How to bring the Internet to a private house? We extract the benefits of civilization for the private sector. Connect the Internet to a private home Internet services to a private home

Residents of the private sector know that connecting Internet services to areas where modern opportunities have not yet reached is quite expensive and time consuming. Many providers refuse to consider single applications at all, because the cost of connecting one house is disproportionate to the benefits that the company could receive from the subscriber.

Rostelecom offers similar services, and not in a single version. Read on to find out how to get internet in your home.

PON (optical fiber)

PON fiber optics is an advanced technology that allows you to conduct Internet with a huge bandwidth for a small fee. Up to a hundred subscribers can be connected to one PON distributor without loss of connection quality.

Unfortunately, the laying of this technology is expensive. Rostelecom was allocated funds to equip the private sectors of cities and towns with households, and now active work is underway to provide communications even to the most remote corners.

Accordingly, connecting a house using this technology will depend on whether optical fiber has come to you or not yet.

If PON has already been carried out in the village or cottage town, You can connect in the standard way:

  1. Through the site, having formed an application, your address will be checked for availability, and a technician will be sent.
  2. Through, having created an application for connection and choosing a tariff - 88001000800.
  3. In Rostelecom communication salons - you need a passport.

If the technology has not yet reached you, the connection will be economically unprofitable for the company, so technical support can immediately say that this is impossible.

However, there are cases when people managed to insist on their own, and for quite a lot of money to bring the Internet to a village or a private area.

The main principle here is that the more people are willing to connect (and Rostelecom is practically the only major provider who connects private homes to the Internet at all), the more likely the application will be considered. It is recommended to apply if you have enlisted the support of 10 or more neighbors - then the cost of laying the Internet for one household will be less, and consideration of the application with such a large demand is more likely to end with approval.

But be prepared to wait. In some cases, issuing all permits for laying cables and calculating the payback and cost of connection may take 2-4 months, during which it is desirable to remind the company about yourself.

Important! Rostelecom will use contractors to pull and lay the cable - in some cases they may contact you directly on a phone number and "break down" the price. This is a scam, and the amounts reach 25-90 thousand rubles with such requests. Be vigilant and do not agree to dubious connections - only a technician from Rostelecom itself should communicate with you.

ADSL (telephone line)

Most of the "private traders" not only remember what ADSL is, but also actively use it. For Rostelecom, connecting such an Internet is not a problem if you have a telephone line to a village or the private sector.

You can also apply for a connection in three ways:

  1. Personally in the salons of the company, where the manager will immediately check the possibility of connection. It is recommended to take documents to the telephone line with you, if you have them, and be sure to have a passport. Checking the technical feasibility may take a couple of days, after which the operator will call you back and coordinate the arrival of technical specialists.
  2. On the Internet - on the website, select your region and the "Internet" tab, select a tariff plan and leave a request. The operator will contact you by phone.
  3. By phone hotline - 8800 100 0800.

If it is not technically possible to connect you to the network, you will have to use other options, or wait until fiber optic technology comes to your sector.

Mobile Internet

An expensive, but very workable option if there is no desire to go through the complicated procedure of agitating neighbors and trying to connect fiber optics.

It is mainly used in dacha cooperatives and remote villages, with 3g or LTE coverage.

The connection principle is as follows:

  1. You purchase a special SIM card from Rostelecom, which can be used in portable modems. The modem can also be purchased from the company, or independently.
  2. One of the tariffs with a limited amount of traffic per month (from 15 to 50 GB) is connected to this SIM card.
  3. In the house, you find a place where signal reception is best, connect an LTE modem to a router (if you want WI-Fi) or directly to a computer / laptop, and start using it.

This type of connection provides you with mobility - you can take the modem, for example, on trips, move around the house with it, etc.

The only negative may be the connection speed - it depends on interference and distance from the Rostelecom mobile tower. At the same time, the monthly fee is always slightly higher than for leased lines.


To have Wi-Fi in your house, you can use the previous option and purchase a Rostelecom modem + SIM card and a special router with support for 4G modems.

If you want to make a dedicated line, the difficulties will be exactly the same as with the GPON gasket.

The main principle of connection will be the availability of technical capabilities - either a line passing near your sector, or, in principle, the presence of an Internet cable in the village. Also, in some cases, an agreement can only be concluded if people can be registered in houses (in other words, not for summer cottages).

Connection costs can be high.

If there is a technical possibility, and regular FTTH has already been wired to your village (for example, you have an apartment building and the fiber was laid to it at one terminal), the connection will take place as in an apartment building:

  1. Application through the website or hotline, or in person.
  2. Tariff selection.
  3. Arrival of technicians.
  4. Laying the cable from the distributor-terminal to your home.

If there is no technical possibility, and your area has not been connected, both the cost and terms increase, as well as the complexity of the procedure.

The principle remains the same as with GPON - the more people express their readiness to connect, the faster and more willingly Rostelecom will approve the application.

Of the negative - the price of connection. More about her.

How much does it cost to connect a private house

When technology has already arrived in your sector or village, the connection may not cost anything at all, as it happens in apartment buildings.

