Business ideas with a profit of 100,000 per month. Business without large investments

According to the latest research by British scientists, THERE IS NO MONEY ON THE INTERNET!

People have money. And in order to get money from people, you have to provide them with the product they need or provide the service they need. If you like to get a penny for your work, then you can do clicks, captchas, bookmarks, dubious affiliate programs, a set of referrals, and other nonsense. If you are too lazy to work at all, then you can kill time in search of "money taps" and the "loot" button. If you - man of sense, ready to make an effort to achieve a result, if you want to learn how to earn real money and create your own profitable business, then we have prepared a detailed manual for you " Real Business from 100,000 rubles per month" in video format.

Money faucet! Bubble button! Million on the couch!

And also: boxes, captchas, refs, hypes, spam, etc. etc. NOT HERE! Here - information for those who do not suffer from infantilism, laziness and inertia! The real hit of 2017 is the author's video course "Real Business from 100,000 rubles per month" by Dmitry Smirnov. How does this course differ from dozens of others of the same kind with promising titles? It has at least one feature - THIS COURSE WORKING. In every sense of the word. By following this step-by-step video tutorial, you will significantly increase your monthly income, but only if you WORK.

You are a happy owner of a source of high and, most importantly, stable income!

Yes, no matter how pathetic and trite it may sound, the secret of your success lies within you. If you are ready to get out of your comfort zone in order to achieve your goal (or, in other words, break away from the TV and take your butt off the sofa), show a little diligence and perseverance, then we have a tool thanks to which you can easily convert your work into cash. signs.

Do you want to earn without labor, without making any effort and without devoting time to work?

THEN DO NOT PURCHASE THIS MANUAL! Video course "Real Business from 100,000 rubles a month" by Dmitry Smirnov - for those who understand that water does not flow under a lying stone, for those who are ripe for the realization of the fact that no one pays money just like that! We can teach you to provide legal entities with certain services for which you will be paid good money. Following step by step instructions With this video course, you will get a high-paying job that you can easily develop into a full-fledged business.

Do you want to make your wildest dreams come true? Do you want to feel dizzy with success and get satisfaction from the results of your work?

We have two news for you - good and bad. The bad news is that it is hardly possible to achieve all of the above without putting in effort, unless you are the son or daughter of an oligarch. The good news is we can teach you the business that will lead you to success. All that is required of you is to show perseverance, patience and determination. It doesn't matter who and where you worked or work, it doesn't matter if you have experience in sales or remote work. Only one thing is important - your sincere desire to change your life for the better. To help you, we have prepared a special video course "Real Business from 100,000 rubles per month", following which you will learn how to earn money by providing services to legal entities.


Then we got the wrong address. Forgive us, please, and do not read further.

If you have read up to this line, then you are a sane, active and purposeful person who understands that in order to achieve successful results, you need to work hard. It was for people like you, who are aimed at success, that the course was created, which is based on the personal experience of the author, his experience and best practices. We present to your attention a unique author's video course "Real Business from 100,000 rubles per month", which has no analogues on the Internet. Following the step-by-step instructions, you are guaranteed to reach the declared income, earning on the provision of certain services to legal entities. Services in demand, relevant and well paid.

Walks on the Internet great amount courses that promise to teach you how, as if by magic, you will suddenly start making super-profits with little or no effort.
If you live in a world of dreams and believe in such fairy tales, then you can not read further.
For those who are ready to take their ass off the couch, we have a real offer:


Yes, yes, that's right - WORK. WORK and EARN. Stop counting other people's money and doing nonsense and start providing for yourself, your family, your children.

Today I am sharing with you a unique method of making real money. All that is required of you is to follow the step-by-step instructions presented for clarity in the form of a video course. I am the author of this method of earning, my mistakes and my achievements are taken into account in the course. In September 2016, I, like you, had a vague idea about making money on the Internet. And last month my income was 134,000 rubles and 760 euros. If it worked for me, it can work for you too. It will turn out if you drive your laziness and insecurity under the sofa!

Premiere! The unique author's technique "Real Business from 100,000 rubles per month"!

Earnings on the provision of services to organizations / legal entities. The topic is serious, relatively new, and very promising. It will live for a very long time, if not forever. Does not require any special knowledge and skills. Although the topic is serious, it will suit almost every adequate and sane person who wants to earn consistently. The work is approximately 50% online and 50% offline. You can work alone. It is not necessary to register an individual entrepreneur or LLC, it is also not necessary to rent an office. It is possible to work 100% online, but, in my opinion, this is less efficient (although someone else can do the opposite, more efficiently). If you combine online and offline, the profit will increase, but, accordingly, you will spend more time. Attention! Hurry up to purchase the video course "Real Business from 100,000 rubles per month" with a 50% discount!

