Work in Antarctica: vacancies and salaries. Work on a long-distance ship Work on an icebreaker reviews

Antarctica, according to international treaties and conventions, is not officially anyone's territory. It is forbidden to use this continent for enrichment and obtaining economic benefits, therefore numerous research stations are located here.

In this regard, work in Antarctica is only at polar stations belonging to various states of the world.

These are Russia, and Ukraine, and Argentina, and the USA, and Canada, etc. Each of them constantly publishes an up-to-date list of vacancies, applicants for which undergo a serious competitive selection. In particular, to work in Antarctica, you need to obtain permission from a particular country in order to legally stay at the stations. Those who want to work at such stations as:

  • Peaceful;
  • Bellingshausen;
  • Youth;
  • Novolazarevskaya;
  • progress and others.

Alternative job search options are: Academician Vernadsky research station, research expedition ships, ships and motor ships. They belong to the Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute and the Russian Arctic Expedition. The leaders of these institutes created excellent conditions for polar explorers:

  • Comfortable and cozy cottages;
  • Hot baths;
  • Lounges;
  • bars;
  • Halls for training and maintaining physical fitness;
  • Internet and video connection.

Cafe-bar Faraday at the Ukrainian station Academician Vernadsky

Work in Antarctica is quite difficult, both psychologically and physically, so psychologists work at the stations. This allows you to remove the feeling of discomfort, to talk about the accumulated problems.

In 2020, research stations require specialists in a variety of fields - from culinary to meteorology.

What Russian polar explorers are researching

Specifically, the most in-demand jobs include:

  • Geologists;
  • Programmers and system administrators;
  • Meteorologists;
  • Doctors, anesthesiologists, traumatologists and surgeons;
  • Cooks;
  • Meteorologists-actinometrists;
  • Geophysics;
  • Specialists in the field of ionosphere and aerosphere;
  • magnetologists;
  • Riometrists;
  • radar workers;
  • Workers on equipment used for nature protection;
  • Radio engineers to establish modern communication systems;
  • Engineers;
  • Hydrologists;
  • Psychologists;
  • mechanics;
  • Dieselmen;
  • Electromechanics;
  • Drivers of caterpillar vehicles, bulldozers, tractors, truck cranes;
  • Electricians and electric gas welders;
  • Signalers;
  • Computer scientists.

Sledge-caterpillar trains in Antarctica. The job of a tracked vehicle driver

In addition, crew members are constantly required for research expedition ships, motor ships, ships - sailors, captains, senior officers, specialists in maritime professions, engineering, watch assistants to the captain and mechanics, minders, cooks, electricians, electromechanics, scientists. On such ships, many-month expeditions are made to the Arctic, Antarctica, beyond the Arctic Circle, the North Pole.

The demand for such vacancies will also exist next year, which is associated with the further development of Antarctica, observation of various natural phenomena, the formation of new expeditions, and changes in existing polar explorers whose contract is ending. Therefore, job applications are accepted all year round, and the list of current vacancies begins to form in May and lasts for several months.

Return to Antarctica. Research expedition vessel Akademik Fedorov

Everyone can find a job in this region, because most of the vacancies require more than one person. For each position, from 6 to 20 people are required, who are assigned to work at polar stations and ships. Lists of offers are compiled in two groups - for seasonal workers who are ready to spend no more than 6 months in Antarctica; for wintering employees who work on this continent for 1 year.

The polar explorers are traditionally sent out in October, and the workers are taken back in March, that is, six months later. This does not take into account the time of delivery and transportation of people back. In some cases, work in the polar region with relocations can take from 12 to 18 months.

Features of work

The emphasis in the work of polar explorers is on research, the study of flora and fauna. The rest of the employees ensure the life of the stations, settlements, access to the sea and the ocean of expedition ships. Employees are transported to the place of deployment at the expense of the employing company, which also provides accommodation and meals. Many polar explorers come for wintering more than once, eventually becoming old-timers of villages and stations.

