What are the terms and conditions of the suppliers? Clothing Suppliers

In 2017, the volume of Chinese goods on the world market amounted to $2,157 billion, which is 42% higher than in the United States. Such growth is largely due to the possibility of direct cooperation with suppliers of products from the light industry sector, which offer low prices and loyal transportation conditions not only for large wholesalers, but also for small wholesalers and retail buyers. no exception and domestic market, where clothing suppliers from China with free shipping are presented as very profitable partners for both traditional stores and dropshippers.

How to choose a clothing supplier from China and what to look for

In any business, a lot depends on the supplier, and the further he is from you and the higher the language barrier, the more difficulties can arise on the way to concluding a successful deal. If you are interested in Chinese suppliers, you can choose several options for cooperation:

  • Work through domestic intermediaries. The advantage of this method is the absence of a language barrier problem (full Russian-speaking support), as well as relatively high guarantees that the goods will be of high quality and delivered on time. On the other hand, the final cost of the goods will not be the lowest, and the intermediary will need to pay an additional commission (2-10% of the delivery amount).
  • Using multi-user sites of mini online stores (AliExpress, Taobao). This format is suitable for small wholesale and retail purchases. Its advantage is a huge number of suppliers with a wide range of prices for the same type of products. The disadvantage is the difficulty in determining the reliability of the selected supplier. Suitable for retail outlets, as well as online stores with the purchase of goods or dropshipping.
  • Cooperation with classic online stores (Tinydeal, Dealextreme). Wholesale and retail stores that have their own websites offer slightly higher prices compared to multi-user sites, but also value their reputation more, forming an assortment of higher quality products. Here there is the possibility of using loyalty programs, more reliable and fast delivery, and most importantly, to return the funds in case of loss of the parcel is more realistic. Suitable for shops with pre-purchase of goods and dropshipping.
  • Conclude a contract directly with the manufacturer. This format of cooperation will allow you to get the lowest price, but it is more difficult to find a direct supplier and negotiate with him. The manufacturer has its own requirements, including: the minimum volume of purchases (MOQ), the region of supply, high contact (knowledge of the language, quick response to correspondence, the ability to come to the negotiations).

When choosing a partner, it is also important to know what the main manufacturing enterprises China's clothing production is located in Guangzhou, Hangzhou and Shanghai, and therefore, the closer your supplier is to these regions, the lower the cost of production.

Clothes of Chinese brands and copies of world brands

In China, two types of branded clothing can be bought at a bargain price - local brands and copies of famous world brands. At the same time, both of them are often of very high quality and in demand among buyers.

Top Chinese Clothing Brands

If you are interested in a supplier of branded clothing from China to open a large retail outlet or even an entire network, you can contact directly Chinese manufacturers, the best of which are the following brands:

  • Sprandi- sportswear and footwear;
  • Artka- women's youth clothing;
  • Bosideng- high-quality demi-season clothing;
  • Saint Angelo- youth clothes of extravagant style;
  • Romon- clothes business style for men and women;
  • fun time- children's clothing of high quality.

Many of them work both with direct export deliveries abroad, and through intermediaries of multi-user sites and wholesale and retail stores. This is very convenient if you are planning to work on dropshipping or you are interested in ordering small wholesale lots (sizes) for online stores or small retail outlets. For each site, you can also make a selection of the best brands with the highest reputation using the internal ranking system. So, the best brands on AliExpress with free shipping are:

  • Miegofce- demi-season women's clothing;
  • Li Ning- one of the most famous brands sportswear in China;
  • MISSORD- elegant lingerie;
  • youth- youth clothes;
  • simplee- women's clothing of classical style;
  • ICEbear- demi-season clothing;
  • Pioneer Camp- men's clothing.

How to find a supplier of quality copies of world brands

If you are planning to trade copies of European and American branded clothing, you need to understand that in China you can buy items that are indistinguishable from the original, as well as complete garbage. To determine the quality of a copy in the professional field, a special marking A + (identical to the original) and A (medium quality) is used. All other goods made under the global brand most often turn out to be unsuitable goods.

Finding such manufacturers directly is very difficult, and unnecessary, because it is better to sell fakes through small points. To find replicas on multi-user sites and in wholesale and retail online stores, you need to know one feature. So, if you enter the correct brand name into the search, you will find desired goods, but they will be original, which will affect their value. To find a replica, for example, on Taobao, you need to enter the first letter of the brand name and the hieroglyph 家 into the search. In this case, the internal search will give you all brand variations starting with the given letter. In some cases, you can use the search with modified characters, for example, instead of the capital letter I (i) small letter l (L), and also add the words replica, copy, etc.

Best Suppliers for Dropshipping and Online Stores

If your store is dropshipping or you are looking for a unique assortment for a small online storefront, it is better to pay attention to wholesale and retail stores that offer free shipping to their customers, convenient programs loyalty, and most importantly more unique products. The fact is that selling goods taken from AliExpress and Taobao sites, which are well known to most buyers, is no longer so profitable for online stores today, since a significant part of users know how to order goods directly and will be little interested in your offer.

Such clothing suppliers from China are also convenient for an online store because here you can purchase test samples with the opportunity to receive compensating bonuses and a discount for a subsequent small wholesale order (size). When selecting partners in this direction, it is better to choose sites that deal exclusively with clothing, which will become an additional guarantee of product quality. So, a good assortment and free delivery in the CIS can be offered to you by the following stores, which also support the Russian language:

  • A. W. Bridal- clothes for newlyweds, wedding dresses, accessories and footwear. The store actively cooperates with dropshippers, offering profitable terms and fast delivery.
  • Vancl- a clothing store, as well as shoes and accessories. The peculiarity of this store is not only its own production, but also its own brand, which is in demand in many countries of the world, including the domestic market. The company does not cooperate on the dropshipping system, but you can buy back the goods to provide your own warehouse with free shipping.
  • Milanoo.com- clothing store and carnival costumes from Hong Kong. The company cooperates with dropshippers, provides free shipping and performs wholesale supply to the CIS countries.
  • Clothing-Dropship- Chinese wholesale and retail store, which is a dedicated warehouse. It is a direct supplier, created from a clothing factory and offering a huge selection for a wide range of customers.