  • Result Guaranteed
  • from 100 000 rubles PER MONTH!

Are you thinking about starting your own business?

  • No initial capital at all?
  • Can't pick a niche?
  • Or are you afraid of "burning out"?

You are on the right track if you are looking for a way to improve your financial situation. Carefully study this information. Maybe it will change YOUR LIFE forever!



Probably you have already reviewed a huge number of courses where you are offered to earn a million on the Internet without getting up from the couch? Although everyone knows that there is no easy money. Unfortunately, there are still many people who want to make money on you by “selling” low-quality goods. HERE YOU GET REAL INFORMATION, YOU CAN IMMEDIATELY IMPLEMENT IT IN PRACTICE RUBLES


About the author of the course

Hello. My name is Dmitry Smirnov, I am 28 years old.
At the end of September 2016, I discovered a new income, which is now my main income. The simplicity and functionality that I did not know about before helped me reach an income of 100,000 rubles per month.

My system was tested by my students and a verdict was issued - everyone can open a business according to the scheme that I developed. Previously, I worked in sales for a fuel company, wage arranged, so you will not see complaints and whining here.
But I've always had a hard time working in an office. I didn't want to work 5 days a week for someone else to make 20 times what I earn from me.

Now I'm giving you a chance to get rid of your uncle's job forever and make your wildest dreams come true. THE MOST IMPORTANT REMEMBER - WATER DOES NOT FLOW UNDER A LAYING STONE!

I have prepared for you high-quality material, thanks to which you can reach a fast-growing and stable income. ALREADY IN 7 DAYS!.

About the course

We present to your attention based on personal experience step by step
earning scheme with an income of 100,000 rubles per month

What do we offer to earn?
On the provision of certain services to organizations / legal entities necessary to increase their number of customers, and, accordingly, increase their profits.

The topic is serious, relatively new, and very promising. It will live for a very long time, if not forever. Practically does not require
any special knowledge or skills. Although the topic is serious, it is accessible to every adequate and sane person who wants to consistently earn money and develop an interesting profitable business. In Russia, such services are still underdeveloped, so now is the time to find your niche and work successfully! Moreover, we provide you with all the necessary tools.

Get started at this direction it is possible without investments, in the future, expenses in the amount of about 3,000 rubles per six months will be needed to service one organization. You can start working on your own, and if necessary, take an assistant or manager. There is no need to register an individual entrepreneur / LLC, you will not need an office either, at least at first.

It is possible to work 100% online, but this seems to us less efficient (although someone else can do the opposite, more efficiently). The combination of both work options will bring more profit, but, accordingly, requires more time. The amount of income depends on how much time you will devote to work. Let's just say, you can earn 100,000 per month when you download about 3-4 hours a day.

You can do more, but you'll have to sweat. The term for obtaining the first profit is 4-7 days after mastering the training material. The course, for your convenience and more effective perception, is presented in the format of a video lesson lasting about an hour, which covers economic, technical and organizational issues in detail. We have done everything possible so that you, having studied the material, could launch own business, which brings good profit, and if you have creative thinking, you can easily modify and modify this theme.

Your path to success and financial independence is in your hands

100% money back guarantee

Thanks to our course, you are guaranteed to be able to earn from 100,000 rubles per month.

If not, write me a personal mail at and describe your problem.

If we cannot help you, we will kindly refund your money in full. The warranty is valid for 30 days from the date of payment. Remember that you risk nothing and are 100% protected

Once again, the boss has spoiled your mood, and the question of opening your own business is an edge: should you start or continue to work for your "uncle"? Of course, both options have their advantages and disadvantages. Work for an employer - be free from problems with the financing of the enterprise, tax and financial statements, attracting customers. Have ideas to start your own business? A good option, but you need to be prepared for the fact that all organizational issues will now fall on your shoulders. are you not afraid of that? Then we turn to the second question: what is the source of business financing?

What budget is needed to start a business? To get started, we offer two business ideas that will help you if you have a relatively small amount - 100,000 rubles.

So, the budget is determined - 100,000 rubles. The budget is not big, but for start-up capital small business is enough. What can be opened for 100,000 rubles? How to get started? What's the first step?

