How to open a stall yourself? How to open your own kiosk, what goods are better to sell in a stall. Pros and cons

-> Trade, services, transport

One of the types of small businesses that do not require large start-up investments is opening your own kiosk, stall or stall. Behind all these names lies, in fact, a small trade pavilion that retails the most different goods daily demand. It is the lack of serious initial costs that attracts a large number of start-up businessmen to this business.

In chapter Business plans you can read for free and Download Sample Kiosk Business Plan Sample, and in this article I will talk about how to open a kiosk or a stall, what steps you need to take, what difficulties you may encounter.

Mini business plan for a small retail business street trading

golden theme early 90s. As we then annealed!

When organizing small-scale retail trade (stall, kiosk, trade tent, etc.) there are several subtleties (read - "pitfalls").

It is better to open several stalls. Why? It's simple: failure at one outlet is offset by success at another. In addition, it is impossible to pretend to be a supermarket and sell all the goods in one place - the format does not allow. A point of sale, for example, of cigarettes will be appropriate in one place, and fruits and vegetables in another. Without focusing on any one type of product, there is always the opportunity to get a good overall revenue.

This is where the first problem arises. Reality makes adjustments to flawless theoretical constructions. As the experience of many entrepreneurs shows, the point you bet on employee- distributor, starts earning less money and eventually becomes profitable. As a result, it turns out that the point where you trade yourself “feeds” all the others.
Conclusion: if you want to make money in small retail street trade, you must stand behind the counter yourself. By yourself or members of your close-knit family. It turns out that this business, whatever one may say, is a family business.

What problems and why do hired sellers-realizers create? And is it possible to fight it? And how to deal with this if you still have the opportunity to open more than one point, but you cannot physically be present in two places at the same time?

The fact is that employee, applying for a vacancy of a seller-realizer, this, as a rule, is a person with a difficult fate ... if you understand what I'm talking about. That is, he is initially in such a social niche, from which nothing worthwhile comes out. And to think about a different attitude of such people to life and work is simply ridiculous.

Today, the situation has been greatly improved by migrant workers - people, as a rule, who have a higher education, but, due to circumstances, have fallen into the wrong society, with the only noble goal - to feed their families. And even if these people do not have higher education, they are still socially much more adequate than our compatriots applying for the vacancy of an implementer outlet.

However, not all entrepreneurs want to deal with migrant workers - due to mutual distrust and other social complexes, so lovingly nurtured by our media. In addition, all worthy people from the fraternal republics of the CIS, as a rule, stick together and strive to open their own business, and "free artists" are the same as our compatriots. But it's worth looking, let's not generalize so harshly and unfairly.

Thus, you have a difficult choice - to work at one point yourself, involving only your family for help, or to try to learn how to organize people, cultivating leadership qualities along the way.

So, the first problem with hired distributors is that they are absolutely not interested in developing your business, and this is clearly visible on their faces when they communicate with customers. To motivate them with money so that they "burn" at work is difficult, but possible. The easiest way is to make wages as a percentage of revenue. In figures, this is approximately from 2.5 to 8% of sales (depending on the direction and location of the outlet). That's when a person will be vitally interested in gaining more.

This method also has its pitfalls - if the trade is objectively not going on, then the seller will borrow money from you. Checked!

The second problem is that such implementers often work in one or two other places besides you and come to you physically and mentally exhausted. This problem is fairly easy to deal with. Make him a work schedule so that he does not have the opportunity to get a second job. Better if "day after day". Such an intense schedule does not allow you to relax, go into a binge, start looking for a job somewhere at a construction site, or even disappear in an unknown direction.

What is the trade margin practiced in this industry?

For outlets selling groceries - 30-35%. For tobacco stalls - 20–22%.

As a rule, on average, one outlet brings from 10 to 35 thousand rubles of “dirty” profit per day. Thus, on average, if there are three outlets, you can earn “clean” about 60 thousand rubles per month. Taking into account the fact that all payments (both official and shadow) have already been made.

What payouts will you face?

The first is taxes. As a rule, this is a simplified taxation system (STS) - 6% of turnover or a single tax on imputed income (UTII).

Territory cleaning, garbage disposal, toilets (used by sellers) - the numbers here can be very different. Again, on average, it will cost 3-4 thousand rubles per month for one outlet.

