Food delivery hunger business model. "Hunger" - an application for fast delivery of lunches

As soon as they promised them a free lunch on their website until May 15 (there is a wonderful promotional code for delicious food in 8 minutes) - and voila!

Briefly about the service: delivery in 8 minutes, two lunches to choose from, a convenient app, and no tips. There are no restrictions on the minimum order amount. Payment only by bank transfer through the application.

Alexey, the general director of the Univer Club Family, said that this is already their sixth project, but online - the first (and most favorite). And, of course, it was decided to devote the first online project to the most important thing - food.

The idea of ​​instant lunches came up in the team one of the office evenings. Frequent work late into the night caused a natural problem of hunger. I didn't want to interrupt the work process and go to the nearest cafes and restaurants, wasting time ordering and waiting for the waiter. All food, thoughtfully taken from home, ran out before it appeared. A good work team - that's what it is. Energetic and hungry.

And so it arose mobile app, which does not require a long choice and ordering, calls, searching for change or tips ... A couple of buttons in the application - and you're done. A different menu every day, a choice of two courses. Hot, fresh and delicious food. You do not need to warm up.

The kitchen works all the time, so when a client orders lunch, he is ready and goes to him with the nearest courier. Delivery to the sidewalk - in the building, the courier does not stray and does not wait for elevators, which saves time for both the courier and the customers. The customer sees in the application the courier's movement via GPS.

“Golod” does not have its own kitchen; the company cooperates with restaurants. In the spring of 2016, the service found its main kitchen partner - Eat Lunch. The price of a lunch to choose from is 350 rubles, the cost of delivery is slightly less than 50 rubles. for the whole order.

While this text was being created, the menu included a choice of chicken fillet and green pea soup (chicken salad, homemade compote and rye bun included) or a diet set of turkey fillets and pumpkin soup (beetroot carpaccio, homemade compote and the old rye bun is also included).

It's only a shame that the service works from 12:20 to 17:00. So we recommend that evening starving people remember about lunch in advance. As well as working on weekends - so far, unfortunately, the service works only on weekdays.

The service currently operates only in Moscow; in 2015, it did not deliver lunches outside the Garden Ring. This year, Golod has expanded and added almost two dozen more metro stations to the delivery area. There is an application for Apple , will be published soon for Android owners too. Payment is possible only by cashless payments with the help of bank cards (security, data encryption - everything is up to par), so no tip from the client.

If we talk about the food delivery market in Russia, according to Delivery Club , the leader Russian market in this segment, which cooperates with more than 4,000 restaurants, in 2015-2016 an economical price-quality approach comes to the fore, and the average order check has decreased from 1834 to 1504 rubles.

And a curious fact in the end, especially for adherents of more classic home and office orders:

The most expensive food delivery order in 2015, according to research Delivery Club, became an order for a total of 183,271 rubles. 12/07/15 at the Yakitoria restaurant. It included sets (sets): Syake set (35 pcs.), Kotenteki set (35 pcs.), Atsui set (35 pcs.), Unagi set (25 pcs.), Autoretto set (15 pcs.).

Bon appetit and successful work! To the creators of the Hunger service, customers of delicious meals, A25 customers and readers of our site :)

And the head of the Hunger project, Aleksey Ovchinnikov, told Sekret how his model works and why speed can change any market.

The main problem of all services where delivery is available is speed. This is especially pronounced in foodtech - food, like a taxi, is needed here and now, but if a car can be ordered in 2-3 minutes, then today you still have to wait an hour and a half to eat. The traditional model of food delivery turns an ordinary food order into a quest consisting of unnecessary and useless links: a choice of thousands of dishes, a phone call or an online application, communication with a manager, SMS, conversations with a courier on the phone, agonizing wait, and for sweets - unpleasant fuss with change. Add to this whole line restrictions like minimum amount order or paid delivery - it's all hopelessly outdated.

