Classification of hotels according to the organization of internal marketing. Features of internal and external marketing of hotel services

Internal Marketing - Management labor resources hotels

Such an incident occurred in one of the Moscow hotels. The guests leaving the hotel were visited by their Moscow companion to take them to the Domodedovo airport. He left his car in the parking lot in front of the hotel and slammed his keys in the trunk of his car by mistake. All this became clear when the guests left the hotel. In addition, the car was blocked by other vehicles, and customers were rushing to board the plane. The receptionist was not taken aback. He immediately called the hotel's engineering service and asked to send an urgent locksmith, while other hotel staff tried to find the owners of other cars to clear the congestion. Ten minutes after the call from the attendant, a locksmith arrived and opened the trunk. Thus, the hotel employees successfully dealt with the problem, as they were prepared for such incidents. The hotel staff involved in this situation understood the importance of resolving the problem and satisfying customers in order for them to come again, and tried in every possible way to help guests.

In this case, employees constantly informed their guests about what was being done to resolve the problem. For clients, the departure from the hotel could be deplorable, but this did not happen, as the hotel staff showed their professionalism and approved the guests in the opinion of what they did. right choice regarding the hotel where they stayed.

After completing this section, you will be able to:

  • master the marketing approach to personnel management in the hotel;
  • explain what constitutes a service culture and the importance of professional training;
  • get an idea of ​​the distribution methods marketing information among employees;
  • use a system of encouragement and promotion of employees.

The hospitality business is unique in the sense that employees are part of the hotel product. The entire staff of the hotel - and the receptionist, and the waiter serving breakfast, and the doorman at the front door, and the concierge, and the maid, and the director - make every effort to make the guest satisfied and return to the hotel again. Their attitude, appearance, readiness to fulfill any guest's request form the general impression of the hotel.

It is often difficult to separate the material part of the product from its spiritual component. The hotel staff, organizing the reception of guests and providing them with services through their intermediary, becomes an essential component of these services themselves. Differences in the provision of the same services are often associated with the fact that hotel employees serve their customers in different ways.

As already noted, in the hotel business, most marketing activities carried out by employees outside the marketing department. The marketing department employees attracted customers to the hotel, and the service staff must accept the guest in such a way that he turns into regular client... This creates the main competitive advantage hotel.

Marketing professionals must develop methods and procedures to ensure that hotel employees are able and willing to provide quality service. The work of internal marketing is structured so that employees at all levels of the organizational structure of the hotel carry out their work and are aware that their Practical activities and the service atmosphere created in the hotel molds the customer's mind. The purpose of internal marketing is to help employees deliver satisfying customer service in the right way. Internal marketing is marketing aimed inwardly at the firm, at its employees.

It includes the following basic concepts:

  • Service culture.
  • Marketing approach to human resources management.
  • Distribution of marketing information among hotel employees.
  • Using a system of encouragement and promotion of employees.

The internal marketing program stems from a culture of service. A marketing service program is doomed to failure if the hotel's organizational culture does not support customer service. Good program customer service involves a lot more than just working with front-line employees. The internal marketing program requires strict commitment from the hotel management and management.

The main barrier in the preparation and implementation of most internal marketing programs is the pressure of previous experience and inability to perceive modern methods work. Imagine a hotel receptionist who has received appropriate marketing training and is dedicated to helping guests. He will spend a lot more time with clients to help an unhappy guest or to remedy a situation if the client is not satisfied with the hotel's service. However, the same employee, but did not undergo such training, may regard all this as additional and unproductive time spent, and the services rendered as wasteful.

If the hotel management expects a positive attitude of the employees towards the guest, they themselves must have the same positive attitude towards both the client and the employees. Hospitality businesses often hire “dedicated coaches” to work with their customer contacts during the shift and instill in them an interest in quality guest service. However, this kind of staff training turns out to be useless in hotels, which do little to support employees who are good at serving customers. Service managers persuade their employees to be helpful and friendly to guests, while the staff of this unit, for example, is understaffed. The phone greeting, which exists to make the receptionist appear sincere and helpful - “ Good morning, the Apollo hotel, says Tatiana, how can I help you? - does not bring the required benefit if all this is compressed to three seconds, and is also supplemented at the end with the words "Please do not hang up!" The customer can wait for the phone to ring 14 times and when finally answered, he hears a cold greeting spoken in a tongue twister. Management must develop a service culture that focuses on serving the customer through specific rules, procedures, rewards and actions.

Organizational culture is a system of values ​​and beliefs that gives hotel employees an understanding of its tasks and provides them with rules of conduct in it. Every hotel should have its own culture In well-managed hotels, every employee is a bearer of that culture.

A high culture, firstly, determines the behavior of employees - they know how to act and what is expected of them, and, secondly, it helps employees to understand the goals of their company - they know what their company wants to achieve and how they owe it to it. help.

Culture serves as a core that strengthens the organization. If the culture of the hotel is high, then the organization itself and its employees act as a whole. However, a hotel with a high culture does not necessarily have a corresponding service culture. A strong service culture encourages employees to be customer-centric in their actions and is the first step in developing a customer-centered organization.

Customer-driven development requires the hotel management to make certain commitments in terms of time and financial resources... Moving to a customer-centered management system may entail changes in recruitment, training, reward systems, and customer complaint resolution, as well as employee mandate. To do this, service leaders must spend more time communicating with both customers and employees who are in contact with customers. The leadership will inevitably have to go for it. The culture of service does not increase from the number of issued orders and orders. Customer-centered management will evolve gradually thanks to the complex actions of the hotel management. For example, a hotel manager who spends time welcoming visitors at check-in and inquiring about their well-being when they leave the hotel demonstrates concern for the guests.

Hotels that have a low general culture have little or no adherence to normal service norms and values. If the hotel does not have core values ​​defined, then employees do not know how they should act, and therefore spend additional time deciding how to behave and how to act in each specific case. In particular, they must obtain the approval of their immediate supervisor before making a decision on a problem that has arisen. And these leaders, in turn, will try to transfer responsibility to the top, securing the approval of their superiors. While the problem is being solved, the client must wait and waste time to get an answer. In a hotel with a high culture of service, the employees themselves know what to do and do their job themselves. As a result, clients receive quick answers to emerging questions and quick solutions to their problems.

When dealing with an organization that has a high culture, you immediately feel it. For example, Marriott employees have already got into the habit of immediately “turning to face the client”. This chain includes many hotels, and in any of them the employees invariably welcome the guest with a sincere desire to help. There is a big difference in the guest's perception of the employee who simply remembered the greeting and repeats it to the visitors, and the employee who is sincerely interested in the guests and shows this with all his behavior. The employees in such hotels are always at their best, and this strengthens the decision of the visitors to stay in these hotels.

