External and internal goals of the organization. The purpose of the enterprise, organization and management to achieve the goal

21.02.2016 0:23 Consultant Zhemchugov Mikhail, Ph.D.

We note first that the division into external and internal goals is rather conditional. It is generally accepted that internal goals are the goals of the development of the enterprise, external - development external environment. Moreover, the development of the enterprise and the development of the external environment is based on a mutually beneficial exchange of resources. At the same time, the same goal, on the one hand, is internal, and on the other, external, and further we will talk about them conditionally. The external goals of the enterprise are basically a means of achieving its internal goals. Internal goals are largely a means of achieving external ones. And it is impossible to try to achieve any internal goal without achieving the external one and vice versa.

The hierarchy of enterprise goals (goal tree) is the main goal of the enterprise and private goals, the achievement of which, in combination, leads to the achievement of the main goal of the enterprise. At the same time, the achievement of private goals is a means of achieving the main goal, and when creating a tree of goals, both "external" and "internal" goals can be formed.

The starting point of the hierarchy of goals (both "internal" and "external") is the main goal of the enterprise. This is the goal that the owner sets for his enterprise. Such a main goal may be, for example, profit, market price enterprises ("internal" goals), leadership in their industry ("external" goal).

Let's assume that the main goal is the maximum achievable profit. To achieve it, it is necessary: ​​to obtain the maximum achievable sale of the enterprise's products ("external" goal), and to minimize the costs of its production (while maintaining quality) - efficient production ("internal" goal).

To obtain the maximum achievable revenue, it is necessary to comply consumer properties manufactured products to customer requirements (external goal). And here we need an optimum between the quality and price of products (depending on the cost). Private goals that are set based on the maximum achievable revenue are, for example, the study of consumer needs, the study of the competitive environment, the formation of new consumer needs ("external" goals), the modernization of products and the creation of new products ("internal" goals).

The goals for efficient production are the production of products of a given range in a given volume and a given quality, the introduction of new modern technologies, re-equipment of production, etc. ("internal" goals), as well as finding and obtaining high-quality and inexpensive components and materials, finances, etc. ("external" targets).

Each of the goals noted above is also decomposed into partial goals, and so on to the final indivisible operational goals.

Thus, there is only one hierarchy of enterprise goals, in which there are both "external" and "internal" goals.


Purpose of the organization represents the end state or desired outcome that any company aspires to. The company always has one common goal, which all members of the labor collective should strive to achieve.

The defining feature of the goals is that they must be realistically feasible and achievable, while being understandable to the team.

When planning, the company's management conducts the development of goals, informing their employee. In some companies, all members of the workforce may be involved in the development of tactical goals. Joint definition of goals − main motive and the coordinating power of the enterprise, because as a result of this process, each employee understands what he should strive for.

The goals and objectives of the organization may include winning and maintaining a share of a particular market, achieving more High Quality products, increasing the profitability of the company, achieving the maximum level of employment, etc.

Requirements for goals and objectives

The goals and objectives of the organization should be:

1.) Achievable (you can not overestimate the goal);

2.) Specific (determine the term);

3.) Address (identify the artist);

4.) Flexible (revised in accordance with changes in the internal and external environment);

5.) Consistent (if the company sets several goals, they must be consistent with each other).

The goals and objectives of the organization, set by management, are used in the process of establishing and evaluating the effectiveness of the company.

The goals and objectives of the organization set a general guideline for activities.

Tasks of the organization


Tasks of the organization are goals that must be achieved by a certain time within the periods for which it is calculated managerial decision. Organizational objectives are goals that are not tied to time.

Depending on the structure of the organization, each position is characterized by a number of tasks considered as a necessary contribution to achieving the goals of the enterprise. At the same time, the tasks indicate the immediate goals of the company, which can be quantified.

The goals and objectives of the organization are mainly aimed at generating income from the production or sale of products.

The objectives of the organization may be to provide staff salary, generating income for the owners of the company, providing consumers with quality products in accordance with demand and contracts, protecting environment, preventing disruptions in the work of the company, etc.

  1. National public specifics,
  2. Features of the development of society that have developed historically,
  3. Geographical and natural conditions,
  4. Factors of the cultural environment, etc.

