How to open your own kiosk, what goods are better to sell in a stall. Pros and cons

How to open a point in a shopping center - let's analyze the most important sections of a business plan + 6 bonus tips from experienced entrepreneurs.

Capital investment per point: from 8,000,000 rubles per year.
Payback of business in a shopping center: from 1 year.

Opening a point in a shopping center scares beginners with the amount of capital investment.

However, they forget to take into account how many bonuses such placement gives.

The higher the rent, the more popular the place.

And this is synonymous with a large flow of people who can become customers.

It will be easier to attract them than if the store were in a separate room.

These and many other advantages of placing in shopping centers are understood by many seasoned businessmen who open sales outlets there.

Business plan of a point in a shopping center- the first document that will be required in the organization of the case.

In it, information about the store will be analyzed, systematized and calculated.

Why is it necessary to open a point in a shopping center?

If the experience of other people does not convince you, evaluate personally the pros and cons of placing in a shopping center.

For the period while you are carrying out repairs and decoration of the premises, you can take a "vacation". That is, you pay only 1-2 months Communal expenses. Significant savings!As a rule, you will have to agree on almost every step: from the style of the sign to the order in which the goods are laid out.
Along with the retail space, you will receive a video surveillance service in the shopping center, parking spaces for customers, and the opportunity to use local cleaning services.Free cheese only happens in a mousetrap. As a rule, service shopping center also included in your monthly bill along with your utility bill.
The advertising that the center runs also works for you.Renting a place in a shopping center, especially a popular one, is always expensive.
Placement near large points will ensure a stable flow of customers.Often when you "settle" you have to pay a deposit for 3 (!) Months of rent.
You will have a reception area equipped according to all the rules. Separate accommodation rarely allows you to show off like that.If for some reason the popularity of the shopping center falls, it will immediately affect you.

There are indeed many strengths, but there are also enough disadvantages.

It is important to analyze them thoughtfully so that in the end it does not turn out that a rather large amount of rent was wasted.

What documents are needed to open a point in a shopping center?

It is impossible to open a point in a shopping center without an appropriate documentary base.

Prepare for what you need:

  • or LLC (depending on products, number of founders and other details).
  • Indicate the OKVED code corresponding to the activity.
  • Choose a taxation system.
  • Get permission to trade at the point.
  • SES and Rospozharnadzor must issue a permit for activity (this is the concern of the administration of the shopping center).
  • For the management of the shopping center, projects, estimates and schemes will be needed.
    The list of securities in this case is individual, and it is necessary to clarify it when signing the contract.
  • Among other things, you need to obtain quality certificates for goods from suppliers or manufacturers.

Planning to open a business plan for a retail outlet

It is difficult to open a point in a shopping center not because of the intricate organization algorithm.

And because of the potential serious risks that can lead to financial losses and even the closure of the store.

They can be avoided with the help of detailed activity planning.

Planning refers to a system of activities aimed at obtaining a complete picture of how a business can develop.

This includes analysis target audience, visitors to the shopping center, calculation of the size of the future average check, the establishment of the supply process, the choice of a marketing strategy.

  • realistic - based on dry facts and reflections;
  • optimistic – scenario of ideal development;
  • pessimistic - how the business will look when problems arise.

They will help the entrepreneur prepare for any outcome of the case.

Analysis of the shopping center before opening a point

The profitability of renting a place in a shopping center is not always palpable.

If you choose the wrong landlord, you can get only negative from cooperation.

Choosing a mall is easy.

It is enough to devote two days for personal observations and analysis.

Draw conclusions on the following indicators:

    Purchasing power.

    You won’t be able to look into people’s wallets or shopping bags.

    But even an hour of observing visitors will allow you to note how often they make purchases.

    Perhaps most come for entertainment and relaxation.

    It will be good for organizing fast food, but not for selling fur products.


    It is important that there are no direct competitors nearby.

    But large anchor points of similar topics will be useful.

    For example, in many supermarkets there are goods for animals.

