The main stages of the production of printed products. Print media

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1. Introduction ……………………………………………………… ……… ..3

2. Determination of the printing design of the publication ……………… ... 5

3. Choice and justification of the printing method ………………………………… ..6

4. Peculiarities of making printing plates …………………………… .8

5. Choice of printing equipment …… ………………………………… .... 9

6. The choice of materials for the printing process .. ………………………… ..11

7. Preparation of equipment for printing …………………………………… .13

9. Book stitching, binding and finishing operations ……… ... …… 15

10. Quality control …………………………………………………… .. .17

11. Requirements for a publication intended for children …………… ..... 19

12. Labor protection at printing enterprises ………………… ... 20

13. Conclusion ………. ……………………………………… ……… ..... 22

14. References ………………………………… ………………… .23


In the modern world, the printing industry is characterized by a wide variety of products and the technologies used for their production. This differentiation of demand leads to significant fluctuations in the production and technical parameters of publications - formats, volumes, circulation. In these conditions, it is required to respond promptly, professionally and correctly to changes. This requires knowledge of technologies, techniques and specifics of printing production.

Printing production Is a process that includes a set of various technical means used for printed reproduction of text and graphic information in the form of newspapers, books, magazines, reproductions and other printed materials.

The production of printed matter in most cases consists of:

  • processing of text and visual information- originals subject to polygraphic reproduction (original from Lat. - original, original). As a result of this process, negatives or transparencies are obtained containing information from the printed forms;
  • making from negatives or transparencies set of printing plates required for the reproduction of information;
  • printing circulation- obtaining from printed forms a certain number of identical printed sheets, notebooks or newspapers, which is actually the reproduction of information;
  • stitching or bookbinding processes(production of brochures, magazines, books from individual elements) or, in some cases, finishing processes (varnishing of printed sheets, etc.). At this stage, the product acquires a form that is convenient for the use of information. The first two processes are often called prepress processes, the third and fourth can be performed in the same way as a single process on specialized equipment.

This course project will address the key issues of making a children's encyclopedia "Mythology" using modern techniques and forms; as well as the organization of product quality control, which take place at each printing company.

Determination of the printing design of the publication

The printing design must correspond to the selected type of publication. This section contains the characteristics of the edition in question, which is framed in table 1.1. For its intended purpose, this publication is popular science. It is aimed at children of primary school age. In terms of material construction, it is bookish. According to the symbolic nature of information, the publication is text-graphic. The book was published only once and therefore is not a periodical.

Table 1.1.

Printing format and sheet ratio 70 * 90 /
Volume in printed sheets 6
Volume in conditionally printed sheets 7,02
Circulation 10,000 copies
Volume of the publication, pages 96
Printing method offset
Number of paints Binding 4 + 0 (and embossing);

endpaper 0 + 0; block 4 + 4

Number of notebooks 6
Number of folds in a notebook 6 notebooks, 3 folds each
Number of pages in a notebook 16
Endpaper design type Plain
Outer cover of a book edition Binding cover, 7BC
Block assembly method Selection
Block fastening method Loose sewing with threads

Selection and justification of the printing method

At the moment, there are three main printing methods - gravure, high and flat offset printing.

The way letterpress , a wide variety of products can be made. The advantages of letterpress printing are:

Good resolution;

Sufficient graphic and coloristic accuracy of reproduction of images of different nature. Along with the advantages, letterpress printing has a number of disadvantages:

High complexity of preparatory operations;

Low degree of mechanization and automation of printing equipment.

Gravure printing used mainly for the production of illustrated products. The advantages of gravure printing are:

High printing speed;

The ability to provide expressive color and gradation effects. The disadvantages of gravure printing are:

The toxicity of the paints used;

The need to rasterize text, as a result of which text and line images become inconvenient for perception.

Offset printing has centuries-old traditions, because for more than 100 years it has remained the main method of printing, characterized by high definition, brightness and excellent color rendering, which allows producing high-quality products in huge quantities and the ability to implement complex post-printing processing. Plus, offset printing allows you to apply text and images not only to paper, but also to cardboard. The main advantages of the flat offset printing are:

Universal possibilities of decoration of publications;

Improvements in quality and the appearance of new, basic and auxiliary materials;

Implementation of flexible and efficient forms production options into practice. The disadvantages of flat-bed offset printing are:

Moisturizing, because Due to the imbalance between paint and dampening solution, graphic, gradation and color distortions occur.

Since we have a children's edition, you should know that a book can bring a child not only benefit, but also harm when it comes to the "external" side of the matter - the printing quality of the publication. It should be borne in mind that with the so-called "low printing" the book becomes a source of zinc background. And "letterpress" is a source of other harmful volatile substances. The safest is "offset printing".

Therefore, taking into account the disadvantages and advantages of all three main printing methods, let us focus on the method of flat offset printing.

Features of the manufacture of printing plates

Forming equipment, depending on the used form plates - monometallic or polyester, allows you to build a form area in different ways. The first method is: a phototypesetter with built-in or free-standing developer, an assembly area, a copy frame and a processor for developing plates. Its advantage is the low cost of equipment, the ability to produce the most reliable analog color proof, as well as the ability to accept orders both in the form of ideas / slides / ready-made files, and in the form of previously displayed films. The second method is the production of polyester molds using CtP. To do this, you can use the direct output system for offset plates, on which polyester printing plates are produced. It is possible to use the built-in developing machine, double cassette loading, side and cross puncher.

General technological scheme for the manufacture of printing plates for flat offset printing (Fig. 1).

Choice of printing equipment

The manufacture of this type of product requires a reliable production system to achieve a high quality standard. Sheet-fed machines have a number of advantages over web-fed rotary machines:

Ability to print on papers of various formats with different weights, as well as the ability to print on other materials;

Providing more accurate register for multicolor printing;

Requires less paper consumption for technical needs.

