A sample of filling out work books with comments. Filling out a work book

Employment book - form strict accountability. There are certain rules for filling out this document. From how correctly the entry is made in work book depends on whether it is valid or not.

General filling rules

Special requirements apply to how to fill out a work book. Exists special instruction dedicated to this aspect, which was approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation No. 69 of 10.10.2003. There are also special samples of entries in the work book that help specialists personnel department enter information correctly.

The general rules for filling look like this:

  • the document that became the basis for entering information must be indicated;
  • entries are made within 7 days after the preparation of the document that is the basis (this rule does not apply in case of dismissal of the employee);
  • the text of the entry must be brought into line with what is stated in the order or instruction;
  • dates are indicated using exclusively Arabic numerals (the entry in the labor must have the following format: dd.mm.yyyy);
  • words cannot be shortened, they must be written in full (this also applies to the grounds, references to the labor code);
  • making an entry in the work book, responsible person must acquaint the employee with it (a corresponding entry with the signature of the employee is also made in his personal card).

Let us consider how exactly specific records are made related to specific situations.

Sample entry in the labor: dismissal of one's own free will

Every person always wants the best. This also applies to working conditions. For some, changing jobs is the only way to improve their financial and sometimes mental health. In such a situation, a personnel worker makes an entry in the labor record about dismissal own will. For it to be valid, it is necessary to take into account all the nuances, draw it correctly.

Motives for dismissal

There can be many reasons for a person to leave. Sometimes it may depend on the motivation which entry will be made in the work book. If an employee retires, a corresponding entry must be made. In this case, the following wording is used: “the employee’s retirement due to old age”.

There are other motives in connection with which he makes a record of dismissal of his own free will. The most common ones sound like this:

  • device on new job;
  • opening your own business;
  • temporary rest;
  • disagreements with superiors.

In any of these situations, a specific reason is not recorded in the work book. This distinguishes cases from dismissal due to retirement age. Here, the personnel specialist simply makes an entry in the labor "of his own free will."

How to record correctly

The resignation record must have the following attributes:

  • serial number;
  • date of entry into the labor;
  • wording on dismissal / termination or termination of the employment contract at one's own request (reference is necessarily made to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, in this case to paragraph 3 of part 1 of article 77);
  • details of the order or instruction that became the basis (its date and number are affixed).

After that, the entry is certified by the responsible person (a specialist in the personnel department, the manager himself or an accountant), the organization's seal is affixed. The signature of the employee himself must be affixed under the record, which will indicate his familiarization with the document.

A personnel specialist can use a sample work book upon dismissal of his own free will. The entry is made as follows:

It is very important to enter all the data legibly and without abbreviations so that the entry is valid and the employer does not have to duplicate the work book.

Sample entry in the labor: dismissal due to staff reduction

Sometimes enterprises experience financial difficulties, which can be reduced by reducing the number of employees on the payroll. In this case, an entry is made in the labor record “dismissed due to staff reduction”. Correct design is not the only difficulty an employer may face. It is important not to violate the rights of the employee established by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

The nuances of dismissal by reduction

Labor law obliges the employer:

  • inform about the upcoming reduction at least 2 months before it;
  • try to find another position in your company, if possible, and offer to transfer;
  • pay all severance pay;
  • report the reduction in staff to the Trade Union;
  • make sure that the employee being laid off is not among those who cannot be dismissed in this way (for example, a woman in a position).

Only after all these procedures can an entry be made in the labor record when the employee is reduced.

If the employee himself, under pressure from the employer, agrees to voluntary resignation, then the entry contains the phrase “of his own free will”, and it does not mention the reduction in staff.

How to record correctly

For an entry to be valid, it must have the following attributes:

  • serial number;
  • date of issue of the document;
  • a record of dismissal indicating the reason - “reduction in the number of employees at the enterprise” (it must have a reference to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, namely clause 2, part 1, article 81);
  • order details.

After entering these data, the responsible person certifies the record with his signature, stamps the organization. Written familiarization of the employee is a prerequisite.

In order not to make mistakes when entering all the data, you should use a sample entry in the labor force reduction, which looks like this:

The employer must notify the supervisory authorities of the reductions in organizations. It must be remembered that wrong actions can lead not only to an obligation to pay former employee certain amounts, but also to an administrative fine.

Record in the labor: dismissal on liquidation of the enterprise

When an enterprise ceases to operate, management must draw up an order for the dismissal of all its employees. On its basis, an entry is made in the labor during the liquidation of the enterprise. It is important to do everything in accordance with the law.