Getting started with formalities

You need to implement your business ideas from registration legal entity or individual entrepreneur (IP). First, it is better to register an individual entrepreneur, since the work can be done alone or with the involvement of personnel under civil contracts. Subsequently, if the business is being implemented, it will already be possible to think about expanding and registering a legal entity. Surely many now have the idea of ​​​​working without registration. Please note that Article 171 of the Russian Criminal Code provides criminal liability per entrepreneurial activity without registering. So, we register IP.

We will not describe the registration procedure itself, it is regulated federal law dated 08.08.2001 No. 129-FZ "On state registration legal entities and individual entrepreneurs"Let's dwell on the fact that we pay a state fee for registering an individual entrepreneur and issuing a seal: 800 and 500 rubles, respectively. Then we pay 1,000 rubles for opening a bank account. Taking into account bank commissions for transferring, the first investment in the implementation of our idea will amount to 2,500 rubles.

Were you able to open an IP? Let's move on! Register at the branch pension fund at the place of residence, and then we buy and register cash register(on average, the cost will be 20,000 rubles). So, the budget for starting a business "lost weight" by 22,500 rubles. However, if you do not plan to provide services or carry out retail sale, you can do without it.

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Business idea options

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Let's start a beauty business

What business to open? Let's look at the market segment that is most in demand in your area. The budget does not allow opening a store, but beauty services are rarely in demand. Of course, you need to invest a lot of money in a full-fledged salon. It is better where the masters will not be on the staff of the employer, but only rent jobs. Yes, and the cash register is not useful yet.

So, renting a room, about 20 sq. m. in a residential area in a small shopping center, will cost at least 30,000 rubles (for St. Petersburg and remote areas of Moscow). The purchase of equipment for the work of masters: three armchairs and mirrors, an administrator's desk and a sofa for waiting - will cost you about 30,000 rubles if you buy used equipment. You will have to spend about 10,000 rubles on a small decoration of the room (refresh the wallpaper, change the flooring, etc.). About another 10,000 rubles will be spent on the purchase of small things for the interior and customer care: decor elements, a kettle, dishes, etc. With the rest of the money, we advertise for renting the workplace of a hairdresser, and then invest in advertising our business.

Since funds are scarce, leaflets and newspaper advertisements, which are distributed free of charge, are well suited. Next, we conclude lease agreements for workplaces with hairdressers. Depending on the area, this is an average of 15,000 rubles per master per month, taking into account the fact that each workplace rented to two masters in shifts (for example, from 09.00 to 15.00 - one master, from 15.00 to 21.00 - another).

Total: the monthly profit from the hairdresser will be 90,000 rubles, minus the rent of the premises, as well as utility bills (about 10,000 rubles), the output will be 50,000 rubles. What are the advantages of such a business? Masters themselves provide the purchase of consumables and the necessary equipment (hair dyes, shampoos, hair dryers, scissors, etc.), and also work with their client base. You will only need the work of an administrator, which you yourself will be able to successfully perform. What are the downsides? Masters themselves regulate the price range of their services. In addition, the masters need to be found in a short time, otherwise there will be nothing to pay for the rent. On the other hand, if the start of this business is successful, you will be able to hire masters on an ongoing basis, enter into an agreement with suppliers of consumables and set your price range for hairdressing services.

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Opening an online store

There are a lot of reasons why an online store will be a great start when implementing your first business idea. Firstly, you will not need a room to work, which will save on rent (from 10,000 to 30,000 per month on average in St. Petersburg or Moscow). Goods for sale can be stored at home, of course, if they are not bulky items. Secondly, work is carried out at home, which means that there is an opportunity to earn money without spending time on the road, and also not to look for where to attach a small child, if any. The expenditure part of the project is: 1,500 rubles - we connect unlimited Internet with a dedicated line, 10,000 rubles. - development and commissioning of the website. Do not forget about advertising: website promotion on the Internet and advertising in small newspapers will cost you an average of 10,000 rubles.

Now let's move on to the most important thing: what will we sell? What is most in demand: women's clothing, accessories and jewelry, cosmetics and perfumes, children's things and toys (educational toys are in great demand), pet products, etc. Let's focus on children's clothing. We are looking for a supplier of goods: it can be a factory or a manufacturer that works on wholesale prices. Be sure to study the reviews about this potential counterparty and the quality of its products. If negative reviews no, we conclude an agreement, form a model and size range, make an advance payment and wait. The range of goods purchased with the remaining budget funds will be enough to launch the project. Upon the arrival of the goods, we launch the website and wait for the first orders.

