Personal brand in business. What do we do to promote a personal brand

Today we will talk about what is personal brand how it goes creation and promotion of a personal brand who needs it and why. The concepts of “personal brand”, “personal brand” have become popular in last years, now they are actively promoted by various business schools, coaches, trainers, masters of personal growth, as something that you need to strive for in life and business.

Undoubtedly, in certain situations, a personal brand is really just necessary. But many, unfortunately, use it simply as a kind of fashionable innovation, according to the principle “everyone does it, and I will”, not quite understanding the essence and meaning. In this case, instead of a personal brand, you can create an image of an “Instagram star”, which many will only make fun of.

Therefore, let's understand what a personal brand is and why it is needed.

What is a personal brand?

A personal brand (or personal brand) is a popular, recognizable, “promoted” name of the person who created it. It's powerful competitive advantage, which allows you to distinguish yourself favorably among many other representatives of a certain niche. This is a self made man. This is a person who is recommended by other people as an expert, whose opinion is trusted, whose services have already been used.

Like , a personal brand is one way or another connected with a business. That is, a personal brand is created to be more expensive, to earn money, directly or indirectly. Building a personal brand “just for fun” is pointless. And the most advanced business experts are already saying that the creation and promotion of a personal brand of the head (owner) of the company is even more important than the creation and promotion of the company's brand.

Why is that? Because people are psychologically more inclined to buy from people like them rather than from some faceless businesses.

Here are the most striking examples of foreign and domestic personal brands: Elon Musk, Richard Branson, Brian Tracy, Bodo Schaefer, Mark Zuckerberg, Oleg Tinkov, Mikhail Dovgan and others.

Absolutely the same product from a person with a promoted personal brand can cost several times more than from a person who does not have a personal brand.

A simple example: the painting "Black Square" by Malevich costs 20 million dollars. And if you draw exactly the same black square - your picture will not cost anything at all. Because Malevich is a brand in art, and you are not.

What makes up a personal brand?

A personal brand consists of two components:

  1. Reputation is the foundation of a personal brand. This is how people perceive a person as a whole and his expert level in a certain area, how much they trust him, whether they are ready to follow him, etc.
  2. Coverage- people who know about the existence of a particular personal brand. Moreover, it is not so much the number of these people that matters, but its quality. That is, the target audience.

Who needs a personal brand?

A personal brand is necessary for everyone who is engaged in any business. First of all, those who independently provide certain services or sell some products own production. For example, a personal brand will give a significant advantage in the work of such professions as:

  • Website builder;
  • Manicurist;
  • Designer;
  • Sewing master;
  • Manufacturer of handmade soap;
  • Translator;
  • Advocate;
  • Doctor;
  • Fitness instructor;
  • Etc.

This is by no means an exhaustive list. A personal brand will be an advantage even in purely “working” professions, such as a plumber, electrician, or, for example, a taxi driver. As you can see, I gave as an example the areas of activity in which there is always a lot of competition. And having your own brand is a great tool for bypassing competitors, since not everyone has it.

But besides this, a personal brand, of course, will be useful for a business leader of a larger scale.

Building a personal brand.

Let's move on to the most important thing: how to create a personal brand? Before you create it, you need to decide who you are and how you should appear in the eyes of your audience. Moreover, “who you are” and “how you want to appear” - it must be one and the same person.

It is categorically impossible to be fake when creating a personal brand: to position yourself not as you really are. Attribute to yourself non-existent achievements and other people's personal qualities. Such deception will quickly be exposed, and your brand will only take on a negative connotation in the eyes of the audience covered.

Personal brand structure.

The entire personal brand can be divided into 10 components:

  1. Self-presentation. Who are you, where are you from, why are you here.
  2. Expert level. In what area, in what areas do you position yourself as an expert.
  3. Personal qualities, knowledge, skills, abilities, experience. All the “baggage” that you have accumulated to date.
  4. Philosophy and values. Both about life in general and about your business.
  5. social purpose. Why do you create your brand, how do you want to help people, what is the social orientation of your business.
  6. Mission. Your global mission: how exactly do you want to make this world a better place.
  7. Legend. Your personal success story, how did you get there: achievements and failures.
  8. Unique trade offer(USP). What product do you offer to your audience, what is its uniqueness and advantages over competitors.
  9. Image. Your appearance, style of clothing, speech, style of behavior - how you appear before the audience.
  10. Target audience (TA). Who is your target audience, to whom do you want to convey your ideas, missions, your product. Where is this target audience located, how will you look for it and conduct a dialogue.

