How to draw up an enterprise anti-crisis plan. Anti-crisis measures

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Russian International Academy of Tourism

Course project

in the discipline "Anti-crisis management"

on the topic "Development of an anti-crisis business plan (on the example of the travel company" TMP "LLC (Mostravel))"

Khimki, 2012


2.6 Conclusion on the results of the analysis of the financial condition of the travel company "TMP" LLC (Mostravel)

3. Activities to support effective economic activity


Preventing a crisis and ensuring the continued prosperity of an enterprise is an extremely important task. A system of measures called anti-crisis management is subordinated to the solution of this task. Often, such management is understood as either management in a crisis, or management aimed at bringing an enterprise out of the crisis state in which it is located.

In a crisis situation, a company cannot find a counterbalance to destabilizing factors, and therefore problems arise in various areas of its activities: financial, production, personnel management, etc. Bankruptcy can be an extreme form of crisis.

World practice shows that bankruptcy is an inevitable phenomenon of any modern market that uses insolvency (bankruptcy) as a market instrument for capital redistribution and reflects the objective processes of economic restructuring, which determines the relevance of the problem under study.

Anti-crisis management is a tool that allows an organization (enterprise) to overcome the crisis.

Anti-crisis management is the application of anti-crisis procedures at the micro level. It is associated with the relations that develop at the enterprise level when applying both reorganization and liquidation procedures.

In conditions transition economy, which is characterized by instability and high risks, any enterprise can unexpectedly face a crisis, therefore the topic of anti-crisis management is especially relevant today in Russia.

The purpose of the course project is to develop an anti-crisis business plan.

The tasks set in the course project:

Consider brief description enterprises

Analyze his financial condition

Make a conclusion on the results of the analysis

Propose measures to restore solvency and maintain effective economic activity.

Chapter 1. General characteristics of the enterprise

LLC "TMP" (Mostrevel) was founded in 1995. In 2004, a merger with the largest tourist concern in Europe TUI AG took place, and the Mostravel company became known as TMR (TUI Mostravel Russia), and the Mostrevel brand became its trademark.

Today the tour operator Mostrevel is one of the leading tour operators in such areas of mass beach recreation as Egypt, Turkey, the United Arab Emirates (United Arab Emirates) and Greece. Every year "Mostravel" sends more than 400,000 tourists to rest. For the most demanding clients, VIP tours have been developed according to the A la carte program.

Since 2006, Mostrevel has been actively developing the geography of its presence in Russia. Branches of the company have already been opened and are successfully operating in St. Petersburg, Ufa, Kazan, Samara, Nizhny Novgorod, Yekaterinburg and Rostov-on-Don.

In 2007, Mostrevel settled in the end-consumer market and opened the first travel agencies based on franchising. More than 100 companies currently operate under the Mostrevel brand travel agencies in the capital and the largest regions of the Russian Federation.

LLC "TMP" (Mostravel) provides services in the field of tourism, organization and participation in the organization of check-in in hotels, tourist centers, services for organizing excursions, services for private and business trips, cultural and other events. Tour operator "Mostravel" has always been famous for its excellent quality of services. The work on the introduction of new technologies continues to this day.

One of the company's special offers is the sale of tours on credit.

System online booking deserves special attention. The tour is selected taking into account absolutely all the wishes and possibilities of tourists.

enterprise management anti-crisis financial

Chapter 2. Analysis of the financial condition of the company

2.1 Assessment of the balance sheet structure and solvency

Signs of insolvency

The initial data for assessing the structure of the balance sheet and solvency are given in table. one.

Table 1. Initial data for the analysis of the structure of the balance sheet (insolvency)

The calculation of the criteria for insolvency is given in table. 2. In fact, during the entire period under review, the solvency criteria were below the standard.

Table 2. Criteria for assessing the structure of the balance sheet (insolvency)


Current liquidity ratio

for the beginning of the year

at the end of the year


End-of-year coverage ratio


More than 0.1

More than 0.1

More than 0.1

Solvency recovery rate

Loss of solvency ratio

The current liquidity ratio characterizes the general provision of the enterprise with circulating assets for conducting economic activities and timely repayment of urgent obligations of the enterprise.

The equity ratio characterizes the availability of equity working capital from the enterprise necessary for its financial stability.

The solvency recovery ratio is defined as the ratio of the calculated current liquidity ratio to its established value.

The coefficient of recovery of solvency, taking a value greater than 1, calculated for a period of 6 months, indicates the presence of real opportunity the enterprise to restore its solvency.

The coefficient of restoring solvency, which takes a value less than 1, calculated for a period of 6 months, indicates that the enterprise has no real opportunity to restore its solvency in the near future.

The solvency loss ratio is defined as the ratio of the calculated current liquidity ratio to its established value.

In the event that the current liquidity ratio is greater than or equal to 2, the solvency loss ratio is calculated for the period set equal to 3 months.

The coefficient of loss of solvency, which takes a value greater than 1, calculated for 3 months, indicates that there is a real opportunity for the enterprise not to lose solvency.

