"Fire, no Wi-Fi": how to get fast Internet to the country. Internet to a private house from Rostelecom Fast Internet to the private sector

Despite all the digital development of society and its globalization, the implementation of the Internet in many private sectors and villages is still not the easiest, and sometimes overwhelming task. Private sectors, as a rule, are tens of kilometers away from the city center. This means that laying Internet networks in these areas is an expensive and problematic task. People living in the private sector often want to become subscribers of a provider and are interested in what kind of Internet will be appropriate in their region of residence. You have to choose between cable Internet, wireless technologies or a mobile network. This article will tell you how to make the Internet in a private house.

Before directly conducting the Internet in a private house, experts recommend making a detailed analysis of the entire situation and understanding how you can connect the Internet in a private house. First of all, you need to find those providers who can and are ready to take on such work. The price of the issue at this stage is not very important, since you first need to consider all possible options.

After that, providers are divided into several categories based on the type of connection. The first category contains those companies that provide cable connections. The second is mobile. The third is satellite and so on.

The analysis done will help you clearly navigate the available options, types of connections and their cost. After that, an analysis is made of the cost of each specific category by type of connection.

Cable connection

This type is the most common among the average city dweller and Internet user in general. Cable Internet itself can be provided using several technologies:

  • ethernet. The most popular option. This type of cable connects directly to a computer or router. The maximum speed of such an Internet connection is 100 Mbps;
  • DOCSIS. Not the most widely used type of connection, as it involves laying a telephone cable, which requires a special divider and router. Its speed does not exceed 45 Mbps.

The first option is preferable, but you should rely on the conditions of the area and the capabilities of the wallet or providers. The second technology also has an advantage: this speed is enough for everyday tasks and watching movies. Moreover, you can watch TV on it, even if there is no Internet.

Important! Ethernet is an expensive option as it requires a separate personal cable and an Ethernet connection. If the equipment is located close to the village, then a twisted pair cable will be laid to save money. If the provider and its stations are located far away, then you will have to spend money on fiber optics.

Telephone line

This is perhaps the most affordable way to connect Wi-Fi to a private house. It is based on the laying of a telephone line, which means that there is no need to pay for each meter of cable, since it is already installed almost everywhere.

Such a connection is limited to 20 Mbps, which will be quite enough for a comfortable pastime on the Internet and watching videos of medium quality. However, you still have to spend. This is the purchase of a special ADSL modem and a communication separator for digital and telephone.

Despite this, there are cases when the lines are not drawn or their condition leaves much to be desired. Then wireless types of Internet connections come to the rescue.

Mobile Internet

It is not always possible to stretch the cable, but there is cellular coverage in almost every corner of the world. Such giants of the cellular communication market as MTS, Beeline, Megafon offer their customers a huge number of convenient tariffs to choose from. Somewhere you can even customize the tariff plan for yourself. There are also special packages for using SIM cards in modems. You can find out the cost of specific services on the official websites of each operator.

There is also a division by technology here:

  • 2g. The oldest, slowest and most inexpensive mobile connection. It has the largest coverage area, but rather low speed - up to 500 Kbps;
  • 3g. Average in quality and speed and available in all cities and nearby villages. Its performance reaches 2-3 Mbps. This is enough to communicate on social networks and watch low-quality videos on the phone;
  • 4G. Currently the best generation of cellular communication. The real speed of this protocol reaches 80 Mbps. The only negative: 4G is available only in large cities and suburban villages.

Important! If you have the opportunity to connect 4G, you should not save money, since its speed is at the level of some wired types, and you can adjust its consumption in the tariff plan.

The disadvantage of mobile Internet is significant: dependence on the coverage area and weather conditions, an occupied USB slot in the case of a modem option.

Satellite Internet

Another way to connect Wi-Fi at home without a home phone. Yes, not only television can be transmitted via satellite communications. This is the most expensive type of all, but it has several advantages:

  • Complete autonomy, since access to the satellite is available anywhere in the world;
  • No influence on the signal of rain, wind and other weather conditions;
  • Speed ​​up to 20 Mbps.

This type is used very rarely, since there are almost always alternatives in the private sector. It costs a lot, because you have to pay for a dish, cables, ports and transmitters.

