Management of a commercial organization. Application of management in the public sector

Topic 1. Introduction to the commercial service commercial enterprise

1 To study the activities of the commercial service of the organization, their goals, objectives, structure

LLC "Capital" represents a network of supermarkets "Supermarkets of successful purchases". The practice was completed in one of the supermarkets in Novosibirsk, which is located at: st. Oleko Dundicha, 25.

Capital Limited Liability Company (hereinafter referred to as the Company) operates on the basis of the Civil Code Russian Federation, Law of the Russian Federation “On Limited Liability Companies No. 14-FZ of February 8, 1998”, other regulatory acts of the Russian Federation regulating the activities of legal entities and, in particular, limited liability companies. The society is a commercial organization. Form of ownership - private.

The company is a legal entity, from the moment of its state registration in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, owns separate property recorded on its independent balance sheet, can acquire and exercise property and personal non-property rights on its own behalf, incur obligations, be a plaintiff and defendant in court.

The purpose of the commercial service is to study and forecast the capacity of regional and commodity markets, develop and improve advertising and information activities, and coordinate procurement work among suppliers and consumers.

The main tasks of the commercial service of Capital LLC are:

study of requests and needs for goods with a focus on purchasing power;

definition of assortment policy;

creation of economic relations;

formation and regulation of the processes of supply, storage, preparation for sale and sale of goods in conjunction with the goals of the enterprise;

ensuring the specified turnover of material and labor resources.

The structure of the commercial service is shown in fig. one.

Rice. 1. The structure of the commercial service of Capital LLC

commercial control service

1.2 Get acquainted with the job description of the commercial director

The head of the commercial service is obliged to carry out the following labor functions:

Lead the work of the service and lead it confidently.

To ensure the timely and high-quality performance by the service of the daily tasks assigned to it in strict accordance with the approved procedure (regulations) and work technology.

Manage the development of the Company's sales policy.

Regularly analyze the consumer properties of the Company's products, forecast consumer demand and market conditions.

Take part in drawing up long-term and current plans for the production and sale of products, identifying new sales markets and new consumers of the Company's products.

Create optimal conditions for coordinating the activities of the service with other divisions of the Company.

Ensure daily operational accounting of the main performance indicators of the service, timely and complete presentation of statistical reporting.

To carry out personally and through subordinates effective control over the progress of the tasks, the compliance of the actual performance indicators of the service with the planned ones and take measures to eliminate the identified shortcomings.

Analyze the activities of the service, based on the results of the analysis, develop proposals aimed at improving it.

Participate in the preparation and holding of specialized exhibitions. When working at the exhibition, organize and supervise the work of subordinates in selling and attracting new partners.

To exercise control over the completeness of the collection and accounting of the necessary data on partner firms, its employees, conditions for the distribution of products of competing firms.

Lead the development of service documentation.

Ensure the rational use of material, technical and other means of the department in the interests of fulfilling tasks for their intended purpose.

Ensure reliable protection of information (documents) containing information constituting the Company's commercial secret, other confidential information, including personal data of the Company's employees.

Manage the training of subordinates, create conditions for them to improve their skills.

Monitor compliance by subordinates with the internal labor regulations, safety requirements.

Use in relation to subordinates the granted rights to encourage them (bring them to responsibility).

To study, generalize and apply in the daily activities of the service the best domestic and foreign experience in the field of commercial activity.

If necessary, the head of the commercial service may be involved in the performance of his duties overtime, by decision of the head of the Company, in the manner prescribed by labor legislation.

3 Familiarize yourself with the organization of interaction between the commercial service and structural divisions

The commercial service interacts:

With the Executive Director - on all issues related to the management of the division, interaction with VIP clients, the establishment of special contractual conditions and other issues, decision-making on which is within the competence of the director of the enterprise.

With accounting - on the issues of registration of primary documents of financial and tax accounting, harmonization of the terms of contracts (terms and procedure for payment, VAT, etc.), issuing and paying invoices, monitoring payment and repayment of receivables.

4 Familiarize yourself with the additional commercial services of the enterprise: information, advisory, mediation

The store provides the following information:

department location indicators;

surnames and initials of sellers in the trading floor are presented on the badges;

list and cost of additional services provided to customers;

shop hours; the text of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Protection of Consumer Rights";

rules governing the sale of certain types of goods. There is also a book of reviews and suggestions.

The buyer has the right to check the correctness of the price and quality of the goods, as well as the availability of a quality certificate.

The rules of the store provide for the obligation of the seller to provide information containing:

Name of product;

the manufacturer of the goods;

designation of standards that the product must meet;

information about consumer properties goods;

rules and conditions for the effective use of the goods;

warranty period and service life;

price and terms of purchase of goods.

A range of services related to the sale of goods:

settlement operations. These operations are performed at the workplace of the seller-cashier.

Delivery of purchased goods.

Product packaging.

There are various paid and free additional services for customers in the supermarkets of the Supermarkets of Successful Purchases chain of stores, such as:

) luggage storage;

) buyers can pay for their purchase in any convenient way:

in cash;

bank cards.

) buyer's card:

Loyal customer card discounts are provided for all goods and services purchased at the Supermarket of Successful Purchases.

) ATM for cashing out money.

5 Analyze the state of customer service culture

Employees trading floor"Shop of successful purchases" are dressed in branded clothes: a red jumper with a company logo. In the cold season, wear warm outerwear"Shop of successful purchases". Clothing is kept clean and tidy. On the left side of the chest, each employee wears a badge "Shop of successful purchases" with the name, surname and position held. Employees of the trading floor confidently and competently convey all information to customers, they can listen carefully and clearly answer the questions of interest to the buyer, accurately calculate the required amount of goods and provide a wide range of services. Employees provide the maximum possible range of goods, try to replenish the missing items in a timely manner. In general, the service meets the intra-company standard.

1 Familiarize yourself with the procedure state control for observance of mandatory requirements, technical regulations, trade rules, the Federal Law "On Protection of Consumer Rights", the Federal Law "On Technical Regulation"

According to chapter 4 of the Law "On Protection of Consumer Rights", state protection of consumer rights is carried out by federal government bodies, which are entrusted with the duty to monitor compliance with consumer protection legislation and exercise control and supervision over the safety of goods, works and services. Such state bodies include the federal antimonopoly body (its territorial bodies), federal agency for standardization, metrology and certification (Gosstandart of Russia), the federal body for sanitary and epidemiological supervision of the Russian Federation (Gossanepidnadzor), the federal body for the protection of the environment and natural resources of the Russian Federation, as well as other federal executive authorities.

State control and supervision over compliance with laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation governing relations in the field of consumer protection is currently carried out by the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare (Rospotrebnadzor).

Inspections are divided into scheduled and unscheduled, documentary and field inspections. The annual Consolidated Inspection Plan is compiled by the Prosecutor General's Office and posted on the official website of the Prosecutor General's Office.

Unscheduled inspections are possible only in certain cases: if there is a threat of harm to the life and health of citizens, or harm to animals, plants, the environment, state security, as well as in the event of a threat of natural and man-made emergencies. Unscheduled inspections are also possible based on consumer complaints about violations of their rights.

2 Familiarize yourself with the audit reports and the work to comply with the instructions of the inspectors, compliance with the requirements of the Federal Law "On the protection of the rights of legal entities individual entrepreneurs in the course of state control (supervision) "of 08.08.2001 No. 134-FZ and analyze the results

Part 8 Art. 16 of the Federal Law of December 26, 2008 N 294-FZ "On the protection of the rights of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs in the exercise of state control (supervision) and municipal control" (hereinafter - Law N 294-FZ) obliges legal entities, individual entrepreneurs to keep a register of inspections .

The form of the journal was approved by the Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia dated April 30, 2009 N 141 "On the implementation of the provisions of the Federal Law "On the protection of the rights of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs in the exercise of state control (supervision) and municipal control."

In the register of inspections by officials of the state control (supervision) body, the municipal control body, a record is made of the inspection carried out, containing information about the name of the state control (supervision) body, the name of the municipal control body, the start and end dates of the inspection, the time of its conduct, legal grounds, goals, objectives and subject of the audit, identified violations and issued instructions, as well as the surnames, first names, patronymics of the officials conducting the audit, their signatures.

The audit register must be stitched, numbered and certified by the seal of a legal entity, an individual entrepreneur (parts 9, 10, article 16 of Law N 294-FZ).

This magazine, namely the information contained in this magazine, can serve as additional support for organizations and entrepreneurs in defending their rights.

If there is no inspection log book, then the inspection officials will indicate this in the inspection report (part 11 of article 16 of Law N 294-FZ). However, the supervisory authority is not entitled to attract for his absence, since the law does not provide for liability for this.

