Letter dated 20.02. On financial support for preventive measures to reduce occupational injuries and occupational diseases

Letter of the FSS of Russia dated February 20, 2017 N 02-09-11 / 16-05-3685 is devoted to the issues of financial support for preventive measures to reduce occupational injuries and occupational diseases of workers and sanatorium-and-spa treatment for workers employed in work with harmful and (or) dangerous conditions labor.

The letter noted that:

1. Submission of applications from policyholders for reimbursement of expenses for the purchase of workwear made from fabrics, knitted fabrics and non-woven materials, the country of origin of which is the Russian Federation, is possible no earlier than 2018.

2. When reimbursing expenses for the purchase of PPE, the insured must submit a list of purchased PPE with an indication of the date of manufacture and expiration date.

This information may:

  • contained on the product itself (on the tag, label, packaging);
  • present themselves as a supplier when the goods are shipped from the warehouse.

The period of storage of PPE, after which the product cannot be used, or the period of operation of PPE, which also implies an expiration date, must also be indicated.

In addition, the insured must check:

  • the authenticity of the provided copies of the compliance certificates technical regulations Customs Union;
  • declarations of compliance with the requirements of the technical regulations of the Customs Union.

3. A decision to refuse financial support for preventive measures may be taken if, on the day of filing the application, the insured has:

  • outstanding arrears, arrears in penalties and fines, formed at the end of the reporting period;
  • outstanding arrears revealed in the course of a desk or field audit;
  • outstanding penalties and fines accrued following the results of an on-site or desk audit.

4. Acquisition of instruments, devices and equipment designed to ensure the safety of workers, control over the safe conduct of work within the framework of technological processes, training in the safe conduct of work, must be confirmed by copies (extracts) of the necessary documents.

At the same time, it should be borne in mind that the following are not subject to financing from the amounts of insurance premiums:

  • purchase of materials and installation of installations of video surveillance systems;
  • acquisition personal computers for specialists in the field of labor protection, since training employees in safe methods and techniques for performing work is not the responsibility of a specialist in the field of labor protection.

Separately, it was noted that in order to reimburse the costs of training employees of organizations classified as hazardous production facilities (HPOs), it is necessary to additionally submit a copy of the certificate of the established form on the registration of HIFs in the state register of HIFs.

5. When reimbursing expenses for health resort treatment of employees, the insured must submit an agreement with an organization that directly provides health resort treatment for employees. At the same time, it should be taken into account that the duration of the sanatorium treatment of employees should be at least 14 days.

In addition, it is worth noting that the letter also defines the forms:

  • a report on the use of insurance premiums for injuries for financial support of preventive measures to reduce occupational injuries and occupational diseases of workers;
  • register of insured persons working in harmful conditions labor.



In connection with the issues of financial support for preventive measures to reduce occupational injuries and occupational diseases employees and health resort treatment of employees employed in work with harmful and (or) dangerous production factors arising on orders of the Ministry of Labor and social protection Russian Federation of April 29, 2016 N 201n (hereinafter - Order N 201n) and of July 14, 2016 N 353n (hereinafter - Order N 353n) "On Amendments to the Order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation of December 10, 2012 N 580n" On approval of the rules for financial support of preventive measures to reduce occupational injuries and occupational diseases of workers and sanatorium treatment of workers employed in work with harmful and (or) hazardous production factors "(hereinafter referred to as the Rules), the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Fund ) explains.

In accordance with Order N 201n, from January 1, 2017, insurance premiums provide financial support for the insured's expenses for the purchase of special clothing, special footwear and other means personal protection manufactured in the territory of the Russian Federation. Information confirming information about the country of origin is indicated on copies of certificates (declarations) of compliance with personal protective equipment (hereinafter - PPE) with the technical regulation of the Customs Union TR TS 019/2011.

Considering that the term for the entry into force of the provisions of the Rules regarding the reimbursement of expenses for the purchase of special clothing made from fabrics, knitted fabrics and non-woven materials, the country of origin of which is the Russian Federation, is set from August 1, 2017, the submission of applications from insurers for the reimbursement of these expenses ( according to the clarifications of the Ministry of Labor of Russia) is possible not earlier than 2018. The issue of confirming the country of origin of fabrics, knitted fabrics and non-woven materials from which special clothing is made will be worked out during 2017 and the relevant clarifications will be provided additionally.

By Order N 353n, subparagraph "d" of paragraph 4 of the Rules was amended, according to which, when the purchase of PPE is included in the financial support plan, the insured submits a list of purchased PPE with the date of manufacture and expiration date. At the same time, you can check the correctness of the information on the date of manufacture and expiration date of the PPE specified in the list directly on the product itself (on the tag, label, packaging) after the costs incurred by the insured for the purchase of PPE, or the insured must provide information received upon shipment of the goods from the supplier's warehouse . It should also be borne in mind that the PPE should indicate the shelf life after which the product cannot be used, or the service life, which also implies an expiration date. At the same time, we remind you that when the insured confirms the expenses in terms of purchasing PPE, it is necessary to verify the authenticity of the provided copies of certificates of compliance with the requirements of the technical regulation of the Customs Union (, as well as declarations of compliance with the requirements of the technical regulation of the Customs Union (http

Subparagraph "a" of paragraph 10 of the Rules was amended by Order No. 201n in terms of making a decision to refuse financial support for preventive measures. This decision can be made if, on the day of filing the application, the insured has: outstanding, arrears of penalties and fines, formed at the end of the reporting period; outstanding arrears revealed in the input of a desk or field audit; outstanding penalties and fines accrued following the results of an on-site or desk audit.

In addition, Order N 353n expanded the list of activities that the insured can carry out at the expense of the Fund, namely:

  • subparagraph "l" of paragraph 3 of the Rules - "acquisition of separate devices, devices directly designed to ensure the safety of workers and (or) control over the safe conduct of work within the framework of technological processes, including underground work."

When choosing the specified measure, the insured must submit copies of documents confirming the acquisition by the organization of the relevant instruments, devices, equipment that will be used as part of the technological process and are designed to ensure the safety of employees and (or) control over the safe conduct of work; copies (extracts from) technical projects and (or) project documentation which provide for the use of these devices.

