke deviant behavior, but expand the space safe for the child, where he feels good and interesting.

The most effective are circle work and organization of the pupils' leisure, the work of children's self-government, participation in a social project.

Prevention of delinquency assumes that the orphanage becomes the place where the child finds use of his capabilities and initiative.

3) Changing the nature of personal relationships between teachers and students.

Rules for influencing the personality of a pupil in a conflict situation:

Two agitated people are unable to come to an agreement

Delayed reaction (if the action does not pose a threat to others)

Translation of the reaction (to debunk the significance of the act and the personality of the offender himself. The hero remains with himself)

Rationalization of the situation (funny ceases to be dangerous, the offender is ridiculed, humor defuses the situation, the conflict is removed)

Paradoxical situation (using insidious design for good)

In working with difficult teenagers, some techniques can be used:

  • Reception "Ladder" - a situation when the teacher leads the teenager progressively upward, climbing with him the steps of knowledge, gaining faith in himself and others (sometimes even in advance)
  • "Psychological attack" - the essence is to shift the state of psychological stress, creating conditions for contact
  • Emotional blockage is about blocking pain, resentment, frustration, loss of faith in yourself. The main thing is to find the reason and rethink the failure.
  • Reception "I give a chance" - the essence is to give an opportunity to unexpectedly reveal oneself, one's abilities.
  • Motivation to good deeds- “I can respect you for everything if you are able to overcome your weaknesses, do a good deed, avoid temptation, overcome your whims,” etc.
  • Encouragement of good deeds and condemnation of actions by comparing good and evil, psychological justification of actions
  • Advance payment of good deeds with trust: "If you justify my hopes, then you will do so ...", "I believe in you: you will not be afraid in such a situation ...". Such trust inspires in pupils self-confidence, conviction in their righteousness, gives rise to inspiration and determination.

4) Changing the conditions of upbringing.

There is a real opportunity to help the child. Psychologists call this the "fourteen-step road."

Step 1. Remain calm and dignified.

Find the strength to deal with the situation. Don't panic. You are not entitled to this. Shouting, threats, you will not achieve anything.

Step 2. Understand the situation.

Even when you know for sure that a child has committed an offense, this does not mean that he is an inveterate criminal. Do not rush to categorical conclusions. Try to decide if you will be able to cope with the situation yourself or if you need to seek help from specialists.

Step 3. Maintain the child's confidence in yourself.

Talk to your child as equals. Lack of communication leads to an increase in misunderstanding, alienates you from each other. Normal communication always includes the ability to not only listen, but also hear. It will help you better understand the child, get to know his views and feelings. Adolescents have a rather strong desire for communication, the desire to be listened to.

Step 4. Find out as much as possible about what is happening with the child.

Having committed illegal actions, children tend to blame others for what happened, to be cunning and dodge. Try to understand the situation as objectively as possible. With the necessary information, be careful.

Step 5. Change your attitude towards the child

Step 6: don't be manipulated

Step 7. Do not correct the child's mistakes.

Step 8. Talk less and do more.

Conversations that are moral in nature, contain threats, promises to "put" the child, "hand over" him to the hospital, quickly become familiar to him, develop indifference to their behavior. He simply does not listen to them or pretends to listen, in fact, he practically does not hear a single word of yours.

Step 9. Make an effort to restore rapport with your child.

Step 10. Give your child the opportunity to correct their behavior on their own.

Step 11. Don't let the process take its course.

It is necessary to support the child's independent steps towards correction. Use every opportunity for moral support

Step 12. Restore trust in the child.

Step 13. Set reasonable control limits.

Step 14. Help your child change life for the better.

An upbringing (re-education) program can include several stages:

  • Engage your teenager's time with useful, fun activities
  • Help him with a sincere conversation, form an ideal, realize his shortcomings
  • If necessary, apply the "explosion" method (A.S., Makarenko)
  • Teaching a teenager to put himself in the position of other people
  • Make sure that there are no irreparable flaws.
  • Help develop the habit and need for introspection, self-education, self-esteem.
  • Awaken interest in social work, in obtaining knowledge, expanding horizons, intelligence. Foster positive results by creating a situation of success.
  • To teach to reckon with the opinions of other people.
  • Help to change the attitude towards the orphanage, people, comrades

Preventive work with pupils is a complex, multifaceted and long-term process.

