International Trade Work Program. Discipline work program






Department of Political Economy and World Global Economy


Head of the Department of PE and MGH

"___" ________ 20__


by discipline

international trade

Direction of training:

Qualification (degree) of a graduate bachelor

Forms of study (full-time, part-time)

Tambov 2011

The working program was drawn up in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education, taking into account the recommendations of the VET HPE by the assistant professor of the Department of PE and MGH and was discussed at a meeting of the Department of PE and MGH of the Academy of Economics and Management.

Minutes No. ___ dated "___" _________20__

Head department ________________

1. Objectives of mastering the discipline

The objectives of mastering the discipline "International Trade" are:

· Ensuring the training of a specialist capable of carrying out professional activities in the foreign economic field, in particular, in the trade sphere, both at the national and international levels;

· Study of factors influencing the structure and dynamics of foreign trade of individual countries, forms and methods of export and import regulation, instilling skills in analyzing the effectiveness of national foreign trade policy.

2. Place of discipline in the structure of OOP undergraduate

The discipline "International Trade" refers to the cycle of professional disciplines of OOP for the preparation of a bachelor's degree in the profile of "World Economy". The course is a logical continuation of the discipline "World Economy and International Economic Relations", "Geography of Foreign Economic Relations", "World Commodity and Financial Markets" and is aimed at deepening, consolidating and practical development of theoretical material on the theory, development trends, practice of international trade relations and their regulation at the international and national levels.

Requirements for students: mastering in full the material of courses in microeconomics and macroeconomics, the history of economic doctrines, institutional economics, the world economy and the IEE.

3. Competencies of the student, formed as a result of mastering the discipline "International Trade".

The course provides the mastery of the following competencies:

The ability to analyze socially significant problems and processes occurring in the - system of the world economy, and predict their development in the future (OK-4);

· Possess: the skills of an analytical approach and apply them in different business situations to make decisions on topical and current issues of economic activity.

4. The structure of the discipline (module) "International trade"

Topic 1. Structure and dynamics of international trade

Commodity and geographical structure of international trade, their dynamics. Major international product classifications and nomenclatures. Commodity and geographical structure of foreign trade of the Russian
Federation (RF), its dynamics.

Topic 2. Comparative and competitive advantages of countries in international trade.

Classical theories of international trade (theories of A. Smith, D. Ricardo, E. Heckscher-B. Olin). Modern (neotechnological) theories of international trade. The national market under autarky conditions. Formation of the world market. Trading conditions and their meaning.

Topic 3. Changes in the nature of competition and a new theory of national competitive advantage (M. Porter's theory).

Competitive strategy of the company, the main points that determine its choice. Sources of competitive advantage. Determinants (defining moments) of competitive advantages. The dynamics of national advantage. Clusters of competitive industries. Models of national competitive advantages. Competitive advantages of the Russian Federation.

Topic 4. Tariff regulation of foreign trade

The economic role of customs duties, their functions. Customs tariff, its composition. Types of customs tariffs, basic principles of their formation. Nominal and actual level of protectionism. Classification of applicable customs duties. Quantifying the level of protectionism. The level of rates of customs duties. Customs and tariff policy of the Russian Federation. RF Law "On Customs Tariff".

Topic 5. Non-tariff regulation of foreign trade

8. International commodity exchanges and their specialization.

10. Methods of delivery of products in exchange trade.

11. International commodity auctions and their specialization.

12. Organization of auction sales processes.

13. Trends in modern international auction trade.

14. Auction deals and design principles.

15. Organizational system of international bidding.

16. International tenders and objects of their procurement.

17. Tender committee and its functions in organizing and conducting tenders.

18. International practice of competitive bidding.

19. State tender purchases.

Intermediate knowledge assessment tasks (tests)

Indicate all correct answers

The international sale and purchase agreement contains the following conditions (indicate incorrect answer):

a) price of goods d) sanctions for failure to fulfill obligations under the contract

To conclude an international contract for the sale of goods, you must:

a) agreement of the parties on all conditions existing for this type of contract

b) agreement of the parties on most conditions

c) signing by at least one party

d) true b) and c)

The structure and content of the contract:

a) cannot deviate from the standard

b) may vary depending on the nature of the product

c) may vary depending on the terms of the agreement

d) true b) and c)

Basic delivery terms:

a) determine the obligations associated with the delivery of goods from the seller to the buyer;

b) establish the moment of transfer of the risk of accidental loss or damage to the goods from the seller to the buyer;

d) there is no correct answer.

In "Incoterms" - 2000, the terms are divided:

a) in 4 groups b) in 2 groups c) in 8 groups d) in 13 groups

Terms EXW (ex works) is included in the group of terms:

a) C b) E c) A d) C

The object of the contract is:

a) goods, products

b) the result of production, scientific and technical cooperation

c) things planned for production, i.e., nonexistent at the time of the transaction

d) the type of action reflected in the title of the contract

Delivery time of goods under the contract:

a) can be indicated indirectly

b) can act as the date of crossing the border

c) allows the wording "as soon as possible"

d) allows the wording "as it is ready"

e) all answers are correct.

When setting the price of goods, the contract specifies: Published prices include:

a) reference prices c) actual transaction prices

b) tangible (things) or intangible (services) goods that differ in physical nature and properties, location and time when they can be available to the seller and the buyer

c) operations related to the international exchange of goods, services, the results of scientific, technical and industrial cooperation

d) an agreement according to which the debtor transfers any property to the creditor to secure his debt

Special forms of foreign trade include:

b) foreign affiliates. f) freight trade;

c) licensed production; g) import trade;

d) cooperation; h) compensation transactions;

i) international trade turnover associated with the processing of raw materials supplied by the customer;

Obligatory relations in foreign trade:

a) are formed between entrepreneurs, business entities of different countries

The organizers of the auction can be:

a) state institutions c) municipalities

b) large private firms d) there is no correct answer

Depending on the method of conducting, trades are distinguished:

a) closed c) secret

b) open d) international

Tender Committee:

a) carries out all the organizational work for the bidding

b) created by buyers who have decided to place orders through bidding

c) body representing the buying company

The main differences between tendering and bilateral methods of concluding contracts include:

a) multi-stage transaction conclusion

b) the difference in the subjects of the transaction and contracts

c) preliminary selection of applicants

d) generality of requirements

The main goods that are sold and bought at international auctions include:

a) industrial products c) tea

b) unwashed wool d) fish

The organizers of commodity auctions can be:

a) individual large companies c) unions and associations of sellers

b) municipalities d) public organizations

The stages of the auction include:

a) preparation, inspection, auction bargaining, registration and execution of the auction transaction

b) preparation, inspection, auction bargaining, distribution of tenders, registration and execution of an auction transaction

c) auction bargaining, registration and execution of an auction transaction

d) submission of an offer, comparison of submitted offers, auction bargaining

An auction transaction is formalized:

a) immediately after the end of the auction

b) when paying for the entire consignment

c) when paying more than 50% of the transaction amount

Auction trading is characterized by:

a) a way to raise prices c) a way to lower prices

b) sale at a fixed price d) sale at a predetermined price

The so-called "pure" types of resellers include:

a) agent b) principal c) consignee d) distributor

World prices for manufactured products are usually:

a) export prices of large companies producing and exporting these products

b) reference prices;

c) exchange quotes;

d) auction prices;

When setting the price of the contract, first of all, it is determined:

a) price basis

Questions for self-control of the level of knowledge and preparation for the test.