Large wholesale clothing suppliers from China

There are quite a lot of manufacturers who are ready to work with large wholesale deliveries in China, but in order to find the right one, you need to know some features of the Asian business. First of all, reliable suppliers will not look for you on their own, because the demand for them is very high, and in most cases, foreign partners, for the sake of a profitable deal, are ready to come to them themselves.

How to find a wholesale supplier from China

To find major supplier you can use the following options:

  • Personal connections. You can talk to Chinese acquaintances who work in trade in your city or in a neighboring city (for example, in markets). Most of them, at least, have acquaintances who can give you information or even help (for a fee) to arrange supplies.
  • Search for suppliers on specialized forums. In some cases, to search for a Russian-speaking partner, you can simply advertise on business forums (biznet.ru, bkrs.info, biznet.kiev.ua, newhuanet.com) about finding a supplier of a certain category of goods.
  • Domestic activities for doing business with China. In large cities of Russia, seminars and forums on organizing business with Chinese partners are often held, where you can not only find suppliers, but also get useful advice from more experienced entrepreneurs.
  • Contact through the official websites of branded clothing manufacturers. To do this, you will need a good knowledge of English or Chinese for correspondence and negotiations. This is one of the best options, because you can order not only existing models, but also tailor a batch according to certain criteria.
  • Chinese fairs and exhibitions of manufacturers regularly held in China. The most popular and largest event in this area is the Canton Fair in Guangzhou, which takes place twice a year. You can also visit the following fairs: East China Fair, Yiwu Consumer Goods Fair and Kunming Export-Import Fair. Since such events are very large-scale, in order for the visit to the exhibition to be effective, it is important to focus on the chosen direction. So, for example, if you are only interested in suppliers women's clothing from China, you don't have to attend major events. You can choose more specialized ones like Shanghai China Fashion Fair or Hong Kong Fashion Week.
  • Online databases of wholesale suppliers. This method is most convenient if you do not have the opportunity to travel to China in person.

Top online platforms of wholesale suppliers from China

If you are ready to make your first wholesale purchase today, the easiest way is to use online sourcing resources. As a rule, all types of offers are presented on general sites, and therefore you will either have to find free delivery by personal selection, or request such a service during negotiations. To work directly with China, you can use the following services:

  • Alibaba- the largest database of clothing suppliers from China in the wholesale direction with a Russian-language website (tolerable translation). The choice of a partner here is based on internal ratings and reviews. You can buy as a batch of just two items, and up to several hundred thousand. At the same time, the cost changes significantly. For example, when buying up to 100 units, a dress can cost about $8, and more than 500 units can cost $5. Alibaba's subsidiary site is the 1688.com service, where, subject to knowledge of the Chinese language, you can find many very interesting and profitable offers. The disadvantages of this site are high competition (a lot of stores and dropshippers make purchases here), the need to choose from the existing assortment, and not the lowest wholesale prices.
  • cn.made-in-china.com- China's global manufacturer and supplier base for various industries. The site is entirely in Chinese, but for initial orientation, you can use the translation from Google. Another drawback - prices are in yuan, but on the other hand, here are detailed descriptions goods (with measurements), as well as the data of factories that make clothes, up to the physical address and photographs of production and storage facilities.
  • cn.china.cn- another base of manufacturers and suppliers of China in Chinese. Here you can also find information about manufacturers (address, range of products, novelties, types of materials, size range and measurements), up to the year the company was founded. As with Alibaba, there is the possibility of obtaining a lower price depending on the volume of shipments.
  • Hktdc.com- a common database of Chinese companies, where clothing manufacturers are also represented. Here you can find not only large wholesalers, but also enterprises that are ready to manufacture small batches. For example, T-shirts can be ordered from 50 pieces, and carnival costumes from 10 units.
  • kidsnet.cn- suppliers of children's clothing from China. On this site you can both find manufacturers of children's clothing and view announcements of thematic exhibitions taking place in China.

Intermediaries of wholesale deliveries of clothes from China

If the main problem for you is the language barrier, the easiest way to order the supply of clothes from China is to contact intermediaries. However, in this case, you will have to incur additional costs. Each intermediary differs in the range of services and features of the transaction. For example, for the CIS countries, the following options are available:

  • Asiaoptom.com- wholesale clothing store with a minimum order of $500. On this resource you will not receive information about the supplier and his contact details. On the other hand, if you like a certain thing and it is in demand among your customers, each supplier is assigned a serial number, which you can save in your personal account so that you don’t waste time looking for it in case of a re-order. Small and large wholesale orders are possible, which allows you to receive more favorable prices. There is no free delivery on this resource, but on the other hand, the intermediary company takes care of the settlement of issues with customs fees.
  • Chinaoptom.com- services for finding suppliers in China, as well as selling finished base manufacturers for a small fee. Also, through this intermediary, you can order goods on s.taobao.com.
  • optim-consult.com is a Moscow-based company providing services for the selection of suppliers in China, paperwork and transaction support, including translation of correspondence and negotiations. The price for services is from 2% of the cost of the goods of the first delivery.
  • 4youglobal.com.ua- the company selects offers from Chinese manufacturers, while you just need to tell the manager the category of interest, for example, suppliers menswear from China. After that, you will receive suitable options, and, if necessary, product samples. The company's services are paid, but delivery when choosing an economy class is completely free, regardless of volume. The company works with deliveries to Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan.

For many entrepreneurs, free shipping clothing suppliers from China seem to be the most attractive option, since they provide high savings. On the other hand, when concluding such a deal, you should be prepared for the fact that the delivery tracking will not always be correct, and in some cases, trekking will be available only between China and your country. Leaves much to be desired and the speed of receipt of goods. Also, free shipping has such disadvantages as a high risk of damage to the goods during transportation, which often happens with small wholesale lots and test samples.

