Presentation on the theme of the best nurse. Presentation "Profession" Nurse

GBPOU "Medical College of the Ministry of Health and Demographic Policy of the Magadan Region" Project name: The most humane profession Project nomination: "My profession is my future" Completed by: first-year student of the nursing department Alexandrova Lyusana Vladimirovna Head: Zolenko Elena Arnoldovna Magadan, 2015

There is no point in arguing about how necessary, important and beautiful the nursing profession is. Sincerity, emotional culture, the ability to perceive the experiences of one's neighbor, upbringing in responsibility, a sincere understanding of one's duty to other people, the realization that only you and it is you who can and should help a sick person gain the fullness of existence, that is, become healthy - these are moral indicators necessary in my opinion, for people who have chosen this profession.

In the past, she was called a sister of mercy. In the days of terrible epidemics, wars, they, sometimes in a word, could relieve the pain of the afflicted, console and give hope for recovery. Under the gentle voice of the nurse, the most painful injection is invisible, and the bitter mixture does not seem so bitter. The history of caring for the sick and wounded in Russia began in the era of Peter I (1803)

But it was the Englishwoman Florence Nightingale who, in the days of the Crimean campaign, organized an ambulance detachment, which included nuns, sisters of mercy, a total of 38 people. Today, May 12, on her birthday, nurses of all countries celebrate their professional holiday - International Nurse's Day.

Profession of Kindness and Mercy The peculiarities of the profession of a nurse include the fact that many people of this specialty not only give injections and measure blood pressure, but also morally support the patient in difficult times. After all, even the most the strong man, sick, becomes defenseless and vulnerable. And a kind word can work wonders.

This profession is incredibly relevant and in demand. Geography possible work extensive: small district hospitals, clinics, dispensaries and large medical centers, sanatoriums, all kinds of recreation centers, educational institutions, large public and private organizations, enterprises.

In order to work as a nurse, you need to graduate from a professional educational medical institution, a college. A nurse can improve her skills in courses. You can get a bachelor's degree in nursing by graduating from medical school.

Real specialists can grow only from people who, by the beginning of their studies, have gone through a fairly serious school of self-education and have not lost their humanity in the storms of experiences, but have strengthened their own sincerity; they did not become callous, they did not close themselves off from human suffering, but they became stronger and more confident in their own abilities, they learned to discipline themselves.

I believe that nursing is one of the noblest professions. In the work of a nurse, I am attracted by communication with people, because every day I will learn more and more, I will participate more in their fate, because they entrusted me with their health and life. TO medical workers people always treat them differently, they value and respect them… In college, a world of knowledge and friendship opens up for me. I love my college, I'm glad that I study here and chose this wonderful profession - a nurse!

Competition "My profession is my future" My profession is a nurse Author: first-year student of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Secondary vocational education"Yeisk Medical College of the Department of Health of the Krasnodar Territory" Radchenko Natalya Head: teacher Guseynov V.A. Recently, health workers have ceased to be respected, as it was before. A living example is the series "Interns" This series condemns the corruption and ignorance of health workers. We sometimes forget to whom we owe, maybe not to everyone, but definitely to many. After all, in their hands we see the world for the first time. From their touch, we take our first breath. They always fight for our lives, sometimes stronger than ourselves. A nurse is a soul, first of all.