In this regard, we opt for a sheet rotary machine, because the edition has a large volume of illustrations combined with the text, and the percentage of waste of paper for technical needs will be less.

A printing press is perfect for printing this edition. Heidelberg Speedmaster SM 102, with built-in CPC system (computer print control).

Technical characteristics of the machine:

Printing material
Printing material thickness 0.03-0.8mm
Maximum sheet size 720 × 1020 mm
Minimum sheet size (simplex printing) 340 × 480 mm
Minimum sheet size (flip printing) 400 × 480 mm
Maximum printable surface 710 × 1020 mm
Gripper edge 10-12 mm
Printing forms
Length × width 770 × 1030 mm
with AutoPlate 790 × 1030 mm
Thickness 0.2-0.5 mm
with AutoPlate 0.2-0.3 mm
Form cylinder
Groove 0.5 mm
with AutoPlate 0.15 mm
Distance from the leading edge of the printing plate to the start of printing 43 mm
Offset cylinder
Groove 2,3mm
Length × width of reinforced fabric 840 × 1052 mm
Staple height
Feeder Preset 1230 mm
Feeder Preset Plus 1320 mm
Acceptance Preset 1205 mm
Acceptance Preset Plus 1295 mm
Configuration example
Dimensions SM 102-8-P-S with PresetPlus Feeder
Number of printing units 8
Length 15.37 m
Width 3.31 m
Height 2.17 m

Work description

This course project will address the key issues of making a children's encyclopedia "Mythology" using modern techniques and forms; as well as the organization of product quality control, which take place at each printing company.


1. Introduction ……………………………………………………………… ..3
2. Determination of the printing design of the publication ……………… ... 5
3. Choice and justification of the printing method ………………………………… ..6
4. Peculiarities of making printing plates …………………………… .8
5. Choice of printing equipment ……………………………………… .... 9
6. The choice of materials for the printing process .. ………………………… ..11
7. Preparation of equipment for printing …………………………………… .13
9. Book stitching, binding and finishing operations ……… ... …… 15
10. Quality control …………………………………………………… ... 17
11. Requirements for a publication intended for children …………… ..... 19
12. Labor protection at printing enterprises ………………… ... 20
13. Conclusion ………. ……………………………………………… ..... 22
14. References …………………………………………………… .23

The list of works that must be completed before your order goes to print largely depends on the degree of readiness of the materials provided to us.

Both during the printing process and in preparation for this process, a professional and responsible approach is very important. Most the best option production of a printed product - order design, prepress and printing in one company. In this case, the manufacturer's specialists can and should be responsible for the result at all stages of product preparation, as well as for the quality final product print. Unfortunately, this does not happen often. Usually they bring a ready-made model of the product, which specialists in prepress have to refine and adapt to the peculiarities of a particular production. However, in any case, we meet the wishes of the customer: we prepare products for production that meet their most varied requirements, we optimize the existing layouts to create a printed product.

Any printed matter is prepared in three stages:

1) Prepress, including the manufacture of printing plates - all these operations are associated with computer image processing, the production of photographic forms (films) and, in fact, printing forms (clichés, plates, stencils).

2) Print run... This is the main stage in the production of printed products. The main printing methods at the moment are and. The flexographic method is used for the production of packaging and labels. There are also other printing methods, each of which is designed to solve a specific class of problems. But here we will focus on only two basic printing methods.

Operational printing irreplaceable in the manufacture of printed products up to 1000 copies. In this case, you will save not only time, but also money. Using the services of prompt printing, you can print forms, leaflets, booklets, catalogs, brochures, postcards, calendars, stickers, posters, business cards, etc., that is, everything that will not only help in your work, but will also advertise your activities.

When printing large runs, it is more economical to offset printing... Offset printing, like no other, provides high quality manufactured products.

3) Post-printing and finishing. Post-printing processing includes: binding, folding, creasing, bookbinding, die-cutting, etc. Post-printing processing also includes special finishing works aimed at improving appearance finished product printing: gluing, etc. Finishing work will give your printed products individuality and originality.

Rice. 1.8. The structure of the production of electronic, print media and multimedia products Rice. 1.9. Structural scheme printing technological process

Printing production is a combination of various technical means and technologies used for printed reproduction of text and graphic information in the form of newspapers, books, magazines, reproductions and other printed products.

Polygraphic information presented in the form of text, digital data, tables, mathematical and other formulas is called text information, and illustrations, graphs, diagrams, ornaments, drawings, rulers, maps and other images are called graphic information. Traditionally, there were two separate areas in a printing company, one of which processed text information, and the second - graphic information. The unification of text and visual information is carried out in the third section, where the layout of a particular publication is carried out.

The basis production process in the printing industry is printing. Printing is the repeated receipt of identical prints of text and images by transferring the ink layer from the printing plate to the printed material: paper, cardboard, plastic film, etc.

The carrier of graphic print information is a printing plate, which is, as a rule, a plate or a cylinder, on the surface of which there are printing and non-printing elements.

The printing element is the areas of the form that perceive the printing ink and subsequently transfer it to the printed material. Whitespace are areas that do not absorb ink and, therefore, these areas on the printed material will not be covered with an ink layer.

The formation of printing elements on a form can be carried out due to their spatial separation or the creation of various physicochemical or other properties of printing and space elements. The printing process is carried out in a printing machine, which requires ink and printing material.

Various types of printing are used in the printing industry, but the main ones are three types: high, flat and gravure printing.

