A small presentation on the topic of your future profession. Project "My future profession" in social studies - presentation, report

Presentation on theme: "My future profession"can be downloaded absolutely free on our website. Project subject: Children's presentations. Colorful slides and illustrations will help you interest your classmates or the audience. Use the player to view the content, or if you want to download the report, click on the appropriate text under the player. The presentation contains 14 slide(s).

Presentation slides

slide 1

My future profession

Who will I become

slide 2

Officer (Military service)

Responsibilities: training of young soldiers; consulting; analysis of military actions; assessment of the capabilities of foreign armies; development of military plans, documents; communication and cooperation with other officers; organization of military service and life of soldiers; office work. Description of types of work: Service in various branches of the military is very different. Even in one branch of the military, for example, the ground forces, some are building bridges, others are mastering modern tanks. Everywhere there are instructors, engineers, doctors, computer scientists, economists, judges, and so on. Education: Military school or academy. Place of work: An officer, as a rule, changes his place of residence and work several times during his service. Employment is determined by the terms of the contract. Possible career: An officer's career is governed by the conditions of military service. It depends on the seniority and abilities of the officer. Trends: According to the general recognition of experts, the Russian Army is on the eve of its reform. The nature and form of such military reform will become apparent in the coming years.

slide 3

Personal qualities: common sense; strong and firm character; flexibility; rejection of corruption; patriotism; leader qualities; sociability; patience; thrift; sympathy for people; physical endurance.

Requirements for a candidate

General professional skills and abilities: self-motivation; willingness to work outside the office; organizational skills; the ability to convince; ability to pose and solve problems; willingness to work in emergency situations; skill to work in team; readiness to serve; skills practical psychology; the presence of professional flair; excellent knowledge of all areas of their service; basic knowledge in psychology, history, economics; possession of technical equipment.

slide 4

Journalist (Information)

Types of responsibility: visiting places where important events take place, interesting personalities are present; interviewing people; video and photography, sound recording from the scene; editing material, writing texts and scripts; analysis of the development of the event; assessment of situations; study of related information; preparation of articles, reports, videos and photos; cooperation and communication with the local administration, police, ambulance service, hospitals, hotels, restaurants, news agencies, trade unions, educational institutions etc., as well as with various representations and embassies foreign countries; participation in press conferences, economic, political, cultural, sports events, various demonstrations, parliamentary sessions, court hearings, military operations, stock exchanges, meetings of shareholders, church services, etc. Description of the types of work: Television, radio, all kinds of publications need a new generation of journalists who are able to think in an original way, deeply understand what is happening and talentedly present events in the media. mass media. The work of a journalist is full of events and people, which requires him to accurately assess, diversify and adequate actions, promptness in fixing the material, originality and objectivity in its processing. Working with traditional means of processing materials, a journalist used to spend up to three days preparing one report. Today, using modern computerized technology, he does this in three hours. That is why a journalist today needs to have technical abilities, to be able to master new technologies. However, the first and foremost requirement for a journalist is objectivity, coupled with a high sense of responsibility.

slide 5

Education: University education in the profile, as well as special courses for work in television, radio or in a periodical publication. Place of work: Television, radio, newspaper, magazine, any periodical, publishing house, department of public relations of firms and companies. Possible careers: An experienced journalist can make a career as a department head, program editor, editor-in-chief in the media. In business, a journalist can advance into Public Relations. Trends: In connection with the democratization of the country, journalism is becoming a real fourth power. The mass media are becoming more diverse, competing with each other, and are guided by new technological means.

Personal qualities: analytical abilities; logical thinking; common sense; neatness flexibility; creativity to the point; sympathy for people; sociability; goodwill; ability to master languages; physical endurance.

General professional skills and abilities; Social responsibility; constructive ideals; fast and adequate response; a sense of the new in events, people; self-motivation; the ability to convince; willingness to work outside the office; quality of the researcher; the presence of professional flair; possession foreign languages; ability to lead business negotiations; productive work experience; willingness to work in emergency situations; excellent knowledge in journalism, computer programs, multimedia design; basic knowledge of history, geography, political science, sociology, as well as in-depth knowledge in one of the special areas (literature, sports, art, economics, politics, etc.); possession of technical equipment.