Regular organizational structure hotel business is a triangle. For example, in a hotel general manager and his deputies will sit at the highest point of the triangle, followed by the heads of services and other chiefs. The frontline employees and the customers themselves are at the bottom of the triangle.

C. Blanshard, author of The One Minute Manager, argues that the problem with conventional organizational structure is that each employee works for his or her boss. And because employees want to do well in a hotel, their biggest concern is how management evaluates their performance. For example, department heads are worried about what the CEO is thinking about them, and the CEO wants to be appreciated by the entire hotel staff. The problem with this type of organization is that every employee is concerned about how they look in front of their boss, and the entire organization pays very little attention to the client.

In a modern hotel with a high culture of service, the customer always comes first, and the administration and management do everything possible to promote normal work collective.

With this type of organization, the job of each employee is to serve the client as best as possible. The management assists the heads of departments in serving the client, develops systems that allow to better organize the service, and the heads of services help the ordinary employees in serving the client.

The marketing model of hotel management resembles a wheel, where in the center, i.e. in its axis, the hotel itself and equipment, service personnel and clients are located. The management structure of the hotel with its services and departments is located on the outside of this wheel and carried out marketing activities rotates it to help workers provide the right service and to ensure that all manufacturing process the hotel did not slow down (fig. 8.1).

In one of the famous hotels, a messenger mistakenly brought luggage to the guest only an hour after he settled in the hotel. After the baggage was delivered late, the clerk said

Rice. 8.1. The marketing model of hotel management is this to the head of his unit. The head of service personally apologized to the guest and noted in the hotel's computer bank that the guest was in trouble and should receive exceptional service for the rest of his stay. This is a rational way to solve a problem.

This hotel has a high culture of service. It has an organizational structure so that the focus is on serving the client in the best possible way. The luggage porter was primarily concerned about the guest's problem and knew that immediate superior will take measures that will allow the hotel to correct his mistake. He, in turn, is also not afraid to report the error to other departments and their management. When the structure of an organization is customer-centric, everyone works to better serve the guest.

With the usual organizational system the staff works to make the owner happy. And in such a situation, the employee, having made a mistake, hopes that his immediate superior will never know about it and even try to hide this fact. He only knows that he can be punished if the boss finds out about the mistake.

The internal marketing of the hotel is focused on ensuring that employees at all levels are aware of the impact of their activities on the formation of customer relationships. The goal of internal marketing is to help employees deliver the right customer service.

Marketing hotel service includes a set of various activities, namely:

identifying the desires and needs of the consumer;

creation of a complex of goods and services that would satisfy these desires and needs;

promotion of goods and services on the market and their sale in order to create an acceptable level of profitability of the enterprise.

The choice of specific marketing tools largely determines it. distinctive features.

  • 1. Intangibility of the product. When a customer purchases hotel service as a product, it is completely intangible to him. Using the services of the hotel, the guest receives service in the form of registration and registration of accommodation and check-out, service in the restaurant and in the form of other amenities. When a guest leaves the hotel, he has nothing material left to remind him of the hours spent in the hotel. Production and consumption processes hotel services inseparable from each other and occur simultaneously.
  • 2. Customer participation. During their stay at the hotel, guests come into contact with the service staff, explaining how the service should be performed.
  • 3. Quality control. If a product is defective at the factory, it may be discontinued to correct the defect. In service, this is not possible. If the doorman in the hotel has moved away from his place and cannot help the guest, the latter may develop a negative attitude towards the level of service in the hotel. This necessitates an increase in the costs in the structure of services associated with the massive attraction of temporary workers during the period of congestion of hotels. Quality cannot be checked before the guest is served. In these conditions, the level of organization of managerial work at workplaces is of particular importance, rational use working time, professional knowledge and qualifications of workers at all levels, the socio-psychological side of the services provided.
  • 4. Impossibility of accumulation and storage for future use. If in commercial production the product can be stored, then in the hotel industry the number of rooms is calculated at the moment. The income that was not received as a result of downtime is lost forever, as well as the excess of applications for placement does not matter, since the number of rooms is limited. Hotels are forced to charge for room reservations even if they did not have to use them. Restaurants are starting to charge money up front from those wishing to reserve a table. They understand that if the visitor does not show up at the appointed time, there may not be a chance to seat someone else at this table.
  • 5. Distribution channels. Hotels offer their services only within the premises.

The need to implement internal marketing stems from a service culture.

External marketing of the hospitality business includes the choice of the distribution channel for hotel services and the formation of communication policy.

The hotel service distribution channel covers different kinds sales activities:

  • 1. Direct sales are made directly to customers. Booking requests come from individuals and legal entities;
  • 2. Agency sale is carried out through intermediaries, relations with which are built on a contractual basis;
  • 3. Corporate sale- receiving applications from corporate client on the placement of its employees.

Regardless of whether the sales channel will be built on the principle of a corporate or contractual marketing scheme, the following criteria for choosing intermediaries can be distinguished:

  • 1. professionalism and work experience;
  • 2. the territory covered by the intermediary;
  • 3. coverage of the target market;
  • 4. organizational and legal status of the intermediary;
  • 5. the technologies used in sales;
  • 6. simplicity and reliability of the netting system;
  • 7. business reputation.

The hotel must carry out continuous communication with potential customers. Therefore, each hotel inevitably begins to play the role of a source of communication. The modern hotel company operates complex system marketing connections. General marketing communications includes the main means of promotion - advertising, sales promotion, public relations, direct marketing.

