What is a manager. What is management: a detailed analysis of the concept with comments and videos from experts in the field of management

The term "management" has become widespread not only in the economy, but also in the field of social and political relations. The word "management" ( Management) is derived from English Manage"to rule". In turn, the latter got its root from the Latin word Manus which means "hand". With the development of civilization, the content of the concept of management was transformed and combined all the variety of requirements for management as an art of doing business and a style of work.

Control Is a function of biological, social, technical and organizational systems, which ensures the preservation of their structure, maintains a certain mode of activity.

Allocate management:

  • social system;
  • machine control;
  • technical management;
  • management of production and technological processes;
  • organizational management.

Management Is both a sphere of human knowledge and a sphere of acceptance management decisions, and the category of people (social stratum), united in an economic, competitive management system in modern society.

It can be considered from the position of three points of view:

  1. as a synonym for the term "management of an organization" regardless of its size and types of activities;
  2. as an equivalent of the expression "management of the national economy in the highest echelons of administration": in the state, sectoral and regional sections of economic activity;
  3. as an analogue of the term "team leadership".

We understand management at the micro level of management as the management of general activities in such socio-economic systems as enterprises and their divisions, firms, banks and other organizations.

In a simplified sense, management is the ability to achieve set goals, use labor, intellect, and the motives of other people's behavior.

Management is a function, a type of activity for leading people in various organizations. It is also a field of human knowledge that helps to fulfill this function. Management as collectively from managers is a certain category of people, a social stratum of those who carry out management work.

Management task is the creation of conditions under which it is most likely and favorable to achieve the goals of the organization.

Object of management are individual entrepreneurs and labor collectives that take the form of enterprises, associations, associations, joint stock companies etc.

Management subject- the structure of organizational, managerial and interpersonal relations.

Management approaches

In the process of development of management as a science, there were several approaches to management.

An approach in terms of highlighting different schools and doctrines considers management as the evolution of management thought.

Process approach views management as a process, that is, working to achieve goals with the help of others. It is a series of continuous interconnected actions, each of which is a process in itself. They are called management functions, each of which is also a process because it consists of a series of interrelated activities. The management process is the sum total of all functions.

A. Fayol believed that there are 5 initial functions:

  1. anticipate and plan;
  2. organize;
  3. to dispose;
  4. coordinate;
  5. control.

Systems approach suggests that leaders must view the organization as a collection of interrelated elements, such as people, structure, tasks and technology, which are focused on achieving different goals in a changing external environment.

Situational approach assumes that the suitability different methods management is determined by the situation. Therefore, the central point is the situation - a specific set of circumstances that strongly affect the organization in the given time... Since there are a large number of factors, both within the organization itself and in the environment, there is no single better way organization management. The most effective in this situation is a method that identifies and takes into account the main internal and external factors that affect the functioning of the organization.

Targeted approach assumes that the object of orientation - the goal - is a criterion for the effectiveness of the control system. In the process of organizing work, a system of goals is formed in the control object. Stands out the main objective(associated with the conditions of consumption of any product, the existing orientation of needs). The system of sub-objectives - the activity of the object of management is divided into directions: commercial, production, economic, financial, social, management activity.

Programmatic approach assumes that the goal is transformed by the management into a program (a list of activities with specific performers). The main activity of the control object is to implement the program, and the subject - to coordinate it.

Results-based approach- freedom of creativity, a high level of responsibility are decisive. Built on the same philosophy of the company (quality-result). At the core is the transformation of goals into results.

Personal approach considers a person as an object of orientation. It is important to be able to get to know a person, a team, to reckon with the opinion of the team. The theory of motivation is used. The problem of social responsibility of the administrative apparatus is of great importance.

Coordination approach... The main task is to bring together a complex production system. , balance of goals, results, resources and interests.

A complex approach- synthesis of all approaches.

As the development of management as a science and art continues, the number of approaches is constantly increasing.

Types of management

Depending on the field of activity, there are different kinds management: general (administrative) management, industry, organizational, functional, entrepreneurial, international and others. In particular, we can talk about marketing management, financial, personnel, production, transport, operational and strategic.

