Purposeful systematic systematic perception of the process. Theme Perception

General characteristics of perception

Perception as action

Types of perception

Basic properties of perception

General characteristics of perception

Perception (perception) is the reflection in the human mind of objects and phenomena in the totality of their properties and parts with their direct impact on the senses.

In the course of perception, there is an ordering and unification of individual sensations into integral images of things and events. Unlike sensations, which reflect the individual properties of the stimulus, perception reflects the object as a whole, in the aggregate of its properties. Perception is associated with awareness, understanding, comprehension of objects, phenomena, with their assignment to a certain category according to the corresponding signs, grounds. Only by including an object or phenomenon in a certain system, covering it with an appropriate concept, can we correctly interpret it.

Thus, perception acts as a meaningful (including decision-making), signified (associated with speech) synthesis of various sensations received from integral objects or complex phenomena perceived as a whole. Since perception is a sensory stage of cognition, it is associated with thinking, has a motivational orientation, and is accompanied by an emotional response. It is on the basis of perception that the activity of memory, thinking, and imagination is possible. The perception of a person is a necessary prerequisite and condition for his life and practical activity.

Perception as action

Perception is a kind of action aimed at examining the perceived object and creating its copy, likeness.

Perception is a complex cognitive activity, including a whole system of perceptual actions that allow you to detect the object of perception, identify it, measure it, evaluate it (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1. Perceptual actions

Their composition depends on the degree of meaningfulness of perception, i.e. from the understanding of what is perceived, and from the nature of the perceptual task facing the person, i.e. on why and for what purpose a person is looking or listening at the moment.

Types of perception

Allocate different kinds perception (Fig. 2).

Intentional perception x characterized by the fact that it is based on a consciously set goal. It is connected with the willpower of a person.

It is known that one of the forms of intentional perception is observation - a deliberate, purposeful, systematic, systematic and long-term perception of objects and phenomena of reality, people and oneself.

Rice. 2. Classification of perception

The specialist performing the observation must take into account the peculiarities of the individual type of perception (analytical, synthetic, analytical-synthetic, emotional). So, for observers of the synthetic type, a generalized reflection and definition of the main meaning of what is happening are characteristic. They do not see the details because they do not attach importance to them.

People of the analytical type tend to highlight when observing, first of all, details, particulars, but understanding the general meaning of phenomena causes great difficulties for them. General view about an object, an event, they often replace it with a thorough analysis of individual actions, details, while being unable to single out the main thing.

People of the emotional type of perception tend to express their feelings caused by the observed phenomena as soon as possible, but are unable to highlight its essence. A person of this type of perception, observing an object, first of all notices what affects his emotional sphere, and does not try to understand the features of the object itself.

Unintended Perception- this is such a perception in which objects of the surrounding reality are perceived without a specially set task, when the process of perception is not associated with the volitional efforts of a person.

Organized Perception(observation) is an organized, purposeful, systematic perception of objects or phenomena of the surrounding world.

Disorganized perception- this is an unintentional perception of the surrounding reality.

Simultaneous perception- one act.

Successive perception step by step, sequential.

The perception of man by man(social perception) is an extremely complex phenomenon. It usually has two aspects: cognitive(cognitive) - the ability to understand by external manifestation what a person is, to penetrate into the depth of his personality, individuality and emotional- the ability to determine by external behavioral signs the emotional state in which a person is at the moment, the ability to empathize, or empathy.

The perception of a person by a person is essential in testimony. Depending on the importance people attach to various personality traits, they relate to each other in different ways, experience different feelings and, when giving testimony, bring to the fore one or another individual side of the other person.

Perception of space plays an important role in the interaction of a person with the environment, is a necessary condition for orienting a person in it. It is a reflection of an objectively existing space and includes the perception of the shape, size and relative position of objects, their relief, remoteness and direction in which they are located (Fig. 3).