  • subparagraph "m" of paragraph 3 of the Rules - "acquisition of individual devices, devices, equipment and (or) complexes (systems) of devices, devices, equipment that directly provide training on the safe conduct of work, including mining, and actions in case of accident or incident at a hazardous production facility and (or) remote video and audio recording of briefings, training and other forms of training of employees in the safe performance of work, as well as storage of the results of such recording.

In this case, the policyholder shall submit copies (extracts) of documents substantiating and confirming the purchase of the above devices intended for training employees on safe work practices.

At the same time, we would like to inform you that the purchase of materials and installation of installations of video surveillance systems are not subject to financing at the expense of insurance premiums. Also, the purchase of personal computers for labor protection engineers is not subject to financing at the expense of insurance premiums, since training workers in safe methods and techniques for performing work is not part of the duties of an labor protection engineer.

Order N 353n amended subparagraph "c" of paragraph 3 of the Rules, supplementing the list of certain categories of workers undergoing labor protection training at the expense of the Fund, employees of organizations classified as hazardous production facilities, who also receive training on safe work. At the same time, the insured confirms that the organization is classified as a hazardous production facility by submitting a copy of the certificate of the established form on the registration of a hazardous production facility in the state register of hazardous production facilities. dangerous production facilities can be both an organization and its structural units. When choosing this measure, the insured must submit a copy of the contract with the organization carrying out educational activities in which the employees specified in paragraph eight of subparagraph "c" of paragraph 3 of the Rules were trained.

Due to federal law dated July 16, 1999 N 165-FZ "On the Fundamentals of Compulsory Social Insurance" defines the principles for the implementation of compulsory social insurance, one of which is responsibility for the intended use of compulsory social insurance funds, and also defines the circle of subjects of compulsory social insurance that does not allow mediation in the system of the specified type of insurance, Order N 353n amended subparagraph "e" of paragraph 3 of the Rules. Since 2017, when using the Fund's funds for health resort treatment of employees, the insured shall submit an agreement with an organization directly providing health resort treatment for employees. At the same time, we draw the attention of the regional offices of the Fund that, according to the order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated May 5, 2016 N 279n "On approval of the procedure for organizing sanatorium-and-spa treatment", the duration of sanatorium-and-spa treatment for employees is at least 14 days.

official source electronic document contains an inaccuracy: the paragraph refers to subparagraph "e" of paragraph 4 of the Rules.

At the same time, we remind you that the amount allowed to the insured for the financial support of preventive measures in the current financial year should not exceed the amount of insurance premiums to be transferred in the prescribed manner by the insured to the Fund for the year as a whole, namely, accrued for the current fiscal year less the expenses incurred in the current financial year for the payment of benefits for temporary disability due to accidents at work or occupational diseases and for the payment of the leave of the insured person (in addition to the annual paid leave, established by law Russian Federation). At the same time, please note that the amount to be transferred does not include the amounts transferred to the insured by the regional branch of the Fund if he does not have enough funds to pay temporary disability benefits to the insured.

In connection with the above, the regional offices of the Fund, both at the stage of making a decision on the financial provision of preventive measures, and at the time of their confirmation by the insured, including during the quarterly report, need to control the amount of not only accrued insurance premiums and the costs incurred by the insured to ensure the the specified type of insurance in the current financial year, but also for insured events that have to be paid.

Please note that in order to use the allocated funds and satisfy the applications of policyholders who applied for financial support for preventive measures, the regional offices of the Fund must promptly notify the Fund on this issue for their subsequent redistribution.

Since, in accordance with paragraph 12 of the Rules, the insured keeps records of the funds allocated for financial support of preventive measures on account of the payment of insurance premiums, and submits a report on their use to the territorial body of the Fund, the Fund considers it appropriate to bring to the attention of policyholders the recommended form of the report on the use of insurance premiums for compulsory social insurance against industrial accidents and occupational diseases for the financial support of preventive measures to reduce occupational injuries and occupational diseases of workers (Appendix 1).

Information on the results of consideration by the regional departments of the Fund of the applications of insurers and the decisions made on the allocation of funds for the financial support of preventive measures in the current year (Appendix 2, formed by the "Prevention" subsystem of the UIIS "Social Insurance") should be submitted to the Insurance Department professional risks in in electronic format and on paper to the address: m.a.vasilieva@fss.ru by October 1 of the current year.

A summary report on the results of work on the financial support of preventive measures (Appendix 3), generated using the "Prevention" subsystem of the UIIS "Sotsstrakh", should be submitted by February 1 following the reporting year in electronic form to mavasilieva@fss.ru and on paper, containing summary reporting data on regional office Foundation.

Annex 3 to this document not given.

At the same time, please note that documents for re-approval must be sent to the Fund no later than December 1 of the current year after the comments of the Fund have been eliminated.

In addition, when sending a request to the Fund on financial support for preventive measures to reduce occupational injuries and occupational diseases, the regional branch of the Fund must express its position on the question being asked.



In connection with the issues of financial support of preventive measures to reduce occupational injuries and occupational diseases of workers and sanatorium treatment of workers employed in work with harmful and (or) dangerous production factors arising by orders of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation dated April 29 2016 N 201n (hereinafter - Order N 201n) and dated July 14, 2016 N 353n (hereinafter - Order N 353n) "On Amendments to the Order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation dated December 10, 2012 N 580n "On Approval of the Rules financial provision of preventive measures to reduce occupational injuries and occupational diseases of workers and sanatorium and resort treatment of workers employed in work with harmful and (or) dangerous production factors "(hereinafter referred to as the Rules), the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Fund) explains.

In accordance with Order N 201n, from January 1, 2017, insurance premiums provide financial support for the insured's expenses for the purchase of special clothing, special footwear and other personal protective equipment manufactured in the territory of the Russian Federation. Information confirming information about the country of origin is indicated on copies of certificates (declarations) of compliance with personal protective equipment (hereinafter - PPE) with the technical regulation of the Customs Union TR TS 019/2011.