1. Theories of international trade (be able to state the main theories).

2. Dynamics of international trade, its main indicators.

3. Commodity and geographical structure of world trade.

4. The role of the state in the regulation of foreign trade.

5. Liberalization and protectionism in international trade.

6. Instruments of foreign trade policy of the state.

7. Customs tariff.

8. Non-tariff restrictions in foreign trade.

9. Ways to stimulate exports.

10. Most Favored Nation Treatment.

11. International multilateral regulation of foreign trade.

12. The structure and functions of the WTO.

13. Russia and the WTO.

14. The importance of foreign trade for the Russian economy.

15. Goods in foreign trade.

16. Types of foreign trade. Forms of foreign trade.

17. Foreign trade transactions: concept, types, features.

18. International organizations and instruments to support foreign trade.

19. Reasons for the existence and prospects for the development of international countertrade. Types of international counter transactions

20. International commodity markets, their geography.

21. Modern trends in the field of exchange trading.

22. Futures trading within the framework of commodity exchanges.

23. Exchange commodities and their criteria.

25. Customs brokers and their role in exchange trading.

26. Exchange transactions and their varieties.

27. The nature of the interaction of buyers and sellers in exchange trading.

28. The role of commodity exchanges in international trade.

29. Exchange commodities, their nomenclature and features.

30. Classification of modern commodity exchanges.

31. Exchange prices and pricing mechanism.

32. Speculative operations in stock trading.

33. Members of commodity exchanges, their characteristics and functions.

34. Exchange committees, their functions.

35. Regulation of the activities of commodity exchanges.

36. Auction goods and their classification features.

37. Modern centers of auction trade in the international system.

38. Founders of international commodity auctions.

39. Founders of international commodity exchanges.

40. The composition of buyers and sellers at international auctions.

41. The value of commodity auctions in international trade.

42. Organizational forms of international auctions.

43. Principles of execution of transactions for auction goods.

44. Principles of execution of transactions in exchange commodities.

45. Advantages of the auction trade for the seller and the buyer.

46. ​​The advantages of exchange trading for the seller and the buyer.

47. Stages of preparation of the auction.

48. The principle of interaction between organizers and participants in international trades.

49. The role of international bidding in the system of sales and purchases of products and services.

50. Organizers of the auction, their purpose and conditions.

51. Tender documentation, its composition and content.

52. Classification of procurement models in modern practice.

53. Classifiers of the subject of international trades.

54. Information technology in competitive procurement.

56. Competitive selection within the framework of the auction.

57. Methods for evaluating bids.

58. Foreign practice of public procurement of goods.

59. Principles for concluding a contract based on the results of a tender.

9. Educational-methodical and informational support of the discipline "International Trade"

a) main literature:

1. Ivanova trade organization: Textbook. manual /. - M .: Economist, 2007.

2. Minkova K V. International multilateral trade: from antiquity to the WTO /. - SPb .: Publishing house of SPbSU, 2006.

3. Rudnev trade and world commodity markets. Analytical guide /. - M .: East - West, 2009.

4. Trukhachev trade: textbook. manual for students studying economics. specialties /,. - Ed. 2nd, rev. and add. - M .: Finance and statistics; Stavropol: Agrus, 2006.

5. Sidorov trade: a course of lectures: textbook. manual for universities /. - M.: Examination, 2006.

b) additional literature:

1. Foreign economic activity: textbook / ed. ,. - 4th ed., Revised and enlarged. - M .: Publishing Center "Academy", 2007. - 304 p.

2. Daniltsev Trade: Regulation Instruments: Textbook -Practice manual /. - M .: Business literature, 2004

3. Kireev economics: In 2 hours: Textbook. allowance. - M .: Mezhdunar. relations, Yurayt-Publishing, 2006.

4. World economy and international economic relations: [in 2 hours] Part 1, Part 2: textbook ed. Corresponding Member RAS, Doctor of Economics Sciences, prof. ... - M .: Gardariki, 2006.

1.http: // europa. eu / index_en. htm (Official website of the European Union)

2.http: // www. ***** (Official site of the State Committee of the Russian Federation on Statistics)

3.http: // www. imf. org / (Official website of the IMF)

4.http: // www. oecd. org / (Official website of the OECD)

5.http: // www. un. org (UN Official Site)

10. Material and technical support of the discipline (module)

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Dagestan State Institute of People's


Department of Marketing and Commerce

Discipline work program


Direction of training 100700 "Trade"

Preparation profile - "Commerce"

Graduate qualification (degree) - Bachelor

Makhachkala 2015

BBK 65.290-21

Compiled by: Khasbulatova Bariyat Medzhidovna, candidate

Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Marketing and Commerce

DGINKH Internal reviewer: Mantashev Asadula Mugutdinovich, candidate of economic sciences, professor of the Department of Marketing and Commerce, DGINKH External reviewer: Truba Lyudmila Aleksandrovna, Ph.D. state educational standard of higher education in the direction of training 100700 "Trade", approved by the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of December 2009, No. 787.

The working program of the discipline "International Trade" is posted on the website Khasbulatova B.M. The work program of the discipline "International Trade" for the direction of training 100700 "Trade". - Makhachkala:

DGINKH, 2015, 44 p.

1. The list of planned learning outcomes in the discipline, correlated with the planned results of mastering the educational program… .. ……

2. Place of discipline in the structure of the educational program ... ................ ...

3.The volume of the discipline in credit units, indicating the number of academic hours allocated for contact work of students with a teacher (by type of training) and for independent work of students

5. The list of educational and methodological support for independent work of students in the discipline .......

6. Fund of assessment tools for intermediate certification of students in the discipline ……… ........... ……………………………………… 10

7.List of basic and additional educational literature necessary for mastering the discipline …………………………………………………………………… 2

8. The list of resources of the information and telecommunication network "Internet" (hereinafter referred to as the "Internet" network), necessary for mastering the discipline …………

9. Methodical instructions for students on mastering the discipline (recommended mode and nature of various types of educational work, as well as the implementation of independent work, including term papers (projects)) ………… ............ . ………………………… ... ………………………… 2

10. The list of information technologies used in the implementation of the educational process in the discipline, including the list of software and information reference systems ... .... ... ... 2

11. Description of the material and technical base required for the implementation of the educational process in the discipline ...

12.Educational technologies ...................... the following competencies:

The ability to find organizational and managerial decisions in non-standard situations, independently make decisions and be ready to take responsibility for them (OK-4);

Willingness to fulfill civic duty and manifest patriotism (OK-5);

The ability to realize the social significance of their future profession, the possession of high motivation to carry out professional activities, the ability to analyze socially significant problems and processes (OK-7);

Awareness of the essence and value of information in the development of modern society; possession of the basic methods and means of obtaining, storing, processing information; skills of working with a computer as a means of information management (OK-8);

Knowledge of one of the foreign languages ​​at a level not lower than the spoken level (OK-9);

Ability to use regulatory documents in their professional activities, readiness to comply with current legislation and the requirements of regulatory documents (PC-2);

The ability to manage the range and quality of goods and services, assess their quality, diagnose defects, ensure the required level of quality of goods and their preservation, effectively control the quality of goods and services, accept and account for goods in terms of quantity and quality (PC-3);

predict business processes and evaluate them

Efficiency ability (PC-4);

Willingness to identify and meet the needs of buyers of goods, their formation with the help of marketing communications, the ability to study and predict consumer demand, analyze marketing information, product market conditions (PC-6);

The ability to identify goods to detect and prevent their falsification (PC-7);

The ability to choose business partners, conduct business negotiations with them, conclude contracts and monitor their implementation (PC-10);

As a result of mastering the discipline, the student must:


the essence of foreign economic activity in general and foreign trade as its main component, management features in this area of ​​activity, the form and mechanism of state regulation of foreign economic activity;

the essence of foreign trade transactions, forms of settlements in foreign trade and international monetary transactions;

fundamentals of international and national regulation of international trade, international transport, international settlements;

international classifications of goods and services;

the main international organizations that develop documents on the problems of international trade and economic cooperation;

international classification, content and purpose of foreign trade documents;

the nature of contractual relations between participants in foreign economic activity, the types of contracts used, their main conditions, the specifics of the relationship between the parties when exporting and importing goods;

the essence of foreign trade transactions, types of foreign trade transactions, methods of their registration and the procedure for signing, the specifics of transactions in various markets;

national interests and main trends in the dynamics, structure and geographic direction of the development of foreign trade of the Russian Federation;

the role and importance of foreign trade in the development of the national economy and the solution of socio-economic problems, mechanisms for regulating exports and imports, currency relations and foreign investments;

instruments of tariff and non-tariff regulation of foreign economic activity in the Russian Federation.

