Problems arising in the organization of hotel services. Quality of service in hotels

Main Market Problems hotel services and ways to solve them

Kareva Nadezhda Vladimirovna

Samara State Technical University

Zaberzhinsky Borislav Eduardovich, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor


Based on the practice of both domestic and foreign experience, we can state the fact that the hotel industry is a fast-growing, highly profitable sector of the state economy, part of the tourism business, which has significant potential further development. It is this reason that determines the fact that the outstripping development of the service sector, which is taking place in the current conditions, more than ever requires consideration of the problem of the hotel services market and ways to solve them.

Based on the practice of both domestic and foreign experience, we can state the fact that the hotel industry is a fast-growin, highly profitable sector of the economy of the state, part of the tourism business, which has significant potential for further development. It is this reason leads to the fact that what is happening in the current circumstances the priority development of services like never requires consideration of the problem of the hotel services and solutions.


hotel business; problems of the hotel industry; solution paths.

Keywords: hotel business; challenges the hotel industry; solutions

UDC 33

The hotel industry is one of the most attractive sectors of the economy for investment due to low initial capital investments, constantly growing public demand for hotel services, high profitability and average payback period of projects.

The hotel business stimulates the development of related sectors of the national economy, primarily construction and trade, and contributes to the creation of new jobs. It has been established that in order to serve 10 people living in a hotel, it is necessary to create an additional five jobs, three of which are directly related to the provision of hotel services, two indirectly.

The hotel industry is characterized by fierce competition in the market, which is due to the rapid development of hotel services. In this regard, consideration of the main problems of the hotel services market and ways to solve them is relevant for present stage economic development.

The purpose of writing the article is to characterize the main problems in the provision of hotel services and ways to solve them. According to the goal, the following tasks are considered in the work:

Characteristics of the main problems in the provision of hotel services;

Search for ways to solve the identified problems.

When writing this article, the works of such scientists as: Bondarenko G.A., Kabushkin N.I., Lyapina I.Yu., Shmatko L.P. were used. and electronic resources.

Among the most acute problems of the hotel industry as a branch of the national economy, the following can be distinguished.

Lack of qualified personnel. The hotel business is a new branch of the economy modern Russia, therefore, there are no reserves of qualified workers, for the training and education of which it is necessary to create a network of specialized educational institutions and significant time investment. The industry is developing so rapidly and dynamically, expanding the range of services provided, improving the system of labor organization, that there is a constant shortage of personnel. Attracting unskilled workers to work in the industry, according to many experts, leads to business losses due to unprofessionalism, such as material damage, loss of customer confidence, etc.

Experts analyzed vacancies and resumes in the hotel business and concluded that 57% of job candidates are looking for vacancies in three or four companies at once. 43% believe that they will be able to receive wages 40-50% more than before. However, the actual salary increased instead of 50% by 27%.

Lack of middle class hotels. The activities of domestic and international chains are concentrated mainly in the field of 4 *, 5 * hotels, the owners of which are joint ventures with the participation of private investors and local authorities. Such hotels are characterized by a high level of service at a high cost of services rendered, available for payment, and hence for use, only by rich people (representatives of big business famous artists, politicians). As for the hotels with a good level of service, available to the middle class, there is a shortage of them in the industry in all major cities of the country, including the capital. According to marketing research, 3* hotels are the most in demand today, most of which do not correspond to their level of service quality and staff training.

Most of the owners hotel business Russia make up foreign companies. Their share is 66% of the entire hotel market. 4 international companies are ahead of all: The Carlson Rezidor Hotel Group, Accor Hotels, Marriott International, InterContinental Hotels Group. These, as well as other hotel chains, plan to have about 220 operating hotels by 2018, when the World Cup will take place in Russia.

The imperfection of the legislation in the field of the hotel business is expressed in a complex and lengthy procedure for obtaining a license, a certificate for the implementation of hotel activities, registration acts and other legal documents by an entrepreneur. This, in turn, hinders the desire of investors to invest in the construction of hotels, expanding their network and the range of services provided. This problem is especially acute in densely populated, multi-million cities, in which building land has a very high cost.

In addition, the system of classification of hotels is legislatively imperfect. The system approved in the order of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of the Russian Federation dated June 21, 2003 No. 197 “On approval of the Regulations on state system classification of hotels and other accommodation facilities”, is voluntary, therefore, many hotels, having received their category from the outdated system, do not correspond to any of the categories in terms of the quality of hotel services. These account for more than 50% of total hotels in the country.

The new classification of hotels was adopted on 29.12. 2014 by Order of the Russian Ministry of Culture dated July 11, 2014 "On approval of the classification procedure for temporary accommodation facilities, including hotels, ski slopes, beaches." The new classification of hotels in Russia provides for 6 categories, from 1 to 5 stars, as well as the category "without stars", which will be used for further certification. The category "without stars" means the minimum requirements for the volume and quality of hotel services.

The lack of stable financing of the industry is caused, first of all, by the unstable economic situation in the state. The crises of 2008, 2014, associated with the general economic and political situation in the world and the region, lead to fluctuations in foreign exchange rates, a decrease in demand for hotel services, curtailment of the activities of individual companies, and financial bankruptcy of entrepreneurs. The unstable situation does not allow the development and implementation of programs sustainable development industry for years to come.

On the other hand, the predicted increase in competition in a couple of years will force hotel owners to reduce prices and improve the quality of services. Experts estimate the monetary volumes of the hotel market of the Russian Federation at 1.7-2 billion US dollars, and the growth rate of the industry is about 20-25% per year.

Low efficiency of reconstruction of existing hotels. As most experts note, the reconstruction and replacement of the outdated hotel stock are accompanied by failures, since for the period of such work, the city authorities, as a rule, do not have an alternative fund capable of filling the missing number of hotel rooms. Therefore, either the reconstruction of the hotel takes place in stages without stopping its work, which worsens the quality of services, or the demolition of obsolete buildings is postponed, which leads to even greater depreciation of the room stock. A decrease in the number of hotel rooms due to the reconstruction or demolition of individual hotels inevitably leads to an increase in the cost of services in other functioning hotels.

The interaction of the hotel and tourist species business. These industries interact most closely with each other and in relation to each other have accumulated a lot of claims, mainly regarding contractual discipline. For example, hotels often suffer losses due to the fact that tour operators who pre-book places for tourist groups do not always buy such hotel places. Cancellations occur too late for rooms to be re-listed. This situation is typical for the hotel industry as a whole, it is one of the risk factors, and to prevent it, special provisions on prepayment, collateral, and additional guarantees are introduced into contracts, which makes it possible to reduce financial losses in the event of a failed transaction. In turn, tour operators do not always receive timely confirmation of their request for booking rooms, as hotels often take a wait-and-see attitude, especially on the eve of public holidays, events, when the demand for hotel rooms is high.

One of the solutions is the regulation of the hotel business by the state on the basis of a developed unified concept for the development of the hotel services market in Russia, which would provide for possible problem situations and ways to solve them.

Simplification of legislative procedures for registration and design of hotels should attract capital from foreign investors to the industry and further expand the network of hotel rooms, expand the range of services provided.

The development of the hotel industry should gradually shift from the megacities of Moscow and St. Petersburg to regional large cities (regional and regional centers, cities with a population of one million), primarily to industrial, commercial, cultural, and tourist centers.

In addition to Moscow and St. Petersburg in the hotel industry in Russia, the first places are occupied by such cities as Rostov-on-Don, Sochi, Yekaterinburg, Volgograd, Kazan, Nizhny Novgorod, Samara, Kaliningrad, Krasnodar, Novosibirsk and Yaroslavl. In other cities there is a shortage of hotels. Most of the objects have long been outdated, morally and physically. Their wear is more than 60%. This is solved by administrative means, through investments, or by a combination of both ways. In particular, in the south of Russia and in Siberia there is not enough hotel service, and now, as expected, there is its active development.

On the part of entrepreneurs in the hotel business, it is also necessary to actively participate in solving issues of improving the quality of services, the qualifications of working personnel, and the transparency of ongoing activities. It is important to attract young professionals to work, increase the motivation of employees.

Thus, the hotel industry is a complex, complex area. professional activity aimed at meeting the needs of customers (tourists, business people).

The main problems of the hotel industry at the present stage of development include a shortage of qualified personnel, a lack of a middle class hotel fund (3 *), imperfect legislation regarding the regulation of the hotel services market. To solve these problems, it is necessary to interact between the state and business on the principles of simplifying the procedure for registering hotel facilities, supporting investment projects, and carrying out legal, transparent activities.

