Sales secrets for all occasions. Book Sell! Selling secrets for all occasions read online

Itskhak Pintosevich

Sell! Selling secrets for all occasions

Thanks to mom, dad, wife and children. Thank you to all my teachers and students. Thank you Gd for giving me my destiny. I really like him

"Who is rich?" - "The one who is happy with his lot."

© Pintosevich I., text, 2014

© Design. LLC "Publishing house" Eksmo ", 2015

© The electronic version of the book was prepared by Litres (, 2014


"A real Chinese man has to do three things in his life: sneakers, jeans and a tape recorder."

Statistics: Chinese 1.5 billion

You will always have the product.

Choosing your path to wealth

The founder of China's Alibaba Group, the world's largest online retailer, explains that in the future, each of us will have to choose whether to be a manufacturer or a seller. Some will manufacture goods, others will sell them, providing manufacturers with fast Internet connections to their sales channels.

As I already wrote in the introduction to the training book “Get rich! 4 basics and the main secret ", there are four paths to wealth:

1. The Way of the Master (to produce a product or service);

2. The way of the Merchant (organize a sales system);

3. Way of the Entrepreneur (create profit-making schemes using Masters and Traders);

4. The Way of the Assistant (to help Craftsmen, Merchants and Entrepreneurs create, save and spend money).

A real Chinese person has to do three things in his life: sneakers, jeans and a tape recorder.

This training book is about how to organize sales system. It is a system, not a one-time sale. The Trader's Way.

Since I am selling you this system (training book, online training, live seminars and workshops), I must first earn your trust and interest. Details on how and why to gain interest and trust are in the third part of the book.

Simple with interest. Complete this exercise.

Exercise number 1

Five goals you dream of

Write down your goals and determine how much money you need to achieve them.

Goal 1: __________________

Amount for implementation: __________________

Goal 2: __________________

Amount for implementation: __________________

Goal 3: __________________

Amount for implementation: __________________

Goal 4: __________________

Amount for implementation: __________________

Goal 5: __________________

Amount for implementation: __________________

You don't have enough money to achieve most of them. If there were 10 times more of them than you received in the last year, you would have achieved several goals.

Money in the morning - chairs in the evening. Can I have chairs in the morning and money in the evening? You can ... But money in advance.

Ilya Ilf, Evgeny Petrov, "Twelve Chairs"

This training book will teach you the most important skill for making money.

Money comes to people through sales. Selling is the exchange of something for money.

We sorted it out with interest. A topic that everyone needs, especially in times of economic turmoil. New skills are needed today to generate money and wealth. Therefore, the subtitle of the training book is “Sales for All”.

Why can you trust me as an expert in this field? More on this in the next chapter.

My name is Yitzhak Pintosevich. I am an expert in the systemic development of personality and business. For 15 years now I have been developing according to my plan. Rather, according to our plan... In all matters I have a partner. This is Gd, the Creator of the world. Immediately I remembered the anecdote about partnership.


One very poor man was sitting on a bench. He was approached by a well-dressed rich man who turned out to be his distant relative. He was religious and decided to fulfill the commandment of selfless help. He did not want to give money just like that and decided to go to the trick and offer him a "job" so that the poor person would be pleased to receive the "earned" money.

He saw that the poor man could not do anything. Therefore, I offered him a very simple job. Once a day, go to the bank, take money there in one window and transfer it to the next. Each time during this operation, you can keep 50% of the money. Every day the poor man went to the bank and passed money from window to window. He kept half for himself. A few months later he bought an apartment and got married. One day, about a year later, he was sitting at dinner with his beautiful wife and was sad. The wife asked him: "Why are you sad?" He replied: “There is one thing I cannot understand…. Why did I leave him 50%? "

Thanks to mom, dad, wife and children. Thank you to all my teachers and students. Thank you Gd for giving me my destiny. I really like him

"Who is rich?" - "The one who is happy with his lot."


© Pintosevich I., text, 2014

© Design. LLC "Publishing house" Eksmo ", 2015

© The electronic version of the book was prepared by Litres (, 2014


"A real Chinese man has to do three things in his life: sneakers, jeans and a tape recorder."

Statistics: Chinese 1.5 billion

You will always have the product.

Choosing your path to wealth

The founder of China's Alibaba Group, the world's largest online retailer, explains that in the future, each of us will have to choose whether to be a manufacturer or a seller. Some will manufacture goods, others will sell them, providing manufacturers with fast Internet connections to their sales channels.

As I already wrote in the introduction to the training book “Get rich! 4 basics and the main secret ", there are four paths to wealth:

1. The Way of the Master (to produce a product or service);

2. The way of the Merchant (organize a sales system);

3. Way of the Entrepreneur (create profit-making schemes using Masters and Traders);

4. The Way of the Assistant (to help Craftsmen, Merchants and Entrepreneurs create, save and spend money).

A real Chinese person has to do three things in his life: sneakers, jeans and a tape recorder.