In this material:

Opening a business with a budget of 100,000 rubles is not as difficult as it seems. In the modern world, you can start your own business even without any investment. But, as practice shows, one hundred thousand is minimum amount initial capital, which will allow the business to quickly pay off and start generating tangible income.

The amount of 100 thousand rubles by the standards of a business is rather small, so you need to carefully choose a business project and carefully plan all the costs of its creation.

First of all, a business project must clearly answer the questions: what goods or services will be offered to customers, how much are they in demand in the market? Secondly, it is necessary to evaluate competitors and develop a strategy and tactics to fight for your buyer. And only after that start planning expenses and actions to open a business.

Sale of goods

Traditionally, one of the most popular areas in which a novice entrepreneur with a limited budget can unwind. The amount of 100 thousand is not enough to rent a mini-shop and purchase a minimum product range, unless you agree with the supplier on a commodity loan or on payment for the goods received after its sale.

However, this money may be quite enough to rent a small kiosk or to organize one or more mobile outlets. It can be:

  • stalls selling newspapers and magazines, ice cream, soft drinks, accessories, jewelry, small household goods;
  • rented stalls for the sale of dairy or meat products, bread and bakery products;
  • mobile outlets for the sale of consumer goods in villages and towns.

To meet a small budget, all necessary equipment will have to rent or buy used. Most likely, at first, the entrepreneur will have to work independently behind the counter.

It should be noted that, in addition to the costs of registration individual entrepreneurship, the business plan should include the costs of obtaining a trade license, passing mandatory medical examination, obtaining permits in SES.

Tailoring services

After trade, this is perhaps the second most popular and relevant business area that does not require high capital investments. According to the experience of most craftsmen working in the field of individual tailoring, a budget of 100,000 rubles is enough to organize a workshop with hired staff of several people.

For the studio, a small room is usually rented in shopping malls or clothing stores. For a tailoring workshop, you can use your apartment as a room. The cost of renting or buying non-new equipment, registering a legal entity and the cost of paying staff are within the budget of 100,000 rubles.

Financial operations

can be opened and financial business for 100,000 rubles. For example, purchase your own terminal. New device costs from 60 thousand rubles. An old one in good condition can be bought for 30 thousand. The internal structure of the terminal is not much more complicated than an ordinary home computer, so a person who understands technology and electronics can easily maintain and repair it himself.

The budget of 100 thousand rubles will be enough to purchase 1-3 terminals and register a legal entity. It is necessary to talk with the owner of the premises about the installation of your device and conclude agreements with organizations to which clients' money will be transferred.

Income from such a business will be deducted in the form of a transfer fee. The amount of the commission depends entirely on the appetites of the terminal owner. Almost all cellular operators and many other organizations return to the entrepreneur 5-10% of the money that clients transfer to them, allowing the owner of the terminal to minimize the commission.

The amount of 100,000 rubles is enough to start a business of issuing short-term loans to people in need. The size of loans usually does not exceed 10-20 thousand, and the term is 2-3 weeks. The main document guaranteeing the return of money is the receipt of the borrower. An additional guarantor of the return of the loan may be a pledge of jewelry, valuable papers, household appliances etc.

Entrepreneurs who issue loans charge quite high interest rates - from 1 to 3% per day, but still try not to exceed the fee in pawnshops. The risk of non-repayment is low, since not everyone wants to contact collection services because of several thousand rubles, and is included as a percentage of the profits from bona fide borrowers. All this must be calculated in advance and included in your business plan.

The payback and profitability of such a business for 100,000 rubles is high, and it can be expanded by attracting depositors at interest rates significantly higher than bank ones.

Internet business

When choosing which business to open for 100,000 rubles, many opt for Internet projects.

Opportunities for entrepreneurship in this area are wider, since the initial costs do not imply the purchase or rental of space and equipment.

Online stores often act as a popular business idea for 100,000 rubles. For half of this amount, you can purchase a mid-level website store to order from professionals. The business plan of an online store should provide for the costs of the initial assortment, promotion and advertising of the site. The average payback period is one year.

Those who don't want to get involved with selling anything might like $100,000 worth of ideas to create a blog or a themed site. The specified initial capital is enough to order its production, primary content filling and promotion from professionals. When the site reaches a certain number of visitors, you can offer advertisers the placement of paid advertising. The cost of this advertising will depend on the popularity of the site, which is determined by the number of visits per day, month or year.

lovers financial transactions the idea of ​​​​creating an exchange office that exchanges electronic money to real ones and vice versa. The cost of creating an automated exchange site varies from 15 to 45 thousand. The bulk of the initial capital will go into reserves for each currency and payment system.