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Publication date: 01.12.2016

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Limited Liability Company "Insales Rus"

Abbreviated name in Russian:

Insales Rus LLC

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InSales Rus Limited Liability Company (InSales Rus LLC)

Legal address:

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Mailing address:

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Open an online store Lately is becoming easier, and with the upcoming increase in property taxation, even more profitable from a financial point of view. As in every business, there are pros and cons, risks and difficulties. One of the most important and pressing questions that arises for both beginners and experienced entrepreneurs is “where to get suppliers for your online store?”.

In general, there is not much difference whether you sell clothes, electronics, household appliances, children's goods or something else - the issue of wholesale deliveries always remains acute. At the same time, even those who managed to find the first contacts with manufacturers continue to solve a number of different difficulties associated with the work process itself: from regulating the time of delivery and paying for the goods before or after its sale to the return of a defective or simply stale product in the warehouse. Many online stores, at the beginning of their work, organize activities according to a scheme with a partner’s ready-made product base.

If left for a while subtleties directly trading activities, then there are only three sources of goods for the online store:

  • Create something with your own hands (physical or electronic goods).
  • Sell ​​the fruits of someone else's labor for a certain percentage. To do this, it is enough to create a platform and provide it with suitable mechanisms that will allow your partners to interact with customers directly or through you as an intermediary.
  • Place an order for products specific companies who are engaged in wholesale trade.

In the first two cases, you will need to find the command good programmers and develop a business plan. In the latter option, you will have to establish relationships with wholesale suppliers and solve a number of issues to minimize risks, protect against fraud, and many others, but the main thing is to find potential partners, with which newcomers often have problems. At first glance, it is enough to come to the wholesale base and buy goods, but in reality the buyer does not seek to purchase on the Internet what he can find on the market at a reasonable price.

Advice: before working with a particular supplier of goods, carefully double-check all the clauses of the agreement, find its competitors and compare the conditions, select those that are more profitable and safer for you, and only after that start working. The more nuances you take into account immediately, the less unforeseen expenses will eventually arise.

How to find a supplier for an online store?

Choosing a supplier for an online store is a process similar to a tender, but in this case you will not only have to find a database of candidates yourself, but also evaluate their reliability, shorten the list, and subsequently also convince the “finalists” that it is profitable for them to work with specific network site. Those who remain will still have to agree separate conditions deliveries and enter into agreements.

Search engine databases remain the first way to find wholesale suppliers for an online store. You type the name of the product, add "buy in bulk" and at the output you get a huge number of pages on which the corresponding words were found. Of course, you will have to look at many pages that are only remotely related to the topic, but there will also be the necessary contacts. On the websites of potential suppliers of goods for your online store, you should collect as much information as possible, and in case of a shortage, ask for details directly. Particular attention should be paid to the range, prices, terms of cooperation.

Advice: do not judge a supplier by their website, even if you see an incompletely made resource in front of you. You need a base of goods, not beautiful business card. The condition of the site does not indicate the quality of the products, since wholesalers usually do not get a large number of customers through the Web. Your online store should be convenient.

The second source of wholesale suppliers for the network businessman will be the bases of specialized Internet catalogues. In their headings you can find a variety of commodity groups, which you can sell in your online store. These portals include:

  • optlist;
  • opt-union;
  • optom;
  • open market;
  • postavshhiki.

Another option when looking for suppliers for an online store can be a thematic exhibition of goods or a conference of manufacturers of a particular product. Such events traditionally attract industry professionals who intend to conclude agreements on the supply of their products. It should be borne in mind that they meet both representatives of companies that have been working for a long time, as well as market newcomers.

Last but not least, the fees are carried out for the exchange of experience, so experts can give a number of useful tips, help you choose a product that is more interesting for the end buyer, as well as understand market trends, and avoid purchasing outdated goods. logical continuation will be a direct visit to the production sites. In offices at manufacturing plants, you can talk with the director of the enterprise or the person responsible for the implementation of wholesale deliveries. It is easier for a beginner to negotiate with small businesses, because at first initial stage it is advisable not to make large purchases due to the lack of a constant turnover and customer base.

Few people today do not know about such a source of purchasing goods for an online store as Taobao, Alibaba, Dealextreme, Aliexpress, whose homeland is China. These bases offer various goods at low cost. At the same time, the waiting time for the goods to arrive is significant enough for buyers to try to find an alternative in the local market, albeit a little more expensive. Quality is also a big question mark. You can find wholesalers in other countries, but for this you need to know foreign languages at a level sufficient for negotiation.

It is worth considering the fact that foreign suppliers do not have a high level of trust in Russian stores. This was the result of various reasons, but the situation can be corrected by having a personal meeting with a representative of a foreign company. This will require additional costs, and a positive result is not at all guaranteed. Among the negative factors of this decision is the need for customs clearance. It increases the final cost of goods, which means it can reduce the competitiveness of an online store.

At the same time, some manage to conclude agreements for the supply of high-quality goods from foreign partners at sufficiently low prices. As a result, cooperation becomes mutually beneficial, and competitors often cannot make an appropriate offer to customers.

First you need to soberly weigh your chances of getting a profitable contract. Perhaps it is worth postponing a visit to foreign partners until such time as you can gain a little more experience in this type of entrepreneurial activity. Over time, you will need to recruit staff. Many of them are looking for, so it is important to take care of providing them with possible guarantees in advance. Add your store to the database of online directories at the beginning of activity, so that by the time the team expands, you will have a long history of work.

Clothing Suppliers

Clothing is one of the most common types of goods for an online store. The easiest option for an entrepreneur is to open their own warehouse, from which the delivery of pre-purchased goods will take place. The presence of a stock increases the speed of customer service, and hence his loyalty to the online store. At the same time, there is a need for additional expenses for the maintenance of the warehouse and the first purchase of goods that are not always sold out. This moment is solved quite simply, if in a particular city and sell things from the showcase, however, business costs will also increase significantly.

Another option is to sell goods on order. In this case, the online store makes a purchase from clothing suppliers only after receiving an application from the customer, who makes a choice from the cataloged product database. This method requires a lot of time for intermediate operations. It is necessary to check the availability of goods from suppliers, then place an order, receive funds from the client.