  • The clearest example of this is Florence Nightingale, an Englishwoman who during the Crimean War became the founder of the service of sisters of mercy. She supervised the women assisting the wounded soldiers. This great woman collected donations to create a nursing school, later opened at St. Thomas Hospital (London).
  • It is no coincidence that the Russians celebrate
  • World Nurse's Day May 12 - that's when Florence was born. Also this date is the day of creation professional organization sisters of mercy from around the world.
  • The current society cannot be imagined without health workers. Maybe there are bad doctors, rude nurses, but they make up a small part of those people who are really Health Workers with a capital letter.
She is slightly in the shadow of the attending physician. Half a step away in her status, but this distance shortens the distance between her and the patient. She is a nurse. And in the matter of nursing the patient, she is the main one. What qualities should a nurse have?
  • First of all, diligence.
  • Purity, external and internal, modesty.
  • Learn to empathize with others.
  • The nurse is obliged to behave in such a way that the patient can trust her completely, not embarrassed by any manipulation and procedure. At work, she should be able to forget about herself, about her household worries and problems, and always be close to the patient.
  • In the process of healing, in my opinion, all links are equally important, and if the doctor's job is to treat the pathology, then the nurse's job is to help the patient psychologically cope with the disease.
  • This profession is really hard work, but when you see the faces of happy discharged patients, it's a great joy!
Childhood dreams
  • They say that thoughts are material, and the fact that a person
  • most often she says what she dreams about, it will definitely come true.
  • Every time I saw a nurse or a doctor in a snow-white coat, I imagined myself in their image, in the image of a nurse - a sorceress saving people.
  • Yes, thoughts are material, now I know for sure, because in the near future my childhood dream will come true and I will become a nurse.
  • And let me not be a sorceress from children's dreams,
  • But I will definitely help people!
Why do I want to become a nurse?
  • First, I want to help people. When you are in the hospital, you always lack warmth, participation, affectionate words. The nurse is more with the sick than the doctor, and she can comfort the sick.
  • Secondly, I myself will need it in my life. When I have a family, children, I will be able to provide them with the most elementary medical care. I will be able to professionally take care of my parents - after all, they, too, someday will grow old.
  • In general, for each of us, specialists who are responsible for our lives are very important - doctors.
  • The nurse is the legs of the legless, the eyes of the blind, the support of the child, the source of knowledge and confidence for the young mother, the mouth of those who are too weak or self-absorbed to speak.
  • Virginia Henderson.
There is probably no point in arguing about how necessary, important, beautiful the profession of a nurse is.
  • Sincerity, emotional culture, the ability to perceive the experiences of one's neighbor, upbringing in responsibility, a sincere understanding of one's duty to other people, the realization that only you and it is you who can and must help a sick person gain the fullness of existence, i.e. to become healthy - these are the moral indicators necessary, in my opinion, for people who have chosen this profession.
  • Impossible without nurses -
  • Without your gentle, kind hands, Carefully touching the wounds, They remove fear from the faces of the sick,
  • Without your full eyes of attention,
  • Without your words of encouragement... All of you are full of charm, All of you are worthy of admiration!
  • How dexterous bees scurry,
  • To whom - an injection, to whom - to drink, You carry the warmth of your soul, Not daring to forget the sick.
  • You are the embodiment of care
  • With any contact you have sick And on Sunday and Saturday you disperse the pain like smoke,
  • With your heartfelt attention,
  • And those with support who are without strength, In endless movement ... Oh, nurses, how sweet you are!

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Profession of a nurse Ministry of Health of the Nizhny Novgorod Region GBPOU NO "Nizhny Novgorod Medical College" PRESENTATION On the topic:

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Nurse (nurse) - a specialist with a secondary special medical education in the field of nursing. Nurse refers to the nursing staff, is a junior specialist in relation to a specialist - a doctor. Nurse is a specialist with special secondary medical education in the field of nursing. Nurse refers to secondary medical personnel is the younger specialist in relation to a specialist is a doctor.

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The nurse acts as an assistant to the doctor in medical institutions, performs medical appointments and carries out the nursing process. The nurse acts as an Assistant physician in hospitals, performs medical appointments and performs nursing process.

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HISTORY OF THE PROFESSION: The first nurses appeared in the 11th century in Western Europe, but officially this profession appeared much later. In Russia, the position of a nurse first appeared during the Crimean War in 1854. The besieged Sevastopol was overflowing with the wounded, and the doctors could not cope. Help in caring for the soldiers was offered by the sisters of mercy. For six months, the mortality rate in hospitals has decreased from 40 to 2 percent. Medical volunteers at the end of the war were awarded silver medals. The first nurses appeared in the 11th century in Western Europe, but officially this profession emerged much later. In Russia, the nurse first appeared during the Crimean War in 1854 a year. Beleaguered Sevastopol was overflowing with the wounded, and doctors could not cope. Assistance for the care of the soldiers suggested the Sisters of mercy. Half-year mortality in hospital dropped from 40 to 2 per cent. Medical volunteers at the end of the war were awarded silver medals.

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PLACES OF WORK Nurses and nurses work in hospitals, polyclinics, maternity hospitals, private clinics, children's institutions, military units and hospitals, sanatoriums and rest homes. Nurses work in hospitals, clinics, hospitals, private clinics, institutions, military units and hospitals, sanatoria and rest houses.

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NURSES ARE SEPARATED BY WORK PROFILE: Home nurse Head nurse Ward nurse Ward nurse Procedural nurse Operating nurse Operating nurse District nurse nurse) Dietetic nurse (Nurses working on reception of patients with doctors narrow specialties) Nurse for civil defense (Nurse for civil defense)

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HEAD NURSE (HOME NURSE) A specialist with a higher medical education who graduated from the faculty of higher nursing education at a medical university. She deals with the issues of Specialist with higher medical education and graduated from the Faculty of higher nursing education medical University. It deals with the rational organization of labor, training of middle and junior medical staff in hospitals and oversees its work. rational organization of labor, advanced training of middle and junior medical staff of the hospital and monitors its work.

