The image of the leader is positive and negative. Formation of the image of the head of the organization

An attractive image of a leader means a lot: it helps to win over any employee; without it, it is extremely difficult to move up the career ladder and occupy ever higher management positions. In the end, potential partners and customers draw conclusions about the entire company from the image of leaders. Therefore, every real careerist thinks about how to create the right image of a modern leader.

What is image and its components

An image is an image that you consciously create for others. Artists, singers or politicians even have their own image makers who work to create the desired image. A properly formed image helps people make a positive impression of you as a leader, listen to your requests and wishes, and conduct an open dialogue. Before you start creating the image of the leader, it will not be superfluous to find out what its components are.

  1. Everyone knows that first impressions are driven by performance. We are talking about the appearance, the manner of speaking, the nature of decision-making, the temperament of a person, in a word, everything that determines your bright personality. Some executives neglect this part of the image, but remember that the first impression is often the strongest.
  2. The second component of the image is the values, based on which you make decisions. For example, if a manager prioritizes getting benefits by any means, then he will treat his subordinates more strictly, force them to work overtime and deprive them of bonuses. For a more democratic leader, maintaining friendly relations with employees is an important value, so he will not treat them with excessive severity, and subordinates, in turn, will support such a boss in difficult situations, staying at work on their own initiative.
  3. Any manager should have an idea of ​​what he wants to achieve in his position, and how he would like to see the enterprise in the future, this component can be called a personal mission.
  4. The last component of the image is the status of the leader, which is determined by the origin, level of wealth, as well as how high the position he occupies.
How to create the image of a leader?

Of course, it is impossible to create a pleasant image in one day, and even a week will not be enough for this. Forming the image of a leader is a long and painstaking process, because you have to think about every step you take. Here we will only cover the basic principles of creating an image that will help you get off to a good start.

First of all, evaluate yourself as a person, identify strengths and weaknesses, honestly admit what positive and negative qualities you have. These are the factors influencing the formation of the image of the leader, because based on them, you will begin to create an image - emphasize the good, and eliminate the bad.

First, evaluate your wardrobe. The manager does not have to come to work every day in a new expensive suit, just a couple of good suits that fit the figure, a few men's shirts and ties are enough. Make sure that the clothes are always fresh and pressed, always remember that sloppy appearance can seriously damage the image. If necessary, work out the gait, correct diction and posture.

Feel free to show emotions, use your sense of humor when communicating with subordinates, the main thing is that all this be in moderation. An overly emotional leader is unlikely to be able to win over employees, just as as well as the chief with an eternally stony expression.

Introduction. The image of the leader is the image of the organization.

Of particular importance in shaping the image of the organization is the image of its first person, the so-called "leader of the organization". It is from the first person of the company that the adoption of important decisions largely depends, as well as how the company will be perceived by the public. It is the first persons that we most often see in the media. mass media and it is from them that we get most of the information about the functioning of the organization and, therefore, we associate with them all the activities of the organization. Thus, the image of the leader is one of the main factors in the formation of the image of the organization.

The image of a leader is a set of certain qualities that people associate with a certain personality of a person. The image of the leader can be positive, negative and fuzzy (veiled). As an example of a veiled image, one can cite the well-known case of the “representative of the Family” Roman Abramovich, whom no one has seen for a long time, did not know where he works, but the media every day reported on him as a very influential person.

The head of any organization, as a rule, strives to create a positive personal image, but there are cases when an individual purposefully goes to create a negative, scandalous image. Such a step, as a rule, is characteristic of political, public figures, as well as representatives of show business, less often it is characteristic of leaders commercial structures, since in this case the client will think about whether it is worth giving his money for a product or service produced by a company whose leader has a negative image.

Thus, the negative image of the head of the organization most often only increases the distrust of consumers in the product or services. commercial organization. Other things being equal positive image the head of the organization will be its competitive advantage.

A great role in shaping the image of the leader belongs to the secretary-referent. It is the referent who first of all should take care of this and have certain knowledge in this area.

Speaking about the image of a business person, a leader, we largely mean how his business partners, subordinates, and competitors perceive him. As in the case of the image of the enterprise, there are no insignificant things here, every little thing, every stroke and nuance has meaning and carries its own message. If the referent has decided to seriously engage in building (or changing) the image of his leader, as in any business, first, you need to answer the most important question for yourself - what do I want to achieve. And in the case of the image - what I want to tell about my leader, what image to create. There are quite a few factors that go into creating an image. But before we talk about them, let's dwell on a few basic principles for building the image of a leader.

