Formation of the organizational management structure of management in the hotel. Organizational structures of hotel management

Building the organizational structure of the hotel

Any hotel needs a functional organizational structure to operate effectively. A general method of representing the structure of a hotel is organizational chart, there is a diagram of the relationship between the divisions. It shows the location of each service and position in general organization hotels and illustrates the distribution of powers and responsibilities.

The organizational chart is subject to change. it should be reviewed periodically, especially when there are significant changes in the hotel's management structure. The responsibilities of the various workers depend on their qualifications and numbers.

Organizational structure the hotel is generally constructed as follows. The management links include managers, their deputies, managing several structural divisions, the structural divisions themselves and leading specialists, perform individual functions or part of the functions. direct executors (service personnel) are subordinate to them. At the top of the hotel's management structure are the owner and CEO.

The distribution of tasks, the definition of authority and responsibilities, as well as the relationship between hotel employees can be built on a personal and informal basis. But most hotels require some kind of structure through which to distribute and coordinate interpersonal relationships... In large hotels, there is a need for a neat and purposeful organizational structure.

The organizational structure of a hotel is primarily determined by its purpose, location, specifics of additional services, and other factors. It is a reflection of the powers and responsibilities assigned to each employee.

Organizational structure is needed for effective implementation key functions employees, defining their accountability, ensuring due efforts on the part of staff. By the nature of the performance of labor functions, the hotel staff is divided into workers and employees. Workers provide services directly. The workers also include the junior service personnel of the hotel - janitors, cleaners, etc. The employees carry out the organization of the activities of people, the management of the hotel divisions, financial and accounting, procurement, legal and other functions. They refer to persons engaged primarily in mental, intellectual work, and are grouped into several subgroups.

Types of hotel organizational structures

In the management practice of hotels, the following types of organizational structures are most common:



Linear functional.

Linear organizational structure of management. Hotel line connections reflect movement management decisions and information coming from the so-called line manager, i.e. a person who is fully responsible for the activities of the hotel (usually a small one) or its structural units(in the Big). This is one of the simplest organizational management structures. It is characterized by the fact that at the head of each structural unit there is a leader, endowed with all powers, carries out all management functions. In linear management, each link and each subordinate has one leader, through which all management teams pass through one channel. In this case, the management links are responsible for the results of all activities of the objects that are controlled. We are talking about the object-by-object allocation of managers, each of whom performs all types of work and makes decisions related to the management of this object. Since in a linear management structure decisions are passed along a chain “from top to bottom”, and the manager of the lower management level is subordinate to a higher-level manager, a kind of hierarchy of managers is formed. In this case, the principle of one-man command operates, the essence of which is that subordinates fulfill the will of only their immediate leader. The supreme governing body does not have the right to give orders to any executors, bypassing their immediate superior.

The linear management structure is the most logical, orderly and formally defined, but at the same time the least flexible. Each of the leaders has all the power, but relatively small opportunities for solving problems require narrow, specialized knowledge.

Functional organizational structure of management. Functional management is carried out by a certain set of departments specializing in the performance of specific types of work necessary for making decisions in the linear control system. The idea is that the performance of individual functions is entrusted to specialists. In an organization, as a rule, specialists of the same profile are united into structural divisions (departments), for example, a marketing department, a reception and placement department, planning department etc. Thus, the overall task of managing the organization is distributed, starting from the middle level, according to the functional criterion. Hence the name - the functional management structure. Functional management exists alongside linear management, which creates double subordination for performers. Instead of universal managers who must understand the business and perform all management functions, a staff of specialists appears who have high competence in their field and are responsible for a certain direction (for example, planning and forecasting). This functional specialization of the management staff significantly increases the efficiency of the hotel.

Linear-functional (staff) hotel management structure. With such a management structure, the line manager who heads the team assumes full power. When developing specific issues and preparing appropriate decisions, programs, plans, he is assisted by a special apparatus consisting of functional units (Departments, departments, bureaus, etc.).

In this case, the functional structures of the unit are subordinate to the main line manager. They implement their decisions either through the main leader, or (within the limits of their authority) directly through the respective heads of the executing services. Thus, the line-functional structure provides for special units under line managers.

12. Linear management structure and its application in hotels.

Linear organizational structure of management. Linear connections in a hotel reflect the movement of management decisions and information emanating from the so-called line manager, that is, a person who is fully responsible for the activities of the hotel (usually a small one) or its structural units (in a large one). This is one of the simplest organizational management structures. It is characterized by the fact that at the head of each structural unit there is a head, endowed with all powers, carrying out all management functions (Fig. 2.1).

Rice. 2.1. Linear organization management structure

As can be seen from Figure 2.1, with linear control, each link and each subordinate has one leader, through which all management commands pass through one channel. In this case, management links are responsible for the results of all activities of the objects they manage. We are talking about the object-by-object allocation of managers, each of whom performs all types of work and makes decisions related to the management of this object. Since in a linear management structure, decisions are passed along a chain "from top to bottom", and the manager of the lower level of management himself is subordinate to a manager of a higher level, a kind of hierarchy of leaders of a particular organization is formed. In this case, the principle of one-man management operates, the essence of which is that subordinates carry out the orders of only one leader. A higher management body does not have the right to give orders to any executors, bypassing their boss.

The linear management structure is logically more harmonious and formally defined, but at the same time less flexible. Each of the leaders has all the power, but relatively little ability to solve problems that require narrow, specialized knowledge. The linear organizational structure of management has its advantages and disadvantages.

Linear advantages organizational system management:

1) unity and clarity of orders;

2) the consistency of the actions of the performers;

3) ease of management (one communication channel);

4) clearly expressed responsibility;

5) efficiency in decision-making;

6) the personal responsibility of the head for the final results of the activities of his unit.

Disadvantages of a linear organizational management system:

1) high requirements for the leader, who must be comprehensively trained in order to provide effective leadership in all management functions;

2) lack of links for planning and preparation of decisions;

3) information overload, a lot of contacts with subordinates, superior and shift structures;

4) concentration of power in the ruling elite.

