Technology "25 Frame". Technology "25 Frame" Some interesting facts

But they have no idea how it works and how it can affect a person.

What is this technology based on?
It is officially accepted that frame 25 is method of influencing the subconscious of a person by inserting hidden information into the video sequence between frames or on one of the frames. It looks like this. Everyone knows that the film consists of shots. A frame is just a picture. In other words, video is a process of rapidly changing pictures. Approximately 21 to 24 pictures change in 1 second, if their number is less, then the video recording effect itself will disappear, the human eye will distinguish the process of changing pictures, which, of course, should not be in the film. If there are 25 frames, then the display time for each will be 0.08 seconds. The most interesting thing is that although we see all the frames, we do not notice the 25th. And, if we are aware of 24 frames, then the 25th bypasses our consciousness and acts directly on the subconscious. That is, in 25th frame you can show anything you want - you won't notice it. But it will be stored in your subconscious.

The history of the 25th frame.

Many years ago, mankind knew that 97% of our mental activity takes place at the subconscious level. And the subconscious not only influences our memory, but also dictates to us what to do. Therefore, scientists of the first half of the 20th century considered its study to be one of the most important areas. To explore the features of the human subconscious with the help of cinema for the first time occurred to the German scientist Frank in 1918. However, insufficient equipment with cinematographic equipment did not allow him to do this, and it was decided to postpone his experiments to a later date. Later they were completely forgotten. The most famous first experiments with applying the 25th frame were performed in 1957 by James Vickery at a New Jersey movie theater. Then, during the screening of the film, the 25th frame showed the words "coca-cola" and "eat popcorn". The experiment showed a brilliant result: the sale of Coca-Cola in the cinema buffet after watching the film increased by 17%, popcorn by 50%. True then, under pressure from the US intelligence agencies, who were also simultaneously engaged in similar experiments, he had to declare that the results of experiments confirming the existence of such an effect on people were fabricated by him. However, the method continued to be used by large monopoly companies, but after a couple of years, a surge of interest in the 25th frame began to fade, as its use became severely limited, and in some states completely prohibited in the areas of commercial and political advertising. How did it work in the early days of research? For implementation actions of the 25th frame should have 2 movie projectors. One of them showed the film in normal mode, but at the moment of changing the 24th frame, the lens was covered by something and rewinding 1 frame back, the other at the same time projects "25th Frame" to the screen.

The 25th frame acquired a "second birth" only with the development of television in the second half of the 20th century. In most programs then, and in fact, as now, television people inserted the 25th frame, and in an hour of broadcast, from 3 to 6 "25 frames" could appear in the program, and their duration reached from 2 to 10 minutes. In the 25th frame itself, the viewer was usually shown various goods and services that were offered to be bought right there. These or those producers often paid a lot of money to the management of TV channels for the opportunity to get into 25th frame at their best time of the day. Thus, prime time airtime was considered the most prestigious - from 18 to 21 hours, when most of the viewers had already returned from work, and longed for brainwashing by the 25th frame. During the 25th frame, the broadcasters often increased the volume of the air so that each viewer could perceive the information without any problems. The image in the 25th frame was distinguished by the brightness of colors, the speed of information supply, and the target orientation. For the filming of 25 frames on television, the most famous directors were invited. However, such careful and complex preparation still did not lead to invisibility - the viewer noticed any appearance of the 25th frame in the middle of the transmission and tried to change the channel every time it started. 25th frame. The general public began to protest against dominance of the 25th frame on television and called for limiting it in children's programs, news, banning the use of human images in them and limiting the time of the show from 23 to 7 hours. Finally, a bill was issued limiting the maximum display time of the 25th frame to 4 minutes, including TV announcements.
In fact, to achieve a greater effect, the duration and brightness "25 frames" should, on the contrary, be underestimated in comparison with the main frames of the film. If this is not observed, a person is quite capable of noticing the presence of an “alien” frame. In fact, the 25th frame is not hidden: each frame is marked by the observer's eye, but due to the inertness of vision, it merges with similar ones and is not distinguished by a person. In general, it is not difficult to notice the “extra” advertising frame. You can even read a short word if it is in large print and familiar to the viewer.