Rice. 3. Perception of space

The perception of the shape, volume and size of objects is carried out with the help of visual, tactile and kinesthetic analyzers. The perception of form requires the selection of an object from the background, and this, in turn, often requires the selection of a contour, i.e. the boundaries of the spatial elements of the figure, differing in brightness, color, texture.

The perceived size of objects is determined by the size of their image on the retina and the distance from the eyes of the observer. The adaptation of the eye to a clear vision of objects at different distances is carried out using two mechanisms: accommodation (change in the refractive power of the lens by changing its curvature) and convergence (convergence of visual axes on a fixed object).

The perception of depth and distance of objects is carried out in the form of monocular and binocular vision. Monocular vision (with the help of one eye due to a change in the thickness of its lens) allows you to correctly estimate distances, however, within very limited limits. The perception of depth and distance of objects is carried out mainly through binocular vision (using two eyes) and the convergence that accompanies it.

As objects move away from the observer, their image on the retina decreases. An example of linear perspective is the apparent convergence in the distance of parallel railroad rails, etc. Aerial perspective is that the light and color reflected by objects are distorted to a certain extent under the influence of layers of air.

The phenomena of erroneous or distorted perception are called perceptual illusions. Illusions are observed in any kind of perception (visual, auditory, etc.). The nature of illusions is determined not only by subjective reasons, such as orientation, attitude, emotional attitude, etc., but also by physical factors and phenomena.

Perception of time there is a reflection of the duration, the sequence of the phenomena of reality, as well as the pace and rhythm (Fig. 4).

Rice. 4. Perception of time

Reflecting the objective reality, the perception of time gives a person the opportunity to navigate in the environment. Time perception is based on the rhythmic change of excitation and inhibition. Its dynamics constitutes the physiological basis of the perception of time. The perception of the sequence of phenomena is based on their clear division and the objectively existing replacement of some phenomena by others, and is also associated with ideas about the present. Once perceived, a phenomenon remains in memory in the form of a representation of it. If it is then re-perceived, then this perception evokes in our memory the idea of ​​the former, which is recognized as the past.

A number of factors influence the perception of the sequence of events:

    perceptual attitude of the subject, expressed in his readiness to perceive events;

    objective ordering of events, manifested in the natural organization of stimuli;

    the ordering of events by the subject himself using a certain sequence of events that have some signs that are significant for the subject.

The perception of time changes depending on the emotional state. Positive emotions give the illusion of a fast passage of time, negative ones - subjectively stretch time intervals somewhat.

The perception of tempo is a reflection of the speed with which individual stimuli succeed each other in a process taking place in time.

The perception of rhythm is a reflection of the uniform alternation of stimuli, their regularity when objects and phenomena of objective reality act on our senses. Rhythm perception is usually accompanied by motor accompaniment. The sense of rhythm is basically motor in nature.

Movement perception is a reflection of the change in the position that objects occupy in space (Fig. 5).

Rice. 5. Movement perception

The main role in the perception of movement is played by visual and kinesthetic analyzers. The motion parameters of an object are speed, direction and acceleration. Observing the movement, first of all, they perceive its nature (flexion, extension, repulsion, etc.); shape (rectilinear, curvilinear, circular, etc.); amplitude (full, incomplete); direction (right, left, up, down); speed (fast or slow movement); acceleration (uniform, accelerating, slowing down, intermittent movement).

Observation is a purposeful systematic perception of objects, in cognition

which the individual is interested in, is the most developed form

intentional perception. Surveillance is highly active


A person does not perceive everything that caught his eye, but singles out

the most important and interesting for him. Differentiating objects, the observer

organizes perception in such a way that these objects do not slip out of the field


The systematic nature of purposeful perception allows us to trace

phenomenon in development, note its qualitative, quantitative, periodic

changes. Active thinking included in observation helps to separate the main

from the minor, the important from the accidental, helps to more clearly differentiate

items. Perception, attention, thinking and speech are combined when observed in

single process of mental activity.