We will not talk about shadow payments, besides, these figures are generally not taken into account by anyone. However, it is worth remembering that the penalty for not penetrating cash receipt- is 3 thousand rubles at a time, and according to the experience of entrepreneurs, it has to be paid stably - a couple of times a month.

Payments made once a year: re-issuance of documents - 35 thousand rubles; agreement with Vodokanal (if there is water supply) - 5 thousand rubles; maintenance of cash registers - 15 thousand rubles.

If you are just going to master this business, remember: you need to start from one point. Only by independently untwisting it, you can think about connecting a second one to it.

One of the most successful solutions for start-up entrepreneurs who do not have much business experience and a large start-up capital is to open their own stall. It does not require a serious approach from the management, so you can easily run your small business without quitting your favorite job. In addition, you can get precious experience that will help you open more serious projects or develop the current one.

In retail competition, even in the most small town always has a high rate, but this does not prevent intervening in an already run-in system! Shops, supermarkets, malls and small boutiques fight for consumers' money every day. At large networks stores have an advantage - this is the volume, however, small retail outlets also have a plus - a deep understanding of their customers, walking distance, as well as an individual approach.

The main advantage of opening a stall over a large store is significant savings. Money on lease. The disadvantage immediately follows from the resulting plus - this is a small area, and, therefore, you will not be able to store a lot of goods. Another disadvantage is the limited size of the display case. In addition, the buyer will not be able to get inside, which means that even weather affect sales.

If you open a stall with a specialized assortment, then this will serve as an excellent start for doing business in small cities and towns. Today it is often observed that there is a shortage of specialized stores and this niche can be filled by a stall. It should be noted that in small towns the level of well-being of residents is lower than that of people living in the capital. Based on this, it will not be right to offer expensive goods!

Then how to open your stall so that you can have regular customers? Need to do right choice goods for sale. If you're going to be selling newspapers, stationery, or food, then you can't compete with stores. However, if you choose a narrow niche for yourself and start selling various varieties of tea, then you will definitely have regular customers, which will bring you the lion's share of the profit!

You must create your own competitiveness! To do this, you must follow the main rules:

  • First you need to find a convenient location.
  • A convenient work schedule for your customers.
  • Unique and salable items!

With a properly selected room, you won’t even need advertising, because your point of sale will be visible from afar and buyers will not pass by. If, nevertheless, your stall is located far from places with high traffic, then you can use outdoor advertising.

Depending on the right location, as well as the products sold, such a business can bring up to several thousand dollars per month. At the same time, the starting capital for opening a stall is not great! The main thing is to have money for rent and wages of the seller for the first two months. Don't forget about the first batch of goods! In addition to all this, you will need to purchase cash machine You may need a small heater and a small TV to create a more comfortable working environment. If you also sell frozen products, then you will need a refrigerator.

Trading Basics

Running a small retail trade consists of very simple steps:

  1. You need to find a suitable supplier of goods.
  2. Deliver goods to your stall.
  3. You make a wrap in the amount of 50-100%.
  4. Start selling your product!

Of course, you can do everything yourself, but it is best to hire two salesmen for shift work. Periodically bring re-registration to control your employees.

Don't even think about keeping the proceeds in the stall. It is best to collect money on your own every day or arrange with a nearby store. Install a safe and keep money in it! Every evening the seller will leave the proceeds, and once a week a collector will come.

You can charge for the delivery of goods transport company. But this is not always an expedient solution, since the volume of goods is not at all large and most likely can easily fit in a personal car.

We solve problems

You have a small area, and there is a problem with the storage of goods. So you will have to import products often, maybe even once every two days! Although this indicator will greatly depend on the specifics and shelf life of the products sold.

Example: You sell fruits - in this case, you have nowhere to go and you will have to import fresh goods every 2 days. If you sell discs with video games, movies, etc., then you only need to import a new batch every 2 weeks. Such a product does not take up much space, can be easily stored in boxes and does not deteriorate!

You already have a person to carry out sales, and then who will be engaged in the purchase of products? If you are only the owner of a few stalls (or one), then you cannot afford to hire a purchasing specialist. In addition, it will take you not only a tidy sum to pay wages, but also a lot of effort to control such an employee. So it's better to handle this duty yourself!

