Pr technology in healthcare. Specific PR in medicine

And in the world, doing medical PR for personal brands: doctors, surgeons, neurosurgeons, oncologists, narcologists, public figures in the field of medicine, as well as private clinics.

Today, the medical services market is highly competitive. Medical institutions must have a good reputation because this is very important for the client. - This is communication with the clients of the company and the establishment of trust in this institution. PR services in the field of medicine can be as follows:

  • promotion in the media;
  • writing materials;
  • interaction with patients and more;
  • and also this includes the development of a strategy, a plan for the promotion of medical services.

How do we do medical PR?

  • we hold stable meetings with expert groups - bloggers, journalists, politicians, officials, show business stars, doctors. We receive expert assessments and publish;
  • integrate personal brand as a sponsor for the best events in Moscow;
  • we make a photoset with the stars and bring the stars to your clinic;
  • we agree on barter cooperation with bloggers and magazines, TV and outdoor advertising;
  • we work actively on Instagram (we make more than 50,000 contacts per month);
  • we place the brand on all presswalls of the country;
  • we integrate the brand into all press releases of social events;
  • fill Instagram with the best images;
  • we analyze competitors on Instagram and work with their audience.

Every month you get:

  • 20 publications in the media are guaranteed;
  • from 1 to 5 reviews from bloggers with high audience coverage;
  • more than 50 hashtags with your brand;
  • from 2 or more publications in the press;
  • from 1 or more publications on TV on a barter basis (sometimes small budgets for video production are required). It all depends on you. If barter allows, then the number of publications can be easily increased up to 30 per month!
  • we inundate social networks with publications about you;
  • guaranteed to do 2 participation in social events as a VIP guest;
  • more than 50 photos of famous people with you;
  • 5 mailings in the media base (5000 contacts). We send out your news, which we ourselves create for you;
  • you get the development of your USP, image correction, a legend about you;
  • work with journalists and outgoing requests from journalists - professional press center.

The cost of the "medical PR" service

  • 100,000 rubles monthly;
  • + barter;
  • payment - cash / non-cash, electronic money, gold, silver;
  • we work under a contract;
  • bitcoin.

Our permanent clients

  • Alpha Insurance Clinic
  • MEDSI clinic
  • TRIUMPH clinic
  • Clinic HEREDORS
  • Clinic Health 21 Century
  • Clinic Genolier
  • Clinic Altra Vita
  • JiDerm
  • Clinic Milaveya
  • Dr. Malakhov



Chapter 1. Scope of PR activities in Russian healthcare

1.1 Marketing management healthcare

2 The role of information systems and technologies in health care

3 Features of interaction with the media

4 The relevance of using the services of consulting firms in domestic health care

5 The role of public opinion research in health care

6 "Preventive PR"

Chapter 2. Features of interaction government agencies health care of the Krasnoyarsk Territory with various categories of the public in order to form positive image industries

2.1 General information about healthcare in the Krasnoyarsk Territory

1.1 Medical and demographic situation, health status of the population and organization of medical care

1.2 Health financing

2 Health Department of the Administration of the Krasnoyarsk Territory

2.1 Tasks of the Health Department of the Administration of the Krasnoyarsk Territory

2.2 Structure of the Health Care Administration of the Krasnoyarsk Territory Administration

2.3. PR-service and press service of the Health Department of the Krasnoyarsk Territory Administration

3 Organization of preventive activities in the region

3.1 Center for Medical Prevention of the Health Department of the Krasnoyarsk Territory Administration

3.2 Editorial and publishing activities

3.3 Cultural and educational work

Chapter 3. Proposals to improve the communication strategy of the UZKK in the context of the implementation of Federal Law No. 122 on "monetization of benefits" and adjustment of the List of subsidized medicines

3.1 General information about Federal Law No. 122 on “Monetization of Benefits” and the List of Privileged Medicines

1.1 Changes and additions to Federal Law No. 122

1.2 List of concessional drugs

2 Analysis of the problems associated with the ongoing reforms in the health care system

3 Draft proposal for an information strategy in the context of the implementation of the law on monetization and adjustments to the list of subsidized drugs

3.1 Project concept

3.2 Goals and objectives

3.4 Evaluation of the effectiveness of ongoing activities





The last decade of the XX century turned out to be a turning point in the development of our state and the countries of the former USSR. The change in the entire set of fundamental socio-economic conditions in Russia has caused an urgent need to reform the structural units under the jurisdiction of state bodies. The development of market relations could not but affect the health care system, which underwent significant changes during the change in the political and economic foundation of the country.

For a long time, Russian healthcare has been characterized by the state type of ownership. However, this did not exclude the presence of several types of farming. For example, there was a legally paid healthcare system and a private medical practice. At the end of the 1980s, medical cooperative and rental enterprises appeared.

The creation of private medical institutions was caused by insufficient budget financing of non-profit health care structures. In addition, entrepreneurship is called upon to look for ways of a more complete, high-quality, affordable satisfaction of the needs for medical goods and services in comparison with that provided by public medicine.

But, despite the change in ideological priorities and the development of entrepreneurship, the public sector remains the basis of national and regional healthcare. Even in dentistry, where the principles of free market relations have been successfully used for a long time, the contribution of the public sector to the preservation and restoration of the health of citizens is estimated, depending on the system of analyzed indicators, at 70-90%.

One of the most important issues modern healthcare system of our country - the population lacks reliable information about the state of affairs in public healthcare, its problems and methods of dealing with them, which inevitably entails the emergence of distrust on the part of the public. The activities of specialists in the field of medicine are complicated by the fact that most of the population initially has a negative attitude towards the state health care system.

Needless to say, the lack of a well-functioning system of communication between health authorities and the public, the widespread opinion about the low quality of medical services negatively affects the functioning of institutions and the development of the health care industry as a whole.

An attempt to change the current situation was expressed in the creation of press services and departments for public relations under the federal and regional health authorities. Work on creating a new image of domestic medicine is carried out every day. But basically it is limited to educational activities: holding conferences, briefings, issuing press releases, active cooperation with the media and public organizations.

Daily development of new technologies in the field of Russian medicine, constant improvement of the work of specialists in the field of public health care, as well as radical reform of the health care system associated with attempts to adapt it to the conditions as much as possible market economy also require systematic interaction with society.

In this regard, Russian public relations specialists admit that in the future the healthcare sector will become one of the leaders in the development of the public relations industry.

But today there is still very little domestic literature devoted to the study of this issue, and therefore the study of foreign sources devoted to the functioning of PR in the public sector was of great importance in our disclosure of the research topic (foreign experts have been analyzing the specifics of the non-commercial sphere for a very long time public relations, including in the field of health).

In Russia at the present stage, the discussion of the development of public relations in the field of public health protection is conducted mainly at the level of conferences, congresses and workshops on the topic "Public relations in the field of health care". This circumstance allows us to conclude that at present in our country the formation of the basic methodological principles of the functioning of PR in the field of public health is taking place.

Nevertheless, today there is whole line scientific works based on the practical activities of healthcare professionals in related fields, such as marketing, management, communication technologies, sociological research, etc.: Andryushkov A.A. "The use of information technologies in health care", Dmitrieva E.V. "Communication in health care", O. A. Vasnetsova Healthcare Marketing Management; "Health Economics" edited by A.V. Reshetnikov; Vyalkov A.I., Raizberg B.A., Shilenko Yu.V. Health Care Management and Economics; V.B. Izmailov "Methodology creation of corporate information systems for the management of medical institutions in the region ", etc.

Special attention should be paid to the materials published in the specialized journals "PR in Russia", "Communication", "Counselor" and devoted to the experience and prospects of interaction of healthcare institutions with the media.

Krasnoyarsk specialists A.A. Modestov, B.S. Grakov, E.B. Naumova: "Marketing in health care", "Management in health care", etc.

The purposeThis work is the identification and study of modern PR-technologies used in domestic public health organizations, and the development of proposals to improve the image of the health care system of the Krasnoyarsk Territory (in the context of the implementation of Federal Law No. 122 on "monetization of benefits").

Based on this goal, the following tasks work:

· analysis of the characteristics of the marketing complex in the healthcare sector;

· study of modern information technologies used in the Russian healthcare system and the purposes of their application, identification of the features of interaction with the media;

· study of the goals and directions of public opinion research in health care;

· diagnostics of the relevance of using the services of consulting firms in the formation of the image of health care institutions;

· consideration of the sphere of preventive PR in healthcare in Russia and the Krasnoyarsk Territory as one of the most developed in terms of the use of communication technologies;

· analysis of the activities of the press and PR services of the Health Department of the Krasnoyarsk Territory Administration;

· development of a communication behavior strategy in the context of the implementation of the law of "monetization" of benefits in the healthcare sector for the PR-service of the regional Department of healthcare.

In this work, we used the following research methods:

) monitoring of media materials,

) enabled surveillance,

) conversations with representatives of the public, employees of PR-services of social departments of the region,

) study of documentation on the activities of the Health Department of the Krasnoyarsk Territory Administration.

Objectthis study is information activities government agencies health care of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. In turn, subjectresearch has become the specifics of the development of public relations in the public health sector of the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

As methodological foundationsstudies were used:

· Basic provisions of the theory of communication: the concept of communications by W. Schram; “Sociocultural model” of persuasion (Melvin L. DeFleur, Sandra J. Ball-Rokeach); The "situational theory" of social groups by James Grüning;

· Basic principles of crisis theory;

· Key provisions of marketing, management: the concept of social marketing, target audience, management of information systems, a strategic approach to managing information flows;

· Conceptual provisions systems approach: James G. Miller, Stephen Littlejohn, Walter Buckley, Sue H. Bell, Eugene S. Bell;

· Empirical research method;

· General scientific research methods: analysis, synthesis, deduction, induction, analogy, etc.

The work consists of three chapters, the first of which is devoted to the peculiarities of the development of public relations and related disciplines in the field of Russian healthcare. In the second chapter, on the basis of the analysis carried out, the activities of health authorities, as well as the specifics of their interaction with the public, are revealed. The third chapter is devoted to the development of a communication strategy project for the Health Department of the Krasnoyarsk Territory Administration within the framework of the implementation of the law on “monetization of benefits”. The work has an introduction and conclusion with the main conclusions.

Statistical data on the work of the press service of the Health Department of the Krasnoyarsk Territory Administration were used as appendices to the work; extracts from Federal Law No. 122 on “monetization of benefits”; a thematic selection of publications in the media dedicated to the public reaction to the adoption of the law on monetization; plan of information support for the implementation of the law in the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

Chapter 1. Scope of PR activities in Russian healthcare

.1 Health Marketing Management

In connection with the market transformations carried out in Russia, accompanied by the emergence, development and intensification of competition among economic entities involved in treatment-and-prophylactic and medical-production activities, they have to master new methods of working in the market of medical goods and services in order to use resources more efficiently, increase profit, more fully meet the growing demands of consumers.

In comparison with the recent past, the number of product names has increased by several orders of magnitude. As a result, it became difficult for specialists, and especially consumers, to navigate the market for medical and pharmaceutical services.

The need for constant analysis of the state of the market for medical products, monitoring the dynamics and identifying trends in the ratio of supply and demand led to the reorientation of medical organizations - both state and commercial - to use the marketing concept as a systemic philosophy of managing a set of factors. market activities.

Speaking about the need to use the concept of a marketing complex in public health care, the following argument can be made: despite the fact that the main activity of non-profit institutions is reduced to providing medical assistance to the population under the compulsory health insurance program, they can carry out and entrepreneurial activity.

There are several cases in which a non-profit institution can provide paid medical services:

· lack of appropriate medical services in the city's compulsory health insurance program and targeted comprehensive programs of the Department of Health;

· the desire of a patient who has applied for a medical service to receive it for a fee, incl. provision of medical services with an increased level of comfort;

· provision of paid medical services to nonresident residents and citizens of foreign states within the framework of voluntary medical insurance.

When positioning paid medical services, determining the level of their quality and ensuring it is one of the priority tasks medical institution... But quality must be considered not only from a professional, but also from a consumer point of view.

It was found that consumers evaluate the quality of a service by comparing the expected and obtained results, the discrepancy between which is commonly called the “quality gap”. As a consequence, the main task in the process of quality management from the point of view of marketing and PR comes down to narrowing this gap. A very important factor is the timeliness of the medical care provided. The politeness and attentiveness of medical workers plays an important role. In general, the patient needs the symptoms of the disease to be eliminated and the disease itself to be prevented or stopped.

For a practical assessment of the results of the work of medical workers, it is recommended to use the following characteristics of the qualitative parameters of their professionalism and work success:

· Professional competence;


· Accessibility degree;

· Effectiveness;

· Interpersonal relationships;





Professional competence reflects the knowledge and skills of medical and auxiliary personnel and is determined by how personnel in their activities follow evidence-based clinical guidelines, protocols and standards in terms of conducting preventive work, diagnosing and treating a patient.

Reputation is a positive public opinion about an organization.

The availability of medical care means the possibility of receiving quality medical care by the patient, regardless of geographical, economic, social, cultural, organizational or linguistic barriers.

Effectiveness is fundamental to the quality of care. Performance assessment provides answers to the following questions:

1.Is it possible, when using one or another medical technology in prevention, diagnosis and treatment, to obtain the results set out in guidelines, clinical protocols?

2.will the chosen technology lead to results in specific conditions?

In clinical practice, it is necessary to use technologies, the clinical result of which has been confirmed (proven) in the leading clinical centers of the country.

Interpersonal relationships - the relationship between healthcare personnel and patients, between healthcare professionals, healthcare facilities, healthcare authorities and the public. Good relationships create an atmosphere of trust, responsiveness, mutual respect, which to a greater extent contributes to a positive attitude of both patients towards the treatment being carried out and the attitude of medical personnel to the success of the treatment and prophylactic measures. The patient likes the courteous, considerate, and helpful staff.