The verification report states:

) date, time and place of drawing up the inspection report;

) name of the state control (supervision) body or municipal control body;

) date and number of the order or order of the head, deputy head of the state control (supervision) body, municipal control body;

) last names, first names, patronymics and positions of the official or officials who conducted the inspection;

) the name of the legal entity being inspected or the surname, name and patronymic of the individual entrepreneur, as well as the surname, name, patronymic and position of the head, other official or authorized representative of the legal entity, authorized representative of the individual entrepreneur who were present during the inspection;

) date, time, duration and place of the inspection;

) information about the results of the inspection, including the identified violations of mandatory requirements and requirements established by municipal legal acts, their nature and the persons who committed these violations;

) information about familiarization or refusal to familiarize with the act of verification of the head, other official or authorized representative of the legal entity, individual entrepreneur, his authorized representative, who were present during the verification, about the presence of their signatures or about the refusal to sign, as well as information about making an entry in the inspection register about the inspection carried out or about the impossibility of making such an entry due to the absence of the indicated journal in the legal entity, individual entrepreneur;

) signatures of the official or officials who carried out the inspection.

3 Familiarize yourself with the procedure for conducting intra-company control over the formation of the assortment, ensuring the proper quality and shelf life of goods, the uninterrupted supply of goods to the enterprise, and the work of personnel

The growth of the main economic indicators of the activity of a trading enterprise, as well as the provision of the required level of service, largely depend on the correct formation of the assortment of goods in the store.

In a network of stores selling food products, the following classification of products with an assortment minimum is adopted:

basic goods - commodity high speed sales, bringing 70% of revenue and representing 30% of all assortment positions (for example, cigarettes, low-alcohol drinks). These goods must be constantly present in the assortment of the outlet, and with a margin. If individual products in this group are subject to seasonal fluctuations in demand, they are replaced by other seasonal products;

fashion goods - unique goods that are not presented in other stores, bringing 3% of revenue and occupying 1-2% of assortment positions (for example, expensive wine and vodka products or red caviar). The choice of fashion products depends on the location of the store and the target group of buyers;

auxiliary goods - goods that bring 27% of revenue and occupy about 68-69% in the assortment (for example, cereals, canned food, frozen products). They are also present in the store in sufficient quantities to meet the demand of customers.

Based on this classification, as well as knowledge of a typical buyer of a particular outlet, an assortment minimum is formed for each store.

The control of the assortment minimum is usually reduced to the control of current balances in stores using automated reports. The mechanism of the report is based on comparing the balance of warehouses with the balance of the outlet. Next, a table of the required quantitative positions of the assortment minimum is compiled.

There is no single optimal storage temperature for all consumer goods due to the variety of properties that ensure their preservation.

For each assortment group or even type of consumer goods, temperature limits are set (not higher and / or not lower) in standards and / or sanitary rules. SanPiNs regulate the conditions (including temperature and relative humidity) and the shelf life of especially perishable goods.

Systematic control - carrying out periodic control at all stages of the technological cycle, with long-term storage - at certain intervals. Goods are subject to mandatory control upon acceptance and delivery.

During storage, three groups of objects are subject to systematic control: goods, their packaging and storage mode.

Quality control of stored goods is carried out by visual inspection of stacks or bulk of goods. At the same time, they note appearance, which should be characteristic of a particular product.

The qualitative characteristics of the goods can also be indirectly judged by the state of the container: breakdowns, traces of smudges on the container, floor, packaging deformation, etc.

Control over the quality of goods and the state of the container is combined with control over the storage mode. Control over the air temperature in the storage is carried out with the help of thermometers, thermographs, and over the relative humidity of the air - with the help of psychrometers, hydrometers, hydrographs.

Air exchange is usually controlled by the duration and frequency of ventilation. The intensity of the air flow is determined using special anemometers.

Control over the sanitary and hygienic regime, as a rule, is visual.

The objective of the supply chain is to provide the planned level of customer service at the lowest overall cost.

As a rule, the following requirements are imposed on the supply system:

ensuring a continuous flow of products: the flow of raw materials, components and the provision of services necessary for the life of the enterprise;

inventory management - reducing the level of investment associated with stocks of products, and the cost of maintaining them to a minimum;

maintaining the level of quality of customer service;

work with suppliers - search for competent suppliers;

standardization - the purchase of standard products where possible;

achieving a minimum total cost of service; the procurement process requires the availability of products and services at the lowest cost;

ensuring the competitive advantage of the enterprise;

developing relationships and achieving harmonious, productive and working relationships with employees of other functional divisions of the enterprise;

ensuring supply while reducing the level of overhead costs. Reliability of supply - the guarantee of providing the consumer with the products he needs during the planned period of time.

4 Familiarize yourself with the composition of persons authorized to conduct production and internal control and documents establishing their powers

When managing the assortment of a retail network, assistant category managers form orders for stores or directly from suppliers.

assortment formation;

implementation of the assortment policy of the enterprise;

procurement and supplier management;

control over logistics operations;

sales control;

organizing and conducting marketing activities to promote your product;

organization and control of the display of goods in stores.

Purchasing Manager Responsibilities:

Organization of work with suppliers:

search for new and potential suppliers;

conducting commercial negotiations with suppliers in the interests of the company;

prompt response to information coming from suppliers and bringing it to the attention of the category manager;

motivation of suppliers to work with the company;

creating supplier databases and maintaining supplier dossiers;

keeping balances of suppliers, ensuring the most favorable financial conditions for the company provided by the supplier;

prevention of accounts receivable for settlements with suppliers.

Planning and analytical work:

adjustment of plans and orders in connection with changes in the situation. Providing information about these changes to all interested structures of the company;

analysis of procurement statistics, determination of the availability and need for materials on this moment and for future periods, stock optimization;

providing reports on the results of work in accordance with the regulations of the department and the company;

preparation of forecasts for the supply of products to the warehouse.

Ensuring uninterrupted supply of goods to the company:

organization of deliveries: orders, reconciliation with order confirmations, control of readiness of goods and timeliness of payments, provision of necessary documentation and information for transport and customs departments;

final agreement with the supplier on the conditions for prices, date of shipment and method of delivery of products to the warehouse;

ensuring timely receipt of products to the warehouse on the basis of documents from suppliers, completed in accordance with the law;

Documents establishing the powers of the category manager and the purchasing manager are job descriptions.

5 Familiarize yourself with the documents that determine the procedure for organizing and monitoring compliance with sanitary rules and the implementation of sanitary and epidemic (preventive) measures

Production control is a set of mandatory measures to monitor compliance with sanitary rules and the implementation of sanitary and anti-epidemic (preventive) measures, which are independently carried out by individual entrepreneurs and legal entities. The task of production control is to ensure safety and (or) harmlessness to humans and the environment in the process of production, storage, transportation and sale of products and goods, in the performance of work and the provision of services. The obligation to production control compliance with sanitary rules and the implementation of sanitary and anti-epidemic (preventive) measures is assigned to individual entrepreneurs and legal entities by the Federal Law “On the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population” dated March 30, 1999 No. 52-FZ (Article 32). The implementation of production control is a prerequisite for the work of all organizations - legal entities, regardless of the legal form and individual entrepreneurs.

The procedure for organizing production control is set out in the sanitary rules SP 1.1.1058-01 “Organization and implementation of production control over compliance with sanitary rules and the implementation of sanitary and anti-epidemic (preventive) measures” (as amended by amendments and additions No. 1, approved by the Decree of the Chief State Sanitary doctor of the Russian Federation dated March 27, 2007 No. 13).

Control in Capital LLC is carried out in accordance with the developed Program for organizing and conducting production control over compliance with sanitary rules and the implementation of sanitary and anti-epidemic (preventive) measures.

This program is approved by the General Director and includes:

Name of the legal entity, TIN.

Name of the head, phone.

Legal address.

The actual address.

Number of employees ___ people

Certificate of state registration.

A list of products sold, as well as types of activities that pose a potential danger to humans and are subject to sanitary and epidemiological assessment.

The list of officials (employees) who are entrusted with the functions of exercising production control.

List of officially issued regulatory documents, including sanitary rules in accordance with the activities carried out:

Federal Law of March 30, 1999 No. No. 52-FZ “On the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population” (as amended on December 1, 2007);

Federal Law of January 02, 2000 No. 29-FZ “On Quality and Safety food products"(as amended on December 30, 2006);

Federal Law of November 22, 1995 No. 171-FZ “On State Regulation of the Production and Turnover of Ethyl Alcohol, Alcoholic and Alcohol-Containing Products” (as amended on December 1, 2007);

Federal Law "On Immunoprophylaxis of Infectious Diseases", No. 157-FZ of September 17, 1998 (as amended on December 1, 2007);

Federal Law “On the Prevention of the Spread of Tuberculosis in the Russian Federation” No. 77-FZ dated June 18, 2001 (as amended on October 18, 2007);

SP "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for trade organizations and the turnover of food raw materials and food products in them" (as amended by Changes No. 1, approved by the Decree of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated 03.05.2007 No. 26 SP 2.3. 6.2203-07);

SanPiN "Hygienic requirements for shelf life and storage conditions of food products";

SP 3.5.1378-03 "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the organization and implementation of disinfection activities";

SP "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for deratization";

SanPiN 2.2.2 / 2.4.1340-03 "Hygienic requirements for personal electronic computers and organization of work" (as amended by Change No. 1, approved by Decree of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation of 04.25.2007 No. 22)

MU 2.3.975-00 "The use of ultraviolet bactericidal radiation for air disinfection of premises of organizations Food Industry, Catering and food trade;

SP 1.1.1058-01 "Organization and implementation of production control over compliance with sanitary rules and implementation of sanitary and anti-epidemic (preventive) measures" (as amended by Amendments and Additions No. 1, approved by the Decree of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated 03/27/2007 No. 13).

