What to write to Santa Claus. Letter to Santa Claus: sample text, design and address

The long-awaited holiday is approaching - this is the New Year 2020. We are all waiting for it with impatience and quiet joy in our souls, because very soon the time for cherished gifts and unexpected surprises will come. Both adults and children adore these pleasant and bright moments in life, remember them for a long time and cherish them in their memory. But in order for a miracle to happen to the children on New Year's Eve, it is necessary for parents to take care of this in advance. If you do not know how to write the best letter to Santa Claus for the New Year 2020 with your children, then it's time to find out in detail. Read our article, the purpose and objectives of which are to convey to you the necessary information on how to prepare the text of the appeal, how to issue it, in which envelope it is desirable to put it, to which address the message should be sent so that it actually reaches the addressee on time and pleases him on all one hundred percent. Stay with us and you will learn much more, dear friends!

The best letters for Santa Claus

As you know, Santa Claus loves obedient and diligent children. Caring mothers and wise grandmothers always tell their kids that throughout the long year he has been carefully watching each of them in order to evaluate his actions and qualities of character, which will play a fundamental role in choosing one or another gift on New Year's Eve by type " deserved - not deserved. Thus, we develop in the little man responsiveness to all family requests, attentiveness, obedience, accuracy and, of course, the understanding that before you get anything in life, you need to work hard. Responsibility has never hurt anyone! But all these instructions and adult tricks are one thing, the second is writing a letter to a fairy-tale character for the New Year 2019. It must be prepared correctly and competently, otherwise, Santa Claus will not have a very good opinion of you. If there is no beautiful paper for text design, you can download a ready-made colorful template on the Internet with bright pictures of fairy-tale characters, the symbol of the coming year - the Dog, slogans and congratulations calling for the festival. After that, carefully and judiciously think about what you want to convey in your message to the fulfiller of your cherished desires. You should not beg for gifts on the fly, but it is more expedient to approach as follows:

  • according to all the rules of etiquette, at the initial stage it is necessary to say hello to Santa Claus and, of course, introduce yourself;
  • after that, you should not immediately proceed to the purpose of your letter - to beg for gifts, you need to briefly tell about yourself, about your studies, studies and home leisure, about your family, about how you love them and cherish them;
  • then smoothly move towards the fact that you have done so many good things over the whole year: you helped your parents endlessly in everything, and sisters, and brothers, and grandparents. Give vivid examples from your life so that Grandfather really appreciates you and mentally draws your heroic image;
  • now you can touch on your sensitive topic at the expense of gifts. At this stage, one should not be extremely excessive, the limit and edge should be felt in everything;
  • in the end, do not forget to say goodbye to your wish maker, thank him in advance and send warm greetings to the Snow Maiden and the Snowman.

Here, in principle, are all the basic rules for an ideal letter for the New Year 2019. If you want, you can have a little fun with Santa Claus with your jokes and surprise with poems, please with drawings or original crafts. It will not even be superfluous to prepare an unexpected souvenir for him. Rest assured, this option is a win-win!

Browse our ready-made letterheads

On such bright templates, the letters will take on a different look. Children with great pleasure will compose phrases one by one, if only Grandfather and Snow Maiden would like it. After all, behind this work, the children will receive an invaluable reward - the realization of their childhood cherished dream.

magic envelopes

At that moment, when the letter to Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden was written together with the children, it was the turn to pack it properly. Ordinary faded envelopes will not match their original and colorful contents very well; paper shells that are just as expressive and filled with happiness will be required. If at the right moment you didn’t have such a package on your table, you can find something on the Internet and print it on a color printer with great success. With this approach, your message for the New Year 2020 will look complete and complete. As an illustrative example, we provide you with our photo ideas of finished samples.

Agree, such letters in prominent envelopes will certainly reach the addressee. Your child will once again make sure that Santa Claus still exists, even if his peers do not say anything. A quivering feeling will warm their little trusting heart, fill it with goodness, faith in miracles, hope for the fulfillment of cherished desires.