Efficiency is measured as the ratio of the results obtained to the expended resources. Performance analysis is most often done to compare alternative technologies. Based on the analysis of the effectiveness, it is necessary to select the optimal treatment technology that ensures the achievement of the result at an acceptable cost.

Continuity means that the patient must receive all the necessary medical care without delay or interruption, in accordance with the standards of diagnosis and treatment. In this case, the management of the patient is carried out by one doctor who interacts with the ambulance service, hospitals, and medical rehabilitation organizations. Failure to adhere to continuity negatively affects performance, reduces performance and impairs interpersonal relationships.

Safety means minimizing the risk of possible injury, infection, treatment side effects and other unwanted consequences of medical care. When deciding on the choice of a particular medical technology, the doctor should proceed from the minimum risk of harm, both to the patient's health and to his own.

Convenience means that the patient has the opportunity to receive medical care in conditions that are as close to home as possible, depending on the severity of the course of the disease. These conditions include: neat appearance of personnel and material objects, comfort, cleanliness, confidential environment, and so on.

Some of the factors presented are related to the quality of the final service, while others are related to the quality of the delivery process. Thus, the creation of a medical service occurs with direct interaction between the patient and the doctor. Based on this, the marketing of services requires both internaland bilateral marketing.

Internal marketing involves effective motivation and training of employees who are in direct contact with patients. To provide a service of the highest quality, a medical institution must sufficiently motivate the doctor, orient him towards the consumer. One of the main levers of influence in the theory of motivation is material incentives. For Russian health care, due to inadequate remuneration of medical workers, this lever is of paramount importance.

In turn, two-way marketing assumes that the quality of the service largely depends on the quality of the interaction between the doctor and the patient.

A city polyclinic can provide paid medical services, while providing additional services, for example: a doctor's visit to the house, a reminder of the need for a visit, etc. A reinforced service is more likely to be in demand in the market.

The distribution methods of a medical service are predetermined by one of its main properties - the coincidence of the time of delivery and consumption, that is, the only distribution channel is direct sale.

In addition to the coincidence of the time of provision and consumption of the service, when determining healthcare marketing strategyspecialists should take into account its other (areas) features:

1.Usually, those who pay for health care services (insurance companies) have limited control over the purchase or cost of services (in some cases, they can set a limit on reimbursement for medical services or exclude or restrict the use of certain types of services);

2.The choice of hospital and the decision on the appointment of procedures is usually not made by the client, but by the service provider - usually the attending physician;

.Paid medical services can be painful and unpleasant, making clear the difference between what is desired and what is needed.

.Potential consumers do not need to be convinced that they need hospitals, doctors and nurses. It is enough for consumers to have a guarantee that they will receive all this if necessary. Consumers are most interested in paying for their health care needs. Compared to the financial issue, all others are secondary.

In the process of implementing any marketing strategy, there is inevitably a need to create an effective system for promoting a product to the market. To successfully sell even competitive products, it is not enough just to offer them to potential consumers at an attractive price.

It is necessary to ensure that the most important distinguishing features of the product are known to the target group of buyers, using the means appropriate for each specific case in the form of public relations, advertising and sales promotion.

Due to the practical intangibility or limited tangibility of services provided to the population, the media and public relations play an important role in their promotion to consumers. In order to attract the attention of paying patients, medical organizations must take care of maintaining their image. Establishment and strengthening of relations of a medical organization with the public is carried out through targeted informational impact on various audiences. In order to create an atmosphere of mutual understanding and, as a consequence, increase the level of consumer confidence in the organization's activities, most medical organizations use the possibilities of television, the press and other means of influencing the consciousness of consumers.

It should be noted the rapid growth of the revolutionary influence of the global computer network on the promotion of medical services and medical supplies. By the beginning of 2000, more than 500 medical production structures had their own sites or web pages.

1.2 The role of information systems and technologies in health care

Communication is one of the most important programs in the field of health care. The possibilities of using communication are quite wide and vary depending on the growing demand for health services and raising the individual's level of awareness of health problems and how to solve them; from influencing the views of people, consolidating their positive actions aimed at maintaining and maintaining health. At the same time, communication is not intended to compensate for the shortage of healthcare services, to change people's behavior in the absence of appropriate federal programs, or to work out all issues or disseminate all messages with equal efficiency.

In the healthcare sector, various types of communication program models are being developed. The choice of a model depends on the nature of the problem, the specifics and number of target audiences, the required information, communication channels, and the timing of their action. However, all communication programs are aimed at solving certain problems in the field of health and health care.

The World Health Organization has developed and proposed its own version of the communication program, consisting of the following stages:

1.Definition of tasks (the main requirement is their feasibility and feasibility);

2.Initial assessment (description of the situation, which allows you to prioritize, identify risk groups, collect information about target audiences and ways of communicating with them);

.Identification of target audiences;

.Setting final and intermediate goals;

.Development of strategies (creation of messages and materials, selection of appropriate communication channels, institutions and events to bring messages to target audiences);

.Support services (in the course of developing communication programs, it is important to assess the available organizational resources, the mechanisms of their activity, if necessary, conduct additional training of medical personnel, social workers, secondary school teachers);

.Monitoring and evaluation (allows you to evaluate the effectiveness of the program and investment);

.Scheduling and budgeting (when budgeting, in addition to traditional items of expenditure (staff salaries, travel costs), items such as research, production of educational materials and their distribution should be included);

.Reevaluation (carried out by the experts who developed and managed the communication program).

The main goals in the development of communication programs are: the creation of trusting relationships between health care institutions and the public, the promotion of a healthy lifestyle, as well as support and assistance to people suffering from severe and intractable diseases.

At the same time, the information culture sets itself the following tasks:

Formation information networks and portals,allowing to carry out interactive communication (consult, exchange experience, form local development groups, etc.), easily and quickly reach the necessary electronic resources. These include: creation of websites (providing information to the public, various consultations, providing psychological assistance) and telephone channels, publishing printed materials, holding events;

2.Development and implementation exhibitions and conferences:

· exhibitions enabling for specialists, as well as for ordinary people, to get acquainted with the latest technologies in the field of healthcare, a wide range of goods and services presented in the medical care market;

· electronic and videoconferences, teleconferences, on-line and off-line conferences, necessary to consolidate the efforts of doctors and those agents involved in socio-psychological prevention of diseases in the fight against epidemics and pandemics.

A more complex type of Internet conferencing is the video conferencing format. Videoconferencing allows conference participants to communicate online via a computer screen directly with a person, send complex graphs and drawings, etc. It is extremely difficult to find a precedent for videoconferencing in the area of ​​interest to us at this stage of healthcare development. However, in general in the field of Russian healthcare, videoconferences are held (albeit very rarely). This is due to the fact that they require a well-equipped base with modern technologies. And Russian public organizations, living on grants, can neither purchase such a base, nor rent it.

From the technological capabilities of video conferencing, there are, in fact, three areas of their application in the field of healthcare: 1) international conferences; 2) teleconsultations; 3) distance learning... In medical practice, all these areas are covered by a special area - "telemedicine".

The use of information technology related social monitoring of diseases, screening and dispensary observation,allowing to speed up the process of data processing and analysis.

In the field of patient examination with the prediction of the probable forms of the disease for the next few years, information technology has gained a high position. Public organizations usually deal only with the results of the application of such technologies: statistics, forecasts, etc.

1.3 Features of interaction with the media

According to Bruce Vladeck, one of the US health professionals, due to the heightened interest and rather skeptical attitude of the media to health issues, specialists in this field are faced with a problem: “Of all the tasks of the leadership of health organizations, perhaps the most important is maintaining contacts between organizations and society, ”says Vladek.

While face-to-face contact and the dissemination of printed materials to patients and other audiences of health care facilities are the most effective methods of informing the local community, the media play an important role in promoting health programs and disseminating information about individual hospitals and about the whole the health care system. In the healthcare sector (as in other areas of activity), truthfulness, accessibility, promptness are the keys to good relations with the media. Most healthcare institutions have an authorized representative whose job is to answer questions from the media at any time of the day or night. Hospitals and public health authorities that maintain a friendly relationship with the press have more opportunities to reach out to (and influence) the public through the media.

The PR specialist must train medical personnel to answer interview questions and provide reporters with adequate background information. Healthcare is a technically complex area of ​​activity. To draw attention to it from the media and the public, it needs to be looked at from the point of view of human needs. The time spent defining an effective strategy and training reporters, as well as selecting doctors and patients for interviews, always pays off. The better informed a journalist is, the more likely it is that in the course of public discussion he will be able to accurately, comprehensively and competently cover the health problems under consideration.

This type of media reporting, such as information received from patients, requires special attention. In a simplified way, it can be said that there is almost always a discrepancy between what medical professionals can tell about their patients, and what information the press seeks to report about illnesses or injuries of patients. The press's need for information and its principle of “the people have the right to know” conflict with privacy law, with the principles of medical ethics, and with the special, trusting relationship between doctor and patient. To some extent, to clarify this contradiction medical societies and hospitals have developed a Health Information Privacy Policy that should guide both the press and healthcare professionals when it comes to patient information. Both the media and hospital staff must adhere to the following rules.

1.Protect the personal rights of citizens so that none of the hospital's patients gets into a difficult or awkward situation and does not fear being the object of contempt or ridicule.

2.Promote the dissemination of accurate, reliable and up-to-date information.

.Interact honestly and openly in all aspects of business.

Hospital policies generally permit the release of the patient's name, age, gender, treatment, summary diagnosis, and general condition, unless the patient requests that the information not be released in writing. Data protected by the Privacy Policy for Medical Information includes medical history, mental or physical condition of the patient, and treatment features. The rules recommend that every hospital has a dedicated staff member or designated staff representative to work with the media around the clock.

But even if you follow all the above recommendations and rules, you should be careful. With the flourishing of tabloid journalism and the proliferation of lawsuits, hospitals and other healthcare organizations are often targeted by patients. Legal and ethical considerations limit the ability of healthcare organizations to respond to allegations against them through the media. On the other hand, in the event a patient goes to court, the responsibilities of the media should be taken into account to adequately and accurately convey news from the world of medicine and the obligations of healthcare organizations to cooperate with the media as a voluntary source of information, while protecting the right to privacy and professional reputation of people within the organization. and beyond.

1.4 The relevance of using the services of consulting firms in domestic health care

With the development of market relations in Russia, healthcare workers are forced to significantly reform the principles of management, change some priorities of their activities, and perform functions that were previously unusual for them.

Treatment-and-prophylactic institutions (LPI) are included in the system social service population, and their main goal is to provide quality medical and preventive care. On the other hand, a healthcare facility is a separate economic entity that has greater independence than before and operates in market conditions. In other words, a healthcare facility provides medical services to the population and receives money for this either through the system of compulsory and / or voluntary insurance, or directly from the patient.

The variety of innovation processes, tough competition, the laws of a market economy require the management to constantly improve its own activities in relation to consumers.

The main task of the healthcare facility is efficient management a system for the production of demanded medical services in the required volume, of the appropriate quality, at reasonable prices and their sale to the consumer.

Thus, the management of healthcare facilities is forced to solve a whole range of marketing and public relations issues, which include studying and meeting the demand for certain medical services, finding ways to survive in an environment of tough competition.

The successful functioning of this system, especially during the period of its formation, largely depends on the solution of these issues, the range of which is very wide, and the specificity is relatively new for the management of medical institutions. The involvement of special personnel, experts in the relevant business areas for this is a logical solution to this situation. However, the variety of problems that arise requires the management to keep such a number of experts on the staff of the health care facility that any economic feasibility of such a solution disappears.

It is much more efficient to use the services of outside experts, involving them for specific tasks, forming an appropriate advisory apparatus. These professionals are responsible for advising management in their area of ​​expertise.

In international practice, the system of management and business consulting is widely developed. These are independent, professional teams of experts who are involved in solving complex management and business organization issues. Consulting is a method of introducing scientific knowledge into management processes, performs the functions of their rationalization.

But in Russian healthcare, the sector of management and business consulting is currently practically absent, although all the necessary prerequisites have been formed for its development: the introduction of market mechanisms in state system health care, the development of private medicine, competition in the market for medical services and the medical field of activity, etc.

Consulting in health care has its own specifics, which does not allow using only general economic approaches.

Today, the following, the most pressing issues in the field of medical activity can be distinguished, requiring the involvement of independent consultants or groups of consultants for their effective solution:

1.Consulting directly in medical practice:

· Analysis of the economic situation in the industry, development trends, investment situation;

· Analysis and optimization of financial activities;

· Business planning of activities, organization and / or reorganization of health care facilities;

· Market research of medical services;

· Development of a marketing complex for their promotion:

a. Determination of the list of services

b. Pricing. Promotion (advertising, PR, etc.)

· Quality management of medical care;

· Personnel management and motivation;

· HR consulting;

· Analysis of the effectiveness of PR-events.

2.Consulting in the field of intellectual property and copyright protection.

The effective management of projects for the complex equipment of medical facilities, departments, etc. is gaining great relevance today. Such projects usually require very deep study and are associated with the need to resolve a wide range of issues:

· Development of a clear task with a list of the necessary treatment methods and / or research methods that need to be implemented;

· In accordance with the plan of the premises, the development and optimization of the plan for the location of functional zones (departments), the development of a list of medical services provided based on the requirements of consumers, planning of patient flows;

· Marketing of the market of medical equipment and supplies in order to draw up a specification that best meets the needs of healthcare facilities;

· Planning the work of a new facility in modern conditions in the medical services market.

To address the complex and varied problems of healthcare management, completely new organizational approaches are required. Involvement of experts in solving practical problems will give a powerful impetus to the development of scientific aspects in the field of management and organization of health care, as well as help to more effectively use health resources.

1.5 The role of public opinion research in health care

Management decisions made at the level of federal and regional health structures in order to optimize their functioning in a qualitatively changed socio-economic environment, especially in unbalanced social systems and a rapidly changing environment, require adequate forms and methods of obtaining operational information.

