Organizational project management tools. Project: concept and essence of the project

Network models are the main organizational tool of PM. Allow to carry out scheduling, reduce the duration of work, optimize the cost of work, organize operational management and monitoring the progress of the project.

The network model is a directed graph depicting all the processes (management tasks) necessary to achieve the project goal, shown in a technical sequence.

Basic concepts: work - labor process, which requires time and resources (this term also includes waiting, which requires time, but does not require resources); event - the fact of accomplishment k-l of work or the result of performing several jobs, allowing the next to begin; way - continuous sequence arrows, starting from the initial event to the final one.

network matrix- a graphical representation of the PM process, where all operations, management tasks, the implementation of which is necessary for the project, are defined in the technological sequence for specific performers and calendar days.

The use of a network matrix allows you to quickly calculate the entire range of work and provide project management with comprehensive information that allows you to make management decisions.

The network matrix should be used at all stages of the life cycle of the project. When building a network matrix, the existing network model is combined with a calendar-scale time grid, which has horizontal and vertical corridors.

Horizontal corridors characterize the levels of management, structural divisions, officials who take part in solving managerial tasks.

Vertical corridors reflect individual stages, processes taking place over time (maybe the usual calculation by day).

The RAZU matrix is ​​a graphic-analytical toolkit with the help of which the responsible executors for individual works are identified. Rows - management tasks, columns - structural units, officials.

On its basis, it is possible to divide the responsibilities of all project participants and mathematically calculate the workload of each structural unit or official in the implementation of the project.

The matrix is ​​considered as a means of coordinating the inputs and outputs of the project management system.

In the fields of the matrix, conditional symbols indicate the relationship of structural units and officials to the solution of a specific management task.

ITM (information technology model) is an organizational model of project management, which is the main organizational tool that determines the sequence and interconnection of all project management processes.

It contains a standard description of the procedure and conditions for solving problems for project management, which clearly defines who, when, under what conditions solves certain tasks, who is responsible for their development and implementation.

The development and implementation of ITM ensures the creation of conditions in the PM system, when intermediate results ensure the achievement of the final results of the project, and also allows you to ensure the consistency of solving management tasks and determine the conditions for their implementation.

The construction of an ITM begins with the collection of information about the main processes and management tasks necessary for the implementation of the project. Correctly completed and analyzed information serves as the basis for filling in the information table, which makes it possible to link between separate works. On its basis, ITM is compiled.

The information table includes the following columns:

1. Management tasks

2. Initial information for solving this managerial task(reports, analyses, acts, legislative documents, etc.)

3. Source of information (who transmitted it and from where)

4. The resulting document obtained in the course of solving a managerial problem;

5. Task performer (there may be several)

6. Deadlines (as a rule, the deadline for submitting the resulting document is indicated)

7. Consumers of the resulting document

Then, on the basis of the information table, an ITM is formed, which presents all the information from the information table in a more visual form.

ZhCP model

Project resource planning.

Resources- this is everything that can be used by the company to achieve its goals, to meet its own needs and the needs of the subjects of the external environment.

Financial - cash, receivables, securities, financial investments, participation in authorized capital other organizations, etc. Their peculiarity is that they cannot be used (consumed) directly within the company. As well as cannot be created within the company. These resources are used and created when the company interacts with external environment. (In order to spend money or buy securities, you need to spend business transaction involving some other company or organization.) Thus, financial resources reflect the relationship of the company with the external environment.

Production - materials, labor resources, in-house works and services, finished products etc. The peculiarity of these resources is that they can be used (consumed) directly within the company and / or created within the company. in production processes or are the result of these processes.

Material and human resources. Human are the most significant, since they are non-storable and non-accumulative. Also, we cannot store technical equipment and large-sized equipment. Schedules for the use of human resources and technical means are being developed. Graphs of the use of resources on a time scale mb, taking into account and excluding weekends and public holidays, mb hourly - from the specialization of P. or as the amount of time required for P in% of the total time of the project. Or man hours. Limits of resource usage in the development of schedules (it is impossible without a break of 24 hours for people and maintenance for machines).