Santa Claus address

To really send a letter to Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden for the New Year 2020 to his snowy residence, you need to know his reliable and accurate address. If you do not have such data, then we will naturally help you. Here are a few existing options for the habitat of a fairy-tale character:

  • Index 162340, Russia,
  • Vologodskaya Oblast,
  • Veliky Ustyug,
  • House of Santa Claus.
  • Index 109472, Russia,
  • Moscow city,
  • Kuzminsky forest.

You can also send a message to Grandfather and the Snow Maiden for the New Year 2020 to the email address - dedmoroz@vologda.ru

If you are fluent in English, then you can send a letter to Santa Claus at this address:

  • santa claus,
  • Arctic Circle,
  • 96930, Rovaniemi,
  • Finland.
  • St. Petersburg,
  • Shuvalovka,
  • "Russian village",
  • Santa Claus.
  • Index 225063, Belarus,
  • Brest region,
  • p/o Kamenyuki,
  • Kamenets district,
  • "Bialowieza Forest. Santa Claus."

Write with inspiration and expect gifts for the New Year 2020.

Sample letters

Interesting and vivid samples of letters from girls and boys for the New Year 2020 will help beginners quickly decide on writing their text message. Compose something original, fill it with jokes, decorate with pictures, because they also say a lot if the child still does not know how to write.

Letter variant No. 1

Hello Santa Claus!

Version of the letter number 2

Hello Dedushka Moroz

We are writing you a postcard.

We want to wish you a Happy New Year

And give a smile!

You are very kind and funny

Cheerful and amusing.

We are with our children

Let's sing a song for you.

About how wonderful you are

You are a real holiday!

And give happiness, children's laughter

With glitter wrap!

Letter variant No. 3

Hello Dedushka Moroz! Masha is writing to you. I'm 10 years old. Thank you for the gifts that you made me happy before. I love math, drawing and board games. I dream of getting a teddy bear. I promise to be a good and obedient girl. I look forward to meeting you.

Letter variant No. 4

Hello Santa Claus!

My name is Sergey, I am 8 years old and I behaved very well all year and studied for one 5!

I congratulate you on the upcoming holidays!

I know you have a lot of work, so I will write briefly:

this year I tried, studied well and helped my mother. Sometimes I was not very good at being obedient. I guess I'm half disobedient. But I'm trying! Because I love my parents and grandmother very much.

Santa Claus, please bring gifts to parents and me!


So our article has come to an end, which told you about how to write a letter to Santa Claus for the New Year 2020. For those who have written text messages before, I didn’t find anything new in principle, but for beginners, our help turned out to be significant and essential. Now you and your parents can effortlessly create a real masterpiece with your own hands, put into it everything that you want to convey to the all-powerful addressee, and most importantly, you will be sure of his feedback. Gifts at the right time will appear under your elegant Christmas tree, and there will be a lot of impressions. Happy holiday, dear friends! May your dreams always come true!

December is the time to prepare for the New Year. For many, this stage seems tedious - to buy gifts, think over the menu, get smart clothes and do a spring cleaning. Do not forget to dilute the bustle with magical events - send a message to Santa Claus!

This is not only a fairy tale for kids - adults also write letters to the kind Grandfather, telling their innermost desires and hoping for fulfillment. Sometimes it does not matter to whom it is addressed and whether it will reach the addressee. Thoughts put on paper materialize faster - any psychologist will tell you that.

On the eve of the holiday, organize a family evening - let everyone write a beautiful letter to Santa Claus. It is possible that in the process of writing, family members will learn about each other's desires and will try to fulfill them next year. And work on the design is a creative activity that relaxes and trains the imagination. Let's find out how the correct letter to Santa Claus should look like.


Start with a greeting - “Hello, kind Santa Claus!”, “Hello, Santa Claus!”. You are going to ask the wizard for gifts, so show respect in the text.

Make contact

Going straight to requirements is a bad idea. Do not forget to congratulate the addressee on the upcoming holiday - you can wish Santa Claus good mood or health, ask how he is doing.

tell us about yourself

Introduce yourself, say your name, mention where you are from. Children always indicate their age. Tell Santa Claus why he should grant a wish. Point out your good deeds or ask for an upfront gift promising to be a better person next year. A letter to Santa Claus from children may contain phrases like: “I behaved well for a whole year”, “I studied with only five”, or “I promise to help my mother next year.” The message from an adult looks different: "For a year, I have never lied to my loved ones" or "I promise to quit smoking next year."

