The exchange is all for 500 rubles. Kwork is a new generation freelance services exchange all for (500 rubles)

Hello, friends! Glad to see you on the pages of my blog! Today we will talk about Joomla captcha... Earlier, we have already encountered the standard reCAPTCHA plugin, which implements the captcha of the same name from Google. Today we will go ahead and take a look at another Joomla spam protection tool - plugin EasyCalcCheck PLUS... It is distinguished by its flexibility - it is able to create both simple mathematical protection and deeply layered, including reCAPTCHA, Akismet, Botscout and other traps for spam bots.

Installing EasyCalcCheck PLUS

You can download the latest version of the EasyCalcCheck PLUS plugin from the developers' site, just do not forget that it must be suitable for your Joomla version.

The plugin is installed as standard - via. After the installation is complete, go to the Plugin Manager, find System - EasyCalcCheck PLUS - ECC + and go to its settings. It's nice that by default all its settings are in Russian. Still such a moment, the plug-in is disabled at first, so after setting up, do not forget to enable it.

Configuring the EasyCalcCheck PLUS Plugin

All plugin settings are concentrated on the tabs on the right. Let's take a look at each of them in turn.

1. Basic parameters

EasyCalcCheck PLUS provides three types of captcha to choose from:

  1. mathematical - the user needs to enter the result of a simple arithmetic operation;
  2. the already familiar reCAPTCHA is reliable, but quite difficult for users;
  3. text - the reader must enter the answer to the question you asked.

Math captcha settings.

  • Check answer - enable / disable mathematical captcha.
  • Operator selection - a choice of two arithmetic operators "-" and "+". You can use either one or both.
  • Number of characters - we determine the number of operands (arguments) of the arithmetic operation. Captcha should not annoy and strain users, so two arguments are enough to keep the brain from boiling.
  • Negative? - allow obtaining a negative result when subtracting.
  • Figures in words are not for everybody. It may confuse readers a little, it will not be clear in what form to enter the result - in words or in numbers.
  • Maximum - sets the maximum value for the arguments of the mathematical captcha.
  • Hidden field - an area hidden from humans, but capable of tricking a spambot and blocking the sending of a message.
  • Blocking time - using this option prevents too fast data entry, which is typical for spam bots.
  • How many seconds? - the time that must elapse before the form is accepted.

ReCaptcha tinctures.

  • ReCaptcha - enable / disable.
  • ReCaptcha Theme - choose a visual design.
  • Public Key and Private Key - we register on the reCAPTCHA service from Google and get public and private keys.

You can view the available styles for ReCaptcha and detailed instructions on how to get the Public Key and Private Key.

Text captcha settings in Joomla.

2. Additional information

In the first part of the settings of the "additional information" section, you need to select the Joomla extensions that will use the captcha of the EasyCalcCheck PLUS plugin. You don't need to add any additional code to these extensions, the captcha will appear in them automatically, which is a definite plus.

  • Where can you add captcha:
    • Registration - forms of Registration and Login / Password Recovery.
    • User login - login (authorization) form. Max. incorrect login attempts - maximum number of authorization attempts.
    • Feedback is a standard feedback form.
    • ALFContact is a small component that allows you to organize sending messages to website users by email.
    • Community Builder and JomSocial are components for creating a social network based on Joomla.
    • DFContact is a simple component for creating a contact page.
    • Easybook Reloaded and Phoca Guestbook are components for the Joomla guestbook.
    • FoxContact and FlexiContact - components for creating a feedback form.
    • Kunena Forum - Joomla forum.
    • Virtuemart is a component for an online store.
  • Store data? - if you enable this option, then when unsuccessful attempt submit the form, the data in it will be saved and you will not have to enter it again.
  • Warning - show a warning under the captcha.
  • Encrypt input fields? - for safety it is worth leaving "yes".
  • Spam protection only for guests - show captcha only for guests.
  • Alternative search string - translated as "alternative search string", but for me this option remained a mystery.
  • Show a link to the author - show a link to the plugin author's site. It is very noble on the part of the authors to enable users to independently decide whether to leave an external link to their site or not.

If you are using EasyCalcCheck PLUS, then be sure to disable the standard reCAPTCHA plugin, because it may turn out that two captchas will be displayed on the page at once.