However, due to the specifics of homeownership, the prices for stretching fiber even just from the Rostelecom "pillar", on which the distribution terminal was hung, can start from 5-6 thousand rubles. Even if the distance from the pole to your house is less than 30-100 meters. According to the feedback of subscribers who provided such services, the price tag can be either 5 or 13, and even 20 thousand for one household. Recently, however, it has been heading down, since Rostelecom is actively building a network to the most “hard-to-reach” settlements using cheap PON technology, and people are willing to connect (there is a demand).

In the future, the subscriber simply pays a monthly fee for the tariff in the standard mode, as in an apartment. Additional network service charges may (but usually do not) apply.

If you need to “pull” the Internet into the village and it is not yet connected, the price tag increases, sometimes many times over. Even 10 kilometers of such a connection can cost the company more than 200-300 thousand, and not all subscribers will agree to "share the burden." We just have to wait until the technology itself knocks on the door.

When connecting ADSL, the cost is, of course, lower, because the company does not have to lay anything additional, everything is connected to an existing telephone line. Here the price can be from 500-1000 rubles and more. Sometimes for free.

Connecting a 4G modem is the easiest, but you will have to spend money on the modem itself and, possibly, a router with the ability to connect such equipment. There is no one-time payment for a SIM card.

How to apply for connection

Application for connection is left through:

  1. Internet - the address, full name, contact phone number and the selected tariff are indicated. This can be done on the official website of Rostelecom in the "Internet" section.
  2. Phone - call the hotline. Do not forget to ask the operator at the end of the conversation for the application number, and write it down. When contacting Rostelecom while waiting for a decision, call this number and it will be easier for you to transfer the results of the consideration.
  3. Salons of the company. If you want to leave a collective application, it is logical to appoint one "responsible" for communication with Rostelecom and act through him. If the application is ordinary, only a passport will be needed.

Internet access for a modern person at the moment is no less important than water supply, electricity and other traditional communications. Work and leisure are directly dependent on the quality of the Internet connection. A large number of people, choosing to live in their own home, do not always immediately think about the presence of an Internet provider. We will look at various. Everyone will be able to choose the best option for themselves, depending on the location and financial situation.

Dedicated Internet line

The ability to connect to the Internet via a dedicated communication channel in a private house is an advantage when choosing a building site or when buying a home. This option is not available in all suburban areas and small towns. However, even if such an opportunity is present, it is not always the best choice. Consider all the advantages and disadvantages of this type of Internet connection.

Advantages of a leased line

  • Unlimited traffic. Most ISPs in this category provide unlimited Internet traffic for a fixed monthly fee.
  • High connection speed. The provider provides a high speed of information transfer, which is sufficient for most modern online events.
  • Fixed cost. Tariff plans vary in cost depending on the maximum connection speed.

Disadvantages of a leased Internet line

  • Territorial limitation. Connectivity depends on the development of the provider's infrastructure.
  • High subscription fee. In small towns and villages, Internet providers are often resellers of traffic from federal companies and provide their services at an inflated cost.
  • Limited bandwidth. This minus applies specifically to providers in small towns and villages. In fact, the provider is a reseller - it distributes the traffic provided to it for several tens, and sometimes hundreds of subscribers. During line load peaks (holidays and weekends). The data transfer rate may drop significantly.

In which case it is possible to connect a dedicated line to a private house

Satellite internet in the house

At the moment, satellite Internet technologies are at the beginning of their journey. This connection option is recommended if it is impossible to access the Internet in other ways. This technology has not yet reached the peak of its development and, therefore, there are significant limitations in its application. Over time, this type of relationship will develop in a positive direction.

One-way wiring diagram

Benefits of satellite internet

  • The main advantage of this data transmission technology is its availability in any place where there is a connection with a number of satellites. Even in the remote taiga it is possible to make an Internet connection.
  • High data transfer rate. Modern equipment provides a high data transfer rate, so that even in the forest it is possible to watch an online broadcast and quickly transfer large amounts of information.
  • The advantages of this type of connection include a wide variety of tariff plans designed to reduce the payment for Internet services to a reasonable minimum.

Disadvantages of satellite internet

  • High price. Equipment for this type of communication is expensive. Also the cost of Internet traffic.
  • No unlimited data plans. The lack of unlimited plans, even if not at the highest speed, makes it necessary to clearly calculate the amount of data you use and choose a tariff plan wisely.
  • Possible influence of weather conditions on signal quality. This is a feature of this type of communication, which may slightly reduce the quality of services provided.

Is it worth it to connect satellite Internet to a private house?

Satellite Internet in a private house is able to solve the problem of communication in remote places of residence. This requires investments, which may seem large. But with the development of technology - this type of communication can be a good alternative. Even 10 years ago, it was almost impossible to imagine the use of satellite Internet for home purposes. Tariff plans with the passage of time become more mundane and affordable. The main thing is that such an opportunity already exists and is being developed.