General management- management, which is carried out by all managers who are responsible for setting objectives and forming policy, for issues related to planning and organization, control and management of the enterprise. At the same time, terms such as "top management", "administration" are often used. The role played by him is the general management of the organization.

- contains activities such as: definition financial structure company, its needs for financial resources, identification of all alternative sources of funding and their assessment. Its tasks also include the practical receipt of financial resources from the selected funding sources and the effective use of the seized Money.

- management activities of managers associated with the formation of the mission of the enterprise, including the definition of its goals, philosophy and long-term strategies, attitudes and development orientation, the formation of an image that will meet the requirements of external environment and the internal needs of the enterprise.

Industrial management covers all spheres of the economy: production, distribution, exchange and consumption of material goods. The subject of study is enterprise management systems, management arrangements impact on production. The area of ​​study is industrial production.

Operations management- management activities, primarily managers lower level management (foreman, foreman), which consists in direct management of the work of employees in accordance with the strategy of the enterprise by developing tactical measures, fulfilling operational plans, production schedules, and the like.

You can also talk about business management, management in construction, art management, trade or and others. However, despite certain differences, it is common to all types that managers have to deal with the same resources: human resources, financial resources, raw materials and labor resources.

Peter Drucker was born in Austria. He received his law degree and worked as a journalist in Germany until the Nazis came to power. After spending some time in London, he moved to New York in 1937. Drucker has been an economic banking consultant and a commercial policy and management advisor to many American corporations. His books on various lines of business have made him one of the leading authors in the field of management. For many years he worked at New York University Business School, and since 1971 he became a professor of social sciences at the Claremont Graduate School in California.

Drucker's work began with a look at top management and its role in the representative institutions of the modern industrial society, higher corporations. Subsequently, he defined management as a global problem area as a dynamic element in any business. It is managers, through their control over decision-making in modern corporations, who breathe life into organizations and society.

Managers are given human and material resources for work, and it is they who create productive production that leads to a healthy society.

The validity of this claim is increasing as we move into the era of intelligent technology, which makes human performance especially important for efficient production in organizations. However, as Drucker points out, managers, as the most important business resource, are more scarce, more expensive, and more fragile. With this in mind, it is imperative that managers are used as effectively as possible in the current environment when knowledge of management practices and purpose is available. Here Drucker addresses the issue of management effectiveness. Finding recipes for efficiency can only be used if we first understand the role of a manager in an organization, if we know what his work is. According to Drucker, there are two control parameters - an economic parameter and a time parameter.

Managers are responsible for the result of the activities of organizations (this distinguishes them from administrators in general). Thus, they must first of all achieve economic results of production. The final assessment of their performance is economic results, which is not typical for administrators in general. The second parameter, time, is present in all decision-making systems.

The manager always thinks about what impact the decision will have in the present, near and far future. This is of course related to economic aspect... Putting it all together, we come to the conclusion that managers are evaluated in terms of their economic performance in the present, near and far future.

Management, therefore, is the activity of organizing resources to achieve satisfactory performance. This is an activity based on material and human resources. According to Drucker, this does not mean maximizing profits. For a manager, profit is not a reason for commerce-oriented behavior or rational decision-making in terms of obtaining maximum profit in all cases, but a verification of the correctness or success of activities commercial enterprise... The goal is to make enough profit.

The central question for Drucker is how to best manage the business in order to ensure profitability and the success of the enterprise. Although it is possible to formulate general goals and in a very short way, any operating organization has a variety of needs and goals. It is unrealistic to view an enterprise as having a single purpose. Effective management is always juggling, balancing different ideas, prioritizing the many goals that an organization has. Because of this, and due to the complex nature of the business, targeted management is vital. It provides informed judgment and compels managers to explore available alternatives, and provides a reliable means of assessing management performance.

In particular, the goals and objectives of a commercial enterprise allow managers to explain, predict and control their activities, which would be impossible using only the idea of ​​maximum profit.

First, a knowledge and understanding of these goals allows an organization to interpret a wide range of business phenomena with only a small number of general statements.

Second, goals allow you to put these statements to the test.

Third, it becomes possible to predict behavior.

Fourth, the significance of decisions can be tested in the process of making them, not after.