The act of observation reveals the extreme stability of arbitrary

attention. It allows the observer to produce for a long time

observation, and if necessary, repeat it repeatedly.

Observation reveals the inner activity of the individual. It is closely related to

features of the mind, feelings and will of man. However, their ratio in observation

will be different depending on the objectives of the observation, on the qualities of the observer himself.

Therefore, in some cases, observation will be predominantly intellectual

expressiveness, and in others - emotional or volitional aspiration.

When a person studies the development of a phenomenon or notes changes in objects

perception, then there is a need for observation. Observation begins with

task setting. Based on the observation tasks that have arisen, a detailed

plan for it. This makes it possible to foresee various aspects of the observed

phenomena, to avoid chance, spontaneity of perception.

Observation presupposes the preliminary preparation of the observer, the presence of

certain knowledge, skills, mastery of the method of work.

Observation is the ability to notice characteristic, but barely noticeable features.

objects and phenomena. It is acquired in the process of systematic studies by any

business and therefore is associated with the development of the professional interests of the individual.

The relationship of observation and observation reflects the relationship between mental

processes and personality traits. Cultivating observation as self

mental activity and as a method of cognition of reality is the basis

development of observation as a personality trait.

Observation is purposeful, systematic, systematic perception the process of development of objects and phenomena in the form in which they exist in nature and society in natural conditions. Scientific observation is characterized by: a concept, a predetermined plan, a specific goal, the use of special tools and measuring instruments, keeping records, etc. Observation does not involve intervention in the process being studied. This shortcoming is overcome by experiment.

An experiment is a purposeful study of a phenomenon under specially created and precisely taken into account conditions, when it is possible to monitor the course of its change and actively influence it using various means. In the process of conducting an experiment, various devices, tools, special devices, and computer technology are widely used.

The experiment can be repeated, this is a more effective method of scientific research, allowing you to study not only what immediately catches your eye, but also what is often hidden in the depths of the phenomenon.

There are two main types of experiment: natural and model. If in the first case the subject under study is in natural conditions, which change in accordance with a certain program, then in the second case the real object is replaced by a model.

The scientific facts obtained in observation and experiment are subjected to analysis and synthesis. Analysis is the mental division of the subject under study into its constituent elements in order to study its structure and internal connections. Synthesis is the process of mental connection of the parts of an object dissected in the course of analysis, the establishment of interaction and connections of parts and the knowledge of this object as a whole. In order to study an aircraft, it is first necessary to get acquainted in detail with each of its systems (fuel, air, hydraulic, oxygen, electrical, etc.) separately, and then comprehend all this as a whole.

Analysis and synthesis are closely related, mutually presuppose and complement each other. Otherwise, they lose their cognitive value.

Comparison is one of the universal operations that allows you to establish the difference between similar and similarity between different

objects, their properties and relationships by applying a series of abstractions.

Abstraction is the mental isolation of individual features, properties and relationships of a particular object that are of interest to us in order to cognize them in a "pure" form (in abstraction from other features, properties and relationships). The objective basis of abstraction is the relative independence of the properties, aspects and relationships of objects, which allows them to be mentally singled out. Generalization is a mental selection of similar (common) features, properties and relationships inherent in the class of objects under consideration. As a rule, essential properties and connections are generalized, and on the basis of this, there is a transition from the singular to the general, from the less general to the more general.

Abstraction and generalization are often used together with historical and logical methods. The historical method is a mental reproduction of the emergence, development and death of a particular subject under certain conditions and details. This method reveals the sequence of formation and development of the subject under study. The logical method is a generalized reflection of the historical development of the subject in its essential, necessary connections and relationships. The logical is the historical, corrected, cleansed of accidents, and incorporating the universal.

Both of these methods are in dialectical unity, since the historical method is unthinkable without a certain logical generalization, and the logical method of research, carried out in accordance with the laws that the actual historical process itself gives, is nothing but the same historical method, only freed from historical form and from interfering accidents.