This training book is about how to organize sales system. It is a system, not a one-time sale. The Trader's Way.

Since I am selling you this system (training book, online training, live seminars and workshops), I must first earn your trust and interest. Details on how and why to gain interest and trust are in the third part of the book.

Simple with interest. Complete this exercise.

Exercise number 1
Five goals you dream of

Write down your goals and determine how much money you need to achieve them.

Goal 1: __________________

Amount for implementation: __________________

Goal 2: __________________

Amount for implementation: __________________

Goal 3: __________________

Amount for implementation: __________________

Goal 4: __________________

Amount for implementation: __________________

Goal 5: __________________

Amount for implementation: __________________

You don't have enough money to achieve most of them. If there were 10 times more of them than you received in the last year, you would have achieved several goals.

Money in the morning - chairs in the evening. Can I have chairs in the morning and money in the evening? You can ... But money in advance.

Ilya Ilf, Evgeny Petrov, "Twelve Chairs"

This training book will teach you the most important skill for making money.

Money comes to people through sales. Selling is the exchange of something for money.

We sorted it out with interest. A topic that everyone needs, especially in times of economic turmoil. New skills are needed today to generate money and wealth. Therefore, the subtitle of the training book is “Sales for All”.

Why can you trust me as an expert in this field? More on this in the next chapter.

Who am I?

My name is Yitzhak Pintosevich. I am an expert in the systemic development of personality and business. For 15 years now I have been developing according to my plan. Rather, according to our plan... In all matters I have a partner. This is Gd, the Creator of the world. Immediately I remembered the anecdote about partnership.


One very poor man was sitting on a bench. He was approached by a well-dressed rich man who turned out to be his distant relative. He was religious and decided to fulfill the commandment of selfless help. He did not want to give money just like that and decided to go to the trick and offer him a "job" so that the poor person would be pleased to receive the "earned" money.

He saw that the poor man could not do anything. Therefore, I offered him a very simple job. Once a day, go to the bank, take money there in one window and transfer it to the next. Each time during this operation, you can keep 50% of the money. Every day the poor man went to the bank and passed money from window to window. He kept half for himself. A few months later he bought an apartment and got married. One day, about a year later, he was sitting at dinner with his beautiful wife and was sad. The wife asked him: "Why are you sad?" He replied: “There is one thing I cannot understand…. Why did I leave him 50%? "

I remembered this anecdote when I called myself a "partner." Of course, I just work for Gd, like the rest of the world. In recent years, He has responded to my requests for a good life by sending me wonderful teachers. Books and trainings, films and articles. All this taught me. Not only holy books, but also people helped me to build my thinking and life. Therefore, now, after 15 years of study, I can say: I am an expert in the systemic development of personality and business. I have written or co-authored over 15 books on development in various fields. You can find out what these books are and what they are about on the website, on the website, as well as in the Eksmo publishing house (No. 1 in Russia).

There you can also get excellent educational articles, films, books, trainings. Many of them are a gift, some are for money. Some - for a lot of money. After all, knowledge is investment... The most profitable investment. After all, you are investing money in your brains. As long as you are alive, they are with you. Nobody can take your knowledge. They are yours.

Since at the beginning of the book it is customary to write about yourself, I will write a few numbers that relate to this book.

In total, I have sold over $ 3 million worth of various products in my life.

Their own products (books and trainings) - more than $ 1 million.

I trained corporate sales directors at MTS.

I have trained 1800 sales leaders at Avon (Ukraine).

I don't make money. Become the best in your field - then both power and fortune will come to you.

Rupert Murdoch, businessman, media mogul

If you take the combined income of the people and companies I worked with in 2013, it surpassed $ 100 billion. I was not wrong. These are Procter & Gamble, Deloitte, MTS, Avon. Together they sell over $ 100 billion a year. Even if you take their Eastern European offices, with which I work, this is more than $ 5 billion.

I understand the essence of sales, their deep meaning, the system - and I can teach this.

In 2013 Isaac Pintosevich Systems was recognized as the best training company in Ukraine.

The total circulation of my books is approaching 500,000.

More than 50,000 people attended trainings.

I have trained over 1000 business trainers and coaches.

Thank God, I have achieved the status of an expert in several areas, and I no longer need to prove it.

How to become the # 1 expert and guru in your niche, I wrote in the training book “Get Rich! 4 basics and the main secret ”. This is a book for those who want to create products or services.


The flood began. People float away, and a religious person sits and prays. The water reaches the roof of the house, and he climbed onto the roof and prays. His name is from passing boats. But he answers: "Gd will save!" His name is from the helicopter. But he answers: "Gd will save!" And he continues to pray.