The advantage is the ability to send goods from the supplier directly to the client, without affecting the employees of the online store. To keep customers interested despite the lengthy buying process, offer a high discount that will make them put up with the inconvenience, or offer an exclusive product that is in constant demand.

You can organize the activities of an online store in such a way that you get a compromise option - to keep a small warehouse and supply certain types clothes by pre-order only. It makes sense to store in warehouses only those goods that are in constant demand or are suitable for the season.

One of the most well-known domestic suppliers for an online store of inexpensive clothing is Outmaxshop. In fact, it is a shoe and clothing dealer from world famous brands. On this portal, you can agree on wholesale deliveries of Nike, Reebok, Asics, Adidas, etc. products. In this case, deliveries will be carried out directly from the factory sites. A good factor for an aspiring Internet entrepreneur is the ability to conduct DropShipping deliveries. This gives the online store the opportunity to trade well-known brands with a small margin, but without the need to maintain their own warehouse.

In the database of this supplier, you can find the cost specifically for partner online stores. The supplier will independently distribute the ordered goods to end customers. Before the start of full-fledged interaction, it is necessary to conduct the first trial purchase in order to evaluate the convenience of work and debug the mechanisms mediation. In the standard version of the work, all information regarding the characteristics of the goods, as well as their photographs, will be supplied to partners, but it is desirable to create your own unique content.

Altermoda can become another clothing supplier for the online store. This is a domestic supplier that offers potential partners to determine the level of markup on goods themselves, and also provides the tools necessary for automatic shipment of goods. Programmers will quickly connect to your online store. To get started with Altermoda, talk to the representatives of the portal. Today, several different quantities are available for delivery batches. There is a possibility as free shipping, and the option of depositing a security deposit in the amount of 20% of total cost order.

The LightInTheBox supplier will allow expanding the range of the online store not only with clothes, but will also offer to supply bags, jewelry, watches, products for home and garden, as well as electronics and a large number of other goods. Among the shortcomings, one can note the location of the supplier outside of Russia, so delivery will take more time than when cooperating with domestic companies.

To get started with LightInTheBox as part of a partnership, you need to register as a member of the direct sales process with your online store. After that, you will be given the opportunity to choose the goods that you plan to trade on your own network platform, as well as place your first order and, after payment, receive the goods as part of a test purchase.

Checking the details for the payment will be carried out 2 times after the registration is completed, and this should be taken into account so as not to get into trouble when registering a partnership. The supplier, for its part, gives the online store a guarantee that the client will receive the goods intact. Separately, an item is indicated that it will not contain a list of contacts of the supplier himself, as well as information on the wholesale cost of the product and the intermediary markup. For those who receive VIP membership, the portal provides more favorable conditions joint work. In particular, the terms of delivery are significantly improved, and special offers from the supplier are also provided.

According to the most conservative estimates, today you can find several hundred suppliers of clothing for an online store, all of them have different conditions for cooperation and a different focus of activity. It is worth noting that the audience and options for maintaining cooperation with suppliers of seasonal clothing and underwear will differ significantly. First of all, you need to understand what kind of product you are ready to work with, what audience to target. Based on these prerequisites, it is necessary to build both your business strategy and the design of the site itself, advertising materials.

Suppliers of electronics and home appliances

Cooperation with suppliers of household and electronic equipment is distinguished by certain nuances. First of all, when choosing a supplier for your online store, you need to focus on the breadth of the assortment of a possible partner. Electronics is a product that does not tolerate a narrow offer. If you want to expand your audience as much as possible, then a small nomenclature should be avoided. Naturally, it will be quite difficult to purchase a large number of goods, however, when working according to the pre-order method, it is quite easy to ensure the presence on the site of a large number of options for devices to perform certain functions.

It is necessary to pay attention to a number of key points of cooperation. In addition to the cost of the goods for the purchase, it is important to know how quickly the delivery takes place, what may be the reasons for the delay, how far the supplier’s warehouse is located from you, how you can control the delivery process of the ordered equipment, as well as methods for checking the quality of the goods and the possibility of returning. A number of suppliers stipulate an order for a certain minimum amount or quantity of goods. It is worth paying attention to the possibility of synchronizing the quantity of goods from the supplier with the indicators on the pages of the online store. Be sure to check availability permits, licenses, certificates of quality.

Advice: Don't limit your interactions to just dropshipping partners. For the corresponding product options, at first, you can put a minimum margin close to zero in order to attract the first audience. At the same time, the online store should also have those goods that will bring profit and ensure the effectiveness of commercial activities.

An example of a home appliances and electronics supplier is the BuySKU portal, whose main office is located in China. It has a fairly wide range for the commercial circulation of goods. In addition to gadgets, which he focuses on, the supplier offers online stores tools for various types of work, clothes, souvenirs, office supplies, as well as many goods from other groups.

Working with this supplier follows an algorithm that differs little from partnerships with other companies. The first step is registration on the portal, the second is the selection of goods for purchase. Next, you need to select the "DropShipping" option, which will allow you to interact as an online store. After that, you pay for the delivery addresses for specific goods or their groups, and also pay for the order made.

After that, you will receive a list indicating the delivery time for each addressee. The supplier guarantees that all goods will be delivered to the customers of your online store on time. In terms of working with partners, the company guarantees the absence of its labels on the packaging or product, as well as contact information. Thus, the direct work of the client and the wholesale supplier is excluded.

Among other things, BuySKU offers partners a number of special offers. For example, transferring pictures of products without any watermarks for use in the catalog of an online store. During the processing of the delivery of goods, it is the partners who are given priority in the delivery queues, and the discount from the moment the cooperation agreement is signed remains constant, regardless of the total amount of the order, which eliminates the need to accumulate orders and create a delay in deliveries for customers. At the same time, the discount is cumulative and, taking into account the total volume of turnover during the interaction, it will only grow.