    But they offer a meager assortment.

    What a staffing table for a small store might look like:

    This number of people will ensure the daily operation of the point from 10:00 to 22:00 (a standard working day for most shopping centers).

    It is better to hire people on your own.

    You need to personally evaluate the person you trust to be the face of the store.

    Hiring a salesperson with experience is much more preferable.

    But keep in mind that young and energetic guys are easier to accept new rules, trends, and often bring “fresh breath” into the business.

    To motivate employees to work better, enter the payment of a fixed % of sales or bonuses for achieving the set results.

    Marketing section of the business plan of a point in a shopping center

    Without competent promotion to build successful business difficult, even when placing a point in a mall.

    Consider these options:

    • Training.

      While you are preparing the point for opening, it can become a means of outdoor advertising.

      Close the repair work with a banner on which you will announce the start of work, indicate the name and date of opening.

      Mutual benefit.

      When an agreement with a shopping center is concluded on the terms of % of turnover, and not a fixed fee, you can ask for the possibility of free promotion for the first time.

      Management can meet halfway, because their income will depend on your success.

      Inside the service is much more expensive, and the effect of it is lower.

      Bring your own.

      Create special discounts for employees of the center.

      This will draw their attention to the dot.

      And if they like it with you, fame will quickly spread among friends.

      Change to "permanent".

      Also motivate customers.

      Enter a loyalty program or a system of cumulative discounts.

    Financial section in the business plan of a point in a shopping center

    Without financial section in a business plan, an entrepreneur will not be able to calculate how much money will be needed to open a point.

    It should be noted that until the moment of payback, the store will need to be “sponsored” from a personal financial cushion.

    How much money do you need to open a point in a shopping center?

    Item of expensesAmount (rub.)
    Total:RUB 7,625,000
    Paperwork15 000
    Point rental fee (per year)500 000
    Purchase and installation of commercial equipment250 000
    Point design and signage75 000
    Employee salary (per year)250 000
    Store opening advertisement5 000
    Advertising campaign in the future20 000
    Creation and replenishment of inventory6 000 000
    Office expenses10 000

    After watching the following video, you will be able to choose the right place in the shopping center to open your outlet:

    “If you require someone to give their time and energy to a cause, then take care that he does not experience financial difficulties.”
    Henry Ford

    1. At the point, the shelves should look full of goods, but at the same time leave customers the opportunity to move calmly and safely.
    2. take care of inventory needed right away.

      Until you understand exactly which items are the most popular, it is important to have at least a few units of production.

      Try to stay near the so-called anchor points.

      These are the stores that attract the most visitors to the mall.

      A striking example is Auchan, Obi, Perekrestok supermarkets.

      Just as an adult cannot be completely "remade", so the audience of a shopping center cannot be changed.

      That portrait of the average buyer, which you make during the analysis of the shopping center, will remain the same after the opening of your outlet.

      Do not entertain yourself with false hopes about this.

    3. If you need to save on renting space, pay attention to island accommodation.
    4. Remember to look at the point not only as a manager, but also as a buyer.

      This will allow you to notice the disadvantages of the service.

    How to open a point in a shopping center you now know.

    With due perseverance, creating a profitable business is within the power of every person.

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Each of us has seen stalls at bus stops, near metro stations, at railway stations. Surely, many people thought, why not open a stall for yourself?

In fact, this type of business is very profitable. The cost of 1 sq.m. retail space more expensive than in the store. However, due to the high traffic and the incessant flow of customers, the profitability of LAFs (small architectural forms) is much higher. Let's take a closer look at the stages and features of the business.

What product to sell?

  • if you have limited start-up capital better not to experiment. Try a time-tested product that is in constant demand. Take a closer look at what categories of goods are in demand, but are not sold at every corner;
  • depending on the type of product, consider additional costs: equipment, connection to communications (water, electricity), obtaining permits and licenses.