How to create a personal brand?

Once you have clearly defined the structure of your brand, you can start building it. That is, by searching for your target audience and reporting to them personal brand. The formation of those very two components that I wrote about at the beginning: reputation and reach. How to do it?

Today, the Internet, in particular social networks, gives us excellent opportunities for creating a personal brand. It is there that you can find and reach any target audience. So how do you build a personal brand? Here are the main directions and opportunities.

  1. Maintenance of your pages and activity in social networks.
  2. Creation of a personal website/blog.
  3. Opening and maintaining a video channel on Youtube.
  4. Live broadcasts.
  5. Free consultations.
  6. Author's publications, interviews in popular publications, on other sites, blogs.
  7. Writing books.
  8. Presentations at thematic conferences, forums, trainings and other events.

It is not necessary to do all this at the same time: it is enough to highlight those areas that are closest to you and work on creating a personal brand in these areas.

Promotion of a personal brand in social networks.

Now let's talk about how to promote a personal brand in social networks. I will also highlight the main points.

Define key ideas. That is, the most important thoughts on which all your publications will be built, which readers will associate specifically with you - with your personal brand.

Choose social media to promote. Decide on the platforms on which you will collect your target audience. "All at once" - may be ineffective: it will take a lot of time and give little effect. It is better to focus on 1-3 social networks. For example, Facebook and Instagram are suitable for promoting some business ideas, for promoting small services at home - VKontakte, Instagram, Odnoklassniki. Etc.

Set up your account. Profile photo and short description- this is the first thing that a person who visits the page will pay attention to. Therefore, all key account information should be thought out to the smallest detail. It also makes sense to work on the style of publications: it should be pleasing to the eye, appropriate for the brand, original and recognizable.

Make a content plan. Key tool promotion of a personal brand in social networks is the content that you will publish. Text material, photos, videos, pictures, quotes, etc. - all this needs to be thought out correctly so that the content matches your personal brand as much as possible.

How to make a content plan?

The type of content will largely depend on the social network in which you plan to promote the brand. For example, on Instagram, the emphasis should be on the visual component of the content, on Facebook, on the semantic meaning of the text.

The content plan should include:

  • The format of the posted content (the style of pictures, the amount of text, etc.);
  • The amount and frequency of content posted (how many times a day and at what time you will post).

If you do not have the opportunity to publish posts regularly, you can use scheduling services, for example, Buffer, Hootsuite, SMMPlanner.

What content is interesting to the audience?

  1. Your expert opinion on the key topic of the page (analysis, review, reviews, recommendations, helpful tips, life hacks).

The most important concept in marketing is the concept of a brand. If you are not a brand, you do not exist. Who are you then? You are a commodity.

Philip Kotler, Professor of International Marketing

From the moment you wrote your first resume, you have become a commodity in the job market. And to find Good work with a decent salary and being in demand, you will not only have to develop as a professional, but also work on a personal brand.

What is a personal brand

A brand is what people say about you when you are not in the room.

Telegram became popular because it was made by Pavel Durov, not Petya Ivanov. They paid attention to Tesla because it is engaged in the project, and not some John Smith.

Didn't anyone create instant messengers before Durov? Surely some talented student of a technical university had a graduation project and more abruptly. Only no one knows about him, but everyone knows Durov. The same can be said about Musk. He didn't invent electric cars, and Jobs didn't invent the buttonless phone. All these things have become popular thanks to brand personalities.

We can say that a personal brand is a certain image that is created more than one day. And when people hear your name, this is the image they represent. Igor Mann is the No. 1 marketer in Russia, Artemy Lebedev is the designer of all Russia, Maxim Ilyakhov is the creator of the info style, and so on.

Cool professionals need to develop their personal brand so that clients or employers hear about them. A personal brand is your reputation.

A personal brand should answer only two questions: who knows you and what they think of you.

When you need a personal brand

There are two main cases:

  1. When your industry is highly competitive.
  2. When the payment for the services of a popular specialist is much higher than yours.

People are willing to overpay for expertise and experience. And pay a lot. They want to buy peace and confidence. And in order for people to want to pay, there is a lot of work to be done to create a certain image of an expert in their heads.

