Configuration type. The main types of computers

Many are well aware that there are many types of 1C programs. The average user is likely to name three of them:

  • 1c accounting
  • 1C: Salary and personnel management
  • 1C: Trade Management

In fact, the 1C company has developed over a thousand different user applications, in fact, at every Russian enterprise. All these programs are called configurations or applied solutions 1C. This article will help you figure out how to choose the 1C configuration that is most suitable for meeting the needs of your company.

1C configurations (1C applied solutions) are programs designed to automate the activities of various organizations and individuals.

Configuration in 1C starts only if the computer is installed technological platform 1C: Enterprise.

Technological platform 1C: Enterprise is a special environment or shell in which 1C applied solutions are launched and operated.

When purchasing 1C, the user purchases a set of programs consisting of the 1C: Enterprise platform and one or more 1C configurations. Such a "set" (configuration of the platform and working bases with software management tools) is usually called software product 1C.

The software product also includes consulting and technological support... For example, access to help system Information technology support (1C: ITS).

Examples of software products based on platform version 8.3:

  • Software product = platform 1C: Enterprise 8.3 + 1C: Accounting 8.3 + 1C: Salary and personnel management 8.3 (for accounting, tax accounting manufacturing enterprise and employee payroll in a separate program).
  • Software product = platform 1C: Enterprise 8.3 + 1C: Accounting 8.3 + 1C: Trade management 8.3 + 1C: Salary and personnel management 8.3(for accounting, tax, warehouse accounting trade organization and employee payroll in a separate program).

All 1C configurations have a similar interface, the same configuration objects (directories, documents, information registers, etc.) and general principles work. Thus, a user who has mastered the basic actions in one of the 1C configurations can easily work in others.

Some of the same type of operations available in all 1C applied solutions:

  • Filling out reference books. Creation of elements and groups in directories;
  • Deleting, copying, moving, editing elements and groups of reference books;
  • Input of incoming balances;
  • Entering documents in the program, incl. creation of documents by copying and entering on the basis;
  • Work in document journals;
  • Formation of reports on the results of work.

Technological platform 1C: Enterprise was developed by 1C. It is constantly evolving, taking into account the needs of users, legislation updates, as well as market innovations. As a result, new versions (for example, 7.7, 8.2, 8.3) and releases (current updates) of the 1C platform are constantly being born.

In addition, the platform contains a built-in programming language that allows you to make changes to the ready-made configuration based on the wishes of the customer. Sometimes, if necessary, completely new configurations for 1C are written from scratch on the basis of a technological platform.

1C application programs are created both by 1C itself and by other developers and partner firms. 1C configurations released directly by 1C are called typical.

Thus, depending on the developer, 1C configurations are of two types: typical and non-standard (also called industry and custom solutions).

Typical configurations 1C

Most users purchase standard 1C solutions as part of a software product.


  • Typical 1C solutions are universal, i.e. suitable for keeping records in various fields of activity. For example, in 1C: Accounting, accountants of industrial enterprises, service industries, trade organizations can work. The configuration also allows you to keep records in various tax regimes (OSN, STS, UTII).
  • Typical 1C configurations are constantly being improved by 1C, which monitors the wishes of customers and takes into account the experience of a wide range of users. Such applied solutions are thoroughly "debugged", more reliable in use and maintenance.


  • The consumer uses only the part of the capabilities of the standard solution he needs, while purchasing all the functionality of the program.
  • A typical 1C configuration needs careful tuning for a specific organization, and sometimes it needs to be "refined" by programmers.

For Russian enterprises, 1C offers the following typical configurations

The maximum functionality of the 1C: Enterprise program system is implemented in the 1C: ERP program. Enterprise Management 8.3.

Some typical configurations are available in several versions with a different set functionality... For example, 1C: Accounting 8 is available in three versions: basic, CORP and PROF.