Considering that the term for the entry into force of the provisions of the Rules regarding the reimbursement of expenses for the purchase of special clothing made from fabrics, knitted fabrics, non-woven materials, the country of origin of which is the Russian Federation, is set from August 1, 2017, the submission of applications from insurers for the reimbursement of these expenses ( according to the clarifications of the Ministry of Labor of Russia) is possible not earlier than 2018. The issue of confirming the country of origin of fabrics, knitted fabrics and non-woven materials from which special clothing is made will be worked out during 2017 and the relevant clarifications will be provided additionally.

By Order N 353n, subparagraph "d" of paragraph 4 of the Rules was amended, according to which, when the purchase of PPE is included in the financial support plan, the insured submits a list of purchased PPE with the date of manufacture and expiration date. At the same time, you can check the correctness of the information on the date of manufacture and expiration date of the PPE specified in the list directly on the product itself (on the tag, label, packaging) after the costs incurred by the insured for the purchase of PPE, or the insured must provide information received upon shipment of the goods from the supplier's warehouse . It should also be borne in mind that the PPE should indicate the shelf life after which the product cannot be used, or the service life, which also implies an expiration date. At the same time, we remind you that when the insured confirms the expenses in terms of purchasing PPE, it is necessary to verify the authenticity of the provided copies of certificates of compliance with the requirements of the technical regulation of the Customs Union (, as well as declarations of compliance with the requirements of the technical regulation of the Customs Union (http

Subparagraph "a" of paragraph 10 of the Rules was amended by Order No. 201n in terms of making a decision to refuse financial support for preventive measures. This decision can be made if, on the day of filing the application, the insured has: outstanding arrears, arrears in penalties and fines formed at the end of the reporting period; outstanding arrears revealed in the input of a desk or field audit; outstanding penalties and fines accrued following the results of an on-site or desk audit.

In addition, Order N 353n expanded the list of activities that the insured can carry out at the expense of the Fund, namely:

Subparagraph "l" of paragraph 3 of the Rules - "acquisition of individual devices, devices directly designed to ensure the safety of workers and (or) control the safe conduct of work within the framework of technological processes, including underground work."

When choosing the specified measure, the insured must submit copies of documents confirming the acquisition by the organization of the relevant instruments, devices, equipment that will be used as part of the technological process and are designed to ensure the safety of employees and (or) control over the safe conduct of work; copies (extracts from) technical projects and (or) project documentation, which provide for the use of these devices.

Subparagraph "m" of paragraph 3 of the Rules - "acquisition of individual instruments, devices, equipment and (or) complexes (systems) of instruments, devices, equipment that directly provide training on the safe conduct of work, including mining, and actions in case of accident or incident at a hazardous production facility and (or) remote video and audio recording of briefings, training and other forms of training of workers in the safe production of work, as well as storage of the results of such recording.

In this case, the policyholder shall submit copies (extracts) of documents substantiating and confirming the purchase of the above devices intended for training employees on safe work practices.

At the same time, we would like to inform you that the purchase of materials and installation of installations of video surveillance systems are not subject to financing at the expense of insurance premiums. Also, the purchase of personal computers for labor protection engineers is not subject to financing at the expense of insurance premiums, since training workers in safe methods and techniques for performing work is not part of the duties of an labor protection engineer.

Order N 353n amended subparagraph "c" of paragraph 3 of the Rules, supplementing the list of certain categories of workers undergoing labor protection training at the expense of the Fund, employees of organizations classified as hazardous production facilities, who also receive training on safe work. At the same time, the insured confirms that the organization is classified as a hazardous production facility by submitting a copy of the certificate of the established form on the registration of a hazardous production facility in the state register of hazardous production facilities. Hazardous production facilities can be both organizations and its structural units. When choosing the specified event, the insured must submit a copy of the contract with the organization carrying out educational activities, in which the employees specified in paragraph eight of subparagraph "c" of paragraph 3 of the Rules were trained.

Due to the fact that the Federal Law of July 16, 1999 N 165-FZ "On the Fundamentals of Compulsory Social Insurance" defines the principles for the implementation of compulsory social insurance, one of which is responsibility for the intended use of compulsory social insurance funds, and also defines the circle of subjects of compulsory social insurance, which does not allow intermediary activities in the system of the specified type of insurance, Order N 353n amended subparagraph "e" of paragraph 3 of the Rules. Since 2017, when using the Fund's funds for health resort treatment of employees, the insured shall submit an agreement with an organization directly providing health resort treatment for employees. At the same time, we draw the attention of the regional offices of the Fund that, according to the order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated May 5, 2016 N 279n "On approval of the procedure for organizing sanatorium-and-spa treatment", the duration of sanatorium-and-spa treatment for employees is at least 14 days.

At the same time, we remind you that the amount allowed to the insured for the financial support of preventive measures in the current financial year should not exceed the amount of insurance premiums to be transferred in accordance with the established procedure by the insured to the Fund for the year as a whole, namely, accrued insurance premiums for the current financial year, less the expenses incurred in the current financial year for the payment of temporary disability benefits due to accidents at work or occupational diseases and for the payment of the insured person's vacation (in excess of the annual paid vacation established by the legislation of the Russian Federation). At the same time, please note that the amount to be transferred does not include the amounts transferred to the insured by the regional branch of the Fund if he does not have enough funds to pay temporary disability benefits to the insured.

In connection with the above, the regional offices of the Fund, both at the stage of making a decision on the financial provision of preventive measures, and at the time of their confirmation by the insured, including during the quarterly report, need to control the amount of not only accrued insurance premiums and the insured's expenses incurred for providing for the specified type of insurance in the current financial year, but also for insured events that must be paid.

Please note that in order to use the allocated funds and satisfy the applications of policyholders who applied for financial support for preventive measures, the regional offices of the Fund must promptly notify the Fund on this issue for their subsequent redistribution.

Since, in accordance with paragraph 12 of the Rules, the insured keeps records of the funds allocated for financial support of preventive measures on account of the payment of insurance premiums, and submits a report on their use to the territorial body of the Fund, the Fund considers it appropriate to bring to the attention of policyholders the recommended form of the report on the use of insurance premiums for compulsory social insurance against industrial accidents and occupational diseases for the financial support of preventive measures to reduce occupational injuries and occupational diseases of workers (Appendix 1).

