How to build the right professional path. Career building - plan, strategy, stages

Building a career is considered by many to be the most important and defining goal in life.

  • The need for professional growth and self-realization
  • Stable and high-quality increase in wages
  • Respect for colleagues and superiors, high status
  • Achievement of significant career peaks in the course of work

This and much more drives us all.

Those who worry about today and think about tomorrow who are used to achieving their goals, who will not resist new trials, believing that the meaning of life lies only in constant movement, overthrowing obstacles and reaching peaks.

Contact us for, and we will select for you the job that will provide you with a good income and a bright future.

In the process of self-development and professional growth, you need to be able to make decisions that will inevitably have a further impact on your career, your role in society, your financial situation, in the end, will turn out to be an important link in the endless chain of achieving happiness and well-being.

Often in childhood, youth, we dream about who we will be, how we will manage a big, big company, become famous and revered people.

This desired building of a successful career is possible only thanks to your personal aspirations, without regard to external factors. Although they are sometimes of no small importance.

Career consultants of the TOP-10 Western business schools of Harvard, Stanford, London, etc. argue that a person, like a corporation, in its development must take into account both factors of the internal environment (abilities, opportunities, desires) and external environment(trends in the development of the labor market and world development in general).

But still, most of the success depends only and exclusively on you and your desire, as a valuable employee, as a motivated specialist.

Career strategy

The strategy consists of the correct and consistent execution of steps to achieve the desired result.

Let's single out the following, in our opinion, important stages of building a career

1. Conscious choice of professional education

It is the choice of a place of study that is a fundamental step to a successful career.

Whether you are a schoolboy, student, specialist or leader, you must clearly understand why you are going to study, what kind of education and specialty you want to get, with whom you want to be at the same desk, what professional community you want to belong to after training.

In the selected educational institution (university, college, business school), you should not just get a certificate of education and waste several years on it, but really feel comfortable, enjoy the learning process itself, show an active craving for acquiring new knowledge, absorb the information received, make useful contacts with teachers, employers and classmates. In other words, your start should give the necessary acceleration for the future. To do this, you need to analyze the education market in Russia and abroad, communicate with students and graduates of educational institutions you are interested in, visit more than one Job Fair or Career Day. And the best thing is to talk to an education expert as part of the educational consulting service and get all the comprehensive information you need in one day.

Only by making a conscious choice and having a strong desire to learn, you will be able to instill in yourself the lifestyle that will inevitably lead you to building a successful career.

2. Consolidation of the acquired knowledge in practice

Many public and private universities, institutes, academies arrange summer internships, which provide you with a chance to get the first working experience and practical use of the knowledge gained earlier.

This is where you will get the answer to your question, are you doing what you like, what fuels your interest in professional development, which may become the goal of your future life.

Companies themselves are looking for an opportunity to hire young workers for a while, train them and create all conditions for them. further development. This is the most valuable investment in both business and academia. On numerous job sites, on job fairs at universities and business schools, on the websites of the companies themselves, you can find information about upcoming internships and temporary vacancies for young professionals, which in the future may even if not become your main place of work, then definitely give an idea of ​​the work of any organization as a whole and its ideal place within this organization.

For mature professionals, special narrow-profile internships are organized in leading Russian and foreign companies in order to familiarize themselves with best practices and build up their narrow professional competencies.

Thus, after choosing a place of study, it becomes important to apply the theoretical knowledge gained in practice - this is the second main stage in building a professional career.

3. Choosing a place of work

After receiving basic and specialized knowledge in an educational institution, a deeper acquaintance with your specialty in practice, you inevitably come to the next important decision - this is the choice of a place of work.

Not all universities and companies provide internship opportunities. Therefore, already in senior years, you should find a job that is suitable for you, which will subsequently become for you, if not permanent, then long-term.

When choosing a suitable place of work, you need to look a little into the distance, into the future. Don't change your beliefs just for the sake of an instant pay difference. Analyze the dynamics of industry development, career development scenarios in different companies and organizations, talk with specialists, experts and career consultants. In this important issue, the choice should be no less conscious than when choosing an education, because further career growth will depend on the start in work.