The main features that characterize a top manager big company, there should be a clear setting of goals, readiness for active communication, persuasiveness and effective actions. The image of the leader directly determines the image of the company itself. Such conclusions were reached by specialists of the German representative office of Burson-Marstler, the world's largest PR agency, after conducting a survey during which managers of more than 800 German companies, journalists, financial analysts, deputies of parliament and members of the government. According to him, the reputation of the leader has the greatest impact on the image of the company, as well as on its financial position.

The main characteristics necessary for a leader were: the presence of clear goals (88% of respondents), the ability to inspire confidence (87%) and effective anti-crisis management (85%). Experts also pointed to the need for a manager's public status: he has the main influence in creating joint ventures (as 69% of respondents believe) and in creating a company's reputation in the media (57%). 45% of respondents believe that the image of the head has the main influence on the change in the price of the company's shares.

The most respected among specialists are the following heads of German concerns (according to their position): Heinrich von Pierer (Siemens), Ferdinand Piech (Volkswagen), Jurgen Weber (Lufthansa).

And now, from these introductory words, let's move on to considering the very image of the head as such, the factors influencing the image and the role of the secretary-referent in the formation of the image of the head.

The main components of the image of the leader.

The following components of the image of the head of the organization can be distinguished:

personal characteristics: physical, psychophysiological characteristics, character, personality type, individual decision-making style, etc.;

social characteristics: the status of the head of an organization, which includes not only the status associated with the official position held, but also with the origin, personal status, etc. Models of role behavior are closely related to status. Also, social characteristics include the leader's connection with various social groups: with those whose interests he represents; with those who support him and are allies; and also with those who are his opponents and open enemies. Social affiliation largely determines the norms and values ​​that the leader adheres to;

personal mission of the leader: a kind of constitution expressing the strategic vision of the leader. The personal mission of the leader determines the position in which he is at the moment, and what he wants to achieve in the future. The personal mission of the leader is important point in developing the mission and goals of the organization;

managerial values: the most important assumptions made by the leader of the organization that affect the organizational culture of the organization.

Each of the groups of characteristics contributes to the formation of the leader's image and, to varying degrees, lends itself to conscious design. It is so obvious that personal characteristics differ from individual to individual, and many of them are almost impossible to change. However, due to the fact that communication between the leader and the public is mediated by the media, the vast majority of undesirable personal qualities are hidden in every possible way, smoothed out, or simply do not fall into the eyes of the general public.

One of the few characteristics that take on a lot of weight in the television age is the appearance of the leader. “We meet by clothes,” says an old Russian proverb, and its meaning in this case is that the perception of appearance is very important in the first impression of an individual. If this perception turned out to be positive, then all subsequent information will be layered on this so-called "skeleton", regardless of whether it will have a positive or negative impact. The main thing is that the foundation has already been created, "the first impression is the brightest." But if the perception turned out to be negative, then everything that will be said and done subsequently will be perceived through the prism of an already created negative image.

For the Russian population, when determining sympathies and preferences, the appearance of a leader is perhaps the most important. For example, we can analyze the presidential elections. The majority of the population voted for this or that leader only because they liked his appearance, demeanor, his clothes, and few people were interested in the candidate's election program.

Other qualities that are essential for the image of the head of the organization are social characteristics. They are related to the environment around the organization. The leader, focusing on a certain target audience, should try at the same time to enlist the support of as many people as possible, both directly related to the organization's product or service, and indirectly related to it. He must be sensitive to their demands. For instance, general manager Russian insurance company ROSNO Evgeny Kurgin is closely connected with Russian trade unions. This is evidenced by the fact that Mikhail Shmakov, Chairman of the Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Russia, was once again elected Chairman of the Board of Directors of ROSNO OJSC in 2000. This fact significantly affects the image of the company, since since the Soviet times, the public perceives trade unions as a body that protects the rights of citizens. This, along with other factors, affects the formation of a positive image of both the manager and the company as a whole.

It is also worth paying attention to such an important social characteristic as the marital status of the leader of the organization. Unfortunately, in our country for 70 years, family values ​​have been suppressed in every possible way, and they have not been given much importance. Soviet political leaders, the only ones who had a public image at that time, carefully concealed their wives and children from society. However, very often the family values ​​preached by the leader of the organization play an important role in shaping his positive image. One of the first people to radically change this situation was Mikhail Gorbachev. This fact, among others, contributed to the formation of its positive image in the eyes of the Russian and world community. So, "social characteristics" are a fairly mobile part of the leader's image, closely related to the requirements of reality. Each time, based on a thorough analysis of the current situation, they are constructed anew.