Bibliographic list:

1. Kabushkin N.I., Bondarenko G.A. Hotel and restaurant management. - Minsk: New edition, 2002. - 368 p.
2. Lyapina I.Yu. Organization and technology of hotel service. - M .: "Academy", 2005. - 208 p.
3. Shmatko L.P. Tourism and hotel industry - M .: March, 2005. - 346 p.
4. The hotel market in Russia is dominated by foreign companies [ Electronic resource]. - URL:
5. The occupancy of economy class hotels in the capital has increased by 17.5% over the past four years [Electronic resource]. – URL:
6. The new rules for the classification of hotel facilities include six categories [Electronic resource]. – URL:


3.11.2015, 17:18 Kolomiets Anna Ivanovna
Review: Statistics should be added to the article, as well as specific examples of regions with a lack of hotel services.

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In the context of increasing competition in the hotel services market, increasing demands of guests for their accommodation, the role of the quality of services provided is significantly increasing. The experience of the leaders of the global hotel business allows us to conclude that one of the main conditions for improving the quality of service and maximum satisfaction of the needs of guests is a timely study to identify shortcomings that prevent hotel employees from providing quality services and minimizing them.

Timely identification of the problems of the hotel company and its employees, and their competent resolution in the shortest possible time is one of the priority tasks for the heads of departments and senior management of hotel enterprises.

There is a large amount of literature and scientific works dedicated to service in hotels. Basically, these works deal with general order provision of services, in compliance with their quality, standards, rules of command of staff, etc. (Vakulenko R.Ya., Timokhina T.D., Kabushkin N.I., Sorokina A.V. and others). However, in special literature there is little information regarding the problems that employees and the hotel as a whole face in the process of serving guests. On this basis, this issue can be considered little studied, and there are prerequisites for its thorough study.

The purpose of the article is to identify the main problem that hinders the efficient operation of hotel enterprises in Moscow and the Moscow region, and to indicate modern methods its effective resolution.

As in any field of activity, there are problems in the hotel business, most of which negatively affect the process of serving guests and demotivate staff.

One of the main problems affecting the work of any hotel is the incorrect organization of the system of complex training of specialists. High-quality service requires highly skilled workers, and the training of these personnel requires significant material costs. We need a special type of worker - a highly qualified generalist with extraordinary psychological, personal properties, because we are talking about constant contact with consumers of services. An analysis of the activities of domestic hotel enterprises shows that the level of personnel training, and, consequently, the quality of the services provided, is inferior to world standards generally accepted in the West. This pattern can be explained by the small financial investments of hotel managers in trainings and advanced training courses. Especially for those who have heard a lot about the tourist village Kirish Turkey and are going to go there, we bring to your attention an interesting article-review on the website On the this resource the sights of the village of Kirish are presented, as well as practical advice for rest and stay.

At the same time, there are hotels whose management invests a lot of money in trainings that do not produce any positive effect. As you know, training is the formulation of behavior models that employees should follow in customer service, and make sure that these models are applied in practice. However, in some cases, guests get the feeling that they are communicating with robots, and there is no question of any sincerity in communication. In the worst case, the hidden indignation, rejection, cynicism of the employee is added to the “robotization” of servicing residents.

Sometimes, instead of imposing methods of serving guests, the boss can (and should) give employees the opportunity to express

their own thoughts on the matter. The best ideas should be put into practice, with the help of the unit manager. As a result, positive feedback from satisfied guests will be perceived by employees personally, because in this “contentment” they did not take a purely mechanical part, but contributed much more to it. Also, with this approach, the effect of the involvement of the entire team in making key decisions arises, which has a very positive effect on the overall motivation of employees. However, the participation of staff in the construction of internal training models should not affect the overall structure of the training program. Each employee can supplement the training with the necessary, in his opinion, item, but not interfere with the overall training structure developed by professionals in the field of psychology and management.

An important problem of Moscow and Moscow region hotels is outdated service technologies. Any upscale hotel requires the development and implementation of a special type of technology and equipment for high-quality and efficient service delivery. It is a well-known fact that consumers in the hospitality industry are interested in the fastest possible service, however, this is not always possible with the arrival of large tourist groups. Services that require minimal personnel intervention (currency exchange, payment for drinks, cigarettes, etc.) can be performed and paid for using modern electronic machines, devices, which will allow consumers to perform these operations as quickly as possible, and most importantly, at a convenient time for them . Therefore, the introduction and development electronic systems, equipment has a positive effect on the performance of the enterprise.

The limited range of services provided by the hotel is also considered a problem. Many hotels are not always able to provide guests with all the services, according to the standards, as well as initially stated in the information booklet or official website. And that's not to mention any additional services. This is due to a greater extent to a limited material base or breakdown (lack of one or another resource to provide a full-fledged service (for example, disposable slippers for a shower have run out; a solarium has broken)), as well as the unwillingness of the owner of the enterprise to include the service in the general list due to possible failure demand or high costs for its provision.

Quality is an integral part of the service. The consumer receives pleasure only from a quality service that fully satisfies his needs and corresponds to his ideas. However, the received service (product) does not always correspond in its parameters to what was stated in one or another source that attracted the client.

This happens especially often in medium-sized hotel enterprises. price category where management is fighting not for the quality of the service, but for the maximum profit received in any way. The price of such a low-quality service can sometimes exceed the price of a service for a top-class enterprise. Thus, low-quality service is another big drawback in the work of a hotel enterprise.

Consider such a problem as poorly organized communication between hotel departments, as a result of which residents will receive discomfort during their stay, poor quality or defective service.

This problem is typical for large hotels with more than 100 rooms available, where there are many departments, each responsible for its own type of activity (maid service, reception and accommodation service, reservation service, etc.). In most situations, the slightest misunderstanding of one service by another can lead to a poor quality service, or this service may not reach its consumer at all.

Quality belongs to the category of such concepts that everyone has repeatedly heard about and has their own idea. At the same time, this idea only emphasizes the too subjective interpretation of the content of the term, in which everyone puts something of their own, obtained from personal experience.

Another difficulty in defining the concept of quality arises due to the too close connection between the concepts of "quality" and "values" (values ​​in this context mean services that have a certain consumer significance). What is qualitative is also valuable, but the converse statement is not always true, and this is the first essential difference between these concepts.

Quality, moreover, is often associated with luxury, luxury services. This conclusion is highly debatable, since it is possible to get quality services at a reasonable price and not get them for a lot of money (the quality of a service is not only its content, but also the form of presentation).

Thus, quality is primarily the feeling of customer satisfaction from the service, and a quality service is a service that meets the needs of the guest. The level of quality, in turn, depends on the degree of coincidence of the client's ideas about the actual and desired service in a hotel or restaurant.

For example, the GOST R 50691-94 service quality assurance model defines service quality as a set of service characteristics that determine its ability to satisfy stated or implied consumer needs. Let's consider other points of view.

First, quality is understood as properties and characteristics goods that cause consumer satisfaction, and as the absence of deficiencies, enhancing the customer's sense of satisfaction. This type of quality increases costs. Consumers must be willing to pay the increased costs of Additional features and the properties of the product, or these features should make consumers more loyal and disposed to purchase it. Hotel rooms on concierge floors have more features and features than standard rooms and require a higher price.

The second type of quality can be considered as technical and functional quality. Technical quality-- this is what the client is left with after interacting with the employee. For example, a hotel room, a dish in a restaurant, a rented car.

Functional quality is the process of delivering a product or service. During this process, consumers go through many stages in their interaction with the firm's employees. For example, functional quality can enhance the experience of a room that didn't quite meet the client's expectations. However, if the functional quality is poor, then nothing else will correct the customer's sense of dissatisfaction.

The fourth type of quality is public quality (ethical). This is the quality of persuasion that cannot be assessed by the consumer before purchase, and often cannot be assessed after the purchase of a product or service.

For example, ignorance of the rules fire safety employees of the hotel in the short term will not affect customer satisfaction. At the same time, in the long term, this may affect the safety of guests in the event of a fire. The image of the company also has an impact on the perception of quality by customers. So, a client of a company with a good image may not pay attention to minor flaws, considering them not typical, since the service provided in this case perceives higher. At the same time, firms with a bad image have a lower perception of service.

Many companies define quality as compliance with standards and regulations. This approach works well at the operational level of service delivery, especially where it can be problematic to identify guest needs, but it is dangerous at the top management level. At this level, it is important for managers to understand that compliance with standards is only one of the conditions for achieving High Quality. Quality as a goal changes as guest needs change. The company must not only highlight the services best suited to the needs of customers, but also develop such an offer, which, if necessary, can be modified or completely changed.

Management must be future-oriented. D.M. Juran, together with V.E. Deming, recognized leaders quality movement, distinguish two aspects of this phenomenon:

1) features that meet the needs of the client; 2) the absence of shortcomings.