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HEAD NURSE Provides assistance to the head of the department of the hospital (polyclinic) in administrative and economic matters, organizes and supervises the work of ward nurses and junior medical staff. Provides assistance to Department head of hospital (clinics) in administrative matters, organizes and supervises the work of ward nurses and Junior medical staff.

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WARD NURSE (WARD NURSE) Performs medical appointments for patients in the wards assigned to her, monitors the condition of patients, takes care of them and organizes their meals. Performs medical appointments to patients in assigned wards, watching as patients, cares for them and arranges for their food.

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PROCEDURAL NURSE Performs medical appointments (intravenous injections and infusions), helps with manipulations that only a doctor has the right to perform, takes blood from a vein for research. Performs a medical appointment (intravenous injections and infusions), helps when carrying out manipulations, which is authorized to perform only the doctor, conducts the removal of blood from the vein of research.

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OPERATING NURSE Helps the surgeon during surgical interventions, prepares surgical instruments, suture and dressing material, underwear for the operation. Helps the surgeon during surgical procedures, prepares for surgical surgical instruments, sutures and bandages, underwear.

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DISTRICT NURSE (DISTRICT NURSE) Helps the district doctor at the reception of patients living in the area assigned to him, performs medical procedures at home as prescribed by the doctor and participates in preventive measures. Helps district doctor at the reception of patients living in the designated area for them, carries on prescription treatments at home and participates in the conduct of preventive measures.

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DIETETIC NURSE Responsible under the direction of a dietitian for the organization and quality of therapeutic nutrition, composes the menu, controls the cooking and distribution of food, as well as the sanitary condition of the kitchen and dining room for patients. Under the leadership of doctor-nutritionist is responsible for the Organization and quality of therapeutic feeding is menu controls the culinary processing and distribution of food and the sanitary condition of the kitchen and dining room for patients.

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NURSE FOR CIVIL DEFENSE A specialist with a higher non-medical education who received this qualification in higher educational institution Specialist with higher non-medical education, awarded this qualification in higher education along with basic qualifications and relevant to reserve paramedical personnel (in the presence of higher pedagogical education can also teach the fundamentals of medical knowledge in secondary education). (if you have a higher pedagogical education, you can also teach the basics of medical knowledge in institutions of secondary education).

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My profession is a nurse

There is no point in arguing about how necessary, important and beautiful the profession of a nurse is. Soulfulness, emotional culture. The ability to perceive the experiences of one's neighbor, upbringing in responsibility, a sincere understanding of one's duty to other people, the realization that only you and it is you who can and should help a sick person gain the fullness of existence, that is, become healthy - these are the moral indicators that are necessary in my opinion, for people who choose this profession.

A nurse is an indispensable assistant to any doctor, his right hand

Florence Nightingale. In the days of the Crimean company, she organized an ambulance detachment, which included manahini. Sister of Mercy, only 38 people. Today, May 12, on her birthday, nurses of all countries celebrate their professional holiday - International Nurse's Day.

The profession of kindness and mercy

The peculiarities of this profession include the fact that many nurses not only give injections and measure blood pressure, but also morally support the patient in difficult times.

Nurse_ these are the legs of the beggar. Blind eyes. A support for the child, a source of knowledge and confidence for the young mother, the mouth of those who are too weak or self-absorbed to speak.

This profession is incredibly relevant and in demand. The geography of possible work is extensive: small regional hospitals, polyclinics, spaspers and large medical centers, sanatoriums, various recreation centers, and educational institutions.

Pros of the profession: High demand Wide range of job choices A huge world of knowledge Life experience New acquaintances and connections Professional growth

In order to work as a nurse, you need to graduate from a professional educational medical institution, a college.

Thank you for your attention!

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Nursing is one of the most ancient and respected professions. From time immemorial, compassionate women nursed the seriously ill. With their daily care, all possible help and support, an encouraging word, they helped the sick to recover as soon as possible, sometimes literally returning them “from the next world” to a full life. A modern nurse (nurse) is a qualified specialist who fulfills the doctor's prescriptions for the treatment and care of patients. The advantages of the profession: useful skills in everyday life, when caring for sick relatives and friends. Restrictions of the profession: intolerance to the type of blood; work is not for the squeamish; low wages.

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The profession of a nurse has many specialties: district, patronage, ward, operating room, massage nurse, dietary nurse and others. Nurses perform different functions, depending on the specialty of the physician they work with and to whom they report directly. The district nurse helps the doctor to receive patients in the clinic. She measures the patient's temperature, blood pressure, writes prescriptions prescribed by the doctor. The patronage nurse at her site makes rounds of young children at home, helps young mothers take care of their babies. operating room nurse is a surgical assistant in the operating room. During the operation, she accurately and quickly gives the doctor the right instrument, putting it in the hands of the surgeon. A ward nurse deals with patients who are in hospital (due to an exacerbation of a chronic disease or due to surgery). She distributes medicines prescribed by a doctor to patients, gives them the necessary injections, takes tests, and enters the results of medical research into the medical history. The profession of a nurse is a mass, consistently in demand.