So, good prospect offer for youth foreign companies. This includes additional on-the-job training, a progressive increase in wages, business trips abroad, a friendly team, and a democratic corporate culture. But basically this trading companies, template actions, a minimum of self-realization and a quick career ceiling. V Russian business, on the contrary, everything is quite dynamic, chaotic and unpredictable, but there is more than enough self-realization and opportunities.

And what you should not do for sure is to get the first job that comes across or change jobs every year, exploring the labor market by trial and error. You can spend your whole life on this, and end up with nothing.

4. Constant, lifelong learning

The dynamics of change in the modern world will increase exponentially. And this means that the approaches and technologies of doing business and communications will change just as rapidly. Knowledge will become obsolete even before you leave educational institution. Therefore, continuous training and advanced training throughout life will become an integral part of the competitiveness of an employee in the labor market and an employee within the organization as a human resource.

Many companies have their own staff training departments or corporate universities, taking care of employee development. But do not rely only on the company. You also need to be active life position. Only then will the company value you as a potential prospect.

Being a valuable and promising employee today involves:

  • self-study and study of relevant sources - video, specialized literature, the Internet
  • attending trainings, master classes, seminars, professional courses
  • communicating with colleagues and asking the right questions
  • successful completion of regular certifications and professional checks at work

All of the above will certainly affect your career. With valuable knowledge and a great desire, you will be able to participate in promising projects, and soon even lead your own.

5. Desire and initiative

You must show the leadership that you are ready to solve the highest and most complex tasks, that you are able to perform a greater range of functions and responsibilities, and that you are determined to take a high position and increase your material wealth.

Be proactive, do not be afraid to experiment, defend your point of view, take the initiative to the level of decision makers. And success will not keep you waiting.
After all, the word "success" is akin to the word "in time". And that means being successful!

There are many methods and ways to build a career, but only by observing all of the above, you will achieve amazing results.

If you have realized all of the above and want to have a good, decent job, but are not sure that you can find it on your own, contact us and we will help you find the right way to develop yourself as a professional and as a person.

Lifehacker, together with Alena Vladimirskaya, figured out why it is important to think about professional development and how to prevent typical mistakes when planning a career.

Why you need to plan a career

Career planning is essential to get where you want to go in life.

Alena Vladimirskaya

Wandering in the dark relying on probability theory is also a 50/50 option. You may be lucky, or you may not. So is it worth the risk?

If you don't plan in advance when and where you will go on vacation, you will either have an enchanting adventure or the most terrible vacation of all. You will remember both for the rest of your life.

Alena Vladimirskaya

Ask yourself questions at every stage of life, prioritize and focus on them first.

What are the typical mistakes

You didn't quite ask yourself the question.

You have not been able to formulate a specific question and continue to keep in mind the abstract image of “good and interesting work". You must decide what meaning you put into these words. There is no single correct description of a good job, everyone has their own requirements and selection criteria.

What to do

Be honest with yourself and don't generalize. Think about what goals you are pursuing when choosing a company or industry. If it is important for you that the work is interesting, determine what this interest is for you. Are you interested in the people working in the company, your responsibilities or is it the salary that is offered?

Do you believe myths about the industry in general or about the company in particular?

Without knowing specific industries, without talking to people who work in companies that are attractive to you, you run a very serious risk of falling into the brand trap.

Alena Vladimirskaya

A well-built image of the company and stereotypes about the areas of activity can mislead anyone. For example, there is a popular belief that PR people drink champagne at events, have fun and constantly communicate with interesting people. Without knowing the ins and outs, you might think that this is not a job, but a dream. But not everyone understands that between three-hour events there are months of meticulous and routine preparation, sleepless nights and years of developing the necessary contacts.

What to do

In the age of sin to complain about the lack of communication. You can always ask your potential colleagues a question, find out the specifics of the work and hear what difficulties may await you.

Nobody canceled attending industry seminars or webinars - this will allow you to get to know the industry and its representatives better. You will be able to ask questions, develop useful contacts and understand whether this is what you need or not.

What can get in the way of your dream career?

You are undisciplined

If you are an inveterate and you have problems with self-organization, then you will look for a dream job for a very long time. And perhaps unsuccessfully.