Resource conflict - a mismatch between the need and the possibility of using resources (1.5 or 2 shift work resource use)

There is no minimum limit (consultants 10-30 minutes), the normal limits are 8 hours, the maximum is 16 hours without a break for sleep.

Resource planning- determination of what human, physical, material and other resources in what quantities and at what time should be used to complete the work of the project.

Resource planning is closely related to project cost estimation and directly depends on what project constraints are set by the Customer (time or cost).

Resource consumption limits: minimum (0-8h), normal (8h), maximum (16h).

Prosusch-Xia on the basis of decomposition of works.

For PR it is necessary:

* approved design concept

* description of the resource pool (ie, potential availability of resources). The level of detail and specialization of the resource pool may vary.

* decomposition of project work

* Estimation of the duration of operations or works

* policy of the performing organization

* historical information about what and what types were consumed for past similar projects.

Methods and means of resource planning.

For PR can be applied expert opinions, software, analogues of other projects.

The output of the PR is a resource plan, i.e. a description of what types of resources and in what quantities are consumed for each element of the lowest level of work breakdown.

Resource conflicts can occur during PR.

Resource leveling methods:

1) Stretching - in the presence of time reserves due to the increase in work will continue to reduce their effectiveness.

2) Compression - by increasing the intensity of the use of res-in

3) Normalization (parallel execution of work) - divide the work into sections and perform them one by one.

To improve the efficiency of procurement and deliveries in the pr-th, you can use cross-docking - organization of deliveries in accordance with the application (in the right quantity, at the right time, in accordance with the quality)

In order to cope with the inherent difficulties and uncertainty of each project, the manager must break the project into separate stages and determine the risk. Then, at each stage, a list of tasks is formed.

The task is an obligatory part of the work that must be completed in a predetermined manner and within a predetermined time frame. For ease of verification, it should be small (perhaps no more than 10 man-hours). Many tasks tend to self-evolve rather than self-regulate, so the following must be determined for each task:

    uniqueness of the task;

    deadline(days, hours, etc.), variable and rigidly established duration of work;

    start and end dates:

    planned (in accordance with the original plan);

    expected (in accordance with subsequent changes in the plan);


    deterrents and limitations;

    necessary resources for the performance of work(spatial, technical, technological, human, financial, etc.) and their uniqueness, availability and alternative use for other works and projects;

    connection with other tasks(preceding and subsequent tasks).

There are two main methods for planning and coordinating the execution of large-scale projects:

PERT (program evaluation and review technique) program evaluation and review method) and

CPM (critical path method) – critical path method.

These methods appeared independently of each other. CPM was developed dupont Corporation in the 1950s 20th century to help plan overhaul corporation factory. PERT was developed around the same time by the U.S. Department of the Navy to plan a missile development project Polaris. The methods are practically the same; in the literature, the term is most often used. PERT.

PERT/time - it is a planning and management method that has four features: network schedule, time estimates, determination of time slack and critical path, and the possibility of taking actions to adjust the schedule.

Many projects, be it construction, marketing, development and production of a new product, can be considered as a set of independent operations, the logical sequence of which can be displayed in the form of a network diagram. It is a chain of works (operations) and events that reflect their sequence and connection in the process of achieving the goal (Fig. 16). The network originates from a single node (a null event) and ends with a single event when the project is completed.

critical path- the longest chain of interrelated, sequential tasks for which the lead time is equal to zero and which determine the minimum amount of time required to complete the project.

Fig.16. Project Network Schedule

Work-event The numbers above the arrows show the duration of the work; - the work of the critical path;

When analyzing the critical path method, determine:

    earliest start date- this is the earliest possible start time, provided that all previous operations on the critical path are completed as quickly as possible. This due date across all activities is calculated from left to right by adding the duration of the preceding activity to its own earliest start date for the activity;

    latest start date- the deadline for the start of the operation so that it does not cause a delay in the implementation of the entire project;

    latest completion date– the date by which the network operation must be completed so that the next one can start on time, and the project as a whole can be completed as soon as possible. To calculate the latest finish date, you first need to use the network diagram from left to right to calculate the most early dates start of operations. Then, backwards, based on the earliest possible finish date for the project, determine the latest allowable time for each activity to finish.

