Individual planning of the development of the personnel of the enterprise. What is planning, its definition, types, tools Individual planning includes

Features of individual planning

Individual personnel planning consists in setting life goals, developing criteria for their achievement and drawing up individual work plans for each employee of the organization.

Planning life goals has a direct impact on individual planning of working time on all time horizons of planning (5 year, month, week, day).

A life goal has a qualitative meter and an indefinite spatial and temporal state - a kind of "mirage" at the end of the path - however, in order to plan life goals, a person needs certainty, so the goal must be concretized into real tasks using the criteria for the effectiveness of its achievement.

Goal achievement criterion - a quantitative indicator that determines the measure or degree of assessment of goal achievement; compared to other possible options (alternatives). The criterion everything has a quantitative assessment and is aimed, depending on the indicator, at minimizing or maximizing the state of the system. For example, the minimum cost of production, the maximum gross profit, the minimum turnover of workers, the maximum output, etc. With the help of such criteria, the process of achieving the goal is divided into a set of local material or social tasks, the solution of which contributes to the achievement of the goal. The relationship between goals and plans is shown in fig. eleven.

Fig.1 1 . Relationship between goals and plans

An analysis of the actual implementation of individual plans shows that they are rarely implemented by more than two-thirds. This causes the need for constant adjustment of plans and goals in the face of time pressure and impact. external environment.

Planning of labor activity (career) is an element of personnel management. Planning, on the one hand, is an important tool for influencing the management of the enterprise on personnel, and on the other hand, the possibility of self-assertion of the individual based on a combination of personal and social goals.

It is necessary to keep in mind the following: the more specifically you formulate the task, the more chances you have to do something real to achieve it. To increase the likelihood of solving your problems, adhere to the following principles of P. Drucker

1. Formulate them as specifically and unambiguously as possible. use verbs such as increase, increase, decrease, provide, provide, improve, etc. to determine your specific intentions.

2. Formulate tasks so that their performance can be measured and (or) evaluated. to do this, enter quantitative indicators and standards into the formulation of tasks and use clear bases for comparison.

3. Set deadlines for completing tasks. Force yourself to complete the tasks within the deadlines. If the deadline is not defined, the solution of the problem begins, as a rule, to be constantly postponed.

Features of daily planning

It is essential to have a written plan for the day. Plans for the day that are kept in mind are easily dismissed. Written daily plans provide a relief to memory.

A written plan has the psychological effect of self-motivation to work. Business activity becomes more focused and focused on strict adherence to the program of the day, as a result, there are fewer distractions of the planned tasks.

Thanks to the control of the results of the day “there is no lost work (carryover to the next day).

Written recording increases the effect of planning, as time needs and “disturbances” are better assessed, and reserve time can be planned more realistically.

Small things have the ability to crowd out the plans for more important and large work. This phenomenon is explained by the following facts:

Small jobs are more attractive because they don't require a lot of concentration and are easier to do;

The presence of small unfulfilled cases creates a phenomenon of discomfort in the employee (I want to get rid of them as soon as possible, since they prevent me from taking on a big job);

Large and important works, being disaggregated into their components (and this must be done), as it were, can easily be “lost” in the mass of small ones.

Given these factors, small things have the ability to fall into daily plans as a priority.

However, despite the listed "breakthrough" properties of small cases, the largest and most important work should be included in the employee's daily plan in the first place.

It is advisable to carry out the largest and most important work in the first days and mainly in the first half of the working day

Minor work, being unfulfilled within 2-3 days, often completely loses its relevance and can be excluded from the plan

Consistent planning of the day leads to the improvement of the applied methods and techniques of work

If there is clarity as to what needs to be done during the day, then there is a conscious opposition to “hindrances of the internal and external order.

A realistic plan for the day should contain only what can definitely be done on that day. The more realistic the tasks set, the more efforts can be mobilized for their implementation.

In an increasingly competitive market work force the role of individual career planning is increasing. A person's vision of his professional future means individual career planning, a conscious perception of the future, setting benchmarks and goals, and possible ways to achieve them when moving up the career ladder.

Each person's career is unique. This is not always a plan for the long term. It depends not only on a specific person - chance plays a big role. In a modern organization, the career planning of each employee is mostly handled by the administration, which is interested in its success as a decisive factor in the success of the enterprise. But even in this case, individual career planning remains relevant.

Individual career planning means developing one's own actions to achieve individually conscious professional and labor positions, as well as behavior that is aimed at achieving the set goals. Planning is inseparable from behavior, because through it one's own business activity is manifested and the career plan is adjusted in the process of its implementation.

Individual career planning is integral part:

Personal planning, which, in addition to career, includes relationships with friends, family, financial situation, work life;

Self-management (self-motivation, self-control, self-organization);

Business communication, individual work techniques, leadership style;

Goals of own development.

All these spheres are superimposed on one another, closely interact and therefore cannot be isolated.

In the career of a manager, there are two fundamentally different action plan:

1. Career in state-owned enterprises or in public administration;

2. Career in private enterprises and by creating your own business.

The best way to become an entrepreneur is to start your own business. Every entrepreneur can be considered a manager if he manages his firm. When it gets bigger, the entrepreneur hires managers. Other entrepreneurs do not have the desire or ability to perform the functions of a manager. Moreover, even a serious entrepreneur often fails to become a successful manager. In practice, most new firms fail because of bad entrepreneurial ideas. Therefore, along with entrepreneurial owners, there are people who did not have start-up capital, but were invited to the company to perform the functions of coordination, control, marketing, supply chain management, production or sales. These are managers. But they can become entrepreneurs if they act entrepreneurially. A career as a manager does not conflict with a career as an entrepreneur. The choice of entrepreneurial orientation of activity depends not so much on property, but on the business qualities of a person, his personality. Entrepreneurial managers differ from entrepreneurial owners in that it does not matter to them who the owner is. An enterprising economist or engineer actively seeks opportunities for self-realization and business success. He deliberately takes risks. An enterprising technologist or economist who introduces a new technological operation or new information technologies is the same entrepreneur in spirit as the head of an enterprise who decides to invest in a risky business.