13. Matrix structure of management in hotels.

Matrix type of organizational structure of management The matrix type of management structure is used in hotels, the product of which has a relatively short life cycle and changes frequently, i.e. businesses need high flexibility in production and strategy. With such a structure, temporary teams of specialists are formed, to which personnel are sent and necessary resources from functional departments.

In the matrix management structure, in the process of defining horizontal links, it is necessary to:

Selection and appointment of the head of the program (project), his deputies in individual departments according to the structure of the program;

Identification and appointment of responsible executors in each specialized department;

Organization of a specialized program management service

To ensure activities within the framework of the matrix management structure, it is necessary to make changes in the organizational structure: to create specialized target units in the hotel complex, which will unite the nuvals of leading specialists to jointly develop the main ideas of the program.

With a matrix management structure, the program manager works directly with the specialists subordinate to him, who are simultaneously responsible to line managers (Figure 36). and staff return to their services (divisions) Thanks to flexibility, this management structure allows you to accelerate the introduction of innovations day.

Problems arising in the determination of priority tasks and the allocation of time for staff work on projects can disrupt the stability of the hotel's operation and make it difficult to achieve its goals. ) Matrix management structures, which complement the organizational structure of management with new elements, have opened a qualitatively new direction in the development of the most active and dynamic problem-targeted organizational forms management aimed at raising the creative initiative of managers and specialists and identifying opportunities to significantly improve the efficiency of service (Table 353.5).

Table 35

Advantages and disadvantages of a matrix type of organizational management structure

Advantages Flaws
1 Sufficient attention to each of the strategic priorities of the hotel enterprise; 2 Possibility of simultaneous introduction of various types of strategic initiatives; 3 Creation of conditions for making a decision on the criterion of the greatest benefit for the organization; 4 Encouragement of cooperation, coordination of related species technological processes; 5 significantly intensification of the activities of managers and employees of the management apparatus; 6 Distribution of management functions among managers responsible for ensuring high final results (managers project teams), and heads of functional departments; 7 Providing flexibility and efficiency in maneuvering resources when performing multiple programs within the hotel 1 Difficulty maintaining a balance between the two lines of power; 2 Possibility of wasting time for communication; 3 Difficulties in prompt problem solving due to different approaches of a significant number of managers; 4 Promoting the development of organizational bureaucracy and weakening effective entrepreneurship; 5 significant size and complexity of the communication process

14. The main services of the hotel.

8.7. The main services of the hotel For a closed technological cycle of servicing tourists, the hotel provides the following main services: - reception and accommodation service; - room fund maintenance service; - commercial service; - technical service; - administrative service. This is the minimum set of provisioning services for the provision of basic services. However, in high-category hotels and tourist-hotel complexes, the number of providing services is much greater and each of them has narrowly specific functions. The reception and accommodation service (reception service) provides reception, registration, accommodation of tourists by numbers, calculations, seat reservations and the organization of sending tourists to the next point of travel or home. Typically, the service is headed by a Accommodation Manager. His subordination includes: registration desk, porter, administrators, service bureaus, doormen, cloakroom attendants, storekeepers, left-luggage offices, reservation service. The room fund maintenance service provides Maintenance and repair of living quarters and ancillary premises, preparing them for occupancy, cleaning and decommissioning rooms for cosmetic or planned repairs... The manager of this service leads a group for the repair and maintenance of rooms, maids, cleaners, concierges, etc. The reservation system includes a complex of computers connected to a network and connected by modem connection with various cities of the world. The main task of the complex is: - booking rooms by order in this hotel; - booking rooms at the request of customers in other hotels; - booking tickets for different kinds transport; - other tasks. In some cases, such a system also solves local problems in the hotel itself: - automated settlement with clients; - planning the number of rooms; - payment wages staff; - accounting material values, accounting and reporting, etc. Large hotel complexes included in international chains have unified system reservations of the type "Sabre", "Galileo", "Amadeus", etc. These reservation systems (reservation) perform two main functions: - reservation of rooms in hotels; - booking tickets for airplanes, trains, ships, etc. Service for additional and related services in some cases it has its own excursion bureau, its own vehicle fleet (or rented transport), a special bureau for the provision of business, congress and business tours, which includes a staff of secretaries-assistants, guides-translators, as well as equipped conference rooms, offices, office equipment etc. This service also includes: - hairdressing salons, beauty salons; - laundries; - ateliers, sewing and shoemakers; - consumer services workshops; - childcare services; - services medical services; - dry cleaning; - rental service; - other services. The leisure service provides tourists with sports and recreation and entertainment services, including cinema, concerts, television (including cable and satellite), video, the work of special clubs and other services. Work of all engineering systems and communications (elevator facilities, energy supply, heat, water and gas supply, building operation, etc.) are provided by the technical service headed by the technical director or chief engineer. The technical operation of the hotel complex is carried out in accordance with the "Rules for the technical operation of hotels and their equipment". Some tourist complexes have a centralized information service. The operation of the hotel (tourist and hotel complex) is headed by the directorate, which includes a commercial service.

15. Functional job duties hotel workers.

Hotel director

The hotel director performs the following duties:

2.1. Organizes and ensures the efficient operation of the hotel.

2.2. Provides clients with information about the services offered.

2.3. Carries out control over the quality of customer service in accordance with the class of the hotel, the correct use, accounting and distribution of rooms and places, as well as compliance with the passport regime.

2.4. Directs the work of the hotel personnel and services to ensure the safety and maintenance of premises and property in good condition in accordance with the rules and regulations of operation, uninterrupted operation of equipment, external improvement, compliance with sanitary and technical and fire safety rules.

2.5. Provides cost-effective hotel management, timely and high-quality provision of a range of services to residents.

2.6. Organizes work on preventive inspection of residential rooms, utility rooms and other premises of the hotel, for major and current repairs.

2.7. Taking measures to strengthen and expand the material and technical base of the hotel, increase the level of its comfort.

2.8. Provides maintenance and timely submission of reports on the economic and financial activities of the hotel.

2.9. Takes measures to provide the hotel with qualified personnel, defines the job responsibilities of hotel employees by developing and approving job descriptions.