25th frame in the XXI century

In the future, with the change in technology, the process naturally improved. And with the use of computer technology, it made it possible to bring the effectiveness of the impact to almost 90%. And most importantly, it was found that for each person to achieve the maximum effect, only their own program is applicable, depending on many components and individual characteristics of the individual (gender, age, social status, character, mindset, etc.). You need to know the language that the person operates within himself. This explains for the most part the uselessness of numerous programs on CDs for weight loss, alcohol addiction, insomnia, and so on and so forth. Firstly, all these programs are not individual, and secondly, as a rule, they are "concocted on their knees." In addition, about 10-15% of people do not perceive this information at all; their brains are incapable of decoding the signals received in this way. This is probably due to some biological reasons, the essence of which has not yet been fully studied. In general, it should be said that this area of ​​research is now rapidly developing, and in the coming years, society may actually face the problem of subliminal impacts. Psychologists today are seriously concerned about the prospect of the impending era of psychoterrorism. This is due to the intensive development in recent years of methods of hidden mental influence on a person. In the USA alone, more than 140 institutes are engaged in this topic. According to some reports, similar studies are also being carried out in Russia, for example, at the Center for Psychophysiology of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Energy Research and Production Association, the Kvant Research and Production Enterprise, and others.

That, in fact, is all. At the moment, you should not be afraid of the 25th frame, especially since there is a law on holding TV channels and advertising producers accountable for using the “25th frame effect”. However, where it is not prohibited, this effect is widely used, for example, in education and medicine.

Some interesting facts

In Russian law using the 25th frame, as well as other methods of hidden advertising, is prohibited, however, some television companies have been caught several times in using the 25th frame.

The Law of Ukraine "On Television and Radio Broadcasting" prohibits "the use in programs and broadcasts on television and radio of hidden inserts that affect the subconscious of a person and / or have a harmful effect on their health."

Ekaterinburg television company was deprived of its license for 2 months for this shot.

During the parliamentary elections in Ukraine (2006), the head of the election campaign of the Party of Regions, Yevgeny Kushnarev, announced the use of the “25th frame” by the Our Ukraine bloc in the campaign film “Threat. The truth is terrible”, shown on March 10 on the First National Channel. According to him, the image of a skull appears five times in three frames throughout the tape. The Our Ukraine bloc, in turn, denied the accusations through its press service, calling the skull a special effect, reproaching the Party of Regions for inflating pseudo-sensations to divert attention from the compromising facts given in the film. In slow motion, you can see that the image of the skull appeared as a flash when the scenes changed and took more than one frame in each case, that is, it was not the 25th frame as such.

25th frame from George W. Bush's video. In 1982, a series of video cassettes was released in the United States, which used the 25th frame with a hidden inscription "Do not steal!". Shoplifting is said to have dropped by almost 50%. George W. Bush used the effect of the 25th frame (an advertisement for medical reform) in his campaign video. In this video, Democrats were compared to bureaucrats, and on the 25th frame, the word "Rats" was used.

Moscow VNIITR has developed a device that detects, among other things, "foreign and unauthorized information" in a television signal.

In the film "Fight Club", in addition to the explicit moments of using pseudo frame 25 (inserts lasting more than one frame, which the consciousness easily fixes, and the plot talks about them), implicit inserts are also used (which are not mentioned in the plot, lasting per frame) .

Operating principle

Above - frames on film, below - what a person sees


James Vickery

Media reaction

This experiment gave rise to many myths in the media and caused a wave of outrage in society. In 1957, Norman Cousinis published an article in the Saturday Review, "The Stained Subconscious", in which he concluded that the 25th frame could be used not only in popcorn advertising, but also in propaganda.

Renaissance in Russia

In the 1990s - with a delay of almost 40 years - the efforts of the "yellow press" in Russia increased interest in the 25th frame. Articles appear in newspapers about "zombifying the population", advertisements for video cassettes for learning English, treating various diseases (for example, alcoholism) using the 25th frame. Newspaper articles were reprinted so many times that few people doubted their truth. Moreover, relevant laws were even adopted.


In Russian law, the use of the 25th frame, as well as other methods of hidden advertising, is prohibited. Paragraph 9 of Art. 5 (“hidden advertising”) of the Federal Law “On Advertising” No. 38-FZ dated March 13, 2006 (entered into force on July 1, 2006) states:

Specialists of the All-Russian Research Institute of TV and Radio (VNIITR) have developed a device that detects, among other things, "extraneous and unauthorized information" in a television signal)) Using this device, in particular, a violation of the requirements of the Federal Law "On Advertising" by the Yekaterinburg television company ATN was detected.