Staying at the stations depends on several circumstances:

  • How fast is transport able to get to Antarctica;
  • Features of the movement of ships and aviation;
  • The occurrence of force majeure circumstances;
  • At what time the workers arrived to replace other polar explorers.

Requirements for candidates

To work in the Antarctic, polar explorers must know English and Spanish, be a confident user of a personal computer and computer equipment, and be in excellent health.

Arctic ice shows new forms of life

When agreeing to work in Antarctica, it is worth considering that this is a region where there are difficult living and working conditions. Therefore, applicants are required to:

  1. Higher education and good qualifications.
  2. Good health.
  3. Sociability.
  4. The ability is a long time in a confined space.
  5. You will have to work in small teams (usually about 20 people work at one station, forced to spend a lot of time together).
  6. You need to be away from your home and base for a long time if traveling expeditions are planned.
  7. The most suitable age for working in Antarctica is considered to be people who have reached the age of 25. Applicants are accepted for filling vacancies, whose age does not exceed 45 years. On many vacancies, the age of workers can be 25 - 65 years.

Milestone in Antarctica. polar explorers

You will also need:

  • driver license,
  • various certificates confirming the level of qualification,
  • the presence of a work book in which appropriate entries should be made about previous jobs.

A positive factor will be the presence of a military ID or rank, and a passport if you need to travel on ships to the waters of other states.

Based on this, laborers on the expedition and at the station are not accepted, and such vacancies do not appear. Considering working conditions, this step of employers is justified.

Life of a polar explorer in Antarctica

Before leaving for the Antarctic, each worker undergoes a special medical examination at the reception at the medical board. The presence of chronic diseases and bad habits will be an obstacle to getting a job.

When signing a contract, it is worth considering that the work has a high risk of danger and a minimum level of comfort. Therefore, employees must adhere to strict labor discipline, follow a clear organization of work during sailing or field expeditions, be responsible for the work performed and be ready to endure hardships, hardships, hardships.

According to the terms of the contracts, employers are obliged to provide employees with food, clothing, sanitary and hygienic means, medical insurance, a social package, guarantees that the previous place of work will be retained by a specific person. On their own, polar explorers only have to pay for the cost of satellite communications in order to talk with relatives.

An experienced sailor, once in this building on Vasilyevsky Island, will be surprised. I stepped over the threshold and - on you - found myself at the central control post of the ship. The height of the ceilings, the location of the fixtures and the color of the walls are all one to one, not to mention the equipment. Only the “deck” does not sway, and if you raise the roller shutters, you will see behind them not endless ice expanses, but an ordinary courtyard. Although there are no nuclear icebreakers of project 22220, for which specialists will be trained here, in the recently opened Center for Arctic Marine Competences, there are no seas yet. The Baltic Shipyard is still building these floating bulks.

The icebreaker 50 Years of Victory will soon give way to the Arktika. PHOTO by Lev FEDOSEEV/TASS

The training of engineers for the icebreaking fleet is carried out today only in our city. Moreover, for more than half a century - since the State University of the Sea and River Fleet named after Admiral S. O. Makarov (GUMRF), which everyone knows as Makarovka, a corresponding department appeared. The university teaches students, and the Institute of Additional Professional Education (CPE), which opened under it, provides knowledge and skills to seafarers who are ready to improve their skills.

For the time being, such a scheme suited Atomflot, which includes the most powerful ice-class vessels in the world. Satisfied until the St. Petersburg shipbuilders started building icebreakers of a completely new level. The lead ship "Arktika" of this project was launched the summer before last, and should go into operation next year. Two others will follow.

The crew of the Arktika will be one of the first to sit at the desks of the center with a total area of ​​​​about 200 square meters. meters, which appeared on the Vasileostrovskaya site of the GUMRF. More precisely, in the seats of the ship's simulator complex, which simulates the work of the Arktika command post and the RITM-200 nuclear power plant designed for it. This technique is much more complicated than the one with which the sailors had to deal. And in order to master it, the Murmansk training center, where the “icebreakers” practiced before going out into the icy seas, is no longer enough.