K. Gronrus in his research argues that quality is the feeling of the guest. He notes that senior managers must understand quality in the same way that customers understand it. K. Gronrus defines two aspects of quality:

  • 1. the technical aspect characterizes the products of production - everything that the guest receives and consumes is extremely important for him. An underdone steak or an untidy room with faulty equipment form a certain opinion of the client about the quality of the service provided in general. However, this is only one of the aspects that characterizes what the guest receives and what can be realistically assessed (measured);
  • 2. functional aspect characterizes the aspect and reflects the way the guest receives the service. A well-cooked steak can be served by a surly waiter, and the perception of quality is greatly reduced. The functional aspect of quality is more than just the interaction of staff with guests, it also includes the structure of the customer service process. The most caring and attentive attitude of the staff will not be able to compensate for a poorly organized service system. This aspect of quality is even more difficult to measure, as it is based on the subjective opinion of the guest about the nature of the service and his feelings from the service as a whole.

Based on the foregoing, we can define the content of the concept of "quality" in the hotel industry as follows:

  • 1. Quality - it right certain needs clients. This takes into account the concept that it is necessary to provide products / services that meet the needs of guests. If the client has a need to check out without leaving the room, it is necessary for him to provide this. If competitors do not yet provide such a service, then the company has the opportunity to achieve an advantage by becoming the first in the market. It is in this context that quality creates competitive advantage.
  • 2. Quality - it right rendered services. Two concepts are combined here: services must not only meet the needs of the client (technical aspect), but the entire service system must be designed in such a way as to ensure both the convenience of guests and good interpersonal relationships personnel. In this sense, quality is the basis of competence.
  • 3. Quality - it constancy. This refers to the need to provide a product / service at the same level millions of times. Inconsistency is the scourge of the hotel industry. Society does not like unpleasant surprises and expects certain things associated with the image of a particular brand. When trademark does not live up to expectations, a negative perception is formed. Therefore, we can say that quality is good performance.

It is the responsibility of the manager, manager of "quality", to integrate these three aspects of quality into single system provision of services.

The history of the development of various hotel corporations and chains, as a rule, indicates that profit is the result of quality. The hotel company is faced with the task of providing and maintaining the quality of service at the proper level, timely elimination of shortcomings in the provision of services, and developing a strategy for improving service.

Research shows that the main reason why a customer honors a service facility with his visit again or not is the good or bad service provided to him. The first time a guest can be lured by good advertising, a rich interior or a varied menu, but the second time he comes thanks to professional work personnel and the high quality of service received earlier. Why is quality so important? If we consider service enterprises in terms of the dynamics of their development, then quality will have the greatest impact on their viability. Successful implementation quality product to the consumer is the main source of existence of the enterprise. Quality refers to the conformity of the services provided to the expected or established standards. Thus, the standards, their real form and content are the criteria for the quality of service.

One of the main documents that defines the relationship between the administration, hotel employees and the client is the "Rules for the provision of hotel services in the Russian Federation." They are developed in accordance with the law of the Russian Federation "On the protection of consumer rights", approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 25.04.97. No. 490. In the section "Procedure for the provision of services" it is noted: "The quality of the services provided must comply with the terms of the contract, and in the absence or incompleteness of the terms of the contract, the requirements usually imposed on these services. If regulatory legal acts provided mandatory requirements services, the quality of the services provided must meet these requirements. The material and technical support of the hotel, the list and quality of the services provided must comply with the requirements of the category assigned to it.

Thus, the following factors affect the quality of service in a hotel enterprise:

  • 1. The state of the material and technical base, namely: convenient layout and high-quality decoration of the hotel premises, equipping its public premises and residential rooms with comfortable furniture and equipment, complete sets of high-quality linen, modern high-performance kitchen equipment, convenient elevator facilities, etc.
  • 2. Progressive service technology. It implies the order and methods of cleaning public spaces and residential rooms; registration and settlement with clients; recipes for preparing dishes and drinks in restaurants and bars; forms of service in trading floors and etc.
  • 3. High professionalism and competence of the attendants, their ability and readiness to clearly, quickly and culturally serve the guest.
  • 4. Most an important factor in modern hotel enterprises is the management service quality, which provides for the development and implementation of quality standards, staff training, control, adjustment, improvement of service in all areas of the hotel.

Providing quality service is the primary task of GRK "GIS". The problem of quality of service is very relevant in many hotel enterprises in our country. Unfortunately, the level of hotel service at our enterprises is still far from world standards. Given the fact that customer requirements for the provision of high quality service are constantly growing and changing, the most important strategy is therefore to provide a quality service that meets all customer needs and meets established standards.

The performance of any hotel is closely related to the quality of hotel services. With regard to the quality of services, there are:

  • Ø competence (the firm has the required skills and knowledge to provide a service);
  • Ш reliability (stability of the company);
  • Ш responsiveness (the system does not fail at unusual requests);
  • Ш accessibility (ease of contact with company employees);
  • Ø understanding (understanding the specific needs of customers);
  • Ш communication (timely and intelligibly informing clients);
  • Ш trust (company reputation);
  • Ш safety (protection against risk (physical and moral);
  • Ш courtesy (politeness, attentiveness, friendliness);
  • Ø tangibility (material attractiveness of the premises and uniforms of staff).

Providing high quality hotel services is integral part constant attention of the hotel administration, regardless of the form of ownership. Achieving quality in the service sector is an important task, the solution of which ensures entrepreneurial success. Activities in the hospitality industry a high degree contact and coordination between employees and guests. The most common actions in this sense are aimed at improving and controlling the quality of services of hotel enterprises (hot water temperature, number of towels, cooking conditions, etc.).

However, the quality of hotel services lies not only in solving the technical side of the matter. The efforts of the enterprises of the hotel industry have traditionally been aimed at attracting customers, at the maximum fulfillment of the wishes of the guests, and gaining trust. This can only guarantee their complete satisfaction. Therefore, the development strategy of the hotel company should also keep in mind and, moreover, put a special emphasis on improving the relationship and communication between customers and the hotel company.

Many directors of hotel enterprises have formed the opinion that high quality means high cost. This point of view is incorrect, because continuous quality improvement is not a cost, but a long-term investment based on securing customer loyalty by meeting their needs. This statement is based on research showing that it costs five times more to acquire a new customer than it costs to retain an old one by offering quality service.

This study is based on the following factors:

  • 1. the ability to retain customers allows you to reduce marketing costs and, accordingly, increase profitability;
  • 2. Satisfied customer realizes free advertising by spreading word of mouth favorable to the hotel.

Understanding the value of the customer, quality, value and cost can increase profits by giving the hospitality an opportunity to raise the price and sell more.

The quality of hotel services to a large extent depends on the qualifications and interest of human capital, on its creative abilities, the ability to master new technologies, as well as on the use of new technologies. organizational processes and forms of the material base used for customer service. The quality of services in the hotel business is a measure of how the level of service provided meets the expectations of the client.

Management of service processes and quality of services in hospitality industry enterprises

Introduction 3

Quality in the hospitality industry 4

Definitions and concepts in the field of quality 4

hospitality - essential element quality service 5

Factors affecting the quality of hotel services 8

Material and technical base 9

Human resources 10

Relationship between service quality and hospitality performance 13

Quality management 15

Service quality management issues 15

Service quality management objectives 16

Conclusion 20

List of used literature: 22


In the conditions of market relations and especially in the period of transition to the market, tourism is one of the dynamic sectors of the economy. The high rates of its development, large volumes of foreign exchange earnings actively influence various sectors of the economy, which contributes to the formation of its own tourism industry. Incomes from international tourism amount to about a trillion dollars. Tourism accounts for 8% of world exports, more than 31% of the international service market and more than 100 million jobs worldwide. After the oil industry, it became the second branch of the economy. Tourism belongs to the service sector and is one of the largest and most dynamic sectors of the economy.

In Russia travel business is developing at a rapid pace. And now it is especially important to apply modern management methods. At present, there is a mass of literature of foreign authors on this topic; in Western countries, a huge long-term experience in managing hotel enterprises has been accumulated. But due to the fact that the hospitality industry in Russia operates in specific conditions, today there are not very many monographs by domestic authors in which one could find proposals for creating exactly Russian system corresponding to our Russian realities. The study of foreign experience of the hospitality industry enterprises, of course, plays a big role in improving the quality of guest service. It is very difficult to demand high quality customer service from service personnel if they have a vague idea of ​​what the requirements for the level of modern service are made by visitors.

The purpose of writing this course work is to consider and study the problems of quality of services in the management of a hotel enterprise. The study of this problem was carried out on the example of the activities of the boarding house "Victoria", located on the Black Sea coast of the city of Anapa.