Advance notice to employees

All employees of the enterprise must be notified of its liquidation in writing 2 months prior to immediate termination. Such a document may have an arbitrary form, but it must indicate:

  • when and why the employee will be fired;
  • what guarantees will the employee receive.

Upon liquidation, the employment contract is terminated with all categories of citizens, including pregnant women, minors. The grounds for their dismissal will be the same and official.

In order not to miss anything important, you need to carefully study the federal law No. 161-FZ of November 14, 2002 and the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (Articles 81, 140, 142 and 176).

Direct Entry

In order to correctly carry out the dismissal upon liquidation of the enterprise, the entry in the labor should be made on the basis of the following sample:

Its mandatory attributes will be: serial number, date of introduction. The basis will be the order on the need for dismissal in connection with the liquidation of the enterprise (its number and date are affixed). In the information column, an entry is made about the dismissal due to liquidation with a mandatory reference to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (clause 1, part 1, article 81).

The signature of the HR specialist or the employer and the seal of the organization are mandatory. Under the record, the employee signs, confirming familiarization with the decision.

Sample entry in the work book when renaming an organization

The name is a kind of identification code for any organization, which is why when renaming it, it is necessary to make an appropriate entry in the work book. Regardless of the reasons for such changes, a mark in this strict reporting form is mandatory, and it is affixed on the day the renaming order is issued.

Why is there such a need? Let's say a person got a job at Romashka LLC, which was later renamed Gerbera LLC. The admission record will be the first organization, and the dismissal - the second. The new employer will have a number of questions in this regard. You might think that some entries in the labor simply missed.

Entry procedure

To enter information into the form as accurately as possible, it is worth using a sample entry in the work book about renaming the organization. It looks like this:

In addition to the usual attributes in the form of an entry number, the date it was entered and the basis in the form of an order (with a date and number), a special entry will also be required, in which the following are necessarily written in order:

  • former name of the organization;
  • date of renaming;
  • "renamed to" entry;
  • new company name.

No reference to labor law is required. It is important to enter the data in the specified sequence, without interchanging them.

Sample entry in the work book when renaming a position

Some businesses may want or need to rename an employee's job title. Labor legislation provides for the possibility of transferring employees only in one of the following cases:

Making an entry in the work book in this case is not the only obligation of the employer. Changes must be made to the employment contract with the employee, staffing, personal card T-2. The employee must be warned about these rearrangements before drawing up an order and signing documents. They need to be compiled correctly, which is why many personnel specialists are looking for an example of renaming a position in a work book.

Features of making an entry

A position renaming record must have the following attributes:

  • serial number;
  • date of entry;
  • an indication that one profession has been renamed to another;
  • the basis for making an entry (with the number and date of the document).

A feature of such a record is that the official does not need to sign and seal (after all, the employee’s career at this place of work does not end). The employee does not have to sign under it either. A sample entry in the labor record about renaming a position is as follows:

It is important to correctly indicate the old and new job titles correctly, in accordance with the order, employment contract and job description worker.

Sample entry in the work book when renaming a department

Any active enterprise sooner or later undergoes some changes, be it the opening of a branch, the introduction of new positions. One of the important staff changes is the renaming of the department. Such changes are necessarily displayed in all internal documents, including personal cards of employees, staffing. It is very important to make a correct entry in the work book about the renaming of the department.

The instruction for filling out the work book does not give a clear setting on how to make an entry in the work book - to make an entry about the transfer to another department or about renaming the department.

When to record

Both options are valid, but in different situations:

  • if only the name of the department has changed, then it is more logical to make a note that the “Old name of the department” has been renamed to “The new name of the department” (this is due to the fact that no major changes were made to the employment contract);
  • if, in addition to the name, the composition and functions of the department have changed, then a record should be made of the transfer of the employee to another department.

In the latter case, an entry in the labor record about renaming the department is not appropriate, since the working conditions of the employee have changed significantly, which means that a new one must be drawn up. contract of employment. Registration of a translation in such a situation is a mandatory procedure.

Sample entry in the work book on the reception of the director

The work book is a mandatory document for all officials, including directors. But if everything is clear with who should fill it out for the rest of the employees, then questions about who and how makes an entry about the reception of the director in the work book appear quite often, even among personnel employees.