Fifth, future performance can be improved by analyzing past experience. This is possible because the desired results force you to plan in detail for what the business should achieve and to work out ways to effectively achieve the goals.

Goal management involves deciphering what business management is. Doing this and constant check results makes it possible to realize the five benefits listed above.

But it remains unclear what the organization's business goals should be. To quote Drucker: "Goals are needed in any area where performance and results directly and vitally affect the survival and prosperity of a business." More specifically, there are eight business areas where production goals can be set. This:

  • Market establishment,
  • Innovations,
  • Productivity,
  • Physical and financial resources,
  • Profitability,
  • Management efficiency and development,
  • The productivity and behavior of workers,
  • Public acceptance.
Deciding how to set targets for these areas should take into account the possibility of setting real time parameters and measuring them. Means of measurement are important because they make things visible and "real". They tell the manager what to focus on. Unfortunately, measurement methods in many areas of business remain at a very primitive level. When considering the timing of goals, the nature of the business is essential. In the forest industry today, planting is a production opportunity for a fifty-year period. In apparel manufacturing, a few weeks can be a long time in the future.

Perhaps the most important part of goal management is its effect on individual managers, which enables the organization to develop its most important resource - managers. This is due to the development of self-control in managers, leading to stronger motivation and more effective learning. The essence of this management style is that all managers come to set realistic goals for themselves. These goals should decipher how the manager will contribute to the achievement of the overall goals of the firm in all areas of the business. Goals need to be checked at higher levels of government to make sure they are achievable (not too high or too low). But the importance of involving individual managers in goal setting as a motivational factor cannot be overstated. If managers truly want to be able to improve their performance and reap the corresponding benefits from the system, then it is necessary to provide direct information that allows them to evaluate their own achievements. This differs significantly from the conditions in some firms, where some groups, in particular the accountants, work as the "secret police" of the executive leadership. The need for individual managers to set their own goals is constrained by the nature of modern business and by what Drucker calls the three forces of misdirection. This:

  • Specialization of the work of most managers,
  • The presence of a hierarchy,
  • Differences in the vision of what is happening in business
All of this increases the potential for disruption and conflict in organizations. Goal management is a way to get around these difficulties by aligning the task of each manager with the overall goals of the company. Implementing this takes into account important aspects modern business. Management is no longer a one-man business. Even Executive Director does not work in isolation. Management is group activity, and having goals underscores the contribution each manager makes to the group as a whole. The task of the executive leader is to select the best management group, and if there are goals with a built-in rating system, then this makes it possible to make the right choice.

Targeted management allows administrators to be efficient. An important point is the ability to learn efficiency. Drucker insists that managerial self-development is central to continuous development organizations, as a skilled worker becomes the main resource. The goal system enables managers to assess their own performance and thus enhances the learning process. This is done by pointing to strengths people and how they can be made more productive (by redefining old priorities or establishing new ones by improving decision-making models). Regularly reviewing goals and results allows managers to know where and when they are performing most effectively, and how this can be achieved. As a result, they will be able to develop their skills in the relevant areas.

Moreover, goal-oriented management helps to overcome some of the forces that try to splinter the organization by clearly linking each manager's task to common goals companies. This allows for training and, as a result, leads all managers to the best realization of their individual abilities. Finally, and most importantly, it increases the motivation of managers and develops their participation in the activities of the organization. As a result, the goals set by the organization are being achieved by ordinary people with extraordinary performance.

Organization management is about creating a business model of an enterprise and maximizing it. The main task of management is to create such conditions at the enterprise that would make it possible to obtain the maximum possible profit.

For this, a whole range of measures is being carried out. Such as the rational implementation of innovative technologies, effective use of personnel, minimization of costs, automation of accounting and management processes, and much more.

Organization management is a complex and multi-level process. In this regard, its individual types were distinguished. The main ones include: strategic, financial, production (operational), innovation, marketing and personnel.

Management includes several main functions. organization, control, regulation and motivation.