This problem was first noticed in the United States, where the Sprig service appeared in 2013. He started delivering food in 15 minutes, and made up for the small selection of food with speed. In three years, the service managed to increase its coverage area to four cities, raise $ 52 million and absorb its direct competitor SpoonRocket. San Francisco is packed with state-of-the-art restaurant delivery services, where you can “one click” food within 45 minutes. However, thanks to the cosmic speed of 10-15 minutes, Sprig does not enter into a struggle with them for the client, but creates itself new market free from direct competition. Today the startup is valued at $ 250 million.

This always happens when a company enters the conservative market, which builds its model around the immediate satisfaction of a service or need. This was the case with Booking, which offered to book hotel rooms not by phone, but on the Internet, as it was with Amazon, which saved people from going to supermarkets. Russian foodtech manages to grow even during the crisis, but continues to be an extremely conservative sphere. We decided to change this market, which is estimated at $ 1.5 billion a year, with the help of the Hunger service - food delivery in 8 minutes.

How it works

To quickly disperse any vehicle, first of all, you need a straight and level road: the fewer turns, forks and obstacles, the higher the speed. The same must be done to speed up any service: create infrastructure, narrow the range, polish all stages of the order and remove small stones from the road. Deviations from the standard should be minimized.

Our product consists of two applications: one for customers and one for drivers. The client chooses from two courses and places an order - without intermediaries in the person of managers or dispatchers. The application is sent to the courier, who is already close to the client, and he is sent to him. When the courier runs out of food, a special food truck replenishes the supply, which brings a new batch from the kitchen. Each driver has his own sector of coverage, within the boundaries of which he delivers food. As a result, on our map, Moscow is divided into several sections, for which a specific driver and a kitchen are responsible.

Building infrastructure requires a lot of resources - both human and financial. Instant delivery services pay off only if the density of orders for each of the regions reaches the desired level. Otherwise, such a model promises huge costs for employees and for product. The density of jobs in the center of Moscow, in the Garden Ring area, is several times higher than in any city in California. In this area of ​​the city, about 3 million only working townspeople eat lunch every day. This is almost four times higher than the entire population of the same San Francisco, including children and the elderly. As a result, the courier has to travel a very short distance from one client to another, which makes it possible to achieve a delivery cost lower than that of any other service in Russia.

Speed ​​will change everything

The model where a product or service is delivered here and now can be adapted to almost any field. Food is just the tip of the iceberg. Going forward, we can go in for flowers, pizza, groceries, cigarettes, drinks and even spare tires for that matter. The most promising areas are the sale of alcohol, cigarettes, essential goods and contraceptives. In China, back in 2011, applications for the delivery of condoms appeared; in 2013, Durex offered such a service to residents of Dubai. If food delivery has a lot of storage problems, then condoms and other non-perishable products will lie in the taxi driver's glove compartment until 2020 and wait for their order.

The advantage of the model is that people are willing to pay extra for instant delivery. Those who smoke know from themselves that sometimes there may be an urgent need for cigarettes. Sugar or coffee can run out at any time, and convenience stores are not everywhere. Even such a trivial product as toilet paper, that is, everything that does not take up much space in the trunk and can be delivered at any time.

The biggest market to see acceleration is grocery delivery from stores. It is measured in hundreds of billions of dollars. So far, the market has not identified sustainable business models for high-speed delivery, but large-scale work in this direction has already begun. Now the Californian unicorn InstaСart is in the lead: the service delivers products from several hypermarket chains within 1-2 hours.

Several analogues are already operating in Russia, for example, Groser, which delivers products from Auchan in 2.5-3 hours. Customers no longer want to schedule delivery for tomorrow or the day after tomorrow between 7:00 pm and 10:00 pm, so high-speed projects will soon knock the hulking dinosaurs of online retail like the Platypus on their shoulder blades.


Uber has shown people that any time can be shortened without compromising quality, and audiences have long awaited similar breakthroughs in other areas. But if you look at the express delivery market, you can see that companies still refer to the hour and a half as “urgent” and “fast”. Although the year is 2016, and the account went on for minutes. Not only mobile solutions are already in use, but also physical ones - for example, buttons from Amazon, which allow you to place an order with one click and receive it immediately (earlier, you choose in the application what exactly you need to deliver when you click on the button).