Be able to:

identify problems of an economic nature when analyzing specific situations in professional activity, suggest ways to solve them and evaluate expected results;

systematize and summarize information on international trade and foreign trade activities;

select statistical data on international trade based on publications of national and international economic organizations in various areas of international economic relations;

use the system of knowledge about the forms and directions of development of international trade to analyze the feasibility and effectiveness of foreign economic transactions;

critically evaluate from different sides (production, motivational, institutional, etc.) the behavior of economic agents, development trends of objects in the field of international trade relations;

solve non-standard problems, have skills in forecasting economic processes in the field of foreign trade.


analytical methods for assessing the activities of international enterprises;

skills to transfer responsibility for certain risks to the insurance company;

experience in working with applicable federal laws, regulatory and technical documents necessary for the implementation of professional activities;

select distribution channels, suppliers and resellers, involve competent partners, partners and consultants in the development of the project;

The purpose of mastering the academic discipline "International Trade"

is the development of theoretical knowledge in the field of methodology and organization of international commercial activity, the acquisition of the ability to use this knowledge in professional activities and the formation of the necessary competencies, as well as mastering by students the theory and practice of commercial work in the foreign market.

The main objectives of the discipline "International Trade" are the formation of competencies in the following areas:

Formation of knowledge about the system and forms of modern international trade;

Elaboration of a systematic approach to the analysis of the directions of development of modern international trade relations;

Formation of an idea of ​​the place of Russia in international trade relations;

Using information about the state of world trade to make appropriate management decisions and assess their effectiveness.

Section 2. Place of discipline in the structure of the educational program The discipline "International Trade" refers to the variable part of the professional cycle (B.

The discipline "International Trade" is based on the disciplines of humanitarian, social and economic (B.1), mathematical and natural science (B.2) cycles: Economic theory, Mathematics, Informatics, Ecology and Legal regulation of professional activity. From the disciplines of the professional cycle (B.3) International trade has a logical and substantive-methodological relationship with the disciplines Statistics, Standardization, Metrology, Confirmation of Conformity, Theoretical Foundations of Commodity Science, Organization Economics and Management.

The necessary requirements for the "input" knowledge, skills and readiness of the student when mastering this discipline and acquired as a result of mastering the previous disciplines are:


The essence and characteristics of an international commercial operation,

International trade methods,

Generally accepted forms of organization of international commercial activities,

The main methods of regulation and stimulation of export-import operations,

The conditions for the international supply of goods,

Insurance methods against economic and political risks in the implementation of international commercial transactions


To correctly navigate in the constantly changing environment of the international market;

Conduct commercial work aimed at making a profit using the basic forms and techniques of international commerce.


Analytical methods for assessing the activities of international enterprises;

Ability to transfer responsibility for certain risks to the insurance company;

Experience in working with applicable federal laws, regulatory and technical documents necessary for the implementation of professional activities;

Select distribution channels, suppliers and resellers, involve competent partners, partners and consultants in the development of the project;

To study the discipline, the student must have the following preliminary competencies:

OK-2. The ability to logically correctly, reasonably and clearly build oral and written speech, the ability to fluently own literary and business written and oral speech in Russian, the skills of public and scientific speech; create and edit professional texts, analyze the logic of reasoning and statements.

OK-3. willingness to cooperate with colleagues, work in a team, the ability to work in a team and independently, as well as to be communicative, tolerant and honest; the ability to show organization, hard work, performing discipline.

OK-6. striving for self-development, improving their qualifications and skills, the ability to critically assess their merits and demerits, the ability to chart paths and choose means of developing their merits and eliminating shortcomings.

OK-8. awareness of the essence and value of information in the development of modern society; possession of the basic methods and means of obtaining, storing, processing information; computer skills as a means of information management OK-11. the readiness to apply economic laws and theories, to determine the economic indicators of PC-1. the ability to apply the basic laws of social, humanitarian, economic and natural sciences in professional activities, as well as methods of mathematical analysis and modeling, theoretical and experimental research;

possession of the mathematical apparatus in solving professional problems PK-5. the ability to manage trade and technological processes at the enterprise, regulate storage processes, conduct an inventory, determine and minimize the cost of material and labor resources, as well as take into account and write off losses of PC-8. the ability to manage the personnel of the organization (enterprise), readiness for organizational and managerial work with small teams of PC-10. the ability to choose business partners, conduct business negotiations with them, conclude contracts and monitor their implementation PK-11. the ability to collect, store, process and evaluate information necessary for the organization and management of professional activities (commercial, or marketing, or advertising, or logistics, or commodity) PK-14. a willingness to analyze, evaluate and develop organizational strategies As a precursor to mastering this discipline, the following theoretical disciplines are needed: Business Risk Management, Trade Innovation, Consumer Goods Markets, Customs, Marketing Communications, and educational practice (B.5. U).

Section 3 The scope of the discipline in credit units, indicating the number of academic hours allocated for contact work of students with a teacher (by type of training) and for independent work of students The number of academic hours allocated for contact work of students with a teacher (by type of training), is 108 hours, including:

lecture type - 16 hours;

seminar type - 22 hours;

laboratory classes - 10 hours independent work of students - 15 hours.

Section 4 The content of the discipline, structured by topics (sections), indicating the number of academic hours allotted for them and types of training sessions

In T.



















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3. 1 2 1 SITUATION.















4. 2 2 1










5. 2 2 2










6. 2 2 2










7. 2 2 2










8. 2 2 2

























TOTAL 16 22 10 15 10 Section 5. The list of educational and methodological support for independent work of students in the discipline

















100700 COMMERCIAL BUSINESS, PROFILE "COMMERCE") Section 6. Fund of assessment tools for intermediate certification of students in the discipline The purpose of the intermediate control is to establish the depth and completeness of knowledge, abilities and skills (competencies) of students at the end of the study of the discipline.

Form of conduct - intermediate test control of students' knowledge in the discipline "International Trade" is carried out during the semester certification in the form of:

Exam - in the 4th semester.

List of exam questions for the discipline

1. The concept of MEO and their main forms.

2. International division of labor: its types and basic forms.

3. Stages of formation and main features of the development of the world market.

4. General characteristics and development trends of the world economy.

5. Globalization of the world economy and its impact on the MEO.

6. The essence of an open economy and its indicators.

7. A. Smith's theory of absolute advantages and D.

Ricardo: Fundamentals and Empirical Testing.

8. The theory of the ratio of factors of production Heckscher-Ohlin and the Leontief paradox.

9. Theorem T.M. Rybchinsky: the history of development and the reasons for the emergence of the "Dutch disease".

10. Alternative theories of international trade (theory of the life cycle of R.

Vernon, the theory of economies of scale by P. Krugman and K. Lancaster).