The Law of Ukraine "On Television and Radio Broadcasting" prohibits "the use in programs and broadcasts on television and radio of hidden inserts that affect the subconscious of a person and / or have a harmful effect on their health."

Accusations of using the 25th frame

  • During the 2000 US presidential campaign, a Republican ad for Bush used frame 25, which contained the hidden text: “Rats. Gore's plan is the choice of the bureaucrats!" (English) RATS. The Gore Prescription Plan: Bureaucrats Decide ).

To the cinema

  • The plot of the film "Fight Club" mentions the use of frame 25 by Tyler Durden: while working in a cinema, he inserted a frame depicting a penis into films, which caused subconscious embarrassment among the public, who consciously did not notice the vulgarity; also a shot of a penis is inserted at the end of the film. Also at the beginning of the film there are inserts of images of Tyler Durden himself before his meeting with the main character.
  • In an episode of the television series Columbo, Lieutenant Columbo used frame 25 to demonstrate the plot to the alleged killer. Colombo only knew the area of ​​the gun cache, but didn't know the exact location. Colombo inserted frame 25 into the film depicting the location of the alleged hiding place. In the middle of the film, the criminal, for some unknown reason, left the cinema and checked the cache with the gun, and then the police were waiting for him.


see also


  • Subliminal advertising may work after all New Scientist article stating that subliminal advertising works in some cases.
  • The 25th frame still affects the subconsciousness of a similar article in Russian.

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See what the "25th frame" is in other dictionaries:

    BUT; m. [French. cadre] 1. A single shot on film, photographic film. 2. A single scene or episode from a movie. Newsreels. Shoot the last shots of the movie. * * * frame 1) photographic frame a single image of the subject on ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    Frame: Wiktionary has an entry for "frame" Frame (telecommunications) a data fragment of the OSI model link layer network protocol transmitted over a communication line ... Wikipedia

    - (fr. cadre frame). Frame. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. FRAME (fr. cadre, from lat. quadrum order). Zanas officers, non-commissioned officers and privates, who, in case of war or during mobilization, form ... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    frame- An image, a fragment of a video signal, or a time interval corresponding to a single traversal of the raster by a spreading element that starts and ends at the same point. [GOST 21879 88] frame The basic unit of a television ... ... Technical Translator's Handbook

    1) a photographic frame is a single image of the subject on film or photographic paper. 2) A film frame is a snapshot on film that captures one of the phases of movement or the static position of the subjects of shooting. 3) The editing frame is an integral part of the film, ... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Exist., m., use. comp. often Morphology: (no) what? frame, why? frame, (see) what? frame what? frame, about what? about the frame; pl. what? frames, (no) what? staff, why? frames, (see) what? footage of what? frames, about what? about frames 1. A frame is a picture on ... ... Dictionary of Dmitriev

The myth about the "effect of the 25th frame" turned out to be amazingly tenacious: despite the fact that it was exposed many times, references to it as something real still appear on the pages of the media. Moreover, in a number of states there are laws prohibiting the use of this most notorious effect when showing commercials on television.

The most interesting thing is that the majority takes it for granted, which is quite strange: if a law were issued banning Baba Yaga flights during the daytime over the center of Moscow, then everyone would think about the mental health of legislators, but the same absurd laws prohibiting 25- frame are considered normal. Although this effect is the same fiction as the flights of Baba Yaga. But let's talk about everything in more detail.

Strictly speaking, what is this very 25th frame? It is traditionally believed that the eye of a person watching a movie cannot distinguish more than 24 frames per second. In fact, this is not so: the ability to perceive frames depends on the clarity of the edges of the picture and the speed of the movement of objects on the screen. So sometimes we can see not only twenty-five, but also twenty-six frames per second, and sometimes only twenty. The number "24" arose as a result of averaging the data.

However, this is not even the point - adherents of the "theory" about the harmful twenty-fifth frame claim that a foreign frame shown for less than 1/24 of a second, bypassing the consciousness, immediately affects the human subconscious. That is, the information embedded in this frame is remembered by a person, although he does not see it at the same time. Well, since it is remembered, then at some point the brain can use it.