Mobile Internet in a private house

The development of a new generation cellular communication network is moving at a high pace. The possibilities of mobile Internet are increasingly surpassing traditional methods of Internet connections in small towns and villages. Increasingly, this type of connection is being chosen to connect the Internet in a private house.

Benefits of mobile internet

  • Wide network coverage. Even in small towns, mobile operators provide 3G or 4G communications. With a weak signal quality, it is possible to connect inexpensive amplifiers.
  • High data transfer rate. As with other common Internet connection methods, the latest generations of data transmission are able to provide online broadcasts and the transmission of large amounts of communication.
  • Variety of tariff plans. You can customize the tariff plan to suit your needs.
  • Good value. When choosing this type of connection as the main one, the monthly fee may be lower than in other types of Internet connection.
  • Availability of equipment. In modern conditions, there is often no need to buy a special modem to connect to the Internet, most smartphones have the function of using it as a modem. Signal amplifiers do not have sky-high prices.

Disadvantages of mobile internet

When is it better to use mobile Internet in a private house

Mobile Internet in a private home can in many cases be the best replacement for a leased line. Not demanding on the cost of equipment and having adequate tariff plans - it fully complies with modern communication standards.

How to choose the Internet for a private home?

  1. Determine the connection types available in the area;
  2. If it is possible to connect a leased line, it is necessary to determine the quality of the provider;
  3. In any type of connection, you should at least roughly know the amount of data transfer required.

All connection types have their advantages and disadvantages. You need to know about this when choosing a life outside the city.


We remind you that even if you have not found the answer to your question, we are always happy to consult for free, give additional recommendations and individual advice, promptly answer any questions in the comments!

The Internet for a private house, dacha and apartment must be selected taking into account what it will be used for. Providers provide a wide range of options to provide high-quality and fast access to the Internet. In order to choose the best option, detailed instructions and recommendations for choosing will be given below.

What to look for when choosing

Choosing a provider

Before you decide and connect the Internet, you need to pay attention to the provider. In each individual city, there are several local companies, but we will consider large companies providing similar services throughout the country. It is worth noting that a large company can find quite profitable tariff plans that will provide the optimal ratio of speed and cost. The user first needs to find out if the provider can connect to the internet in the area where he lives.

Wireless coverage and quality

If, for any reason, broadband Internet provision is not possible in the area you are looking for, then you should try to pay attention to wireless connection. First of all, if the countryside is taken into account, the best way to find out the availability of mobile Internet is to have repeaters (towers) of the operator. If such towers are installed, then the coverage and signal quality may be at a sufficient level, because. the signal propagating from them (unlike ordinary base stations) covers an area of ​​up to 30 km on average.

Satellite Internet

If the previous option also does not provide stable Internet, you can try using satellite. This option involves the use of a special dish equipped with a receiver. It should be noted that connecting such a connection is not cheap, but if there is no alternative option, then this will be the most optimal.

Decide on the type of connection

After the previous points have been determined, it is necessary to understand what type of connection providers and operators provide. At the moment, providers provide their customers with several types of connections, via cable (Ethernet local area network, fiber optic), modem (ADSL and Dial-Up telephone line) and DOCSIS (via TV cable). Each of these methods has its own advantages and disadvantages. Detailed specification will be given below. The client needs to contact the provider's office for more information.

The next type of connection will apply directly to mobile operators. At the moment, cellular companies are full of various proposals for high-quality and fast mobile Internet. Most often connection is made using a USB 3G modem. The operation of this device is extremely simple, the SIM card accesses the nearest operator tower and, depending on the installed equipment, receives a signal using the following protocols: GSM, GPRS, EDGE, UMTS, CDMA, HSDPA, HSUPA, HSPA +, WiMAX and LTE.

In addition to the modem, the phone itself can act as a transmitter. Modern devices have support for high-speed 3G and 4G Internet. In turn, mobile operators provide traffic packages in sufficient volumes. It is best to find out in detail in the nearest communication salon.

Unlimited internet or traffic calculation

For users who spend a lot of time online, watching movies, downloading music, etc. It is best to connect an unlimited package. If this is not possible, you need to study the offers with the highest traffic package. If access to the network will be carried out only in case of emergency, it is best to use a tariff with traffic calculation.

Decide on speed

After the provider (operator) has been selected, it is necessary to determine what speed is required to complete the tasks, and what will be considered optimal. If we take into account broadband Internet and optical networks, then this is the most optimal option, since the speed reaches 100 Mb/s. In turn, if we talk about "ADSL", then the threshold speed will not exceed 60 Mb/s., in some cases it can be even lower. Wireless networks have a sufficient data transfer rate, the minimum values ​​​​today are from 3.6 Mb/s to 100 Mb/s. With the development of 4G networks, the speed can reach 1 Gb/s.

Which Internet is better to connect

Wired Internet

Currently the most popular type of connection. Allows you to connect high-speed Internet to a private house without a phone. More commonly used in cities than in rural areas. It is preferable to use it in the apartment.