Career planning should begin with the conclusion of contracts for future work from the student's bench. At the same time, various options for personalized career technologies can be used to achieve its specified levels. In the field of management, two main career orientations are most promising:

Chief specialists (in insurance, banking, accounting and finance);

Line managers (in production, energy, service, information technology, tourism and show business).

There is an opinion that for a successful career, work should be changed every 5-6 years. Organizations use staff rotation, i.e. their horizontal movement, and managers completely change the usual situation, leaving for other firms so as not to stop in their growth. Therefore, work should be sought even when it is available.

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Elena Pasko
Basic principles of planning in a preschool organization at the present stage

Currently preschool institutions can select priority areas, programs, types educational services, new forms of work focused on the interests of the teaching staff and parents. Therefore the problem planning is up to date, but at the same time one of the most difficult tasks facing preschool institutions working in the development mode and opening new forms on their basis preschool education: short stay groups, counseling centers and centers, early intervention service, etc.

Planning- this is the process of developing sequential actions, the essence of which is to build a system of educational work. Therefore, in planning need all kinds of pedagogical activity.

The plan is the main document, on the on the basis of which all activities of kindergarten teachers. Systems approach To planning provided with a strictly thought-out structure and content plans all involved professionals. However, it is assumed that during the implementation plans can be refined and adjusted depending on objective conditions.

A collection of different types planning applied simultaneously in a separate preschool, is called the form planning. Accordingly, the structural unit of specialists (music workers, psychologists, speech therapists, educators, physical education instructors) can also have its own form.

Any shape planning can be considered in terms of content, scale of presentation, degree of detail, etc. For planning carried out in certain time parameters, the following terminology is used plans:

Prospective, long-term (year, quarter, month);

Calendar, compiled for a short period (week, day);

Cyclogram - a scheme of regularly held events (within a year, month).

If we consider planning work structural unit in the general system plans preschool , we can distinguish the following types plans:

Annual MDOU activity plan.

Perspective plan work of MDOU and teachers.

Individual specialist planning, which includes:

Calendar specialist work plan;

- plans for individual, group work specialist with children.

Specialists (music director, teacher-psychologist, speech therapist, teacher-defectologist, additional education teacher, physical education instructor) make up plan in accordance with the staffing table of MDOU.

Planning educational activities with a specific group of children and parents, which is the educator.

Planning educators includes:

Calendar teacher work plan;

- plans individual work with children with disabilities, children with disabilities.

Basic principles of teacher planning

No matter how it was designed plan educational work of the educator with children, he must meet certain requirements:

- be based on the principle developmental education, the purpose of which is the development of each child;

To ensure the unity of educational, developing and teaching goals and objectives of the education of pupils;

Consider principle integration of educational areas in accordance with

age capabilities and characteristics of the pupils of the group;

- planned content and forms of organization children must correspond to the age and psychological and pedagogical the basics of preschool pedagogy, so when planning and organization pedagogical process, it is important to take into account that basic form of work with children preschool age and the leading activity for them is the game;

- planning should be based on a complex thematic principle construction of the educational process.

How do we understand "complex-thematic planning educational process?

First of all, thematic planning is planning in accordance with the example basic general education program preschool education in all educational areas (physical, social and personal, cognitive, speech and artistic and aesthetic).

In accordance with the complex-thematic principle construction of the educational process Federal State Educational Standards preschool education aim teachers to motivate educational activities. Motivational basics joint educational activities suggest:

The ability of the teacher to arouse interest in joint activities;

The desire to preschoolers understood and accepted children goals and objectives of this activity;

The support of the educator on the cognitive interest, the emotional sphere of children, personal motives (the desire for communication, self-realization, obtaining satisfaction from activities).

At the same time, the teacher uses not a set of individual playing techniques, but organizes assimilation of educational material in the process of preparing and conducting any significant and interesting for preschool events. Education through a system of various pedagogical activities is designed to work with children on "event" principle.

Such events in kindergarten are Russian holidays ( New Year, Family Day, Mother's Day, Victory Day, etc., international holidays (Kindness Day, Earth Day, etc.).

Holidays are joy, tribute, memory. Holidays are events for which you can prepare, which you can look forward to. Project activity is a priority in the implementation of a complex thematic planning. The criterion that this principle works in a kindergarten, is a lively, active, interested participation of the child in a particular project, and not a chain of actions at the direction of an adult. After all, only an active person can become successful.

When implementing a complex-thematic planning the chosen topic is calculated by the teacher for 2-4 weeks. All forms of educational work continue the chosen theme during this time.

Parents are also actively involved in educational activities groups. Parents are provided with brief guidance on organizations joint child-adult activities at home.

Each topic ends with a final event (exhibition, holiday, presentation of something, sports entertainment, role-playing game, performance, etc.).

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  • 1.4 Career choice
  • 2. Practical task
  • Task #1
  • Task #2
  • Task #3
  • Task #4
  • Task number 5
  • Task number 6
  • Task #7
  • Task #8
  • Task #9
  • Task #10

1. Individual planning career manager

1.1 The concept and direction of a manager's career

A person’s attitude towards his future is connected with work, and for someone who wants to navigate the whirlpool of life, and not go with the flow, individual career planning, a conscious perception of the future, setting guidelines, or at least a vision of the desired future and possible ways to achieve it is necessary. achievements while moving up the career ladder. Career is not a continuous movement only up the hierarchical levels. You can, for example, be the founder of your own company, but not occupy the highest managerial position in it, or you can make a career as a manager without reaching the top of the hierarchical ladder. A manager's career is a sequence of positions held. An example of such a career is shown in Fig. 1.1.