2.10. Provides the right mix of economic and administrative management methods.

2.11. Carries out measures to introduce progressive forms of service organization.

Hotel administrator

The hotel administrator performs the following duties:

2.1. Provides work on effective and cultural services for visitors, creating comfortable conditions for them.

2.2. Carries out control over the timely preparation of rooms for the reception of those arriving at the hotel, the observance of cleanliness in the hotel, the regular change of linen in the rooms, the safety of property and equipment.

2.3. Informs the hotel residents about the additional paid services provided, accepts orders for their implementation and monitors their implementation.

2.4. Provides verbal information regarding hotel services, the location of city attractions, entertainment, sports facilities, etc.

2.5. Accepts and prepares the necessary documents.

2.6. Carries out control over the execution of the instructions of the hotel management by the employees.

2.7. Monitors the observance of labor and production discipline by the employees of the organization, the rules and regulations of labor protection, safety measures, the requirements of industrial sanitation and hygiene.

2.8. Takes measures to resolve conflicts arising in the service of residents.

2.9. Considers claims related to unsatisfactory customer service and takes appropriate organizational and technical measures.

2.10. Informs the hotel management about the existing shortcomings in customer service, takes measures to eliminate them.

Floor attendant

Duty officer (for issuing certificates, hall, hotel floor):

2.1. Carries out the reception of clients, their registration for the services provided.

2.2. Draws up the necessary documentation when working with clients, makes statements and stores in the appropriate order the documents related to the work.

2.3. Prepares and issues certificates to the client in person or by phone.

2.4. Ensures the serviceability and safety of inventory, equipment and other property.

2.5. Carries out control over the timeliness and quality of work on cleaning the premises by the service personnel.

2.6. Monitors customers' compliance with fire and sanitary rules.

2.7. Keeps a register of duty.

2.8. Receives and transmits the necessary messages to clients in person or by phone.


Job responsibilities

2.1. Cleans and keeps clean hotel rooms, bathrooms and other fixed premises.

2.2. Carries out the change of bed linen and towels within the terms provided for by the rules of use and the internal order of the hotel, makes beds.

2.3. Accepts a room from residents upon their departure.

2.4. Upon detection of damage to property and equipment, residents report to the senior maid or floor attendant.

2.5. Accepts orders from residents for domestic services and ensures their timely implementation.

2.6. Complies with safety regulations, ethical standards of communication with residents; about all the shortcomings in the behavior of the latter, reports to his immediate superior.

2.1. Keeps track of the movement of the hotel room stock.

2.2. Draws up a permit for the settlement of citizens upon presentation of a passport or other identity document.

2.3. Accepts and prepares the necessary documents.

2.4. Carries out control over the timely preparation of numbers for the reception of citizens.

2.5. Maintains documentation according to established forms.

2.6. Monitors compliance with the rules for using hotels.

2.7. Monitors the timeliness of payment for accommodation and services provided, avoiding arrears.

2.8. Provides control over the passport regime when registering citizens.

2.9. Takes measures to resolve conflicts arising in the service of residents, and their mutual respect.

2.10. Keeps a journal and a shift book.

2.11. Submits the necessary reports and documents to the accounting department.

2.12. Provides storage, delivery and receipt of keys from hotel rooms.

2.13. Informs the hotel residents about the additional paid services provided and accepts orders for their implementation.

2.14. Accepts and hands over the received correspondence to the residents.

2.1. Monitors the entry and exit of visitors at catering, trade, communal services and etc.

2.2. Informs visitors about the placement of departments, sections, sales areas, availability of free places.

2.3. Calls a taxi at the request of visitors.

2.4. Tidies up the lobby, wipes glass, walls in the vestibule and entrance, cleans metal objects on the doors.

2.5. Cleans the area around the front doors.

2.6. Checks the serviceability of the doors, informs the administration about the detected malfunctions.

16. Species hotel services... Mandatory hotel services.

Hotel services

Accommodation services are a product of hotels or any other residential business. V state standard GOST R 51185-98 "Tourist services. Accommodation facilities. General requirements"the definition of hotel services is given. Accommodation services are the activities of the contractor for the accommodation of tourists and the provision of hotel, special (medical and recreational, sanatorium, sports, tourism, etc.) services.

Main feature hotel product is that the customer does not have ownership of the goods he is using. Allocate specific traits services that define the specifics of accommodation services.

Service is a process that takes place in time. The specificity of hotels is that production problems must be resolved quickly. V modern conditions customers demand fast service.

Services provided in hotels are divided into basic and additional. They can be free or paid.

The main services include accommodation and meals. Registration of those living in the hotel and those departing from it should be carried out around the clock. In public catering, communications and consumer services (accommodated in a hotel), persons living in a hotel are served out of turn.

The following types of services can be provided to guests at no additional charge:

Calling an ambulance;
- use of a medical kit;
- delivery of correspondence to the room upon receipt;
- wake-up at a specific time;
- provision of boiling water, needles, threads, one set of dishes and cutlery.

17. The main types of additional services.

In addition to mandatory and free services, hotels provide a whole range of various additional services that are paid additionally. The list and quality of the provision of paid additional services must meet the requirements of the category assigned to the hotel. Medium and large tourist complexes (tourist hotels, full-service hotels, etc.) with an average and high level of comfort are characterized by a huge list of additional services:

Catering services (bar, restaurant, cafe, buffet, beer bar);
- shops (souvenir, grocery), vending machines;
- entertainment infrastructure (disco, casino, nightclub, slot machine room, billiard room);
- excursion service, guide-translator services;
- Organization of ticket sales to theaters, circus, concerts, etc .;
- childcare, provision of services of tutors and nannies who speak the child's native language;
- caring for animals that travel with their owners;
- transport services(booking tickets for all types of transport, ordering vehicles at the request of guests, calling a taxi, car rental);
- purchase and delivery of flowers;
- sale of souvenirs, postcards and other printed matter;
- consumer services (repair and cleaning of shoes; repair and ironing of clothes; dry cleaning and laundry services; storage of things and valuables; unloading, loading and delivery of luggage to the room; rental of cultural and household items - televisions, dishes, Sports Equipment and so on; watch repair, household appliances, radio equipment; services of a hairdressing salon, manicure and massage rooms and other household services);
- services of beauty salons and hairdressing salons;
- sauna, bathhouse, swimming pools, gym;
- rent of meeting rooms, conference rooms;
- business center services;
- currency exchange;
- other services.