Investments: Investments 450,000 - 1,000,000 ₽

Company Samogonka.NET - network retail stores sales of folk goods: moonshine stills, goods for winemaking, brewing, cooperage products, samovars, related thematic goods. We are a dynamically developing trading and manufacturing company. We have been on the market since 2014. At the moment, the company has a group of federal online stores: Samogonka.NET / SeverKedr, including a wholesale and franchising department. In our stores…

We are the only Fish Holding in Russia, whose portfolio includes the most advanced production facilities from absolutely ALL fish and seafood production regions in the country! Our Group of Companies, in addition to mining and processing, has independently taken a leading position in the market in wholesale trade, after which she successfully created her own network of fish stores "Kuril Coast". The unique diversification of production assets,…

Investments: Investments 190,000 - 460,000 ₽

Investments: Investments 250,000 - 500,000 ₽

Generation of Leaders is the first business school for children, where acting entrepreneurs share their experience in an accessible way and share the secrets of their success. The school was founded in 2015 by two current successful entrepreneurs Sayan Galsandorzhiev and Sergey Brykov. Both of them led the community of young entrepreneurs in the Republic of Buryatia for a long time. They are specialists-experts in building a business from “0”.…

Investments: Investments 1 500 000 - 2 000 000 ₽

The federal network of schools of speech communications "The Power of the Word Kids" is educational project for children and adolescents aged 5-16 years, aimed at developing the skills of eloquence, communication, getting rid of the fear of public speaking and the fear of being heard. To build a successful career and personal relationships, you need to be able to negotiate, convince and clearly articulate your thoughts. We have created a complete system...

Investments: Investments 3 800 000 - 5 000 000 ₽

G.Bar is the most large network beauty bars in the world, which serves more than 60 thousand customers and provides more than 140 thousand services annually. The G.Bar network includes 6 own beauty bars (Kiev, Moscow) and 21 franchised ones in the world, including Russia, Ukraine, Poland, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Slovakia, Cyprus, and the USA. The company was founded in 2015 and provides…

Investments: Investments 1 490 000 - 3 490 000 ₽

Bestway Auto Service Network is a network of body and locksmith repair stations, which was founded in November 2014. Facts: For 4 years we have opened 14 stations in 8 regions of Russia - in Nizhny Novgorod, Kazan, Rostov-on-Don, Krasnodar, Ivanovo, Yaroslavl, Vladimir, Dzerzhinsk. In 2017, the group's cash turnover amounted to 211 million rubles. In 2018…

Investments: Investments 1 350 000 - 6 500 000 ₽

VodaTeplo® - sales, design, installation, warranty and service maintenance of heating systems, water supply, water treatment, sewerage, smoke removal, ventilation, air conditioning, electrical security, video surveillance, "smart home" systems. As well as sanitary ware, equipment for baths and saunas, fireplaces, bath accessories, equipment for fonts and pools, chemicals for pools and much more. WaterHeat® - engineering systems. The most recognizable brand in our field!!!…

Investments: Investments 300 000 ₽

YAGE was founded in 2017. The founder is Dmitry Kalinkovich, who has 10 years of experience in creating and developing a franchising business, the founder of the first online driving school in Russia. Direction of activity - automation of preparation for the Unified State Examination / OGE. The main goal of the company is to increase the overall level of passing exams and the result in points using an accessible online service. Development plans include…

Investments: Investments 299,000 - 1,500,000 ₽

Since 2015, our team has been actively studying the Korean cosmetics market. And we found very interesting information. Korean cosmetics, with all its obvious advantages over other competitors, takes only 2% Russian market. Seeing the prospects, we chose some of the most high-quality and attractive brands Urban Dollkiss, Baviphat, Urban city, Dr.119 and successfully sold 2 franchises. Year of work...

Investments: Investments 200,000 - 600,000 ₽

Delivery service SAMPOST has been actively working in the field of cargo transportation and express delivery of documents and parcels in Russia, the CIS countries and the world for more than 13 years. We gained valuable experience, developed optimal routes and work algorithms. This allows us to reduce the time and cost of shipments for our customers. Experience and thorough knowledge of the market allow us to provide our partners with an effective algorithm for opening and…

Investments: Investments 35,000 - 500,000 ₽

If someone convinces you that he knows perfectly how to earn 100,000 per month, moreover, he says that he already has such an income, and he doesn’t invest a penny and does practically nothing - don’t believe this person. You are most likely dealing with a scammer. Soon he will ask you to deposit a certain amount, so, “to start”, and after you fulfill his requirements, he will disappear. And you will not only not be able to earn a hundred thousand, but also lose your last penny. Today, such schemes do not work as clearly as before. Many people know about the deception and are in no hurry to send their hard-earned money anywhere. Nevertheless, there are still enough naive people, there are still a lot of those who are puzzling over the question of where to earn 100,000 per month without putting much effort into it.


