Conditions for the existence of business among young people. Is it easy to be a young entrepreneur? The state should attract free labor to independent entrepreneurial activity.

Youth as a social group. Help from the encyclopedia. Age stratification.

Youth is not so much a specific social or demographic group of society, but rather a special part of it that is in the making, the position of which is determined by the socio-economic state of society. The specificity lies, first of all, in the fact that young people in their social and age status are in a transitional state. This transition determines:

    The need to study the problems of youth as part of the whole society;

    The need to differentiate young people as a layer according to a number of characteristics, the main of which are age, gender, type of occupation and activity, socio-economic status, etc.

Everyone knows that youth is a certain stage in the maturation and development of a person, lying between childhood and adulthood. But what are the chronological boundaries and meaningful features of this period? The transition from childhood to adulthood is usually divided into two stages: adolescence (adolescence) and adolescence (early and late). However, the chronological boundaries of these ages are often defined in completely different ways, for example, in Russian psychiatry, the age from 14 to 18 is called adolescence, while in psychology, 16-18 year olds are considered young men.

Age terminology has never been unambiguous. In the "Explanatory Dictionary" by V. Dal, a young man is defined as "a young, small, guy from 15 to 20 years old or more", and a teenager is defined as a "child in the undergrowth", about 14-15 years old. LN Tolstoy considers the 15th anniversary to be the chronological line between adolescence and youth. At the same time, the hero of F. M. Dostoevsky's novel "The Teenager" has already turned 20 years old. In the Old Russian language, the word "lad" meant both a child, a teenager, and a young man. The same fuzziness of edges is characteristic of classical and medieval Latin.

An important detail: age categories in many, if not all languages, originally denoted not so much the chronological age of a person as his social position, social status. Old Russian "lad"(lit. - not having the right to speak) meant: slave, servant, worker, princely warrior.

The connection of age categories with social status is preserved in modern languages. Belittling the age status of a person, addressing him as a younger one (“young man”, “boyfriend”, etc.) often contains a connotation or condescension.

This is also manifested in the periodization of the life path. Ideas about the properties and capabilities of individuals of each age are closely related to the age stratification existing in society. Chronological age, or rather, the level of development of the individual assumed by him, directly or indirectly reflects his social position, the nature of his activity, the range of social roles, etc. the sex and age division of labor largely determines the social position, self-awareness and the level of claims of members of the corresponding age group.

Age serves as a criterion for the knowledge or abandonment of certain social roles, and this connection can be both direct and indirect (for example, the time necessary to receive an education, without which one cannot take a certain social position). In some cases, the criteria are normative-legal (school age, civil age), in others they are factual (for example, the average age of marriage), and the degree of certainty of age criteria and boundaries in different societies and different fields of activity is very variable.

Age stratification also includes a system of age-related socio-psychological expectations and sanctions (compare ideas - not always conscious - about "normal behavior" and the degree of responsibility of a teenager and an adult, a young worker and a veteran).

Word youth denotes the phase of transition from dependent childhood to independent and responsible adulthood, which implies, on the one hand, the completion of physical, in particular sexual, maturation, and on the other, the achievement of social maturity. But this happens differently in different societies.

In primitive societies, with their relatively simple and stable social structure, the individual relatively easily acquired the social roles and work skills necessary for an adult. The low life expectancy did not allow society to particularly prolong the "preparatory period". Childhood ended early, upbringing and education were predominantly practical in nature: children learned by participating, in a form that was feasible for them, in the labor and other activities of adults. Among many peoples of Siberia, by the age of 10-12, children already mastered the technique of everyday work - shooting, rowing, fishing, becoming practically equal workers.

In the future, the criteria for social maturation become more complex, become more multidimensional.

In the Middle Ages, the transfer of experience accumulated by elders was carried out mainly through the direct practical inclusion of the child in the activities of adults. The child performed auxiliary functions in the parental family or outside the home; education was an organic part of work and life, and the criteria for maturity had a class character. In describing childhood and adolescence, medieval thought emphasizes not so much the task of preparing for the future life as the moment of social dependence.

The violent youthful age did not cause emotion in the elders. As one of Shakespeare's characters says, “It would be better if people, when they were ten, but not yet twenty-three, had no age at all. It would be better if youth overslept its years, because it has no other fun than making women's belly, insulting old people, fighting and stealing.

The most important criterion for adulthood was the creation of one's own family, with which independence and responsibility were associated.

The new time brought important social and psychological changes. Physical, in particular puberty, maturation has noticeably accelerated, forcing "reduce" the boundaries of adolescence. On the contrary, the complication of social and labor activity, in which a person had to participate, led to a lengthening of the necessary training periods. The new generation of young people, much later than their peers in the past, begin an independent working life, sit longer at desks of different sizes. Hence - the lengthening of the period of "role moratorium" (when a young man "trying on" various adult roles, but not yet completely identified with them) and a change in the corresponding socio-psychological stereotypes.

The lengthening of youth has its own personal prerequisites: the expansion of the sphere of conscious self-determination and the increase of its independence. In a society of the patriarchal-feudal type, the life path of the individual in its main features was predetermined by the existing social structure and tradition. In the professional sphere, the young man, as a rule, inherited the occupations of his parents. His social aspirations were limited to the limits of class affiliation. The bride was chosen by his parents, often long before his maturity and regardless of his personal inclinations and sympathies. Only an outstanding person could break out of this social constraint and even realize it as such.

The development of independence is nothing but the transition from a system of external control to self-government. Any control requires information, information about the control object. In self-management, this should be the subject's information about himself. The level of self-awareness and the degree of complexity, integration and stability of the "image" are always closely related to the development of the intellect. In this respect, early youth also marks a definite milestone.

Social self-determination (whether it is about the choice of a profession or an ideological search) is the definition of one's position in the world. It is not directed inward, but outward. But the answer to questions who to be and what to do, also implies a certain assessment of oneself and one's capabilities.

In modern times, the possibilities of individual choice - profession, husband (wife), lifestyle - have expanded significantly. The psychological horizons of a person in the age of printing and mass communications are not limited by the framework of his immediate environment. Greater freedom of choice contributes to the formation of an independent social character and provides a greater variety of individual variations. But the flip side of this is the complication of the process of self-determination. The choice of possible ways is very great, and only practically, in the course of the activity itself, it turns out whether it suits a person or not.

The growth of social autonomy of youth from elders and individual self-determination, as opposed to passive adaptation to existing conditions, gave rise to a new normative canon of youth by the middle of the 18th century, the idea of ​​youth as an era of “second birth”, “storm and onslaught”, the embodiment of “pure subjectivity” . Jean-Jacques Rousseau's famous treatise Emile, or On Education (1762), which developed these ideas in detail, is often called the "discovery" or "invention" of youth. In the words of Thomas Mann, “one fine day it turned out that the century that invented female emancipation and began to stand up for the rights of the child - a very indulgent age - bestowed on youth the privilege of independence, and she, of course, quickly got used to it.”

However, the properties of youth were immediately problematic. Some see youth as a “metaphysical gift” of primordial naturalness, “the only legitimate bridge between civilization and nature”, “a pre-civilized state”, “a truly romantic age”, designed to “rise and throw off the shackles of an obsolete civilization, to dare what others do not have.” enough vital courage, namely, to plunge into the elemental again. Others consider the properties of youth to be the product of specific conditions and upbringing.

Social origin and class position have an enormous influence on the life path of an individual, starting from the pace of physical maturation and ending with the content of the worldview. There is, perhaps, not a single complex personal quality that would not depend on social class and environmental factors: social origin, occupation and level of education of parents; features of the socio-ecological environment, in particular the type of settlement (big city, small town, village); the composition, structure and financial situation of the family, his own social status and type of occupation (schoolchild, vocational school student, technical school student, university student, etc.). Hence the need to study the problems of adolescence by representatives of various sciences: sociology, psychology, pedagogy, criminology, medicine, psychiatry, etc.

National, ethno-cultural features are added to socio-economic differences.

Youthful solipsism (all history begins with us!) and senile confidence in the immutability of the foundations of being are equally untenable.

It is difficult to compare different generations, in each generation there were, are and will be different people. In addition, people tend to absolutize their own habits and tastes, so for some older people, external, secondary features come to the fore. Each generation stands on the shoulders of the previous one, not always realizing this continuity.

The succession of generations does not necessarily follow an ascending line. Sometimes it resembles the movement of a pendulum. Analyzing the history of bourgeois revolutionism in the 19th century, A.I. Herzen wrote that “children sometimes look older than their “fathers” and “grandfathers”. “Between an old man of the nineties, a fanatic, a fantasist, an idealist, and a son who is older than him by caution, prudence, disappointment ... and a grandson ... the natural relationship is disturbed, the balance is disturbed, the organic continuity of generations is distorted. At this generation, the revolutionary era finally stops and begins its retreat: another generation - and there are no more impulses, everything takes on the usual order, the personality is erased, the change of copies is hardly noticeable in the ongoing everyday life.

One of the cardinal mistakes of the past was to try to develop a certain set of personality traits that should correspond to the ideal model of the "young builders of communism", however, without caring whether these models correspond to reality. Young people were often considered only as an object of education, and not an active subject of social life. Theorists from pedagogy constantly called for "programming the educational process, establishing clear, strategic guidelines for education, painting all the values ​​on which activities in the field of education should be built."

Is it any wonder that it was precisely such “recommendations” that led the school to a dead end. The upbringing of obedience, like-mindedness and uniformity did not contribute to the formation of a socially mature personality.

Among foreign studies of youth problems, the works of such well-known sociologists as L. Rosenmayer (Austria), I. Velev, P. Mitev, M. Semov (Bulgaria), W. Friedrich, K. Starke, H. Shelsky, R. Mayer, I. Richter (Germany), Z. Bekely (Hungary), E. Giddens, J. Riordan, W. Christopher (Great Britain), R. Dobson, N. Smelser (USA), W. Adamski, R. Dyoniziak ( Poland), V. Dubsky (Czech Republic), L. Makhachek (Slovakia), O. Badina (Romania), J. Simhadri (India), G. Carmen (Mexico) and others.

Among Soviet and Russian researchers, the most famous names are N.M. Blinov, V.M. Boryaz, S.I. Ikonnikov, I.M. Ilyinsky, V.T. Lisovsky, I.S. V.G.Mordkovich, B.S.Pavlov, V.N.Shubkin, Z.V.Sikevich, N.S.Sleptsov, M.Kh.Titma, V.I.Chuprov and others.

Youth in the period of reforming Russian society. Professional self-determination of youth.

The high speed of political, economic and social changes in the 1990s had (and is having) an impact on the position and development of Russian youth. Today, it is obvious that processes of differentiation prevail in the youth environment. Moreover, differentiating factors are more visible than integrating ones. This is due, first of all, to the fact that in the context of the radical transformation of Russian society, profound changes are taking place in its social stratification, one of the features of which is social polarization based on property stratification.

New groups appeared in the social structure: entrepreneurs, bankers, small traders and "shuttle traders", new Russians and new poor. New tendencies arose among the workers and peasants, connected with relations to one form of property or another. Differences in income, economic and political interests are deepening between the strata of the working class and the peasantry.

Young people belong to each stratum, social group to a greater or lesser extent. That is why the fundamental criteria for the social differentiation of youth are the social origin and their own social status of young people. Possessing the social characteristics of different communities, they differ in material capabilities, value orientations, image and lifestyle. The analysis shows that the most important characteristic of modern Russian youth is the increased stratification according to socio-economic indicators.

The internal differentiation of young people is determined not only by social parameters. Researchers, in addition to stratification, distinguish such types of differentiation as age and subcultural. Among young people, there is a need to study the specifics of group relations, the features of the formation of needs and goals, the role and place of various strata of youth in the formation of a new society. Knowledge of the specifics is one of the important conditions for developing a scientific approach to solving youth problems, conducting social and youth policy.