Employee or founder

How exactly to make an entry in the work book depends on the position of the higher official. The following situations are possible here:

  • the director is an employee:
  • The director is also a founder.

In the first case, hiring is displayed in the work book in the same way as for ordinary employees (the sample entry in the work book about the director’s admission will be exactly the same) - entry number, date of entry, entry for employment in the organization as a director, the basis, which is the order.

When it comes to electing one of the founders to the position CEO in the wording (specified in the information) you can write:

  • on appointment;
  • about being elected to office.

Both options will be correct. As a basis, it is no longer an order that is indicated, but the minutes of the meeting of the company's participants, indicating the number and date. Order data can also be specified, but this is optional. A sample of the design of the work book of the General Director when elected to a position looks like this:

The following persons have the right to make such an entry:

  • the CEO himself (very rare in practice);
  • one of the founders;
  • official authorized to do so.

Who signs the work book upon dismissal of the director

The procedure for processing all documents depends on whether the employee leaves his post on his own. Was no exception and the record of the dismissal of the CEO. We will consider each situation separately.

Voluntary dismissal

If the director made the decision to dismiss on his own, then he must prepare all the documents, including the order, on his own. This duty can be shifted to another employee, but if there is an appropriate official order.

If the director is the sole founder, then he will have no one to shift the responsibility for drawing up the order. If there are other business owners, the dismissal of the general director, including an entry in the work book, becomes the responsibility of one of the founders.

The mention of dismissal of one's own free will should also be in the work book. The director will have to affix his signature twice (if he fills out the form himself) - on behalf of the director and on behalf of the employee.

Dismissal of the director by the owners of the organization

Sometimes the director leaves not by himself and not due to the expiration of the employment contract, but by decision of the business owners. He must be notified of this in writing. How to dismiss the CEO, what should be the entry in the labor? After the issuance of the relevant order, an entry is made in the work book indicating the reason (date and number of the order) and the reason for dismissal.

It also requires a seal and signature. The director himself puts down his signature, testifying that he was acquainted with the entry made.

Sometimes specialists personnel service can make a mistake when filling out a work book. Not all of them can be fixed. It all depends on which section the mistake was made. If we are talking about information about work or awards, then you can make adjustments.

This means that it is possible to correct the date of dismissal in the work book. The sample of such an entry does not differ from the sample of invalidating the entry and entering the correct option.

Only the employer who dismissed the employee can recognize such a record as invalid. The new employer cannot do this, since he has no grounds for this, he will not be able to certify the new record. In order to avoid correcting entries in the work book after dismissal, the employee should carefully study it until the signature on familiarization is affixed.

If a person has already quit and is trying to get a new job, his new employer cannot refuse to accept him because of an incorrect entry. It is better for the employee himself to contact his former place of work and ask for corrections.

There are a number of fixes. An incorrect entry in the work book upon dismissal cannot be crossed out. It is left untouched, only a note is made about its invalidity. The new entry must have a serial number (the chronological order must not be broken), the date the changes were made, the correct reason and the reason (the order to terminate).

The correction is made in the same way as when eliminating other errors. Visually it looks like this:

Rewards and incentives are a great incentive for any employee. Such moments are pleasant for any person. In order to correctly fill out all the documents, you need to know what a sample award entry looks like in a work book. This aspect is very important, because if the data is entered incorrectly, the record may be invalidated.

What incentives should be recorded in the labor

Encouragement is always a pleasant episode in a person's life. Rewarding an employee is an opportunity, given to the employer. Such incentives must be recorded in work books. It remains only to find out what incentives are entered in the work book. This category includes:

  • valuable gifts;
  • thanks;
  • cash prizes;
  • placement of information about the employee on the board or in the book of honor.

This also includes state awards, certificates, insignia, diplomas and other rewards.

Recording an award

Information about incentives is entered in a special section. The entry procedure is standard. A serial number is affixed (but this section already has its own numbering, which is different from the numbering in the section on work), the date the information was entered, the nature of the award is prescribed and the document that became the basis for making this entry - this can be an order, resolution, for example. A sample of information about awards in a work book is as follows:

For any person who wants to move up the career ladder, the level of education is important. This information is located on the title page. Education in the work book is prescribed on the basis of supporting documents (certificate, diploma).

Over time, a person can undergo additional training, get a different education. An increase in its level should be reflected in the work book. And if, when changing the surname, it is crossed out, then when receiving a new education, the old record does not need to be touched. After all, a new entry does not cancel the previous information about education in the work book. A sample of correct filling in this case looks like this:

Can education information be corrected?