Activities on the critical path do not have the slightest amount of slack.

Reserve time- the amount of free time for which the execution of an operation within the framework of the project can be delayed. There are two ways to calculate reserves:

    full reserve- all available free time, in which the overall duration of the project will not suffer (for example, if an operation that takes 2 days can start on the 3rd day, and the next should start on the 9th day of the project, then there is a complete gap in 4 days (4 = 9 - 2 - 3):

Most deterministic projects use a single estimate of how long to complete work based on resource quotas (e.g., 40-hour work week). In less certain cases, it is recommended to estimate the duration of each activity based on three estimates: optimistic, pessimistic, and most likely.

In more complex projects with a high degree of uncertainty, PERT an assumption is made that the duration of pioneering work is a random variable that obeys the beta distribution.

Method PERT/expenses represents a further development of the method in the direction of optimizing network graphs by cost and is characterized by:

    structural analysis of project work;

    definition of types of work (R & D, production, marketing);

    construction of network graphs;

    establishing the functional dependence of work on their duration;

    finding the duration of work that minimizes the cost of the project, given the deadlines for the implementation of the entire project;

    control over the progress of work;

    development of corrective actions, if necessary.

After the deadlines and cost of each work are determined, the necessary material and labor resources are calculated and a budget is drawn up for each type of work, as well as the budget for the entire project.

During the course of the project, a cost-to-completion estimate is periodically made and actual costs are compared with budgeted costs. In the event of a delay or cost overrun, the project manager has the opportunity to take corrective action. Network charts and valuations are reviewed from time to time to keep them in line with actual and planned changes to the project.

Thus, this approach makes it possible to detailed plans and schedules, determine the duration of work and their provision of resources, describe the sequential relationships that exist between activities and show which of them are critical to complete the project on time, calculate the critical path. By isolating critical operations, managers can ensure they are properly monitored and ensure that all the resources needed for these operations are delivered in a timely manner.

The critical path can be adjusted in the following ways:

    increase resources;

    review tasks on the critical path, reduce their duration, perhaps eliminate some;

    loosen restrictions, increasing risk;

    detail tasks, increasing the number of relationships.

Advantages and disadvantages of the method PERT are given in table 56.

Table 56 - Advantages and limitations of the methodPERT



    PERT forces me to carefully plan my projects. In complex projects, it is almost impossible to plan events and work without linking them together in a network diagram. The method requires structuring a set of operations and allows you to plan the project;

    The method is based on modeling and, therefore, makes it possible to conduct experiments and variant calculations;

    PERT increases the effectiveness of control, because allows not only to analyze data for the past period, but also to see potential problems in the future.

    Inaccurate estimates reduce the effectiveness of the method.

    Long time automated systems project management due to the high cost of computing resources were used mainly for the analysis of large-scale projects. Now this limitation is becoming less significant in connection with the development of cheap application software packages focused on the management of small and medium projects.

In addition to the critical path method, there is also a step-by-step control method that follows the same pattern as the critical path method, but recognizes that the execution time of each operation is difficult to foresee in advance, and therefore makes an allowance for this.

For a project containing dozens of jobs, finding the critical path can be done manually. To manage large projects, where the number of works exceeds hundreds and thousands, automatic tools for project management have been widely used. (project for Windows). For example, the technique PRINCE(Projects in Controlled Environments) is used by the UK Government in Information Technology.

9.2 Gantt Chart and Network Matrices

Another analysis tool is Gantt chart - a diagram depicting tasks in the form of segments on a timeline. The length of the segment corresponds to the term of the task. The entire project is presented in the form of a calendar, which allows you to use it to control and show the percentage of completion of the task.