Requirements for a candidate:

slide 6

Educator, teacher (Education)

Types of responsibility: consulting; development of training courses; suggestions for individual teaching methods; creating a creative atmosphere in the classroom; preparation and conduct of classes; preparing students for life, their adaptation; introduction of new methods and teaching aids; organization of meetings with students and parents; development of individual abilities; adequate assessment of student progress; training and retraining in the courses taught; control over the homework of students, the results of their testing; communication with parents, students, other educators and management; participation in conferences, seminars. Description of the types of work: Today's schoolchildren, not only technologically, but also in their way of thinking, are not adapted to the rapidly developing hard realities of life. However, teachers themselves are in the same situation. Therefore, formal pedagogy - the pedagogy of interpreting school textbooks, the pedagogy of training and control - turns out to be unsuitable. Today, more than ever, the student's ability to learn on his own and, above all, what allows him to successfully adapt to the realities of the market, is in demand. In the conditions of extremely insufficient budget financing in Russia, a real solution to this problem is possible only in the system of additional developmental and vocational training based on the investments of parents and sponsoring organizations. However, work in this system imposes qualitatively different requirements on the teacher (compared to traditional state general education): knowledge of the real requirements of the labor market, constant study and implementation of new teaching technologies, the use of modern computer multimedia technology, and the creation of an atmosphere of self-motivation and self-education in the classroom. The goal of such a teacher is not a subject (physics, geography, etc.), but the mastery of modern (universal) ways and means of mastering this (and any other) subject content by the student.

Slide 7

Candidate requirements: Personal qualities: logical thinking; creative approach to business; leader qualities; psychological stability; patience; diligence; sociability; strong and firm character; common sense; sympathy for people. General professional skills and abilities: qualities of a researcher; organizational skills; the ability to convince; constructive ideals; Social responsibility; practical psychology skills; ability to pose and solve problems; self-motivation; excellent knowledge of the subject; basic knowledge in psychology, sociology, economics, multimedia learning technology; willingness to work in emergency situations; possession of technical means; the presence of professional flair; productive work experience.

Education: University teacher education, special courses or self-education in the field of current teaching technologies and other necessary areas of knowledge. Place of work: Public and private schools, courses, system of additional education. Possible Careers: An educator could become a methodologist, leader, or higher-ranking employee in the education system. Qualified teachers have good prospects in the private education sector. Trends: Worldwide, more than 28% of graduates start a business career immediately after school. Russian schools in best case prepare for admission to a university, after which a business career is also hardly possible without additional preparation. The rapid movement of the country towards the market, colossal changes in the labor market require qualitatively different school graduates. And this cannot be done without a new type of teacher. The decrease in the birth rate, the emergence of a private sector in education, the development of home education, external studies, etc. All this creates a situation of competition in school education, which serves as the main incentive for the nomination and advancement of teachers and school administrators of a new type.

Slide 8

Pediatrician (Health)

Types of responsibility: reception of patients - children with parents; consulting; diagnosis and treatment of diseases; prescription of medications; consultation with specialists and other medical institutions; communication and collaboration with colleagues; disinfection and dressing of wounds; vaccination; recommendations for organizing baby food; implementation laboratory work; management of financial accounting; general work in the office. Description of the types of work: Pediatricians examine all the functions of the child's life, weigh him, measure his height, give recommendations to the mother on feeding the child. Constant counseling of mothers is the main work of a pediatrician. In accordance with the law, he vaccinates children. The pediatrician - according to the types of professional responsibility that distinguishes him from other doctors - is, in fact, a family doctor.

Slide 9

Personal qualities: love for children; analytic skills; creative approach to business; sympathy for people; common sense; accuracy; sociability; patience; benevolence. General professional skills and abilities: qualities of a researcher; willingness to work outside the office; productive work experience; willingness to work in emergency situations; constructive ideals; the ability to convince; readiness to serve the client; Social responsibility; excellent knowledge of pediatrics; basic knowledge of surgery; self-motivation; experience in performing laboratory tests; manual skills; practical psychology skills.

Education: University medical training and at least five years of specialization in pediatrics. Place of work: Public and private children's medical institutions, research institutes, baby food and drug manufacturers, practice groups. Possible Career: A traditional career in a hospital is possible for a pediatrician. If he is focused on starting his own business, then he should start with a successful practicing group. Trends: Each new younger generation of parents is increasingly aware of the importance of healthy lifestyle life, nutrition and disease prevention. Such parents view material costs as a profitable investment in their children's future lives.

