Efficiency of communication concept factors indicators. Criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of communication in traditional media

Communication is a complex multifaceted process.

The main features of communication are that people: a) are aware of objects; b) interpret them; c) construct meaning (meaning); d) act in accordance with the meaning, expressing it.

Therefore, communication can be defined as a process used by people in order to express the meaning of the image of the world in which they live and act, and to be able to exchange images that are meaningful to themselves through various symbols.

There are several types of communication barriers:

Semantic barriers - incorrect or ambiguous interpretation of the meaning of words, semantic shades of verbal means. Especially often this applies to complex terminology, slang expressions, borrowed words, professional vocabulary.

Perception barriers - ambiguous understanding or interpretation of information as a result of the first impression, stereotypes, certain internal attitudes, conflict situations, personal rejection of the topic or interlocutor, etc. The interlocutor may have a wrong first impression, an unpleasant previous experience of communication (it is called the communicative field of communication); prejudice against oneself and others, as well as complexes, stereotypes, other attitudes can come to the fore - all this affects the perception of information, the effect and feedback.

· Barriers of ignorance - often interlocutors, having heard a word or concept unfamiliar to them, are embarrassed to ask again or admit their own incompetence, therefore they are silent. At the same time, as it is not difficult to guess, the understanding of the general meaning of the message is lost or greatly distorted.

· Barriers of interest - we are willing to talk about what we are interested in. If the topic of discussion is far from our range of interests, the level of perception of information is significantly reduced.

· The emotional state of the interlocutor - when you find out that a pipe has burst at home, you are definitely not up to discussing the budget for the new year.

· Inability or unwillingness to listen is the most common cause of ineffective communication. Not using active or reflective listening techniques, inattention, lack of interest in the topic or the interlocutor interfere with the correct, holistic and adequate perception of information.

· Wrong context - communication occurs at the wrong time and in the wrong place.

Illiterate wording of the message.

· Incorrect feedback.

If we talk about business communication or organizational communication, then we can distinguish the following types of barriers:

· Distortion of information - the same reasons that we considered above. This may be as a result of semantic barriers, simply the fear of asking again or being punished by higher authorities.

· The incompetence of the staff is unfortunately a common cause in our country. A chronic lack of truly competent, experienced and knowledgeable employees reduces the efficiency of all business processes.

Ineffective or difficult organizational structure- often a complex, multi-level organizational structure of the company interferes with the rapid and high-quality transfer of information. There is also a bureaucratic issue.

· Information overload - departments and employees working in time pressure and with a lot of information simply cannot cope with the communication flow.

· Personal conflicts - the company is, first of all, people, so the human factor of acceptance and rejection plays a key role.

Imperfection technical means- poor internet, lack of corporate mail, lack of courier services, poor telecommunications, etc.

Effective communication can be called that communication, in which the influence of barriers is reduced to a minimum. A reasonable question arises: how to avoid communication barriers? Some advice can be given:

· Eliminate all objective barriers or transfer the communication situation to a more convenient and favorable context.

Use the vocabulary that is most understandable to the interlocutor in order to avoid semantic errors. You should not use complex or professional terminology if you are not sure that the interlocutor will understand you (but even so explain them).

· At first, interest the interlocutor in the topic of discussion.

· Formulate the message as clearly and clearly as possible (more on this in the next post about encoding-decoding).

· Before proceeding to the message itself, make sure that the interlocutor has no perception barriers. If you notice, for example, the influence of stereotypes or any attitudes, you need to show assertiveness and empathy, improve the emotional background of communication.

Determine the success of the context of a particular communication situation.

Give regularly feedback interlocutor.

Below is a list of the main skills that help us communicate effectively with each other.

  1. The ability to hear and see what is important for our interlocutor. What are his needs and aspirations? Even if our interlocutor does not know how to communicate with us in the same way. To remain "included in this process", despite the fact that our interlocutor speaks harshness and swears. According to our metaphor, this skill has been called "listening with the ears of a giraffe."
  2. The ability to better understand what needs, aspirations and desires are hidden behind our grief, confusion, opposition and condemnation.
  3. The ability to notice subtle and sometimes striking differences between psycho-somatic sensations like "I feel sad" and sensory-interpreted ones like "I feel betrayed."
  4. The ability to understand how people usually interpret and analyze what they see and how they go wrong when looking at themselves.
  5. The ability to see the subtle difference between a request and a demand, and how demands separate us and how requests connect us.
  6. The ability to truly understand the fact that just because something is important to another person, it doesn't follow that we have to do it. That understanding people does not at all mean our agreement with them. And that our understanding of them does not mean that they are right and we are wrong. These wrong beliefs are the key causes of misunderstanding in the resulting conflicts.