A variety of Gantt charts are network matrices, for the compilation of which the following characteristics are determined (Table 57):

    resource provision;

    the sequence of work execution, taking into account the maximum possible parallelization of work;

    performers of each job.

table57 - List of works for building a network matrix

The network matrix is ​​a graphic representation of the project implementation processes, where all work (management, production, etc.) is shown in a certain technological sequence and interconnection. The network matrix is ​​combined with a calendar-scale time grid that has horizontal and vertical “corridors”. Horizontal “corridors” characterize the degree of control, structural subdivision or executive who performs this or that work; vertical - stage and individual operations of the project management process, occurring in time. When building a network matrix, three basic concepts are used: "work" (including expectation and dependence), "event" and "path".

On the graph, work is depicted as a solid arrow. The concept of “work” includes the process of waiting, i.e. a process that requires not labor and resources, but time, which is depicted by a dotted arrow with a designation of the waiting time above it. The dependency between events indicates that there is a connection between the activities and that there is no need to spend time and resources.

The most important advantage of the network matrix is ​​that there is no need to calculate the matrix parameters, since they are clearly shown in the figure itself (see Fig. 29).


Work code

Duration (days)

Number of staff

in the sub-division, pers.

Employed at work, pers.

Department of chief technologist

Department of the main construct.

Manufacturing workshop snap


Foundry shop.

Assembly shop

Picture29 -Network matrix example (fragment)

Network matrices should be used at all stages of the project life cycle. This will make it possible to present the entire project implementation process in a visual form, as well as to identify the composition and structure of work and acceptable means and methods for their implementation, analyze the relationship between performers and work, prepare a scientifically based coordinated plan for the implementation of the entire complex of project work for more efficient use of available resources and reduction of terms. It is also possible to quickly process large amounts of information, predict the progress of work on the critical path and focus the attention of project managers on them. Using the mathematical apparatus, it is possible to determine the degree of probability of project implementation and to correctly allocate responsibility.

When building a network matrix, three basic concepts are used: work (including expectation and dependence), event and path.

Work- this is a labor process that requires time and resources (for example, assessing the situation, analyzing information). In the diagrams, work is depicted as a solid line with an arrow. The waiting process is included in the work, i.e. a process that does not require labor and resources, but requires time. The waiting process is represented by a dotted line with an arrow with the designation of the waiting time above it. The dependence between two or more events indicates the absence of the need to spend time and resources, but indicates the presence of a connection between the jobs (the start of one or more jobs depends on the completion of others), is depicted by a dotted line with an arrow without indicating time.

Event- this is the result of the execution of all the work included in this event, allowing you to start all the work that comes out of it. On the network matrix, the event is depicted, as a rule, in the form of a circle.

Way is a continuous sequence of work, starting from the initial event and ending with the final one. The path with the longest duration is called the critical path and is indicated in the matrix by a thickened or double line with an arrow.

Exist general rules building network models, the knowledge of which allows you to avoid errors.

Job designation rule. In practice, there are often cases when two or more jobs come out of the same event, run in parallel, and end with the same event.

Deadlock rule. IN network model there should be no dead ends, i.e. events that do not produce any work, except for the termination network event.

Unsecured Events Prohibition Rule. There should be no events in the network model that do not include any work

Delivery Image Rule. Delivery is a result that is received outside the system, i.e. is not the result of the work of this company.

The rule of organizational and technological relations between works. The network model takes into account only the direct connection between jobs or the connection through dependence.

technological rule building network models. But if it is necessary, for example, to show that the work is preceded by another work, then the model should be depicted differently (with a dash-dotted arrow).

To build a network schedule, it is necessary to establish in the technological sequence which works must be completed before the start of this work, which ones are started after the completion of this work, which must be completed simultaneously with the execution of this work.

The belonging of the work (arrow) to one or another horizontal "corridor" is determined by its horizontal position or its scale-free horizontal section in this "corridor". The belonging of the work (arrows) to the vertical "corridor" is determined by the vertical lines that determine the time scale of the matrix.

The duration of each work on the network matrix is ​​determined by the distance between the centers of two events that enclose this work (arrow) in projection onto the horizontal time axis. The location of each event on the network matrix is ​​determined by the end of the farthest to the right (on the time grid) arrow included in it. All other arrows less distant to the right of the y-axis, included in the same event, are connected to it by a dashed line with an arrow at the end.