Formalization and modeling methods play an important role in scientific knowledge. Formalization is a way of mentally connecting objects that are different in content based on the similarity of their forms. In other words, the form of an object becomes an independent object of study, on the basis of which it is possible to detect the similarity of objects that are different in content. The use of special symbols in the process of formalization makes it possible to briefly and unambiguously fix the knowledge gained in the form of certain signs. This is especially valuable in the process of using a computer.

Concretization and interpretation are operations that are opposite to abstraction and formalization, providing a transition from abstract concepts and definitions to concrete objects, from abstract schemes to their objective meaning.

Modeling is a material or mental reproduction of the properties, functions and relationships of the subject under study on a specially created model for the purpose of studying it. A model is an object that resembles the original in certain respects and serves as a means of fixing the known and obtaining new information about the subject being studied. Modeling is used not only as a means of obtaining new information about the subject under study, but also as a means of testing hypotheses in science.

The answers to tasks 1–20 are a number, or a sequence of numbers, or a word (phrase). Write your answers in the fields to the right of the task number without spaces, commas or other additional characters.


Write down the missing word in the table.

Characteristics of methods of cognition


In the given series, find the concept that is generalizing for all the other concepts presented. Write down this word (phrase).

Reform; revolution; social dynamics; evolution; social regression.


Below is a list of terms. All of them, with the exception of two, relate to the concept of "social control".

1) remark, 2) sanction, 3) social norm, 4) political ideology, 5) condemnation, 6) material culture.

Find two terms that "fall out" of the general series, and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.


Select correct judgments about the activities and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1. Activities are related to meeting the needs of a person, a social group, society as a whole.

2. Creative activity is inherent in both man and animal.

3. As a result labor activity material and spiritual values ​​are created.

4. The same type of activity can be called with different motives of people.

5. The structure of activity implies the existence of a goal and means to achieve it.


Establish a correspondence between the distinctive features and types of societies: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.


Artyom and Igor Chaika wrote a book about corruption. On what grounds can the content of the book be classified as scientific knowledge? Write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1. All conclusions are theoretically substantiated.

2. The book is difficult for independent study by a non-professional.

4. Evidence is given to confirm the truth of the hypotheses.

5. The book was printed by a major publishing house.

6. The entire circulation of the book was sold out within one month.


Choose the correct judgments about securities and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1. The action is a certificate of a cash deposit in a bank with the bank's obligation to return this deposit and interest on it after a specified period.

2. A security certifying ownership of a share in the capital of an enterprise and giving the right to receive part of the enterprise's profit is called a share.

3. Securities There are nominal and bearer.

4. The bill gives its owner the right to participate in the management of the company and receive dividends.

5. The bond gives the owner the right to demand its redemption in deadlines.


Boris Mikhailovich owns a car and a land plot and periodically pays the appropriate taxes. Establish a correspondence between examples and elements of the tax structure: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.


The owner of the company draws up a business plan for the development of his enterprise. Which of the following can he use as external sources of business financing? Write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1. improvement of production technologies

2. issue and placement of shares of the enterprise

3. Increasing productivity

4. income from the sale of the company's products

5. attracting loans

6. tax deductions



Choose the correct statements about social stratification and write down the numbers under which they are indicated

1. The concept of "social stratification" refers to any changes taking place in society.

2. Social stratification involves the division of society into social strata by combining different social positions with approximately the same social status.

3. Sociologists identify the following criteria for social stratification: income, power.

4. Social stratification involves the allocation of social strata depending on the personal qualities of a person.

5. The prestige of a profession as a criterion of social stratification is associated with social attractiveness, respect in society for certain professions, positions, occupations.


During sociological survey 25-year-old and 50-year-old citizens of country Z were asked the question: “Who read books to you as a child?”. (Any number of answers). The results of the surveys (in % of the number of respondents) are shown in the diagram.

Find in the list of conclusions that can be drawn from the diagram, and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1. The proportion of those to whom parents read books in childhood is greater among 50-year-olds than among 25-year-olds.