Federal Agency for Education of the Russian Federation
South Ural State University
Faculty of Commerce
Department of Marketing and Management

Internal and external marketing of the hotel business. Implementation of elements
marketing mix in hotel business on the example of a hotel
complex "Almaz"

In the discipline "Marketing in industries and spheres of activity"

_______________ A.A. Usova
___________________ 2010

The work is protected with a rating

Chelyabinsk 2010
Table of contents
INTRODUCTION ……………………………………………………… ……………… 3

      Internal marketing in the hotel business …………………………… ..5
      External marketing of the hotel business ………………………………… 10
      Hotel characteristics ……………………………………………………. thirteen
        Hotel classification ………………………………………………… ... ..13
        Segmentation of the hotel services market …………………………………… ..17
        The most important characteristics when choosing a hotel ……………………… 18
      Methods for assessing the marketing capabilities of the hotel .............................................................. 22
        Situational analysis ………………………………………………… .. 22
        PEST - analysis ………………………………………………………… ... 22
        SWOT Analysis …………………………………………………………… .24
2.1 Description of the enterprise ……………………………………………… ……… .25
2.2 Analysis of the marketing mix ……………………………………………… 27
2.3 Situational analysis of the hotel complex "Almaz" ………………… .30
2.4STEP - analysis ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… all ... 36
2.5 SWOT analysis …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… all ...
CONCLUSION …………………………………………………………………… .42
Bibliographic list …………………………………………………… .. 43
APPENDIX A Hotel complex "Almaz" …………………………… 44
APPENDIX B Location of the hotel complex "Almaz" ………… .45

The hospitality industry today is an increasingly competitive industry in the hospitality market. In spite of the difficult formation of market relations in Russia in recent years, a lot of othes have opened. New enterprises are created, but after a while some of them cannot withstand competition and go out of business. Competition is a strong incentive to improve hotel performance.
The main trends in the development of the hotel business are:
- extension of the sphere of interests of the hotel business to products and services previously provided by enterprises of other industries (for example, catering, leisure, entertainment, exhibition activities, etc.);
1 - the development of democratization of the hotel industry, contributing to the increase;
2 - the availability of hotel services for the mass consumer;
3 - strengthening the specialization of the hotel business, which allows more clearly targeting certain segments of consumers, taking into account various characteristics;
4 - globalization and concentration of the hotel business;
5 - personalization of service and full concentration on the requests and needs of customers;
6 - widespread introduction of new means of communication and information technologies allowing for deep and systemic economic diagnostics;
7 - the introduction of new technologies into the business strategy of hotel enterprises, in particular, the widespread use of the Internet in order to promote hotel products and services.
The main tasks in the hotel business are creating competitive advantages and increasing competitiveness, creating a stable clientele through the ability to find your client, finding and creating new ways of development, constantly updating your own policy, taking into account the dynamically developing market of hotel services. All this can be realized through the planning and implementation of the elements of the marketing mix.
In this paper, we will consider ways to implement internal and external marketing using the example of the Almaz hotel complex.
The main goal of this study is to analyze the elements of the marketing mix using the example of a hotel.
The tasks include consideration of theoretical material on the topic "internal and external marketing in the hotel business", as well as conducting Swot, Step and situational analysis of the hotel complex "Almaz"
The object of the research is the Almaz hotel.
The subject of work is the implementation of internal and external marketing of the hotel.
Based on the results of the analyzes, proposals and recommendations will be formulated to improve the implementation of the marketing mix.