List of positions of employees subject to medical examinations, professional hygienic training and certification.

The list of activities that are necessary to monitor compliance with sanitary rules and hygiene standards, the implementation of sanitary and hygienic (preventive) measures:

The list of situations that pose a threat to the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population, in the event of which the population, local authorities, the Office of Rospotrebnadzor for the Novosibirsk Region (territorial department of the Office) are informed:

The list of production control objects that pose a potential hazard to humans and their environment, in respect of which the organization of laboratory research and testing is required.

List of accounting and reporting forms established current legislation on issues related to the implementation of production control:

1. Journal of registration of control results (the measures taken by the responsible person within the framework of production control are indicated; measures to eliminate violations: suspension of the provision of services, holding a sanitary day, other measures taken, the timing and results of repeated studies, the date of resumption of activities);

2. Certificates of quality and safety of products sold;

3. Personal medical books of employees;

4. Sanitary passports for transport (if you have your own transport);

5. Acts of sampling and protocols of laboratory tests of accredited laboratories;

6. Contracts and acts of acceptance of work performed under contracts (delivery of products, waste removal, washing of sanitary clothing, deratization, pest control)

Topic 3. Familiarization with the procedure for concluding business contracts

1 Familiarize yourself with the procedure for concluding business contracts, documenting contractual relations

Commercial activities associated with the actions of citizens and legal entities aimed at establishing economic ties are recognized as transactions.

Clause 1 of Article 420 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation contains the following definition of the contract: “A contract is an agreement between two or more persons on the establishment, change or termination of civil rights and obligations”

Structure and content of the contract:

The contract must contain details

Name, date and place of conclusion;


Subject of the contract;


Rights and obligations of the parties;

Settlements of the parties;

Responsibility of the parties;

Dispute resolution;

Final position:

Legal address and bank. requisites;

Signatures of the parties.

The main types of contracts used in trade are:

Contract of sale;

Retail sale and purchase agreement;

Supply contract;

Warehousing agreement;

commission agreement; (consignment)

Maintenance contract

In addition to the above, it is possible to conclude other agreements ( transport contract- cargo transportation).

The basis of the conclusion of the contract is the principle of free will of the party wishing to conclude the contract.

The process of concluding a contract consists of the following steps:

Direction by one party to the other party of the offer;

Consideration by the other party of the offer and its acceptance;

Receipt by the party that sent the offer of acceptance;

In addition to oral negotiations, business partners widely use business correspondence - commercial letters.

According to the functional purpose, there are three types of commercial correspondence:

request - response to a request;

proposal (offer) - response to the proposal (emphasis);

REQUEST - a commercial document, the buyer's appeal to the seller to give detailed information about goods and send offers for the supply of goods. The request is included in the group of contract documents and is used in preparation for the conclusion of the transaction.

The response to the request must be given no later than 10 days, in which the seller provides the necessary information, in particular:

acceptance of the issue for consideration;

clarification of the possibility of supplying the goods of interest to the buyer;

refusal to deliver the goods;

change in terms of delivery;

a promise to send offers for the supply of goods.

If the seller can immediately satisfy the buyer's request, he sends him an offer (offer), i.e. a statement to conclude a deal with an indication of its specific conditions.

OFFER (OFFER) - a formalized offer to conclude a commercial transaction, containing all the essential terms of the agreement.

Essential terms of the agreement: assortment, quantity, price, terms, responsibilities of the parties, etc.

When responding to the offer, in case of consent, the buyer confirms the acceptance of the offer to the seller, and then the transaction is considered concluded. Confirmation is the conclusion of an agreement (contract).

If the buyer does not agree with the terms of the offer, he rejects it in writing.

If the buyer does not agree with any condition of the offer, then negotiations continue until a compromise solution is reached that suits both parties.

By entering into an agreement, the parties assume the obligations arising from it. These obligations must be properly implemented.

If one of the parties does not fulfill its obligations under the contract or performs them improperly, then this leads to compensation for losses from the other (injured) party. In this case, the injured party (creditor) may demand compensation from the party that violated the obligation (debtor) for the losses caused to it.

3.2 To identify the number of concluded contracts for the purchase - sale or supply of goods for 1 - 2 groups of goods. Put the results in a table

Table 1 - Analysis of contract work

Supplier name

Contract type

Assortment supplied. goods

The volume of deliveries in thousand rubles.

Contract time

IP Zolotukhin A.A.


Alcoholic products

Cafe-confectionery MON CHER


Cakes and birthday cakes

LLC, N-Bellavista


Agroalliance LLC


Based on the results of the analysis, 5 supply contracts were identified, mainly with a contract term of 1 year.

3 Study the procedure for working with suppliers of goods, documenting contractual relations

Contractual relations allow you to specify in writing a clear list of goods, works and services provided, strictly declare the amount and timing of cash settlements between partners, indicate the scope, degree and amount of responsibility for non-compliance with the terms of the contract on both sides.

Before concluding a contract, an offer-acceptance document is drawn up.

Under the offer in accordance with Art. 435 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation is understood as a proposal to conclude an agreement.

The form of the offer may be different: letter, telegram, fax, etc. An acceptance is the response of the person to whom the offer is addressed about its acceptance. Acceptance can be expressed both in the form of a written consent, including a message by fax, telegraph and other means of communication, and by performing certain actual actions (for example, shipment of goods, payment for them, etc.) or actions to fulfill the terms of the contract specified in the offer . Currently, the main form of the transaction is the written form. The execution of a transaction in writing usually occurs by drawing up a document expressing its content and signed by the person or persons making the transaction, or persons duly authorized by them.

The activity of a commercial enterprise does not proceed independently. It is directed by people, regulated and controlled by them.

Control system commercial activities enterprises is a market-oriented system, meaning not only an organization interconnected structure the processes of the enterprise involved in it, but also their combination with all external factors.

Business management makes it its immediate task to bring some order into commercial and trading processes, to organize joint actions of employees participating in these processes, to achieve consistency and coordination of actions. At the same time, management is aimed at optimizing the work of employees in order to increase the efficiency of commercial processes and achieve the ultimate goals of the enterprise.

The commercial activities of various trading enterprises have much in common. However, specific management solutions developed and implemented by some trading enterprises cannot always be used by other enterprises. This is due to changes in environmental factors. In addition, the conditions for the functioning of the trading enterprise itself are rapidly changing. Therefore, the management process must be determined by the environmental parameters and their variables within the trade enterprise.

Business management is based on general principles and methods of management.

The fundamental principles of building the management of commercial activities of a trading enterprise are presented in Figure 3.

Figure 3. Basic principles for building the management of commercial activities of a trading enterprise

Ensuring consistency between departments (services). Each division (service) of a commercial enterprise has a specific purpose and functions, i.e., they have autonomy to one degree or another. At the same time, their actions must be coordinated and coordinated in time, which determines the unity of the management system of a trade enterprise.

Ensuring the interaction between business activities and the goals of the trading enterprise. Commercial activity is formed and changed in accordance with the interests and needs of production. Consequently, the functions of commerce management are implemented taking into account the goals of the trading enterprise.

Ensuring the hierarchy of the management structure. A characteristic feature of management is the hierarchical rank. The organization of business management should be focused on vertical and horizontal communications.

Ensuring an integrated approach to management. From the position of complexity, all factors influencing the management decisions of commercial activities are taken into account. It also provides for the connection of the commercial processes of a trading enterprise with the subjects of the external environment.

Ensuring low links in the management structure. Under small link a simple control structure is understood. But at the same time, stability and reliability of business management must be achieved.

Ensuring the adaptability of the management structure. The internal and external environment is subject to constant changes. This is especially evident in the period of the emergence of the consumer market. Therefore, the flexibility and adaptability of the business management structure to changes and environmental conditions is essential.

Providing executive information. Development and adoption management decisions based on performance information. It includes obtaining the initial information, processing, analyzing and issuing the results of the control action. This task is performed using modern technical means that allow you to automate the process of information support.

Management of commercial activities cannot be separated from the management system of a trading enterprise, which also performs functions related to technological, economic and financial activities. Therefore, when building a business management structure, it is necessary to take into account the interaction and subordination of all the constituent elements that form an integral management system for a commercial enterprise.

Management methods are ways of influencing the management of commercial processes and activities. They are divided into administrative, organizational, economic and legal.