There are a lot of professions where a personal brand is needed: from a hairdresser and stylist to a doctor and builder, from a lawyer and sales manager to a copywriter, designer and SMM specialist. It is especially worth mentioning the sphere of art - an artist, a musician cannot do without a personal brand.

What is a personal brand for?

It's time for the millennials. Generation Y has entered an active consumer phase. And it seems that this generation does not believe in anything: neither in justice, nor in laws, nor in advertising. He needs personalities. Therefore, in order to stay at the top of the business chain, you need to develop not a company brand, but a personal one.

A personal brand builds trust. People are more actively buying from other people than from abstract brands. Sales and new partners follow from trust.

A personal brand is like a school record book: first you work for it, then it works for you. Everything is simple.

Types of personal brand


This person talks only about work and profession. You will not find information about his personal life and hobbies in social networks. Only professional regalia and mentions.

This image is ideal for those who are going to train their own colleagues. Therefore, it is important for an expert to build the image of a guru so that the whole sphere moves behind him.


This person combines his expertise with personality. He talks about himself, shows that he is alive, but everything is within the limits of what is permitted and does not undermine his expertise.

His audience wants to look the same, relax the same, live the same. But at the same time it remains a secret. For people, he is an expert and a tough guy at the same time, but no more.

shocking man

Scandals, intrigues, divorces, betrayals - all this is about him. The image of the majority of public figures is built on this approach. People love to poke around in someone else's dirty laundry, and they are given a reason to do so.

The difficulty lies in maintaining a constant interest in your person. Since there is no expertise here, the audience easily switches from one outrageous personality to another - who will surprise you more.

What is a personal brand


This is your experience, skills, portfolio. What customers and employers want to get in the end.

Without this item, a personal brand cannot be created. First you become the coolest electrician in your area, then in the city. Word of mouth brings you new customers. People like your approach to work and its results. You show that you are a real expert, not a fake one.


When your audience trusts you implicitly. You always back up your words with actions.

Reputation is the second most important item after expertise. It can be spoiled by one minor oversight, and it is difficult to win it again. Therefore, it is important to watch what you do, what you say, how you look.


What is a personal brand without popularity? When you've proven that you're the hottest electrician in the area, a perfect reputation goes ahead of you and brings you new customers, it's time to think - how popular are you?

Creating popularity is also work and an integral part of the development of a personal brand. All potential clients and colleagues should know about you.

What happens if you neglect your personal brand

Remember the recent scandal with the teacher who posted a photo in a swimsuit? After that, a flash mob began on Instagram, where other teachers also began to upload their vacation photos.

The fact is that a teacher is also a personal brand. It has its own audience: students, parents, colleagues, management. And he needs to confirm his expertise in the media space in order to be an authority.

Recently, a friend spoke about her failure at advertising agency for a marketing position. HR checked her social media and upon meeting said that she does not come across as a professional. On her page there were publications of drawings of fabrics for embroidery.

Simply put, if you don’t take care of your personal brand and reputation, you can face a lot of unpleasant things: from scandal and refusal of employment to low salary and lack of clients.

7 steps to build a personal brand

As it was written above, a personal brand is an image. It needs to be matched, it needs to be supported. No contradictions, only constancy, so that the image does not collapse in the minds of different people.

  1. Choose the area in which you are the best. Define your specialization.
  2. Tell your friends and acquaintances about yourself as an expert in your social networks.
  3. Determine who your target audience is, your potential customers. Build a detailed portrait of your ideal customers who bring you the most profit. You need to understand where they spend time, what they read, what channels they watch.
  4. Read books on your and related fields, improve your erudition, study foreign languages- become a person with whom it is interesting to talk.
  5. Consider the outer image. Like a product, you as a brand person should have certain features that will recognize you: a mustache, bright ties, pink hair, a braid, glasses, and so on.
  6. Flicker wherever your colleagues and potential clients are: participate in exhibitions, conferences, competitions.
  7. Promote through different channels: start developing your own pages on social networks, create a website and blog. Then go to industry sites and online publications, give your comments, write articles. Create an image of an expert for a wide audience.

Successful people are not born, they are made. A well-thought-out personal brand is the key to professional well-being and stable financial income in the future. But for your form style had a high profitability, it is important to be able to properly build an image strategy and sell your product.

A personal brand is a must have in the modern world of any successful person, acting as an external confirmation of the individual competence and exclusivity of the subject in a certain segment social activities. It helps not only to stand out among competitors, but also to significantly increase one's own importance as a specialist, expand the target audience, and also increase income from work or business. It is the image of a person that forms the desired image, bright and recognizable among the masses, with the help of which it is easy to achieve certain commercial goals.

