How to attract an employee to work. How to attract, retain and motivate valuable employees

Zarine Karapetyan, Head of HR projects at CITY Consulting Group

For a company striving to become a leader in the industry, the primary goal is to attract as many customers as possible. Fighting for the consumer, each organization chooses its own strategy: some enter the market with rather aggressive marketing campaigns, others rely on exceptional product quality, and others rely on high-quality service and service. However, the basis of the competitiveness of any company are people, thanks to whom the steps to success are taken. It is the employees - their qualifications, knowledge, personal qualities- a guarantee of the implementation of any strategy of the organization.


We strive to become leaders in our industry

and therefore we attract the best specialists to cooperate.

Large holding owner

Indeed, many leading companies do just that - they recruit the best professionals in branch. How to do it? There are several ways, and they are most effective in combination. The first option is headhunting (English head hunting - “hunting for heads”) - a popular concept in modern recruitment science, the essence of which is to entice employees from competitors. This method is quite expensive, because. the specialist you are luring should be offered more attractive conditions: a salary that exceeds his existing income by more than 30%, additional bonus schemes, guarantees and benefits. Yes, and headhangting services are quite expensive.

Do not neglect the labor market - often highly qualified specialists look for work on open vacancies of companies. However, HR managers play a significant role here, who have to do a lot of work on the search, selection and evaluation of candidates. With a lack of internal resources, it is more expedient for companies to involve in the implementation of these tasks recruitment agencies.

Based on my own experience, I note that there are rare cases when a professional specialist himself comes to the company. After working for a certain time in the initially offered position, he understands in which direction he wants to develop, monitors the position of companies in the industry, chooses the most attractive career options for himself and offers his candidacy. It is these specialists who are the most effective and loyal to the company.

Another source of "supply" professional staff there may be personal connections, acquaintances of top managers and company owners. As a rule, when a top manager joins a new organization, he brings with him the best specialists with whom he worked at the previous place. Yes, and the owners, developing a new direction or new business, prefer to put people at the head of the company, whose professionalism and responsibility have been tested by years of successful joint work. Without a doubt, each company must raise its own professionals, invest funds and knowledge in their development now, in order to get a multiple economic effect after a certain time, which will be the result of the right management decision which allowed the line employee to become a leader and leading specialist.

Separately, it should be noted that if earlier companies were looking for the “best of the best” only on key positions, now this rule is increasingly applied to the vast majority of positions. The fact is that any company is like a ship in a raging ocean of dangers and opportunities. It depends on the well-coordinated and qualified work of all personnel whether the elements or the team will win.


I work for this company

because it is not like any other.

Large company employee

Let's answer the question: how can a company stand out from others for a highly qualified specialist? I suggest you give examples according to your experience. I think the factors that we will note will coincide. So, these factors include:

■ product / solution;

■ company goals;

■ leadership and team;

■ technology;

■ tasks and capabilities of the employee;

■ working conditions, wage;

■ compensation package.

Each of us spends a significant part of our time at work. Deliberately destroying own life no one wants to, and in this regard, most specialists are looking for exactly “their” company in which they will work comfortably. The selection criteria for each individual - from the location to the status of the organization. The company, in turn, is not as mobile as the individual. Accordingly, she has much fewer selection criteria, and they remain constant:

■ qualification of the employee;

■ his personal qualities;

■ salary.

Not all companies are leaders, but each occupies its own niche in the market. So how do you retain valuable employees? Experience shows that wages are not the main driving force, the employee's motives are often much deeper than material benefits. Everyone knows that wages in large companies not the highest. Its performance is close to the market average, and sometimes even lower. However, leading organizations can offer their employees a lot of other benefits: an extensive social package, company-sponsored training, modern management mechanisms, advanced operating technologies. Small firms, in turn, attract specialists, providing them with an extensive area of ​​responsibility and significant powers, the opportunity to earn more with high performance, a close-knit team, and a “family” atmosphere.


Man is a social being, therefore the environment in which he is located plays an important role for personal and professional growth. Specialists belonging to the category of "valuable employees" are distinguished precisely by the fact that, by accumulating experience, they gradually delve into the essence of key issues that are closely related to such a phenomenon as the spirit of the company. First of all, the specialist understands why the organization exists on the market and what internal tools allow it to develop. Based on this, he can adjust his personal plan actions, analyzing what contribution he himself, as well as his colleagues, can make to the common cause. From this follows the opportunity to evaluate the performance of each employee and how loyal the company is to its specialists.

Everything is subject to change - people, companies, and principles. But you probably noticed that any organization adheres to the criteria of work approved by the owner. This is also true for the features of the corporate culture, which often reflect the character, tastes, worldview of the business owner. You can draw up a fairly detailed “portrait” of the owner, for example, by how you are met at the reception, how the company conducts interviews, meetings, entrusts the work site, solves problems, interacts with customers, congratulates you on your birthday, supports you in a difficult life situation, organize corporate events, trainings and much more. Rules of good manners have existed for centuries, but even they have undergone changes. What to say about corporate ethics- this fragile substance requires constant attention from the management of the organization and the participation of each employee.

Depending on the size of the company, the owner, HR director, manager or director of corporate development of the company can deal with issues related to corporate culture. It is not necessary to indulge all the requests of workers. Each organization should have its own corporate values ​​and select employees in accordance with them. The system of values ​​should be built "from above" and instilled in the staff in stages. Collective adherence to common values, which extends to top management, creation necessary conditions for their implementation is the key to the formation of a superteam and the successful development of the company.

In the last two or three years, it has become quite common such a phenomenon as remote work when part of the employees perform duties that do not require the presence at the workplace. In such situations, the interaction between team members worsens, team cohesion weakens. In this case, the manager needs to pay more attention to maintaining the corporate spirit. Modern telecommunication means can come to the rescue, which will allow employees who are far from each other to communicate and exchange information. Here is an example from the practice of our company: as you know, consulting is a constant communication with clients. The work of consultants is traveling in nature, and it is quite difficult to get everyone together. That is why the “Monday rule” was introduced in our organization: every Monday in the first half of the day we gather in the office, allocate about two to three hours to resolve work issues, exchange information, discuss plans and just communicate with each other. In addition, during the day we are all in touch using phones, the Internet and other means of communication.