Several years ago, at a press conference of the deputy director of the Institute of Television and Radio Broadcasting (VNIITR), Doctor of Technical Sciences Svetlana Nemtsova, explained the effect of the "25th frame effect" as follows: "Hidden frames have a detrimental effect on people's subconscious. If, for example, such a frame says" Kill your neighbor", a person can feel inexplicable aggression and this setting can work ... Imposed information is perceived against the will, it's like hypnosis. You can inspire any actions, ideology."

Alas, unfortunately, the respected doctor of technical sciences could not explain why this most unfortunate frame should have such an effect. And this is not accidental - because this is impossible in principle, and any neurophysiologist can confirm this. The fact is that the brain of any living being, including humans, is designed in such a way that it can perceive only the information that comes to it from receptors. And the information that the receptors cannot catch does not exist for him in principle. That is, if a person really does not see the twenty-fifth frame, then what is depicted on it will not be perceived by visual receptors and simply will not get to the brain.

But if people still see this same frame, even if it’s not clear, then it’s another matter - information about this will reach the corresponding centers of the brain and be processed there. However, it is unlikely that the organ of higher nervous activity will pay attention to it. It has long been known that the brain always sorts incoming data and selects only the most important ones. They go further along the neural chains, to other centers, and what was perceived as "information noise" will immediately be erased - the brain is also not rubber and there is simply nowhere to store what it does not need.

It is quite obvious that the information recorded in the same 25th frame will also fall into the number of such noise. Which, by the way, as shown by recent experiments by neurophysiologists, almost all people see, although not very clearly. Scientists have found that absolutely every frame is marked by the eye of the observer, but due to the inertness of vision, it merges with similar ones and is not distinguished by a person. However, thanks to the same effect, it is quite possible to notice an "extra" advertising frame, and many testees even had time to read a short word if it was in large type and was familiar to the viewer. You yourself can conduct a similar experiment using a computer program for video editing - by the way, in this case, the frame rate can be set much higher than the standard one.

However, as noted above, such information, due to the fact that it appears quickly before the eyes, is not marked by the brain as important. Interestingly, the participants in the experiment forgot the word that they managed to read after a few minutes. Therefore, there is no need to talk about some kind of hypnotic commands being introduced into the subconscious - any such command, even if it appears in this frame, will be immediately forgotten by the person (and in general, you can enter into a hypnotic trance only when the experimental concentrates his attention on the actions of the hypnotist, and in this case such a concentration is impossible).

So, the notorious 25th frame cannot have any effect on our subconscious. But the most interesting thing is that he never did. In order to be convinced of this, let's recall the very history of the emergence of the theory of the "effect of the 25th frame" In the film "Picnic" at the moments of the frame change, frames of hidden advertising were shown with the help of an additional projector (they said "Coca-Cola" and "Eat popcorn"). The films were shown throughout the summer of 1957, and, according to the businessman, at the same time, the sale of Coca-Cola in the cinema buffet increased by 17 percent, and popcorn - by 50 percent. As a result, Vaykary patented this technology and opened a company for subliminal advertising in films.

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The 25th frame technology is used to push someone to do something. The psychophysiological basis of the "25th frame" is the mechanisms of suggestion using unconscious stimuli.

The term "frame 25" is not considered scientific and is only used in popular articles. Instead, a more specific and specific one is used - “a subthreshold (subsensory, unconscious) stimulus (stimulus)”.

Psychophysiology, Gershuni and Kostandov, who studied the perception of words briefly displayed on the screen, experimentally confirmed the possibility of unconscious perception and discovered a special class of so-called "subsensory" (subthreshold) conditioned reflexes.

For example, Kostandov conducted the following experiment. A group of subjects was briefly exposed to the inscription on the screen: "hot". At exposures of less than one millisecond, the subjects did not perceive the information in any way. Note: 1 second is equal to 1000 milliseconds.

When the exposure was increased to 10 milliseconds, the subjects did not notice the word “hot” displayed on the screen, but subjectively felt that they became hot. When the exposure was increased to 100 milliseconds, the subjects could read the word "hot" on the screen, but they did not feel that they were hot.

Thus, it was found that between the physiological threshold of perception (less than one millisecond) and the threshold of consciousness (100 milliseconds) there is a subthreshold zone of perception (subsensory zone of perception), where information is perceived by a person, bypassing consciousness.

It became possible to see the 25th frame on a TV screen only with the advent of a special computer program in 2002. It was then that the Euro-Ministry for Information and Press of Russia let it slip that 25th frame technology is used in every program and every commercial.