Administrative Methods are determined by the field of activity and the specific conditions of the trading enterprise. It is also necessary to take into account alternative management options, the choice and implementation of which is determined by the foresight of the target results of the enterprise. It should be noted that the hierarchical construction of the management system and the content of management functions largely depend on the positions held by the management of a trading enterprise. Various compromise solutions are possible here.

Organizational Methods are based on organizational, organizational-administrative, organizational-methodical and regulatory support. They contain regulatory requirements of an organizational and methodological nature, administrative, instructive and regulatory materials, which are prerequisites for the formation of management decisions. As market relations develop, the role of organizational methods that regulate the impact on the management of commercial activities will increase.

Economic Methods in their definition, they rely on the course taken and the economic strategy of the trading enterprise, its potential resources, and the economic situation of the market. The totality of economic elements is the starting position in the management of the commercial activities of the enterprise. Impact economic methods determined by the economic environment.

Legal Methods focused on the use of the legal mechanism, which is based on the adopted legal and legislative acts, relevant standards and regulations. Legal methods consist in the legal regulation of commercial processes, taking into account the target tasks of a commercial enterprise.

These management methods do not exclude each other and are implemented in interaction. Their combination depends on the specific conditions of the functioning of the trading enterprise and the market environment. In addition, the organization of commercial activities includes methods such as planning, analysis of the enterprise.

In market conditions, there is a need to expand management tasks, develop new management techniques and methods suitable for various forms of ownership and the development of commercial activities of trading enterprises. In other words, a constant search for ways to improve management is expected. The process of managing a commercial enterprise should be based on market principles and methodology of modern management. Foreign management science has come a long way in its development. The prerequisites for this were:

  • - economic laws of the market;
  • - dynamism of the consumer market;
  • - hierarchical construction of the management structure with a focus on the strategic course in the activities of the enterprise;
  • - the organization of the enterprise, determined by its integration and adaptability to changes in the external environment;
  • - initial and resulting parameters.

A. Fayol created the theory of social production management, which formulated the principles of management based on the use of the potential resources of the enterprise. He singled out five initial functions in management: planning, organization, direction, coordination and control. The objective necessity of creating a control system consisting of interacting processes was revealed by M.Kh. Mescon in his work "Fundamentals of Management": "Management is a process, because the work to achieve goals is not some kind of one-time action, but a series of interrelated continuous actions. These activities, each of which is a process in itself, are essential to the success of the enterprise. They are called managerial functions. Each management function is also a process, because it also consists of a series of interrelated actions. The management process is the total sum of all functions.

The above theoretical provisions give an idea of ​​the approaches to managing the commercial activities of an enterprise in market conditions. A market-oriented management system means not only the organization of the structure and interconnected set involved processes of the enterprise, but also their combination with all external factors. The management of commercial activity sets as its immediate task the introduction of a certain order in commercial and trade processes, the organization of joint actions of the employees participating in these processes, and the achievement of coherence and coordination of actions. At the same time, management is aimed at optimizing the work of employees in order to increase the efficiency of commercial processes and achieve the ultimate goals of the enterprise.

In modern conditions, the activity of a trading enterprise is associated with entrepreneurship, commerce, econometrics, economic cybernetics and informatics. This determines a new qualitative level and economic growth of the market. The organizational structure of the management of a commercial enterprise should be built accordingly.

Many executives and senior managers have come to believe

about the need to introduce a fundamentally new approach to managing commercial activities. This can be achieved by introducing marketing services (or at least their main elements) in each enterprise. Since marketing is a purely market concept for managing the commercial activities of an enterprise, it will allow the most harmonious combination of the market interests of the enterprise and the consumer. Practical marketing will bring real benefits to the enterprise only if its application is carried out by qualified specialists with knowledge in the field of market strategy and tactics.

A marketing service that adequately meets the requirements of the market is still

is just being born. Its development is constrained by the lack of funds from enterprises, specially trained personnel and methodological developments adapted to local conditions. Marketing is one of the most important functions of enterprise management, along with such as finance, accounting of business transactions, selection and placement of personnel (personnel management).

Economic content, variety of organizational and legal forms, multifunctionality and multi-subject nature of the structure, complexity and consistency of the organization, multi-sectoral nature of coverage, global focus on the development and growth of commercial activities in a dynamic external environment and the current trend towards specialization and integration of economic activities of entities based on the exchange of created values ​​determine and require an appropriate approach - logistics in all its manifestations: as thinking, a concept, as a general strategic goal-setting, as an integrative organization, as a functional management, as a resource-saving algorithm - as a systemic factor in increasing competitiveness and economic development not only of individual business entities, but and the entire national economy.

Competent, professional management business processes described above is of key importance for the successful functioning and development of the organization as a whole. Exactly successful work directly with the market gives meaning to all other processes of production and economic activity.

Commercial activity as a system consists of managed And control subsystems interconnected by communication channels.

As managed subsystem speaks a set of commercial processes, the implementation of which ensures the sale of products, goods, and the provision of services. This circumstance requires the division of the managed system in accordance with the nature of the commercial operations taking place at the enterprise.

Control subsystem represents a set of interrelated methods of business management implemented by people with the help of technical means to ensure efficiency and effectiveness. TO management activities include: planning, regulation, control, accounting, stimulation (motivation). Management functions are carried out by a special body - the commercial department of the enterprise.

The organization of business management is carried out by organizational design, reorganization or liquidation of existing systems, rationalization of management.

Elements of commercial activity in the prescribed manner are united by certain links that ensure their systemic integrity, through their organization they acquire order and are organized into a commercial system. The complete orderliness of the commercial activity management system can be achieved by the complex application of organizational management methods: regulation, standardization, instruction, control.

Improving the organization of the business management system involves:

  • - clear statement of the purposes of commercial activity;
  • - establishing the consistency of criteria for evaluating the results obtained, increasing the effectiveness of incentives that encourage coordinated actions;
  • - choice of rational forms of management, improvement of the structure of the commercial system, distribution of duties, rights and responsibilities in it;
  • - development of effective methods to ensure high quality commercial solutions;
  • - introduction of commercial information processing, document management processes based on the use of modern computer and office equipment;
  • - the establishment of a scientifically based work regime for the administrative and managerial apparatus, improving the culture of management.

Speaking about the concept of "management", one should not forget about such an important area of ​​application as the public sector. Historically, the management personnel of state-level institutions and enterprises solved the most complex and large-scale tasks. That is why the existence and development of the public sector formed the basis of what is now commonly understood as the word "management". Most often, the meaning of this term is defined as management and the ability to lead. Of course, the principles of management in the public sphere and commerce differ, nevertheless, they have much in common.

The history of the emergence of management

Specialists involved in the history of the emergence of this concept say that the roots of modern management are not in commercial, but in public (state) organizations. FW Taylor is considered to be the founder of scientific management. His 1912 report to the US Congress marked the beginning of this particular phenomenon. As an example of the application of management methods, he cited the Mayo Clinic, which was a non-profit organization. Further, the principles of Taylor's management were applied in the US Army, which is in public administration. The first position corresponding to the term "manager" was also far from business and was called "manager of the city". Thus, we can conclude that the term "management" originated in the public sphere.

Differences between the concepts of "management" in commerce and public administration

In order to highlight the differences between these concepts, it is necessary to determine the scope of their application. Commercial management is commonly understood as the effective management of an organization. Public administration is much broader. Here, management is applied in a variety of activities of a person and society as a whole. This also leads to differences in priority goals. Commercial management is primarily focused on making a profit. While managerial activity in the public sphere is based on national and social interests, rights and needs of people. In addition, the management methods used in the public sector differ from those used in the commercial field, due to the different specifics of the activity.

Application of management in the public sector

The opinions of experts and scientists regarding the application of management in the public administration sector are divided into two areas. Some advocate the impossibility of using management in the public sector. Others, on the contrary, believe that the boundaries between these two directions are practically erased. Supporters of both theories present a number of arguments.

  • The impossibility of applying the methods of commerce in the public sector. The main goal of the public sector is to work for the benefit of society. Among the main tasks are ensuring order and justice, increasing the material well-being of the country, guaranteeing the security of the population and regulating the social sphere. That is, those functions that only the state apparatus can perform. At the same time, state institutions are subjected to great pressure from those who somehow take part in the activities of state authorities - politicians and deputies. In addition, the work of the public sector is regulated and controlled by law, so the principles of management in the public sector must obey them. An important point is also the payment for the activities of the public sector. It is produced not from commercial profits, but from income received from taxpayers.
  • Merging commercial management methods with the public sector. The public sphere and the sphere of commerce closely interact at the local level. This is exactly the area where the application of management methods is especially relevant. An example is the public utilities sector, when it is necessary to take some action to improve it. In addition, the commercial sector is also subject to regulation by the legislature and is interested in government intervention, especially during periods of downturn in sales and when costs arise. An important indicator of close interaction between state activity and management is the financial side, when, when providing any services and services by state institutions, they charge fees from commercial organizations.