At the same time, the value approach to the study of the whole variety of common ties and patterns of the younger generation, as an organic subject of the development of society, has been and remains no less relevant. It is this approach that distinguishes a number of major works published in the 1990s. In them, young people are seen as a social-democratic group with their characteristic social, age, psychological properties and social values, which determine the level of socio-economic, cultural development, features of socialization in Russian society. Such a view contributes to a deeper understanding of youth problems, a differentiated approach of young people as an internally heterogeneous and, at the same time, a specifically special social group. However, Ural researchers rightly point out Vishnevsky Yu.R., Shapko V.T., the growing differentiation of young people actualizes the problem of identifying integrating factors, signs and integrity.

Among the factors of the sociological definition of "youth" researchers consistently identify:

    age limits and socio-psychological characteristics;

    the specifics of social status, socio-cultural behavior;

    the process of socialization as a unity of social adaptation of young people in individualization.

The general conclusion of the researchers of the Research Center for MI, made in 1993, remains valid: "Each subsequent generation of Russian youth is worse than the previous one in terms of the main indicators of social status and development." This is expressed primarily:

    in the trend of reducing the number of young people, which leads to the aging of society and, consequently, a decrease in the role of youth as a social resource in general. From 1987-1996 six million children were born in the country less than in the previous ten years. The number of young people under the age of 16 has decreased by three million. The demographic situation is complicated by a new reality in Russia - an increase in murders and suicides, including among young people;

    in the trend of deterioration in the health of children and adolescents. The rising generation is less healthy physically and mentally than the previous one. On average in Russia, only 10% of school graduates can consider themselves absolutely healthy, 45-50% of them have serious morphofunctional deviations;

    in the trend of expanding the process of desocialization, marginalization of youth. The number of young people leading an asocial, immoral lifestyle is increasing. For various reasons and to varying degrees, they include: disabled people, alcoholics, vagrants, "professional beggars", persons serving sentences in corrective labor institutions who strive to be socially useful citizens, but due to social conditions cannot become them. There is a lumpenization and criminalization of youth;

    in the trend of decreasing opportunities for youth participation in economic development. Statistics show that the share of young people in the unemployed remains high. In 1994 it amounted to 35.5%, in 1997 - 35% of the total number of unemployed;

    in the trend of falling social value of labor, the prestige of a number of professions important for society.

The labor market is characterized by a significant overflow of labor from the state to the non-state sector of the economy. Moving to the sphere for positions that do not require professional knowledge, young people risk their future well-being, not ensuring the accumulation of intellectual property - professionalism. Moreover, this area of ​​employment is characterized by a very high degree of criminalization.

Sociological studies of recent years state that in labor motivation, priority is given not to meaningful work, but to work aimed at obtaining material benefits. "Big salary" - this motive turned out to be decisive in choosing a place of work.

Modern youth has such a feature that shows that most of them want to have a good income, while having no profession and no desire to work. This is due to the fact that young people do not have incentives to work.

However, work is the basis on which the vast majority of young people build their current material well-being. What are young Russians like as workers, and how justified is their privileged position in the labor market?

First of all, it should be emphasized that young people have a noticeably higher level of education than the older generation. And although almost every tenth young man dropped out of college without finishing it, yet every third of the respondents had a completed higher education.

The readiness to change the nature of activity, which today is perhaps the main factor in successful employment in the context of economic restructuring, is very high among young people.. Only 51.2% of young people work in the specialty they received at an educational institution. Of the rest, half changed their specialty after working in their main profession, and half never worked in it at all, immediately starting to master another specialty.

Of course, these results can be interpreted as very deplorable in terms of squandering the qualification potential of the population. But, on the other hand, in conditions when the education system is not able to train specialists in accordance with the demands of the labor market, without the readiness of people, especially young people, to change their specialty at the individual level, economic reforms would be doomed to failure.

The fall in “prestige” and “profitability” in the public opinion of the youth of a number of specialties does not mean a fall in the prestige and profitability of skilled labor in general, but only a change in priorities within the specialties of skilled and highly skilled labor. This is clearly seen in the responses of young people to an open question about the most prestigious and profitable professions (see Figures 8 and 9).

Picture 1

What professions are currently considered the most prestigious

Figure 2

What professions are considered the most profitable today
young and older generation, in %

Apparently, the most profitable young Russians consider the profession of a businessman. However, in the ranking of prestigious professions, she took only fourth place. The first three belonged to the professions of highly skilled mental labor - lawyer, financier, economist. Thus, although the profitability and prestige of professions have a significant degree of correlation, but not only the profitability of a profession determines the degree of its prestige. It is no coincidence that the profession of a lawyer or an economist is considered prestigious by twice as many of those who are convinced of their profitability.

Summarizing, we can say that young people consider the most prestigious those professions that are of particular importance in the context of the transition to a market economy.. Like in the 60s and 70s. the most prestigious professions were (from nuclear physicist to cosmonaut), reflecting the priorities of maintaining the status of the USSR as a great power and maintaining its position in the arms race, and now young people in their priorities quite adequately reflect the demands of Russian society, only these demands have changed. It is no coincidence that in the first place among all the answers to the question of what helps to get a good job, young people put “the presence of high qualifications, knowledge”, which in no way indicates a drop in the prestige of knowledge and qualifications.

At the same time, the prestige of a job is by no means the main thing when young Russians choose a place of work (see Fig. 10).

Figure 3

Requirements for work that could suit representatives
youth and older generation, in %

Along with the demand for good pay, which is typical for both the older and younger generations, the main thing for “adult” and young Russians is the content of the work, its “interestingness”. In general, it should be noted that in relation to a number of basic requirements for work, as can be seen from the data obtained, the positions of representatives of the generations of “fathers” and “children” are very similar, and one can speak more about a pronounced continuity of labor values ​​than about the commercialism of modern youth.

The fact that such a conclusion is quite reasonable is also evidenced by the analysis of the results of choosing one of the two main job requirements when answering an alternative question - either an interesting job or high earnings. Among young people, 59.0% preferred an interesting job to a high salary, and among the older generation - 53.0%. As you can see, here the indicators are very close, but still, material factors are slightly less significant for young people than for representatives of the older generation.

At the same time, young people favorably differed from the generation of “fathers” by the presence of “achievement motivations”, which, according to modern management theory, dramatically increase the value of an employee even if he has the same qualifications as the rest.. Thus, the possibility of professional growth is important for every fourth young Russian (and only for 16.3% of the older generation), the opportunity to make a fast career is important for 11.2% of young people (5.9% of the older generation). Older people are more focused on the convenience and comfort of work - good working conditions and tireless work are noticeably more important for them than for young people.

Of the remaining differences, the somewhat greater significance of the “usefulness of work for society” among the older generation and the “prestige” of work among young people deserve attention. However, both “usefulness” and “prestigiousness of work” do not belong to the top three for either “children” or “fathers” (in the answer to this question, three characteristics of work were allowed to be selected).

Complementing the picture of young people's ideas about a good job and work motivation are the answers to the question of what helps to get it in the first place (see Table 1, several answers were allowed).

Table 1

What helps you get a good job?

Attention has already been drawn above to the noticeably greater role of qualifications in the eyes of young people for getting a good job. But for young Russians, such factors as initiative and willingness to work with full dedication are more significant. This is especially evident in the part of young people who work in the private sector.

At the same time, young people, just like representatives of the older generation, understand that getting a good job without connections and acquaintances (which in the modern labor market play not so much the role of “blat”, as functions close to the role of recommendations in the labor market Western countries), even if the employee has the most remarkable qualities, it is very problematic. In a word, in this issue, too, young people demonstrate a high level of continuity and closeness to the older generation, and the differences reflect a slightly better understanding of the requirements that the modern labor market imposes on workers.

The readiness to focus on the requirements of the labor market is also reflected in the preferences of young people in relation to various sectors of the economy, which differ markedly from the preferences of the “fathers” generation. The bulk of young people are oriented to work in the private sector of the economy. At the same time, priority is given to foreign companies, private Russian enterprises and entrepreneurship. Only one in six young Russians would like to work in the public sector of the economy. Basically, these are those who are involuntarily oriented to work in the public sector due to the peculiarities of their specialty. Thus, almost half (45.5%) of those who have an academic degree or study in postgraduate studies tend to work at state enterprises (universities, mostly state-owned, as well as academic and industrial research institutes). However, even among this category of workers, 36.3% would like to work at private enterprises, including 27.3% at foreign companies.

The guidelines of the older generation are significantly different. True, 44.7% of its representatives would also like to work in the private sector. At the same time, priority was given to foreign companies, private companies, and entrepreneurship. But nevertheless, in the first place for the representatives of the older generation are state-owned enterprises.

The level of qualification, the nature of labor motivations, as well as the willingness to take into account the requirements of the labor market (agreement to retraining, orientation to work in the non-state sector of the economy, which makes the main demand for highly paid labor force, the prestige of the most "market" professions, etc.) are complemented by a noticeably greater prevalence of those knowledge, skills and abilities that are highly valued in the modern labor market. First of all, we are talking about computer skills, communication in foreign languages, driving a car. (see fig. 12-14).

It is noteworthy not only that among young people there are twice as many of those who can work on a computer, and one and a half times more of those who have communication skills in a foreign language, but also that they are much more actively acquiring these skills. Every fourth young Russian is currently mastering a computer and learning a foreign language, every seventh is acquiring driving skills.

The desire of young people to actively master the knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for successful competition in the labor market was also manifested in the answers to the question about the desire to go abroad. The number of those wishing to go abroad for an internship or study among young people reaches 27.7% and is three times more than among the older generation, although the number of those who would like to go there “to work” is almost the same.

Figure 4

Foreign language proficiency among young people and the older generation, in %

Figure 5

Proficiency in computer skills among young people and the older generation, in %

Figure 6

Driving skills among young people and the older generation, in %

As we can see, young people, in general as workers, differ from the older generation for the better, and objective differences in their position in the labor market are reflected in the level of their material well-being. Not surprisingly, young people are much more optimistic about the consequences of economic reforms. If among young people every seventh believes that he has benefited from the reforms, then among the older generation, almost three times less think so. On the other hand, those who believe that they have lost from the reforms are twice as many among the generation of “fathers” than in the generation of “children”.

In the context of the data presented, of particular interest is the question of which of the younger generation lives poorly and expects further deterioration in their situation, and how does this group differ from their prosperous peers?

We have to state with regret that the formation of stagnant poverty, as well as the closing of channels for the vertical social mobility of young people, has become a fait accompli in Russia. There is a consolidation of the prosperous position of some and the deterioration of the already poor position of others. Suffice it to say that 57.0% of those young people who assess their situation as prosperous were able to improve it over the past year, and 51.0% expect it to improve further in 1998. On the other hand, 44.5% of those who rated their situation as bad have worsened over the past year, and only 18.7% expect it to improve in the new year.

Unfavorable” youth, according to their social origin, is concentrated mainly in the lower status groups of society. If among the “prosperous” they indicated that their father managed to achieve success in life 63.7%, and their mother - 62.3%, then among the “unfavorable” the corresponding figures were only 36.5% and 40.1%, respectively. Regarding the possibility of moving to a higher status group, the chances of “prosperous” and “unfavorable” are also different. If among the “prosperous” (mostly people from the most prosperous strata of society) 60.1% expect to achieve more than their parents, then among the “unfavorable” only 44.3% hope to achieve more than their parents. Thus, if among the “prosperous” the orientation towards vertical mobility and the successful implementation of a fairly wide range of requests dominates, then among the “unfavorable” not only stagnant poverty is formed, but also disbelief in their ability to escape from the “bottom” of society.