Basic version

The affordable price and the absence of security keys can undoubtedly be attributed to the advantages of the basic version. At the same time, the basic version has the least amount of functionality.

Basic version of 1C: Accounting 8

  • Does not support multi-user mode (designed for one accountant);
  • From a technical point of view, does not provide for changes to the configuration;
  • Does not support accounting for several organizations in one infobase;
  • Accounting is not kept in the context separate subdivisions(regarding the distribution of income tax by divisions and the consolidation of VAT reporting).

There are also specialized deliveries of the basic version, configured for special taxation regimes:

  • 1C: Simplified 8
  • 1C: Entrepreneur 8

PROF version

The most popular of all versions of 1C: Accounting 8.

  • Supports multi-user accounting;
  • Multi-company accounting is possible;
  • Allows the administrator to make configuration changes;
  • It is possible to work in the "cloud" service. In this case, the program is located on the 1C server, and access to it is carried out via the Internet;
  • Access to the program via mobile devices is possible.

CORP version

The program is intended for large corporations, because has the widest functionality. It has all the advantages of the PROF version. In addition, this version allows you to keep separate records of income and expenses for separate divisions of the organization.

Scheme for comparing the functionality of different versions of a typical configuration 1C: Accounting 8

Atypical 1C configurations

Partner firms are involved in the implementation of 1C software products. They interact directly with customers, installing 1C programs, configuring and adapting them, focusing on the characteristics of a particular enterprise and the wishes of the customer.

To do this, IT specialists:

  • In a special programming language, typical configurations of 1C are "finalized". For example, the applied solution "1C: Sawmill 8" is a modified standard configuration of 1C: Management manufacturing enterprise.
  • Create new configurations based on the 1C: Enterprise platform.

The applied solutions developed by 1C partner firms are not typical. To implement such configurations, it is necessary to pass certification at 1C and obtain the right to a special 1C: Compatible logo. Atypical configurations, as a rule, are "written" for a specific type of activity, for a specific industry. Therefore, they are also called industry and specialized 1C solutions.

Benefits of atypical configurations

  • They allow to reduce the costs of consumers when implementing a software product due to the fact that they are supplied as ready-made solutions.
  • They contain highly specialized solutions that take into account the specifics of the work of a particular company.
  • Avoid complex configuration settings.

Examples of industry configurations: 1C: Public catering, 1C: Management of an agricultural enterprise, 1C: Management of a construction organization.

Suppose you need to select a software product for accounting and tax accounting at an enterprise Food Industry... For this purpose, as shown in the diagram, you can install and adapt a typical configuration of 1C: Accounting or choose one of the ready-made industry solutions, while saving time and money.

As you can see, the 1C company presents a wide range of 1C software products that meet the needs and tastes of a wide variety of consumers. More details can be found on our website.

When creating a computer network, it is first of all important to choose a scheme for the electrical connection of computers to the network. This circuit is called configuration, or network topology. The choice of one or another configuration significantly affects the characteristics of the network. For example, redundant links can be provided to improve network reliability. And if it is necessary for the network to be easily expandable, then it is necessary to choose a topology that allows the connection of new nodes without degrading the traffic of other network subscribers.

Consider the basic configurations that are most often used in building local area networks... Until recently, the most common

the configuration was "Common bus" (Fig. 19.2, a). All computers on the network are connected to one coaxial cable, and information can be distributed in both directions. This is the simplest and cheapest connection scheme, but also the least reliable. Damaging a cable in one place can damage the entire network.

In configuration "star" (Fig. 14.2, b) each computer is connected with a separate cable to a common device - hub, located in the center of the network. A hub sends information from one computer to all other computers or a dedicated computer on the network. Instead of a hub, a central computer can be located inside the star. Star configuration is more reliable than "Common bus", since a damaged peripheral cable does not affect the performance of the entire network. Another plus is that the hub can block data transfers prohibited by the administrator.