What to do

First of all, you will have to change the approach to the process. Learn to evaluate your resources and capabilities in order to set adequate deadlines for the implementation of certain tasks. Start writing down what you are doing to achieve the goal, what you have already done and what you have not started yet, how much time and effort has been spent on completing each of the points. So you will see what is easy for you, and what comes out only from under the stick.

You need to rethink your plan

You made a mistake in your plan. You could unwittingly deceive yourself by writing down not your real goals in the plan, get confused in prioritization, or determine an inaccurate sequence of steps.

What to do

Be guided by your desires and abilities. Even if everyone around is trumpeting what you need managerial position in a large international company, although you like a small local business where you need to manage several people.

Review your actions and answer the question: why didn't they lead me to where I was going?


  • Ask yourself only clearly formulated, specific and honest questions.
  • Do this periodically to understand current priorities.
  • Focus only on your needs.
  • Get information about the desired field of activity from employees, and do not rely on images and stereotypes.
  • Remember that your career is in your hands.
Svetlana Rumyantseva

Young people, having barely left the university bench, are eager to fight with zeal and a desire to take the best jobs. Having received the long-awaited diploma, which causes spiritual awe and exposes rainbow horizons, the newly minted specialist steps on the threshold of the first place of work. Here he will have an exciting and, most importantly, useful to spend eight hours every five days a week.

The beginner's imagination paints colorful pictures of his future career: stacks of crisp bills, expensive restaurants, business meetings and business trips abroad. But after a short time, the beginner understands: his ideas about the chosen profession and everyday work are far from the harsh reality.

Getting bonuses for a successful career is real, but for this you have to plow. It is not without reason that the word “work” has the root “slave”. But since at school and in universities they give only theoretical knowledge and do not teach how to apply it, future office "stars" have problems. As a result, climbing the career ladder, "green" workers will have to fill a large number of bumps, step on a myriad horde of rakes. It is sad that in this case the desired result is not guaranteed.

But the problem is much broader.

Their attempts to move up the career ladder resemble a ship without navigational instruments on a foggy night.

In this article, beginners and seasoned alike will learn proven, actionable methods on how to start building a successful career. So, 12 steps to a successful career.

love work and money

As a result of opinion polls, a pattern was revealed: a successful career awaits only those people who like work. You should do what you enjoy, and if this is not the case, then what gives you money. Therefore, if the work does not bring either money (other material benefits) or interest -. Time to think and change jobs or vector of professional development.

Comprehensively develop

When a person, in addition to working time, also pays attention to specialized self-education, this definitely contributes to professional development. But do not focus only on your specialization. In each profession, not only special knowledge is valued, but also versatility and general erudition.

It would be useful for a lawyer to navigate the basics of economics, psychology and other social sciences. A web designer will need knowledge of marketing and. And knowledge foreign languages- this is an axiom for most professions.

The wider the knowledge, the more the set of tools that are used to solve the problems of their profession. The more problems you solve, the higher your value.

Looking for a "sponsor"

If you understand that moving forward does not shine with him, get rid of his monopoly on you. Make it so that there is an outlet for other people who have weight in the company you work for. The main task is to work for the smartest and most experienced person in the company. There are few such companies, and they are immediately noticeable. These people are in plain sight and move up the career ladder faster than others. They will pull you along as someone who helps them move up.

Pay attention to how you think and act successful people. This will help to learn a lot and reduce the number. Any promotion you make in the company must have a "sponsor".

Be on the lookout

In order for your "sponsor" to understand your value, you need to be in the public eye.

Even if you good specialist, but sit on different floors with superiors, then the likelihood that your work will be noticed is much lower than if you were sitting in visual reach. People are accustomed to trust those who are often seen and heard. Therefore, take a chair and move closer to the boss.

Show initiative

Have you met such employees who work only when they are “pushed”? It's tiring. The leader is tired of the constant initiative, and is eager to get an employee who will take the initiative himself. This situation is your chance to stand out from the inert mass of your colleagues and show your boss that you go to work not only for a salary.

Take the initiative, knock on the doors you want to enter. If you only do what they say, then you will not leave what you are doing today and become what you wanted to become.