One of the main tasks is to find a good, reliable supplier who works in the right place and with a convenient schedule so that the purchase does not create discomfort! You will have to fit trips to the supplier into your schedule, so keep everything in mind.

You need to think ahead and make a list of all necessary goods for the purchase so that you can calculate the budget. It is better to have a stable small working capital than to constantly bring in new products with the money you just earned. try to find golden mean, because there should be exactly enough goods in the stall so that the same stock is always maintained. It is enough to keep the very simple accounting system in the form of a notebook, which will be of great help to you!

It is important and even very important to correctly approach the design of the window, as well as to set competitive prices! The size of the showcase drives you to a limited frame, so you need to carefully select the exhibits of the products.

Where to start?

There are two proven ways to help you open your own kiosk. Let's look at them with examples and draw conclusions.

Option number 1

Imagine that you decide to open a kiosk selling jewelry. What do you need for this?

  1. Find out what suppliers are in the city and make contact with them.
  2. Find out the purchase price of the product and determine the retail price for your kiosk.
  3. Now you need to start looking for a suitable place to open a retail outlet. Firstly, there should be a lot of women here, and secondly, make sure that similar goods are not sold nearby!

You need money for the purchase of the first batch, as well as a deposit for rent. Keep your funds ready! Once you find appropriate place, then you can instantly open your stall. However, this method has a drawback - you can spend a lot of time looking for a suitable place.

Option number 2

To get started, find a room in a passable place for a reasonable fee.

  1. When you have found a kiosk, you will need to analyze competitors and calculate what products should be sold in such a place.
  2. Then find suppliers and check prices.
  3. Every time you find a place, you'll have to do some quick market research!

There is an advantage here! You take less risk, as you can adjust your outlet to a different product. You will also be able to spend less money than in the case of searching for a kiosk for a specific product.

If you are opening your own stall for the first time, you can use one of the options offered. If you are already the owner of one profitable outlet, it would be advisable to open a second similar kiosk with a similar assortment! You will have advantages: firstly, you already know which product is in demand, and secondly, you will not need to look for new suppliers. The last argument is that you can “knock out” a discount from your supplier due to the volume of purchased products.

Where to open a stall?

The first specificity of selling goods in stalls is that the entrepreneur most often rents the premises. The construction of such kiosks and the subsequent task of renting them out is a completely different, more big business. Those who want to open their own stall are most often offered a ready-made option, which includes kitties, the installation of which was agreed with the authorities and the electricity provided.

You can open your stall not only on the busy streets of the city, but also indoors. In this case, large shopping centers, metro stations, train stations and others act as a lessor. Working indoors has its advantages: security, necessary communications, a serious flow of paying customers.

There is also a minus: high rent, and a good place is rarely found! Finding a free suitable place for a stall is quite difficult. Moreover, you need to make sure that the place and the product match!

What product to sell?

Following the question how to open your own kiosk another thought comes to mind: “What is there to sell in it”? let's look at several options for product directions for sale through a stall.

Alcoholic products and related products : with such an assortment you can find 60% of stalls in our country. Buy juice that you can drink right now or chips to eat on the spot - they satisfy this need. By opening such an outlet, the entrepreneur will give up excess profits in favor of less risk and stability. Such stalls are located most often in the sleeping areas of the city.

Products : very often kiosks specialize in some type of product. For example: vegetables, fruits, fish or dairy products. In some cases, some goods are mixed. Located near the supermarket, you can count on those customers who only need to buy "halibut" and they will not wait in line at the supermarket. Also, your customers may be those people who believe that in stalls and shops where there are fewer goods, they monitor the quality more and such entrepreneurs value their customers!

Printed products : There are two kinds of buyers of magazines, scanwords and newspapers. The former are those who like to draw information at home, while others acquire it to pass the time on the road. Given this fact, it is best to place in a stall of this format on the territory of the station, metro stations. Given the high traffic, you will be able to serve customers of the first and second type.

Drives: Today, this type of product is not very popular, and all thanks to the Internet and pirated products. If you choose this path, you will have to pay bribes to various oversight bodies. First, it will reduce your profits and second, it is illegal! Therefore, if you have already decided to trade discs, then this will be a license! It is necessary to locate such a kiosk in very busy places, next to thematic stores and shopping centers.

Flowers : this product belongs to the category of "perishable", so the flower stall should be located in a location with high traffic. In this case, you need to pay a little more for renting the premises than overpaying for the goods! Also, the seller must know the basics of decorating bouquets, and even better, find a florist.

