Course: Advertising in commercial activities - Methods for determining the psychological effectiveness of advertising. Functions of a psychologist in providing an advertising campaign Basic methods of persuasion

To study the effect of the psychological impact of advertising, methods based on accounting and assessing the nature of the impact of individual advertising media on a person are used. The effectiveness of the psychological impact of advertising means is characterized by the number of consumer coverage, the brightness and depth of the impression that these means leave in the memory of a person, the degree of attention.

The effectiveness of the psychological impact of advertising on the consumer can be determined through observations, experiments, and surveys.

1. The method of observation is used in the study of the impact on consumers of individual advertising media. This method is passive in nature, since the observer does not influence the buyer in any way, but, on the contrary, conducts observation unnoticed by him. According to a predetermined scheme, the observer registers the received data, which are comprehensively analyzed. For example, notes which exhibition stand attracts most attention buyers, how long pedestrians linger at a particular storefront, how many people enter the store after familiarizing themselves with the storefront, what product is of interest and what demand it is in.

You can determine the degree of attraction of buyers' attention to an outdoor window by dividing the indicator of the number of people who paid attention to outdoor advertising during a certain period by the total number of people who passed by outdoor advertising in the same period.

The degree of effectiveness of the publication advertisements in funds mass media can be conditionally estimated in a particular store by dividing the indicator of the number of visitors who bought the advertised product by the indicator of the total number of customers who made any purchase in the store.

Data can be obtained from receipts and by registering the facts of the purchase of the advertised product by cashier controllers. Condition: observation must be carried out in weekdays, not characterized by increased intensity of customer flows; the duration of observation depends on the nature of the advertising media, the effectiveness of which is to be established.

  • 2. The experimental method is active. It takes place in conditions artificially created by the experimenter. The experimenter can create a variety of combinations of advertising media and, by comparing the reactions of buyers, choose the most successful of them. So, if you need to evaluate the psychological impact on the buyer of the packaging of the goods, then the same product (for example, washing powder) are placed in different packages. The psychological effectiveness of such an advertising medium as an advertisement in a newspaper or magazine is determined by the following experiment. The advertisement includes a coupon with the text of the request to send the prospectus, catalogue. The buyer must cut this coupon and send it to the trading company whose address is indicated in the text of the advertisement. By the number of coupons-requests received from readers, the advertiser judges whether his ad was noticed in the periodical press, and whether the text of his ad turned out to be sufficiently convincing and interesting. It should be noted that the small number of requests received may not be the result of the poor quality of the ads, but the fact that the advertised product itself, for some reason, was not needed by buyers. Therefore, the method is acceptable only when it is known in advance that the advertised product is in demand.
  • 3. The polling method is also active. The method is laborious, but much more reliable than others, since it allows you to directly identify the buyer's attitude not only to the advertising medium as a whole, but also to the individual components of this medium. You can evaluate the impact of advertising on the buyer and determine which elements of its design attract the most attention and are better remembered. For this method, questionnaires are compiled according to a pre-developed program in writing, setting out the task of the survey in it so that the buyer knows its purpose and tries to answer the questions more accurately.

The more potential consumers covered by advertising, the lower will be the cost of it per person.

Data on the effectiveness of the psychological impact of advertising make it possible to predict its effectiveness. Speaking about the psychological impact of advertising, one cannot fail to mention the target groups of influence. advertising campaign(target audiences).

The target group of influence is a group of the population, distinguished by age, social or other characteristics, to which, first of all, this or that advertisement is directed. The need to consider the target group from the point of view of psychology is dictated by the fact that any group develops according to the same laws, and the same principles underlie its existence.

Of course, there is a difference between target groups of different types, each group has its own characteristics, and, at first glance, it may seem that such different target groups as retirees, students and businessmen have nothing in common. This is not true.


The main purpose of advertising is to interest the consumer and push them to buy the advertised product. But often the potential buyer resists the impact and does not want to make a purchase. How to influence a person to induce him to action and not cause irritation? This is where the psychology of advertising comes in.