Who is included in these "lower classes"? Oddly enough, their representatives do not have a pronounced specificity either by gender, or by education, or by their current social and professional affiliation (except for entrepreneurs, among whom their share is about half that of other groups). The most significant of the objective characteristics is the form of ownership of the enterprise where the respondents work. So, among the losers from the reforms, half are those who work in state-owned enterprises. And among the winners - almost the same number work in private enterprises. Employees of joint-stock enterprises occupy an intermediate position.

The same trend is also characteristic of the distribution into “prosperous” and “unfavorable”. Moreover, in the future, the "prosperous" are more focused on working in the private sector - 70.7%. At the same time, every fourth “prosperous” person is inclined to engage in entrepreneurship. Only 56.9% of the “unfavorable” would like to work in the private sector, including foreign firms, and only one in twenty was inclined to engage in entrepreneurship. The data presented suggest that At the heart of the differences between the part of the youth that have successfully adapted to the market economy and those who have not managed to do this is not so much the work itself in a certain sector of the economy, but the reasons, the conditions due to which some ended up in the private sector, while others remained in the public sector, despite the fact that their level of well-being is very low.

One of these conditions is the region of residence. In Nizhny Novgorod, Tver, Vladivostok, Kaliningrad and other regions with a high intensity of development of the private sector in general and small business in particular, the situation of young people is noticeably better, since a wide labor market provides an opportunity to find suitable work. For example, in Tver, the number of “prosperous” and “unfavorable” people turned out to be almost the same - 15.2% and 15.9%, respectively (the rest considered their situation “satisfactory”), while in Nizhny Novgorod, 21.8% of the “prosperous” accounted for 30 .3% of “unfavorable” at a ratio of 11.3% and 29.8% for the array as a whole.

In Kemerovo, Novgorod and other regions with a relatively slow pace of market reforms and a narrow labor market, the situation of young people is rather difficult. Thus, in Kemerovo, only 1.4% of young Russians described their financial situation as “prosperous”, and 37.2% as “bad”. In Novgorod, 4.9% of the “prosperous” accounted for 50.7% of the “unfavorable”.

There is a special situation in St. Petersburg and, especially, in Moscow, where the labor market is quite broad, but young people's self-assessment of their position is noticeably worse than, for example, in Tver. Obviously, due to the strong social differentiation of the population in both capitals and the high living standards of part of the population, the level of demands of the capital's youth is higher than in other regions. Therefore, although the number of "unfavorable" here corresponds to the average for the entire array of respondents, the number of "prosperous" is relatively small - 11.8% in St. Petersburg and 6.4% in Moscow.

The state of the labor market is also associated with such an important objective characteristic that distinguishes well-off groups from disadvantaged ones, such as the presence of secondary employment. 23.3% of “prosperous” young Russians and only 14.9% of “unfavorable” young Russians have permanent secondary employment, although, it would seem, it is for them that secondary employment is especially necessary. The influence of the state of the labor market here is manifested, first of all, again through regional factors - in Moscow, every third representative of the youth has permanent secondary employment, and in most other regions - only every seventh. Approximately the same picture is typical for episodic secondary employment.

Finally, along with macro factors (development of the private sector, the state of the labor market), the situation of young people is also influenced by micro factors associated with the modern skills and abilities of a young person, which put him in a more or less advantageous position in the local labor market. Among them - a good education, knowledge of a foreign language, the ability to work on a computer.

As the data show, “prosperous” youth are not only more skilled in various skills that increase their value as workers, but they are also more actively acquiring these skills (see Fig. 15).

Figure 7

Proficiency in a foreign language among “prosperous” and “disadvantaged” youth, in %

Value Orientations of Youth

Turning to the issue of value orientations, to their intergenerational comparison, one should immediately emphasize the revealed continuity of the value systems of the generations of “fathers” and “children”. Although, of course, there are certain differences in them, arising from the nature of the current socio-economic conditions. To confirm this thesis, let us first of all refer to the data in Table 5, which very eloquently reflect the choice of alternative value judgments by representatives of the youth and the older generation.

table 2

Value orientations of young people and the older generation, in %



My financial situation in the present and future depends primarily on me

Little depends on me - it is important what the economic situation will be in the country

To achieve success in life, one must take risks, this gives a chance

In life, it is better not to take risks, but gradually, but reliably build your career

People should achieve material success themselves, and those who do not want this, let them live in poverty - this is fair

It is necessary to show humanity, those who have materially succeeded should help and take care of those who have not succeeded.

Only interesting work is worth spending a significant part of life

The main thing in the work is how much they pay for it

We must strive to have any income, regardless of whether
how they are obtained

A person must have the income that he earned in an honest way

Freedom is something without which human life loses its meaning

The main thing in life is material well-being, and freedom is secondary

Standing out among others and being a bright personality is better than living like everyone else

Living like everyone else is better than standing out from the crowd

The modern world is cruel, in order to survive and succeed, you need to fight for your place in it, or even step over some moral norms

I would rather not achieve material well-being and make a career, but I will never step over my conscience and moral standards

As seen, the basic values ​​of the youth (fourth and sixth couples) and the older generation are very close. Both those and others are focused more on interesting work than on earnings. Both those and others for the most part prefer freedom to material well-being. It is no coincidence that the number of young Russians who called goals related to material consumption their dream (to have their own apartment, earn a lot of money, live in prosperity, go on a trip, etc.) is less than those who were focused on goals of a “non-consumer” plan (have a good family, raise good children, get a good education, etc.).

At the same time, the analysis of the series instrumental values ​​that answer not so much the question “what is more important in life”, but rather the question “under what conditions and how to achieve life goals”, demonstrating a fairly high level of continuity, at the same time showing the main vector of changes in the value systems of the generation that grew up under market reforms. First of all, the value of solidarity, the readiness to take care of the poor members of society, should be mentioned here. It would seem that the shift that has taken place in this area is very small, and the number of supporters of solidarity among older ages is only 7% more than among young people. But as a result of this shift, the sign of choice by the younger generation is reversed. And if among the older generation the majority believes that those who have materially succeeded should help and take care of those who have not succeeded, then among the youth the majority is convinced that people should achieve material success themselves.

However, the conviction of young Russians that poverty is the fair lot of those who have not ensured their material well-being is by no means a manifestation of their cruelty or selfishness. Here we are dealing with a phenomenon of a deeper order - the breaking of the collectivist-paternalistic type of consciousness, originating in the Russian community, which took care of its poorest members. To replace it, the modern youth environment includes a model of individualistic utilitarian consciousness of the Western type. The cornerstone of this type of consciousness is a person who “does himself”, and therefore he is responsible for the consequences of all his actions.. And it is no coincidence that in the first three and seventh pairs of value judgments, reflecting the opposite of the initiative-individualistic and paternalistic-collectivist types of consciousness, the answers of young people were distributed qualitatively differently than the answers of representatives of the older generation.

Certain differences are also revealed among young people themselves. If among “prosperous” young Russians 84.3% were convinced that their financial situation in the present and future depends primarily on themselves, then among the “unfavorable” - only 49.6%. Accordingly, two-thirds of “prosperous” young Russians were convinced that people should achieve material success themselves, and those who do not want this should live in poverty - and this is fair (see Fig. 19).

Figure 8

Prevalence of initiative and paternalistic ideals among
“prosperous” and “disadvantaged” Russian youth, in %

In general, the same trend is characteristic of the older generation. 55.6% of the “prosperous” and 38.9% of the “unfavorable” representatives of the older age groups believe that the well-being of everyone should depend on their own efforts. Of these, 44.4% and 58.2%, respectively, were supporters of the idea that the financially successful should take care of the rest. The given data allow us to say that the individualistic and paternalistic orientations that exist among the youth (as well as among the older generation) have acquired a relatively complete form among young people. This was reflected in the growth of individualistic sentiments and the fall in the prevalence of paternalistic expectations. “Prosperous” young Russians are even less inclined to help the poor than their “fathers”, but “unfavorable” young people are less likely to expect help from successful fellow citizens than their parents.

Finally, as the above data show, in the group moral values ​​(fifth and eighth pairs), young Russians demonstrated a certain continuity with the older generation, although the shifts that have taken place in this area still cannot but alert. Thus, the majority of young Russians are convinced that it is better not to achieve material well-being and not make a career than to step over their conscience and morality for this. But still 43.8% of them, i.e. almost half are ready to fight for their place in life and cross over moral norms for the sake of their well-being. Among the older generation, this ratio was 75.5% and 23.8%, respectively.

However, these discrepancies reflect differences in the goals of young people and the older generation rather than a real readiness for young people to violate the norms of morality, and even more so - rights. The conviction that one can have only “honest” incomes, and not any, has already divided, for example, two-thirds of young Russians. At the same time, the fact that every third representative of the youth is convinced that any income is good, regardless of how they are received, is a very alarming fact. For the older generation, this figure is half as much - 17.6%.

It should be noted thateconomic forms of deviation (for example, tax evasion) are typical mainly for men of the older age group of young people (8.4% of young people under the age of 20, and 15.0% of those aged 24-26 years old, evaded taxes; every fourth Russian over 24 years old and every sixth aged up to 20 years old). Employees of private enterprises paid bribes twice as often as employees of state enterprises. An important factor in economic deviation was the professional activity of young people - young entrepreneurs evaded taxes and paid bribes three times more often than, for example, the humanitarian intelligentsia, whose level of these forms of deviation is the lowest. In terms of significance, the professional affiliation factor was comparable only with vertical mobility during the reforms (but not with the level of material well-being, which practically did not matter!). Among those who have won during the reforms, economic deviation is twice as common as among those who consider themselves losers.

Entrepreneurship and its types. Small business in a free enterprise society.

Small business originated more than 40 centuries ago in the eastern Mediterranean. Although small business played a major role in the spread of civilization, its history has never occupied the public consciousness. But now small business is increasingly recognized as a creative force in the economy.

Small business is at the center of the interests of modern society, affecting the life of the entire population. Few sectors of the economy could function without its never-ending stream of products and services. And most importantly, its activity initiates inventive and innovative activity: studies show that the main ideas and inventions often come from small enterprises rather than from large enterprises. The creativity of small businesses will help spread new products and services to consumers.

Of the 19 million US enterprises, 99% can be classified as small, i.e. each employs less than 500 people. About 600,000 new businesses are created every year, but half of them go out of business within 18 months. The main reason for the high "mortality rate" is the ease with which inexperienced people can start a new business.

Contrary to popular belief, small business thrives in the shadow of big business. One study shows that, as a rule, small enterprises are more profitable than large processing companies.

The future of small business looks bright. More and more men and women, boys and girls will become involved in small business. And they will be increasingly better prepared for the job, mainly because of better education and broad support from society.

Most young people would like to run their own business, but only a few do so. Of those who do it. Also, few are successful. However, the opportunity to become a successful entrepreneur is quite real. Chances favor those who strive for difficult goals. They are also likely to be innovative, take reasonable risks, self-confident, hardworking, goal-setting, and responsible.

Entrepreneurs appear in every field of activity, and every ethnic group can boast of their successful entrepreneurs. Some ethnic groups tend to have a higher percentage of entrepreneurs than others, mainly because, until now, entrepreneurial opportunities have been closed to some groups.

Other social factors also seem to influence entrepreneurial success. Psychologists say that entrepreneurs were more likely to have parents who set high standards for children's performance, fostered self-reliance skills, and were less disciplined.

The main reward of an entrepreneur is satisfaction from a job well done, which is reflected in profits. The main danger is entrepreneurial failure, which can destroy the personality and destroy all savings.

Opportunities and trends.

While small businesses thrive in almost every industry, they are stronger in some than others. The requirements of each major group of industries - the initial financial investment in personnel, materials and equipment - determine how sustainable the presence of small businesses in them will be. Based on the number of employees, small business dominates three of the four major industry groups: wholesale, retail, and services. The position in production is less strong, mainly because of the large funds required to start a business.