Letterpress printing forms (Fig. 1.1, a) have a spatial separation of printing and blank elements: relief printing elements 1 are in the same plane, and blank elements 2 are deepened by different amounts depending on their area. In letterpress printing, the printing elements are covered with a uniformly thick ink layer 3 (Fig. 1.1, b) and therefore, in all areas of the print, the thickness of the ink layer is practically the same (Fig. 1.1, c)

Printing forms of flat printing (Fig. 1.2) have printing 1 and space 2 elements (Fig. 1.2, a) practically in the same plane, but they have different physicochemical properties: the former are oleophilic (perceive paint), the latter are hydrophilic (do not perceive paint).

When printing ink 3 (Fig. 1.2, b), it adheres only to oleophilic printing elements. Before each print is taken in the printing process, the plate is first moistened with a certain aqueous solution, which only wetts the hydrophilic blanks. Since all printing elements are in the same plane, they are all covered with a layer of paint uniform in thickness, and therefore all elements of the print (Fig. 1.2, c) consist of an ink layer of the same thickness.

Forms of gravure printing (Fig. 1.3) also have a spatial separation of space and printing elements. The printing elements 1 (Fig. 1.3, a) are deepened by different or the same amount. They represent, regardless of the nature of the image (text, illustrations), separate cells of a very small area, which are separated by thin partitions - spaces. These partitions and other space elements 2 (Fig. 1.3, a) are elevated and are at the same level. Intaglio forms are usually produced on a cylinder.

When printing, low-viscosity ink 1 (Fig. 1.4) is first applied in excess to the entire surface of the rotating form 2. Next, a special knife (squeegee) 3, in contact with the cylinder surface, completely removes ink from the blanks and excess ink from the printing elements. As a result, the paint remains only in the cells (Fig. 1.3, c). The form, in contact with the paper, transfers paint depending on the depth of the cells of the form, and can transfer paint in the same layer.

The production of printed matter usually consists of three separate but interrelated processes:

    1) processing of text and graphic information - originals to be reproduced by printing. As a result of this process, negatives or transparencies are obtained on transparent film or immediately ready-made printing plates. This stage is called prepress processes and includes a number of technological operations, the composition of which depends on the selected printing plate manufacturing technology and printing method;

    2) printing of circulation - obtaining from printed forms a certain number of identical printed sheets or newspapers, which is the reproduction of information. This stage is called the printing process;

    3) execution of stitching or stitching-binding processes (production of books, magazines, newspapers, brochures from individual elements) or, in some cases, finishing processes are performed (varnishing of printing sheets, etc.)

Printing process. The transfer of the ink image from various printing plates to the printed material occurs, as a rule, as a result of pressure. The material to be printed can be in direct contact with the printing plate or with an intermediate resilient elastic element.

When printing, two cylinders are used, on one of which the printing plate is fixed, and the other provides pressure (Fig. 1.5, a). This ink transfer is typically used in letterpress and gravure printing. In this case, the image on the form must be reversed (mirrored) so that a “direct” image is obtained on the print.

In the case of using an intermediate elastic-elastic (canvas), three cylinders are involved in printing (Fig. 1.5, b).

Printing plate 2 in the process of printing transfers the image to plate 3, which receives ink from the printing elements of the form, and then transfers it to the printing material 1. In this case, the image on printed form should be straight, and on the rubber-fabric plate it should be reversed, and on paper we will end up with a direct image.

For the reproduction of text and graphic information in the printing industry, a wide variety of printing forms are used, which can be classified according to a number of characteristics (Fig. 1.6):

    The colorfulness of printed matter - forms for one-color (in most cases, black-and-white) printing and multi-color (usually two-, three- and four-color) printing;

    To the symbolic nature of information - figurative forms containing only figurative information, textual - textual information and text-figurative, which contain text and figurative information;

    Types and methods of printing - forms of high, flat offset, gravure and special printing methods;

    The method of transferring (recording) information from the original or an intermediate information carrier to the form material.

Most printed forms can be divided into two groups: a) forms obtained by format recording of information, i.e. simultaneous recording of all points of the image on the form material and b) the forms obtained by element-by-element recording of information on the form material sequentially, with very small individual elements.

Printed forms obtained by format recording of information can be produced by photochemical methods (using mainly photographic and chemical processes) and electrophotographic methods based on the use of electrophotography.

In the manufacture of printed forms by element-by-element recording of information, the technique of element-by-element electronic scanning (scanning) of the original information is used and the formation of printing and blank elements, usually due to electromechanical engraving or laser action.

In the classical version of the production of printing plates, photochemical processes were most widely used, which made it possible to obtain photographic forms from publishing originals. Further, information from them was transferred, usually by a contact method, of copying onto formal materials.

The processes of making photographic forms and the operations preceding them are often called processing (more precisely, processing) of text and visual information. Treatment text information is a complex of operations, including: editing and typing of text, its proofreading, layout of pages of a publication, production of publishing text originals, production of photo forms (recording information and chemical-photographic processing). The processing of pictorial information includes two groups of operations: transformation of an image for the purpose of its polygraphic reproduction and the production of photographic forms. The first group, depending on the nature of the figurative originals, may include various operations, but in general they usually include: image scaling and rasterization, color separation, gradation and color separation correction.

An original for printing publications is a text or graphic material that has undergone editorial and publishing processing and is the basis for creating a printed publication by means of printing.

Originals for printing publications can be divided into three groups:

    Publishing original;

    Original layout (reproduced original layout - ROM).

Publishing original- text or graphic material that has undergone editorial and publishing processing, signed for the set (for printing) responsible persons publishing houses for the manufacture of printing plates at a printing company.

The original layout is publisher's original, each page of which coincides with a page of a future book in terms of the number of lines and their content. The original layout can be typewritten (typed on an ordinary office typewriter), signed into the set and stamp and sent to the printing house for typesetting and printing.