Being in search of an answer to the burning question: “How to earn 100,000 rubles per month?”, For some reason, many people think that it is possible to find a non-dusty occupation that will bring the desired profit without any gestures on the part of its recipient. Remember: it doesn't happen. Unfortunately, today the opportunity to make money on the Internet confuses many people: stories that old women and blondes famously withdraw millions from Forex, and schoolchildren easily beat venerable casinos and drive around in Cadillacs, only spur them on to search and cause a greedy gleam in the eyes. However, believe me: all these are just stories. To get something, you need to work. And sometimes even more study. Every day. And very diligently. And look less at the Internet. Because not everyone can earn the coveted amount with five zeros there. Yes, there are. But they long and stubbornly went to the goal, sometimes not resting for days and constantly updating their knowledge and skills.

Basic Options

An interesting phenomenon: for many who are looking for where and how to make money, for some reason, 100,000 per month is exactly the most acceptable amount. Probably, according to the understanding of our people, this is exactly how much is needed in order not to deny yourself anything. Be that as it may, such a desire causes only respect, but there are three main ways for its implementation. If you work for the benefit of the state or some private company, you are considered a good specialist, but you don’t get the coveted hundred thousand, it is advisable to think about changing jobs and find another one with a more suitable pay. True, in practice this is quite difficult to implement, if only because there are not so many such vacancies, in any case, much less than those who want to fill them. Well, you need to work on yourself, perhaps even study further in order to become a truly high-class specialist.

The second option is to work for days. In addition to the main job, find a few more places with good pay and work, work, work ... Perhaps one day it will be possible, having collected everything earned in a month, to hold a hundred thousand in your hands. True, most likely, most of them will have to be spent on medicines, since at this pace you will not last long.

And the third option, which at the moment is most appropriate to consider as a way to get a really real income - to open your own business. And it doesn't have to be a big business. Since it is quite possible to earn money honestly, including the desired amount, even on the same Internet. But, of course, without clicking on the links.

Back to the Internet

How to earn 100,000 rubles per month on the World Wide Web? Create your own website and fill it with really worthwhile content. True, you should not think that it is enough to use any free constructor, launch your brainchild and wait for the money to flow like a river. You will have to work long and hard, first of all, paying attention to the quality of all components of the site - from the domain and appearance to the content. But if everything works out, you can be sure that you have not only found an effective way to earn money honestly, but also received an excellent tool for creating income that will feed you for the rest of your life.

Of course, this is not the only option. If you have a commercial streak, you can try to establish your own online casino, follow in the footsteps of the founders of Facebook, VKontakte and other similar projects and come up with your own, open a bookmaker’s office, or even create a game. But this still requires certain talents. But to do business in real life almost everyone can. How and how much you can earn by becoming an entrepreneur, we will tell below.


Since it is quite difficult to make money in the city today by opening your own business due to the fact that many niches have long been firmly occupied, in some cases a novice businessman should use the services of a promoted brand. Or, in the language of the market, to acquire a franchise. You are buying ready business model with a full package of documents and for a percentage of the proceeds, you start working under a well-known brand. For example, open the same McDonald's. The company that sold the franchise will not only help at first, but will also provide training, as well as make advertising. That is, you do not have to invent anything yourself, everything has already been done for you. It is enough to comply with all conditions and work diligently. And then the question of how to earn 100,000 rubles per month can be removed from the agenda. Moreover, the bar can simply be raised.

Network marketing

Some, upon hearing this phrase, immediately begin to frown. And absolutely in vain. History knows many examples when people engaged in this type of activity became millionaires. Start small. At least from the sale of the same cosmetics. Register as a sole proprietor, open your small office, gather a team and get going! For example, the same Oriflame often encourages its directors with all kinds of bonuses (read - entrepreneurs who sell the company's products on an ongoing basis), the amount of which is very impressive. Plus earnings from sales. Here are the coveted hundred thousand. And perhaps more. The company respects its employees and does everything possible to help them grow and develop.