The following connection options are available to the user:

  • direct connection device (computer) if the house no longer has such equipment;
  • using a router. The wire is connected to the router, and it distributes the Internet to portable devices, such as a smartphone, tablet, ultrabook, and in some cases to a TV.

The main features of this type of connection is that it provides a high data transfer rate, which allows you to view HD video without delays and periodic network interruptions. Also, using this technology, you can connect IPTV television.


An ADSL digital line is a telephone line connection. A fairly popular solution if there is no alternative to a broadband connection. Among the advantages can be identified, unlimited Internet traffic. To date, the number of subscribers using ADSL modems is decreasing, this is primarily due to low speed and the fact that additional purchase of equipment (splitter (splitter) is required), despite the fact that the connection uses an existing infrastructure.

Wireless Internet

Today, perhaps, this method of accessing the network has become the most popular. The speed is at the level of broadband and in some cases exceeds it. It is also worth highlighting that the coverage of such a connection comes not only to large cities, but also to small areas and rural settlements. A good example is a map of 3G and 4G network coverage (Beeline operator) in a remote village, in one of the regions.

Consider network types and maximum speed:

  • 2 G(EDGE). At the moment, this type of connection is practically not used. In cities and outside the city, more modern equipment is being installed that can maintain high data transfer rates. But in a remote area, this may be the only way to get online. The connection speed does not exceed 144 Kb/s;
  • 3 G. The most popular type of data transfer. Provides speed at the level 3.6 Mbps.
  • 4 G. The development of 3G has led to the creation of the fourth generation of communications. When using such a connection, the speed can reach 1 Gb/s.

Satellite Internet

This option is the most preferable when it is not possible to create a dedicated line, lay a LAN cable and where there is insufficient mobile coverage. This method, although it is the only one provided that there is no alternative, it will cost significantly more expensive, you need to purchase an antenna, an amplifier and convert the signal and the receiver itself. Speed ​​is on par 20 Mb/s.


This technology is a wireless communication standard that transmits data over a considerable distance and to a large number of devices. The principle of its operation is based on the operation of mobile networks. Base stations are installed that form the coverage area of ​​the wireless network and user devices receive a signal from the nearest station. This method is most preferred, as it allows you to get a universal way to access the network for a wide range of devices. Nevertheless, the technology has not yet received wide distribution, this is primarily due to the lack of frequencies.

Optical fiber

The connection method is characterized by a high data transfer rate over long distances. Now more and more large providers use fiber optic cables. Of the benefits can be distinguished, reliability, safety and high speed. When using it, the user will not have problems accessing the network. It is also durable, resistant to temperature changes, ionizing factors, etc.

Most often, fiber is laid in apartments. In private homes and rural areas, such technologies are not yet used. This is primarily due to the high cost of equipment maintenance.

Choosing a router

If the choice regarding connection was in favor of wireless networks, then you must use a router (router). The following are the main recommendations when choosing this device. More detailed information is available on our website.

  • wireless or wired router. Wireless connects only to the mains, no additional wires are provided. In turn, the wired device is connected to the mains and network cable;
  • purchase in a store or purchase from a provider. Now most of the companies offer their customers to purchase a router directly from them. At the same time, when buying a branded device, various bonuses are available to the user;
  • top speed. In this case, it is necessary to study the specifics of the router;
  • coverage area. Budget models, as a rule, cover an area from 10 to 15 meters, the coverage of a more expensive model can reach 100 m. In this situation, it all depends on where the device will be used. For a small apartment, a budget option is suitable; to connect a house, you need a more expensive device;
  • transmitters. The more transmitter antennas installed, the better the signal of the router will be.

The best providers in Russia

  • Rostelecom;
  • VimpelCom (Beeline);
  • R-telecom;


Represents the largest coverage area to the user. The provider serves its networks in the most remote regions of Russia. Its advantages first of all, they consist in a wide choice of tariffs, connection options and high-quality support. In the event of a problem, the company's engineers will quickly fix the problem.


  • FTTH (conducted directly to an apartment or a private house);
  • FTTB (the cable is laid to the building. Connections in the apartments are carried out by other systems);
  • FTTN (signal distributed at the node);
  • FTTS (the signal comes immediately to the subscriber's room);
  • GPON (Passive Optical Network Based on Tree Structure);
  • xDSL (limited information transfer rate up to 8 Mbps).

VimpelCom (Beeline)

This provider not only provides mobile Internet, but also wired broadband access to the network, by means of cable laying (twisted pair). Connection is also provided using branded routerSmartbox. Of the advantages, it is worth highlighting a wide range of tariffs, low prices and stable communications.


  • FTTH (conducted directly to an apartment or house);
  • mobile 2G, 3G and 4G;
  • USB 3G modems.


This company is a fairly popular telecommunications holding in Russia. Representative offices of the company are located in more than 50 cities of the country. The advantages of the provider are that the Internet is provided via fiber optics connected to the FTTB house and low prices. The average price for an unlimited tariff is 350 rubles per month.


One of the most popular providers in Russia. The total length of highways is more than 120,000 km. Of the benefits you can highlight the stable quality of the Internet connection and a wide selection of tariff plans. Also noteworthy are the low prices.