In the near future, the main parameter around which the competition will unfold will be not so much the service as its speed. This will create companies that will not work in the “Uber for something” plane, but rather on the “post-Uber” model: first, accessibility is important in the product, and only then its properties. Uber deciphered the code and showed that the principle of one click can work, and "post-Uber" comes up with new services based on this code. Companies of the new generation do not just gather players on one marketplace (you won’t surprise anyone with that), but cut everything on the basis of this: delivery speed, service speed, order speed, payment speed. If the client can get what he wants in five minutes, he will take it. And he will quickly forget about the usual comparison of characteristics of competitors, including prices.

Cover photo: Erik Dreyer / Getty Images

Is it possible to make money delivering food in 8 minutes

Alexey Ovchinnikov decided that the main thing in food delivery is speed: his project "Hunger" promises to deliver food in 8 minutes. But for now, the delivery time is twice as long, and to reach zero, the service needs to quadruple its volumes

Entrepreneur Alexey Ovchinnikov (Photo: Oleg Yakovlev / RBC)

Very fast food

32 year old graduate Faculty of Economics Moscow State University Alexey Ovchinnikov is a serial startup. In 2011, simultaneously with his work at Russian Railways, where Ovchinnikov participated in the Smart Station project, he created the Univer Club company, which produced and sold sweatshirts with university logos. In 2013, Ovchinnikov quit his job and, using the money from the sale of sweatshirts, began to export paints from India and organize paint festivals.

The entrepreneur often sat up with colleagues in the office, and did not want to waste time on lunches and dinners in a cafe. “We came up with the idea to deliver something tasty and useful to the offices at the click of a button, while limiting the choice of a person,” says Ovchinnikov. - At first, we generally thought of delivering a "pig in a poke", that is, an unknown surprise dish. But in the end they decided that the unknown is not at all as cool as it seems. "

The food delivery market in Moscow is one of the most competitive. Many restaurants are ready to bring food themselves, there are separate specialized delivery services like Jacks, there are also several large aggregators - Delivery Сlub, Room service, etc. The AddVenture Foundation estimated last year the volume of the food delivery market in the Russian Federation at about $ 1.5 billion per year , $ 900 million of which came from Moscow.

But when Ovchinnikov began ordering food from various services and restaurants, he found that, on average, the order was delivered in 80 minutes, and during this time you could have time to go to a cafe. A large assortment dishes are considered to be an advantage of the delivery service, but the choice also takes time. “For example, Delivery Club offers dishes from many restaurants, each with a large menu. And before you order something, I would also like to study the reviews. As a result, it only takes about 30 minutes to choose lunch, ”says Ovchinnikov.

The entrepreneur came up with the idea of ​​creating an extremely ascetic service - like on an airplane, where you have to make a simple choice: fish, chicken or meat. “We focused on men who work and earn a lot, who save their time and for whom it is not entertainment that is important, but the result,” explains Alexey. The main competitive advantage the creators of the project decided to make the delivery speed: it had to be several times higher than the average on the market.

Express delivery startups are a fashionable topic all over the world. One of the first was the Spriq project, which delivers food to San Francisco in 15 minutes. The company started in 2013, raised $ 52 million in investment and acquired its direct competitor SpoonRocket. Two years ago, the EatFirst project appeared in England, recently it attracted $ 8 million in investments. Greece has a similar project, Forkee, which attracted $ 3 million in investment. The concept is the same everywhere: the minimum choice of dishes, the maximum delivery speed.

Speed ​​matters

Ovchinnikov spent 3 million rubles on the launch of the project, which was named "Hunger". own funds, of which 2.5 million rubles. went to pay for the development of the application. For several months "Hunger" worked through the business model, trying to reduce the time spent at each stage. It turned out that 60% of the waiting time for an order is spent on cooking and only 40% is spent on the road to the client. Ovchinnikov decided to prepare meals in advance and deliver them as orders come in.

The first step was to determine the shortest possible delivery time. For this purpose, Golod employees wrote a program that randomly generated orders in the Garden Ring area. Real couriers drove along test routes in real traffic jams. Someone managed to get there in 3 minutes, and someone in 26, but the average time was 8 minutes. Now, it is during this time that the service promises to deliver food on its website and in the application.