Functions of management in the public sector

In the modern world, the role of market relations and commercial organizations in the public sector has increased significantly. The main functions of management in the public sector are: planning, organization, motivation, control and coordination. The main factor is that the primary task of the state is to ensure a comfortable life for the country and the population. The public sector is not commercial enterprise Therefore, the actions of leaders in this area should be not only effective, but also correct from the point of view of law and politics, and also go for the benefit of society and the country. Management in the public sector in terms of its functions is very similar to the commercial sector, but has a number of specific differences.

  • Planning. At this stage, strategies are developed for the development and reform of state activity and management. In state institutions, planning is based on goals determined by higher authorities. The performance of this management function is directly related to the creation of regional, federal and comprehensive programs.
  • Organization. In the public sector, an administrative-bureaucratic leadership style is applicable with strict observance of hierarchy and subordination. The main criterion for career growth is length of service and seniority. There is also a clear division into managers and performers.
  • Motivation. In the public sector, material remuneration is used to a lesser extent than in commercial organizations. The incentive is more often non-monetary rewards: the prestige of the position, the performance of important and responsible work, guarantees of stability and career growth.
  • Coordination. The performance of this management function ensures the well-coordinated activities of various governments in the public sector. The main task is to optimize material and time costs in achieving the goals set by the state.
  • Control. The performance of the work of state institutions is subject to verification by many bodies and structures. In addition, do not forget about the masses, the media and public organizations.

Specialization of a manager in the public sector

The specialization of the manager in the public sphere separated as an independent discipline from the direction of business administration (Business Administration). This is the science that prepared professionals for work in private commercial organizations. It was from it that at the end of the 20th century in foreign countries there was a separate direction, called "public administration" (Public Administration) or "public administration". In Russia, the development of education took place with some delay. Nevertheless, in the 1930s, the Moscow Engineering and Economic Institute (MIEI) was opened, in which the Department of State and Municipal Administration first appeared. Education in state and municipal management today can be obtained at the Institute of Business and Business Administration (IBDA) of the RANEPA. It provides for various master's programs that contribute to the creation of a career in the public sector - "state and municipal management", "management in the public sphere and business."

Public Sector Manager Career

In the modern world, qualified specialists who have received a special education in the field of management are quite in demand for work in the public sector. Labor activity in the public sector not only guarantees stability, but also provides prestige and gives a certain status in society, and also allows you to make useful connections and acquaintances. In addition, work in government institutions opens up extensive career opportunities.

Thus, we can conclude that management activities in the public sector and management in commerce have a number of significant differences, but nevertheless there is a close interaction between them. In the field of public administration, many principles and methods of management are used, modified and modified taking into account the specifics of the work of the public sector.

Go to the study of master's programs:

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Always set clear goals for yourself. Business development includes a number of techniques designed to grow a business enterprise. These methods include evaluating marketing opportunities and markets, collecting customer and competitor intelligence, attracting new customers for existing sales, follow-up sales activities, sending formal offers, and developing business models. Business development involves assessing an enterprise and then realizing its potential through such means as marketing, sales, information management, and customer service. These are the tasks that business development managers perform.

business development manager also called an economist or business planner. The manager must pay attention to commercial development and the use of promising lines of business presented to him and his organization. The commercial development and success of your organization depends on your knowledge of best practices and management theories.

Take a team approach - work collaboratively with other employees to achieve common goals. For some time, business development managers have emphasized the urgent need for radical new approaches to the corporation. In this paradigm, net income cedes its primacy to total revenue: the corporation is focused on generating new revenue streams from new products and services and on optimizing existing revenue sources through innovative marketing and rapid adaptation to changing consumer needs and tastes. The new kind of corporation is above all "smart and nimble."

Senior business development managers worry about the lack of creativity and innovation in their subordinates, but their own decision-making processes and management structure undermine the efforts (even those they themselves have stepped up) to develop new lines of business and innovate old ones.

A business development manager must have significant experience in selling goods, be an organized and active negotiator, have a good understanding of economic trends, public policy issues, currency fluctuations and respond in a timely manner. Higher education in one of the following specializations: trade, accounting, economics and business administration - may be useful (though not required) for this position.

The Business Development Manager works to expand the reach of the company's products and generate revenue. To do this, he identifies new markets and attracts new customers. And so the business development manager researches new directions for business development, determines the likely advantages of the product over competitors, develops strategic plans and sales strategies, and also conducts presentations and negotiations. with potential clients.

In larger organizations, the business development manager works with sales and commerce departments, government agencies, and industry organizations. Domestic and international travel is often a requirement for this position, as is reporting.

In smaller businesses, business development managers are accountable to owners/managers. However, in large companies, they are responsible to the top management of the sales and commerce department.

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1. The essence of management

1.1 Basic concepts used in management

1.2 Elements of the control system

1.3 Management principles

1.4 Control methods

2. Process and enterprise management system

3. Goals and objectives of management (objectives of enterprise management)

4. Organization management structure

5. Principles of formalization of the management process

6. Solution modern tasks enterprise management

7. "Tasks of management in the XXI century"




In a market economy, an enterprise needs to solve management problems at a qualitatively new level. The need for prompt response to market conditions and the rapidly changing economic situation requires the restructuring of the internal microeconomics of the enterprise, setting up management accounting, and optimizing management processes.

Firstly, accurate planning and control of internal financial and economic activities is the basis of the company's well-being, it allows you to direct the company's resources in the most necessary direction (internal reason).

Secondly, only an enterprise is competitive that can quickly respond to the needs of its customers, satisfying their needs as quickly and efficiently as possible, or even anticipating them (external reason).

Right now, when the economic situation allows enterprises to “take a breath” and lay the foundation for development for the future, both of these reasons are becoming most relevant.

Thus, there is a need to collect and process the correct information, which allows you to plan activities, make decisions and control the result of their implementation. The one who does it more efficient than competitors he succeeds.

The old structures of management and power in the Russian economy are being reorganized, while Western models of management are being used. However, the mechanical transfer of the concept of management from one socio-cultural environment to another, blind copying of the experience of this or that state is practically impossible and leads to severe economic and social consequences. Management is determined by such basic factors as the type of ownership, the form of government, the degree of development of market relations. Therefore, the development of modern management in relation to Russian conditions largely depends on these factors.

The purpose of this work is a detailed consideration of the essence of management as a type of management of a commercial enterprise.

1. The essence of management

1.1 Basic concepts used in management

Management is an area of ​​managerial and economic activity that ensures the rational management of economic processes, the organization of management systems and its improvement in accordance with the tasks of socio-economic development.

Management - ability, manner of dealing with people, power and art of management, a special kind of skills and administrative skills, management organization, administrative unit.

Management is the process of optimizing a person and his material and financial resources, it is also an art in the way that it requires a constant creative approach.

A manager is a specialist who is hired to organize and manage some area, to carry out management activities.

Management is the process of planning an organization, motivating and controlling it in order to shape and achieve the organization's goals.

Management is a conscious purposeful activity of a person with the help of which he organizes and subordinates to his interests the elements of the external environment of society, technology and wildlife. Management should be aimed at success and survival.

In management there is always: the subject - the one who manages and the object - the one who is controlled by the actions of the subject of management, thus. the main task of management is to organize the work of other people, while the highest form of management art is such an organization in which the object of management has the feeling that no one manages it.

There are management of technical systems, economic management, as well as social management, during which various relations between people are regulated.

The goal of management is the desired, possible and necessary state of production, affairs, problems that must be achieved.

The tool of managerial work includes: office equipment, computer equipment, providing a mechanism and automation of managerial work.

The subject of managerial work is people, the relations between them that relate to this production.

The product of managerial labor is a managerial decision. The price of the solution is determined by the cost and profit. A by-product in managerial activity is: the management system, the psychological climate.

The object of professional activity is the financial and economic activity of the enterprise, material labor resources, regulatory and accounting and distribution documentation.

Entrepreneurship - means the implementation of new combinations in production, the movement to new markets, the creation of new products associated with risk.

Business- this entrepreneurial activity, business, occupation for the purpose of making a profit in a certain area of ​​social production.

Business - making money out of money, but necessarily by means of useful productive activity, the manufacture of a product or the provision of a service.

Business management is the management of commercial, economic organizations.

A businessman is a person who makes money, the owner of capital that is in circulation and generates income, and can be a business person of whom no one is subordinate or a large owner who does not hold any real position in the organization, but is the owner of its shares and cannot be a member of its board.

Manager - necessarily occupies a permanent position, people are subordinate to him.

1. 2 Elements of the control system

The management mechanism includes: goals, missions, functions, principles, management methods.

The organizational structure of management is determined by the goals, functions, product of entrepreneurial activity.

The process of managing the technology of making managerial decisions and organizing their implementation.