If an incorrect entry was made when starting a work book, then it is better to destroy it and fill out a new one. Legislation allows a citizen to start a new work book if it contains a single entry about work at an enterprise, and he has not worked there for more than 3 months.

The situation is somewhat more complicated if the form with the erroneous entry has already been transferred to a new employer. The sample “how to fix education in a work book” looks like this:

In this case, the incorrect entry is crossed out, the correct education is indicated. Already on the cover it is written on what basis the corrections were made (with the number and date of issue). Below is the signature of the official responsible for filling out the work books and the seal.

Record in the labor upon dismissal by agreement of the parties

Sometimes a person can be fired by agreement of the parties. The procedure for making such an entry is essentially no different from other entries upon dismissal. The peculiarity lies only in the very wording and reference to a specific part of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. How is it correct to dismiss by agreement of the parties, the entry in the work book is entered in this way?

Required documents

There is a special procedure for dismissal under this article. First, there are negotiations between the parties. If they manage to come to common decision an agreement is drawn up. After that, an order is created and an entry is made in the labor “by agreement of the parties”. The fill pattern looks like this:

Such a record has the usual attributes - serial number, date, base. The text itself contains a reference to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, namely to paragraph 1 of Art. 77.

The responsible person signs, seals, acquaints the employee, who also affixes his signature.

Record in the labor when transferring to a separate unit

The branch is not a legal entity other than the head office (Clause 3, Article 55 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). That is why, when an employee is sent there to work, an entry is made in the labor “transfer to separate subdivision". In this case, it will be impossible to make records of dismissal and admission, as this will be a mistake.

If the branch is located in another area, then this must also be written in the work book. You will have to indicate these data in the employment contract concluded with the employee, or make changes to it. The entry in the labor office on admission to a separate unit should look like this:

As you can see, the record is quite standard, it has a serial number, date, basis and the text of the information entered.


Despite the variety of possible entries in the work book, they all have much in common, but differ mainly only in wording.

Any organization certainly needs to have work books for everyone who works in it on an ongoing basis and for more than five days. HR staff note here all the important information about professional activity its owner - this is the requirement of the Labor Code and the sample and rules for filling out a work book, we will analyze in today's article.

It is allowed to make marks on the pages of the book with a blue pen (purple as an option) or black, the use of various kinds of abbreviations is considered a mistake.

Title page information:

  1. Name. It must be written in full form, as in the passport, without the use of abbreviated forms and initials. Data can be found in a passport, driving license, military ID and similar documents.
  2. Date of Birth. Arabic numerals are used to write it. When specifying the day and month, two ordinal numbers are used, and the year is written as four ordinal.
  3. Education. This line contains the level of education available, which can be secondary vocational, higher or other. Here you can enter information about the unfinished on this moment education. The data necessary for the correct completion of this paragraph should be taken from the documents provided by the employee.
  4. Speciality. Here enters the main working specialty of the owner of the book, received by him in educational institution. This information is also specified according to the documents on education provided.
  5. Date of completion. As a rule, an important date is fixed here - the day the first entry in the book was made. Feature specifying the date in this line - the month can be written in words, and this will not be considered an error.
  6. Signature of the owner of the book. Everything is clear here, the job seeker himself signs.
  7. The signature of the employee who deals with all issues related to the execution of such documents. There are options here. Ideally, the personnel department should be in charge of such things, respectively, the signatures in the books are made by his boss. However, not every company has its own personnel department, so often such responsibility is assigned to an accountant, or even to a manager.
  8. Seal. It confirms everything that was stated earlier. This may be the official seal of the company or its personnel department, if any.

Entering data about the main work

  1. Company name. It is written in the third column of the table, first in full, without abbreviations such as OOO, ZAO, etc., and then the abbreviated form of the name is additionally signed in brackets.
  2. Record number. The serial number of absolutely any job record is entered in the required column of the table, i.e., for example, at the first employment it will be the number “1”, when transferring it will be “2”, and so on. It is noteworthy that this figure is placed on the line following the name of the company, and the name itself forms a kind of "cap" over all subsequent marks.
  3. Date. The date of official registration for work is entered in the columns of the table specially designed for this purpose in Arabic numerals. As for the line, the information is located on the same line as the serial number of this entry.
  4. Job application record. It is written in the third column and begins on the same line that contains the date of the device for work. The name of the division of the company where the employee is accepted, and his position are indicated.
  5. Indication of the document that became the basis for the employment of the owner of the book. Usually they get an order to hire a new employee. This information is entered in the last column on the same line as the previous entry.