  • GPON (Only Moscow and Moscow Region);

What to do if you live on the outskirts, and you want to use the main blessing of the 21st century just like everyone else. Unfortunately, this situation can cause some problems. Do not worry, they are completely resolved, just connecting to the global Internet network, being outside the city, is a little more difficult.

The fact is that the Internet has been present in our country for a relatively short time. And initially it was distributed using aDSL technology, over telephone lines. And only the last 15 years have begun to pull fiber-optic cables around the cities. With private houses located outside the city, or even several kilometers away, things are much worse.

It is simply not profitable for providers to lead the main communication channel so far, so private clients have to pervert. Now there are several options to get Internet in a private house:

  • Over the telephone line, like in the good old days;
  • Run the cable from the nearest point;
  • 3G/4G modems;
  • Satellite.

Now I will tell you how I myself chose the connection method in my case. My house is located 5 km from the city. But the problem was that the town itself is very small and there are few providers. Consider all the ways and options.

Provider search

Without a provider, you will not be able to connect to the Internet in any way, so first of all we just find available companies. Our task is to find someone who can help and offer certain options. Plus we can compare prices. Yes, this will take time, but please do not skip this step.

Each company will offer its own type of connection: satellite, modem, etc. Take a piece of paper and write down all the options. It should state:

  • connection type;
  • Is there an additional television - if you need it;
  • How much will the equipment cost?
  • How much will the installation cost.

Please note that the cost of installation and equipment cost in different places. The fact is that you can buy the equipment yourself, just by going to the city, but the provider will most likely be involved in the installation, but not in all cases.


Cable laying is the best, but expensive option. This is especially suitable for gamers, since this option will have the lowest ping in online games. There are two common options:

Fast Ethernet or Gigabit Ethernet

It is the most common in cities. The maximum transfer rate is 100 - 1000 Mbps. The transmission of information is carried out by data packets according to the standard of the IEEE 802.3 group.

This is the best option, but the problem may come in the price. The fact is that it is possible to lay a twisted pair cable without a repeater for a maximum distance of 100 meters. Putting repeaters somewhere - there is no point. This is quite real - only if the provider has a point to the network not far away.

The laying will be outdoor cable, which is much more expensive due to shielding and additional braid that protects against moisture, heat, frost and other weather conditions. If there is no nearest connection point, you may be offered to install an optical fiber.

What is the disadvantage of this option. First, the material itself. Secondly, the work that will be carried out is not under your control. And thirdly, the laying must be carried out in protective casings or tubes, for which you will also need to pay.


This is the second good option, with a speed of 45 Mbps. The connection will take place via a television or coaxial cable, with one core inside. Usually, the subscriber is immediately offered to connect television. But even if you do not need it, in addition you will need a specialized modem.


  • Low ping in games;
  • High channel speed;
  • Complete freedom of traffic on the Internet.


  • Cable laying is expensive;
  • Not everywhere you can lay a line;
  • In a remote area far from the city - it is impossible to connect.


Passive optical network is an Internet connection over a fiber optic leased line. The maximum support standard is IEEE 802.3av. In another way, it is also called 10GEPON (10 Gigabit Ethernet PON. The data transfer rate is several times higher than over twisted pair.

This connection is more resistant to external influences - to moisture, frost, heat. Maximum speed up to 10 Gbps. In fact, providers provide only 100 Mbps, but this is more than enough.

Usually, the central receiver is brought into the settlement, and a twisted-pair connection is already underway to it within 20-30 meters. At the same time, the central equipment can support up to 100 subscribers at the same time. Rostelecom is one of the leaders in connection to fiber optics.


  • There is no influence of electromagnetic influence, since information is transmitted by a beam of light;
  • Very high speed;
  • The lowest ping;
  • High throughput;
  • Resilience to data loss.


  • The complexity of the implementation;
  • Expensive central line equipment.

This was my case, because of the high cost of fiber optics, I had to negotiate with neighboring houses. First I found out the cost of running the wire and installing the central equipment. I just walked around all the neighbors and offered my idea - to install and connect the station in the vicinity for fast Internet.

Not everyone agreed, but a heating company worked nearby. They agreed to help and also participate in the connection. As a result, it turned out not so expensive and we got optical fiber.


Or data transmission over a telephone line. Since there are only two lived in such cables, the maximum speed drops to 20 Mbit per second. This option, as practice has shown, is the most common, since telephone lines are often always in the vicinity of the private sector, where country houses are located.

Laying telephone wires can be done from the nearest settlement - the cost will not be so high. In addition, you will need a separate ADSL modem, to which the telephone line will be connected.

From practice, I can say that in games the ping increases by 100-120 ms with such a connection. You also need to install a splitter if someone uses a landline phone in your house. Since if one of the relatives picks up the phone, or they call you, then the Internet will disappear. The cost of a modem and a splitter is not expensive in the region of 1000 - 1500 rubles.

As a result, you will get an average Internet speed, which is more than enough to surf the Internet, watch movies, videos and play games (with a noticeable ping).