Planning is the launching pad for enterprise development. After all, it defines the mission, in the form of quantitative and qualitative indicators. assigns long-term tasks to the organization, and budgetary assigns current ones. In the future, on the basis of plans, control and regulation of activities are carried out. The function of the organization in management is aimed at forming the structure of the enterprise and providing it with all the necessary resources... The motivation function is focused on creating a certain system of incentives for staff labor, which materially and morally stimulates staff fulfill production tasks and achieve your goals. It is also important: the development of their creative potential, the formation of an integral team. Control includes three aspects. The first is to define goals and deadlines for completing tasks, the second is to compare the results achieved, and the third is to adjust actions and plans.

Formed strategic, budgetary and other plans are a kind of standards, based on the deviations of performance indicators, which is monitored. The coordination function ensures the consistency of actions of all structural links of the enterprise.

The most complex processes involved in the management of an organization are decision making. There are a number of methods that can be used to effectively carry out this process. These include: system analysis, modeling of management processes, expert analysis, idea generation ("brainstorming").

The effectiveness of the organization's management depends on adherence to its principles, which are the integrity of management, hierarchical ordering, purposefulness, a combination of centralization and decentralization, optimization and scientific justification of management and democratization.

Organization management is a holistic system for managing resources, finances, personnel, information, costs, production processes and a whole range of other aspects with the aim of making a profit and ensuring the development of the enterprise.

What is management? Description of the functional of the manager's profession, important definitions and a qualitative overview of the concept of strategic management.

What is management and what is it intended for in the modern world? Global concepts used for management in any area where it is present. A manager is not an uncommon profession in today's reality.

Hello everyone, friends !. It so happened in life that in various periods of life (as a result, almost 10 years), at different places of work, I headed departments and work teams in financial and telecommunications companies in our country, the number of employees under my leadership is often exceeded 1000 people. Therefore, the materials in this article are largely based on precisely in my personal practical experience.

Believe me, I realized from my experience long ago that great amount people simply do not understand what management is and what it is actually needed for, and, accordingly, cannot effectively use it in their daily work. Therefore, I decided in this review material to tell in detail about what management is and why it is, in fact, useful to everyone, even the smallest leader.

I am sure that such information will be useful both for those people who are already leaders and those who once plans begin activities in a leadership position of any kind.

Like the vast majority of loan words, "management" came to us from English. Translated into our language, the word management can be interpreted as the ability to manage someone, administrative activity or management.

However, it is important to make a reservation right away - management does not belong to the concept of management in its broadest sense. That is, management is not considered to be the management of some kind of transport, for example, a bicycle. Here is personnel management - this is management. In this case, the concept refers exclusively to the moments when a person controls other people, and not computers or machine tools.

In textbooks on economic theory there are various definitions of management, which differ from the year of publication of the book and from the area in which the concept is considered. Therefore, it would be advisable to immediately say that the management has several definitions... Let's consider just a few of them:

  1. View professional activity , which is a process of constant implementation of certain actions and decision-making aimed at ensuring the work of the team and the fulfillment by its members of their professional duties.
  2. Directly control process, in which people from both sides participate - in general concept includes many small processes: forecasting activities and their results, coordinating the work of departments and services, process control and analytical work, which allows for long-term planning. It is these moments, as well as their combination into a single whole, that allow normal and effective management activities.
  3. Management is also often called managerial staff of an organization or enterprise... The specialists included in its structure carry out full and planned management of the people under their leadership.
  4. Also this a science that studies the features of interaction between managers and subordinates, as well as the rules of conduct for the leader in daily work for maximum effective management.
  5. The art that allows effectively manage subordinate people, which includes daily work and activities in stressful situations of various types. Management in this aspect implies not only knowledge and mastery of certain work methods, but also an understanding of the nature of human behavior and its features at an intuitive level.
  6. Knowledge that allows you to manage the most efficiently and with the achievement of quality indicators not only human resources, but also use monetary, raw materials and other resources in the process, allowing you to more efficiently organize work processes.

All the definitions that are given above are not only concepts that are similar to each other in essence, but also complement each other, thereby giving a more general definition.

As a result, it turns out that, on the one hand, this is exclusively a theory that helps in the process of a manager's work in matters of effective leadership of people subordinate to him, on the other hand, it backed up by practice without which normal work manager is actually not possible and will not be performed up to the mark.