Slide 10

Architect (Construction)

Types of responsibility: participation in competitions; preparation of projects for participation in tenders ( competitive selection projects); building design; development of interior design of buildings and rooms; architectural engineering; calculation of the volume of the cost of materials; payroll costing; calculation of expenses for the improvement of the construction site; calculation of readiness for settling houses; work with computer; supervision of construction sites; implementation financial accounting; attending meetings with clients and responsible persons in charge of construction; preparation of applications for construction works; control of income and expenses. Description of types of work: Creativity is an important, but not the only quality of an architect. He must also take into account, manage, plan, i.e. do the job of a manager. The design of building objects is carried out on a computer, and this is also the work of an architect. The classical notion of an architect as an absent-minded artist, a creator, is erroneous. He spends most of his time working with the computer-aided design system, planning optimal designs, material usage, financial calculations, and so on. At the same time, all issues are agreed with clients and experts. The architect is responsible for the timely delivery of the object. And if such a change is fairly easy to calculate in the construction of private houses, then the progress of the construction of large public buildings, railway stations, stadiums, etc. difficult to accurately calculate. And the responsibility for penalties, for failure to meet the deadlines for the delivery of work lies, as noted, on the architect. In smaller projects, the architect is also responsible for the construction site. The architect solves all problems with craftsmen, companies that provide construction. But his main problem is the client. The client, as a rule, actively participates in the project at all stages of construction, constantly making his proposals, which are not always consistent with the technological and cost parameters, but the architect needs to find a compromise solution, because his motto is: "The client is always right."

slide 11

Personal qualities: common sense; creative approach to business; analytic skills; leader qualities; diligence; sympathy for people; flexibility; ability to master languages; accuracy; rejection of corruption; thrift. General professional skills and abilities: self-motivation; possession of technical means; organizational skills; a penchant for improvisation; readiness to serve the client; ability to understand the practical needs of clients; willingness to work in emergency situations; ability to pose and solve problems; ability to conduct business negotiations; the ability to save money for the organization, the client; productive work experience; knowledge in the field of engineering and landscaping; basic knowledge in finance.

Education: University degree in architecture, additional courses in statistics and business administration. Place of work: Less than half of young architects today can find jobs in the public sector. Most should prepare themselves for work in private construction companies in strict accordance with the requirements of the real labor market. Possible careers: Young promising architects who want to develop their experience can be advised to change jobs every two years. To begin with, it is better to get a job in a well-known international company with a small salary in order to undergo real professional training within the company. This will pay off in the future with the device on new job. Often, architects are determined to open their own business. It is best in this case to conclude an agreement with one of your past employers. There may be some moral costs here, but there is also a pragmatic guarantee in the reliability of the first client. Trends: Objective Deployment construction market causes an increasing need for architects who meet international standards. The computer design system is also being actively improved, which allows optimizing all the main types of work of an architect. Technologies, materials, construction design are changing qualitatively, and all these trends must be taken into account by the architect.

slide 12

Lawyer (Consulting)

Types of responsibility: consulting; proposal of legal procedures; forecasting the consequences of the application of legal norms; preparation of contracts, wills, lawsuits, etc.; interpretation of legal norms to clients; negotiating contracts; communication with clients and courts; possession personal computer; office work. Description of types of work: Lawyers are sometimes called bookworms and pedants, because they have to scrupulously, in accordance with the spirit and letter of the law, interpret specific articles of laws and codes, situations and documents. However, the daily work of a lawyer is much more diverse: re-reading voluminous folders with documents, dictating contracts and lawsuits, processing information on a computer, consulting, studying legal materials, negotiating with clients, partners, firms, etc. A lawyer spends no more than one-tenth of his time in the premises of the judiciary. More and more time lawyers today devote to questions legal regulation business: the legality of dismissal of an employee, preparation of a lease agreement with a company, a contract with a worker union, presence in business negotiations, filing a patent application, lawsuit, business proposal, etc. etc. All this is within the competence of the company's lawyer. Sometimes a company invites a specialist consultant to perform certain specialized works. As a rule, lawyers specialize in a particular area of ​​law, since the legislation as a whole is voluminous, very complex, and it is almost impossible to be a sufficiently qualified expert in all its branches. Large law firms have about two hundred partners and a few employees. Such firms operate all over the world and open offices in many capitals of the world. As a rule, a lawyer's working day lasts 10-12 hours. Successful lawyers work even harder. Young lawyers earn little, but as successful experience accumulates, so does the income.

slide 13

Personal qualities: analytical abilities; creative approach to business; sociability; sympathy for people; accuracy; thrift; flexibility; rejection of corruption. General professional skills and abilities: qualities of a researcher; the ability to convince; the ability to see changes in social and economic life; self-motivation; ability to pose and solve problems; basic knowledge in macroeconomics and business administration; possession of technical means; practical psychology skills; willingness to work in emergency situations; readiness to serve the client; the ability to save money for the organization, the client; mastery of skills business communication and cooperation; ability to conduct business negotiations; the presence of professional flair; productive work experience.