The problem point is the way from the car to the office. In the city center, the courier usually spends as much time on it as on the trip itself: you need to find a parking space, desired office and settle with the client. Therefore, Golod decided that the settlement would only be non-cash, and most importantly, the client himself would have to leave the building. “All the experts told us that it wouldn’t work: the Russian consumer wouldn’t go outside. But our polls have shown that people are ready when it comes to fast delivery. Subsequently, the hypothesis was confirmed, ”says Alexey.

In order to ensure the speed of delivery, it was decided to limit the territorial coverage: "Hunger" operates within the Garden Ring and within a radius of about 1 km from it. According to Ovchinnikov's calculations, 4 million jobs are concentrated in this small area. The entire delivery area is divided into eight sectors, each served by one machine. The driver immediately picks up meals for the day and waits for orders in his area. Each machine has two thermal bags for hot and cold dishes. Bags with heating elements worth 3 thousand rubles. made specifically for a startup, as the analogs on the market “burned” car cigarette lighters.

The RBC editorial office is out of the "Hunger" zone, so we asked the author's mother to order lunch. The program promised to deliver her food in 11 minutes. But then the system changed three couriers, and real time delivery took 35 minutes. Alexey Ovchinnikov justifies himself: 8 minutes is the ideal that the company strives for. The real average delivery time, he said, is now about 15 minutes. “The client can return the money for the order in the application at any time if he doesn’t like the delivery time or if he has changed plans,” Ovchinnikov assures.

The first version of the application for IOS in the App Store was released in November 2015. It was made minimalistic: in the center of the screen there is one big button "Order". Above the button for several dishes, below is the map. Already at the first order, the card is “tied” to the application, and after that no additional passwords need to be entered.

"It all went wrong right away."

The service began work in March 2016 ... Alexey posted a post on Facebook, inviting his friends to try, give feedback... Friends of Ovchinnikov made 500 installations on the very first weekend.

Everything immediately went wrong, as expected, says the entrepreneur. For example, the team believed that the customers would be primarily workaholics who stayed up until the evening, but it turned out that there are 30 times fewer people who need dinner than those who want to have lunch. Therefore, the opening hours of the service, which initially delivered from 12 noon to midnight, had to be changed: now it works from 12 to 17.

Ovchinnikov was not going to get involved with cooking dishes from the very beginning. The first partner of the food production project was a small company that was also undergoing acceleration at Skolkovo, Mr. Pit. She specializes in low calorie pita foods. At the start of the menu, the service had only two hot dishes: Greek chicken pita and vegetarian pita worth 200 rubles.

But feeding clients only pita every day was unrealistic. Golod began to look for a larger partner - it was the Easy Brikh restaurant. But then the pricing policy let down - the average check grew to 350-500 rubles, and the demand fell. “The price of our lunch should still not exceed 300-400 rubles,” Ovchinnikov calculated. Hunger tried to collaborate with The Hummus restaurant, Doodles noodle, Pie Point cafe and other restaurants. The dishes that were offered to customers were ordered from the menu, but restaurants offered a 30% discount for Golod: restaurateurs were interested in selling large volumes of dishes of the same type, and Golod immediately bought out a batch of dishes and took on the problems with the leftovers.

Now "Hunger" has chosen one partner - the Eat Lunch kitchen factory, which does not have its own restaurant. “Eat Lunch understands our client very well, they are ready to change the menu, modify it, strive to surprise the client,” says Ovchinnikov. “On our own, we didn’t manage to make delivery day to day, but Alexey had a ready-made concept. Now "Hunger" is our main distribution channel, we prepare 90% of all lunches for them, "says Stepan Nizkiy, founder of Eat Lunch.

The Hunger Economy

To 3 million rubles spent at the start, a month after the launch, Ovchinnikov added another 3.4 million rubles, attracted from a business angel for 20% of the company. Ovchinnikov does not name the investor, he only says that this is a top manager of a large Russian company... According to SPARK, 57% of LLC "Univer Club" belongs to Ovchinnikov, 38 and 5% - to his employees Valeria Makarova and Anna Potapova.