Souvenirs : if you decide to sell such a product, then you need to rent an area near the places where tourists gather. For example, near historical places, attractions, transport hubs, hotels, etc. The main disadvantage is seasonality. However, in right time you can save a small amount.

Expensive specialized goods : Expensive teas, coffees, cigars - these and other similar products are quite difficult to sell in big stores because the demand is very low. Therefore, a stall with such goods is best placed in the corridors of shopping centers and do not forget to spend money on advertising!

Finally, we will give you some tips if you still decide to open your own small stall business.

  1. No need to chase a wide range. Your best bet is to focus on your top-selling products. You can only find out by trial and error. Try to change the assortment at first and just leave the product that works best!
  2. Opening hours - try to simply close your outlet an hour later and an hour earlier than your competitors. If your additional profit from this mode of operation will pay for the increase in costs, then it is worth sticking to such a schedule.
  3. Does your stall sell unusual and specialized items? Then why don't you open an online store and use the kiosk as a retail point for self-delivery of goods purchased by the client.

You will need

  • - permission from the local administration and the fire inspectorate;
  • - registration certificate individual entrepreneur;
  • - "box" of a trade booth;
  • - a set of commercial equipment (including a cash register);
  • - one or two interchangeable implementers.


Choose the location where you will be kiosk keeping in mind the main circumstances favoring street trading. Firstly, you need high traffic, secondly, the ability to connect to electricity and other communications (if necessary), and thirdly, the absence of fierce competition in the chosen territory. The latter is important both from a purely economic point of view and for reasons of your safety - you need to learn about the established traditions and undercurrents in this field of activity in advance.

Obtain permission to install a retail outlet in your chosen location, apply to the architecture department and the trade department of the local government. Once approved, register individual entrepreneurship in the organ tax office. Get the consent of the fire inspectorate in advance, who will then arrive again at the already equipped point to check the serviceability of the fire extinguisher with which it will be equipped.

Purchase kiosk, having studied all the available ads for the sale of used trading "boxes" - for a large city this is enough hot commodity. Arrange delivery and installation kiosk and at the point you have chosen - all the work will take you several days at most, although it will require the involvement of a third-party work force and technology. Connect to electricity by concluding an agreement with an electricity supplier.

Buy a standard set of shop equipment for kiosk a - wooden trays, metal racks, refrigerator and scales. Also purchase a cash register, which will need to be registered with the tax authority. Such a set of commercial equipment for your purposes will be quite enough.

Find a few vendors who will work in your kiosk e, replacing each other. Many owners of outlets prefer to work in the stall on their own, only having to leave workplace at the time of purchasing the goods. It is possible to hope that a hired seller will trade effectively only if his wage will be made up of salary and a percentage of the profit received for the shift.


  • Business plan for opening a kiosk

Trade is one of the most common types entrepreneurial activity. Sales of products through kiosks the most profitable type of trade. To get started, the kiosk is enough to install and fill with goods.

You will need

  • - an area with a flat surface;
  • - blocks or bricks for installation.


Purchase the "box" of the kiosk and install it, observing the terms and location specified in the permit documentation. Already on the fact of installation, Rospotrebnadzor and the fire inspection should also give you their “good”.

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Useful advice

Try not to forget that all documents for the right to maintain a trading kiosk must be reissued once a year - untimely completion of this procedure can create a lot of unnecessary trouble.

It is advisable to organize round-the-clock work of the "stall" if it is located in a busy place where life does not stop even at night - on the main streets and squares, abounding in "night" entertainment.


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One of the most profitable types of business is the pharmacy business. The need of the population for medicines never decreases, while the range of medicines is constantly growing. Therefore, with the right approach to business, the payback period for this business can be calculated in months. Opening your own pharmacy or pharmacy kiosk is not much different from opening a retail outlet, except perhaps the presence additional restrictions.


First of all, you need to decide on the location of the opened. The most profitable places are considered to be crowded places, for example, shopping, subway exits, etc. The high costs of renting premises here pay off with large sales volumes. On the other hand, on the outskirts of the city, you can save on rent, but the flow of buyers in this case will be lower.

The pharmacy must be licensed. The process of obtaining permits may take up to six months, because. provides for the long-term operation of various services (fire fighting, sanitary, etc.).