However, if your company has not only the desire to take a leading position in its field, but also the ability to offer the applicant a decent salary, you have the right to attract the best highly paid specialists. But keep in mind that not everything is sold and bought for money - in addition to economic benefits, there must be moral ones as well. If you set yourself long-term goals, then the union of a specialist with your organization should be based on trust, confidence in each other and mutual benefit.

The experience of participation in international projects with the involvement of foreign specialists has shown that for Russians the main factors in the feeling of successful labor activity are the very possibility of work, the excitement of achieving goals and the approval of management. In addition, we are not at all afraid of processing.

As you know, the global financial crisis has led to a sharp decline in wages in our country, which affected almost all areas of activity. Some companies quickly recovered and raised salaries again, some failed to improve their performance. At the same time, the vast majority of specialists from companies belonging to the second group did not refuse to cooperate with their employers: people understand that this situation is temporary and will soon change for the better.

It would seem that if a company does not have the opportunity to pay a “market” salary, as well as provide employees with attractive bonuses and benefits, then it remains to be content with those employees who “no one hires” for work. I dare to refute this opinion. Such companies can attract professional specialists subject to four rules.

1. Search the right people from those living in nearby areas. Moscow is a huge metropolis. The need to travel long distances every day, as well as the notorious traffic jams, are inciting an increasing number of people to look for work close to home. The material and time costs of travel, as well as a shattered nervous system, cannot always be compensated for by a slightly higher salary. In addition, companies and online employment resources provide an opportunity for a territorial search for vacancies and employees.

2. Provide the possibility of a flexible work schedule. Unfortunately, many people associate a “flexible schedule” with idleness, but what matters in an employee is the efficiency of his work, which is reflected in the results of work, and not sitting at the computer from 9.00 to 18.00. Naturally, this does not apply to positions such as, for example, a call center operator. Thus, if you tend to control the results of an employee’s work, and not the process, then feel free to implement a flexible schedule.

3. Invite young professionals to work. Let them be applicants with not very extensive work experience, but able to quickly delve into the tasks assigned to them.

4. Invite older people to work. Due to the reluctance of many companies to accept specialists “over 45”, there are a large number of such candidates, they are ready to work for a lower salary, and young and ambitious specialists can envy their experience and knowledge.


Some professionals had the opportunity to assess the benefits of having a social package that includes medical insurance, a subscription to a fitness club, payment for communication services, company transport, bonuses, training. For some, such bonuses are not yet available. In this regard, an important question arises: how to intrigue the first group of potential employees?

It is no secret that routine work and the same type of operations are boring and quickly lead to fatigue, unwillingness to fulfill our obligations, because nature has laid in us a constant desire to comprehend the new. So it is at work: even being in the same position, you can and should perform new operations. I am impressed by the experience of large foreign companies, in particular the Japanese ones. People can work in them all their lives, but on different positions. Upon reaching certain results, Japanese specialists are distributed to other departments and even to other positions. Thus, management, on the one hand, encourages employees not to relax, on the other hand, it receives more qualified personnel. All in the same Japanese companies, according to the kaizen strategy, each specialist considers it his duty to make a proposal to optimize the activities of a particular business process, which is useful not only for the mind, but also for the wallet of employees, since the best proposals are encouraged.

In many companies, the system is intensively personnel reserve when a specialist can develop within his organization. Some firms are increasingly implementing socially significant urban and international projects, within which employees switch to new tasks, gain additional experience, as well as new connections.

Separately, I would like to dwell on the question of whether individual specialists should be retained. The decision is always individual: in some cases, the whole team may leave for a specific person, and you will be left with nothing. In other situations, the state of affairs can change dramatically for the better: a conflicting person will leave, and someone who enjoys authority and trust will come in his place. It is always necessary to analyze what is happening in the company and what are the risks of leaving one or another specialist.

Never forget how small the world is. If it so happened that you have to part with a person, do it beautifully: the moment will come when you can be useful to each other. If neither you nor the employee have an unpleasant aftertaste in their souls, then you can forget past disagreements and direct your common forces to new tasks. That's exactly what my client did - rehiring former employees. During their work in another organization, they gained additional experience and new contacts, becoming even more valuable for the company.

In conclusion, I would like to note that work with personnel is a continuous and cyclical process. The best specialists they will pay attention to you if the company is of particular interest to them, which, in turn, largely depends on the well-coordinated work of your team.

As you know, the goal of recruitment is to create a reserve of candidates for all jobs, taking into account, among other things, future organizational and personnel changes, layoffs, relocations, retirements, contract expiration, changes in the direction and nature of production activities.

When recruiting, the personnel service should proceed from the determination of the optimal number of personnel. There should not be a shortage of workers, the consequences of which may be disruptions in production programs, industrial injuries, conflict situations in the team, and excess, which can lead to an increase in cash costs for the wage fund, a decrease in interest in high-quality and highly skilled work, and an outflow of skilled workers.

The task of the personnel service is to monitor compliance personnel organization to the production tasks facing it. Possessing information about the strategy of the organization, its structure, main activities and acceptable organizational culture, the personnel service can begin the search and selection of the necessary workers. Distinguish between internal and external sources of staffing the organization. The process of recruitment of candidates is influenced by factors of the external and internal environment.

Factors external environment: legal restrictions; situation in the labor market; the composition of the labor force in the market and the location of the organization. Factors of the internal environment: personnel policy– principles of work with personnel, strategic personnel programs, for example, the principle of job promotion of workers already employed in production, the principle of lifetime employment ...; the image of the organization - how attractive it is as a place of work (attractive are larger firms, firms known for their products to the candidate).

The choice of a particular organization by a candidate is connected with his own goals, plans and features, as well as with the current situation. For the hiring manager, understanding how a person is looking for a job can help organize the most effective candidate acquisition process (Appendix 1).

In large organizations, recruitment is carried out by the personnel management department, in particular, the recruitment sector (human resources department). Requests for the selection of specialists can also come from line managers (LM). It is important that hiring managers work closely with line managers when designing admission procedures and implementing the recruitment itself. The actions of managers are illustrated in Appendix 2.

Sources of attracting candidates

Internal sources are the people working in the organization. In a number foreign countries In Japan, for example, when vacancies appear in the administrative apparatus, it is customary to first announce an internal competition for filling a position from among their employees and only then, in case of negative results, invite outside specialists to participate in the competition. It is believed that this improves the moral climate in the team, strengthens the faith of employees in their organization.