The next component of the image is the personal mission of the leader. The head of the organization may or may not have such a mission, he may also not understand the purpose of the mission.

The mission of the organization, as defined by Thompson and Strickland, answers the question: "What is our activity, and what will we do?". As for the head of the organization, if he does not realize what the meaning of his activity is, he will never be able to create a positive image of a manager.

The essence of the image of the leader

Definition 1

Image(from the English image) is a purposefully constructed image (of an organization, an individual, a phenomenon), which is designed to have an emotional and psychological impact on a certain social group.

This word appeared in everyday life not so long ago. The meaning of the concept of "image" is often identified with the concept of "image". But, image- a somewhat more complex and multifaceted concept, the formation of the image is influenced by many different factors. The image itself has a hidden, imperceptible effect on people's consciousness.

Most researchers agree that the origin of the category "image" quite accurately characterizes its original meaning. In other words, an image is not at all what a person really is and is not a simple set of disparate personal characteristics. Image- this is the image of a given person, which is created by the people around him. Very often, the image of a person differs from the characteristics of the personality itself. Often the image of a person (or organization) is created with the active participation of the media.

Most often, the word "image" is used in relation to people. The head of almost any company will always strive to create a positive image for himself. However, in the modern world, there are cases when one or another famous person purposefully forms a negative, or, more precisely, “scandalous” image for himself. This kind of tricks are resorted to mainly by artists, politicians and public figures, representatives of show business, etc. commercial enterprises, most likely, one should not resort to constructing a "scandalous" image, since this can only cause distrust of consumers in the goods and services that this company produces. In general, other things being equal, a positive image of a manager is a significant competitive advantage.

The main components of the image of a successful leader

We list the fundamental components of the image of the leader:

  • Individual characteristics: psychophysiological characteristics, appearance, personality type, individual style of activity, character, charisma, etc.
  • Social characteristics. Of this category, for the leader, the most important can be called social status. Yes, of course, it is closely related to the position occupied by a person, but it is far from exhausted by it, since personal status, origin, etc. have a great influence on the status. social status will largely depend on how the individual will behave with business partners, how he will be perceived by others, colleagues, various social groups etc.
  • Values ​​are internal basic principles and attitudes. Values ​​lie deep at the heart of every decision an individual makes. Well, at the level of an organization, values ​​have a very powerful influence on the organizational culture of a firm.
  • The strategic vision of the development of the company, which, speaking in simple words, determines where the organization is now and where the leader would like it to be in the future. The strategic vision defines the goals of the organization and influences most of the major decisions made by management.

In addition to the above, one can other essential components of a successful managerial image:

  • dedication and purposefulness
  • leadership skills
  • willingness to take reasonable risks and determination
  • sense of responsibility for decisions
  • ability to take responsibility
  • breadth of thinking, the ability to approach problem solving in a complex manner, taking into account many factors
  • the ability to select the most suitable performers, effectively distribute responsibilities, delegate, select the right shots etc.
  • positive motivation and result orientation
  • good working capacity
  • ability to resolve conflicts effectively
  • sociability, etc.

Internal and external image of the leader

The image of the leader is internal and external.

External image- this is how the head of the company is perceived by society as a whole and in particular by a group of people whose interests, to one degree or another, intersect with the interests of the organization.

Internal image is based on the relationship between the leader and his subordinates, or, in other words, how the company's staff perceives their leader.

The image of the organization and its leader


One of the forms of manifestation of the culture of the organization is its image, i.e. reputation, good name, image formed by customers, partners, the public under the influence of the performance results, successes and failures of the organization.

The purpose of creating an image is not to make the organization known, but to ensure a positive attitude towards it. Its basis is reliability, integrity, flexibility, culture and social responsibility. The image is dynamic and can change under the influence of circumstances, new information. It is created by purposeful efforts and depends on each employee.

1. Image of the organization

An organization's image is a set of perceptions, thoughts, feelings, and behavioral tendencies about a given organization that exist in every segment of its public. In other words, the image of an organization is the totality of all the mechanisms that govern the behavior of people in relation to the organization. This includes the perception, understanding and experience of what the organization does, says, and what is said about the organization outside of it. The image of the organization is expressed in how people perceive the personnel, products, policies, perspectives of this organization and how they (emotionally and behaviorally) react to all this.