The history of management development in the world

It will never be possible to know when exactly the science of human management became such. Humanity will never know the exact date of the emergence of effective management in all its aspects.

It becomes extremely logical, however, the fact that since ancient times, the management of people has been the most important process in the life of society. Social relationships characteristic of people could not and cannot exist without what is now called management. Even in the days of the tribal system, there were people who took upon themselves the courage and great responsibility in managing their fellow tribesmen in all spheres of life, characteristic of the time in which they lived.

It sounds rather unusual, but it is managers since ancient times. controlled their fellow tribesmen while hunting non-mammoths, construction of dwellings and protection from enemies and predators.

Formally, one can distinguish 4 periods of management formation, how modern science in the form in which it is familiar to us today.

1 period (let's call him the Ancient) is huge in its time span and it can be conditionally distinguished from ancient times to the beginning of the 18th century of our time. Until the moment when management began to take shape as a unified science, humanity literally by grains of sand collected invaluable knowledge about the basics of effective management of their own kind.

The beginnings of management have already emerged during the primitive communal system when elders and tribal leaders decided destinies and decided important issues without the advice of their fellow tribesmen, guided by the experience of their ancestors and their own life experience.

Roughly, the date of birth of management, as a business, available to a certain part of the population, can be considered the end of the 9th millennium BC, when a producing economy (agriculture and raising livestock) was finally formed, which replaced the consuming one (gathering and hunting for wild animals).

The official administrative apparatus, consisting of the bureaucratic layer and the high priesthood, was formed already on the territory of the Ancient Egyptian Kingdom - this happened about 5000 years ago and it became the moment when management, even if it was not called then, had already become an integral part of the life of the then society.

The basic principles that have survived in many respects to our time government controlled were formulated in their scientific works by such philosophers as Plato and Socrates, Plutarch and Herodotus, and during the Renaissance, Nicolo Machiavelli wrote his iconic work “the sovereign”.

2 period (Industrial) has clearer time boundaries - most researchers believe that it is completely limited to 1777 - 1890. It was at this time that the monumental work of Adam Smith formed the foundations of the state and economic system of the majority. modern states- in his works, the scientist described the basic rights and obligations of the leaders of the country at different levels, and also formulated the principles of political economy and social management that have become classical.

An interesting work that can be read for self-development will be the work of the British mathematician Charles Babbage, who in 1833 proposed to use not people-politicians to govern the country, but the "analytical thinking machine" invented by him, which, in his opinion, is capable of more objective actions and decisions on important political and social issues.

Stage 3(Systematization of knowledge). At this time, schools of public administration are developing extremely intensively and important areas of work appear, which at the moment are part of the modern trends in the science of management. In fact, it was at this time that modern management was born - the industrial revolution became a catalyst for its rapid development.

The emergence of factory production required systematization of knowledge about the theory and practice of managing a large number of people... The first managers were workers who, showing excellent results in their work, began to represent the interests of the management of factories in front of their colleagues.

4 period(Informational) began around the 50s of the last century and continues to this day. In order to make high-quality and objective management decisions in our time, fast processing of huge information arrays is required.

Modern governance is often expressed using mathematical formulas, which show real growth or decline in certain areas of activity. V modern business a variety of approaches are practiced in relation to personnel, based on ethical principles of doing business and loyalty to employees.

On the the present stage development of society, you cannot become an effective manager if you do not have sufficient theoretical and practical basis in management, as in a systemic and multifaceted science.

Tasks and objectives of management as a process

You will not be able to understand what effective leadership is if you did not have at least 2-3 people under your command, albeit for a short time. It would seem that there is nothing complicated in such a matter, however, believe me, for normal and adequate leadership, management needs a long, hard and without formal attitude to study even when you have 2 subordinates.

From the outside it seems that the subordinates are working hard, and the manager is shouting to himself and leading, doing nothing for this - while the production flywheels are spinning and everything works like a good Swiss watch.

In fact, this practice does not work - everything is much more complicated here... To effectively manage, you need to clearly understand and know all the features of production and other local processes in production or in an organization.