The relevance of this study is determined by the need in the current conditions of transition to market relations to search for the best management decisions, improvement of management in the field of hospitality.

Consideration of the factors affecting the quality of hotel services is aimed at improving the level of service and the efficiency of the production of hotel services. The development of market relations causes the emergence of new tasks, which makes it necessary to improve management. It is important that hotel managers understand the need to constantly improve service quality management, pay attention to its expansion, renovation of premises, introduction of the latest technologies, etc.

In accordance with the goal in this work, the following tasks are solved:

    definition of the concept of quality in the hospitality industry;

    detailed consideration of the factors affecting the quality of hotel services;

    consideration of methods and functions of management in the hospitality industry;

    choosing a marketing strategy that provides the highest quality of service

The subject of the study is the problem of managing service processes and the quality of services in the hospitality industry.

The object of the study is the boarding house "Victoria" in Anapa.

Quality in the hospitality industry

Definitions and concepts in the field of quality

Quality belongs to the category of such concepts, about which everyone has repeatedly heard and has an idea. At the same time, this representation only emphasizes the too subjective interpretation of the content of the term, in which everyone puts something of their own, obtained from personal experience.

According to A. Feigenbaum, “quality is not evangelism, not a rationalization proposal or a slogan, it is a way of life” 1 . In the philosophical definition of Hegel, the term “quality” means: “Quality is, first of all, a certainty identical with being, since something ceases to be what it is when it loses quality. 2 The term "quality" in most countries comes from the Latin term qualitas. Below we consider other approaches to the interpretation of quality.

For example, the service quality assurance model (GOST R 50691-94) defines service quality as a set of service characteristics that determine its ability to satisfy stated or implied consumer needs. Let's consider other points of view.

First, quality is understood as the properties and characteristics of a product that cause consumer satisfaction, and as the absence of flaws, which enhances the customer's sense of satisfaction. This type of quality increases costs. Consumers must be willing to pay increased costs for additional features and properties of the product, or these features must make consumers more loyal and disposed to purchase it. Hotel rooms on concierge floors have more features and features than standard rooms and require a higher price.

The second type of quality can be considered as technical and functional quality. Technical quality is what the client is left with after interacting with the employee. For example, a hotel room, a dish in a restaurant, a rented car.

Functional quality is the process of delivering a product or service. During this process, consumers go through many stages in their interaction with the firm's employees. For example, functional quality can enhance the experience of a room that didn't quite meet the client's expectations. However, if the functional quality is poor, then nothing else will correct the customer's sense of dissatisfaction.

The third type of quality is public quality (ethical). This is the quality of persuasion that cannot be assessed by the consumer before purchase, and often cannot be assessed after the purchase of a product or service. For example, ignorance of fire safety rules by hotel employees in the short term will not affect customer satisfaction in any way. At the same time, in the long term, this may affect the safety of guests in the event of a fire. The image of the company also has an impact on the perception of quality by customers. So, a client of a company with a good image may not pay attention to minor flaws, considering them not typical, since the service provided in this case perceives higher. At the same time, firms with a bad image have a lower perception of service.

Many companies define quality as compliance with standards and regulations. This approach works well at the operational level of service delivery, especially where it can be problematic to identify guest needs, but it is dangerous at the top management level. At this level, it is important for managers to understand that meeting standards is only one of the conditions for achieving high quality. Quality as a goal changes as guest needs change. The company must not only highlight the services best suited to the needs of customers, but also develop such an offer, which, if necessary, can be modified or completely changed. Management must be future-oriented.

D.M. Juran, together with V.E. Deming, recognized leaders of the “quality” movement, distinguish two aspects of this phenomenon:

1) features that meet the needs of the client;

2) the absence of shortcomings.

K. Gronrus in his research argues that quality is the feeling of the guest. 3 He notes that senior managers must understand quality in the same way that customers understand it. K. Gronrus defines two aspects of quality:

1. The technical aspect characterizes the products of production - everything that the guest receives and consumes is extremely important for him.

2. The functional aspect characterizes the aspect and reflects the way in which the guest receives the service. This includes the structure of the customer service process. The most caring and attentive attitude of the staff will not be able to compensate for a poorly organized service system. This aspect of quality is even more difficult to measure, as it is based on the guest's subjective opinion of the nature of the service.

Based on the foregoing, we can define the content of the concept of "quality" in the hotel industry as follows:

1. Quality is the right definition of customer needs. This takes into account the concept that it is necessary to provide products / services that meet the needs of guests. If competitors do not yet provide such a service, then the company has the opportunity to achieve an advantage by becoming the first in the market. It is in this context that quality creates competitive advantage.

2. Quality is the right services rendered. Two concepts are combined here: services must not only meet the needs of the client (technical aspect), but the entire service system must be designed in such a way as to ensure both the convenience of guests and good interpersonal relations among staff. In this sense, quality is the basis of competence.

3. Quality is consistency. This refers to the need to always provide a product / service at the same level. Volatility is the bane of the hotel industry. Society does not like unpleasant surprises and expects certain things associated with the image of a particular brand. When a brand fails to live up to expectations, a negative perception is formed. Therefore, we can say that quality is good performance. It is the responsibility of the manager, the manager of "quality", to integrate these three aspects of quality into a single system of service delivery.

Hospitality is the most important element of quality service

Hospitality occupies a special place in the management of service quality in hotel enterprises. This term refers to the production of services with the manifestation of personal attention in relation to the guest, the ability of staff to feel his needs. Hospitality as a kind personal relationship of staff to customers is often forgotten and becomes a lost art. Explanations for this are sought either in the behavior of employees, or in ignoring the needs of customers, or in the greater interest of hotel managers in increasing profits. The outward evidence of such a delusion leads to a reduction in the hotel's customer contacts with the staff. The strategy seemed simple: if a guest complains about the lack of courtesy of the staff, cut back on the guest's contact with the wait staff, and so began the era of self-service, sparked by the trend to replace employees with machines. Thanks to new technologies, it became possible to feed thousands of people, make hotel reservations in a matter of minutes, and so on. Passion for technological innovations leads to the belief that all contacts between customers and staff can be minimized and thus solve the problem of courtesy and hospitality. However, customers are not accepting this trend, and there is a lot of evidence that the hotel industry is reconsidering its position on this issue. It is increasingly beginning to demonstrate a new understanding of machines as assistants to man, and not as his substitute or competitor. Hospitality not only has not died, but, on the contrary, is becoming a new symbol. The man again took his rightful place in the hospitality industry.

During the control over the quality of service in the boarding house "Victoria", the heads of departments pay attention to personal contacts with the staff, discuss the problems of quality of service, train the staff in new technologies for providing hotel services. The boarding house "Victoria" strives to create "home comfort", guests here are really part of a large family and consider the staff as their old friends.

In the sleeping and medical building there are "Books of complaints and suggestions". Especially a lot of warm words about hospitality can be read in the book, which is located in the medical building. The approach to individual customer service attracts attention, which, of course, is the key to the successful operation of the enterprise. Particular attention is paid to respect for guests, a high level of culture and professionalism in work. Everything is done so that a person does not feel like a stranger and unexpected.

Hospitality is difficult to measure or include in curricula. This is the quality of service, not the level of training or experience that is being learned. This is not to say, however, that training is not important here. Proper training gives the employee the skills necessary to create the conditions under which hospitality can emerge. For example, an employee in a hotel, thanks to additional knowledge, can indicate the main attractions of his area, tell how to get to them and give other information useful to guests. The awareness of employees in all matters relating to the enterprise itself, the infrastructure of the boarding house, its immediate environment, even without obvious manifestations of hospitality, creates a feeling of home for the guest. Employee training should include a study of the characteristics of guests using the services of this enterprise. The clerk will certainly show them more concern if he knows that the guests have been on the road for many hours and are tired on the road and therefore will not be able to endure the long processing. It is obvious that in these conditions it is better to place the guests in the rooms immediately, and to deal with the formalities after the guests have a rest.

The relationship between learning and hospitality is perhaps best demonstrated in the interaction between an employee and a foreign guest. Hospitality and respect cannot be shown without knowing the language, cultural and everyday features and traditions of the guest's country. A sincere desire to be helpful and hospitable is not enough. Understanding from the first word or even a hint of the guest when it is necessary to provide him with any additional services, the employee must have enough professionalism and the rights presented to him to independently change the traditional course of service and be able to respond to the newly emerging situation in such a way that it will be regarded by the guest like hospitality.