WiMax technology

WiMax is a cross between standard Wifi and cellular. The technology has its own relay stations operating at frequencies of 2-11 GHz. The connection speed is significant - up to 120 Mb / s. It is usually used to connect offices and industries, but can also be installed in the private sector.

The disadvantage of this system is its non-proliferation. It uses licensed frequencies, does not have a full-fledged coverage network, and other points due to which many providers refuse to work with it.

What is better to choose

After analyzing and dividing the available options into types by price, providers and type of connection, you need to choose the optimal and favorite type. For example, cable Internet would be the best option, but if it is not available, you can also use cellular Internet. 4G will be better than some ADSL networks, but finding an unlimited 4G plan at a low price is not easy.

Important! Fast and stable Internet is always expensive, and ordinary ones are enough for sending documents and communication. Choices must be prioritized.

Provider Selection Criteria

After considering all types of connections, it is worth dealing with the service provider. There may be several large companies in the city. In addition to them, there may be some other small firms whose conditions are more favorable.

When contacting a supplier, you should find out the following criteria:

  • Service cost;
  • Connection speed;
  • Available connection options;
  • Payment Methods;
  • Availability of timely technical support;
  • Availability of promotions, discounts and additional services.

Organization of a Wi-Fi network

Immediately after the provision of services, a wireless network should be established. All you need is a router for this. It is capable of many functions:

  • Connect to the Internet offline;
  • Distribute a wireless signal;
  • Control traffic flow;
  • Set up parental controls;
  • Connect multiple devices to a wireless LAN.

Router selection

At the moment, there are a huge number of different models from various manufacturers on the market. For an ordinary user, none of their functions matter, except for the most important one - the ability to distribute the Internet. For different purposes, different models are chosen: if the house is large, then a model with a greater radius of action than others. If the house has thick walls, then models with enhanced signal transmission.

To conduct the Internet in a private house with your own hands is a difficult task, but quite doable. Based on your own analysis, preferences, as well as on the material of this article, you can safely think about making an Internet connection to your country house.

In Russia, the leader in providing Internet services is Rostelecom. The telecommunications market requires the Internet provider to have extensive wired communication channels available. Due to the large distances between settlements, it is unprofitable to lay new lines, and Rostelecom uses existing telephone lines. Thanks to this, the Internet from Rostelecom can be connected to every private house or sparsely populated area. As the development progresses, the technologies for connecting the Internet to private households are also improving. In a variety of connection methods, Rostelecom also remains a leader.

Internet connection technologies for a private house

Providers use several technologies. Here are the most common:

  • ADSL connection - transmits a signal over telephone cable lines, you need a landline phone;
  • PON connection - uses fiber optic cable;
  • Wi-Fi connection - works using radio waves;
  • 3G or 4G modem - uses a cellular signal for mobile phones;
  • TV cable + Ethernet - a special modem converts the TV signal into an Ethernet signal.

What technologies are presented in the services of Rostelecom

Rostelecom uses three main types of technologies: ADSL, GPON and Wi-Fi. All have advantages and disadvantages. The specific type of Internet connection to a private house or cottage is established based on technical capabilities.

ADSL connection

If the house has a landline telephone, then Internet access is provided using ADSL. This technology uses telephone lines that carry an Internet signal. Depending on the remoteness of the communication center and the length of the cable line, the speed of obtaining information ranges from 2-4 Mbps to 20-25 Mbps. The average speed declared in the tariff line is 10 Mbps.

The technology is based on the use of a digital line of a telephone network subscriber. The telephone network transmits voice messages in analog form. Using ADSL technology, the analog signal is converted to digital and transmitted to the input of the network adapter. In this case, digital and analog signals are divided into two components and are fed simultaneously to the phone and computer.

Connection of devices during connection can be made using ADSL technology

By modern standards, the speed, of course, is small, but this is enough to download programs or media content. For comfortable use of online games or watching movies, the speed is not enough, but all the inconveniences are compensated by a fast connection. For those who use the Internet only to watch the news, this is more than enough.

The main inconvenience, especially if the telephone lines are old, is frequent interruptions in communication when cable connections are flooded with water during rain or air lines are cut off during natural disasters. You often have to contact technical support or utilities.