An organization needs an appropriate image for its effective functioning in society. Only that organization may not have an image that is completely closed to society, and such organizations, in essence, do not exist. An effective image is one that contains a sense of pride (for belonging to this organization, for the honor of working with it), confidence in the usefulness and reliability of the partnership.

The image always accompanies the functioning of any group. He is an important factor in intergroup relations, because other groups have a certain understanding of each other. The socio-psychological mechanism of the organization's image in society is public (group opinion).

Different theories (economic, social, psychological, etc.) have their own scientific image of the organization in the form of a particular concept. Unlike science, an ordinary person, the public forms a certain opinion about organizations as a form of experience in communicating with them, participating in them and comprehending various information, including advertising.

Public opinion is characterized by a certain prejudice. over the older generation modern Russia dominates the experience of communicating exclusively with government organizations who were in positions of power.

Remains known fear, distrust, the habit of looking from the bottom up. The skills of democratic communication with organizations are still not formed. These habits are often cleverly exploited by non-governmental organizations that operate in the old ways. Russian firms lack "presentability". Many of them live one day and do not think about establishing strong relationships with counterparties. There is a helplessness in creating one's own image, there is neither honesty nor understanding of the importance of special image technologies.

The formation of the image of the organization is the acquisition by the organization of its place in the individual and collective consciousness of a particular category of people ( target group, market segment), gaining reputation, authority, inclusion in the system of business and public relations. The functional (positive, expedient, appropriate) image of a firm, enterprise or company indicates their acceptance by the market or the public. The image of an organization is its social (market) "certificate" of necessity, recognition of its usefulness, that it satisfies some needs of a more or less numerous market.

The lack of image of the organization means that they do not know it, and if they do, they are indifferent to it. The negative image is manifested in the rejection of the organization, ignoring it, unwillingness to deal with it. Sometimes the negative image of an organization is associated with fear.

Regarding the structure of the organization's image, there is a consensus. The image of the organization includes four components: the image of the product - people's idea of ​​the organization as a commodity producer; management image and financial image - people's idea of ​​how effective the management of the company is and how profitable it is to be its shareholder; social image - the idea of ​​the organization as a worthy member of society; image as an employer - the public's perception of how the organization treats its employees, how well it pays them, how much it cares about their well-being, etc.

The main links in the effective image of an organization are people's opinions regarding the following properties of an organization: financial responsibility - ideas about how an organization (commercial or non-commercial) earns money and how it spends it: ethical organization - ideas about whether an organization has earned its right to exist, whether its actions are ethical social responsibility - perceptions of whether the organization is a good citizen. This includes perceptions about the quality of the organization's products, environmental perceptions, opinions about how the organization treats its employees fairly, and so on.

The image of the organization, its reputation is generally created by four groups of factors: goods, products, services and their advertising; generalized properties of the organization, talking about its position, stability, growth and health; social functions organizations (“organization-citizen”); organizational culture, form style, in general, everything that is perceived and experienced by people during direct contact of a person with an organization, its employees (making deals, excursions, etc.).

The question of image factors arises from the fact that different organizations are connected in different ways with those people who carry their image in themselves.

There are organizations that are associated with a certain category of people (end consumers) only with their product. Historically, the primary principle of creating and strengthening the image is the "primacy of the product." “If you don’t have a product, you don’t have anything,” both commodity producers and advertising creators reasonably say. First, you need to put the case right, and then make it widely known. Advertising is required, but not the first thing to do. First of all, you should ensure that the business deserves advertising.

Some organizations are limited in their ability to create an image through the advertising of their products due to the specifics of the product itself or existing legislation. In addition, for many counterparties, generalized characteristics of the organization matter. Then an important place among the factors that form the image of the organization, there are such parameters as:

1) the history of the company (time of existence, traditions, participation in well-known promotions);

2) financial indicators(stability, prosperity, prosperity, profitability, absence (presence) of debts, size authorized capital etc.);

3) the head of the company (professionalism, reputation, social position);

4) management of the organization (characteristics of management, management principles);

5) publicity (fame, mentions, reviews in the media, breadth and quality of advertising);

6) ethics (openness, honesty, guaranteed fulfillment of obligations, adherence to ethical standards).