When working with a reserve in all large firms, there are so-called relocation matrices, which reflect the current position of each manager, his possible relocations and the degree of readiness for the next position (ready to take immediately in a year, in two years, but this requires advanced training in certain areas, etc.).

Methods for recruiting staff from an internal source are diverse.

Internal competition. The personnel service can send information about open vacancies to all departments, notify all employees about it, ask them to recommend their friends and acquaintances for work.

Some French firms use an internal source of recruitment in three cases: when striving for the formation of a minimum number of personnel (personnel is partially released and redistributed, personnel service completely abandons external recruitment); during the redistribution of personnel; when moving personnel, for example, the departure of a person who was at a certain step of the pyramid is compensated by an increase in the personnel step from lower levels.

Combination of professions. In these cases, it is advisable to use the combination of positions by the employees of the company themselves (if the contractor is required for a short time, to perform a small amount of work).

Rotation. For some organizations, especially those in the stage of intensive growth, it is considered very effective to use internal sources of recruitment of managerial staff, such as relocation of managers. The following options for the movement of leaders are possible:

promotion (or demotion) in position with the expansion (or decrease) of the circle official duties, an increase (decrease) in rights and an increase (decrease) in the level of activity;

· raising the level of qualification, accompanied by an assignment to the manager of more complex tasks, which does not entail a promotion, but is accompanied by an increase in salary;

Change of tasks and responsibilities, not caused by advanced training, not entailing promotion and salary growth (rotation).

This type of rotation, as a rule, leads to a broadening of horizons, an increase in managerial qualifications and, ultimately, is accompanied by the promotion of employees of the organization.

External sources of recruitment include all that indefinite number of people who are able to work in the organization, but do not work in it at the moment. Among them can be both people with whom the heads of the organization and HR employees have previously met on the issue of employment (from the so-called waiting list), and specialists with whom such meetings are yet to come.

employment centers. Many firms and companies use local employment centers as a source for hiring people. These services can help find less qualified staff (for simple, routine work, possibly part-time). As a rule, specialists who lost their jobs due to the bankruptcy of their former enterprises and were forced to undergo retraining (retraining) to master a new specialty get a job through the employment service.

Employment agencies (staffing agencies). Many HR managers use hiring agencies to save time and the hassle of finding new staff. The Agency submits an application for specialists indicating the position, salary, content of activities, indicative search and selection criteria. As a rule, a well-performing agency presents several candidates for the employer to make his own choice. A “guarantee” may be given for the represented specialists, which takes effect in the event of the dismissal of a specialist in own will or incompetence within the stipulated period. In this case, the agency is obliged to present other candidates for this position free of charge.

Independent search through the media. Many serious firms prefer to independently search and select candidates for work. In this case, it is very important to have a good idea of ​​what media they are referring to.

It is necessary to correctly formulate an informational announcement in order to attract the attention of the most suitable candidates. It is advisable to note in the announcement some features of the personnel you are interested in (recruitment restrictions), for example, education, special work experience or, conversely, lack of practical experience.

Some of the advantages and disadvantages of various sources of staffing for an organization are illustrated in Appendix 3.

Before making a decision on the selection of new employees, it is advisable to determine whether all the means that are a kind of alternative to hiring have been used in the organization. These include: overtime work, increased labor intensity; structural reorganization or the use of new production schemes; temporary hire; attracting specialized firms to carry out certain types of activities.

Personnel recruitment costs.

Before recruiting, financial plans the organization should take into account the costs. So, if an organization uses an hiring agency to select employees, then its costs will be at least two weeks' salary of this employee, and if the person of interest to the organization is a specialist, then the costs will be approximately equal to his monthly or one and a half months salary.

Using the services of such agencies, on the one hand, significantly saves time full-time employees organizations, as external HR consultants do most of the pre-selection work, and only those who pass through the screen (usually up to five people) will be interviewed directly by the HR manager or head of the organization.

On the other hand, agency employees do not always have enough information about the organization’s strategy, its culture and the characteristics of those leaders “under whom” the candidate is selected, this can lead to various kinds of misunderstandings, up to the rejection of all candidates proposed by the agency. Of course, in this case, the costs of the organization can be very tangible.

It is believed that one of the cheapest ways to recruit staff is to search for candidates through employees working in the organization (their friends or relatives who need work). This method does not require special costs, since the employees of the organization, in fact, do a significant part of the search and even selection work.

According to some researchers, there are differences in economic efficiency currently used methods of search and selection of personnel. As a basis for comparing these methods, one can dwell on the total costs of the organization, correlated with the number of employees hired (Appendix 4).

Evaluation of the quality of recruitment

In addition to quantitative indicators of the effectiveness of the personnel service in the search and selection of new employees, you can also use a qualitative indicator, which is calculated according to the following formula:

Kn \u003d (Rk + Pr + Or): H,

where Kn is the quality of recruited workers,%;

Pr - the percentage of new employees who have been promoted within one year;

Op is the percentage of new employees remaining to work after one year;

N - the total number of indicators taken into account in the calculation.

Of particular note is the possibility of using temporary recruitment by an organization that is at the stage of dynamic growth. This approach is nothing new for those organizations that change the volume of their activities seasonally, adding staff as the volume of activities increases. To optimize this temporary recruitment process, recruitment agencies are created that specialize in the selection of such employees. As a rule, such personnel are under the special attention of the agency, which is focused on ensuring the maximum employment of such employees.

There are also forms when such employees are included in the staff of a personnel company, which, in turn, rents them out to a specific enterprise during the season of increased work. The complexity of organizing such work lies in the fact that a personnel company must work with enterprises whose peaks in the need for personnel do not coincide, but are distributed over time.

In addition, temporary recruitment, in addition to its main purpose of providing an organization with people for a certain period, can be an excellent way to screen temporarily hired workers with a view to possibly continuing to cooperate with them on a long-term basis.

As you know, the goal of recruitment is to create a reserve of candidates for all jobs, taking into account, among other things, future organizational and personnel changes, layoffs, relocations, retirements, contract expiration, changes in the direction and nature of production activities.