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The profession of a nurse / nurse is of the type: "Man - Man", it is focused on communication and interaction with people. A nurse needs the ability to establish contacts, understand people, be active, sociability, have developed lexical abilities, and have emotional stability. An additional type of profession: "Human-Technician", since it is associated with the use of medical technical devices and appliances and suggests a propensity for manual and technical work. The profession of a nurse belongs to the class of performing, it involves the performance of actions according to certain algorithms in compliance with the existing rules and regulations, standards.

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A nurse (nurse) is a qualified medical assistant in all areas of work. Any nurse follows the instructions of a doctor. In the event of a threat to the life of the patient, the victim, if the doctor was not nearby, she is obliged to independently provide first aid to the person in need. Any nurse performs simple diagnostic and therapeutic procedures: measures temperature, blood pressure, if necessary, gives patients injections prescribed by a doctor, applies bandages, monitors the condition and well-being of patients.

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At the same time, the content of the activities of various nurses is quite different and directly depends on the specifics of the department and the specialty of the doctor with whom they work. For example, in the surgical department, the nurse most often treats wounds, applies bandages, makes painkillers, and in the dental department, the nurse sterilizes the working instruments for the doctor, prepares and transfers the necessary materials and solutions to the doctor. In the physiotherapy department, a nurse performs the procedures prescribed for patients using special medical devices and equipment.

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To successfully master the profession, a nurse needs basic knowledge of biology, anatomy, chemistry, and physics. A qualified nurse (nurse) should know: the rules for caring for the sick and seriously ill, the name and prescription of drugs, basic concepts professional ethics, the basics of medical and educational psychology, the rules for using medical instruments and equipment, the rules and methods of disinfection, the rules for performing procedures (injections, vaccinations, dressings). A qualified nurse (nurse) should be able to: provide the victim with first aid, provide moral support to the patient, perform standard medical procedures with high quality, possess special techniques, skills in accordance with specialization, use tools and devices correctly and effectively, in accordance with their specialization.

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For successful activity as a nurse (nurse), the following professionally important qualities are required: interest in working with medical equipment (for example, in physiotherapy), tact, friendliness, observation, responsibility, a pronounced tendency to manual labor, a pronounced tendency to service work , a tendency to work in the field of communication, a tendency to work with objects of nature (namely, with people), the ability to concentrate, high emotional stability.

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The nurse (nurse) usually works indoors. The nurse has a mobile way of working. A nurse (nurse) uses special medical instruments and devices in her work. A nurse works in a medical team, at least in tandem with a doctor. A nurse (nurse) performs clear, clearly formulated goals, solves standard, typical tasks. The nurse (nurse) performs the procedures assigned by others, tasks according to the set standards, rules, algorithms. Among special conditions labor should indicate a high responsibility for the life and health of patients.

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Medical restrictions for a nurse (nurse): infectious diseases (tuberculosis) uncorrectable speech, vision and hearing disorders, serious diseases of the internal organs and the cardiovascular system, dysfunction of the musculoskeletal system, deformity of the fingers, allergic diseases, neuropsychiatric disorders .

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The nursing profession does not require higher education. Basic knowledge in the profession of a nurse (nurse) on the basis of 9 or 11 classes can be obtained in specialized institutions of secondary vocational education.

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Young girls and boys with pronounced altruism, mercy and interest in working with people come to the profession of a nurse (nurse). Some choose this profession after they had to take care of seriously ill loved ones in their lives. Others become nurses for subsequent admission to medical school. In Moscow, a diploma of a nurse (nurse) can be obtained in one of the following educational institutions: Moscow Medical College No. 1, Medical College No. 4, Medical College No. 6, College. Clara Zetkin, Medical School No. 5, Medical School No. 15 and others.

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Possible ways of developing a nurse (nurse). Specialization and development of related areas Over time, performing more complex and responsible work, you can attend advanced training courses and learn new specialties within related professions. For example, dental technician, midwife, pharmacist. Also, a nurse with rich life experience and teaching inclinations can eventually become a teacher for practical exercises in a medical school. Managerial career development This career path assumes that a nurse (nurse) can eventually improve their qualifications in a medical university and move along the line of administrative growth: the head nurse is a doctor. When choosing this direction career, it is useful to develop managerial skills, additionally master such professions as a doctor and a manager.