Advertising psychology is a separate branch of psychology that deals with the substantiation of theoretical and practical ways to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of advertising materials by influencing mental processes and phenomena. Advertising has become an integral part of everyday life, it can be found anywhere: on television, on radio, on the Internet, in newspapers and magazines. Modern cities are fed up outdoor advertising: billboards, banners, streamers, on transport, advertising on street screens. There are various ways to influence the audience with one goal - the buyer must buy a product or service.

Main types psychological influence per person - informing, persuading, suggestion and motivation.

Information method

The most neutral method of influence. Informing does not have an emotional coloring, does not address the personality of the consumer and does not concern the value system, needs and interests. The main purpose of information is the imprinting of advertising material in the memory. These methods of influence include advertisements in the form of columns in newspapers, magazines, websites. There is information about the sale, supply, demand. The impact of advertising on the psyche of a human consumer with this method is minimal.

persuasion method

The main method of psychological impact of advertising on a person is persuasion. The main task is to convince potential buyers of the advantages and uniqueness of the advertised product and the need to buy it. Persuasive advertising is the most aggressive type of advertising, the main task of which is to form consumer demand for the proposed product.

The main goal is achieved by convincing the buyer of the need, the need to purchase the product with the help of reasoned evidence. The product is characterized with better side reveals the distinctive features and opportunities to satisfy the desires of potential buyers. But persuasion works only if the consumer is interested in the product. Then it is much easier to convince of the need to purchase this particular product.

Basic Persuasion Techniques

Interests and needs of buyers. Quite an efficient way. Often, the main interests, desires, problems of potential consumers are monitored, which later form the basis of the proposal. Basic Needs target audience included in the slogans of goods and services.

The novelty of the advertised product. People are more likely to pay attention to new products, this causes interest. Therefore, in order to attract the attention of buyers, advertisements for already known products highlight new characteristics or properties.
Problem situation. Advertising creates a certain problem situation. The question of a solution is posed, which arouses interest. This approach encourages thinking about possible ways to solve the problem. And, of course, the advertisement offers an “ideal” option that will fully satisfy the needs of the consumer.
Complicity. Most often, this method is used in television advertising. Advertising is addressed to the viewer, appeals are used (you, you), offers to participate, test the product in action and make sure of its effectiveness. Often the advertisement is shot in the form of a report from the scene, which makes the buyer an accomplice of what is happening.

For "advertisers", whose task is to create a well-selling advertisement, in addition to methods of influencing a person, it is important to know and special turns of speech that enhance the impact of advertising. One of the most popular turns of speech, which helps to convince of the need for a purchase, is an antithesis. This is a short enough slogan to make it easier to remember, using a contrasting technique that helps to emphasize the benefits of the buyer. Persuasive Advertising Examples:

We work - you relax ("Indesit")
You love us - we kill you (anti-tobacco advertising)
Kvass - yes, "chemistry" - no! (kvass "Nikola").
Thirst is nothing, image is everything! (drink "Sprite").

suggestion method

As a rule, this is an intentional or unintentional effect of one person on the psyche of another. It can be hidden or with the consent of the suggestible. The main difference is lack of adequate awareness of the information presented. This method of influencing advertising does not work for all people. Everyone has a different degree of suggestibility, susceptibility and ability to obey.

The higher the level of knowledge of a person, the richer his life experience, competence, the more difficult it is for him to inspire something.

Studies have shown that it is easier to inspire people with a low level of education and young people. Women are more suggestible than men, this is due to the natural characteristics of the female psyche. Suggestion is directed at a person's ability to perceive information without providing facts or evidence.