Dependence, going on a matrix with a slope to the right of the y-axis, is depicted as a broken broken line with an arrow at the end. Dependence running along the vertical (its projection on the horizontal time axis is a point, and hence the duration is 0) is depicted, as usual, by a dotted arrow. The deviation of the arrows to the left from the y-axis on the network matrix is ​​not allowed. The length of the wavy line shows the amount of private slack.

The most important advantage network matrix is ​​that there is no need to calculate the parameters of the matrices, since they are clearly shown in the figure itself.

but This approach also has its drawbacks.- in complex projects, the visibility of the matrix is ​​lost due to the piling up of work. In this case, it is necessary to split the matrix into parts - to create hierarchical structures, transfer individual blocks of work to auxiliary matrices.

Organizational toolkit. Network matrices

The problem of increasing the scientific validity of the formation of management systems puts forward the need to use new progressive methods and an effective organizational tool in the process of their design: network matrices, matrices for separating administrative management tasks, regulations, economic and mathematical models, normative materials on management structures, official duties and etc.

The use of network matrices in the management process makes it possible to present this process in a visual form, as well as to identify the features of the situation, the structure of the necessary work and acceptable means and methods for their implementation, analyze the relationship between performers and work, prepare a scientifically based coordinated plan for the implementation of the entire complex of work to solve assigned task. Such a plan, based on the analysis of the network matrix and the identification of critical activities, makes it possible to reallocate resources for their more efficient use. It also becomes possible, with the help of computer technology, to quickly process large amounts of reporting data and provide the company's management with timely and comprehensive information about the actual state of work, which facilitates the correction of decisions made, predicts the progress of work on the critical path and concentrates the attention of managers at various levels on them. Using the mathematical apparatus, it is possible to determine the degree of probability of the implementation of the plan and correctly distribute responsibility among the hierarchical levels of management.

The network decision matrix is ​​a graphic image of the management process, where all the operations that are necessary to achieve the ultimate goal are shown in a certain technological sequence and interdependence. The network matrix is ​​combined with a calendar-scale time grid, which has horizontal and vertical corridors. Horizontal corridors characterize the level of management, a structural unit or an official performing one or another operation of the process of preparing, making and implementing a decision; vertical - stages and individual operations of the decision-making process occurring in time.

Aggregation, impact, activity, change, tool, combination, cooperation, coordination, methodology, set, sequence, consequences, application, adaptation, procedure, result, method, means, subject, technology, universality, unification, factor, function, part, efficiency. Substantiation, development, approbation, adaptation, classification, application and modernization of modern tools of the organization.

All organizational activity of an individual, group, corporation, society as a whole must be provided by one or another set of specific means and methods of purposeful influence, reliably represented by such a concept as tools.


(From lat. - instrument of labor) - an ordered set, a complex of means of purposeful influence and methods of their application.

Unlike a separate tool, the choice, adaptation and application of which can be carried out randomly, based on the prevailing circumstances, the toolkit is initially developed and formed as a single complex for ensuring the implementation of purposeful activities. This is what determines both the actual set of chosen and mastered tools, and the technology of their cooperation, combination and application. Moreover, such interrelations are established not only within relatively independent sets of instruments of research and influence, but also between their individual components or them in a complex.

The substantiation, development, construction and application of the organization's tools are based on the unity of the universal process of research and influence, the use of its potential, content and results by the widest range of scientists and practitioners. This makes it possible to exclude parallelism, duplication, inconsistency, improve the sequence of building an organization, significantly increase the efficiency of its functioning and development, ensuring purposeful coordination and adaptation of the actions of all participants, users and even observers.

Such coordination is in demand by a number of objective factors and subjective goals of the organization. First of all, the research tools are substantiated, formed and applied universally to both objective and subjective organizations. Moreover, often it is he who becomes not only a single, but also the only basis for the development and implementation of a targeted impact on a mixed organization.

