Sample order for a corporate event. Order to hold an event Director's order form to hold a formal event

Document text:

Name of the organization ORDER ________________ N _______________ __________________________________ Place of publication On holding _____________________ (indicate the event) For the purposes of ______________________________________________________________ I ORDER: 1. Conduct "__" ________ ___ (option: in the period from ____________ to ____________) ________________________________________________________________ (indicate the event) ____________________________________________________________. 2. Approve the Program of carrying out ___________________ (Appendix N 1). (indicate the event) 3. Approve the estimate of hospitality expenses for holding ___________ (indicate ____________ in the amount of _______ (_________) rubles (Appendix N 2). event) 4. To the Chief Accountant ____________________________ allocate funds in the amount established by the estimate of hospitality expenses (Appendix N 2 ), and submit a report on hospitality expenses for the event held by the deadline ____________________________ with confirmation of their relevant primary documents. 5. Approve the list of employees of the organization for participation in _____________: - ____________________________________________________________________; (indicate the position and full name of the employee) - ________________________________________________________________________; (indicate the position and full name of the employee) - ________________________________________________________________________; (indicate the position and full name of the employee) - ________________________________________________________________________. (indicate the position and full name of the employee) 6. Head of _____________ department _______________________ to provide __________________________________________________________________ during the event. 7. To impose control over the execution of this order on ________________________________________________________________________________. (indicate the position and full name) Name of the position of the head of the organization Signature Explanation of the signature of the Visa I am familiar with the order: Signature Explanation of the signature Date of the Appendix: - N 1 - Program of ______________________________; (indicate the event) - N 2 - Estimated costs for carrying out ____________________________. (specify event)

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    One head is good, but several heads are a herd.

    To write off the costs of a New Year's corporate party, accounting or auditors may require the directorate to issue an appropriate order. What should be written about?

    An order to hold a corporate party, like any other order of the director, is drawn up on the appropriate form, signed, endorsed responsible persons and certified with seals.

    In the order for a corporate party for the New Year, the following should be indicated:

    • Name of the organization;
    • number and date of the order;
    • the topic of the order;
    • the purpose of issuing the order;
    • the essence of the order point by point;
    • position and name of the responsible person.

    If the order indicates the performers, then each of them should be familiarized with it under the signature.

    Sample order for holding a New Year's corporate party

    KodoTour LLC

    About holding
    corporate celebration
    New Year

    In connection with the celebration of the New Year, as well as for the development corporate culture and strengthening relationships with partners

    I ORDER:

    1. Hold a corporate celebration of the New Year on December 27, 20__.
    2. Submit the action plan to senior manager A. S. Ivanchenko for approval by November 10, 20__.
    3. Submit the list of employees for promotion to the head of the personnel department E. G. Sapronov for approval by November 15, 20__.
    4. Submit the list of invited partners for approval to Commercial Director N. G. Golikov by November 15, 20__.
    5. Submit the cost estimate to Senior Accountant V. N. Mamoev for approval by November 20, 20__.
    6. Responsible for the preparation and holding of the event to appoint senior manager A. S. Ivanchenko.
    7. I reserve control over the execution of this order.

    CEO ……………………………………. A. S. Fedchenko

    The dates in the order example are conditional. In fact, it is better to start preparing for the New Year holidays in advance.

    Following the example of an order for a New Year's corporate party, you can draw up an order for organizing another festive event. Key points will be the same.

    An order to hold an event is an official order of the head of the organization addressed to subordinates and requiring the performance of certain actions. The document is drawn up in writing in compliance with basic regulations.


    The document consists of two blocks: informational and administrative.

    Document information block

    The information block of the document should contain:

    • purpose of the event;
    • the date of the event;
    • the location where the event will take place.

    Document command block

    The control block must contain:

    • actions that will be taken to create an event;
    • Name of persons responsible for the development, organization of the event, as well as reporting after it has ended.