1.3 Management principles

The principle of management rules, norms that should be guided in their activities in the course of solving the problems facing the company, enterprise:

1. Definition of goals and objectives of management;

2. Development of specific measures to achieve them;

3. Division of tasks into separate types of work;

4. Coordination of interactions between various departments within the organization;

5. Formation of a hierarchical structure;

6. Optimization of decision making;

7. Motivation, stimulation of effective work.

1.4 Management methods

Management methods - ways, forms of influence of the head on subordinates:

1. organizational and administrative (instructions, control of execution)

2. economic (economic calculation)

3. socio-psychological (taking into account the psychology of the individual, the team)

2. Process and enterprise management system

Let us characterize the main features of enterprise management as a process from the point of view of management theory.

In general, the management process in all areas of activity can be represented as a so-called “control loop”, which includes a cyclic sequence of the following stages: forecast - planning - controlled activities for the implementation of plans - accounting and analysis of results - correction of forecasts and plans (Fig. 1. ).

Rice. 1. Generalized control scheme

The management process has a hierarchical structure and includes several sublevels in areas of activity (production, marketing, supply, finance, etc.), which in turn include the corresponding subprocesses.

Enterprise management must always have some purpose (otherwise, this process becomes simply meaningless). Examples of management goals include reducing production costs, increasing profits, etc. The goal of the management process should be formulated explicitly and, if possible, using quantitative estimates.

The enterprise management process is implemented within the framework of the enterprise management system. A management system exists in any enterprise, regardless of whether you explicitly thought about its structure and tasks. Within the framework of the control system, it is possible to distinguish the control object and the control part. The production process acts as the object of management, and the management services of the enterprise act as the control part. The enterprise management system functions on the basis of established documents (regulations on departments, job descriptions, etc.) or established rules in practice. At each level of the hierarchy of the control system, to one degree or another, a set of control functions that are included in the “control loop” considered above is implemented.

At first glance, it may seem that the above reasoning looks too theoretical. However, I want to emphasize that these provisions have been tested by practice and underlie the methods for improving the management process and increasing its efficiency.

As for the practical aspects: let's try right now to draw the structure of the management system in a real enterprise with an explicit definition of the rules on the basis of which it functions. It is possible that many will have some difficulties. Practice shows that these difficulties may indicate an insufficiently effective organization of management at the enterprise and the potential presence of "internal reserves", which, if properly organized, can be used to achieve success in the competition.

There are various ways to classify enterprises: by type of activity (trade, production, services, etc.), by scale (small, medium and large depending on the number of employees and other factors) and a number of others. Within a certain type of enterprise, the classification may continue. Manufacturing enterprises are divided, for example, into enterprises with a continuous (chemical, metallurgical) and discrete (machine-building) nature of production. According to the composition of the product range, enterprises can be divided into enterprises of single, serial and mass production. Each type of enterprise has its own characteristics in terms of the organization of the management process.

If an enterprise develops from scratch, then it goes through several stages of development, the initial of which is usually the following. Several people work, often good friends or relatives. The management closes the management process on itself, manages all processes at once, while the management mechanisms are artisanal and come down to issuing oral or written orders. With a successful combination of circumstances, the company grows, the number of employees increases, structural divisions appear and, accordingly, their leaders. However, the management style remains the same. In the absence of a clear management system, there is often a fear of management to delegate authority to other employees, a desire to do everything on their own, and distrust of people. As a result, it becomes almost impossible to quickly obtain accurate quantitative information about the real state of affairs, since the information provided by managers structural divisions usually scattered, possibly biased and often contradictory.

Crowds of economists and analysts begin to appear in the company, trying to collect information bit by bit for management, marketing and other services. Naturally, this information may be incomplete, not always accurate, and most importantly, never up-to-date, since it takes a lot of time to receive it. The first thing leaders do is hire a new analytical staff or, for example, programmers to help analysts to partially automate the collection and processing of data. As a result, as a rule, a complex of unrelated software tools appears, often representing the same information in different ways, which causes new problems. If we impose on this a sufficiently large growth of the company, the emergence of new areas of activity, new people, then the situation becomes unmanageable.

A high-quality management system is simple and transparent, information is unified and reliable, and it is very important that the reliability of information is guaranteed by the management system itself as a whole, and not by individuals. As a result, the possibility of simple and effective control over the work of the company as a whole, control of individual processes and even control of the activities of individual employees is achieved.

3 . Goals and objectives of management (objectives of enterprise management)

The main general goals of management include forecasting, planning and achieving the intended results in the activities of the enterprise. The ultimate goal is to ensure the profitability (economic feasibility) of the functioning of an organization. This can be achieved through the creation of a rational organization production process. No less important goals of management are production management, improvement of the scientific and technological base, as well as the effective use of human resources, improvement of their qualifications and stimulation.

Therefore, the main goal of management is management focused on successful activities, inherent in each organization and individual. But for different people and organizations, success can be interpreted in different ways, for example, when listing companies, firms, organizations that can be called successful, we remember the names of large, well-known firms. As practice shows, the size of the company and its profitability cannot always be considered criteria for success. As a rule, any organization exists for the realization of certain goals, and therefore if the achievement of huge size is not one of its goals, then a small business organization can be considered as successful as a large one. For example, the McDonald brothers sold the rights to use their name and their system to Ray Kroc. The reason for this was mainly small ambitions and the fact that they did not want to sacrifice themselves, as is usually the case with the expansion of the enterprise. Having achieved everything they wanted out of life and making millions in the process, the McDonalds can hardly be considered failures, even considering that the sales of the existing McDonald Corporation have increased thousands of times. An organization can be considered successful if it has achieved its goal, and achieving success is the goal of management.

Some organizations cease their activities after they have achieved a number of predetermined goals. An example of such an organization is any governmental body created for a specific purpose. But along with this, there are also organizations that are interested in staying on the market as long as possible. This can go on indefinitely, as any organization has the potential to exist indefinitely.

The next goal of management in the hierarchy is the survival of the organization, maintaining its place in the market for a long time.

The manager determines what should be the goals in the field of increasing the productivity, efficiency and effectiveness of organizations, methods and methods for obtaining products, decides what forms of incentives will be used in the organization in order to interest employees in increasing labor productivity. Through the developed policy of the organization, through a personal example, the leader sets the tone for the activities of the organization, determines whether the organization will focus on quality and consumers or remain indifferent to them.

An equally important goal of management is to achieve the intended results, that is, to ensure a certain level of profit. The profitability of a company to some extent indicates the efficiency of its production and marketing activities, which can be achieved by minimizing the cost of raw materials, materials, energy, labor, financing, time costs, and so on, as well as maximizing income from the results of production, i.e. .Production of products and provision of services.

At the same time, management is called upon to create the conditions necessary for the successful functioning of the organization, based on the fact that profit is not the purpose of the existence of the company, but the result of its activities, which is ultimately determined by the market. Profit creates certain guarantees for the further activity of the enterprise, since only income and their accumulation in the form of various funds can reduce the likelihood of risks associated with the sale of goods with an unstable external environment. The situation on the market, as you know, is constantly changing, there are changes in the position of competitors in the market, in the conditions and forms of financing, the state of the economic situation in industries or in the country as a whole, in the conditions of trade in world commodity markets, and hence the constant presence of risk.

The goal of management in these conditions is to constantly overcome risk or risk situations not only in the present, but also in the future, which requires certain reserve funds and the provision of managers with a certain degree of freedom and independence in business activities in order to quickly and timely respond and adapt to changing conditions.

Within the framework of the goals, the management tasks necessary to achieve them are formulated. The tasks of management as a science are the development, experimental verification and practical application of scientific approaches, principles and methods that ensure sustainable, reliable, promising and efficient work of a team or an individual, through the release of a competitive product.

One of the most important tasks of management, which allows to ensure the profitability of the enterprise, is the organization of the production of goods and services, taking into account the needs of consumers, based on the available material and human resources. This will contribute not only to ensuring the profitability of the enterprise, but also to the creation and maintenance of its stable position in the market. Also, in the conditions of a modern market economy, an urgent task of management is the systematic search and development of new market channels.

Management tasks are continuously becoming more complex as the scale of production grows, requiring the provision of ever-increasing amounts of resources - material, financial, human, etc. In addition, depending on the specifics (type) of management, goals and objectives have different meanings.

The main tasks of management are the following:

Organization of the production of goods and services, taking into account the demand of consumers on the basis of available resources;

Transition to the use of highly skilled workers;

Stimulation of employees of the organization by creating appropriate working conditions for them and a system of its payment;

Determination of the necessary resources and sources of their provision;

Development of an organization development strategy and implementation;

Determination of the organization's development goals;

Development of a system of measures to achieve the intended goals;

Monitoring the effectiveness of the organization's activities, the implementation of tasks.

If we turn to the practical side of the problem, then in the process of managing enterprises, it is necessary to effectively solve a set of tasks, the main types of which, in the general case, can be defined as follows:

· financial management;

· manufacturing control;

management of sales and supply;

management of internal services;

personnel management.