Use of keywords. In advertising, which is aimed at suggestion, use specific and figurative keywords. They must be understandable so that when they are pronounced, a clear picture emerges in the mind of a person. All this increases significantly. But abstract phrases can confuse or even remain incomprehensible to the consumer.
Use of epithets. When describing goods, qualitative adjectives are used that characterize the product from the best side, which forms a positive attitude towards the advertising product in the consumer.
No negative particles. At the psychological level, particles “not” or “no” repel a person, cause suspicion and doubt. To inspire the buyer with the need to buy, you should instill confidence and hope for a good result. Any negative statement can be turned into a positive one.. For example, "you don't want to be sick" should be replaced with "you want to be healthy".
Certain dynamics of speech. One of the most important advertising techniques. The impact can be increased by:

A high rate of speech is an indicator of intelligence, and therefore, has listeners. But we should not forget that a person must understand it and perceive what they are trying to convey to him. According to psychologists, a person perceives a low male voice better..

Purchasing incentive method

All the techniques and methods of the psychological impact of advertising on the consumer ultimately boil down to one thing: inducing a person to buy. The purpose of this method is to cause the desired reaction to the advertised product or service, which will ultimately encourage the buyer to purchase the product. Since the purpose of this type of advertising is to attract customers and purchase, it uses a clear message for the consumer in the form of an inciting slogan.

Some people develop resistance to advertising over time.. But advertising experts have foreseen this phenomenon. Special impact techniques have been developed for such an audience.

Command substitution method is applied. For example, if earlier there was a command - "buy", now - "everyone buys, people buy", etc.
Creates the illusion of choice. The buyer is invited to choose from several modifications of one product, which in any case is beneficial to the manufacturer.
The command contained in the question. Instead of directly voicing a command, questions are used to prompt action. They do not give an answer, but hide the command.
Attracting popular personalities to advertise the product. A well-known publicity stunt. Some celebrities advertise all sorts of products. Artists, athletes, singers project their success onto the advertising product. This is aimed at a wide audience of fans. They want to imitate idols. The choice of a popular person cannot be wrong, so the buyer does not need to think. Buying a product, the consumer will feel on the same level with the star.

There are also phrases and even individual words that encourage a purchase. For instance:

"Offer only valid until..."
“Until the end of the action left ...”
"... and receive as a gift ..."
"The number of places (goods) is limited"
“Order a product right now and get a discount (gift, promo code, etc.)
"Money Back Guarantee"

Advertising specialists always make sure that it becomes effective. Having chosen any form of advertising, they try. High-quality advertising brings aesthetic satisfaction, causes positive emotions. It should be memorable and easy to understand for the target audience.

Advertising performance levels

First level psychological effectiveness advertising. Potential buyers are unwilling to purchase an advertising product. There is a desire to get rid of the obsessive influence. Ignore commercials, ads in print media. In such cases, manifestation of negative feelings is possible: hostility, indignation, discontent, irritation.
The second level of advertising effectiveness. Potential buyers remain indifferent to product advertising, it does not cause absolutely no emotions. The consumer does not want to buy a product, use a service, and often does not even remember what was advertised. He is not interested.
The third level of psychological effectiveness. There is already interest here. Product advertising generates curiosity and attracts attention. An interested viewer highlights only the plot of the video, but not the product itself. He has no desire to buy the proposed product or service. Advertising exists separately from the object. The buyer does not associate advertising with the product.
Fourth level of efficiency. Advertising is interesting and attracts the attention of the viewer. In this case, the potential buyer remembers the plot of the video and the product itself, which is advertised. The consumer thinks about making a purchase of a product, but is not ready for a momentary purchase. He needs to think and perhaps the result will be positive and advertising will effectively fulfill its function.
The fifth level of psychological effectiveness of advertising. Advertising is of great interest to potential buyers. When viewing, representatives of the target audience experience pleasant emotions, they pay attention not only to the plot, but also to the product. There is a desire and desire, no matter what, to purchase the advertised product or use the proposed service.