    Information that must be included in the document

    The order must contain the following information:

    • document header;
    • what is the name of the organization;
    • registration number;
    • place of publication;
    • date of compilation;
    • the name of the event itself;
    • why it was decided to hold the event;
    • period of the event;
    • approved action plan;
    • the amount of money that the organization must provide;
    • the date on which the post-event hospitality report will be submitted;
    • Name of employees who will participate in the event;
    • Full name of the head of the transport department, which will provide transport services;
    • Full name and official position of the person who will control the execution of the order;
    • applications that are attached to the order (name of the program, cost estimates, etc.);
    • manager's signature;
    • the date of familiarization with the document and the signatures of the participants.

    Who signs

    The order to hold the event is signed by the head of the organization or the person who temporarily acts as the head on the basis of a power of attorney.

    Why do you need an event order?

    An order to hold an event is necessary for the head of the organization in order to:

    • rally and motivate employees;
    • promote corporate values: follow the example of leaders, strive for growth, do more with less, etc.;
    • submit new guidance;
    • attract the attention of the media;
    • strengthen the image of the organization;
    • create a set of norms and rules that describe the rules of conduct, uniform standards of relations and joint activities existing in the organization;
    • mobilize the labor potential of employees for a new project;
    • create a unified team.

    Filling Requirements

    According to GOST R 6.30-2003, the following requirements must be met when an order is drawn up:

    • Observe the distance between the edges of the page and the text.
    • The document must be on a white and high quality sheet of paper 210×297.
    • The date of the document is written in the order Arabic numerals, for example: 10/16/2010. or 2010.10.16. State standard allows a verbal-numerical way of designing the date - October 16, 2010.
    • All details must be filled in.
    • Write all amounts in words and figures.
    • All signatures.
    • All signatures must be decrypted.
    • Seal.

    If the order is issued on two or more pages, then such documents are subject to numbering.

    Typical mistakes when filling out a document

    Most often, the following errors are made in the order for holding events:

    • the date of preparation of the document is not specified;
    • there is no approval stamp;
    • details are not filled;
    • there is no list of persons responsible for the execution of the document;
    • the notes are made with a simple pencil;
    • adding text;
    • an illegible entry was made;
    • there are fixes;
    • spelling/arithmetic errors;
    • different colors of ink;
    • the name of the organization is incorrectly indicated;
    • conspicuous mechanical impact on the document (artificial aging, erasure of part of the text);
    • amended;
    • the notes are erased.

    Important! If the act is signed by a person not related to the verification, then such a document has no legal force.

    Error correction

    If an error was noticed in the order, then the following must be done:

    1. Rewrite/reprint the document. You can use this method if:
      • the mistake was noticed even before the signing by the manager;
      • the error was detected at the time of signing.
    2. Cancel the document if it contains typos, blots, words that misrepresent the meaning of the order. To do this, it is enough to publish new order. But before that, it is necessary to issue a document annulling the order to hold events, in which there are errors. It must state the following:
      • registration number;
      • date of;
      • title;
      • the text should begin with the words: “Declare invalid” / “Consider invalid”;
      • reason for cancellation;
      • who is responsible for corrections;
      • deadlines for the execution of the replacement order.

    After the document (cancelling the order) has been drawn up, the next step is to prepare a new one, which is assigned new number and where there are no typos, blots, typos. After that, the order is signed by the head.

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    Name of the organization ORDER ________________ N _______________ __________________________________ Place of publication On holding _____________________ (indicate the event) For the purposes of ______________________________________________________________ I ORDER: 1. Conduct "__" ________ ___ (option: in the period from ____________ to ____________) ________________________________________________________________ (indicate the event) ____________________________________________________________. 2. Approve the Program of carrying out ___________________ (Appendix N 1). (indicate event) 3. Approve the estimate of entertainment expenses for holding ___________ (indicate ____________ in the amount of _______ (_________) rubles (Appendix N 2). event) 4.