The coefficient of restoring solvency according to the data for the last considered period is less than 1, which indicates that the enterprise has no real opportunity to restore its solvency in the near future. And in general, for the periods under consideration (2007 - 2009), the current liquidity ratio, the security ratio, the coefficient of recovery of solvency and the coefficient of loss of solvency increased.

Analysis of the presence (absence) of signs of fictitious bankruptcy

The results of calculating the provision of short-term liabilities of the company OOO "TMP" (Mostravel) with its current assets are shown in table. 3.

Table 3. Security of short-term liabilities with current assets

The ratio of the provision of short-term liabilities with current assets characterizes the availability of the company's own circulating assets, which are necessary for its financial stability.

If this ratio for the reporting period is less than 1, therefore, no signs of fictitious bankruptcy have been found.

As can be seen from the data in the table, the ratio of the provision of short-term liabilities with current assets in reporting period less than 1, therefore, no signs of fictitious bankruptcy were found. For the entire period under review, this indicator increases, which is a sign of fictitious bankruptcy.

Analysis of the presence (absence) of signs of deliberate bankruptcy

The results of the analysis of the presence (absence) of signs of deliberate bankruptcy are shown in table. 4.

Table 4. Security of liabilities with assets


Security of obligations

for the beginning of the year

at the end of the year

average annual

Net asset value, thousand rubles

for the beginning of the year

at the end of the year

average annual cost

According to the results of the analysis, no sharp fluctuations were found in the indicators, the security of obligations worsened. Net assets the enterprises are non-negative and there is no deliberate bankruptcy.

2.2 Analysis of the main technical and economic indicators

According to the profit and loss statement, given in table. 5, it can be concluded that the company has developed an unfavorable trend over the past three years in terms of key performance indicators.

Table 5. Analysis of revenue, costs and profits, thousand rubles.


Line code

Sales revenue

Cost price

Profit (loss) from sales

Other operating income

Other operating expenses

Other non-operating income

Other non-operating expenses

Profit (loss) before tax

Income tax (24%)

Profit (loss) after tax

The proceeds from the sale of the products of TMP LLC (Mostrevel) are growing in comparison with 2007, and in 2009 amounted to 170 thousand rubles, which is 106% to the base level of 2007. At the same time, the prime cost for 2009 does not exceed the proceeds.

The dynamics of the main performance indicators is clearly shown in Fig. one.

Rice. 1. Dynamics of revenue and costs

Analysis of labor productivity (table 6) shows an increase in this indicator, compared to 2007 and 2009. The analysis of return on assets (table 6) increases by 2008, but decreases by 2009.

Table 6. Analysis of business activity


Sales proceeds, thousand rubles

Average headcount, people

Annual labor productivity, rubles / person

Growth rate of revenue,%

Output growth rate,%

Fixed assets (average year), thousand rubles

Return on assets

Comparative analysis of the dynamics of revenue and labor productivity shows that labor productivity is growing, and in 2009 amounted to 106% to the level of the base year 2007.

Rice. 2. Dynamics of revenue and labor productivity

2.3 Analysis of enterprise assets

Asset dynamics

The value of the property of the company LLC "TMP" (Mostrevel) according to the balance sheet (accounting) as of 01.01.2010 is 262.5 thousand rubles. including current and non-current assets (tab. 7).

Table 7. Dynamics of assets


Assets (p. 300)

for the beginning of the year

at the end of the year

Asset value, average

Non-current assets (line 190)

for the beginning of the year

at the end of the year

Non-current assets, average

Current assets (page 290)

for the beginning of the year

at the end of the year

Current assets, average

Fig. 3. Balance sheet dynamics

Analysis of the dynamics of the balance sheet currency shows that the value of assets is increasing in relation to the base level of 2007.

The non-current assets of the enterprise are fixed assets (buildings, structures, equipment), their value in the balance sheet decreased by 2009 and amounted to 175 thousand rubles as of 01.01.2010.

Rice. 4. Dynamics outside current assets

As a result of changes in the value of non-current and current assets, as well as the balance sheet currency as a whole, the structure of property underwent a significant change - the share of non-current assets decreased from 100% in 2007 to 92.8% in 2009, and circulating assets increased from 100%, respectively. % to 127.7%.

Table 8. Structure of assets,%


Fixed assets

for the beginning of the year

at the end of the year

Non-current assets, average

Current assets

for the beginning of the year

at the end of the year

Current assets, average

An increase in the share of current assets may indicate:

the formation of a more mobile asset structure, contributing to the acceleration of turnover;

diverting part of current assets to lending to consumers of the company's products;

about the distortion of the real valuation of fixed assets.

To diagnose the above factors, it is necessary to further analyze the composition and structure of current assets, their turnover.

2007 asset structure

Asset structure 2009

Working capital analysis

Table 9. Analysis of current assets


Stocks at the beginning of the year

at the end of the year

annual average

VAT at the beginning of the year

at the end of the year

annual average

Long-term accounts receivable.

for the beginning of the year

at the end of the year

annual average

Accounts receivable short-term

for the beginning of the year

at the end of the year

annual average

Cash at the beginning of the year

at the end of the year

annual average

Current assets at the beginning of the year

at the end of the year

annual average

Rice. 6. Structure of current assets

Analysis of current assets according to the reporting data showed that inventory, short-term accounts receivable and cash predominate in the structure of the company's working capital (Table 9).