3. Botstop

Through this section of settings, you can use additional third-party services to protect Joomla from spam. presents a global spam list, which records data from all over the Internet about spam bots - their IP, name and email. To activate the service, just put “Yes” in front of the option. Comments from users whose name, IP and email match those entered in this spam list will be filtered out.

SQL Injection - Enables protection against SQL injection.

Honeypot (translated as "trap") - adds traps to your site for bots spammers. All data from them flows to the developers, where it is analyzed. For the Honeypot Project to work, you need to register at and receive an activation key.

Is one of the most popular anti-spam systems. To activate it, you need to get an API key. Go to the site and click on the button "Get started and say goodbay o cpam".

There is no desire to pay for Akismet, so we choose the Personal version.

Slider on the right "WHAT IS AKISMET WORTH TO YOU?" put it in the leftmost position and get a free version - free. We fill in the following fields:

  • First name - name.
  • Last name - last name.
  • Email and Confirm email - enter your email address twice.

It remains only to press the "Continue" button. A letter will be sent to the specified email, in the text of which Akismet API key is indicated. It should be copied and pasted into the EasyCalcCheck PLUS plugin settings.

Mollom is a service that analyzes the content of information sent to the site. For it to work, you need to get public and private keys. We go to the official website and proceed to registration by clicking "GET STARTED".

There is no extra money, so we choose the free version of the product.

We get into the registration form. You must fill in all the fields and click "Greate new account". A letter with a username and passwords will be sent to the specified email address, as well as links to activate the account you created. Follow it and log in to

Now you need to add information about the site on which mollom will be used. Enter the website address, select the type (personal or corporate), language (Russia - Russian) and software(in our case it is Joomla). Do not forget to check the box next to "I have read and accept ...".

When you have entered all the information, click "NEXT" and get into the site manager. To get the private and public keys, follow the "view keys" link.

Copy them and paste them into the corresponding fields of the EasyCalcCheck PLUS settings.

- the service is similar to, it also tracks nasty bots by the IP, email and name they use. For its work, you need Botscout API Key, which can be obtained on the official website -.

We go to the section "API INFO" - "Get An API Key".

We get to the registration form, in which you must fill in all the fields. One limitation: mail should not be located on the, .ru domains. .info, .ia, .fm, .pl.

When all the fields are filled in, click on the "Get API Key" button. A letter will be sent to the specified mail with the Botscout API Key generated for you.

4. Protection with bot-trap

Allows you to use another spam list, now from the service. On this site you need to register and get the page.restriction.php file, which should be uploaded to the server in the plugins / system / easycalccheckplus / bottrap directory. The task may be complicated by the fact that this Internet resource is in German.

5. Protection of the Admin

For protection, you can change its URL address from the standard to xxx or xxx, where xxx is a marker that you yourself specify in the corresponding option. In fact, only you will know the new address of the joomla admin panel, which will make it much more difficult to hack. The main thing - don't forget the marker!

In the third option, you can set the URL of the page to which the user will be redirected if an incorrect marker is entered.

No CAPTCHA, no questions, no counting animals, no puzzles, no math, and no spambots.

Invisible antispam without CAPTCHA, questions, puzzles, counting animals, math and etc.

CleanTalk Anti-Spam is a Joomla! partner

Anti-Spam features

  1. Stops spam comments.
  2. Stops spam registrations.
  3. Stops spam contact emails.
  4. Stops spam orders.
  5. Stops spam bookings.
  6. Stops spam subscriptions.
  7. Stops spam in widgets.
  8. Checks and removes existing spam comments and spam users.
  9. Real-Time Email Address Existence Validation.
  10. Blocking disposable & temporary emails

Spam protection

Stops spambots at VirtueMart.
Stops spambots at JComments 2.3, 3.0, K2.
Stops spambots contact emails on Joomla feedback from, Rapid Contact, VTEM Contact, Sobipro, RS Form, Breezing forms, Easybook Reloaded.
Spam protection for any Joomla forms (with enabled anti-spam option "Enable anti-spam test for any contact forms").

Cloud anti-spam for Joomla. CAPTCHA less, no spam comments, no spam registrations, no spam contact emails

Spam is one of the most irritating factors. Spam become every year more and conventional anti-spam can no longer handle all the spambots. CleanTalk prevents spam and automatically blocks it. You "ll be surprised of effective protection against spam.