  • Inexpensive cost to install;
  • Cheap rates;


  • High ping: 200-300ms;
  • Line not secure
  • Weather conditions directly affect communication;
  • You need to buy or rent a modem, but it is inexpensive.

2G, 3G, 4G, 5G Internet

These technologies began to develop abundantly in the last 10 years. This is another good option for a country house. Since you do not have to lay anything and pay extra. It remains only to buy a modem and use it.

But there are some nuances. Unfortunately, not all areas have a coverage area of ​​2G, 3G, 4G, 5G towers, which is why in some situations it can be problematic to connect to the Internet in this way. Therefore, here you need to call first of all large telephone operators:

  • MTS - 8 800 2500890,
  • TELE2 - 8 495 9797611,
  • Megafon - 8 800 5500500,
  • YOTA - 8 800 5500007,
  • Beeline - 8 800 7000611.

Your task is to ask about the coverage of the 3G or 4G zone in your area. So you will need to give the exact address or geolocation data. As a rule, there are no problems with this, and you can easily connect.

2GThe speed is very low only 478 KB/s. But at the same time, the coverage of the territory is large enough, so most likely you can safely connect using this option.
3GUp to 3MB/s maximum speed. Quite enough for a simple nailing on web pages and watching videos in poor quality.
4GVery good standard with high data transfer rate. The speed can reach up to 65 Mbps. Outside the city, it drops a little to 40 Mbps. There are more and more towers, but so far the coverage of the territory, even in the city, is not all.
5GThe fifth generation, allows you to transfer data at a speed of 1 Gbps with less packet loss. Quite a rare thing in a simple provincial city, not to mention suburban areas.

As a person who has used such Internet before, I can note some disadvantages and advantages:


  • Inexpensive modem;
  • No need to mess with wires;
  • The flash drive can be taken with you anywhere, and it quickly connects to any computer or laptop.
  • You can connect to a Wi-Fi modem and distribute the Internet to your home wireless network.


  • Ping is even higher than in ADSL modem. In games, it reaches 375-400 ms and constantly jumps. So those who like to play - this is not an option.
  • If within the city, it works stably, then outside the city there are constantly blackouts, packet loss, speed drops, which makes it impossible to watch videos online.
  • Tariffs, as a rule, for unlimited modems are quite expensive. At least I had it when I connected the modem Internet. Perhaps times have changed.

In general, this option is good if you just read articles, look at pictures, sit on social networks and just chat. Modem Internet is suitable for people who are not so dependent on traffic and ping.


A good option, since satellite Internet is practically independent of the geolocation and location of the subscriber. Being in a dense forest, you can safely surf the Internet. If you already have a satellite dish or dish, then there should be no connection problems. All that remains is to contact the service provider.

Now there are a lot of providers that provide satellite Internet at good prices. Please note that all past connection options are very dependent on the location near the city, village or any other settlement.

Yes, it's not bad if there is a large city nearby. But if the settlement is located somewhere in the forest, then the only option is to connect a satellite dish. True, you have to pay good money for a plate, connection and a monthly subscription fee. At the same time, the speed is quite acceptable - up to 45 Mbps.


  • Connection anywhere in the world;
  • In addition to the Internet, you can connect satellite TV, which is famous for its abundance of channels.


  • High cost for connection and equipment;
  • For EDGE/GPRS one-way transmission, a receiver is required;
  • More expensive rates;
  • Ping or response goes up to 900ms.

Wireless Internet WiMax or Wireless MAN

Used very rarely. This technology allows you to transmit data over radio waves with a frequency of 2-11 GHz. In simple terms, it is somewhat similar to a large Wi-Fi, which extends over a diameter of 10-15 km. Special GSM towers broadcast the signal over a long distance.

The speed is quite high. In this case, you do not need to have any equipment, since data transfer is carried out according to IEEE 802.16 standards. You can connect both from a laptop, phone, tablet, and from any device with a receiver or Wi-Fi module.

This technology is not very common among the average user and is more often used to connect to a single local area network of an enterprise or company. That is, if several networks are located at a great distance, then with the help of towers they can be combined into one network.

In my case, I did not find a single company and the nearest tower, therefore I could not connect. Dear readers who have had experience connecting via WiMax - share your experience below in the comments.


  • No need to run cables and purchase equipment;
  • For the network, you can connect through a regular home router;
  • High data transfer rate and signal quality.


  • Rare technology and not available everywhere;
  • Also high ping.

How to choose

The most important thing is not to rush, because in this case there is a huge probability of choosing the wrong one. Be prepared that you will have to spend a lot of time on the phone to find out the tariffs from different suppliers and companies.

Do not be lazy, take a piece of paper and first write down all the available companies that provide Internet access in the nearest city. To do this, just call the helpline. After that, we call one by one and ask what they can offer you and at what price. Also ask about the cost of the equipment.