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Figure 1.1 Manager career

The career of each leader is unique and far from always planned for the long term. It is important to “sit on the right horse”. However, career planning is essential. Specificity modern organization consists in her interest in your success as a decisive factor of her own, in connection with which her leadership plans your career together with you or even for you. But even in this case, individual career planning remains relevant.

There are three career paths:

1) professional;

2) intraorganizational;

3) organizational.

The first direction concerns professional development and activity and is characterized by the stages of training, hiring, professional growth, advanced training, which an employee can undergo in different organizations, each time remaining true to his profession, such as an accountant or an engineer.

The second direction is implemented within one organization vertically or horizontally. Vertical promotion is most often identified with the concept of a career because it is more obvious. Horizontal movement means rotation. Career in this case consists in changing the status of the organization itself, as well as expanding the scope of authority within the position held.

Within the organization there is a special, centripetal movement. Under such a career is understood access to the first persons of the organization, the movement to the top of power. For example, the boss invites you to previously inaccessible meetings or meetings, including those of an informal nature, allows you to access informal sources of information, and hence the authorities. In this case, we are talking about an informal career, which later, if both parties wish, can be transformed into a vertical promotion.

The third direction means promotion by changing the place of work, moving to another organization. It is the opposite of lifelong career planning, which is common in Japan. This direction is typical for the conditions of transitional economies and the economic crisis, but only for self-confident managers without property.

In all cases, individual career planning means developing one's own actions to achieve individually conscious professional and labor positions, as well as behavior aimed at achieving them. If a manager has a career plan that is not limited to one organization, self-confidence, then this reduces the fear of job cuts, the fear of being fired.

To successfully plan a career, you must rely mainly on your own strength, knowledge and self-control. In this case, education and independent work become a kind of “rowing against the current”. Planning means choosing the current against which to row. In the conditions of economically difficult times, it is not easy to make such a choice, also because in the organization where you work, there may not be any “currents”, but only “boiling water” or even stagnation. In this case, it is necessary to use similar situations that have developed in other organizations.

A. Dmitriev after receiving the qualification of a mechanical engineer for automation production processes Assigned to the position of engineer in the measuring equipment department of a building materials enterprise. A year later he was drafted into the ranks of the Soviet Army. After serving, A. Dmitriev returned to engineering work in 1973, but already in the department of the chief designer of the same enterprise, for a number of years he held engineering positions and in 1976 became a power engineer in a brick production shop, i.e. became a part of the shop management apparatus practically at the level of the deputy head of the shop for energy carriers. It should be noted that the shop is the subdivision that already has its own organizational structure and includes four levels of management: worker - foreman - site manager - shop manager. The next level for the power plant shop - Chief Power Engineer factory. A. Dmitriev was appointed to this position only after five years of work in the shop management level. These years proved to be the foundation for his subsequent managerial career.

In our example, we consider the promotion of a functional manager through the management levels up to the chief engineer (technical director), who manages the chief specialists of the organizational and technical profile, for example, the chief power engineer, chief mechanic, chief technologist, metallurgist, mine surveyor, depending on the profile of the enterprise.

A. Dmitriev began his duties as chief engineer in 1981, and 3 years later he was appointed director of one of the branches production association. Since then, his career has been connected, firstly, only with the highest levels of enterprise management, and secondly, he entered the age that, according to psychologists, is considered the most favorable for creative activity - 35-45 years (Fig. 1.2).

career planning manager

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Figure 1.2 CEO career

1.2 Fundamentals of managerial career planning

The concept of "career planning" includes determining the path of individual professional development. Career is primarily understood as the promotion of an employee through the ranks, it is a part of his life associated with industrial and economic or professional activities. A career gives a person motives, goals, develops abilities, expectations that can be implemented.For each person, a successful career is understood in its own way, i.e. it is subjective.Career planning means a preliminary understanding of the positions occupied in the future and the requirements for them.It is part of the systemic development of personnel.Hence, the career itself is systemic in nature .

Career as a system. If an enterprise is systematically engaged in career planning for employees, this means that modern principles of a personally oriented personnel policy are used there. The modern structure of a career as a production system includes six main positions:

1. "Space of movement". This is a career opportunity on the part of the enterprise through the "supply" of positions and their occupation, which depends on organizational structures, staffing tables and the forms of the career itself, or, in sports language, “treadmills”.

2. Reasons and grounds for displacement. We are talking about the possibility of filling vacancies, about the emergence of vacancies themselves that appear when posts are vacated, as well as when a certain situation is created around still occupied posts. There are many reasons for the appearance of vacancies, for example, the creation of a position for a specific person who needs to be released from his current position.

3. Directions of movement. There are three directions: vertical, horizontal (rotation) and horizontal, but in a promising project group.

4. Movement profiles. They arise in the case of stability of the position held and are typical for large enterprises with a stable hierarchy and fairly numerous homogeneous (homogeneous) positions. Career here is determined only by the position on the hierarchical ladder, i.e. this is a variant of vertical movement, but with the preservation of the profile of duties. It is not possible for small businesses.

5. Frequency of movement and speed of advance. This is about professional career e.g. from economist to chief economist. It is determined by the time employees spend in their positions and depends primarily on the barriers that exist between the level of the hierarchy, as well as on the functional distinctions between related areas of work.

6. The level of activity of the enterprise in solving career issues of employees. It involves holding events in order to activate all the main characteristics of a career as one of the employee development systems. This position depends on the legal regulation, the size of the enterprise and the dynamics of its development.

One approach to systematizing a potential career move is the so-called “Personal Resource Portfolio”, developed using performance criteria and development potential based on the results of a survey of 55 managers at various career phases. Based on these criteria, four types of employees are distinguished (Table 1.1).