11. The theory of competitive advantages M. Porter.

12. Modern international trade: its main indicators, principles of assessment and analysis of the structure.

13. International market of services: general characteristics and features of development.

14. International trade analysis tools.

15. International trade and types of economic growth.

16. Inter-industry and intra-industry trade: general features and characteristics.

18. General classification of foreign trade policy instruments

19. Characteristics and modern classification of tariff methods for regulating foreign trade.

20. Classification of non-tariff barriers and their role in the regulation of international trade.

21. International regulation of foreign trade. The role of the WTO.

22. Place and role of Russia in the international trade system.

23. The essence and stages of international economic integration.

24. Features of the functioning of integration groups

25. Principles of organization and mechanism of functioning of the European Union (EU).

26. Features of the North American model of integration (NAFTA).

27. Features of integration processes in the APR (APEC, ASEAN).

28. General characteristics and classification of international economic organizations.

29. Essence, mechanism, forms and economic consequences of the international movement of capital.

30. Theories of international capital movement.

31. Direct and portfolio foreign investments and their indicators.

The role of TNCs in global production.

32. The scale of international capital flows and their distribution in the modern world economy.

33. The role of SEZ in the world economy: their function and classification.

34. Place and role of Russia in the field of international capital movement.

35. Key indicators, causes, stages of development and methods of managing the international debt crisis.

36. International labor migration, its causes, main forms and consequences.

37. International labor migration: current state and development trends.

38. Russia in the international labor exchange.

39. Balance of payments: concept, principles and methodology of preparation.

40. The structure of the balance of payments.

41. Theories of balances of payments.

42. The current state of the balance of payments in Russia.

43. The concept and features of the development of international monetary relations at the present stage.

44. Essence, structure and evolution of the world monetary system.

45. The concept of currency and its types.

46. ​​Exchange rate: definition and classification of species.

47. Factors affecting the value of the exchange rate.

48. Concept, functions, participants and features of the foreign exchange market.

49. Foreign exchange policy of the state.

50. Russia in the system of international monetary financial relations.

Discipline Checklist:

Topic 1. Features of international commercial activity and factors of its development.

The essence of business and international 1.

commercial activities.

2. Factors in the development of international business.

3. Features of international business in Russia.

4. Russia's place in international commercial relations. Problems of Russia's entry into the foreign market.

Topic 2. Methods of international trade.

1. Trade on direct links.

2. The objective need for the emergence of intermediaries.

3. Types of intermediaries.

4. The position of intermediaries in the foreign market.

Topic 3. Classification of participants in international commercial activities.

Subjects of international commercial transactions:

Firms in world practice. Unions of entrepreneurs, their types and nature of international commercial transactions.

State bodies and organizations that have received the right to enter foreign markets. International organizational structures in the field of foreign economic activity. Participants of foreign economic activity in Russia.

Topic 4. Assessment and selection of a foreign partner.

Entering the external market.

1. Assessment and selection of a potential foreign partner.

2. Factors influencing the choice of countries and firms for cooperation.

3. Entry into the external market of the exporter. Offer types.

4. Entry to the foreign market of the importer. Types of acceptances.

Topic 5. Forms of international commercial activity.

1. Free economic zone. Essence, types, problems.

2. Offshore zones. Features, possibilities of use.

3. Cross-border trade.

4. Free trade zones and customs unions.

Topic 6. Management and regulation of international commercial activities in Russia.

Government and Regulatory Bodies 1.

foreign economic activity.

International administration methods 2.

commercial activities.

Methods of economic stimulation international 3.

commercial activities.

Topic 7. International trade transaction.

1. Types of international commercial transactions.

2. Characteristics of international commercial transactions.

3. Normative base of foreign trade contracts of purchase and sale.

4. Convention on contracts for the international sale of goods.

5. Basic terms of delivery.

Topic 8. Organization of international payments and settlements.

1. The essence and regulatory framework of international payments and settlements.

2. Basic methods of international payments: Advance payment.

Letter of credit (documentary, irrevocable, revocable, etc.). Payment after shipment. Collection (documentary). Open account trading.

3. The main methods of international payments: Payment by check.

Bills of exchange. Bank drafts. Postal payment orders. Telegraph / telex payment orders. SWIFT system instructions. International money transfer.

4. Comparison of methods of international payments.

5. Basic methods of insurance against political and economic risks.

Topic 9. Organization of international commodity exchange trade

1. Reasons for the use of commodity exchange (counter) trade.

2. Counter purchases of goods.

3. Barter transactions.

4. Compensatory operations.

5. Repurchase of used equipment.

6. Operations with tolling raw materials (tolling).

Topic 10. International lease operations.

1. Operating lease.

2. Financial lease (leasing).

3. Types of leasing.

4. Advantages and disadvantages of leasing.

5. Leasing contracts.

1. What is the essence of international commercial activity:

A) Sale of goods on the foreign market.

B) Sale of services in the external market.

C) Production and sale of goods, services and technologies in the external market.

D) Making a profit through international trade.

2. The seller takes out the goods for sale on an international exchange, and a buyer from a third country buys it. What is the name of this operation:

A) Export.

B) Re-export.

C) Import.

D) Re-import.

E) Transit.

3. To what type of operations are the operations for the insurance of international goods:

A) To the main operations.

B) To operations for the export of services.

C) To the operations of goods circulation.

D) To operations for the import of services.

4. What factors in the development of apartment buildings can be used to reduce tax deductions:

A) Uneven economic development in different countries of the world.

B) Features of the geographical location, natural and climatic conditions.

C) Development of free trade zones and the use of offshore zones.

D) Increase in the export of capital.

E) Friendly political relations.

5. The most promising directions for the development of the Russian economy for successful competition with the developed countries of the world economic system:

A) Development of the fishing industry with deep processing of products.

B) Development of the tourism business.

C) Development of production of services for launching payloads into outer space.

D) Development of agricultural production using technologies from leading countries of the world.

E) Development of transport services and expansion of transit services.

International business entities 6.


C) Firms, organizations and persons located abroad and concluded an international contract.

D) Firms, organizations and persons that have received from the state the right to enter foreign markets.

Objects of international commercial activity 7.


A) Goods, services and technologies subject to international exchange.

B) Firms, organizations and persons who have entered into an international contract.

C) Firms, organizations and persons who have made an international transaction.

D) Material processes manifested in the international exchange of goods, services and technologies.

1. With the participation of which intermediary, the seller can conclude agreements with several intermediaries at once:

With the participation of which intermediary the seller has no right 2.

independently or through other intermediaries to sell on the contractual territory the goods included in the intermediary's nomenclature:

A) An intermediary with a non-exclusive right to sell.

B) Reseller with the exclusive right to sell.

C) Intermediary with preemptive right of sale.

D) Reseller with limited right to sell.

E) Reseller with unlimited sale rights.

3. Which intermediaries are not interested in investing heavily in the creation of their own sales network:

A) An intermediary with a non-exclusive right to sell.

B) Reseller with the exclusive right to sell.

C) Intermediary with preemptive right of sale.

D) Reseller with limited right to sell.

E) Reseller with unlimited sale rights.

4. Agreement with which intermediary is fraught with the danger of blocking the market:

A) An intermediary with a non-exclusive right to sell.

B) Reseller with the exclusive right to sell.

C) Intermediary with preemptive right of sale.

D) Reseller with limited right to sell.

E) Reseller with unlimited sale rights.

5. How a seller can protect himself from being blocked by an intermediary:

A) Increase the remuneration for the intermediary.

B) Conclude an agreement with an intermediary for one year.

C) Make sure that the intermediary does not reorient itself to work with competitors.

D) Include in the agreement a clause on the volume of sales in the contractual territory.

E) Change the intermediary.

F) Allow the intermediary to work on the "price difference".

1. How do business unions differ from firms?

A) Unions of entrepreneurs are larger than firms.

B) Unions of entrepreneurs make more profit than firms.

C) Unions of entrepreneurs are smaller than firms.

D) Unions of entrepreneurs represent the interests of groups of entrepreneurs included in them.