Information on the results of consideration by the regional offices of the Fund of the applications of insurers and the decisions made on the allocation of funds for the financial support of preventive measures in the current year (Appendix 2, formed by the "Prevention" subsystem of the UIIS "Social Insurance") should be submitted to the Occupational Risks Insurance Department in electronic form and on paper. carrier at: mavasilieva@fss.ru by October 1 of the current year.

A summary report on the results of work on the financial support of preventive measures (Appendix 3), generated using the "Prevention" subsystem of the UIIS "Sotsstrakh", should be submitted by February 1, following the reporting year, in electronic form to mavasilieva@fss. ru and on paper containing summary reporting data for the regional branch of the Fund.

At the same time, please note that documents for re-approval must be sent to the Fund no later than December 1 of the current year after the comments of the Fund have been eliminated.

In addition, when sending a request to the Fund on financial support for preventive measures to reduce occupational injuries and occupational diseases, the regional branch of the Fund must express its position on the question being asked.


Appendix No. 1
to the letter
RF Social Insurance Fund
dated February 20, 2017 N 02-09-11 / 16-05-3685

The report form is compiled by the insured on an accrual basis from the beginning of the year and submitted in executive bodies of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation at the place of registration, simultaneously with the form of calculation for accrued and paid insurance premiums for compulsory social insurance in case of temporary disability and in connection with motherhood and for compulsory social insurance against industrial accidents and occupational diseases, as well as for expenses for payment of insurance coverage (Form-4 FSS) Filled in rubles and kopecks REPORT on the use of insurance premiums for compulsory social insurance against industrial accidents and occupational diseases for financial support of preventive measures to reduce occupational injuries and occupational diseases of workers for _______________ 20__ ( reporting period) _________________________________________________________________________________ (name of the policyholder, address, registration number, OKVED code) Table 1

Labor protection training Total expenses Plan Fact Plan Fact Plan Fact Plan Fact Plan Fact Plan Fact Plan Fact Plan Fact Plan Fact Plan Fact Plan Fact Plan Fact Plan Fact 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
table 2
Total number of insured persons (persons) Number of employees employed in work with harmful and (or) hazardous production factors (persons) Carrying out a special assessment of working conditions Implementation of measures to bring the levels of exposure to harmful and (or) hazardous production factors at workplaces in line with state regulatory requirements for labor protection Labor protection training Acquisition for employees engaged in work with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions, as well as in work performed in special temperature conditions or associated with pollution, of special clothing, special footwear and other personal protective equipment, funds Sanatorium-resort treatment of workers employed in work with harmful and (or) dangerous production factors Carrying out mandatory periodic medical examinations (examinations) of employees engaged in work with harmful and (or) dangerous production factors Providing workers with therapeutic and preventive nutrition Acquisition by policyholders whose employees undergo mandatory pre-shift and (or) pre-trip medical examinations, devices for determining the presence and level of alcohol content (alcotests or breathalyzers) Acquisition by policyholders engaged in passenger and freight transportation, devices for monitoring the mode of work and rest of drivers (tachographs) Acquisition of first aid kits by policyholders Acquisition of individual devices, devices, equipment and (or) complexes (systems) of devices, devices, equipment directly designed to ensure the safety of workers and (or) control the safe conduct of work within the framework of technological processes, including underground work Acquisition of individual devices, devices, equipment and (or) complexes (systems) of devices, devices, equipment that directly provide training on safe work, incl. mining operations, and actions in the event of an accident or incident at a hazardous industrial facility and (or) remote video and audio recording of briefings, training and other forms of training of workers on safe work, as well as storage of the results of such recording The number of jobs where special assessment working conditions at the expense of insurance premiums (work places) Total number of jobs Number of workplaces where measures were taken to bring the levels of exposure to harmful and (or) hazardous production factors at workplaces in line with state regulatory requirements for labor protection (workplaces) Number of insured people who received training in labor protection at the expense of insurance premiums (persons) The total number of purchased personal protective equipment at the expense of insurance premiums Number of insured people provided with personal protective equipment at the expense of insurance premiums (persons) The number of insured people who underwent sanatorium treatment at the expense of insurance premiums (persons) Total number of insured persons subject to periodic medical examinations (examinations) (persons) The number of insured people who underwent periodic medical examinations (examinations) at the expense of insurance premiums (persons) Number of insured people provided with therapeutic and preventive nutrition at the expense of insurance premiums (persons) Number of devices for determining the presence and level of alcohol content (alcotests or breathalyzers) at the expense of insurance premiums Quantity Vehicle which are equipped with tachographs at the expense of insurance premiums Number of purchased and (or) completed first aid kits for first aid at the expense of insurance premiums The number of purchased instruments, devices, equipment and (or) complexes (systems) of instruments, devices, equipment directly designed to ensure safety The number of purchased devices, devices, equipment and (or) complexes (systems) of devices, devices, equipment that directly provide training on safe work Total including those who received: Total Including: those who received an occupational disease occupational disease work injury 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
Chief Accountant _________ __________ Head _________ __________ (signature) (full name) (signature) (full name) "__" _________ 20__ year full name performer tel. N___________

Appendix 2

Register of insured persons working in hazardous working conditions

Handbook - types of work (Column 5)

10 - Work at height
11 - Work at height, climbing work.
12 - The work of the crane operator (crane driver).
13 - The work of the elevator operator of high-speed elevators.
20 - Maintenance and repair of existing electrical installations
21 - Maintenance and repair actions. AC electrical installations with U = 42 V and above.
22 - Maintenance and repair action. AC electrical installations with U = 110 V and above.
23 - Installation, commissioning, testing and measurement in action. electrical installations.
30 - Forest protection, felling, rafting, transportation and primary processing of the forest.
40 - Works in the oil and gas industry.
41 - Works in the regions of the Far North and equivalent areas.
42 - Works in desert and other separate and insufficiently inhabited areas.
43 - Offshore drilling
50 - Hydrometeorological stations, communication facilities, work in difficult climatic conditions.
60 - Exploration, topographic, construction and other work in difficult climates. conditions.
70 - Works related to the use of flammable and explosive materials, work in explosive and fire hazardous industries
80 - Work in paramilitary security and other services (carrying and using firearms).
90 - Maintenance of installations and pressure vessels above 1.1 atm.
100 - Works performed in conditions of a changed geomagnetic field (shielded rooms, buried structures)
110 - Underwater work
120 - Underground work
130 - Prevention and liquidation of consequences emergencies natural and man-made nature
131 - Gas Rescue Service
132 - Gas rescue teams
133 - Paramilitary units and detachments to prevent the occurrence and liquidation of open gas and oil fountains
134 - Militarized mountain, mountain rescue services
135 - Fire Department
140 - Work performed with the use of PPE and filter gas masks with a full face
150 - Work on ships
160 - Work related to staying in conditions of low and high atmospheric pressure