Buying a kiosk or pavilion is too expensive. Owners often have been in business for a long time, they have financial resources and necessary connections. Rid yourself of the bureaucratic routine, believe me, you will have something to do anyway.

How to choose a place for a kiosk?

There are several criteria for finding a location:

  • caravan routes. The first thing you should pay attention to when opening a kiosk is the flow of people, that is, potential customers. In this business than more people the more income. True, the cost of renting in hot places will be slightly higher.
  • Competitive environment. The more stalls and pavilions around selling similar products, the more difficult it is to organize a successful business. If there are competitors nearby, and the flow of people is not sufficient for another point, you should not rent a MAF in such a place.
  • District. The behavioral factors of people differ depending on the time of day and the place where they are. Judge for yourself, if you are walking late at night in the city center and want to have a bite to eat, surely buy a hamburger at the nearest kiosk. It’s a completely different matter if there is a 5-minute walk to the house.

Documents and permissions

Regardless of the products you plan to sell, the first step is to register as a subject economic activity v tax office. Additional patents would be required to sell food group products.

When considering the question of how to open a stall, one cannot ignore the estimated costs.

Often food products are sold in LFAs, it is in this example that we will consider the business expense item. Prices will not be indicated, they vary significantly depending on the region of residence.

Do not miss:

So, starting costs:

  • rental of premises;
  • equipment (showcase, refrigeration equipment, scales);
  • initial purchase of goods;
  • cash register;
  • permits;
  • staff salaries;
  • electricity, water.

If 5-6 months have passed since the opening of the kiosk, and you have not been able to break even, you should think about terminating the business or at least revising the strategy. Quite often the main problem at the start is a bad seller. He either cannot sell the goods normally, or he constantly steals. So in the beginning it makes sense to trade on your own, to see how much a point can really bring. The main thing is not to be lazy and try to bring the business to a qualitative level.

One of the least expensive and labor-intensive types of small business is your own stall, market stall or small kiosk. It is the lack of high initial capital that attracts a large number of start-up entrepreneurs.

But before you start opening a shop, you should choose a niche that suits you - what you can trade in a stall. These can be everyday goods (bread, chips, newspapers) or specialized elite products (cigarettes, tea, coffee, jewelry).

But remember that retailing also has its downsides. These include high competition. For your business to be profitable, you need to locate the kiosk in a place with a large crowd of people. Walking distance, impeccable knowledge of the psychology of the client, the uniqueness of the goods sold, convenient work schedule and individual approach will allow you to quickly earn money and acquire regular visitors.

What about advertising? If the store is located in the central part of the city or village, then about outdoor advertising you don't have to worry and don't waste your money. The most important thing is a bright inviting sign and correctly arranged goods in the window.

The total income most often depends on the territorial location. Also of no small importance is the products on the shelves of the store. If you have not yet decided what you can trade in a stall, then we suggest reading an article written specifically for beginner businessmen.

The legal side of the coin

Even opening a small kiosk requires registration with the tax office. You should register as an individual entrepreneur, register with the Pension Fund and the State Statistics Committee. Since 2004, the registration procedure has been greatly simplified. Now it is enough to register only in the tax office. If you want to sell low-alcohol drinks, you will need permits from the Licensing Chamber. The procedure may take up to a month.

You will need to obtain a document from the Department of Construction and Architecture, it will need to be coordinated with the Department of Trade. During this period, you will have time to find a suitable point. You can use the services of specialists from a real estate agency, but in this case you will have to pay a commission.

The stall for trade, as a rule, is rented. Building a store is more expensive and takes a lot of time. The kiosk can be located both indoors (shopping center, railway station, metro station) and on the street square.

Of course, an indoor shop has advantages such as communications, security, heating, and the flow of people. Among the minuses is the high fee. After you install your kiosk, you should coordinate it with the sanitary and epidemiological station (SES). Business in a stall requires a lot of effort and patience, but if you want to become the master of life, then do not give up.

What can be traded in a stall with a small area?