Meteorological conditions for the organization of flights of airliners

Research and influence tools should be sufficiently independent, their natural aggregation cannot distort the content and results of the application. This problem is especially relevant for a wide variety of conformist organizations, where reports are drawn up according to the principle "as much as necessary, as much as we will show," and what happened and its results are qualified by the explanation: "We planned it." The successful solution of this problem makes it necessary to ensure the required level of independence in the use of research tools and the validity and effectiveness of the impact. On this basis, an important organizational rule is formulated.

Adequate research is essential to ensure effective exposure

In real conditions, it is important to understand that the instrumental approach actually determines not only two independent procedural manifestations, but the entire possible scale of selection, evaluation, correlation, transformation, cooperation, etc. explored and changed. Moreover, the configuration of this scale can have not only a linear, but also a parallel and branched, including multidimensional, representation that activates the development and use of derivative modifications as independent tools, such as classification and its corresponding correction.

The forms of modeling such a tool palette in the process of adaptation can also be differentiated and brought to the subject-object base, procedure, structure, specific features and other characteristics of a particular organization. This allows you to determine in more detail the use of a variety of research and influence tools, expand and present them in the form of a universal range of methods and tools, select differentially, purposefully modify and use modern, adapted and most effective models for building an intellectual and material organization (see applications, situation 4) .

The logic of building and using the complex tools of the organization is laid in the foundations for the development, implementation and application of a specific methodology for analysis and evaluation. The effectiveness of research is determined by the universality, diversity and level of development of the instrumental palette, the formation of a wide range of necessary methods for applying a wide variety of procedures, the arrangement of these and other components into a single set of applied configurations.

All this convincingly proves that an absolutely necessary basis for the development and implementation of any impact is an adequate toolkit for analyzing and evaluating the distinguished and studied qualities of an organization, determined by the subject-object orientation. Moreover, both the subject and the object of the organization have their determining influence on the formation and application of specific tools.

So, for example, it is the subject who represents and plays the most probable scenarios for the development of the situation, and the object approach applied by him directly forms the necessary foundations for constructing and using organization modeling tools.

The actual modeling tools are widely and diversely used in programming, design, development, construction and maintenance of the functioning and development of a wide variety of organizations. Examples of such use are given extensively and in detail in scientific publications and reports on research programs conducted directly at specific enterprises and organizations. They comprehensively reveal and convincingly show the organizational nature of the formation and the effectiveness of the use of modeling, the versatility, complexity and effectiveness of this toolkit of the organization.

The essence and main effect of its application lies in the fact that modeling makes it possible to avoid catastrophic errors by conducting an experiment, to identify extreme trends, and to determine promising directions. This makes it possible to achieve decisive innovations in the construction, adaptation and application of specific tools for research and transformation of the processes of mixed and subjective organization with much less money, but with greater guarantees.

IN real life, even when attention is not specifically focused on the use of such tools, in the representations of the intellectual organization of one's own consciousness, the individual anyway, one way or another, "scrolls" the upcoming actions and their possible consequences, which in itself is already a simulation. It is this nature that determines the key place, the determining role and the strategic perspective of the formation and development of modeling as one of the fundamental units of the modern representation of the universal toolkit of the organization.

It is clear that the research toolkit includes many other very diverse, constantly improving among the ways of studying the organization. Their composition, content, configurations of interaction and use are determined by the goals, objects and conditions of application, the form of integration of individual studies and their results into the process. organizational change and development of the organization (see annexes, situation 4). Examples of such integration will be discussed in more detail in Chap. 18 of this textbook, here the authors limit themselves to the already given provisions for the presentation of research tools and an assessment of its place and role in the formation, functioning and development of a modern organization.

The application of the object approach inevitably faces the need to study and resolve the emerging hierarchical contradictions of the organization. In contrast to self-organization, their importance in the construction and use of universal organizational tools increases dramatically, as they move into the sphere of formation and development of management relations. In the course of the practical application of the organization's tools, within the framework of the development and implementation of a specific impact, contradictions directly arise in the distribution of powers and ensuring coordination between the participants in this process.