Reproducible original layout(POM) is an original prepared for the production of a photographic or printing plate by a photomechanical method or by scanning as an image. V Lately With the spread of computer typing and computer publishing systems, this type of original is widely used for printing operational low-circulation publications (abstracts, conference materials, leaflets).

The quality of the original determines the quality of the printed reproduction. Only a flawless original creates the preconditions for a good final result. Small flaws in the original can be eliminated by printing retouch, and any significant intervention is fraught with the danger of image distortion. Therefore, very high requirements are imposed on the quality of originals for reproduction.

Types of originals. In printing processes, three types of originals are mainly used: drawings, photographs and objects. Previously, the main type of originals was drawings, and now 90% of all originals are color photographs.

Drawings. There are two main types of drawings: painting and commercial graphics. Painting is the result of the artist's creative activity and when creating it, the task of reproducing it by printing methods is not worth it. Therefore, the task of the printing industry is to ensure the maximum identity of the print to the original painting. This will be determined by the capabilities of the image processing system and the printing process.

A special place among the drawings is occupied by polygraphic prints, which can be used as originals. The bitmap structure of a printed print makes special demands on the image processing process.

Commercial graphics are developed immediately with the calculation of further reproduction. In this case, the developer performs it in the color gamut that the reproduction system can provide.

Photos. The most common types of photographic images are color or black-and-white transparencies. These originals range in size from 35mm slides to A4 sheets. A slide is film exposed in the camera and therefore distorted by the capabilities of the optical system.

Color photo prints are made from a color negative. In this case, two optical systems are involved: one in the camera, and the second in the magnifier. Consequently, the loss of image clarity in this version is greater. However, color photo prints can be produced in future print format, and this makes it easier to assess the quality compared to a slide.

Nowadays, the photographic image, presented in electronic or digital form, is increasingly being used.

Samples of goods. The most common objects for reproduction are samples of goods: finishing materials, such as tiles, plastics, paints, etc. Such objects are usually photographed with a studio camera with a digital CCD scanner, which ensures high quality reproduction when printing.

When digitizing images and preparing for printing, consider the following requirements:

    Technological requirements for the original;

    Production requirements (plate and printing processes, features of material sealing);

    Quality control and assessment.

In the production of printed products, in addition to the generally accepted units of measurement (SI), special units are used to measure some quantities - typographic units of measurement: copyright sheets, printed sheets, etc.

To measure the linear dimensions of printing plates and their individual elements, as well as the formats of stripes and the size of lines, typographic units of measurement are used - a point and a square.

One typographical point (etc.) is equal to (excluding England) 1/72 of a French inch, i.e. 0.3759 mm, or rounded 0.376 mm. The larger unit of measurement is a square of 48 kb, or approximately 18 mm. These units were proposed in France in the 18th century. In England, USA and some other countries 1 etc. is equal to 1/72 of an English inch, i.e. 25.4: 72 = 0.353 mm. In the Russian Federation, the French system of typographic measurements is used.

The paper industry produces sheet paper (in the form of individual sheets) and roll paper (in the form of a tape wound on a sleeve). The paper size is expressed in mm, where the sheet paper size is indicated by the product of the width by the length of the paper sheet, for example, 600 x 900 mm, and roll paper is measured by the width of the roll. In the Russian Federation, the formats of printed papers are standardized depending on the type of printed matter: book and magazine, newspaper, cartographic, etc.

The standard size range of paper for printing book and magazine products in the Russian Federation is established by GOST 1342.

Roll paper, as agreed with the consumer, can also be produced in widths: 360, 420, 640, 820, 1050, 1800 mm; sheet paper can be produced in additional sizes: 600 x 1000, 610 x 860, 700 x 750, 800 x 1000, 900 x 1000, 920 x 1200 mm.

The formats of the printed matter, as well as the formats of printing, plate and other equipment, are coordinated with the paper formats.

The format of the publication determines its size in width and length, expressed by their product in millimeters. The format of book and magazine editions is determined by the size of a block of a book, magazine, brochure cut off on three sides. In this case, the first size indicates the width, and the second - the height of the publication.

Based on GOST 5773-90, the format of publications is indicated by the size of the sheet of paper for printing in centimeters and fractions of the sheet (conventional designation), for example 60 x 90/16, where 60 x 90 is the size of the paper sheet, and 16 is the number of its fractions (parts). Typically, for book and magazine publications, the share is equal to a page. Therefore, a 60 x 90/16 paper sheet contains 16 pages on one side and the other, i.e. 32 pages in total.

To determine the format of an uncropped book and magazine publication, it is necessary to decompose the fraction of the sheet into two largest factors, and then divide the smaller side of the paper sheet by a smaller factor, and the larger by a larger one. So the format of editions 84 x 108/32 will be equal to: 84: 4 and 108: 8 before cropping, i.e. 210 x 135 mm. Since the width of the book is usually less than the height, this format is written as 135 x 210 mm.

The size of the finished edition (or its page) is less than a fraction of its sheet, since the block is trimmed on three sides. On the upper field by 3-4 mm, in the front - 5 mm and on the bottom 6-7 mm. Thus, the format of the previously considered example after trimming will be 130 x 200 mm.

Newspaper formats are indicated only by the width and height of the strip in millimeters, and sheet editions, depending on the type and format of the main publication, both in millimeters and in fractions of a paper sheet.

Table 1.1. Standard formats according to GOST 1342

Untitled document

Paper edition sheet size, mm

Leaf fractions


Maximum edition size, mm

Minimum size, mm

Note: M - machine direction

Book formats must correspond to those indicated in table 1.1.

