Psychological foundations of social work terminological dictionary. Concepts, terms and categories of social work

The most important component of the system of logically ordered knowledge is the conceptual apparatus of science - a set of concepts, categories and terms that allow in a generalized form to reflect the phenomena studied by this science, as well as the connections between them by fixing their essential properties, features and patterns.

It is customary to distinguish between the concepts of two levels. First, these are concepts that reflect the empirical experience of social work, the results of observations and experiments. Secondly, concepts formed by interpreting primary concepts (concepts of the first level) and logical operations on them.

Classification of concepts according to the degree of generality:

  • 1. general scientific (subject, object, interaction, cause, effect, pattern, system, element, connections, relationships, development, change);
  • 2. concepts of social sciences (society, culture, man, individual, personality, activity, consciousness, behavior);
  • 3. concepts used in social work and related disciplines (deviant behavior, anomie, socialization, adaptation, rehabilitation, counseling);
  • 4. specific concepts of social work (individual social work, group social work, social protection, socio-psychological counseling, difficult life situation, social service, social orphanhood, escapism).
  • 5. It is customary to distinguish between the concepts of two levels. First, these are concepts that reflect the empirical experience of social work, the results of observations and experiments. They are usually called primary. Secondly, concepts formed by interpreting primary concepts and logical operations on them. They constitute the second-order level and belong to theoretical concepts.
  • 6. The most important, key concepts of any science, which form the basis of its apparatus, are called categories. The question of the categories of social sciences is quite complicated, since the social phenomena and processes reflected by them are very changeable, diverse, their aspects are closely intertwined with each other, they are interpreted differently by individual branches of social knowledge, which leads to the relativity and permeability of the boundaries between these very categories, polyparadigm of the theory of social work. Therefore, in order to streamline their diversity, we can talk about the following groups of concepts and categories of social work:
  • 1. categories that are not specific to the theory of social work, since the phenomena and processes they designate are also studied by other sciences (naturally, such phenomena are considered by each science through the prism of its subject and methods used); for example, "social relations", "social activity", "socialization", "personality", etc.;
  • 2. categories related to the theory of social work primarily, but also used by other branches of knowledge, for example, “psychosocial work”, “social rehabilitation”, “family conflict”, etc.;
  • 3. categories that are actually categories of social work, such as “social worker”, “social service”, “targeted social assistance”, etc.

In addition to this differentiation in terms of the level of generalization of concepts, the categories of social work should also be analyzed in terms of their content. In this sense, the first group should include concepts that reflect the specifics of the organization of social work in various areas of social practice. For example, the conceptual apparatus of social work in educational institutions will partially differ from the system of terms and categories that describe social work in medical institutions. There are also peculiarities in social work with such categories of clients as persons with disabilities, the elderly, refugees, families and children at risk. We can also single out social work in special situations, for example, in zones of ecological disaster, military conflicts, etc.

The second group consists of concepts that reflect various aspects of the organization of professional and voluntary social work, a technological approach to the provision of social assistance. Such concepts include social work management, social service economics, psychosocial methods, and so on. Undoubtedly, as empirical research on social work expands and its theoretical knowledge becomes deeper and more precise, the system of categories of social work will be enriched.

The most important structural element of social work, like any other branch of social knowledge, is its laws. The effectiveness and efficiency of solving the problems of social protection of the population is largely determined by the optimal level of structure and functioning of social service institutions, the scientific validity of the choice of content and technological methods of interaction with clients, taking into account in the practice of working with people direct and indirect connections and mutual influences of needs and interests, moods and motives behavior of individuals in various life circumstances. The laws of social work most fully express in an integrated form the nature and direction of the totality of social connections and phenomena related to the social situation of the client.

Abilitation - (from lat. abilitatio; lat. habilis- convenient, adaptive) - in international practice - a set of services aimed at creating new and strengthening existing resources for the social, mental and physical development of the client. These are medical and (or) social measures in relation to the disabled or other morally undermined people (convicted, etc.), aimed at adapting them to life.

Volunteering is the voluntary acceptance of duties to provide gratuitous social assistance, services, patronage to the disabled, the sick and the elderly, as well as persons and social groups in difficult living conditions.

Life support is a component of a way of life, an activity related to the involvement of people in the processes of economic life, primarily in the system of social division of labor, aimed at meeting basic needs and needs |4].

Innovations in the social sphere - innovations that have an impact on large groups of people, as a rule, are of a non-commercial nature and are aimed at improving the quality of life of the population.

Social innovation is an organized innovation in social practice in response to changing social conditions, the needs of society, new problems that cannot be solved by traditional methods.