The specificity of the goods being sold requires the presence of highly qualified personnel in the state. First of all, this is a pharmacist who not only performs the functions of a seller, but also advises buyers on the purchase of a particular drug.

Finally, an indispensable condition for the success of this type is the availability of a wide range of goods that satisfies the demand of a large number of buyers. In addition, the client should always have an alternative for any drug. The range of goods can be expanded with devices for diagnostics and other goods for the purpose.

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The demand for fresh meat has always been and will continue to be high. Not in every city you can easily find fresh goods. With the right approach to creating and developing a business, the meat department will bring good profits.

You will need

  • - a package of registration and permit documents;
  • - business plan;
  • - room;
  • - shop equipment;
  • - suppliers;
  • - advertising.


Make a business plan. You will need it not only to calculate the profitability of your activities, but also to receive loan funds.

Find a room. It can be bought or rented. If you are going to sell fresh meat, then a cutting shop is a must.

Install commercial equipment. You will need refrigerators and freezers chests, counters, cash registers, scales. If you will make semi-finished products directly in the store, you will need an electric meat grinder, a set of carving knives and axes.

Get the necessary registration and permits. First of all, it is necessary to register with the tax authority as an individual entrepreneur or legal entity. Next, you will need a certificate from the sanitary and epidemiological service, a trade permit, a license to distribute food.

Agree on the supply of goods. It is better to work with small but proven farms who have all the necessary invoices-certificates.

You can also trade in other livestock products: dairy products, eggs, etc.

Hire employees to work in the store. You will need at least one butcher. For him, experience is required, because he must properly and beautifully present your product. Be sure to check with the butcher for a valid medical book. If you want to save on staff, then you can stand behind the counter yourself, or you will have to hire a seller.

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Useful advice

To avoid unnecessary investment and paperwork, you can try to find a store that offers a ready-made trading place (although this will be quite difficult) with all the trading equipment and permits. In this case, you only need to conclude an agreement on the joint provision of services with him.

Have you decided to start your own business? Find a suitable niche in which there will be few competitors. Selling ice cream is a great summer business idea. Very little investment is needed. It will also require hard work and luck. With this approach, success is guaranteed!


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Newspaper kiosk- an example of a small business that will bring a low, but constant income. Despite the development of the Internet, people continue to read newspapers and magazines, so this business promises to be stable.

You will need

  • To open a kiosk, you will need land for a kiosk, the kiosk itself, business registration and coordination with the administration, product suppliers.


You can either buy your own kiosk and set it up in a chosen location, or rent a kiosk. In the first case, you will have to rent land from a local, which will be a rather long and costly process. Or you will need to rent space in a shopping center. In addition, you will invest a lot of money in a kiosk. Therefore, rent an existing kiosk, especially if it is located in a good location. If the location of its location does not suit you, then you can use it on a rented area.

You will need a minimum legal registration- registration as an individual entrepreneur. You can register at the local tax office. The registration fee today is 800 rubles.

With suppliers, magazines and other goods, you can negotiate deliveries via the Internet. In addition to newspapers and magazines, it will be profitable for you to sell other little things: notebooks, pens, napkins, and so on. This is especially useful if there are few shops nearby.

If you don't want to be the salesperson yourself, you should hire two salespeople working in shifts. It is not necessary to require special "art to sell" from such sellers, a certain flow of customers will be provided in any case. Therefore, you can take sellers without work experience for the minimum wage.


In the age of the Internet and television, there is less and less space left for the traditional receipt of information in the form of reading newspapers and magazines, but young people are more interested in new types of media, while the older generation continues to read newspapers. This aspect may give rise to the organization own business with the opening of a newsstand.

Useful advice

Many people want to have their own business, albeit small. Often, such an undertaking grows into a big deal over time, as experience in the commercial field is gained. Opening your own stall best option to test your entrepreneurial skills.


After registering as an individual entrepreneur, start looking for a suitable place to place a stall. It is advisable to exclude the presence of others with similar products nearby. Position yourself in a high traffic area, such as a public transport stop. Next, you need to contact Sales Department council, on whose territory yours will be located, for paperwork for rent. You will need a cash register, a refrigerator for drinks and at least minimal amenities (a chair, a heater for the cold season, a fan for the summer, etc.).