Project 22220 vessels will be able to operate at different depths, pushing larger ice with their hulls: they will have asynchronous propeller engines with a total capacity of 70 megawatts. It will become more difficult to "command" the reactor installed there, but due to the high level of automation, 50 - 60 people will be able to serve the entire ship economy, presumably. Twice less than on the icebreakers of the previous class, says Yuri Guryev, First Deputy Director of the Institute of Advanced Professional Education.

“Here he is - our main“ teacher ” , - he points to a large horseshoe rack with monitors, levers and toggle switches. - Here, five people will be able to work out the actions to manage ship systems in normal mode and in emergency situations. That is, the entire ship watch: the operator of the reactor plant, the electrician, the senior watch mechanic, the chief physicist and the “erbeshnik”, a radiation safety specialist” (RB).

The center also includes the so-called functional simulator (two more workplaces), where you can move the control levers not “live”, but on the screen using a computer mouse. He is needed in order to, having filled his hand, sit down at a real “double” of the central control post and then pass exams at Rostekhnadzor, having received a permit to work at a nuclear ship facility.

Veterans of the fleet, invited to work in the GUMRF, will be entrusted with leading practical exercises. And in the next room, cadets will be lectured by university professors and third-party experts. For seafarers who have experienced the "breath" of the Arctic, who decide to move from one icebreaker to another, more modern, and from one position to a higher one, the duration of the course will be 320 hours. Beginners will have to do much more, Guryev explains.

Classes at the center will begin in January next year. By that time, a package of training programs and methodological materials will have to be prepared. And it is also necessary to complete the adjustment of the unparalleled training complex, which was created by specialists from the A.P. Aleksandrov Scientific Research Technological Institute located in Sosnovy Bor.

But even later, the developers will not stop “patronizing” their offspring, improving it as the development of the Arctic nuclear-powered ships of the new project. Although it goes without saying. Another thing is more curious: the new center was opened in a room that was completely occupied by the university laboratory of turbomachines. And even earlier, there were units that generate electricity for Vasilyevsky Island, also quite “fancy” for their time. So the connection of times in this sense is quite obvious.

OUR REFERENCE. Nuclear icebreakers of the new generation of the 22220 series (the project was developed by the Iceberg Central Design Bureau commissioned by Atomflot) will operate in the mouths of northern rivers and provide year-round navigation along the entire Northern Sea Route, mainly for the delivery of hydrocarbon products to the markets of Europe and Asia.

The appearance of such vessels, designed to overcome ice up to three meters thick at a steady speed, will allow Russia to strengthen its strategic positions in the Arctic zone. In 2019, the Arktika, named after the project 10520 icebreaker of the same name, which was the first to conquer the North Pole in 1977, will come into operation. In a year, Sibir is expected to start operating, and the third vessel of the Ural project is planned to be commissioned in 2021-2022.

The training of crews for these ships is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the International Convention on the Training, Certification of Seafarers and Watchkeeping (STCW) of 1978 and in accordance with quality standards.


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Antarctica is the most mysterious continent of the Earth, which still remains untouched by human activities. Over time, this part of the world has become a real "Klondike" for scientists and researchers. Thanks to this, the tourism potential of the region has noticeably increased, and it became possible to get a job in Antarctica as part of a scientific expedition.

Ownership of the territory of Antarctica

Antarctica is of interest not only from a research point of view, but also as a storehouse of valuable resources. In order to prevent conflict and the destruction of the unique nature of the mainland, the leading states of the world signed an agreement in 1959 that establishes the special legal status of Antarctica as a kind of reserve.

The document states that Antarctica does not belong to any country in the world, it is forbidden to place military facilities, enter the ships of the combat fleet, nuclear icebreakers and ships.

Since 1980, Antarctica received the official status of a nuclear-free zone, which excluded the possibility of various states using nuclear power units on the mainland. You can swim here only on ships and sailors, where there is no any weapons.