2. Equal shares of the respondents in each group had books read by their grandmother/grandfather in their childhood.

3. Among 25-year-olds, those to whom other relatives read books in childhood are fewer than those to whom educators read books in childhood. kindergarten.

4. Among 50-year-olds, those to whom grandparents read books in childhood are more than those to whom kindergarten teachers read books.

5. The proportion of those who found it difficult to answer among 50-year-olds is less than among 25-year-olds.


Select the correct judgments about political (state) regimes and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1. The signs of a political regime include the order of distribution of power between various social forces and political organizations expressing their interests.

2. The type of political regime is determined by the state of freedoms and human rights in society, the state of relations with the bureaucracy (bureaucratic apparatus), the dominant type of legitimacy in society.

3. The signs of a political regime include the mechanisms of power, the way of functioning government agencies, procedures for selecting ruling groups and political leaders.

4. The presence of a professional administrative apparatus (bureaucracy) distinguishes a totalitarian regime from a democratic one.

5. The regime of any type (kind) is characterized by the implementation of the principle of separation of powers.


Establish a correspondence between powers and subjects state power RFs exercising these powers: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.


Citizen A. was elected governor of region Z. He pays great attention protection of the rights and freedoms of citizens, development of civil society institutions. In communication, he is friendly, open to criticism. What characteristics relate to the type of political leadership in this situation? Write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1. regional

2. nationwide

3. democratic

6. charismatic


Which of the following do you attribute to the constitutional duties of a citizen of the Russian Federation? Write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1. choice of profession, type of activity

2. defense of the Fatherland

3. appeal to public authorities

4. participation in the elections of the President of the Russian Federation

5. conservation of nature and environment


Choose the correct judgments about procedural law and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1. Branches of procedural law directly regulate public relations, in which the main emphasis is on establishing the rights and obligations of subjects.

2. The parties in civil proceedings are the plaintiff and the accused.

3. By general rule The claim is filed in the court of the defendant's place of residence.

4. Administrative jurisdiction may be exercised by judges, commissions for the affairs of minors and the protection of their rights, internal affairs bodies (police), tax authorities, Customs, military commissariats, etc.

5. Criminal proceedings are carried out on the basis of the adversarial nature of the parties to the prosecution and defense.


Establish a correspondence between legal forms and types legal entities: for each position given in the first column, match the corresponding position from the second column.


Leonid, a medical university graduate, found a job as a doctor. For conclusion employment contract he brought documents military registration and work book. What other documents Labor Code RF, Leonid must present to the employer? Write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1. certificate of registration of ownership of the dwelling

2. insurance certificate of state pension insurance

3. an extract from the financial and personal account

4. tax notice

5. passport or other identity document

6. diploma higher education

Read the text below with a number of words missing. Choose from the proposed list of words that you want to insert in place of the gaps.


“Legal responsibility is a measure of state coercion for the committed __________ (A), associated with the perpetrator suffering certain __________ (B) of a personal (organizational) or property nature. Legal liability is one of the means to ensure __________(B). It is associated with state coercion, which is understood as __________ (D) to oblige the subject against his will and desire to perform certain actions. In the presence of the fact of an offense __________ (D) (or body) obliges a person (or organization) to undergo certain adverse consequences. Along with legal responsibility, such types of state coercion as preventive measures __________ (E), protective measures are singled out.

Words (phrases) in the list are given in the nominative case. Each word (phrase) can only be used once.

Choose sequentially one word (phrase) after another, mentally filling in each gap. Please note that there are more words (phrases) in the list than you need to fill in the gaps.

List of terms:

1. deprivation

2. possibility state

3. illegal behavior

4. public opinion

5. offense

6. guilt

7. lawful conduct

8. public danger

9. authorized person

Part 2.

First write down the task number (28, 29, etc.), and then a detailed answer to it. Write your answers clearly and legibly.