Two programmers-mathematicians work for Golod in Moscow, five more in Novosibirsk. Ovchinnikov himself served as a product manager. The delivery itself is carried out by 14 couriers in their own vehicles. By the end of the year their number should reach 50. The driver's rate is 400 rubles. at one o'clock.

Lunch you can order from "Golod" for 330 rubles, its cost is about 170 rubles. Average check- 680 rubles. (usually two or three people order lunches), the company is now working to increase it to 800 rubles. If earlier the lunch included soup, salad, hot dish, compote and bun, then in the near future the drink will be sold separately. The plans are to bring breakfasts: 35% of 1200 surveyed clients said they were ready to order breakfasts.

The cost of delivery is 90-95 rubles, the average price on the market is 150-200 rubles. The price of delivery in "Golod" was set at 47 rubles. - the project compensates for the difference at the expense of food extra charges.

Today 70% of clients are servicedsa - employees of offices located in class B or C business centers at the age of 25-40. Although the menu at "Hunger" small and updated very rarely, about 70% of clients are regular ones.

In March, "Hunger" sold about 30 servings a day, in June - about 80, now, according to Ovchinnikov, it is 100 servings. The company's revenue in June, according to RBC's calculations, should have exceeded 500 thousand rubles. “To achieve payback, we have to feed 400 people a day. This goal can be achieved by the end of the year, given the continued growth rate, ”- Aleksey calculated.

Ovchinnikov estimates the volume of the Moscow express delivery market at 6 thousand orders per day. But now the most expensive startup in the world is joining the fight for it: in June, the head of the St. Petersburg office of Uber, Mikhail Fisher, said that in 2016 the express delivery service for Uber Eats lunches could start operating in Russia. Now this service is in demand in Chicago, Los Angeles, New York, Toronto, Barcelona. Another taxi-ordering service, Gett, delivered food last year.

View from the outside


“We are fully adjusting to Hunger

Stepan Nizkiy, co-founder of Eat Lunch

Our project Eat Lunch was launched more than a year ago, we have been cooperating with Alexey Ovchinnikov since mid-March. We tried working with our clients for next day delivery, but most wanted to get lunch within two hours maximum.

As far as dishes are concerned, we completely adjust to "Hunger", if they have any comments or suggestions, we always take them into account. If the menu needs to be updated, then within a week we develop it and, with the help of couriers, track how much it retains its taste and appearance in the container. The dishes we cook have an attractive appearance and do not lose their taste for five hours. We once cooked risotto with porcini mushrooms, but we refused it, because it “lives” only for two hours.

"The model works when you carry awesome food."


Alexey Gisak, founder of the "Vokker" company

The Hunger project is very interesting. They work on the model that exists in America - fast delivery of restaurant-quality food for reasonable money. When I started communicating with Roman Makarov during the acceleration of the project at Skolkovo, the guys began to make a mobile application, but they did not understand the specifics of public catering, so I tried to convey some peculiarities to them. In this case, the application, maybe the twentieth thing, is more important to establish logistics, process, to carry quickly.

In the case of Golod, it is important where the food comes from; in the future, of course, they will need to make their own workshop. And it's not a question of quality, it's just that their own kitchen will allow the guys to make the price lower. In my personal opinion, this model works when you carry awesome food, restaurant food, but take less money for it than it would cost in a restaurant (about 250-300 rubles for a full-fledged dish with a side dish), and bring it in 15-20 minutes. In general, this product cannot be unclaimed.

Delivery in the megalopolis is very relevant, because we always do not have enough time, in the future this market will definitely only grow. Moreover, the drop in purchasing power contributes to this - delivery can replace a visit to a restaurant.

“The average delivery time of our courier service is less than 35 minutes "

Daniil Mordovskoy, Managing Director of Delivery Club

Food delivery in Russia today is a huge and growing market, and it is rather difficult to assess all its prospects. All the problems of a young and developing market are inherent in our segment. The lack of established traditions and rules of the game is one of the main problems today, therefore, as market leaders, we often have to form the standards and rules of this business ourselves.