Non-standard advertising

V last years advertising has become an extremely popular phenomenon in the world, so it is not surprising that new types and forms of advertising appear every year. In particular, it is very popular viral advertising and non-traditional advertising media. Viral videos with little money can bring unheard of popularity and the desire to buy a product or service from the right target audience. Among non-traditional advertising media, you can find anything - from trees and benches to people! Advertising in public, as a phenomenon, has existed for a long time, but only in the modern world can it sometimes “shoot” better than multi-million dollar advertising on TV. First, due to its originality and creative approach creators. The most popular and effective advertising in public is advertising on clothing and body art.


In recent years, special programs have been created and advertising psychology courses to improve the skills of specialists in this field. Each specialist wants to ensure that advertising meets the fifth level of psychological productivity and fully fulfills its tasks. After all, the main thing is the end result and positive emotions of the consumer.

March 17, 2014, 12:54

1.4.2 The effectiveness of the psychological impact of advertising on the consumer

The effectiveness of the psychological impact of advertising media is characterized by the number of consumer coverage, the brightness and depth of the impression that these media leave in a person’s memory, and the degree of attention.

The effectiveness of the psychological impact of advertising on the consumer can be determined through observations, experiments, and surveys.

The method of observation is used in the study of the impact on consumers of individual advertising media. This method is passive in nature, as the observer leads to the buyer.

The method of observation allows you to evaluate the psychological impact of advertising in natural conditions, in the direct communication of the consumer with a certain advertising medium.

Along with the observation method, the experimental method is widely used. This method is active. The study of the psychological impact of advertising here takes place in conditions artificially created by the experimenter.

The experimenter can create a variety of combinations of buyers to choose the most successful of them.

The survey method also refers to active methods for determining the psychological impact of advertising. This method is time-consuming, but much more reliable than others, since it allows you to identify directly from the buyer himself his attitude not only to the advertising medium as a whole, but also to the individual constituent elements of this medium. Using the survey method, you can evaluate the impact of an advertising medium on buyers and determine which elements of its design attract the most attention and are better remembered.

Data on the effectiveness of the psychological impact of advertising make it possible to predict its effectiveness.

Above, we have considered some aspects of the general theoretical foundations organizations promotional activities. However, since the topic of our work focuses on the advertising of complex technical goods, we will try to analyze what special requirements are placed on it, what are its distinguishing features, how an advertising company is built in this area.

So, each branch of trade has its own specific characteristics, and, accordingly, the advertising activities of each trade enterprise must take into account the characteristics of the goods in the sale of which it specializes. Here it is necessary to keep in mind two aspects of advertising: when advertising one of the product groups, you must simultaneously comply with all general rules and norms of advertising and be sure to take into account the specifics of a particular product group.

In order to carry out a successful efficient operation for advertising a particular product, a clear and precise idea of ​​\u200b\u200bit itself is required. Therefore, we present brief description groups of complex technical goods.

This group primarily includes household electrical goods and household radio-electronic equipment. It is important to note that the life cycle of goods belonging to this group is now in the phase of maturity in our country. This means that this product is already firmly entrenched in domestic market and the volume of sales in this area is quite stable, although its growth is no longer as high as in the previous phase. At this stage, competition is very strong, and the range of products in this group is constantly expanding and updating.

The last feature is one of the most important in relation to the group of complex technical goods. Here, the connection between trade and scientific and technological progress is clearly manifested: at present, manufacturing firms are constantly producing more and more improved models of existing equipment and equipment, on the one hand; on the other hand, they strive to create fundamentally new products, which in reality often leads to a combination of the properties of one or more complex technical products in one new one. Here again it is necessary to mention the life cycle of products: it is natural that completely new products begin their "life" in the market from the formation phase. However, in the field of complex technical goods, everything is not so simple. As mentioned above, over the past decade, absolutely new products, completely unknown to the consumer, have hardly appeared, we are talking more about various new modifications and combinations of properties. Therefore, we still classify complex technical goods as a third phase. life cycle.