Table 1.1 Human Resources Portfolio (HRP)

The leading forces must occupy positions in which they have ample chance of success and freedom of action.

“Questioners” contribute to the development and identification of problems in the organization.

Work performers are valuable in that they see the prospect of developing at least their position and can contribute to success.

As for the so-called “fellow travelers”, they work inefficiently, but with a conniving leadership style in a bureaucratic organization, they can disguise themselves as effective performers, imitating employment and high performance. If an organization reaches a critical mass of “fellow travelers”, personality conflicts begin in it and questions about work disappear, because there is no work itself.

Guided by the Human Resources Portfolio, employees can reflect on their place in the organization and understand the reasons for their career situation. The movement can occur as a result of a person’s own decision, however, if the position in the organization regarding such a decision is negative, then he, having sufficient activity, is looking for ways to realize career goals at another enterprise or directs his energy to change his position on this enterprise. If an employee has reached the heights of his own potential in career matters, then he directs energy to non-productive goals, to search for a situation in which the remaining development potential can be used.

A number of career researchers include another variable in the HRP concept - “position mobility”. This refers to the use of the potential of the oriented direction, for example, if there is a need for a managerial career. In this case, individual measures are developed to analyze the situation and improve the abilities of the employee.

Career planning goals. The career system is always task-oriented.

production goals. V general view strategically, such goals are indicated due to the fact that with the help of career planning, the business and economic optimization of the enterprise is investigated. Business optimization can be driven by career decisions that achieve the perfect balance between job requirements and employee qualifications. If for one vacancy if several candidates apply, then when choosing one of them, one should be guided by production goals that may conflict with the individual goals of the rest of the employees.

Solving employee career problems also includes economic optimization. Optimum correspondence between the requirements of jobs and the qualifications of employees enables better use of the potential of the individual and contributes to the economic growth of the enterprise. Obviously, career planning contributes to productivity, employee motivation and improves their personal development.

individual goals. They are the basis of interconnected individual goals and determine the ways of their implementation. Here are ten possible career-oriented individual goals (Fig. 1.3).

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Figure 1.3 Career-oriented individual goals

The structure of career motives, obtained as a result of surveys of 2,500 managers of Western firms, is interesting. They answered the question: “What could have prompted you to change your current position? “The survey results were as follows:

higher income (42%);

Greater competence and influence (38%);

Greater independence (31%);

activity without instructions from above (26%);

better development opportunities (23%);

Greater workplace safety (11%).

Age occupies a large place in the structure of career motives. The results of research are such that about half of the managers of mature age consider their career or professional aspirations to be vital. Only 23% of young executives hold this point of view.

Suggestions of possible career paths (forms of “treadmills”). Career opportunity is determined, first, hierarchical structure enterprises and, secondly, the economic condition of the enterprise. Career incentives can be:

· delegation of competence and responsibility to lower levels, formation of autonomous working groups;

The use of rotation enterprise restructuring;

Active work with the personnel reserve;

use of the practice of understudies of managers;

· creation project teams;

Career “without a managerial position”.

Career planning process. The best option career planning process is the full compliance of production goals with individual ones, when an employee manages to occupy one of the positions in the production hierarchy in accordance with the structure of his capabilities, and the enterprise creates the necessary conditions for their implementation.

If individual needs in a career and its production system do not coincide, then negative consequences can occur for both parties, expressed in the fact that career-supporting personal potential is not realized in the best possible way in the results of work.

Then there are “amateurs to ask questions” (see Fig. 1.2) and “difficult employees” (Fig. 1.4). A compromise in this case may be competition between employees in the process of group work, the effectiveness of which depends on interpersonal relationships acquiring the character of conflicts.

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Figure 1.4 "Portfolio" of personality resources

Negative consequences can be prevented or reduced if the goals of employees and the enterprise are identified, brought into line with each other, and only after that, activities are planned taking into account production requirements and individual goals.

To do this, it is proposed to carry out certain actions that create a career plan from integrated constituent parts personnel planning (personnel plan) (Fig. 1.5).

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Figure 1.5 Career planning as a concept for industrial and personal development

The process of cooperation is not limited to the formulation of goals and their coordination. It also includes responsibility for the activities of the plan, and also involves joint activities aimed at achieving common goals. Positions occupied by them and the time they work in them have a huge impact on the development of personnel.

When planning individual careers, the planning horizon is determined, which is necessary due to the dynamics of career requirements for positions, functional areas and management levels.

The success of career planning is provided by:

the principle of performance;

a thorough analysis of the chances for promotion;

planning for no more than one or two levels of the production hierarchy and for a short period of time - two to three years;

Accessible, open learning mechanisms vacancies;

knowledge of the "portfolio" of the individual's resources (see Fig. 1.4).

As such, career plans are complex entities, so there can be multiple paths to progress towards each planned position. An enterprise in the person of, for example, the head of the personnel department develops several alternative ways of promoting it “for an employee”. At the VET "Polesie" (Pinsk) there is a practice of interviewing promising young managerial personnel to find out personal strategic and tactical goals: we are talking about determining the "ceiling" of a career, managerial abilities, career for the coming years.

When planning several careers for a number of positions at the same time, the method of pairwise comparisons and tabular decision analysis can be used.

Often, when planning a career, the so-called “senior” principle is used, when age, experience, length of service at a given enterprise, parents, and marital status are taken into account.

This principle finds application mainly in highly bureaucratic institutions, where the achievement of production goals is possible only if this principle does not contradict the qualifications of the employees for whom the career is planned. The “senior” principle is followed by employees who are focused on safe work (see Figure 1.4).