Despite the existing agreements, many countries of the world do not hide their territorial claims to the Antarctic lands. The authorities of Norway, Great Britain, France, New Zealand, Chile and Argentina speak openly about their claims. The United States and Russia hold a special position. Representatives of these states declare the possibility of putting forward territorial claims to Antarctica, however, they completely ignore the claims of other states.

Climate and degree of human development

Antarctica to this day continues to be the most uninhabited and undeveloped continent. At the same time, geologists have established that the local land stores huge resources. The mainland is the world's source of fresh water, it accounts for up to 90% of the total water resources of the planet.

Also, the continent is of great interest from the point of view of science. Observations of climatic and meteorological processes make it possible to study the processes of the earth's crust and analyze changes in the atmosphere over hundreds of thousands of years. Archaeological works are very popular here. Often, archaeologists fail to find any unique artifacts, but their work allows them to analyze the soil and the thickness of the ice cover.

The main reason for the lack of development of the continent is considered difficult climatic conditions. Antarctica is the cold pole of the Earth, the temperature here is extremely low. In the depths of the continent, in winter, the temperature ranges from -75 to -60 degrees, in the summer season - from -50 to -30 degrees. In coastal areas near the sea, it is noticeably warmer, as there are sea currents nearby. In winter, the thermometer here shows from -35 to -10 degrees, in summer - from 0 to +5 degrees, which is comparable to the climate of the North of Russia, the taiga region, the Yamal Peninsula.

Resources and area of ​​Antarctica

The territory of the ice continent is 14.1 million square meters. km. If Antarctica were an independent state, in terms of area it would take second place after Russia.

Due to the fact that economic activity is not conducted here, the resources of the mainland have been preserved in their original form. According to complex assessments of geologists, there are huge reserves of oil and gas (especially near the oceans), coal, iron ore, gold and silver. It is also possible the presence of rare earth metals (especially at the border of mountain systems), which are extremely rare.

Already now, various geological explorations are being carried out here, production is being born. For example, the Russian Gazprom often organizes oil and gas exploration operations in partnership with various research institutes.

Due to the huge resource potential, historians argue that in the foreseeable future, a real war may begin for Antarctica, which will involve all the leading states of the world. All this is confirmed by the political struggle for the resources of the Arctic, which has intensified in recent years.

According to various reviews, photos and videos, Antarctica seems to be a real corner of untouched nature. She's tough, yet beautiful at the same time.

Russian and foreign organizations operating in Antarctica

Active research work on the icy continent is carried out by the developed countries of the world. As of 2019, there are 48 permanent research stations in Antarctica. The most active exploration of the Antarctic is carried out by Russia, the USA, Great Britain, Chile, France, Argentina and China.

Among the most famous Antarctic stations are:

  • Bird Island, King Edward Point, Halley, Fossil Bluff (UK);
  • Kunlun, Changcheng, Zhongshan, Taishan (China);
  • Bellingshausen, Vostok, Mirny, Novolazarevskaya, Progress, Russian (Russia);
  • Amundsen-Scott, McMurdo, Palmer (USA);
  • Martin-de-Vivier, Port-au-France, Alfred Faure (France);
  • Frey, Escudero, Videla, Captain Arturo Prat (Chile).

In addition to permanent stations in Antarctica, there are also 41 seasonal research bases (including meteorological stations) where geological surveys are carried out. In the geographical center of the mainland, in the region of the South Pole, the American station Amundsen-Scott is located.

Jobs and available vacancies in Antarctica

In recent years, work in Antarctica has been in great demand. Jobs and salaries in Antarctica promise high income and interesting employment. All this is due to the presence of many advantages, a fairly high level of payment. However, getting a job is not easy.

Since the working and living conditions are close to extreme, the applicant must meet a number of mandatory criteria, including the possession of useful skills that will be useful in Antarctica (for example, in the field of construction), a high level of professionalism and work experience in the specialty, the ability to withstand isolation, excellent physical fitness, experience of long journeys.

Due to the popularity of work in Antarctica, there is a serious competitive selection for most of the vacancies. Specialists with a narrow focus associated with scientific expeditions to Antarctica are more likely to get to the glacial continent.