When recruiting, the personnel service, as we found out in the previous chapter, should proceed from the determination of the optimal number of personnel. There should be no shortage of workers, the consequences of which may be disruptions to production programs, industrial injuries, conflict situations in the team, and an excess that may lead to an increase in cash costs for the wage fund, a decrease in interest in high-quality and highly skilled work, an outflow of skilled workers .

In short, the task of the personnel service is to monitor the compliance of the personnel of the organization with the production tasks facing it.

Having information about the organization's strategy, its structure, main activities and acceptable organizational culture, the personnel department can begin the search and selection of the necessary employees. Distinguish between internal and external sources of staffing the organization.

The process of recruitment of candidates is influenced by factors of the external and internal environment.

Environmental factors:

    legal restrictions;

    situation in the labor market;

    the composition of the labor force in the market and the location of the organization.

Factors of the internal environment:

    personnel policy - principles of work with personnel, strategic personnel programs, for example, the principle of promotion of employees already employed in production, the principle of lifetime employment ...;

    image of the organization how attractive it is as a place of work (attractive are larger firms, firms known for their products to the candidate).

Decision making by the candidate and tasks of the HR manager

The choice of a particular organization by a candidate is connected with his own goals, plans and features, as well as with the current situation. For an HR manager, understanding how a person is looking for a job can help organize the most effective candidate acquisition process:

Actions of a potential candidate

Tasks of the Human Resources Manager

Step 1. Determination of the ultimate goal of promotion and the sequence of jobs on the way to this goal.

What allows you to consider the proposed places in the organization in terms of the option of the final or intermediate job

Analysis of the labor market and identification of possible segments, whose representatives, from his point of view, may strive for goals that are adequate to the corporate culture of the organization and a specific workplace (at a certain stage of a career). An attempt to reconstruct the goals that the person you are looking for should strive for.

Step 2. Determination of current sources of information about the proposed jobs.

This allows the candidate to choose both the most informative, trusted media, and those oriented in a certain way (by specialty, by status level, etc.)

Analysis of the methods of obtaining information that are most suitable for your potential candidate.

Evaluation of the influence of various media on the segment of the labor market from which it is possible to attract a candidate.

Step 3. Analysis of the proposed jobs, comparing them with each other by:


    types of companies

    proposed features,

    other grounds.

Narrowing the range of proposals to a few that should be considered more closely. The candidate forms the so-called competitive list and compares the conditions offered in different organizations based on the specifics of their own motivation: in terms of remuneration, if possible, career growth, professional development, etc.

Analysis of competitive offers and development, if necessary, of ways to argue for your company.

Assumption of additional parameters that may be important to your potential candidate. In order to be able to do this, it is necessary to reconstruct the specifics of motivation that person what the organization is looking for - what it should be focused on first of all: finance, growth, development, certain guarantees, etc.

Step 4. Analysis of the candidate's own capabilities. This allows you to build the most successful argumentation during the selection procedures.

Flexible approach when negotiating with a candidate. The possibility of changing functional duties, status in case of prospects of the candidate. Candidate prospects assessment, career design

Step 5. Constantly monitor career progression from one job to another, tracking new job offers and changes in personal opportunities. This step is not a situational action - it is rather a general attitude that can be realized in the course of all labor activity.

Who is recruiting

In large organizations, recruitment is carried out by the personnel management department, in particular, the recruitment sector (human resources department). Requests for the selection of specialists can also come from line managers(LM). It is important that hiring managers work closely with line managers when designing admission procedures and implementing the recruitment itself. The actions of managers are illustrated in the following table:

recruitment procedures

Actions of the line manager (LM)

Actions of the personnel manager (MP)

Setting hiring objectives

Setting tasks and consulting with the MP

LM consultation on the state of the labor market

Deciding on recruitment sources and establishing company recruitment policy

Deciding on the recruitment policy, consultation with the MP

Consultation of the LM on the possible status of the candidate at the enterprise in case of his employment

Decision on dialing methods

MT consultation on recruitment methods

Determination of recruitment methods and consultation with the LM

College Applicant Recruitment

Sometimes college graduates

Recruitment of employees from colleges

Studying the effectiveness of the set

Recruitment cost-benefit analysis

Recruitment cost-benefit analysis

Sources of attracting candidates

Internal sources are the people who work in the organization. In a number of foreign countries, such as Japan, when vacancies appear in the management apparatus, it is customary to first announce an internal competition for filling a position from among their employees and only then, in case of negative results, invite outside specialists to participate in the competition. It is believed that this improves the moral climate in the team, strengthens the faith of employees in their organization. When working with a reserve in all large firms, there are so-called matrices movements, which reflect the current position of each leader, his possible movements and the degree of readiness to occupy the next position (ready to take immediately in a year, in two years, but this requires advanced training in certain areas, etc.).

Methods for recruiting staff from an internal source are diverse.

Internal competition. The personnel service can send information about open vacancies to all departments, notify all employees about it, ask them to recommend their friends and acquaintances for work.

Some French firms use an internal source of recruitment in three cases:

    when striving to form a minimum number of personnel (personnel is partially released and redistributed, the personnel department completely refuses external recruitment);

    during the redistribution of personnel;

    when moving personnel, for example, the departure of a person who was at a certain step of the pyramid is compensated by an increase in the personnel step from lower levels.

Combination of professions. In these cases, it is advisable to use the combination of positions by the employees of the company themselves (if the contractor is required for a short time, to perform a small amount of work).

rotation. For some organizations, especially those in the stage of intensive growth, it is considered very effective to use internal sources of recruitment of managerial staff, such as relocation of managers. The following options for the movement of leaders are possible:

    promotion (or demotion) in a position with an expansion (or reduction) of the range of duties, an increase (decrease) in rights and an increase (decrease) in the level of activity;

    raising the level of qualification, accompanied by an assignment to the manager of more complex tasks, which does not entail a promotion, but is accompanied by an increase in salary;

    a change in the range of tasks and responsibilities that is not caused by advanced training, which does not entail promotion and salary growth (rotation).

This type of rotation, as a rule, leads to a broadening of horizons, an increase in managerial qualifications and, ultimately, is accompanied by the promotion of employees of the organization.