In the structure of current assets, the amount and share of receivables, inventories and Money.

Analysis of the turnover of working capital and accounts payable

The rate of turnover of current assets is an important qualitative characteristic of the ongoing financial policy - the faster the turnover, the more effective the chosen strategy of ensuring the enterprise financial resources... The results of the turnover analysis are shown in table 10.

Table 10. Results of the turnover analysis


Revenue, thousand rubles

Cost, thousand rubles

Stocks with VAT, average year.

Accounts receivable, average year.

Cash, annual average.

Accounts payable, average year.

Turnover ratio

Stocks (VAT included)

Accounts receivable


Accounts payable

Turnover period (in days)

Stocks (VAT included)

Accounts receivable


Accounts payable

According to the table, it can be seen that the turnover for each position of current assets has slowed down, except for inventories with VAT, accounts receivable and cash, turnover ratios have decreased, and the turnover period has lengthened. In terms of cash, the increase in turnover is due to the unfavorable depletion of funds on the company's account.

A comparative analysis of the turnover of working capital in general and accounts payable is presented in Fig. 7.

Rice. 7. Analysis of turnover

The period of turnover of accounts payable decreased from 163 days in 2007 to 100 days in 2009, which is associated with the timely repayment of its obligations to creditors by the enterprise. The turnover of working capital has slowed down, and the turnover period has lengthened from 156 days to 189 days, as shown in Fig. eight.

Rice. 8. Ratio of working capital turnover

2.4 Analysis of funding sources (liabilities)

Analysis of the composition and structure of liabilities

The study of the structure of the liabilities of the balance sheet allows you to establish one of the possible reasons for the financial instability of the enterprise, which led to its insolvency. The initial data for the analysis are given in table. eleven.

Table 11. Analysis of the structure of liabilities


Equity (p. 490)

for the beginning of the year

at the end of the year

average annual cost

Short-term liabilities (page 690)

for the beginning of the year

at the end of the year

average annual cost

Balance sheet currency (line 700)

for the beginning of the year

at the end of the year

average annual cost

Table 12. Analysis of the structure of funding sources

From the balance sheet data, it is clear that the company does not use long-term borrowed funds, and until 2009, its own funds predominated in the composition of funding sources. During the study period, the share of equity capital in liabilities increased, and in 2009 short-term borrowed funds decreased by 0.86 times.

The dynamics and structure of liabilities is illustrated in Fig. 9.

Rice. 9. Analysis of liabilities (average annual data)

Analysis of sources of own funds

According to the reporting data, the sources of own funds of the company OOO "TMR" (Mostrevel) as of 31.12.2009 are:

authorized capital, taking into account additional capital - 139 thousand rubles.

losses of previous years (reduce equity capital) amounted to 703 thousand rubles, the reporting year - 299 thousand rubles.

In general, during the period under review, there was an increase in the amount of equity capital by 1.02 times. This is due to the accumulation of losses.

Analysis of the structure of accounts payable

The source of financing the property of the enterprise, along with its own capital, are short-term borrowed funds.

The composition of accounts payable is shown in table. thirteen.

The amount of accounts payable of TMR LLC (Mostravel) for the period under review decreased by 34% (according to average annual data), which indicates the fulfillment of its obligations on time, the weakening of the financial instability of the enterprise and a decrease in riskiness.

In the structure of accounts payable, debts to suppliers and contractors prevail - 22%. But compared to 2007, its share decreased due to an increase in the share of debt to the budget.

Table 13. Analysis of accounts payable


Suppliers and contractors (page 621)

for the beginning of the year

at the end of the year

average annual cost

In front of staff (p. 622)

for the beginning of the year

at the end of the year

average annual cost

On taxes and duties (page 624)

for the beginning of the year

at the end of the year

average annual cost

Other creditors (line 625)

for the beginning of the year

at the end of the year

average annual cost

Total accounts payable, avg. (p. 620)

Rice. 10. Structure of accounts payable (annual average), 2009

2.5 Analysis of business results

Profitability analysis

According to the profit and loss statement of TMR LLC (Mostravel), during the period under review, despite the subsidies received, it suffers losses, the amount of which is decreasing.

Table 14. Analysis of profit (loss), thousand rubles.

Table 15. Profitability analysis

The factor analysis of profitability shows that, despite the increase in asset turnover in 2009 compared to 2007, the company did not manage to significantly improve its performance.

Analysis of financial stability and liquidity

Financial stability is the ability of an enterprise when the situation changes to financial market maintain independence. Analyze the financial stability of the balance sheet, comparing the cost of equity capital (SK) and non-current assets (VNA), own and borrowed capital(ZK):

SC> VNA ( Golden Rule financing, the requirement for the structure of the balance sheet horizontally);

SK> ZK (Requirement for the vertical capital structure).

Financial stability is interconnected with liquidity, the analysis of which is based on comparing the positions of current assets (OA) and current (short-term) liabilities (ZKkr):


The results of the analysis of the vertical and horizontal structure of the balance sheet of the company "TMR" (Mostravel) are given in table. sixteen.