Indeed, the diversity of understanding, the contradictions of application, or even the substitution of the essence of coordination by the content of the organization are quite common in theory and practice. Similar tendencies of their comparison, analysis and evaluation, the conclusions made on them again actualized the question of the theoretical relationship and practical application concepts of organization and coordination.

In the course of substantiation, construction and use of complex tools for research and impact, the ratio of organization and coordination becomes one of key provisions. Moreover, this leads a number of scientists and practitioners to the assumption that any function of the organization aggregately includes, should or can include the content of coordination at the level of the subject of research or impact.

A reasonable resolution of this problem is necessary to determine the functional manifestation of the coordination aggregate in the toolkit of the organization and can be conceptually considered in Fig. 11.1 as a conceptual model.

As can be seen even from a superficial analysis of the construction of this model, the real relationship between organization and coordination is manifested in the presence or absence of hierarchy relations in them. Indeed, only a subordinate can be organized, but the success of interaction also depends on those who are not subordinate to you. Linking

Rice. 11.1.

joint actions of various, independent subjects to achieve a single goal at this stage are provided by the coordination function (see annexes, situation 2). In this manifestation, coordination does not enter into the function of the organization, but it absolutely develops the use of the tools of the organization.

At the same time, further analysis shows that the control action, rising to a higher level, for which all those participating in this interaction are subordinates, whose joint actions are possible and necessary to organize accordingly, most often becomes inadequate, late or emasculated by the administrative-bureaucratic procedure. In this case, the content of the impact is somehow transformed into an organization that is consistently integrated into a single toolkit, which is far from always justified by the situation and provides an effective solution to the tasks set.

The coordination tool is initially distinguished as an alternative to the organization, providing direct, operational, equal interaction between all interested, participating or benefiting entities. It is formed, formed, implemented, adjusted and developed on an equal footing, in real time, within the framework of a single socio-economic and administrative-legal market space. All this makes it possible to create conditions for ensuring the most complete, comprehensive, balanced and independent consideration of both private and general interests of any organization.

At the same time, the content and results of coordination largely depend on the status and condition of the corresponding subjects, which does not always ensure equality of opportunities for their interaction. In this case, coordination is latently or openly transposed into an organization carried out by a higher level, based on the priority of its formal or informal status, and in some cases the position of one of the parties.

It is this phenomenon that is often mistaken for coordination, which, according to some researchers, is directly part of the organization. Meanwhile, the one-sided, vertical orientation of such influence clearly indicates the initial lack of coordination in it and its implementation on a strictly organizational, hierarchically developed basis. And indeed, not coming to an agreement on interaction acceptable to all, the parties, as a rule, appeal to a higher level, relying on its organizational participation in resolving the problem.

The given configuration reflects the ratio of organization and coordination not only in the study, but also in the impact on the object. It allows for the possibility of interaction and even transformation of the organization and coordination with specific goals and at specific levels of management. The problem of complex implementation of organization and coordination tools, ensuring their interaction in processes and management systems will be considered in more detail in the last section of the textbook, here the authors dwell on the differences between them already highlighted above.

The universality of the organization's tools is manifested not only in the development and application of a single mechanism or its purposeful switching with functions such as coordination. It, as it was shown at the beginning of this chapter, can also be realized in the most direct way in an absolutely necessary, organic and consistent combination of research and impact on the object. In this regard, the universal toolkit becomes one of the specific and at the same time the most common aggregated manifestations of a particular organization.

Based on the use of a wide palette of a wide variety of configurations, a combination of external tools, means, methods, techniques, procedures for directly influencing the formation and development of organizational relations in real processes and systems, the organization's tools are used in the form of complex universal structures that combine individual components into a well-functioning, purposefully acting mechanism. organizations. The basic procedures of such a mechanism are constantly being upgraded and expanded with innovative configurations that largely determine the essence and content of organizational changes and the development of the organization.

The configurations for building and using such tools are understandable and diverse, the tasks they solve are specific, but in general, the most common aggregations of basic models can be represented as follows (Fig. 11.2).