    Event Order

    To the chief accountant ____________________________ allocate cash in the amount established by the estimate of hospitality expenses (Appendix No. 2), and submit a report on hospitality expenses for the event held within the time limit of ____________________________, confirming them with relevant primary documents. 5. Approve the list of employees of the organization for participation in _____________: - ____________________________________________________________________; (indicate the position and full name of the employee) - ____________________________________________________________________; (indicate the position and full name of the employee) - ____________________________________________________________________; (indicate the position and full name of the employee) - ________________________________________________________________________. (indicate the position and full name of the employee) 6. Head of _____________ department _______________________ to provide __________________________________________________________________ during the event. 7. To impose control over the execution of this order on ________________________________________________________________________________. (indicate the position and full name) Name of the position of the head of the organization Signature Explanation of the signature of the Visa I am familiar with the order: Signature Explanation of the signature Date of the Appendix: - N 1 - Program of ______________________________; (indicate the event) - N 2 - Estimated costs for carrying out ____________________________. (specify event)

    Document page source: event

    Order of the head of the organization on holding a representative event and approving the cost estimate for its holding

    ___________________________________________________________ (name of organization) ORDER N _______ _________ "__" ________ ___ On holding ___________________________ (indicate the event) In order to establish and (or) maintain mutual cooperation with ___________________________________, I ORDER: 1.

    Order for a corporate party: sample

    Hold "__" ________ ___ (option: from ____________ to ____________) an official reception and negotiations with representatives of ________ ____________________________________________________________. 2. Approve the Program of carrying out ___________________ (Appendix N 1). (indicate the event) 3. Approve the estimate of hospitality expenses for holding ___________ (indicate ____________ in the amount of _______ (_________) rubles (Appendix N 2). event) 4. To the Chief Accountant ____________________________ allocate funds in the amount established by the estimate of hospitality expenses (Appendix N 2 ), and submit a report on the hospitality expenses for the entertainment events held by the deadline ____________________________, confirming them with the relevant primary documents. 5. Approve the list of employees of the organization for participation in _____________: - ____________________________________________________________________; (indicate the position and full name of the employee) - ____________________________________________________________________; (indicate the position and full name of the employee) - ____________________________________________________________________; (indicate the position and full name of the employee) - ________________________________________________________________________. (indicate the position and full name of the employee) 6. To the head of the transport department _______________________ provide transport service representatives of ____________________________ during the event. 7. I reserve control over the execution of this order (option: assign to ______________________________). (indicate the position and full name) Applications: - N 1 - Program of the ______________________________; (indicate the event) - N 2 - Estimated costs for carrying out ____________________________. (indicate the event) Head _________________ _________________ ________________ (signature) (full name) The following people are familiar with the order: "__"________ ___ g. ____________ ____________ (signature) (full name)


    Sample order for a control event

    Document section: Sample documents, Order

    Download "Sample Order for Control Measures"

    Source of documents of the Order section:



    Form of the order of the territorial authority

    On carrying out control measures in relation to _______________________________________________________________ (name legal entity or surname, initials of an individual entrepreneur)

    In accordance with the Regulations on Federal Service on supervision in the field of communications, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 30.06.2004 N 318, the Procedure for exercising state supervision over activities in the field of communications, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 02.03.2005 N 110, in order to verify compliance with (name of a legal entity or surname, initials of an individual entrepreneur) license conditions for carrying out activities under license N (NN) _________

    I ORDER:

    1. Carry out in the period from _____ to _____ (scheduled or unscheduled) an event to monitor compliance with (name of a legal entity or surname, initials of an individual entrepreneur) of the license conditions for carrying out activities under license N (NN) ______ (hereinafter referred to as the control event). 2. In order to carry out control measures, create a commission consisting of: Last name First name Middle name Position, chairman Last name First name Middle name Position ... ... 3.

    Order for holding an event sample

    The Commission (Surname of the Chairman) shall develop and submit for approval by ________________ the Program for carrying out the control measures by _____. 4. To impose control over the execution of this Order on ______________ (Surname).

    Head (initials, surname)

    Soon, soon the New Year!

    “Personnel officer. HR records management", 2009, No. 12

    The corporate New Year's holiday is an event that is looked forward to all year long. After all, every time you want the meeting of the New Year to be easy, festive and carefree. And without problems, both for the company and for its employees.

    Correctly executed internal documents of the company, as well as employees' knowledge of the rules of conduct on New Year's Eve and during the corporate New Year's celebration, will help to avoid a number of problems.