Watch Suppliers for Online Store

One of the relatively free areas in e-commerce is the sale of watches through online stores. It should be understood that it is not novelty that makes it free, but competitiveness. The most attractive price is offered by the manufacturers themselves, so you should not limit yourself exclusively to watches. At a minimum, you can expand the range of various jewelry.

Advice: add expensive premium models to the range of watches. Such a decision will make it possible to give the online store a more “expensive” look, as well as increase the confidence of the buyer, since consumers traditionally treat sites with extremely cheap products with distrust.

A good option would be to enter into agreements for the sale of watches with a large number of small manufacturing companies. This promises large profits, but in terms of the time it takes to conclude agreements, there is a rather high burden. So that the online store does not stand idle, it can be filled with goods from the Focalprice supplier.

This portal offers a huge range of watches from various brands of near and far abroad. It should be noted that the total range exceeds 50 thousand units. In addition to watches, almost 1000 brands can be found in the catalog of this supplier. Thus, in addition to watches, you will have the opportunity to collect a portfolio of accompanying products - jewelry, purses and other goods up to mobile gadgets and jewelry from world-famous companies.

To start cooperation as a partner, you need to register on the resource and go to the section personal account, labeled "Drop-Shipping". From the list of all products, you need to select the one for which you found buyers on your own site of the online store. The next steps will be entering addresses and paying for goods.

The company traditionally provides partners with access to databases with pictures and descriptions of product characteristics, logos of manufacturing companies, etc. In addition, you can integrate with the API of your online store portal. This will allow you to control the quantity of goods in the supplier's warehouse and manage orders more efficiently. A good solution would be to automate the payment for the order, configured to transfer all the basic data (names of goods, delivery addresses, etc.). This will increase the costs for the services of a programmer, but at high speeds it will significantly save time.

Suppliers of children's goods for online stores

The purchase of children's toys is relevant at any time of the year and depends rather indirectly on the level of income of customers. For this reason, opening an online toy store seems to be a profitable business for many entrepreneurs. Doing business through the network is especially promising by reducing costs at the start of a business. In general, the sale of toys in an online store is a rather laborious business that can collapse at the slightest mistake. If you are not ready for a scrupulous study of the market and taking into account many seemingly insignificant nuances, then it’s better. The demand for the product is constant, and the prospects at the initial stage are much higher.

Among the key advantages, one can single out the absence of an urgent need to look for premises for shopping room, although if you combine an online platform with a physical store, this will be a solution that will increase profitability. The main problem in the organization of trade in children's goods through an online store is to minimize the delivery time of products. Therefore, first of all, the entrepreneur will need to think about how the order delivery system will be carried out. Very often, children's goods are purchased in a hurry, in addition, children are not inclined to be patient, waiting for the promised present. This leads to the fact that buyers are often willing to pay more, but get the goods faster.

It is very important for a toy store to have clear navigation, a highlight for fashion novelties and the ability to view the goods from as many sides as possible. Seriously, the level of sales is affected by the presence of product reviews. The description should contain enough options so that buyers can be sure that their child can safely use a particular toy.

The quality of the goods matters a lot. If you find that one of the products is dyed with products that can cause an allergic reaction in children, remove it from sale in your online store. In this case, the product card itself should not be deleted. Simply add to the description the reason why the product can no longer be found on your e-commerce site.

As with other goods, it is desirable to enter into agreements for the supply of goods with several suppliers at once, which will minimize downtime in the event of a problem with one of the companies that supplies you with products. To speed up the delivery of goods, you will have to create at least a minimum stock in your own warehouse. At the same time, it is desirable to choose the best delivery options in terms of speed and cost. The larger the region to which you can deliver, the more your sales will be. It makes sense to sign agreements with several courier services and give the user the opportunity to choose the delivery

Before selling goods in your own online store, ensure the legality of your activities. It matters a lot. It makes sense to carefully study this issue in order to ensure maximum profit and the absence of claims from regulatory authorities. More simple business, capable of generating a stable income, is. If you are determined to create an online store, get ready for the need to spend part of the income on advertising in order to attract customers.

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You can organize a successful trade in almost any product, but it is desirable to expand the range. In the case of online stores, a good move is to reduce the cost of goods at the initial stage of work. The latter can stretch for a year or more, but in network business There are also payback periods. Periodically, you will have to change the design of the site to increase the convenience of customers, which also reduces the final profit. Nevertheless, when your site becomes famous among users, really serious development prospects open up.

In contact with

Successful operation of any online store is impossible without preliminary planning of purchases of goods. Businessmen should pay special attention to this moment. Otherwise, there is a high risk of termination of work shopping facility. And this is lost time, money and accumulated debt.

Businessmen, especially beginners, should remember that the conclusion of contracts with reliable suppliers is an important step in the development of their own business. Unfortunately, many entrepreneurs make the same mistake. With a burning desire to open their own online store as soon as possible, they choose the wrong companies that sell goods. Inexperienced businessmen often enter into agreements with unfamiliar partners, without even delving into the agreed terms of cooperation. The result of such actions is sad. The delivery process is poorly organized, and this leads to disruptions in work, loss of income, debts to customers and, ultimately, to the closure of the store.

Internet directories

What is the first thing that worries aspiring entrepreneurs who set themselves the task of opening a store that sells goods through the World Wide Web? Most often they are trying to find the answer to the question, how to find reliable suppliers? And here entrepreneurs are waiting for the first disappointment. The fact is that a search in RuNet will not give the desired results. It will not allow you to get an answer to the question of how to find a supplier of goods for an online store. Why? The fact is that reliable companies have no time to place their ads. They are busy buying or producing goods. In addition, serious firms do not need special advertising at all. And novice owners of online stores need just such suppliers, because they have already proven themselves in practice. You can find such companies. The main thing is to know where.

How to find suppliers for an online store? To search for reliable partners, you should refer to the relevant directory. It is hosted by various search engines, in particular Google. To obtain the necessary data, you need to search for a list of suppliers. The result will immediately appear on the monitor screen. However, it should be borne in mind that among the listed companies there will be those that do not suit you at all.