A personal brand is an intangible asset that can be successfully converted into profitable tangible dividends. Only a high-quality trademark can provide a long-term perspective for the development of a project and make your face trademark goods or services. But in order for a universal idea to become a guide for others, and for you, as a professional, to gain authority in your niche, hard work and knowledge of branding principles are required.

Components of a personal brand

The process of promoting your own name is impossible without such components as:

  • Reputation. It makes it possible to promise a real result at the stage of offering a service, and consumers, relying on the word, believe that the promised will be provided. Reputation is hard to build, but if a person fails to deliver on a promise once, faith in their brand will be easily lost, sometimes forever. The stronger the belief in the reputation, the easier it is to promote your product.
  • Expertise. This is the presence of special knowledge and skills in the represented field, which makes the author of the idea a master, an expert in this field, which is what reinforces the brand name. An expert based on personal experience is trusted, and his opinion is important to others. He will be listened to.
  • Popularity. Demand among a wide audience. Not to be confused with fame.

To create a personal brand, it is not enough to master only one or two of the above achievements. Only the combination of all these criteria forms a personal brand.

Types of personal brand

When developing own brand you need to accurately classify your expertise, as well as clearly understand what type of brand is most suitable and cost-effective for you:

  • Expert. Provides professional information support narrow-profile specialists through the distribution of thematic content.
  • Provocative. The main goal is to shock, amaze the audience with scandalous news or some kind of sensation about the life of famous people.
  • Mixed. Combines elements of expert and outrageous type. Has a wide target audience.
  • migratory. Involves moving from one category to another. Possible with well-constructed branding.

An indicator of a correctly chosen image policy is the monetization of the created image. It can be carried out through the direct sale of your product or service at a price slightly higher than the competitive price, consulting, public speaking, conferences and the creation of an advertising and information platform (media). Here it is important to clearly understand which of the listed opportunities you are ready to use today in order to achieve the desired result. Therefore, drawing up a detailed action plan on paper will not be superfluous.

Why develop a personal brand and who needs it?

If you have an exclusive idea or a dream, or you want to be different, to be recognizable, to increase your own communication power, to have an endless stream of clients, to do business under your own brand, to be independent and at the same time make good money - you definitely cannot do without a personal brand. . To form your own image, it is very important to understand your basic value system..

Benefits of personal brand development

A person who successfully creates a personal brand becomes successful. It is easy for him to negotiate, his convictions are listened to. It is easy for such people to sell goods and services. The first one who benefits from creating a positively perceived image is its owner. Customers will reach out to him, and offers from partners will begin to come after them. Some of the main benefits include:

  • The presence of clients. Paying a high price to purchase a product or service marked with your personal name.
  • Partnership. Receipt of proposals for cooperation in projects, business and other enterprises without financial investments from your side, but using your brand name. That is, just because you are a human brand.
  • Opportunities. New initiatives, people and connections.

Developing a personal brand helps you sell and promote your product at a high price, maximizing the benefits that come with this process.

Who needs a personal brand

People engaged in intellectual work, dissemination own product or services, owners of medium and big business, employed a certain kind activities must necessarily build branding tactics aimed at creating a sought-after and integral image product. A personal brand in this case helps to generate PR without a budget, attracting only one of your clients and projects. An indispensable condition for the successful development of the brand in any field of employment is the activity of the author. Without regular updating of information content or monitoring the state of one's positions in the media space, full-fledged promotion of the name is impossible.

Formation of a personal brand and media image

A strong media image is a versatile and powerful tool that, combined with a competent marketing strategy, makes it possible to profitably monetize an idea or project. Like any project, branding also requires detailed plan, which describes in detail the principle of building and promoting an image image. Image formation tactics consist of:

  • Choosing a niche, target audience and areas of interest. It provides for the search for one's social purpose, the desired area of ​​professional implementation and one's own role in it. The key questions in this segment are “Who am I?”, “What is my job?”, “What is my mission?” and others. At this stage, information is collected and a personal asset in the form of a knowledge base is created.
  • Analysis of competitors. Next important step in the process of creating a brand name. Includes the study of famous brands, current trends and success stories in the area under consideration. This helps to understand your place among rivals and find your own unique solution.
  • Creation of a strategy for promoting a personal brand. Any undertaking in building a personal brand should be based on a well-thought-out strategy. It is not necessary to develop it in the smallest detail, as recommended in marketing, but putting it on paper will be much more convenient, clearer and easier to implement.