GPON connection

GPON connection technology is the best solution for laying an Internet connection line in a private household. Unlike copper, passive optical fiber is cheaper and more resistant to external influences. It is almost impossible to break it under external mechanical action, it is not affected by moisture.

From personal experience, I can say that the fiber optic cable stops transmitting the Internet signal when it is bent 180 °. When the cable is straightened, the signal reappears. There is no mechanical damage to the cable when it is bent.

The speed of obtaining information under the best conditions reaches 1 Gbps. The standard speed that Rostelecom declares in its tariff line is 100 Mbps.

The fiber optic cable stops transmitting the Internet signal when it is bent 180°

Fiber optic cable can be connected to home television, burglar alarms, surveillance cameras and a smart home remote control system.

What is the feature of the technology? Thanks to the network structure, one central unit can be both a receiver and a transmitter. Therefore, it is possible to serve the information flows of many subscribers, regardless of their number and amount of information. The signal is transmitted along one conductor of the many fiber optic strands that make up the fiber optic cable. A splitter is used on the line between the provider and the subscriber, which transmits the signal to the subscriber in the splitting mode and in the opposite direction in the mixing mode.

When connecting via PON technology, you can effectively use the network configuration regardless of the location of the subscriber nodes

Main advantages of GPON connection:

  • high resistance to interference;
  • the connection is made directly with the central module and does not depend on accidents and breakdowns of other devices in the network;
  • high bandwidth of the communication channel allows you to connect several services to the router;
  • there is no intermediate equipment between the central node and network subscribers;
  • you can effectively use the network configuration regardless of the location of the subscriber nodes;
  • economical, easy to connect and maintain.

The main disadvantages of PON connection:

  • difficult to create a network;
  • it is expensive to run a fiber optic cable to a private house if it is far from the connection point;
  • due to the high sensitivity to kinks, the signal level decreases.

Video: features of GPON Internet connection via fiber optic cable to a private house

In the absence of cable lines, you can use Wi-Fi technology.

WiFi connection

Private households are connected to the Internet via Wi-Fi in small settlements with 250–500 inhabitants. The service from Rostelecom is called "Internet at Home". The company installs hotspots with a long range, and a private house is connected to the Internet via a wireless connection based on radio waves.

The speed of obtaining information using this technology is up to 10 Mbps. In addition, the company provides free access to 2,000 government websites.

When connecting to the Internet at the “Internet at home” tariff, the company installs access points with a large range

How to activate the universal service "Internet at Home":

  1. Establish a connection between a router equipped with a Wi-Fi device and a long-range access point.
  2. Connect to the RTOpen network to access the Rostelecom websites rt.ru and lk.rt.ru.
  3. Register on the site.
  4. After registration, go to the RTWiFi network for full-fledged work on the Internet.

If finances do not allow you to purchase equipment for connecting at the “Internet at Home” tariff, and the access point is within 100 m from a private house, then you can connect to the Internet via Wi-Fi as part of the Bridging the Digital Divide program.

Connecting to the Internet at a social tariff for the Bridging the Digital Divide service

To do this, register on the official website of Rostelecom or call 8-800-301-00-35.

Register via Wi-Fi network near the hotspot. How to do it:

At first, connecting to a wireless network was paid, but when the service gained popularity, Rostelecom made it free.

There is another option for connecting to the Internet. If there is no landline phone in the house, they don’t plan to wire the optical network in the area of ​​\u200b\u200ba private house, and it’s too far to the access point, then try to negotiate with neighbors who already have access to the Internet. You need to install a router with a Wi-Fi receiver and pay for the connection service for two.

Tariffs and the cost of connecting to the Internet

If there is a landline phone in a private house or dacha, then Rostelecom specialists will connect you for free. You pay only for setting up additional equipment that can be connected to the Internet. Choose a tariff plan on the official website of Rostelecom.

Choose a tariff for connecting to the Internet on the official website of Rostelecom

When connecting Wi-Fi at the “Internet at Home” tariff, you do not need to pay anything: the tariff is free, within the framework of the state program for the development of the Internet in the Russian Federation.

When connecting the service "Internet at home" the tariff is free

The cost of connection varies depending on the region: high in remote areas such as Chukotka and Kamchatka, and low in the Moscow region.