    1.1Internal marketing in the hospitality industry
The internal marketing of the hotel is focused on ensuring that employees at all levels are aware of the impact of their activities on the formation of customer relationships. The goal of internal marketing is to help employees deliver the right customer service.
Hotel service marketing includes a set of various activities, namely:
    Revealing the desires and needs of the consumer;
    Creation of a complex of goods and services that would satisfy these desires and needs;
    Promotion of goods and services on the market and their sale in order to create an acceptable level of profitability of the enterprise.
The choice of specific marketing tools is largely determined by its distinctive features.
1. Intangibility of the product. When a customer purchases hotel service as a product, it is completely intangible to him. Using the services of the hotel, the client receives services in the form of registration and registration of accommodation and check-out, service in a restaurant and in the form of other amenities. When a guest leaves the hotel, there is nothing material left to remind him of the hours spent there. The processes of production and consumption of hotel services are inseparable from each other and occur simultaneously.
2. Customer participation. During their stay at the hotel, guests come into contact with the service staff, explaining how the service should be performed.
3. Quality control. If a product is defective at the factory, it may be discontinued to correct the defect. In service, this is not possible. If the doorman in the hotel has moved away from his place and cannot help the guest, the latter may develop a negative attitude towards the level of service in the hotel. This necessitates an increase in the costs in the structure of services associated with the massive attraction of temporary workers during the period of congestion of hotels. Quality cannot be checked before the guest is served. In these conditions, the level of organization of managerial work at workplaces, the rational use of working time, professional knowledge and qualifications of workers at all levels, the socio-psychological side of the services provided are of particular importance.
4. Impossibility of accumulation and storage for future use. If in commercial production the product can be stored, then in the hotel industry the number of rooms is calculated at the moment. The income that was not received as a result of downtime is lost forever, as well as the excess of applications for placement does not matter, since the number of rooms is limited. Hotels are forced to charge for room reservations even if they did not have to use them. Restaurants are starting to charge money up front from those wishing to reserve a table. They understand that if the visitor does not show up at the appointed time, there may not be a chance to seat someone else at this table.
5. Distribution channels. Hotels offer their services only within the premises.
The need to implement internal marketing stems from a service culture.
Corporate culture is understood as the system of values ​​and beliefs shared by all employees, the collective creation and mentality of the hotel, their relationship with customers, management, intermediaries, suppliers, etc. corporate culture gives employees a sense of purpose and builds dedication to their organization.
The hotel should develop a training program for new employees to set them up for team work and reduce employee turnover. Implementing an employee training program can help develop an organization. The better the employees perform their duties, the more positively the formed image will be, and the more guests will be attracted.
Important elements of the formation of the corporate culture of the hotel are:
1. Leadership of the leader. The key figure in the company, creating its own corporate culture, is the head. He must be able to create or change the culture of the hotel business so that the behavior of the hotel service providers is consistent with the goals of the company and its strategy. In addition, each leader must first carefully analyze his behavior, attitude to business, in order to then become an example for lower-level employees;
2. Correct work organization. It is important to be able to put specific goals and clearly assign responsibilities and authorities to employees. At correct organization labor, a person in a leading position is not irreplaceable;
3. Scientific approach to recruiting. Information about the peculiarities of corporate culture should be provided to each applicant for vacant place in a hotel in order for a person to decide for himself whether he agrees to follow the rituals and traditions adopted in the organization or not;
4. Conducting corporate trainings. In the process of training, it is easier to explain to employees what the organization expects from them, what it will encourage, reinforce, welcome;
5. Organization of corporate events. The creators of corporate events in the hotel must clearly understand the true needs of the company's staff. Since holding such events only in the interests of management has nothing to do with corporate culture;
6. Non-financial incentives. Regardless of what the subordinate is doing, he should always feel that his work is very important and the hotel can stop without it;
7. Compliance with traditions and rules. The management is obliged to carefully preserve and observe the traditions of the hotel company, as they are designed to consolidate the corporate culture. If the established rules are violated, this will be evidence of the management's unwillingness to share the declared values, which, of course, will reduce the motivation of subordinates;
8. Timely informing of personnel. Employees, not realizing the reasons for certain decisions of the management, are trying to independently figure out what is happening. As a result, conflicting rumors are born, staff become worried, the organization ceases to work efficiently;
9. Paying special attention to the corporate identity of the hotel. Beautifully executed calendars, souvenirs, clothing, interior decoration elements are usually the pride of the employees and the reason for the popularization of the corporate culture of the hotel in the external environment;
10. Competent execution of documentation. A well-written and aesthetically pleasing document is an indicator of the hotel's high culture.
There are four types of corporate culture:
1. The "baseball team" arises in a situation where risky decisions are made, where there is an immediate and direct relationship with external environment... In companies with this type of corporate culture, business decisions are made very quickly. In such organizations, the time interval between making a decision and finding out whether the decision was correct is minimal. In such a culture, talent, innovation and initiative are encouraged. Key successful employees see themselves as “free players,” and companies are simply fighting for them. Employees with low performance quickly fall out of the cage and "fall on the bench";
2. "Club culture" is characterized by loyalty, dedication and harmony, teamwork. A stable and secure environment promotes employee benefits through age, experience and job position. It is very similar to the army - people come here young and stay forever, gradually moving to higher positions. Only employees of this company receive promotions, while career growth is slow and gradual. The employee is expected that at each new level he must comprehend all the intricacies of this work and master the skill. Therefore, employees in such companies have a wide professional outlook.
3. "Academic culture" implies gradual career growth of employees within the company. Organizations with an academic style of corporate culture are recruiting new young employees who are interested in long-term cooperation and have nothing against the slow promotion of the career ladder. However, unlike the club culture, employees here rarely move from one department to another (from one direction to another). Each employee has his own specific direction, in which he improves his professional experience and skills, develops his creative and professional potential. Good work and professional excellence are the basis for rewarding and moving forward.
4. "Defense culture" arises in a situation where survival is necessary. Textile companies, savings banks, and credit institutions are examples of industries that recently dominated the market and are now desperately struggling to survive. In this culture, there is no room for professional growth, as companies often have to restructure and downsize their staff to adapt to new external conditions.
      Hospitality external marketing
External marketing of the hospitality business includes the choice of the distribution channel for hotel services and the formation of communication policy.
The hotel services distribution channel covers various types of sales activities:
1. Direct sales are made directly to customers. Booking requests come from individuals and legal entities;