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federal state budgetary educational institution higher professional education

"Chuvash State University named after I.N. Ulyanov"

Faculty of Economics

Department of State and Municipal Administration.


discipline: Business communications

on the topic: The effectiveness of communication.

Is done by a student

Kamaev M.O.


Grigoriev A.V.

Cheboksary 2015


1. Fundamentals of effective communication

1.1 Communications

2. Gestures of impatience

3. Communication channels

4. Principles of effective communication




It is almost impossible to overestimate the importance of communication in business environment. If people cannot share information, it is clear that they will not be able to work together, formulate goals and achieve them.

However, communication is a complex process consisting of interdependent steps, each of these steps is necessary in order to make our thoughts understandable to another person.

Each step is a point where, if we are careless and don't think about what we are doing, the meaning can be lost. That is why the techniques that we use in business communication and the ways of effective communication are of great importance.

The object of study of this work is the verbal and non-verbal communication systems. Subject of research: means and techniques of verbal and non-verbal communication systems.

The purpose of this essay: to study the techniques and ways of effective communication with a partner in business communication.

Uncover the basics of effective communication

To reveal the essence of verbal and non-verbal communication systems

List the principles of effective communication.

1. Fundamentals of Effective Communication

Communication (from lat.Communico - I make it common) - in a broad sense - the exchange of information.

Communication is a complex process of interaction between people, which consists in the exchange of information, as well as in the perception and understanding of each other by partners. In principle, communication is characteristic of any living beings, but only at the human level does the process of communication become conscious, connected by verbal and non-verbal acts. The person who transmits information is called the communicator, and the person who receives it is called the recipient.

Lasswell's communication process model includes five elements:

WHO? (transmits a message) - Communicator

WHAT? (transmitted) - Message

AS? (transmitting) - Channel

TO WHOM? (message sent) - Audience

WITH WHAT EFFECT? - Efficiency.

Effective communication is more than just conveying information. In order for communication to be effective, it is important not only to be able to speak, but also to be able to listen, hear and understand what the interlocutor is talking about. Unfortunately, at school we were not taught the art of communication. We were taught how to write and read, but we were not taught how to listen and speak. Everyone develops these abilities on their own, learning from the people who surround us (parents, teachers, peers). The manner of communication that you adopted in childhood may not always be effective.

Each of us, while communicating, can simultaneously learn to communicate, acquire and improve practical skills and abilities in the field of communication. In fact, the first and most important principle of effective communication is to really try to be heard by those people who need to convey information. Pay attention to the effectiveness of your attempts, do not repeat unsuccessful steps and come up with new ways.

Indeed, communication is a two-way activity, where you cannot be understood and heard if the other side does not want or cannot understand you. However, this is not a reason to disclaim responsibility for the result of communication, saying “they don’t understand…”, “he doesn’t want to listen…”, etc. If you want to convey some information, the effectiveness of communication becomes your responsibility.

Very often, when communicating, for some reason we hear what we want to hear, and not what is actually being said to us. This applies to both you and the interlocutor. Therefore, there is a rule of three repetitions used when transmitting key information:

First, tell the interlocutor exactly what you are going to say.

Then tell him what you were going to tell him.

Then tell him exactly what you told him.

Remember that even this does not guarantee that the interlocutor will get the meaning of what was said.

1.1 Communication media

Means of communication - ways of encoding, transmitting, processing and decoding information that. Information between people can be transmitted using the senses, speech and other sign systems, writing, technical means of recording and storing information. Usually, verbal (using words, speech) and non-verbal (other) means of communication are distinguished.

If a contradiction arises between two sources of information (verbal and non-verbal): a person says one thing, but something completely different is written on his face, then, obviously, non-verbal information deserves more trust. Australian specialist A. Pease claims that 7% of information is transmitted with the help of words, 38% of sound means, facial expressions, gestures, postures - 55%. In other words, it is not so important what is said, but how it is done.