Entrepreneurial development opportunities exist in virtually every industry. In any industry, small businesses are most successful when they are innovators. For example, in manufacturing, small businesses compete successfully in high-tech industries such as chemicals and electronics. The service sector, due to the ease with which you can start a business, attracts many entrepreneurs and is the fastest growing part of the economy.

Life in the next century will be very different from life today. The explosion of knowledge will constantly bring about change, at an increasing pace and mainly due to computerization. Aspiring entrepreneurs need to understand industry trends in order to be better prepared to take advantage of emerging opportunities in high-, mid-, low-, and non-tech industries.

The place of entrepreneurship in modern society

Entrepreneurship (entrepreneurial activity) is defined as an initiative independent activity of citizens and their associations aimed at making a profit. The distinctive features of entrepreneurial activity include the fact that it is carried out at your own peril and risk and under the property responsibility of the entrepreneur.

Freedom of enterprise, along with private property, is considered as the basis of a market economy, and the entrepreneur as the main figure in the market.

In order to assess the exceptional importance of entrepreneurship for modern society, it is useful to refer to the fundamental differences between the two opposite ways of doing business - market and administrative-command, called in foreign literature "forced directed" or "state-forced".

In a market economy, the functions of the state and entrepreneurial activity are delimited. In the sphere of state regulation are the general conditions of reproduction, the economic environment for the activities of enterprises, but not the activity itself. The main task of the state is to stimulate activity in every possible way in the sphere of production, create favorable conditions for entrepreneurship, as well as maintain employment of the population, social guardianship of the most vulnerable sections of society, i.e. provide its citizens with a decent standard of living. All this the state can do only at the expense of tax revenues to the treasury, the main burden of which lies on entrepreneurs. And the entrepreneur, in turn, does everything possible to maximize profits.

Thus, the market economic system puts a person, both an entrepreneur and an employee, in a position where he is fully responsible for his actions for his well-being, which is associated with an inevitable degree of risk and high responsibility. This is how an economic order is formed that operates with the highest efficiency and, as the social “pie” grows, offers a decent standard of living to its citizens.

In contrast, the "forced" economy is based on a comprehensive state planning of production and consumption, coercion of each and every one individually. Such an order excludes free competition from economic life, deprives a person of the opportunity to show his abilities and enterprise, and inevitably leads to mismanagement and stagnation. The concept of justice in such a system degenerates into a strict redistribution of the social "pie" and its egalitarian distribution according to the minimum standards of life, because only what has been created can be distributed. In this case, people's interests are reduced not to an increase in the social "pie", but to disputes over the distribution of an obviously insufficient "pie", when the benefit of some should be compensated by the disadvantage of others. The German economist Ludwig Erhard called such a system a "straitjacket" for the economy.

And, indeed, our model of a "forced" economy led to the fact that entrepreneurship was eradicated for decades, and officials took the place of entrepreneurs. The country did not use the most important resource - human potential - entrepreneurial ability.

Now our society, as well as all over the world, has come to understand the role of entrepreneurship in a healthy economy. Entrepreneurship has moved not only to the rank of legal activity, but also receives state support. An understanding of entrepreneurship as the main factor in the development of the economy is being formed in the public mind.

In countries with high entrepreneurial potential (such as the USA, Germany, etc.), an important role is usually played by small and medium-sized businesses, which are the breeding ground for entrepreneurship, a kind of "forge" of entrepreneurial personnel. In the US, for example, 40% of GNP is created by small and medium-sized businesses. The state provides entrepreneurship with broad support. In the country, along with the federal body supporting entrepreneurship - the Small Business Administration, there are 19 thousand regional commissions for economic development under local executive authorities, designed to promote business development in a particular region, increase the production of promising goods and services that are in demand in this area .

Let us now evaluate the entrepreneurial potential of Russia. The nature of the entrepreneurial potential of our country is due to the transitional state of the Russian economy. On the one hand, Russia has demonstrated the ability to quickly form an entrepreneurial infrastructure and the class of entrepreneurs, especially since these concepts themselves have been perceived extremely negatively over many previous decades. From the end of the 80s. thousands of market institutions were formed in the country, millions of owners arose. On the other hand, many market structures are only taking their first steps, such as the securities market (stock market). The state's share remains very significant both in national wealth and in the ownership of corporatized and partially privatized enterprises. There is every reason to believe that, due to many historical and cultural traditions, Russia will retain a significant public sector in the future. The role of state regulation in the economy will also be very important. At the same time, one of the characteristic features of the transitional economy of Russia is the close interweaving of private and state capital, the significant role of the state apparatus, and hence state entrepreneurship.

The composition of the emerging Russian entrepreneurship is also quite diverse: here are ordinary citizens, primarily young people who are actively working in business (mainly in small retail and shuttle trade, which does not require significant initial capital, in intermediary services), and highly qualified specialists who open advisory firms, (for example, in the field of management, software). Small business in the field of repair, construction and maintenance is expanding. Unfortunately, a large part of the new business came out of the former "shadow" business and is under the direct control of criminal structures. Criminal structures are drawing into their orbit a completely “clean” business, imposing all sorts of fees on it. Racketeering has become almost an integral part of Russian business.

Thus, the starting points for the formation of the Russian entrepreneurial class are far from being the most favorable. It will take many years and efforts to cultivate not only skilled and experienced, but also "civilized" entrepreneurs. Perhaps one of the key factors, along with the continuation of liberal economic reforms, is the education system, which is capable of giving current and future Russian entrepreneurs not only modern managerial knowledge, but also instilling a certain system of moral values, developing a new entrepreneurial ethic that is widespread in developed countries.

Problems of youth in the field of entrepreneurial activity. Youth Entrepreneurship Assistance System.

    Looking for a new case - Future entrepreneurs can start their own business in one of two ways: by acquiring an existing business or by creating a new business. But before choosing one of the paths, entrepreneurs must answer the question: “What kind of business should I do?”. A reasonable response will require entrepreneurs to carefully consider both their own capabilities and industry trends.

For entrepreneurs, building something new from the start is more attractive than acquiring a business. They prefer their own product or service, their own employees, suppliers, choose their own location, and so on.

Many entrepreneurs also act as inventors of products. Before setting up businesses, such entrepreneurs should carefully consider patenting their inventions. The patenting process is complex, costly and time consuming and usually requires the involvement of a patent attorney.

2) taxes - before the difficulty lay in one thing: taxes were prohibitively high. Now this topic has expanded significantly: the joint venture, as already mentioned, was equalized with other enterprises, and the tax is taken from the very first day. In addition, there is an extreme complication and unpredictability of the tax system. .

3) legislation - Everyone, without exception, refers to the problem of legislation as the most unpleasant phenomenon, and in two years the number of variations on this topic has increased from 17 to 24. Previously, the legislation of the USSR seemed unpredictable, unstable, unclear; as well as his general hostility towards the joint venture. Two years later, all of the above remain, with unpredictability, instability, and ambiguity being mentioned as a problem by a much larger number of experts. The new laws are also contradictory and obscure.

    overall economic situation

    difficulties in obtaining and a high rate for a loan

    political situation


    lack of production facilities


    lack of material base

    difficulties with rent

    lack of information

    lack of culture, experience

    personnel problems

    lack of own funds financing the activities of a new enterprise is often associated with difficult trials for an entrepreneur. This is due to the inability to reasonably assess their needs for funds, as well as the lack of ideas about where it is more expedient to obtain the necessary funds.

Having assessed the need for funds, the entrepreneur must determine what part of them will come from investors (share capital), which from creditors (borrowed capital), and decide on ways to mobilize the necessary capital.

There are many sources of funds. To obtain share capital, you can use:

    venture capital companies;

    small business investment companies;

    large enterprises;

    friends, relatives, and most importantly, the entrepreneur's own funds.

To obtain borrowed capital, you can use:

    commercial banks and other private lenders, including financial and insurance companies, friends and relatives;


    unprofitable production

    big bulky reporting

    lack of benefits


    unprofitable investment

    ownership issues

    market imperfection

    mistrust of Western partners

24) negative attitude towards entrepreneurs.

The Youth Entrepreneurship Assistance System was designed in accordance with the Youth Entrepreneurship Support subprogram based on previous experience in this area, the implementation of a number of local projects and programs, scientific developments and sociological research.

The system is designed as a set of organizational structures of the federal, regional and local levels, united by common goals and objectives, organizational and legal relations, legislative and regulatory framework and operating on the basis of uniform methodological and functional approaches.

Regional structures for promoting youth entrepreneurship are focused on supporting young people as a specific group, which is characterized by weaker preparation for entering the market and the absence of a number of opportunities available to the adult population.

Organizational structure of the system

At the federal level, the implementation of the subprogram and the formation of the system are entrusted to the establishment of the Committee of the Russian Federation for Youth Affairs “Russian Center for Assistance to Youth Entrepreneurship”. At the interregional level, the coordination of work is carried out by branches, representative offices of the RCSMP.

The main tasks of the center:

    formation and development of legislative, legal, regulatory initiatives and documents aimed at solving the problems of small business and creating conditions for self-employment of young people;

    organizational, financial and logistical assistance in the formation and development of relevant structures in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the formation of infrastructure and the coordination of the activities of the federal system for promoting youth entrepreneurship in general;

    information, methodological and consulting support for the activities of regional structures;

    training and retraining of personnel for work in the field of organizing small business under general and specialized programs;

    research and assistance in obtaining investment, budgetary and credit resources.

At the level of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the functions of implementing programs to support and develop youth entrepreneurship are assigned to regional structures for promoting youth entrepreneurship.

Organizational and legal relationships, conditions and mechanism for implementing the system for promoting youth entrepreneurship

Participants in the implementation of the sub-program "Support for Youth Entrepreneurship" are determined on the basis of a competition held by branches and representative offices of the RCSMP.

The basis for financing and joint activities for the implementation of the subprogram is Agreement, signed between the Committee of the Russian Federation for Youth Affairs and the relevant authority for youth affairs of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation following the results of the competition, and Treaty between the Russian Center for the Promotion of Youth Entrepreneurship and the regional structure.

The co-founder of the regional structure is the youth affairs bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and on the part of the Committee of the Russian Federation for Youth Affairs - the Russian Center for Assistance to Youth Entrepreneurship.

Financing is carried out in a planned manner and in accordance with protected action plans, cost estimates and the total amount of funding from the federal budget, regional budgets and other sources.

Cooperation involves the provision of scientific, methodological, informational, organizational and technical support to the regional structure for promoting youth entrepreneurship for 2 years, followed by bringing the latter to a self-financing regime.

When designing a regional structure for promoting youth entrepreneurship, it is necessary to think over and take into account

1. Objectives of the structure:

    youth self-employment;

    creating jobs for young people through entrepreneurial activities and the implementation of entrepreneurial projects;

    participation of young people in industrial production, in the service sector.

2. Presence of favorable external conditions:

    state and development of small business in the region;

    availability of infrastructure;

    favorable policy of the administration in the sphere of small business support;

    support for the creation of a regional structure by the administration and other structures.

3. Having a team to create and organize activities:

    work experience;


    desire to work in the field of supporting youth entrepreneurship.

4. Availability of premises and technical resources:

    availability of office space;

    availability or possibility of obtaining a production facility in the future;

    access to telecommunications.

5. Possibility of obtaining financing:

    from the administration, regional state and non-state structures;

    operating enterprises;

    from federal programs;



Acquisition or equity participation in supported structures;

Support service fees, rental payments;

Entrepreneurial training, advisory services, etc.