Anti-spam plugin info
CleanTalk is an anti-spam protection 4 in 1 for Joomla that protects login, comments, contact and VirtueMart forms all at once. You don "t need to install separate anti-spam plugins for each form. This allows your website to work faster and save resources. After installation you will forget about spam, CleanTalk plugin will do all the work. You won "t have to deal with spam, CleanTalk will do this for you automatically.

CleanTalk is transparent anti-spam protection, we provide detailed statistics of all entering comments and logins. You can always be sure that there are no errors... We have developed a mobile app for you to see anti-spam statistics wherever.

We have developed antispam for Joomla that would provide maximum protection from spambots and you can provide for your visitors a simple and convenient form of comments / registrations without annoying CAPTCHAs and puzzles... Used to detect spam multistage test that allows us to block up to 99.998% of spambots.

The anti-spam method offered by CleanTalk allows switching from the methods that trouble the communication (CAPTCHA, question-answer etc.) to a more convenient one.

The CleanTalk is premium anti-spam for Joomla, please look at the pricing. We try to provide anti-spam service at the highest level and we can not afford to offer a free version of our service, as this will immediately affect the quality of providing anti-spam protection. Paying for a year of anti-spam service, you save a lot more and get:

  • Up to 99.998% protection against spambots.
  • Time and resources saving.
  • More registrations / comments / visitors.
  • Protect several websites at once at different CMS.
  • Easy to install and use.
  • Traffic acquisition and user loyalty.
  • 24/7 technical support.
  • Clear statistics.
  • No captcha, puzzles, etc.
  • Free mobile app to control anti-spam function on your website.

Low false / positive rate
This plugin uses multiple anti-spam tests to filter spambots with a lower false / positive rate as possible. Multiple anti-spam tests avoid false / positive blocks for real website visitors even if one of the tests failed.

How effective is CleanTalk
Accurately blocking spam is not an easy thing to do, but CleanTalk has a very low proven False / Positive rate. Here is actual statistics on false positives for all customers.

Registrations - 0.007%
Comments - 0.001%
Contact forms - 0.001%
Orders - 0.008%

Spam attacks log
Service CleanTalk (this plugin is a client application for CleanTalk anti-spam service) records all filtered comments, registration and other spam attacks in the "Log of spam attacks" and stores the data in the log up to 45 days. Using the log, you can ensure reliable protection of your website from spam and no false / positive filtering.

Spam FireWall
CleanTalk has got an advanced option "Spam FireWall", this option allows blocking the most active spambots before they get access to a website. It prevents loading of pages of the website by spambots, so your web server doesn "t need to perform all scripts on these pages. Also, it prevents scanning of pages of the website spambots. Therefore Spam FireWall significantly can reduce the load on your web server.

Spam FireWall also makes CleanTalk the two-step protection from spambots. Spam FireWall is the first step and it blocks the most active spambots, CleanTalk Anti-Spam is the second step and it checks all other requests on the website at the moment before submitting comments / registers and etc.

Real-Time Email Address Existence Validation
It is very important to be sure that the user used his real email address. Spambots very often use fake email addresses, i.e. which addresses do not exist.

CleanTalk will check email addresses for existence in real time.
Non-existing email addresses also entail several other problems for website owners.

You can never contact them by email,
- the client will never receive any notifications from you (account activation letter, password recovery, email distribution, notifications, etc.),
- if you use email marketing for your clients, then a large number of nonexistent emails in the mailing list may result in your IP address being added to various blacklists of email servers.

Blocking disposable & temporary emails
Block fake and suspicious users with disposable & temporary emails to improve email delivery. So, it also prevents malicious activity, spam bots, and internet trolls.

Private blacklists:
Personal blacklists are a very flexible and powerful tool, you can block or allow IP address, email address or mask e-mail (* - will block / allow every address ending on @

    Anti-Spam service
    Automatically block comments and registrations from your private black IP / email address list. This option helps to strengthen the protection from manual spam or block unwanted comments from users. You can add not only the certain IP addresses but also a separate subnet to your personal blacklist.

    It allows you to add individual IP addresses and subnets to SpamFireWall. It blocks the attacks from IP addresses which are not included in the SFW base yet. This option can help to block HTTP / HTTPS DDoS, SQL, brute force attacks and any others that made it through the HTTP / HTTPS. You can add not only the certain IP addresses but also a separate subnet to your personal blacklist.