Directory - harmful products. factors (Column 8)

10 - Chemical factors
11 - Chemical substances with pronounced effects on the body
12 - Substances and compounds united by chemical structure
13 - Complex chemical mixtures, compositions, chemical substances specific purpose
20 - Biological factors
30 - Physical factors
40 - Factors labor process
41 - Physical overload
42 - Visually intense work: precision work, work with optical instruments and watching the screen

Handbook - treatment profiles (Column 11)

1 - Blood diseases
2 - Diseases of the endocrine system;
3 - Diseases of the nervous system
4 - Diseases of the eye
5 - Diseases of the ear;
6 - Diseases of the circulatory system;
7 - Diseases of the respiratory system
8 - Diseases of the digestive system
9 - Skin diseases
10 - Diseases of the musculoskeletal system
11 - Diseases of the genitourinary system
12 - Diseases of the female genital organs

N pp Full Name Gender (m, f) Date of Birth Type of work (reference book) Work experience in hazardous conditions (full years) Subject to PMO (0 - no 1 - yes) Harmful production factor (reference book) Passed PMO (date) Diagnosis (text) According to the results of PMO, dignity is recommended. - chickens. treatment by profile (reference book) Has passed a dignity. - hens. recovery (date of arrival) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29

Before August 1, submit documents to the FSS department on financing labor protection measures through contributions in case of injuries. It's profitable. Your company will comply with the security law requirement safe conditions labor and reduce payments to the FSS (part 2 of article 22 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

In 2017, the list became wider preventive measures, which can be paid at the expense of the FSS, the requirements for spending on them have changed. We will tell you about all the changes.

On financial provision of preventive measures to reduce occupational injuries and occupational diseases of workers and sanatorium treatment of workers employed in work with harmful and (or) dangerous production factors.

Financial provision of preventive measures to reduce occupational injuries and occupational diseases of workers and sanatorium treatment of workers employed in work with harmful and (or) dangerous production factors.

New health and safety spending through injury contributions

Since 2017, companies have the right to pay for additional labor protection measures at the expense of the fund. Officials listed them in paragraph 3 of the Rules approved by order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated December 10, 2012 No. 580n (hereinafter - Rules No. 580n). In the table below you will see a list of new expenses and documents to justify them.

Table. New expenses to be paid by contributions to the Social Insurance Fund

The new spending includes the purchase of equipment to train employees in safe work practices. But experts from the FSS warn: at the expense of this expense item, you cannot buy a computer for a labor protection specialist and pay for the installation of a video surveillance system (letter No. 02-09-11 / 16-05-3685 dated February 20, 2017). The fund believes that such spending is not aimed at labor protection.

New spending requirements for personal protective equipment

From January 1, 2017, at the expense of the Social Insurance Fund, you can buy personal protective equipment (PPE) Russian production. For information about the country of origin, see the certificate (declaration) of PPE compliance with the technical regulations of the Customs Union TR CU 019/2011.

Effective August 1, 2017 additional condition for the purchase of overalls at the expense of the FSS. Overalls must be made from fabrics and non-woven materials produced in Russia. The FSS promises to clarify the rules for confirming the country of origin after August 1 (letter No. 02-09-11 / 16-05-3685 dated February 20, 2017). At the time of signing the issue, the fund has not issued clarifications. We contacted the FSS specialists. They explained that until August 1, branches accept documents without taking into account the requirement for the country of origin of the fabric.

Documents for payment of expenses at the expense of the FSS

To be reimbursed for the cost of preventive measures, submit to the fund:

  • application in the form from Appendix No. 3 to the order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated September 2, 2014 No. 598n;

  • financial support plan according to the form from the appendix to the Rules No. 580n;

  • action plan to improve working conditions in any form.

Additionally, submit documents that confirm the company's expenses for preventive measures. For each expense item, paragraph 4 of Regulation No. 580n determines its own package of documents.

Documents can be submitted electronically

The company has the right to send documents to the FSS through the Public Services Portal https://www.gosuslugi.ru/29087/1/info. To do this, the application must be certified by an enhanced qualified electronic signature head (Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated April 4, 2017 No. 334n), and electronic copies of supporting documents - with an enhanced qualified electronic signature of a notary.

In 2017, the requirements for documents that confirm the costs of measures to prevent injuries and labor protection in hazardous industries, in special temperature conditions or conditions associated with pollution, have changed.

If you want to reimburse the expenses for the purchase of PPE, indicate the date of their manufacture and expiration date in the list (subparagraph “d”, paragraph 4 of Regulation No. 580n). If you paid for sanatorium-resort treatment, submit copies of the contract with the sanatorium and invoices for the purchase of vouchers to the fund (subparagraph “e”, paragraph 4 of Regulation No. 580n). Previously, only one of these documents was needed.

How to fill out documents, consider an example.


LLC "Azas" is located in Kyzyl (Republic of Tyva). In June 2017, the company acquired for gas welding works five tarpaulin suits (1200 rubles/piece) and five pairs of welder's boots with protective properties "Tr" (1380 rubles/piece) of Russian production. Expenses amounted to 12,900 rubles. How to fill out the documents to apply to the Social Insurance Fund for reimbursement of costs from contributions in case of injury?

The accountant took the norms for issuing overalls to welders from paragraph 17 of the order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated December 09, 2014 No. 997n. He filled out the application as shown in the sample (Appendix No. 1 to the mailing list).

The accountant filled out the financial plan for preventive measures as shown in sample 2 (Appendix No. 2 to the mailing list).

The accountant attached supporting documents to the application (subparagraph “d”, paragraph 4 of Regulation No. 580n) and an action plan to improve working conditions and labor protection for 2016 and 2017 (in any form).