Social infrastructure - material and material elements that provide the conditions for human life in society (in the industrial, political and spiritual spheres, in the family and everyday life); a set of industries such as science, education, health care, trade, catering, consumer services, housing and communal services, transport, communications, etc. The degree of development of social infrastructure is an important indicator of how a person lives, to what extent he is socially protected.

The quality of life is the content side of the lifestyle and living conditions of the individual, the degree of comfort of his living environment. An integral characteristic of the patient's physical, psychological, emotional and social functioning, based on his subjective perception. eleven].

The quality of the population is a set of properties of the population: its educational level, professional and qualification structure, health status, etc. .

Social work client (user of social services) (Sendee user) is a widely accepted definition of those people who use the services of social protection organizations. This term refers to people who independently request social services or who have life situations in which they do not have the choice to decide whether they want to accept such assistance or not. In many sources, this term is shortened simply to the word client. The term indicates how difficult it is to find one word or phrase to refer to everyone who uses social services.

Client-centered therapy (client-oriented therapy) is a direction of psychological assistance developed by K. Rogers and his followers, which is based on the belief that a person seeking psychotherapeutic help (client) usually has sufficient resources to find a solution to his own problems. problems and deal with it. The psychotherapist does not impose his own method of solution on him and does not resort to directive methods (suggestion, etc.). The main therapeutic technique is to create a situation of understanding and unconditional acceptance of a person and his problems by the therapist, which facilitates the client's experience of internal conflicts.

Sociocultural competence is a measure of the freedom to possess the knowledge and skills necessary for effective participation in the processes of interaction and communication and acquired as a result of socialization and inculturation.

Complex-Oriented Models of Social Work Theory -

these include cognitive, socio-pedagogical, vital-oriented and other models. The cognitive (cognitive) model is based on the principle of organizing social work, which states that services should be available to all who need them. Cognitive theory gained particular popularity in the practice of social work in the early 1980s. .

A person with disabilities is a person, a disabled person, suffering from temporary or permanent, congenital or acquired defects that do not allow him to independently and fully realize his potential.

Macrosocial work - streamlining the activities of the population of individual territories, the formation of territorial communities and social groups based on the interests and capabilities of the population.

Social marginalization - here, the displacement of disabled people to the periphery of socio-cultural life, i.e. a reduction in the set of possible social roles and cultural identities, a simplification of the sociocultural functions available to them, a narrowing of the range of cultural information received, a decrease in the degree of participation in social interaction and communication compared to the standards accepted in society.

Marginality is a characteristic of social phenomena resulting from the loosening of normative-value systems under the influence of intercultural contacts, social or technological shifts, and other factors |4|.

Marginal groups of the population - persons released from places of detention and not having a fixed place of residence; citizens requiring public supervision due to social factors (alcoholism, homelessness, etc.); youth not included in labor activity; individuals with behavioral problems. Marginal groups of the population can include any groups of the population that have the least chance of finding a job on their own in the labor market (for example, single mothers and women with children, orphans, children from disadvantaged families, unskilled workers, the elderly, etc.).

The Marxist model is an understanding of the activity of a social worker as a force contributing to the implementation of joint collective actions aimed at raising self-awareness and bringing about changes in society.

Financial assistance - is provided to citizens in difficult life situations in the form of cash, food, sanitation and hygiene products, child care products, clothes, shoes and other essentials, fuel, as well as special Vehicle, technical means of rehabilitation of the disabled and persons in need of constant care. The grounds for and procedure for the provision of material assistance are established by the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Medico-social examination - determination in accordance with the established procedure of the needs of the person being examined for social protection measures, including rehabilitation, based on an assessment of disability caused by a persistent disorder of body functions.

Social mobility is the movement of individuals or social groups from one social stratum to another (from the peasantry to the working class, etc.), their movement to higher or lower hierarchical positions. The term "social mobility" was introduced into Western sociology by the Russian sociologist P. A. Sorokin. Distinguish social mobility"vertical" (ascent - descent in the system of social positions) and "horizontal" (movement at the same social level); intergenerational (change social status from father to son, from mother to daughter) and intragenerational (individual career on the principle of ascent - descent "in the social hierarchy". The level of social movements is often considered as one of the main factors in classifying society as open, closed, modernized, democratic, post-industrial, etc. .d In social work, it is important to predict and take into account such social movements as staff turnover, migration, unemployment, hidden unemployment, etc. .

Models (systems) social activities. 1st stage - from 1551 to 1725 G. - the stage of formation and implementation of the idea of ​​state charity; 2nd stage - from 1725 to 1796 - the stage of formation of a system (model) of public charity; 3rd stage - from 1796 to 1917 - the stage of improving the system (model) of public charity and private charity; 4th stage - from 1917 to 1918 - the stage of returning to the model of state charity; 5th stage - from 1918 to 1991 - the stage of formation and implementation of the Soviet model of social activity; 6th stage - from 1991 to the present - the stage of formation of the modern Russian model of social activity.