Demanded specialties and professions

Antarctica is a zone of scientific research, therefore scientists studying the environment (geologists, geophysicists, meteorologists, biologists and microbiologists) are extremely in demand here, by analogy with work at the North Pole. In addition, the following specialists are constantly required to ensure the smooth operation of the stations:

  • doctors and junior medical personnel;
  • system administrators;
  • specialists for work in a geological exploration expedition;
  • programmers and laboratory assistants;
  • photographers and videographers;
  • satellite communication experts;
  • drivers of all-terrain vehicles and vehicles with caterpillar type wheels;
  • welders;
  • exploration engineers;
  • mechanics;
  • cooks;
  • security workers.

Also in Antarctica there is a set for unique vacancies that are practically never found anywhere in the world. These include riometrists, magnetologists, polar bear repellers, vacancies for penguin lifters. But handymen are not taken here.

Earnings from a penguin flipper are small, but this is compensated by the opportunity to visit the uninhabited territory, untouched by human activity, to study the local population - penguins.

There is an increased demand for sailors and other professionals to work on Antarctic ships. The only caveat is that women are not accepted to work at sea.

Search for vacancies: with and without an intermediary

Russians and Belarusians can try to find a job on their own in Antarctica through the Institute of the Arctic and Antarctic in St. Petersburg (graduate students of the university are given preference). Of the countries of the former USSR, Antarctic activities are also carried out by Ukraine. Vacancies for Ukrainians to work at the polar station Akademik Vernadsky, which belongs to this country, are posted by the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.

Quite often, the recruitment of potential workers is carried out by foreign Antarctic communities (often the USA, Australia, Great Britain). However, only professionals of the highest category will be able to get the desired job, subject to fluency in English.

The participation of intermediaries in the search for Antarctic vacancies is minimal. The intermediary cannot guarantee employment in any way. He can help prepare the necessary documentary support, submit an application, explain some of the nuances of employment. For this reason, applicants are advised not to use the services of private companies. The exception is situations when the employer opens a competitive recruitment through an intermediary firm. However, even here the final decision will be with the employer, therefore, the applicant will not receive any advantages over other applicants.

You should not trust the vacancies posted on various employment exchanges, popular sites like Avito. Often the information provided here is not true.

Working conditions and wages: norms of the law

The level of earnings of a polar explorer directly depends on his work experience and profession. On average, wages in Antarctica are about 60 thousand rubles. Employees receive a 10% bonus every six months. There are three such material incentives during the calendar year, after which the salary level reaches a maximum.

According to the Russian legal framework, the salary of a polar explorer begins from the moment when he crosses the 60th parallel. In addition, all polar workers, regardless of status, work experience and position, are guaranteed the following preferences from the state:

  • setting the value of the regional coefficient within 3;
  • inclusion in the total length of service in Antarctica, periods of expedition trips to the mainland, which helps to significantly increase the pension;
  • additional paid leave.

It also guarantees a percentage bonus and a multiplier to the salary, which allows you to earn many times more.

Features of employment: contracts

Since work in Antarctica is carried out mainly on a rotational basis, each employee must conclude an employment contract with the employer before traveling. There are few special requirements here, the main thing is that the document fully complies with the requirements of Russian legislation.

The contract is drawn up in writing in at least 2 copies. One is handed over to the employee, the second remains with the employer. The contract prescribes the professional duties of the employee, the amount of material remuneration and the timing of the expedition to Antarctica, there is a description of the living conditions and the employer's guarantees for supplying everything necessary.