Don't whine and offer solutions

Don't whine or run to your boss for every reason. Nobody likes whiners. They love responsible and independent people.

If there is a problem that you cannot solve without the participation of the manager, then outlining the problem, offer solutions. You were hired to solve problems, not to state their existence.

Don't say "I don't know"

Forget the "I don't know" sentence. Even if, due to service functionality, you do not have the information required by the boss, it is better to replace “I don’t know” with “I will find out”, “I will clarify”. There are enough resources to get answers to questions that are new to you. For example, these are other employees of the company or even the Internet (to receive general information). Who needs employees who "don't know" and don't try to find out?!

Do a good job

No one is asking you to be a perfectionist at work. than dignity. The pursuit of ideality leads to an unnecessary waste of nervous energy and time, and excessive demands on others spoil relations with them. It's enough to do a good job.

It is better to be guided by the principle of reasonable sufficiency, which says that you need to use the amount of forces and resources that is sufficient, and no more. If clear performance criteria are set, then do the job in such a way as to meet the criteria.

Plan things

Planning - setting goals for the future. Proper planning and productive use of working time guarantees the desired result in any work process. Planning serves as a reminder, fixes priorities, relieves human memory and provides emotional peace.

An experiment was conducted at Harvard University. The results of the experiment were summed up after 10 years and found that those students who wrote down their goals and plans than those who did not.

Learn to work in a team

There is a concept of synergy. Synergy is when the effect of the interaction of several people significantly exceeds the effect of the action of each individually.

Man is a collective being, so the skill of effective interaction with colleagues is an important condition for career advancement. It is better to build productive relationships outside the native unit. It is important to find a common language with employees of other departments of the company. Well-established working relationships throughout the company are additional resources and opportunities to fulfill their duties.

Make useful contacts

Make acquaintances that can be useful both for the company and personally for your professional growth. More useful contacts - more opportunities.

It is important to treat your colleagues with respect, but at the same time, you must remember to separate work and personal relationships. At work, you are only colleagues, but outside of work you can be friends. If a colleague mixes two concepts and uses it for selfish purposes, then you need to distance yourself and. The same goes for relationships with your boss. No matter how warm your relationship is, the boss is always the boss. No familiarity, only respect and attentiveness.

March 29, 2014, 14:55

"Professional guidance" Electronic

2019, No. 1 „!-,;; G".. Science Magazine

A.V. Fomenko

FGAOU VO "Sevastopol State University”, Institute of Finance, Economics and Management, Sevastopol, the Russian Federation


Annotation: The article deals with the main issues of building and developing a career in professional activity person. Revealed important aspects career path planning and career strategy implementation. The influence of a person's personal qualities on a career is analyzed.

Keywords Keywords: career, career planning, career management.

Annotation: The article considers the main issues of building and developing a career in a person's professional activity. Important aspects of career path planning and career strategy implementation are disclosed. The influence of a person's personal qualities on a career is analyzed.

Keywords: career, career planning, career management.

Scientific adviser: Kalyuzhnaya T. V., Ph.D.

Career is an important component of the structure of self-realization needs modern man. This factor affects the degree of satisfaction with work and life in general. Career success will provide a person with confidence and material well-being, satisfaction in self-realization, respect, power and other psychological needs, as well as ensure the development of a person and the expansion of his capabilities.

Career - purposeful advancement of a person in professional and official activities in order to achieve a high position in society, power, fame or material gain. In a narrow sense, a career is the actual sequence of positions occupied by a particular employee and jobs in the company.

According to the 2018 HeadHunter Job Seeker Survey, personal career development is the second most relevant online course to study after in English. The study included 61% of respondents aged 26 to 45 from different professional areas activities. In addition, 67% of respondents have a permanent job. What does the relevance of issues of development and building a career in different stages implementation of a person's professional activity.

Science Magazine

Career strategy is a way to build a career in such a way that the very method of promotion and organization of activities ensures the optimal use of driving mechanisms and weakens the effect of any deterrents and resistances. strategic goal is to ensure the stability of the career process. Career strategy includes the goals that a person pursues in his career, their combination with life values and basic principles and rules for the implementation of career goals.