Table 16. Analysis of the balance sheet structure (financing rules)

It is obvious that the structure of the balance sheet of the enterprise in 2009 compared to previous periods has improved and does not correspond to the standards:

* the coefficient of coverage of non-current assets with own capital is 0.8 (the standard is more than 1), which characterizes the inadequacy of equity capital, therefore the company experiences a shortage of its own circulating assets - its own circulating capital is negative;

* the share of equity capital in liabilities is 53.5% (the standard ratio of financial autonomy is not less than 0.5).

The results of calculating the coefficients of financial stability and liquidity of the travel company "TMR" Mostravel are given in table. 17 and in the diagram.

Table 17. Analysis of liquidity and financial stability

Rice. 11. Analysis of liquidity and financial stability

Thus, the position of the enterprise can be described as critical - the enterprise has unpaid loans and borrowings, overdue accounts payable and receivable, and is dependent on creditors.

The data of the analysis of liquidity and financial stability confirm the conclusions made earlier about the unsatisfactory structure of the balance sheet, about the critically unstable financial condition of the enterprise, as a result of which the tourist company "TMR" LLC Mostravel turned out to be dependent on creditors:

the current liquidity ratio throughout the entire study period is below the standard, i.e. the current assets of the enterprise do not cover the accounts payable, therefore, the sale of fixed assets is necessary, thus the continuation of the production and economic activities of the enterprise (for example, re-profiling within the framework of external management) is impossible;

the ratio of financial autonomy by 2009 within the standards.

2.6 Conclusion on the results of the analysis of financial condition

travel company "TMR" LLC (Mostrevel)

Analysis of the financial condition of the company LLC "TMR" (Mostrevel) carried out as part of the observation procedure, according to the reporting data for the period 2007-2009. allowed to state the following negative and positive aspects of the production and economic activities of the enterprise.

The analysis of the data in the profit and loss statement revealed the following trend in terms of key performance indicators:

proceeds from sales of products fell in 2009 compared to 2008 from 190 thousand rubles. up to 170 thousand rubles In comparison with the base year 2007, the revenue increased by 6.25%.

the cost price for 2009 does not exceed the proceeds.

the amount of losses is slowly decreasing.

Based on the analysis of solvency and the absence of signs of fictitious and deliberate bankruptcy, it can be argued that:

the firm LLC "TMR" Mostravel is insolvent, as there is an overdue accounts payable, which served as the basis for initiating a bankruptcy case,

the company runs out of funds in the current account;

the structure of the company's balance sheet does not meet the approved criteria - the current liquidity ratio is 0.99 (less than 2), the security ratio is negative - 0.36;

the enterprise has no real opportunity to restore solvency - there are no real mechanisms of interest in transformations; the conclusion about the impossibility of restoring solvency is confirmed by the calculated normative assessment criterion - the coefficient of restoring solvency is less than 1 (0.535);

the company has no signs of fictitious or deliberate bankruptcy.

The analysis of the main technical and economic indicators indicates that the production and economic activity of the tourist company "TMR" Mostravel is uncompetitive, as it is characterized by:

high costs due to outdated technology and organization of production, ineffective form of ownership;

Analysis of the dynamics, composition and structure of assets, turnover of funds showed that the property of TMR LLC Mostrevel is used ineffectively:

the turnover of working capital slowed down - during the period under review, the duration of the turnover of working capital lengthened from 154 to 185 days;

the period of turnover of accounts payable decreased from 163 to 100 days, which is associated with the timely repayment by the enterprise of its obligations to creditors;

turnover slowed down for each position of current assets, except for accounts receivable, inventory with VAT and cash;

on the position of cash, the increase in turnover is explained by the unfavorable depletion of funds on the company's account;

the revealed increase in the share of circulating assets indicates the curtailment of the production base;

liquid assets of the enterprise - cash can cover only 19% of accounts payable.

The study of the sources of financing of the company "TMR" Mostravel - the composition and structure of the balance sheet liabilities - made it possible to establish that the company is solvent.

Analysis of the results of economic activity according to the profit and loss statement shows that the tourist company "TMR" LLC Mostravel is unprofitable and unprofitable:

despite the subsidies received, the company incurs losses, the amount of which has slightly decreased;

return on sales, even in a relatively prosperous period, was negligible and amounted to 0.07%, and return on assets was 0.57%.

The data of the analysis of financial stability and liquidity confirm the conclusions made earlier about the unsatisfactory structure of the balance sheet, about the critically unstable financial condition of the enterprise, as a result of which the company LLC "TMR" Mostravel turned out to be dependent on creditors:

the company has unpaid loans and borrowings, overdue payables and receivables;

the ratio of coverage of non-current assets with equity capital is 0.8 (the standard is more than 1), which characterizes the lack of equity capital;

the company is experiencing a deficit of its own working capital - its own working capital is negative;

the current liquidity ratio throughout the entire study period is below the standard, and in 2009 it amounted to 0.99, that is:

the current assets of the enterprise do not cover the accounts payable, therefore, the sale of fixed assets is necessary, that is, the continuation of the production and economic activities of the enterprise is impossible;

the ratio of financial autonomy (the share of equity capital in liabilities) by 2009 is within the standard and is 0.535, and the company can continue to operate without external financing, at its own expense.