The system of measures providing a high level of comfort, satisfying a variety of household and household needs of guests, is called service in the hotel industry. The service needs to be built not only on the demand principle (what the guest wants), but also on the supply principle (the hotel offers new services that it can provide, and the guest chooses). But services cannot be imposed. The consumer has the right to refuse to pay for services not provided for by the contract. It is also prohibited to condition the performance of some services on the mandatory provision of other services.

The list of services depends on the category of the hotel. Not all hotels have the opportunity to organize consumer services for guests and provide them with complete list services. However, everyone should strive to ensure that the range of services fully meets the needs of guests.

Businesses that provide services should be located in an accessible place (most often on the ground floor). In the lobby, on the floors, in the rooms, there should be information on how and where to get services, opening hours should be convenient for guests.

When providing services, not only their quantity is important, but also the quality. Therefore, in many hotels, residents upon departure are asked to fill out short questionnaires, which are submitted to the reception and accommodation service, and then they are studied by the advertising and marketing service.

18. Food service. Basic requirements, forms and methods of service.

Form of meals in the hotel- food and drinks included in the cost of living and offered to the client during their stay at the hotel.

Basic forms of nutrition

The type of food in the hotel is indicated immediately after the room type. As a rule, it is indicated by two or three Latin letters:

· RO(Room only) - no meals.

· EP(European Plan) , BO(Bed Only), AO(Accommodation Only), NO- no meals.

· BB(Bed & breakfast) - breakfast. Typically, this refers to the breakfast buffet. Buffet service option. Includes both cold and hot meals. The variety of food is very different from country to country.

· HB(Half board) - half board. Usually breakfast and dinner, but breakfast and lunch are also possible.

· FB(Full board) - full board (breakfast, lunch and dinner).

· Ai(All inclusive) - all inclusive - breakfast, lunch and dinner (buffet). During the day, drinks (alcoholic and non-alcoholic) are offered in unlimited quantities plus additional food(lunch, afternoon tea, late dinner, snacks, barbecues in hotel bars, etc.)

Similar information.

The organizational structure of the hotel is determined by its purpose, location, specifics of guests, capacity. The structure is a reflection of the powers and responsibilities of each employee.

The General Director of the hotel is subject to:

1.Director of the hotel;

3. Chief engineer.

The director of the hotel and the administrative department are subject to:

1.Rooms service:

The service deals with issues related to booking and accommodation by numbers of tourists, as well as sending them home. Provides service for tourists in the rooms, maintains the necessary sanitary and hygienic condition of the rooms and the level of comfort of living quarters, is engaged in the provision of personal services.

The composition of the service: head of the economic department, seamstress, cleaner, laundress, doorman.

2. Reception service.

The first impression of the guest depends on the reception and accommodation service; the senior administrator in the process of communicating with the guests should discuss the following issues: - prices for the room;

Terms of placement;

Payment order.

The task of the head of this service is to control the entire process of receiving and placing a guest.

The composition of the service: senior administrator, floor attendant, maid.

3. Financial service.

Solves issues financial security guests, receives reports from cashiers for each point of sale, including food service, souvenir kiosks and a health and fitness center, and a complementary service.

The financial service maintains a unified financial accounting of the enterprise (income from retail outlets, accounting for expenses and income, conducting operations for recording paid working hours, etc.).

Composition of the service: senior accountant, service manager. Additional services: hairdresser, nail technician, shops, kiosks.

4. Security service.

Performs the function of maintaining order and security in the hotel. At the same time, a third-party organization performs these duties in the hotel.

5. Food service.

The catering service includes a restaurant, a bar, banquet service units, as well as a catering unit (kitchen). Provides guests with catering services.

The food service manager prepares the menu. Provides the delivery of the necessary products to the sites by service personnel. Each department in the service has its own head. Guest service is carried out according to the menu, bar service consists mainly of providing customers with alcoholic beverages. The kitchen is the production center. Orders for the production of specific products come from the restaurant waiters (based on a menu drawn up and offered to customers from the banquet hall). The chef prepares the dish, and the manager controls the quality and price of a particular product.

The composition of the service: chef, cook, waiters.

Administrative service.

Responsible for organizing the management of all services of the hotel complex, solves financial issues, issues staffing, is engaged in the creation and maintenance necessary conditions labor for hotel staff, monitors compliance with established standards, rules for labor protection, safety, fire and environmental safety

The chief engineer reports to:

Engineering and technical service.

Creates conditions for the functioning of air conditioning systems, heat supply, sanitary equipment, electrical devices, repair and construction services, television and communication systems.

The composition of the service: elevator operator, plumber, electrician, telemechanic, liaison repairman of refrigeration equipment, driver, locksmith, painter, janitor.

Diagram of the organizational structure of the RamShtorm hotel management.

The organizational structure is the composition, relationship and subordination of independent management units and individual positions.

The essence of the organizational structure in the delegation of rights and responsibilities for the division of labor. The organizational structure of the hotel is a reflection of the powers and responsibilities that are assigned to each of its employees.

The purpose of the organizational structure is:

  • - division of labor;
  • - Definition of tasks and responsibilities of employees;
  • - Defining roles and relationships

The main task of the organizational structure of the hotel is to establish the relationship of authority that links the top management with the lower levels of employees. These relationships are established through delegation, which means the transfer of authority and tasks to a person who assumes responsibility for their implementation.

For effective work, management must distribute among employees all those tasks that are necessary to achieve the goal of the enterprise.

But if the existing tasks are not delegated, then the manager will have to perform them himself.

Organizational structure development.