If you are not going to mail your child's letter, use one of the following options:

  • put it under the Christmas tree, and then discreetly pick it up;
  • if on the eve of the holiday guests came to you, ask one of the guests to convey a message to Santa Claus;
  • invite home an animator in a costume - the wizard will read the letter in the presence of the child;
  • put the letter behind the window for the bunnies and squirrels who help the wizard to take it away.

If you do not want the kid to doubt the existence of the Wizard, follow the letter - it will not be good, when you go out with the child on the street the next day, to find a letter blown by the wind under the window or in neighboring bushes.

About a month before the New Year, children begin to look forward to the holiday. Yes, this is not surprising. The shops are already dressed up, there are Christmas trees here and there around the city, and pre-holiday cartoons are on TV. Therefore, the eve of the holiday is the time to send a message to the New Year's wizard. How to write a letter to Santa Claus? See examples of such messages below.

How to write a letter

Which message is more pleasant to hold in your hands: a checkered sheet or a landscape sheet with a color illustration? Of course, the second option is more attractive to everyone. There is no clear answer to the question of how to write a letter to Santa Claus? This must be decided by each child on their own. We just give recommendations that can be used in the work.

The letter should be written on beautiful paper. It is advisable to take tinted for such a case. And of course, you need to draw a New Year's illustration on it. Some say that if a child does not have artistic talent, then he should not upset Santa Claus with an ugly drawing. But it's not. After all, children love to draw. And they may not succeed just because their parents do not believe in them and do not give them the opportunity to practice often. So let the child draw as best he can.

It is worth paying attention not only to the letter itself, but also to the envelope. Examples of letters to Santa Claus are given below.

Main points of the message

In order not to seem ignorant, you need to write a letter according to a plan. After all, when there is a clear structure in front of your eyes, then it is simply impossible to forget about some point. How to write a letter to Santa Claus?

  • The first paragraph should be a greeting. It is worth saying hello to the New Year's wizard and his assistants. Snow Maiden, snowmen, hares, horses and deer will be pleased to hear words of welcome.
  • And now it’s worth congratulating Santa Claus on the upcoming holiday and wishing him all the best, and most importantly, long life and health.
  • The third point is to analyze your own year. Write what went well, what you should be grateful for the passing days, what successes have been achieved and what failures have befallen in your endeavors.
  • And now it's time for promises. You need to write what the child promises to do in order to receive a gift. And you can also write expectations for the year, and not in terms of gifts, but, as it were, your own version of the desired development of this year.
  • And only after that you can ask for gifts. Moreover, it is desirable that this was not a list of 20 items, but one most cherished desire. And the less material it is, the better. But you can ask for gifts not only for yourself, but also for parents and friends. And you can even take care of your pets.
  • After the request, you need to express gratitude for the fact that Santa Claus spent his time reading the letter and in the future will spend time fulfilling his desire.
  • And of course, do not forget to say goodbye to the good wizard.

Example of a letter from a boy

A kid of kindergarten age is not yet able to write a letter on his own. Therefore, in this difficult task, parents should help him. And it is they who must figure out how to write the text of a letter to Santa Claus. But leaving a little boy idle is also worthless. Therefore, he can draw a postcard or beautifully design a letter written by his mother's hand. As well as all his good and evil deeds, the boy must remember on his own. And coming up with a New Year's resolution is also quite within his power. An example of a letter to Santa Claus:

Hello Santa Claus! Hello, Snow Maiden, snowmen and bunnies!

Happy holiday to you. May your year be successful and happy.

This year I behaved well, did not fight with the boys, did not offend my parents and helped wash the dishes. I also cleaned up after myself toys and clothes.

Grandpa, please give me a dog. I will love her very much. I promise to feed and walk her.

Thanks in advance. I believe that you will help fulfill my cherished desire.