Read the text and complete tasks 21-24.

“The ability of the state to be effective largely depends on the principles of organization of the institutions of legislative, executive and judicial power.

When forming the institutions of the state, these principles are combined in various volumes with the principle of separation of powers into legislative, executive and judicial. Depending on the procedure for isolating the majority of the people and whether the right of legal investment (the right to form, control and dissolve the government) belongs to either the parliament or the president, the majority principle gives rise to two institutional types of democracy - parliamentary and presidential. The legislative and executive branches of government can be organized on the principle of either a clear separation, or the absence of a strict separation of powers. The application of this principle of organizing the branches of government depends on the form of government.

The parliamentary form of the political system does not provide for a clear separation of powers. The popular majority is determined on the basis of unified system voting - election of deputies of parliament. The formation of the executive power is carried out indirectly: the head of government and cabinet members are elected by parliamentarians. Therefore, the separation of powers is indirectly carried out after the formation of the government. The leader who receives the support of the majority in parliament becomes the head of the executive branch. The government relies on the support of parliament, is controlled by it and is dismissed. Pluralism of interests and the rights of the minority is defended by the legally operating opposition. Great Britain provides a classic example of a parliamentary form of government. The leading role in shaping the domestic and foreign policy of the country is played by the prime minister, who has broad powers. He rules through parliament, which determines his influence.

The presidential form of political structure implies a strict separation of powers already at the election stage, provides for the legislative and executive branches of power to have their own independent electorate, therefore, in countries with a similar form of government, there is a dual voting system. The presidential republic is based on the direct election of the parliament and the head of the executive branch by the citizens through national elections. Then the president appoints members of the cabinet (government), directs its activities. He is responsible directly to the people. The dual voting system provides equal legitimacy to the executive and legislative branches of government.

The United States is a typical example of a presidential model of democracy.

The choice of a parliamentary or presidential form of government determines the structure of the institutions of power, the technology for the implementation of the will of power. Paradoxical as it may seem, the parliamentary model strengthens the executive power, while the presidential republic strengthens the power of the parliament. In the parliamentary model, the main functions of the parliament are to form the government, control it and dissolve it. Otherwise, the influence of the legislature is limited. The powers of the government are significant, including legislative initiatives, and the possibilities of its influence are due to the support of the parliamentary majority.

In the presidential form of government, the parliament has independent powers and rules along with the president. The presidential model does not require compromise or disagreement between the executive branch and the parliamentary majority. The parliamentary majority can play the role of opposition to the president and thus restrain him. The situation is different in parliamentary republics: since the government is efficient only if a coalition of the parliamentary majority is created, the importance of compromises between legislators and the government is significant in the parliamentary model.

In order not to identify the executive and legislative branches of power, restraining principles were created in Western countries in the form of a system of the rule of law, in which political institutions, groups, individuals act within the framework of law, respect and obey it.

Sometimes in the literature this regime is called the regime of legal democracy. However, it seems that the differences between regimes based on majoritarian and legal principles are rather arbitrary, since Western democracies in all their varieties are a creation of law.

(R. T. Mukhaev)

Show answer

  1. An indicator of effectiveness is indicated: the ability of the state to be effective largely depends on the principles of organization of the institutions of legislative, executive and judicial power.
  2. Two principles are named.

Modern Western democracies are based on two principles: the majority principle, according to which power belongs to the majority of the people, and legal principle, meaning the rule of law, equal responsibility of government and citizens before the law.

Elements of the answer can be given in other formulations that are close in meaning.

Name two criteria for the formation of two types of democracy. What underlies this formation? Explain the role of the principle of separation of powers in this process.

Show answer

  1. Criteria: "Depending on the procedure for separating the popular majority and whether the right of legal investiture (the right to form, control and dissolve the government) belongs to either the parliament or the president."
  2. Reason: the principle of separation of powers.

Elements of the answer can be given in other formulations that are close in meaning.

There is no answer to the second question in the text, the task is aimed at attracting knowledge.