Knowledge of sign language allows you to better understand the interlocutor and, if necessary, use the means of non-verbal communication yourself in order to influence the interlocutor. It is important to pay attention not only to facial expressions - facial expressions, but also to gestures, since people control their facial expressions more than posture and gestures. Below we describe some of the most common gestures and how to respond to them.

2. Gestures of impatience

Tapping objects or fingers, fidgeting in a chair, waving a leg, looking at a watch, looking “past” you. If a person sits on the edge of a chair, his whole body seems to be directed forward, his hands rested on his knees - he is in a hurry, or he is so tired of the conversation that he wants to finish it as soon as possible. Gestures of emotional discomfort: Picking up non-existent villi, shaking off clothes, scratching the neck, taking off and putting on the ring, indicate that the parterre is experiencing internal tension. He is not ready to make decisions and take responsibility. Try to calm him down. Keep the conversation "about nothing" for a while, or switch to a less significant topic. Be sure to listen to the answers even to routine questions, people do not like to feel that they are being communicated with “formally”, without being really interested in their opinion. Gestures of lies: When a person wants to hide something, he unconsciously touches his face with his hand - as if "covering" the corner of his mouth with his hand, or rubbing his nose. You should not show a person that you doubt his words and catch him in a lie. Better, ask him again (“That is, if I understood you correctly, then: ..”), so as to leave him a path for retreat, so that it would be easier for him to return to a constructive channel. Gestures of superiority: Index finger pointing at you, chin held high, figure in the form of "hands on hips". Playing along with such an "important" person, slouching, obsequiously nodding and agreeing with his every word, or repeating all his movements, straightening his shoulders, raising his chin will not be very effective. The best way to meet such a pompous person is to emphasize his importance, while maintaining your face. For example, say “I was recommended you as an experienced, knowledgeable specialist”, or “What would you do in my place?”. To ask such a question, of course, it is necessary to listen carefully to the answer, no matter how paradoxical it may seem to you.

Naturally, the external reactions of each person are different, so you should not unconditionally follow these recommendations, but rather study your interlocutor and try to better understand his individual reactions.

3. Communication channels

It is necessary to determine the “communication channels” available in each specific communicative act. When talking on the phone, such a channel is the organs of speech and hearing. The form and content of the text, information about the clothes, posture and gestures of the interlocutor are perceived through the visual channel. Handshake: a way of conveying a friendly greeting through a tactile channel. For example, when talking on the phone, you cannot use the visual channel, and you must pay more attention to the clarity of speech, intonation, word order in sentences. Since verbal communication is still the basis of human communication, it may be helpful for you to know the techniques for proper listening described in the book Figure Out Your Listening Habits. What are your strengths? What mistakes are you making? Maybe you judge people hastily? How often do you interrupt your interlocutor? What communication hindrances are most likely in your responses? Which of them do you use most often? Knowing your listening habits better is the first step in changing them. Do not shirk responsibility for communication. If it is not clear to you what the interlocutor is talking about, you should let him understand it. How can anyone know that you do not understand him until you yourself say so?