As a result, he drowned.

For his strong faith, he was immediately taken to heaven. But he began to be indignant. Where's the justice? I prayed and asked to save me. Why didn't you save it? They answer him: “We sent you boats and helicopters. You didn't want to sit on them! How did you want to be rescued? "

Another reason to write this book was my "dislike" for Karl Marx. I was born with him on the same day (May 5), so from childhood I was interested in him as a person. I believe that he brought a lot of harm to the world. Therefore, I want to correct its harmful effect. First of all, I am a believing Jew. I believe that Gd created the world and told the people of Israel and the whole world on Mount Sinai what He wants and how to live. There, Gd secured the right of people to private property and gave the commandments "Do not steal" and "Do not covet someone else's." And Karl Marx denied both Gd and His commandments.

“We sent you boats and helicopters. You didn't want to sit on them! How did you want to be rescued? "

He wanted to take private property from people. I want with my book teach Earn Money. Earn honestly and fairly. And always with Gd's help. Because, as I said, only Gd gives all material wealth. We can just do the right thing and ask Gd for wealth and prosperity. And then use them for good deeds - to improve society and the world as a whole.

So, I've already written enough for you to understand what this book is about and who its author is.

The training book is for those who want to honestly "make money" by selling their own or someone else's product.

This training book is your "boat and helicopter" - and with Gd's help, you and I will sell a lot. A good and necessary product for wonderful people.

Money is minted freedom.

Karl Marx



Thanks to mom, dad, wife and children. Thank you to all my teachers and students. Thank you Gd for giving me my destiny. I really like him

"Who is rich?" - "The one who is happy with his lot."

© Pintosevich I., text, 2014

© Design. LLC "Publishing house" Eksmo ", 2015

© The electronic version of the book was prepared by Litres (, 2014


"A real Chinese man has to do three things in his life: sneakers, jeans and a tape recorder."

Statistics: Chinese 1.5 billion

You will always have the product.

Choosing your path to wealth

The founder of China's Alibaba Group, the world's largest online retailer, explains that in the future, each of us will have to choose whether to be a manufacturer or a seller. Some will manufacture goods, others will sell them, providing manufacturers with fast Internet connections to their sales channels.

As I already wrote in the introduction to the training book “Get rich! 4 basics and the main secret ", there are four paths to wealth:

1. The Way of the Master (to produce a product or service);

2. The way of the Merchant (organize a sales system);

3. Way of the Entrepreneur (create profit-making schemes using Masters and Traders);

4. The Way of the Assistant (to help Craftsmen, Merchants and Entrepreneurs create, save and spend money).

A real Chinese person has to do three things in his life: sneakers, jeans and a tape recorder.

This training book is about how to organize sales system. It is a system, not a one-time sale. The Trader's Way.

Since I am selling you this system (training book, online training, live seminars and workshops), I must first earn your trust and interest. Details on how and why to gain interest and trust are in the third part of the book.

Simple with interest. Complete this exercise.

Exercise number 1

Five goals you dream of

Write down your goals and determine how much money you need to achieve them.

Goal 1: __________________

Amount for implementation: __________________

Goal 2: __________________

Amount for implementation: __________________

Goal 3: __________________

Amount for implementation: __________________

Goal 4: __________________

Amount for implementation: __________________

Goal 5: __________________

Amount for implementation: __________________

You don't have enough money to achieve most of them. If there were 10 times more of them than you received in the last year, you would have achieved several goals.

Money in the morning - chairs in the evening. Can I have chairs in the morning and money in the evening? You can ... But money in advance.

Ilya Ilf, Evgeny Petrov, "Twelve Chairs"

This training book will teach you the most important skill for making money.

Money comes to people through sales. Selling is the exchange of something for money.

We sorted it out with interest. A topic that everyone needs, especially in times of economic turmoil. New skills are needed today to generate money and wealth. Therefore, the subtitle of the training book is “Sales for All”.

Why can you trust me as an expert in this field? More on this in the next chapter.

My name is Yitzhak Pintosevich. I am an expert in the systemic development of personality and business. For 15 years now I have been developing according to my plan. Rather, according to our plan... In all matters I have a partner. This is Gd, the Creator of the world. Immediately I remembered the anecdote about partnership.


One very poor man was sitting on a bench. He was approached by a well-dressed rich man who turned out to be his distant relative. He was religious and decided to fulfill the commandment of selfless help. He did not want to give money just like that and decided to go to the trick and offer him a "job" so that the poor person would be pleased to receive the "earned" money.