Goals and objectives of the organization

The goals and objectives of the organization can be determined by the interests of the owners, the situation within the company and the external environment, as well as the size of the company's capital.

The goals and objectives of the organization can be set both by the owners of the company and by managers and staff. When formulating and setting the goals and objectives of the organization, the owners rely on their own priorities, most often this is making a profit through production or sales.

The department formulating and concretizing the corresponding goals and objectives of the organization must take into account the real conditions for their implementation. Tasks and goals should be appropriate from the standpoint of the interest and profile of the organization; to achieve them, a sufficient amount of material and financial resources is required.

The main goal of most enterprises is to exceed the result over the costs incurred, that is, to maximize profits and a high level of profitability. To achieve this goal, enterprises perform a number of tasks: the production of high-quality products, the introduction of new technologies, the development of a strategy and tactics of behavior, ensuring competitiveness, caring for employees, etc.

Examples of problem solving


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1. The concept and essence of the organization, its external and internal goals.

2. Typology of organizations.

3. Life cycle of the organization.

4. Operating environment. The internal environment of the organization. People are like an internal variable. The external environment of the organization. Factors of indirect influence. Factors of direct influence.

5. Structure of the organization

The concept and essence of the organization, its external and internal goals

Organization- a consciously coordinated social entity with defined boundaries that functions on an ongoing basis to achieve common goals. Organization- active, relatively independent element public system through which the interests of the individual and society are refracted.

Organization- the formation of a group or individuals interacting with each other and working to achieve a specific goal.

The organization is characterized by the following signs:

- complexity, determining the degree of division of labor in the organization, the level of specialization, the number of levels of the hierarchy;

formalization- developed rules and procedures that determine the behavior of employees; (what can and cannot be done);

ratio of centralization and decentralization the levels at which decisions are made. The ratio of centralization and decentralization determines the type and nature of the organizational structure of management.

Every organization has a mission. Mission A stated statement as to why and for what reason an organization exists. The development of the mission is necessary to identify the main task of the company, to develop on its basis the goals and criteria for decision-making.

For the organization, the mission is the starting point for making planning decisions (determine why the company exists); gives clarity to the goal towards which the organization is moving (what is the difference between this company and those already operating in the market); helps to concentrate the efforts of employees to achieve the goal (consistency of interests of all persons in the organization); causes understanding and support of external participants of the organization, contributes to the creation of the corporate spirit of the organization.

In a generalized form, the mission is the definition of the offered products (services), the place and role of the organization in the market; organization goals; technology, basic attitudes and values, strengths, competitiveness, responsibility to partners and consumers, image and appearance. What the company is going to do, where to go, and what it wants to become, is the mission of the company.

Depending on the classification criteria are as follows goal groups:

1) establishment period: strategic, tactical; operational;

3) structural: marketing, innovation, personnel; production, financial, administrative;

4) environment: internal and external;

5) priority: special priority, priority, external;

6) measurability quantitative and qualitative;

7) repeatability: one-time and constantly recurring;

8) hierarchy: goals of the organization, units;

9) stage life cycle: design and creation of an object, growth of an object; object maturity; end of the life cycle of an object.

The mission does not change throughout the entire life cycle of the organization. The formation of a new mission leads to the formation of a new enterprise. Carrying out its mission, the company is moving towards achieving certain goals (survival, growth, profitability):

· external goals taking into account the needs of a wider social community, within which the organization operates, these are the goals, the achievement of which allows the organization to change the external environment;

· internal goals- the goals of the team itself, focusing on the satisfaction of its needs. They are formed either as a resultant or as a coinciding part of the individual goals of its participants, which greatly facilitates the management process, these are goals, the achievement of which allows the organization to develop itself.

Of course, the achievement of both goals is interconnected, i.e. it is impossible to try to achieve any internal goal without achieving an external one and vice versa.