Today Delivery Club offers almost all popular restaurants in almost all major cities of Russia. In the center of Moscow, the average delivery time by our own courier service is less than 35 minutes.

Our the main objective in the near future - the development of its own delivery service Delivery Club Express. If we talk about goals for several years, it is to improve the quality of dishes from restaurants, pricing policy and an increase in the speed of delivery. These are the three fundamental pillars of our business in principle.

"The market density is quite high, but Golod targets a certain niche."


Andrey Kuznetsov, analyst at Maxfield Capital

The project looks quite interesting and at the moment has no equal in terms of delivery speed to the Russian Federation. The use of exclusively non-cash payment, on the one hand, narrows the potential market, on the other hand, it eliminates the risk of refusal / non-payment of the order.

The density of the delivery market is already quite high, but Golod targets a certain niche - those who, in a hurry, want to have lunch as quickly as possible. On the one hand, this allows you not to have direct competitors, on the other hand, it reduces the size of the potential market, excluding a large number of those who want to dine outside the office in order to unburden their heads and change the environment.

Typically, seed projects can be valued in the $ 0.5-3 million range. Hunger has a working product and market validation, generates revenue and shows good growth. Based on the available information, I would estimate the company at $ 500,000.

Many of us have had to deal with long hours of waiting for food to be delivered, especially at lunchtime. Imagine now you can get your lunch in 15 minutes? Don't believe me? Check it out with the Hunger app!

1. Introductory task from the customer, problems, goals

The idea of ​​"Hunger" appeared in the fall of 2015, when the creators faced typical situation: there is a lot of work, I want to eat, there is nowhere to buy nearby - I have to order. After an hour (or even two) of waiting, even the previously desired pizza ceases to please the customer.

How to reduce delivery time by 4-8 times and keep within 15 minutes? The creators of the service decided to abandon the traditional understanding of the "food delivery service" with a varied menu. Instead, they offered sidewalk delivery with a choice of two courses. Delicious food, large portions and fast delivery with the ability to track the location of the courier and the waiting time.

“How is this fast delivery possible?” You ask. The creators have placed food at several points (food tracks), from the nearest couriers in their cars deliver to the destination.

The customer contacted us to make mobile applications for iOS and Android. They already had a clearly formulated idea and design sketches - all that remained was to bring the idea to life!

2. Description of the implementation of the case and the creative path to find the optimal solution

If you want to deliver faster - let's release it faster! We suggested using iterative development to release the first version of the application more quickly. Ta-dam! Three months after the application, the customer received a working product that interested not only the media, but also attracted additional investments.

The development of the project was carried out according to flexible methodologies. The server side is written in php, and we have created native applications for mobile platforms.

Features of the app:

1) Super fast order

There are only two types of lunches - no long thinking, which is what you want more. To order, you need to complete just a few clicks - add to cart and confirm the order.

2) Track your order and receive notifications

Using geolocation, the application shows the location of the courier on the map and the estimated time of arrival at the specified address. For convenience in personal account multiple shipping addresses can be stored.

3) Cashless payment

No need to look for change or prepare change - funds are debited after delivery, like in Uber. The security of payments is guaranteed by the payment service of Alfa Bank.

3. Results of cooperation

At the end of a year of operation, the application is a success: "Hunger" was installed by more than 5,000 people with an average rating of 4/5.

The service continues to develop - the application has attracted a lot of attention from the media (RBC, The Village, Secret Firmy, etc.), and again received support from the AddVenture venture fund. The main guideline for 2017 is to reach self-sufficiency.

Alexey Ovchinnikov

General Director, Univer Club Family Group of Companies

The Magora Systems team is a godsend! Hunger is not my first project, but one of the most successful! We discussed the details together, figured out how to implement it faster and more efficiently. Thank you guys for the dedication and enthusiasm! We will definitely cooperate with Magora on further projects.

". There are two lunches to choose from, the courier's movement can be tracked in the app. Couriers do not take tips - you can pay for delivery only using bank card... We pass the microphone.