For a timely assessment of the situation in the minds of consumers of health services, institutions different levels both commercial and government require opinion research specialists.

Thus, health research is of strategic importance in developing relations with society. They provide an opportunity to influence target groups using the information received.

Most of the research in the field of health care in Russia is not conducted for commercial purposes, i.e. the collected information, if distributed in the media, then not as part of advertising campaign one of the health organizations, but only for the purpose of publishing current data on the state of a particular health sector.

There are several main directions in which sociological research is carried out.

Firstthe direction is associated with the study of the interaction of the health care system and society. It allows you to receive information from the population about the effectiveness of the health care system, study the information requests of target groups, motivation to change their attitude to their health.

Secondthe direction of sociological research studies problems within the health care system. These are the problems of medical workers associated with their professional activities, social status in society, and the interaction of the health care system with others social institutions and government agencies.

Thirdthe direction - medical and sociological research - is associated with the study of the socio-psychological aspects of the course of diseases and makes it possible in the future to predict risk groups for some diseases.

The use of the results of various public opinion studies in order to design communication strategies is typical mainly for pharmaceutical manufacturers or their representatives in our country.

Preventive institutions of the country also widely use the results of sociological research in their activities. Based on the data obtained, they propose a variety of strategies to prevent diseases and stimulate a healthy lifestyle, and improve people's health. For example, health education for smoking cessation is often very effective thanks to the information obtained from research and improves the health of many people.

Conducting public opinion research makes it possible to create a communication strategy, thanks to which value attitudes towards health, disease and medical care, medicine and healthcare organization are formed among different segments of the population. The goal of the sociology of medicine is to find and create means and tools to control society in the interests of global strengthening of public health, prevention of undesirable trends in the development of medicine and health care.

1.6 "Preventive PR"

Prevention is one of the priority areas for the development of public relations in the field of Russian healthcare. The search for optimal ways to combat many dangerous diseases, bad habits, the dissemination of information about the activities of sports organizations and healthy eating - in all these areas, PR specialists have been working for a long time in the field of healthcare in various regions of our country.

Today and in the foreseeable future, the state of public health and the prognosis of morbidity are disappointing. The financial situation of more than half of the inhabitants of Russia borders on the subsistence level, which not only undermines the state of health, but also leads to severe psychological consequences. An increasing number of people find a way out in alcohol, drugs, violence.

The main blow falls on children. Many of them become victims of violence or find themselves abandoned by their parents, who are unable to cope with the burden of their upbringing and maintenance.

Against this background, there is a leveling of universal human norms of behavior, moral and moral values, a decrease in general culture and mental degradation. And it is hardly surprising that at the same time, all strata of society have absolutely no need for health promotion and the desire for a healthy lifestyle.

Such a state of society is fraught with serious cataclysms, and no declarations will be able to normalize the situation. Only hard work, a serious analysis of opportunities, an active search for ways out of the crisis can ensure the rights of every citizen to protect his health.

To reduce the prevalence of risk factors, reduce their impact on humans and stimulate health-promoting factors of the internal and external environment, it is necessary to implement health promotion and disease prevention policies.

The efforts of specialists should be aimed at shaping and supporting people's desire for positive changes in their lifestyles and creating a physical and social environment conducive to these changes (according to the principle of "making healthy choices easier").

In accordance with the "Concept of health protection of healthy people in Russian Federation”, The medical prevention service has two important roles. Firstly, increasing the potential of healthy people, and secondly, restoring health to patients with the help of preventive and restorative medicine methods.

The main objectives of the health promotion and disease prevention policy in Russia are: reducing the prevalence of smoking, alcohol, drug and drug use; dissemination of information on the prevention of such serious diseases as AIDS, hypertension and others; improving the quality of food and the environment; increased physical activity; mitigating the influence of damaging psychosocial factors and improving the quality of life; observance by the population of measures of personal and social prevention.

The development of each of these areas is impossible without the organization of active activities of preventive institutions, aimed at a systematic and purposeful impact on the consciousness and behavior of a person in order to establish hygienic attitudes, concepts, principles, value orientations and the formation of a healthy lifestyle, that is, behavior that contributes to the preservation and strengthening of health.

The solution of these complex problems primarily depends on the formation of an appropriate public opinion. To this end, today all interested partners are involved in preventive activities, including the ministries of education, health, culture, committees for youth, tourism and sports, non-governmental and public organizations, associations, foundations, academies, the media, consumer goods manufacturing firms and other participants.


The rapid development of public relations in the domestic health care in Lately becomes a reality in our life. In connection with the processes taking place in modern Russian society, transformations in the economic and social spheres have changed the requirements for the management of organizations in both public and private health care.

The main reasons for the need to create public relations staff in government bodies and institutions of Russian health care are:

· the unfavorable image of Russian healthcare, which has developed as a result of leftover funding over the years and the absence of a single information space;

· the rapid growth of competition;

· active introduction of new technologies and continuous improvement of the work of health professionals;

· low level of public concern about their health, insufficient public awareness of the spread of serious diseases and their prevention.

An important step in the development of public relations activities was the creation of PR and press services, as well as public relations departments under federal and regional health authorities. Many medical organizations are already using the principles of marketing management in their work. Great importance is attached to the creation of a unified information network in the field of health care.

Turning to the services of independent consultants and consulting groups when shaping the image of an organization as a whole is not typical for domestic healthcare, but many experts already say that this issue is relevant for medical institutions in Russia.

As noted by the International Association of Public Relations Consulting Companies, one of the highest gains in the turnover of this specialty in the future will be provided by the healthcare sector. According to the forecasts of domestic experts, Russia in the development of public relations in the field of public health protection will not lag behind the leading world powers.

health care image strategy monetization

Chapter 2. Features of interaction of public health authorities of the Krasnoyarsk Territory with various categories of the public in order to form a positive image of the industry

In the Krasnoyarsk Territory, the formation of staffs for public relations in institutions and public health authorities began relatively recently. The active development of this specialty over the past few years has taken place mainly in the political arena of the region.

Nevertheless, the economic changes that our country faced at the end of the 20th century have a significant impact on the social sphere of the region. At present, as the results of many sociological surveys show, health workers no longer rely on budget funding, but rely on their own strength, are guided by contractual activities and the provision of paid medical services.

In this regard, the need to establish trusting relationships with consumers of goods and services in the healthcare sector is increasing, and the development of PR activities is undoubtedly becoming one of the leading areas of reforming this sector in the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

Today, the duties of PR specialists in the field of healthcare in the region are mainly performed by employees of departments for organizational and methodological work, as well as specialists responsible for disseminating information about the activities of various medical organizations in the media (press secretaries). At the Health Department of the Krasnoyarsk Territory Administration, there is a PR and press service, the main task of which is to create a single information space on the activities of the Department.

In this chapter, we will consider the structure of health care in the Krasnoyarsk Territory and the role of PR services in its development.

2.1 General information about healthcare in the Krasnoyarsk Territory

.1.1 Medical and demographic situation, health status of the population and organization of medical care

The Krasnoyarsk Territory is one of the largest regions of the Russian Federation in terms of area. The resident population of the region is about 3 million people (as of 01.01.2005, the number was 2941.993 thousand people).

The medical and demographic situation in the region over the past decade has been characterized by a negative natural population growth. But since 2001, its significant improvement has been noted on the territory of the region: an increase in the birth rate, a decrease in population decline, a decrease in the infant mortality rate - a number of indicators characterizing positive trends in the health care system of our region.

Figure 1. Demographic indicators for the Krasnoyarsk Territory for 2001-2003.

The leading diseases in the region continue to be diseases of the respiratory system, nervous system and sensory organs.

In 2004, for the first time in the past few years, diseases of the circulatory system came out on top, which is explained, on the one hand, by the improvement in the quality of work in primary health care to actively identify people with diseases of the cardiovascular system, and on the other hand, by the absence of an epidemic in 2004. the rise of influenza and acute respiratory viral infections.

Among the stable tendencies, a gradual process of aging of the population of the region can be noted. Thus, in 1993-2002, the proportion of the population over the working age increased by 1.8%.

The health care management system of the Krasnoyarsk Territory includes 243 health care institutions, which employ about 63 thousand workers. In 2004, medical assistance to the population was provided by hospital institutions with a total bed capacity of 29820, 161 independent polyclinics, 20 dental clinics, 29 specialized dispensaries, 111 medical outpatient clinics, 1,077 paramedic and obstetric posts, 69 emergency departments. There are 115 hospitals in rural areas with a total bed capacity of 5734.

2.1.2 Health financing

Financing of health care in the Krasnoyarsk Territory is carried out from the following sources:

· funds from budgets of all levels: federal, regional, municipal;

· Funds of compulsory medical insurance;

· from the provision of paid services;

· sponsorship;

· charitable donations;

· other sources.

The activity of public relations specialists in order to attract funds from various sources of financing is one of the most important directions of the development of Public Relations in the field of public health.

Organization of effective interaction with existing and potential financial resources represents the basis for the development and improvement of the entire health care system, including equipping institutions with modern equipment, attracting highly qualified specialists to the industry and other important aspects.

To receive budgetary funds, it is necessary to clearly define and structure all directions of financial flows according to the degree of significance and provide state bodies with a justification for allocating funds for certain objects, events, equipment, etc. Organization of information support (preparation of justifications for various projects and actions, building a communication strategy with government agencies, etc.) interaction of healthcare professionals with government officials on budget financing is the responsibility of PR specialists.

The relevance of the work of public relations specialists to attract funds from the Mandatory Medical Insurance Fund is explained by the fact that the amount of money allocated by the MHIF for a particular health care institution directly depends on the number of its patients.

With regard to ensuring the effective functioning of public health institutions in the provision of paid medical services, the successful work of public relations specialists can significantly expand the possibilities of this source of funding.

Charitable activities and sponsorship are an extensive field of activity for PR specialists in Western countries and have not yet earned due attention in our region, although in the future they can also serve as a resource for improving the system of public health protection.

2.2 Health Department of the Administration of the Krasnoyarsk Territory

The organization and management of the health care system on the territory of the Krasnoyarsk Territory is carried out by the Health Department of the Administration of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, the main strategy of which is to optimize the activities of healthcare institutions to provide high-quality and affordable medical care to the residents of the region.

The course taken by the management of the Office over the next five years involves a transition to health financing on a per capita basis. At the same time, it is planned to balance the volume of state guarantees in the field of providing residents with free medical care and their drug provision with the financial capabilities of the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

The priority area of ​​activity of bodies and institutions of territorial health care is the protection of the health of mothers and children.

2.2.1 Tasks of the Health Care Administration of the Krasnoyarsk Territory Administration

The main objectives of the Health Department for the next few years :

1.In the area of ​​structural transformation:

· Development of a promising model for the development of a network of healthcare institutions based on an analysis of the need for medical care.

· Creation of a technological system for the provision of consultative medical care for residents of northern and rural areas.

· Creation of conditions for the formation of a market for medical services, ensuring access of the population to the services of healthcare organizations, regardless of the form of ownership, based on the formation of a single tariff, including all items of current expenses for medical services.

2.In the field of improving the health care management system of the Krasnoyarsk Territory ( the main objective pursued by experts in this area - increasing the availability of medical care in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, regardless of where people live):

· Improvement of the legal framework governing the activities of healthcare organizations and medical personnel.

· Development of a control system for ensuring state guarantees for the provision of free medical care to the population of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, spending of funds from the compulsory medical insurance system.

· Creation of a single information space.

· Conducting training or retraining of those specialists who work in the countryside, providing them with equipment; organization of the work of mobile teams.

So, for example, the Health Department of the region annually holds the "Train of Health" campaign: a team of medical specialists is organized to travel to the regions of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. The main goal of this action is to increase the availability of medical care for the population of remote areas of the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

3.In the field of maternity and childhood protection:

· Development of an intensive care and consulting service.

· Diagnosis of congenital malformations at the birth of a child.

· Correct planning of the birth of a healthy child.

2.2.2 Structure of the Health Care Administration of the Krasnoyarsk Territory Administration

To ensure the functioning of the system of health care institutions, the following departments have been created in the Health Department of the regional administration:

1. Department for the provision of medical and preventive care for the adult population;

2. Department for the provision of medical and preventive care for children and women.

Protection of the health of mothers and children has always been a priority in the activities of the Regional Department of Health. The introduction of effective organizational technologies contributed to a significant decrease in the mortality rate in children under one year of age. The decrease in the indicator occurred for all age groups.

Reproductive health work for women has sustained a downward trend in abortion rates in all age groups and an increase in female coverage modern methods contraception.

The main functions of the department are:

3. Department of licensing of medical activities, accreditation of medical institutions, standardization and quality control of medical care , the main tasks of which are:

· licensing of medical activities;

· accreditation of legal and individuals implementing medical activity and located on the territory of the region;

· standardization and quality control of medical care;

· methodological and expert advisory work on various issues.

· maintaining the archive of the Department.

4. Department of strategic planning and development;

5. Department of health resort business;

6. Department of Legal and personnel work;

7. Planning and Economic Department;

8. Department of mobilization work and extreme medicine ;

. Department of centralized accounting and reporting

10. Common department

2.2.3 PR-service and press service of the Health Department of the Krasnoyarsk Territory Administration

One of the structural divisions of the Health Department of the Krasnoyarsk Administration (UZKK) of the Territory is the press service, created in September 2003. Its activity is to ensure interaction between the Office and the media in order to conduct a unified information policy in the health care system of the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

Four months after the creation of a press service in the Health Department of the Krasnoyarsk Territory Administration, a PR service began its activities. In contrast to the traditional system of work, when the press service is part of the PR department, in the regional Department of Health, these two units complement each other and function on an equal basis.

According to the specialists of the regional Department of Health, before the creation of the press service and PR-department, there was not enough time, opportunity and effort to cover the position of the Department. After the management of UZKK made a decision to organize a specialized department for interaction with external environment organizing and inviting professional specialists to work, the situation has changed radically: systematic work has been organized to interact with the population of the city and the region, the amount of negative information addressed to the Health Department by journalists has sharply decreased.