Only effective leadership can be profitable and help your business grow, ineffective managers will constantly drag the business down and will not give even the most successful project to be fully realized. Any, even the smallest, leader in his daily work should be guided by generally accepted norms and points that will enable truly effective leadership.

Example: HR manager at a driver recruitment company trucks should ideally not only know perfectly well HR administration and supervise your subordinates in the relevant service, but it's also good to drive trucks of various brands and know the specifics of a driver's work on flights of any length and complexity.

And an adequate foreman for changing loaders in a large warehouse in a situation when it is required to load cargo of various dimensions within a short period of time, not only find people and send them to work, but also offer them a kind of life hack.

The fact is that if you take the load to the site where the car will arrive in advance, and arrange it (heavy loads are closer to the place of arrival, and the rest is farther away), then such an optimization of labor will significantly save energy. A manager without proper experience or with increased laziness simply does not take care of this issue in advance, as a result work will take longer, and negative emotions from subordinates performing "double" work simply cannot be avoided. No one will definitely benefit from such a situation.

  • business development trends in general (depending on the direction of the company);
  • economic factors depending on territorial or national aspects.

All local managerial tasks are subject to its main goal - the harmonious and maximally harmonious work of the business, the effective functioning of all its constituent elements.

Auxiliary tasks of managerial work:

  • business survival in conditions market economy and competition, continuation of work in its economic niche, as well as the maximum possible and correct development of the business, depending on its goals, determined by the management;
  • achievement of goals in terms of the level of real income and gross profit set by the management, as well as the implementation of other tasks assigned to the organization;
  • creation and development of conditions comfortable for the development and full-fledged existence of business in all aspects of the work of the company and its personnel;
  • predicting situations that can become stressful for the business and overcoming such risks without loss in both financial and human aspects of work;
  • constant monitoring of the effectiveness of the professional activities of the personnel.

Personnel management is performed based on the number of people working in the organization, as well as the scale of its activities. Conventionally, the entire managerial staff of an enterprise can be divided into top and middle management, as well as into lower-level managers.

The main types of management in the modern world

These are specific types of management activities that are aimed at solving problems in specific areas of human activity. Let's consider 7 main types of management.


In this context, a term such as "production" is best understood in the broadest possible sense. Here, factories and commercial firms that provide services to the population can act as producing organizations.

Production format management is responsible for ensuring that the goods or services provided by the business are competitive in the market and meet the quality requirements / standards adopted in each area.

The manager in this area decides questions of the following nature:

  • ensures the smooth operation of the entire system, detecting flaws and all kinds of failures;
  • conducts preventive work to prevent conflicts, and in case of their occurrence, promptly eliminates them;
  • optimizes the volume of products manufactured by the enterprise;
  • monitors and controls the serviceability and uninterrupted operation of the equipment;
  • monitors the quality of staff work, encourages those who have distinguished themselves and punishes those who do not fulfill the tasks assigned to them.

Direct management of all production processes, as well as the implementation of enterprise tasks in the long term - these are the tasks of such a manager.


This is the direct management of all financial issues of the enterprise.

The manager in this area is responsible for the organization's budget and rational use ... Such a manager conducts a qualitative analysis of the company's profits and expenses, analyzes possible risks.

The goal of management in the financial aspect is extremely simple - with the help of a high-quality and effective policy of the financial direction of activity, to constantly increase the profit of the organization and prevent misuse of funds.

The local tasks of such a specialist are:

  • optimization and reduction financial expenses companies;
  • minimization in the area of ​​possible financial risks;
  • qualitative and objective assessment of opportunities for financial growth the company's turnover;
  • increasing the profitability of manufactured products relative to competitors;
  • anti-crisis management and solving problems in this area.

In short, the main task financial manager- this is an increase in business profits and the absence of risks leading to problems or bankruptcy.


This is the development of plans to increase profits and grow the company. General methods and techniques are developed here, and the implementation is based on tactical methods.

For example, the main goal of a business is to maximize profits. The strategy for achieving this goal can be different.- improve the quality of products in order to become the best manufacturer in its segment, expand the offered assortment or significantly increase production volumes. Accordingly, the methods chosen for solving such problems will be different.