With multiple hubs it is possible to build hierarchical (" tree-like ") networks (Figure 14.2, c). The hierarchical configuration of "stars" is currently the most common in local and global networks. When building local networks of the listed configurations, the most popular network technology is Ethernet.

Another possible network configuration is " ring"(Fig. 14.2, d). In it, each computer is connected by pieces of cable with the previous and with the previous computers, and it can exchange information only with them. Data travels around a ring, usually in one direction. How and in the "common bus" configuration, the ring connection has low reliability. However, its advantage is that it is easy to organize feedback to control the delivery of packets to addressees. Indeed, it is easy to verify the data sent by the source computer after it has gone a complete revolution around the ring. Ring configurations use Token Ring networking technology

Rice. 14.2 Possible LAN configurations: a- "Common bus"; b - "star"; в - "tree-like"; G- "ring"

Mesh topology- basic fully connected topology computer network, in which each workstation on a network connects to all other workstations on the same network. It is characterized by high fault tolerance, configuration complexity and excessive cable consumption. Each computer has many possible ways to connect to other computers. Broken cable will not result in loss of connection between the two computers.

It is obtained from fully connected by removing some possible links... This topology allows the connection of a large number of computers and is typical, as a rule, for large networks.

Lattice- a concept from the theory of the organization of computer networks. It is a topology in which the nodes form a regular multidimensional lattice. Moreover, each edge of the lattice is parallel to its axis and connects two adjacent nodes along this axis.

Fat tree network(thickened tree) - Computer network topology invented by Charles E. Leiserson of MIT is cheap and efficient for supercomputers. Unlike classical tree topology, in which all connections between nodes are the same, connections in a thickened tree become wider (thicker, more efficient bandwidth) with each level as you approach the root of the tree. Doubling the bandwidth at each layer is often used.

CodeIgniter 3 - Config Class

Configuration type

The Config class provides a means to get configuration settings. These settings can be obtained from the default config file (application / config / config.php) or from your own config files.

Working with the configuration class

Anatomy of a configuration file

By default, CodeIgniter has one main configuration file located in the app / config / config.php. If you open the file with text editor, you will see that the config items are stored in an array named $ config.

You can add your own config items to this file, or if you prefer to keep individual config items (assuming you even need config items), just create your own file and save it in the config folder.

If you create your own config files, use the same format as the main one, storing your items in an array named $ config. CodeIgniter will intelligently manage these files so that there is no conflict even if the array has the same name (assuming the array index is not named the same as another).

CodeIgniter automatically loads the main config file (application / config / config.php), so you'll need to load the config file if you've created your own.

There are two ways to load the configuration file:

Manual loading

To load one of your custom config files, you will use the following function in the controller that needs it:

$ this-> config-> load ("filename");

Where filename is the name of your config file, without the .php file extension.

If you need to load multiple configuration files, they will be combined into one main configuration array. However, naming conflicts can occur if you have the same array index names in different config files. To avoid collisions, you can set the second parameter to TRUE, and each config file will be stored in an array index corresponding to the config file name. Example:

// Stored in an array with this prototype: $ this-> config ["blog_settings"] = $ config $ this-> config-> load ("blog_settings", TRUE);

For details on how to retrieve the configuration items specified in this section, see the "Retrieving Configuration Settings" section below.

The third parameter allows you to suppress errors if the configuration file does not exist:

$ this-> config-> load ("blog_settings", FALSE, TRUE);


If you find that you need a specific config file around the world, you can download it automatically by the system. To do this, open the file autoload.php located in app / config / autoload.php and add the config file as mentioned in the file.

Loading configuration items

To get an item from your config file use the following function:

$ this-> config-> item ("item_name");

Where item_name is the index of the $ config array you want to retrieve. For example, to select a language, you would do the following:

$ lang = $ this-> config-> item ("language");

The function returns NULL if the item you are trying to retrieve does not exist.