Amount of reimbursement

The amount of expenses for preventive measures to be reimbursed by the fund depends on the number of employees (clause 2 of Regulation No. 580n).

Number of 100 people or more. Calculate the preliminary amount of compensation using the formula.

If the amount received turns out to be more than the amount of contributions in case of injuries accrued for 2017, the fund will not reimburse the excess amount (letter of the FSS of the Russian Federation dated February 20, 2017 No. 02-09-11 / 16-05-3685).

The amount of compensation will also be reduced by the benefits granted in 2017 in connection with work injury or occupational disease, holiday pay for the period of treatment in a sanatorium.

The number is less than 100 people. The Fund will refund 20% of the injury premiums accrued between 2014 and 2016, net of benefits, provided that the company did not apply for funding in 2015 and 2016.

The deadline for the FSS to make a decision on reimbursement

When the fund makes a decision, it depends on the amount of contributions in case of injury accrued in 2016 (clauses 8 and 9 of Regulation No. 580n) (see diagram below). In 2017, this figure has changed.

Scheme. When will the fund make a decision?

If on the day of filing the documents the company has a arrears in contributions, debts in penalties and fines, the fund will refuse to set off (subparagraph a. 10 of Regulation No. 580n). Incomplete package of documents or false information are also grounds for refusal.

How is the funding

Participants of the pilot project pay the cost of preventive measures themselves. Then they apply for reimbursement of expenses (clause 3 of the Regulations approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 21, 2011 No. 294).

Companies that are not participating in the pilot can spend the money first and then get permission from the fund to reduce their contributions by an agreed amount of spending. Let's say another option is to get permission and then spend the money.

Prevention funding reporting

After you have received a positive decision from the fund on financing, submit a report on the use of funds and a register of those working in harmful conditions (clause 12 of Regulation No. 580n). Both documents were cited by the FSS in a letter dated February 20, 2017 No. 02-09-11 / 16-05-3685. Submit the register and report quarterly. Attach them to 4-FSS.

Since 1997, we have been helping our clients in the field of labor protection and personnel office work. We provide services throughout Russia. Remotely, in a short time, our specialists will help to solve any issue.

In connection with the issues of financial support of preventive measures to reduce occupational injuries and occupational diseases of workers and sanatorium treatment of workers employed in work with harmful and (or) dangerous production factors arising by orders of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation dated April 29 2016 No. 201n (hereinafter - Order No. 201n) and dated July 14, 2016 No. 353n (hereinafter - Order No. 353n) “On Amendments to the Order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation dated December 10, 2012 No. 580n “On Approval of the Rules financial provision of preventive measures to reduce occupational injuries and occupational diseases of workers and sanatorium-and-spa treatment of workers employed in work with harmful and (or) dangerous production factors ”(hereinafter referred to as the Rules), the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Fund) explains.

In accordance with Order No. 201n, from January 1, 2017, insurance premiums provide financial support for the insured's expenses for the purchase of special clothing, special footwear and other personal protective equipment manufactured in the territory of the Russian Federation. Information confirming information about the country of origin is indicated on copies of certificates (declarations) of compliance with personal protective equipment (hereinafter - PPE) with the technical regulation of the Customs Union TR TS 019/2011.

Considering that the term for the entry into force of the provisions of the Rules regarding the reimbursement of expenses for the purchase of special clothing made from fabrics, knitted fabrics and non-woven materials, the country of origin of which is the Russian Federation, is set from August 1, 2017, the submission of applications from insurers for the reimbursement of these expenses ( according to the clarifications of the Ministry of Labor of Russia) is possible not earlier than 2018. The issue of confirming the country of origin of fabrics, knitted fabrics and non-woven materials from which special clothing is made will be worked out during 2017 and the relevant clarifications will be provided additionally.

By Order No. 353n, subparagraph “d” of paragraph 4 of the Rules was amended, according to which, when the purchase of PPE is included in the financial support plan, the insured submits a list of purchased PPE with the date of manufacture and expiration date. At the same time, you can check the correctness of the information on the date of manufacture and expiration date of the PPE specified in the list directly on the product itself (on the tag, label, packaging) after the costs incurred by the insured for the purchase of PPE, or the insured must provide information received upon shipment of the goods from the supplier's warehouse . It should also be borne in mind that the PPE should indicate the shelf life after which the product cannot be used, or the service life, which also implies an expiration date. At the same time, we remind you that when the insured confirms the expenses in terms of purchasing PPE, it is necessary to verify the authenticity of the provided copies of certificates of compliance with the requirements of the technical regulation of the Customs Union (, as well as declarations of compliance with the requirements of the technical regulation of the Customs Union (http

Subparagraph “a” of paragraph 10 of the Rules was clarified by Order No. 201n in terms of making a decision to refuse financial support for preventive measures. This decision can be made if, on the day of filing the application, the insured has: outstanding arrears, arrears in penalties and fines formed at the end of the reporting period; outstanding arrears revealed in the input of a desk or field audit; outstanding penalties and fines accrued following the results of an on-site or desk audit.

In addition, Order No. 353n expanded the list of activities that the insured can carry out at the expense of the Fund, namely:

Subparagraph "l" of paragraph 3 of the Rules - "purchase of individual devices, devices directly designed to ensure the safety of workers and (or) control the safe conduct of work within the framework of technological processes, including underground work."

When choosing the specified measure, the insured must submit copies of documents confirming the acquisition by the organization of the relevant instruments, devices, equipment that will be used as part of the technological process and are designed to ensure the safety of employees and (or) control over the safe conduct of work; copies (extracts from) technical projects and (or) project documentation, which provide for the use of these devices.

Subparagraph "m" of paragraph 3 of the Rules - "acquisition of individual devices, devices, equipment and (or) complexes (systems) of devices, devices, equipment that directly provide training on the safe conduct of work, including mining, and actions in case of accident or incident at a hazardous production facility and (or) remote video and audio recording of briefings, training and other forms of training of employees on safe work performance, as well as storage of the results of such recording.

In this case, the policyholder shall submit copies (extracts) of documents substantiating and confirming the purchase of the above devices intended for training employees on safe work practices.