The original product of the transmission of information for visual perception is the original. Quite often, the original is the result of an author's work, presented in the form of text, drawings or poetry. To measure the volume of work of the author, as well as publishing workers, the concept of an author's sheet is introduced.

Author's sheet is a unit of measurement for the volume of text and visual material. It is equal to 40 thousand characters. All visible characters - letters, punctuation marks, numbers, etc. are considered printable characters. and spaces in between. In the case of a poetic text, one author's sheet is equal to 700 lines of a poetic text, and for pictorial material this is 3 thousand allocation thousand characters, or 700 lines of poetic text or 3 thousand allocation "> Printed sheet is a unit of measurement of the volume of printed matter, which includes two concepts: a physical printed sheet and a conventional printed sheet. A physical printable sheet is any standard size paper sheet, printed on one side, or half of it, but printed on both sides.

Since standard paper sheets differ from each other in area, it is more convenient to use a conventional printed sheet, equated to a paper sheet size of 600 x 900 mm, to determine the total volume of published products. Then the reduction of any format to conditional diets is carried out according to coefficients taking into account the area of ​​the given sheets. So the conversion factor for the 600 x 840 mm format will be 0.93, for the 700 x 900 format - 1.17, etc.

The volume of newspaper editions, as a rule, is calculated in the pages of the main newspaper format, i.e. A2 (420 x 595 mm) as well as printed sheets.

Edition - product printing production, underwent editorial and publishing processing, printed and intended to convey the information available in it.

Circulation - the total number of copies of a particular publication.

A copy is each separate independent unit of this publication.

The total circulation is the sum of the circulation of all, for example, books, magazines and other products, issued by a publishing house for a certain period.

A notebook is a printed and folded sheet of paper. It is a unit of measure for the amount of work performed when performing some operations of the post-printing process. The folding option determines the order in which the stripes are placed when performing certain prepress operations.

The main task of the printing industry is to process information and disseminate it. However, in addition to this main task, the products of the printing industry perform many other functions, therefore the range of these products is very diverse. It is very difficult to develop a clear classification of printing products, primarily because of its diversity.

Printed products can be conditionally divided into five groups, taking into account their purpose:

    1) publishing products, which mainly serve as a means of information;

    2) label and packaging products, which are mainly a means of packaging (labels, packaging, etc.);

    3) business products (various forms, technical documentation and much more);

    4) special products(banknotes, stocks, certificates, postage stamps, letterheads government documents and much more);

    5) products and semi-finished products that are subsequently used in other industries and industries (wallpaper, textured prints of various materials, etc.).

The most widespread of all products of the printing industry is publishing.

Currently, publishing products have a lot of highly competitive various types of information (radio, television, etc.). However, publishing products are very convenient for use, have a great preservation, a fairly low cost of reproduction, and are more acceptable for the bulk of the population.

Publishing products can be classified according to many criteria. However, the most commonly accepted are the following five features:

    1) by material construction - book, magazine and sheet editions. The sheet includes: newspapers, posters;

    2) according to the symbolic nature of information - text editions, art editions, cartographic, sheet music, etc. general view according to the symbolic nature of information, all publications can be reduced to three types: text (contain only text), visual (contain only images) and text-visual (include text and images);

    3) by the frequency of publication:

      Periodicals published after a certain interval (week, month, etc.), i.e. the number of issues constant for each year and at the same time of the same type (magazines, newspapers);

      Non-periodical publications, issued once without the stipulated reprinting terms (books, brochures);

      Continuing editions released at indefinite intervals as materials accumulate (collections of scientific papers, etc.);

    4) according to the intended purpose and nature of the information - official and scientific publications, monographs, literary and artistic publications, textbooks, workshops, encyclopedias, production publications.

V different countries in the world the printing industry in terms of production in value terms is from 1 to 12% of the production of the manufacturing industry.

V developed countries the volume of the printing industry accounts for 0.5-4% of the gross product, and in developing ones it can be at the level of 20%. The size and importance of the printing industry varies widely from country to country. For example, the US printing industry as an industrial sector ranks sixth, which determines its economic importance for the country. In the entire volume of world production of printing products, its various types have a different share. Currently, commercial products dominate. The distribution of the world market volume for certain types of products is characterized by the following data: books - 7%, newspapers - 16%, magazines - 9%, catalogs - 4%, packaging labels - 18% and advertising blanks - 46%.

A non-periodical print publication over 48 pages is considered a book, and an edition over 4 but not more than 48 pages is considered a brochure. The basis of the book is book block B, which is enclosed in cover A. Books can also be issued in covers. A book block consists of several notebooks or sheets, fastened together in the spine in one way or another.

External elements of the block. These elements include: spine, endpaper, captal, spine material, cuts and ribbon-bookmark.

The spine is the left end side of block B (Fig. 1.7, a), along which notebooks or book sheets are fastened. Depending on the type of design, there are straight, round and mushroom-shaped roots.

The endpaper is two four-page sheets of paper selection "> Kaptal K (Fig. 1.7, b) is used for a more durable connection of notebooks in a block, as well as an element of decoration for medium and large books. glued to the top and bottom edges of the trimmed book block.

Root material formula "src =" "border =" 0 "align =" absmiddle "alt =" (! LANG:, which increases the strength of the bonding of the block with the lid.

Cuts are called the end sides (front, top and bottom) of the book block and to improve the design of the book and to prevent contamination, they are sometimes painted over. The front edge, depending on the shape of the block spine, can be straight or concave.

Ribbon bookmark L makes the book easier to use. It is made of a tape, one end of which is attached to the upper part of the block spine, and the tape itself is inserted into the block and extends beyond the edge of the lower edge.