The basic requirements for the organizational structure are as follows:

  • - The ability to reflect the content of the enterprise, to ensure the functional feasibility of management links;
  • - Flexibility, ability to react and adapt to changing conditions;
  • - Minimization of the number of links and the number of personnel;
  • - High level of professionalism of employees;
  • - Minimization of costs for the management apparatus and for activities in general.

Organizational design stages

The organizational structure design process will proceed from top to bottom:

  • - Division of the organization into functional blocks that correspond to important areas of the organization's activities;
  • - Establishing the balance of powers of various positions. At the same stage, a chain of commands is established and, if necessary, functional blocks are divided into smaller subdivisions;
  • - Job responsibilities are defined as the sum of certain tasks and functions, and their implementation is entrusted to specific persons.

When developing the organizational structure, the top management of the company follows five directions:

  • - Specialization of works;
  • - Departmentalization;
  • - Determination of powers;
  • - The size of the control functions;
  • - Methods of coordination.

When developing the organizational structure, specialists start from the target functions and functional elements of the organization.

In a hotel company to target functions can be attributed:

  • - Reception and accommodation of guests;
  • - Food production;
  • - Sale of rooms;
  • - Marketing;
  • - Organization of business meetings and conferences.

And, the functional ones include:

  • - Security;
  • - Engineering support;
  • - Accounting;
  • - Administrative activities.

In a hotel business, managers work in the accommodation service, food and beverage industry, they are called line managers.

When developing an organizational structure, the number of levels in the management hierarchy also plays an important role, when command levels are lined up in a vertical row, and a diagram of relationships between managers and subordinates is built.

According to this scheme, each member of the staff must know his place in the organizational structure, and for effective management a clear definition of responsibilities is needed.

An important problem in the formation of a hotel management structure is the creation of not only the structure as a whole, but also its management bodies:

  • - Guides;
  • - Functional structure;
  • - Auxiliary structure.

Senior management also decides which customer settlement system to use in the enterprise. But some of these issues can be transferred to lower management levels for consideration if the CEO is entrusted with too many powers and responsibilities.

In the hotel business, there is a clear division into departments. The main ones are:

  • - Room Fund Management Service;
  • - Food production service;
  • - Marketing and Sales Department;
  • - Human Resources Department;
  • - Accounting department.

Managers of all departments report to the general manager. Each department is also broken down into smaller organizational units.

The Department of Room Fund Management carries out room reservations (informs potential guests about this), a hospitable reception of guests (a clean hotel lobby, courteous treatment of customers and answers to all their questions, cleaned rooms), etc. This department, in turn, is divided into several parts, each of which solves certain problems.

Upon arrival, the guest encounters the accommodation service of the room fund management department, where he registers and receives a number.

The maid service in most cases is the most functionally significant unit when it comes to receiving hotel accommodation services, since this unit is responsible for cleaning rooms, halls, corridors, etc. internal premises in which the reception and customer service is carried out

The person in charge of the maid service is responsible for the work of the staff to maintain cleanliness and order in the living and working areas of the hotel. The senior maid receives the task and distributes it among the subordinates, while simultaneously performing the administrative functions assigned to her by the executive director.

Another subdivision of the room fund management service is the engineering service, which is responsible for the operation of mechanical, electrical, heating, ventilation systems, water supply and sewerage systems and carries out preventive and Maintenance not only the number of rooms and the equipment installed in it, but also the entire hotel enterprise.

The main function of the Food and Beverage Department is to offer guests food and beverages. The service provided by this service is comprehensive.

The divisions of this department, which include restaurants, cafes, bars, a banquet and conference division, and a kitchen, provide catering services to guests.

The head of the catering service draws up the menu, ensures the supply of the necessary initial products, distributes the service personnel to the areas, controls the quality finished products and maintenance, while maintaining a reasonable economy.

Each department in the service has its own manager, including a room service manager.

The restaurant, as a catering unit, serves guests according to the menu, which is the basis of any restaurant concept, regardless of what type this enterprise power supply applies. An important role is played by the professionalism of the headwaiters and waiters who are in direct contact with customers.

A buffet or bar service is mainly about providing customers with alcoholic beverages. The bars can also prepare drinks for use in the restaurant. Such a bar is called a service bar.

The kitchen is the production center. Orders for the production of specific products come from the restaurant from the waiters (based on the menu compiled and offered to customers), as well as from the banquet hall, which works by prior order. The chefs prepare the necessary meals, and main responsibility leadership in this sector is only price and quality control final product... In this case, the main person in charge of the production of food in the hotel, as a rule, is the chef. This is a person who has received a special education qualifying him as a professional chef.

The marketing and sales department is relatively small, but sufficient to carry out interdepartmental coordination of actions.

Representatives of the marketing department are engaged in establishing contacts with organizers of congress events (symposia, meetings, presentations, festivals, etc.), negotiating the prospective use of the hotel's room stock, discussing the use of premises (conference halls, business centers) for meetings, meetings, find out the needs of certain groups of clients, maintaining contacts with the relevant service units.

The HR department does not directly work with clients, does not conduct preliminary correspondence and negotiations with future clients, but plays an important role in ensuring effective performance hotel. The responsibilities of this unit include the management of the personal files of all hotel employees. Typically, a department has three divisions: recruitment, wages and other remuneration, training and retraining.

These three divisions of the department are closely interconnected with each other, and the department itself - with other departments of the enterprise. The employees of the department select specialists, conduct an interview, but the final decision on hiring is for the line department, i.e. for the head of the department, where this employee... The department also has an advisory voice in matters of administrative penalties.

The accounting department is closely related to both the line services and the staff of the entire hotel. His responsibilities include the implementation of various money transfers, preparation of various financial reports from the cashiers of each outlet of the enterprise, including food service, porter service, souvenir kiosks and sports complexes, if any, and timely informing management about financial results activities of the hotel, as well as the payment of salaries to employees, the receipt and payment of other miscellaneous invoices, control and accounting of costs.

The security service carries out the functions of maintaining order and security in the hotel complex, since the hotel is responsible for ensuring the reasonable safety of its customers. At the same time, the enterprise can entrust the implementation of these duties, both to its own service, and to involve a third-party organization.