Hospitality needs collective cooperation. If a hospitable worker finds himself in an enterprise where the staff is poorly selected, the employees are unfriendly, the equipment is poorly maintained, these circumstances are likely to force him to leave this place. The duty and ability to anticipate, recognize and satisfy the legitimate needs of guests is so fundamental to the hospitality industry that it cannot be considered as the sole duty of any employee. In this respect, hospitality is comparable to security, which should be carried out throughout the enterprise 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and must be carried out by each employee of the enterprise without exception.

It should be noted that although this is often overlooked, mechanical, electrical and similar equipment that provides convenience without the participation of a person can also affect the creation of a hospitality atmosphere in a hotel. Poorly functioning equipment, whether it's a leaky faucet or a creaky bed, a crack in the window glass- everything is a visible and obvious manifestation of an indifferent attitude towards the guest. Such conditions destroy the moral principles that may still be preserved in the staff and continue to encourage him to show hospitality. A worker who knows that the next morning will bring him nothing but more complaints from guests is not able to work with dedication.

From the point of view of hospitality, various reference and information printed products offered to the guest in the hotel are of great importance. The guest is very friendly to the brochures, prospectuses, leaflets available in the room. In the health resort "Victoria" in each room there is a radio, through which from time to time the vacationer can receive comprehensive information about the services offered to him. The atmosphere of hospitality is broken if the guest is forced to ask questions to the employee, whose face says that he is tired of answering such questions every day. The administration of the boarding house is a key factor in creating an atmosphere of hospitality. Any action of the management, from the decision to dismiss an employee, to the introduction and maintenance of certain quality standards, indirectly through the staff, has some effect on the level of hospitality towards guests. Unqualified management of the enterprise can make it difficult to achieve the tasks set, but the management cannot completely abandon the responsibility to treat guests and employees in a civilized and cordial manner.

But not only management should be responsible for hospitality. It shares this responsibility with its employees. Each employee has an impact on the atmosphere in which the work of all personnel takes place, and can create the conditions under which a climate of hospitality arises or disappears. It is important to clearly define obligations towards guests, as well as their strict implementation.

Factors affecting the quality of hotel services

The history of the development of various hotel corporations and chains, as a rule, indicates that profit is the result of quality. The hotel company is faced with the task of providing and maintaining the quality of service at the proper level, timely elimination of shortcomings in the provision of services, and developing a strategy for improving service.

Research shows that the main reason why a customer honors a service facility with his visit again or not is the good or bad service provided to him. The first time a guest can be lured by good advertising, a rich interior or a varied menu, but the second time he comes thanks to the professional work of the staff and the high quality of service received earlier. Why is quality so important? If we consider service enterprises in terms of the dynamics of their development, then quality will have the greatest impact on their viability. The successful sale of a quality product to the consumer is the main source of the enterprise's existence. Quality refers to the conformity of the services provided to the expected or established standards. Thus, the standards, their real form and content are the criteria for the quality of service.

One of the main documents that defines the relationship between the administration, hotel employees and the client is the "Rules for the provision of hotel services in the Russian Federation." They are developed in accordance with the law of the Russian Federation "On the protection of consumer rights", approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 25.04.97. No. 490. In the section "Procedure for the provision of services" it is noted: "The quality of the services provided must comply with the terms of the contract, and in the absence or incompleteness of the terms of the contract, the requirements usually imposed on these services. If regulatory legal acts provide for mandatory requirements for services, the quality of the services provided must comply with these requirements. The material and technical support of the hotel, the list and quality of the services provided must comply with the requirements of the category assigned to it.

Thus, the following factors affect the quality of service in a hotel enterprise:

    The state of the material and technical base, namely: convenient layout and high-quality decoration of the hotel premises, equipping its public premises and residential rooms with comfortable furniture and equipment, complete sets of high-quality linen, modern high-performance kitchen equipment, convenient elevator facilities, etc.

    Progressive service technology. It implies the order and methods of cleaning public spaces and residential rooms; registration and settlement with clients; recipes for preparing dishes and drinks in restaurants and bars; forms of service in trading floors, etc.

    High professionalism and competence of the attendants, their ability and readiness to clearly, quickly and culturally serve the guest.

    The most important factor in modern hotel enterprises is service quality management, which involves the development and implementation of quality standards, staff training, control, adjustment, improvement of service in all areas of the hotel.

Factors affecting the quality of service in the hotel industry require more detailed study. Let us consider the problems of the quality of services in a hotel enterprise on the example of the boarding house "Victoria" in Anapa.

Material and technical base

The state of the material and technical base, namely: convenient layout and high-quality decoration of the hotel premises, equipping its public premises and living rooms with comfortable furniture and equipment, complete sets of high-quality linen, modern high-performance kitchen equipment, convenient elevator facilities, etc. - all this is one of the factors for ensuring quality service in a hotel enterprise. In addition, there are special requirements for the architecture of buildings and structures, the special arrangement of guest rooms, sports grounds, entertainment and recreation facilities, and medical institutions.

Boarding house "Victoria" was built and put into operation in June 1988. He received the first vacationers on June 24 of the same year. The boarding house building contains technologically sophisticated equipment. The boarding house successfully combines the comfort of a hotel with unique healing possibilities. The main advantage is the close proximity to the sea. The sleeping building of the health resort literally stands on the shore.

The fixed assets of the boarding house are more than 70 million rubles, low-value inventory, equipment, about 20 million rubles. The boarding house has a main sleeping building, which can simultaneously accommodate 500 people. The dormitory building is a modern 12-storey building located 50 meters from the sea.
In the dormitory building there are 1-2 bedroom and two-room suites. The rooms have all amenities, they are equipped with refrigerators, TVs. The deluxe rooms are equipped with air conditioning and telephones. Both travel agents and vacationers who visited the boarding house express their wishes for the presence in the dormitory of a larger number of such rooms. There are ironing rooms, telephone booths for long-distance and international calls. A dining room adjoins the main bedroom building. The boarding house has a medical unit for 150 visits per day. In the medical unit there are: a physiotherapy room with electrotherapy, balneological baths, underwater shower-massage baths, a mud bath using traditional mud and blue clay. Along with the widespread use of natural healing factors, a variety of traditional methods treatment and medical services to cleanse the body of toxins and toxic metabolites, as well as non-traditional methods of treatment. The boarding house has a guarded parking lot, cafes, bars, a night disco, a yacht, scooters, boats, a children's room, a trampoline attraction, billiard rooms and gyms, a well-equipped and equipped beach, a hairdresser, a concert hall adapted for seminars, conferences and exhibitions.

The boarding house has two saunas "upper" and "lower". The "upper" sauna is a separate building with steam rooms, Finnish and Russian baths, a swimming pool with hydro massagers, a classical massage complex, a vibratory massager, etc. The sauna has a banquet hall. "Lower" is located directly on the beach with access to the sea.

The boarding house has a mini-stadium for tennis, volleyball, basketball games. Children's room designed for entertainment and leisure activities for children aged 4 to 12 years. This room has slot machines, computer games, a piano, a video salon and other paraphernalia for children's play activities. There are entertainment activities especially for children.

The boarding house is equipped with a modern car park. There are boxes in the car garage (a place for trucks and passenger vehicles, a special hydraulic lift for car repairs, an electrical workshop, a turning workshop, a diagnostic point). The fleet includes 22 vehicles, including 4 passenger buses, 2 special refrigerator trucks for food delivery, a truck crane, an excavator, cars and other equipment. The boarding house has a laundry that processes up to 500 kg of linen per day, equipped with modern equipment, and its own boiler room, which makes it possible to have hot water 24 hours a day. The catering unit is a modern workshop for cooking, as well as storage and refrigeration chambers. The dining room has 300 seats. But today this is not enough to meet all the requirements of high standards. Not everything is going well in the material and technical support of the boarding house. For example, in the rooms, upholstered furniture is very bulky and does not quite meet the requirements of modern design; there is a problem with the air conditioning of the bulk of the rooms. The rooms are not fully distinguished by coziness and comfort. There is no overall style that includes furniture, paintings, green spaces, flooring, walls, bedspreads, bedding, curtains. Everything must meet the tastes and requirements of vacationers, one cannot lag behind modern standards. Great attention in the resort hotel should be given to the conditions for recreation and entertainment, as well as physical training centers.

It would be nice to have an indoor swimming pool, usually very popular with vacationers. Such a pool could enable the team to work all year round. The management of the boarding house attracts investments for the construction of a health-improving complex. The administration of the boarding house has real projects for the modernization of the enterprise and is looking for ways to implement them.

Human resources

It is known that in any business, human labor is an important determinant of profitability, but in the service sector, human labor acquires such a value in which the very existence of a single economic mechanism becomes directly dependent on the quantity and, in particular, on the quality of labor itself. Lately The human factor in the hospitality industry is given great attention.