He saw that the poor man could not do anything. Therefore, I offered him a very simple job. Once a day, go to the bank, take money there in one window and transfer it to the next. Each time during this operation, you can keep 50% of the money. Every day the poor man went to the bank and passed money from window to window. He kept half for himself. A few months later he bought an apartment and got married. One day, about a year later, he was sitting at dinner with his beautiful wife and was sad. The wife asked him: "Why are you sad?" He replied: “There is one thing I cannot understand…. Why did I leave him 50%? "

I remembered this anecdote when I called myself a "partner." Of course, I just work for Gd, like the rest of the world. In recent years, He has responded to my requests for a good life by sending me wonderful teachers. Books and trainings, films and articles. All this taught me. Not only holy books, but also people helped me to build my thinking and life. Therefore, now, after 15 years of study, I can say: I am an expert in the systemic development of personality and business. I have written or co-authored over 15 books on development in various fields. You can find out what these books are and what they are about on the website, on the website, as well as in the Eksmo publishing house (No. 1 in Russia).

There you can also get excellent educational articles, films, books, trainings. Many of them are a gift, some are for money. Some - for a lot of money. After all, knowledge is investment... The most profitable investment. After all, you are investing money in your brains. As long as you are alive, they are with you. Nobody can take your knowledge. They are yours.

Since at the beginning of the book it is customary to write about yourself, I will write a few numbers that relate to this book.

In total, I have sold over $ 3 million worth of various products in my life.

Their own products (books and trainings) - more than $ 1 million.

I trained corporate sales directors at MTS.

I have trained 1800 sales leaders at Avon (Ukraine).

I don't make money. Become the best in your field - then both power and fortune will come to you.

Rupert Murdoch, businessman, media mogul

If you take the combined income of the people and companies I worked with in 2013, it surpassed $ 100 billion. I was not wrong. These are Procter & Gamble, Deloitte, MTS, Avon. Together they sell over $ 100 billion a year. Even if you take their Eastern European offices, with which I work, this is more than $ 5 billion.

I understand the essence of sales, their deep meaning, the system - and I can teach this.

In 2013 Isaac Pintosevich Systems was recognized as the best training company in Ukraine.

The total circulation of my books is approaching 500,000.

We all sell our labor, time, ideas, services. Only some know how to do this and earn a lot of money, while others do not know how and are content with what they have. The training book of the renowned expert in the systemic development of personality and business, Yitzhak Pintosevich, will help you get rid of fear and stereotypes of sales, teach you how to successfully sell your services, goods, solutions and give you the main keys to wealth. The book formulates simple and proven sales algorithms that give results even to those who do not understand anything about it; step-by-step techniques and models tested on thousands of students; effective techniques of the world's best sellers. You will gain self-confidence, learn to make a good impression, be persuasive, make powerful presentations, and attract your customers. The training book will teach any person - regardless of age, gender, occupation and knowledge - to sell and enjoy sales.

A series: Psychology. System + (Eksmo)

* * *

company liters.

Thanks to mom, dad, wife and children. Thank you to all my teachers and students. Thank you Gd for giving me my destiny. I really like him

"Who is rich?" - "The one who is happy with his lot."


© Pintosevich I., text, 2014

© Design. LLC "Publishing house" Eksmo ", 2015

© The electronic version of the book was prepared by Litres (, 2014


"A real Chinese man has to do three things in his life: sneakers, jeans and a tape recorder."

Statistics: Chinese 1.5 billion

You will always have the product.

Choosing your path to wealth

The founder of China's Alibaba Group, the world's largest online retailer, explains that in the future, each of us will have to choose whether to be a manufacturer or a seller. Some will manufacture goods, others will sell them, providing manufacturers with fast Internet connections to their sales channels.

As I already wrote in the introduction to the training book “Get rich! 4 basics and the main secret ", there are four paths to wealth:

1. The Way of the Master (to produce a product or service);

2. The way of the Merchant (organize a sales system);

3. Way of the Entrepreneur (create profit-making schemes using Masters and Traders);

4. The Way of the Assistant (to help Craftsmen, Merchants and Entrepreneurs create, save and spend money).

A real Chinese person has to do three things in his life: sneakers, jeans and a tape recorder.

This training book is about how to organize sales system. It is a system, not a one-time sale. The Trader's Way.

Since I am selling you this system (training book, online training, live seminars and workshops), I must first earn your trust and interest. Details on how and why to gain interest and trust are in the third part of the book.

Simple with interest. Complete this exercise.

Exercise number 1

Five goals you dream of

You don't have enough money to achieve most of them. If there were 10 times more of them than you received in the last year, you would have achieved several goals.

Money in the morning - chairs in the evening. Can I have chairs in the morning and money in the evening? You can ... But money in advance.

Ilya Ilf, Evgeny Petrov, "Twelve Chairs"

This training book will teach you the most important skill for making money.

Money comes to people through sales. Selling is the exchange of something for money.