In a word, the first impression that a guest gets from the hotel complex depends on the reception and accommodation service. Administrators, in the process of communicating with the guest, should discuss such issues as the price for the room, the terms of placement, the procedure for payment. Other issues are discussed that allow us to judge the guest's ability to pay. It is normal for most hotels to ask the guest to show his credit card, which is, as it were, a guarantee of his solvency. During the registration process, the presence or absence of preliminary booking, the nature of the accommodation required by the guest is determined. If confirmation of accommodation is received, the guest fills out a registration card, in which he indicates the address of his permanent residence, the address of the organization paying for the accommodation (if payment is made by a third party), and the type of payment (cash, credit card or check). After filling out the card, the guest signs it, thereby concluding an agreement confirming the type of accommodation, length of stay and room rate. At the end of registration, a bellhop or a bellboy escorts the guest to the room provided to him, helping to bring the luggage. If a guest has questions or any problems, then the first thing he does is contact the reception and accommodation service. And when the time of departure comes, the employees of this service carry out the payment for the accommodation. If something went wrong, it's time to fix it.

The task of the head of this service is to control the entire process of receiving and accommodating guests, professionally resolving conflicts that may affect the prestige of the hotel. The hotel management is always faced with the problem of taking the risk of double booking or being left with an underutilized room fund. Therefore, the role of the reservation service cannot be underestimated.

The reservation department must constantly monitor the situation, collecting requests for reservations and recording any increase in demand that the hotel could use, increasing the cost of accommodation and giving the company more income Rooms not booked in advance are transferred for direct sale to the accommodation service, which should place guests to these rooms at a higher price.

The porter service exercises control over the hotel's room stock, keeping a card index on room occupancy and availability, and acts as an information center. Information through the porter service moves in two directions to guests (when it comes to informing, about the types of services provided by the hotel, about local attractions, about the work of city transport, etc.) and to various departments of the hotel enterprise (about the needs of customers).

Perfect check-in goes unnoticed by the guest, because the entire hotel - and the reception and accommodation service - functions smoothly. From the attendant who parks the car, to the doorman who greets the guest, from the messenger who handles the luggage, to the staff at the counter, the whole system works in sync. Three to four minutes after arrival, the satisfied guest is sent to the room.

Apart from pre-booking, whether or not made by the client, this is the first time a guest has a chance to see the hotel in action. The process of guest arrival can be schematically represented as follows:

Guest arrives

Garage service


Messenger service in the lobby

Receptionist for accommodation

(reception, payment, selection, booking identification, number assignment, registration)


(placing a guest in the room, checking the receipt for accommodation)

First impressions are the most important, and front desk staff often don't get a second chance to make a good first impression.

Two types of guests appear at the counter - with and without reservations. Guests with a reservation are served without any problems. The receptionist reconfirms the order for accommodation, the guest signs the registration card, the payment method is agreed, the room is selected and the exchange of courtesies takes place. In a computerized hotel, the check-in process takes a couple of minutes.

A different level of waiting is provided for guests without a reservation. If space is available - and most hotels have vacant rooms - the check-in process will not be much longer. The information that would have been received by the receptionist as a result of the booking must now be obtained directly from the client and verified. The same questions as asked by the booking clerk should be asked to the accommodation clerk. How many nights? How many numbers? How many beds are in the room? Similar to the booking clerk, the accommodation clerk offers arriving guests alternative accommodation options, room categories based on length of stay, if the guest's request cannot be met exactly.

During the busy season, all rooms are occupied. Arriving guests (regardless of the availability of a reservation) are served on a first-come-first-served basis. In fact, the reception and service department is never sure whether a guest will check out on time or not. Therefore, the arriving guest can wait several hours, only to find out, in the end, that there are no empty seats.

To prevent this from happening, hotels have developed a reminder for guests, which may contain approximately the following information:

Waiting for check-in is extremely unpleasant for the guest, as it can drag on for hours. In some cases, it may be rational to provide guests with temporary numbers, which will subsequently be changed to permanent ones. Except in this case, duplication should be avoided due to its high cost.

Manual hotel management still uses registration cards as part of the accommodation process. The arriving guest is presented with a blank registration card, pen, and asked to fill in the required fields.

Today automated system hotel management has reduced the need for manual collection of information. Hotels with a similar system fill out registration cards using the information collected at the time of booking. Now the guest, instead of filling out the registration card, simply checks the information for accuracy and puts his signature on the card.

The standard information required at check-in is usually the same for all types of hotels.

An accurate and complete address is required for credit and billing purposes and for market research. The full address includes data such as postal code, residential address, as many countries have cities with the same name. Commercial hotels are often asked to provide a name and legal address organizations.

The guest's expected check-out date is critical to check-in. By double checking a guest's departure plans, the Reception and Accommodation Service ensures that the room will be accurate in the future to welcome new guests.

Another issue solved during the registration process is the determination of the discounts provided to the company that organized the guest's arrival. Organization Definition is a function of the reception and service department that collects this information for the marketing and sales department. This general information is necessary for the commercial department, because many companies have many links with hotels, not only single ones, but also belonging to the hotel chains. By tracking the flow of guests, the sales department can offer discounts and special rates to companies that frequently use the services of a hotel or chain.

All hotels assign a unique code to the guest's account. In a computerized hotel, this account code is assigned upon check-in. The cipher is assigned earlier in case of payment in advance. The cipher is transferred to the automated filing cabinet only when the room number and the name of the guest are known. In a non-automated hotel, an order code is assigned at the time of booking.

Registration is usually quick. The guest indicates on the registration card his address, name, signs it, and the receptionist indicates the dates of arrival and departure, room, price and his personal code. However, even though managers are keen to expedite this process, there is a lot of additional information on the registration cards. During registration, many events occur simultaneously: the availability of a reservation is checked; the guest is welcome; the needs of the guest are determined or reassessed; there is a small conversation; the receptionist invites the guest Additional services; the identity of the guest is verified, the correct entry of the name and address is specified; the expected departure date is agreed; the registration card is filled in; the credit card is being checked.