Internal elements of the book block. In addition to the pages of the main text, a book block can have the following additional elements:

Title page T (Fig. 1.7) is the first output page of the book. Basically, a single (two-page) title page is used. The title contains: the title of the book, the surname and initials of the author, the name of the publishing house (issuing company), the place and year of publication, and some other information.

Sometimes a title page is used, consisting of two adjacent pages of a book spread. This is used in multivolume, serial or specially designed editions. The design of the title page can be type, decorative type or illustrated.

The Schmutztitul is an unsealed back page in front of the title, which protects it from damage. In essence, this is an additional title page, on the odd page of which large headings, illustrations or various book decorations are placed.

The frontispiece is an illustration highlighting "> Leader or imposition is the first page of a book or component parts(chapters, sections). The text on it usually starts with some indent from the top edge. This space can be filled with an ornament or a splash pattern to decorate the book.

Leading strip is the last strip of a book or section, chapter. Usually it is not completely filled with text. On the free part of the strip, an ending in the form of a decoration or pattern can be placed.

All other stripes are ordinary and can contain only text or images, or be text-graphic.

In addition to the main elements, additional reference elements are placed on the stripes: columns, footers, signatures and norms.

The column number defines the serial number of the page and can be located in the middle or on the side of the bottom or top margin of the page.

A header or footer is a line at the top (or bottom) of a strip with the title of a section or topic in a book. It makes it easier for the reader to use the book.

Signature is a number that defines the ordinal number of a notebook in a book block. A norm is printed next to the signature - a line of text with the author's surname or short name books. These elements are necessary for the correct completing of notebooks in a book block and they are placed on the first page of the bottom margin of each notebook.

There are unprinted margins around the strip to improve the readability of the book and prevent damage to the edges of the text and image. The sizes of the fields are determined by the book design option.

The magazine is one of the types periodicals... Magazines are very diverse in their readership. Most of the magazines are designed for a wide range of readers, but there are also special scientific and industrial magazines designed for a professional reader. Currently, a significant volume is occupied by advertising magazines. The journal differs from the book in the frequency and efficiency of production, in a wide range of topics and in a variety of articles, as well as in high decoration... In general, journals differ among themselves by their purpose, frequency, specialization, volume, design, design and other features. Unlike books, the cost of publishing magazines is partially offset by advertising revenue. The magazines have a short lifespan.

Many magazines have large circulations and their production differs significantly from the technology of book production. As a rule, the magazine is a folded notebook, sewing with wire or glue method and covered with a cover. The circulation of the magazine determines the printing option and, as a rule, sheet-fed or web-fed offset presses are used. In the case of mass circulation, it is economically feasible to use gravure printing machines.

Large format magazines require different stripe designs. The text on the strip is arranged in several columns, there are no imposition and trailing stripes, and the outer and inner sides of the cover are sealed with text and graphic material.

Illustrations on pages may be “bleed”.

Newspapers - periodical sheets containing operational information, official materials, articles on topical socio-political, scientific, industrial and other issues. Newspapers may include advertisements, literary works, and more. In addition, newspapers of purely advertising content may be published. Newspapers usually consist of separate sheets of large format, selected in a set. Newspapers are issued on strictly fixed days of the week and time of day. The volume of newspapers varies quite widely. V Russian Federation Newspapers are issued in three formats: A2 (basic), equal to 420 x 594 mm, A3 - half A2, equal to 297 x 420 mm, and A4 - quarter A2, equal to 210 x 297 mm. Unlike books, only one page format is set for each newspaper format. For example, for A2 newspapers, the page format is 21.5 x 30.5 sq. 387 x 549 mm. A newspaper strip usually consists of text and images. The text on the page is arranged in columns, the number of which depends on the format of the newspaper (from four to eight). The most commonly used line format is from 2.5 to 4 square meters. The newspaper is distinguished by a wide variety of headings and headings typed in fonts of various designs and sizes.

For printing newspapers, rotary high-performance newspaper complexes are used, which ensure the efficiency of the newspaper issue with the provision of good efficiency indicators. At present, newspaper complexes provide multi-color printing of newspapers with good economic indicators. The advertising part of the newspaper covers the significant cost of publishing the newspaper, which makes it possible to reduce the price of a copy for the reader and makes it accessible to a significant mass of the population. The most significant categories newspapers are daily and weekly.

A brochure is a non-periodical publication, ranging from 5 to 48 pages, in a paperback, in the form of bound and bound sheets of printed matter.

Brochures are now widely used for the publication of brochures, descriptions and various consumer products. The volume of brochures is small and they are published in very small editions. However, to certain types brochures, especially those aimed at advertising, have very high demands on the quality of work. Most brochures come in multicolor and come in folded sheets or stapled notebooks. The costs of producing brochures are covered directly by the customers.

Other printed products mainly refer to packaging and various types of promotional products. Packaging can be made of various materials: paper, cardboard, metal, plastic, etc. Printing on packaging is performed by all known methods, and the choice of the type of printing is mainly determined by the material used for packaging.

Electronic media were widely used at the end of the 20th century and are of great importance in the field of information dissemination. In 1995 on the market of printed and electronic means information, the latter occupied a niche volume of 30%. Trends recent years show that electronic media have steady growth at the level of 9% per year, and the print media are growing at the level of 3% per year. As a result, by 2010 the volume of services provided by print and electronic media will become equal. The intensive introduction of electronic media is ensured through the powerful use of computer technology and the Internet. High efficiency and the ability to obtain a large amount of information on any issue favorably distinguish electronic media from printed ones. Radio and television familiar to all of us, new forms of video and audio information using compact discs (CD-ROM and DVD-ROM) significantly expand the volume of electronic media.