Summarizing the results of the analysis, we can conclude that the travel agency "TMR" Mostravel:


unprofitable (unprofitable);

is in a critical financial situation - depends on creditors;

the introduction of bankruptcy proceedings is necessary.

3. Measures to support effective economic activity

Among the emergency measures, the following are most commonly used:

inventory of property;

overhaul, modernization of fixed assets, replacement of outdated equipment, purchase of additional fixed assets;

sale of construction in progress;

analysis of the personnel structure, optimization of the number of personnel, etc .;

sale of subsidiaries and shares in authorized capital other firms;

the change organizational structure enterprises;

reduction of accounts receivable;

reduction in production costs;

reduction in the range of products;

When developing emergency measures, it is necessary, first of all, to carefully analyze the assets and the enterprise management system, in particular:

The fixed assets of the enterprise must be analyzed in the sequence established in the practice of statistical accounting of fixed assets (buildings, structures, etc.). In this case, you should pay attention to free production and storage areas (they can, for example, be quickly rented out). Inventories of uninstalled equipment and unfinished capital investments require special attention. In the process of rehabilitating an enterprise, it is necessary to take into account non-production fixed assets. These funds burden the expenses of the enterprise, but they can also serve as a source for the emergence of new types of activities.

Analyzed inventories and stocks finished products and identifies liquid inventories. They can serve as a source of funds for settling accounts with creditors, acquiring the necessary material resources and can be directly used in future production.

In the presence of significant funds in long-term and short-term investments, their analysis can become the main thing in the work on the recovery of the enterprise. Subsidiaries of an enterprise can be a source of additional financing and qualified support.

Debtors and creditors are analyzed (these are, as a rule, regular suppliers and buyers). They enter the technological chain and, with a reasonable approach, strive for the stability of the production system as a whole. Under certain conditions, both of them must express an interest in supporting an insolvent enterprise. It is necessary to find ways of cooperation with them.

The distribution network of the debtor enterprise. Intermediary structures that ensure the supply of the enterprise with raw materials, materials, components and the sale of its finished products can serve as a source of additional financing for the debtor. Their suggestions and wishes should also be taken into account when preparing health plans.

Enterprise management system. Analysis of the organizational structure, accounting and control system, internal economic relations, methods of adoption management decisions, as a rule, leads to "bottlenecks" in the enterprise management system.

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To restore solvency, it is necessary and in accordance with it to draw up a plan of anti-crisis measures, in which, by dates, include, activation (re-profiling) of the main activity (sales or production), etc.:

  • optimization of the property structure - it is possible to implement (buildings, structures, transport) or lease them, sell surplus ones (after recalculating their standards), partially restructure and sell accounts receivable. At the same time, the recalculation must be planned taking into account the possible risks. It is important that these assets are maintained at a level not lower than the calculated standard, since the surplus provokes additional costs (for maintenance, etc.), and the shortage turns into a violation of the production process or its interruption. As for, here it is worth adding mandatory measures to the plan of anti-crisis measures. Moreover, it should be indicated that it is necessary to develop (provided for timely payment or substantial advance payment), the procedure for issuing a commercial loan, providing for various types of goods (services) and for individual buyers. In addition, as an anti-crisis measure, it is worth mentioning the identification (and further control) of deferred and overdue obligations of counterparties to the company, (to work out the procedure for submitting an application), the implementation (or write-off) of bad debts. And also it is necessary to note in the plan the determination of the optimal ratio for the company and plan regular monitoring of its compliance;
  • cost reduction - so that throughout the enterprise, it is necessary at the expense and combination of duties (in this case, the dismissal of personnel is more profitable to organize at the request of employees or on the basis of a transfer). And also it is necessary to change the payment system, (or completely rework them, if any), tied to the overall result of the company,. In addition, within the framework of the anti-crisis plan, it is necessary to reduce to a minimum and, close, terminate (conclude) (switch to performing certain works on our own or vice versa);
  • activation of the main activity - it is necessary to change the type of activity or supplement it with others, as well as repurpose. In addition, it is necessary (responsibility for marriage, safety violations, etc.) to change the work schedule. And also create new principles of contractual work, namely the optimal delivery rules (discounts subject to prepayment);
  • restructuring of accounts payable - you will need to develop (revise the reorganization, then it can last from six months to one and a half years. major transactions) is about a month. You also need to take into account the time for preparing the assessment report - depending on the number of objects and the stage of their registration, this will have to be allocated from two weeks to six months. If measures are planned to collect accounts receivable, then it is worth planning for them from two weeks to six months, etc. It is important to monitor their implementation in the future and achieve the desired effect from their implementation.



Penza, Branch of the Russian State University Innovative Technologies and Entrepreneurship

Increasingly, the goal of business planning is becoming a business process reengineering (restructuring of business processes to achieve a significant improvement in the company's performance), the need for which arises in the following cases:

The company is in a state of crisis (in different phases: unprofitability, loss ratio, insolvency);

The business of the company is in a satisfactory state, but the forecasts of its activities are not favorable enough;

The goal of the company is to quickly build up competitive advantages and rapid business growth.