You also need to consider your location. The farther from the city you are, the less options there will be. I have indicated all the pros and cons in each of the connections above, which you also need to pay attention to. Here are a few features to look out for first:

  • Maximum data transfer rate.
  • Additional services: IP telephony, TV, access to the provider's local network, built-in antivirus, parental control (if you have children), etc.
  • Are there any discounts or promotions for connection;
  • The cost of the tariff plan;
  • The cost of equipment for connection in your case;
  • The most important thing is what kind of connection will be. We talked about them in the article. This is necessary for a rough idea of ​​​​the shortcomings of each.

Which internet is best for the private sector? If we talk about the highest quality, then this is fiber optic. If about the cheapest option, then this is a modem. Here everyone chooses for himself and there is no clear, unambiguous answer.

What is the price? The price strongly depends on the specific case. If you decide to conduct cable Internet, then they will be able to say about this only after calculating the approximate costs of work and materials. For Satellite and modem, you can ask the company, and they will immediately answer you.

Organization of a Wi-Fi network

After conducting the Internet, most likely you will need to organize a wireless network. To do this, you need a regular home router (router). It will perform several functions:

  • Autonomous connection to the Internet using all existing technologies, which are described above;
  • Distribution of WiFi networks in a private house;
  • Bandwidth control;
  • Parental control - allows you to restrict access to dangerous, adult sites or web pages of your choice;
  • Connecting Wi-Fi or IP cameras to a local network. If you forward ports, you can monitor your home from anywhere in the world where there is Internet.

Which router to choose for a private house?

Now there are a lot of routers, but they are all about the same in their functionality. There is a real difference in the maximum data transfer rate, support for standards and the maximum range. For a private house, you should choose a track model with a strong signal.

This is necessary so that the wireless network works without problems around the entire perimeter of the house, as well as on the street. For example, I took an expensive model to install outdoor Wi-Fi cameras and monitor the back and front yard. I just did not want to pull the wires, spoil the repair, so I installed wireless video surveillance cameras. Here is a small selection for a country house.


Great option for gamers. Ping will be much lower than on simple stationary models. High speed up to 2917 Mbps throughout the local wireless network.

Wireless network standards802.11ac, 802.11b/g/n
Frequency2.4GHz, 5GHz
Modem support4G/LTE
Antennas3 external 3 dBi
LAN4 at 1000 Mbps
average price16000

The power of the main transmitter is 17 dBM, plus there are 6 antennas of 5 dBi. Enough to cover the territory on a large multi-meter private house. A special system allows you to reduce the likelihood of packet loss.

Wireless network standards802.11ac, 802.11b/g/n
Frequency2.4GHz, 5GHz
Speed ​​at 2.4 GHz750 Mbps
Speed ​​at 5 GHz1625 Mbps
Modem support4G/LTE
Antennas3 external 3 dBi
LAN4 at 1000 Mbps
average price20000

A powerful 4-core processor running on a 64-bit board allows you to process data at high speed. Can support up to 30 machines with constant network and internet access. If you have a large family, there is a video surveillance system - then this is an option for you.

Wireless network standards802.11ac, 802.11b/g/n
Powerful processor64-bit 1.8GHz x4
Frequency2.4GHz, 5GHz
Speed ​​at 2.4 GHz750 Mbps
Speed ​​at 5 GHz1625 Mbps
Modem support4G/LTE USB 3.0 type A x1
Antennas3 external 3 dBi
LAN4 at 1000 Mbps
average price26000

More expensive or cheaper?

Here everyone decides for himself. It makes no sense for you to take an expensive model if you do not have cameras and the house is not so big. But if you have a lot of connected devices and need a wide range of coverage, then it’s worth forking out. I took myself a TP-LINK Archer C4000 specifically for large coverage of CCTV cameras, but not everyone needs it.

Internet connection through a router

First, we do the installation and connections based on the type of Internet:

  1. 3G/4G modem. Before buying, you need to clarify whether there is support for this Internet connection on a particular model. The fact is that if there is a USB connector on the router, it does not indicate support for a 3G / 4G modem. After purchase, insert the modem into the USB port. We connect the LAN wire to a PC or laptop.

  1. Connect to the ADSL network device, one of the wires into the LAN connector, the other end into the WAN or Internet port of the router. Connect the telephone cable to the DSL connector. (without a phone there is a direct connection, with a phone you will need a splitter).
  2. Satellite dish - here you need to connect the DVB receiver to the WAN or Internet connector of the router.

  1. WiMax or t Wireless MAN. In the Internet port on the router, we connect the output to the output antenna, if any. If it is not there, we do nothing, just connect the router to the PC from which the configuration will be carried out.

The setup instructions are approximately the same for all models:

  1. We go to the IP of the router using the address bar of the browser. This is either or The default address is located on a label under the router.
  2. We register the data for authorization in the admin panel (admin, admin or admin and an empty string).
  3. Next, go to the WAN settings and select the connection type. Enter the data for authorization in the provider's network. This information is in the contract. No need to be scared, all modern routers have the function of quickly setting up the Internet. Acting according to the instructions offered by the device, you can easily connect any connection. In extreme cases, call the technical support of the provider - they will explain everything to you.
  4. At the end, do not forget to specify the SSID (Wi-Fi) name of the network and the password for it.