If you use the second parameter of the $ this-> config-> load function to assign your config items to a specific index, you can get it by specifying the index name in the second parameter $ this-> config-> item (). Example:

// Loads a config file named blog_settings.php and assigns it to an index named "blog_settings" $ this-> config-> load ("blog_settings", TRUE); // Retrieve a config item named site_name contained within the blog_settings array $ site_name = $ this-> config-> item ("site_name", "blog_settings"); // An alternate way to specify the same item: $ blog_config = $ this-> config-> item ("blog_settings"); $ site_name = $ blog_config ["site_name"];

Setting a configuration item

If you want to dynamically set a config item or change an existing one, you can do so using:

$ this-> config-> set_item ("item_name", "item_value");

Where item_name is the index of the $ config array you want to change and item_value is its value.


To create a config file for a specific environment, create or copy a config file at application / config / (ENVIRONMENT) / (FILENAME) .php

For example, to create a production-only config.php you would:

  1. Create a directory application / config / production /
  2. Copy your existing config.php to the above directory
  3. Modify app / config / production / config.php to contain your production settings

When you set the constant ENVIRONMENT to "production", the settings for your new config file config.php will be loaded.

You can put the following configuration files in environment dependent folders:

  • Default CodeIgniter Configuration Files
  • Your own config files

CodeIgniter first loads the global config file (ie the one in the application / config /) and then tries to load the config files for the current environment. This means that you are not required to post all your config files in environment folder. Only files that change for each environment. Also, you don't need to copy all config items to the environment config file. Only the configuration items that you want to change for your environment. Config items declared in your environment folders always overwrite them in your global config files.

Class reference

class CI_Config $ config

An array of all loaded configuration values

$ is_loaded

An array of all loaded config files

Item ($ item [, $ index = ""])

Extract the configuration file element.

Set_item ($ item, $ value)

Sets the configuration file item to the specified value.

Slash_item ($ item)

This method is identical to item (), except that it adds a forward slash to the end of the item, if it exists.

Load ([$ file = "" [, $ use_sections = FALSE [, $ fail_gracefully = FALSE]]])

Loads a configuration file.

Site_url ()

This method retrieves your site's URL plus an additional path, such as a stylesheet or image.

This method is usually accessed through the appropriate functions in the URL helper.

System_url ()

This method fetches the url to your CodeIgniter system / directory.

1. Chain... Open configuration. Based on linear communication. It can have different spatial orientations: vertical (Fig. 2a), horizontal (Fig. 2b) and vertical-horizontal (Fig. 2c). It can be based on both sequential and opposite and diverging connections. Various combinations of these compounds are possible. Configurations of this type can constitute independent structures (for example, a technological structure in continuous production), but are mainly used as additional elements of complex structures that ensure the distance of peripheral sections from the center (Fig. 4b).

2. Annular(fig. 3). Closed-loop decentralized configuration. Based on serial communication. An example would be the structure of a creative research group: developing a research program (leading specialist) - sequential research (all members of the group) - summarizing the results (again leading specialist).

3. Star(Fig.4a). Open configuration. It is characterized by clear centralization and the absence of peripheral connections. Formed on the basis of expanding (leadership structure) or narrowing (structure feedback) connections. Can be used in rigidly centralized management systems with weak delegation of authority, and also as a central element of any centralized structures. Strengthening centralization can be achieved by lengthening the rays emanating from the center of the "star" (Fig. 4b).

4. "Wheel"(fig. 5). Closed loop centralized configuration. Formed on the basis of narrowing or expanding joints. Represents the synthesis of ring and stellar configurations. In addition to the centralized, it also has developed peripheral connections. The structures of this configuration are fairly common. This can be, for example, the management structure of a company: centralized management of divisions from a single center and peripheral links between the units themselves. This configuration can also be used as the centerpiece of complex centralized structures.