When connecting via fiber optic cable, there is no general pricing criterion: it all depends on the location to the nearest connection point, cable length and laying work. The cost is assessed on an individual basis. The total cost is made up of tariffs for running a linear meter of cable, the price of fiber optic cable and operating time.

When connecting, you will need a router, preferably with a Wi-Fi device. You can buy it in the store. The cost of the router ranges from 1200 to 3500 ₽. If financial possibilities do not allow to purchase a device, then it can be rented from Rostelecom with the right to purchase. Payment will be included in the monthly subscription fee. You will be required to make monthly payments according to the tariff plan.

What equipment is needed to connect to the Internet in a private house

To connect the Internet from Rostelecom, you need to buy and configure equipment. It can also be rented from a provider with the right to repurchase. Depending on the connection technology, the equipment also changes.

Telephone line connection

You will need an ADSL modem.

Select and connect an ADSL modem to the network

Different types of such modems are connected to the Internet after installing a special filter - a splitter. It separates analog voice and digital signals: you can use the phone and the Internet at the same time.

Connect the splitter to the network in front of the modem

Video: connecting and configuring an ADSL modem

The modem must be equipped with a Wi-Fi device to support multiple devices on the network.

Fiber optic connection

You will need a GPON modem. Such a modem can combine the functions of an Ethernet and a Wi-Fi router. If you can, immediately install a router to organize an intra-house network.

Buy and Connect a Router

It will help to divide the Internet signal into several devices: laptop, tablet, smartphone, TV, phone. You can share via wires connected to the LAN connectors of the router, or via a Wi-Fi connection. You can configure the router through any browser on the standard settings site, for example,

Wi-Fi connection

You will need a set of equipment. As a rule, it is indicated in the contract or on the website of the Rostelecom distributor.

Select the necessary equipment for connecting to the Internet

The kit includes:

  • LTE antenna for receiving a wireless Internet signal from a long-range access point;
  • Wi-Fi router for receiving and splitting the signal;
  • adapter adapters;
  • connection cable;
  • wall mount for cable.

Internet connection via 3G and 4G

Internet from Rostelecom in a private house can also be connected via 3G and 4G, if technical conditions allow. For such a connection, Rostelecom networks and LTE antennas are used. They connect using a special modem in USB format, equipped with a SIM card with a special tariff.

Choose a 3G modem or 4G modem to connect to the Internet

3G modem can support up to 3.4 Mbps, and 4G modem up to 30 Mbps. In the future, the manufacturer promises to increase the speed up to 1 Gbps.

TV cable connection

If the technical conditions in the region allow, then you can connect the Internet using DOCSIS technology using a television cable as an Internet signal conductor.

If necessary, rent a modem from Rostelecom

A modem for connecting via a television cable can be rented from Rostelecom. This modem has a key built into the firmware. He does not need additional settings, immediately after connecting to a TV cable, he decodes the TV signal into an Ethernet signal.

How is the Internet connection

Connection takes place in several stages.

Connect the Internet in four steps

There are four standard options for applying:

Connecting with a distributor may be cheaper, as he needs to attract new customers. With the rapid development of construction in the private sector and high competition among Internet providers, this is real. Organizations connecting houses in the private sector offer favorable conditions.

Check out the distributor's offers

When the application is processed, a team of specialists will come to you to connect the house to the Internet and make the initial settings for the equipment.

After presenting the Internet in work, sign the contract between the client and the company in two copies. One copy remains with the client, the second copy is taken by Rostelecom specialists.

You need to keep the client instance and not lose it: you might need it. Rostelecom can, when developing a new tariff plan, connect all customers in a row to it. You may be connected to services that you did not order, for example, “Night Acceleration” or “Your Perfect HD”. To challenge an undeclared connection and return the money, you will need an agreement.

Internet connection from Rostelecom is the best option for a private home. The company offers several types of connection technology using cable routes or in their absence. The connection speed of the wired and wireless connection gradually levels off, and the sharp differences in performance disappear. For rural areas, wireless is a priority, as it is quite expensive to run fiber optic cable, and telephone lines are being squeezed out of the market by mobile communications. This should be taken into account when deciding whether to install the Internet in a private household.

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The private sector in the city is a convenient accommodation option for many. Here, amateur gardeners arrange mini-flower beds, children splash in the pools, and adults get peace and freedom from neighbors. But not everything is so rosy. Residents of the private sector often have problems with centralized communications. Internet connection is also not always available. How to bring the Internet to a private house with minimal losses?