E) Unions of entrepreneurs are created to block the market.

2. By the nature of ownership, firms differ:

A) Private, cooperative, LLC.

B) Private, cooperative, JSC.

C) Private, cooperative, trade.

D) Private, cooperative, state.

E) Private, cooperative, state, joint.

E) Private, cooperative, national.

3. What is the goal of forming cartels:

A) Obtaining monopoly profits.

B) Exchange of ideas and innovations among cartel members.

C) Restriction of competition.

D) Increase in prices.

E) Raising the rate of return.

4. Which monopoly associations are independent only in the field of production:

A) Cartels.

B) Syndicates.

C) Trusts.

D) Concerns.

5. An organization that controls financial capital many times greater than its own is called:

B) Holding.

C) Concern.

D) Conglomerate.

6. Enterprises of what organizational and legal form are obliged to publish information on the results of their activities:

A) Production cooperative.

B) Limited Liability Company.

C) Joint Stock Company.

7. Members of joint stock companies are responsible for obligations

AO to its creditors:

A) With your personal property.

B) The amount paid for the shares.

C) Property of JSC.

8. The absence of a clearly defined dominant product is inherent in:

A) Holding.

B) Conglomerate.

C) Concern.

D) The cartel.

In which association is the profit from the activities of enterprises 9.

distributed among its participants in accordance with a predetermined proportion:

A) Cartel.

C) Concern.

D) Syndicate.

E) Consortium.

10. The organization, more than 50% of the capital of which are securities, is called:

A) Mixed concern.

B) Financial conglomerate.

C) Financial holding.

D) Mixed alliance.

11. Is the parent company liable for the obligations of its subsidiaries by exercising control over them:

B) Does not carry.

C) Partially carries.

12. Which of the following legal entities are a form of capital pooling:

B) Full partnership.

D) Limited partnership.

13. What right does a share give to an LLC participant:

A) Receiving dividends.

B) Obtaining a loan.

C) Receiving part of the company's property upon liquidation.

D) The right to rest in a sanatorium.

E) Eligibility for additional benefits.

Tasks in exam tickets

1. Calculate the warehouse costs per ruble of the value of the goods, if the wholesale company has a turnover of 10,000 thousand rubles. per year, the average stock of goods in the warehouse is 1,000 thousand rubles, fixed storage costs - 1,000,000 thousand rubles. per year, variable costs - 5 rubles. per ruble of the cost of the goods.

2. Calculate the warehouse costs per ruble of the value of the goods, if the wholesale company has a turnover of 20,000 thousand rubles. per year, the average stock of goods in the warehouse is 1,000 thousand rubles, fixed storage costs - 1,000,000 thousand rubles. per year, variable costs - 5 rubles. per ruble of the cost of the goods.

3 Calculate the warehouse costs per ruble of the value of the goods, if the wholesale company has a turnover of 30,000 thousand rubles. per year, the average stock of goods in the warehouse is 1,000 thousand rubles, fixed storage costs - 1,000,000 thousand rubles. per year, variable costs - 5 rubles. per ruble of the cost of the goods.

4. Calculate the warehouse costs per ruble of the value of the goods, if the wholesale company has a turnover of 40,000 thousand rubles. per year, the average stock of goods in the warehouse is 1,000 thousand rubles, fixed storage costs - 1,000,000 thousand rubles. per year, variable costs - 5 rubles. per ruble of the cost of the goods.

5. Calculate the cost of paying interest for goods stored in the warehouse, paid for with a loan, on the cost of warehouse stocks, if the procurement price per unit of production is 500 rubles, the annual interest rate for a loan is 25%, the turnover of stock is 10 revolutions per year, average warehouse stock per year - 1000 product units.

6. Calculate the cost of paying interest for goods stored in the warehouse, paid for with a loan, on the cost of warehouse stocks, if the procurement price per unit of production is 500 rubles, the annual interest rate for a loan is 25%, the turnover of stock is 20 revolutions per year, average warehouse stock per year - 1000 product units.

7. Calculate the cost of paying interest for goods stored in the warehouse, paid for with a loan, on the cost of warehouse stocks, if the procurement price per unit of production is 500 rubles, the annual interest rate for a loan is 25%, the turnover of stock is 50 revolutions per year, average warehouse stock per year - 1000 product units.

Control questions and tasks for intermediate certification based on the results of mastering the discipline Selection of goods and the formation of a trade assortment in an organization (of a specific type or type) Initial information.

The choice of goods and the formation of an assortment of goods in the organization must be carried out on the basis of the following information:

organizational and economic characteristics of the organization;

volume, dynamics, structure and speed of turnover 2.

organizations (then for a number of years);

customer requirements for goods and trade assortment;

quantitative assessment of the assortment (assortment list, 4.

breadth and depth of assortment, assortment stability coefficient, etc.).

General task: to develop a technology for the formation of an assortment of goods in an organization.

Intermediate tasks.

Determine approaches to the selection of goods when purchasing them.

Predict the range of products according to level 2.

customer demand.

Determine the optimal ratio of product groups 3.

Determine the main and accompanying assortment of goods.

Justify the essence of the main quantitative indicators 5.

assessing the assortment of goods.

Justify the grouping of goods by commodity departments.

Conduct the planning of the store's retail space and placement 7.

on it trade departments in accordance with the assortment policy.

Design a product assortment management process in 8.

store (commodity department).

Propose methods and indicators of control over the assortment of goods.

Planning and organization of the process of purchasing goods in the organization Initial information.

Planning and organization of the purchase of goods must be carried out on the basis of the following information:

the name of suppliers and the volume of supplies of their goods for a row 1.

supplier proposals;

volumes of delivery of goods to the organization by periods;

indicators of deviation of supplies from the terms of the contract;

economic indicators of procurement.

Overall objective: to develop a procurement management system for the organization.

Intermediate tasks.

Provide the organizational structure of the purchasing department and its functions.

Determine the content of the personnel procurement of goods.

Identify what factors influence the procurement planning of different 2.

product groups?

Choose methods for determining the volume of purchases of goods for different 3.

groups of goods.

Propose systems for purchasing goods.

Agree with suppliers on methods of sales promotion 5.

Develop measures to prevent risk when purchasing goods.

Generate purchase orders for different groups of goods 7.

Propose a procedure for controlling the supply of goods in 8.

in accordance with the terms of the contract Determine the economic efficiency of the procurement 9.


Planning and organizing the process of selling goods in the organization

Initial information.

The planning and organization of the process of selling goods in the organization should be carried out on the basis of the following information:

characteristics of the type (type) of the organization;

market conditions for goods over several years;

results of an operational analysis of turnover (volume, 3.

dynamics, structure, rhythm of commodity turnover, flow of goods, consumer demand) for several years;

technological, social and economic indicators 4.

methods of selling goods.

General task: to organize the process of selling goods.

Intermediate tasks.

Provide the organizational structure of the sales department of goods and 1.

functions of the sales staff.

Design a technology for selling different groups of goods in 2.


Carry out a choice of methods for determining the volume of sales of goods 3.

in order to optimize the volume of their purchases.

Draw up a plan for the volume and structure of the sale of goods in 4.

organizations for the next year.

Develop measures to implement the plan for the sale of goods.

Propose rational forms and methods of selling goods.

Design a product sales management process in 7.


Develop a management system for commodity departments (sections, 8.

stores) using merchandising tools.

Determine the economic efficiency of the sale of goods.

10. Justify the appropriateness of the selected form (method) of selling goods.

Inventory management in the organization Background information.

Inventory management should be carried out on the basis of the following information:

the rate of change in the state of inventory;

planning the average stock of goods;

calculation of turnover;

determination of the average shelf life of goods;

assessment of the effectiveness of the use of commodity stocks.