5. "Double ring"(fig. 6). Closed configuration. Formed on the basis of expanding and narrowing joints. There is no pronounced centralization. But such a configuration is not completely decentralized either, since there is a relative center, enclosed in the inner ring, and a relative periphery, enclosed in the outer ring. Such structures are typical for organizations that are managed by a council, each member of which oversees a certain direction of activity.

The combination of a "double ring" with a star gives a more complete, rational and widespread configuration "Double rim wheel", which, in contrast to the "double ring", has a clear centralization (Fig. 7). Example: the head of an organization has several deputies, each of whom is in charge of a specific department on the basis of delegation of authority.

6. Fan... Open-ended centralized configuration. Formed on the basis of convergent and divergent connections. Depending on the spatial orientation, it can be vertical or horizontal, and depending on the type of basic connection, it can be diverging or converging. An example of a vertical diverging fan is a traditional linear control system (Fig.8a), converging - a feedback system and information support manuals (Fig.8b). An example of a horizontal diverging (converging) fan is the technological structure of production with expansion (contraction) along the way technological process the number of production sites (Fig. 8c).

7. All-channel... Closed configuration, in which each of the elements of the system is connected to all other elements. Can be formed on the basis of simple multi-channel, narrowing or expanding connections. The main varieties are: decentralized and centralized.

Decentralized is similar to a ring, but with full deployment of links of the "All with all" type (Fig. 9a). Typical for groups of informal communication, creative and other groups that do not have clear leaders.

The centralized configuration is similar to the "wheel" configuration also with full deployment of peripheral connections (Fig. 9b). Examples of organizations with such structures are production teams with full interchangeability of workers or research groups that do not have a pronounced specialization of performers by type of work, provided that these teams have pronounced coordinating leaders.

8. Cellular(fig. 10). Decentralized configuration with high degree the regulation of relations is formed on the basis of different types connections. When completed, it is closed. An example would be the structure of a system for the formation, storage and use of confidential information.

fig. 2 Chain configuration

Rice. 3 Ring configuration

Rice. 4 Star configuration

Rice. 5 Configuration "Wheel"

Rice. 6 Double ring configuration

Rice. 7 Double rim wheel configuration

Rice. 8 Fan configuration

Rice. 9 All-channel configuration

Rice. 10 Cellular configuration

1C configurations on Russian market- lots of. Most of them are designed various companies franchisee 1C.

Typical 1C configurations are universal 1C configurations developed by 1C. The most common typical 1C configurations are relatively few - less than ten. Additionally, they are divided into versions - basic / professional / corporate.

Today we would like to consider a list of typical 1C configurations that a 1C programmer often encounters, their capabilities and features.

Who develops 1C configurations?

Typical configurations 1C develops 1C. The franchisee develops its own 1C production configurations, which can also be sold through the 1C network, but they are not "standard".

Actually, each company can develop its own original 1C configuration "from scratch" and distribute it independently.

If the developed 1C configuration contains part of a typical 1C configuration or is a modification of a typical one, then in order to distribute such a 1C configuration, it is required to obtain permission from 1C. To obtain such permission, you must pass the 1C: Compatible certification.

In order to certify your 1C configuration, you need to meet the requirements:

  • 1C configuration must have a user manual
  • There must be an installer
  • Automatic initial filling of the base at the first start
  • All information should be stored in one 1C information base
  • There must be an Administrator with full rights; General and Full interfaces
  • Use only managed lock mode
  • The 1C configuration must successfully pass syntax and other error checks
  • Detailed

Typical configurations 1C

By the term "technological advantages of configuration" we mean automation in the work of an employee, which allows you to perform certain things completely automatically (easily for an employee) or semi-automatically (an employee is easier), as well as those things that are very difficult or impossible to do without a program.

1c accounting

The most common typical 1C configuration is Accounting. As the name implies, this 1C configuration allows you to keep accounting in accordance with the current Russian legislation.