The most popular assortment is beer, low-alcohol drinks, chewing gum, chips, nuts, etc. The list must first be agreed with the district government and the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision, as well as receive the appropriate trade. You can buy at wholesale bases. If you do not have your own place to store products, orders should be made at intervals determined by the demand for the product and its consumption.

The number of tent sellers depends on the mode. The working schedule can be in a day, two in two, or a day in two, if trading does not stop on time. It is most effective to search for personnel through advertisements, especially placing tents in the window. Most valuable quality seller - decency. Even if at first glance a person inspires confidence in you, it would be useful to check him for cleanliness in order to avoid problems with shortages in the future.

A bread kiosk in a residential area of ​​​​the city or just anywhere with high traffic can be an excellent type of business for a novice entrepreneur - betting on a high turnover, you can eventually achieve more favorable conditions cooperation with suppliers, bakeries and mini-bakeries.

You will need

  • - permission of several departments of local administration;
  • - stationary kiosk, new or used;
  • - trade equipment (racks, wooden trays, cash register);
  • - arrangement with several suppliers of bakery products;
  • - seller-realizer (one or two interchangeable).


Find out at the local administration before starting to select a place for a stall, where, according to existing rules, you can locate an outlet in principle. In some cities, the choice of places and stalls is very limited and you have to proceed not from your own desires, but from the requirements of the city administration. Having already chosen a specific place, coordinate it with the Department of Architecture and Urban Planning and obtain permission from the Department of Trade.

Evaluate the offers of companies that manufacture stationary trade kiosks in your city or its environs. If it is possible to order a new kiosk - do it, if there is not enough money, agree on the purchase of an already used stall with the owner who is liquidating his outlet. In the latter case, you will most likely have to bear the costs of dismantling and transporting the kiosk.

Equip the kiosk with everything you need, namely the simplest commercial equipment (a few racks and wooden trays), as well as fire alarms. Purchase a cash register, register it with the tax office (if you already have the status of an individual entrepreneur), conclude an agreement for servicing the cash register. A ready-to-work outlet must be accepted by employees of the licensing authorities - the fire inspection and Rospotrebnadzor.

Gather a base of all possible suppliers bakery and confectionery(they can be supplemented with an assortment) in your region. Keep in mind that many manufacturers do not work directly with retail outlets, but sell bread to wholesalers who deliver goods to outlets themselves. It will be more convenient for you to work with wholesalers - although they make an additional markup on the goods, you will not have to organize the delivery of bread from the factory or from the bakery, and this will greatly facilitate your life.

Find a distributor that is reliable in all respects, preferably having received some recommendations from his past employers. An honest and polite seller is the key to the prosperity and well-being of your outlet, it is better to change ten distributors and find a worthy one than to constantly incur losses from the unfair performance of their duties by the first one.

The owner of a network of pavilions with inexpensive Japanese food, Alexander Zhukovsky, told how his business functions and how new trendy food is beginning to crowd out the usual sushi and rolls. Source:

Alexander created in Novosibirsk new format catering establishments - a network of pavilions selling Japanese takeaway food. In an interview, the businessman tells how he managed to bring people closer to the rolls, how much you can earn on the love of "Japanese food" and what to trade in the future, when the public is already tired of sushi and rolls. Alexander, how did you come up with the idea to sell Japanese food in the format of fast food, like shawarma and hot dogs? I spied the idea when I was vacationing in Thailand and decided why not organize the same thing with us. The main idea was to combine the production and sale of rolls to go in one place. This format has its advantages. Firstly, it allows you to significantly save on rent, security, waiters, and therefore the cost is reduced. final product without losing its quality. Secondly, you always get a fresh product, and this is very important in Japanese cuisine (try to eat a 2-day-old roll). And thirdly, local production allows you to quickly respond to changes in demand - if a dish sells better, therefore, it can be made more. The first such point that we opened in the shopping center, which is called "fired". We only occupied a few square meters, but sales were very high. Most importantly, then we managed to form good team, which set the level for the development of the entire network. The conclusion we made is that this format allows us to attract to Japanese cuisine not only existing fans, but also those who, for whatever reasons, including financial ones, never visit cafes and restaurants with Japanese food. What is the markup level at your outlets? The average markup in our pavilions is set at 130%. For catering, this is very small. In the same restaurants, the popular Philadelphia roll will have a mark-up of at least 250%. Of course, we can trade a little more expensive, but our task is to make the product more accessible to the masses. Relatively speaking, so that the grandmother, who went for groceries, could visit our point and buy herself a portion of inexpensive rolls. And I believe that it will no longer be possible to trade cheaper - for this you need to save on raw materials, which will naturally affect the quality of the finished product. And the consumer already understands a lot about Japanese cuisine and reacts quickly to any changes.