Technological, technical and design possibilities of electronic media are very great. A traditional recording of a conventional film recorded on tape can be converted to video. Any book can also be presented in electronic form. Information in the form of a web page using a computer can be presented both in real and virtual space.

Electronic media can be distributed both on long-term storage media (CD-ROM, video, audio recording), and in real time (transmission of a concert, theatrical performances, etc.).

Output devices can be computer monitors, television screens, various types of projection devices, audio reproducing systems, etc. Of course, special software is also required.

Multimedia is a computer-oriented method of presenting information using a combination of different components: text, image, animation, graphics, video, audio, etc. As the most accessible example is a book with an attached CD-ROM.

In multimedia, information is presented in an integrated form and with the simultaneous use of several channels for its creation.

A laser CD-ROM may not always be a multimedia product. By itself, a CD-ROM is only a medium that can carry various information (text, sound, video, etc.). A CD-ROM becomes a multimedia product only when it combines text, sound and animation. Different kinds information on the Internet becomes a multimedia product only after they are linked together. The generalized structure of the production of electronic, printed media and multimedia products is presented in rice. 1.8

The Computer to Plate process is becoming widespread, since it has a high level of automation, is very efficient, provides high quality printing and, in terms of economic indicators, approaches the Computer to Film process.

With this method, the printing plate itself is exposed, and the production of a color print is carried out in 6 stages, including printing.

The most efficient way is Computer to Press. It is carried out in 4 stages thanks to the use of digital technology. In this method, electronic information is directly transferred to the printing plate, which is located in the printing press.

In the production of printed products, the following stages can be distinguished: typing, reproduction of graphic materials, prototyping, layout, transfer of an image to a medium (printing process), post-printing processes.

Consider how these processes have changed over time.

Kit. From ancient times (China, 8th century AD) and up to the 15th century, the set was carried out by carving in stone slabs (lithography) or in wooden boards (woodcuts) the full text of the page, including the pictorial design. This method was laborious. Plates and boards quickly fell into disrepair, in connection with which it was necessary to renew them.

With the invention of individual letters by I. Guttenberg, the nature of the typeset changed - now the laborious process of cutting text in stone or wood disappeared. The letters were metal, so they could withstand a large print run. This process did not fundamentally change with the invention of the linotype. The text, pre-typed on a typewriter, was typed again from the linotype keyboard and turned into castings in the form of monolithic metal lines with a relief surface. Then these metal strings were inserted into the so-called. checkout, and thus the image of the whole page was obtained.

The advent of computers has revolutionized the typing process. Although it is carried out from the keyboard in the same way as with the help of the linotype, the further fate of the typed text is significantly different.

Reproduction of pictorial materials. The use of pictorial materials, apparently, began only in the early Middle Ages. And even then these were mainly drop caps, patterned headpieces. They were carved in stone or wood at the same time as the text.

With the invention of I. Gutenberg printing press the input of visual materials took the form of production cliche. In the future, this form did not fundamentally change, only the cliche manufacturing technologies changed. They were cut out on metal plates on copying machines like a lathe, made by photochemography with further replication (plastic cliches).

Computer technology has made it possible to abandon clichés. Today, graphic materials, whether they are elements of page design, line, black-and-white or color photographs, are placed on the page of a publication on a computer in the process of typesetting.

Layout. In the pre-computer era, processes prototyping and layout were separated. Layout is the process of compositionally placing drawing elements on a format. The end result is a layout. The most recent model signed into production is the original model.

Prototyping took place in the editorial office.

Layout is the process of placing text and illustrative blocks in the format field, taking into account the layout design and spelling requirements. With the advent of computer technology, the process layout moved from the printing house to the editorial office and in time was combined with the process prototyping.

Transferring the image onto paper (printing). By definition, printing is the process of transferring a colorant (printing ink, toner) from a printing plate to a printing material, usually paper.

Polygraphic performance publications - the production of a material object using a number of printing processes: prepress, printing (high, flat, gravure or screen printing), binding and finishing. The level of printing of a publication largely determines its quality.

Printing ink is a heterogeneous colloidal system consisting of highly dispersed particles of pigments (lacquer pigments), evenly distributed and stabilized in the liquid phase of the binder.

Printable form- this is the surface of a plate, plate or plate cylinder made of a variety of materials (photosensitive layer or photopolymer, metal, plastic, paper, wood, lithographic stone), which serves to form and save the image in the form of separate areas that perceive the printing ink (printing elements) and not perceiving it (blank elements). The ink from the printing elements should easily transfer to the printed material or to a transfer link, for example, to a blanket or to a tampon, so that the image can then be transferred, as a rule, to paper.

Printing elements create an image on the printing plate. They perceive the ink and then transfer it to paper or to an intermediate link (blanket, swab), thus creating a colorful image on the print during the printing process.

Whitespace serves as a background for creating an image on a printed form. They do not perceive ink and therefore do not transfer image elements to the paper during printing.

The sharper and clearer the border between white space and printed elements, the better the printed form. The number of high-quality prints that can be obtained in the printing process before the blurring (destruction) of these boundaries is defined in the printing industry as the printing plate's circulation resistance.

Depending on the location of the printed and blank elements on the printing plate, four main printing methods can be distinguished: high, flat (offset), deep and stencil.

Post-printing processes. These include binding processes-Pulling sheets, cutting, folding, assembling blocks, binding notebooks, cover, trimming and finishing processes - varnishing of prints, lamination, foil stamping, punching (figured cutting).

Control questions:

    What did the Chinese artisan Bi Shen invented?

    Who invented the first printing press?

    Who first began to print Slavic books in the Cyrillic alphabet?

    What is Ivan Fedorov famous for?

    What is lithography?