One of the key points is to think over options for promoting your media image.

Where to talk about yourself

The easiest, most convenient and effective option for branding is the Internet, with its rapidly developing social networks, as well as live communication with the audience, which allows you to directly broadcast the brand and exchange information with colleagues in the shop. It is an essential part of developing a personal style and the fastest way to growing a strong brand. On what platforms is it most cost-effective to promote your image today?

You can create profiles on popular websites such as Facebook, VKontakte, Instagram, Twitter and Youtube. By actively using the network and systematically updating content, you expand your audience and also advertise yourself to the target audience. Constant communication with your own subscribers or ordinary fans significantly increases the level of trust in you from users.

Own website/blog

The presence of a personal portal or blog allows you to attract the attention of potential customers to your person and demonstrate the respectability of the advertised brand. The information on the site must be unique and competent within the covered field of activity. This allows you to stand out from the crowd of the same professionals and become recognizable among many.

Expert articles in the media

The task is difficult, but doable. The form of implementation may be different, as in the form of full-length analytical articles, and expert notes, comments or reviews. The main thing is that the information provided is reliable, objective and useful. Building your reputation as a competent specialist in this way, you create a unique personal brand. If you are an expert in business or personal development, you can check out our magazine.

Offline events and conferences

Direct contact with the audience also helps in strengthening your credibility and makes your brand more accessible (real). Lively attention to your fans, constant participation in various specialized conferences, speeches, seminars and trainings as an expert, increase the profitability of your corporate image and the expected fame.

Personal brand promotion

Promotion of a personal name takes time, perseverance and a clear content strategy. To develop win-win tactics, one should decide on the number and nature of the social networks used, the quality of the information content supplied and the method of its publication. Remember, the content you generate is intended not only to demonstrate your own knowledge, but also to gain personal authority, that is, the development of a personal brand!

As a good example, you can depict in detail the path of a potential client on paper, across all the proposed media platforms - from the starting position, indicating information about you and the client’s step-by-step progress towards the goal, to the place where he selects and pays for the goods (services). This will provide an opportunity to look at yourself from the outside, see and understand the most effective levers for controlling the behavior of the audience in achieving the desired result.

A personal brand is a universal way to express yourself as a successful person and high-level expert. Since the image has a direct impact on professional activity and her further development, it is necessary to be able to properly form and serve a personal brand. This will help ensure a stable reputation for your name and take the desired place in the chosen field.

If you have something to add on the topic, feel free. Leave comments!

Creating a personal brand in 2017 was officially recognized as a trend. Leading international business publications have publicly stated that you risk being left out if you don't work with a personal reputation. But what exactly needs to be done so that you are recognized everywhere, alas, no one has explained. The most striking example of where an entrepreneur's personal brand can lead is undoubtedly Donald Trump. A man who spent decades working on his public image, using virtually every personal promotion tool available, now occupies the Oval Office in the White House.

In Russian reality, the concept of "personal branding" is rather negative. Work with a public image is usually associated with show business or politics, but not with a business direction. And if they do remember, they call the names of Chichvarkin and Tinkov, hinting that for their own promotion, you need to do shocking things. However, more and more Russian entrepreneurs begin to find value in working on personal promotion. The most obvious goal is to draw attention to your product at the expense of interest in the individual. Between a faceless company and a company where there are people "in sight", there is a high probability that they will choose the latter. An additional benefit for entrepreneurs, especially in small businesses, is the opportunity to attract additional investments.

According to Valery Zolotukhin - CEO trading and manufacturing company VIVO and investor - a personal brand is key to investors. A project can have a great idea, a strong team, good financial indicators, but if there is no trust in the first person, a reasonable investor will not invest money. And rightly so, because the personal motives that drive a person can ruin a thriving business of any size. There are plenty of examples.

The second point why you should rely on a personal brand in investing is practicality. A thorough due diligence of a company costs time and money, and only gives a general idea of ​​the state of affairs. In practice, even the largest investment funds and banks. Therefore, the key investment factor is trust in the founders and top management. Ultimately, the investor still needs to make a decision in the uncertainty mode. By the way, the most famous and successful investor in the world, Warren Buffett, came up with this formula for success many years ago - he personally knew the management of all the companies where he made the main investments. Carefully studied all publications and interviews in the press. And he held shares of 10-15 companies, not spraying himself and regularly asking the management how things were going.