The technology of forming a television image on the screen is based on the frequency of a standard electrical network - 50 Hertz (50 times per second). The footage is a temporal sequence of half-frames at a rate of 50 fields per second (ie 25 frames per second). The demonstration of two half-frames that form a full frame of the image on the screen, lasting up to 40 milliseconds, is below the threshold of consciousness, falling into this subthreshold zone.

With the help of this technology, installations are introduced into the subconscious, for example, to suppress the will, to have a positive attitude towards candidates in elections and to the elections themselves.

Feeling worse after watching TV.

It has been observed how an unthinking one-year-old child, carefree and not paying any attention to the environment, playing with the TV turned on, suddenly began to look at the screen with an unblinking fascinated look every time an advertisement was shown.

University of Minnesota researchers say high school and middle school students who sit in front of television for a long time are more likely to develop a junk food addiction in the future.

They observed over 2,000 middle and middle school students and concluded that the amount of time they watched daily was directly related to children's food habits.

So, those who sat in front of the TV for at least 5 hours a day ate less fruits, vegetables, whole grains and foods high in calcium. Their diets were more frequent in various types of snacks, fried foods rich in trans fats and carbonated drinks.

Any program can be embedded with frames that cause an attraction to alcohol, drugs or form a positive attitude towards scammers.

Everyone wants to get everything without making any effort. It was thanks to human laziness that such a technique as frame 25 appeared and became very popular. It's so tempting: you just sit, look at the screen, do nothing, and lose weight ... Is it possible to lose weight in such a passive way? Is the technique as effective as advertised? In this article, we will look at the 25 frame technology in relation to the most common areas: losing weight, attracting money, learning English and drug addiction treatment. So let's get started.

25 frame - what is it?

There are a number of professionals trying the technology in terms of science. They explain it this way: any video image consists of rapidly replacing each other pictures that make up the video sequence. If you insert the 25th frame with a certain kind of information into this video sequence, then it will not be perceived by the human eye. But at the subconscious level, the brain fixes this information and, starting from it, orients further

A bit of history

Now you know how frame 25 works. Let's find out the history of this technique. For the first time, the general public heard about this phenomenon in the middle of the last century. It was then that the first commercial experiments began to be carried out, which were based on the introduction into the subconscious of an additional frame carrying certain information. The founder of the idea is considered to be James Vikeri, who proposed to embed phrases in the movie. During the demonstration of the picture, they appeared on the screen for only 1/25 of a second. It is clear that the audience did not even have time to fix them. However, the marketing agency that developed this technique claimed that these phrases were stored in the subconscious of people, forcing them to buy soft drinks and popcorn.

This method of increasing sales was made public, which caused a wave of indignation. Society considered it unacceptable to interfere in the psyche of people and feared its negative consequences. Later it turned out that all this hype was just a publicity stunt, and fears were in vain. A group of scientists approached James Vikeri and demanded that the experiment be repeated in the presence of a specially assembled commission. The result disappointed observers: after watching the film, it did not change in any way. After that, the development of techniques for influencing the subconscious was carried out only in secret laboratories, and public experiments were banned.

A renewed interest in frame 25 flared up in the 70s. Horror films were broadcast in cinemas, in which a mask of death flashed, rock bands began to use phrases read backwards in their albums, etc. However, these facts were explained only by the race for popularity, and few believed in their influence on the subconscious. At that time, the term “frame 25” appeared, meaning the possibility of conveying unconscious information to consciousness using electronic means.

weight loss

Due to fashion trends, many people are now obsessed with losing weight. The most popular way to achieve this goal is diet. Only not every person will be able to strictly follow it, regularly refusing their favorite dishes and delicacies. In addition, most of the proposed diets assume a complete exclusion from the diet of substances necessary for good skin condition and, in general, for optimal functioning of the body. As a result, a thin waist gets too expensive: the skin becomes problematic and dry due to beriberi, and health begins to falter and require increased attention.

Not wanting to pay such a high price for harmony, many are looking for alternative ways to lose weight, sorting through mountains of literature and information from thematic resources. And in the end they find a magical way that allows you to become Angelina Jolie in a few days without any diets and any effort.