Everything is simple here - this is the sphere of investment management in the company. In this area of ​​work, the manager works with existing investments and tries to do everything in order to attract new investors to the business under normal conditions.

The main tool of such a specialist is investment plan or project... Fundraising often becomes an equally important area of ​​work - an independent search for investors or obtaining grants.

Risk management

Any business is associated with a certain risk, so you need a specialist who can anticipate possible risks in advance and correlate them with the profits that are possible in one case or another.

Risk management is the process of implementing management decisions aimed at minimizing possible risks and improving the quality of the company's work.

The main stages of assessing possible risks:

  1. The possible risk itself is identified and the scale of its impact on the work of the company, if it occurs, is assessed.
  2. Optimal methods are selected to deal with potential risks.
  3. A strategy is being developed and put into operation to minimize the impact of possible risk and for the operation of the enterprise in conditions when stress factors are already acting.
  4. Further, the strategy is implemented and adjusted as necessary.

A competent specialist in this area will help the enterprise to function even under the threat of certain risk events and minimize the risk of stress factors.


This species emerged as an independent direction, approximately in the 70-80s of the last century. This direction is responsible for everything related to the most valuable currency of our time - information. Presently information management aims to ensure that the organization's work meets the expectations of its customers as much as possible.

In fact, now IM is fully automated work activity the head, affecting all areas of the organization's life - from working communication of employees to representing the organization for customers.


An extensive segment of management activities that regulates the issues of waste-free production and reduction of harmful emissions in environment as well as many related questions.

How to become a truly successful manager - what it takes

Who is a manager, judging by the definitions from the dictionary? This is a leader who exercises direct leadership over the people subordinate to him. All managers are managers, regardless of the number of their subordinates - only a formal division according to the level of responsibility can determine the level of a manager.

Heads of departments and groups are related to management middle and lower level, and business management and separate directions in it can be conditionally referred to top or top management.

Top-level managers make decisions, which are carried out by their subordinate leaders. If, for example, the leaders of the company decide to increase the level of sales of products, then specific measures depend directly on the leaders of the middle and lower levels, who will carry out the plans.

Let's tell a few useful tips for every successful manager.

  1. Build rapport with your subordinates and management... The leader must necessarily understand both the thoughts of the leadership and the needs of his subordinates. For a manager, sociability is an extremely important quality that will allow you to establish communication with all people around, regardless of their position and social status... It is the "healthy" relationship between the manager and the subordinates that brings the most positive results.
  2. Learn to motivate others... Remember that there is simply no single form of motivation, as for different people there are different things and forms of motivation that will affect them. Here, knowledge of human psychology and the characteristics of your subordinates, which an effective manager must have, will help you very well. All people are different - someone wants an increase in monetary terms, someone wants a career, and some people will be very happy with an extra day off or day off.
  3. Give and get feedback ... Communicate with your subordinates regularly and, if possible, about everything. Believe me, this will be more than enough to understand the real state of affairs in your department and in the enterprise as a whole. And the ability to freely convey your thoughts both to your deputy and to any employee of the department will become a serious help for further development.
  4. Constantly engage in self-development... Without this, it simply will not work to be a good leader who knows everything that his subordinates, and even a little more.
  5. Planning is a way to solve a lot of problems... Moreover, most of them can be solved even before they occur. At the planning stage, be sure to ask your subordinates for advice - this will not only give them the opportunity to take part in your work, but also make them feel involved in important decisions.
  6. Be aware of what's going on in the team... Awareness is critical to keeping you aware of what's going on in the team you are managing. No wonder they say that the best managers come from ordinary workers who know the whole “kitchen” from the inside.
  7. Use creativity to resolve issues... Believe me, not always everything can be learned from job description, similarly - the use of the accepted rules will not always allow resolving a conflict or controversial situation.

The ideal manager will be the employee who, in any situation, is able to make a balanced and adequate decision that will benefit the company without harming the people whom this manager leads.

I thank you for your attention. I am sincerely confident that, thanks to my advice, you will be able to become more effective leader and benefit not only yourself, but also the company. I know that the information that is in my article is quite enough to learn how to effectively manage oneself - and this, believe me, is the most difficult type of management.