Positive results in work will be achieved when pedagogical tools, techniques, methods are skillfully used.

Constant benevolence, spiritual interest of the teacher, pedagogical tact, patience will help in working with "difficult" children.

Pedagogy has its own relations of quantity and quality. A teenager will become an adult only tomorrow, but today he is a child who needs warmth, love, understanding, and respect. All this must be given to every graduate. After all, the orphanage is not only a "place", it is the time of life of our pupils, the time of the life path.

Appendix No. 8

Circles held in the orphanage:

  1. "Teenager and the Law"
  2. "Crazy hands"
  3. Choreographic club "Sorcerers"
  4. "Sewing"
  5. "Cutting and sewing"
  6. Theatrical circle "Hope"
  7. Mirror"
  8. Sports and Wellness
  9. decoration wood "Magic birch bark"

Artistic and aesthetic education

Music school - 8 people

Petrovskaya craft school - 3 people

Sports school - 2 people

Problems solved as a result of the employment of children:

  • Strengthening children's health
  • Organization of professional determination
  • Strengthening post-boarding adaptation of pupils
  • Development of personal activity of teachers

Appendix No. 9

Analysis of the participation of the MOU "Totemsky orphanage" in educational activities

Employment chart for children in the Orphanage

Appendix No. 10

2007 - 2008 academic year pupils participated in 16 regional competitions:

1st place - 1st diploma

2nd place - 2 diplomas

3rd place - 3 diplomas

Participant diploma - 16 pcs.

In regional competitions:

1st place - 12 diplomas

2nd place - 5 diplomas

Appendix # 11

Work plan of the Council of Prevention of the MOU "Totemsky Orphanage" for the 2008 - 2009 academic year.


Dates of the


Meeting of the Council of Prevention in order to prevent offenses by pupils

Once every 2 months

Orphanage administration

Classes of the "teenager and the law" circle in order to improve the legal culture of pupils (middle and senior school age)

Solgano of planning a circle "teenager and the law"

2 times a month

Social teacher

Conduct a survey with pupils:

Diagnostics of the tendency to deviant behavior;

Quiz "Through the Pages of the Constitution"

The level of socialization of pupils "

Monitoring "Drug situation in the country"

Social educator, educators gr,

Organization of legal education among teachers and junior educators: consultation types of adolescents with deviant behavior "

"Diagnostics of adolescent deviant behavior"

The role of positive emotions in education. Developing a sense of humor "

September 2008

November 2008

February 2009

Social teacher

Constantly analyze the reasons for the unauthorized departure of pupils from the orphanage. Conduct conversations aimed at preventing unauthorized departures

During a year

Administration of the orphanage, Totemsky District Department of Internal Affairs, Secretary of the KDN and ZP.

Conduct a survey of the institution and the adjacent territories for anti-terrorist strength and security. Draw up a survey report

2 times per year

Totemsky District Department of Internal Affairs, administration of the orphanage

Take measures for the systematic exchange of information on all offenses by pupils of all schools in the city, state institutions of the region

During a year

Totemsky District Department of Internal Affairs, administration of the orphanage, secretary of the KDN and ZP

As necessary, within the framework of their competence, provide assistance to police officers in collecting materials for adolescents. Committed illegal acts, in a specialized educational institution of a closed type.

As needed

Totemsky District Department of Internal Affairs, administration of the orphanage, department of guardianship and guardianship, secretary of the KDN and ZP

Constantly conduct initial introductory interviews with newly admitted children.

During a year

Orphanage administration, social educator, psychologist

Invite pupils who violate discipline to the internal affairs bodies for individual conversations, summon pupils to KDN

During a year

Administration of the orphanage, Totemskiy ROVD, secretary of the KDN and ZP

When juvenile pupils commit administrative offenses, identify the reasons and conditions for their commission

As needed

Department of Internal Affairs, administration of a state institution, social educator, psychologist

To involve the staff of the PDN, the secretary of the commission on juvenile affairs to participate in the events held in the orphanage: classes of the circle "Teenager and the law", prof. games, Passport Awards, etc.

During a year

Orphanage administration

Conducting a week of interaction with the Totemsky District Department of Internal Affairs - meetings, excursions, joint competitions, competitions, contests, going to the shooting range

Administration of the orphanage, Head of the Totem District Department of Internal Affairs