6. Availability of developed materials on the organization of the structure:


Structure, orientation, correlation of organizational and activity, innovative components;

Determining purpose and main directions of activity;

Type of activity, their structure and volume;

Budget (annual, quarterly, monthly).

    business plan for creation and development:

Reflects the current organizational and financial support of the process of reaching the design capacity of the structure;

A business plan can be structured according to one of the standard forms

    relationship with the founding organization:

Form of report to the founder;

Ways of financing.

    experience in one of the areas of consulting and training entrepreneurs

    cooperation with enterprises, structures and organizations involved in supporting small businesses:


Commercial structures;

Educational institutions;

Public organizations promoting entrepreneurship;

Manufacturing enterprises.

7. Functioning mechanism

    internal organizational structure:

Advisory Council and its powers;

Administration and its interactions;

Employees, personnel of the structure, their activities, requirements for them.

    interaction scheme of the assistance structure with a young entrepreneur and his enterprise - the main stages, functions and types of support:

Young entrepreneur (client) and his position and status;

Admission and selection criteria for young entrepreneurs (number of participants, time of support);

Consideration and selection of business projects (self-sufficiency, income level, need for production space);

Time and measures of assistance, mutual settlements for the services provided;

Criteria for graduation and/or independent exit of a young entrepreneur and his enterprise from the assistance structure

    market adaptation mechanism - organization, production, marketing and finance:

Search for partners (technical potential, new jobs, fundraising);

relationship after graduation.

    technical resources and process automation:

Computer resources;

Information bases and exits;

Automation of daily tasks of the structure (calculations, payments, statements);

    office equipment.

The main functions and tasks of the regional structure for promoting youth entrepreneurship

    formation and development of legal, regulatory initiatives and documents aimed at solving the problems of youth entrepreneurship and creating conditions for self-employment of young people;

    office, organizational, methodological and consulting support for the activities of young entrepreneurs;

    education, training and retraining of young entrepreneurs;

    search for investment sources and assistance in obtaining credit resources;

    development of information support system for young entrepreneurs.

Organizational and legal form of structures to promote youth entrepreneurship

The choice of the organizational and legal form of the regional structure depends on the method of attracting and accumulating monetary and other funds to carry out the functions of supporting and promoting youth entrepreneurship


An institution is a non-profit organization created by the owner to carry out managerial, socio-cultural or other functions of a non-profit nature and financed by him in whole or in part.

The Fund is recognized as a non-profit organization without membership, established by citizens and (or) legal entities on the basis of voluntary property contributions, pursuing social, charitable, cultural, educational or other socially useful goals.

The Foundation uses the property for the purposes specified in its charter. The Foundation has the right to engage in entrepreneurial activities necessary to achieve the socially useful goals for which the Foundation was created, and corresponding to these goals. In order to carry out entrepreneurial activities, foundations have the right to create business companies or participate in them.

A feature of the foundations is the fact that this organization is not based on the membership of participants. Thus, the latter are not only not obliged to participate in its activities, but are also deprived of the opportunity to directly participate in the management of its affairs.

A non-profit organization may carry out one type of activity or several types of activity not prohibited by the legislation of the Russian Federation and corresponding to the goals of the activity of the non-profit organization, which are provided for by its constituent documents.

A non-profit organization can carry out entrepreneurial activity only in so far as it serves to achieve the goals for which it was created. Such activity is the profitable production of goods and services that meet the goals of creating a non-profit organization, as well as the acquisition and sale of securities, property and non-property rights, participation in business companies and participation in limited partnerships as a contributor.

    unitary enterprise

A unitary enterprise is a commercial organization that is not endowed with the right of ownership to the property assigned to it by the owner. Only state and municipal organizations can be created in the form of unitary enterprises.

    Educational institution of additional professional education

An educational institution of additional professional education is created in order to increase the professional knowledge of specialists, improve their business qualities, and prepare them to perform new labor functions.

The basis of the financial and economic activities of an institution of additional professional education are its agreements with federal executive authorities, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local governments, and other customers (including foreign legal entities and individuals).

An educational institution of additional professional education has the right to conduct entrepreneurial activities provided for by its charter in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, if this is not done to the detriment of its main chartered activities.

(Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 610 of June 26, 1995 “On Approval of the Model Regulations on the Educational Institution of Additional Professional Education (Advanced Training) of Specialists)

Possible ways of financing

    Full funding from the federal and/or local budget (parity funding).

    Target financing from the federal and/or local budget on the basis of agreements or participation in targeted programs in various directions.

    Self-supporting activity.

The income of the regional structure for promoting youth entrepreneurship can come from the following main sources:

Rent received from clients for renting premises;

Implementation of various kinds of services;

Participation in the profits of those incubated firms that the regional structure as an enterprise has invested its funds in one form or another.

Youth employment market. Problems of employment of young specialists.

The need to analyze the situation of young people in the Russian labor market is determined by two important circumstances. Firstly, young people make up about 35% of the working-age population of Russia, and secondly, and most importantly, they are the future of the country, and subsequent development depends on the starting conditions for their activities. Young people today largely determine the political, economic and social structures of society. At the same time, it is one of the most vulnerable groups in the labor market all over the world, especially in our country. Despite the relevance of these problems, they receive little attention in scientific research, the media, and government documents.

On average, at the age of 16 to 29, young people acquire a stable professional and labor status in the public and social sphere. The main social and demographic events in the life cycle of a person fall on the youth age: completion of general education, choice of a profession and training, beginning of employment, marriage, and the birth of children. This category of the population develops into a number of groups that determine their position in the labor market.

The teenage group (youth up to 18 years old) is mainly students of secondary schools and vocational schools. Basically, they are not involved in labor activity. However, a significant decline in the living standards of the majority of the population has changed the life position of this category of young people. Many of them seek to earn money in the main way. They enter the labor market, joining the ranks of the unemployed.

According to the approved youth employment promotion program in 1998. 62 contracts for the organization of temporary employment of minors were concluded. 4177 temporary additional jobs were created, 5058 teenagers were employed in these places, including:

The current situation with teenage employment is of great concern. Most of all, this is self-employment, such as washing cars and selling newspapers, or working in the "shadow" sector of the economy. The legal market for unskilled child labor is extremely narrow. "McDonald's"

and "Russian Bistro", of course, cannot provide earning opportunities to everyone. Therefore, if the problem of state control over the employment of this youth group is not solved, then there will be a danger of an increase in the criminal potential of society.

Youth aged 18-24 are students and young people who are completing or have completed most of their vocational training. They are the most vulnerable group entering the labor market, as they do not have sufficient professional and social experience and are therefore less competitive.

At the age of 25-29, young people, in general, already make a professional choice, have certain qualifications, some life and professional experience. They know what they want, most often they already have their own family and make rather high demands on the proposed work. The most important indicators of the situation on the labor market are the dynamics of the unemployment rate, the capacity and conjuncture of the labor market, the ratio of supply and demand and its structure.

Youth among those who applied to the employment service, %

True, such statistics do not fully reflect the situation on the market, and especially in its youth segment. Young people are less likely to register at the labor exchange than people of other ages. Statistics make it possible to assess development trends only in the official part of the open labor market and mainly in the public sector. The employment service covers only part of the demand for labor and labor supply. As a result, the whole variety of new phenomena in the field of employment associated with the peculiarities of Russian market relations, and in particular hidden unemployment, is not taken into account. If we take into account the decline in production, then it can be considered equal to 40%, about a quarter of which is the working youth.

For young people, hidden unemployment poses no less danger than registered unemployment, since it is they who run the risk of being behind the gates of enterprises in the first place. In addition, forced idleness has a degrading effect on the unformed consciousness. It is clear that in such a situation, the majority of young people seek to stabilize their employment status, trying in various ways to avoid the possibility of losing their earnings.

Studies show that more than 50% of young people employed in public sector enterprises work part-time, about 25% work part-time in various alternative forms of employment. Young people are actively engaged in entrepreneurship: about 70-80% of registered enterprises in the alternative sector of the economy are organized by people aged 25-30. 2.5-3.5% of the total number of young people have their own business.

The decline in the general standard of living of the population led to over-employment among young students who were forced to work in their free time from school in 1998. it reached the highest level compared to previous years. According to some forecasts, in the future, the trend of growth in the supply of young people, including students, in the labor market will continue, their maximum value will obviously be in 1999-2000.

The number of labor force offers is increasing due to graduates of educational institutions. The absence of a mechanism regulating the employment of graduates of educational institutions and, in particular, professional ones, leads to serious problems. For 1998 60% of those who applied to the bureau got a job. Of particular concern is the loss of the value of professionalism by young people. "Money - by any means" - this is the formula of time for many young people. There is a clear trend of youth lumpenization, which in the short term will affect the social structure of Russian society with all the ensuing negative consequences.

Due to the decline in the prestige of productive labor, a significant part of young people have become characterized by social pessimism; they do not believe in the possibility of having an interesting, meaningful job, paid in accordance with the measure of their work at the level of world standards. There are polar changes in labor motivation. Qualified young personnel often change their specialty, which in the future can lead to an imbalance in the professional structure of the workforce. Priority is given not to meaningful work in production, but to work with low intensity, aimed at obtaining significant material benefits in any way. All this, of course, cannot contribute to the recovery of the economy, both of our city and the whole country.

The decline in production volumes, the growth in the number of unprofitable enterprises, the intensification of the payment crisis have the most negative impact on the demand for labor. The release of workers is increasing everywhere.

Among the unemployed applying for a vacancy, one in five is a young person aged 16-29. The ratio of the number of all those who applied in search of work to the employment service to the number of vacancies (competition) is almost 17 people, every third of them is a young person under the age of 29 years. This testifies to a significant reserve of labor force, i.e. unemployment potential, including youth unemployment, which correlates with the indicator of tension in the market of unemployed youth and its official level.

In recent years, youth unemployment has become increasingly stagnant. In 1998 its average duration was 5.6 months. Everywhere there is a reduction in the capacity of the official labor market and an increase in the imbalance between the demand and supply of labor, which will lead to a further increase in overall unemployment, including youth unemployment.

The features of Russian unemployment are determined by the structurally regressive decline in production with the destruction of the old markets (economic space) and the mechanisms of the functioning of the economy and the slow formation of new markets and market mechanisms for regulating and self-regulating the economy. Trends in the formation of unemployment are reinforced by the investment crisis.

As a result of the decline in production in many industries, the proportion of primary industries with a low degree of processing of raw materials has increased. A positive moment can be considered a steady increase in the share of non-manufacturing industries. New sectors of the economy emerged: banks, insurance, consulting, auditing and investment companies. Here, the number of employed, especially young people, increased especially rapidly.

The positive reaction of young people to the opportunities to actively participate in the "free" economy is obvious: this is a rapidly growing layer of entrepreneurs and self-employed persons, more 2/3 of them are people aged 25-30 years. However, structural shifts in labor demand are more a reflection of the crisis in the economy than structural adjustment. And yet the market transforms the industry structure in accordance with its needs. The demand for labor force in the non-manufacturing sectors is growing rapidly, especially in those that have become more commercialized.

If the current trends in the reproduction of qualified personnel do not change, then in the near future we can expect an increase in unemployment among the unskilled population, and, above all, among young people who graduate from general education schools who do not continue further education, do not have a profession or proper qualifications. Therefore, it is necessary to rationally organize the general education and vocational education of young people, consistent both with the development of the national economy and with global trends in the labor market.

Recently, an increasing number of young people consider receiving a full-fledged education a necessary condition for achieving the desired social status and a higher financial position, a certain guarantee against unemployment. Vocational training is becoming an important element of the labor market infrastructure, which maintains a qualitatively balanced demand and supply of labor, and largely determines the effectiveness of measures to implement the youth employment policy. That is why, with a reduction in the training of qualified personnel in vocational schools and secondary specialized educational institutions, the admission of students to universities increases from year to year.