At present, the activities of the press service and the PR department related to improving the image of the Health Department of the Krasnoyarsk Territory Administration and the regional health system are very diverse.

The main tasks of the press service are:

· organizing press conferences for the head of the Health Department of the Krasnoyarsk Territory Administration or at his order of official representatives, appearances in the media, meetings with representatives of the media and others official events;

· interaction with Russian and foreign mass media and journalists for the purpose of full objective coverage of the activities of the Health Department of the regional administration;

· formation of public opinion on the activities of the UZKK through the mass media;

· participation in the preparation and conduct of official visits and working trips of the head of the health department of the regional administration or, at his order, of official representatives in the country and abroad for the purpose of their consecration in the media;

· preparation of statements and messages for the media, briefings and press conferences on the activities of the UZKK;

· studying the materials of the media in order to determine their positions, preparing their reviews, as well as analytical and reference materials;

· accreditation of journalists covering the activities of the Health Department of the regional administration;

· interaction with the press services of federal bodies state power, with the press service of the council of the administration of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, as well as with independent subdivisions, state bodies, enterprises and organizations.

· formation of analytical information on the activities of the Department in order to provide it to the media;

· request and receipt of the necessary materials and information in the executive authorities of the region to create a single information space on the activities of the Department;

· organization of coverage of the activities of the Office and its structural divisions in the media.

In turn, the tasks of the PR department are:

· organization of events timed to events related to the protection of the health of citizens of the country and the region;

· production of printed materials (booklets, leaflets, books, photo archives), videos, presentation discs dedicated to the activities of health authorities and institutions, successes, main trends and areas of activity; work on the creation of the official website of the Health Department of the Krasnoyarsk Territory Administration, its information content and decoration;

· development of television programs aimed at creating and maintaining the image of the Office as a strategic object and governing body in the health sector of the Krasnoyarsk Territory;

· assistance in organizing preventive activities in the region;

· development of projects, programs, preparation and implementation of actions and campaigns promoting a healthy lifestyle and aimed at maintaining the health of residents of the region.

Press and PR services plan and carry out their work in accordance with common goals and the tasks of the Office, interact with all structural divisions of the Office and the Administration of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, and also maintain corporate ties with other socially oriented departments and government bodies.

All structural divisions of the Health Department of the Krasnoyarsk Territory Administration closely interact with the press and PR service of the Department and provide its managers with all the information they are interested in, coordinate various events, interviews, as well as the content of materials published in the media.

In addition, to date, the press service employees have debugged a clear system of interaction with the media: before interviewing a doctor or head, other regional health officials about the state of affairs or receiving comments on any issue, journalists coordinate their actions with the press service. Governance in order to provide the general public with reliable, structured information that does not infringe on the rights and dignity of individual members of society.

It is especially worth noting such an area of ​​activity of the press service as work with appeals from individual citizens who need information on the treatment of a particular rare disease or the provision of qualified assistance in non-standard situations.

Another important area of ​​activity of the press service and PR-department is the management of crisis situations, which quite often take place in the work of the health care system. Crisis situations can be considered such as the release in the media of information that is not subject to dissemination and not previously agreed with the staff of the press service and the PR department of the Health Department; the doctor makes a mistake related to causing harm to the health or life of a person; public dissatisfaction with the reforms carried out by the state in the field of public health protection, expressed in the organization of large-scale strikes, etc.

The interaction of the press service and the PR department of the Health Department with state bodies is to provide information to the regional administration and the Legislative Assembly on the activities of the UZKK in order to increase funding for the regional health care system, as well as to provide reports on the work carried out, prepare justifications for organizing certain events, drawing up media plans for the current and coming years.

At the present stage, the press service and the PR-department of the UZKK cooperate with:

· news agencies: Regnum-Knews, Press-line, Siberian News Agency, RIA;

· television: KGTRK, Afontovo, TVK, Prima-TV, Channel 7, LTV, New Region;

· periodicals: "AMF on the Yenisei" (federal newspaper), newspaper "Krasnoyarsk Rabochiy", newspaper "Gorodskiye Novosti", "Segodnyaya Gazeta", "Izvestia-Krasnoyarsk" (newspaper of federal significance), "Komsomolskaya Pravda - Krasnoyarsk" (newspaper of federal significance ), the newspaper "Nash Kray", the newspaper "Russian health and society" (Siberian Federal District), the newspaper "Moskovsky Komsomolets in Krasnoyarsk", the magazine "Tax Bulletin", "Faces of Siberia" (monthly magazine of the Siberian Federal District), "Million" (monthly magazine of the Siberian Federal District);

· with online media.

In conclusion, it should be noted that the press and PR services are not auxiliary, technical services created at the regional Department of Health. They are equal participants in the development, adoption and implementation of managerial decisions, and their direct inclusion in the management process is ensured by the adequate status of services in the structure of the UZKK (the press service and PR department are directly subordinate to the head of the UZ of the region), a set of rights and responsibilities that allow to actively influence actions of the management and employees of the Department.

2.3 Organization of preventive activities in the region

The medical prevention service of the Krasnoyarsk Territory today is represented by 2 Medical Prevention Centers, 20 departments and 30 rooms of medical prevention, 45 rooms for a healthy child and 13 departments of rehabilitation (see Appendix 1, Table 1).

The main activity of the prevention service is hygienic education, carried out within the framework of courses, meetings of health clubs and schools, the organization of campaigns related to the prevention of various diseases and bad habits, as well as the promotion of a healthy lifestyle. For example, Days of Smoking Cessation and Healthy Eating Holidays are actively held in the regions of the region.

Active work is underway to introduce preventive and health-improving technologies into the educational process. Municipal educational institution "Educational School No. 149" - an experimental site of the Health Department of the Regional Administration became part of the federal program "School and Health Promotion".

.3.1 Center for Medical Prevention of the Health Department of the Krasnoyarsk Territory Administrationwas established in December 1997. Its tasks include: organizing and carrying out preventive measures aimed at preserving and strengthening the health of residents of the region; creation of a structural network of medical prevention services in health care institutions of the region; carrying out educational and awareness-raising work using mass communication channels; coordination of efforts and interagency cooperation to develop a strategy for health promotion and disease prevention in the region.

Analyzing the work in the media for 5 years, it should be noted that the number of published or aired materials as a whole in the region increased by 2000 (2.6 times compared to 1998), and then decreased 1.3 times. The decrease was due to a decrease in the number of speeches in all media outlets due to their reduction (closure) and the lack of funding in health care facilities for educational work in the media (see Table 2).

But in 2004 total the number of broadcast or published materials on prevention, preservation and promotion of public health increased sharply (by 76.5%) compared to last year and amounted to 3694.

2.3.2 Editorial and publishing activities

Carrying out preventive work with healthy people, people with risk factors or sick people requires supporting visual materials in the form of memos, booklets or methodological guidelines.

The main volume of printed materials is published at the expense of the Center for Medical Prevention of the Regional Health Administration; in the territories, publishing work is carried out extremely rarely and in small volumes, which directly depends on the level of funding.

But, despite the difficulties with financing, this work is still being carried out, including with the use of funds from the regional target program"Prevention and treatment of arterial hypertension in the Krasnoyarsk Territory", as well as by attracting sponsorship funds.

The high quality of printed products is noted by specialists from the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, annually materials for distribution among the population of the region are presented for evaluation by consumers and healthcare workers at the Yenisei-Medica exhibition-fair.

The manufactured products can be found in all medical institutions of the region; it is also used in preventive actions carried out by the Center.

2.3.3 Cultural and educational work

Promoting the health of the population, effective preventive work is impossible without the coordination of various departments and services in terms of information and cultural and educational activities.

The main goal in carrying out this work is to attract the attention of as many people as possible to the problems of preserving and strengthening health, the formation of a healthy lifestyle.

V last years the implementation of this goal takes place within the framework of intersectoral cooperation between the Health Department, the Department of Culture and Arts, the Committee on Youth Policy and Youth Affairs, the Committee on Physical Culture and Sports of the Regional Administration.

So, for example, in 2002 the following events were organized and carried out:

.Traditionally, on the occasion of the World Health Day (April 7), the Regional Sports Day was held among the medical workers of the region under the motto "Sports and work go side by side." The goal of the tournament is to popularize and promote a healthy lifestyle among medical workers. The winning teams were awarded medals, valuable prizes and gifts, certificates and letters of thanks.

2.On the occasion of the International Day against Drug Addiction in the regional center, an action "Fern Term" was held. The Center for Medical Prevention organized a consultative appointment with a narcologist and a psychologist. Booklets on the prevention of bad habits and socially significant diseases were prepared and distributed to young people. The event was attended by over a thousand young people and adolescents.

3.A decade of preventive actions "Youth for a healthy lifestyle" took place in Yemelyanovskiy district. Specialists from regional medical institutions took part in the work. As part of these preventive measures, young people are trained in the skills of correcting behavioral choices, the impact on attitudes towards bad habits... In the form of brainring, an event took place on the basis of the regional recreation center “I choose life”. At the event, consultations of a narcologist, a psychotherapist were organized, anonymous donation of blood for HIV infection was organized, booklets on the prevention of a number of diseases were distributed. In total, about one and a half thousand people visited the decade.

.At the exhibition-fair "Yenisei-Medica - 2002" a theatrical performance "Be healthy" was shown. The vivid images of this performance talk about how to preserve health, how you can and should not succumb to addiction to addictions.

.Work continued with the elderly and pensioners. On the occasion of the Day of the Elderly, the "Uyut" dispensary hosted a holiday "Vitamins all year round", where the exhibitions "Health of the XXI century", "Homeopathy and old age" were organized, a phyto-bar was opened, where it was possible not only to taste vitamin drinks, but also get a recipe for their preparation and advice on the use of medicinal fees. At the end of the holiday, the amateur art group of veterans of the Soviet district of Krasnoyarsk gave a festive concert. The event was attended by over 150 people.

.Throughout the year, the Center for Medical Prevention provided consultative and methodological assistance on the organization of preventive work through educational and cultural activities, as well as coordination of activities with state and public organizations.

The positive results of carrying out preventive actions in 2004 are also obvious. The informational and educational campaign “Morning the nose of the flu” contributed to the coverage of preventive vaccinations for 320 thousand people (14% of the region's residents). As part of the White Camomile campaign, a fluorographic examination of more than 4 thousand people was carried out. During the Days of Prevention of Arterial Hypertension, more than 3 thousand patients with arterial hypertension were identified, which amounted to 15.8% of the total number of identified patients per year. The indicator of detectability per 1000 was 46.9 with an average regional indicator of 7.2.


Despite the fact that the PR market in the social sphere of the Krasnoyarsk Territory was practically free a few years ago, today public relations specialists are already actively working to form a positive image of regional medicine and other areas of social services for the population. In recent years, the region's non-profit industry has become an attractive niche for the activities of regional PR specialists.

For the purpose of information interaction with the population, the media, government agencies and other categories of the general public, departments for public relations and press services began to be created one after the other under the social departments of the region.

For example, a PR and press service has been operating under the Health Department of the Krasnoyarsk Territory Administration for two years, the main tasks of which are the formation of a single information space and the creation of a favorable image of the regional health care.

For a rather short period of existence, the press and PR service has managed to achieve considerable results: according to experts, the residents of the Krasnoyarsk Territory know more about medicine than in any other area of ​​our life and are aware of every step of the Health Department of the Territory Administration.

The main achievements in the development of public relations of the Krasnoyarsk Territory in the public health sector are also the organization of preventive activities in the Territory (the first Center for Medical Prevention was created in 1997, and today, as a result of its work, significant results have been achieved in the prevention of various diseases and the promotion of a healthy lifestyle. life among the population of the region) and the creation of a single information system health care, which will not only improve the system of information flows within the industry itself, but also more efficiently interact with the target audiences of public medicine in our region.

Chapter 3. Proposals to improve the communication strategy of the UZKK in the context of the implementation of Federal Law No. 122 on "monetization of benefits" and adjustment of the List of subsidized medicines

3.1 General information about Federal Law No. 122 on “Monetization of Benefits” and the List of Privileged Medicines

.1.1 Changes and additions to Federal Law No. 122

In August 2004, the Government of the Russian Federation adopted Federal Law No. 122 of August 22, 2004, delimiting the powers between federal government bodies, government bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local government bodies. Its main essence lies in the complete or partial (depending on the wishes of the beneficiary) replacement of benefits in kind with monetary compensations both at the federal level and at the levels of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

In terms of preferential drug provision and sanatorium-resort treatment, the law comes into force from the beginning of 2006, but by October of this year, beneficiaries must decide whether they will replace their package social services monetary compensation.

By law, the social package includes:

· the right to receive free medical care, including the provision of medicines;

· Spa treatment;

If the federal beneficiary decides to replace all the benefits provided to him with monetary compensation, then on average he will receive a monthly payment of 450 rubles. As for the categories of beneficiaries of the subjects of the federation, the amount of monetary compensation will vary depending on the decision of the authorities at the regional level.

It should be noted that cash payments are not equivalent to services that a beneficiary can receive. For example, if a person needs to spend 6 thousand rubles a month on medicines - and according to the law, compensation is 450 rubles - the person in need will receive the necessary medicines free of charge.

In the Krasnoyarsk Territory, the right to receive targeted social assistance from federal budget have about 230 thousand people, from the regional - about 280 thousand.

In our region, "monetization" began with the fact that all categories of beneficiaries were divided according to the powers of the budgets: federal and regional. For the benefit recipients of the federal group, the volumes and procedure for granting benefits were clearly established, the regional authorities have no right to change them, their task is to ensure the operation of the mechanisms prescribed by the federation: monthly cash payments, the implementation of a package of sanatorium-resort treatment, travel on a suburban railway transport and preferential drug provision. Monetization has not yet taken place for regional beneficiaries. It was a deliberate move, thanks to which natural benefits and the procedure for obtaining them were preserved.