The configurations shown here are a simplified (linear-horizontal) representation reflecting the fundamentals

Rice . 11.2.

principles, content and sequence of their development and construction. In practice, such a dependence can branch out, develop, specialize and modernize not only at the development stage, but also in the course of using a specific toolkit, which significantly expands the application palette of its use.

At the same time, it is the sequence and continuity of the linear switching of the presented chains, which reflects a specific methodology for constructing organizational tools, that acquire particular importance. So, in the chain at the first level, the order already determines the rigidity of the regulation of the implementation of a particular command by its own status. In each specific case, on this basis, applied methods should be formed, adapted and applied to ensure the most complete achievement of the organization's goals through the targeted design and use of one or another aggregation.


Case #1

The figure shows an image of the network model of the "Project to create a new pharmaceutical product»:

Find the critical path.

Case #2

The figure shows an image of the network model of the Alpha Project, it is necessary to identify the critical path:

Case #3

Case №4

The figure shows an image of the network model of the "BBB" Project, it is necessary to identify the critical path:

Case #5

The figure shows an image of the network model of Project "A", it is necessary to identify the critical path:


Case #1

Choose the most profitable project for the Aquarium project team (calculating the rate of return of the projects): Project A requires an investment of 900, revenue stream: first year - 350, second year - 425, third year - 650. Project B requires costs of 325 and will provide income: first year - 100, second year - 200, third year - 300. Discount rate - 10%.

Case #2

The credit policy of Investor Bank limits the repayment term of the loan provided to finance investment projects related to the industry building materials, three years. Will there be a loan project team Alfa for the construction of a brick factory worth 1,300 million rubles, if the income stream is 500 million rubles. annually, discount rate - 8%

Case #3

The West project team needs to calculate the net present value of the income from the project. The cost of the project is 2450 million rubles, the flow of income: in the first year - 100 million rubles, in the second - 550 million rubles, in the third 800 million rubles, in the fourth - 1200 million rubles, in the fifth - 1500 million rubles, discount rate - 10%.

Case №4

The Voskhod project team needs to calculate the rate of return of a project worth 1400 million rubles, if in the first year of operation it will bring a loss of 200 million rubles, in the next five years the annual income will be 350 million rubles, the discount rate is 6% .

Case #5

Which project should be preferred by the Alfavit project team? The costs of the Omega project - 800 million rubles, income: in the first year - 200 million rubles, in the second - 350 million rubles, in the third - 400 million rubles, in the fourth year - 500 million. rub., the discount rate is 11%. The cost of the Alpha project is 2,100 million rubles, the income for five years is 600 million rubles annually, the discount rate is 8%.


Case #1

Case #2

The figure shows the organizational structure of management, determine the type organizational structure and identify its advantages and disadvantages

Case #3

The figure shows the organizational structure of management, determine the type of organizational structure and identify its disadvantages and advantages

Case №4

The figure shows the organizational structure of management, determine the type of organizational structure and identify its disadvantages and advantages

Case #5

The figure shows the organizational structure of management, determine the type of organizational structure and identify its disadvantages and advantages.


Case #1

Determine the payback period of the Ural investment project, which requires an investment of 1000. The predicted income stream will be: the first year - 200, the second - 500, the third - 600, the fourth - 800, the fifth - 900. Discount rates - 15%.

Case #2

Calculate the net present value of the income of the Ural project, which requires an investment of 1000. The projected income stream will be: the first year - 200, the second - 500, the third - 600, the fourth - 800, the fifth - 900. Discount rates - 15%.

1. Reduced project costs - 1000

2. The sum of the reduced income - 1851

3. Net present value of income - 851

Case №4

Choose the most profitable project (calculating the rate of return of projects): Project A requires an investment of 900, income stream: first year - 300, second year - 400, third year - 600. Project B requires costs of 325 and will provide income: first year - 100, second year - 200, third year - 300. Discount rate - 10%.

Case #5

Calculate the payback period for the Sun project, which requires costs in the amount of 850 million rubles. and providing income: in the first year - 85 million rubles, in the second - 300 million rubles, in the third - 400 million rubles, in the fourth - 500 million rubles, in the fifth year - 600 million rubles. , discount rate - 12% (business valuation).