In today's business culture, more and more emphasis is placed on the principle of "corporate social responsibility". This philosophy is embodied in the actions taken by the company for the benefit of society. It is accepted to count. What is social responsibility good business and good business is socially responsible.

The eyes of people who determine the policy of organizations turn to culture, patronage. Self-respecting organizations strive to acquire the status of an "enterprise-citizen" that protects basic social values. This is the art of managing an enterprise for public purposes, and human, humanistic values ​​\u200b\u200bmust precede commercial ones.

Many organizations have a great opportunity to influence people with such attributes that are available to direct perception. This is the behavior and appearance of employees who come into contact with counterparties and all visitors, the interior of workers and commercial premises, documentation, thoughtfulness and organization of business contacts and negotiations, etc.

The image of an organization is a combination of several images of those entities whose property it is. Among these images, two should be singled out: the target one - what its consumers - customers think about the organization, and what its own employees think about the organization - the key image. How the organization perceives and evaluates itself (mirror image), and how it would like to appear in the public eye ( perfect image), determines the vigor of its efforts to win business recognition and respect in the relevant sectors of society.

success in commercial activities depends not only on the strength of power, but on the strength of the personal authority of the manager. There are spiritual values, without which there can be no true citizen, a conscious member of the team, a good leader. These values ​​include the authority of the leader.

Authority is the well-deserved trust that a leader enjoys from subordinates, senior management and work colleagues. This is the recognition of the individual, the assessment by the team of the compliance of the subjective qualities of the manager with the objective requirements. Authority should be viewed as a system of relationships, values ​​and the result of work.

The authority of the leader, associated with the performance of his main functions in accordance with his position, must be supported by personal example and high moral character. In this sense, two sources (statuses) of authority should be distinguished:

official, determined by the position held (official status);

A leader who enjoys authority wins people over and influences them positively. The subordinates treat the decisions of an authoritative and non-authoritative manager differently. In the first case, the instruction is accepted without internal resistance, readily and carried out, as a rule, without additional administrative pressure.

It should be borne in mind that caring for the authority of the leader is not only his personal matter, but also the top management, and the leader of the same level, and especially his subordinates, who are called upon to strengthen, protect and improve him. From him they should take an example of a conscientious attitude to work, organization, honesty, modesty. Authority should be considered as a factor facilitating management, increasing its efficiency.

Strengthening authority, the manager needs to ensure that he does not suppress them, does not fetter the initiative of subordinates. The methods of creating (forming) authority must comply with the norms of morality and ethics in force in society. Artificial methods of building authority do not lead to success; as a result, an imaginary, or false, authority (pseudo-authority) appears. A.S. Makarenko identified the following types of pseudo-authority:

The authority of swagger - the leader is arrogant, proud and tries everywhere to emphasize his former or imaginary current merits. It seems to such a leader that these "merits" provide him with high authority;

The authority of suppression - the manager resorts to threats, sows fear among subordinates. He mistakenly believes that such techniques will strengthen his authority. Ultimately, this deprives people of confidence, initiative, gives rise to reinsurance and even dishonesty.

Managerial communication is of great importance in shaping the image of a leader. The quality of managerial communication is largely determined by the authority of the leader.

The selfless work of the leader in the interests of the team, his professional competence, organizational qualities, humanity in relation to his subordinates - this is what the authority of the leader is made up of. The desire to win the respect of employees is not a manifestation of proud claims, but an indispensable condition for the effectiveness of managerial communication. People more easily accept the position of the person to whom they experience an emotionally positive attitude. There is a whole arsenal of means that contribute to the formation of attraction, i.e. disposition of subordinates to their leader. And there are no trifles. It is important whether and how often the leader addresses the subordinate by name and patronymic, whether he greets him first, whether he smiles, whether he knows how to give compliments, whether he is interested in personal problems colleagues, whether he is able to patiently listen to them. Studies show that only three out of a hundred people can work effectively in a psychologically tense atmosphere in a team.

By virtue of their official duties the leader must be able to convince, captivate the team to solve the problems facing him, so it is very important to learn how to find the right tone in business communication, to master the ability to give orders. The order of the leader will be effectively executed if it is not only understood by the subordinate, but also accepted by him. It is necessary to arouse the employee's interest in the task, to show him the benefit that he and the team will receive as a result of its implementation. Orders are given in two main forms - orders and requests. It is important to use these forms in accordance with the situation, but it should be borne in mind that the request is perceived by the subordinate with great desire and is more readily carried out than the order.