Anti-crisis business planning is a stage of anti-crisis management and is carried out most often in conditions of lack of time, resources, including financial ones, an unfavorable climate at the enterprise, deterioration of relations with creditors, and constant changes in business conditions. The goal is the financial recovery of the enterprise, that is, the solution of financial problems, underutilization of available resources, poor management, and technology lags.

Basic principles of anti-crisis planning:

Critical assessment of the business and the management team in order to identify the problems of the enterprise;

Development of the firm's strategy, basic guidelines;

Inclusion in the planning process of new plans, such as: "Debt restructuring", "Settlement with creditors", "Plan of financial recovery of the enterprise";

Clarity and concreteness of the content of all plans;

Monitoring the implementation of a set of planned activities;

Continuous monitoring of changes in the situation and making adjustments to plans;

The principle of prioritizing goals and objectives;

Development of alternatives, assessment of the economic efficiency of all options.

During a crisis, the head of the company is forced to take measures, usually protective, based on operational data. At the same time, one should take care of strategic anti-crisis measures, bring them together, determine the timing and sequence.

The main indicators of the crisis state of enterprises:

Low competitiveness of the products of enterprises, which is expressed in low consumer characteristics goods and at high prices;

Late receipt of proceeds from the sale of liquid products;

Low share of the monetary component in the proceeds from the sale of products due to the barter nature of commodity relations between enterprises;

- accounts receivable from the state for ordered but unpaid products. It becomes not only capital withdrawn from circulation, but also property imposed on the enterprise, which turns into an object of storage, protection and makes up a significant share in property tax;

Expenses for the maintenance of the departmental housing stock remaining at the enterprise, which are a great burden on the financial organism of the enterprise;

Debts of enterprises to monopoly organizations selling electricity, gas, heat and water;

Unused production, administrative and household premises, which were freed due to the reduction in production and also turned into a financial burden.

To get the enterprise out of this state, it is recommended to draw up an anti-crisis business plan for the company.

Anti-crisis measures must be carried out competently, consistently and decisively. If the initial strategy and practice turned out to be unsuccessful, and the company could not avoid the crisis, it is necessary to develop a new development strategy and new plan action.

It is the business plan that is designed to develop a strategy and action plan that can cover all aspects of the company's activities. This is a marketing strategy (what, where and how much to sell), and financial (how to make the company make a profit and have enough money for all planned activities), and an organizational plan (who, where to assign so that the company works well). An anti-crisis business plan can help redefine the firm's performance and find the right direction for moving forward.

An anti-crisis business plan in its structure is practically no different from a business plan for the creation of a new company or a business plan associated with investments in new production facilities. It is needed to:

Comprehensively work out the ways of the enterprise development (how it is going to get out of the crisis);

Understand what qualitative and quantitative indicators can be used to assess the course of development of an enterprise, and what these indicators should be;

Raise capital (both equity and debt).

An anti-crisis business plan is drawn up in a specific sequence. Various services and divisions of the company should take part in its development. Responsible for the preparation of the anti-crisis business plan is the general director. It is in his hands that all the information is located, and he can speed up the process of preparing a business plan.

Thus, having drawn up an anti-crisis business plan, you will be able to:

Identify reserves for increasing liquidity and reducing financial needs;

Identify key financial risks;

Assess the possibility of increasing the profitability, stability and liquidity of the business;

Reduce the costs of core activities;

Optimize taxation;

Reduce debt;

Reduce personnel costs;

Optimize your funding strategy.

In other words, anti-crisis business planning will help the company to be ready for changes in case of unstable situations, to realistically assess its capabilities, and also indicate everything. weaknesses that you need to work on. As a result, managers will be able to quickly respond to emerging problems.


1., Rukosoev management: macro and micro level - M .: Dashkov i K, 2007

2. Materials from the official website Elitarium: Center for Distance Education (St. Petersburg)

http: // www. ***** /

3. Alekseev's activities of the firm: Textbook - M .: Finance and statistics, 2008

Task 1. Calculation and assessment of the effectiveness of anti-crisis measures on a specific example

Based on your own practice, the activities of the company in which you work, or on the example of other organizations, using print and Internet sources, consider a specific case of anti-crisis measures and analyze their effectiveness.

Let us consider the anti-crisis measures taken at CIT "Telecom Soft" LLC and analyze their effectiveness.

LLC CIT "Telecom Soft" was founded in 1992, is a structural regional office of the company "Consultant Plus". The all-Russian network for the dissemination of legal information "Consultant Plus" is the largest service network operating on domestic market information and legal services. It consists of 300 regional information centers. The serial number 206 is assigned to LLC CIT "Telecom Soft".