If you ask any hotel manager to point out the conditions by which the hotel industry can grow and prosper, he will name the staff as one of the first. This means that the manager is aware of the role the quality of service plays in the competitiveness of the hotel. Any hotel worker must believe that his own quality of service - such as the client expects from him - is the most important task in the job. The consumer is increasingly demanding better service, and those health resorts that are able, thanks to their staff, to provide better service, are in a better position than their competitors.

The boarding house "Victoria" employs 210 people and 50 seasonal workers. 80% of them are service personnel. There is a small percentage of staff turnover. Mainly due to the retirement of old workers and not very high wages.

The boarding house is trying to keep its staff. The promotion of employees within the enterprise is a good moral incentive. There is a good production atmosphere in the team, a favorable climate for work has been created, the team is quite friendly. When promoting employees up the career ladder, it is of great importance that the administration and the staff themselves have a fairly good idea of ​​​​the employee, his character, professional training, etc. The worker, on the other hand, is familiar with the organizational structure of the enterprise, its team, and a certain production atmosphere that has developed in it.
Creating a favorable climate for work for workers and employees makes possible a higher level of labor activity, which stimulates the high labor activity of everyone and is reflected in the income of the enterprise as a whole.

A favorable climate for work is as follows:

    Fair recruitment and placement process;

    Availability at each workplace fixed in writing official duties (job description), which would establish criteria for assessing the implementation of norms and standards;

    Assessment of the needs for advanced training of employees and wage increases (rank increase).

    Continuous professional development;

    Periodic reviews of the work of all personnel;

    Incentive program and conditions for encouraging employees of the enterprise at all levels;

    An official plan for the promotion of employees through the ranks, containing the criteria and conditions for promotion;

    Periodic salary increases to maintain competitive rates;

    Periodic improvement of the system of benefits for employees in order to maintain their competitiveness;

    Documented goals and objectives of the enterprise in terms of reducing headcount agreed with the team of employees;

    Consideration procedure labor disputes required by the administration.

I would like to note once again that the recruitment process is very important. This is a delicate and delicate matter, since the personal qualities of the attendants must be adequate to the characteristics of the clientele. It is important to carry out the recruitment process in its logical sequence, as a hasty appointment to a vacant position without the necessary selection can lead to serious negative consequences in the future.

The first way is to promote people already working at the enterprise, and the second - by attracting candidates from outside. It is necessary to determine the criteria for the selection of personnel, i.e. determine what standards the service personnel must meet, which employees who perform the functions of a manager. The promotion of employees through the ranks clearly demonstrates the opportunities for professional growth in the enterprise, positively influencing the morale of the team. The main advantage in hiring a new person is that new employees are more highly qualified, and if the management makes it one of the tasks in personnel policy to attract new ideas and quickly improve the quality of work, promoting their employees is unlikely to help in solving this problem. When the decision to appoint an employee to a position is made, the next step in the personnel policy is the adaptation of a new employee.

It is necessary to compile and complete a folder for the employee, which should include:

    welcome letter,

    hotel plan,

    hotel rules,

    job description,

    org Chart,

    the rules and responsibilities of the department where he works,

    rules for receiving holidays and days off,

    list of security measures.

The orientation program includes familiarization with the premises and organization of the enterprise as a whole. An element of such familiarization should be the introduction of a new employee to all members of his future team. Such familiarization with all aspects of hotel life will help the new employee to understand the basic concept - each service plays a huge role in creating high quality, and the role of each employee is priceless.

The process of orientation naturally passes into the next stage - the actual production adaptation. Familiarization can be carried out in various forms: in the form of lectures, video and computer programs, classes at the workplace, in related departments, modeling situations, etc. A training program must be prepared for the new employee. It should be close to the functional duties of the employee, and also take into account a slightly larger amount of knowledge, because. the possible prospect of further promotion of the employee in the service should be borne in mind.

It is necessary for each department to select mentors who would be responsible for training new employees. The role of mentors should be not just excellent professionals, but also people who can find an approach to others. Direct supervisor, mentor and the new employee should meet daily to discuss the learning process. Feedback help improve the curriculum. The training of a new employee continues even when he begins to perform his official duties directly. But it should affect not only newly arrived workers. The program should also apply to old staff and be designed to improve their skills. For employees who have the desire and ability to move up the career ladder, a program should be developed that includes training in related departments. It is necessary to inform your employees about everything that happens in the hotel. To do this, it is necessary to hold every evening "letuchki" at which the current problems of the boarding house are reported and solved, tasks for the next day are determined. Special tasks, important information should be written on the bulletin board. Employees must be aware of everything that happens in the hotel. Each new employee should feel like a part of the enterprise, and he should know the main strategic objectives and the financial situation of the economy. If the boarding house does not have operational commitments related to, for example, providing better service, you should consider creating them with the help of your employees. When employees who have spent a lot of time and effort on drawing up production obligations begin to fulfill them, they will feel their responsibility, since they themselves took part in determining the values ​​that formed the basis of the developed obligations. The practice of involving employees in all areas of the boarding house will make them partners in the common cause and help improve the quality of service. The manager gathers small groups of employees and expresses his thoughts to them, listening to their comments. So they will be involved in the overall process of the boarding house. Those comments and suggestions of the guests should be implemented. Employees meet daily with guests and provide feedback regarding the wishes or dissatisfaction of the guests. In order to increase efficiency in maintaining service standards, an organization must establish information exchange in areas that are currently missing or ineffective. In this case, the so-called "quality chains", employee surveys and many other methods are used.

Often the problem of quality service and errors in personnel and production management either turn out to be impersonal and not given enough attention, or they are rushed to eliminate them, since measures aimed at maintaining standards at enterprises are used ineffectively. Telling an employee how to do something and getting the employee to do it the right way is not the same thing.
The boarding house management should involve employees in all areas of the hotel, which makes them partners in the common cause and helps to improve the quality of service. It is necessary to use more effectively measures aimed at maintaining quality of service standards in order to prevent errors and all kinds of problems.

Much attention is paid to staff training. In all departments, staff training is conducted every month. Each unit has a corresponding study plan for each year. The attestation commission, headed by the head and heads of departments, conducts attestation of employees once a year. Professional development is planned once every five years. The medical staff of the hotel is certified.

As much attention as possible should be given to the development of the qualifications of employees. Customer service requirements are constantly increasing, standards are changing, and competition is gaining momentum. Under these conditions, it is very important to maintain a high level of service, and if it does not meet the established standards, then to improve it as soon as possible. It makes sense to seriously think about the retraining of personnel, about advanced training. Conduct training at least once every 2-3 years.

For example, the Institute of International Tourism and Social and Cultural Services, VGUES, which is located in the city of Vladivostok, has a well-developed program of training, retraining, and advanced training. The head center for the training and retraining of personnel in the field of tourism was opened at the Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service by decision of the Duma of the Primorsky Territory within the framework of the Program for the Development of Tourism in the Primorsky Territory until 2005. The center has been operating since November 2001. During the indicated period, 193 people were trained in the center - representatives of the tourism and hospitality industry of Vladivostok and Primorsky Krai.

The relationship between the quality of services and the efficiency of the hotel business

Providing quality service is the primary objective of the boarding house "Victoria". The problem of quality of service is very relevant in many hotel enterprises in our country. Unfortunately, the level of hotel service at our enterprises is still far from world standards. Given the fact that customer requirements for the provision of high quality service are constantly growing and changing, the most important strategy is therefore to provide a quality service that meets all customer needs and meets established standards.

Hotels and restaurants, laundries and hairdressers belong to the service sector. A service is any activity or benefit that one party can offer to another that is mostly intangible and does not result in something tangible. The services market is quite different from other markets mainly for two reasons:

1. The service does not exist before it is presented. This makes it impossible to compare and evaluate services prior to receiving them. Therefore, you can only compare the expected benefits and received.

2. Services are characterized by a high degree of uncertainty, which puts the client at a disadvantage, and makes it difficult for sellers to market services.

These features of the services market, as well as the specifics of the services themselves, namely: their intangibility, inability to store, variability in quality and the inseparability of production and consumption, determine the features of service marketing.

The performance of any hotel is closely related to the quality of hotel services. With regard to the quality of services, there are:

    competence (the firm has the required skills and knowledge to provide the service);

    reliability (stability of the company);

    responsiveness (the system does not crash with unusual requests);

    accessibility (ease of contact with employees of the company);

    understanding (understanding the specific needs of customers);

    communication (timely and intelligibly informing clients);

    trust (company reputation);

    security (protection against risk (physical and moral);

    courtesy (politeness, attentiveness, friendliness);

    tangibility (material attractiveness of premises and uniforms of staff).