Requirements for candidates and documents

Many applicants do not know how to get on the expedition. Antarctica is a harsh land where living and working conditions are very difficult. Therefore, when selecting a suitable applicant for a current vacancy, the employer pays special attention to such nuances:

  • The volunteer has a higher education, good qualifications, extensive knowledge in the industry.
  • Good health. If the applicant has some health problems, he is in great danger. There are no medical complexes and hospitals in Antarctica; for operations, an employee will have to be escorted to the "mainland", which is not always possible in a difficult climate and long distances.
  • Communication skills, the ability to find a common language with colleagues. Often, the working staff of Antarctic stations is small (about 20 people). They are forced to spend a lot of time together, therefore it is important that conflict situations do not arise.
  • The ability to stay in a confined space for a long time. For Antarctica, prolonged snowstorms are not uncommon, which the hired personnel of the stations wait out in equipped rooms. There are cases when employees of one of the stations had to stay inside the building for more than 1 month.
  • Willingness to be away from home, close friends, family and child for a long time.
  • Compliance with the age limit of 25-45 years. For most jobs in Antarctica, this age limit is set. Enlisting older citizens here is almost impossible. For some specialties, applicants up to 65 years old are accepted.

Important! As practice shows, citizens with experience of shift work in the regions of the Far North (Murmansk, Arkhangelsk regions, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, YNAO, etc.) have the greatest chance to get a job.

In addition to the requirements for the personal characteristics of a potential employee, employers also impose certain requirements on the necessary documents. For work you will need:

  • certificates and diplomas confirming the level of qualification, passing additional educational courses and seminars;
  • work book, which contains records of past jobs;
  • driver's license (preferably international);
  • national passport;
  • a passport with a validity period of more than 6 months after the end of the shift.

For men, it is desirable to have a military ID or rank. Only in this case they will be allowed to travel on ships in the territorial waters of other states.

Shift method of work

Due to the lack of road infrastructure, most of the exploration and archaeological expeditions go to Antarctica during the summer period, which lasts here from October to March. During this period, there is a change of workers at the Antarctic stations. In the period from April to September, when winter comes to Antarctica, transport does not go here. The frosts here are so strong that the fuel freezes after a couple of minutes of inactivity.

Taking into account the peculiarities of weather conditions, work in Antarctica takes place on a rotational basis, the contract is concluded for at least 6 months. With some employees, it is possible to draw up employment agreements for 1 year. These are called "winterers" here.

It is worth noting that it is impossible to quit your job before the end of the term, for the reason that transport with humanitarian cargo arrives at most stations only in the summer months (October-March). Therefore, it is not possible to terminate the employment contract ahead of schedule.

How to get to Antarctica: ways

It can take quite a long time to get to Antarctica. If you sail here by ship from St. Petersburg, the route will last approximately 2 months. Flights to the Republic of South Africa, Chile or Argentina are allowed to reduce travel time. From here, the delivery of workers to the Antarctic stations is organized by planes and helicopters. However, this is only possible during the summer season.

Before you start looking for a job in the Arctic, on Franz Josef Land, Kotelny Island or Alexandra Island, there are several important nuances to consider.

They hire both qualified employees and people who do not have experience in a particular field. The Arctic is a highly demanded place of work among various categories of the population, seeking to get good money. The number of vacancies is constantly increasing, as is the level of wages. Therefore, the development of resources here is fast, which allows you to build cities, smaller settlements, and workers to transport entire families here. Both individuals who are ready to work on a rotational basis, and people who come to the region with their wives and other relatives can find work in the Arctic.

  1. They hire both qualified employees and people who do not have experience in a particular field.
  2. The salary is quite high.
  3. The length of service will be formed according to a special grid - the harsh Arctic, according to which 1 year is considered as 2.
  4. Provision of winter clothes, payment for the flight, four meals a day.
  5. Passing a free medical examination.

A large number of people work on a rotational basis in order to be able to visit relatives and family in a few months.

Most of the islands of Franz Josef Land do not have a permanent population, so mostly men come here to work. They can find work both at polar stations and at a geophysical observatory. In addition, every man has a chance to work on the search and development of resources. Women do not endure the Arctic climate and cold very well, especially since shift work in the Arctic is very difficult and physically difficult. This is due to the fact that work on a rotational basis provides for living in places of development or prospecting for minerals. Due to the peculiarities of the climate, returning to the place of permanent residence is not possible, therefore, special shift camps are being created.

Oil production in the Arctic. Shift work.