The desire to protect employees and even partners from incorrect actions of competitors is the main reason why Russian businessmen today choose to work on a personal brand. Thanks to social networks publicity can dot the "i" in a few hours.

Stop list in personal branding

Unfortunately, a personal brand is not a magic pill that everyone needs. There are a number of limitations that demonstrate that sometimes it pays to stay in the background. The most obvious reason is the reluctance of a person who will have to be constantly in sight, to be public. Unfortunately, labored actions lead to very mediocre results and greatly exhaust the promoted person. After some time, the same representatives of the promotion department will appear on the carpet and heads will start flying, because there is no promised “wow effect”, and a lot of time and resources have been spent.

The second point, which is often forgotten, is expertise. Before you get on stage, write books, and speak to the media, it's important to make sure you're already a professional, that is, you're well versed in the subject and have something to say. And each of your thesis must be supported personal experience. Otherwise, you can easily lose the very trust that the adherents of personal promotion are hunting for.

Work mechanics

What to do for those who nevertheless decided to work on creating a personal brand, but do not know where to start? As in any business process, it is worth doing an audit of current resources. Conventionally, it can be divided into two blocks - internal and external. The first is related to the characteristics of the person who will be the face of this long-term PR campaign. The second is with what can contribute to the success of this project: human, material and technical resources. The star of personal branding, which consists of 5 arms, will help you disassemble a potential brand into components and assemble it back into a single concept: packaging, marketing, expert development, media strategy, public communication.

For each individual item, it is necessary to understand the scope of work - what, when and in what sequence should be improved. The minimum starting period for planning is three months, during which time the first measurable results can be obtained. The next step is to incorporate routine tasks (such as visiting a stylist, beautician, or speech technician) into the entrepreneur's daily schedule.

Essential elements

Before taking action, it is recommended to draw up a "I-Concept" - a document that will connect all the main communication messages. The basic set includes: a personal unique selling proposition, a package of mental images (facts, characteristics, aftertaste), a biography, a list of achievements, a product line, a description target audiences, analytics on competitors and the presence of their own original theory / term / concept. After collecting this data, you can proceed to the direct audit.

“They are met by clothes,” indeed, an old truth, but no less true for this. The visual channel of perception in humans is the most developed, so everything that we perceive through vision is of great importance.

  • Physical data - weight, height, athletic coherence, pronounced features of appearance and eye-catching elements.
  • Well-groomed - a neat appearance.
  • Style and image - the level of brands, basic wardrobe, selection of images, according to the visual map of the image, selection of chips and bright elements.
  • Corporate identity - a designer personal business card, a personal logo / monogram, a set of basic photos for promo.

Personal Marketing

Most often, the emphasis is on Internet marketing, but sometimes offline activities are also used.

  • Search results for the query "last name first name" in Google and Yandex.
  • Personal website - design, relevance of information, regularity of updates, traffic statistics.
  • Social media - personal and public accounts in social networks.

Expert development

  • Activity - participation in specialized events, awards and ratings, membership in professional clubs, lecturing at universities and specialized commercial institutions, sponsorship / patronage, social activities.
  • Expert materials - professional portfolio / resume, customer cases, reviews, thanks, recommendations.

Media communication

  • Working with the media - creating your own newsbreaks, broadcasts on TV / radio, publications in the press and electronic media.
  • Own media opportunities - author's podcast, writing a column in print / electronic media, blogs.
  • Copywriting is an original and recognizable style.

public communication

  • Speech characteristics - diction, timbre, emotional range, tempo.
  • Non-verbal characteristics - control of facial expressions, gestures, eye contact, interaction with the audience.
  • Oratory skills - the ability to improvise, respond competently to questions, work in tandem with the second speaker.
  • Public content - 5 minute self-presentation, sales talk (20/40/60 minutes), biography in story format.

After all the elements are written into the plan format, it is important to decide when and how to track the results. The best option is a weekly reconciliation of the desired and actual KPIs for each area, as well as a monthly strategic session based on the results of the work. It is worth remembering that in both traditional PR and personal branding, when evaluating performance, it is important to track not just quantitative indicators, but also the real impact on the business.

It is already obvious that the personal brand is starting to gradually capture Russian market and in the coming years, those who take advantage of the new opportunities today will begin to reap real business benefits.