Become an intermediary

If you consider yourself a punchy and purposeful person, try to provide mediation services. Today there are a lot of people who have a mass own ideas, projects and inventions, but, for one reason or another, do not know what to do with them. And no less than those who need fresh injections into their business. Be the link between them. Find and sell other people's ideas to companies for a certain percentage. Not a very simple type of activity, of course, nevertheless, it allows you to get real money.

Own business

And yet it is calmer and more reliable to open your own, albeit a small business. And do not be afraid of competition. You just need to competently approach the issue and try to find a free niche. And there are many options. And it is not at all necessary to open a chic restaurant or an expensive boutique. You can do anything, up to selling hand-made products, for example, hand-painted plates and cups, beaded crafts, costume jewelry. If you are a real master, then over time you will not have a release from clients, and the amount of earnings will reach the coveted figure with five zeros.

You can make great money by offering services in the market. Open a workshop to repair, say, the same bicycles, or your own hairdresser. But you never know ... For greater clarity, here are some examples of great business ideas.

Selling pizza

At first, try to do pizza delivery to your home. An excellent option that does not require either a large room or a huge financial investment. It is enough to be able to cook well, have a car and make appropriate advertising for yourself.

Become an Aibolit dispatcher

Unfortunately, such a concept as a "family doctor" is not yet very common among us. However, people would like to have access to quality medical services day and night. Create your own agreement with doctors and provide yourself with an appropriate database of their database and advertising. Of course, at first you will have to walk around the clinics, handing out business cards and posters, but then, when the patients realize that they can really call through you at any time a good specialist, orders just flow like a river.

If you know how to sew...

Then open a clothing repair shop. And certainly with the departure of the house for the order. Believe me, there will be no end to customers. Clothing repair is an extremely demanded service today. In parallel, you can also add sewing curtains, receiving and handing over clothes to dry cleaning. Of course, you won’t earn a million in a month, but over time, you can definitely count on earning 100 thousand.

And these are far from all types of small businesses that can be opened by a city entrepreneur.

Yes, elementary! Especially if you have a base like your own house or dacha in your assets. You can put a large stationary greenhouse on the site and grow it all year round for sale greens, cucumbers, tomatoes, flowers. Conclude an agreement with a cafe, restaurant, supermarket or entrepreneur in the market and supply them with your products. A great option for those who do not know how to earn 100,000 rubles per month in the village. Or you can even become a farmer. And to grow already on an industrial scale potatoes, cabbage, carrots. Or start breeding pigs, horses, ostriches, finally. The dairy farm also brings in a good income. In general, there are a lot of options.

If you don't want to work on the ground, open your own truck shop. Get a trading trailer and drive around the villages, offering the villagers not only to purchase essential goods from you, but also to pre-order one or another product. A very good type of business that will certainly bring the required profit.

How to make money in the village yet? Take land for rent and plant an orchard. If you correctly approach the issue and choose the right seedlings, then after a few years it is quite possible to get the first harvest. The implementation of which will begin to make a profit.


So, let's summarize our conversation on how to earn 100,000 rubles per month. Is it possible? As it turned out, yes! However, nothing surprising, since the amount is quite lifting, not even up to two thousand dollars today. Everything can work out. But on one condition: you need to remember that no one will ring the doorbell every month and just give out an envelope with one hundred thousand rubles. To earn something, you need to work. And only then can you expect that there will always be prosperity in your house.

You can open your own business even without initial capital, therefore, having a budget of 100,000 rubles, the entrepreneur has an increased chance of a quick payback on the funds invested in the business. In order for entrepreneurship to bring tangible income, you should first draw up a business plan in which each item of expenditure should be thought out and planned.

Business for 100,000 rubles

Sphere of trade

Trade is one of the most popular and promising business areas.

The main task of an entrepreneur who has chosen a sales niche is the correct selection of the subject of trading operations. It must be in demand in the area where it is planned to conduct activities, and its purchase cost is commensurate with the amount invested in the business.

Trade area

When drawing up a business plan, one should take into account the need for registration and permits, as well as renting space for work. For the formation of a showcase, a diverse product range is needed, appearance which will be an advertisement for the store.

In the event of a shortage of funds for the purchase of products, it is possible to agree with the supplier on a documented commodity credit with a loan period until the moment the products are sold. You should be ready to provide security for return guarantees, expressed in a pledge of property, the price of which is commensurate with the parameters of a commodity loan.