The next feature of the products of this group is that each model has its own, extensive and, as a rule, complex set specifications. The task of the advertiser in this regard is to correctly determine which of them can be favorably highlighted in the advertising message. Here you need to subtly feel the boundary of the permissible: an overly detailed, detailed presentation of the technical merits of the product may simply be incomprehensible to some groups of potential consumers, or simply tedious. At the same time, a sufficient number of these advantages should be noted to convince the audience of the advantages of choosing this particular product. A skillfully balanced description of the advertised complex technical product will make the advertising message more effective.

WITH technical features The goods of this group are also associated with specific requirements for the arrangement and design of in-store showcases. Complicated technical goods are of interest to the consumer, as a rule, primarily for their functions, although for some who are not very versed in technology, the decisive choice remains appearance. It follows that technically complex products should be displayed in such a way that the consumer can see all the advantages of the design, and that he can get the most complete picture of the technical capabilities of the product. Many technically sophisticated products are tested directly in action in the sales and showroom, so the room must be equipped with electrical outlets and all the necessary devices for connecting the machine or equipment to a power source. V trading floor the presence of trained, qualified sales consultants who are able to clearly and intelligibly give information about the functioning and device of the goods, about the differences between one model and others, etc. is obligatory. Unlike a relatively short advertising message (we spent the requirements for it above), the oral description of the sales assistant should be more detailed. However, here, too, situations should be avoided when a potential buyer is literally bombarded with technical details. Much here depends on the tact of the seller, his ability to navigate the situation of communication.

In the previous sections of our work, it was no coincidence that we paid a large share of attention to the features advertising practice in our country and various types means of advertising. Taking into account the national and regional specifics of the market in different parts of the country, the general level of economic development, socio-political factors must also be taken into account when working in the field of trade in complex technical goods. This requires a high level of awareness of the current state of affairs in a particular region of the company's activities, as well as the average income level of the population, the nature of demand, and so on. All this will allow you to competently form an assortment and conduct advertising activities in accordance with real situation in the local market.

Speaking about the effectiveness of advertising of complex technical goods, we consider it useful to note that another factor influences the growth of trade turnover in this area. important factor in addition to those mentioned above. This is the correspondence of the real service life of the equipment stated in the product warranty. It should be remembered that the warranty period must be strictly adequate to the technical capabilities of the goods. Often advertising messages stipulate the warranty period, and naturally, the longer it is, the more reasonable the purchase seems to the potential buyer. However, no matter how great the temptation, you should never overestimate this minimum figure. If the equipment breaks down earlier, this can significantly reduce the effectiveness of the advertising campaign. Also, stipulating the firm's obligation to produce warranty repair for all types of equipment, care must be taken. Unfortunately, it is not uncommon that these advertising promises are not actually fulfilled, and the client is left in deep disappointment. After all, complex technical goods are distinguished by another property - they are expensive compared to many others. commodity groups. Therefore, with these goods, special care is needed in advertising: if the buyer, who paid a significant amount for the goods, remains dissatisfied, his anti-advertising will be no less effective than the advertising activities of the company. This once again proves the validity of the rule about the veracity of advertising.

complex technical goods at a trading enterprise

In the theoretical chapter of our study, we outlined the main points concerning the general foundations of the organization of advertising activities and its originality in the field of marketing complex technical goods. However, only practice can confirm the validity of theoretical provisions, therefore the second chapter of the work will be devoted to the study and analysis of the organization of advertising of complex technical goods in real life, on the example of a particular trading enterprise.

It seems quite natural to us that as an object for analysis we chose the enterprise where the author took his pre-diploma industrial practice. Work at the enterprise made it possible to study the activities of the company from the inside, so the conclusions and conclusions on this matter have all the prerequisites to be more objective than if it were any other enterprise.

It should also be pointed out that the proposed analysis of the company's advertising activities will primarily relate to those goods in the sale of which this company specializes. commercial enterprise. These goods are included in such groups as computer and office equipment, communications equipment and software, that is, in fact, the subject of analysis is narrower and more specific. In our opinion, such an angle of consideration of the topic in the practical part is sufficient, since in practice most trade enterprises are also engaged in trade in only one or several directions in the field of complex technical goods, and since one trade enterprise is selected for analysis, advertising of those goods that are leading on it.