When planning a professional path, it is important to remember that a career is a step-by-step process of achieving goals, in which it is important to take into account the "human factor" of the individual, i.e. interests, preferences, mental characteristics, personal qualities of a person. Before planning a professional career in a particular area, you need to find out a person’s attitude towards it, understanding of work in this area, general emotional mood and level of motivation. The level of motivation for activity depends on the motivation of a person to perform labor tasks by activating his volitional sphere. As psychological factors a person's motives for labor activity features of upbringing, moral convictions, external situations, etc. can also act.

The process of building a career begins with the choice of a professional path and goes through the stages of training, employment, professional growth. A career does not begin with the first appointment to a position, but with right choice spheres of human activity The resolution of this problem is based on taking into account several factors.

1. You need to know the professions and requirements that apply to a person performing a particular job. Clarify the development and achievement of professional growth in the company, taking into account possible fallback options for changing the movement vector in the event of obstacles.

2. It is necessary to correctly determine the interests and inclinations of a person, assess the possibilities, state of health, abilities and compliance with the requirements of the chosen profession.

3. It is necessary to study the state of the labor market, its needs and regional characteristics.

4.Need to proceed from real opportunities education, retraining and advanced training.

After that, several adjacent most suitable professions and choose an individual way to achieve the goal. When the choice is made, it is necessary to decide on the development strategy.

Science Magazine

Distinguish horizontal and vertical type of career. Horizontal is a specialization: deepening the competencies of a specialist within one activity, for example, you can master narrower skills to solve complex problems or, conversely, expand professional opportunities to become universal specialist. This path is welcomed by management and colleagues, a person becomes a valuable irreplaceable employee. This is a suitable option for creative and expert professions, if he loves one thing and does not want to be distracted by managerial and other tasks that he is not interested in.

In addition to horizontal, there is a vertical or administrative career - this is growth in position and is associated with the ability to organize work. This is a career in the conventional sense: from lower office to the highest. For example, starting in a company as an intern or assistant, a person gradually grows to the head of a department and beyond. As a rule, growth occurs within the same company or in the same area. Along with the position, the amount of responsibility and the level of salary increase.

For a novice specialist, various career growth strategies are applicable that will improve skills and become noticeable to the manager.

1. Take on difficult tasks and work hard to complete them. Their successful implementation will attract the attention of management to the performer, which creates an opportunity for career growth within the company. But this path requires a lot of effort and work, a difficult task can end in both victory and defeat.

2.Initiative and offer new ideas. A new idea is an opportunity to stand out from a homogeneous team and show your reserve qualities. But any new idea it can “shoot” and push a career, or it can fail, so it is important to realistically assess the possibilities.

3. Follow the leader, be an indispensable specialist, loyal and dedicated to the leader. This will allow him to follow him from department to department, from one structure to another, valuable executive employees whom you can rely on will lead him.

Career strategy also depends on the size of the company. If the company is not very large, does not grow very fast, or has a high internal inertia, then career opportunities in it may be limited. Not everyone is ready to wait for a “place” for 5-6 years. The high dynamics of modern life requires a different career building by moving from one organization to another.

Science Magazine

Likewise, according to modern system continuous education, the careerist must constantly improve. This can be either continuation of education in the main specialty, advanced training, second education, obtaining a scientific degree, or the development of additional skills and knowledge. For example, a marketing specialist at a certain stage of career development needs improvement in finance and crisis management, while an experienced production worker can be helped by business communication skills and the basics of personnel management.

In addition to developing professional skills, certain qualities of a person are most important for successful career development, according to the research center of the portal. In surveys of HR managers and employees various companies were asked to assess the impact their personal qualities had on their careers, employer representatives - to what extent these characteristics contribute to career growth in their company.

According to the results, it was revealed that they are promoted to Russian companies most often responsible employees. According to HR managers and employees, communication skills and purposefulness are important in building a career. To a lesser extent, careers in domestic companies are influenced by external data. Among the most obvious discrepancies in career views on the part of employees and employers is the assessment of the influence of such a parameter as company loyalty: the staff believes that this characteristic has little effect on career, and HR managers assign it an important role, as well as stress resistance and easy learning. The first three characteristics that most influenced a career are the same for men and women - these are responsibility, sociability and purposefulness. And the significance business connections for career growth, men note much more often than women.