TO external sources recruitment refers to all that indefinite number of people who are able to work in the organization, but not working in it at the moment. Among them may be both people with whom the heads of the organization and employees of the personnel service had previously met on the issue of employment (from the so-called waiting list), as well as specialists with whom such meetings are yet to come.

employment centers. Many firms and companies use local employment centers as a source for hiring people. These services can help find less qualified staff (for simple, routine work, possibly part-time). As a rule, specialists who lost their jobs due to the bankruptcy of their former enterprises and were forced to undergo retraining (retraining) to master a new specialty get a job through the employment service.

Recruitment agencies (recruitment agencies)). Many HR managers use hiring agencies to save time and the hassle of finding new staff. The Agency submits an application for specialists indicating the position, salary, content of activities, indicative search and selection criteria. As a rule, a well-performing agency presents several candidates for the employer to make his own choice. A “guarantee” can be given for the represented specialists, which comes into force in the event of the specialist’s dismissal of his own free will or incompetence within the agreed period. In this case, the agency is obliged to present other candidates for this position free of charge.

Independent search through the media. Many serious firms prefer to independently search and select candidates for work. In this case, it is very important to have a good idea of ​​what media they are referring to.

It is necessary to correctly formulate an informational announcement in order to attract the attention of the most suitable candidates. It is advisable to note in the announcement some features of the personnel you are interested in (recruitment restrictions), for example, education, special work experience or, conversely, lack of practical experience.

The following table illustrates some of the advantages and disadvantages of various sources of staffing for an organization:





An example of the possibility of self-realization within the organization is perceived as an encouragement of successful work.

For the organization, work continues with employees who are already known, as well as reducing financial expenses for recruitment

There may be a risk of complications in personal relationships between employees, there may be "nepotism"


Possibility to choose from a large number of candidates.

New people - new ideas and ways of working

Adaptation of a new employee, possible deterioration of the moral and psychological climate among long-term employees

Hiring Alternatives

Before making a decision on the selection of new employees, it is advisable to determine whether all the means that are a kind of alternative to hiring have been used in the organization. These include:

    overtime work, increased labor intensity;

    structural reorganization or the use of new production schemes;

    temporary hire;

    attracting specialized firms to carry out certain types of activities.

Personnel recruitment costs

Before recruiting staff, the financial plans of the organization should take into account the costs. So, if an organization uses an hiring agency to select employees, then its costs will be at least two weeks' salary of this employee, and if the person of interest to the organization is a specialist, then the costs will be approximately equal to his monthly or one and a half months salary. Using the services of such agencies, on the one hand, significantly saves the time of full-time employees of the organization, since external personnel consultants carry out most of the work on the preliminary selection of candidates, and only those who have passed through the “screening sieve” (usually up to five people) will be interviewed directly by the manager for staff or head of the organization. On the other hand, agency employees do not always have enough information about the organization’s strategy, its culture and the characteristics of those leaders “under whom” the candidate is selected, this can lead to various kinds of misunderstandings, up to the rejection of all candidates proposed by the agency. Of course, in this case, the costs of the organization can be very tangible.

It is believed that one of the cheapest ways to recruit staff is to search for candidates through employees working in the organization (their friends or relatives who need work). This method does not require special costs, since the employees of the organization, in fact, do a significant part of the search and even selection work.

According to a number of researchers, we can talk about differences in the economic efficiency of the methods used today for the search and selection of personnel. As grounds for comparing these methods, one can dwell on the total costs of the organization, correlated with the number of employees hired:

Methods of search and selection of personnel

Result of the total amount of all types (%)

Acceptance rate of proposals sent out

Job offer acceptance rate

Persons who applied in writing in search of work

Publication of announcements

Various agencies

Direct Distribution to Colleges

Recruitment within the company

Persons who accidentally entered the organization in search of work

Reference lists of job seekers

Evaluation of the quality of recruitment

In addition to quantitative indicators of the effectiveness of the personnel service in the search and selection of new employees, you can also use a qualitative indicator, which is calculated according to the following formula:

TO n = ( R to + P p+ O R) : H,

where TO n - the quality of recruited workers,%; R k - averaged overall rating of the quality of the work performed by recruited employees; P p is the percentage of new employees who have been promoted within one year; O p - the percentage of new employees who remained to work after one year; H- the total number of indicators taken into account in the calculation.

Temporary recruitment

Of particular note is the possibility of using temporary recruitment by an organization that is at the stage of dynamic growth. This approach is nothing new for those organizations that change the volume of their activities seasonally, adding staff as the volume of activities increases. To optimize this temporary recruitment process, recruitment agencies are created that specialize in the selection of such employees. As a rule, such personnel are under the special attention of the agency, which is focused on ensuring the maximum employment of such employees. There are also forms when such employees are included in the staff of a personnel company, which, in turn, rents them out to a specific enterprise during the season of increased work. The complexity of organizing such work lies in the fact that a personnel company must work with enterprises whose peaks in the need for personnel do not coincide, but are distributed over time.

In addition, temporary recruitment, in addition to its main purpose of providing an organization with people for a certain period, can be an excellent way to screen temporarily hired workers with a view to possibly continuing to cooperate with them on a long-term basis.

Hello everyone! I am glad to welcome you to "Territories of honest HR - #HR to a friend"! Today I propose to talk about how to attract staff to the company. I know that some colleagues already have an early response ready, just like in one well-known game - you need to pay more and you won’t have to suffer from such a question. I really want to say in response to this no less classic “sit down two”. Because it's stupid, primitive and... it doesn't work. And in order not to explain why for a long time, I will give just one most indicative example from retail; why, with the same salary (and you know as well as I do in retail chains monitor the salaries of competitors) employees from one network move to another, and sometimes even for a lower salary. But this is so food for thought, because in addition to salary, there are other important factors that influence the decision of candidates and employees.

Speaking of attracting employees, we can conditionally divide this issue into several groups. Some companies are really trying to attract employees and are working on it, others are thinking, but they are not doing or planning anything intelligible and concrete. Some people don't even think about it and don't make any effort. Some of my colleagues are still under the illusion of a “favorable situation on the labor market”, although many experts, on the contrary, are sure that the situation on the market is completely different - the candidate market with all the ensuing consequences.