Check existing comments and users for spam. Bulk removal

With the help of anti-spam by CleanTalk, you can inspect through existing comments and users to find and quickly delete spam comments / users at once. To use this function, go to plugin settings: Extensions -> Plugin Manager -> Anti-spam by CleanTalk then click the button “Check spam users” or “Check Spam comments”.

How it works: the plugin takes the data of each comment (IP / email and date), by the comment date or the user registration date, it is checked what the IP / email status in the CleanTalk blacklist database was for that date. Based on this data a list of deletions is generated, which you can edit.

Blocking users by country
Automatically block comments and registrations from the countries you have set a ban for. This option is useful in cases of manual spam protection and for protection enhancement. If your site is not intended for an international audience and you do not expect comments / users from other countries.

Blocking comments by "stop words"
You can block comments which contain "stop words" to enhance spam filtering and messages with obscene words blocking. You can add particular words or phrases.

How does Spam FireWall work?
The visitor enters to your website.
HTTP request data is checked of the nearly 5.8 million of certain IP spambots.
If it is an active spam bot, it gets a blank page, if it is a visitor then it gets a site page. This is completely transparent to the visitors.
All the CleanTalk Spam FireWall activity is being logged in the process of filtering.

Spam FireWall DDoS Protection (Experimentally option)
Spam FireWall can mitigate HTTP / HTTPS DDoS attacks. When an intruder makes GET requests to attack your website. Spam FireWall blocks all requests from bad IP addresses. Your website gives infringer a special page with a description of DDoS rejection instead of the website pages. Therefore Spam FireWall can help to reduce CPU usage on your server.

How to protect sites from spambots without CAPTCHA?
The most popular method is CAPTCHA - the annoying picture with curved and sloping symbols, which are offered to the visitor to fill in. It is supposed that spambots won "t discern these CAPTCHA, but a visitor will. CAPTCHA provokes great irritation, but if one wants to speak out, he has to fill in these symbols time after time, making mistakes and starting once again. Sometimes CAPTCHA reminds doodle 2x year old child. For users with vision problems, captcha is just an insurmountable obstacle. Users hate captcha. Captcha for users means "hate". Unreadable CAPTCHA stops about 80% of site visitors. After 2 failed attempts to bring it up to 95% reject further attempts. At the sight of CAPTCHA and after input errors, many visitors leave the resource. Thus, CAPTCHA helps to protect the resource both from bots and visitors. CAPTCHA is not a panacea from spam. Doubts Concerning the Need for CAPTCHA?

Can I add exclusions for some pages of my sites
Yes, you can. Open the file "custom_config.php" from directory / plugins / system / antispambycleantalk
There are lines:

    Exclusion for URL:

    // Exclude urls from spam_check. List them separated by commas private $ cleantalk_url_exclusions = "";

    Exclusion for fields:

    // Excludes fields from filtering. List them separated by commas private $ cleantalk_fields_exclusions = "";

For example: If you need to except these URLs:

You should add this:

Private $ cleantalk_url_exclusions = "some";

Make note, that you can add multiple URLs separated by commas:

Private $ cleantalk_url_exclusions = "Url1", "Url2", "Url3";

Additional features
- Online, daily and weekly anti-spam reports traffic VS spam.
- Apps for iPhone, Android to control anti-spam service, comments, signups, contacts. With traffic and spam statistics for last 7 days.
- Anti-spam apps for most popular CMS on

This is a freelance shop. Minimum cost services on the site are 500 rubles, while the service provides a money-back guarantee and reduces the time spent on discussions to a minimum.

The service review was prepared with the support of Kwork.

To bookmarks

Since the time of Ivanhoe, where Walter Scott first mentioned the term "freelancer", the word has changed its meaning. By freelance, Scott meant a nomadic warrior who was not in full-time service. Nowadays, a freelancer is more of an Internet warrior who is not tied to a job.

The advantages of freelancing are obvious: free schedule and lack of strict control. There are also disadvantages, and most often they relate to wages- it is piecework and depends not only on the professionalism of the freelancer, but also on his ability to sell himself and look for orders. Many people use freelance exchanges for this, where they either look for clients or wait for the customer to turn to them.

In mid-2015, Forbes released with the headline "How Freelancers Are Taking Over the World." It's hard to argue: in the UK and USA, the freelance services market is growing by 3% annually. Analysts predict such growth for another 5 years.