At the same time, we would like to inform you that the purchase of materials and installation of installations of video surveillance systems are not subject to financing at the expense of insurance premiums. Also, the purchase of personal computers for labor protection engineers is not subject to financing at the expense of insurance premiums, since training workers in safe methods and techniques for performing work is not part of the duties of an labor protection engineer.

By Order No. 353n, subparagraph “c” of paragraph 3 of the Rules was amended to supplement the list of certain categories of employees undergoing labor protection training at the expense of the Fund, employees of organizations classified as hazardous production facilities, who also receive training on safe work. At the same time, the insured confirms that the organization is classified as a hazardous production facility by submitting a copy of the certificate of the established form on the registration of a hazardous production facility in the state register of hazardous production facilities. Hazardous production facilities can be both organizations and its structural units. When choosing the specified event, the insured must submit a copy of the contract with the organization carrying out educational activities, in which the employees specified in paragraph eight of subparagraph "c" of paragraph 3 of the Rules were trained.

Due to the fact that the Federal Law of July 16, 1999 No. 165-FZ “On the Fundamentals of Compulsory Social Insurance” defines the principles for the implementation of compulsory social insurance, one of which is responsibility for the targeted use of compulsory social insurance funds, and also defines the circle of subjects of compulsory social insurance, which does not allow intermediary activities in the system of the specified type of insurance, Order No. 353n amended subparagraph "e" of paragraph 3 of the Rules. Since 2017, when using the Fund's funds for health resort treatment of employees, the insured shall submit an agreement with an organization directly providing health resort treatment for employees. At the same time, we draw the attention of the regional offices of the Fund that, according to the order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated May 5, 2016 No. 279n “On approval of the procedure for organizing sanatorium-and-spa treatment”, the duration of sanatorium-and-spa treatment for employees is at least 14 days.

At the same time, we remind you that the amount allowed to the insured for the financial support of preventive measures in the current financial year should not exceed the amount of insurance premiums to be transferred in accordance with the established procedure by the insurant to the Fund for the year as a whole, namely, the accrued insurance premiums for the current financial year minus expenses incurred in the current financial year for the payment of benefits for temporary disability in connection with accidents at work or occupational diseases and for paying for the leave of the insured person (in excess of the annual paid leave established by the legislation of the Russian Federation). At the same time, please note that the amount to be transferred does not include the amounts transferred to the insured by the regional branch of the Fund if he does not have enough funds to pay temporary disability benefits to the insured.

In connection with the above, the regional offices of the Fund, both at the stage of making a decision on the financial provision of preventive measures, and at the time of their confirmation by the insured, including during the quarterly report, need to control the amount of not only accrued insurance premiums and the costs incurred by the insured to ensure the the specified type of insurance in the current financial year, but also for insured events that have to be paid.

Please note that in order to use the allocated funds and satisfy the applications of policyholders who applied for financial support for preventive measures, the regional offices of the Fund must promptly notify the Fund on this issue for their subsequent redistribution.

Since, in accordance with paragraph 12 of the Rules, the insured maintains, in accordance with the established procedure, records of funds allocated for the financial support of preventive measures on account of the payment of insurance premiums, and submits a report on their use to the territorial body of the Fund, the Fund considers it appropriate to bring to the attention of policyholders the recommended form of the report on the use of the amounts of insurance premiums for compulsory social insurance against industrial accidents and occupational diseases for the financial support of preventive measures to reduce occupational injuries and occupational diseases of workers ().

Information on the results of consideration by the regional offices of the Fund of the applications of insurers and the decisions made on the allocation of funds for financial support of preventive measures in the current year (formed by the "Prevention" subsystem of the UIIS "Social Insurance") should be submitted to the Occupational Risks Insurance Department in electronic form and on paper by address: mavasilieva@fss.ru before October 1 of the current year.

A summary report on the results of work on the financial support of preventive measures (Appendix 3), generated using the "Prevention" subsystem of the UIIS "Sotsstrakh", should be submitted by February 1 following the reporting year in electronic form to mavasilieva@fss.ru and on paper containing summary reporting data for the regional branch of the Fund.

At the same time, please note that documents for re-approval must be sent to the Fund no later than December 1 of the current year after the comments of the Fund have been eliminated.

In addition, when sending a request to the Fund on financial support for preventive measures to reduce occupational injuries and occupational diseases, the regional branch of the Fund must express its position on the question being asked.

Application No. 1
to the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation
dated February 20, 2017 No. 02-09-11/16-05-3685

The report form is compiled by the insured on an accrual basis from the beginning of the year and submitted to the executive bodies of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation at the place of registration simultaneously with the form of calculation for accrued and paid insurance premiums for compulsory social insurance in case of temporary disability and in connection with motherhood and for compulsory social insurance from accidents at work and occupational diseases, as well as for the cost of paying insurance coverage (form 4-FSS)
Filled in rubles and kopecks

on the use of the amounts of insurance premiums for compulsory social insurance against accidents

accidents at work and occupational diseases for the financial support of preventive measures

to reduce occupational injuries and occupational diseases of workers

for ____________ 20_____

(reporting period)


(name of the policyholder, address, registration number, OKVED code)

Table 1

Labor protection training Providing workers with therapeutic and preventive nutrition Total expenses
Plan Fact Plan Fact Plan Fact Plan Fact Plan Fact Plan Fact Plan Fact Plan Fact Plan Fact Plan Fact Plan Fact Plan Fact Plan Fact
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26