3.2 Typology of organizations
Organizations, due to their extreme diversity, can be typologized, that is, they can be singled out and combined in many ways. characteristic features. The most common types of typology are: by the nature of the activity - public, economic, state, municipal; by field of activity - economic, political, military, social, children's; by industry - construction, mining, medical, sports; in relation to the authorities - governmental, municipal, independent; by nationality - national, foreign, joint; according to the degree of independence - head (maternal) and subsidiaries; by form of ownership - private, state, municipal, public, mixed; by organizational and legal form - state and municipal unitary enterprises, joint-stock companies partnerships, cooperatives, public associations, institutions, associations; according to the degree of formalization - legal and non-legal entities; by the number of employees - large, medium and small; by duration of operation - permanent, temporary, seasonal; in relation to profit - commercial (profitable) and others; in relation to the budget - budgetary, financed from the budget and non-budgetary; on organizational structure- linear, functional, matrix. There may be other types of typology of organizations.

Organization life cycle

For description trends of change Life cycle models are the most commonly used in organizations. These models are based on the idea that an organization follows a path of three stages: birth, youth and maturity, and aging of the organization. The practical meaning of organization life cycle models lies in the detailed definition phases that make up each of the stages of the life of the organization:

Phase 1 - the birth of the organization. The definition of the main goal is characteristic; the main task is to enter the market; organization of labor - the desire to maximize profits.

Phase 2 - childhood and adolescence. the main objective- short-term profits and accelerated growth, survival through tough management; the main task is to strengthen and capture a part of the market; organization of labor - profit planning, salary increase.

Phase 3 - maturity. The main goal is systematic, balanced growth and the formation of an individual image; leadership effect through delegation of authority; main goal is to grow different directions, the conquest of the market, taking into account diverse interests; organization of work - division and cooperation, premium for individual results.

Phase 4 - the aging of the organization. The main goal is to maintain the achieved results; in the field of leadership, the effect is achieved through coordination of actions; the main task is to ensure stability, a free regime of labor organization, and participation in profits.

Phase 5 - the revival of the organization. The main goal is to ensure survival in all functions; the main task is rejuvenation; in the field of labor organization - collective bonuses.

The growth of the organization is accompanied by periods of crisis, the duration of which depends on the security of the organization.

The peculiarity of the growth of the organization reflects the model of crises of the life cycle of the organization. According to this model, there are five phases of organizational growth. Each phase contains an evolutionary stage in the development of the organization, which is interrupted by management crises.

Any organization is considered in two dimensions, one of which forms the size of the organization, and the other - its age. Depending on the size of the organization and at certain stages of its life cycle, the following crises are distinguished.

1. Leadership crisis. As the organization grows, the initially formed informal ties in management between the co-owners are formalized and take the form of management. This process is painful, since some co-owners do not have the qualities of managers, and management begins to compete with the power of the owners - the leaders of the organization. There is a difficult change of leaders: from owners to executive directors.

2. The crisis of autonomy occurs in the process of differentiation and diversification of production as it grows. To resolve this crisis, it is necessary top management delegate part of the authority down.

3. Crisis of control. After decentralization is carried out, at some stage in the development of the organization, control over the units is lost, carried out from above.

4. The crisis of bureaucratization. The creation and development of headquarters subsequently leads to a confrontation between the headquarters and the line. The organization further becomes too unwieldy to be governed by formal programs and practice strict controls.

In the course of its activity, the enterprise must make a number of decisions:
  • what product or range of products should be produced and sold;
  • what markets do you need to enter with this product and how to strengthen your position in the market;
  • how to choose the optimal production technology;
  • what materials to acquire and how to use them;
  • how to allocate available models and financial resources;
  • what indicators of its activity the enterprise prefers (should) achieve in relation to specifications manufactured goods, their quality, production efficiency.

Activities aimed at solving these issues are called the general business policy of the enterprise or company.

The main objectives of the enterprise can be:
  • win or hold a large share of any market for ϲʙᴏ his product;
  • to achieve a higher quality of his product;
  • to take the leading position in the field of technology in the industry;
  • maximize the use of available raw materials, human and financial resources;
  • increase the profitability of their operations;
  • achieve the highest possible level of employment.
As a result of the activity, the business policy of a certain enterprise turns into specific plan actions for its implementation, which includes three stages:
  1. the establishment of ϲʙᴏ timely clear quantitative indicators, which the company is going to achieve as a result of ϲʙᴏ its main goal of activity;
  2. determination of the main strategic directions and actions that the enterprise must carry out in order to achieve its goals. With ϶ᴛᴏm, two main factors are taken into account:
    • how and to what extent the enterprise in the course of its activities will be affected by external factors;
    • what are the available weaknesses enterprise and its internal capabilities. To what extent will the former be overcome and the latter potentially exploited;
  3. development of a flexible system of long-term planning that fits into the structure of the enterprise (determination of a strategy that will ensure the achievement of goals)