The work schedule may be different, which is negotiated when drawing up a contract with the employer. The most commonly used schedule is 15 working days and 15 days off. Although other types are also practiced, for example, 2 months to work and 1 to rest, or 3 months after 1. You have to work in the Arctic at least 12 hours a day, although the same amount of time is allotted for rest.

The disadvantages of this type of employment include factors such as:

  • Prolonged separation from the family, which is why there are frequent cases of family breakup;
  • Difficult work schedule
  • Isolation from the outside world;
  • Constant cold, which adversely affects health;
  • closed space;
  • Work in a team, so people must learn to establish contacts, solve problems and conflicts.

Camp in the Arctic

Jobs in the Arctic

You need to select vacancies through a direct employer, using the services of official representatives of the company.

An applicant for a particular position must defend the right to direct contact with the employer so as not to fall into the schemes of scammers or be deceived when drawing up a contract. Before accepting a job, you need to make a detailed list of the vacancies found, noting all the pros and cons. Almost all companies offer such working conditions as:

  • watch method;
  • Official employment;
  • The contract is concluded for a long period of time;
  • Business trips last no longer than 3 months;
  • Medical and social insurance;
  • The agreed salary level, with all allowances and bonuses.

The Arctic is a region of great opportunities, but because of the harsh climate, you need to look for work in areas where polar stations have existed for many years, expeditions and research are being conducted. This is due to the fact that the infrastructure is developed here, access to the benefits of civilization. Therefore, it is worth agreeing to proposals that allow you to work on the islands of Franz Josef Land, among which the most “civilized” are Kotelny Island, Heiss, and Alexandra Island. Although many polar explorers go to work in the Far North and the Arctic Ocean.

Among the popular vacancies in Franz Josef Land, it is worth noting the following professions: freight forwarder, storekeeper, IT specialist, surveyor, builder, installer, locksmith, cook, electromechanic, engineer.

Construction of a unique complex "Arctic Shamrock". Franz Josef Land

But at the same time, people are constantly needed to work in the Arctic to work in positions such as:

  • Drivers of trucks and special vehicles;
  • dump truck drivers;
  • workers in food warehouses;
  • Engineers for automated systems;
  • Laboratory assistants in construction laboratories;
  • Commandants in the towns where the workers live;
  • copywriters;
  • Cooks, bakers, auxiliary workers;
  • machinists;
  • Crane drivers;
  • Gas welders and gas cutters;
  • Masters and heads of departments;
  • Design Engineers;
  • minders;
  • Handymen.

Works to clean up the Arctic

And also workers are constantly required to service various installations. In particular, concrete-mixing, mortar-concrete, gas.

Working on long-distance ships attracts a very large number of people who are ready to spend most of their time at sea. Many people think that working on seagoing ships or on a cruise ship is only possible as a seafarer.

The largest cruise ships

But in fact, the number of demanded vacancies is much greater. This is due to the active and dynamic development of the Russian fleet, both military and civilian. There are vacancies for both men and women, both for experienced sailors and for people without experience.

Working at sea has many nuances and features that must be considered before agreeing to such proposals. Each position has its own set of minimum requirements that an employee of the civil or military fleet of Russia must meet.

A sample of the diploma of graduation from the VAGSh. Specialty - command-staff, operational-strategic.

Ordinary sailors, in order to find work, must complete special nautical schools. The command staff, especially the senior one, must receive higher education at the academy or university.

It is obligatory to study and know foreign languages, in particular English, which is considered the language of international communication.

To work on cruise ships, foreign languages ​​are simply necessary, since mostly foreigners travel on ships. It is also important that the ship's worker has a diploma in a particular field. For example, a mechanic knew engineering, and a cook had knowledge in cooking.

One of the main features is that the employees of ships and ships must be prepared for long trips. Not only the team, but also family members should be ready for such wanderings.

Positive and negative sides

Working on a ship is a complex, exciting and entertaining process, which allows seafarers to move up the career ladder, earn quite good money, and find a suitable position on land.

Seafarers earn significantly more than specialists in various fields on land.