We sorted it out with interest. A topic that everyone needs, especially in times of economic turmoil. New skills are needed today to generate money and wealth. Therefore, the subtitle of the training book is “Sales for All”.

Why can you trust me as an expert in this field? More on this in the next chapter.

My name is Yitzhak Pintosevich. I am an expert in the systemic development of personality and business. For 15 years now I have been developing according to my plan. Rather, according to our plan... In all matters I have a partner. This is Gd, the Creator of the world. Immediately I remembered the anecdote about partnership.


One very poor man was sitting on a bench. He was approached by a well-dressed rich man who turned out to be his distant relative. He was religious and decided to fulfill the commandment of selfless help. He did not want to give money just like that and decided to go to the trick and offer him a "job" so that the poor person would be pleased to receive the "earned" money.

He saw that the poor man could not do anything. Therefore, I offered him a very simple job. Once a day, go to the bank, take money there in one window and transfer it to the next. Each time during this operation, you can keep 50% of the money. Every day the poor man went to the bank and passed money from window to window. He kept half for himself. A few months later he bought an apartment and got married. One day, about a year later, he was sitting at dinner with his beautiful wife and was sad. The wife asked him: "Why are you sad?" He replied: “There is one thing I cannot understand…. Why did I leave him 50%? "

I remembered this anecdote when I called myself a "partner." Of course, I just work for Gd, like the rest of the world. In recent years, He has responded to my requests for a good life by sending me wonderful teachers. Books and trainings, films and articles. All this taught me. Not only holy books, but also people helped me to build my thinking and life. Therefore, now, after 15 years of study, I can say: I am an expert in the systemic development of personality and business. I have written or co-authored over 15 books on development in various fields. You can find out what these books are and what they are about on the website, on the website, as well as in the Eksmo publishing house (No. 1 in Russia).

There you can also get excellent educational articles, films, books, trainings. Many of them are a gift, some are for money. Some - for a lot of money. After all, knowledge is investment... The most profitable investment. After all, you are investing money in your brains. As long as you are alive, they are with you. Nobody can take your knowledge. They are yours.

Since at the beginning of the book it is customary to write about yourself, I will write a few numbers that relate to this book.

In total, I have sold over $ 3 million worth of various products in my life.

Their own products (books and trainings) - more than $ 1 million.

I trained corporate sales directors at MTS.

I have trained 1800 sales leaders at Avon (Ukraine).

I don't make money. Become the best in your field - then both power and fortune will come to you.

Rupert Murdoch, businessman, media mogul

If you take the combined income of the people and companies I worked with in 2013, it surpassed $ 100 billion. I was not wrong. These are Procter & Gamble, Deloitte, MTS, Avon. Together they sell over $ 100 billion a year. Even if you take their Eastern European offices, with which I work, this is more than $ 5 billion.

I understand the essence of sales, their deep meaning, the system - and I can teach this.

In 2013 Isaac Pintosevich Systems was recognized as the best training company in Ukraine.

The total circulation of my books is approaching 500,000.

More than 50,000 people attended trainings.

I have trained over 1000 business trainers and coaches.

Thank God, I have achieved the status of an expert in several areas, and I no longer need to prove it.

How to become the # 1 expert and guru in your niche, I wrote in the training book “Get Rich! 4 basics and the main secret ”. This is a book for those who want to create products or services.


The flood began. People float away, and a religious person sits and prays. The water reaches the roof of the house, and he climbed onto the roof and prays. His name is from passing boats. But he answers: "Gd will save!" His name is from the helicopter. But he answers: "Gd will save!" And he continues to pray.

As a result, he drowned.

For his strong faith, he was immediately taken to heaven. But he began to be indignant. Where's the justice? I prayed and asked to save me. Why didn't you save it? They answer him: “We sent you boats and helicopters. You didn't want to sit on them! How did you want to be rescued? "

Another reason to write this book was my "dislike" for Karl Marx. I was born with him on the same day (May 5), so from childhood I was interested in him as a person. I believe that he brought a lot of harm to the world. Therefore, I want to correct its harmful effect. First of all, I am a believing Jew. I believe that Gd created the world and told the people of Israel and the whole world on Mount Sinai what He wants and how to live. There, Gd secured the right of people to private property and gave the commandments "Do not steal" and "Do not covet someone else's." And Karl Marx denied both Gd and His commandments.

“We sent you boats and helicopters. You didn't want to sit on them! How did you want to be rescued? "

He wanted to take private property from people. I want with my book teach Earn Money. Earn honestly and fairly. And always with Gd's help. Because, as I said, only Gd gives all material wealth. We can just do the right thing and ask Gd for wealth and prosperity. And then use them for good deeds - to improve society and the world as a whole.

So, I've already written enough for you to understand what this book is about and who its author is.

The training book is for those who want to honestly "make money" by selling their own or someone else's product.