Fiber optic cable

This is the traditional connection method, which guarantees a stable signal with high speed. Among the advantages are the speed of installation, low rates, the ability to choose unlimited, round-the-clock support service. An optical fiber cable is brought into the client's house, connected to a router, to which, in turn, mobile devices of residents are connected. Through fiber, you can connect several services at once: telephone, cable TV and network access.

There is an option to connect via an Ethernet cable. The advantages of wired Internet include a direct connection to a computer, bypassing a modem, as well as high speed - up to 100 Mbps.

But not all fixed Internet providers are ready to run cable to private homes. Often this process requires decent costs, especially if the house is located far from the main networks. Installers lay cheap twisted-pair cables up to the house from the main cable. If the house is remote from the main networks, you need to put fiber. This significantly increases the connection budget. Optical fiber gives a network speed of 100 Mbps, but it must be protected from environmental factors. During installation, the cable is placed in an armored casing, otherwise the first frosts will disable the network.

Cable Internet is suitable for residents of a densely populated private sector, where there is an extensive fiber optic network nearby. If the provider refuses to bring fiber to your area, you can talk to your neighbors. Perhaps the cost of connection, divided by all comers, will not be so huge.

telephone cable

There is another option to connect via telephone and television cable. But it is being used less and less. In addition, you will have to pay for additional services: in addition to the Internet, pay for the phone or TV. The disadvantage of this method is that you will need to buy a special divider and modem. But the speed that this option offers (45 Mbps) is enough to play online games, watch movies in excellent quality and surf the web. By the way, the television will not turn off in case of an accident on the networks - a nice bonus.

Among the disadvantages of this method:

  • Speed ​​limit - enough for surfing, but not enough for full use of the network,
  • The low quality of networks may not allow such Internet.

A good option if you are satisfied with the speed of 20-45 Mbps. If there are no other alternatives, the Internet via a telephone cable for a private house is an inexpensive and convenient way.

Mobile Internet

The most popular way to connect to the Internet. If Internet providers do not lay fiber everywhere, cellular operators provide communication coverage in almost all populated areas of the country. Large mobile operators offer customers convenient tariffs, including unlimited ones. Customer support is available 24/7, excellent service. To connect, you will need a portable USB modem and a SIM card.

The mobile Internet has been actively developing for several decades, and during this time several generations of communication have appeared:

  • 2G is the first generation of mobile internet. Once it was a breakthrough in the telecommunications market, now it is too slow for the needs of our century. The speed is about 500 kB per second.
  • 3G has long been considered one of the most popular communication generations. The speed reaches up to 3 MB, which is enough for surfing Internet pages and viewing photos in social networks.
  • 4G - the speed reaches 80 Mbps. It is enough to watch movies in excellent quality online, make video calls, play multiplayer online games. The coverage density of base stations is not bad, but there are still places where there is no network. And often such places are found not in the dense forest, but in the suburbs.
  • 5G - in Russia, this technology is not yet so actively working, so it is too early to talk about mass connection to it. The speed of such networks reaches 1 gigabyte. Signal loss along the translation path is negligible. European cities are actively switching to the new format of the fifth generation of the Internet, while even large Russian cities still use 4G Internet.

For a private home, 4G mobile Internet is better. 3G imposes certain restrictions on the actions of the owner of the house. The cost of the tariff and the amount of traffic the consumer can regulate independently through the support of the operator or through a special application.

This method of connecting to the network has one significant drawback - the uneven coverage of the country's territory by cell towers. Hence the unstable signal, network failures and even dependence on weather conditions. In addition, the outskirts of the private sector can even be so far from the nearest base station that the signal reaches the consumer is too weak. The solution is in the next paragraph.

Mobile Internet 3G / 4G from the company Internet to the country

The Internet company for the dacha offers entire systems of high-speed Internet that will provide a stable high-quality signal in any conditions. Even if the house is far from the base station, you will receive a signal sufficient for watching movies, surfing the net and playing online games. Any number of subscribers can connect to Wi-Fi networks without interruptions and lags.