2. Agency sale is carried out through intermediaries, relations with which are built on a contractual basis;
3. Corporate sale - receiving applications from a corporate client for the placement of his employees.
Regardless of whether the sales channel will be built on the principle of a corporate or contractual marketing scheme, the following criteria for choosing intermediaries can be distinguished:
1. professionalism and work experience;
2. the territory covered by the intermediary;
3. coverage of the target market;
4. organizational and legal status of the intermediary;
5. the technologies used in sales;
6. simplicity and reliability of the netting system;
7. business reputation.
The hotel must carry out continuous communication with potential customers. Therefore, each hotel inevitably begins to play the role of a source of communication. A modern hotel company operates a complex marketing communications system. The general marketing communications program includes the main means of promotion - advertising, sales promotion, public relations, direct marketing.
Advertising in the hotel business must meet the following requirements:
1. to emphasize the advantages of the hotel;
2. offered as a solution to many problems. The hotel must select target markets, research their needs, prepare a message, select the necessary publications, TV shows and radio programs that will effectively affect the segment. Potential segments include business tourists, private tourists, government and sports groups. The advertising message should be aimed at informing people about the services offered by the hotel, convincing them to settle in it. It should be written in understandable language, arouse interest, appear convincing, inform about the location and provide contact numbers.
In the process of exterior design, modern hotel buildings are decorated with appropriate illuminated advertisements. Hotel buildings must have outdoor advertising - the name of the establishment is "hotel", the name - in Russian and Latin letters. Outdoor advertisements should make advertisements stand out from other buildings. A street sign and house number are required on the building. In multi-hull hotels, it is necessary to equip stands with a layout of the hulls. In hotels, campsites or boarding houses that have significant areas, you can set up signs of their location and routes of movement. Pointers can be duplicated with a foreign translation.
The appearance of the institution should correspond to its specifics. It is an integral part of the overall experience that must be retained in the client's memory. V Lately landscaping of interiors and plots of land is widely used to create a positive image of the organization.
Indoor advertising should fit into the interior of the premises and complement its aesthetic appearance. Indoor advertising content - clear relief signs of hotel services, links and services.
Particular attention should be paid to advertising in the premises of the service bureau.
The most widespread are brochures, booklets, Business Cards, branded envelopes and paper, branded menu covers, Greeting Cards, guidebooks, reference books. The content and design of advertising depends on the purpose of the hotel and the characteristics of its clientele.
Advertising for each hotel should be colorful and objective.
Hotel prospectus is a printed publication in the form of a leaflet or brochure, on one of the pages of which a general view of the hotel is depicted. Historically or architecturally interesting buildings, squares, monuments complement the impression of the city. They can create a beautiful panorama or be placed in separate shots. At the beginning of the text, a small historical background about the city is given. The main place is taken by photographs of the front entrance, living rooms, lobby, restaurant or bar, service points.
Branded envelopes and stationery are made by each hotel to order. The envelope is given either general form hotel, or its emblem. The hotel envelope is issued without a postage stamp. The hotel's logo or name should be placed in the corner of a piece of stationery.
Of particular importance is the advertising of restaurants, cafes and bars.
In the hospitality industry, people are the most important means of influencing the market. Even small miscalculations can affect the quality of the services provided.
Advertise in hotels in an original and colorful manner. Additional services... Of particular importance are the types of computer advertising, for example, via the Internet. A client interested in choosing a hotel can receive information without leaving his chair.
      Hotel characteristics
        Hotel classification
Hospitality businesses are classified according to various criteria. The most used among them:
    comfort level,
    the capacity of the silent fund,
    functional purpose,
    duration of work,
    provision of food,
    duration of stay,
    price level,
    type of ownership.
The classification of hotel enterprises according to the level of comfort plays a huge role in solving the issues of managing the quality of hotel services.
The level of comfort is a complex criterion, the terms of which are:
    the state and structure of the room stock: the area of ​​rooms, the share of single (one-room), multi-room, apartment rooms, the availability of utilities;
    condition of furniture, inventory, sanitary and hygienic items, etc .;
    availability, condition and mode of operation of catering establishments: restaurants, cafes, bars, etc .;
    condition of the building, access roads, arrangement of the territory adjacent to the hotel;
    information support and technical equipment, including the availability of telephone, satellite communications, televisions, refrigerators, minibars, mini-safes, etc .;
    ensuring the possibility of providing a number of additional services.
These parameters are estimated in almost all hotel classification systems available today. In addition, a number of requirements are imposed on personnel and their training, education, qualifications, age, health status, language skills, appearance and behavior.
The most common classification systems are:
    The star system is European classification system, based on the French national classification system, which is based on the division of hotels into categories from one to five stars. This system is used in France, Austria, Hungary, Egypt, China, Russia, Brazil (with some overstatement of stardom in independent hotels) and a number of other countries. In Italy, the prefix "luxury" has been introduced for the highest quality five-star hotels. A higher star rating of a hotel corresponds to a wider range of services that it can offer its clients;
    Letter system - the system used in Greece, according to which all hotels are divided into four categories, denoted by the letters A, B, C, D. Highest category The quality of hotels is denoted "de luxe", corresponding to a five-star level, a hotel of category A - a four-star level, category B - a three-star, category C - a two-star, category D - the level of a hotel of a category “one star”. Nowadays, along with the letters on the facades of the hotel, you can see the usual stars;
    The crown or key system is common in the UK. To go to the usual stars, you need to subtract one from the total number of crowns, i.e. in comparison with the common European star, the corona is one unit higher.
    Scoring Indian system, which is based on the assessment of the hotel by an expert commission.
Thus, each country is characterized by its own classification of enterprises in the hotel industry. Therefore, hotels belonging to the same category, but located in different countries, may have significant differences.
The capacity of hotels is determined by the number of rooms or beds. Both of these parameters are often quoted in statistics.
According to the capacity of the room stock, hotel enterprises are usually divided into four categories:
1) small (up to 100-150 numbers);
2) medium (from 100 to 300-400 numbers);
3) large (from 300 to 600-1000 numbers);
4) giants (more than 1000 numbers).
By functional purpose, the following hotels are distinguished:
1) target hotels, which include:
- business hotels - hotels for tourists, the main purpose and motive of travel of which is professional activity (business, commerce, meetings, meetings, symposia, conferences, congresses, exchange of experience, training, professional exhibitions, product presentations, etc.). This category includes business hotels (commercial hotels), congress hotels, congress centers, professional club hotels and departmental hotels;
- hotels for rest - hotels for tourists, the main purpose and motive of travel of which is rest (passive, active, combined) and treatment (preventive, restorative). This category includes: resort hotels, boarding houses and rest houses (for stationary passive recreation), tourist and excursion hotels (tourist complexes), tourist and sports hotels (tourist complexes), casino hotels (hotels for gamblers), specialized (with a system maintenance of personal vehicles of tourists, mobile, self-service);