My name is Alexey, 32 years old, general manager group of companies Univer Club Family. I have been working in the IT field for about 10 years. Hunger is our sixth project and the first of them online (we were previously engaged in production and event-sphere).

Hunger is an instant lunch service. An application where you can order food and receive it in a few minutes. Average delivery time is 8 minutes.

The idea came up in the fall of 2015, when we often worked late in the office on Malaya Ordynka. By eight in the evening, the feeling of hunger was approaching so much that it was simply impossible to work. Surely many people know this paradox: food in the office disappears quickly and almost imperceptibly, while at home these same products can lie in the refrigerator for weeks. At such moments it was all the same, “chicken or meat” - if only a hearty hot lunch here and now. Not pizzas or rolls, and certainly not an hour and a half after ordering, as delivery services do.

There was another problem: we just had to eat quickly and get on with our work. The nearest places to eat are and cafes and restaurants on the next street, where you first need to walk, and then spend time on useless ceremonies. It is about the time it takes to wait for the waiter, choose the dishes, wait for them to be brought, service and, most interestingly, closing the account.

After all, this is a whole quest: first you sit and catch the waiter's eyes for several minutes to ask them to bring the bill. Then you wait for the waiter to come up, clean up at your table, at the next one, then he will go to the bartender, ask him to "count" your table, go on about his business.

The bartender is also in no hurry, and after five to ten minutes they give you a bill for a couple. Most often with change, so that the cycle "client - waiter - bartender - waiter - client" starts again. All these pointless actions are confusing, cause you to lose concentration and kill a huge amount of time that could be spent much more productively.

On one of those days, we realized that we had had enough. It's time to do something about these ceremonies: we are probably not the only ones in Moscow who want to eat at work. As it turned out, the neighbors in the office had the same problem. As a result, we decided to make a mobile application ourselves that would allow us to order and receive food instantly - and hot, tasty and fresh, not dry. An application that would get rid of dialogues, orders, calls, forms, letters, tips and change, anxious waiting in the unknown. So that you can press the button - and the food is on the table.

We started working in September, the service was ready by mid-March. Now we have two dishes on the menu, so the kitchen works non-stop. By the time a person orders food, the dish is ready and immediately leaves for the client. We have several foottracks on the ring, so the closest courier goes to the client. First, we will deliver on our own (there are several drivers), but we are not going to contact the delivery services - instead, there will be sharing.

Average delivery time is 8 minutes. The location of the client is determined by GPS. The courier delivers food only to the sidewalk, does not go inside the building, which also helps to save time. Couriers have their own application by which they accept orders. The courier has GPS enabled on his phone - the client can track the order on the map and know where he is and when he will arrive. No managers or dispatchers.

The food delivery market is quite small, so we are solving one specific problem - satisfying hunger. Hence the name and the menu: no rolls or pizza, only set lunches of several courses. Microwaves may not be available everywhere either, so we deliver food hot. We do not warm up anything.

We do not have our own kitchen - we work with partners. Now we have found a permanent one, Eat Lunch. Delivery amount - 47 rubles. If 10 people sit in one office and one of them orders at once for all, then each one pays 4.7 rubles. There is no minimum order amount either - you can order at least one dish.

The coverage area initially did not go beyond the Garden Ring. Now we have gone further and covered 19 more metro stations. By the end of spring we are going to expand to the Third Ring Road. While there is an application for iOS, in a week there will be also for Android. The payment was made exclusively by card; Alfa Bank is responsible for security. All data is encrypted, payment is made on the bank's website, we ourselves do not process or store any data. So no change or tip.

Investments - own funds in 2 million rubles. We are negotiating with several investors, so, most likely, at the end of the month we will receive about the same (On April 20, after sending a letter to the "Tribune" section, it became known that the service had attracted 3.4 million rubles for 20% of the company - ed.)... The app was made by a studio from Novosibirsk.

The team consists of 8 people, including couriers. In fact, we have no direct competitors on the market. In a broad sense, these are all delivery services of cafes and restaurants, but we have completely different menus, delivery times and the approach itself as a whole.