How is the Internet of this type carried into the house? The system consists of several elements:

  • Antenna - picks up the signal from the base station, is installed mainly on the roof, the master directs it towards the operator's station,
  • Modem - converts the signal and sends it to the router,
  • The router creates a local wireless network to which mobile devices of residents are connected,
  • Cables and connecting elements.

This connection method has many advantages:

  • round-the-clock technical support with the possibility of an emergency team leaving,
  • stable high speed,
  • convenient with the possibility of freezing for several months,
  • Internet connection in 1 day, and without harm to home decoration,
  • a range of equipment kits designed for different installation conditions.

A universal connection method that guarantees high speed with maximum service from specialists at affordable unlimited tariffs.

Internet via satellite

This connection option is more suitable for deaf houses remote from large settlements, but for the sake of completeness, it is also worth considering. The Internet signal is picked up by a satellite dish installed on the roof of a private house. It goes to the modem, which converts the signal into a signal available to the router. That, in turn, creates a wireless network through which all mobile devices work.

Significant disadvantages of this option:

  • the signal is transmitted with a slight delay,
  • high cost of equipment - you have to pay for a satellite dish, its installation and cabling,
  • expensive rates,
  • only a specialist can set up the network.

There are pluses:

  • the network does not depend on weather conditions,
  • high speed signal, stable.

If the owner of a house in the private sector has no other options for organizing the Internet, it is worth stopping at satellite. However, if other methods can be used, the high cost of equipment for satellite Internet and the price of its installation overrides the advantages. Check with the provider company how much the connection costs specifically in your area. This figure may come as an unpleasant surprise to you.


Not all providers offer this method of connecting to the Internet. The ViMax base station network sends a communication signal over a territory of 10 kilometers. It is picked up by other WiMax antennas that act as an access point. Residents' mobile devices are connected to them. The result is a giant router that provides wireless communications to the inhabitants of a small village. To connect, you only need a mobile device capable of connecting to a wireless network. You don't need to buy a modem. For the mass consumer, this technology is almost never used, but it effectively combines several enterprise local networks into one.

Of course, not without but:

  • technology uses licensed frequencies,
  • no dense coverage network,
  • there is no legal basis for the operation of the technology.
  • Internet speed is comparable to 4G,
  • creates a stable wireless network,
  • used for firms and manufacturing plants.

For the private sector, this technology is not suitable - it is too rarely used in Russia. Providers do not offer this technology as an alternative for connecting to the Internet, if there are more convenient ways.

The agony of choice

Bringing home internet to a private house is not as difficult as it seems. Modern technology offers connectivity options for seemingly hopeless cases.

  1. Satellite and ViMax are best pushed to the end - you can use them if all other methods have failed.
  2. The first is too expensive, and the second is in its infancy for the mass consumer.
  3. Fiber is a good option, but ISPs don't want to go into the private sector because the costs are too high for them.
  4. Connection through telephone networks has already outlived its age. People now think at very different speeds.
  5. There remains the mobile Internet with its only significant drawback - an unstable signal. This problem is fundamentally solved by special systems from the Internet company for the dacha. An antenna, a modem with a SIM card and a router are the components of high-speed Internet anywhere in the country.

Speed ​​matters too

Almost all connection options offer low speeds, which is unacceptable for a spoiled city dweller. Ways to connect to the network at high speeds often involve high costs, as seen in the example of a satellite installation. Here again, 3G / 4G mobile Internet with an antenna and a modem wins. The supplier is a company. The client gets access to the network at speeds up to 80 Mbps at favorable unlimited rates with the possibility of freezing for a while.

Connection cost

The search for an Internet connection option is individual, and there are no universal solutions here. Consider your goals and the amount of files you want to send or download from the network, the signal strength from the base station in your area, the installation options at home, and many other factors. One of the main questions of the consumer: how much does it cost to install the Internet in a private house. It depends on the tariff you choose, the distance from the base station and the complexity of the system. Usually, the approximate cost of connection can be called by the manager already at the first call of the client.

Free internet in a private house

Connecting the Internet to a private house will not work for free. But among modern technologies, it is really possible to find a suitable one both in terms of budget and functionality. The closer your private sector is to the city center, the easier it will be to find a connection with high speed and quality signal.