2) transit hotels that provide services to tourists during a short stopover. Such hotel enterprises are located on airways (hotels at airports), on highways (motels), on railways (at railway stations), on waterways (hotels located near ports);
3) hotels for permanent residence.
Classification of hotels by duration of work:
1) working all year round;
2) working for two seasons;
3) one-season.
Hotel classification by catering:
1) hotels providing full board (accommodation + three meals a day);
2) hotels offering accommodation and breakfast only.
Classification of hotels by the level of room prices:
1) budget;
2) economical;
3) medium;
4) first-class;
5) apartment;
6) fashionable.
Classification of hotels by type of ownership:
1) condominiums - hotel complexes, premises and rooms in which they are sold to individual owners who live or rent out these premises to vacationers;
2) timeshare. The difference between timeshare hotels is that it is not the number of rooms that is bought out, but the long-term right to rest in a hotel or in a chain of hotels.

        Segmentation of the hotel services market
Segmentation of the hospitality market is an important element when choosing a marketing strategy. The hotel company operates in difficult market conditions, therefore, you should be attentive to the questions of whom, how to serve, ask questions about your image, about the products produced, about the preferences and tastes of customers. But before undertaking a market research, you need to realize the need to divide it into numerous segments, since this or that product cannot meet the needs of all consumers. With the help of segmentation, certain types (market segments) are selected from the total number of consumers. Market segmentation assumes that each client has individual needs, and together they form a broad market, but the elements of the marketing mix are determined in accordance with different market segments.
Market segmentation is the process of dividing the market into different groups of consumers, each of which may require different products or marketing mixes.
A market segment is a specially allocated part of the market, a group of consumers, products or enterprises that have certain common features(sign).
Segmentation is the basis for determining goals, which in the future will turn into objects of marketing research.
Thus, segmentation is, on the one hand, a technique for finding the parts of the market that the marketing activities of a particular tourist and hotel enterprise are oriented towards, and on the other hand, it is a managerial approach to the process of making market decisions and the basis for choosing the optimal combinations of elements of the marketing mix. ...
        The most important characteristics when choosing a hotel
Accommodation conditions for tourists in a hotel, hotel, camping, etc. is one of the most important components of a tourist product. Not infrequently, the motivation for choosing a hotel for a tourist is decisive (at least a week to be a "man" and live in comfortable conditions). The list of conditions includes the following:
    1. The class (level) of a hotel, hotel or boarding house is usually determined according to the standard classification system adopted in a given country (or in a region, economic zone) and is confirmed by a certificate issued by a special body, a certification chamber. The most common classification system in the world is The Star (one to five). However, although there are general guidelines for hotel classification systems, there are differences in classification requirements in each country. Large hotel chains are introducing their own classifiers. So, in the UK, along with the star classification, there are others: "crowns", "keys", "moons", "suns", "diamonds" and others. The more such symbols on the hotel sign, the higher its class. However, there may be a situation where the first class of service may be the lowest, for example, in the USA. Sometimes a special classification and definitions are used, adopted in a particular chain of hotels or hotels. The voucher (voucher) or the terms of the contract may simply indicate accommodation in economy or budget class rooms. Therefore, when choosing a hotel, it is recommended to carefully study the characteristics and indicators of hotels corresponding to the given classification and symbols;
    2. The location of the hotel is determined by the distance of the hotel from the international airport, the business center of the city, the sea, the beach, the resort area, and other objects of interest. This factor is also important because tourists, without spending a lot of time and money on transport, can walk to the most interesting sights for which they came to this country. However, living in the suburbs can be cheaper. A quiet place is important for rest, away from the noisy road;
    3. Number of storeys of the hotel and the floor on which the room is located; for example, there are water interruptions on the upper floors of buildings;
    4. Location, area and number of rooms, capacity and number of beds, equipment and furniture, etc. characteristics determine the type of room: single, double, triple, apartment or suite. The choice of the room level is most often determined not by desire, but by the availability of funds. For groups, an international standard for double occupancy has been adopted;
    5. View from the window of the room (specified in the conditions of accommodation when booking, but booked for a fee). The room can be with a balcony or loggia;
    6. The quality, size and type of bed. When choosing a hotel, a good manager will not only inspect the room visually, but also lie on the bed in order to determine the comfort, its evenness, softness, etc.
    The choice depends on the complexion of the tourist, habits, means and purposes of travel. At the request of the tourist, an extra bed or a folding bed (for a child) can be delivered to the room. The term twin means that the beds in the room are set at a distance from each other, and not together, which sometimes annoys the living tourists. When booking, the type of bed must be specified accurately and agreed with the hotel;
    7. It is very important to have hot water, shower or bath in the room. However, in a cheap hotel or hostel, there may be such an option when only a washbasin is installed in the room, and the shared bathroom and toilet are located on the floor. In luxury alcazars for wealthy tourists, some of the luxurious rooms may have a jacuzzi. The description of the hotel room indicates the availability of plumbing equipment and amenities;
    8. Radio, TV and telephone are important attributes of room equipment. In the description of the hotel, it is certainly indicated that the rooms are equipped with a radio receiver, TV, telephone. The set of these amenities essentially depends on the class of the room and the hotel as a whole. A telephone is usually available in every room, most often a local telephone with access to the city by a special set and for a fee. In some cheap hotels, guests can use the device installed in the common hall or at the administrator free of charge;
    9. Air conditioning in the room. In addition to local control of the air conditioner mode installed on the wall of the room, the hotel can be equipped with central air conditioning control. In order to save money, air conditioners can be switched off centrally during the absence of tourists;
    10. Mini-bar. An interesting and convenient, but very expensive (for an uninformed visitor) attribute of a hotel room. Minibar - refrigerator with turnkey camera and alarm. It is filled daily by the maid with refreshments and alcoholic beverages in a standard set (beer, lemonade, mineral water, whiskey, wine, chocolate, etc.). The mini-bar key is given to the guest along with the room key. Along with a memo and advertising brochures, the issue must contain a description of the contents of the minibar with prices. Any opening of the minibar is recorded automatically, and the contents are checked by the maid daily and upon departure of the guest. Payment for the use of food and drinks can either be included in the invoice upon consumption and eaten, or be included in the room rate in advance and not depend on the needs (or capabilities) of the client .;
    11. Accessories: hair dryer, water glass, chair or armchair, table, refrigerator, etc .;
    12. Safe. Theft of money and jewelry is not uncommon in hotels. Therefore, it is important to clarify the issue of the availability of a safe and the order of use. He visits the owner (manager) or in deluxe rooms - an individual safe is installed in each room;
    13. The order and frequency of changing bed linen, towels, general cleaning of the room, washing glasses, cleaning up garbage, etc. depends on the class of the hotel and the category of the room;
    14. The presence of parking for cars and tourist buses is a very desirable and positive attribute;
    15. Conditions for active recreation. A good hotel must have a gym, tennis courts and other sports grounds, saunas, an outdoor or indoor pool, a jacuzzi, massage rooms, hairdressers, etc.
    16. Nutrition. A light breakfast is usually included in the room rate. Breakfast and dinner are included in the half board room rate. Full board includes normal three meals a day, and sometimes traditional tea drinking. Room without meals. In advertising brochures, there are a dozen more "plans" of food, for example. For the sake of simplicity, the contract and the program indicate exactly what meals, how many dishes and at what time should be served to tourists;
    17. Terms of payment. The terms of payment for basic and additional services are also important - in cash, by check or by credit card;
    18. Discounts and markups. There are a great many of them: seasonal, group, social, for children, for newlyweds, retirees, etc. Along with discounts, there are also allowances on holidays, days of important events, religious holidays, sports competitions.
    19. Cost. The crown of all of the above is the cost, adequate to the selected set of services.
      Methods for assessing the marketing capabilities of a hotel
There are three main methods for analyzing the marketing capabilities of a hotel complex:
    Situational analysis;
    STEP - analysis (or PEST - analysis);
    SWOT analysis
        Situational analysis
The essence of the situational analysis methodology is a sequential consideration of the elements of external and internal environment marketing and assessing their impact on the marketing capabilities of the enterprise.
Table 1 - Scheme of the situational analysis

Consider the content and features of internal and external marketing in the hotel business.

The internal marketing of the hotel is focused on ensuring that employees at all levels are aware of the impact of their activities on the formation of customer relationships. The goal of internal marketing is to help employees deliver the right customer service.

Hotel service marketing includes a set of various activities, namely:

1. Revealing the desires and needs of the consumer;

2. Creation of a complex of goods and services that would satisfy these desires and needs;

3. Promotion of goods and services on the market and their sale in order to create an acceptable level of profitability of the enterprise.

The choice of specific marketing tools is largely determined by its distinctive features.

1. Intangibility of the product. When a customer purchases hotel service as a product, it is completely intangible to him. Using the services of the hotel, the client receives services in the form of registration and registration of accommodation and check-out, service in a restaurant and in the form of other amenities. When a guest leaves the hotel, there is nothing material left to remind him of the hours spent there. The processes of production and consumption of hotel services are inseparable from each other and occur simultaneously.

2. Customer participation. During their stay at the hotel, guests come into contact with the service staff, explaining how the service should be performed.

3. Quality control. If a product is defective at the factory, it may be discontinued to correct the defect. In service, this is not possible. If the doorman in the hotel has moved away from his place and cannot help the guest, the latter may develop a negative attitude towards the level of service in the hotel. This necessitates an increase in the costs in the structure of services associated with the massive attraction of temporary workers during the period of congestion of hotels. Quality cannot be checked before the guest is served. In these conditions, the level of organization of managerial work at workplaces, the rational use of working time, professional knowledge and qualifications of workers at all levels, the socio-psychological side of the services provided are of particular importance.

4. Impossibility of accumulation and storage for future use. If in commercial production the product can be stored, then in the hotel industry the number of rooms is calculated at the moment. The income that was not received as a result of downtime is lost forever, as well as the excess of applications for placement does not matter, since the number of rooms is limited. Hotels are forced to charge for room reservations even if they did not have to use them. Restaurants are starting to charge money up front from those wishing to reserve a table. They understand that if the visitor does not show up at the appointed time, there may not be a chance to seat someone else at this table.