    What is woodcut?

    What is incunabula?

    Who Invented the Linotype?

    What is the linotype for?

    What is the difference between layout and layout processes?

    What is a printable?

    What does the post press include?

1. Receiving the manuscript

First of all, the publishing house must establish rules for the formatting of manuscripts for its authors and publish them. In any case, the author should know about them before submitting his manuscript to the publisher. Among the requirements for the author at this stage: the number of copies of the manuscript to be handed over, the rules for formatting the text (best of all right away in accordance with OST 29. 115-88 Original copyright and text publishing. General technical requirements), if necessary, documents related to the specifics of the text - An examination report on the absence in the text of information disclosing state or other secrets protected by law, any letters, certificates, reviews. The manuscript is registered in a special journal, the author is given a receipt for admission. A "case" is started on the manuscript, the first document of which is a receipt for its receipt, and the second is a card of the movement of the manuscript

2. Preliminary examination and evaluation of the manuscript

The manuscript accepted by the publishing house is considered Chief Editor and sends it to the editorial office dealing with this topic. The publishing house's specialists (editor, editor-in-chief, editor-in-chief) at the first viewing or selective reading of the manuscript come to a common opinion as to whether the given manuscript corresponds to the subject matter and creative plans of the publishing house in principle. 3. Review of manuscripts

Manuscripts that have undergone editorial preparation (see clause 2) and are included in the editorial training plan of the publishing house are subjected to a deeper, more thorough assessment, which should finally decide the issue of publication. For this, the manuscripts are reviewed.

4. Thematic planning

Manuscripts that have passed the stage of internal and external peer review are included in thematic plan release of literature.

A literature release plan is a publishing document containing a list of books, brochures, or other products to be released in the next calendar year.

The literature release plan includes the following information: author (surname, initials), title of the work, abstract containing brief information about him and the potential readership, volume in printed sheets, quarter of publication, sometimes - the planned circulation.

5. Production planning

Key performance indicators include:

The number of titles (titles) of books or other units of publishing products,

The number of registration, publishing and printed sheets per year,

Average volume of books published,

Average circulation.

6. Literary editing

Editing is a polysemantic concept, in our case, a part of the publishing process, the content of which is work on a manuscript of a work in order to improve it in literary, linguistic, professional, scientific, and social relations.

Initially, the lead editor works on the manuscript, improving composition, style, spelling and punctuation, etc.

7. Scientific and ad hoc editing

This stage is not necessary, in some cases it may not arise, but often, when more thorough editing is required in terms of professional or scientific subtleties, the specifics of the text, it is carried out by the forces of specialists working in the publishing house or invited to do this work.

8. Proofreading work

Proofreading (from the Latin correktura - correction, improvement) is a stage in the production process of publishing books. newspapers, magazines and other printed materials, which eliminates various mistakes and shortcomings made during editing and typing. Proofreading is a very important publishing process, designed to eliminate errors, misspellings, typos and other shortcomings that reduce the perception of the text in the finished, published work.Proofreading of the same work is carried out first on the manuscript, then, after typing, on the proofreading prints and, finally, the proofreader reads the finished signal copy of the book in order to identify errors before its release.

9. Artistic and technical editing

After proofreading the manuscript (and often even earlier), work begins on decoration and technical editing works. At this stage, the art editor, together with the author and the lead editor, resolve issues related to the placement, nature and number of illustrations, cover design, title page, endpaper(a sheet of paper placed between the binding and the title page). If the publication is abundantly illustrated, an artistic layout is required. The work is attended by artists who perform one or another part of the design in accordance with their specialization.

Along with artistic editing, technical editing is carried out, the content of which is the choice of size and typefaces, the use of rulers and other printing elements, the placement of text and illustrations on each page.

10. Preparing the manuscript for typing

Work on a manuscript in a publishing house - all kinds of editing, proofreading, artistic and technical editing in total lead to the creation of an original layout, prepared for transfer to the printing house. A specialist of the production department, most often a technical editor, brings all corrections, comments, notes together, adds illustrations and other materials accompanying the manuscript, draws up a technological specification accompanying an order for a printed version.

It is produced in a printing house in one of the ways, in accordance with the technology of a printing company, or in a publishing house, on a computer complex. Currently, the practice of preparing a typeset original in a publishing house is widespread. Then the printing house only produces printing and subsequent production processes.

After typing, impressions, regardless of technology, including computer ones, are transferred to Production Department and the lead editor. The first prints after typing, called proofreads, are read simultaneously by the editor, proofreader and author, after which all corrections and possible changes are brought together by a proofreader and sent to the printing house or the computer operator at the publishing house. If typing is done in a printing house, then, as a rule, proofreading is also read by a proof-reader of the printing house.

12. Printing

After correcting the proofreading (if necessary, it is duplicated, the so-called “second proofreading” and even the “third proofreading” - if a large number of mistakes are repeated), the printing house starts printing the circulation of the edition being produced. To do this, the final version of the proofreading, signed by the editor-in-chief (or director) of the publishing house and the author with a visa "for printing" is sent to the printing house with the final specification of the number of circulation, type of paper, etc. -or other items such as colored tabs, dust jacket, etc.

13. “Blank slates”. Signal instance.

The printed sheets for the entire volume and circulation are stapled without a cover and transferred to the publisher for control (the professional term is “blank sheets”). Sometimes after this, and quite often instead of “blank sheets”, several copies of the already bound, finalized edition are handed over to the publishing house.

14. Production of the circulation

After receiving a signal copy from the publishing house with a visa “out into the light”, the printing house prints the entire circulation of the ordered products, and informs the customer about it, who must resolve the issue of its distribution immediately, due to a shortage of production space.

15. Circulation distribution