But since 2006, the regional authorities are planning to provide social categories citizens have the right to choose: keep their benefits or receive monthly cash payments in addition to the main type of earnings.

3.1.2 List of concessional drugs

Almost simultaneously with the entry into force of FZ-122, a new list of preferential drugs dispensed by prescriptions of a doctor or paramedic was approved for the provision of additional free medical care to certain categories of citizens eligible for state social assistance. In order to increase the efficiency of providing citizens entitled to receive state social assistance with the necessary medicines, significant changes and additions were made to the List.

If last year it included 256 names and practically met the needs of the population, now it includes more than 300 international non-proprietary names and 1,800 trade names of medicines. At the same time, the population focuses on the fact that the drugs necessary for the treatment of serious diseases were excluded from the list.

Due to the fact that many questions and suggestions have arisen on the part of beneficiaries on adjusting the new list, significant changes will again be made to the List of Privileged Medicines as early as June 2005. The list approved by the state contains: almost the entire range of drugs for the treatment and prevention of cardiovascular diseases, a wide range of anticancer drugs, including expensive platinum drugs for treatment oncological diseases, all antiretroviral drugs recommended by WHO for the treatment of HIV-infected.

3.2 Analysis of the problems associated with the ongoing reforms in the health care system

In the system of numerous transformations of state social assistance, the issues of replacing benefits with monetary compensations and providing people with preferential medicines are of particular importance, because the quality of life of people who do not have the ability to independently withstand difficult, mainly social problems and difficulties associated with a healthy person depends on their decision. full existence.

Today in the region more than 500 thousand citizens have the legal right to receive free medicines and sanatorium-resort vouchers. Many of these people were waiting for the coming of the new year with justified concern: not all reforms “for the good” in our country ended with the expected results, especially if they were developed and implemented, as now, at an accelerated pace.

Not only beneficiaries, but also the specialists themselves, working on implementation, could not survive the changes painlessly and smoothly new system benefits, which involves several subjects of different forms of subordination. This is the regional compulsory medical insurance fund and an insurance organization. The supplying authorized organization "ROSTA", regional warehouses"Pharmacy" and the pharmacy chain itself. Regional Health Department and Department The Pension Fund across the Krasnoyarsk Territory. The system employs 150 medical institutions of the region. And each of these structures had enough difficulties in the implementation of their functions.

But one of the most important and unexpected problems faced by the government of our region in early 2005 was the following: after the Christmas holidays, a wave of protests swept across the country, hundreds of thousands of pensioners took to the streets, disagreeing with the replacement of benefits by monetary compensation and some others. innovations. The Krasnoyarsk Territory is no exception. In January, beneficiaries picketed the administration building several times.

One of the main reasons for the excitement of people eligible for benefits in the country and the region is that the reform is being implemented without any detailed and public explanation of the meaning of the reforms to the population.

An important aspect of information education in the process of implementing the reform on the monetization of benefits is taking into account the rights of beneficiaries, which is impossible without the provision of relevant information (knowledge) in order to solve at a specific level of the system of tasks to ensure such rights.

The imperfection of the forms and methods of educational work in the system of reforming the health care system, on the one hand, limits the full exercise of the rights of federal and regional beneficiaries, on the other, leads to an unjustified increase in applications, complaints and strikes. One of the fundamental factors contributing to the successful provision of the rights of privileged citizens in the health care system is the awareness of the participants in the innovation process.

This fact served as the reason for the creation of "hot lines" under the state health authorities, through which beneficiaries can get all the information they are interested in.

In turn, for specialists, the creation of "hot lines" has become an excellent opportunity to monitor the level of awareness of the population on the reforms being carried out in the country and to adjust their actions in the field of educational work.

In addition, the analysis of information received by " hotline”, And visits to a number of polyclinics and pharmacies as part of the multilateral commission revealed a number of reasons why the population cannot receive the information they are interested in regarding the changes introduced by the state:

1.Lack of awareness of many doctors of health care facilities in matters related to conducted in the country.

2.Lack of interconnection in work between medical institutions and pharmacy organizations.

.The imperfection of the organization of the work of the district doctor on the preparation of medical documentation (first of all, the new-sample prescriptions).

.Lack of stands with information for beneficiaries in the halls of clinics and pharmacies.

Ways to remedy the situation are obvious, and in a number of polyclinics they are already taking the necessary measures: they appoint people responsible for working with this category of citizens, organize studies on the topic, take an active part in the work of seminars held by the regional health department and the CHI fund on the implementation of Federal Law - 122, bring to each employee the essence of the changes that have occurred.

In addition to organizing "hot lines", in order to learn objective information about the reasons for the population's dissatisfaction with the innovations, experts conducted numerous public opinion polls on the replacement of benefits in kind with monetary compensation. Results vary by region, but the main arguments are in favorcash payments turned out to be the following:

· the current amount of funding for benefits is too large and allegedly exceeds the size of the annual federal budget revenues;

· many of the benefits are not actually applied (for example, the unavailability of benefits for payment for travel, telephone, etc. for residents of rural areas);

· the system of benefits itself is in principle anachronistic, created in the Soviet period and does not meet the demands of the market system;

· citizens should be given the opportunity to choose between “monetary” and non-cash forms of preferential provision;

· as a result of the implementation of "monetization", the corruption of the social security system can be reduced;

· payment of money can help improve the material situation of people;

· within the framework of the ongoing reform, the sanatorium and resort rehabilitation of privileged categories of citizens has significantly intensified;

· as a result of the reform, it is possible to release funds that could be invested in the real sector of the economy and contribute to economic growth.

The main argument opponentsmonetization of benefits is the fear that money will not compensate for the loss of benefits in kind, and the population will lose the volume of services that it has today.

Other reasons for rejection of the reform, named by respondents in the course of sociological surveys of the population:

1.distrust of the government and the state, fears that the population will once again be deceived.

2.a proposal to "leave the benefits" without any explanation.

.fears that cash payments will be depreciated by inflation.

.statements related to doubts about the payment of money.

The situation that has developed in the region as a result of the reforms of the social sphere carried out by the government of the country received wide publicity in the media, both federal and regional levels... In their works devoted to the implementation of state reforms related to the health sector, journalists touch upon the following aspects (see Appendix 3):

1.Attempts by the regional and federal authorities to stabilize the situation by correcting shortcomings caused by the hasty adoption of the law, as well as releasing materials commenting on positive changes and aimed at informing target audiences in order to reduce the level of unrest.

2.The use of the situation by the opposition parties to the ongoing reform (Rodina, LDPR, Communist Party of the Russian Federation): publishing articles on their websites criticizing the organization of the modern system of power, as well as transformations in the country's social sphere; organization of pickets by representatives of the parties directed against innovations in the field of support of socially unprotected segments of the population.

.Publication of explanatory materials (List of preferential drugs with comments, materials on replacing benefits with cash payments, etc.).

.News stories about the organization of strikes by beneficiaries and an analysis of their causes.

3.3 Draft proposal for an information strategy in the context of the implementation of the law on monetization and adjustments to the list of subsidized drugs

The situation with popular unrest and strikes, organized as a result of people's dissatisfaction with the health reforms carried out by the state, showed the urgent need to adjust the system of interaction with the population, as well as to conduct educational work with the specialists themselves in the field of preferential health improvement.

The experience of organizing hot lines has shown that establishing two-way communication between health authorities and the population, developing an effective communication strategy will help to significantly increase people's awareness of the ongoing reforms and thereby dramatically reduce the level of negative reactions and the number of unforeseen and, accordingly, poorly controlled situations in areas of improving the health care system.

This project is an informational support for health care reforms implemented in our country since the beginning of 2005, and is intended for the state health authorities of the Krasnoyarsk Territory (Health Department of the Krasnoyarsk Territory Administration).

The target audiences of information impact are:

· Specialists in the field of public health care of the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

Proposals for organizing certain events of the project are based on the analysis of information covered in the media, as well as on the published results of ongoing research on the awareness of the population of the country and the region on the issues of reforming the healthcare system.

3.3.1 Project concept

The main idea in the development of the project was the search for an opportunity for the state health authorities of the Krasnoyarsk Territory to raise the level of awareness of the population regarding the implementation of the law on the monetization of benefits and changes in the system of providing privileged categories of citizens with drugs.

At the present stage, there are a number of well-established opinions in society that impede the successful implementation of health care reforms, for example:

· All the reforms carried out by the state do not bring positive changes, but are only aimed at lowering the already low standard of living of the population;

· Public health facilities provide very low quality services;

Despite the fact that the main task of this project is not to debunk these stereotypes, it seems important to us to improve the image of the healthcare system and, if possible, work in this direction, especially since such points of view, which are widespread among the residents of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, impede the implementation of activities carried out in country of reforms.

Thus, the key areas of the campaign are highlighted: ensuring contact with the masses and providing them with maximum information in the field of reforming the country's healthcare system, demonstrating real work and protecting the interests of privileged categories of citizens, focusing on giving them a real right to choose between monetary payments and their usual benefits. ...

Due to the fact that the audience of privileged categories of citizens is very diverse both in terms of age characteristics and in terms of spheres of activity, it is obvious that the coverage of the media channels used should be maximum (radio, television, print publications, attraction of Internet resources).

3.3.2 Goals and objectives

1.Raising the level of awareness of the population on the new conditions for preferential drug provision and sanatorium treatment;

2.Improvement of the system of interaction between doctors (paramedics), pharmacy workers and privileged categories of citizens.

.Creation of a favorable image of the reforms being carried out in the country in the field of monetization of benefits, preferential drug provision and sanatorium and resort rehabilitation of citizens;

.Eliminate popular unrest, strikes and public discontent over health care reforms.

.Saving the time of the attending physician and pharmacist, who today have to do more than just fulfill their professional functions, but also to answer a large number of questions asked by worried citizens of the reforms.

The proposed information strategy of the Health Department of the Krasnoyarsk Territory Administration in order to increase the level of public awareness of health care reforms is a set of the following measures:

1.Creation of a page on the official website of the Health Department of the Krasnoyarsk Territory Administration dedicated to the new conditions for providing the population of our region with preferential medicines and the provision of free vouchers for sanatorium-resort treatment (see Appendix 4), as well as a forum visited by UZKK specialists and providing visitors with the opportunity to get answers to their questions "first-hand".

2.Organization under the Office social protection administration of the Krasnoyarsk Territory of free training seminars for the disabled.

.Development and production of a television program by the Regional Department of Healthcare on the organization of the health care system in the Krasnoyarsk Territory and the periodic inclusion in it of stories about preferential drug provision and sanatorium treatment (see Appendix 4).

.Issue of periodical publications in print media, as well as a series of stories on the regional radio and television, dedicated to this issue and current changes related to the topic of preferential provision of citizens in the healthcare sector. Most often, stories should be released at the end of 2005, when the population is especially active in anticipation of the upcoming monetization; and also prior to the entry into force of the updated List of Concessional Medicines on June 1 (see Appendix 4).

.Organization of news occasions (for example, Day of the Elderly - October 1; Day of Disabled People - December 4) to provide pensioners, veterans, disabled people with the opportunity to get advice directly from the specialists of the UZKK. For these events, it is also planned to prepare information booklets containing basic information on the introduced changes.

.Improvement of the hotline system: creation of additional phone numbers, as well as a unified social reference service for the monetization of benefits, not only in order to provide the population of the region with all the information they are interested in, but also to obtain the necessary information about the degree of public awareness of the reforms being carried out in the country ... Based on the results of the analysis of the data obtained, specialists should adjust the volume and content of information provided to the population.

.Organization of visual information on separate stands in the halls of clinics, next to the registry, as well as in pharmacies - in the most accessible, easy-to-read place, which will significantly help citizens understand the essence of what is happening (which will significantly reduce the degree of their anxiety and suspicion, create conditions for familiarization with the rules for legally obtaining information and protecting your rights).

I. In polyclinics:

1.Full name, position of persons responsible for organizing work on the issues of preferential drug provision of citizens (by shifts, indicating the hours of work and the number of the office).

2.The list of documents that must be provided by a citizen who has the right to preferential treatment of medicines during the first visit to the doctor:

· passport (for children - birth certificate);

· pension insurance certificate;

· Compulsory medical insurance policy;

· a document confirming the right to a benefit (certificate of a Great Patriotic War participant, disabled person, etc.)

3.Where and from whom a citizen can familiarize himself with the List of medicines on preferential leave (there is no need to place lists of medicines at the stands of pharmacies and polyclinics, because without the help of a specialist a person cannot find anything there) and the List of categories of citizens entitled to preferential drug provision ...

4.Information about pharmacy organizations in which citizens can purchase medicines on preferential prescriptions (pharmacy number, address, telephone number, working hours on regular days and weekends).

.Phones of organizations where you can get information on the provision of medicines: health department (territory), medical insurance organization, KFOMS (branch), "hot lines".

II. In pharmacies:

1.Full name, position of the person responsible for organizing the provision of citizens with medicines on preferential prescriptions.

2.Where and from whom a citizen can familiarize himself with the List of Medicines on Preferential Vacation and the List of Categories of Citizens Eligible for Preferential Medicines.

.Deferred service rules that determine the procedure for a pharmacist to act in the event of a temporary lack of a drug in a pharmacy organization: replace the drug with another person responsible for organizing preferential drug provision in a medical institution; send an additional application to the authorized pharmaceutical organization (supplier) and arrange for delayed provision of the patient within a period of no more than 10 days.

.Phones of organizations where a citizen can receive information on the provision of medicines:

· of the clinic that issued the prescription (telephone responsible person);

· health department (territory);

· insurance medical organization;

· KFOMS (branch);

· "Hot lines"

5.In case of refusal to provide a medicinal product, a citizen may apply: the attending physician (or the person in charge of the polyclinic for organizing work on preferential leave); the insurance medical organization issuing the compulsory medical insurance policy;


3.3.4 Evaluation of the effectiveness of ongoing activities

The effectiveness of the campaign will be determined in the following areas:

1.Regular public opinion polls, which will allow tracking the dynamics of changes in the socio-economic situation in the region and, to a certain extent, assess the effectiveness of information and educational activities.