Education: University training in law 3 to 5 years of practice in successful law firms. Place of work: Law firms, legal departments of large companies, local and government organizations, any other firms. Companies in need of legal support. Possible career: The beginning of a young lawyer's career is usually unattractive: long hours and low pay. As you gain experience and attract new clients, a lawyer earns much more. In large law firms, a lawyer's earnings are higher than in medium and small ones, but the requirements are much higher. Many lawyers work in the field of control, finance, taxes and insurance. Often they make a career as a manager of a department, company. Trends: The internationalization of national business is a general trend. It is important for Russia to be able to work in accordance with the norms of the right to international market. The development trend of the consulting business also has a positive impact on this labor market.

  • Try to explain the slide in your own words, add additional Interesting Facts, you don’t just need to read the information from the slides, the audience can read it themselves.
  • No need to overload your project slides with text blocks, more illustrations and a minimum of text will better convey information and attract attention. Only the key information should be on the slide, the rest is better to tell the audience orally.
  • The text must be well readable, otherwise the audience will not be able to see the information provided, will be greatly distracted from the story, trying to make out at least something, or completely lose all interest. To do this, you need to choose the right font, taking into account where and how the presentation will be broadcast, and also choose the right combination of background and text.
  • It is important to rehearse your report, think over how you will greet the audience, what you will say first, how you will finish the presentation. All comes with experience.
  • Choose the right outfit, because. The speaker's clothing also plays a big role in the perception of his speech.
  • Try to speak confidently, fluently and coherently.
  • Try to enjoy the performance so you can be more relaxed and less anxious.
  • 9th grade students, graduate students

    Algorithm for the presentation of the project-presentation "My future profession" by 9th grade students, graduate students




    Slides captions:

    Project "My future profession" Prepared by: Alena Baganova

    I am Baganova Alena, a student of grade 9 A of secondary school No. 48 Academic performance: Satisfactory Favorite subjects: algebra, geometry, Russian language, geography My hobby: Sports activities Purpose: To continue my studies and go to college to get a specialty in which I will work in further.

    Problem: What profession to choose and where to go to study after graduation? Developed an algorithm of actions to achieve the goal

    1.Passed psychological testing to study their professional inclinations and abilities, determined the spheres of professions most suitable for me (man-man);

    2. Carried out an analysis according to the formula "Successful choice of profession": I WANT (desires) - CAN (ability) - NEED (labor market);

    3. I determined the range of specialties and chose “Organization of hotel services, administrator, made a professiogram. My future specialty is "Administrator" 4. According to the professional navigator "What to become?" chose the college in which they teach for this specialty; 5. Scheduled a meeting with college representatives; 6. I am constantly improving my skills, learning to communicate with people, the ability to plan time, make a to-do list. 7. Preparing for college entrance exams.

    Why did I choose this profession? The profession of an administrator is not only very interesting and exciting, it also allows you to broaden your horizons and learn a lot of new things. Moreover, at the moment the hotel business is a rapidly developing specialty, which means that my profession will be important and in demand. I also like the duties that an administrator has to perform. For example, participation in solving strategic, organizational tasks; managing the emotional atmosphere in the team and much more.

    My profession is an administrator The administrator belongs to the specialty “Organization of hotel services”. This profession is one of the most prestigious and widespread at the moment. Objects professional activity administrators are hotel complexes, restaurants and travel companies.

    Personal qualities Communicative Patient Hard-working Friendly Responsible

    College I plan to enter the Karaganda Banking College named after Zh.K. Bukenov. This college has in-demand specialties, state standards education and a strong highly qualified teaching staff. The college has two educational buildings, a library, an Internet room, a sports hall, gym and a 9-storey dormitory. Banking College is distinguished by its rich student life: scientific conferences and intellectual olympiads, debate movements and KVN, dance groups, the Vocalist circle, sports sections and much more.