Depending on the characteristics and scale of the enterprise, each of the selected types may include a significant number of individual tasks. In principle, similar tasks also arise in the management of a small business, but their real volume makes it possible to provide a satisfactory solution using traditional accounting tools.

Recall, by the way, that in the general case, at least three types of accounting can be distinguished in an enterprise:

operational accounting - provides the collection of primary information and is the main supplier of data for other types of accounting;

management accounting - aimed at obtaining information for a detailed analysis of the enterprise, forecasting and decision-making;

Accounting - provides the necessary financial statements;

A feature of solving management problems in medium and large enterprises is the need to use management accounting data as one of the bases for decision-making.

Management accounting is a system for collecting, processing and providing information to top management for the latter to make various management decisions. This is its main difference from traditional financial (accounting) accounting, which is mainly focused on external users - creditors, shareholders, fiscal authorities. The existing system of accounting reports to a lesser extent meets modern requirements for the completeness, reliability, timeliness of information required by the management of the enterprise. Management accounting is an information tool for controlling - the concept of managing the activities of an enterprise by implementing the following cyclic sequence of actions: assessing the current state - making management decisions - drawing up a plan for implementing the decisions made - monitoring the implementation of the plan - analyzing the new current state (compare with the "control loop" discussed above ).

Note that for enterprises, complexity is especially important in solving the selected types of management problems.

4. Organization management structure

Building an organizational management structure is an important component general function of management - organization, one of the central tasks of which is to create necessary conditions for the implementation of the entire system of plans of the organization. Its implementation may require the restructuring of both the organization itself and its management system, as well as the creation of conditions for the formation of an organization culture that is highly sensitive to changes. Culture as a system of values, beliefs, patterns and norms of behavior that has developed in an organization reflects the nature of relations between employees, i.e. directly related to organizational structure.

There is a close relationship between the management structure and the organizational structure: the organization structure reflects the division of work adopted in it between departments, groups and people, and the management structure creates coordination mechanisms that ensure the effective achievement of the overall goals and objectives of the organization. As a rule, measures to design or change the composition of the organization itself (disaggregation, merger, merger with other organizations, etc.) necessitate appropriate changes in the management structure.

Departmentalization is the process of grouping the works of their performers in accordance with some logical principle.

Types of departmentalization:

1. Linear - quantitatively divided into divisions. It is used when organizing work in lower production levels, when the work performed is of the same type, and the performers are not differentiated.

2. Functional - involves division into departments depending on the functions performed by the employee.

3. Product - implies the allocation of divisions according to the following criteria:

By product (when the work is grouped around any type of product);

· By consumer (when the work is grouped around the end user of the product);

· By market (when works are grouped around geographic and sectoral markets for production or sale).

4. Matrix - is an attempt to maximize the advantages and minimize the disadvantages of both the functional and product approaches.

A distinctive feature of the matrix approach to departmentalization is the formal presence of two bosses with equal rights at the same time. This dual subordination system is based on a combination of two principles - functional and product. Each relationship matrix includes three types of roles in an organization:

· chief executive, maintaining balance in the system of dual subordination;

· heads of functional and product divisions, "dividing" the subordinate in the cell of the matrix among themselves;

· heads of cells of the matrix, equally reporting to the functional and to the product manager.

Table 1. Matrix departmentalization

There are the following types of organizations:

1. By interaction with the external environment:

· Mechanistic approach - associated with the concept of bureaucracy, the classical theory of management. He considers the organization as an analogy of a machine, a mechanism.

Table 2. Characteristics and conditions for the effective use of mechanistic and organic organizations

Organic approach - reflects modern tendencies in the development of the theory and practice of management. He considers the organization as an analogy of a living organism (see Table 2).

2. According to the interaction of departments:

· Traditional - is a combination of linear and functional departmentalization. (The basis of this scheme is the linear divisions that carry out the main work and the functional divisions serving them);

· Divisional - based on the product type of departmentalization, combines centralized planning at the top and decentralized activities of production units;

· Matrix - uses the work of autonomous groups to launch and implement a new product or project. Each autonomous group is created for a purpose or a project and at the same time enjoys a certain freedom in organizing its work (they can independently acquire resources, distribute profits, participate in the organization of their work).

3. New types of organizations:

Adhocracy organizations are organizations that use a high degree freedom in the actions of employees, their competence and ability to independently solve emerging problems. Adhocracy is also a management style of leadership, in which the means to achieve complex goals are chosen by the performers themselves (effective in the implementation of creative projects, the introduction of new technologies, and anti-crisis management);

Multidimensional - organizations in which working groups independently and simultaneously perform "n" functions, for example:

a) provide their production activities necessary resources;

b) ensure the sale of their products and service to a specific consumer;

c) produce a specific product or service.

· Participatory - an organization that uses the participation of employees in management. This ensures the motivation of their work. The sense of ownership is heightened. In such organizations, employees can:

a) participate in decision-making;

b) participate in the goal setting process;

c) participate in solving the problems of the organization (see Fig. 2).

· Entrepreneurial - an organization that is more focused on growth and on the available opportunities to achieve them than on controlled resources.

Rice. 3. Entrepreneurial organization

Factors affecting the structure of the organization (according to J.K. Galbraith and Chandler):

1. Organization development strategy;

2. The size of the organization;

3. Choice of management system (number of levels of hierarchy, number of links in the system, centralization - decentralization);

4. Technology;

5. External environment.

6. Quality of personnel (qualification, motivation, structure).

5 . Principles of formalization of the management process

At present, interest in the generally accepted Western management standards has sharply increased in Russia, but many managers are still baffled by the question of the company's organizational structure or the scheme of existing business processes.

Many organizations are already finding it difficult to optimize costs so that products remain both profitable and competitive. Just at this moment, the need to have before our eyes a model of the enterprise's activity is clearly manifested, which would reflect all the mechanisms and principles of the interconnection of various subsystems within one business. By modeling various areas of activity, it is possible to effectively analyze the "bottlenecks" in management and optimize general scheme business.

Note that it is absolutely not necessary to come up with solutions for these tasks that have already become standard every time. At present, if it is necessary to analyze a particular control process (from the spacecraft or submarine design system to the preparation process business document) you can use proven and proven methods.

These methods include, in particular, formalized ways of describing the control process (in order to optimize, you need to know what to optimize) and the concept of building an effective control system, which we will consider in the next section.

6 . Solution of modern problems of enterprise management

What is the state of management systems at average enterprises and what tasks are the most relevant for them?

The most methodically developed management subsystem is the management of the material resources of the enterprise. At a number of machine-building enterprises, the material resource management system was automated quite a long time ago (80s-mid-90s). The problems of storing the design composition of products, calculating the total need of the enterprise for material resources have been solved. The main problems in this area are the following:

automation of this subsystem was carried out "piecewise", not integrated with other subsystems,

· at the moment, outdated technologies were used during automation, which led to the high labor intensity of supporting the information system and the dependence of the enterprise on its developers.

Production capacity management is carried out only on the basis of personal experience of production managers (production directors and heads of departments). Only they and only approximately (a person cannot keep so much information in his head!) Can say whether the enterprise will cope with the implementation of the production plan, whether it is possible to take an additional order from customers, whether it is necessary to order additional equipment or whether it is possible to get by with the existing one, whether it is necessary to expand the staff of production workers or carry out a reduction, etc. There is no question of calculating the losses of the enterprise on the fact that additional equipment was not ordered (or rented) in a timely manner and the order was not completed on time.

Approximately the same situation is developing in the field of operations management by controlling the passage of technological stages of products, the consumption of materials and the release of semi-finished and finished products after the completion of production operations. IN best case management data is collected and processed as Excel files.

In the field of cost management, the planned cost is calculated quite fully: material costs are planned based on the design composition of products and the planned price of raw materials, other costs are calculated according to the norms. In the actual calculation of the cost price, as a rule, the "boiler" method is used. Under this method, actual miscellaneous expenses are allocated only to finished products in proportion to the actual if it is calculated or the planned cost of materials used for its manufacture. The reason for this is the high complexity of operations associated with accounting for actual costs and their attribution to the entire range of manufactured products and semi-finished products (and even at a medium-sized enterprise it can be hundreds and thousands of items). The consequence of this situation is that the enterprise cannot say how much the production of a particular part costs (maybe it is much more profitable to buy it on the side?), How profitable is the production of certain types of products.

For the maintenance and control of mutual settlements, as a rule, separate simple software, whose data is not integrated or poorly integrated with other subsystems.

Budgeting, planning and controlling the financing of the activities of the enterprise and its divisions are also mainly conducted (if conducted) in the form of Excel spreadsheets. This leads to difficulties in aggregating and analyzing information. This problem is especially acute for enterprises that conduct several types of activities and open new investment projects; they need to analyze financial flows both in general and in detail. The task of budgeting is further complicated by the fact that the cost management subsystem “lives” separately from the budget one, although they should be very closely interconnected.