When analyzing the advertising activities of an enterprise, researchers, as a rule, not only state the facts, but also give their assessment of the company's advertising policy, make their proposals, point out the existing advantages and disadvantages. We, in turn, also tried to express our opinion on these issues as objectively as possible, but we think it is worth emphasizing that this still remains our personal point of view, which does not claim to be indisputable.

And it does not attract attention, which means it is useless. Seasonal, holiday, exclusive shop window design changes are accepted. - When approving the design project of a showcase, it is required to take into account the degree of resistance to external influences of all materials used. Window displays are especially prone to fading. The use of solar control glass helps to protect the goods displayed in the window, ...

Appropriate additional agreements. Consider the main performance indicators of the department store for 9 months of 2005 and 2006 in table No. 1 (Appendices L1, L2). 2. Analysis of the results of the trade and economic activities of a trade organization 2.1 Analysis of the turnover and inventory based on the data of statistical reports of operational accounting and sample survey 1. Analysis ...

A. Pavlov, M. Porteri, etc. And also periodicals were used to determine the market situation: the magazines "Marketing", "Practical Marketing", "Marketing in Russia and Abroad". 1. Development of the concept New Product» Development of a new product is one of the most important areas marketing activities, since the size of the future profit from the sale depends on the effectiveness of this process ...

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The concept and essence of the psychological effectiveness of advertising

Definition 1

Remark 1

The communicative (psychological) effectiveness of advertising is a certain indicator that allows you to assess the degree of impact of an advertising message on the target audience in terms of transmitting the necessary information to its representatives and / or forming a point of view (or behavior model) desirable for the company. It is characterized by the total number of consumers covered by an advertising message, the degree to which consumer attention is attracted to advertising, as well as the depth and brightness of the impressions that advertising leaves in a person’s memory.

  • the amount of advertising media used;
  • intensity of exposure to advertising.

These indicators, in turn, are determined quantitative characteristics advertising media, the intensity and breadth of their distribution, as well as the very quality of advertising media. In the latter case, we are talking about the arguments used in the advertising message, its persuasiveness, technical and decoration etc.

In addition, communicative effectiveness is determined by the influence of advertising on changing the knowledge of the target audience about the company and its products, on the formation of positive (favorable) attitudes towards the commodity producer, as well as on the motivation of potential consumers to enter into contact with the company and make a real purchase of its goods and services.

Remark 2

Methods for assessing the psychological effectiveness of advertising

To date, in scientific literature on marketing, several recommendations have been formulated regarding the assessment of the psychological (communicative) effectiveness of advertising. Let's consider the main ones.

Figure 1. Main methods for determining the psychological effectiveness of advertising. Author24 - online exchange of student papers

Observation, as a rule, is carried out directly in the conditions of the implementation of advertising activities. So, for example, with its help, the nature of the psychological impact of window display cases on a person can be determined. To do this, you only need to take into account and measure the number of passers-by who stopped at the window to inspect it, and the number of people who entered the store after viewing the window, as well as what product is shown in the window, and what exactly arouses more interest and potential buyers. In most cases, the effectiveness and efficiency of advertising of trade organizations is determined on the basis of a comparison of the average daily number of store visitors during the period of the advertising campaign and before it. Today, in many stores, photocells installed at the entrance are used for this, and accounting is carried out with special accountants.

Through experiments, the memorability of advertising is determined potential buyers and the impressions received from it are studied. As a rule, experiments of this kind are carried out within the framework of an artificially created audience, which includes people of different ages and professions, differing in gender and having different education. Conducting experiments allows you to establish how a particular advertising medium excites consumer attention, what effect the text used has on its memorability, etc. The opinions obtained as a result of the experiment are generalized, and the most effective, according to the estimates obtained, advertising media and their individual elements are introduced advertising practice.