General task: to develop a set of measures for inventory management.

Intermediate tasks.

Provide a model of the process of formation of commodity stocks in 1.


Develop measures to prevent surplus goods 2.

and scarcity.

Carry out planning of inventory for different types 3.


Carry out accounting and control of commodity stocks.

Provide examples of record keeping for 5.

correct planning of inventory.

Design an inventory management process in 6.


Offer effective methods for determining the optimal 7.

volume (standard) of commodity stocks.

Justify the need to control the speed of goods turnover, 8.

or turnover in the organization.

Ensure the complexity and adaptability of inventory by 9.


10. Give a methodology for determining the funds for creating inventory.

11. Conduct an analysis and assessment of the effectiveness of the use of stocks.

12. Justify the developed set of measures for inventory management.

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100700 SHOPPING 2










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With. one
Non-state educational institution

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"International Jewish Institute of Economics, Finance and Law"


MOSCOW, 2012

The program was developed at the Department of Economic Disciplines.

Authors of the program:

prof. A. V. Mikhnevich

Head of the Department _____________________ Assoc. V. I. Ginko

  1. Goals and objectives of the discipline

A specialist in the field of the world economy and foreign economic activity should be free to navigate in modern forms and methods of international trade at the present stage of development of the world economy. At present, international trade retains its leading positions, despite the emergence of a number of new forms of establishing foreign economic relations between countries. Especially obvious is the need to familiarize students with the most important aspects of foreign trade relations of the Russian Federation, taking into account the priorities of the country's economic development, as well as the problems and prospects of deepening Russia's integration into the international economic and trade system.

The purpose of the discipline- the formation of students' foundations of economic knowledge about the basic basic elements in the modern system of functioning of international trade, the features and trends of its development, which are formed in modern conditions under the influence of the processes of globalization and internationalization.

Tasks course are to:

Study the patterns, trends and principles of the development of the international trade system;

Consider the concept of competition in international trade, its nature, factors of manifestation, features and level in world export markets;

To acquaint students with the trends and prospects for the development of international trade at the present stage;

To form an idea of ​​the composition and state of the main international commodity markets and the nature of their development;

To teach to analyze the features of foreign trade of different countries of the world.

  1. The scope of the discipline and types of educational work.

Type of educational work

Number of hours

Full-time education

8 semester

Classroom lessons, including:


- lectures


- workshops and seminars


- laboratory works

Independent work:


- term paper (project)

- essay

- control, calculation and graphic works


- other types of independent work


- exam preparation

Final control type


Total for the semester:


Total workload of the discipline:

90 hours

  1. The content of the discipline.

3.1. Sections of discipline and types of classes.

P / p No.

Discipline section





Laboratory works

Independent work








8 semester


International trade system






Competition in the international trading system






Forms and methods of international trade






International trade organizations and international regulation of international trade






World commodity market. Conjuncture and forecasting of world commodity markets






International commodity trade






World market of agricultural raw materials and food






World market for manufacturing products






International technology exchange. International trade in services






The role and place of certain groups of countries in international trade. Features of foreign trade of different countries of the world





Total for a semester










3 .2 Contents of the discipline sections.

Topic 1. The system of international trade

Subject, objectives and structure of the course "International Trade"

Regularities, trends and principles of development of the international trade system. Subjects and objects of international trade. Physical and value volumes of international trade, their dynamics and structural changes at the present stage. Objective prerequisites and factors for the development of international trade. Evolution stages of the international exchange of goods and services.

The modern significance of international trade. The role of international trade in the development of the economy of individual countries.

Topic 2. Competition in the international trading system

Competition concept in international trade. Its nature, characteristics and level in the world export markets.

Determinants of national competitive advantage: characteristics of determinants, parameters of factors (hierarchy of factors, formation of factors, characteristics of negative factors), conditions of demand (structure, magnitude and nature of demand), related and supporting industries (competitiveness of supplying and related industries).

Competitive advantage of firms on a global scale: competitive strategy of firms, structural analysis of industries, the position of a firm in the industry, sources of competitive advantage of firms, competition in the world market, the impact of national conditions on the success of firms in competition.

New phenomena in the competitive struggle in the global commodity market (strategic alliances, transnational mergers and acquisitions, leading corporations and outsiders in countries importing capital).

Trade and political means of forcing the export of goods in international trade. Commodity and foreign exchange dumping. Anti-competition measures in the global market.

Topic 3. Forms and methods of international trade

Description of the main methods of international trade. Export. Import. Reimport. Re-export and the main purposes of the application of re-export operations; forced re-export; re-export as part of a more complex operation; re-export for the purpose of reselling goods for profit on the difference in prices. Indirect export. Indirect import. Cooperative export (import). International counter transactions. Features of the use of international trade methods in the practice of Russian enterprises.

Adversarial methods of international trade. International commodity exchanges. Basic concepts. Exchange trading participants. Exchange commodities. The main trends in the development of exchange trading. Major international commodity exchanges and their classification. Trends and prospects for the development of international auction trade. Specificity of goods sold through auctions. Types of auctions. Organization of auctions. Major international auctions (by product group). International auctions, their types and international legal regulation. Specificity of goods sold through international auctions. Types of trades.

Electronic commerce as a fundamentally new form of enhancing the participation of various countries in world trade.

Topic 4. International trade organizations and international regulation of international trade

Trade policy and participation of the country in the international trade system. Features of foreign trade policies of various types of countries. International trade organizations as a result of the internationalization of world economic relations. Bilateral, regional and multinational regulation of international trade. GATT / WTO as the most important instrument of multilateral regulation of international trade. The regulation of international trade in the framework of the United Nations - United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL). Non-governmental international organizations. International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) and its role in the regulation of international trade. Features and problems of the application of instruments for regulating international trade. Trade policy of Russia and accession to the WTO.

Topic 5. World commodity market.
Conjuncture and forecasting of world commodity markets

Commodity structure of the modern world market and its sector.

The most important conjuncture-forming factors, their interaction. The system of indicators of the study of the situation. Commodity forecast. Forecasting methods.

Features of the conjuncture of individual commodity markets (raw materials, semi-finished products, machinery, equipment, food products, etc.).

Topic 6. International trade in commodities

General characteristics of the world market for non-energy raw materials. Commodity and geographical structure of the world raw materials market, the dynamics of their changes, factors influencing the geographical and commodity structure of the market. The largest exporting and importing countries of raw materials. Russia's place in the world raw materials market.

General characteristics of the world gas market Geographic structure of the world gas market (current state, dynamics, factors affecting the geographical structure of the market). Leading submarkets. The largest gas exporting and importing countries. Strengthening the importance of Asian countries as major importers of gas.

General characteristics of the world market for oil and oil products. Geographic structure of the world oil and oil products market (current state, dynamics, factors affecting the geographic structure of the market). Leading submarkets. The largest exporting countries of oil and oil products (OPEC countries, Norway, Great Britain, Mexico, Russia) and importers (USA, Japan, etc.). Strengthening the importance of Asian countries as major oil importers.

Foreign trade policy of the leading exporting and importing countries in relation to oil products (tariff and non-tariff barriers). The role of OPEC, international corporations and financial groups in the world trade in oil and oil products.

The current state of the oil complex in Russia. Russia's place in the world oil and oil products market.

Topic 7. World market of agricultural raw materials
and food

International trade in agricultural raw materials and food (current state and dynamics). Features of the organization of international trade in agricultural raw materials and food by type (grain, sugar, coffee, meat, etc.). Submarkets. The largest countries are exporters of agricultural raw materials and foodstuffs. Pricing in the world market for agricultural raw materials and food. The main modern trends in international trade in agricultural raw materials and food. The role of Russia in the world food market (characteristics and volume of Russian food imports).