You can choose food. Specialize in several categories of goods at once: dairy products, sausages, vegetables, fruits, bread. Do not forget about gum, chocolates and other little things that young people often buy.

The business idea is quite profitable and cost-effective. Just keep a close eye on the shelf life, as products such as milk, sausages and yogurts deteriorate quickly. If there is a hypermarket next to you, then do not bend the price and strictly monitor the quality.

Music and video discs

Doubtful business. Get ready right away constant checks from the regulatory authorities, because according to the law it is allowed to sell only licensed products, and this, accordingly, will significantly reduce profits. If you are ready for this, we recommend that you locate street kiosks close to shopping centers, where the traffic of solvent customers is much higher.

Alcoholic products (beer, gin and tonic, cocktails), juices, water, chips

This range of goods is the most common and unprofitable. However, if you live on the Black Sea coast, then this niche is quite promising and can bring good income. It’s just better to install a store closer to the coast and include kvass, corn, and ice cream in the sale. Everything will pay off in a season.

Souvenir and printed products

It is better to open such stalls at train stations, airports and metro stations. The traffic of people in these places is high, so the income will be considerable. Attract customers with bright covers, novelties and interesting souvenirs (Olympic toys, coins, hats).

How to open a stall on wheels: equipment for small items

The business organization scheme for opening a kiosk is the same for absolutely any category of goods sold. About reporting and design was written above, now let's talk about what equipment is needed to implement the idea. So, we immediately note that the area commercial premises should not be less than seven square meters.

A full-fledged kiosk cannot exist without auxiliary equipment:

Refrigerated showcase (freezer),

Cash register,

Shelving for products,

Furniture (chair, table).

The list of equipment directly depends on the range of goods. After you install everything you need, you can get to work. At first, it is better to trade on your own in order to earn capital and evaluate the correctness of choosing a niche.

Financial component

If you have clearly decided what you can trade in the stall, then it's time to move on to financial plan, so to speak, to budgeting. Of course, compared to a large store, the capital investment is not so big, but it is still there.

- Registration of documentation - from 10 to 100 thousand rubles.

Purchase of a cash register - 5-7 thousand rubles.

Kiosk rental - from 10 to 30 thousand rubles.

Purchase of a stall - 50-100 thousand rubles.

Scales - from 2500 rubles.

Refrigeration equipment - from 10,000 rubles.

Purchase of goods - from 50,000 rubles.

As you can see, the minimum costs are quite large. To start, you need to have at least 150,000 rubles. This is without taking into account wages employees. As practice shows, small-scale retail trade brings the first profit after six months, but again, a lot depends on the traffic of buyers, location, schedule and product. In the course of work, you will understand which products are more in demand, and which are not in demand. Based on this, place your bets.

In this material:

For those who want to start their own business, information on how to open a stall will be useful. If you correctly build this business and sell goods that are in high demand, for example, food, then after six months you can pay off the investment in the stall. Big cash investments in order to open a business is not required. They can be used to start if there are no significant savings to start a business.

Starting a business

To open your trading kiosk, you need to prepare Required documents, choose a place, purchase equipment. When starting, it is recommended to follow some rules:

  • you need to register as an individual entrepreneur;
  • there must be documents confirming permission to place a stall in a certain place;
  • you need to purchase a trading pavilion or kiosk;
  • it is required to purchase equipment for the stall: racks, shelves and refrigerators;
  • you need to hire salespeople to work at the kiosk.

Before you open your trading kiosk, you must register with the relevant authorities as a subject of individual entrepreneurial activity. This is done in order to be able to use the simplified taxation system.

After receiving a certificate of registration of an individual entrepreneur, you need to contact the local government and obtain permission to install outlet.

A similar permit is required from the architectural department of the city. We'll have to get papers from Rosstat and pension fund. You can handle all the paperwork yourself or entrust this business to people who know all the loopholes and will help you complete the documentation faster. During the preparation of documents, you can simultaneously search for a place to install an outlet.