table 2

Total number of insured persons (persons) Number of employees employed in work with harmful and (or) hazardous production factors (persons) Carrying out a special assessment of working conditions Implementation of measures to bring the levels of exposure to harmful and (or) hazardous production factors at workplaces in line with state regulatory requirements for labor protection Labor protection training Acquisition for employees engaged in work with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions, as well as in work performed in special temperature conditions or associated with pollution, of special clothing, special footwear and other personal protective equipment, funds Sanatorium-resort treatment of workers employed in work with harmful and (or) dangerous production factors Carrying out mandatory periodic medical examinations (examinations) of employees engaged in work with harmful and (or) dangerous production factors Provision of medical and preventive nutrition to employees Purchase by policyholders whose employees undergo mandatory pre-shift and (or) pre-trip medical examinations of devices to determine the presence and level of alcohol content (alcotests or breathalyzers) Acquisition by policyholders engaged in passenger and freight transportation of devices for monitoring the mode of work and rest of drivers (tachographs) Acquisition of first aid kits by policyholders Acquisition of individual devices, devices, equipment and (or) complexes (systems) of devices, devices, equipment directly designed to ensure the safety of workers and (or) control the safe conduct of work within the framework of technological processes, including underground work Acquisition of individual devices, devices, equipment and (or) complexes (systems) of devices, devices, equipment that directly provide training on safe work, incl. mining operations, and actions in the event of an accident or incident at a hazardous production facility and (or) remote video and audio recording of briefings, training and other forms of training for workers on safe work, as well as storing the results of such recording
Number of workplaces where a special assessment of working conditions was carried out at the expense of insurance premiums (workplaces) Total number of jobs The number of workplaces where measures were taken to bring the levels of exposure to harmful and (or) hazardous production factors at workplaces in line with state regulatory requirements for labor protection
(working places)
Number of insured people who received training in labor protection at the expense of insurance premiums (persons) The total number of purchased personal protective equipment at the expense of insurance premiums Number of insured people provided with personal protective equipment at the expense of insurance premiums (persons) The number of insured people who underwent sanatorium treatment at the expense of insurance premiums (persons) Total number of insured persons subject to periodic medical examinations (examinations)
The number of insured people who underwent periodic medical examinations (examinations) at the expense of insurance premiums (persons) Number of insured people provided with therapeutic and preventive nutrition at the expense of insurance premiums (persons) Number of devices for determining the presence and level of alcohol content (alcotests or breathalyzers) at the expense of insurance premiums Number of vehicles that are equipped with tachographs at the expense of insurance premiums Number of purchased and (or) completed first aid kits for first aid at the expense of insurance premiums The number of purchased instruments, devices, equipment and (or) complexes (systems) of instruments, devices, equipment directly designed to ensure safety The number of purchased devices, devices, equipment and (or) complexes (systems) of devices, devices, equipment that directly provide training on safe work
Total including those who received: Total Including: those who received an occupational disease
occupational disease work injury
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

"___" _____________ 20___ year

FULL NAME. performer tel. No. _______________________

Appendix 2

insured persons working in hazardous working conditions

Handbook - types of work (Column 5)

10 - Work at height
11 - Work at height, climbing work.
12 - The work of the crane operator (crane driver).
13 - The work of the elevator operator of high-speed elevators.
20 - Maintenance and repair of existing electrical installations
21 - Maintenance and repair actions. AC electrical installations with U=42 V and above.
22 - Maintenance and repair action. AC electrical installations with U=110 V and above.
23 - Installation, commissioning, testing and measurement in action. electrical installations.
30 - Forest protection, felling, rafting, transportation and primary processing of the forest.
40 - Works in the oil and gas industry.
41 - Works in the regions of the Far North and equivalent areas.
42 - Works in desert and other separate and insufficiently inhabited areas.
43 - Offshore drilling
50 - Hydrometeorological stations, communication facilities, work in difficult climatic conditions.
60 - Exploration, topographic, construction and other work in difficult climates. conditions.
70 - Works related to the use of flammable and explosive materials, work in explosive and fire hazardous industries
80 - Work in paramilitary security and other services (carrying and using firearms).
90 - Maintenance of installations and pressure vessels above 1.1 atm.
100 - Works performed in conditions of a changed geomagnetic field (shielded rooms, buried structures)
110 - Underwater work
120 - Underground work
130 - Prevention and elimination of consequences of natural and man-made emergencies
131 - Gas Rescue Service
132 - Gas rescue teams
133 - Paramilitary units and detachments to prevent the occurrence and liquidation of open gas and oil fountains
134 - Militarized mountain, mountain rescue services
135 - Fire Department
140 - Work performed with the use of PPE and filter gas masks with a full face
150 - Work on ships
160 - Work related to staying in conditions of low and high atmospheric pressure

Directory - harmful products. factors (Column 8)

Handbook - treatment profiles (Column 11)

Full Name Gender (m, f) Date of Birth Type of work (reference book) Work experience in hazardous conditions (full years) Subject to PMO
(0 - no
1 - yes)
Harmful production factor (reference book) Passed PMO (date) Diagnosis (text) According to the results of PMO, dignity is recommended. - chickens. treatment by profile (reference book) Has passed a dignity. - hens. recovery (date of arrival)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Document overview

Clarifications were given on the application of amendments made to the rules for financial support of preventive measures to reduce occupational injuries and occupational diseases of workers and sanatorium-and-spa treatment of workers employed in work with harmful and (or) dangerous production factors.

Thus, from January 1, 2017, insurance premiums provide financial support for the insured's expenses for the purchase of special clothing, special footwear and other personal protective equipment made in Russia.

From August 1, 2017, the provisions on the reimbursement of expenses for the purchase of special clothing made from fabrics, knitted fabrics and non-woven materials, the country of origin of which is Russia, come into force. In this regard, the submission of applications from insurers for reimbursement of these expenses is possible no earlier than 2018.

The updated procedure for the formation of a plan for the financial support of preventive measures was clarified. Additional grounds for refusing such security are mentioned.

It is noted that the purchase of materials and installation of installations of video surveillance systems are not subject to financing from insurance premiums. It is also about the purchase of personal computers for labor protection engineers.

Since 2017, when using the funds of the FSS of Russia for the sanatorium and resort treatment of employees, the insured provides an agreement with the organization. The Fund reminds that the duration of the health resort treatment of employees is at least 14 days.

The amount allowed for the financial support of preventive measures in the current financial year should not exceed the amount of insurance premiums to be transferred to the Fund for the year as a whole, namely, the accrued insurance premiums for the current financial year, less the costs incurred for the payment of benefits for temporary disability in connection with accidents at work or occupational diseases and to pay for the leave of the insured person (in excess of the annual paid leave established by law).

The form of the report on the use of the amounts of insurance premiums for OSS from accidents at work and occupational diseases for the financial support of preventive measures to reduce occupational injuries and occupational diseases of workers is given.