Be physically alert. Make sure your posture and gestures indicate what you are listening to. Remember that the speaker wants to communicate with an attentive, lively interlocutor, and not with a stone wall. Focus on what the interlocutor is saying. Because focused attention can only last for a short time (less than one minute), listening requires conscious attention. Try to understand not only the meaning of the words, but also the feelings of the interlocutor. Remember that people transmit their thoughts and feelings "coded" - in accordance with socially accepted norms. Listen not only to the information, but also to the feelings conveyed. Watch out for nonverbal cues speaker. Pay attention to the speaker's facial expression, tone of voice and speed of speech. Maintain a positive attitude towards the interlocutor. The more the speaker feels approval, the more accurately he will express what he wants to say. Any negative attitude on the part of the listener causes a defensive reaction, a feeling of insecurity and wariness in communication. Try to express understanding. Use reflective listening techniques to understand how the other person is really feeling and what they are trying to say. Listen to yourself. Listening to yourself is especially important for developing the ability to listen to others. When you are preoccupied or emotionally aroused, you are the least able to listen to what others are saying. If someone's message touches on your feelings, express them to the interlocutor: this will clarify the situation and help you listen to others better. Respond to requests with appropriate actions. Remember that often the goal of the interlocutor is to get something really tangible, such as information, or to change an opinion, or to get something done. In this case, an adequate action is the best response to the interlocutor. While improving your listening habits, the focus should be on positive suggestions, but it’s also helpful to keep the following in mind. common mistakes. When listening to an interlocutor, never: do not take silence for attention. If the interlocutor is silent, this does not mean that he is listening. He may be lost in his own thoughts; don't pretend to listen. It is useless: no matter how you pretend, lack of interest and boredom will inevitably manifest itself in facial expressions or gestures. It is better to admit that at the moment you cannot listen, referring, for example, to being busy; do not interrupt unnecessarily. If you need to interrupt someone in a serious conversation, then help restore the interrupted train of thought of the interlocutor; don't jump to conclusions. Remember, such evaluations are a barrier to meaningful communication; Don't let yourself get caught in an argument. When you mentally disagree with a speaker, you tend to stop listening and wait your turn to speak. And when you start arguing, you get so carried away with substantiating your point of view that sometimes you no longer hear your interlocutor; don't ask too many questions. It is useful to ask a question to clarify what has been said. An excessively large number of questions suppresses the interlocutor to a certain extent, takes away the initiative from him and puts him in a defensive position; never say to the interlocutor: "I understand your feelings well." In this case, you should let the interlocutor know that you are listening to him, asking, for example, such an empathic question: “Are you disappointed with something?” or “I feel that someone offended you,” or any other remark appropriate to the situation; don't be overly sensitive to emotional words. When listening to a highly agitated interlocutor, be careful not to be influenced by his feelings, otherwise you can miss the meaning of the message; Don't give advice unless asked. Unsolicited advice, as a rule, is given by someone who himself will not help; do not hide behind listening as a refuge. Do not be afraid of disapproval or criticism.

4. Principles of Effective Communication

Good, in our opinion, principles of effective communication are described in the missyinchains book “Effective Communications: The Basis for a Successful Relationship” communication verbal non-verbal gesture

Two way communication

Effective communication is a two-way street, in other words, you are both a communicator and a recipient of communication in one person. The person receiving the message must always confirm verbally, in writing, with a gesture or in some other way that he has received and understood the information. In the absence of this component, communication cannot be considered effective. The responsibility to maintain effective communication lies with both parties. Excuses like "I didn't hear", "I didn't understand" are unacceptable - it's just an attempt to absolve yourself of responsibility for the failure in communication.

Listen and hear

Listening is not enough. To understand, to realize what was said, you need to hear. How often we are told that they are listening to us, when we know that we are not being heard. This is easy to check by asking the listener to repeat what has just been said, or even better, retell it in their own words.

Brevity and clarity

This means that you should not hide the meaning of the message behind irrelevant information. The more you add repetitions, clarifications, the more you go into details, the less effective your communication will be, because it is difficult for the listener to follow your thought and, therefore, understand you.

Be open and honest

This factor is closely related to trust and respect in relationships. Trying to hide something or lie to others, a person risks losing trust and respect. You should also not put off discussing important issues until later or try to avoid such discussion. Of course, there are situations when, due to external circumstances, an immediate conversation is impossible.

Trust and respect

Trust: strong belief in honesty, integrity, reliability, fairness, etc. another person. Respect: appreciation, recognition. Trust and respect are the most important characteristics of any relationship. At first, some minimal level of them may exist, as it were, automatically, by default. But for the most part, respect and trust must be earned, won, and this process is long.

Trust and respect that has been damaged, including by ineffective communication, is very difficult to restore, no matter what the person then says or does.

Privacy or secrecy?

Everyone, to one degree or another, values ​​​​privacy, the inviolability of their private life. But the line separating privacy from secrecy is thin. Stealth begins when information about something that has a direct impact on another person or relationship is not reported. An effective communication system involves determining the areas related to which information needs to be communicated, and the areas that are not so significant, taking into account what is important for the partner. One should not rely entirely on one's own idea of ​​privacy and secrecy, as each person is dealing with another person whose concepts and criteria may differ from his own.


Being objective in communications is sometimes very difficult. Objectivity refers to the ability to see things from another person's point of view. An objective approach can be hindered by many factors: emotions, ideas about life, a person’s own inclinations and paradigms, the ability to listen and hear, etc. better man can see this or that situation through the eyes of another person, the better, the more objective his communications will be.