Entering information about part-time work

Sometimes it happens that an employee performs certain duties, combining them with his main job. Information about such labor initiative are recorded only at the request of the employee himself. If he has a desire and he asked to make a mark in the book, then the procedure for entering data will be similar to that described earlier, only the name of the organization does not need to be written a second time.

Transfer to another unit or change of position

It happens that an employee is transferred for further work to another department or changes position. Naturally, such changes in his career path must be fixed in the labor.

  1. Record number. A new milestone in labor is marked, of course, with a new number in a row.
  2. Date. Arabic numerals the date of the official translation is written.
  3. A record of a transfer or a new position. In the third column, the name of the unit is written, where the owner of the labor is transferred, and his new position.
  4. Basis for translation. The last column of the table contains the data of the transfer order.

Entering information about the dismissal

The dismissal of an employee is a reason for another entry into the labor force, and it must be done on time, since on the final working day it must be returned to the owner. Delay in such a matter may threaten with a fine and compensation for an employee who has stopped working in this organization.

  1. Serial number. Dismissal is another entry, and it must have its number in the column intended for this.
  2. Date. The date of the final working day is indicated here - it is she who is considered the date of the final dismissal. Naturally, the numbers must be Arabic.
  3. Causes. In the third column, where the position and place of work are recorded, you need to make a note about the reason for dismissal, not forgetting to refer to desired article TK. For example, if the dismissal was preceded by the immediate desire of the employee, one must refer to Article 77, paragraph 3.
  4. Base. The last column contains the data of that document (usually an order for dismissal), on the basis of which the dismissal occurred.
  5. Seal. After completing all the records, you need to seal them, as well as the signature of the head of the company or other authorized person. The resigned employee also signs, and the dismissal can be considered completed.

Making corrections

Sometimes errors occur when writing down various information in the worksheet, for example, instead of "senior engineer" it is simply written "engineer". The error, of course, needs to be corrected, we have already written a more detailed article about. It is forbidden to cross out and gloss over anything, and there is only one way to correct it - to invalidate the erroneously indicated data:

  1. Number . The number of the next record is put down.
  2. Date. The date from which the erroneous entry will be considered invalid is recorded.
  3. In the third column, the following text is written "Entry under No. _ is invalid."
  4. A new record is made with up-to-date and correct information, for which its serial number and date are also affixed.

Correctly fill out the work book- a sample for this should be in the personnel department of each organization. If the company is the first employer of a specialist, it is obliged to create a work book for him, which means that it must correctly fill out the necessary sections. However, even when a person with experience comes to the company, it is important for the employer to monitor the relevance of the information contained in the book, as well as make appropriate entries. How to do it correctly, we will tell in our article.

Filling out a work book: general rules

By general rule An employee entering a job for the first time must have a work book. Moreover, the obligation to establish and fill out a work book is assigned to the first employer (Article 65 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

NOTE! If a company hires a person under a civil law contract, then the institution and filling out a work book is not required, even if the employee does not have one.

In the future, when an employee quits and goes to get a new job, he must transfer his work book to the new employer, and he will continue to make the appropriate entries in it.

Therefore, any company should know how to fill out a work book correctly.

The main requirements and procedure for filling out work books are enshrined in the Rules for maintaining and storing work books (approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 16.04.2003 No. 225), as well as in the Instructions for filling out work books (approved by Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of 10.10.2003 No. 69).

What exactly is important for a company to know?

1. In the work book, you need to record any changes in the career position of the employee (increased official position, transferred to another division/department, awarded, etc.).

2. Entries in the work book must be in Russian. However, if, where the organization operates (for example, in a national republic), in addition to Russian, another language is additionally adopted, then in the work book it is also possible to make a duplicate entry of the facts of the specialist’s biography in this language (clause 6 of Regulation No. 225).

3. You should follow the implementation of some technical requirements. So, all the facts of the labor biography should be reflected in the book without any abbreviations, in strict chronological sequence with continuous numbering. There is even a special requirement regarding the type and color of the pen with which the company fills out the work book: fountain or gel, blue or purple (clause 1.1 of Instruction No. 69, clause 11 of Rule No. 225).

Are we waiting for electronic work books? Answer .