The system of vocational training for the unemployed population, which is developing in the employment service, is of great importance. It contributes to the professional adaptation of the laid-off workers and the unemployed, increasing their competitiveness in the labor market. Vocational training of the unemployed is carried out through three channels: retraining of personnel, initial training, advanced training.

With the development of market relations and competition, the acceleration of the restructuring of the sectoral structure of employment, the value of general educational and social training of the worker will inevitably increase. This will help increase youth employment in education. World and domestic experience confirms a steady trend of increasing the duration of education for young people and later entry into active work. At the same time, the requirements of employers for the labor force are also changing. Entrepreneurs are shifting from short-term profit maximization tactics to a long-term strategy of generating sustainable income in a competitive environment, so in the future they will need to expand the hiring of a young workforce. In the opposite direction, the factor of growth in the price of labor and, in particular, professionally trained, will act. Therefore, the level of youth employment will depend on the overall situation on the labor market. Nevertheless, it will increase, although, obviously, at a slower pace than for mature workers.

Specific problems in the field of entrepreneurship. Prospects for the development of entrepreneurial activity.

There are specific problems in the field of transition to the market: it is very difficult to transition to the market in a country that has not previously fully tried to live in a normal market economy. For the last 70 years, the country has lived according to the laws of a totalitarian economy. Private initiative was eradicated or existed in the grip of state ideology. This was supposed to enable a huge, very centralized state machine to exist. Any other form of economic activity, except for work in a state enterprise and, to some extent, in cooperatives, was persecuted. Seemingly effective and fair, the state economy did not work as efficiently and did not allow full compensation for the work of people and their initiative. The product distribution system could not stimulate an increase in its production. The system of distribution of consumer goods by cards, coupons, etc. has become the norm.

Naturally, such a system of limiting consumer demand did not allow the industry to fully respond to consumer demand, and this made the industry inert. The industry produced for the most part products that did not meet, basically, either in quality or in quantity, the demands of consumers.

This happened because the regulatory role of prices did not work, and there was no other effective mechanism for regulation and control. Inefficiency in the use of resources, huge government spending on defense, subsidies to unprofitable enterprises overtaxed the entire economy. It is clear that this manifested itself in social life. The real level of costs was lower than in the countries of the West and some countries of the East. Its increase could only lead to an increase in the money supply, since imports were strictly regulated, and it was difficult to buy anything in stores due to a shortage of the products themselves. And in the mid-1980s. this led to the need to reform the economy through the introduction of a market economy - with the help of cost accounting, self-sufficiency in enterprises, etc. For this, certain political changes were carried out, but they were not effective - because of the huge opposition from the conservatives. However, it should be borne in mind that in the transition to solving a wide range of general problems in relation to a particular country, careful consideration is required of the most diverse specific conditions of their national economies. The most important specific features of Russia include the following.


    the historically established hierarchy of consciousness of the majority of the population of the country, which for many centuries was an empire, the peasant mentality of a significant part of its actively employed population and the cultural traditions corresponding to it (albeit, significantly distorted in the last few decades);

    especially rooted non-market and even in a certain sense anti-market thinking;

    the practice of pseudo-planning left a deep imprint in the thinking and economic practice of the country. It is expressed in the desire to formalize all aspects of the social and even personal life of citizens. In indifference to social wastefulness generated by the lumpenization of the population (forced deprivation of its real property), in the lack of interest of a significant part of the population in obtaining truthful information, in the inability or unwillingness of critical analysis and practical use of information.

Secondly, the vast scale of the country with a wide range of natural, geographical and climatic conditions, which primarily determine the huge inertia of the economic potential.

Thirdly, a specific unique multinationality, expressed in the fact that, in essence, the country is a collection of national ethno-cultural regions, held together by a single system of a wide variety of ties - social, political, economic, etc.

These three main features are complemented by other derivatives, in fact, arising from them - the peculiarities of the conditions of the transition period, forcing us to approach the problem of restoring the natural-national economic model in Russia with great caution and careful calculation.

Among the derived specific features, the following can be distinguished:

    the rootedness of planned structures and the deep militarization of the economy, which is extensive in nature, and the gigantic disproportionality associated with this in the most important aspects: "consumption - accumulation", "military - civilian spheres of production", "intermediate - final product" and etc.;

    low technical and technological levels of civil production associated with the sluggishness and ossification of the economic system, a high degree of dilapidation of fixed assets, their physical and moral deterioration (the latter is associated with resource waste and environmental safety);

    the state of the social sphere brought to an extreme degree of poverty, expressed in the general poverty of the majority of the population with significant gaps in per capita incomes for various groups, as well as a very dangerous ecological state of the environment;

    political instability, especially characteristic of recent times, the lack of practical foundations for achieving social and national harmony, the erosion of vertical responsibility in the political, economic and social spheres of life that threatens social stability.

Given all these psychological, social and economic characteristics of Russia, it is not difficult to understand that throwing it into the elements of the market is dangerous - this can cause a catastrophe both politically and economically. But delaying the introduction of reforms is fraught with no less dangers.

What prevents Russia from living in the market? Definitely, market mechanisms do not work because there is a state monopoly in almost all industries. Of course, there are many other reasons, for example, the undeveloped price mechanism of regulation, the absence of an organized market for means of production, raw materials, etc. This cannot but affect the efficiency of production and marketing of products. But the problem of monopoly stands in the way of all transformations in the Russian economy. It follows from this that the key moment of reforms and transition to a market economy system is the privatization of state property and funds. If this is transferred to entrepreneurs, competing with each other in the struggle for buyers and expanding the sector of the economy designed for the production of consumer goods, they will direct resources to the most efficient industries. As a result, the regulatory role of prices will be established, which will increase the importance of the market for the economy.

But in order for the entire market system to function, much more needs to be done than just putting capital into the hands of the people. It is necessary to create certain conditions on the part of the state to help these people: preferential loans, effective taxation, etc. It is necessary to curb inflation and strengthen the national currency, regulate banking as the main source of loans in a market economy. It is necessary to develop an effective foreign trade policy that would not hamper the activities of domestic entrepreneurs and would not restrain the inflow of capital from abroad. And in order to distribute resources efficiently, it is necessary to stimulate the development of exchanges - both stock and raw materials, and labor exchanges.

These items were to be included in the program for the transition to a market system. However, political instability greatly affected the implementation of economic reforms, and their progress has slowed down. It was very risky to invest in production, as their future fate was unclear. But after the well-known events of September-October 1993, economic reforms and their political prerequisites began to correspond to the spirit of the times and the market aspirations of the Russian economy. There is great hope for the victory of the market economy over totalitarian management.

In the process of formation of market relations, the share of state property is gradually decreasing, but various forms of individual and collective property are developing: individual enterprises, partnerships with full and limited liability, joint-stock companies of open and closed types, cooperatives, associations, etc.

Different forms of ownership functioning in the general system of economic relations cannot be isolated from each other. Overcoming their specificity, they inevitably intertwine. Based on this interweaving, mixed forms of ownership can arise. The objective basis of this interweaving is the mutual complement and use of those specific opportunities that are inherent in each of the specific forms of management. So, in Russian joint-stock companies, the property of individual citizens, collectives and the state is now merging. Creation and development of JSC is the main way of denationalization of property.

Analytical report commissioned by the Moscow representative office of the Fund. F. Ebert (conducted by the Russian Independent Institute of Social and National Problems). 1998. From 17-25.

3. Value orientations of the youth of Russia………………….………17-20

    Entrepreneurship and its types. Small business in a free enterprise society………………………………………….……….20-21

Small Business Trends and Opportunities…………………………....22

5. The place of entrepreneurship in modern Russian society..23-25

6. Problems of youth in the field of entrepreneurship The system for promoting youth entrepreneurship………...……26-32

    Youth employment market. Problems of employment of young specialists ……………………..……………………………………….33-37

8. Specific problems in the field of entrepreneurship. prospects

business development………………………..38-41



Changes in economic consciousness undoubtedly depend on the basic features of certain groups of the population. The most revealing of these traits is age. The reasons for the special role of age in an era of such dramatic changes that are taking place in Russia are understandable. “The contribution to reforming the economy and society that can be expected from people of different generations depends on the age potential, their attitude to life, to society to a large extent will depend on the future of the country. The transition to a market economy is associated with cardinal changes in the system of economic relations, the breaking of old economic structures and ties, and the birth of new ones.

For young people, among the social guidelines, one of the main places is occupied by the financial situation. Work, an active labor orientation should be a means of achieving a certain financial position and social status.

From the 1970s to the beginning of the 1980s, a situation developed in the USSR when the increase in material well-being was very limitedly associated with the manifestation of high labor activity, initiative, and an increase in labor productivity; as a result, the achievement of a certain material level depended little on the person himself. These trends continue to this day. In recent years, the opportunity that has arisen to increase one's income by switching to commercial and entrepreneurial activity is feasible with great difficulties, perverting its meaning, methods and forms, and does not guarantee success, stability, or prospects. As a result, the destruction of the social structure of society occurs, which has a devastating effect on the labor attitudes of a person and on his personality in general. This has a particularly detrimental effect on young people, who are at the stage of forming the attitudes of labor activity, the search for social guidelines.

Solving these problems by methods aimed only at improving the situation of young people (the method of redistributing funds at the expense of other social groups or providing opportunities for young people to earn money only in a commercial environment) becomes impossible.

At the same time, there is a feedback: the aggravation of the specific problems of young people - lack of demand, lack of opportunities for professional growth, etc. - leads to aggravation of national economic problems in the field of reducing the quality of labor resources, falling levels of intellectual potential, labor productivity, reducing production volumes, the loss of positive social guidelines in youth leads to negative consequences at a more mature age. As a result, a stereotype is created of a person who is unable to work productively, who does not want and does not know how to work well, but who is trying to "grab more jackpot", "make money" today. Therefore, the study of the attitude of young people to economic changes, an effective solution to the problems of the socio-economic activity of young people is possible only in the context of considering structural changes and changes in the economy.


1. Ryvkina R.V. Economic sociology of transitional Russia. people and

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    Kosals L.Ya., Ryvkina R.V., Simagin Yu.A. Market reforms through the eyes of different generations // World economy and international relations. 1996. N7.

    Ryvkina R.V., Simagin Yu.A. Age differences in assessments of the future of Russia // Sociological journal. 1996. N3-4.

    Sociology of Youth: Textbook / Ed. Prof. V.T. Lisovsky. - St. Petersburg: Publishing House of St. Petersburg University, 1996. 460p.

    Rakovskaya O.A. Social orientations of youth: tendencies, problems, prospects. – M.: Nauka, 1993. – 192p.

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    Lisovsky A.V., Lisovsky V.T. In Search of the Ideal: Dialogue of Generations. Murmansk, 1994.

    Analytical report commissioned by the Moscow representative office of the Fund. F. Ebert (prepared by the research group of RNISiNP consisting of: M. Gorshkov - head of the group, N. Tikhonova - deputy head of the group, L. Byzov, N. Davydova, A. Zdravomyslov, M. Mchedlov, V. Petukhov, A. Ryabov , F. Sheregi). 1998.

    Economy. / Ed. Bulatova A.S. Moscow, 1997.

    Dashkov L.P., Danilov A.I., Tyutyukina E.B. Entrepreneurship and business. Moscow, 1995.

    Raizberg B.A. Market economy. Moscow, 1995.

    Leshchinskaya G. "Youth labor market". The Economist, No. 8, 1996, pp. 62-70.


In Russia, where the collective work ethic, the stereotype of “equalization”, “social justice” (which are certainly understood as the protection of the poor), is deeply embedded in the economic behavior of the people, it makes no sense to sharply break the established values. They should be used in creating an effective system of labor motivation and developing forms of labor based more on state collective property. The transition to the market, the privatization processes should not be forced, but should be carried out very carefully, new methods and forms should be adapted to the old established structures. Historical traditions, the social environment determine the expediency of the predominance of social forms of ownership - joint-stock, cooperative, collective - over private property.