Surveys involve the need to communicate with respondents and ask them certain questions. Surveys aimed at evaluating the effectiveness of advertising media can be conducted orally or by mailing and filling out questionnaires (it is allowed to conduct a survey in electronic form through the use of the Internet). As practice shows, questionnaire surveys are most often used. The success of their implementation largely depends on the correctness of the developed research methodology. It is believed that such a methodology should include questions regarding the definition of the purpose of the study, the development of questionnaires, the technique of conducting the survey itself, the subsequent processing and analysis of the data obtained, as well as ensuring quantitative and qualitative representativeness. Based on the data obtained during the survey, conclusions and conclusions are formed, which allow us to judge the impact that advertising has on consumers.

Indicators and criteria characterizing the psychological effectiveness of advertising

The main communicative indicators that allow evaluating the psychological effectiveness of advertising are:

  • coverage, determined by the number of contacts with the target audience (percentage of the target audience who viewed the advertisement during a certain period of time);
  • recall of advertising;
  • brand awareness;
  • consumer actions expressed in a behavioral response to advertising;
  • intention (relationship to the brand).

The basic criteria for the psychological effectiveness of advertising are its persuasiveness, recognizability and memorability, as well as the nature of the impact on customer behavior.

The memorability of advertising is characterized by the ability of the person who viewed it to remember the content of the advertising message. It is memorability that is considered one of the main criteria for the communicative effectiveness of advertising, which makes it possible to judge economic efficiency advertising.

The psychologist is not directly involved in the development and creation of promotional products, but can play a crucial role in evaluating and improving the effectiveness of advertising impact.

The main areas of work of a psychologist in providing an advertising campaign are as follows (Introduction ..., 1997).

  • 1. Consultation, evaluation of the advertising campaign in general and advertising material, in particular, the psychologist-consultant indicates what the commercial or advertisement lacks, what elements reduce its effectiveness and what should be changed in it to enhance the effect. These recommendations are based on the experience accumulated in science in the psychology of perception, attention, take into account motivational and cognitive factors, and much more.
  • 2. Practical research. They are divided into quantitative and qualitative.

Quantitative methods - polls for measuring ratings, their result is indicators of the distribution of ideas about the advertised product or service among the population, as well as the degree of its popularity in comparison with the products of competing firms. The difference in the measurements of these indicators before and after the advertising campaign is associated with the produced advertising effect.

Qualitative methods are focused on finding out the reasons for the popularity of a product and the general context of consumption; they include methods of focus groups and in-depth interviews.

  • 3. Basic Research psychological mechanisms underlying the action of the advertising message. It is on their results that the experience of both advertising agency consultants and methodologists of practical research is based.
  • 4. Direct participation in manufacturing process advertising preparation. In the activities of an advertising agency of psychological optimization, the most accessible is the creative process of preparing advertising messages. The technology of their creation involves the formation of the idea of ​​circulation, the development of various solutions for its practical implementation. At this stage, brainstorming and other methods of group discussion turn out to be an effective tool. The method can help in choosing options for an advertising appeal. expert assessments, scaling, semantic differential. The organization of these processes by a qualified psychologist will raise them to a higher professional level.

Comprehensive psychological support for an advertising campaign implies the provision of all these functions, so an advertising agency interested in success needs either each of these specialists individually, or the services of a research organization.

  • evaluation of the effectiveness of the psychological impact of advertising;
  • assessment of the psychological safety of advertising products.
  • Psychological effectiveness of advertising impactpsychological attitude, which manifests itself in the consumer's assessment of the advertising message as credible, interesting, useful, able to satisfy needs, and also when the information contained in the advertisement is transformed into personal knowledge, becomes a conviction, becomes a stimulus to action.
  • Psychologically safe advertising- this is advertising that does not violate human rights, does not harm the person, physical and mental health of a person, as well as his property (Pronina, 2002).

Often the emphasis in research is on the effectiveness of the impact, while losing sight of its psychological safety. In our opinion, these two variables are closely related and should be studied together.