Personally, it seems to me that the second point of view characterizes the situation more accurately, despite the fact that more and more companies are limiting / curtailing their activities and there seem to be many candidates on the market, from which ... sometimes there is no one to choose from. You know as well as I do that the search for candidates for key positions can take months. Yes, colleagues make mistakes, sometimes they do stupid things, but such examples show that in order to attract worthy candidates, companies also need to work hard and often work very hard.

And there are companies for which "attract" is not relevant at all. The hiring process in this case is better characterized by the word “lure”, because candidates do not come to these companies at all, well, or those who have absolutely nowhere to go. The name of the company alone serves as a deterrent. What tricks they just do not go to just create a choice for themselves. Often the reason for such “inattention” on the part of candidates is the ongoing scandals, reputational risks, stupidities committed by management or HR, rudeness, disrespect on the part of recruiters, among other things. Recently, on one of the forums, I read about the idea of ​​making a black list of recruiters, to whom they never, under any circumstances (probably boiled). Perhaps such phenomena are from the illusion about choice and about the ability to dictate conditions to candidates, or from an unprofessional attitude to one's duties. Fortunately, these are still exceptional cases.

Today I propose to talk about how to be interesting for candidates, and for your employees. I hope it will be useful. Moreover, many companies and colleagues think about it. Often there are words about the attractiveness of the company, the brand of the employer, etc. but sometimes these conversations take colleagues so far away from reality and the company...

In order not to be small and not to look for problems, I suggest focusing on the direction of problems, especially since all companies are different, and looking at large strokes, colleagues will have reason to think. So what I propose to pay attention to.

  • The meaning of the company (for the sake of which it was created and what benefits it brings to society). It seems to you that now is not the time to talk about it, that these are just words and you can do without all this. But no matter what anyone says, I am absolutely sure that it is important factor for interesting and valuable candidates, and for current employees, this is important. There are many experts who are also sure of this. Whether you want to call it a mission or something else, what matters to your employees is what the company is doing. Around this meaning, you can unite interesting and caring people. You don't need pathos or big words, you just need big idea what is it all for. But do not forget to not only voice it, but also convey it to your employees so that they can also be carriers among their relatives, friends, and acquaintances. And so that, for example, your employee can say, I’m not just laying a brick, but we are building the most modern housing in ... or I’m not just a seller, but we sell the best products to customers or we do it best, etc. By the way, I see that in some companies in the description of the vacancy they began to add the meaning of the company, it seems to me that this way the picture is more complete.
  • Company reputation. And I mean the reputation not only as an employer, but in general in the market, in the city, in the country. A lot of companies understand this and literally weigh every word said outside, every promise they make, works with the staff so that the company's reputation is maintained at a decent level . Many companies have in their internal documents the obligations of managers and employees in relation to the company's reputation, and the damage caused to the company's reputation is equated to the most serious emergency. Many companies do not give a damn about reputation, and every day the situation is only getting worse and worse. If you think that a company's success in hiring or the results of a company has nothing to do with reputation issues, then I'm afraid you are mistaken and very much so. In addition, for an employee, working for a company with a bad reputation can be a stigma for a future career. A lot of candidates understand this and think about it, so I think the conclusions are clear.
  • Filling, organization of work, working conditions. I am absolutely convinced that this is a very important factor for someone who wants to achieve something, grow and develop. Not only the salary, not only the title of the position affects the decision of the candidate, but also the decision of your employees to continue working in the company. Unfortunately, many companies are stupid, their leaders do not know why they need employees with exactly such qualifications, what results they want / can achieve, what will happen to these employees next. And HR cannot help them with this, suggest. Therefore, you can attract a candidate with promises interesting work, copy someone's job description, but do not confirm all this in practice and lose interesting and valuable employees. Yes, you can be the "director of the barrier" to serve coffee and tell jokes to the boss, but for those who respect themselves, this is the way to the end. Unfortunately, companies very rarely think about it. Very often, there is no sense behind the description of the vacancy, there is no real need of the company for this or that work, there is no content, there is no decent organization and coordination of work. And too few companies think about working conditions. And all this helps to attract candidates to the company. Therefore, many companies are already beginning to focus on filling the work, starting right with the job description. It's time to stop talking to candidates in the mean language of protocol, and it's time to stop lying.
  • Relationships within the company (spirit of the company). Another important factor. I repeat again and again about what exactly I mean by it can be read. And to make it clearer, I suggest you think for a while at least about the relationship within the company. About the company's attitude towards employees, about the relationship between employees, between managers and employees, etc. This is too important for a single candidate, employee, and for the company as a whole. Whether you like it or not, you (as an employee) will be part of this system. And if the spirit within the company does not suit you, then you will not be able to live there for a long time. I think you also know examples of companies in which it is uncomfortable, disgusting and disgusting. Your whole day can be spoiled by the style of communication, by actions, by excessive competition and the principle of “every man for himself”, etc. I often write about this, but many colleagues do not understand it or do not pay attention to it. Just talk about corporate culture or that we are all brothers and sisters, or we are one family, this is not enough. The spirit of the company can help attract staff, or it can hurt tremendously. You tell me how the candidate will understand him without plunging into the life of the company. Do not forget what time we live in, a smart candidate will make inquiries, see what they write about the company on the network, and chat with friends. Well, in some companies the spirit is such that everything becomes clear, barely stepping over the threshold.
  • The presence of transparent and understandable rules in relation to staff. Oh how often I talk about it. How many companies have something like this? Rules like these will help an employee simply focus on work, ensuring that the company adequately treats both his successes and his failures. Moreover, this will not be a selective and “individual” approach, but an equal approach to everyone. Now think about how this can help you attract interesting and valuable candidates, what does it mean for your employees. If you are wondering what exactly I mean by rules, you can search on my website.
  • Fairness and transparency of remuneration. I draw your attention that not the amount of remuneration. Moreover, as you understand, for certain categories of personnel, the amount of remuneration ceases to play a role. And if you set yourself the goal of attracting employees with just the amount of remuneration, then be prepared for the fact that you will get those who want to receive (not earn!) High remuneration at any cost and leave you for someone who is ready to offer more, or then, the company will no longer be able to pay what was promised. I am absolutely convinced that what is more important for valuable employees is what the company is willing to pay for and whether the company is ready to comply with the agreements reached. Look at the vacancies, in almost every one of them the promise of a high or even very high level of remuneration. So all our companies pay a lot? If you smiled, then I'm talking about it. You can be promised mountains of gold for something that cannot be achieved in principle. For example, the task is to run a marathon with the time of a professional, no matter how much they promise you for it, because such a task requires careful and long preparation, and it’s simply not physically feasible for everyone. The situation is approximately the same in many companies - they promise super rewards for super tasks, but it is impossible to complete many of the tasks in principle, because there is not an adequate plan, conditions are not created, or even the employee does not have the opportunity to influence this. Moreover, many companies change the conditions of the game during the game, and even the game itself. Many employees have the feeling that they are dealing with cheaters, but remember the notorious fines. So if you want to compete with the level of remuneration, then think it might be better to compete with fairer rules for its establishment and the implementation of the agreements reached.
  • Relations of the company to/with candidates. As if it’s a paradox, on the one hand, HR complains about the inattention of candidates to the company, and on the other hand, they behave with candidates in such a way that many of them lose all desire to continue contacts with the company. Now I’m talking about rudeness, and about disrespect, and about this notorious choice “you suit us or not.” I wrote many, many times that hiring is a mutual process in which each (!) Of the parties decides on the advisability of continuing further relations. But some colleagues stubbornly do not reach it. From this the attitude towards candidates as to petitioners, from this these stupid questions like “well, how can you be useful to us”, “prove that you are worthy of our company” and others like that. Sometimes, after talking with recruiters, you want to send a wreath of condolences to the company about the hopelessness of their hiring efforts, because it’s hard to even imagine more harm than some recruiters do to companies. I don’t want to and won’t continue, someone should think about it and make this process mutually interesting and mutually beneficial.
  • Be different or the highlight of the company. I also write about this quite often, about how companies repeat each other's mistakes, how they copy stupid things in relation to staff and in other aspects. Because of this, work with personnel in many companies is too often similar to each other, disrespect, inattention, deceit, etc. All this does not make the candidate's choice hopeless, all this makes him be much more careful when choosing. Therefore, I often urge my colleagues to be different, not to do the stupid things that many do. Do not force candidates to choose between two evils, become the company that is not like the others. There's so much stupidity in HR that it's easy enough to be different, so why not get an extra edge? Determine for yourself where you can do it quickly and easily enough and start today. Yes, this will not solve your problem with attracting candidates, but it will help you a lot in this.