Emotions can block objectivity, logic, a sense of reality. Blinded by emotion, people run the risk of saying something they didn't mean at all, or exaggerating the significance of events. Correcting what was said under the influence of anger, fear, and similar feelings is difficult, sometimes impossible.

When dealing with a person overwhelmed by feelings, one should remember that the information that he reports is skewed, distorted. But it would be a mistake to completely write off what he says.

Assumptions and Feelings

To perform any actions without full knowledge of the situation, motives, intentions, beliefs, needs, feelings of another person - invite trouble.

On the transition to personality

The easiest way to kill effective communication is by attacking the partner's self-esteem, reputation, and personality. It is not always easy to understand whether this or that remark addressed to you was personal. Until you are absolutely convinced of this, do not react. When participating in discussions, avoid language that may call into question the competence of the interlocutor. When asserting something, accompany the phrase with such introductory words as "in my opinion", "I heard", "I came to the conclusion", etc., and, accordingly, do not demean the interlocutor's opinion with assessments in the spirit of "complete nonsense" or "it's not like that at all".

Another good way to have a conversation without getting personal is to formulate your statements in the form of questions: "please explain what is the reason for ...", "what do you think about ...", "have you ever read / seen ...", "what is your opinion", etc. At the same time, keep in mind that sometimes the interlocutor may be offended precisely by a series of questions if it seems to him like an interrogation, and then the rhetoric will need to be built differently.

Patience and Tolerance

Tolerance for the needs, desires, beliefs, opinions of another person is another key to effective communication. You may not agree with them, but you must recognize their right to exist and their importance to him at this point in time. Creating an environment that is not friendly to them will not do any good, but it may cause pain or mental suffering. Patience and tolerance also suggest that one should not make an elephant out of a fly and inflate the importance of something that is actually insignificant. Separate what is worth "showing things off" from the little things that are better left unnoticed. Focusing too much on the little things can make you miss the big picture, not seeing the forest for the trees.

forgive and forget

People are sometimes ready to “tie into a knot” because of something very small and unimportant. Experiences, worries, nervous breakdown are associated with the expenditure of energy that could be directed to something positive, and not to the useless and repeated chewing of the created unpleasant situation. If you made a mistake - apologize, if your partner says that he was wrong and asks for forgiveness - forgive and move on. Alas, too often the feeling of resentment distorts the real subject of the conflict, inflates its importance, and a minor failure in a relationship suddenly becomes very serious. Revenge, of course, is sweet, but is a momentary victory worth losing in the essential? Even when some problems are so deep that it is possible to get rid of them completely, you always choose between minimal and maximum damage. How a person manages a situation determines how it will be resolved.

The art of negotiation

This is the quintessence of the art of effective communication. The task of negotiations is to find a solution in which all parties win. Going into negotiations with an attitude not to give up an inch, a person dooms himself to complete failure. Key successful negotiations- in readiness to compromise, to give one thing, receiving another in return.

Make a list of issues to discuss, dividing them into those on which you hold a firm position, those where you are ready to give in, and those on which the decision is not important to you. In this way, you will find out where you are not ready for any compromises, where you agree to a compromise and what you can completely give to the partner’s discretion. But it is important to remain open and objective: who knows, maybe the interlocutor will put forward arguments that will force you to rethink and adjust your list of priorities.

Everyone is pleased when it is his point of view that takes the upper hand, this is such a sense of ownership in relation to ideas and decisions. But more importantly, the decision should be acceptable to everyone.


We all directly face the exchange of information, communication is a complex process of interaction between people, as well as in the perception and understanding of each other by partners. There are various means of communication - these are ways of encoding, transmitting, processing and decoding information. Sources of information are verbal and non-verbal. The verbal occurs through the means of communication, and the transmission or influence on each other of the non-verbal occurs through images, intonations, gestures, facial expressions, etc. Knowledge of sign language allows you to better understand the interlocutor and, if necessary, use the means of non-verbal communication yourself in order to influence the interlocutor. Communication channels when talking on the phone, such a channel is the organs of speech and hearing. The form and content of the text, information about the clothes, posture and gestures of the interlocutor are perceived through the visual channel. In order to have effective communication, you need to be able to hear, briefly and clearly state, trust and respect the interlocutor.