Accounting subsystems:

  • Accounting
  • Tax accounting (conducted "automatically" in parallel with accounting)
  • Personnel documents and salary (in short form)
  • Regulated reporting.

Regulated reporting is a system of reports that must be submitted to government bodies... Reporting is submitted once a quarter and is updated by 1C once a quarter.

  • Desktop interface
  • Partial automation of user actions (for example, "Closing the period"
  • Processing audit of accounting and tax accounting.

Modifications 1C: Accounting

Accounting involves manual accounting for an organization, followed by semi / automatic receipt of regulated reporting.

There are modifications of this program for various narrow directions. For example, for accounting for "simplified" or for reporting. Usually, these modifications have less functionality, due to which they are easier to work with and they usually cost less.

The options are:

  • Simplified - accounting of individual entrepreneurs on the simplified tax system
  • Entrepreneur - accounting individual entrepreneurs for calculating personal income tax
  • Payment documents - preparation of invoices for printing and exchange with a client bank
  • Taxpayer - manual registration of regulated reports to the tax and Pension Fund without keeping records
  • Money - accounting for personal finances
  • Manager - formation of management reports (profit, loss, balance sheet, cash flows)
  • Budget reporting and Code of reports - reporting for government organizations.

Salary and HR management

This 1C configuration has two blocks of significant size:

  • Full accounting of the personnel department (including questionnaires, formation personnel reserve etc.)
  • Calculation of wages in full (taking into account recalculations, complex vacations, decrees, northern allowances, etc.).

The words "in full" mean a hint that this is much more functionality than just personnel orders and an accrual document wages... These two blocks are connected by the fact that wages are calculated on the basis of previously entered personnel documents.

Accounting subsystems:

  • Personnel accounting of the organization (admission-dismissal-vacation ..)
  • Payroll (with uploading to the Accounting Department)
  • Regulated reporting (FIU and funds)
  • Functionality of the HR department (recruitment, motivation, training, cost planning, labor protection).
    • Regulated reporting is a system of reports that must be submitted to various government funds(pension, medical).

      Configuration 1C Accounting has the following technological advantages:

      • Desktop interface
      • Calculation of wages, taking into account all deductions, allowances and recalculations based on the entered personnel documents
      • Automation of the daily routine work of the personnel department.

      Trade management

      This configuration of 1C allows you to automate the operational activities of the company, if it is not related to the production of goods. Very often, on the basis of this particular configuration of 1C, improvements are made to obtain management reporting.

      Accounting subsystems:

      • Inventory control
      • Purchases
      • Marketing & Sales
      • Customer relationship
      • Operational accounting of finance
      • Prompt reporting.

      Operational reporting is the opposite of government regulated reporting. The purpose of operational reporting is to show real situation business in the company in the current second (the usual assumption is one day). The usual set is goods, money, debts.

      • Registration of invoices
      • Cashier workplace
      • Printing price tags and labels
      • Maintaining a "customer base" and "history of relationships with them"
      • The ability to maintain order in the movement of goods and money.


      In fact, it is a modified version of the Trade Office and is intended specifically for automation retail stores with different specifics. This 1C configuration is universal for any store, based on it, franchisees have developed many variations for stores in different industries.

      Accounting subsystems:

      • Warehouse
      • Sales
      • Cash register.

      Configuration 1C Trade management has the following technological advantages:

      • Cashier workplace
      • Printing price tags and labels
      • Use of commercial equipment
      • "Sharpened" under the account in the store
      • Built-in exchange with Trade Management.

      Document flow

      In large companies, the level of bureaucracy increases. A large number of middle managers, regulations - increases the number of papers processed within the company. Also in large companies there is a large turnover of securities with external companies - suppliers, buyers that cannot be lost, ignored, which may require a response or mandatory storage for half a year, a year or more.

      In this case, the turnover of securities between offices begins to matter and must be taken into account. As a rule, a “warehouse” of papers appears for papers - an archive. Regulated chains of circulation of papers from office to office appear.