The transition to market relations in its "classical" sense (with a rapidly growing layer of entrepreneurs), apparently, will be carried out faster in those countries where from time immemorial an individualistic type of behavior has developed, the personal responsibility of everyone, the focus is more on business than on communication. (for example, the Baltic countries). Now it is becoming more and more obvious that purely market distribution mechanisms are not entirely suitable for the Russian people. They need to be corrected, even if this is not consistent with the classical theory of the market economy, with Western economic practice. And the problems of youth in this sense are no exception. Based on the considerations outlined above, ways to increase the socio-economic activity of young people should follow two main directions:

    Orientation of young people to create their own well-being through the implementation of their labor motivations. The main thing is not the social protection of young people by the state and not the achievement of a high standard of living through employment in the commercial (as a rule, trade and intermediary) sphere, but the creation by the state of a mechanism for realizing the professional labor potential of young people in close connection with the opportunities for dynamic growth of well-being. Orientation towards the formation of the middle class in our country, i.e. primarily for professional workers with a decent material income.

    The strategy of motivation will be effective only if it takes into account the historical conditions, the national character of the peoples of specific regions and republics.

The problems of labor, employment and economic behavior of young people must be addressed in an integral connection and along appropriate lines.

In conclusion, we can say that the youth of the 1990s laid the prototype of the Russian future. In what direction the further development of Russia will go will depend not only on the successful course of socio-economic reforms, but also on how much the Russian youth is disposed to actively participate in them.

Today, youth entrepreneurship is one of the priority areas for the development of small businesses in Russia. The creation of favorable conditions that encourage young people to engage in entrepreneurial activities is considered in various programs at the national and regional levels.

Youth business plays a major role in solving socio-economic problems, such as creating new jobs and reducing unemployment, training qualified personnel. The expansion of opportunities and the strengthening of the influence of youth entrepreneurship necessitates the use of its potential.

The importance of developing youth small and medium-sized businesses, innovative small and micro-enterprises has been repeatedly emphasized by the President of Russia, the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation, representatives of political parties and many public figures. At the moment, Rosmolodezh is implementing the state policy to support youth entrepreneurship.

At the same time, there are other agencies in Russia that play an important role in regulating the entrepreneurial sphere, the sphere of personnel training and in facilitating the creation of innovative micro-enterprises, which are supposed to employ university graduates (mostly young people). For example, this is the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, whose activities are directly related to the regulation of trade and entrepreneurial activity, and the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, which is responsible for the implementation of state policy in the field of education and science. Unfortunately, they interact with the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs in general order. And it would be expedient to create an interdepartmental commission on youth entrepreneurship.

If we consider the situation with state bodies, it turns out that each department is engaged in regulation exclusively in its field, while the issue of youth entrepreneurship (including innovative) is complex. federal laws also do not single out youth entrepreneurship as a separate category, providing it with support on a common basis with other small businesses, without taking into account its specifics. The situation is similar in the regions.

Paradoxical as it may seem, in modern Russian legislation there is still no concept of youth entrepreneurship. Meanwhile, it is young businessmen who bear the main burden of responsibility for the future. economic development country. Therefore, it is very logical to take a step to fix at the legislative level the definitions of “youth entrepreneurship” and “subject of youth entrepreneurship”, such as:

  • Youth Entrepreneurship - entrepreneurial activity carried out by citizens Russian Federation, whose age does not exceed 35 years, who are registered as individual entrepreneurs, as well as Russian commercial organizations, the founders (participants) of which are citizens of the Russian Federation, whose age does not exceed 35 years, and in whose staff at least 70% of employees are citizens of the Russian Federation Federations under the age of 35;
  • The subject of youth entrepreneurship is a citizen of the Russian Federation, whose age does not exceed 35 years, registered in the prescribed manner as an individual entrepreneur, or a commercial organization registered in the territory of the Russian Federation, the founders (participants) of which are citizens of the Russian Federation, whose age does not exceed 35 years , and in the state of which at least 70% of employees are Russian citizens under the age of 35.

Young people are the most active part of society, which quickly reacts to any changes in life, and which effectively perceives their beneficial aspects. Therefore, we can say that young people have a much greater potential and ability for entrepreneurial activity than other age groups.

Youth entrepreneurship is a very complex sector that requires particularly serious attention from government agencies. Its properly built, purposeful support will ensure the development of small business in the region, which, in turn, will lead to economic growth, to an increase in investment attractiveness Primorsky region.


Research by the Public Opinion Foundation shows that entrepreneurs today have become role models for a significant part of young people. Modern youth strives to stand out, this generation is different. And she wants to be independent. In this context, an entrepreneur, as a person who has organized his own business and works for himself, becomes the ideal of a significant part of today's youth. “Office work for office Plankton!!”, “I don’t want to live like everyone else! I want to be an individual! - these are the characteristic statements of the participants in the online discussion conducted as part of the study. More than a third (36%) of the new generation plan to one day start their own business. But only a third of them really intend to realize their dreams.


Data sources:
A survey of people aged 16-26, which was conducted in 203 settlements of 63 constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Total sample size: 1500 people. The timing of the survey: from August 26 to September 11, 2009. The number of young people aged 18-26 is 1211 people. The project is supported by the Training Fund personnel reserve"State Club" ( in accordance with the order of the President of the Russian Federation No. 192-RP dated April 14, 2008 on state support non-profit non-governmental organizations involved in the development of civil society.

In general, during the program in Russia, more than 100 businesses organized by young entrepreneurs have been supported and are developing, about 400 new jobs have been created, loans in the amount of 16,120,800 rubles have been provided, 194 dependents supported by young entrepreneurs and their employees have been supported.

Program goals. The program "Youth Business of Russia" is aimed at promoting the development of youth entrepreneurship, searching for alternative methods of creating jobs and promoting the involvement of young people in the socio-economic processes of the region. The YBR program creates conditions for young people to receive affordable financial resources - loans (loans) to start their own business. In addition to financial support young people are offered the help of individual mentors, consulting and training in various business issues.

Program specifics. One of the features of the YBR program is that a young entrepreneur in his development is accompanied by an experienced mentor, who is ready to help with practical advice in a difficult situation. A mentor is a volunteer who has life experience, entrepreneurial skills, and is willing to devote some of his time to supporting young people.

Mentor support is carried out in the form of regular meetings, in maintaining contact, advisory assistance, which will help a novice entrepreneur to cope with the difficulties that he faces at the initial stage of doing business.

The problem of youth entrepreneurship in the last two or three decades has become particularly acute and topical. The fact is that young people under the age of 30 have difficulty finding suitable job, which satisfies them in terms of comfort, professional interest and salary. This does not only apply to young people with insufficient education. Having university diplomas or academic degrees in their hands, they still cannot find a job for a long time, since academic knowledge and relevant documents are not a guarantee of employment. In many countries (including Russia), youth unemployment is quite high. Employers are reluctant to hire people who do not have work experience. But experience will not appear, young people say, if they are not hired.

Of course, employers have their own arguments - they usually appeal to the fact that young people have rather high demands for working conditions and wages, for its status, prestige, harmfulness and safety, for a social package. In addition, young employees often go on long maternity and parental leave, and in the process of raising children, they often take sick leaves.

Ambition and the desire to stand out make young people unnecessarily risky, self-confident, unbalanced, impulsive, which interferes with relationships with clients and colleagues. With their tenacious, fresh eyes, young employees better see the shortcomings in the business, and their critical and impartial remarks hurt the employees and managers of the enterprise.

In general, there are problems. And not only from the category of the eternal conflict of fathers and children. Youth unemployment is greatly exacerbated during periods of financial, economic and political crises, at the stage of active population growth and increased migration, in the conditions of a clan economy and the absence of social lifts. And then young people become the most passionate revolutionary force that participates in social upheavals, civil and religious wars.

It is impossible not to mention the fact that unemployed young people with a good level of education are drawn into criminal activity and shadow business if they do not have the possibility of self-realization in the legal field.

What should leaders of the state do if they want to avoid exacerbation of social tension and ensure development stability and economic growth in the country? The best way out of a peaceful and constructive nature is the development of youth business, the creation of appropriate prerequisites and conditions for it.

What exactly are we talking about?

First, about well-informed young people about the following points:

- in which areas there is the greatest need for entrepreneurial structures and individual entrepreneurs– in certain scientific research, in information technology, in education, in the service sector, in production, in transport, in agriculture etc.;

- how exactly you can register as a legal entity and an individual, in what organizational and legal forms, what documents, time and money it will require;

– what are the benefits for youth business in the country and this region– on taxes, tax holidays, subsidizing loan interest rates, renting offices and premises in business centers and co-working spaces. Information about programs to support small and youth entrepreneurship carried out in the region is also desirable;

- which of the experienced entrepreneurs can be consulted by startups, how best to prepare a business plan, and so on.

Secondly, young people who want to become entrepreneurs must receive all the necessary organizational and legal support from departments of small business of local administrations, from the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, from training organizations, business incubators and local associations of entrepreneurs.

Thirdly, young entrepreneurs starting their own business should for some time be spared from severe administrative pressure from supervisory and control bodies, extortions and additional fees for municipal needs.

As Laricheva A.A. , the first regulatory document in our country that mentions the term "youth entrepreneurship" was the Decree of the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation of June 3, 1993 on the "Main Directions of the State Youth Policy in the Russian Federation". In a special section of this resolution "Promoting the entrepreneurial activity of young people", for the first time it was proposed to create a system of measures aimed at realizing the innovative potential of young people, facilitating the starting conditions for young citizens to enter market relations. In particular, it was proposed:

Establish the legal status of a youth, student and apprentice enterprise;

Provide individual, family and collective enterprises of young citizens with tax and credit benefits, provide means of production, premises, insurance of their commercial risk;

Issue guarantees and guarantees;

Fund entrepreneurial training and help develop constituent documents;

Establish subsidies (subsidies) and tax incentives to cover part of the entrepreneur's expenses in the first three years of production of goods and services according to the list established by the relevant authorities state power and management;

Provide one-time grants to support projects and proposals designed for youth that are innovative and aimed at enhancing youth self-reliance.

But, unfortunately, for various reasons, this legislative initiative stalled, although the authorities then chose the right direction.

Young people with a creative and innovative approach work much better in new areas. K.B. Safonov emphasizes that youth entrepreneurship has a high level of penetration in areas traditionally associated with innovation. An example would be Information Technology. The production of computer equipment, the provision of services for its maintenance and repair, the provision of access to the Internet - all these areas of activity are especially subject to change. Technologies are developing so rapidly that an entrepreneur needs to constantly keep abreast, adjusting his business development strategy in accordance with the dynamics of the market. Features of demand in the field of production, sale and maintenance of computer equipment are directly related to the development of technology. That is why a success-oriented entrepreneur must constantly monitor the ongoing changes so that his products or services are competitive and, as a result, in demand in the market.


1. Laricheva A.A. Youth entrepreneurship as a factor in the innovative development of the Russian economy // Tsarskoye Selo Readings. 2014.

2. Safonov K.B. The development of youth entrepreneurship in the context of the formation of an innovative economy // Vopr. structuring the economy. 2013.

The success of youth entrepreneurship depends largely on state regulation. For this you need:

  • to create at the state, regional and municipal levels the necessary legal framework, really operating programs that provide support for youth entrepreneurship;
  • develop and implement certain preferences for young people in the field of socio-economic policy (creation of preferential loans and taxation, a simplified model for registering youth businesses, reducing control);
  • to form information and educational conditions for the development of entrepreneurship (creation advisory services, unlimited access to knowledge and information, reasonable cost vocational education);
  • carry out targeted sponsorship of youth entrepreneurial structures (assistance in providing start-up capital, unlimited access to loans).