For advancement in the modern world, it is necessary to develop business connections. A person focused on a "vertical" career must attend business events in his industry, know the key players, and understand business development trends in his field. The person you met at the conference yesterday may be your customer or contractor today, and tomorrow potential employer.

Thus, a career is active actions to achieve success in professional activities and continuous self-development, which is closely related to professional growth and mastery. It is not so much the goal itself, but the movement towards this goal. A successful career turns out to be when a person not only knows in advance what he wants, but also

"Professional Guidance" ^^ Electronic

2019, №1 PSMI1 scientific journal

why does he need it, what will he do, having achieved his goal. The main qualities for building a career are responsibility, sociability and purposefulness. At the same time, people often underestimate how important it is for a careerist to be loyal to the company, stress-resistant and easily trained.

Bibliographic list

1. Plaksa Yu. V. Main aspects of effective career development // Service in Russia and abroad. 2019. No. 2 (84).

2. Povarenkov Yu. P. Psychological characteristic individual goals of professional career // Yaroslavl Pedagogical Bulletin. 2019. №2.

3.Slastya S.D. Professional growth of personnel in the structure of the employer's brand // Professional orientation. 2018. No. 1.

4. Sokolova N. L., Tsibizova T. Yu. Building a professional career in conditions of continuous education // Scientific dialogue. 2018. No. 1.

5. Tolochek V. A. Professional career: research, results, possible prospects // Izv. Sarat. University Nov. ser. Ser. Acmeology of education. Psychology of development. 2019. No. 1.

6. Shchukina Irina Konstantinovna, Chirkovskaya Elena Georgievna The attitude of managerial personnel to the concept of "career" // Akmeologiya. 2018. No. 1 (65).

7. Pool M., Warner M. Human Resource Management / Ed. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2002. - 1200 p. (Series "Business class"), p. 658-675

8.Moll E.G. Management career management. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2012. - 198 p.

Choosing a profession and career planning: what you need to pay attention to.

We devote most of our time to work. It is very important that what we do brings us satisfaction. But not everyone is happy with the way their life is developing in the professional sphere.

The modern world offers many professional opportunities, but choosing what really suits us is often difficult.

When building a career, we must solve two problems:

To make sure that the work brings moral satisfaction and, at the same time, a decent income and / or a desired position in society?
- bridge the "gap" between what we have now and what we want to achieve in the future?

Finding a balance between self-realization and success in society.

When building your professional life, it is important not to fall into one of the extremes.

Some people perceive work as a means of obtaining money or other benefits and do not pay attention to the content of their activities. But if we are not interested in what we are doing, procrastination occurs, we are unable to work in a focused and productive way.

Other people give all their strength to express and realize themselves, without thinking about how much their activity is in demand by society. As a result, there is a feeling of unrecognized talent, lack of demand.

It is not easy to choose a field of activity that would simultaneously bring satisfaction and allow realizing financial and/or social ambitions. There are circumstances when it is not possible to do only what we like. Then we can either systematically create favorable conditions for doing what we love in the future (to accumulate the necessary financial resources, get the necessary knowledge, choose appropriate place residence, etc.) or work simultaneously in two areas: in one - to earn money and receive social status, the other - for self-expression and self-realization.

Bridging the gap between the present and the desired future.

How to build your professional life in such a way as to achieve the desired future?

Numerous psychological research showed that the most important condition for achieving success is the ability to set specific, realistic, but at the same time complex goals and plan their gradual achievement.

In some cases, it is useful to formulate intermediate “learning” tasks related to obtaining the necessary knowledge or skills. People who are ready to develop themselves and engage in self-education to achieve their goals achieve them, as a rule, especially successful.

When planning a career, we are often dominated by stereotypical thinking. Many opportunities we either do not notice, or immediately brush aside. That is why it is so important not to be afraid to dream and realize your dreams, even if they seem “unrealistic” or “stupid” to someone.

If you want to better understand your desires in the professional field and see the professional future in a new way, we invite you to attend the class.