    The very fact of organizing and holding a corporate New Year's holiday must be documented (in addition to primary accounting documents) by the company's internal documents. This is a requirement of paragraphs 1 and 2 of Art. nine federal law of November 21, 1996 N 129-FZ “On Accounting” and clause 1 of Art. 252 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

    These internal documents include:

    — the order of the head of the company on the preparation and celebration of the corporate New Year 2010;

    - the program of the New Year's event;

    - approved budget for the New Year's event;

    - a report on the execution of this budget.

    The first thing to do in the preparation and holding of the New Year's celebration is to issue the appropriate order from the head. It indicates where, when and on what occasion the corporate holiday will be organized, as well as appoint persons responsible for holding the event and for all expenses. Based on the order, they draw up a program for the New Year's event and approve the budget for the preparation and holding of the New Year's holiday.

    Sample Sample

    Soleil Limited Liability Company
    (LLC "Soley")

    We draw up an order on representation expenses - a sample

    Order N 47
    on the preparation and celebration of the New Year 2010

    To prepare and celebrate the New Year 2010

    I order:

    2. Appoint the person responsible for organizing and holding the New Year's corporate holiday, the director of the HR department V.K. Pestov.

    3. Director of the HR Department V.K. Pestov to prepare a program for the corporate New Year's holiday by November 23, 2009.

    4. Reward employees with a cash bonus for the New Year according to the attached list.

    5. Head of the administrative and economic department S.S. Nalobin to order New Year gifts and souvenirs for employees with company symbols.

    6. Director of the HR Department V.K. Pestov, head of the administrative and economic department S.S. Nalobin and chief accountant M.A. Smirnova, according to the program of the New Year's holiday approved by me, to prepare the budget for this event and submit it to me for approval by November 25, 2009.

    7. Chief Accountant M.A. Smirnova, by December 30, 2009, to submit a report on the execution of the budget for the preparation and holding of the New Year 2010.

    I reserve control over the execution of this Order.

    General Director Petrov N.M. Petrov

    Familiarized with the Order:

    Director of the Department for Work with Pestov V.K. Pestov
    Head of Administrative and Economic Nalobin S.S. Nalobin
    Legal adviser Mikhailov S.G. Mikhailov
    (and other visas for heads of structural
    company departments)

    In case N 01-01
    Manager Pikhtin 11/11/2009

    Sample Sample

    I approve:

    Petrov N.M. Petrov

    Corporate New Year's holiday program

    Venue: Blue Lagoon Restaurant.

    Beginning of the New Year's celebration - 17.00.

    Entrance of employees and guests by special invitations

    To the program New Year's Eve includes the following activities:

    17.00 — new year greetings from the management of Soley LLC.

    17.30 - solemn awarding of employees of Soley LLC.

    18.30 - Solemn presentation of gifts and memorable souvenirs with the company's logo to business partners of Soley LLC.

    19.00 - New Year's greetings from Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden, presentation of New Year's gifts to all participants in the celebration.

    20.00 - New Year's banquet, congratulations, toasts.

    21.00 - performances by pop artists.

    23.00 - disco and fireworks.

    Throughout the evening - photo and video shooting, friendly caricatures.

    Then it is necessary to form a budget for the preparation and holding of the New Year's holiday, the expense items of which are made up of many different elements, depending on the financial capabilities of the company, idea, scenario, number, status and level of participants in this event. A budget is drawn up, which details the cost of each stage of organizing a corporate New Year's holiday. The company can prepare a draft budget on its own or with the involvement of specialists in the organization corporate holidays firms.

    Sample Sample

    I approve:

    General Director of "Impulse" LLC
    Petrov N.M. Petrov

    Budget for the preparation and holding of the New Year 2010

    Number of guests - 100 people.

    The budget of the New Year's holiday is 1,204,000 rubles.