In Russia, the situation is worse. There are many freelancers - by the end of 2014 there were more than 2 million of them - but it is inconvenient to place orders on freelance exchanges. Ordering a service is accompanied by lengthy negotiations and correspondence. In addition, many sites do not provide guarantees - because of this, it is almost impossible to control payments, to deal with disruptions of orders and disappearances of the performer.

Service home page

The founders of the Kwork service took these shortcomings into account. Basically, Kwork is a freelance shop. Service categories are familiar to those familiar with freelance exchanges. These are SEO, design, marketing, development, work with text, audio and video. There is a category "Interesting" - non-standard services fall there. For example, the ability to buy your own pedigree book or print a print on a T-shirt.

The site has an unusual payment model for services. A standard order is called a kwork - one kwork is equal to 500 rubles. If the order is larger or more complex, then you can purchase additional options. For example, the analysis and the first consultation of one of the SEO specialists costs 500 rubles. But the customer can add additional categories - internal optimization, keyword selection or order articles.

Adding additional options

This payment model allows the customer to buy small services at a fixed price. At the same time, flexibility is maintained - if you need more services or options, you can buy them for additional kwork. According to a Kwork survey, more than 62% of all freelance services are small orders up to 1.5 thousand rubles.

The site has a rating system. Clients rate freelancers on a five-star scale. After completing the order, you can leave feedback - they are divided into two categories: negative and positive. On the freelancer's page, you can also see how many orders are completed on average, how many orders have already been completed and how many orders are in the queue.

The service provides guarantees of return and accrual of funds to both parties. It works like this. When ordering a service, the customer pays for it, but the money does not get to the freelancer immediately, but only after the work is done. The customer can return the funds if the freelancer has not yet started work. If the seller has not started placing an order, the funds will be returned automatically after two days. In case of disputable situations, both parties can apply to arbitration - service support, which will sort out the problem and help solve it.

Design Service Categories

You can replenish your Kwork wallet with any bank cards, electronic payment systems (WebMoney, Yandex.Money, Qiwi), from your phone balance or in cash through Svyaznoy and Euroset stores. A freelancer can withdraw money to WebMoney or Qiwi wallets.

The service is monetized by charging a percentage from the payment of kwork. According to Kwork founder Mikhail Raitsin, the service will never have paid functionality. For example, access levels, promotion of services and pro-accounts. “Everything should be honest and transparent - if the seller makes money, then we are together with him. If not, he won't pay any money, ”Raitsin says.

Mikhail Raitsin

Since November 2015, when Kwork was created, the number of orders handed over has exceeded 4 thousand per month. The number of kworks on the site is approximately 13 thousand pieces. In plans for 2016, service representatives call an increase in audience coverage and expansion of functionality.

Our plan is simple enough - to create an affordable and convenient freelancing market. In Russia, it is now at a makeshift stage, pricing is completely chaotic, and terrible quality control is already legendary.

A simple analogy can be drawn: the current market is a fair where thousands of sellers and buyers try to find common ground, bargain for every trade, and often try to cheat each other.

We are creating a supermarket where all goods are arranged on shelves, pricing is absolutely transparent and understandable, and the interests of the buyer and seller are protected by the very mechanism of the service.

For us, the freelance market is not a service market, it is a commodity market.

90% of freelance orders are routine small tasks that do not require long discussions and approvals. And even more so trade. You don't haggle for a pack of sausages or ketchup at the supermarket, do you? You just walk into the store and put everything you need in the basket, knowing that you will end up with a perfectly edible sandwich on the way out. This does not negate haute cuisine (complex projects that require the participation of exclusively highly qualified freelancers and the maximum involvement of the client in the discussion), but how often do you go to gourmet restaurants and how often then disappointedly say to yourself: “I wish I cooked it myself - both tastier and cheaper "?

Our immediate plans are to maximize the volume of available corks and work to attract new customers. We can use standard methods for promoting online stores, and this is very convenient - all KPIs are transparent and easy to calculate (ARPPU, ACPU, LTV and others), as well as implement the best experience of world leaders in online trading - a smart system of individual recommendations (Amazon for us - one of the role models), e-mail marketing, referral program and more.

The main focus is now on improving the convenience of ordering and maximum user satisfaction. We are proud that we were able to raise the percentage of successfully completed quorks to 88%. This is really cool.