2.Monitoring of mass media and preparation of reports, analytical materials dedicated to the nature of published and broadcast materials.

.Analysis of questions asked by telephone hotlines, allowing to assess the level of awareness of the population regarding the changes taking place in the country in the field of healthcare.


This work is a study of the main characteristics, trends and prospects in the organization and development of public relations activities in the public health system of the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

Analysis of the current situation in the public health sector of our region showed that today the main areas of work of public relations specialists are:

1.formation of a single information space regarding the activities of state bodies and healthcare institutions;

2.fundraising for development public sector health care, taking into account the use of all possible sources of funding;

.“Preventive PR”: organization of preventive activities in the region and promotion of a healthy lifestyle;

.provision of paid medical services.

A distinctive feature of the current situation, which has been characterizing domestic health care for a long time, is that the image of state medicine has a negative connotation and does not reflect real situation cases (fairly high qualifications of specialists, the use of modern equipment and an approach to work taking into account the interests of patients). This problem requires special consideration, since it is an insurmountable obstacle to the successful functioning and further development the entire system of domestic health care.

Organization of two-way information interaction between health authorities and institutions and the public could be the best solution to the problem.

Taking into account the sad experience of recent events (public excitement over the implementation of Federal Law No. 122 on the monetization of benefits and reforming the system of preferential drug provision), government agencies and healthcare institutions should pay special attention to information policy during the period of radical reform of the entire system of public health protection.

The need for the processes of reforming the health care sector to be understood and positively assessed in society has led to the need to cover the activities of state bodies and health care institutions in the media. Today they are assigned a leading role in shaping an objective public opinion about the system of protecting the health of citizens.

As a basis for the analysis, we considered the activities of the press service and PR-department of the Health Department of the Krasnoyarsk Territory Administration. Since its appearance at the regional Department of Health, active work is underway to create a favorable image of public medical institutions, as well as the health care system as a whole.

During the functioning of the press and PR service in the regional Department of Health, there have been noticeable positive changes in terms of creating an effective system of interaction both within the UZKK and with the external environment of the organization. Information flows are clear, structured and aimed at different categories of the public.

In this work, a project was developed for the PR and press service of the Health Department of the Krasnoyarsk Territory Administration, aimed at improving work with the general public in the context of the implementation of Federal Law No. 122 on "monetization of benefits" and reforming the system of preferential drug provision for citizens of Russia and the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

The development of PR in the public health care system will allow it to move from the fight against unfavorable public opinion to the prevention of negative events and communications and will bring the system to a qualitatively new level of relations - the level of partnership between health care authorities and institutions and public institutions with the dominance of the interests of the latter.


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Annex 1

Table 1

The number of subdivisions of the medical prevention service of the Krasnoyarsk Territory in 1998 - 2002.

Subdivisions Number 1998 2002 Medical prevention centers 12 Medical prevention departments-15 Medical prevention rooms 432 Healthy child rooms 1443 Rehabilitation departments 510

table 2

The number of speeches by public health professionals in the media in (1998-2002)

Communication channelNumber of materials19981999200020012002TV3694841732776644Radio352565830985787 Newspapers, magazines692885112114141381TOTAL: 14131934368331752812

Appendix 2

State social assistance provided in the form of providing citizens with a set of social services (introduced by Federal Law No. 122-FZ of August 22, 2004)

Article 6.1 The right to receive state social assistance in the form of a set of social services

In accordance with this chapter, the following categories of citizens have the right to receive state social assistance in the form of a set of social services:

1. war invalids;

2.participants in the Great Patriotic War;

.combat veterans;

.servicemen who served in military units, institutions, military educational institutions that were not part of the active army, in the period from June 22, 1941 to September 3, 1945, at least six months, servicemen awarded orders or medals of the USSR for service in the specified period;

.persons awarded with the sign "Resident besieged Leningrad»;

.persons who worked during the Great Patriotic War at air defense facilities, at construction sites defensive structures, naval bases, airfields and other military facilities within the rear borders of active fronts, operational zones of active fronts, on the front-line sections of railways and highways, as well as crew members of transport fleet ships interned at the beginning of World War II in ports of other states;

.family members of the fallen (deceased) war invalids, participants in the Great Patriotic War and war veterans, family members of those who died in the Great Patriotic War, persons from among the personnel of self-defense groups of object and emergency teams of local air defense, as well as family members of deceased workers of hospitals and hospitals in the city Leningrad;

Disabled people;

Disabled children.

Article 6.2 set of social services

1.The set of social services provided to citizens from among the categories specified in Article 6.1 of this Federal Law includes the following social services:

1)additional free medical care, including provision of the necessary medicines on the prescription of a doctor (paramedic), provision, if available medical indications vouchers for sanatorium-resort treatment carried out in accordance with the legislation on compulsory social insurance;

2)free travel by suburban railway transport, as well as by intercity transport to the place of treatment and back.

When providing social services in accordance with this article, citizens who have a restriction on the ability to work activity III degrees, and children with disabilities have the right to receive, on the same conditions, a second voucher for sanatorium treatment and free travel on suburban railway transport, as well as on intercity transport to and from the place of treatment for an accompanying person.

2.The list of medicines, the provision of which is carried out in accordance with paragraph 1 of part 1 of this article, as well as the list of sanatorium-resort institutions to which vouchers are provided in accordance with paragraph 1 of part 1 of this article, is approved federal body the executive branch responsible for the development of public policy and regulatory legal regulation in the field of health care and social development.

Article 6.3 Provision of social services

1.Accounting for the right of citizens to receive social services specified in Article 6.2 of this Federal Law is carried out at the place of residence of a citizen from the date of establishment of a monthly cash payment in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

2.The period for the provision of social services to citizens in accordance with this chapter is a calendar year.

If a citizen during a calendar year has acquired the right to receive social services in accordance with this chapter, the period for the provision of social services to him is the period from the date the citizen acquired the right to receive social services until December 31 of the current year.

If a citizen has lost the right to receive social services in accordance with this chapter during a calendar year, the period for the provision of social services to him is the period from January 1 to the date the citizen loses the right to receive social services.

3.A citizen who has the right to receive social services in accordance with this Federal Law may refuse to receive them by submitting an application to the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, which makes him a monthly cash payment.

It is allowed to refuse to receive a set of social services in full, to refuse to receive a social service provided for in Clause 1 of Part 1 of Article 6.2 of this Federal Law, and to refuse to receive a social service provided for in Clause 2 of Part 1 of Article 6.2 of this Federal Law.

4.An application for refusal to receive social services for the next year is submitted by October 1 of the current year.

A citizen can submit an application for refusal to receive social services to the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation in person or in another way. In the latter case, identification and verification of the authenticity of the citizen's signature is carried out:

1)by a notary or in the manner prescribed by paragraph 3 of Article 185 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation;

2)the body (organization) with which the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation has concluded an agreement on mutual certification of signatures. The standard form of this agreement is approved by the federal executive body responsible for the development of state policy and legal regulation in the field of health care and social development.

In the event that a citizen has not submitted an application for refusal to receive social services before October 1 of the corresponding year next year, then next year they continue to be provided to him in the prescribed manner.

The procedure for the provision of social services to citizens in accordance with this chapter is established by the federal executive body that develops state policy and legal regulation in the field of health care and social development.

Article 6.5 Payment for the provision of social services to a citizen

1.To pay for the provision of a set of social services to citizens, 450 rubles are spent per month, including:

to pay for the social services provided for by Clause 1 of Part 1 of Article 6.2 of this Federal Law - 400 rubles;

to pay for the social services provided for by Clause 2 of Part 1 of Article 6.2 of this Federal Law - 50 rubles; a change in the amount allocated to pay for a set of social services (social services) provided to citizens is made in the manner and terms determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.

2.The amount of funds allocated to pay for the provision of a set of social services (or one social service if the citizen has exercised his right to refuse to provide one of the social services) and determined in accordance with part 1 of this article is withheld from the monthly monetary payment accrued to the citizen carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

3.The procedure for financing the costs of providing citizens with state social assistance in the form of social services, provided for in this chapter, is established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Appendix 3

Thematic selection of media publications

“Reforming the healthcare system within the framework of the implementation of Federal Law No. 122 on“ monetization of benefits ”for October 2004 - March 2005.

1. "Monetization with a Human Face"(Site of the Krasnoyarsk regional branch of the Liberal Democratic Party. 03.02.05).

Grannies on the barricades

This has not happened in the country for over ten years. As in the years of the collapse of the Soviet Union, people are ready to block roads, go on hunger strikes, sit on the rails, and set up pickets. In January, several dozen mass protests took place in different cities of the country. Krasnoyarsk was not spared either; at the end of last month, the most numerous rally in recent years took place near the walls of the regional administration - more than 3 thousand people took to the street. Hundreds of people of all ages, from young people to retirees, signed up to a petition against monetization and increased electricity tariffs.

2. Hospitalization of beneficiaries is inevitable(TRK "Channel 7" Krasnoyarsk. 02/10/05 20:00:11).

Kirill Konstantinov made a disappointing forecast. The region will soon be covered by a wave of hospitalizations of beneficiaries. The reason for this is the shortage of preferential drugs and complete confusion in the lists of drugs, in which even the doctors themselves are confused. Officials say they have literally become hostages of federal authorities and suppliers.

The course of the Federation, taken on the centralization of the system for the provision of medicines to privileged categories of the population, while, apart from

brought nothing headache. Officials hope that beneficiaries will still be able to pass this test prepared by the state.

3. Picket against monetization(Yuri Kurbatova. STS-PRIMA 27.01.05).

Today Krasnoyarsk activists of the Rodina party stood for an hour at the regional administration - they opposed the monetization of benefits. The frost and icy wind did not bother the picketers. There were about twenty party members, and several times more policemen in the cordon. The slogan "The Party is ours, our Motherland!" shouted out just a couple of times. And then at the request of journalists. The lack of enthusiasm among the picketers is understandable - minus 23, icy wind. But standing up for the idea is a sacred thing. They are fighting not only for their own benefits. The slogans are different. Party members don't like monetization in general.

A modest quiet action. And the efficiency is very, very low. The posters and slogans were read by about twenty people. From the regional administration, no one even came out to look. The benefit fighters lasted 50 minutes. Then the posters were quickly rolled up. And they quickly dispersed, some even fled. Apparently the idea does not hurt something.

4. You can't see money without a document(V. Kasatkin. Krasnoyarsk worker. 01.03.05.).

The reform on the monetization of benefits turned into a headache not only for elderly Russians, but also for another rather significant category of citizens - veterans of military operations and local wars ... the imperfect mechanism of monetization and the lack of complete information about it among the population create noticeable difficulties.

5. And again about subsidized medicines(Krasnoyarsk worker. 15.10.04).

The editorial office of Krasnoyarsk Rabochy receives many letters, calls and complaints about the problem of preferential drug provision. Readers painfully tell us how it sometimes takes months to buy a prescription drug from a pharmacy with a prescription.

6. A rally against the increase in electricity tariffs was held in Krasnoyarsk(IA REGNUM - KNEWS. 22.01.05).

On January 22, a rally was held in the center of Krasnoyarsk against the monetization of benefits and an increase in electricity tariffs. The protest action was organized by the local branch of the Communist Party. They were joined by regional branches of political parties and public organizations - the National Bolshevik Party, Rodina, the Agrarian Party of Russia, Yabloko, the city council of veterans, the council of the federation of trade unions of the region.

About 2.5 thousand people gathered on Revolution Square near the regional administration. Basically - pensioners, disabled people, labor veterans, poor residents of the regional center.

7. Serhiy Kozachenko: “The situation with subsidized medicines is changing in better side» (IA REGNUM - KNEWS. 03.03.05. 15:44).

At the March 3 meeting of the Regional Administration Council, a number of issues related to the monetization of benefits were considered. In particular, they talked about providing benefits for sanatorium-resort treatment, travel and medicines.

compared to the beginning of the year, the situation with preferential drug provision in the region is changing for the better. Thus, the number of names of preferential medicines in the region's pharmacies has almost doubled. On March 2, 44 million rubles were received from the federal budget, with the help of which debts to pharmacies will be paid off and new medicines will be purchased.

the situation with preferential drug provision in the territory of the region keeps within the norm.

8. Explain so that you will be believed(Today's newspaper. 24.01.05.).

The advisory council of public organizations at the Krasnoyarsk regional branch of the United Russia party recently adopted a statement “On the inadmissibility of inciting public confrontation”.

Mikhail Yashin, the chairman of the Krasnoyarsk regional organization of the Russian Union of Afghan Veterans, told KNews: “We hope that other public organizations will also express their attitude to the processes taking place in connection with the adoption of the law on monetization and get involved in explaining it.”

9. Alexander Khloponin: “We will go to the monetization of regional benefits after other regions make all possible mistakes” (IA REGNUM - KNEWS. 20.01.05. 09:18 ) .

“We will start monetizing regional benefits after other regions make all possible mistakes, and we will study this experience. We do not intend to repeat other people's mistakes, ”Governor Alexander Khloponin said on January 19 at a special meeting devoted to the monetization of benefits in the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

10. A unified social reference service for the monetization of benefits will be created in the Krasnoyarsk Territory(IA REGNUM - KNEWS. 29.01.05.).

Since the beginning of 2005, more than

thousand calls. This was announced on February 15 at the session by Deputy Governor Sergei Kozachenko. He reported to the deputies on the work carried out by the Administration Light to explain the implementation of Federal Law 122 to the population. Kozachenko said that since January 28, two additional hotline telephones have been introduced in the department of social protection. In addition, 135 thousand memos were produced and distributed to beneficiaries. “This memo explains to the beneficiary what category he belongs to and what benefits he has the right to use,” said Kozachenko.