    Expenditure items Amount (rub.)
    The cost of artificial Christmas trees and new Year decoration office
    premises 25 000
    Expenses for New Year's decorative elements, floral
    arrangements, compositions and figures from aerial
    balls, banners, decorative lighting, serpentine,

    confetti, sparklers for the banquet hall of the restaurant
    Blue Lagoon 105 000
    New Year cards and invitations 6 000
    (60 x 100)
    Rent of the banquet hall of the Blue Lagoon restaurant 50,000
    New Year's banquet (dishes, drinks, service, dishes) 300,000
    (3000 x 100)
    Order 15 cakes with company logo 20 000
    Gifts and souvenirs with company logo 150 000
    Fee of the host of the New Year's Eve 30,000
    Rental of Santa Claus and Snow Maiden costumes 8 000
    Cartoonist's fee 20,000
    Entertainment(scenario of the holiday, concert
    pop artists, disco) 400,000
    Photo and video shooting 40 000
    Fireworks 15 000
    The fee of the company - the organizer of the New Year's holiday 35,000
    Total expenses 1,204,000

    Chief Accountant Smirnova M.A. Smirnova

    Sample Sample

    I approve:

    General Director of "Impulse" LLC
    Petrov N.M. Petrov

    Report on the execution of the budget for the preparation and implementation
    new year 2010

    Expenditure items Amount (rub.)
    plan fact documents
    expenses for artificial
    Christmas trees and Christmas
    office decoration
    premises 25,000 20,000 Invoice dated 01.12.2009 N 421,

    invoice dated 02.12.2009
    N 421, advance report dated
    03.12.2009 N 76
    Christmas expenses
    decorative items,

    arrangements, compositions and
    figures from balloons,

    banners, decorative
    lighting, serpentine,

    confetti, sparklers
    for a banquet hall
    restaurant "Blue Lagoon" 105,000 102,000 Invoice dated 07.12.2009 N 1289,

    invoice dated 07.12.2009
    N 1289, advance report dated
    08.12.2009 N 85, act
    acceptance of completed
    works of December 25, 2009 N 245,

    invoice dated 25.12.2009
    N 245
    New Year's cards and
    invitations 6,000 6,000 Advance report from
    08.12.2009 N 86
    Banquet hall rental
    restaurant "Blue Lagoon" 50,000 50,000 Contract dated 01.12.2009
    No. 236, invoice dated 12/21/2009
    N 376, acceptance certificate
    services rendered from
    12/28/2009 N 284, account-
    invoice dated 28.12.2009
    N 284
    New Year's banquet (dishes,

    drinks, service,

    crockery) 300,000 300,000 Contract dated 12/01/2009
    No. 236, invoice dated 12/21/2009
    N 376, acceptance certificate
    services rendered from
    12/28/2009 N 284, account-
    invoice dated 28.12.2009
    N 284
    Order 15 cakes with
    company symbols 20,000 20,000 Invoice dated 12/18/2009 N 449,

    record of acceptance
    services rendered from
    12/24/2009 N 350, account-
    invoice dated 24.12.2009
    N 350
    Gifts and souvenirs with
    company symbols 150,000 150,000 Contract dated 07.12.2009
    No. 672, invoice dated 08.12.2009
    N 817, acceptance certificate
    completed work from
    12/14/2009 N 869, account-
    invoice dated 12/14/2009
    No. 869
    Presenter's fee
    New Year's Eve 30,000 30,000 Agreement dated 12/21/2009
    N 28, act of executed
    works dated December 25, 2009 N 28,

    RKO of December 25, 2009 N 394
    Grandfather costume rental
    Frost and Snow Maiden 8,000 8,000 Contract dated 07.12.2009
    N 557, act performed
    works of December 25, 2009 N 557,

    invoice dated 25.12.2009
    N 557, payment order
    dated 08.12.2009 N 861
    Caricaturist's fee 20,000 20,000 Contract dated 12/21/2009
    N 29, act performed
    works dated December 25, 2009 N 29,

    RKO of December 25, 2009 N 395
    (scenario of the holiday,

    concert of entertainers,

    disco) 400,000 400,000 Contract dated 07.12.2009
    N 557, act performed
    works of December 25, 2009 N 557,

    invoice dated 25.12.2009
    N 557, payment order
    dated 08.12.2009 N 861
    Photo and video filming 40,000 40,000 Contract dated 12/21/2009
    N 30, act performed
    works dated December 25, 2009 N 30,

    RKO of December 25, 2009 N 396
    Fireworks 15,000 15,000 Advance report from
    12/21/2009 No. 92
    Company fee -
    organizer of the New Year
    holiday 35,000 35,000 Agreement dated 07.12.2009
    N 557, act performed
    works of December 25, 2009 N 557,