Approximate daily turnover of a Japanese takeaway outlet: Average check- 300 rubles The number of purchases per day - from 100 units. TOTAL: from 30,000 rubles. per day or from 900,000 rubles. per month.

But what about competitors who can offer even more low prices: the same supermarkets and delivery services? As for supermarkets, I don't see any obvious competition from them. Agree, what lies on the window for an incomprehensible number of days does not inspire much confidence in the consumer. After all, people understand that this dish is consumed fresh, made right now. Delivery services also have disadvantages. One of the main - minimum amount, after which the order will be delivered to you for free, otherwise there is no need to talk about any benefit. Plus, it is not known in which "basement" these rolls are produced. It's one thing if it's famous company in the city, it is completely different - these are constantly changing and disappearing delivery services, in which products are produced by no one knows who and no one knows from what. I am sure that our key advantage is that we actually prepare meals in front of the customer. In the near future we will put up showcases on which fish and seafood will be laid out, from which we produce dishes, as is customary in classic sushi bars. What is the amount of investment to open one such outlet? The equipment alone at our point costs about 1.7 million rubles. We rent a pavilion, and if we built it, the costs would be several times higher. Of course, you can save a lot. I saw retail outlets that fit into 200 thousand rubles. True, and they closed relatively quickly. We are only better off for this - let the consumer have something to compare with. Approximate investments for the opening of a turnkey Japanese cuisine pavilion:

  • Purchase and installation of a pavilion - from 500 thousand rubles.
  • Summing up communications (water, electricity, sewerage) - from 200 thousand rubles.
  • Kitchen and refrigeration equipment - from 400 thousand rubles.
  • Commercial equipment - from 100 thousand rubles.
  • Business registration, project approval, permits - from 50 thousand rubles.
  • Purchase of raw materials and ingredients - from 100 thousand rubles.
  • Staff training - from 50 thousand rubles.
  • Advertising - from 30 thousand rubles.
  • Other expenses - from 100 thousand rubles.

TOTAL: 1,530,000 rubles Even 10 years ago, sushi and rolls were almost an elite product, but today they are sold on city streets as ordinary fast food. Where will this segment of public catering develop further? I believe that rolls are a dead end direction in which there is nowhere to develop. Three types of enterprises have already developed in this area: cafes, delivery and pavilions - what else can you think of? In my opinion, those entrepreneurs who focus on expanding the cuisine of Southeast Asia as a whole have great prospects. For example, we are selling more and more noodles. Of course, we had to work hard and even invest some money to bring its quality to mind. But now this dish is in high demand among our customers. Sushi and rolls are an appetizer, you can’t fully dine with them. But noodles, meat in sauce, fried chicken are normal food for every day. Moreover, the food is very diverse, as there are a lot of options for dishes. The time will come when we, like the West, will become popular with Asian eateries, with small halls designed for take-away trade. Such places will sell a lot of delicious and inexpensive freshly prepared food that you can buy on the way home or to eat at work. There is indeed room for improvement here.

In this material:

For those who want to start their own business, information on how to open a stall will be useful. If you correctly build this business and sell goods that are in high demand, for example, food, then in six months you can recoup your investment in a stall. Big cash investments in order to open a business is not required. They can be used to start if there are no significant savings to start a business.

Starting a business

To open your trading kiosk, you need to prepare Required documents, choose a place, purchase equipment. When starting, it is recommended to follow some rules:

  • you need to register as an individual entrepreneur;
  • there must be documents confirming permission to place a stall in a certain place;
  • you need to purchase a trading pavilion or kiosk;
  • it is required to purchase equipment for the stall: racks, shelves and refrigerators;
  • you need to hire salespeople to work at the kiosk.

Before you open your trading kiosk, you must register with the relevant authorities as a subject of individual entrepreneurial activity. This is done in order to be able to use the simplified taxation system.