I suggest you review all these zones again possible problems You don't need to agree or argue with me now. I suggest that you just think about it and make decisions for you, for your company.

And that's all for today. Who needs my help, please contact, you are always or.

See you on the blog!

Oleg Barysh, expert on good governance staff


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What is attractive for an employee when choosing your company Financial incentives Reliability of the company Attractive working conditions Prestige of the company Social security Remoteness of work from significant places in life Positive image of the company Presence of acquaintances, friends and other significant persons Other (write in) Task: select and prioritize factors on which the employee will choose your company

Methodology for identifying "gaps" leading to a new job search List of company qualities Qualities of a company that a working employee would highlight Ideal company in which employees work for a long time with full dedication Authoritarian Aggressive Indifferent Reckless Fearful Democratic Dynamic Caring Caring Task: What needs to be done to achieve closest to the ideal state in the development of the company? Motivation Management

Studies in the field of dismissal of employees Studies conducted in March 2008 by the recruiting agency Kelly Services (St. Petersburg) showed that 25% of the 4 thousand respondents in Moscow, St. Petersburg and 6 other Russian cities (including Novosibirsk) work in the current workplace for less than six months, and another 17% - up to a year. It turns out that 42% of employees tend to change jobs during the first year of their stay in the company.

Research in the field of dismissal of employees More ambitious and prone to dismissal are employees at the age of 45, while employees after 45 years of age are less concerned about this problem. The situation is approximately the same when employees do not have interesting work. Its presence is more important for those who are a year old than for people over 45 years old.

Research in the field of layoffs About 5% of the 4 thousand respondents would change jobs due to lack of social guarantees, working conditions, informal employment, dislike for the company itself, the boss, the team in which they work, the work schedule and its location.

Why does an employee leave the company? Dissatisfaction with the social package (material incentives, pension savings, “white wages, etc.) Lack of respect for the employee Low group cohesion Lack of accounting individual characteristics Lack of job satisfaction Failure of management to keep promises Destructive conflict resolution Weakening of employee commitment and loyalty in the company Interpersonal gaps (“every man for himself”) and production processes(mutual substitution of tasks, multiplicity of diverse tasks, etc.) Inadequate assessment of the employee’s work by the management “Developing all your resources” in a “non-developing” (according to the employee’s impression) company Others (wedding, divorce, relocation, change of activity, training, exceeding work experience, etc.) Task: identify and prioritize the reasons for an employee to leave your company

Why does an employee leave the company? According to Kelly Services, low or insufficient assessment of work by the employer is the main demotivating component. In second place is the unethical behavior of colleagues, which can also make you think about dismissal. Further, but to a much lesser extent, follow: the uniformity of functions, unsatisfactory working conditions, low corporate spirit, refusal to revise wages. Employees are even less concerned about work schedule, company location, time for personal life and career prospects.

Examples from interviews on layoffs Maxim KHALYOV: - Employers, of course, were interested in the reason for leaving, but sometimes it is so difficult to explain it. Especially when it seems to the employer that the employee should be satisfied with everything, but in fact he is not satisfied with anything. It was necessary to indicate the facts as the reason for dismissal, which are enough to quit, and which the employer already knows very well. Most often, I explained my departure by the fact that they promised to pay me more at a new job. And to explain to employers that I just got tired of this place and want something new is very difficult. They persuaded me to stay, but rather sluggishly, because they could not offer better working conditions or promise professional growth. Alexey SHIPILENKO: - When I left my previous job, I was invited to a conversation with the deputy chief engineer and the head of my service. They asked about my plans. At that moment, I was not yet sure whether I would be able to leave for the job that attracted me. Therefore, I honestly said that I really think about dismissal, but I can’t name specific dates. They were not interested in the reasons, since they lay on the surface - the company did not index salaries for 3 years, it was believed that they were already decent. This was partly true, of course, but it is purely psychologically difficult to realize that, taking into account inflation, from month to month you earn less and less. They tried to keep it, promised a promotion, but I was used to bringing my plan to the end, especially since I didn’t have any special prospects for growth at this enterprise. In addition, the management of the organization complained that they spent a lot of effort and money on my transformation into a competent specialist. We agreed to solve this moment in the following way: I promised to find and prepare a successor, which I eventually did. After that conversation, I worked for about two more months, after which I wrote a statement and quit without much delay. By the way, no one forced me to work for 14 days.