5. Distribution channels. Hotels offer their services only within the premises.

The need to implement internal marketing stems from a service culture.

Corporate culture is understood as the system of values ​​and beliefs shared by all employees, the collective creation and mentality of the hotel, their relationship with customers, management, intermediaries, suppliers, etc. corporate culture gives employees a sense of purpose and builds dedication to their organization.

The hotel should develop a training program for new employees to set them up for team work and reduce employee turnover. Implementing an employee training program can help develop an organization. The better the employees perform their duties, the more positively the formed image will be, and the more guests will be attracted.

External marketing of the hospitality business includes the choice of the distribution channel for hotel services and the formation of communication policy.

The hotel services distribution channel covers various types of sales activities:

1. Direct sales are made directly to customers. Booking requests come from individuals and legal entities;

2. Agency sale is carried out through intermediaries, relations with which are built on a contractual basis;

3. Corporate sale - receiving applications from a corporate client for the placement of his employees.

Regardless of whether the sales channel will be built on the principle of a corporate or contractual marketing scheme, the following criteria for choosing intermediaries can be distinguished:

1. professionalism and work experience;

2. the territory covered by the intermediary;

3. coverage of the target market;

4. organizational and legal status of the intermediary;

5. the technologies used in sales;

6. simplicity and reliability of the netting system;

7. business reputation.

The hotel must carry out continuous communication with potential customers. Therefore, each hotel inevitably begins to play the role of a source of communication. A modern hotel company operates a complex marketing communications system. The general marketing communications program includes the main means of promotion - advertising, sales promotion, public relations, direct marketing.

1. to emphasize the advantages of the hotel;

2. offered as a solution to many problems. The hotel must select target markets, research their needs, prepare a message, select the necessary publications, TV shows and radio programs that will effectively affect the segment.

Appearance the institution must correspond to its specifics. It is an integral part of the overall experience that must be retained in the client's memory. Recently, landscaping of interiors and plots of land has been widely used to create positive image organizations.

The most widespread are brochures, booklets, business cards, branded postage envelopes and paper, branded menu covers, greeting cards, guidebooks. The content and design of advertising depends on the purpose of the hotel and the characteristics of its clientele.

Thus, marketing in the service sector has its own specific characteristics in comparison with other types commercial activities. Marketing concept in the hotel business establishes that the main priority in entrepreneurship should be the satisfaction of the wishes and needs of customers. The hospitality marketing mix, known as the marketing mix, is comprised of four main elements - product, price, promotion system, and distribution system.

Internal marketing the hotel is focused on ensuring that employees at all levels are aware of the impact of their activities on the formation of customer relationships. The goal of internal marketing is to help employees deliver the right customer service.

Hotel service marketing includes a set of various activities, namely:

Revealing the desires and needs of the consumer;

Creation of a complex of goods and services that would satisfy these desires and needs;

Promotion of goods and services on the market and their sale in order to create an acceptable level of profitability of the enterprise.

The choice of specific marketing tools is largely determined by its distinctive features.

1.Intangibility of the product. When a customer purchases a hotel service as a product, it is completely intangible to him. Using the services of the hotel, the guest receives service in the form of registration and registration of accommodation and check-out, service in the restaurant and in the form of other amenities. When a guest leaves the hotel, he has nothing material left to remind him of the hours spent in the hotel. The processes of production and consumption of hotel services are inseparable from each other and occur simultaneously.

2.Consumer participation. During their stay at the hotel, guests come into contact with the service personnel, explaining how the service should be performed.

3.Quality control. E If a product is defective at the factory, it may be discontinued to correct the defect. In service, this is not possible. If the doorman in the hotel has moved away from his place and cannot help the guest, the latter may develop a negative attitude towards the level of service in the hotel. This necessitates an increase in the costs in the structure of services associated with the massive attraction of temporary workers during the period of congestion of hotels. Quality cannot be checked before the guest is served. In these conditions, the level of organization of managerial work at workplaces, the rational use of working time, professional knowledge and qualifications of workers at all levels, the socio-psychological side of the services provided are of particular importance.

4.Impossibility of accumulation and storage for future use. If in commercial production the product can be stored, then in the hotel industry the number of rooms is calculated at the moment. The income that was not received as a result of downtime is lost forever, as well as the excess of applications for placement does not matter, since the number of rooms is limited. Hotels are forced to charge for room reservations even if they did not have to use them. Restaurants are starting to charge money up front from those wishing to reserve a table. They understand that if the visitor does not show up at the appointed time, there may not be a chance to seat someone else at this table.

5.Distribution channels. hotels offer their services only within the premises.

The need to implement internal marketing stems from a service culture.

Organizational culture- a system of values ​​and beliefs, which gives hotel employees an understanding of its tasks and provides them with rules of conduct in it.

Each hotel should have its own organizational culture... In high-end hotels, every employee is a bearer of this culture. If the culture of the hotel is high, then the organization itself and its employees act as a whole. A high service culture encourages employees to be customer-centric. Hotels with a low general culture do not adhere well to normal service standards. Hotel managers must apply marketing principles to attract and retain good employees. To be effective, employees must be regularly informed about their organization (usually, employees have no idea about the menu in a hotel bar or restaurant). The hotel should develop a training program for new employees to set them up for team work and reduce employee turnover. Implementing an employee training program can help develop an organization. The better the employees perform their duties, the more positive the formed image will be and the more guests will be attracted.

Markets are made up of buyers, and buyers differ from each other in different ways. They may have different desires, abilities, purchasing attitudes and purchasing habits. Offering hotel accommodation to a wide range of clients should gradually become a thing of the past. It is necessary to accurately define the range of goods and services in order to meet the needs of a narrow category of travelers. The hotel industry can be segmented as follows:

Full board for business travelers;

Economy class service;

Service in the apartments;

The highest economy class of service;

Spa service;

Service in the city center and on the outskirts;

Servicing along the motorways.

Segmentation of the hotel market relies on the following variables:

Demographic - gender, age, income, education;

Behavioral - frequent, infrequent, infrequent trips;

Price - high, medium, low price services;

Psychographic - lifestyle, behavior, requirements for the level of comfort.

Segmentation by geographic location. The company decides to operate in specific geographic areas or all at once, taking into account geographical differences in customer needs and demands. Hotel companies are established as local or regional businesses.

It is interesting!

In 1992. HyattHotels launched new program: Their menu consisted of 10% national and 30% local.

Because of the strong demand for local food, the FourSeasons Hotel in Washington has begun contracting with local farmers to supply local food.