Appendix 4


Information support Mass media of execution of Federal Law-122 on "monetization of benefits" of reforming the system of preferential drug provision of citizens

№ p / p Name of the media coverage of the audience (broadcasting territory) Target group of influence Terms of execution Content of the material 1. Newspaper "Krasnoyarsk Rabochy" Krasnoyarsk, Krasnoyarsk Territory Pensioners, middle-aged beneficiaries Before the introduction of amendments to FZ-122, at the end of 2005 Preparation of materials on questions previously asked by readers 2. TVKg television company. Krasnoyarsk and other cities of the Krasnoyarsk Territory Beneficiaries of all ages Starting in May 2005, the heading in the program, the purpose of which is to educate people about the implementation of reforms and current changes 3. Official website of the Health Department of the Krasnoyarsk Territory Administration. Krasnoyarsk, Krasnoyarsk Territory Health system specialists, young beneficiaries and middle-aged beneficiaries During the year Basic information related to ongoing reforms (updated List of subsidized drugs, the system for replacing benefits with cash payments, etc.); publication of innovations, amendments to the law; tracking the dynamics of changes in public opinion. Updating - once every 2 weeks and as needed Krasnoyarsk, Krasnoyarsk Territory Pensioners, middle-aged beneficiaries Throughout the year Cycle of transmissions and "direct lines" with the participation of specialists from the Health Department of the Krasnoyarsk Territory Administration 5. Television company "New Region" Siberian Federal District Pensioners, middle-aged beneficiaries Throughout the year Interviews and comments of specialists on the implementation of laws

Tags: The specifics and functioning of PR-services in the health care of the Krasnoyarsk Territory Diploma Marketing

medical market public promotion

In Russia, more and more people are coming to understand that public relations are necessary. In order to gain consumer loyalty, it is not enough just to have a high-quality product or service; it is necessary to correctly position the organization and form a strong brand.

The author N.G. Malakhova writes: "The formation of public opinion should be based on the idea that a medical institution provides services in the interests of the patient, and not for the sake of making a profit." Malakhova N.G. Marketing in healthcare.-Rostovn / D .: Phoenix, 2010.-P.56. This is done through appeals to the public of various forms (newspaper articles, radio and television reports, various public events), which do not contain direct appeals typical of advertising, but show the activities of the company, its product and market offer in a favorable light, create a good attitude of the consumer towards them, not directly related to the profile of the company and the services it produces.

Public relations (PR) - a set of communications aimed at forming the image of an object (product, service, person) and the introduction of this image into the mind to achieve the set goals

The characteristic features of PR are:

Reputation, image is formed, but not demand;

PR is focused on long-term work, it almost never gives a quick result;

It is characterized by openness and reliability (at least, it is necessary to convince consumers and reference groups of this);

Its consequences are often unpredictable. See: Razumovskaya A.L. PROmovement. Technologies for effective promotion of services.-SPb.: Peter, 2009.- P.201.

A more complete and generalized definition is given by the author M.R. Dushkina: “PR is a special management function that contributes to the establishment and maintenance of PR - communication, mutual understanding and cooperation between the company and the public, solving various problems and tasks; helps the company's management to be informed about public opinion and respond to it in time; defines and places special emphasis on the main task of management - to serve the interests of the public; helps the management to be ready for any changes and use them in the most effective way; acts as an "early warning system" of danger and helps to cope with unwanted trends; uses research and open source ethical standards communication as the main means of activity ". Dushkina M.R. PR and promotion in marketing.- SPb.: Peter, 2010.- P. 27.

Public relations helps to maintain an open dialogue with the public, and to correctly position the medical institution.

The main task of a PR-specialist is the need to show and prove to a potential patient that a medical institution prioritizes assistance rather than making a profit. This fact is described by many authors of books on health care. Among them is the author of the book "Building a customer base" Lee Kendra, which notes that the first thing to do is to gain the trust of your target market. See: Kendra Lee. Creation of a client base.-M .: Vershina, 2008.- P. 227.

To achieve PR goals in a commercial medical structure, PR is used - technologies that include a number of tools, Philip Kotler calls them "PR pencils" - which help to draw attention to the company and its activities, to make people talk about them. This:




Participation in public life;

Special media projects;

Investing in social projects... See: F. Kotler Marketing from A to Z. - M .: Alpina Publishers, 2003. - P.162.

These tools are leading in the promotion of a medical institution. The use of these tools is designed to target all groups of the public. Promotion will become much more effective when using these tools.

Promotion by means of public relations of the medical institution

Here you can draw a parallel between promotion and PR goals. The connection lies in the fact that while promoting a medical institution, it is necessary to use PR means to generate and stimulate interest on the part of patients. PR is a promotion tool.

There are goals and objectives of PR in the market of products manufactured by the company - services:

Creation of corporate identity and positioning of services under a specific brand name;

Gaining the trust of patients;

Formation of a benevolent attitude of government authorities, investors, suppliers and partners to the institution;

Maintaining the loyalty of employees in relation to the medical institution and the optimal psychological climate in the team;

Creation of long-term partnerships with the media and the formation of a pool of institution-friendly journalists;

Creation of a positive reputation of the institution;

Ensuring awareness of the activities of the institution;

Formation of a positive public perception of the institution's activities and trusting relationships with it;

Taking measures in relation to unfavorable factors of influence of the external environment;

Constructing a positive image of the company's management in the minds of external and internal audiences;

Integration of public relations in the complex of marketing communications of the institution;

Participation in the formation of corporate culture as one of the elements of the corporate identity of the institution;

Attracting and retaining valuable employees within the framework of internal corporate PR;

Implementation of the promotion of all the most modern species marketing communications;

Assessment of the institution's relations with the public and the results of the promotion activities. See: Dushkina M.R. PR and promotion in marketing.- SPb.: Peter, 2010.- P.28-29.

All of the listed goals and objectives of PR are carried out with the help of certain tools.

The first promotion tool. MEDIA.

The main media for medicine include television, radio, newspapers, magazines, trade publications, mailing lists, telephone and the Internet.

1. Radio and TV. They belong to the most effective channels of information delivery (the possibility of music, noise accompaniment, coverage of a large audience).

Radio broadcasting reaches the target audience faster and more quickly than, for example, newspaper forms. The effect of the subconscious influence of radio on the mass consciousness is created by the fact that the very perception (listening) of radio messages occurs between times, “without interruption” from the production and other activities of a person. But, due to the lack of visualization, it will be effective to inform about promotions aimed at already known services. Television, capable of displaying images, text, music on the screen, helps to quickly form the viewer's opinion and attitude to the message.The secret of such influence is the use of close-ups, the intimate nature of the action (a small number of actors), an extended frame (close observation, continuous monitoring , the nonsleep eye of a TV lens). Television speech is close to the forms of interpersonal PR-communication, which also increases the effectiveness of PR-message. Heads and chief physicians of medical institutions make television announcements about the most common diseases and methods of their treatment and prevention. In parallel with this, they demonstrate attributes or verbally emphasize a certain medical center or clinic, emphasizing that treatment and diagnostics must be done with them.

2. Print media (newspapers, magazines, specialized publications). Perceived by the audience as an authoritative source of information. Printed texts lend themselves to repeated reading and study. Often PR-texts lend themselves to criticism and comment, therefore, multiple repetitions of the message are necessary to overcome the skepticism of the target audience. There are different types of written PR - texts: See: Dushkina M.R. PR and promotion in marketing.- SPb.: Peter, 2010.- P.108.

Press releases inform the public about an event, such as a seminar on new service... A press release is created as an official communication to the media. See: Public Relations as Social Engineering / ed. V.A. Achkasova - SPb .: Rech, 2005.-P.331. In the first case, its goal is to attract attention and inform, in the second - also to invite journalists and possibly other persons.

Background - information of a basic nature, tells about the profile of the organization, its history, plans. Backgrounds are distributed mainly at any event to journalists, in addition to a press release.

A case-story is a case-story about a consumer's favorable use of an organization's services or the resolution of a problem situation. In medical centers, in the event of complaints, patient dissatisfaction, scandalous situations, it is necessary to respond appropriately and quickly. Author Barlow Janell notes that effective complaint resolution can be a powerful source of positive feedback. See: Barlow Janell. Complaint as a gift.-M.: Olimp Business, 2006.- P.54. Therefore, coverage of the problem and its timely solution will prove to the reader about the care and attention to each patient.

A personal or author's article, often called a buy-liner, is signed by an official. The use of such articles gives the publication a prestige. In medicine, these are articles by chief doctors, heads of medical centers. See: V.A. Barezhev, A.A. Malkevich. Organization and implementation of PR-campaigns. -SPb.: Peter, 2010. -S. 119.

Image article serves to create and maintain the image of a medical institution. It can be published both in a specialized edition and in a wide press. As a rule, it is dedicated to a news event. Such an article should contain facts, conclusions that will be clearly reasoned.

3. Direct mail (direct mail). Mail connects the company with potential customers with 100% accuracy (especially after trial mailings, allowing to compare the number of shipments and bounces). V.V. Ivanov and P.V. Bogachenko point out that the effectiveness of direct mail depends on its content. For example, inclusion in a mailing list discount cards or the right of the first preferential service can increase the interest of consumers at times. To maintain consumer interest among existing clients of a medical and prophylactic institution (LPI), the sent materials should contain words of gratitude and emphasize the importance of a person for the institution. Their subject should be new service opportunities, information on the expansion of medical insurance programs, the provision of new services and the benefits of purchasing them. Thanks to the targeting of the materials sent, the client can be offered exactly those medical products that interest him most. See: Ivanov V.V., Bogachenko P.V. Medical management.- M .: Infra-M, 2011.- S. 176-177.

Second tool. Internet promotion.

The Internet as a medium and as a means of communication has great potential for conducting PR events. The Internet as a medium for PR - promotion provides the following opportunities:

“- to focus the impact on a specific narrow-profile target audience in which the medical institution is interested.

Select subgroups in this audience group to compose more personalized PR messages;

Consider individual characteristics and the characteristics of each visitor (for example, when using a network mailing list);

Enter into a direct interactive dialogue with a potential patient;

The ability of audience representatives to communicate with each other, etc. ". Dushkina M.R. PR and promotion in marketing.- SPb.: Peter, 2010.- P. 175.

Most often, the term "PR on the Internet" refers to the following activities:

1. Creation and maintenance of a website, among other functions of which image and communication occupy an important place;

2. Interaction with the media on the Internet;

3. Monitoring of the web forum and participation in it;

4. Creation of events and their coverage. See: Kretov I.I., Karyagin N.B. Commodity strategies and brand technologies in modern marketing.- M.: Economist, 2005.- P. 125.

As for the first type, for the promotion of an organization on the Internet, the basic element of its virtual representation is a corporate website. From a marketing point of view, a site is a set of information blocks and tools for interacting with the target audience. The Internet as a medium and a tool for the implementation of public relations [ Electronic resource] // 10/14/2002 Its target audience is defined as a group of consumers, in principle, ready for contacts with a medical institution.

M.R. Dushkin and V.V. Galkin distinguish the following goals of a corporate website:

1. impact on the target audience to build a belief in the need for cooperation;

2. raising general awareness of the company; See: Dushkina M.R.PR and promotion in marketing.- SPb.: Peter, 2010.- P.175.

3. attracting patients from various regions and foreign countries;

4. building a good reputation and increasing the popularity of doctors or a medical center. See: V.V. Galkin. Medical business.- M .: KnoRus, 2010.- P. 169.

As the authors note, the predisposition of Internet users to quick access to information contributes to the high digestibility of PR material. Therefore, along with offline PR-methods of product promotion, it is necessary to use online PR:

1. banner campaigns - a banner is an element of branding, that is, it contains the corporate identity of the company;

2. e-mail (e-mail). This tool allows you to send mailings on any occasion to an almost unlimited number of recipients. It is very important here Feedback... Dushkina M.R. PR and promotion in marketing.- SPb.: Peter, 2010.- P.175-176.

With regard to interaction with the media on the Internet, this active interaction is as important as cooperation with traditional media... Print and electronic media are interconnected.

Web forum monitoring as a type of Internet activity is the next type of PR communications. Firstly, it will allow promoting the services and the company by discussing and justifying the benefits of going to a medical institution. Secondly, it allows you to track and study the needs of patients. And if problems arise, promptly solve them.

Event creation is an effective means of engaging the public. Events are often associated with some kind of holidays. Discussions and information described in blogs and in social networks that is relevant in modern society.

The third promotion tool. Conducting PR events

Carrying out PR-events contributes to the formation of a positive attitude of society towards a medical institution. Therefore, such events are organized for target groups of the public.

Media events:

- press conference is the most effective form of interaction between the company and journalists. Like a press release, it is intended to inform journalists about events in the company "first-hand". Specifically, journalists, and not the "public", "consumer" or bosses. Without the goodwill of journalists to prepare an interesting, from their point of view, publication about a medical institution, no public and no consumers will see the information. A.N. Chumikov in his work “Public Relations. Theory and Practice, "writes:" The conference business has only one major drawback - you can't hold more than 365 conferences a year. " Chumikov A.N., Bocharov M.P. Public Relations: Theory and Practice, Moscow: Delo, 2006, p. 364.

Conditions for a successful press conference:

1. Informational reason (formulated in the past tense message about a past event, a completed stage of activity, a decision made, etc.)