RIC 206, in addition to servicing the reference and legal system, is also engaged in the distribution of a number of software products. In the structure of the company there is a clear distribution of functions between departments. The department of regional legislation supplements the system with new regional legal documents, processing them. The department employs 5 people. The Application Department sells and installs anti-virus and a number of other systems. The department consists of 4 people. The training department is engaged in the certification of ATP users. This department consists of 4 people. The Legal Department is headed by the Head of the Training Department. The company also hired an additional lawyer. The sales department is directly involved in the marketing of products and services. Consists of 18 employees. Technical department ensures the operation of office equipment and servers. (3 people). Support department - the main department, is engaged in support of the SPS "Consultant Plus". 25 specialists. In total, the company employs 60 people. In terms of its organizational form, Telecom Soft is a limited liability company. It is under a simplified tax regime.

Since November 2008, the organization has faced a number of challenges. Including: a decrease in the number of customers, a decrease in profits, a drop in demand for related programs. As a result, arose whole line internal problems: late payment of wages, growing social tension.

Thus, we can talk about a crisis at the enterprise. A crisis isn't necessarily bad news, it's just a statement of fact. The word "crisis" comes from the Greek word "crisis", which means "a sentence, a decision on any issue, or in a doubtful situation." In the 19th century, meaning shifted to economics. "Classic" economic concept crisis that took shape at that time means an unwanted and dramatic phase in the capitalist economic system characterized by fluctuations and negative phenomena, interference. However, let us turn to more modern definitions of the crisis. Webster's Dictionary defines a crisis as “a turning point for better or for worse”, “a moment requiring a decision” or a “critical period”. Also, Webster's Dictionary defines a crisis as "a situation that has reached a decisive phase." A crisis is a period of instability or a state of business when major changes are imminent. Moreover, the result of these changes can be both extremely unfavorable and positive. Typically, the initial chance of success is 50x50, but this ratio can be corrected with skillful management.

The concept of "crisis at the enterprise" describes in the modern economic literature various phenomena in the life of an enterprise, from simple hindrances in functioning through various conflicts up to the destruction of the enterprise. Further, an enterprise crisis can be understood as an unplanned and undesirable, time-limited process that can significantly interfere or even make the operation of the enterprise impossible. Thus, from a practical, business-oriented point of view, a crisis is any non-standard situation in which a risk arises.

In a crisis, the problem of management is important.

The enterprise in question experienced an insolvency crisis.

The company is unable to pay off its debts. The reason for such a crisis is most often the untimely receipt of funds to the budget from other levels of the budget system, one-time unplanned budget expenditures, the need to form reserve funds. Indeed, the delay in the receipt of funds to the organization's account due to late payments from clients was the main cause of the crisis. It was aggravated by the fact that immediately before the problem period, a loan was taken for the repair of office premises and a representative office was opened in another region. In addition, it became necessary to form a reserve fund.

In terms of duration, the crisis that has arisen belongs to a short-term, nevertheless, a sufficient program is required to get the enterprise out of the current situation.

By stage, the crisis is defined as reversible. The administration of the enterprise is able to independently carry out transformations in the economic, financial, social spheres, as a result of which the ability to pay to recover.

In terms of its origin, it is an exogenous crisis. Arose for reasons beyond the control of the organization. The main reason is the instability of interbudgetary relations.

By its nature, the crisis that has arisen belongs to the budgetary and financial crisis. They arise due to untimely or incomplete receipt of mandatory payments and a high level of borrowing, low payment discipline.

The management of LLC CIT "Telecom Soft" took the following anti-crisis measures.

1. First of all, the price policy... Clients were obliged to pay bills on time, stipulated by the contract. Previously, customers were provided with an installment plan, and in fact, services were paid only upon signing the certificate of completion at the end of the month. To this end, amendments were made to the job descriptions of the escort department employees. Managers were obliged to monitor the timely payment of bills. A new payroll scheme was proposed: its size should depend on the actual receipt of money. In addition, the heads of departments are personally responsible for working with the category of "hard-core" defaulters, whose debt amount exceeds the size of the subscription for three months of service. The accounting department continues to work on debtors as usual.

2. The accounting department began to prepare a set of invoices and acts closer to the middle of the month, and not towards the end. This will allow to pay earlier for the service to those customers who are able to pay only with an invoice.

3. An additional attorney was hired to specialize in claim drafting and arbitration. This measure should improve the efficiency of work with debtors.

4. The management was forced to agree to late payment of wages to employees. In addition, a "deposit" system has been introduced. It provides for a system of accumulating a part of wages exceeding the limit of 10 thousand rubles. This was done in order to increase the accumulative fund of the enterprise. In the long term, the measure should make it possible to close the debt to the ATP supplier organization earlier than planned. This will protect the company from the loss of distribution rights.

5. Management returned to the gray wage scheme. This measure is one of the most risky, but allows you to save on mandatory contributions up to 40% in absolute terms.

The complex of anti-crisis measures covers several areas at once: marketing, production, cost management, inventory management, management of accounts receivable, accounts payable, management. Let's consider the whole range of measures in detail.