Establishing contacts

How to find suppliers for an online store, having a list of existing companies? To do this, you need to arm yourself with a pen and paper, or simply open a Word window. Further, from a whole list of companies specializing in the supply of the goods you need, you should choose the most suitable ones. After that, they need to be contacted in one of several ways. It could be:

  • phone call;
  • writing a letter to the company's e-mail.

The first method is preferable, as it will allow you to establish direct contact with one of the company's managers. Many aspiring entrepreneurs try to contact potential partners via email. However, they should remember that this option is not able to determine clear patterns for further cooperation. After all, most often e-mail is read by ordinary employees of the office.

Access to company websites

Today, almost all companies have their own page on the Internet. On it you can get acquainted with the assortment list of the offered goods. However, you should not refuse a supplier that has an unremarkable and unpretentious website. Serious companies often do not want to spend time on its design, which is not an indicator of responsibility. The fact is that the services of reputable suppliers are in demand and do not need advertising. Even without a special design of their website, such companies have decent income from wholesale sales of goods, paying special attention to their quality.

Exploring offline directories

How to find suppliers for an online store? One of the offline directories can become a place to search for potential business partners. These are traditional publications, on the pages of which this or that sphere of social activity is covered.

What actions should be taken in this case? First of all, you will need to select the necessary theme, corresponding to the one that is supposed to be sold in the online store. For example, it can be the heading "Children's Health". And here the entrepreneur will be able to answer the question of how to find wholesale suppliers. Indeed, often those companies that are presented in such catalogs are oriented towards the shipment of only large consignments of goods. They simply will not enter into contracts for small amounts.

Competitor Suppliers

How to ensure your online store uninterrupted supply of goods? To do this, you can enter into agreements with those suppliers who provide services to your competitors. Yes, this option is not bad and very promising. However, its implementation is associated with some difficulties. First of all, it is unlikely that such suppliers at first will supply the goods at the same cost as they come to your competitors. After all, unlike you, there are already well-established connections and certain discounts work. The desired price for the goods can be assigned only after a certain period of time.

Another difficulty with this approach to choosing suppliers is that it is very, very difficult to achieve superiority over your competitors. This requires the development of various marketing moves that attract customers specifically to your online store. These can be promotions and discounts, a high level of service, etc.

Appeal to domestic manufacturers

How to find suppliers for an online store? A good option will serve with the manufacturer. Buying goods directly from such a supplier is the most profitable and reliable business that brings maximum profit. The fact is that the price for products at the factory will be the lowest on the market, that is, the purchase price, without any

However, in this case, there are some disadvantages. The most important of them is the lack of high demand for domestically produced goods. Only a small part of them is suitable for online sales. Under such conditions, the assortment of the store will need to be supplemented with imported goods by concluding agreements with foreign manufacturers.

This also has certain difficulties. The fact is that when goods cross the border, questions arise related to customs clearance and inspection. In addition, high tax rates apply to some foreign-made goods in our country. If you are ready to go for such cooperation, do not try to find easy ways. It is worth abandoning fake documents and illegal import routes, as well as the deliberate underestimation of the cost of goods for customs authorities. All these frauds can have serious consequences. In addition, foreign firms are unlikely to agree to cooperate with such buyers.

Federal exhibitions and fairs

How to find a supplier of products for a novice businessman? The most optimal and promising search option is to visit federal exhibitions and fairs. These events provide the opportunity to:

  • acquaintance with large companies that produce the range of products you need and are ready to establish contact;
  • evaluation of the offered goods and discussion on the spot of all conditions of cooperation.

A novice businessman should remember that any exhibition or fair is a place where new acquaintances are made, ideas and business proposals are realized. In addition, new items are often exhibited at such events, which are the best fit for sales in the online store being created.

Foreign suppliers

Finding partners outside your own state is the most difficult and costly option. How to find a supplier from China, Europe or America? For this, one publication of one's announcement on one of the foreign resources is not enough. It is unlikely that your desire to order products will find a response from the management large companies. Various scammers who sell low-quality Chinese goods can give feedback on a cooperation announcement. That is why, when receiving a response from abroad, you should be careful and not fall for deception.

How to find a supplier of clothes, shoes, household appliances and other goods you are interested in? The basic rule regarding the search for a foreign partner is to get to know him personally, with his production and the quality of the goods produced. This will require significant financial resources for an interpreter, for travel, for registration required documents etc. A small entrepreneur cannot afford such expenses. This moment becomes especially relevant for those who solve the following question: how to find a supplier from China? To overcome the language barrier, you will need the services of a professional translator, which are paid at a high rate. But this is not all the difficulties that the owner of an online store will have to face. There is a certain specificity of international trade relations, concluded in the need to purchase a large volume of goods. So foreign manufacturers seek to secure their business from unreliable entrepreneurs.

Difficulties in the supply of goods from abroad are also associated with the imperfection of our logistics and customs system. The impossibility of drawing up an effective scheme for crossing the border leads our businessmen to significant losses.

However, despite the existing pitfalls, working with foreign manufacturers is a good and promising option. Such cooperation eliminates contacts with intermediary firms, which makes it possible to pay for goods at purchase prices.

What is dropshipping?

Today, goods in the consumer market can be supplied according to a completely new model. It's called dropshipping. This is a scheme that allows a businessman to purchase individual items from a wholesaler, delivering them to his buyer.

What are the benefits of dropshipping? With this scheme, the entrepreneur does not need to purchase large quantities of goods. It is enough just to organize cooperation with one or another supplier who agrees to direct deliveries. At the same time, it is enough for your online store to act as a kind of showcase. When an order is received from the buyer, it is immediately redirected to the supplier. The latter, at the same time, sends the goods directly to the address of the final consumer, billing the businessman only for the shipped products.

Search for a partner

How to find a dropshipping supplier? Before contacting a potential partner, you will need to certify the legality of the business you have started. Before concluding contracts, suppliers are asked to provide data on the registration of an individual entrepreneur or company, as well as a copy of the taxpayer's certificate. Only with a package of relevant documents in hand, you can begin to build relationships with those distributors who offer dropshipping. And here you need to be especially vigilant. The market is full of scammers and false information.