This training book is your "boat and helicopter" - and with Gd's help, you and I will sell a lot. A good and necessary product for wonderful people.

Money is minted freedom.

Karl Marx



Reviews about me

Since we have already begun to study sales according to my system, I will immediately say that the seller should not praise himself and his product. Others should do it for him. Therefore, here are a couple of hundreds of reviews.

“Thanks to the unique 'tricks' and techniques, our presentations are 100% passable and have a WOW effect. We continue to order Yitzhak's trainings, which have proven their effectiveness and brought tangible profits through the tenders we won ”.

Andrey Bulakh, Managing Partner, Deloitte (Ukraine)

“Dear Yitzhak!

I went to your training for almost 10 months. Books, videos, reviews of friends.

A German friend of mine who has been working in Russia and Ukraine for many years said that Yitzchak had been saying things that had been well-known for a long time. But the main thing is how.

I want to thank you for a job well done. As for your speeches, your intellectual baggage, years of searching for meaning, form and content are not discussed. There is a lot of work behind everything. First of all - the work of the soul.

Everything you do is permeated with:

confidence in what you are doing;

great respect for those for whom you are doing it;

and just the thrill and drive that the listeners immediately feel.

I consider your training, as my colleague Yulia said, mega-effective.

I am fundamentally modernizing the sales system in two projects. During the training, I signed a distribution contract, taking into account almost all my wishes with a German company, which I have been "pushing" on since last summer.

Introduced skill embedding practice.

Employees in a "voluntary-compulsory" (in the good sense of the word) acquired the first three books of Yitzchak. We begin to introduce sales chips - and literally every day we feel that we are starting to speak a language that is understandable and pleasant to each other. For three weeks there was not a single "debriefing" that everyone immediately noted.

Separate respect to the team and, first of all, to Anna!

It is natural that the position of “director for happiness” appeared in your company, and Anna is this very director.

To you and your team - success, health, courage in the movement to millions of circulations and new creative mega-effective trainings. "

Oleg Arenkov 2 days ago 13:14

“I thank Yitzhak and the team for megaeffective training. It just does not fit into my head how you manage to do it. I received 100 times more than I paid. Considering that all the information has not yet been processed to the end, the performance indicators will grow significantly! I will learn from you and will definitely achieve my goal)))

Specific results for the month: 1) signed a contract - sale of franchising in Barnaul, money received; 2) we create our own brand of nail cosmetics Standart Nail - now we are conducting tests, in August we are launching production (this is an unexpected turn of events for our company - this is a victory!); 3) created a sales department for franchising; 4) we are recapitulating the sales system in the company - 30 days was not enough for me to finish. The volume of training information is huge - still work and work. Special thanks to coach Edward - he is a master from God! Thank you! I'm happy! I want to realize my full potential in life! With teachers like Yitzhak and his team, I will succeed! Thanks! I'm waiting, really looking forward to the training "Write"! "

Julia Soroka 3 days ago 18:11

Exercise number 2

Zig Ziglar Test "Sales Mastery"

Exercise number 3

Sales Attitude Test

Exercise number 4

"Sherlock Holmes Sales"

How not to buy when someone sells to you

An added bonus to learning sales prowess is freedom from salesperson manipulation. It's no secret that many sellers are cheating: they impose low-quality goods at inflated prices. They are not interested in long-term relationships with clients; just grab more now - at any cost. In addition, there are many manipulative swindlers. They, like predators, are attracted to the "victim" - to a person who does not understand the sales system. In the east, it is generally accepted to initially call a several times overpriced price. For "newcomers" ... Why? Why not say the normal price right away? Precisely because people do not understand sales - and they pay the price they are told. Do not ask for a discount, do not bargain ...


The husband asks his wife: "Do you possess hypnosis?" She replies in surprise: "I do not know." The husband thoughtfully: "Well, how did I marry you then?"

This book is also about how to buy right and not make stupid mistakes. Were you deceived when buying? And sometimes it is even more offensive ... When you get married, and then you realize that it was just a deception.

The husband asks his wife: "Do you possess hypnosis?" She replies in surprise: "I do not know." The husband thoughtfully: "Well, how did I marry you then?"

This exercise tip will help you learn to buy. In order to escape from manipulation, one must learn ... to manipulate. Then you will be able to recognize the tricks that are being applied to you. To avoid unnecessary purchases, you need to learn how to sell. I will reveal the main principle of the correct purchase.

Exercise number 5

"How to buy correctly"


The Chukchi returned from America. In the evening, friends gathered in the yurt.

- What struck you the most there? Maybe skyscrapers?

“No,” said the Chukchi and pulled out the elephant drive from the suitcase.

- Maybe their welfare?

- No, - said the Chukchi and pulled out a basket for a cobra from a suitcase.

- So what?