Selecting a point of sale

Experts recommend equipping stalls indoors, for example, in shopping centers. So the staff will be safe, and engineering communications will be nearby. If it is decided to open a stall in an open area, you need to carefully select the site. It is recommended to install kiosks in places where there is a constant flow potential buyers. It is advantageous to place a kiosk in close proximity to residential buildings, near educational institutions or metro stations. To accommodate a kiosk, a plot of 6 to 8 m² is required.

It is necessary to conduct a market analysis and study the range of nearby outlets. You need to determine the advantages and disadvantages of competitors, as well as assess whether a new outlet can compete with them. You should not rule out the option that you will have to look for a new place where there will be fewer stalls and mini-shops.

Buying or renting a stall

After all the documents are ready, you can search for a stall or pavilion. You can buy ready-made designs or hire people to do everything from scratch. The stall or pavilion must comply with all the standards established by law. After installation, you need to obtain certificates from the fire inspection and Rospotrebnadzor. You can not only buy a kiosk, but also rent it in the municipality. In this case, it will be possible to significantly reduce financial expenses. There is no need to spend money on installation and purchase of a new pavilion; in the finished building, all communications are usually connected. You can also open a kiosk on the territory of any building. For example, they are convenient for placing a metro station or a shopping center. In order to open a stall in such a place, you need to conclude a lease agreement with the owner.

Renting also has a few downsides. The location may not be as convenient. Some owners demand too high rent.

Stall equipment and staff

It is impossible to open a kiosk that will make a profit without purchasing the necessary equipment. For each owner it is individual, it all depends on what product will be sold. Exists general list equipment that must be available:

  1. A safe in which the proceeds will be stored.
  2. In the winter season, you can not do without a heater.
  3. Refrigerators must be provided for stalls selling food. If necessary, an oven or microwave may be required.
  4. Scales and a chair for the seller.

Depending on what product will be available, shelves or racks are needed. It is desirable to conduct water, electricity. The outlet should be located so that there is a toilet nearby.

To work in a kiosk, it is also necessary to hire staff - sellers. It is desirable that they have experience in the field of trade, as well as the skill of handling a cash register. We will have to decide in advance on the work schedule. If there are several sellers, you can set a shift schedule, for example, a week after a week.

The kiosk is usually open from 8 am to 8 pm. If the kiosk is located in the area of ​​a busy highway, a round-the-clock schedule will be convenient. The amount of payment is determined by the entrepreneur, but it should not be lower than the average in the market, otherwise it will be difficult to find people to work.

If the outlet will be engaged in the sale of food, sellers must have sanitary books.

The seller must understand modern market and be responsible for ordering goods from suppliers. It is advisable to hire a security guard or install an alarm to prevent robberies.

You need to decide on the product that will be sold. Buy right away a large assortment not required. It is better to observe what more buyers ask. It is much more profitable to initially find regular suppliers with quality goods. The range should depend on the time of year. For example, ice cream, cold drinks and beer are in high demand during the summer. The selection of the assortment also depends on the place of trade. Near educational institutions, office buildings, metro stations or train stations will be best sold bakery products, fast food, hot tea and coffee.

Cost of opening a stall

  1. The purchase or construction of a new kiosk or pavilion will cost from 35 to 110 thousand rubles.
  2. Purchase of scales and refrigeration equipment - up to 13 thousand rubles.
  3. A cash register registered with the tax office - about 7 thousand rubles.
  4. Independent paperwork or with the help of professionals - from 10 to 100 thousand rubles.
  5. Remuneration of personnel - up to 120 thousand rubles per year per employee and more.

As a result, to open your stall, you will need an amount of 180 to 350 thousand rubles.

Kiosk is a profitable business. Typically, the costs pay off in a period of 2 to 6 months. It all depends on how competently the business plan will be drawn up. It is also important the location of the outlet, and the range of goods, its type and demand for it. If the kiosk will work around the clock, respectively, and the revenue will be greater.

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