How to find a supplier for an online store (dropshipping)? In these searches, the most effective assistant for a businessman will be a search engine on the Internet. However, even here there are pitfalls. For example, how to find clothing suppliers for an online store? To do this, you need to carry out their thorough search. It is unlikely that the list of wholesale suppliers will be on the first pages of a search engine. These companies do not strive for their promotion and are not strong in SEO. You can find them only by flipping through several dozen pages.

Also, someone who decides how to find a dropshipping supplier should not pay attention to the web development of the cover of the site of such a company. A poorly thought-out and ugly-designed web page does not at all mean that this partner will be unscrupulous.

How to find clothing suppliers for an online store? This should not be limited to just one question. It is also worth searching for various derivative phrases. It can be “Big batch of clothes”, “Distributors”, etc. These phrases will help to achieve the desired result.

Online clothing store

Very often, businessmen start their business with the sale of wardrobe items. How to find clothing suppliers in this case? To do this, you need to follow the standard steps:

  • view lists of suppliers in thematic Internet directories;
  • contact local manufacturers;
  • flip through the usual directories and catalogs;
  • conclude contracts with foreign manufacturers;
  • visit specialized fairs and exhibitions.

In addition, those who decide how to find suppliers of clothing for sale in an online store are advised to contact representatives of trade brands located in Russia or in other countries. And you can go in a slightly different way. For those who do not know how to find a clothing supplier, you can create your own advertisement. It will need to indicate market niches that can interest a potential partner.

When choosing a supplier, it is important to pay attention to criteria such as:

  • quality;
  • price;
  • the frequency of updating the assortment;
  • minimum purchase lots;
  • availability of necessary documentation and certificates;
  • methods and terms of payment;
  • the possibility of deferred payment;
  • delivery method;
  • availability of packaging and its cost;
  • warehouse location;
  • availability of discounts;
  • guarantees for the exchange and return of defective items;
  • availability of information about new products and price changes;
  • having a responsible person.

How to find suppliers of children's clothing and adult products in China? This question is of interest to those who wish to purchase high-quality models at a low cost.

To do this, you need to know the basic ways how to find a supplier for an online store. Ukraine, Russia and other countries of the former CIS have long used these schemes to buy goods. The very first of them is a search directly for a Chinese manufacturer. Such transactions are carried out in cases where the buyer knows the language of the Celestial Empire and knows how to bargain.

You can also buy goods for your online store using the services of intermediaries. At the same time, there will be no strict limits on the minimum volume of purchases, and you will offer a fairly large assortment of clothes to your customers. However, in this case, the goods will have higher prices, there will be no production control And

It is also possible to ensure the operation of an online store when contracts are concluded with companies engaged in wholesale deliveries. These intermediaries have a sufficient amount of information about the manufacturer. In addition, such firms take over negotiations with sellers, as well as control the quality and quantity of shipped goods. But it should be borne in mind that contracts should be concluded only with well-known and reliable wholesalers who have proven themselves in the market.

Of course, all conditions for further cooperation must be agreed in advance and fixed in the contract being drawn up. This document will be a formal agreement that suits both parties. Do not rush to sign papers. When more and more new questions appear, they should be clarified to the end. A good and reliable supplier who is interested in further cooperation will definitely devote the necessary amount of time to you. If you get the impression that the other party is not interested in clarifying your questions and is not making any effort to gain the trust of a future partner, then this is worth thinking about. Do you need such a supplier? No. Use the compiled list from the catalog and start a dialogue with another company.

The election of a future business partner is a very important stage. This important step will require the entrepreneur to accurately calculate, cold analysis and critical assessment of the situation. But even with an objective view of the state of affairs, one should never exclude the human factor. The success of the opening online store will be influenced by both subjective reasons and the personal relationship that has developed with the supplier.

If you've read our other ideas articles, you may already be starting to have some ideas of your own. This is a very interesting stage for an entrepreneur, as the momentum to work appears, and the excitement increases with each new thought about the idea.

However, time and time again, many entrepreneurs get stuck and lose their temper when it comes to finding the source of goods. Both in the case of the production of your own product, and if you are looking for suppliers for bulk purchases, finding it is often not an easy task.

  • Here you can buy a domain and hosting for an online store.

In this article, we will look at the basic rules for successfully finding a supplier for your next project. We will tell you where to find him, how best to contact him and what to ask.

Let's get started.

Basics - What are you looking for?

In this article, when we talk about suppliers, we mean anyone who can supply and stock goods to you. That is, manufacturers, wholesalers and distributors.

With a simple Google search, you can find tons of useful links. However, before you start, you should consider a few points and make a decision.

Here are some of the more common options:

  • A manufacturer who will bring the idea of ​​your product to life.
  • A supplier, which can also be a manufacturer, wholesaler or distributor for the purchase of already existing brands and products.
  • Dropshipper for the supply of goods and the fulfillment of orders for existing brands and products.

Domestic or foreign suppliers

Whether you want to manufacture a product or buy it in bulk, the question of choosing suppliers is very common. The question is the choice between domestic and foreign. An overseas supplier can be located in any country, but is most often in Asian countries such as China, India, and Taiwan.

You probably already know that it's almost always cheaper to buy goods abroad, but it's not just about the initial investment and unit cost.

Both domestic and foreign suppliers have both their advantages and disadvantages. We will consider them further.

domestic suppliers


  • The quality of goods and working conditions are better.
  • It is easier to communicate with the supplier, there is no language barrier.
  • You can apply a marketing move: the goods are made in Ukraine.
  • It is easier to check the reliability of the supplier.
  • Fast shipping.
  • Good protection of intellectual property rights.
  • Better payment security and rights protection.


  • The production cost is higher.
  • Limited choice of goods (there are many goods that are no longer produced in Ukraine or have never been produced at all).

Overseas Suppliers


  • Production cost is lower.
  • Lots of manufacturers to choose from.
  • Complex platforms, such as, simplify the process of searching for a product.