- Their sellers! - said the Chukchi and pulled out the lobster tongs from the suitcase.

The best sellers' incentive scheme will be explored in Part 3 of my Selling System. It's called Sale: 4-P.

Bad sale

Why are so many so bad about sales? Because there are bad sales that leave an unpleasant aftertaste. Remember this episode. Bad memories. So what should you absolutely avoid when selling?

I do my job, and you do your job.

I do not live in this world to live up to your expectations.

And you don't live in this world to live up to my expectations.

You are you.

And I am me.

And if we happen to meet each other, that's great.

And if not, it cannot be helped.

Fritz Perls, eminent German psychiatrist, founder of gestalt therapy

What characteristics were inherent in this sale? This also needs to be written down. From myself, I can say that the main thing that distinguishes a bad sale is that it does not fulfill the buyer's expectations. He wants to get something, and the seller deceives him. You can't sell badly! Today we live in a world where everything is open. Social networks, the Internet. If someone starts to sell badly, information about this immediately differs, and there is no chance of building a successful sales scheme in the future.

Let's learn to make sales well and correctly. I'll tell you my system. And you will have the basic knowledge and skills to make good sales that will grow a good customer base. This is the most valuable thing that can be created in a business.

We buy unnecessary things with money we don't have in order to impress people we don't like.

Film "Fight Club"

Clients trust you. And what kind of product you sell is not so important. The era changes, technology develops, you start selling a new product - the relationship remains. If there is a relationship of trust, there is always something to sell.

Good seller

A good salesperson knows what need his product meets. The view of a salesperson in my system is like the view of a doctor. The doctor needs to understand what diseases the patient has. The salesperson views the person as a set of needs. Do not be shy - you do not impose yourself when selling. Change your look. People have needs, and you help satisfy them.

In negotiations, the one who needs less wins.


I try to learn from everyone who does something well. Recently I talked to a sales genius. He told how he bought himself an apartment. 11 thousand hryvnia per square meter in a new house. All liked it. He told the seller that he would think about it and call back. When they left, he told his wife that they would not call the seller. Whoever needs more is in a less advantageous position (in all areas). A few days later, the seller calls himself. And my friend realized that he really needed to sell. And he began to bring down the price. The seller agrees. They went from 11 thousand to 8. This is the psychology of sales. You need to restructure your thinking and understand that the seller does not impose the product, but satisfies the need. And when you start to see it, it’s not hard to sell. You help people!


A businessman to a businessman: “You name your price. I name my price. Then we both laugh and get down to a serious conversation. "

General view of the sales system

People fall into two categories. Some see the forest and do not see the trees, others see the trees and do not see the forest. In other words, some see the general plan and do not go into details; others are completely focused on details and do not see the big plan.

To do this, I study the spiritual laws of the universe, the success models of various individuals and companies. It is more than “seeing the forest”. I want to understand how this forest got here and how it grows. And since I studied the sales system, I began to understand how to sell this timber.


A man reads the brothel price list.

1. Sex - 100 rubles.

2. Watch how they have sex - 100 rubles.

3. Watching those who watch how they have sex - 200 rubles.

- Who is rich?

- The one who is happy with his lot.

Torah (Isaac's commentary: "He who has enough of everything, who has no unsatisfied desires").

And in the next chapters and on the book's website I will teach you how to do this. After all, when with my help you earn hundreds of thousands of dollars, you will surely invest part of the profits in your further education in my company. Or perhaps you can order a "printing press for money" - training in organizing a sales department. Or Business Coach Training, where I teach how to teach and change thinking and behavior.

What is the most important thing in successful system sales?

1. You have to love the sales, the product and the customer. To do this, I stopped using the word "sales" and use the abbreviations I.P.S., or I.P.S.

What means: AND follow - find P problem / P need - WITH create a solution. The seller does not sell on my system. He helps to find a solution to the problem / need. With this attitude, it's easy to love the sales process.

2. We need to make sure that clients come to you themselves. So that the contact brings joy to both the seller and the client. It sounds strange, but when using the I.P. I.P. I.P. - it is possible.

Since the seller helps according to my system, then the first contact should begin with help. And - information.

The seller, who is an expert in the field of his product, must provide the client with useful information. For example, I give information about the sales system to everyone - and I do it for free. These are articles on the portal where you can read about sales.

Don't ask what the country has done for you. Ask what you have done for the country.

John F. Kennedy

If you are not interested, you will not read. If you are interested and necessary, you will understand that my system is excellent and convenient. And after that I have for you a P (trial purchase) - a training book “Get rich! The Way of the Master. " In it, I teach how to create the best product or become the best master in your favorite business yourself. This is the second P in my system I.P. I.P. I.P. Of those who read my useful article, 10% will buy the training book “Get Rich! The Way of the Master "and" Sell! Sales for everyone. " Benefit and receive additional Information.