Demographic segmentation. It is demographic factors that are primarily taken into account when segmenting consumers, since changes in needs, desires and consumption intensity are closely related to demographic indicators and are more amenable to changes than others. The age and life cycle of a family changes the needs and desires of an individual over time. Gender segmentation involves dividing guests into men and women. At the same time, about 40% of business travelers are women.

It is interesting!

Hotels take into account the female clientele when placing clients. Hair dryers have appeared in the rooms. The walls were painted in light colors. More female professionals were featured in advertisements.

Market segmentation by income level influences the pricing strategy of the hotel company.

Psychographicsegmentation buyers per group is made according to the principle of belonging to a particular social class, lifestyle and personality type.

It is interesting!

Hotel "ClaireTappanLodge" was built near the ski resort. This hotel attracts the same type of people. The guests come from different age groups with different income levels, but they share a common interest in the hotel's photography workshops. Social class- belonging to a certain class influences the choice. Afternoon teas at the Ritz-Carlton are for the upper and upper middle class. KempinskiGroupofGermanHotels has defined its own market segments by class or lifestyle.

Segmentation by type of behavior. Circumstances - honeymoon travel. Several hotels in Pennsylvania in Pocono Mountain specialize in the honeymoon travel market. In some cases, duplex rooms are equipped with heart-shaped bathtubs and champagne glass fountains. The hospitality industry in Hawaii, New Zealand and Australia has a strong presence in the honeymoon travel market. In Japan, such tours are practiced when several couples of newlyweds go on a trip to one or more places of interest.

Consumption intensity. A high percentage of turnover is achieved due to a small percentage of clientele. To attract a large consumer, the "Regular Guest" program is being implemented.

By the degree of loyalty some consumers may be adherents of one brand, others - another. Concerning great attention focuses on the formation of relationship marketing, when a customer database is created that allows you to manage relationships between people.

A study of Singapore hotels shows that the relative importance of market segmentation factors needs to be considered.

External marketing the hospitality business includes the choice of the distribution channel for hotel services and the formation of a communication policy.

Hotel service distribution channel covers various types of marketing activities.

Direct sale carried out directly to customers. Booking requests come from individuals and legal entities.

Agencysale o exists through intermediary links, relations with which are built on a contractual basis.

Corporate sale- receiving applications from a corporate client for the placement of his employees.

Regardless of whether the sales channel will be built on the principle of a corporate or contractual marketing scheme, the following criteria for choosing intermediaries can be distinguished:

Professionalism and work experience;

The territory covered by the intermediary;

Target market coverage;

Organizational and legal status of the intermediary;

Used sales technologies;

Simplicity and reliability of the netting system;

Business reputation.

Communication policy. The hotel must carry out continuous communication with potential customers. Therefore, each hotel inevitably begins to play the role of a source of communication. A modern hotel company operates a complex marketing communications system. The general marketing communications program includes the main means of promotion - advertising, sales promotion, public relations, direct marketing.

Emphasize the benefits of the hotel;

Offered as a solution to many problems. The hotel must select target markets, research their needs, prepare a message, select the necessary publications, TV shows and radio programs that will effectively affect the segment. Potential segments include business tourists, private tourists, government and sports groups. The advertising message should be aimed at informing people about the services offered by the hotel, convincing them to settle in it. It should be written in understandable language, arouse interest, appear convincing, inform about the location and provide contact numbers.

In the process of exterior design, modern hotel buildings are decorated with appropriate illuminated advertisements. Hotel buildings must have outdoor advertising - the name of the establishment is "hotel", the name - in Russian and Latin letters. Outdoor advertising should make the advertisement stand out from other buildings. A street sign and house number are required on the building. In multi-hull hotels, it is necessary to equip stands with a layout of the hulls. In hotels, campsites or boarding houses that have significant areas, you can set up signs of their location and routes of movement. Pointers can be duplicated with a foreign translation.

The appearance of the institution should correspond to its specifics. It is an integral part of the overall experience that must be retained in the client's memory. Recently, landscaping of interiors and parcels of land has been widely used to create a positive image of the organization.

For administrators in a luxury hotel, formal woolen uniforms will suit. At the tropical resort, receptionists can wear Hawaiian shirts. Restaurant bartenders may wear polyester uniforms.

A specially designed stand with a simplified city map showing architectural or historical monuments will help you navigate an unfamiliar city.

Showcases and exhibitions of printed advertising publications are popular, introducing visitors to the city's landmark, the art of theaters, museums and exhibitions. To improve the design of hotel advertising, it is necessary to involve artists and designers.

The most widespread are brochures, booklets, business cards, branded postage envelopes and paper, branded menu covers, greeting cards, guidebooks. The content and design of advertising depends on the purpose of the hotel and the characteristics of its clientele.

Hotel prospectus- a printed edition in the form of a leaflet or brochure, one of the pages of which depicts a general view of the hotel. Historically or architecturally interesting buildings, squares, monuments complement the impression of the city. They can create a beautiful panorama or be placed in separate shots. At the beginning of the text, a small historical background about the city is given. The main place is taken by photographs of the front entrance, living rooms, lobby, restaurant or bar, service points.

Booklet printed on one A4 sheet with subsequent folding. It can be laid out in a variety of ways. On the first page, it is recommended to place a photo of the hotel, a list of services, indicate their opening hours and a telephone number where you can apply for help. The brochure contains a place for information on the rules of using the hotel. The booklet may advertise the sights of the city and its surroundings.

Brandedenvelopes and note paper are made by each hotel to order. The envelope shows either a general view of the hotel or its emblem. The hotel envelope is issued without a postage stamp. The hotel's logo or name should be placed in the corner of a piece of stationery.

When marketing the services of a hotel restaurant, you can treat a guest with your own pastries - this will allow him to get an idea of ​​the quality of the dishes in the restaurant. It is useful to have photos of the dining room, samples of table setting, thanks to previous clients.

A lot depends on what the marketer looks like, how he dresses, and how he answers questions. In the hospitality industry, employees are the most important means of influencing the market. Even small miscalculations can affect the quality of the services provided.

Additional services in hotels should be advertised in an original and colorful manner. Of particular importance are the types of computer advertising, for example, via the Internet. A client interested in choosing a hotel can receive information without leaving his chair. To do this, you need to find the hotel website, and the hotel will appear on the screen. The view changes as the cursor moves. One gets the impression that the client is walking through the building on his own. By clicking on the image of the door, you can find yourself in the room, move along the corridor or up the stairs.