The career plan of employees has a positive impact on the success of the enterprise only if the following requirements are met when compiling it:

objective assessment of the qualifications of the position;

Compliance of the planned positions with the goals of personal development;

Continuity of planning, taking into account changed circumstances;

The relationship between the phases of a career and a life path (Table 1.2).

Table 1.2 Interrelation of career phases and life path

Age phases of a career

life path

Labor activity

Social sphere (family, friends, etc.)

Biopsychological sphere

Early (17-30)

Choice of profession; education; taking office; understanding the way

Youth; family; friends

Lifestyle development; career development

Medium (30-45)

Comprehensive orientation; high return; regular performance

Growing children; responsibility for parents, family; new friends

Awareness of the differences between dreams and reality; search for compromises

Mature (45-60)

regular performance; livelihood crisis

Death of friends; public concerns

Reflections on the path

Often the careers of employees are planned by their managers. In this case, we are talking about the introduction of systematic and regular career planning within the framework of the developed centralized concept of personnel development and the corporate style of working with it (Fig. 1.6).

Individual career planning. It is integral part: personal planning, which, in addition to career, includes relationships with friends, family, financial situation, labor activity; self-management, including self-motivation, self-control, self-organization; business communication; technology personal work, leadership style; own development goals.

All these aspects are superimposed on each other, closely interact and therefore cannot be isolated (1.7).

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Figure 1.6. Career planning in the system of personnel management solutions

Figure 1.7 Individual career planning

A potential leader seeks to manage himself, to be his own manager, authority, and psychologist. He is focused on setting and achieving personal goals, takes care of own development and, therefore, a career. A person, as an object of planning his own career, must know his strengths and weaknesses, as well as the pros and cons of the external environment in which he operates (Fig. 1.8).

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Figure 1.8 Career planning model

The well-known proposition that a person creates circumstances, and circumstances create a person, is directly related to career planning. In the role of such circumstances are specific situations that determine the actions of a person.

Note that in the middle of a career (40-50 years) specific problems arise:

· the structure of motivational factors changes sharply, the stage of “fermentation” begins;

a person sees the beginning of a narrowing of his own capabilities; increasing number of family concerns.

In this regard, we confine ourselves to considering the beginning of a manager's career.

Most typical situations, which determine the conditions for starting a career, are due to the following four groups of factors:

1. Specific traits employees, acquaintances:

· the level of education;


attitude to risk, success, business;

The level of intelligence, competence.

2. Features of the tasks set for oneself or prescribed by others, expressed in:

the degree of their concretization and structuring;

planned or spontaneous nature;

character (creative or routine);

novelty and deadlines.

3. Organizational conditions:

· view organizational structure and the size of the enterprise in which a person begins his career;

the state of formal and especially informal communications;

the degree of severity and form of control;

principles of delegation of authority;

· form style management;

· the state of survival and success in the market.

4. Environmental conditions:

a situation of material excess or shortage;

· unemployment rate, features of labor markets, jobs;

degree of social protection;

· political system;

monarchy, democratization or dictatorship;

· personnel policy;

• Dominant values ​​in society, pluralism or the predominance of one ideology.

Of particular importance is the form of ownership, the presence or absence of start-up capital, work experience and education. Depending on these factors, as well as on your desire, personal opportunities, there are two fundamentally different plans of action.

The first of them involves a career in state-owned enterprises or in government agencies. government controlled, the second - in private enterprises and by creating their own business.

Each plan is a function of many variables, most of which are almost impossible to influence. A course of action becomes a plan to the extent that it includes manageable factors. Other factors that are objective in nature act as restrictions. No, for example, enterprises in general. It is specifically for each employee, partner, client.

The best way to become an entrepreneur is to organize your own business. Company founders, joint-stock companies or brokerage houses, by the very fact of founding, they have taken the first step in planning a career as a manager. Every entrepreneur can be considered a manager if he manages his organization. When it gets bigger, the entrepreneur hires managers. Some entrepreneurs may not have the inclination, desire, or ability to act as a manager. Moreover, often an outstanding entrepreneur does not become a successful manager. In practice, most new ventures in business fail due to poor management, not bad entrepreneurial ideas. Therefore, along with entrepreneurial owners, there are those who did not have start-up capital, but were invited to the company to coordinate, control, market, organize the supply of production or sales, i.e. managers. The latter can become entrepreneurs if they act decisively. A career as a manager does not conflict with a career as an entrepreneur. The choice of entrepreneurial orientation of activity depends not so much on ownership, but on the structure business qualities man, his personality.

The concept that personal planning entrepreneurial activity does not depend on ownership, leads to a distinction between entrepreneurs and shareholders. According to this concept, not every owner of shares is an entrepreneur-owner, and even less an entrepreneur-manager. This is just a virtual entrepreneur, even if he owns ordinary shares.

Entrepreneurial managers differ from entrepreneurial owners in that they do not care who the owner is. The enterprising economist or engineer actively looks for opportunities to succeed and deliberately takes risks. An enterprising technologist who introduces a new technological operation is the same entrepreneur in spirit as the head of an enterprise who decides to invest in a risky business.

1.3 Career differences modern entrepreneur from a classic manager's career

The common features of the careers of a manager and an entrepreneur are generated by their common goals, and the differences are due to the mismatch of tasks (Table 1.3).

Table 1.3 The main distinguishing features of the career of an entrepreneur and manager

The choice between a career as a novice entrepreneur or a specialist can be helped by the test given in Table 1.4.

Test key:

25-28 - excellent business abilities;

21-24 - very good abilities;

17-20 - good abilities;

13-16 - average abilities;

less than 12 - it is better not to do business.

Table 1.4 Test evaluation of the qualities of an entrepreneur

Name of quality


Looking for additional assignments

Resourceful, savvy

Performs tasks without instructions from a supervisor

Reckless and waiting for instructions

Attitude towards others


Pleasant, polite

Sometimes they are hard to work with.