The provision of high quality hotel services is an integral part of the constant attention of the hotel administration, regardless of the form of ownership. Achieving quality in the service sector is an important task, the solution of which ensures entrepreneurial success. Hospitality activities involve a high degree of contact and coordination between employees and guests. The most common actions in this sense are aimed at improving and controlling the quality of services of hotel enterprises (hot water temperature, number of towels, food preparation conditions, etc.).

However, the quality of hotel services lies not only in solving the technical side of the matter. The efforts of the enterprises of the hotel industry have traditionally been aimed at attracting customers, at the maximum fulfillment of the wishes of the guests, and gaining trust. This can only guarantee their complete satisfaction. Therefore, the development strategy of the hotel company should also keep in mind and, moreover, put a special emphasis on improving the relationship and communication between customers and the hotel company.

Many directors of hotel enterprises have formed the opinion that high quality means high cost. This point of view is incorrect, because continuous quality improvement is not a cost, but a long-term investment based on securing customer loyalty by meeting their needs. This statement is based on research showing that it costs five times more to acquire a new customer than it costs to retain an old one by offering quality service.

This study is based on the following factors:

    the ability to retain customers allows you to reduce marketing costs and, accordingly, increases profitability;

    a satisfied customer carries out free advertising by spreading verbal information favorable to the hotel.

Understanding the value of the customer, quality, value and cost can increase profits by giving the hospitality an opportunity to raise the price and sell more.

The quality of hotel services to a large extent depends on the qualifications and interest of human capital, on its creative abilities, the ability to master new technologies, as well as on the use of new organizational processes and forms of the material base used to serve customers. The quality of services in the hospitality industry is a measure of how the level of service provided meets the expectations of the client.

Quality control

Quality of Service Management Issues

Employees very often perceive the established standards in their own way and do not provide the quality of service that guests would like to have. Although the majority of hotel managers tend to assure customers that the services provided to them correspond to their wishes. The real reason for this situation lies in the methods of management. Much of what is accepted as truth in hospitality comes from trial and error, through training programs, or learning from other people's experiences. Such a system of general knowledge and quality management practices is a set of frozen concepts about management practices that are often the source of shortcomings rather than success in hospitality enterprises. The cult of inefficiency, which forms a conservative philosophy in the hotel "let it be, as it will", gives rise to the root causes for the problem of service quality management.

The most characteristic of them can be distinguished, namely:

    Lack of general agreement - there are several standards for the same operations, because the management has not established a procedure for harmonizing management decisions and services. The result is a heterogeneous product, confusion, rising prices, etc.;

    Non-identical provision of goods and services is the most common reason for the decline in the quality of service. The client is seldom satisfied when, as a result of the lack of service personnel and control, the service is provided differently;

    Inefficient connections - meaning the problem of connections between different levels hotel management. Normal is a one-way communication from the head to the lowest executive level. Feedback from employees and guests is rarely seen. Ineffective communications affect the quality of the product, creating new problems arising from the ambiguity of expectations and the heterogeneity of the final product;

    Evaluation of work by activity, and not by results - often the work of the leader and the performer are evaluated depending on how much they develop vigorous activity. And the actual results of this work do not always give a real picture. Not the process of labor, but its end result should be the measure of successful work;

    Response to symptoms, not causes - the real causes of deficiencies are not uncovered, appropriate solutions are not taken and problems are not eliminated. The reason for the manifestation of the rudeness of an employee may not be his momentary mood, but shortcomings in the selection and training of personnel, sound management practice, etc .;

    Shortcomings in the assessment and promotion of the work of employees - if the employee performs his duties honestly and conscientiously, he rarely bothers his supervisor. However, you should notice such people and do not forget to encourage them. Unfortunately, managers rarely pay attention to this;

    Lack of "feeling of the elbow" - individualism, envy and relationships that do not contribute to the creation of group interests, arise as a result of competition among managers and employees and prevent the creation of a close team;

    Managing employees, not the organization as a whole - when a leader leaves his post, very often service standards also leave with him. Successful companies have management systems and standards that do not depend on a particular leader;

    Working "the old fashioned way", and not learning new things - "patronage" shifts one of the most important duties of a leader onto the shoulders of an employee. As a result - low productivity, errors, loss of income, customer dissatisfaction, because. patronage is rarely based on well-defined standards and leads to a decrease in the quality of service;

    Evaluation and quality management - monitoring compliance with service standards is an important part of management;

    Service Quality Issues - Managers rarely seek to address service complaints. In the event of such complaints from the client, the usual measure is to find the culprit, and not to analyze the causes and consequences. Claim prevention should be based on agreement between management, employee and customer regarding the service process.

An organization is more than the sum of its constituent elements: the knowledge and experience of the leaders of a hotel enterprise should be wider than the simple sum of knowledge in individual areas of its activity.

Efficiency is not only productivity: its results in general are greatly influenced by the compliance of hotel services with the service standards established in it.

So, the reasons for the shortcomings in service quality management, most often observed in hotel enterprises, were listed above. These reasons are mainly in the field of relations between management, employees and customers in a conservative management style and culture. business relations observed in many hotel enterprises.

Service Quality Management Tasks

Great importance should be given to monitoring the quality of service. The boarding house "Victoria" quite often conducts periodic checks on the quality of the work of the staff. Once a week, the quality control of the processing of medical instruments is carried out, the activity of disinfectants is regularly checked, the quality of the medical services provided is checked, and compliance with the norms and rules for cleaning premises, including the medical and sleeping buildings, is checked. The attendants on the floors control the cleaning of the rooms before each new settlement, in the dining room of the boarding house there is a brokerage magazine, which aims to control the quality of the products provided, as well as customer service. The commission, which necessarily includes a safety engineer, headed by the head of the personnel department, checks the compliance with the level of service for visitors, the state of the material and technical base of the boarding house, and corrects deficiencies. All deficiencies are noted and, if possible, corrected immediately.

Service must be of high quality every day, every minute. Customers are not interested in the checks that are carried out periodically at the enterprise. Therefore, control must be systematic. Many hospitality businesses hire one or two independent people who report directly to the CEO for this purpose. They monitor the quality of work in all services of the hotel, record all violations in the service. Every day they provide information to the director. Their wage is quite high, since the function they perform is the most important.

The conservative management style and culture of business relations are, unfortunately, familiar to the hotel industry. At the same time, conservatism is often the strategy of a service enterprise. In practice, this leads to the fact that in hotels the service standards established long ago determine their policy for a long time. An inherently conservative business culture and its reflection in the strategy of individual enterprises is the main cause of service quality problems and financial losses for hotel enterprises. Conservative elements of the production culture are the main sources of costs associated with external and internal failures. External production failures include circumstances such as:

    customer dissatisfaction,

    negative public opinion

    problems of distrust in the quality of the product.

Internal failures generate the cost of wasted labor, potential accidents, equipment damage, and inefficient production that will not deliver "first sight" quality service to expected standards. The cost of correcting deficiencies usually includes loss of working time for inspections, familiarization with the reports of various services, etc. The cost of preventive measures is minimal. In enterprises with a radical strategy, such costs will be the highest, since the culture of production requires a constant pursuit of high-quality service.

When failure prevention is the main focus, quality is consistent and meets customer expectations. Protective measures include:

    labor costs to achieve a common understanding of the standards,

    training of employees in control methods,

    holding meetings in quality chains,

    assessment of individual and collective effectiveness.

Obviously, if quality is consistent and problems are prevented, the cost of internal and external failures will be greatly reduced.

Radical forms of production culture are in the nature of preventive measures, the main attention is paid to the prevention of failures. (With a conservative production culture, the attention of the team is focused on regulating conflicts that have already arisen with customers).

Investing in quality management ultimately results in higher revenues by preventing service failures and claims, increasing guest and employee satisfaction, and improving overall management and performance. Where owners and management have radical management thinking, the reinvestment of operating profits bears fruit primarily in changes that affect the very nature of the performance of duties by both management and maintenance personnel.

The increase in income arises due to factors such as:

    prevention of quality problems and claims;

    increasing the level of guest satisfaction;

    increasing the level of employee satisfaction;

    increasing the level of management efficiency and efficiency of the enterprise as a whole;

    reducing the number of internal and external failures.

In today's competitive environment, hospitality businesses, if they want to survive, can no longer rely on traditional inefficient forms of production culture that do not contribute to the fullest possible satisfaction of consumers' needs, as well as the profitability of the enterprise. It is important that hospitality managers recognize their responsibility for making positive changes in their own management practices. It is necessary to take a skeptical approach to the axioms and familiar concepts in terms of resource management and product quality, to revise them from the point of view of new, more effective approaches to the balance of values. Undoubtedly, income accounting will remain among the priority areas of management control, however, it is obvious that the implementation of the plans and tasks of the enterprise in modern conditions will inevitably lead to resource and quality management to increase their impact on profitability, which will affect the hospitality industry as a whole.