One of the main communication skills of a manager is the ability to constructively criticize his colleagues and subordinates without making enemies, forming a favorable psychological atmosphere in the team.


As a result of considering this problem, the following conclusions can be drawn.

The image of the company is the number one factor in ensuring its competitiveness. It is very important to form both internal and external image of the organization.

It is impossible to refrain from stating a well-known truth, which, unfortunately, is not realized by all leaders: only having mastered the art of business communication can effectively carry out their managerial functions.

The activity of the enterprise management in the field of forming the image of the organization and its leader pays off a hundredfold, i.e. increase in profits.

Bibliographic list

1. Kabushkin N.I. Management Fundamentals: Tutorial/ N.I. Kabushkin. – 5th ed., stereotype. - Minsk: New knowledge, 2002. - 336s.

2. Kasatkin S. Master of communication. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2001.

3. Organization management: encyclopedic dictionary. – M.: Publishing House, INFRA-M, 2001. - 822p.

4. Management of the organization: Textbook / Ed. A.G. Porshneva, Z.P. Rumyantseva, N.A. Solomatina. - 2nd ed., revised and additional. – M.: INFRA-M, 1999. – 669s.

5. Tsypkin Yu.A., Lyukshinov A.N., Eriashvili N.D. Management. Textbook for universities / Ed. prof. Yu.A. Tsypkin. - M.: UNITI-DANA, 2001. - 439 p.

6. Fundamentals of management: Textbook for universities / D.D. Vachugov, T.E. Berezkina, N.A. Kislyakova and others; By red. D.D. Vachugova. - M .: Higher. school, 2002.- 367p.

The issue of the relationship between the leader and subordinates is always important. The effectiveness of this or that work largely depends on how the authorities manage their employees. Why should a leader be obeyed? This person has real power, disobedience can lead to the fact that the rebellious employee will be fired. But is it possible to build everything only on intimidation? The fact is that a good image of the leader will provide him with authority among his subordinates. This truth has long been proven.

The formation of the image of the leader does not occur immediately, but gradually and under the influence of a number of different circumstances. It is very good if the person holding leadership position knows how to properly present himself.

The image of the head

The process must be built on the authority of the manager. It is unlikely that anyone will take seriously a person who, giving out commands, speaks indistinctly, stammers, looks not into the eyes, but into the floor, and so on. Of course, in most cases, orders will be carried out, but with such a leader, the team will never work, rolling up their sleeves.

The image of a modern leader is very important. But in general? This term refers to the transmitted image of a person. It's about how we reflect in the minds of others.

The image of a leader, in principle, like any other person, begins with clothing. By clothes, unfortunately, they are not only met ... A business person cannot allow his clothes to be wrinkled or dirty. The ability to take care of yourself speaks volumes. business style- a good thing, but still today many are trying to refuse it. Within work teams, semi-informal communication can often be observed. It does not matter whether the leader is wearing an expensive suit or a colorful shirt - everything must always be in perfect condition.

Regarding clothing, it is also worth saying that it is not so much expensive things that speak about the status of a person, but those that need to be constantly monitored. For example, boots. No self-respecting leader will start the working day without rubbing them to a shine.

What else is included in the image of the leader? Of course, posture. Under no circumstances should you slouch. Slouching is an indicator of insecurity. Don't believe? Imagine yourself in some awkward or dangerous situation. Notice how your shoulders tighten as you do this. Keeping our posture, we show the world that we are not afraid of anything, which means that we need to be obeyed and respected.

What matters is what the leader says. It is necessary to be able to play with your voice, to emphasize important places, to be able to convey information. Breaking into a shout and scolding subordinates in most cases is simply stupid. The leader, without raising his voice, must explain who is wrong and why. You need to know one trick: if you want to be heard, start speaking half a tone lower.

The image of a leader is something really complicated. Everyone who wants to learn how to properly manage people must become an inspirer, a creator of ideas. You always need to be a few steps ahead of your subordinates. The ability to look at the situation from the outside helps not only to correctly assess, but also to calculate it. Having chosen a strategy, you need to believe in it yourself, and then make everyone else believe in it.

The image of the leader consists of many elements that are somehow related to each other. The leader must be He must be able to speak correctly on topics that do not even relate to the work performed by the team. Learning to give helpful tips you will go far. You will be perceived not as a boss, but as a reasonable, correct, generous person.