2. Thorough processing of information (integrity, consistency, novelty, relevance, richness, persuasiveness, completeness, high-quality presentation)

3. Choosing a newsmaker (a person or an organization that has the ability and right to report the news)

4. Selection of media and journalists for invitation (having the duty, the right and the ability to cover the news of the industry) 5. Adequate preparedness of the speakers (competence, availability of powers to disclose information, willingness to ask questions, speech plan, unambiguous statements, benevolence)

6. Availability of information materials (where, how quickly and how much they can be obtained)

7. Clear interaction with journalists (get interested in time, be able to answer any question)

8. Availability of the venue for the press conference (convenient time and venue, transport, route)

9. Correspondence of the atmosphere of the press conference to its holding (style of conducting and speaking, design, venue, pace of the press conference)

10. Clear organization and management of the stages of the event (distribution of responsibilities, adherence to regulations, logical sequence of stages)

11. Respectful attitude to the work of journalists (not to ask, but to motivate; strive to help them do their work with a minimum expenditure of time and energy). Shamin I. Organization of a press conference. [Electronic resource] //

- briefing or a short operative speech to the press with new news is of a publicity nature. The difference between a press conference and a briefing is in time frames. The briefing can last no more than 20-30 minutes. The structure of the briefing: speech, blitz - the speaker's answers to journalists' questions. This event can be carried out by medical centers in the event of an emergency (scandals, poor care, deterioration of the patient's well-being, etc.) See: Dushkina M.R. PR and promotion in marketing.- SPb.: Peter, 2010.- p. 126 ...

Events for the media and the public:

- presentation... This public speaking informs about the emergence of something new, newly created, emerging. What can be seen, touched or read is presented. In medicine, presentations can be held about the emergence of a new service, a new method of treatment, the presentation of a drug, etc. A presentation is arranged for a potential patient, the media, partners.

- round table, discussion and seminars... One of the forms of discussion of ideas, problems among representatives of science and business. The holding of this event increases the image and popularity of the medical institution. In medicine, it is very prestigious to report on the discussion of issues related to science. These may be issues of introducing a new treatment method or equipment. Thus, this demonstrates the interest of the medical institution in improving its activities.

- Exhibitions play a big role in the promotion and formation of a favorable image. Exhibitions provide an opportunity for personal contact with the public. Participants of the 15th international specialized exhibition on healthcare, for example, note that this is a good way to find potential patients, promote services, and find new contacts in the medical environment. 15th International Exhibition on Health Care [Electronic resource] // http: / The exhibition is one of the leading forms and means of integrating the efforts of public relations services. The author of the book "Public Relations" F.I. Sharkov notes that the exhibition is a convenient place for getting acquainted with competitors, attracting new partners to mutually beneficial cooperation, In a free atmosphere, tell about the company's activities, its plans - effective method promotion of a medical institution. See: F.I. Sharkov Public Relations.- M .: Dashkov and K, 2009.- P. 222.

- anniversaries, corporate holidays, anniversaries, public holidays. Events that contribute to both retaining regular patients and attracting new ones, as well as motivating staff to work, improving the quality of work, and much more.

The fourth promotion tool. Loyalty program.

The loyalty of clients of a medical institution is an important factor in its financial well-being and development. Making patients who once applied for medical help to the company, its adherents, the hospital expands its client base and ensures sustainable promotion in the market. It is known that a company spends more on acquiring a new customer than on retaining an old one.

The most common way to increase loyalty is to implement discount programs. As a rule, the desire to obtain price preferences forces buyers of medical services to switch to long-term cooperation with the enterprise.

“The discount system is an element of the company's pricing system, which allows you to receive a stable increase in customers and an increase in demand for goods or services.

Discount cards are a convenient accounting tool for the company.

A discount card is a special card issued by a commercial organization that provides a discount on the price of a product / service. " Razumovskaya A.L. PROmovement. Technologies for effective promotion of services.-SPb.: Peter, 2009.-P. 187.

Discount programs for medical services are aimed at increasing the volume of services. To attract customers, experts recommend setting reduced prices not for the entire range of services, but only for key ones, which the client will already be guided by when choosing a company. See: Ivanov V.V., Bogachenko P.V. Medical management.- M .: Infra-M, 2011.- P.161-172.

Gift products also build loyalty. This is both a reminder of the company and a demonstration of attitude towards the client.

As practice shows, the attitude of clients to the company is influenced not only by economic factors and the quality of purchased medical services - the impression received by the patient when visiting a medical institution is of no small importance. The attitude and attention of the staff, the furnishings, the interior, the general atmosphere are the components of this impression.

An additional effective method of maintaining a customer base is the provision of guarantees. But this method can be applied to certain types of services.

Employee loyalty plays an important role in promoting an institution. Various mechanisms for stimulating employees to promote the company allow not only to increase the employee's loyalty to his employer, but also to make him active in promoting the company's services in the foreign market.

Loyalty programs are aimed at building such a motivation system for personnel, in which employees are involved in the external distribution process for a long time and are personally interested in the results of their activities - both their own and the company as a whole.

A.L. Razumovskaya highlights the most common employee loyalty programs: See: Razumovskaya A.L. PROmovement. Technologies for effective promotion of services.-SPb.: Peter, 2009.-P.194.

1. creation of a corporate culture;

2. providing employees with information on new services and price promotions on a regular basis;

3. the system of inviting clients (through the company's employees) to ongoing promotions;

4. individualized systems of payment for goods and services provided to employees and referred clients.

With the right design and implementation of loyalty programs that target both external and internal communities, the company gains trust. In the future, this trust becomes one of the components of creating the company's image and reputation.

The fifth promotion tool. Creation of a corporate culture.

Another important tool in promoting a medical institution is the creation of a corporate culture. The founders of the business strive to make the staff of the company a team united by common values, professional ethics and culture. See: V.V. Galkin. Medical business.- M .: KnoRus, 2010.- P. 131. Intra-corporate culture forms the reputation of an organization. The more efficient and stronger the internal culture of the company, the more favorable the public image is, and, consequently, the confidence of the potential consumer grows.

It is important to note that corporate culture affects relations with staff, patients, insurance companies, government agencies.

The first thing to consider is the fact that the fundamental element of corporate culture is the philosophy of the firm. This is a detailed statement of moral and ethical and business standards, the principles that guide the employees of the company. See: I.Sh. Rezepov. Psychology of advertising and PR.- M .: Dashkov and K, 2008.- P. 188.

Philosophy includes a mission, that is, a strategic goal that expresses the meaning of the organization's existence, and certain values ​​and principles that, firstly, determine the hierarchy of the organization's priorities for a given period of life, and, secondly, help to reveal the meaning that is invested in designated values. In the same place. S.186-190. The main tenets of corporate culture are enshrined in the corporate code. The corporate code of a medical institution may include the following information blocks: See: Ivanov V.V., Bogachenko P.V. Medical management.- M .: Infra-M, 2011.- S. 214-215.

Medical facility mission, vision and strategic goals activities;

The values ​​of the medical institution and the principles that it adheres to in its work;

Norms and rules of conduct for company employees in various situations;

The norms of interaction between managers and subordinates;

Social responsibility of the company;

Rules of interaction between staff and patients;

Norms of interaction with the external environment;

Corporate principles and priorities in the relationship " work time- personal life";

Responsibility and consequences of non-compliance with the code.

The second thing that is important in corporate culture is work with personnel, namely:

Informing about possible changes, innovations, complete information about the activities of the organization;

Motivating staff to work more efficiently. It is carried out through the introduction of incentives, bonuses, the provision of benefits, the provision of gifts, etc.

Thirdly, part of the corporate culture is - form style organizations. The corporate identity can otherwise be presented as the individuality of the company. He is one of the components of the image. When promoting a medical institution, the development of a corporate identity plays an important role. The advantages that it provides are recognition, differentiation from competitors, the formation of patient confidence and promotion. In other words, the corporate identity is the “face of the company”.

A concentrated exponent of the corporate identity of a medical institution or a medical company, its "calling card" is trademark... A trade mark is an originally designed, special combination of numbers, letters and words with which a company or a medical institution supplies its products. In other words, a trademark is a complex concept that can include:

The verbal name of the organization. This is the first thing potential consumers pay attention to. In the medical business, the name of a hospital has an important function. Successful names help to expand and increase the flow of patients, at the same time, unsuccessful ones negatively affect the image of the institution; See: V.V. Galkin. Medical business.- M .: KnoRus, 2010.- P.90.

A brand name, that is, a graphic component that represents a particular style or color combination;

A slogan is a special short motto that reflects the purpose of the company or its ideological position. F.I. Sharkov identifies the main criteria for a good slogan, these are brevity, memorability, originality, compliance with the goals of the company, focus on the target audience, inviting (but not aggressive) character. See: F.I. Sharkov Goodwill Constants.- M .: Dashkov and K, 2009.- P. 65.

So, the main requirements for corporate identity are:

1. It must be memorable. For this, a logo that is understandable to the target audience should be developed. The logo must be significantly different from other logos in order to distinguish it from the competition. For medicine, it is necessary to study suitable images. For example, you can use a variant of the logo with a shamrock - this is relevant in medicine, as it is a powerful symbol of well-being, just like the white clover plant, which has been known for its medicinal properties... The same shamrock, but more non-trivial, is like a circle in a circle, that is, a symbol in the symbol of a shamrock in a shamrock.

2. The corporate identity should be easily recognizable. It should look the same and be readable on all advertising media and media.

3. The corporate identity must be scalable. The image of the logo can be very small, for example on business cards, or large on billboards, so the task of designers is to develop a corporate identity that is well copied in both cases. In the same place. S.63-70.

The sixth promotion tool. Analytical

The competence of a PR specialist also includes conducting research. In particular, conducting surveys, questioning, interviewing.

Poll - obtaining information from the respondents through personal contacts, mail, telephone. Poll forms - questionnaire; interview.

Questioning involves the development of a questionnaire, which must be filled out by the respondent. Usually, questionnaires are a list of questions united by one topic and aimed at identifying the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the object and subject of analysis.

In medicine, the patient's response to the questionnaire will depend on how competently and professionally they are drawn up. They can make the patient irritable, surprised, or smiling. Patients often do not spend a lot of time filling out the questionnaires. Before receiving a certain medical service, they already fill out a questionnaire based on their state of health, therefore, a questionnaire with marketing goals should not be very voluminous and intrusive, but for certain questions, it must realize the goals of a specialist.

The survey makes it possible to cover a fairly large number of people, and, accordingly, to obtain voluminous information. See: N.G. Malakhova. Marketing in health care.-Rostovn / D .: Phoenix, 2010.-P.100. In particular, information about the values, interests, preferences, inclinations of people, motives of their activities, moods and opinions. See: Chumikov A.N., Bocharov M.P. Public relations. Theory and practice. - M .: Delo, 2006. - P.87.

Interview is one of the methods of marketing research, with the help of which it is possible to obtain information of interest by interviewing a respondent in person. Interviews can take different forms: documentary interviews and opinion interviews. Documentary are aimed at studying events that have already happened. Opinion interviews are designed to reveal the existing assessments, views and judgments of experts. See: Dushkina M.R. PR and promotion in marketing.- SPb.: Peter, 2010.- p. 350.

In-depth interviews prevail in the medical business. This is a free interview option. It is carried out to clarify beliefs, motives, attitudes, values, feelings and attitudes towards a given topic. The in-depth interview method is based on direct personal communication between the interviewer and the respondent. An in-depth interview is conducted one-on-one and recorded on audio or video media. The in-depth interview lasts from 30 minutes to one and a half hours. The interviewer builds the conversation following a previously developed scenario, but actively leads the respondent to an open, "live" discussion of the topic. Types of interviews in personnel selection [Electronic resource] //

An analytical tool is essential when promoting a medical institution. Its main advantages:

Obtaining information about the work of a medical institution, its personnel;

Obtaining information about the modernity of the services provided and the wishes of patients;

Informing the public about the activities of the organization, its principles and goals, etc.

Seventh instrument. Handout printed material

There is a certain set of printed materials that remain in the hands of clients: business cards, brochures, leaflets, booklets, brochures, etc.

Brochure... One of the means of disseminating information about the organization. Typically, this print edition consists of several bound pages. According to its purpose, a brochure can be advertising, presentation, technical, and artistic. Brochures demonstrate the benefits that an organization can offer. Briggs S. Promotion tools [Electronic resource] // In medicine, the main functions of brochures are to attract attention, inform about treatment methods, and encourage people to contact a certain medical institution. For a more vivid presentation, illustrations are used, usually in many colors, showing the product in operation in a variety of conditions of use.

Leaflet... Unfold or single-fold edition, published in large circulation, usually dedicated to one service. Its task is to quickly disseminate information about a new service or promotion for the provision of any service. The content of the text is information about the merits of the service, or the conditions of the promotion. See: N.G. Malakhova. Marketing in healthcare.-Rostovn / D .: Phoenix, 2010.-P.121.

Business card. Traditional carrier of contact information about the organization. Made of paper, cardboard or small plastic. A business card includes the owner's name, company (usually with a logo) and contact information (address, phone number and / or email address).

In her book for businessmen, The Laws of Business, Christie Lee writes: “A business card is an important part of business. It is an effective and inexpensive form of advertising. " A good business card will give a quick overview of the institution. A very good one - can play an irreplaceable role in business. Cit. Quoted from: M. Gudkova. Story business card... //Personnel Management. [Electronic resource]//

Thus, summing up the above, it should be noted that the medical business is developing rapidly. New medical services are emerging, which means that it becomes possible to carry out various ways of positioning and promoting medical institutions. Many private medical institutions resort to the services of advertising campaigns, but it is necessary to understand that the use of medical services is, first of all, an opportunity to satisfy the main need of a person - to improve his health, therefore it is necessary to create a trusting relationship between the institution and the patient. Public relations are essential when promoting a healthcare facility. It is possible to create a favorable atmosphere of communication with the help of various tools. Which PR tools are most effective for promoting medical services can be determined taking into account the specifics of the medical institution. That is, the tools always need to be adapted and applied selectively, to the place.

Today, unfortunately, not many leaders understand this. For them, the main thing becomes - making a profit. As a result, their activity does not find its rapid development. Having won over not only potential patients, but also establishing mutually beneficial relationships with all participants in the medical environment, will become the key to the success of the promotion and prosperity of the institution. The manager will be able to assess the development trend of the medical market, monitor public attitudes towards his institution, build up a client base, find and retain professional staff, create a favorable image and reputation, and become a competitive participant in the medical business.

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