This is what attracts a person to a maritime career, because in a few years you can save up enough money to buy an apartment, a car, or move to another country. This is especially true of earnings on a cruise ship or in the offshore industry for the extraction of gas and oil. An equally important aspect is that a person at the age of 30 can become a captain. Such a career is very few succeed at this age.

Other positives include the following:

  • There is no need to spend money on daily expenses, since the owner of the vessel or the marine company provides food, uniform, accommodation, flights, transfers.
  • Travel to different countries.
  • Long vacation, which is from 4 to 6 months.
  • Learning foreign languages, cultures, establishing contacts.
  • Opportunity to get a good job in the future.
  • The demand for maritime professionals, regardless of the political and economic situation in the country.
  • Lack of officers.
  • Development of professional qualities and skills.
  • Acquisition of considerable experience.

Working on cruise ships and seagoing ships also has its downsides due to a number of factors. First, it is worth considering the need to work in a team where there is a very strict discipline. Secondly, coexistence with team members in a limited space, networking, contacts, ability to communicate. Thirdly, hard physical work, sometimes lasting more than 12 hours. The work schedule is usually rotational, which is complicated by the constant change of time zones. Fourth, there is a high degree of injury and risk to general health. Fifth, the presence of a threat from pirates who seize merchant ships. According to the rules, it is impossible to store and use any firearms on the ship. Therefore, sailors during the seizure of the ship become defenseless victims of pirates.

Detention of the Mechanic Chebotarev tanker in Libya looks like a capture

In addition, the disadvantages include a long stay in a confined space. This is due not only to being at sea, but also to the dimensions of the ship, the size of the recreation areas, cabins, showers, and saunas. On many ships, such rooms are made more spacious, comfortable, so that the human psyche remains stable. The work of a seafarer requires retraining in order to confirm diplomas and the necessary certificates. Such a learning process is not cheap, and takes a lot of time. Seafarers are often deprived of state pensions, therefore, when writing off ashore, you need to think about sources of income.

Available vacancies

Many companies with offices in Murmansk, Vladivostok, Kursk, Arkhangelsk and other cities offer employment for vacancies in maritime specialties. The most demanded are the following professions for junior and senior staff:

  • Sailors;
  • Mechanics-engineers;
  • pilots;
  • Navigators;
  • minders;
  • Electromechanics;
  • Assistant captains;
  • Captains.

Such specialties are taught in maritime schools and academies, where they train workers for merchant, cruise, and military ships. In addition, the professions of a cook and a cook, an interpreter, a signalman, and a doctor are quite in demand.

In particular, in Murmansk, shipping companies are recruiting for such vacancies as senior mate, group captain, third and fourth mates, shift mate, captain. Jobs are offered on tankers, river and sea vessels, fishing ships, military and merchant ships.

Applicants for such vacancies must be able to understand navigation, electronic navigational equipment, mechanics and engineering, and the fulfillment of obligations incumbent on the captain. In particular, be responsible for the safety of the vessel and crew, cargo, passengers,

In Vladivostok, similar specialists are in demand, but people there have more opportunities to choose a job. This is due to the fact that workers for submarines and ships are also required here. Submarines need minders, sailors, and electromechanics.

On commercial, military, civil ships they take mainly men. Although women are also willingly taken on cruise ships and civilians. On cruise ships, women are hired as bartenders, administrators, waitresses, maids, translators, photographers, confectioners, doctors, animators, musicians, masseuses, beauticians, and receptionists.

In general, such a standard list of vacancies has been formed for cruise ships, such as:

  • translators;
  • Stewards;
  • bartenders;
  • Reception workers;
  • Ancillary workers;
  • Video and photo operators;
  • waiters;
  • Assistants in all named professions.

You must be fluent in English, be under 35 years old, be ready to entertain different groups of passengers, work about 10 hours a day, be ready for long stays at sea.

For women, professions at sea have also taken shape in other areas. For example, in the merchant fleet, these can be vacancies for a captain, navigator, mechanic, electrician, radio operator, cook. Fishing boats are constantly in need of doctors, cooks, bakers, barmaids, waitresses, laundresses.