This method is the well-advertised and popular program "25 frames for weight loss." There are a lot of rumors about this technique, as it has been promoted for more than 50 years. Supporters of this program talk about it as a panacea, completely imperceptibly and painlessly introducing information into the subconscious and solving your problems. They strongly convince the audience of the effectiveness of the program, which promises to lose weight in the shortest possible time.

Is it possible to lose weight with frame 25

Someone enthusiastically speaks about this technique, and someone declares that this is another way to pump money out of naive clients. To find out the truth, let's define the concept of "weight loss". It is a purely individual process for each organism, associated with the metabolic rate. That is, in order to lose weight, we need to either speed up the metabolism, or remove excess calories from the diet, which will be processed into fat. And the phrases flashing on the screen using the 25th frame technology will not help us with this. Only two methods proven over the years will help to lose weight - diet and sports (running, swimming, cycling, etc.), and the 25 frame program can be used as an additional method of self-hypnosis. A separate use of the technique will not give any results.

Language learning

“A group of independent software developers have created a multimedia and professional program for learning English. It is based on the principle of overmemory hypermnesia using the suggestological method of learning (frame 25), which allows the subject to assimilate information bypassing critical perception. Within a month, you will effortlessly learn English for life (7000 words at the level of recognition, although it is enough to know 2500 for reading and fluent communication). You just need to watch the video of the program for only 15-20 minutes a day.”

And how really

Why is this ad so effective? The main reason is the scientific style of the article. The author easily scatters scientific terms without explaining their meaning. This should be alarming, although for most it will only cause an additional incentive to buy. Now let's analyze the content of the article.

Firstly, the author does not give a single reference to sources confirming his words. Secondly, it is really capable of assimilating subsensory information. But the point is that it will remain unconscious. A person is unable to extract from his memory that which has penetrated there bypassing his consciousness.

Under normal circumstances, the unconscious remains unconscious. Therefore, advertising claims about the miraculous properties of memory in terms of assimilation of huge amounts of data bypassing critical perception are half-truths. In advertising, we are talking about the assimilation of words at the level of recognition. That is, when a person is shown these words, he will recognize them and say: “Yes, I have already seen them,” but he is unlikely to be able to tell about their meaning.

And the very idea of ​​measuring knowledge of a foreign language in the number of words learned is not only strange, but also stupid. After all, knowledge of a language is determined not by a sense of recognition of words, but by the ability to understand speech, as well as write, read and speak a foreign language.

25 frame in narcology

Russian doctors have been using the 25 frame technique in narcology for more than 15 years. It is contraindicated only in patients with schizophrenia and epilepsy. According to doctors, its effectiveness is quite high.

Let's talk briefly about the treatment itself. For some time the patient refrains from taking drugs or alcohol. Then he is told about the 25th frame, and he himself formulates a task for himself. For example, "I won't use drugs for 3 years." After that, the patient watches for half an hour a video with the number 3, the phrase "3 years without drugs" and others, embedded in the form of frame 25, which unobtrusively penetrate into his subconscious. Depending on the stage of the disease, one or more sessions are performed.

Specialists who have nothing to do with frame 25 say: “There is nothing surprising here, because doctors use conventional psychotherapy along with the frame 25 program. And it is not clear what specifically helped the patient. But if you think objectively, then, most likely, this is ordinary autosuggestion.

Attracting money

We hope that after the 25 frame technology was revealed in relation to weight loss, learning English and drug addiction treatment, you will have no questions about its effectiveness in terms of attracting money. Don't look for freebies! And do not rely on such a technique as 25 frames. Attracting money is possible only by earning it. Therefore, to get the amount you need, make a specific plan and start implementing it step by step.

Internet fraud

Fraudsters love to use the frame 25 technique. How do they do it? The scheme is simple and is called "SMS scam". The “victim” gets to a page with an advertisement for the technique, where he is offered to download frame 25 for weight loss, language learning, etc. But in order to receive a link, you need to send an SMS to a short number. It is clear that in the case of sending SMS from the phone, all the money will be written off, and no link will come. Also, scammers offer to download the program for free. However, such a generous gift contains one or more viruses that can not only collect all the information from your computer, but also completely erase your hard drive. And do not rely on the reliability of anti-virus programs - they can not always help.


No matter how much the 25th frame effect is praised, it is just a publicity stunt. Using this technique, it is impossible to lose weight, learn English, cure drug addiction, etc. Do not look for easy ways, but work hard - and then everything will work out!