Morality is a system of norms, principles, requirements, values; one of the earliest forms of social consciousness and regulators of human behavior.

A moral norm is a general substantive requirement for the behavior and activities of a social worker, fair in all situations and circumstances. We can talk about general norms of professional morality (for example, the requirement to be humane, kind, objective, etc.) and private norms that specify general ones (for example, honesty in relations with a client, etc.).

Moral rules - specific requirements for the behavior and activities of a specialist in the process of his work. Moral rules are the most flexible and mobile, constantly enriched in their content.

Loneliness is a socio-psychological state characterized by a lack or absence of social contacts, behavioral alienation and emotional dissatisfaction of the individual with the character and circle of his communication. According to modern ideas, physical isolation is not always felt by a person as loneliness |1|.

Occupational therapy is a profession aimed at the rehabilitation of persons who, for health reasons, cannot take care of themselves, spend leisure time and perform work activities. Self-care, leisure activities and productive activities are combined under the general term "occupation", and the participation of a person in their performance is defined as an occupational activity.

Guardianship (guardianship) - a form of placement of orphans and children left without parental care, for the purpose of their maintenance, upbringing and education, as well as for the protection of their rights and interests; guardianship is established over children under the age of 14; guardianship is established over children aged 14 to 18 years.

Mastering the living environment - the acquisition and effective use of knowledge and skills necessary for adequate interaction with the elements of the environment and control over them.

Social pathology - a term formed but analogies with the corresponding medical concept - the doctrine of diseases; manifestation of various kinds of diseases that accompany the development of a social organism and weaken its functioning.

Patronage is a form of legal protection of personal and property interests of citizens. Patronage is established over an adult capable citizen who, for health reasons, cannot independently exercise and protect his rights and fulfill his duties. Patronage is a kind of guardianship |4].

Pension (from lat. pernio- payment, payment) - 1) monthly cash payments intended to compensate citizens for earnings (income) lost in connection with the achievement statutory age, disability, loss of a breadwinner, as well as on other grounds, the right to receive which is determined by the conditions and norms, established by law Russian Federation;

2) a monthly state cash payment, the right to receive which is determined in accordance with the conditions and norms established by the Federal Law of December 15, 2001 No. 166-FZ “On State Pension Provision in the Russian Federation”, and which is provided to citizens in order to compensate them earnings (income) lost in connection with the termination public service upon reaching the length of service established by law upon entering an old-age (disability) labor pension, or in order to compensate for harm caused to the health of citizens during military service, as a result of radiation or man-made disasters, in the event of disability or loss of a breadwinner, upon reaching the age established by law or disabled citizens in order to provide them with a livelihood.

Primary prevention is a system of social, medical, hygienic and educational measures aimed at preventing diseases by eliminating the causes and conditions for their occurrence and development, as well as increasing the body's resistance to the effects of adverse factors in the natural, industrial and domestic environment.

Sociocultural policy is a system of measures aimed at improving the conditions and quality of life of members of society, carried out by institutional means [11.

The practice of social work is the use of knowledge and skills of social work to provide social services to a person, social stratum, group. The practice of social work includes social assistance, social therapy, social rehabilitation, insurance, guardianship, mediation, etc. .

Professional ethics - a spider about professional morality as a set of ideals and values, ideas about what is due, ethical principles and norms of behavior that correspond to the essence of the profession and ensure the proper nature of the relationship between people in the process of professional activity. At the same time, professional ethics is the moral self-awareness of a professional group, its psychology and ideology.

Psychodynamic approach (psychodynamic approach) approach to social work, based on the main provisions of psychoanalysis.

Psychosocial work is a direction in social work that pays special attention to the psychological aspects of a client's difficult life situation. In psychosocial work in Russia, special attention is paid to the psychological aspects of the adaptation of a social service client to changed conditions, a difficult life situation.

Psychosocial work is carried out in two forms: individual (with a child, with a disabled person, with an unemployed person, with persons with deviant behavior, with convicts, with a victim of violence) and group (with a family, in a group of anonymous alcoholics, etc.). Individual psychosocial work has become widespread with the development of telephone counseling.

Residential social work is carried out in those institutions where people live on a permanent basis.

A residential facility has many purposes: providing an alternative to home, therapy, provision of temporary shelter, diagnosis and evaluation, or a combination of these purposes. From workhouses to orphanages, from shelters to prisons, resident social work has been around for a long time in many forms. In general terms, some types of housing for many social work clients have been legalized in recent decades, and some have changed, but all types have been extensively studied in recent times)