To meet a small budget without loans, you should initially plan a small format business that does not require investment in the purchase and equipment of a retail outlet, as well as obtaining permits. For a quick return on investment, the cost of raw materials and materials should allow you to increase sales by more than one hundred percent. A great business idea is to sell:

  • bijouterie;
  • accessories;
  • household goods;
  • books;
  • newspapers;
  • magazines.

You can make good money on food products that are in demand, such as bread, milk, ice cream and soft drinks. However, choosing a niche trade food products, you will have to worry about the seller passing a special medical examination required for the SES authorities to obtain permission to conduct activities in the food sector.

Bijouterie trade

A great idea for making money that does not require impressive investments is to organize exit points in villages and towns to sell goods that are in daily demand. Making coffee on movable outlets will allow you to adjust the desired level of purchasing power. As an alternative, seasonal sales can be considered, the implementation of which is possible without the equipment of a permanent point of sale. Her subject can be vegetables, fruits, milk and meat.

Financial operations

Travel business

Earnings in the field of financial transactions have always been considered profitable niche, since competent investment of funds allows you to get a high percentage of profit at minimal cost. 100 thousand rubles for business in financial sector enough to invest in projects. To reduce the risk of losses, it is recommended to divide the investment amount into several portfolios. The loss received in one of them will be covered by the profit from the other.


Having invested up to 100 thousand rubles in a business, you can start lending individuals. Implementation of the idea is possible through specialized services, which include electronic payment systems. Despite the fact that credit sites provide guarantees for the safety of the funds issued, you should not issue a loan in the entire amount at once. It is recommended to break it down by 10 thousand rubles, since when registering a relationship with a dishonest borrower, you will have to look for a debt buyer, which will take time, and also lose the potential profit that you could get for it.

Scope of lending

An alternative business option in this area is to open your own credit institution which offers short-term loans to anyone in need of financial assistance. To implement such an idea, one should register in the status of a business entity and rent an office for negotiations with clients. In this perspective, it is better to issue loans secured by property. To do this, you need to establish relations with a notary who would provide services for paperwork for a fee.

Read also: How to build a business from scratch and grow

stock markets

Considering business ideas for 100,000 rubles, it is worth noting separately earnings on financial markets forex, as well as using the binary options service. There are several ways to make a profit in this area, but they all involve opening an individual account and investing funds.

The principle of earning on Forex is a profitable purchase with the subsequent sale of a trading instrument. Binary Options suggest the need to place bets on an increase or decrease in the quotes of a currency, metal or futures.

Those who wish to understand the nuances of the functioning of the business are recommended to start working with a demo account. With real in cash operations should be carried out only when decent results are achieved on the demo version of the account. Considering the possibility of obtaining passive income in this way, funds can be invested in a PAMM account by first selecting a trader on a specialized service that provides monitoring data on their performance.

Financial services

A great idea, for the implementation of which it is easy to fit into 100,000 rubles, would be to buy a terminal for making payments. The cost of equipment ranges from 30,000 to 60,000 rubles. Its maintenance is simple, so this task can be easily handled on your own.

Since the terminals are installed in the buildings of organizations, it is necessary to draw up a contractual relationship with their owner for the lease of a premise of a certain size. Agreements must also be concluded with all organizations in respect of which it is planned to receive funds from clients.

The income of the owner of the financial terminal is formed at the expense of commission charges, the amount of which is set by the owner independently. Some counterparties pay for services for the funds received and transferred to a specific current account. Their cost can reach up to 10 percent of the payment made.

Beverage preparation

Business on coffee machines

The realization of the idea of ​​earning money, which is based on the preparation of drinks, is possible by investing in the purchase of special machines that will automatically produce coffee, tea and lemonade after the client makes a payment. The personal presence of a businessman, his representative or an employee is not required. It is enough to bring water and ingredients for making drinks in a timely manner. Its elements are filled into special cells, and subsequently mixed, heated or cooled, depending on the type of activated operating mode by the buyer, due to its selection by pressing a button.

Internet business

Choosing which business can be opened for 100 thousand rubles, many decide to invest in Internet projects. Entrepreneurial opportunities in this area are wide, since the business does not involve investing in real estate, rent, equipment or raw materials.

You can earn a good profit for your ability to navigate in the ever-changing modern world.

Having opened an online store, the entrepreneur will have to spend money on the purchase of goods, as well as on the development of the site and on its advertising. Knowledge in the field of SEO optimization and SMM promotion will save a large amount. The payback of the project does not exceed one year with a competent approach to business.