An example of filling out a work book: information about an employee

So, the “starting” information about the employee is entered into the work book by his first employer. What is this information? This is the surname, name, patronymic, date of birth, education of the employee at the time of the establishment of the work book. All this information must be entered in the appropriate columns of the title page.

On the tax consequences for the employer when issuing a work book, see the material “The Ministry of Finance recalled how to deal with VAT and profit when issuing work books” .

NOTE! The organization fills in such columns based on the original supporting documents provided by the employee (passport or other identification document, diploma of education, etc.). But if the employee for some reason cannot provide the originals, then the company has the right to fill out the title page of the work book and on the basis of copies that must be notarized.

After all the specified information about the employee has been entered in the work book, it is necessary to complete the filling procedure. To do this, the company puts down the date of completion on the title page and personally demonstrates to the employee the information that was entered in the book. Further, the employee, if all the information entered is correct, must put his signature on the title page, after which the representative of the personnel department signs on the same sheet. At this point, information about the employee is considered entered.

After filling out the work book remains in the personnel department of the employing company.

However, if any “starting” information about the employee has changed (for example, the last name or first name has changed), then the company must update the information in the work book. To do this, cross out the old data and enter new ones (if the changes relate to the name, surname or patronymic of the specialist). If the changes relate to education / profession, then you should simply add the current information to the work book as an additional entry immediately after the previous data (paragraphs 2.3–2.4 of Instruction No. 69).

How to fill out a work book in terms of information about work

"Starting" information, as mentioned above, is entered into the work book once, and then only updated if necessary.

However, the main content of the document in question is not information about the education of the employee and his personality; this is information about the places where he worked at various periods of his life.

To fix this kind of information in the work book, a section "Information about work" is provided. Consider how to fill out this section in the work book. Information about work begins to be filled in by the first employer of the specialist and in the future with each transition to a new organization, as well as with each change in the official (career) position of the employee.

This section is reflected as general information about the place where the employee works, and specific information about his position, functions performed. In addition, if there is a transfer of an employee from one structural unit of the company to another or dismissal from the company, then this fact is also reflected in this section.

The section itself consists of 4 columns.

The first of them should indicate the sequence number of the event. The second column is intended to indicate the date when such an event took place. The content of the fact of the employee's work biography is reflected in the third column. There, the employer indicates (in the case of hiring a new specialist) the full and abbreviated names, as well as what position and in which department he was enrolled.

For the correct indication of the name of the company, see the article "Rostrud allowed to "stamp" work books" .

The fourth column serves to document the reliability of the reflected event. Here the company indicates on the basis of which document, for example, the order of the head, the specialist was enrolled in the staff of the organization. At the same time, the main details of such a document should be written in this column (clause 3.1 of Instruction No. 69).

NOTE! If the new employee before joining the company, he managed to serve in the army, then immediately before the record of admission to the staff of the company, the years and place of his service should also be indicated (clause 21 of Regulation No. 225). In this case, a military ID acts as a supporting document. A similar rule applies in the case when the employee took any advanced training courses before employment.

In the above algorithm, all facts of the change of the main place by the employee should be recorded labor activity as well as his career advancement. In addition, information about the work of a part-time specialist with another employer may also be reflected here. How to fill out a work book when working part-time is indicated in paragraph 20 of Rules No. 225. According to them, it is the main employer who must enter information about part-time work with another employer into the work book (paragraph 20 of Rules No. 225). To do this, the employee needs to request from the second, non-primary, employer a correctly executed document confirming the work with him as a part-time job.

Along with what is indicated in the work book, there is another section for reflecting information about the work of a specialist - “Information about the award”, which also consists of 4 columns and the filling procedure of which, in fact, is similar to the algorithm for making entries in the section “Information about work”. In this section, the company indicates the facts of awarding the employee state awards, titles, certificates, etc.

If the employee leaves the company, then this fact is also recorded in the work book in the "Information about work" section. At the same time, it is necessary to indicate (in column 3) on the basis of which (the reason and the corresponding norm) the employment contract was terminated. For instance: " Labor contract terminated by agreement of the parties, paragraph 1 of part 1 of article 77 of the Labor Code Russian Federation».

IMPORTANT! The record of the dismissal of a specialist must be dated by his last working day (clause 5.1 of Instruction No. 69).

At the same time, the employer should remember that if the reason for the dismissal was the grounds in connection with which the employee has any benefits, then such grounds should also be listed in column 3 when making an entry about the departure of a specialist from the company (for example, resigns due to the departure for a child under 14).