The defining role of state regulation is to create a legal framework. One of the first documents containing provisions on youth entrepreneurship was the resolution of the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation of 06/03/1993 No. 5090-1 "On the main directions of the state youth policy in the Russian Federation".

In the section "Promotion of entrepreneurial activity of youth", the following system of measures was proposed:

  • establishing legal status youth, student and student enterprise;
  • providing individual, family and collective enterprises of young citizens with tax and credit benefits, providing means of production, premises, insurance of their commercial risk;
  • issuance of guarantees and guarantees;
  • financing of training in the basics of entrepreneurial activity and assistance in the development of constituent documents;
  • exemption of young citizens from paying the registration fee with individuals engaged in entrepreneurial activities without education legal entity;
  • establishment of subsidies (subsidies) and tax benefits to cover part of the entrepreneur's expenses in the first three years of production of goods and services according to the list established by the relevant state authorities and administration;
  • providing one-time grants to support projects and proposals designed for youth that are innovative and aimed at enhancing youth self-reliance.

Moscow adopted Law No. 60 dated November 26, 2008 "On Support and Development of Small and Medium Businesses in the City of Moscow", which regulates relations between state authorities and small and medium-sized businesses. It also provides for "involving the population of the city of Moscow, including young people, and its socially unprotected groups in entrepreneurial activities." In Art. 14 of the named law provides for the organization competitive selection youth projects and support for youth entrepreneurial infrastructures.

Law of the City of Moscow dated September 30, 2009 No. 39 "On Youth" regulates relations related to the implementation of the state youth policy of Moscow. Article 35 of this Law "Involvement of youth in entrepreneurial activity" provides for the promotion of the innovative part of entrepreneurship; teaching young people the basics of organizing and doing business; providing subsidies to cover part of the expenses of youth associations related to their entrepreneurial activities.

The Federal Agency for Youth Affairs (Rosmolodezh) youth policy on various directions. In 2011, the program "Involving Youth in Entrepreneurship in a Subject of the Russian Federation" was developed to support start-up young entrepreneurs. The program provides for financial, consulting and legal assistance. Rosmolodezh implements the program "You are an entrepreneur" in order to attract young people to innovative entrepreneurial activities.

There are a number of organizational structures federal, regional, local levels, whose tasks are to support youth entrepreneurship.

  • 1. The Moscow Department of Science, Industrial Policy and Entrepreneurship is an executive body that implements a policy for the development of the private sector of the economy. With his support, the subprogram "Development of small and medium-sized businesses in Moscow for 2012-2016" is being implemented, which is part of the program "Stimulation of economic activity".
  • 2. Coordinating Council under the Government of Moscow for the development of youth entrepreneurship, established in 2006 in order to develop a set of measures for the development of youth entrepreneurship and coordination of interaction between state and public structures to address business issues.
  • 3. Association of Young Entrepreneurs, established in 2006 with the aim of formulating a strategy for the development of small and medium-sized businesses; developing links between young entrepreneurs and business circles in Russia and foreign countries, international and interregional cooperation; promoting youth entrepreneurial initiatives and projects, educating a socially responsible, active young generation.
  • 4. Moscow city branch of the All-Russian public organization of small and medium-sized businesses "Support of Russia", organized by metropolitan entrepreneurs in September 2002. A committee on youth entrepreneurship was created under it, which monitors the entrepreneurial activity of young people; examination of bills and normative documents; promotion and involvement in entrepreneurial activities of boys and girls; interaction with executive and legislative authorities and public youth organizations; protecting the interests of young entrepreneurs.
  • 5. The Foundation for Assistance to the Development of Small Forms of Enterprises in the Scientific and Technical Sphere was established in 1994. Its main directions are: the implementation of state programs to support small innovative enterprises implementing scientific and technical projects; development of infrastructure for innovative entrepreneurship, training of young personnel for work in the scientific and technical field.
  • 6. The Fund for Assistance in the Development of Venture Investments in Small Enterprises in the Scientific and Technical Sphere of Moscow, designed to form economic conditions for innovative activity of small enterprises. In addition, the fund maintains relationships with infrastructure organizations to support and develop small and medium-sized businesses and provides advisory expert services to entrepreneurs.
  • 7. Moscow Small Business Lending Assistance Fund, established in 2006 to develop a system of lending, loans and leasing relations for small and medium-sized businesses in Moscow.
  • 8. The Moscow Fund for Training and Promotion of Innovation Activities, established in 1994, which contributes to the training and education of managers and representatives of small and medium-sized businesses, the formation of professional skills and competitive abilities to practical activities. A special direction is occupied by the training of start-up entrepreneurs from among the student youth.
  • 9. State institution "Russian Center for the Promotion of Youth Entrepreneurship", which develops regulatory legal acts aimed at creating conditions for the small business sector and providing opportunities for self-employment of young people; organizational, financial and logistical support for youth entrepreneurship; assistance in obtaining investments, preferential loans.

There are a number of youth business communities in Russia, in particular the Moscow Club of Young Entrepreneurs, which assists club members in creating new projects, establishing business connections, the formation of the information space.

Today, some infrastructure of the state relationship with youth entrepreneurship has developed, which makes it possible to realize the potential effect of its development. This is a favorable change in public opinion about him; elimination of regulatory, administrative and organizational barriers; expanding business access to financial resources and, as mentioned above, the systematic development of infrastructure to help small production associations. However, there is no clear growth trend for small enterprises, and, accordingly, their contribution to the development of society is clearly insufficient. Youth entrepreneurship in Russia is not so actively developing, despite the active work of organizational structures. The legislative base designed to support youth entrepreneurship is still poorly formed.

State intervention should be constructive and effectively stimulate the development of youth entrepreneurship.

The following main measures of interaction between the state and youth entrepreneurship can be distinguished.

  • 1. Organization of interaction of youth business with the market and government agencies on the basis of effective social partnership. The huge potential inherent in entrepreneurship does not yet lead to an increase in material and spiritual values ​​and does not create a sufficiently favorable ground for the realization of creative, entrepreneurial abilities inherent in Russian people. There is a problem of interaction and coordination of youth entrepreneurship and government. Only a fruitful union is able to ensure its productive and large-scale functioning.
  • 2. Openness in the formation of state policy to support entrepreneurship and the distribution of funds to these economic structures. The state should provide everyone with opportunities in the market of socio-economic services and become a guarantor of the transparency of business relations.
  • 3. Active involvement of young people in social programs and projects different levels, evaluation of their activities. In this regard, it is important to identify priority strategic long-term directions in the social sphere and attract enterprising young people to implement them. The needs of the social sphere are enormous - by expanding the boundaries of the social responsibility of young entrepreneurship, the state will be able to solve many social problems and thereby stabilize the socio-economic situation in the country.
  • 4. Significant expansion of the rights of young entrepreneurs who are most actively involved in charitable and social activities. A noble tradition must always be supported by the state. In an unstable economy, this can result in unplanned expenditure investments, which will cause serious losses to the entrepreneur. The problem lies in imperfect legislation. In particular, property donations are taxed, which, of course, may affect the costs of the enterprise. In addition, if the provision was fixed at the legislative level that charitable expenses are related to the expenses of the enterprise, then the amount of donations would increase.
  • 5. Increasing information, material support for small businesses that implement innovations and scientific and technological achievements in order to increase the intensity, quality and efficiency production process. Conducting monitoring studies to study problems in the field of business and entrepreneurship and creating unified system to provide organizational, economic, informational and legal support to young entrepreneurs implementing innovative technologies.

State authorities, and above all executive bodies on the ground, should actively support and develop youth entrepreneurship and in every possible way stimulate systematic investment in social sphere. Only a fruitful union is able to ensure the productive and large-scale functioning of entrepreneurship. The state, as the main subject of ensuring business security, is able to create mechanisms for fair legal regulation to protect the interests of young entrepreneurs. In this direction, and should be built legal framework state structures. The legislative framework should be constructive, and the social responsibility of small business and entrepreneurship should become one of the most important administrative tools. long and continuous process mutually beneficial interaction will help to intensify the activities of youth entrepreneurship and solve a number of socially significant tasks.

Youth entrepreneurship is at the center of the interests of modern society, affecting the life of the entire population. It is unlikely that many sectors of the economy could function without an endless stream of products and services in which young entrepreneurs are involved. In addition, youth entrepreneurship initiates inventive and innovative activities: studies show that the main ideas and inventions often come from youth entrepreneurship than from large enterprises and from entrepreneurs whose business is already established and firmly on the rails. The creativity of youth entrepreneurship in an innovative environment contributes to the dissemination of new products and services for consumers.

Thus, about 70–80% of registered enterprises in the alternative sector of the economy (small business) are organized by people aged 25–30. Entrepreneurship is social institution where such valuable universal human qualities as responsibility, prudence, the ability to navigate in an environment, to correlate one's goals with the means to achieve them are formed. Entrepreneurial young people today do not want to be outside observers, but want to be active creators of their own destiny.

It should be noted that youth entrepreneurship has not been given sufficient attention by the state and administrative structures for a long time, and as a result, its rather weak development.

Great amount young entrepreneurs are trying to build their business, but half of them cease operations within 18 months. The main reason for the high insolvency of a young entrepreneur is the ease with which inexperienced people can start a new business. A huge number of young people would like to go into business on their own, but only a few do it, and of those who do, only a few succeed. However, the opportunity to become a successful entrepreneur is quite real.

The problems of youth entrepreneurship can be divided into several main groups:

1) search for a new business - young entrepreneurs can take up own business in one of two ways: by acquiring an existing business or by creating a new business. The eternal Russian question "What to do?" in youth entrepreneurship it sounds like “What kind of business should I do?”;

2) taxes - before the difficulty was one thing: taxes were prohibitively high. Now this topic has expanded significantly: the extreme complexity and unpredictability of the tax system;

3) legislation - everyone, without exception, refers to the problem of legislation as the most unpleasant phenomenon. According to some statistics, unpredictability, instability and ambiguity are mentioned as a problem by a much larger number of experts and respondents. In addition, many young entrepreneurs cannot boast of financial and legal literacy, which in turn, like a snowball, piles up problem upon problem;

4) the economic and political situation in general;

5) difficulties in obtaining a loan and a high rate;

2) underdevelopment of the culture of the business sector;

3) there is no well-established mechanism for effective and mutually developing interaction, cooperation between the subjects of business education and business, which would contribute to innovative development;

4) low quality of business education services.

· It is important to create your own quality standards in business education, which will not copy Western models, but will mainly take into account the specifics of Russian entrepreneurship and the external environment. Worth focusing on foreign experience selectively;

experts note the growing interest in systemic education, as well as an increase in the independent activity of the population - consumers of business education, which indicates the growth of society's self-awareness and the age-related desire for independence in professional development;

· the key is the contribution to human capital, as the basis and source of any innovation in society, science, education, and entrepreneurship. One of the main components is business education, from where young people have the opportunity to draw the necessary knowledge and skills; moreover, a business school can become a kind of springboard for the younger generation of students who need knowledge for their personal and professional growth;

Russia needs highly qualified managers who are able and willing to develop business in their country. Russian business education is a very promising area, a dynamically developing area where the implementation of innovative solutions is relevant. Everything is available for innovations in Russian business education necessary resources, both scientific and methodological, and creative and human.

In conclusion, I would like to note that business education is the “well” from which you can draw new knowledge, practical skills necessary to improve work results, increase employee productivity, achieve certain tactical and strategic goals of the company, as well as develop youth entrepreneurship . It is also important not to forget about the development of the individual, which first of all gives impetus to the innovative development of any sphere. And what, if not a business education, can help with this?