Firstly, the principle of separation of powers is the basis for the formation of democracy, as it ensures democracy through parliamentary representatives, taking into account the opinions and interests of different social groups, obstacles to the usurpation of power. Secondly, the principle of separation of powers delimits parliamentary and presidential democracies depending on the clarity of the separation of branches of power.

Formulate three features that distinguish the parliamentary form of political structure from the presidential one. Using knowledge of the constitutional structure of the Russian Federation, illustrate each difference.

Show answer

  1. Differences between the parliamentary form and the presidential form
  2. Each difference must be illustrated by the provisions of the Constitution of the Russian Federation
  • c) The Parliament forms the Government (in accordance with Article 111 and Article 112 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the President of the Russian Federation appoints the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation with the consent of the State Duma, the President, at the proposal of the Chairman of the Government, approves federal ministers).

Other relevant examples may be given..

What is the meaning of legal democracy? Using the text and social science knowledge, name and illustrate with an example two restraining principles of the rule of law. Show the answer

1. The meaning of the concept, for example: corpus delicti - a set of signs prescribed by law that characterize the committed act as a specific type of crime.

2. One sentence containing information about the signs of a crime, for example: The signs of a crime include public danger, wrongfulness, guilt and punishability.

(Any other proposal can be drawn up, revealing, based on the knowledge of the course, the signs of legal liability).

3. One sentence, based on the knowledge of the course, revealing the basis that excludes the presence of a crime, for example: The absence of an objective side, that is, the connection between the act and the consequences of the act, excludes the presence of a crime.

(Any other proposal can be drawn up, revealing, based on the knowledge of the course, the features of administrative responsibility).

Show answer

The correct answer must contain the following elements:

1) trend (according to the text of the assignment)- humanization of education:

2) other trend with corresponding characteristic, let's say:

Internationalization of education (integration of national educational systems);

Informatization of education (development distance learning, wide use in teaching information technologies and digital resources, focusing on developing students' skills in searching and analyzing a variety of information).

Other trends may be named (not according to the terms of the assignment), other characteristics are given

You are instructed to prepare a detailed answer on the topic "Moral standards in the system of social control." Make a plan according to which you will cover this topic. The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more are detailed in sub-points.

Show answer

One of the options for the disclosure plan for this topic

1. Social norms and sanctions as elements of social control.

2. Types of social norms:

a) moral;

b) legal;

c) religious;

d) etiquette, etc.

3. Features of moral standards:

a) focused on values, patterns of behavior;

b) are manifested in customs and traditions;

c) are regulated by public opinion, human conscience;

d) are historical.

4. The structure of morality:

b) principles;

5. Morality and morality.

6. The relationship of morality and other social norms.

A different number and (or) other correct wording of points and sub-points of the plan are possible. They can be presented in nominal, interrogative or mixed forms.

By completing task 29, you can show your knowledge and skills on the content that is more attractive to you. For this purpose, choose only ONE of the statements below (29.1-29.5).

Choose one of the statements below, reveal its meaning in the form of a mini-essay, indicating if necessary different aspects the problem posed by the author (the topic touched upon).

When presenting your thoughts on the problem raised (marked topic), when arguing your point of view, use the knowledge gained during the study of the social science course, the relevant concepts, as well as facts public life and own life experience. (Give at least two examples from various sources as evidence.)

29.1. Philosophy“Art illuminates and at the same time sanctifies a person’s life ...” (D.S. Likhachev)

29.2. Economy“In business and sports, too many people are afraid of competition. As a result, people avoid striving for success if it requires hard work, training and self-sacrifice.” (K. Rockne)

29.3. Sociology, social psychology"Our social roles determined by other people's expectations. (N. Smelser)

29.4. Political science"Totalitarianism is a form of government in which morality is within the competence of the authorities." (A.N. Kruglov)

29.5. Jurisprudence"Freedom consists in being dependent only on laws." (Voltaire)