Topic 8. The world market of manufacturing products

International trade in manufacturing products: commodity structure, trends and development prospects.

International trade in machinery and equipment (current state and dynamics). Features of the organization of international trade in machinery and equipment by type. Submarkets. The largest exporting countries of equipment and machinery. Pricing in the world market of mechanical engineering products. The main modern trends in the trade in arms and military equipment. The role of Russia in the world market for weapons and military equipment.

General characteristics of the world metal market, its features and development trends.

World market of precious metals and stones. Features of international trade in gold on the world market. The price of gold. World diamond market. De Beers Monopoly. The role and place of Russia in the world diamond market.

The world market for chemical products, the nature and dynamics of its development.

International trade in light industry products.
Topic 9. International technology exchange.
International trade in services

Technological exchange concept. Specificity of technology as a commodity. Licensed trade. Objects of the license. Patents. Industrial facilities. Trademarks. International conventions for the protection of industrial property. Know-how. Types of licenses. Peculiarities of formation of prices for licenses. The main participants and the current state of the licensed trade.

Complete equipment supplies. Advantages and disadvantages for the customer.

Engineering services in international trade.

Other forms of international contacts involving technology transfer.

Specificity of international trade in services in comparison with traditional commodity trade. Structure and dynamics of international trade in services. Russia in international trade in services

Topic 10. The role and place of individual groups of countries in international trade. Features of foreign trade of different countries of the world

The role and place of individual countries and groups of countries in international trade. The role of transnational corporations in international trade.

Foreign trade of developed countries (EU, USA, Japan) and its dynamics.

Foreign trade of developing countries and its features.

Foreign trade of post-socialist countries.

Russia in the international trade system.

  1. Practical (seminar) classes.

P / p No.

Section No.


Topics of practical (seminar) classes



Regularities, trends and principles of development of the international trade system.



Competition concept in international trade.



Description of the main methods of international trade.



Trade policy and participation of the country in the international trade system.



Commodity structure of the modern world market and its sector.



General characteristics of the world market for non-energy raw materials.



International trade in agricultural raw materials and food



International trade in manufacturing products: commodity structure, trends and development prospects.



Specificity of technology as a commodity.



The role and place of individual countries and groups of countries in international trade.

  1. Laboratory work (if available).
Laboratory work is not provided.

  1. Independent work of students.
Approximate topics of abstracts
1. The modern world market, its structure.

2. International trade in goods, its place and role in the system of international economic relations.

3. Problems and prospects for the development of international trade.

4. Problems and prospects for the development of foreign trade (by the example of a country).

5. Developing countries in the international trading system.

6. Developing countries in the international trade system (for example, a country).

7. Developed countries in the international trade system.

8. Developed countries in the international trade system (for example, a country).

9. Qualitative changes in the structure of international trade.

10. Geographic directions of international trade and their changes. The scale of commodity flows.

11. Dynamics of the commodity structure of international trade.

12. Dynamics of the commodity structure of foreign trade (for example, a country).

13. Protectionism and liberalization, their goals, methods, correlation in modern foreign trade policy.

14. Instruments of state regulation of foreign trade, their evolution.

15. Features of foreign trade policy of developed countries.

16. Features of foreign trade policy of developing countries.

17. Features of foreign trade policy of the newly industrialized countries.

18. Features of foreign trade policy of countries with economies in transition.

19. Features of Russia's foreign trade policy.

20. The specifics of pricing in various types of world commodity markets.

21. World prices and the main types of foreign trade prices.

22. Features of the formation of world prices for raw materials.

23. Features of the formation of world prices for machinery and equipment.

24. Dynamics of world prices for various commodity groups at the beginning of the XXI century.

25. Dumping and dumping prices in international trade.

26. Antidumping policy in international trade.

27. The conjuncture of world commodity markets as an example ...

28. The place of commodities in international trade.

29. International food trade.

30. International trade in machinery and equipment.

31. Current trends in international trade in services.

32. International tourism as a specific form of trade in services.

33. Features of the development of the international technology market.

34. Electronic commerce - the economic nature and importance in the global economy.

35. Regulation of international trade in services.

36. International trade in engineering services.

37. International trade in licenses and know-how.

38. International tourism as a form of international economic relations.

39. Outsourcing as a segment of the world market for services.

40. International regional trade organizations and their role in the development of foreign trade relations of countries.

41. GATT / WTO as the most important instrument of multilateral regulation of international trade.

42. Problems and prospects of Russia's accession to the WTO.

43. The place and role of Russia's foreign trade in its modern economic development.

44. Dynamics of Russia's foreign trade in the late XX - early XXI century.

45. Geographic and commodity structure of Russia's foreign trade, its changes in the late XX - early XXI century.

46. ​​Foreign trade of Russia with countries with developed market economies.

47. Foreign trade of Russia with countries with developed market economies (for example, a country).

48. Foreign trade relations of Russia with the countries of Central and Eastern Europe.

49. Foreign trade relations of Russia with the countries of Central and Eastern Europe (for example, any country).

50. Foreign economic relations of Russia with developing countries.

51. Foreign economic relations of Russia with developing countries (for example, a country).

52. Foreign economic relations of Russia with the CIS states.

53. Foreign economic relations of Russia with the CIS states (on the example of a country).

  1. Indicative list of questions for midterm and final control

    1. An approximate list of questions for the test.

1. The modern significance of international trade. Place of trade relations in the MEO system.

2. International trade. Its main indicators and development trends.

3. Export and import quotas for the international trade system.

4. Dynamics of development of international trade.

5. Stages of evolution of the international exchange of goods and services.

6. The role of international trade in the development of the economy of individual countries.

7. The structure of trade in modern international trade.

8. Geographic distribution of world export flows at the present stage.

9. Commodity specialization of countries in the international trade system.

10. Competition in international trade and its content.

13. Factors of manifestation of competition at the present stage.

14. Stages of competitive development of states.

15. New phenomena in the competition in the world commodity market.

16. Characteristics of the main forms of international trade.

17. Features of the use of forms of international trade in the practice of Russian enterprises.

18. The main trends in the development of exchange trading. Commodities and criteria for their affiliation in international trade.

19. Trends and prospects for the development of international auction trade. Signs and properties of auction goods in the international trade system.

20. The essence of trading and their fundamental difference from auctions. Types of trades and their features.

21. The system of indicators of the study of the conjuncture. Research methodology.

22. The most important conjuncture-forming factors in the world market, their interaction. Commodity forecast.

23. Features of the conjuncture of individual commodity markets (raw materials, semi-finished products, machinery, equipment, food products, etc.).

24. Volume and structure of international trade in services.

25. International commodity markets, their characteristics and placement.

26. General characteristics of the world market for oil and oil products.

27. The place of Russia in the world oil and oil products market.

28. International trade in agricultural raw materials and food.

29. Features of the organization of international food trade by type.

30. The role of Russia in the world food market.

31. International trade in machinery and equipment: current state and dynamics of development.

32. The main modern trends in the trade in arms and military equipment. The role of Russia in the world market for weapons and military equipment.

33. General characteristics of the world metal market: current state, trends and development prospects.

34. Features of international trade in gold in the world market.

35. World diamond market. De Beers. The role and place of Russia in the world diamond market.

36. The world market of chemical products: current state, trends and development prospects.

37. International trade in light industry products.

38. Volume and structure of international trade in services.

39. The concept of technological exchange. Specificity of technology as a commodity.

40. Prospects of the Russian Federation in international technological exchange.

41. International licensed trade.

42. International tourism as a specific form of trade in services.

43. Russia in international trade in services.

44. International regulation of world trade.

45. World Trade Organization and its role in the regulation of international trade.

46. ​​Actual problems of Russia's accession to the WTO.