Second I. (I.P. I.P. I.P.)

This information is located on the book website and on the website. There is video training and additional interesting and useful materials for those who buy the book. All this better than any advertisement will convince the reader to make a Purchase. These are online trainings “Get Rich! The Way of the Master "and" Sell! The Merchant's Way ”, the online program“ Write! Book in 60 Days ”or the online program“ Influence! The art of communication ”. 2nd P in the ip system Pip.

Since people who have already checked the quality of my training come to this stage, it is no longer necessary to sell to them. They got a personal experience on a "trial purchase". I have a long-term relationship with them (starting with the first article that attracted attention on the portal).

After completing the program, I usually give a lot of additional Information (3rd I). And most of the graduates of my programs come to the 3rd P - the most important and valuable.

Loyal Buyer and Representative. Because the most important thing for me is the benefit of my clients. When they get more RESULTS than they expected, they will definitely tell about it. For over 7 years I have been working without ads. Isaac Pintosevich Systems' customer base is over 100,000 people. In 2013, we officially became the best training company in Ukraine. This is how the system of relationships with clients works.


Vasya was lying on the sofa and did not want anything. Every hour he became more and more successful - from the point of view of Buddhism.

3. Because we love our customers and they love us, we don't use aggressive selling methods. And competitors are using it. Therefore, I teach how to Induce a Purchase. This is the third step in sales training. My trading system is called 4-P.

This is the process of communication with a client when he already wants, but still has doubts. In today's sales world, where most salespeople are trained in manipulation techniques, it is very important not to let go of a doubting customer. After all, it can fall into the hands of unscrupulous sellers, whose goods are worse than yours, but they sell better than you. Therefore, one must be able to "induce a decision to be made."

I advise you to do this according to the 4-P system (Prelude - Presentation - Motivation - Continuation). How exactly? This is the 3rd part of the sales training system in the training book “Sell! Selling for ALL ”and in the online training program“ Sell! The Way of the Merchant ".


The gang is ceremonially celebrating the New Year in a restaurant. From music - only karaoke. The wives murmur. The brothers catch the administrator:

- Listen, commander, and bring along the musicians.

- What do you mean! New Year - everyone is busy!

- You do not understand: the wives are asking.

- Well ... I have one group. They play cool jazz!

- Give your jazz.

The jazzmen arrive. They unpack, turn on and start playing.

One play, another, a third ... The hall becomes somehow quieter. People are sobering up before our eyes.

One of the brothers is waiting for the end of the number, comes up to the pianist and asks in a whisper:

- What, guys, it doesn’t work ?!

4. In this section of sales training, I teach 7 Ps and two super-Ps))) This is already tuning and decoration. When the first three foundations are built, you can polish the nuances and add a little "magic".

Now I will tell you only the names of seven methods. Super-P is the secret "ingredient"; only for those who study my system completely. They do not work separately.

"Chips" and super-Ps do not work without the previous three foundations. But together with them they perform miracles in sales!

● 1-P: Overcome resistance.

● 2-P: Understand the customer.

● 3-P: Sell yourself.

● 4-P: Victory! (mood)

● 5-P: Simple, simple.

● 6-P: Sell profit.

● 7-P: Gifts.

Once you learn how to use all of the above, you can add a jet engine to your sales system. It will be two secret of wealth... And without this, nothing will work - as in that jazz ...

This is the general view of my sales system. If you want to learn it in detail and start applying it, go ahead and get started! Just read the chapter "How to Use This Training Book" carefully. This is a prerequisite - "use". Just reading won't help.

Concentration and simplicity are my mantra. Simplicity is harder to achieve than complexity. You have to work hard to start thinking clearly and do something simple. And when you do it, you become omnipotent.

Steve Jobs, famous American entrepreneur, one of the founders of Apple Corporation

How to use this training book

Read and do the exercises right away. After each chapter, large and small, do 3-Ps. The 3-P overlearning system that I have invented and tested on thousands of participants in my trainings allows you to use 80% of the information you receive. It has only three steps. I will remind you of them after each chapter. By the end of the training book, you will not only learn how to sell. You will master my author's 3-P superlearning system.

It is more valuable than any skill or strategy. After all, when you learn to learn quickly, all doors in the world will be open for you, you will be able to “program” your intellect for any super-complex achievements. What is this unique technique?

Every time you read a chapter or page, stop. Ask yourself only three questions and give a maximum of three answers to each of them.


- I bought a vaunted German juicer, but it broke.

- Did you squeeze out a lot of juice?

- Yes, a little apple and orange, and already on the birch she covered herself.

* * *

The given introductory fragment of the book Sell! Sales secrets for all occasions (Yitzhak Pintosevich, 2014) provided by our book partner -