The Internet for a private house, dacha and apartment must be selected taking into account what it will be used for. Providers provide a wide range of options to provide high-quality and fast access to the Internet. In order to choose the best option, detailed instructions and recommendations for choosing will be given below.

What to look for when choosing

Choosing a provider

Before you decide and connect the Internet, you need to pay attention to the provider. In each individual city, there are several local companies, but we will consider large companies providing similar services throughout the country. It is worth noting that a large company can find quite profitable tariff plans that will provide the optimal ratio of speed and cost. The user first needs to find out if the provider can connect to the internet in the area where he lives.

Wireless coverage and quality

If, for any reason, broadband Internet provision is not possible in the area you are looking for, then you should try to pay attention to wireless connection. First of all, if rural areas are taken into account, the best way to find out the availability of mobile Internet is to have repeaters (towers) of the operator. If such towers are installed, then the coverage and signal quality may be at a sufficient level, because. the signal propagating from them (unlike ordinary base stations) covers an area of ​​up to 30 km on average.

Satellite Internet

If the previous option also does not provide stable Internet, you can try using satellite. This option involves the use of a special dish equipped with a receiver. It should be noted that connecting such a connection is not cheap, but if there is no alternative option, then this will be the most optimal.

Decide on the type of connection

After the previous points have been determined, it is necessary to understand what type of connection providers and operators provide. At the moment, providers provide their customers with several types of connections, via cable (Ethernet local area network, fiber optic), modem (ADSL and Dial-Up telephone line) and DOCSIS (via TV cable). Each of these methods has its own advantages and disadvantages. Detailed specification will be given below. The client needs to contact the provider's office for more information.

The next type of connection will apply directly to mobile operators. At the moment, cellular companies are full of various proposals for high-quality and fast mobile Internet. Most often connection is made using a USB 3G modem. The operation of this device is extremely simple, the SIM card accesses the nearest operator tower and, depending on the installed equipment, receives a signal using the following protocols: GSM, GPRS, EDGE, UMTS, CDMA, HSDPA, HSUPA, HSPA +, WiMAX and LTE.

In addition to the modem, the phone itself can act as a transmitter. Modern devices have support for high-speed 3G and 4G Internet. In turn, mobile operators provide traffic packages in sufficient volumes. It is best to find out in detail in the nearest communication salon.

Unlimited internet or traffic calculation

For users who spend a lot of time online, watching movies, downloading music, etc. It is best to connect an unlimited package. If this is not possible, you need to study the offers with the highest traffic package. If access to the network will be carried out only in case of emergency, it is best to use a tariff with traffic calculation.

Deciding on speed

After the provider (operator) has been selected, it is necessary to determine what speed is required to complete the tasks, and what will be considered optimal. If we take into account broadband Internet and optical networks, then this is the most optimal option, since the speed reaches 100 Mb/s. In turn, if we talk about "ADSL", then the threshold speed will not exceed 60 Mb/s., in some cases it can be even lower. Wireless networks have a sufficient data transfer rate, the minimum values ​​​​today are from 3.6 Mb/s to 100 Mb/s. With the development of 4G networks, the speed can reach 1 Gb/s.

Which Internet is better to connect

Wired Internet

Currently the most popular type of connection. Allows you to connect high-speed Internet to a private house without a phone. More commonly used in cities than in rural areas. It is preferable to use it in the apartment.

The following connection options are available to the user:

  • direct connection device (computer) if the house no longer has such equipment;
  • using a router. The wire is connected to the router, and it distributes the Internet to portable devices, such as a smartphone, tablet, ultrabook, and in some cases to a TV.

The main features of this type of connection is that it provides a high data transfer rate, which allows you to view HD video without delays and periodic network interruptions. Also, using this technology, you can connect IPTV television.


An ADSL digital line is a telephone line connection. A fairly popular solution if there is no alternative to a broadband connection. Among the advantages can be identified, unlimited Internet traffic. To date, the number of subscribers using ADSL modems is decreasing, this is primarily due to low speed and the fact that additional purchase of equipment (splitter (splitter) is required), despite the fact that the connection uses an existing infrastructure.

Wireless Internet

Today, perhaps, this method of accessing the network has become the most popular. The speed is at the level of broadband and in some cases exceeds it. It is also worth highlighting that the coverage of such a connection comes not only to large cities, but also to small areas and rural settlements. A good example is a map of 3G and 4G network coverage (Beeline operator) in a remote village, in one of the regions.