47. Systematization and classification of goods and services in the international trade system.

48. Features of foreign trade of developed countries.

49. Features of foreign trade of developing countries.

50. Foreign trade of post-socialist countries and its features.

51. The place of Russia in the modern system of international trade.

52. Foreign trade turnover of the Russian Federation: its volumes and structure.

53. Factors in the development of foreign trade relations of Russia.

54. Dynamics of Russia's foreign trade.

55. Geographic structure of Russia's foreign trade.

56. Commodity structure of Russia's foreign trade.

57. Features of Russian foreign trade policy.

58. The presence of Russia in the modern world export markets.

59. Russia's participation in international trade organizations.

60. Problems and prospects of Russia's accession to the WTO.

  1. Recommended reading

    1. Regulatory documents (if any).
Normative documents are not provided.

    1. Required literature.

1. Trukhachev VI, International trade. Second edition, revised and enlarged, Finance and Statistics, 2006

    1. Additional literature.

  1. Andrianov V. D. Russia in the world economy. - M .: VLADOS, 2002.

  2. Globalization of the Economy and Foreign Economic Relations of Russia / Ed. I.P. Faminsky. - M .: Republic, 2004.

  3. Daniltsev A.V. International trade: regulatory instruments: educational and practical. allowance. - M .: Paleotype, Business Literature, 2004.

  4. Dumoulin I.I. World Trade Organization. Economy. Politics. Practice. - M .: AERgroup, 2007.

  5. Russia's competitiveness in the global economy. - M .: International relations, 2003.

  6. International Economic Relations / Ed. B. M. Smitienko. - M .: INFRA-M, 2005.

  7. World Economy: Forecast until 2020. - M .: Master, 2007.

  8. World economy. Global Trends for 100 Years / Ed.
    I. S. Korolev. - M .: Jurist, 2003.

  9. World Economy and International Business / Ed. V. V. Polyakova, R. K. Shchenina. - M .: KNORUS, 2005.

  10. Porter M. Competition. - SPb., M .: Kiev, Publishing house. House "Williams", 2002.

  11. Sidorova E. Yu. International trade. Lecture course. - M .: Exam, 2006.

  12. Ulin B. Interregional and international trade / Per. from English - M .: Delo, 2004.

    1. Internet- resources.

  1. www / - data from The statistical review of world energy.

  2. www. cbr. Ru - site of the Central Bank of Russia.

  3. www. cia / publications / factbook / - data from the Central Intelligence Agency, USA (World Factbook).

  4. - site of the International Monetary Fund.

  5. www. metalbulletin. Com - data from Metal Bulletin and Metal Bulletin Monthly publ. By Metal Bulletin Journals LTD.

  6. www. - Data from the US department of the Interior Bureau of mines.

  7. - UN website.

  8. www. - the website of the United Nations Commission on Trade and Development (UNCTAD).

  9. www. is the website of the World Bank.

  10. www. worldsteel. org / steeldatacenter / - data from the International Institute of Ore and Steel.

  11. is the site of the World Trade Organization (WTO).
With. one





Discipline work program

in the direction of training

38.03.06 Trade business

Profile: Marketing in sales activities

Vladivostok 2017

The working program of the discipline "Fundamentals of International Marketing" is compiled in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education in the direction of preparation 03.03.06 Trade and the Procedure for organizing and implementing - bachelor's programs, specialty programs, master's programs (approved by order of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated 01.01.01 No. 000).

Compiled by:

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Professor, Angelina.

Approved at a meeting of the MMT Department, Protocol No. 8 dated 01.01.2001.

Head of the department (developer) _____________________

signature surname, initials

"____" _______________ 20__

Head of the department (graduating) _____________________

signature surname, initials

"____" _______________ 20__

1 Goals and objectives of mastering the discipline (module)

The purpose of mastering the discipline "Fundamentals of International Marketing" is to acquire knowledge and competencies that provide an understanding of the impact of the internationalization of the national economy and world markets on the activities of enterprises, as well as the formation of students' body of knowledge in the field of theory and practice of international marketing, the acquisition of skills and abilities of independent development and design activities in the area. The study of the discipline should contribute to the formation of the marketing thinking in students, which is necessary for successful work in modern business.

Discipline objectives:

Study of the specifics of international marketing;

International market research;

Study of marketing research in world markets;

Studying the features of segmentation, strategies for entering international markets;

Study of commodity policy in foreign markets;

Study of international communication strategies;

Studying in International Marketing.

2 The list of planned learning outcomes in the discipline (module), correlated with the planned results of mastering the educational program

The planned learning outcomes in a discipline (module) are knowledge, skills, possession and experience that characterize the stages and levels of competence formation and ensure the achievement of the planned results of mastering the educational program as a whole. The list of competencies formed as a result of studying the discipline is shown in Table 1.

Table 1 - Formed competencies

The name of the OPOP VO


Competency name

Competence components

Trading business

readiness to identify and meet the needs of buyers of goods, their formation with the help of marketing communications, the ability to study and predict consumer demand, analyze marketing information, product market conditions

Knowledge of the terms "international market", "international marketing", "product", "international marketing communications", "conjuncture of the international market", etc.

Statistical methods of analysis and forecasting of consumer demand

Study and analyze the market situation, assess the current and future demand potential


Analytical methods for analyzing marketing information, studying and forecasting consumer demand, market conditions

Methods of analysis and interpretation of economic, marketing information

to assess the state and forecast of the enterprise

3 Place of discipline (module) in the structure of OBOP

The discipline "Fundamentals of International Marketing" is part of the disciplines of the professional cycle. The discipline is based on the competencies obtained in the study of disciplines "Legal regulation of marketing activities", "Marketing", "Trade" and "Advertising". At the same time, the competencies obtained in mastering the discipline "Fundamentals of International Marketing" are necessary to study the following disciplines: "Marketing in industries and fields of activity", "Marketing management", "Marketing research", "Marketing analysis in trade", "International conventions and Trade Agreements "," International Business Basic Course ".

4 Scope of discipline (module)

The scope of the discipline (module) in credit units, indicating the number of academic hours allocated for contact work with students (by type of training) and for independent work in all forms of education, is shown in Table 3.

Table 3 - The total labor intensity of the discipline

OBOP name

Training form

The amount of contact work (hour)

Certificate form



5 Structure and content of the discipline (module)

5.1 The structure of the discipline (module)

The thematic plan, reflecting the content of the discipline (list of sections and topics), structured by types of training sessions, indicating their volumes in accordance with the curriculum, is given in Table 4.

Table 4 - The structure of the discipline

Topic name

Number of hours in online and electronic form

The essence of international marketing

International Marketing Environment

Information support for decision making in international marketing

Opportunities for a firm to enter foreign markets

Consumer Behavior in International Marketing (2 hours)

Commodity policy in foreign markets

Promotion policy in international markets

Pricing policy in international marketing (2 hours)

International marketing communications

Lecture topics

Topic 1. The essence of international marketing.

Topic 2. The environment of international marketing.

Factors shaping the international marketing environment. Elements of the international marketing environment. Legal environment. Political environment. Political risks. Economic environment. Cultural environment. Technological environment.

Topic 3. Information support for decision making in international marketing.

Marketing information system. Features and goals of marketing research. The main types and features of international marketing research. Stages of the international marketing research process. Research of foreign markets as a basis for the selection of target markets. Positioning of goods and firms in foreign markets

Topic 4. Opportunities for a firm to enter foreign markets.

Ways to enter foreign markets. Market segmentation. Signs of international market segmentation. Positioning. Export: indirect (indirect) export; direct export; joint export; efficiency of export activities. Joint. Direct investment. Factors influencing the choice of the way to enter the foreign market.