    College Admission For college admission, I will need to pass three entrance exams in Russian and Mathematics. For admission, my communication skills, the ability to organize a team and qualities such as friendliness and sociability will also be useful. Upon admission to study at the Karaganda Banking College, a quota of admission is provided for orphans and children left without parental care.

    Where can I work after college: Service industry. You can get a job in cafes, hotels, restaurants, beauty salons, hairdressers, hotels, fashion salons.


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    Slides captions:

    The project on professional self-determination "My future profession" was prepared by: Demina Natalia

    I, Natalya Demina Student of the 9th "B" grade of secondary school No. 48 Academic performance: satisfactory Favorite subjects: algebra, chemistry, drawing, biology. My hobby: Dancing Purpose: To continue my studies and go to college to get a specialty in which I will work in the future.

    Problem: what profession to choose and where to go to study after graduation? Developed an Algorithm of actions to achieve the goal

    1. Passed psychological testing to study my professional inclinations and abilities, determined the most suitable professions for me (person-artistic image, person-person);

    2. Conducted an analysis according to the formula "Successful choice of profession": I WANT (desires) - CAN (ability) - SHOULD (labor market);

    3. Determined the range of specialties and chose "choreography", compiled a professiogram; My future profession: "Choreographic art"

    Why did I choose this profession? Dance is something extraordinary, a combination of plasticity, feelings, facial expressions and the story that the dancer tells the audience. I have been going to dances since childhood and it is when I dance that I feel happy, I really glow with happiness on stage. I chose this profession precisely because I can and want to help everyone reveal their individuality. In general, it seems to me that calling choreography a profession is a mistake, because it is rather a talent. The talent to "sculpt" from small or adult beginner dancers to exemplary professionals, and every dance is a small life.

    4. According to the professional navigator "What to become?" chose the college in which they teach for this specialty; 5. Scheduled a meeting with college representatives; 6. I constantly improve my skills, participate in competitions, concerts, learn new dances and improve plasticity. 7. Preparing for college entrance exams.

    Specialty: social and cultural activities and folk art. Qualification 040301310 teacher-organizer leisure, head of the dance group. State order: 20 places (Russian language) Availability of a hostel for 70 places. Duration of study: 3 years, 10 m Entrance exams: Russian language and two creative (dance, plastic) Karaganda College of Arts named after Tattimbet

    What is my future job? Creates an artistic concept, composition and dance pattern Selects music and costumes Conducts classes, teaches students the basics of choreography, practices dance elements Organizes performances of a dance group

    Personal qualities It is necessary to be strong, plastic and constantly develop, gain knowledge about new dances. In our modern world, more and more new dances appear and it is not so easy to get interested in the old ones, we young people are interested in everything modern, this is closer to us. It is also important to be able to manage oneself, to be organized, to have willpower, patience, to have communication and organizational skills.

    Where can I work after graduating from college: The choreographer works in amateur and professional groups in kindergarten, school, college, boarding school, dance studio, circles and ensembles of folk and variety dance, can participate in theater productions, ballet studios. I think I will succeed and I will become a true professional in my field.

    Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan
    Karaganda State Medical University
    Department of the Russian language
    on the topic: “My future profession”
    Completed: students gr. 1-010 OM
    Bekturganova N;
    Zhenisbai S;
    Seitkerim A;
    Torybaeva A.
    Checked by: Senior Lecturer
    Omasheva Zh.M
    Karaganda 2015


    Main part
    A) choice of profession
    B) My future profession is a doctor

    Profession choice

    In the life of any growing person
    there will inevitably come a time when
    A very important decision needs to be made:
    choose your future profession. It is forbidden
    say that this problem comes
    absolutely unexpected.
    Then comes a period when we are very
    I want to be like someone. We
    dream to be as successful
    attractive, smart, like ours

    My future profession is a doctor

    “The profession of a doctor is a feat. She demands
    selflessness, purity of spirit and
    purity of thought"
    A.P. Chekhov


    A doctor is a person
    who is presented
    high ethical and
    legal requirements.
    The doctor must be completely
    devoted to the cause of medicine,
    demanding of himself
    humble at home and
    needs, sober in
    scores, show strength
    spirit and determination
    difficult life

    Difficulties of the profession

    The learning process is longer and more difficult than on
    other specialties (6-8 years);
    Great responsibility for life and health
    Irregular working hours;
    All physicians are liable for military service;
    The need to accept all patients.

    Important qualities

    Patience, understanding, mercy;
    Deep knowledge and solid skills;
    High stress resistance;
    Ability to quickly and
    RIGHT decisions;
    High work capacity.