Marketing and sales activities:

Improving the quality and reliability of products as a result of organizational and technical measures (strengthening labor discipline)

Development of a system of contracts with flexible terms of delivery and payment (prepayment discounts, discounts for timely and accurate execution of contract terms)

Manufacturing activities:

· Strengthening labor discipline, the introduction of personal responsibility for marriage, violation of the technological regime, etc. (changes in job descriptions)

Cost management activities:

Saving production costs, first of all, according to items that have the largest share in the cost structure (change in the wage system, taking into account the results of the enterprise, rationing and control of raw materials consumption)

Working capital management activities:

· Revision of available circulating assets (by elements): identification of illiquid assets, bad debts;

Inventory management:

· Calculation of the minimum required level of stocks (taking into account the risk of disrupting the normal course of production) and maintaining stocks at this level; (maintenance of the accumulation fund)

Accounts receivable management:

· Assessment of buyers' solvency and determination of a commercial loan policy for various groups of buyers and types of products;

· Systematic control of settlements with buyers for deferred and overdue debts;

· Use of a system of discounts stimulating timely payment (prepayment, payment for delivery);

· Determination of methods for accelerating debt collection and reducing bad debts;

· Control over the ratio of receivables and payables;

Accounts payable management:

Search for suppliers with the most favorable conditions delivery and payment; (for the department of applied programs)

· Drawing up operational budgets and ranking payments within their framework;

· Control over the execution of budgets.

Management improvement activities:

· Control over the execution of plans and budgets; their current adjustment;

Development of a rational system of communications between departments, taking into account the functions of management accounting, financial planning and management.

The listed anti-crisis measures were introduced immediately at the moment the first signs of a crisis appeared. Over the past period (November 2008 - May 2009), the indicators on accounts receivable have been significantly improved, it has been possible to retain a significant part of customers. In general, the efforts made have contributed to the stabilization of the situation. It was possible to prevent bankruptcy and significantly mitigate the adverse effect.

As an assessment of the crisis in management, you can apply Argenta's methodology. According to this methodology, the consequences in the organization begin with the following assumptions:

1.the process leading to bankruptcy is underway

2.It takes several years to complete

3. can be divided into 3 stages: deficiencies, errors, symptoms.

Disadvantages: The company has slipped into bankruptcy for years, showing a number of disadvantages, but they are not paid attention to. Overlapping these shortcomings can lead to mistakes that lead to bankruptcy. Companies that are struggling with disadvantages do not make mistakes and gradually exit the process leading to bankruptcy. Mistakes made lead to symptoms, and a number of important indicators deteriorate. Usually from manifestation somewhere within 2-3 years, and sometimes this process stretches for 5-10 years.


1. Management incompetence - 8

2. The chairman of the board of directors is also a director - 4

3. Passivity of the board of directors - 2

4. Internal contradictions in the board of directors (due to differences in knowledge and skills) - 9

5. Incompetent director - 2

6. Lack of professional middle and lower-level managers (outside the board of directors) 1

7. There is no budgetary control 1

8. Erroneous forecast of cash flows - 3

9. There is no management accounting system - 3

10. Sluggish reaction to changes (the emergence of new products, technologies, markets, methods of work organization, etc.) 18

The maximum possible amount is 43

Passing mark - 10

LLC CIT "Telecom Soft" is gaining 4 points. (6 and 8 points). Therefore, no mistakes will be made. Nevertheless, we will consider the technique to the end.

If the amount of points is more than 10, serious mistakes can be made in the management.

Too high share of borrowed capital - 15

Lack of working capital - 15

Necessity and failure of a large investment project - 15

The maximum possible - 45

Checkpoint - 15

If the sum of points at this stage is more than 25 (for both deficiencies and errors), the company is exposed to a certain risk. The maximum possible amount of points for other errors is 12, the passing total for three indicators is 100

Checkpoint - 25

Companies experiencing serious difficulties 35-70 points.

If the score is more than 25, the company may go bankrupt in the next 5 years.

This technique predicts a possible bankruptcy with sufficient accuracy. For the studied organization, there is no such risk, therefore, we can conclude about the effectiveness of the anti-crisis measures taken.

Task 2. Development of management decisions

Guided by the diagram given in the first situational task, consider the cases of management approaches in a crisis

The development of management must always be accompanied by an increase in its efficiency. In turn, the increase in management efficiency is determined by the growth of its potential, i.e. the possibility of positive changes, the presence necessary resources and the terms of their use. The tendencies of changes in the potential and efficiency of management also hide the danger of a crisis.

Crisis management, like any other, can be less or more effective. The effectiveness of anti-crisis management is characterized by the degree of achievement of the objectives of mitigating, localizing or positively using the crisis in comparison with the resources spent on this. It is difficult to assess such effectiveness in precise terms, but it should be assumed and seen in the analysis and overall assessment of management, its success or miscalculations.

It is possible to single out the main factors that determine the effectiveness of anti-crisis management - their understanding and differentiation help to analyze it and successfully implement it.

1. Professionalism of crisis management and special training. In this case, we mean not only the general professionalism of management, which is certainly necessary, but also those professional knowledge and skills that reflect the features of anti-crisis management.

2. The art of management, given by nature and acquired in the processes of special training, should be highlighted in the list of factors of the effectiveness of anti-crisis management. In many crisis situations, the individual skill of management is a decisive factor in getting out of the crisis or mitigating it. Therefore, for anti-crisis management, it is especially important to carry out psychological testing managers, select from them those who are able to react sensitively to the approach of a crisis and manage the organization in extreme situations.

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