Whenever possible, and more often than not possible, the receptionist should try to sell the guest a more expensive room. This is very important for the income of the room stock.

The best way to sell a more expensive number is to show it. In extended stay hotels, guests may wish to see the room before signing the contract. This can be accomplished with a built-in screen in the rack. Already, some hotels use the services of global computer networks in order to potential buyers could get acquainted with the services provided to them through Personal Computer... Using a photo album is another common way to showcase different room types to a guest.

Finally, a bellhop is called and the guest is accommodated in the room.

Job descriptions for an employee:

Service personnel should:

  • - be dressed in uniform;
  • - wear tasteful personalized badges;
  • - to be friendly, courteous, helpful guests;
  • - be knowledgeable about the hotel and its surroundings;
  • - understand the guest perfectly;
  • - to greet the guest (for example, when meeting in the hallway).

Upon arrival of the guest:

  • - to greet the guest;
  • - address the guest by name (must find out the name in the reception service or on the label on the guest's luggage);
  • - explain the location of restaurants, recreation facilities, etc .;
  • - hang the guest's clothes in the closet;
  • - place luggage: suitcases should be placed in the luggage rack, and not on the bed or on the floor;
  • - explain the effects of lighting, television and air conditioning;
  • - indicate emergency exits;
  • - offer to open or close the curtains;
  • - explain any unusual features in the room;
  • - check the supplies in the bathroom;
  • - to offer additional services.

On control:

  • - arrive quickly (waiting should not exceed 10 minutes);
  • - check the presence of forgotten things in the room and in the bathroom;
  • - offer to call a taxi.

Garage service, floor attendants, hotel security and messenger service play a key role in creating the hotel's image.

The importance of this department must be borne in mind. Well-established interaction between its parts will help create the first favorable opinion about the hotel, which will subsequently be supported by other hotel services.

Problem number 7

Tariff 1500 rub.

Reservation service 25%.

Calculate the amount to be paid.


Let's calculate the amount of payment for accommodation in the hotel using the table:

The rate per room per day is 1500 rubles. The preparation of the issue was started on March 1, 2003 at 8 o'clock. The client's arrival took place on March 1, 2003 at 15-00 (it was planned on March 1, 2003 at 13-00). The client checked out of the room on March 5, 2003 at 16-00.

The amount of the reservation was 1,500 rubles. * 25% = 375 rubles.

The amount for the late client was 1500/24 ​​hours = 62.5 rubles. for one hour late, and since the delay was 6 hours, the amount for being late was 62.5 rubles. * 6 hours = 125 rubles.

The client's stay in the room was 1500 rubles. * 5 days = 7500 rub.

Now we can determine the total amount of the client's payment.

Total: the amount for the reservation, delay, accommodation amounted to 375 rubles. + 125 rub. + 7500 rub. = 8000 rubles.

Answer: the amount for accommodation was 8000 rubles.

Problem number 11

The hotel has 200 rooms for 250 people, 100 people are occupied.

Find the load factor.


Let's find the load factor as follows:

200 hotel rooms correspond to 250 beds. This ratio of 200 rooms / 250 seats is equal to a factor of 0.8, which defines a 100% load factor.

In our case, 100 seats are occupied.

Therefore, we make up the proportion

  • 250 seats - 0.8
  • 100 places - H.

Let us now find X, where X is the load factor

X = 100 seats * 0.8 / 250 seats = 80 seats / 250 seats = 0.32.

Answer: the load factor is 0.32.

Management of a hotel enterprise consists in the fact that it, on the one hand, proceeds from the need to satisfy the interests of the participants in the creation of the enterprise (owners, creditors) and entities interested in its development (managers, shareholders, employees, bodies state power, buyers, etc.), and, on the other hand, ensures the coordinated interaction of all management subsystems in the course of the daily operation of the enterprise in order to achieve the goals set for it.

All hotels have a management hierarchy, within which all of its members occupy a certain place in accordance with their status.

The organizational structure of the hotel "Arctic-Service" is shown in Fig.2.1. The organizational structure of the hotel can be defined as linear. This structure is formed as a result of building a control apparatus only from mutually subordinate bodies in the form of a hierarchical ladder.

With this structure, the management influences form linear connections. These influences on other levels of production and management include: administrative functions (organization) and procedures (decision making).

The leader in such a structure is called linear and covers both administrative and other functions. Administrative functions and procedures can be delegated by the main manager to the lower levels of the hierarchy. Members of each of the lower levels of management are in direct line subordination to the head of the next, higher level.

The advantages of this structure: ease of construction, obtaining consistent tasks, full definite responsibility for the results. In this regard, its use is advisable in enterprises with a small number of personnel and insignificant volumes and range of production.

Figure 2.1

The structure of the management system of the hotel "Arctic-Service" is shown in Fig.2.2.

Rice. 2.1

At the bottom of the hierarchy are people who are directly involved in work. These include production personnel hotels, so-called individual participants.

Above them (middle level) rises a multi-layered pyramid of managers, in which three levels are distinguished:

  • 1. Managers who manage the activities of only individual employees - they do not control the activities of other managers.
  • 2. Managers managing the work of other managers. They find methods for solving the most important problems, participate in drawing up plans.
  • 3. Top managers responsible for setting global goals, shaping the strategy and developing the internal values ​​of the hotel enterprise. They are responsible to the management of the hotel.

There are five basic operations in the work of a manager, no matter what activities in the hospitality industry he is involved in.

The manager, firstly, sets goals, defines specific tasks in each group of goals, makes them effective by communicating them to other employees of the enterprise, whose work is necessary to achieve these goals.

Secondly, the manager performs an organizational function, analyzing activities and making decisions necessary to achieve goals. He groups the problems into an organizational structure and selects the personnel to carry them out.

Thirdly, the manager maintains constant communication in the team, not forgetting about the methods of motivation.

The fourth function performed by the manager is the analysis, assessment and interpretation of the results of the work of each employee of the enterprise.