What keeps an employee in a company? Kelly Services experts: When asked what could keep an employee in his company: vertical promotion (promotion with a corresponding salary increase) - 33%, additional training at the expense of the employer - 14%, salary increase without changing the position -13.63% . opportunity to work abroad - 10%, horizontal promotion - 10%; less than 5% - change in work schedule or working conditions, expansion of the social package, promotion without increasing wages. Preferences are shifted towards intangible factors - the staff wants to grow, develop, and not just momentarily receive more and more money. 7% of respondents will not stop anything - they realize their intention to quit in any case! So 93% of valuable employees can be retained to work in the company

Means of retaining an employee During the work of an employee in the company: Supporting, developing corporate environment and management (reflexive management, self-developing environment): -Conditions for social security -Career growth (management reserves, reserves for changing positions and functions) -Self-realization and self-development of an employee -Awareness by an employee of the significance of his contribution to the development of the company and its adequate assessment by the manager Reflective assessment of labor (adequate assessment and encouragement, respect and stimulation for development, for great achievements) Dialogues aimed at retaining the employee (during his work in the company) Reflective dialogues ( structured survey techniques and feedback, When an employee decides to leave: An in-depth “farewell interview”

Reflexive management in the company Today, employees are increasingly tuned to open and honest interaction with employers, and this implies the most objective open feedback on the results of work (reflexive management as an employee retention factor). Reflective assessment of labor as a motivational factor and employee retention factor.

Dialogue aimed at retaining an employee "The law of figure-background relations." In each situation, in the course of a dialogue with an employee, it is necessary to find pluses that you cannot immediately single out for the minuses that bother the employee. In every situation there is a variety of pluses, the value of which is quite high for the Employee in comparison with the initial desired results!

Reflective dialogue with an employee The main skill that a HR manager needs to develop is “the ability to see the pluses”. With this skill, it is easier to help employees in a new way perceive the situation in terms of meeting their interests. Task: identify the most significant difficult situations in retaining an employee and highlight the advantages for the employee in them if he remains to work in the company.

What to do when an employee leaves? if a company knows how to benefit from each layoff and minimize its risks, it helps a lot in further development. What to do in case of layoffs? The first is work with the employee himself. First of all, to identify the reasons for his dismissal (if he was not fired by you for some critical violations). And then - for the sake of equalizing the impression that he has of your company. The second is team work. It is important for employees who remain to work to clearly explain the reasons for leaving you. Or, even more so, why are you firing. Otherwise, rumors are possible in the team (not always provoked by the departing, but often arising simply due to lack of information and the presence of fear), and even subsequent mass statements - “for the company”, “just in case”, or even with the aim of teaching the management a lesson . The third is work outside the company. It is important that the employee leaving you does not take away confidential information (and if he did, he could not use it), and also that he does not try to spoil the company's reputation. Sometimes, however, you really want to spoil his reputation, but it’s better not to do this ... Most of the tasks of the first and third blocks are solved by conducting an in-depth “farewell” interview. Task: Highlight what measures your company takes when an employee leaves?

In-depth “farewell” interview with an employee The tradition of conducting a “farewell” interview has recently become part of the company. And that is more at the level of intuitive understanding. Indeed, it is very important to carry it out regardless of whether a person has become a victim of “headhunters”, leaves “for company” with a colleague or moves to another part of the country, and also regardless of whether he leaves or “leaves him” . But why? The need to conduct an interview in the event of an employee's dismissal should be considered as an opportunity to obtain useful information for the company for the future as a whole - for example, to analyze the reasons for layoffs and work with them.

Tasks of an in-depth interview with a departing employee Conducting an in-depth interview with a specialist who leaves the company for any reason is a serious tool in the overall HR branding system. In this case, several tasks are being implemented at the same time: One of the main questions that can be clarified and on which much will depend: what attitude does a person leave you with, does he think that he was treated fairly here, or does he think that here he is only used as a resource or even offended and touched the most sacred ... If a person leaves the company in a state of extreme indignation and dissatisfaction, the main goal is to calm him down and make every effort to mitigate some of his obvious dissatisfaction. This will help the company reduce the risk of transferring a high degree of dissatisfaction to others, as well as the possibility of transferring any important information (if it has not already managed to transfer all the bases to competitors, of course). With the right questions, you can find out the quality of management in the department, and the main difficulties of most employees, and general mood. Often, employees who leave the company due to moving to another place are ready to objectively point out a number of shortcomings within the company. There is an opportunity to find out what area or company a person is moving into, as well as his plans for further activities, and, therefore, to find possible points of contact for further cooperation (which is very important in the situation of the existing personnel shortage). Finally, this is just an image move - not every company can boast of having heart-to-heart conversations with "traitors", which are often referred to as leaving employees.

Some questions from the in-depth farewell interview Friendly environment and expression of concern for the employee and the company What would ensure that an employee has the opportunity to work in your company until retirement? What are the top three mistakes a department head should not make? What could improve the performance of the department? What would an employee change if they were a manager? With what feeling and mood does the employee leave the company? You "work out" each objection of the employee and thereby strive to come to an adequate assessment of the dismissal, leaving a pleasant impression and the image of the company with the employee. And also contribute to the development of the company by taking actions to reduce the risk of dismissal. Assignment: Write down the questions you ask an employee when leaving? Discuss their significance and importance for employee retention in the company?

If the dismissal of an employee is unavoidable, this is a reason for improving work. The HR manager should consider the dismissal of an employee (and any other undesirable event) as a kind of “gift”, since by the very fact of its appearance it gives a reason to improve something, to provide something for the future . Or consider that it warns about something. For example, the situation of dismissal of new valuable employees who “do not fit” into the team (which most often happens), considered as a “gift”, will make it possible to make the following adjustments to the adaptation program for new employees: the mandatory development of a plan for the new employee to enter the position, in which interim reports, interviews with the HR manager, a new employee receiving a regular “ feedback» from the manager.