The area of ​​customer relationship management is the most problematic. Very few businesses can provide individual approach to the client, designing products to order, forecasting his needs, prompt response to his request (for example, “ship products on March 20th and not a day later!”). In the case when the enterprise is not a monopolist, this can lead to the loss of customers, they will simply go to the supplier who will fulfill their request. The consequences are obvious.

Thus, the following general problems of management systems for industrial enterprises can be distinguished:

inconsistency and unreliability of data in various subsystems,

Insufficiency of data for making managerial decisions,

Significant gaps in forecasting the state of external and internal environment enterprises,

· a large number of manual operations and inefficient provision of information to management.

Such problems can be solved to a large extent by introducing an integrated information system at the enterprise, built in accordance with modern management techniques. Understanding this by business leaders leads to an increase in demand for software products of this class.

Currently, the Russian market offers such well-known Information Systems like Navision Attain and Navision Axapta. Why do we celebrate them?

The Navision Attain and Navision Axapta systems belong to the middle class, they are quite easy to use, cost significantly less than R / 3 or Oracle, and are faster to set up and implement. At the same time, they provide the enterprise with powerful functionality, the use of which will fully allow the management to solve most of the tasks facing it.

What management options do Navision Attain and Navision Axapta provide to the user?

First of all, it should be noted that these systems were developed using the ERP (Enterprise Resources Management) methodology, which describes the regulatory processes of enterprise management adopted abroad. Therefore, they cover almost the entire cycle of managing a manufacturing enterprise and solve the problems of integration, the relationship of information in various management subsystems.

7 . "Tasks of Management in the 21st Century"

Peter Ferdinand Drucker, the author of the book "The Challenges of Management in the 21st Century", is the largest contemporary researcher of management, one of the founders of the empirical school. P. F. Drucker was born in 1909 in Vienna, he received his legal education (civil and international law) in Germany (Frankfurt University), where he received a doctorate in law. In 1937 he emigrated from Germany to the USA. He was a professor of social sciences at Bennington College, then a professor at the Graduate California School of Business, New York University.

P. F. Drucker has changed many jobs since he began his career 70 years ago. labor activity. He actively combined teaching activities with consulting activities, was a permanent adviser to a number of US corporations (General Electric, Sears, I.B.M.).

His focus is on entrepreneurial activity, innovation, the role of managers in an organization, organizational goals and the logic behind the formation of organizational structures. He is one of the founders of the theory of management by goals, the developer of the case study method, and the initiator of a comparative study of cultures. In his opinion, the specifics of culture correspond to a special formula for success in business. He is also known as a critic of a number of provisions of the school of human relations, calling their concepts "psychological despotism", and a researcher of the heritage of the classical school.

According to his concept, society is a global organization, and the current stage of its development is due to the dominance of trade relations and is defined as a "global trade center".

He owns a number of well-known and widely used principles and provisions, for example: the definition of management "as a problematic initiative", and the manager "as a dynamic element of any society". Theses are associated with his name: "decentralization of management is a way to streamline a large organization", "optimization of private functions of an organization does not lead to optimization of the whole."

Within the framework of the theory of management by goals, the activity for the formation and establishment of a system of goals and work with them is considered as the main task of the manager, and the system of goals is considered as a factor influencing the structure of the organization and ensuring its effective functioning and long-term development.

P. F. Drucker considers management by objectives as a necessary element of the activities of managers in a business organization and believes that their main functions are the formation of goals and correlation with common goals. Based on the concept of a business organization as a system with many needs, Drucker believes that managers must necessarily take into account and reflect goals in the system formed at different levels of the organization.

P. F. Drucker connects the emergence of a system of goals with the variety of tasks solved by managers in different sectors, as well as with the variety of needs of various social groups, both inside and outside the organization, interested in its activities. He makes two theses:

1. The manager cannot effectively manage the organization, focusing only on the economic goal.

2. Work on improving the system of goals and with the system of goals is necessary for any business organizations, since their survival and successful development depend on meeting the diverse needs of social groups.

Based on this, P. F. Drucker forms indicative list goals of the organization related to:

· with the definition of the type (types) of markets in which it should work;

with the establishment of the type of product released to the market;

with the determination of the level of planned profit;

with the establishment of the type and source of the necessary resources;

with an attitude to innovation and acceptable risk;

meeting the needs of the staff;

with security public recognition its activities in the wider society;

· with the development of management as the main factor of organizational development.

Within the framework of this concept, work with goals is necessary to improve the efficiency of activities and develop long-term strategies for the development of the organization. The content of this work can be reduced to choosing a list of goals, setting priorities in the system of goals, "balancing" and "juggling" goals. Finally, it is with the correlation of actual results with the planned ones (based on the created system of goals), as well as with the correlation of goals among themselves, that the assessment of the effectiveness of the organization's activities is associated.

Considering the goals as the planned result of the organization's activities, P.F. Drucker tries to determine the tasks that work with goals contributes to the solution of:

assessment of "a wide range of commercial, industrial and social processes" and their interpretation"

Verification of the truth of statements latently laid down by the manager as the basis of the course;

assessment and forecasting of the behavior of individual employees, departments and other organizations;

improvement of the organization's activities.

Initially, The Challenges of Management in the 21st Century was planned by the author and publishers as a collection of the best management writings that Drucker had written and published in more than 60 years of practice: something like Drucker's Selected Works. But already in the process of working on a new work, Drucker comes up with the idea to create a work devoted not to the past, but to the future - he himself calls this an attempt to look into the future.

Despite belonging to the most pragmatic of all known schools of management - empirical - P. F. Drucker is a very extraordinary and even original thinker. This is partly because Drucker never ceases to amaze.

Drucker loves to raise simple questions that baffle even seasoned executives and force them to rethink their core principles.

At the very beginning of The Challenges of Management in the 21st Century, Drucker lists to the reader a number of the most important modern organizational and managerial problems: strategies, collective work, new technologies, etc.; but at the same time, he emphasizes that all of the listed issues are today's problems, while it is time to talk and discuss tomorrow's problems. Thus, on the one hand, Drucker declares a certain prophetic (or utopian) nature of his book, but on the other hand, he is not going to engage in proper forecasting and, moreover, fortune-telling.

Drucker argues that the problems and tasks of tomorrow are clearly visible today, citing South Korea and Turkey as an example (what exactly does Drucker want to show by this - economic growth, scientific and technological progress, or some kind of social processes taking place in these countries - unknown).

Drucker calls the current period an era of profound change, which, in its scope and possible consequences, surpass both those that occurred as a result of the second industrial revolution in the middle of the 19th century, and those that were caused by the Second World War. These problems can only be understood and solved by employees. mental labor, scientists and leaders armed with management theory.

The Challenges of Management in the 21st Century is a book about management in general, not about business management. Drucker emphasizes the importance of effective foresight-based management not only in private, but also in public, non-profit organizations and institutions. This opinion should bring clarity and greater certainty to the issue of the essence of management, as well as eliminate contradictions from the modern "theoretical management market" in Russia.


Effectively functioning management is designed to ensure the unity of all forms and stages of the management process as an integral system of economic, organizational, technical and socio-psychological management. It follows that the main principle of management is the effective operation of the enterprise in the market. Management by setting and implementing goals is carried out at its core, taking into account the assessment of the potential capabilities of the organization, its provision with the necessary resources, as well as the conditions of competition.

A feature of modern management is its focus on efficient management of the economy in conditions of scarcity of resources, a gradual decrease in the regulation of production by administrative methods, and the intensification of production. Modern management should contribute to the development of the market, commodity-money relations in the wholesale trade in means of production, the convertibility of money, and the stabilization of market prices.


1. Baronov V.V., Kalyanov G.N., Popov Yu.I. etc. Automation of control enterprise - M .: INFRA-M, 2000. (Series "Secrets of management

2. Goldstein G.Ya. Fundamentals of management. - Taganrog: Publishing House of TRTU, 2005.

3. Donald A. Marchand. Craftsmanship: Management / Per. from English. - M., 1999 (fragments of the book, see

4. Drucker P. F. Effective management. Economic tasks and optimal solutions / Per. from English. - M.: FAIR-PRESS, 2001.

5. Drucker P. F. Practice of management / Per. from English. - M.: Publishing House"Williams", 2000.

6. Kalyanov G.N. Consulting in the automation of enterprises (approaches, methods, means). - M.: SINTEG, 2001.

7. Meskon M.Kh., Albert M., Hedouri F. Fundamentals of management: Per. from English. - M: Delo, 2002.

8. Orlov A.I. Management. Textbook. M.: Publishing house "Izumrud", 2003. - 298 p.

9. Management: Proc. allowance / Under the general editorship. V.E. Lankin. - Taganrog: Publishing House of TRTU, 2006. - 304 p.

10. Newspaper for corporate users of information technology

11. Website "Planet KIS"

12. The site of the salon "Financier"

13. Website "Corporate Management"

14. AKDI website "Economics and Life"

15. Website of Interface Ltd.

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