A mission is a common goal that causes the members of the organization to share aspirations for something. Mission Statement - ϶ᴛᴏ the answer to the question: why does the company do what it does. Mission is a goal that unites many roles. On the basis of the mission, long-term goals of the enterprise or qualitative results are formulated, which it intends to achieve beyond planning period, to whom he is going to approach.

Strategy— ϶ᴛᴏ way or means to achieve a long-term goal. The strategy answers the question: what alternatives are better to use: the resources available in the organization or the capabilities to achieve the goals.

The main tasks of the enterprise- to achieve the results that are expected to be obtained within the planning period. It is worth noting that they are determined by the interests of the owner, the amount of capital, the situation within the enterprise, and the external environment. The right to set a task for the personnel of the enterprise remains with the owner, regardless of his status (private person, government bodies or shareholders)

The tasks of the operating enterprise will be:
  • receipt of income by the owner of the enterprise (among the owners there may be the state, shareholders, private individuals);
  • providing consumers with the products of the enterprise in ϲᴏᴏᴛʙᴇᴛϲᴛʙii with contracts and market demand;
  • providing the personnel of the enterprise with wages, normal working conditions and the possibility of professional growth;
  • creation of jobs for the population living in the vicinity of the enterprise;
  • environmental protection: land, air and water basins;
  • prevention of failures in the work of the enterprise (disruption of delivery, production of defective products, a sharp reduction in production volumes and a decrease in profitability)

Do not forget that the most important task of the enterprise in all cases is generating income through the sale of products to consumers(work performed, services rendered) Based on the income received, social and economic inquiries labor collective and owners of the means of production.

Formation of the company's goal

It is worth saying that politics, like strategy, belongs to the category of means. It is worth saying that politics answers the question: how should tasks be carried out?.

The company has certain requirements for the process of formulating goals:
  • goals must be achievable and realistic;
  • goals should be clear and unambiguously formulated;
  • the goal should be described as much as possible in terms and get the required quantitative design;
  • the goal must have a deadline;
  • goals should motivate performance actions in the right direction;
  • the goal must be formulated and formalized;
  • the goals of individual and group goals of the enterprise and firm must be compatible;
  • goals are aimed at a certain effect and should be suitable for verification and adjustment.

When forming goals, any enterprise necessarily analyzes the environment of its existence. Analysis of the organization's environment - ϶ᴛᴏ the process of identifying critical important elements external and internal environment, which can influence the firm's ability to achieve its goals. When analyzing the environment of a firm, a distinction is made between internal and external environments.

Factors of the internal environment enterprises are personnel, means of production, information and financial resources. The result of the interaction of these factors is finished products(work performed, services rendered) The internal environment consists of elements, services, departments that are directly involved in the process production activities and include marketing, management, personnel, organization of the activity process, motivation. Changing these elements to one degree or another determines the activity of the company. These are the elements that the company directly affects.

Environmental factors enterprises act as consumers of products, suppliers of production components, as well as government agencies and the population living in the vicinity of the enterprise. The external environment directly determines the efficiency of the enterprise. The external environment contains suppliers, consumers, the state, competitors, society, nature, financial instruments, fiscal policy. External environment consists of working and general environment.

Workspace- ϶ᴛᴏ direct elements with which the enterprise comes into contact. It is worth saying that for each firm, the working environment can be more or less the same, depending on industry affiliation and general business policy. Suppliers, consumers, competitors form the immediate environment, i.e. the working environment, everything else is included in the distant environment, which is formed from social, political, economic and technological factors.

General environment forms the company's strategy and determines the direction of its development. With ϶ᴛᴏm, the company necessarily takes into account the influence of the working environment and ϲʙᴏand internal capabilities. The totality of the internal and external environment will be the organizational environment of the enterprise.