Grumpy and uncommunicative


Strong and confident always

Ability to issue effective commands

Has few followers

Has no followers

A responsibility

Always responsible

Agree with orders

Reluctantly agrees

Avoiding orders

Organizational ability

Logical, organized, punctual

Capable organizer

Purposefulness, perseverance

Not afraid of difficulties

Makes continuous efforts to achieve goals

Average effort

No perseverance


Fast, accurate

Substantial, careful

Acts quickly, does not make mistakes

Always in doubt

Try to assess your capabilities as an entrepreneur. But keep in mind that no one will answer the question of whether to take on a business more convincingly than you yourself. It should also be taken into account that the business will always be not only yours, even in the case of an individual-private form of ownership. In this regard, there are certain conventions when dividing into managers and entrepreneurs. The latter are also managers, but not hired, but managers-owners or managers-co-owners. Thus, there are features that must be taken into account when considering the career of an entrepreneur (Table 1.5).

Table 1.5 Features of the career of an entrepreneur in relation to management and ownership

Entrepreneur - Owner - Manager

Entrepreneur - co-owner - manager

Potential Entrepreneur - Hired Manager

Private property of the entrepreneur himself

Shareholding property. Entrepreneur - one of the shareholders

State and other forms of ownership

Career: self-employed - manager, company president, CEO of a private firm

Career: CEO, Executive Director, chairman of the board of directors, president of the concern

Career: general director of a state organization, director of a functional area (technical, financial, etc.), head of a division

For individual career planning, the distinctive features of successful managers are also of interest, the generalization of which is rather arbitrary, since we are talking about systematizing the accumulated experience in implementing career plans.

1.3.1 Characteristics of an exemplary manager

The personalized experience of successful management is based on the technique and art of making rational decisions in a managerial career. Correctly acting managers are distinguished by innovation and courage, an entrepreneurial spirit of management. In this case, these characteristics should be understood as the methods, features of work that are inherent in successful leaders.

Not "sleepy", but "stormtrooper". The “Stormtrooper”, or renewing manager, is busy fighting to reduce organizational entropy, welcomes new ideas from employees. In the current conditions, the only way to survive is through renewal. But managers are often afraid of change, although they understand that there is no other way for today's leaders. The energy that is often consumed by fear should be the driving force behind renewal.

"Get in good hands." Experienced leaders of novice managers help them overcome fear of the future and gain the necessary experience so as not to miss the chance in the present.

The source of ideas is the employee. The Manager indicates the direction of the Employees' activity and gives them the necessary powers. An experienced manager treats each employee as a source of ideas.

Uncompromising customer orientation. “Not the master is the master, but the client is the king.” A manager's success is impossible without the client's money. They are paid for work, including the manager himself.

Benevolent control. Communication is based on trust, responsibility, ethical obligations, but control is also necessary, often serving as a means of releasing resources. Leaders usually have an analytical mindset, they are open, inquisitive. There are many competent, conscientious and benevolent few, but the future belongs to them.

Trust and power. Lack of common for all employees business values inevitably leads to stagnation. Without trust, there is no leader. Power and trust are not mutually exclusive, but a skilled leader will not abuse his position.

It should also be noted that a successful career requires access to information that gives real power even in the absence of money.

Motives and commitment. The leader must be able to make the goals of the organization the goals of the activities of each worker. Commitment is the result of the leader's communication with the team and his ability to arrange things in such a way that each employee can contribute to the achievement of the main goal.

Continuity of learning and updating. Renewing companies are stable in their movement. Sometimes it seems like they are making changes for the sake of change. The functions of people are changing.

As a rule, their own employees are nominated, but key positions are often occupied by employees from outside.

Creation and use of favorable opportunities. Leaders set directions rather than developing detailed strategies. They are better than subordinate strategists, as they can make unexpected decisions. Managers of innovating companies treat information as their main strategic advantage and adaptability as their strategic weapon.

Purpose clarity. A clear vision of a goal is often a more reliable bridge to the future than the opportunities available to achieve it.

Determination. This characteristic is a synthesis of the previous ones and is their continuation. Without a manager's business activity, all his personal career plans will remain plans, and the career itself will become a set of accidents. No wonder they say that fate pulls the passive, and leads the active.

Tolerance, willingness to fail. In economically difficult times, many have to experience the bitterness of defeat. Every person makes mistakes, but not everyone learns from their mistakes, much less perceives them as a temporary defeat. This is a trait of exemplary managers (Figure 1.9).

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Rice. 1.9 The Triangle of Success

1.4 Career choice

Self-marketing. First of all, you need to determine what kind of career you prefer. This will determine your strategy. If you know what position you want to take in five or even ten years, then you can determine the direction of action and set goals that need to be achieved, i.e. start planning your career.

Consider a career in management. This is where career-related self-marketing can be of great help. You are a seller of your labor force, a hunter for workers who are of interest to you.

To properly plan your career, you need to know the conjuncture of the labor and job markets, as well as the methods of working in these markets.

Self-marketing means:

search for a company or institution that would suit you;

· good presentation himself.

In order to succeed, it is necessary to control the situation in the labor market. This work should be carried out already at the stage of choosing your future specialty. But choosing a career is a complicated matter, since we are talking about a personal career, which is specific for everyone. There are no “recipes” that apply in all situations, however, there are factors that need to be considered when planning and implementing an individual career:

Identifying your strengths and weaknesses, the structure of their business qualities. There are many tests for this, many of which even allow you to draw up a structural formula of your abilities and determine the main orientation of their development;

tracking trends in the development of the labor market, its sectoral and local characteristics;

taking into account the strengths and weaknesses of the external environment in which you are.