Fifth, it promotes the growth of people, including himself.

Thanks to the interaction of the above components, the manager is able to make the activities of any enterprise in the hotel industry and the hospitality industry as a whole efficient and profitable.

So, the responsibility for making general management decisions lies with the top management. Departments are functional units, each of which uses its own specific technology, but all together they have one common goal- customer satisfaction.

Subdivisions can be targeted:

  • - for the production of products (laundry or kitchen);
  • - for the provision of services (maid service or restaurant);
  • - on the information service(reservation service, porter service, etc.).

Middle managers (heads of structural divisions) have the authority to make operational decisions within their divisions.

1. Typical structure hotel management

An approximate management scheme for a large hotel has the form shown in Fig. one.

Rice. 1. Large hotel management scheme

Naturally, each hotel has its own characteristics of the organizational structure. For example, the booking department can be part of the sales department, the purchasing department can be subordinate to the financial director, the banquet service can be included in the catering service. Sometimes the chef reports directly to CEO, and the food service manager only commands the waiters, etc.

Depending on the category of the hotel, corresponding divisions appear in the structure of its management, for example, a business center, a fitness center, a doctor (sometimes even a mini-clinic). The resort hotel has the position of "Leisure Director". The peculiarity of the management scheme adopted in English hotels is that the reception service (Front office) is subordinate to the director of the economic service, and in the reception service, individual divisions are headed by senior employees, for example, a senior telephone operator, a senior porter, a senior cashier, a senior information service, a senior booking services, etc.

Small hotels naturally have much more simple structure management. However, the list of the main divisions is preserved with their inherent functions.

In fig. 2 shows the management structure of a small hotel (130 rooms), which is part of the famous Holliday Inn hotel chain.

The simplest management scheme in standard motels is, for example, the following: in a motel with 100 rooms, four clerks of the reception and finance service are directly subordinate to the director, the chief of the housekeeping service, to whom eight maids are subordinate, nine pages (bellman), they also perform the work of the valets of the customers' cars , and one repairman (electrical and plumbing).

In large upscale hotels, on the other hand, the number of management steps increases: the general director, for example, has three deputies for the room fund, catering and administrative services. The front office and housekeeping service (maids and cleaners of public premises, laundry, dry cleaning, etc.) are subordinate to the director of the room fund. Director for public catering subordinate the kitchen, restaurants, bars, banquet service, room service (Room service). The Administrative Director reports to the Controller, Hotel Marketing and Sales Manager, Chief Engineer, security service, personnel department.

The owner can be the state, municipality, private owner, joint-stock company... Shareholders elect a board of directors (the number of board members elected from a shareholder is proportional to the percentage of shares held by him). The board of directors controls the work of the general director, approves the financial plan (budget), hears the report of the general director on its implementation. The board of directors usually meets once a quarter.

V special literature hotel subdivisions are combined into certain groups in accordance with the selected criterion. For example, hotel divisions are divided into main ones that generate income (Revenue centers): rooms, restaurants, bars), and auxiliary (Support centers): technical department, recruiting, accounting. The classification method is widespread hotel services on the front of the house and back of the house, which is based on the degree of contact of the employees of a particular department of the hotel with customers. The reception service, the restaurant is referred to as the front of the house, and the kitchen, accounting is referred to as the back of the house. Employees of the latter group do not have direct contact with clients. With the employees of these two groups, training is carried out according to different programs, their office space clearly separated. Even the uniform is different.

2. Functions of senior managers

The CEO is the first person of the hotel and has every imaginable authority, in the hotel he plays the role of the captain of the ship. The CEO sets the style of the hotel. The CEO has two main tasks:

firstly, he must manage the hotel in such a way as to fully satisfy all the wishes of the guest and thereby attract him to re-visit the hotel;

secondly, he must fulfill his obligations to the owner of the hotel, ensuring its profitability.

In large hotels, the CEO relies on a board of directors, which usually includes the heads of all major departments in the hotel. Various directors use different leadership styles: authoritarian or democratic. At the same time, the advantage of this or that style was not revealed. In small hotels, the authoritarian style is more often prevalent. As already mentioned, this may be due to the fact that initially the hotel business developed as family business, led by the head of the family, who, in accordance with the Domostroy traditions, did not allow any "democracy" of the household members working under his leadership. ,

The General Director carries out daily operational management of the hotel staff, controls the work of subordinates and solves all problems that arise. At the same time, he must ensure and strategic objectives management. It is the general director who submits the hotel's financial plan (budget) to the board of directors and is responsible for its implementation. In addition to annual plans, the CEO is responsible for developing a long-term (usually five-year) plan that defines the long-term goals of the enterprise and develops strategies to achieve those goals. These strategies must be backed up with appropriate financial, organizational and material resources.

In addition to five-year plans, two-year plans are often developed. The choice of a two-year interval for the plan is explained by the fact that the average construction time for a modern hotel is 18-24 months.

Each plan usually contains the following sections. In the introduction, the main task of the enterprise is formulated, the range of services provided to the client is clearly defined, the market segment in which the hotel operates. The first section defines the long-term goals of the enterprise, which are supposed to be achieved with the help of the plan. The second section describes a specific strategy for achieving the stated goals. The third section details what is needed to implement the strategy ( financial resources, changes in the organizational structure, material and human resources, etc.).

The important tasks of the CEO are also the development of a system of incentives and penalties for personnel and control over its observance.

The General Director must ensure normal working and rest conditions for personnel (timely provision of uniforms, catering for personnel, equipment for changing rooms, rest rooms, etc.).

In European and American hotels, it is customary that an employee must work in almost all major departments of the hotel before taking a high position of general manager.

The second person in the hotel management hierarchy is the controller, which unites in one person the functions of the chief accountant and CFO.

In large hotels, controller functions are separate from day-to-day management. And if the hotel is part of a decent hotel chain, then the hotel controller reports not to the general manager of that hotel, but directly to the chain's headquarters. The functions of the controller include development financial plan, accounting, audit, all financial calculations hotel, etc. The controller must have higher education in the specialty of accounting or in a related specialty.

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