NOTE! To configure your particular router model, it is better to use the search on our website, where all known modems are presented.

Wi-Fi Signal Booster

I'll tell you briefly what is needed for this:

  • Position the router so that there are as few obstacles as possible in the path of the signal and the wave (walls, cabinets, doors, windows). For example, at the branching of all corridors at the entrance to the house.
  • Remove all interference devices from the router: microwave ovens, telephones, radios, televisions, etc.
  • Position the antennas at a 45 degree angle.
  • For a more powerful signal, you can install repeaters or put another router in the place where the signal is lost. We just set it up as a repeater.
  • Installing more powerful antennas for your model.

The Internet has now taken over the entire world. The vast majority of people cannot imagine their daily life without it. And many in the worldwide network have to not only communicate and watch TV shows, but also work. The most difficult thing in terms of working via the Internet is for residents of private sectors and small villages and villages, because not everyone can afford to run a connection cable into the outback.

The main problem is the process of conducting the Internet to a place of residence remote from a big city. This is painstaking work that requires dozens of kilometers of network cables, connecting individual houses. And, of course, it will cost those who wish "a pretty penny."

Another difficulty is the distribution of the wireless signal to connect. There is little choice here:

  1. Through a portable modem.
  2. Through a fixed modem to which the cable is connected.

Types of Internet connections

The most popular options for connecting to the network in private houses of villages and villages:

  • Cable connection. A network cable (optical fiber, twisted pair, etc.) is run and connected to the computer.
  • Wireless connection through a fixed router. The wired cable is connected to a stationary modem, which is connected to a computer, and distributes a wireless wi-fi signal.
  • Connection via portable modem. To access the network, it is enough to buy a portable modem with a SIM card from any mobile operator, top up your account and insert it into your PC.
  • Satellite Internet. Connection via satellite dish.
  • Via landline phone (ADSL).

A common disadvantage of such connections is a rather low connection speed to the network.

If you want to bring the Internet to the house - use the following tips:

  • Order services for connecting a network object in authorized organizations.
  • If the Internet is held, for example, to neighbors, you can agree with them on the distribution of a wireless signal for a moderate fee. Or ask the owners to provide the client with an additional cable connecting the owner's modem and the consumer's PC.
  • Install satellite dish. Expensive, but the network connection speed will be quite high. And with such a connection, you can access the Internet from anywhere in the world.
  • Buy a portable modem. Visit any computer technology store and select the one you need. You can purchase a similar device in the offices of mobile operators. The advantage of this method is that you can connect to the World Wide Web not only at home, but also from the territory covered by the signal coverage. Minus - well, a very low speed of connecting to the network.

The difference between a portable modem and a stationary modem is that the first one connects to the network through a SIM card, which must be replenished periodically.

  • If you have a landline telephone and the telephone company supports the ADSL service, you can call the company's office and arrange an Internet connection via a home telephone cable.

Provider selection and connection

The following is a step by step guide for connecting clients to a wireless internet signal:

The process of connecting a network to a fixed router is as follows:

  • The network cable is led to the object;
  • The cable is connected to the modem, the modem is connected to the computer;
  • Through the website of the official manufacturer of the router, the modem settings are made (setting access, etc.).

The cost of services of providers for connecting and working with the Internet network

Let's take the average prices for similar services in the Moscow region.

Of all types of internet connection the most expensive option is contact via satellite dish.

For the installation of a single transceiver dish, you will have to pay from 5,000 rubles to 20,000.

It all depends on the capabilities of the plate, its “bells and whistles”, as well as the connection speed and tariff plan.

Much High-speed Internet will be cheaper (via a portable modem). Although with this option it doesn’t smell like high speed. The average Internet connection speed varies from 12 to 50 megabits per second. The minimum price in the Moscow region is 600-750 rubles, the maximum is 1000-2000 rubles.

If, nevertheless, the Internet is distributed via a modem, it all depends on the tariff plan provided by the provider. The very connection of a PC to the Internet will cost an average of 1,500 rubles (plus or minus 300-500 rubles). The modem will cost a little cheaper - for 600 - 1400 rubles, the tariff package - from 500 to 2000 rubles (depending on the provider and the speed of connecting a computer or laptop to the Internet).

Some examples of connection prices and tariff plans in the Moscow region

Here is an example of the services of the provider "Your Internet", tariffs for high-speed Internet connection:

25 megabits per second cost 450 rubles;

35 Mbps - 550 rubles;

50 Mbps - 650 rubles.

And here is another example of high-speed connection (3G and 4G) provided by YOTA, Beeline, MTS and Megafon providers:

  • MTS: from 350 to 1200 rubles;
  • Megaphone: from 350 to 1290 rubles;
  • The price range in Beeline is from 350 to 1150 rubles;
  • YOTA provides tariffs costing from 400 to 1400 rubles.

As you can see, the rates themselves are quite cheap. The most expensive thing is the connection to the provider and the purchase of equipment connecting to the network.