Career choice. If the future specialty is chosen, then there is an idea about it. The choice of a profession is always limited by the needs of the labor market and professional knowledge. As for the profession of a manager, this is a synthesis of various types of activities, and hence a synthesis of knowledge in various fields (cybernetic, financial, strategic management).

The modern manager acts as both a sociologist, a psychologist, and an analyst. It is possible to determine with a sufficient degree of accuracy the list of management functions that are characteristic of it. These primarily include: planning, control, motivation, regulation, coordination of work, building an organization and its divisions. With the same degree of accuracy, they also talk about the requirements for a manager, the qualities that he must possess. Let's consider that part of career planning that is associated with the category "ability" and involves the identification and analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the manager. It includes three fundamental points:

· firstly, knowledge of the requirements for the position you would like to take;

secondly, an objective assessment of one's own qualities and determining their compliance with the requirements;

Thirdly, knowledge of the mechanisms for occupying specific posts.

After a preliminary acquaintance with the basics of career technology, you should once again convince yourself that only you know what kind of work you need; What kind of work do you fit best? what is more important for you - self-realization of your abilities, satisfaction from work or its payment. Only by answering these questions, you can make a decision about choosing a career, while your goals must be compared with knowledge about yourself, and career choice should be made taking into account your capabilities (Fig. 1.10).

When choosing and planning a career, a number of rules are followed:

You should always look for a job

no one should give you a job, you have to fight for it;

· if you want to find a job, then first determine what is hindering this and how to overcome the obstacles;

· the more time it takes to determine what makes you stand out from others who could do the same job, the higher your chances;

Do not make decisions based only on what is available and what is available: strive for the work that you like best;

Do not seek to give preference to large organizations, contact the employer directly, and not the personnel department, if possible;

always remember about good manners, any meeting can promote your career;

job search is also a career choice, so you can not show disregard for this process;

· the employer is always interested in your ability to use knowledge and skills;

• Adhere to a manner of gentle perseverance combined with a winning impression;

· if you determine what kind of work you are looking for, explain it to everyone around you;

· You should not look like a beggar - organizations tend to hire winners, so you need to present yourself as a “gift of fate”.

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Figure 1.10 Major factors in choosing a career

Work searches. The decision to choose a career cannot be trusted even to the closest person. This is a matter of your mission, the meaning of your education and qualifications. Expenses in this area are investments in the future, they are carried out mainly by the state, but it is becoming increasingly difficult to do this even in developed countries. For example, according to statistics, about half a million is spent on education and advanced training of one German citizen. DM. Therefore, career planning is not a purely personal matter. A person is looking for a job, an organization is looking for a specialist. These two vectors are directed towards each other, but do not always meet.

For an enterprise, a diploma is often only a formally necessary minimum, and therefore there are specialists with a diploma and work experience. It is not uncommon for a correspondence student to have a mismatch between future profession and current job profile. At the same time, work in a specialty corresponding to a diploma is not always preferable to the experience gained in the current position. That is why you often have to get a second higher education by job profile. Many managers believe that jobs should be changed every 5-6 years, in connection with which organizations use personnel rotation, i.e. their horizontal movement, and the managers themselves completely change the usual situation, leaving for another company so as not to stop in their growth. Therefore, they are looking for work even when it is available. It is necessary to have backup options, especially important in crisis situations, when the possibility of further progress is difficult. It never hurts to mentally prepare yourself for a redundancy notice. In this regard, no matter how thorough individual career planning is, it always includes elements of a forecast and is subject to change even in the most purposeful person.

The highest percentage of success in finding a job, according to research by scientists from the USA and the Republic of Belarus, is given by the following search methods:

US RB Job Search Method

direct contact with the employer 47.7 76.6

through private firms for hire 24.2 6.6

by advertisement in the local press 23.9 23.3

contacting friends about work 22.1 68.3

through employment departments of universities 21.4 8.3

It should not be forgotten that the conscientious performance of the work that you have today serves as the basis for proposals for moving to a new job.

1.5 Making a personal career plan

In order to clarify the scope of your interests, it is advisable to perform the following exercise. In accordance with the table. 1.6 make a list of problems that you have to solve.

Table 6.6 Problem structuring

The list can include problems that you have successfully solved, or cases that you have never done before, but which you would very much like to do. You should consider whether it is worth doing things that have received the minimum amount of ranks. Such an exercise will allow you to determine the structure of your capabilities and desires as a potential manager-leader at the beginning of your career.

First of all, there is a question about what you are striving for. Of course, you have already told yourself that you want to achieve your goal, you want to become a manager. You have your goals, many of which can be included in your personal career plan. Such goals are decomposed into parts and represent a certain system. Systematization of goals involves the implementation of a certain procedure.

1. You should create your own bank of the most important and attractive goals that you want to achieve. To do this, you can use the data in Table. 1.6 so that your goals are commensurate with your capabilities and you are confident in achieving these goals.

2. It is necessary to select two or three most significant goals and determine the tasks that should be solved to achieve them.

3. From the list of tasks, two - three most important and relevant for the beginning of your career are selected.

4. The most significant qualities for achieving the goals and solving the tasks that you must possess, as well as the degree of your compliance with the intended requirements, are determined.

5. You should answer the question: “What am I striving for?” By completing the task on the topic “How do I imagine myself as a manager, what are my requirements for the position that I would like to occupy.” In fact, this is a self-formulation of the mission. the formulation of a positive career vision should not exceed 40-50 words The mission should be the basis for achieving the chosen goals by solving the set tasks, which contributes to the implementation of the career plan, for example: “The meaning of my career is to realize the positive qualities of a manager (there is a list of leading ones ) in order to make good money, to be sure of tomorrow and work for a better life my family".

6. More specific formulation requires an “inventory” of the personal value system, an analysis of strengths and weaknesses, and the development of a scenario of how one can realize one’s mission. Such concretization means developing individual plan careers. Along with the mission, it is based on a strategic choice of a line of conduct.