1. Reva V.E. Business Communication Penza 2003

2. Smirnov G.N. Ethics of business, business and public relations. Moscow 2001.

3. Kaymakova M.V. Organizational communications. Ulyanovsk, 2008

4. Fundamentals of management [ Electronic resource] - https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Communication_Efficiency

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As already mentioned, effective or successful, one should consider the process of communication, which led to the fact that the goal was fulfilled, because of which this communication process was started. If the goal of communication was realized, it means that the information was correctly decoded and understood by the addressee.

However, the success of communication is determined by a number of indicators, the most important of which are the pragmatic and socio-psychological aspects. In the first case, the effectiveness of communication is determined by the achievement of the goal and the success of overcoming the obstacles that have arisen in the course of achieving it. From a socio-psychological point of view, the most important is satisfaction from the process of communication itself. This avoids difficulties such as tension, stiffness and tightness. In other words, this is a subjective feeling associated with a sense of completeness and stability of interpersonal relationships in the absence of fears, suspicions and feelings of loneliness.

In verbal communications, the indicators of effective communication are the following: how the participants in communication understood each other, how they reacted to the words and behavior of the interlocutor, what actions confirmed the correctness of perception in feedback.

For example, the effectiveness of a business conversation depends not only on the professional competence of the participants, but also on the manner of behavior, speech culture and listening skills. In general, the main indicators of the effectiveness of interpersonal communications include the achievement by communicants of a certain level of interpersonal perception.

An important indicator of the success of intercultural communications is the understanding of the culture, worldview, value system of the interlocutor. In the case when representatives of different cultures are also speakers of different languages, it must be remembered that the language barrier will contribute to the fact that the interlocutors will pay more attention to non-verbal signs. It is important to remember that the meaning of some of them in different cultures may differ.

In the case of mass communications, it is customary to consider the size of the audience that is covered by the information impact as a universal characteristic of the effectiveness of this type of communication. Also, to assess the effectiveness of mass communications, the following indicators are used: the delivery of information messages to the audience in the context that is compiled by the communicators; coverage of events from a special point of view, representing primarily the position of the communicator; creation of a special moral and psychological state in specific social groups ah or the whole audience; formation of psychological readiness of social groups for active actions, etc.

The causal relationship between the effectiveness of the ICS and the results of the organization's activities is confirmed by studies conducted among employees of Western companies, 28% of which showed that the information they need reaches them too late, and more than half (58% of employees) believe that the disseminated in the company the information is irrelevant to professional activity. As a result, 60% of the employees surveyed want to change jobs. At the same time, to change the composition of personnel, serious financial investments will be required both for the selection and determination of the level of professional competence of personnel, and for the adaptation period. It will take three to nine months for new employees to reach the level of “self-sufficiency” (when the economic result of the new employee's activity exceeds the investments invested in him). Lewis Richard D. Business cultures in international business. From collision to mutual understanding. -M.: Delo, 2001. Pp. 216.

The main criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of the internal communications system are:

number of communication channels;

the quality of joint work that requires the efforts of different departments of the company at the same time;

the number of intermediate links in the transmission of information;

timeliness of dissemination of information;

the adequacy of the use of information channels in the field of activity of the enterprise;

the presence of a balance between vertical and horizontal communications within the company, between documented (formal) information and verbal means;

the state of the socio-psychological climate in the team;

the number of disseminated informal communications (rumors). Ibid, str. 219.

To create a positive image of the company in the market, it is necessary to bring the necessary information to employees in a timely manner, which, as a result, will make it possible to increase the overall manageability of the company, increase work efficiency, staff motivation and operational activities in the market, and will also improve the socio-psychological climate in the team.

Creating an effective internal communications system consists of seven main steps. First of all, it is necessary to diagnose the existing communication system. For example, find out if company meetings are held, is there a corporate Internet portal, bulletin board or honor board, where photos of employees and a list of their achievements are located, understand through whom and how quickly rumors spread, whether opinion polls, questionnaires are conducted in the company, in-house training. The next stage is the creation of a single information space, the development of a company policy and standards in the field of VC, then the implementation of these standards, strengthening the loyalty of personnel, then monitoring the performance of the VC system, assessing its effectiveness and taking measures to improve it, setting new tasks in the field of internal communications management.