    The learning process is carried out in
    medical schools and colleges

    In many state medical academies, training is provided at the following faculties:

    Medical Faculty
    General medicine
    Faculty of Pediatrics
    Faculty of Dentistry
    Faculty of Preventive Medicine
    Faculty of Pharmacy
    Faculty of Higher Nursing
    Faculty of Medicine and Biology
    Faculty of Clinical Psychology

    Profession Obstetrician

    The word "midwife"
    derived from
    french accoucheur,
    what is literally
    translated means "one
    who is standing by the bed", and in
    more familiar
    meaning - assistant
    during childbirth. Care
    obstetrician - health
    women and her future

    An obstetrician is a doctor who accompanies a woman from
    beginning of pregnancy and before the birth of the child,
    watching all this long period of
    condition of the future mother and baby.
    Obstetrician-gynecologist examining a woman during
    the entire period of pregnancy, becomes her
    a mentor who must study his
    ward to facilitate the period of childbirth.
    The obstetrician takes delivery, which takes place without
    complications, gives injections to a woman in labor, can
    take part in uncomplicated gynecological
    operations. The obstetrician also monitors the development
    children under one year old.

    Personal qualities

    For any medical profession,
    including for the obstetrician, are important
    qualities such as skill
    empathize, listen, responsiveness,
    kindness. professionally important
    are considered quickness,
    accuracy, responsibility, skill
    take quickly and effectively
    solutions for unexpected situations.


    The obstetrician must have
    only skills in childbirth, but
    and perform the functions of an operating room,
    ward and pediatric nurses,
    pediatrician and even a psychologist-neonatologist. In addition, an expert in
    field of obstetrics should be able to
    understand complex medical issues
    equipment, drugs, methods
    examinations and emergency


    It is not easy to study from the first courses,
    and should calculate in advance
    One missed lecture
    cost a patient's life in the future
    this must not be forgotten for a moment.
    The profession of a doctor is a pride and
    a responsibility. The doctor always feels
    satisfaction from your work.


    Not everyone can be a doctor. This
    really a calling. This
    the profession suits those who sincerely
    wants to help people who can
    empathize with those who
    workable. If all these qualities
    united in one person, then he
    there is a chance to become a real Doctor with
    capital letter.


    Adaskevich V.P., Myadelets O.D.
    Eosinophilic dermatoses and
    neutrophilic - M.: Medical
    book, 2001.
    Beletskaya L.V., Makhneva N.V. Introduction to
    Kazantseva I.A., Lysenko A.I.
    Medical business
    Google search engine
    Yandex search engine

    Natalia Sidorova (Bondareva)
    Presentation by a 1st grade student "My future profession"

    Topic career guidance is very relevant today. To the choice future profession you need to approach it very carefully so that it doesn’t happen that after studying for a year or two as a financier, you suddenly realize that you want to become a doctor or teacher. So I agree with Katherine's statement whitethorn: Here best advice which can be given youth: "Find something you enjoy doing and then find someone to pay you for it."

    When our school announced a competition presentations"My future profession", we decided to participate with our son. In the first classroom not every child can confidently say who he will be. Basically, it turns out that a child changes his choice several times during the period of growing up, and this is quite normal. As adults, we need to introduce children to different professions from early childhood so that they have good performance O professional activity of each specialist. Therefore, when the child and I discussed the choice future profession, we began to find out what interests him. It turned out that he likes the computer and all kinds of gadgets. Therefore, we have opted for programming profession. And to make it easier for the child to tell, I wrote a poem for him. I present our presentation for review and review.

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    Presentation about the profession of a programmer

    I would like to become a programmer in the future. A programmer is a person who can develop programs.

    They are needed for phones, computers, tablets, game consoles, digital camcorders, cameras and even robots. Without special programs, all this will not work.

    Everything that we see on the screen when we turn on the computer or cellular telephone, made by programmers, including all computer games and sites on the Internet.

    This profession appeared less than 100 years ago, when the first electronic computer was created, similar to a huge calculator.

    A person who has chosen this profession should know a lot about computers and computer programs, know English, and be able to think logically. An important quality of a programmer is attentiveness, because programs with errors will not work.

    I will try to develop these qualities in myself and become a good programmer.

    Presentation questions:

    1. Who is a programmer?
    2. What are the programs for?
    3. What qualities should a person of this profession have?