Mikhail Raitsin, founder of Kwork and other projects of the Mirafox holding

Kwork Is the most popular freelance exchange in Russia, where there are a lot of useful services and clients who are ready to spend their money!

It differs from most modern exchanges in that there freelancers create services themselves and set a fixed price for them. And the customer simply walks through the catalog and chooses the necessary cwork for himself.

Kwork Is a reworked word "work" which can be translated from English as a service. There is a popular freelance website in the USA Fiverr and he is one of the first to implement such an idea.

The most important thing is that on Kwork you do not need to issue paid subscriptions, take weird tests or something like that. Just register and get started!

Kwork Exchange Review

The exchange is very easy to use, but there are points that need to be understood. Therefore, we will consider all the nuances of the site for freelancers and customers.

For performers

Of course, on the Internet you can find a lot of reviews that on Kwork you can earn more 40,000 rubles per month and spend only 2 hours a day. However, people went to this for a long time, and it will be difficult for beginners.

The fact is that all services on the site are divided into sections and the platform has its own queue ranking algorithm. As a rule, the first block shows the services of already proven freelancers who have a high rating!

Therefore, the first orders are given very hard, especially since no one wants to order services from a freelancer without a rating. But if you offer more profitable terms relative to competitors, that is, an opportunity to start.
In this case, you should provide some kind of bonus if your customer leaves you positive feedback. It is very important in correspondence to persuade the customer to review! Sometimes you have to create a dozen services to fire just one.

Another caveat is that most services are sold for 500 rubles, but the freelancer gets 400 rubles. All because the exchange takes a commission in 20% but newbies don't know about it.

Working conditions on the exchange:

  • Exchange commission: 20% for the performer;
  • Withdrawal commission: 3.5-3.9%;
  • Withdrawal methods: Qiwi, Bank Card, WebMoney;
  • Difficulty finding a job: 3 /5 .

Basically, they create curls that can be completed in 1-3 hours of work. Therefore, it is quite realistic to perform 2-3 kvorka per day, and then the earnings will be about 30,000 rubles per month!

For customers

At the moment, Kwork has covered all types of freelance services, that is, everything that can be done via the Internet is already on the site! This is surprising and very convenient, especially for those who have little free time.

Types of services:

  • Training courses;
  • Helping students;
  • Accounting and taxes;
  • Legal assistance;
  • Site construction and customization;
  • Design for home, interior, website, etc.

More than 50 categories that combine a dozen more various services and everything can be ordered for 500 rubles! In 2 clicks you can find and order the right job, while it is not required to draw up a statement of work.

You can top up your account using Bank card, WebMoney, Yandex Money, Qiwi wallet or using mobile operators... At the same time, the commission varies from 2.5 to 5%.

If you were provided with a low quality service, then the administration can return the money to the account. Therefore, do not be afraid to take risks and place orders with new Freelancers, this helps to develop the site.

Today Kwork can be called the best freelance exchange in Russia! Well, what do you think? Is it worth working or placing orders on this platform. Write about it in the comments.

Hello dear friends and blog guests! Today we will talk about another freelance exchange Kwork, where all online services are provided for you for 500 rubles. This is a service that is offered to us by the developers of such well-known, highly visited and very popular services among users of Internet resources, such as GoGetLinks, Miralinks... With which you are already familiar earlier from my articles, and other materials, of which there are a great many on the Internet.

So, let's take a closer look at this amazing freelance exchange. Kwork ...

Kwork is a new generation freelance exchange. Freelance services at a fixed price (RUB 500)

When your kwork is chosen by the customer, then you will find out about it and will be able to complete the task and receive your reward.

To work on the freelance exchange, both as a customer and as a performer, you first need to register there.

How to do it? There is nothing difficult in registration! You just need to follow this link to the freelance exchange and fill in all the proposed fields and that's it, you are a registered user of the freelance exchange.

4 steps to your earnings on Kwork :

  • You need to create your own kwork and go through moderation. Then your proposed services online will appear in the feed.
  • Now we receive an order and possibly clarify all the nuances of performing the service online with the customer
  • The next point: we carry out our order, create our own report and hand over the completed work to the customer
  • And the best part: we get money

Here's everything that I wanted to tell you about the new generation freelance exchange, where everything is 500 rubles.