After receiving a certificate of registration of an individual entrepreneur, you need to contact the local government and obtain permission to install a retail outlet.

A similar permit is required from the architectural department of the city. We'll have to get papers from Rosstat and pension fund. You can handle all the paperwork yourself or entrust this business to people who know all the loopholes and will help you complete the documentation faster. During the preparation of documents, you can simultaneously search for a place to install an outlet.

Selecting a point of sale

Experts recommend equipping stalls indoors, for example, in shopping centers. So the staff will be safe, and engineering communications will be nearby. If it is decided to open a stall in an open area, you need to carefully select the site. It is recommended to install kiosks in places where there is a constant flow potential buyers. It is advantageous to place a kiosk in close proximity to residential buildings, near educational institutions or metro stations. To accommodate a kiosk, a plot of 6 to 8 m² is required.

It is necessary to conduct a market analysis and study the range of nearby outlets. You need to determine the advantages and disadvantages of competitors, as well as assess whether a new outlet can compete with them. You should not rule out the option that you will have to look for a new place where there will be fewer stalls and mini-shops.

Buying or renting a stall

After all the documents are ready, you can search for a stall or pavilion. You can buy ready-made designs or hire people to do everything from scratch. The stall or pavilion must comply with all the standards established by law. After installation, you need to obtain certificates from the fire inspection and Rospotrebnadzor. You can not only buy a kiosk, but also rent it in the municipality. In this case, it will be possible to significantly reduce financial expenses. There is no need to spend money on installation and purchase of a new pavilion; in the finished building, all communications are usually connected. You can also open a kiosk on the territory of any building. For example, they are convenient for placing a metro station or shopping center. In order to open a stall in such a place, you need to conclude a lease agreement with the owner.

Renting also has a few downsides. The location may not be as convenient. Some owners demand too high rent.

Stall equipment and staff

It is impossible to open a kiosk that will make a profit without purchasing the necessary equipment. For each owner it is individual, it all depends on what product will be sold. Exists general list equipment that must be available:

  1. A safe in which the proceeds will be stored.
  2. In the winter season, you can not do without a heater.
  3. Refrigerators must be provided for stalls selling food. If necessary, an oven or microwave may be required.
  4. Scales and a chair for the seller.

Depending on what product will be available, shelves or racks are needed. It is desirable to conduct water, electricity. The outlet should be located so that there is a toilet nearby.

To work in a kiosk, it is also necessary to hire staff - sellers. It is desirable that they have experience in the field of trade, as well as the skill of handling a cash register. We will have to decide in advance on the work schedule. If there are several sellers, you can set a shift schedule, for example, a week after a week.

The kiosk is usually open from 8 am to 8 pm. If the kiosk is located in the area of ​​a busy highway, a round-the-clock schedule will be convenient. The amount of payment is determined by the entrepreneur, but it should not be lower than the average in the market, otherwise it will be difficult to find people to work.

If the outlet will be engaged in the sale of food, sellers must have sanitary books.

The seller must understand modern market and be responsible for ordering goods from suppliers. It is advisable to hire a security guard or install an alarm to prevent robberies.

You need to decide on the product that will be sold. Buy right away a large assortment not required. It is better to observe what more buyers ask. It is much more profitable to initially find regular suppliers with quality goods. The range should depend on the time of year. For example, ice cream, cold drinks and beer are in high demand during the summer. The selection of the assortment also depends on the place of trade. Near educational institutions, office buildings, metro stations or train stations will be best sold bakery products, fast food, hot tea and coffee.

Cost of opening a stall

  1. The purchase or construction of a new kiosk or pavilion will cost from 35 to 110 thousand rubles.
  2. Purchase of scales and refrigeration equipment - up to 13 thousand rubles.
  3. A cash register registered with the tax office - about 7 thousand rubles.
  4. Independent paperwork or with the help of professionals - from 10 to 100 thousand rubles.
  5. Remuneration of personnel - up to 120 thousand rubles per year per employee and more.

As a result, to open your stall, you will need an amount of 180 to 350 thousand rubles.

Kiosk is a profitable business. Typically, the costs pay off in a period of 2 to 6 months. It all depends on how competently the business plan will be drawn up. It is also important the location of the outlet, and the range of goods, its type and demand for it. If the kiosk will work around the clock, respectively, and the revenue will be greater.

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