Choosing a marketing strategy that provides high quality service

The service strategy is the "beacon" that guides a profitable business in the wake of customer needs. It is the basis for all relationships between the enterprise and the customer. Is there any other strategy than providing "quality service"? Since quality service is made up of many components and depends on the mass of people, a strategy is indispensable in such a large economy. Enterprises must have a well-designed, coherent, appropriate service strategy that is consistent with all organizational structures.

In order to create a service strategy, the management of the enterprise should first of all understand what is the market environment in which they have to work, and what place does the enterprise occupy in this environment? A well-designed strategy should also answer the following questions:

    What consumer needs do we serve?

    Do we have enough knowledge and experience to serve better than anyone else?

    how should we serve in order to have an income that allows us to be competitive for a long time and receive a sufficient return on invested capital?

An appropriate service strategy addresses three main components of any service business:

    customer needs;

    The company's ability to meet these needs;

    Long-term profitability of the company.

Consumers have their own specific needs, which can vary markedly depending on the situation. The hotel industry can be segmented: full board for business travelers, economy class service, apartment service, resort service, congress service, etc. Each of these segments meets the desires and needs of different categories of consumers. Hospitality organizations must create their service strategies in order to meet the specific needs of the market in which they have chosen a particular segment for themselves.

One of the most important questions that management should ask themselves before starting to develop a service strategy is: "How to determine which of the types of services proposed as lines of business of the hotel will have an advantage in the eyes of the consumer?" Consider the specifics of servicing a resort-type hotel enterprise. Resort executives agree that there are three common factors that characterize well-developed resorts:

    The reputation of the resort;

    Objects of interest;

    Conditions for the restoration of sports activities.

These factors take into account marketing and management, special requirements for the architecture of buildings and structures, the special arrangement of guest rooms, sports fields, shops, medical facilities, entertainment and recreational facilities. While repeat guest visits are very important for all types of hotels, they are especially essential to the survival of the resort hotel as a whole.

Nowadays, resort hotel managers must be very familiar with special marketing tools and methods in advertising, as they have to fight for a client who has a wide choice of vacation spots.
In recent years, many resorts have begun to turn their attention to congress and business tourism. This is due to the need for load balancing during the off-season. A responsible task for hotels seeking to capture this market segment is to create a reputation for high quality service. Hotels may invest heavily in advertising to attract group bookings, yet one or two successful congresses may be sufficient for the same effect, for a satisfied delegate is the best and most economical means of advertising. Congress tourism creates great opportunities for return visits, as a significant number of people get to know the hotel, its services, facilities, etc. If they were well received and satisfied, they would visit her again sooner or later.

Another segment of the market, which is actively used by the management of resort hotels, is intensive tourism. Full board services are more suitable for this type of tourism, since all services are provided under one roof. It has been established that the increase in business-related tourism in resort areas creates a movement of tourist flows in two directions, increasing the time of stay and stimulating repeated visits for the purpose of recreation.

Hotels in cities often successfully use the resort concept during periods of decline in tourist activity, offering a special service package called "mini-vacation". Special themed tours are also an effective marketing tool to increase off-season occupancy. Much attention is paid to the conditions for recreation. Resorts offer an environment and services that can be compatible with enjoyment. The recreational opportunities offered by hotels are usually varied and of high quality. It is no longer enough to have one or more structures. Competitive conditions have led to the fact that among hotels of this class table tennis tables, horse riding or clay shooting grounds, well-equipped gyms, swimming pools, golf courses, tennis courts are normal.

Many resorts that specialize in family vacations offer special programs for children, giving parents the opportunity to do their physical training at their own discretion. For many resorts, fitness centers are a lucrative addition to the traditional hotel and restaurant business, as well as a valuable marketing tool.

From the point of view of certain resort areas, the casino is almost a necessary element in creating a round-the-clock tourist flow.
Since the guest of a resort hotel uses it for recreation and entertainment purposes and requires full attention and a high level of service, many resort hotel managers understand the importance of a personal relationship between staff and vacationers. Courtesy and efficiency in service are two essential elements in a spa environment. As a result of personalized service, a closer relationship is often created between guests and resort hotel staff, which is actively encouraged by the management. This ultimately leads to repeat visits and a stable clientele.
The best resorts strive to create a "homey feel" where guests are part of a "big family" and treat the staff as their old friends. Each employee in a resort enterprise, therefore, must put into practice the philosophy of cordial hospitality, contribute to the creation of human relations, and not serve while looking at the clock. Individual service, i.e. taking into account all the likes and dislikes of the guest as a person and not a statistical unit is the key to the successful operation of resort enterprises.

In the boarding house under study, the prospect of development is indicated. There is a long-term program for the development of the health resort, as well as a local one (for 2-3 years). In the near future, it is planned to convert the boarding house to a sanatorium, the construction of a health-improving complex including: a medical and diagnostic center, an indoor pool on sea water with various effects, an outdoor pool with slides (mini-water park), as well as a multifunctional building for sports and entertainment events, bowling, quasar center, etc.
The long-term strategic program includes the construction of a mother and child building, luxury cottages, a restaurant, the reconstruction of the Stary Yakor cafe, and the use of mineral waters available on the territory of the boarding house.

A modern hotel should offer not just a bed, but a sanctuary of physical and mental peace, a home away from home. This can only be achieved through quality service with well-trained and efficient staff management. In today's market conditions, only those hotel enterprises that are able to create and implement long-term service strategies, at least at the highest organizational level, achieve success.
Long gone are the days when businesses and organizations in the hospitality industry were run by amateurs. Now the market is not the same, and only professionals survive on it.


The course work was aimed at reviewing and studying the problem of quality of services in the management of a hotel enterprise on the example of the boarding house "Victoria", located on the Black Sea coast of Anapa.

Hopefully, under favorable circumstances, the Russian economy will show signs of some recovery, and this will entail an increase in trips for vacationers, business travelers and businessmen. Thus, things can improve in the Russian hotel complex. At present, the tendency of the revival of domestic tourism has become obvious, which is a positive fact. Tourism is now one of the most dynamic sectors of both the Russian and global economy.

The most important tasks and, at the same time, the problems of the modern tourism business are the quality of service at the enterprises of the hospitality industry. Measures taken to improve the quality of customer service and update the range of services should be more effective and timely. Hotels that do not meet international standards will inevitably perish. It may be wished that the management of the hotel enterprises pay attention to the fact that many guests highly appreciate hotels that have rooms arranged according to the principle of apartments, consisting of a living room, a bedroom and a cooking area, rooms of the "apartment" type, as well as rooms that meet the needs a special group of clients who want to enjoy hospitality in a more private and private environment. If it is necessary to reconstruct individual bars, cafes, restaurants, special attention should be paid to the possibility of using a more modern design, elegance in design, furniture should be chosen with taste, provide comfort and coziness.

The policy of the management of the enterprise is to ensure the efficient work of the staff, which must serve visitors with exceptional professionalism, restraint, and good nature. Service must be first class to the last detail. Much attention should be paid to the issues of personnel management, training, advanced training of employees, and their involvement in the overall service process. Of no small importance for ensuring the reception of foreign tourists is the training of personnel at a level that meets international standards.

Speaking about the boarding house "Victoria" it cannot be argued that the quality of service meets all the requirements of high standards. At present, the management of the boarding house is concerned about this fact and intends to carry out serious work on retraining and advanced training of its employees.

More attention should be paid to an individual approach to service. For example, consider the issue of room service, the so-called "room service", the delivery of free breakfasts directly to the room, the provision of children vacationing with their parents with free treatment and milk or juices, videos and entertaining games, use of the pool at a convenient time for the guest, creation of a special complex of services, allowing guests to use any sports equipment they like, for a common fee, the provision of buffet services in the restaurant. Each additional service or convenience should be defined in terms of its contribution to the overall revenue of the business and its value to guests.

A responsible task for hotels is to create a reputation for high quality service. No advertising, no matter how sophisticated it may be, can not change the image that the consumer actually develops as a result of his communication with the hotel staff in the service process. The growth of the company's popularity is facilitated by its high-quality work.

Now there is a trend towards the revival of the former glory of the resorts, the return to the previous workload of the number stock of health resorts, conditions are being created for the development of domestic tourism. In the conditions of existing competition, the management of enterprises faces the most important task of ensuring effective management of the quality of service, which will inevitably allow the tourist enterprise to flourish and rightfully be called one of the best.


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