Consider network types and maximum speed:

  • 2 G(EDGE). At the moment, this type of connection is practically not used. In cities and outside the city, more modern equipment is being installed that can maintain high data transfer rates. But in a remote area, this may be the only way to get online. The connection speed does not exceed 144 Kb/s;
  • 3 G. The most popular type of data transfer. Provides speed at the level 3.6 Mbps.
  • 4 G. The development of 3G has led to the creation of the fourth generation of communications. When using such a connection, the speed can reach 1 Gb/s.

Satellite Internet

This option is the most preferable when it is not possible to create a dedicated line, lay a LAN cable and where there is insufficient mobile coverage. This method, although it is the only one provided that there is no alternative, it will cost significantly more expensive, you need to purchase an antenna, an amplifier and convert the signal and the receiver itself. Speed ​​is on par 20 Mb/s.


This technology is a wireless communication standard that transmits data over a considerable distance and to a large number of devices. The principle of its operation is based on the operation of mobile networks. Base stations are installed that form the coverage area of ​​the wireless network and user devices receive a signal from the nearest station. This method is most preferred, as it allows you to get a universal way to access the network for a wide range of devices. Nevertheless, the technology has not yet received wide distribution, this is primarily due to the lack of frequencies.

Optical fiber

The connection method is characterized by a high data transfer rate over long distances. Now more and more large providers use fiber optic cables. Of the benefits can be distinguished, reliability, safety and high speed. When using it, the user will not have problems accessing the network. It is also durable, resistant to temperature changes, ionizing factors, etc.

Most often, fiber is laid in apartments. In private homes and rural areas, such technologies are not yet used. This is primarily due to the high cost of equipment maintenance.

Choosing a router

If the choice regarding connection was in favor of wireless networks, then you must use a router (router). The following are the main recommendations when choosing this device. More detailed information is available on our website.

  • wireless or wired router. Wireless connects only to the mains, no additional wires are provided. In turn, the wired device is connected to the mains and network cable;
  • purchase in a store or purchase from a provider. Now most of the companies offer their customers to purchase a router directly from them. At the same time, when buying a branded device, various bonuses are available to the user;
  • top speed. In this case, it is necessary to study the specifics of the router;
  • coverage area. Budget models, as a rule, cover an area from 10 to 15 meters, the coverage of a more expensive model can reach 100 m. In this situation, it all depends on where the device will be used. For a small apartment, a budget option is suitable; to connect a house, you need a more expensive device;
  • transmitters. The more transmitter antennas installed, the better the signal of the router will be.

The best providers in Russia

  • Rostelecom;
  • VimpelCom (Beeline);
  • R-telecom;


Represents the largest coverage area to the user. The provider serves its networks in the most remote regions of Russia. Its advantages first of all, they consist in a wide choice of tariffs, connection options and high-quality support. In the event of a problem, the company's engineers will quickly fix the problem.


  • FTTH (conducted directly to an apartment or a private house);
  • FTTB (the cable is laid to the building. Connections in the apartments are carried out by other systems);
  • FTTN (signal distributed at the node);
  • FTTS (the signal comes immediately to the subscriber's room);
  • GPON (Passive Optical Network Based on Tree Structure);
  • xDSL (limited information transfer rate up to 8 Mbps).

VimpelCom (Beeline)

This provider not only provides mobile Internet, but also wired broadband access to the network, by means of cable laying (twisted pair). Connection is also provided using branded routerSmartBox. Of the advantages, it is worth highlighting a wide range of tariffs, low prices and stable communications.


  • FTTH (conducted directly to an apartment or house);
  • mobile 2G, 3G and 4G;
  • USB 3G modems.


This company is a fairly popular telecommunications holding in Russia. Representative offices of the company are located in more than 50 cities of the country. The advantages of the provider are that the Internet is provided via fiber optics connected to the FTTB house and low prices. The average price for an unlimited tariff is 350 rubles per month.


One of the most popular providers in Russia. The total length of highways is more than 120,000 km. Of the benefits you can highlight the stable quality of the Internet connection and a wide selection of tariff plans. Also worth noting are the low prices.


  • GPON (Only Moscow and Moscow Region);