Sample letter from a girl

Almost all children want to get a toy for the New Year. And beautiful and expensive. But not always parents have the money for such a gift. Therefore, if children's letters to Santa Claus consist of such requests, and sincere ones, then, willy-nilly, such a requirement will have to be fulfilled. But at the same time, it is necessary to explain to the child that for such an expensive toy you will have to try all year. You can even ask not only to write a list of your promises in a message to the New Year's wizard, but also to hang this sheet on the wall. Here is an example of a letter to Santa Claus:

Hello, Santa Claus, hares and Snow Maiden!

Happy holiday to you all! Congratulate your trio of white horses.

This year has gone well, and I really hope that the next one will be even better. I made great progress in drawing and learned to read. I can even write some letters. They promise that next year I will do more English, writing and reading, and also try to love arithmetic.

And for this to happen, I beg you, grandfather, give me a new doll from the Monster High collection. My girls really want to see another sister nearby.

Thank you very much for last year's gift. I kept all my promises and I hope I won't let you down again this year.

Sample letter from a student

Unlike small children, a child of 12 years old can already compose a message on his own. How to write a letter to Santa Claus? You need to work according to the standard scheme given above. Here is a sample letter from a junior high school student:

Hello Dedushka Moroz!

Happy New Year! Hope it went well and fun for you. Here I have too. I have worked hard and plan to continue next year to work the same way.

I promise that I will obey my parents and grandmother. I also promise that I will walk the dog and play with the kitten.

Please give me a tablet. We already have one, but he is my father's, and his father picks him up in the evenings. And I want to have mine. But not only for toys. I can watch tutorial videos on it.

Thanks a lot in advance.

Sample letter from a schoolgirl

School-age girls want to grow up faster, so their desires usually flow in this direction. How to write a letter to Santa Claus, we discussed above, and now let's see an example:

Santa Claus, hello! Hello, Snow Maiden!

Happy holiday to you!

This year I behaved well and finished the quarter with straight A's. Mom says that if I study just as well, I will get a gold medal. This year I went to art school and learned to draw well. But I don't want to be limited to paper.

Santa Claus, please give me cosmetics. I want to learnNot onlydraw on paper, but also create beautiful makeup. Mom won't let me use her make-up bag.

Thanks for helping me.

Santa Claus address

The letter was written, packed in a beautiful envelope, now it's time to go to the post office. Where to write to Santa Claus? The letter can be addressed to Verkhny Ustyug. Index 162390. And do not forget to write the cherished words Santa Claus Post. But we can surprise schoolchildren who want to send a letter on their own, without the help of their parents. Even if you write “Santa Claus” on the envelope, then such a letter will find its addressee. Postal employees have been redirecting messages to the New Year's wizard for more than a year.

But Santa Claus reads not only paper letters. He also has email. Here you can send both a letter typed on a computer and a photograph of a handwritten message.

New Year is a favorite children's holiday. Children are waiting for a meeting with Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden, waiting for gifts. Many write a letter to Santa Claus with their desires.

For parents, this is a chance to succeed in the development of their children, namely, they will be able to teach kids how to write and format a letter correctly, and not only to Santa Claus.

In order for the kids to be able to beautifully draw up their letter for Santa Claus, we offer letter templates, forms for New Year's wishes. On the picture you like, you can click the mouse to access the full-size image. For the little ones, you will find letter templates where you only need to write a name and gifts, for older children, beautiful letterheads without text.


Download an editable template in Word document format.

Download the envelope in Word format.

Children need to explain the basic rules for writing letters:

1. First you need to say hello and introduce yourself.

1. Write about yourself.

3. Formulate your request

4. Wish Santa Claus all the best and say goodbye.

Grandfather Frost has an official address: 162390, Russia, Vologda region, Veliky Ustyug, Santa Claus mail

There are also alternative ways of delivering letters: - put the letter in the refrigerator where the grandfather's younger brother lives, and the letter will reach its destination

Put the letter on the windowsill at night, and if the kids behave well, Santa Claus's assistants will pick up the letter at night and deliver it to the residence in Veliky Ustyug.

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