  • Customers believe that the quality of such products is worse.
  • (Usually) low production and labor standards.
  • Poor protection of intellectual property rights.
  • The language and communication barrier can be difficult.
  • Difficult/expensive to verify supplier and visit factory.
  • Long delivery.
  • Cultural differences in doing business.
  • Import of goods and customs clearance.
  • Payment security and rights protection is worse.

Where to start searching

Now that you have a better idea of ​​what exactly you need to find, as well as understand the advantages and disadvantages of domestic and foreign suppliers, where do you start your search? Of course, the Internet is the best place to start, but there are certain places that will help you in your search.

Company databases

One of the best sources to look for can be online supplier databases. These databases contain profiles of hundreds or even thousands of manufacturers, wholesalers and suppliers. Below we have listed some of the more popular databases as an example.

Online supplier databases

Online databases of foreign suppliers

In the depths of Google

Over the past few years, we've gotten used to easily searching for the right information with Google and finding what we're looking for in the first few search results. However, many providers are not keeping up with the progress of the Internet, namely the changes in the Google search algorithm. Very often, their sites are outdated, the information is scattered, and they are not optimized for search engines.

How to find suppliers using Google? For the first time in your life, you will need to explore the tenth page of search results and maybe even beyond. You may also want to use different terms when searching. For example, such as wholesale, wholesaler and distributor can be used instead of each other, so you will need to search for them all.

Advanced search can help you web search help from Google, which will improve the quality of searches and, accordingly, their performance.


At various exhibitions of products from certain industry niches, you can find a supplier of goods for your business and get to know him directly on the spot. There you will be able to establish the first working relations.

Request for a quote

Once you have found the right supplier, how do you start negotiations?

The main question that will bother you: "How much?". But before you rush to send a quote request to a supplier, think about what you want to say and what questions you need to ask. A well thought out request will increase your chances of getting a response and the information you need.

There are several important points worth mentioning in the request:

  • – You need to make sure that the supplier’s minimum order quantity is within your reach and affordable. The minimum order quantity can vary greatly depending on the product and the supplier, so it is very important to ask this question in advance.
  • What is the price for a sample?– Most likely, you will want to study the sample before placing an order. Sample prices vary by product and supplier. Some suppliers who receive a lot of inquiries may change the retail price, some will offer you samples at a discounted price, and others may even send you samples for free.
  • What is the unit price?- One of the most important issues is the price per unit of goods. Most likely, you will want to ask the unit price when various volumes order to find out the discount rate for large orders.
  • How long does an order take to complete?– It is very important to know the lead time, because, depending on the type of your business, time can be a decisive factor.
  • What are your payment terms?– Many suppliers will require new customers to pay in full upfront for the goods. This is very important to know as inventory is a major expense for internet startups. Also you can ask what are the terms of payment for subsequent orders.

Suppliers constantly receive hundreds of price requests from unreliable buyers, who are often not going to buy anything. Therefore, very often suppliers do not respond to all inquiries. Aspiring online business entrepreneurs often complain about the lack of response from vendors.

How not to be ignored? There are a few things you should not do when you first contact a supplier:

  • Long queries– Your first letter to the supplier should be short and to the point. Don't write too much about your story. The purpose of the first request is to better evaluate a potential partner candidate. Focus on what suppliers care about the most - detailed information about the product you are looking for.
  • Don't ask too much– It is not always easy for the supplier to process requests. It is important to ask for multiple product prices for different order quantities, but not to ask too many questions or requests for detailed information. Ask only what you need to know to evaluate a potential collaboration between you and your supplier.
  • Don't request too small order– If you make a price request for a quantity lower than the supplier's minimum quantity, you risk never getting a response. If you are not sure how much you need to order, call the supplier or write a short inquiry with one question to find out the size of the minimum order.

Finally, if you are contacting a foreign supplier, remember that very often he may use translator programs to translate your letter and his response. We advise you to write a letter to the supplier in English. Your requests should be short, to the point, well-formatted, and free from typos. Not only will this make things easier for the supplier, but it will also provide you with a good response. Also, when you ask questions, it is better to number them, so it will be easier for the supplier to answer each of the points, and the answers and correspondence will be more understandable and organized.

Here is an example of a request that could be sent:

Good afternoon!

My name is ____ and I represent Company XYZ.

I am interested in placing an order in SUPPLIER'S NAME. I would like to ask a few questions in advance:

  1. What is your minimum order?
  2. What is the unit price for the minimum order and if I order three times the minimum order?
  3. What are the payment terms for new customers?

I would also like to order a sample of the GOODS to check the quality. Could you please tell me the price for a sample with delivery to:

First Name Last Name

The address

City, country



Your name As you can already see in the sample above, the letter is short, informative, and its purpose is to find out the terms of cooperation from the supplier. I also immediately asked about ordering a sample of the goods in case this supplier suits me. Once I receive the samples and I am satisfied with their quality, I can begin to inquire about the details of the collaboration, knowing that I am not wasting either my time or the supplier's time.

Minimum order negotiation

If you are looking for a supplier for the first time, you will quickly find out what the minimum order quantity is. Very often, on the first order, the supplier requires a commitment to purchase hundreds or even thousands of items, depending on the type of item and the supplier.

Minimum order quantities can be a problem if your funds are limited or if you just want to start with small batches of an item to test it on the market before placing large orders. The good news is that the minimum order quantity is always negotiable.

Before negotiating, it is important to understand why the supplier has set the minimum. Will it provide a lot of work up front? Or maybe the supplier prefers to work with large customers? Understand the reasons for setting a minimum order, and it will be easier for you to understand the position of the supplier, negotiate and make good counteroffers.

Once you have a better understanding of your supplier's position, you can suggest lowering your minimum order quantity. Trade-offs may include giving the supplier a deposit for a large order, but the product is produced in small batches or the unit price is higher.

Have you already found your partner supplier?

The search for suppliers and manufacturers is a special process, and for many it is a completely new experience. Finding the right vendors for you is a complex and very important step for your new business, and it's not always easy. It's easy to give up when you hit a dead end, but in most cases, you just need more patience and perseverance and you'll find the perfect partner for your business.