Creation of an effective system of internal communications

Tools for building and improving the efficiency of the internal communications system are divided into four main types (table): informational, analytical, communicative and organizational.

It is important to note that most companies use no more than two groups of tools at the same time, while it is recommended to use the tools of each group to build an effective system. The most rarely used internal communications management tools by companies are "mailboxes" for collecting proposals, electronic media, letters to the employer, business games, presentations for employees, electronic libraries, thematic photo stands. Most often, companies use internal meetings, mailing lists, booths with information and internal sites. There are also a number of problems that organizations face when working with internal communications. First of all, this is the absence of an employee responsible for working with the internal communications system on an ongoing basis. As a rule, the company does not allocate a budget for the maintenance and regular work with internal communications. Because of this, information is brought to the attention of employees irregularly, without the necessary emotional charge, sometimes without taking into account the business and the size of the company. Burnet J., Moriarty S. Marketing communications: an integrated approach. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2001. P. 137.

At present, it is extremely important to properly build the work on managing the internal communications system in the organization. It is necessary to create a single information field, eliminate communication gaps, constantly receive feedback from the staff in order to involve employees in the organization's management processes, increase motivation to achieve the company's goals, and improve the quality of acceptance procedures. management decisions. For example, the introduction of the "Corporate Rules" in the company will contribute to the creation of a single information space and facilitate the process of adaptation of new employees. The "Corporate Rules" should reflect all the information necessary for employees to work in terms of organizational and psycho-physiological adaptation: standards are reflected in a simple and accessible form business correspondence and conducting telephone conversations, security, requirements for appearance, social guarantees employees, structure of the company, rules for using the company's library, eating, organizing business trips, using the company's vehicles and courier services, the procedure for calculating and paying wages. The introduction of the "Corporate Rules" will, firstly, reduce the period of adaptation of new employees, and secondly, save the time of mentors, since all the questions that newcomers have in the first month of work are answered in the "Corporate Rules". Lewis Richard D. Business cultures in international business. From collision to mutual understanding. -M.: Delo, 2001. Pp. 224. At the same time, it is advisable to use an internal site for managing communications, where regulations and work standards, design of presentation materials, information about new employees with brief information about their professional experience and core competencies. You can also inform employees about emerging vacancies, upcoming events, and create a page with private announcements and a page "Test of the pen." Part of the information, for example, interesting articles or publications about the company, interviews with our employees, information about birthdays can be placed on information stands next to the dining room and in the corridors of the office. Also in the work it is necessary to actively use corporate events, photo reports, corporate magazines. As a result, employees of the company will always be aware of events and get to know each other better. Undoubtedly, all of the above activities will contribute to the interaction and increase the overall manageability of the company.

The internal communications system is a set of measures. It will fully work if you use a number of tools (see table), since it is a set of measures that makes it possible to make the communication system transparent, open, and regular. Of course, a competent division of functions between the subjects of the VC is also extremely important. For example, work on maintaining an internal site, a corporate magazine and corporate events the PR department and partly the IT department can carry out work on the adaptation of new employees, maintaining the efficiency of the corporate culture and the internal communications system as a whole, maintaining the climate in the team - the personnel service (HR service) with the active participation of top management. Voroshilov VV Modern press service. St. Petersburg: V. A. Mikhailov Publishing House, 2005. Pp. 173.

The introduction of the ICS is ultimately intended to synthesize the theory of management, the theory of organization, the psychology of management and interpersonal communication, and the theory of communication itself. "Gaps", incompetence in one of these areas entails the replication of errors and ineffective actions in all other areas. This applies not only to the work of managers, leaders of all levels, but also to any specialist and the so-called "ordinary" employees, that is, employees involved in the process of communicating with other people.

Thus, in the conclusion of the first chapter, we can draw the following conclusions - as the American authors V. Hovell and P. Dipboy rightly point out, sooner or later every person faces a choice: “in the old fashioned way” to adhere to bureaucratic, soulless principles of work or to make “human factor” as the main axis of its activity. The second path requires from a person complete dedication, intellectual tension, readiness for risk, for making non-standard decisions and the ability to be responsible for other people's destinies. But the game is worth the candle: the results of such work can exceed the wildest expectations.