      This configuration of 1C allows you to automate the accounting of paper documents and partially or completely transfer it to electronic. The 1C configuration allows you to scan incoming documents (or attach electronic documents Word and others) and then operate an electronic copy of the document in the chains of approval, approval and other things.

      Accounting subsystems:

      • Document accounting
      • archive
      • Document chain (business processes, including agreements and approvals)
      • Automation of regulations with control over their implementation.

      Configuration 1C Trade management has the following technological advantages:

      • Storage electronic documents(both originally electronic and scanned)
      • Setting tasks for execution (including in the form of chains of tasks from performer to performer).

      Complex configurations 1C

      We have listed typical 1C configurations, which are universal, but made to automate the "task area". Depending on the area, they allow you to automate either the accounting side of the company's life or the operational side (for example, warehouse).

      There are typical 1C configurations that are automated "from the company". They are also typical and are divided according to the "needs" of the companies. Since "needs" most often depend on size, they can roughly be considered as for small, medium and large companies.

      Complex configurations of 1C usually include all aspects of accounting - both accounting and operational and management, as well as "something else".

      Small Firm Management (UNF)

      Designed for the automation of medium-sized companies with production (for small ones, the modifications of the Accounting Department, which we considered earlier, are probably suitable).


      • Warehouse and trade management
      • Sales and retail
      • Staff and salary
      • Production
      • Planning
      • Management reports.

      At the same time, it does not include accounting (there is an upload to it).

      Integrated automation (CA)

      Designed for the automation of medium-sized companies without production.


      • Warehouse and trade management
      • Customer relationship
      • Sales and retail
      • Accounting department
      • Staff and salary
      • Manufacturing (simplified).

      At the same time, it does not include planning and production (only in a simplified form).

      Manufacturing Enterprise Management (SCP)

      The main typical mega-configuration 1C, which is designed for the automation of large companies and includes "everything and a little more."


      • Trade management
      • Accounting department
      • Salary and personnel
      • Production
      • Planning
      • Management reporting (in a simplified form).

      Other configurations 1C

      Other 1C configurations are not intended for accounting, like all those listed earlier, but as additional features in building information system companies.


      It is supposed to be used in the holding. The main goal is to get from others information bases and program results different types accounting by divisions and legal entities holding and consolidate into a single reporting.


      • Collection of incoming data in the form of "reports" from different databases and different programs
      • Consolidation of data from different reports into a single whole
      • Business analysis of metrics by results
      • Distribution of reports.

      Data conversion

      Instrumentation and control and its part - MCC

      MCC - Performance Control Center. Allows you to analyze performance bottlenecks in a running 1C database.

      KIP - corporate instrumental package. MCC is a part of it. Additionally includes tools for database testing (including load testing).

      Library of standard subsystems 8.2

      Positioned as a developer tool. Includes ready-made universal subsystems that can be used when developing your own 1C configurations.

      Examples of such blocks:

      • Users and access control
      • 1C configuration update and backup
      • Working with files
      • Email
      • Business processes and tasks
      • Report options
      • Versioning
      • Data exchange
      • Typical classifiers (currencies, banks, organizations, individuals).

      Industry configurations 1C

      All of the above typical 1C configurations are universal. This means they can be used in any industry.

      Meanwhile, there are many industries and each of them has its own peculiarities. For example, you can trade:

      • clothes and shoes (features - colors and sizes, "perpetual" re-grading)
      • cars (features - a large selection of configuration variations)
      • sweets (tricky use of scales)
      • etc.

      During the implementation of typical 1C configurations in various industries the franchisee had to take into account such subtleties. Implementation results appear on the market as “industry” solutions.

      Industry-specific solutions can be bought in the 1C network as standard. Also their industry solutions offered by those franchisees who wrote them.

      There are a lot of industry solutions. Analyzing the advantages and differences between one and the other (in the same area) can take a significant amount of time.