For information on the order in which the work book is returned to the employee upon dismissal, see the article .

How to fill out a work book correctly: sample-2018

Above, the basic rules and approaches to filling out a work book were reflected, regardless of the type of activity of a specialist and the nature of the work performed.

To understand how to fill out a work book correctly, you can download a sample on our website.


The procedure for filling out a work book is regulated in detail by Instruction No. 69 and Rules No. 225. In order to know how to fill out a work book correctly, the personnel department needs to familiarize itself with these documents, study the provisions and norms given in them - both technical and substantive. In particular, when filling out work books, the legislator requires to put down a through numbering of the events entered, to record entries in Russian, etc. The main substantive requirement is to reflect absolutely all the facts from the employee’s work biography, leading both to career advancement and to a change of place of work. At the same time, it is important to monitor the reliability of such facts. Namely: to make entries in the work book only on the basis of original documents or notarized copies.

Most often, they begin to remember the work book either when they are enrolled in the state for a new job or when a dismissal occurs. Of course, if you do not take into account cases of advanced training, job changes, etc. Leaving a position can be caused by the desire of the authorities, or it can happen due to own initiative. It is important to understand how entries are made there for several reasons, since the correctness of the entry can affect the further employment of the employee. It is a big misconception that all layoffs are treated equally. Leaving work precisely at the request of the employee has its own specific record, which contains a mandatory reference to a specific law and so on.

What does it mean to enter information about dismissal in the work book when the employee is the initiator of the departure?

Most often, layoffs occur precisely on the personal initiative of the employee of the organization. Based on this, it is worthwhile to figure out what the corresponding entry looks like, which is entered in the work book, regarding the current labor legislation. It can appear in the book either on the same day when the dismissal occurred, or when the order from the authorities came out, with the exception of the moment when the actual last working day differs in date. Such situations very rarely occur, and usually they are prescribed in the contract. All instructions on how to enter information in the book are in Labor Code. This means that only a blue, red or lilac pen is allowed, the type of pen does not really matter. Although it is difficult to make a mistake at this point, even the wrong color of the entry can invalidate it. No abbreviations in these entries are allowed, because the text is required to be easily recognized and readable, otherwise its meaning may be distorted. This entry must correspond to the wording that is present in the dismissal order, and the importance of referring to the Labor Code has already been mentioned. It is in the interests of the terminated employee to check that new information in the labor was correct, and if an inaccuracy is found, it must be corrected immediately.

Not only the specific text of the entry is subject to verification, but also other important points such as signatures and stamps. Both parties must sign. When the date of leaving work or the date of the document on this decision comes, the employee will be issued an already completed work book. If you do not take into account some special cases, then the issuance of a work book is just a sign that the employee no longer works in the organization.

The rules for issuing a book may vary depending on the situation, but most often it looks like this:

  1. In the first field, which is located on the left, you should always indicate information about the number of the record being performed.
  2. The adjacent field should contain a date that will correspond to the date the book was issued or the date when the order was issued on this decision.
  3. It is the third field that is the most significant, since it is it that provides information about the reasons for leaving work and additional explanations of the act, if necessary.
  4. The completion of the process is the indication of the relevant order, the date of compilation and its serial number.

Questions can arise only on the third field. If we consider the dismissal of one's own free will in 2016, after the number and date, something like the following can be written: "Dismissed on his own initiative." Although the sentence sometimes begins with the entry "Employment contract or contract has been terminated." Next, the reason for the action is indicated, for example, due to the fact that there was or will be a transfer of the spouse to work in another city. The entry ends with a reference to the third paragraph of the first part of Article 77, relating to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, but without abbreviations. There is no strict form here, that is, certain phrases may differ. The entry is considered correct: The employment contract terminated at the initiative of the employee due to such and such a reason. The link to the law still remains. You can also write this: The employment contract at the request of the employee was terminated in connection with the transfer to a specific organization. Only now the law to which it is necessary to refer is changing. You need to write about the fifth paragraph of the first part of Article 77, relating to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. It is important to write by hand at the end of the entry “Familiarized”.

It is considered a big mistake to refer to the provisions of Article 80. Either due to negligence, or due to low qualifications, personnel officers may believe that when making an entry, you can also refer there, arguing that there are also provisions for termination there, and precisely at the request of the employee. You cannot do this, as such a link invalidates the entry.