Career planning can be started with an exercise, the essence of which is outlined in Table. 1.7.

Table 1.7 Priorities for the implementation of the qualities of a manager

To make a career means to realize your vocation, to achieve a prestigious position in the organization where you work, or work in a prestigious organization. In most cases, a career is associated with the desire for a high level of income.

Among those who make a career, entrepreneurs who create their own firms stand out, but the most numerous category is those who are employed.

1.6 Career without a managerial position

Successfully competing enterprises quickly respond to changing market requirements and optimize the organizational conditions of their activities. Structural changes are possible only with the participation and thanks to employees who develop their innovative abilities. Due to the simplification of hierarchical relations, information paths and decision-making time are reduced, responsibility is delegated to competent levels. This situation provides an opportunity for a vertical career and sets new tasks for staff development. As an example, consider the work of JSC "Audi", which since the beginning of the 90s. took a number of steps to organize and optimize management relations. Instead of nine levels of hierarchy, only three remained. Project and group work increased the degree of interest in work, but the horizontal hierarchy and flexible structures limited the opportunity to make a classic career through promotion. Highly qualified employees needed new perspectives for their development. Emphasis was placed on:

Interrelationships of personal status, hierarchy and salary; using a professionally oriented career; innovations in management, its streamlining (professional circles of managers, the same attitude to all managerial functions);

· Orientation to the strategic importance for the enterprise of the work performed when it is assessed, regardless of the level of the hierarchy. These prospects predetermined the vision and implementation of a new round of personnel development.

The prospect of working with personnel is associated with the concept of “career without a managerial position”. If hierarchical levels fall away, then professional success cannot be measured by vertical ascent alone. The development of personnel in this case involves not only vertical advancement, but also the prospects for horizontal development. The model developed at the enterprise suggests that the development of personnel should occur mainly by increasing the number of functions performed within the position held without moving to the next level and without rotation. Here we are talking about an increase in responsibility and the volume of labor tasks, which is a horizontal step in a career. At the same time, the sphere of decision-making and activities of the employee is expanding.

In the past good specialists as part of their professional development, they "ascended" to the head of one of the divisions of the enterprise. At the same time, they took responsibility for the quality and timing of the work, the discipline of employees. Excessive requirements were not imposed on them, and the specialist could feel good in the position of leader.

However, the experience of JSC "Audi" shows that graduates of higher educational institutions, as well as highly qualified specialists of a narrow profile, prefer a different style of leadership. Management should be carried out professionally, by employees with specific potential.

In order for employees to determine which type of career is more suitable for their potential - professional or managerial - Audi has organized certain technologies corresponding to these career areas, which differ in requirements and personnel development activities in accordance with these requirements.

Along with personality status determination and salary increases, both career paths allow selected employees to be prospectively qualified for management positions. Thanks to this technology, it is possible to develop personnel in the field of management without assuming leadership functions, i.e. career without leadership.

The model (circle) of choosing the direction of career aspirations for the development of a specialist or manager is shown in fig. 1.11.

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Rice. 1.11 Scope of requirements

2. Practical task

Task #1

2. Conduct an analysis of the compliance of the work performed with the qualifications of workers.

Initial data are given in Table 3.1.

Table 3.1 - Composition of workers by qualification


Category of works


The analysis of the compliance of the work performed with the qualifications of workers is carried out on the basis of a comparison of the average category of work with the average category of workers performing these works, according to the weighted average:

where T R- tariff category;

KR- number (number) of workers;

QR- the amount of work of each type.

The level of qualification at the enterprise is determined by the formula:

where Tav. R- the average wage category of production workers;

Tav. pp- the average tariff category of works.

T cf. R. = 1*15+ (2*1+2*30+2*20) + (3*1+3*20+3*110+3*40+3*1) +

(4*1+4*10+4*110+4*10+4*1) + (5*8+5*5+5*129+5*30)

+ (6*1+6*11+6*30) /584= 1762/584 = 3,017;

T cf. rr. = (1*15+1*1+1*1) + (2*30+2*20+2*1)

+ (3*20+3*110+3*10+3*8) +

+ (4*40+4*110+4*5+4*1) + (5*1+5*10+5*129+5*11) + (6*1+6*30+6*30)

/ 584= 2308/584= 3,952.

Qualification level at the enterprise:

As can be seen from the above results, the assessment of the average skill level, based on the data on the distribution of workers by category, does not reach the IV category, while at the same time, based on the data on the corresponding to each category tariff coefficients the average turns out to almost correspond to the IV category.

Analyzing the data in Table 3.1, it should be noted that it is impossible to achieve this coincidence of the categories of workers with the category of work performed.

In this example, not all workers perform work according to their category.

Task #2

1. Based on the reporting data (for the last 2-3 years) of the enterprise where the student (s) works, calculate the turnover rate for the admission of workers, the turnover rate for retirement, the staff turnover rate, the permanent staff ratio of the enterprise.

2. Analyze the dynamics of the calculated indicators.

3. Develop measures to reduce staff turnover.


1. turnover ratio for the reception of workers ( Kp):

K p \u003d R p / R ss,

where R p - the number of employees hired for the reporting period;

R ss - average headcount workers;

It characterizes the share of hired workers for the period.

2. turnover ratio on disposal ( Kv):

K in \u003d R y / R ss,

where R y is the number of retired workers;

It characterizes the share of employees who left during the period.

3. staff turnover rate ( CT):

K t \u003d R about / R ss,

where R about - excessive turnover of labor (dismissed at their own request and for violation of labor discipline);

It characterizes the level of dismissal of employees for negative reasons.

4. coefficient of constancy of the personnel of the enterprise ( Kp. With):


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